McPherson College Campus Anniversary Campaign Exceeds Goal

Orchestra Gives Public Concert

First Appearance Under New Conductor, Prof. Crawford; Harris, Assistant

Program Is Varied

Professor Nevin Fisher, String Choir and Quartet Assist

Many students and town people attended one of the most outstanding musical concerts of the school year Wednesday night. April 14 in the College Chapel. .

Floyd Harris Is the assistant conductor of the orchestra: Francos Campbell la the concert master and Margaret Fry, associate concert master. The string quartet is composed of Mr. Crawford, first violin; Francis Campbell, second violin; R. Hulse Barber, viola; and Lois Gnagy cello.

This was the first public concert given by the orchestra under the di-rection of the now conductor Mr. Loren Crawford.

The orchestra concert was assisted by Professor Nevin Fisher, tenor; the McPherson College String choir and the McPherson String quartet. The program follows:

Symphony No. 11 In G Major— Haydn Adagio

Allegro    Jlfry,

The Orchestra

Tenor Solo—"Goodbye-Tosti Mr. Flahor

The Lost Chord—Sullivan Ase'a Death—Grieg The-McPherson- College String Choir Quartet in C Minor, Opus 18, No 4—Beethoven

Andante Scherzo quasi Allegretto Minnuetto

The McPherson College String Quar tet

Suite—“Atlantic, the Lost Conti nent—Safranek Hymn of Praise Destruction of Atlantis The Orchestra

Class Representatives In Drive

Students and Faculty

Pledged Over $10,000

In Surprising Climax

In the final report of the campus campaign as announced in chapel Tuesday, the Juniors maintained their lead with 44 pledges amounting to $768.50. The Seniors submitted $677.50 from 37 pledges; the Sophomores made 56 pledges for a total of $645.50; and the Freshmen made 46 pledges totaling $474.00. The Faculty Committee’s pledges totalled $8,060,00.

The Junior Class and the Faculty Committee pledged one hundred per cent and the Senior Class lacked only four. The grand total -of the campus drive is $10,535.50. This is an excellent start; a figure of which we may well be proud, and a splendid example for the city drive which opens Friday.

The committee representing the classes in the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign on the campus met last Monday night to conclude one of the most successful financial drives ever made on the McPherson College campus.

The committees (above) are ns follows, from left to right: Freshmen (first row) Addison West, Virginia Richards. Dwight Horner, Margaret Kagarice. Stephen Stover, Rowena Frants, Marion Washier, and Elmer Dadisman; Sophomores— (second row,) Gordon Yoyer, La

Vena High. Milton Morrison. Inez Goughner, Rosalie Fields, Harold Larsen, and Opal Hoffman; Juniors —(third row) Ellen Divine. George Toland. Lucille Ullery. and Dan Zook; Seniors—(fourth row)—Harold Johnston, Jessie Miller, Wanda Hoover. Velma Watkins. Paul Mil-lor——(fifth row) Clayton Rock, Wil-liard Flaming, and Alvin Goering.

Representatives not in the picture are: Margaret Messamer, Irwin Bentz, Harold Mohler, Joelle Letkeman and Loren Abuhl.    

Sympathy to Gladys Shank

The students of McPherson col-logo wish to extend their sympathy to Gladys Shank In her recent sorrow,, the death of her sister. Mrs. Helen Feidler.

Attend Wichita Meeting

Charles P. Carroll

In Chapel Tuesday

Former Associate of Senator Nye Speaks on Munitions

In Tuesday's chapel a former associate of Senator Gerald P. Nye. Mr. Charles P. Carroll. Jr. spoke on the munitions makers. With the aid of Information brought to light by the Nye Investigating Committee he drew a vivid picture of the nefar-ious activities of these dealers In death. Mr. Carroll stressed especially the international trade in arms and munitions. He used numerous il-lustrations to show that soldiers are often killed by bullets which wore purchased by their enemies prior to the war. As long as munitions mak-ers can make a profit on sales they will not be stopped by national boundaries. Because of this, said Mr. Car-roll. we must nationalize the munitions industry and produce munitions for the defense of America only.

Mr. Carroll. a former Senior at Yale University, Is at the. present time living In Kansas City, Missouri. Last summer be spent several months traveling in Europe. This, together with his Intimate know-ledge of the activities of the Nye Investigating Committee, gives him a vast store-house of information.

Mr. Carroll was brought to McPherson under the auspices of the Emergency Peace Campaign. Monday night Mr. Carroll and. Dr. Arndt, another speaker sent out by the Emergency Peace Campaign, spoke at the regular monthly meeting of the McPherson Peace Council, held In the Congregational Church.

Dr. Josephine Smith, Dr. John Boitnott, and Professor S. M. Dell, attended a Joint meeting of the Mental Hygiene Society of Kansas and the Kansas Guidance Association at the Hotel Lassen in Wichita Saturday!

Several speakers spoke of mental hygiene from the teacher's point of view. Among them was Dr. C. M. Louttit, Director of Psychological Clinics at the University of Indiana. Dr. D. G. Campbell of the Rush Medical School. University of Chicago, spoke on the subject "Some Aspects of the Field of Psychiatry.”

A number of panel discussion groups discussed phases of Social Guidance. Some outstanding leaders of those groups were Mr. Brungardt, district director of N. Y. A.; Miss Hamaker. K. E. R. C. expert; Miss Loughlin, state director of N. Y. A.: and Miss Strode, district case supervisor.

Ullery and Toland Chosen to Head S. C. M. Next Year

At the last S. C. M. assembly, the group elected the following officers for the year 1937-38. Lucille Ullery and George Toland, co-presidents; Ira Milton Hoover, treasurer; Ellon Divine, secretary.

On Wednesday, April 14, the commissions held their regular meetings. The personal and Family Relations Commission began a project on emotional maturity. Velma Watkins. Lowell Brubaker. Lola Mae Har-baugh, and Rowena Frantz word the discussion leaders on the topic "Ad-olenscence and Its Relationship to Emotional Maturity."

The Reinterpretation of Religions Commission continued Its discussion of the personality questionnaires, using leadership training as the basis of Its discussion On Tuesday eve ning, April 20. there will be a special meeting of this commission to continue this discussion.

On Wednesday. April 21. the assembly program will be conducted by the Creative Leisure Commission. This will consist of work done by members of this group, such as original music, etc. Everyone Is Invited to attend.

Give Book Review Series

During the past week a series of book reviews have been given In the student union room by the advanced expression class under the direction of Miss Della Lehman. A variety of books, fiction and non-fiction, and mostly modern, have been presented.

Last Sunday afternoon, at 4. Fred Nace reviewed "On the Trail of Ancient Man” by R. C. Andrews. Will-iard Flaming give "Quo Vadin" by Sienckwics. Monday evening, Bec-ky Ann Stauffer reviewed "Around the World In Eleven Years” by Patience Abbe. Emma Schmidt presented “Faster! Faster!" by E. M. Bala-field.

Velma Watkins, Wednesday evening. reviewed "Lights with Fath er” by Clarence Day. "Asylum" by Seabrook was given by Lloyd Mow-man. Next week six more books will be reviewed. Announcements as to the titles and place of meeting will be announced on the bulletin hoard. These reviews have proven interesting and educational; the public Is cordially Invited to attend.

Students Dig Deep To Aid Campaign

Vesta Lee Morris was a guest of Mary Trostle In the dormitory the fore part of the week.

"My name Is so and so. I'm trying to work my way through college." That's the usual line, but the college students on this campus have a new one.

"Hey Susie Hello! (or maybe Jimmy) Wait up! Your name is on my list for a campaign pledge. How much will you give?"

"Well—I don’t know." is the doubtful reply.

But the money seeker Is not to be put off to easily and firmly Impresses upon the victim's mind Chat "you have two years to pay."

Still reluctant to part with any of those precious dollars, even for the dear old Alma Mamma's fiftieth birthday, the pursued bravely stammers. "Well •— er —ah ahem—I'll have to write home and ask - the folks about It." .

And so It goes. But persistent Daniel doesn't let them off so easily. He talks and pleads and finally persuades his clients to come across with a goodly sum. Of course, one man can't do It all, so Georgie Por-gie must lend his bits of flattery and smooth conversation to the cause. With two such fine, upstanding (not

alt-downers) young men, leaders on this greening rumpus of ours, working for their class, it Is no wonder at all that the Juniors have pledged the most toward this worthy cause. Who could resist two such charming personalities.

It does Injure the dignity of our proud seniors to admit that the Juniors are getting more pledges. But Just don't forget that "June gradu-ates" have so many expenses, that a lot of you have to begin to pay for your education now. and that some of you are not certain of an Income yet. However, Its rather hard to understand how any of you could waver under the fluent words of Jessie Miller or the convincing tone of Hill Flaming's pleasant voice.

It looked for a while that those little green Freshmen were more liberal with their money than the Sophomores, but at the last of the campaign It seems that those Sophies loosened up a bit and on the home stretch finished third, with the Freshies last.

With such spirit as shown by the students we cannot fall to get that new gym. Right?

Senior Festival on

Saturday, April 17

Climaxes High School Visitation Directed by W. Earl Breon

Climaxing several weeks of high school visitation work directed by field secretary W.-. Earl Breon, McPherson College will sponsor a Senior Festival for the seniors of high schools In this territory and their sponsors. The date of the festival is April 17.

During the day there will be a music contest under the direction of the Music Department of the College. The main events will be divisions In piano. voice and violin. The first prize is a $25.00 music tuition schol-arship In addition to this there will bo a Juvenile contest In piano and violin with prizes of $18.00 and $9.00 music tuition scholarships. To each person entering this contest, who enrolls In the McPherson Collete Music Department during the year following this contest and who does not win a scholarship a ten per cent reduction In music tuition will be given. Hours of the events are as follows: Juvenile piano, Juvenile violin, and adult violin from 10:00 a. m. to 12:00 a.m. The adult piano and voice events will begin at 2:00 p. m.

Tours will be conducted by representatives of the Student Council to acquaint the visitors with the campus. The feature of the afternoon will be a tennis tournament. The seniors and their sponsors will he guests of the College at a banquet In the evening. Dean R. E Mohler. Dr. V. F. Schwalm and Grover C. Dotzour will speak. Instrumental music, vocal music, readings, and group singing will complete the program.

With the completion of work among the churches and the alumni and the end of the campus drive, the city campaign begins in earnest. The campaign will be officially opened at a dinner tomorrow evening at 6:30 in the Church of the Brethren. It will close with a victory dinner on April 26th. Between these dates the campaign captains under the direction of general chairman Mr. E. A. Wall and Mrs. W. O. Heaston and their co-workers will bo busy conducting a thorough city canvass. Reports of progress will be announced from time to time.

We are now within two weeks of the date set for closing the Anniversary Financial Campaign for the College. President V. F. Schwalm made this statement to the student body In a chapel address. " ... we of the student body and faculty have the most vital stake in this whole affair. To the business men In the city, the College is only one of many Interests. To us It la the chief Interest—the very atmosphere is which we live and breathe. It cannot mean as much to anyone else as it does to us. Therefore, we should be the ones to set an example of sacrifice and enthusiasm to those on the outside.” To show tho people of McPherson that we are earnestly concerned with the success of this campaign the campus has pledged more than ten thousand dollars. For the past. several months representatives of the College have seen hundreds of alumni and other friends of tho College-. There have been many subscriptions and pledges, and we are glad for these gifts given In a spirit of self sacrifice whether they were largo or small.

There has, however, been considerable emphasis on the “small." Now with the launching of the third phase of the campaign we are ready to think in larger terms. The building and maintaining of a modern college Is a colossal undertaking. The situation of McPherson College Is critical. Many improvements are are needed. The gymnasium Is" Inadequate to the need; additional library facilities are desirable; and the need for a new boys dormitory Is Imperative.

The success of any venture depends on cooperation. Therefore, If order to achieve this worthy goal, the wholehearted cooperation of the city of McPherson In essential. If the city response Is commensurate to that of the alumni. the faculty, the students, and many friends of the College we feel confident that our goal will be reached and our confidence will not have been mis-placed. One gentleman has pledged to give the last five thousand dollars.

The success of this campaign will mean new buildings. added endowment. more students, assurance of further growth, and full standardisation -acceptance as a member of the North Central Association of Colleges. which Is our ultimate goal.

Ruth Taylor and Bill Fry accompanied Milton Morrison and Becky Ann Stauffer to Roxbury to be their guests for the weekend.

Mrs. Emmert, Evelyn Herr, Marjorie Kinzie, Clayton Rock. Lucille Bowers, and Bernadine Ohmart attended the funeral in Navarro of Gladys' Shank's sister.


Official Student Publication of McPherson College. McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

HOME OF    1936    Member    1937 THE SCHOOL

the bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press OF QUALITY

Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

How Successful Modem Education

customs and subjects, which are proved to be worse than useless, and in adopting new methods and designs In light of new theory and principle. Compare the lag of practice behind knowledge in the educational field to any other comparable field—medicine, sanitation, applied science. Industry -and note the vast difference. As a concrete example: the principle of correlation of subject matter was widely, taught and advocated by a German educator named Herbert, who was born is the same year that we achieved our national liberty. Herbart maintained that school subjects should be so organized into a curriculum and ao taught that they will present a unified world to the consciousness of the child and thereby strengthen and not disperse the many sideness of his Interest. As well established and obviously desirable as is this prin-ciple which was propounded more than 100 years ago, It has never yet found Incorporation into the practice of modern education In, the memory of the writer there have been very few teachers In his entire educational career who seemed to have any sensitiveness whatsoever to the necessity of relating subject matter to the student's life and to the fields taught by other teachers. Strange, Isn’t it? And this Is Just one typical example of the slowness of modem education In Improving Its outworn system.

Misplaced Emphasis

Secondly, a major difficulty seems to be a badly misplaced emphasis In what Is taught and the purpose of what Is taught. A Harvard law school teacher recently said, "The function of all education is to incite the mind and not to furnish it.” Has this been the em-phasis of modern teaching? Well hardly. The current practice is much the same as It was a generation ago—the test of success Is the quantity of more or less unrelated facts which can be crammed by the teacher Into the student's unwilling mind, and painfully extracted again by virtue of examinations. The necessity of developing , a wholesome appreciation of tho role of history In shaping our own lives: of creating a desire to know and love good literature, music, and tnfiQtT' training good citizens with a keen Interest In modern economics, politics, social problems, and religion: of developing sound moral character bul-warked by, a wholesome philosophy of life— these are but a few of the vital tasks of education which have been largely overlooked in the blind worship of conventional method, technique, and curricular content. The trend has been subordinated to the dates which form Its structure; the principle plays second fiddle to its own example: and tho development of insight and understanding has been prostituted for the sake of mastering adiophora.

Ineffective Processes Again, we would note the general Ineffectiveness Of our present-day educational processes, even In the imparting of simple fact and know-ledge to its subjects. The available evidence regarding the retention of school learning shows a tremendously heavy loss within a very short space of time after material is studied: even minimum essentials are not Immune from being forgotten. Studies of high school and college subjects made by Pressey. Seaton, Arnold and others, show that, in general, students retain about three-fourths of material covered at the end of the course, considerably less than one-half after only one year, and about one-quarter after two years. Quoting Pressy again, “The gross fact which stands out Is that the million teachers and the billions

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Education In the United States has been termed the nations "big-gest business." There are thirty million children and young people attending our schools today, spending the most impressionable and forma-tive years of their lives under the supervision and direction of a mil-lion teachers, at an annual expense of three billion dollars. Such a tremendous undertaking would be expected to be highly organized, thoroughly efficient, completely modern, and In the very vanguard of progress. By its very nature as the mother of research, discovery, and learning, education would be expected to be. of all our Institutions, the most forward in discarding out-worn convention, the most daringly critical In self-analysis and reform, the most ruthless In cutting out dead-wood in both content and method, and the most sensitive to social responsibility.

. Unfortunate Circumstance* Unfortunately such is patiently not the case. To generations of students who have gone through the mill and to many alert and sensitive educators who are not blinded by conventional Ideas and general apathetic defeatism there has come the profound conviction that this "biggest business" of ours Is falling signally In Its responsibilities, especially In consideration of Its Intrinsic opportunities for progressing to a position as our foremost national Institution.

It is not that our educational budgets have been trimmed to the bone, that our school terms In many regions have been heartlessly shortened. that In some areas requirements are ridiculously low—these these evils are but extrinsic Imposed deficiencies of our system. What Is really significant Is that our whole system is Intrinsically far below any standards of achievement which can fairly be expected In light of the opportunities possessed by education.

As a concise and trenchant expression of this fact, may we note briefly the statement of one of our most prominent educators. Dr. S L. Pressey who Is professor of educational psychology at Ohio State University:

"The astounding Ignorance of graduates of our high schools and colleges constitutes a sweeping Indictment of the Ineffectiveness of much of modern education. An astounding proportion of such “educated” individuals cannot read with effective understanding, have no appreciation of modern literature, and approach modern economic and social problems with gross prejudice Instead of Informed comprehension. Surely effective teaching would not permit such conditions."

Strangely enough, there is little actual research evidence of the actual results of our educational system; this in itself, Is a criminal failure on the part of the system. However, what few studies have been made thoroughly bear out these statements of Dr. Pressey. For the student to give these general statements concrete significance ho has only to go back Into his own experience to find ample personal evi-dence of the woeful Inadequacies of the prevailing; educational system.

What are the chief deficiencies of modern education? For lack of time and space here it is possible to list only a tew of the more glaring faults and comment briefly:

Educator Is Reluctant For one thing, Education is more reluctant and tardy than many other of our national systems in casting off worn out technique and

of dollars spent In education scent to be operating with most distressing Inefficiency—an inefficiency which Is challenging." The reader need only attempt to recall what he has retained from a course, say In history, botany, French, or chemistry studied ns little as two years ago. to ascertain for himself the truth of these studies. The question Immediately arises as to whether education is worth spending the best years of our lives and contracting large debts If our current educators are right In their emphasis upon mastery of subject matter as the purpose of al lthis work andn sacrifice.

Education Stifles Interest

A fourth, and most flagrant, fault of organised education Is the manner in which It often stifles real Interest which may not be exactly allied to the purposes of the teacher, because of blind adherence to rote and convention. Apropos is a bit of verse from the "Cheerful Cherub" syndicated newspaper series:

I long to know a lot of things.

With curiosity I'm cursed;

But teacher tells me that I must

Complete my education first.

After being thwarted by teachers of this type, we find a great deal of sympathy for the student who turns the proposition around and declares that he, for one, will not let studies Interfere with his education. Is there any Just reason why teachers should favor the passive, docile student who does everything he’s told to do exactly as he’s told to do it, and should repress the vigorous personality in tive search for Truth? If only educators would cease worshipping th-good god Curriculum. and cease forcing all students Into their own eculiar mode of learning and believing. "It Is reasonable to expect that the student's unbridled native Inter-rat would lend him to a mastery of far more than he can get through the Instructors artificial but conventional channels.

In this collection we cannot but think of the countless reams of worthless notes which have been taken to please the whims of the

professor—the Innumerable dates, places and names, propositions, and pure tripe which have been memorized to please the learned doctors on Tuesday and forgotten on Wed-nesday—the shrives of books and magazines which have been scanned In a useless repetition of the Identical matter in the text, when other beautiful shelves of new materials had to be Ignored for lack of time. In short, we lament the profound boredom we have found in using other people’s methods for our own, learning.

The last chief difficulty which we shall dwell upon Is the unhappy practice of scaling educational processes to the average student. Woe betide the unfortunate pupils who find themselves at the ends of the scale! It Is customary for the bright student to be thoroughly bored with school and the dull child to be completely discouraged. Why? Simply because teachers seldom take the trouble to build an educational structure which will be scaled to the Individual student and not to the

Many more evils could he brought to light, but they are well-known and need no discussion. The educational system is burdened with a crystallized curriculum, parts of which are out-moded. It Is administered by perfunctory agents, many of whom are seemingly devoid of all Imagination In the fine art of Instruction. Present teaching methods frequently-are stilted, artificial, forced, outworn, and thoroughly Inflective. We have forgotten that Interest has any place in the educational program.

Slaves To System We are the slaves of a vicious and unjust grading system; we hold to a rigid scheme of Inane testing

methods Our high school and college students form a tremendous body of bored and dissatisfied young People, notorious for their real and profound Ignorance, even after 16 years of steady “education." The modern college Is an artificial stage upon which wo play a petty, purposeless game—the result of which Will be merely a great and profound wonder as to what it’s all about and where do we go from here?

It may be argued, of course, that all that has been said above neglects favorable evidence, and says nothing of the efforts which many constructive and modern-minded educators and teachers are making to reform educational practice. This is true, and such efforts' should he lauded; but our purpose has been to reaffirm the need for further action. Too long has America played Polly-ana, and allowed her educational Institutions to lag far behind many of Its contemporary Institutions In progress and development. It is to be hoped that in the present generation of educators, will be found a group of men and women with enough Insight, Imagination, devotion,, and intelligence to remodel completely tbelr business and ruthlessly cast out the convention and customary adiophora which have been so far hamstrung attempts at educational reform.

— Kenneth Weaver.

John Hopkins U.

Quits Receipts

Prominent University Will Discontinue Game Charge

Baltimore, Mr.—(ACP)—By abolishing paid admissions to all athletic games, authorities at Johns Hopkins University are assuring the avoidance of the evils of commercialism In collegiate sports.

No longer will John Hopkins “pay guarantees to visiting teams nor accept guarantees when its teams play away from home."

The purpose of the new program Is to spread the benefit of athletic participation to all students instead of to a "mere handful' under high pressure, winning-team, gate-receipt system, it was announced.

Using Its own resources, the university will finance and encourage both Intercollegiate and intramural athletics, providing “effective coach-ing instruction" and adequate sports equipment.

“The university, in effect." reads the announcement, “has placed athletics at the level which they would occupy If in the realm of collegiate sports there were no such thing as a recruited football team and no gold mine of gate receipts to be tapped."

Admission charges will be abandoned next October. At that time, the university will issue without charge admission cards to all sports events. In the distribution, alumni, after students, will be given preference and others applying will receive tickets as long as. they last.

Team guarantees will be dispensed with “as soon as existing commitments are absolved." The announcement explains that this new policy is "a logical extension of the athletic policy Introduced at John Hopkins several years ago."

These Doctrines Of Life

Alvin Goering. a graduate In June, has majored in Industrial Arts, and Mathematics. He will receive a B. A. degree. Al is a fine fellow to get along with and he is always ready to help a friend, He plays in our orchestra and is a member of the brass quartette. Every time we see Al he has a different car. but there is always a welcome to ride. See you with Paul Whiteman someday Al.

act, not for pleasure, but because of the. motive which impels the act. He believes that the attitude back of he act, the purpose which It has In mind Is the primary thing. Thus It Is quite conceivable that a person who believes in this way can. to a certain degree, find happiness without having the leasure of performing an act to translate his beliefs Into actuality.

This is, of course, an extreme, just as the Epicureanism theory of pure sensual gratification. Between these two lies the mean which most of us can and should follow. Happi-ness, It Is true, it determined by attitude and motive: pleasure by performance and completion of some act. By combining these two one ran have happiness and pleasure while at the same time doing some good in other words, by translating a good intention Into an actuality through some friendly act we can secure happiness, feature, and be of bene-fit to those around is. In this way life will not only be enjoyable but also worth while, for our actions will not be executed for the pleasure that can be obtained thereby, but because of a desire to accomplish some good.

College Artists To

Appear Wednesday

McPherson Lyric Entertainers Here In Evening Program

The Gallery

Patronize Spectator Advertisers.

Each Student Is Entitled To One Spectator Only Each Week

Take a Spectator each week. You have It coming. The price of a year’s subscription to The Spectator was Included In your student activity fee which you paid at enrollment. But. TAKE ONLY ONE Spectator. By taking more than one you deprive some other student of his copy, to which he has as much right as you have to yours. If you want Father and Mother, or the boy or girl friend back home to read The Spectator. send them your copy after you have read it. If they can’t wait that long, lot us mall The Spectator to them. We win take subscriptions for the remainder of the year at a price proportional to the number of Issues yet to be published.

If you want extra copies because of some special article appearing In a particular issue, see the business manager not later than Wednesday noon so that he can have extra copies printed.    

Please help us by taking your Spectator and only yours each week, or you may be the unfortunate one to do without a paper some week.

A group of students attended the Fiedler funeral.

Out of ancient Greece have come two different schools of philosophy —Epicureanism and Stoicism. The , former held that since the universe is merely an accidental conglomeration of atoms, no law governs the universe, consequently man does not have to fear the displeasure of a diety and can act as he wants to. The result is a life led merely for sensual gratification. The doctrine of Stoicism Is directly opposite to this; it holds that reason, right, and Justice rule the world. Since there Is. an underlying purpose In the Universe man must place himself in alignment with It. Once he has done this he must unflinchingly follow the path of duty.

Many of us. although we fall to realize it, are to a great extent acting to theetaoishrdicmfwypcftwyp ing according to their philosophy of Epicureanism. We are seekers after pleasure. If we stop to analyze our choices and actions we find that they are, to no small degree. Influenced by this desire for sensual gratification. This way of life holds that the most cherished prize Is pleasure which can be obtained by - acting in such a way that pleasure can be derived from the act.

The Stole believes that one should

Climbing Upward

Margaret Hahn, who graduates with the June does, has a very Interesting personality. She has major-ed In History. She sings In the A Cappella choir and is a member of the International Relations Club. Margaret always has a kind word and a smile for every one. Good luck to you. Margaret,

Floyd Harris, the musician of the 1937 graduating class, has majored In music and we see a future for him In the field of music. He is director of our band and a member of the orchestra. He will long be remembered for his brilliant cornet solos. He can write and read music like an expert and we'll be expecting to hear from you. Floyd.

Viola Harris has brightened up many a program or party with her interesting and clever musical programs. She has In former years been a member of our College Choir and has done considerable reaching in Dramatics. She has majored in music and will receive a B. S. degree.

* Lee Haun, is McPherson College's all around Athlete and the one man track team. He has shown as that he Is as outstanding In the classroom as he Is In basketball and football. He was a spectacular football halfback and a clever basketball forward. Lee Is a model for many and deserves all the credit that comes his way. He has majored in Industrial Arts. We will be reading about you someday Lee and success to you.

Wanda Hoover graduates in June. with a major in English. Wanda has a sweet disposition and is a brilliant student. She works hard for the S. C. M. and Is president of the World Service club. It seems that Wanda would enjoy Just to study and study. She has shown exceptional dramatic ability by her part In the Senior Class play. Good luck. Wanda, see you at Oxford U.

The A Cappella choir gave a concert at the Monitor church Sunday night. This was the choir's first concert out of town. Supper for the choir members was served in the church basement by the women of the Monitor church. Francis Camp-bell played a violin solo and Glen McGonigle and Laverne Voshell sang solos.

The following Is a program to be given by the McPherson Lyric Artists next Wednesday night April 21 In the College Chapel at 8:15. The Lyric Artists have appeared on many programs outside of the College but this is their first time to appear on the campus.

The Lyric Artists are all connected with McPherson College either as students or Instructors. The Lyric Artists are:    Nevin Fisher.

Tenor and Pianist. Margaret Fry, Soprano and Pianist. Mr. Loren Crawford. Violinist, Floyd Harris, Cornetist. and Miss Della Lehman Reader.


Grand Russian Fantasia—J. Levy Cornes Solo—M; Harris Negro Spiritual—Traditional Tenor Solo—Mr. Fisher The Freshet—Donald Heins

Violin Solo—Mr. Crawford Fiddle and I—Mrs. Arthur Goodeve Vocal Duet, with Violin Obligato Miss Fry. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Crawford

In the Toils of the Eneby -Anonymous

Reading—Miss Lehman Italian Street Song (from Naughty Marietta)—Victor Herbert Soprano Solo—Miss Fry PART TWO In costumeHUNGARIAN Gypsy Airs—Sarsates

. Violin Solo—Mr. Crawford RUSSIAN The Volga Boatmen's Sing—(Folk Song)

The Sleigh—Richard Kountz Nichavo -—Mana-Zucca

Tenor Solos—Mr. Fisher ITALIAN Between Two Loves—T. A. Daly Mia Carlotta—T. A. Daly For Goodness Sak—T. A. Daly Headings— Miss Lehman JAPANESE One Fine Day (from the opera Madame Butterfly)—G. Puccini Soprano Solo—Miss Fry AMERICAN

Goddess of Liberty -Henry-Harris Cornet Solo—Mr. Harris

Theresa Storm, Inez Goughnous. Phil Davis, Ellen Divine. Paul Miller Marjorie Flory, attended a Young People's conference In Larned Saturday.

Isnt there a Delilah around here who would cut off a lock of Ira Milton's hair? Lucile wants a bit, for her new locket but she doesn't want to seem so bold about It.

Side glances: Frances was simply annoyed with Hansel and Gretel because one of the angels lost Its wing: Eldora appears again to be lovesick—and the biggest picture on her dresser now Is one of Harold: with a little promotion Daniel and Joyce will be deacons In their church hack home: "Bertie" Is always singing these days—and she practically composes an opera after she comes In on weekend nights.

Dr. Flory was afraid Tennyson's dear familiar lines wouldn't be In the Spec this year, and so Willis suggested that they be In. As quoted them: "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts

Student of Fisher’s Wins First

Miss Dorothy Hoffman, a Senior In the Canton High school and a student of voice under Professor Nevin Fisher, won the highest decision In a vocal contest held in Wichita on March 27. This contest was sponsored by the Music Branch of the Federation of Women's Clubs In the Fifth District of Kansas.

Miss Hoffman represented McPherson County: her musical rating was 94 plus. Miss Hoffman is a soprano: her chief selection In the contest was "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains" by Marker. She received a cash prize which will be distributed over three years of her college career.

of love." It must be an excuse and derente for such young men these lovely days.

It truly seems: that Moehlman Isn't afraid that this time It will he "fifteen long years:” that some un-assuming girl would pick up good-natured Kurtis: that zig-zag whisperings would let us know who is going to the banquet with Miss Warner; that some mad-bad-and-dangerous-to-know Byron would see fit to live again; that stars fall and a star rises when Carol Crouse decides to win a tennis match.

It is only six more weeks until the golden bells will ring—and fare-wels will be said. It seems to be a long time off. and yet. no doubt Floy and Andy and Doris and Van have started to give their parting pantomimes already.

Alberta Keller gave a Dessert party at the home of her sister. Mrs. Dale Strickler Friday night. Those Invited to the party were Rilla Hubbard. Reeky Ann Stauffer, La Vena High. Aileen Witte. Ruth Taylor. Jessie Miller, Edward Jones. Chester Johnston, Earl Mathiot. Roy Robertson. Milton Morrison, Bill Fry and Emerson Chisholm.

—At The Theater-

Friday - Saturday

A double feature, a full evening.

As part of a double feature, James Dunn In a role Ideally suited to him, "Mysterious Crossing" opens at the Ritz. Jimmy Dunn Is east as a roving reporter who knows a good story when he sees one. The plot deals with the disappearance of a New Orleans banker.

The other half of the evening’s en-entertainment will be the return of King Vidor's "The Texas Rangers." The picture features an all-star cast headed by Fred MacMurray and Jack Oakie. The picture combines a fast-moving. action and thrill-filled story and a panoramic view of the unfolding of the history of the Lone Star State.

Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

Carole Lombard and Fred Mac-Murray, the romantic team of "Hands Across the Table" will be the outstanding feature of the week at the Ritz theatre.

"Swing High, Swing Low," is the story of night club life in Panama and New Orleans. Miss Lombard plays the role of an entertainer in a Panama cabaret who makes a famous musician out of MacMurray. MacMurray Is featured as a trumpet player.

Wed. - Thurs. - Fri.

Roscoe Karns has arrived!

The funny little man who entertained millions In dozen of pictures as a featured player and comedy interest, Is now leading man in "Clarence." The famous polka-dotted bow tie Is in for oven greater popularity than it enjoys.

"I Promise to Pay” is another feature of the evening, starring Chester Morris and Leo Carrillo. This is an exciting story of gang life.

Selves To Pick 6 Men Today For Kansas Relays Sat.

Six McPherson College track men will participate; in the annual Kansas Relays to be held Friday and Saturday of this week. The Bulldog tracksters will participate only In the events to be held on Saturday.

Several famous track stars will be in Lawrence to take part In the event of the day. Glenn Cunningham, noted miler who graduated from Kansas University, will be there to run an exhibition race with Archie San Romani, another Kansas, contribution to the mile run. The holder of the Big Ten Javelin record will be there to participate in that event. Other famous athletes will Journey to the Relays, which is fast becoming one of the major attractions of the track world today.

Conch Selves has not decided yet what men will be taken to Law-rence. Tryouts will be hold this afternoon to determine who will get to go. McPherson will enter the half-mile relay and the distance medley relay.

At the Mac

Because of its historic value as a record of primeval wastes, claimed by Admiral Byrd for the United States on his second Antarctic Expedition, Paramount’s film, "Little America,” This return of this dramatic story of adventures at the bottom of the world will be the outstanding feature of the week.

Yearlings Win 1937 Class Track Meet

Juniors Defeated by Freshman by One Point with Seniors Finishing Third.—Lee Haun Scores Seniors 28 Points.

A mere one-point margin gave the freshmen yearlings of McPherson College the annual track and field class championship of the school Thursday afternoon. The first year classmen eked out the point margin over the Juniors, while the seniors came in third and sophomores fourth. The college field and track was  swept by a strong and cold north wind during the meet and athletes were handicapped a great deal and no record times were made because of the cold.

The freshmen’s total score was 42 points whilo the juniors were second with 41. The seniors were third with 25 and the sophomores last with 23 points.

Lee Haun, the only senior to score a single point in the class meet, was high point man of the meet with 25 points to his credit. He scored three firsts, two seconds, two thirds and tied for second.

In most cases the races were very slow because of the strong wind and the low temperatures. For instances the mile was run In 5:25. the two mile in 12:23. and the 220-yard dash in 28 seconds.

The field events were also short of any near records, mainly because the men were cold and could not get limbered up as they should. The pole vault ended at 9 feet 9 Inches and the broad Jump was only 17 feet 11 1/2 inches. The high Jump went no higher than five feet four inches and the discus was tossed 109 feet, one inch.

Following is the summary of Thursday's class meet:     

Mile run—First, Porter. Junior: second, Albright, sophomore; third, Albin, freshman. Time 5:28.

440-yard dash—First, Robertson. freshman; second. York, freshman; third, Bower, sophomore. Time .58.

100-yard dash—First, Toland. Junior; second, Carter, freshman; third, Haun, senior. Time, 10.2.

120-yard high hurdles—First, Letkeman, sophomore; second, Haun senior; third, Johnston, Junior. Time .17.    

880-yard run—First, Porter, junior; second. Seidel, freshman; third, Bower, sophomore. Time 2:25..

220-yard dash—First,-Toland Junior; second, Robertson, freshman; York, freshman. Time .26. Two mile run—First, Porter, Junior; second, Albright, sophomore; third, Albin, freshman. Time 12:23.

220-yard low hurdles—First Carter, freshmen; second, Letkeman, sophomore; third, Johnston,'Junior. Time 29.

Shot put—First, Zook, Junior; second, Schroeder. freshman; third. Haun, senior. Distance, 36 feet, 5 3/4 inches.

Polo vault—First, Haun, senior; second and third tied. Foutz. sophomore. and Johnston, junior, Height, 9 feet 9 Inches.

Discus—First. Zook. Junior: second. Haun, senior; third, Voshell, freshman. Distance, 109 feet, one Inch.

High Jump-First, Davis, sopho-more; second and third tied. John-slab, Junior, and Haun, senior, Height 5 feet 4 Inches.

Broad Jump-First, Haun, senior. second; Robertson, freshman; third, Carter, freshman. Distance, 17 fact, 11 1/8 inches.

Javelin throw—First, Haun, sen-tor; second. Schroeder. freshman, third, Voshell, freshman. Distance 125 feet, 8 1/2 Inches.

Half mile relay—First, freshmen: second, juniors.

Wanda Hoover and Harold Moh-ler Attended a Hill Top meeting In Excelsior Springs. Missouri, last, weekends.

Primary and Final Student

Election On April 22 - 29

Of great interest to the college students is the primary and final student elections to be held April 22 and 29, respectively. Your nominations for the student offices will close. Tuesday, April 20, at noon.

The primary election will begin Thursday at 11 o’clock, and ’tis then the fun begins. The chapel will fairly ring with boos and shouts of praise as the ballyhoo speeches are given. Look out for rotten eggs and soft tomatoes!

The most, capable students are nominated for the strident offices. For the very responsible position of student council; president Erwin Dents and Harold Mohler hare been chosen. William Thompson, Ira Mil-ton Hoover, and Joelle Letkeman are runners up for Treasurer of the Student Council..

For Editor of the Spectator Harold Larsen and Norman Edwards have been nominated, and Russell Kingsley Is up for Business Manager.

Competitors for editor of the Quadrangle are Fred Nace, Inez Goughnour and Lawrence Boyer. As yet Gordon Yoder has no rival for Business Manager of the Quad.

Candidates for both cheer leaders seem to be few. Up to the present time Rilla Hubbard and Bill Fry have een the only ones nominated.

Soon after learning that the Rock Island Railway proposed to make Herington the center of their system in Kansas. S. Z. Sharp, a faculty member of Mount Morris College became interested in establishing a college In this territory. Her-ington was seriously considered as the location of the new college, and the publicity given this project aroused leaders who were soon promoting similar interests In other towns.

At the agreement of the promoters a meeting was arranged at the 1887 Annual Conference which was held at Ottawa, Kansas. Various propositions were submitted and a com-mittee was appointed to Investigate them. Chairman S. Z. Sharp called the final meeting of the committee at Junction City on the eighth of April. 1887. and "The Gospel Messenger” of August 23, 1887 carried the announcement that McPherson had been selected as the site of the new college.

Under the direction of devout, earnest men. the College has grown, and we pause briefly to mark a half century of progress.

A worthy way to celebrate the heroism and sacrifice of our fathers is to carry on to greater success the work they started. It is In honor of these historic and significant events that the trustees are launching the Fiftieth Aniversary Campaign. ”We must move forward or perish and perish we will not.”

Attempts arc being made to stage a mile dual between Cunningham and San Romani here.

“Personality" Theme at C. E.

Group singing under the direction of Floyd Harris opened C. E. Sunday evening. Mary Richards read for devotions Psalms 8:3-6. She presented a short talk on “Personality.” the theme for the evening’s program. Personality she defined as those qualities and characteristics peculiar to each Individual. She said that a perfect personality is in God alone,

’’Charm" by Marjory Wilson was reviewed by Homer Kimmel.

The program was concluded with a song “Face to Face.’ sung by Harold Beam.

McPherson Chosen as Site of College

In Ottawa Annual Conference, 1887