McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, april 8, 1937
Academic Freedom
Violated at Yale
Dr. Jerome Davis Dismissed from Family for Radical Views
St. Louis. Mo.—(ACP)—That
Yale University is guilty of violating academic freedom, was concluded by a unanimous vote of the business meeting of the Progressive Educa-tion Association in its final session.
In passing this resolution regarding the dropping of Dr. Jerome Davis from the Yale faculty, the association officers will send to the Yale corporation "the regret of this organization” that Yale's continued refusal to reappoint Dr. Davis to the faculty for the next year "must, in the light of nil known circumstances, be regarded us a violation of academic freedom.".
The association urged its commission on educational freedom to work with other groups to obtain "a satisfactory conclusion of the affair."
It was explained that Professor Davis had been conspicuous for his sympathies with liberal and radical groups. It Is on this account, rather than for other reasons given by the administration, that educators hero believe he is being dropped from the Yale Divinity School.
University of Kansas Band Concert in City Auditorium
Many college students were among the 2000 people who overflowed the city auditorium Sunday night to hear the University of Kansas band concert. College students were also included In the several hundred people who stopped at the door, looked in and went away because there was no more seating or standing room.__
The K. U. band, dressed in red, white and blue uniforms, presented an interesting program that held the attention of the large audience throughout the evening. Interspersed with the band numbers were several' novelties given by university students. While the stage was being cleared for the. McPherson high school band, a student magician presented a few trick of magic. Director Russell L. Wiley of the K. U. Bond, led the McPherson band In two numbers after the Intermission.
The director of the band presented the three McPherson members of the organization. These men are John Crary, Rex Conner and Delbert Crabbe.
Crabbe is a former Bulldog student, having transferred to K. C. the second semester of this year. Conner played a tuba solo as a special number.
The program ended with a fire baton twirling exhibition by one of the drum majors, after which the hand played their school song and gave their famous "Rock Chalk” chant.
Money In Bridge
Oxford, England- -Play bridge and make money. is the suggestion of Oxford university's magazine, Isis, to students.
Recommending the formation of a university bridge club, the magazine said:
"Our suggestion is inspired by publication of Culbertson’s annual Income. There's something In this bridge, and It looks like money. While professional tennis is now overcrowded, professional bridge still has a future."
Students of public, private and parochial schools and colleges, as well as adults who are not professional playwrights, will be intensely interested in the projects of the United States Constitution Sesqui-centennial Commission to secure dramatic material to be present during the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the formation of the Constitution. which begins on the 17th of next September.
Not only will this project be an Incentive towards creative writing, but it will stimulate among all stu-dents a desire for greater knowledge of the formation of the Constitution.
The Commission hopes to secure worthy plays depicting the constitutional history, background of the Constitution, and the Philadelphia Convention, which will be extensively used In schools. churches and organized groups of men. women and youth.
The general plan of operation provides for three classifications of plays: (1) competition for high school students (Juniors and Seniors) In a one-act play; (2) competition for students in colleges and universities In a one-act play: and (3) competition for teachers and directors of dramatics in plays of one-net or more.
Material offered must be submitted not later than May 7, 1937, to the Drama Chairman of this State, who Is acting In cooperation with the State Constitution commission. This contest for high-school students terminates with the State contest. Those open to college students and teachers will be extended from a State to a National Contest.
The National Commission will award the Constitution Commemorative Medal in silver and bronze to the State winners and a Shrine of the Constitution to the persons in the Nation winning first place In plays.
Further Information, as well as a list of Stale Committees and Regional Committees will he supplied contestants upon application to Sol. Bloom, Director-General, Washington. D. C.
Bright to Attend Meeting of Kansas History Teachers
Dr. J. D. Bright, head of the His-tory Department. will go to Wichita on April 17, to attend the Tenth Annual meeting of the Kansas History Teachers’ Association. Dr. Bright is a member of the Executive Committee of this organization.
The theme of the morning session will be "Neutrally." The program consists of: "Can America Be Neutral?” E. L. Harshburger, Bethel College. .
"Neutrality and Public Opinion." K. R. Galle, 'Arkansas City Junior College; "Bugle on the Plains." Kenneth W. Porter, Southwestern College; "A Round Table Discussion of Recent Works on History and Allied Subjects." R. P. Price. Kansas State College.
The afternoon meeting will be devoted to the social studies In the new curriculum. This will be discussed from the point of view of the Junior high school, senior high school and junior college.
Seniors Close Behind With $467
$10,000 Desired Goal
City Campaign Opens Friday, April 10, Headed by E. A. Wall
The juniors are loading with $555.50 pledged In the Student Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign according to results announced Tuesday morning. The seniors show a total of $467.50; the freshmen $330.00: and the sophomores are following close behind with $274.50. The contribution of the Faculty Committee Is the most Imposing figure In this report—$6,950.00.
The campus drive which has raised $8,577.50 thus far. Is not yet finished. Further reports will be made; the next will be Issued next Mon-day and It Is hoped to have a hundred per cent response by that time
Ten thousand dollars is not an Impossible goal. With a continuance of the splendid cooperation accorded the committees, this mark may be reached or even exceeded. This Is the best way to show friends of the college our Interest In this drive and our concern that It suc-ceed. How could this campaign be better begun than that we. ourselves, sacrifice for it?
The city campaign will open Friday evening. April 16. The committees under the supervision of Mr. E. A. Wall. directing the men's groups and Mrs. W. C. Heaston, co-chairman with Mr. Wall. In charge of the women’s teams, will he fully organized at that time and ready to carry the work of the campaign to completion.
A central committee has been up-pointed to solicit preliminary contributions. This committee met Tuesday evening at Mr. Wall’s home.
The women's group consists of Mrs. W. C. Heaston, chairman, Miss Abigail Bixby, Mrs. F. O. Johnson, and Mrs. H. A. Quiring. The men are divided Into three groups, Simon Strouse leads the first division. His captains are: Lee Miller, F. H. Church. Dale Stickler, and R. F. Mohler. Heading the second division Is Paul Sargent with captains E. L. Wolfe, Harold Tolle. L. B. Crumpacker and Harold Beam. Division three Is led by Homer Ferguson whose captains are: Roy O'Brien. Harold Schafer. R. R. Uhrlaub and Lloyd Livingston.
The local Peace Oratorical contest of McPherson College was held In the college church. Sunday, April 4. at 7:00 p. m. The following seven orators were entered: Elmer Dadisman, "What Price Peace." Willard Flaming, "Sign Posts." Avis Heckman. "Internationalism. “Paul Miller, "The Church's Mistake." Ad-dison West. "A Call To Arms,'.' Kenneth Weaver. "Looking Backward.” Addison Sathoff. "Individual Merchantilism."
The results of the oratorical contest were: Kenneth Weaver, with his Inspiring oration, won first place, Willard Flaming was awarded second place and Paul Miller third place.
Three local prizes of $7.50. $500 and $2.50 were given. Five faculty judges determined the winner who will represent McPherson college in the State Peace Oratorical contest April 16 at Marymount College at Salina. The state prizes of $50.00, $30.00 and $20.00 are offered by the Misses Mary and Helen Seabury of New Bedford. Mass.
The state contest will probably have the largest number of entries since the organization was formed In 1924. Students and townspeople are Invited to attend the state contest.
Canton. N. Y.—(ACP)—Plump gals at St. Lawrence University are ‘daily-dozening" in old fashioned style to make the red-hand on the scale tell less weighty truths.
Kene-bends and arm exercises are just a few of the "pound-dissolvers” included In this new course instituted by Miss Jean Bell, head Of the women's physical education depart-ment.
"The course," explains Miss Bell, Is designed to do away with foolish dieting practices and provide a sane means of reducing.”
The students of McPherson Col-lego attended In a body the funeral services of Paul H. Heckman, which were held at the College church yesterday afternoon.
Reverend Ray E. Zook, pastor of the McPherson church, was in charge of the preliminary services; Dr. V. F. Schwalm preached the sermon. His address was a challenge to youth to carry on the work and high Ideals of Paul Heckman. The service was simple and beautiful throughout. with the College octet rendering consoling music. Lovely flowers bedecked the attractively-adorned altar.
Pall bearers wore: Kenneth Weaver. Willard Flaming. Paul Booz. Clayton Rock, David Metzger and Addison Saathoff. Howard Byer, Wilbur Stern, Delbert Barley and Mark Porter were honorary bearers. The latter five were influenced by Paul to enter McPherson College. He was always a valiant champion of McPherson College.
This fall. Paul entered Bethany seminary in preparation for his chosen life work, preaching the Word. He gave his all to seminary work and all student activities at Chicago. Ills visions and ambitions proved to be greater than his strength, us his health broke early in February. His undying spirit how-er slowly conquered; his general improvement, however, was suddenly checked as pneumonia set in. From that time on his condition grew worse and he queitly and peacefully went to meet his Maker, on Sunday, April 3.
Paul was an Influential student and alumnus of McPherson College. He was very active In debate, orations. and deputation work. His name will always recall memories of his successful efforts on the track. As a quarter-miler he ranked among McPherson’s best. In everything he attempted he gave his heart and soul, the secret of his great success.
A license to preach was granted Paul Heckman in 1934. During the past two summers he held summer pastorates in Guthrie, Minnesota, and In Fredonia, Kansas. During his summer work, his winning personality won him many warm friends and assured everyone of his future suc-his chosen service to his fellow men.
At his passing a brief but successful cantor was halted. During his life of beauty and service he set down an example, a goal for everyone to strive for In his path toward the God of us all. He leaves to cherish his memory, his mother, and two sisters: Mrs Grace Gottman of Center. Missouri: and Vera, a McPherson student along with a host of relatives and friends. Interment was In the McPherson cem etery.
Saturday the seventeenth Is the date of the annual Senior Festival. Representatives of the Student Council will conduct tours of the campus, a music content will be In progress during the day. and in the afternoon a tennis tournament is scheduled. Culminating the activities of the day, a banquet will be given for The seniors and their sponsors in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren
Definite plans have not yet been announced, but tentative plans for the program are as follows:
The varsity brass quartet will play during the banquet hour. Dean R. E. Mohler Is to be the toastmaster. Dr. V. F. Schwalm will give the address of welcome and Grover C. Dotzour, the response. The men's quartet and Miss Margaret Fry will offer music, and Miss Elma Minnick will give a reading.
The A Capella choir gave an hour concert at the Presbyterian church Sunday night at 7:30. The soloists on the program wore: Floy Lackey. who sang “Divine Redeemer.” Oliver Andrews, who sang "O Living God.” Professor Fisher and Margaret Fry sang a duet. Professor Crawford played a violin solo, "Air for G String” by Bach. They were accompanied on the organ by the church organist.
150th Anniversary of Constitution Subject of Play
Concert to Feature Professor Fisher, the String Quartet and String Choir
To Appear Wednesday
Floyd Harris Assistant Conductor;
Frances Campbell, Concert Master
The McPherson College - Community Orchestra will appear in concert Wednesday, April 14, at 8:00 o’clock In the college chapel. The group will be assisted by Nevin Fisher, tenor, the McPherson College string quartet and the college string choir.
The orchestra has spent many hours of practice In preparation for their spring concert. Prof. Loren Crawford, director of the organization, has established a reputation as a violinist and conductor. The public is assured of an Interesting, well-balanced program.
Floyd Harris assistant conductor of the orchestra; Frances Campbell is concert master and Margaret Fry, associate concert master. The string quartet is composed of Mr. Crawford. first violin; Francos Campbell, second violin; R. Huise Barber, viola; and Lois Gnagy, cello.
The personnel of the twenty-eight piece orchestra is as follows; Frances Campbell, Margaret Fry. Doorthy Jane Green, Bonnie Rose Crawford. Ramona Fries, Lillian Olson. Dorothy Ledbetter, and Floy Lackey, first violin; Autumn Lindbloom. Florence Meyer, Russell Kingsley, Clarence Russell. Merrick Helbert, and Eugene Crabbe, second violins. R. Hulse Barber and Lau-rene Schlatter, violas; Lois Gnagy, Anna Fuchs, and Arlene Russell, cellos; Lester Horner and Norton Wid-iger, string bass; Gladys Shank, clarinet; Millicent Nordling, oboe; Charles Wagoner, bassoon: Alvin Goering. French horn; Floyd Harris. cornet; W. H. Widiger, trombone; and Harry Carnine, sousa phone
The accession list of the library continues to grow. Also many new authors and new titles have been added to the stacks. Many of the books were purchased through the library fund and some were donated by friends of the college. -
Two literary friends of the college gave numerous outstanding books as gifts to the library. C. A. Helm sent the book "History of the Church of the Brethren, in Northeastern Ohio.” The other books giv-en the library by A. Ruchien are: "How We Got Our Bible.” Pott; "Recreational Leadership for Church and Community," Houghton;. "Principles and Technique of Schools, Mifflin; Junior Method in the Church." Abingdon; "Primary Methods In the Church School." Abingdon.
The books purchased from the Library fund are: "Actions and Re-actions a Autobiography of Roger W. Baboon;" "Introduction to Modern Views of Education” Saucier "Psychology and Life," Weather-. head; "The Christian Faith A. E.
Garvie; "After Repea; L V. Har-rison; "The return to Religion” Link; How to win Friends and Influence people," Dale Carnegie: "Has Science Discovered God" Cotton; "Principles and Technique of Teaching" Thomas; "Inside Europe" Gunther.
Peace Conference
The second Peace Institute sponsored by Oberlin College for college and university students will be held from June 11 to June 24. World disorders, proposed road to peace and International-American relations will be discussed.
The spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College,. McPherson. Kansas.
Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council. HOME OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
the bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press of quality
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson. under the act of March 3. 1897.
Bill Fry Rilla Hubbard
Opal Hoffman Russell Kingsley
Miriam Horner Winton Sheffer
Doris Dresher
“I Am The Captain of My Soul!"
Subscription Rates For
One School Year
Orpha Burn Rosalie Fields Bill Flaming 'Between Us Fellows'
More than three fourths of the school year Is already history. The last snow has probably fallen and now the grass will become green. The shepherd's purse Is In bloom, ere long the dandelions will bloom, then the lilacs and then the roses.
This Is the time of the year when studying becomes difficult and time passes rapidly. Almost before we are aware of It the Seniors will bare become alumni and we will be wondering who the Freshmen will be in the Fall.
Did your mid-semester grades disturb you? Should you really do some hard work the rest of the year It is surprising what can be accomplished In seven weeks If you really apply all your energy and abilities.
Yon will want to have time for all the picnics, dinners, hikes, and parties, which always come at the end of the year. Don't wait until the
The parable of the men who built on the shifting sands and the solid rock has several implications. As brought out In the Bible the founda-tion n on which each was built is the important thing. There is yet an-other aspect to this parable this—namely the material out of which tho building was made. A prudent man could build upon a rock and still have his house destroyed by rain and wind because It was made of straw.
All of us are builders: every day we add another brick to life's structure. Those who build on sand, those who use straw and sand brick build only temporarily. After every storm they must begin anew. On the other hand the more wise. because they use a more durable material, the other hand the more wise can continue with their work after the storm.
The building you and I are working on is our philosophy of Ilf*. Daily we modify, add to or subtract from it, for nature has decreed that it shall not remain static. Not only do the forces of environment influence our structure but we ourselves can consciously build in a certain way and direction. Often we fall to realize the significance of this. When a storm comes however, we realise, often all too late, that our work is of tremendous significance. A man is as strong as his philisophy.
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Ruth Taylor Toshiro Tsubakowa Gordan Yoder
last week to do this semester's work. Plan now to enjoy the activities of the Commencement Week. I've known some students who couldn't: they want home worn out, hating themselves and school and then parents thought school was "Just too hard for Willie."
Oh yes, what has the year meant to you thus far? Do you have better poise? Can you converse more correctly? Can you feel at case during a formal dinner? Have you learned how to say “goodnight" to the lady friend. in less than twenty "minutes? Can you really study? Do you get sufficient sleep? Check up on yourself. You will still have time to achieve definite personal goals. Rome member of the counselling committee Is able to help you. If you need help.
S. M. Dell.
Personnel Adviser.
When trials and tribulations come the person who has built upon the rock of truth a house made of an abiding philosophy remains secure. His security depends as much upon his philosophy itself as it does upon the foundation.
Many people came through a trying ordeal with an unshaken faith In themselves and the universe In which they exist. Others are completely baffled by an insignificant Incident that Is but of an ephemeral nature. The invincibleness of the one and the defeatism of the olher are both due to the respective philosophy of each Individual. Logically a man who believes in a world that is doomed for destruction can expect only defeat while the man who expects to see the universe evolute into something more orderly, because of the very nature of his belief, will find a slow but certain trend In that direction.
This being the case we must, as nearly as possible build an Invin
cible philosophy. This can be done only by building on the solid Gibraltar of truth, by building an unshakable philosophy with material that has been tried and tempered by time and the elements. To a very large extent we can consciously do this. Because we are the builders of our own fate we can. at least, choose the material out of which It la to be made.
Paul H. Heckman, the son of J. Hugh and Jennie Sellers Heckman, was born at Maywood. Illinois, on February 16, 1914 and passed away at Elgin. Illinois. April 3, 1937— aged 23 years, l month and 17 days.
Paul spent his early life In the city of Chicago and Its suburb Oak Park. Here he had the rare educational opportunities which a large city affords—through Its museums, the art institute. Park Conservatory. educational pictures and lectures suitable for children of his age.
Due to his father's ill health, he moved with his parents to Fruita. Colorado, at the age of eleven. Here be completed grade school and enjoyed the out-of-door life afforded by this Rocky Mountain Region. Paul came to McPherson with his parents in 1928 and here he completed his high school work in 1932 and then entered McPherson College from which he graduated with his A. B. degree in 1936. During his col-logo course, he was a typical Jovial young man. with a keen sense of humor. taking special Interest in track, debating, deputation work. Christian Endeavor and In Y. M. C. A. organizations. He made many warm, personal friends throughout his college career.
Paul was licensed to preach In 1934 and was ordained to the Christian ministry in 1936. During the past two summers, he held summer pastorates in Guthrie, Minnesota, and in Fredonia. Kansas. In each of these places be not only made many warm friends. but his work there as a preacher and pastor was very successful. It Is a tribute to his leadership that six young people from the churches he served followed him to his Alma Mater. Five of the pall bearers serving today are young men from his churches.
Desirous for further preparation for the ministry, he entered Bethany Biblical Seminary at Chicago last September where he studied diligently. and willingly assumed large responsibility In student activities. He was very busy during his seminary work at his studies, at student activities and in planning for his summer’s work as pastor at Cando.
North Dakota, when his heatlh suddenly broke early in February. He gave signs of Improvement until
pneumonia set in. From that time on he grew suddenly worse and went quietly to sleep on Sunday, April 3.
Four years ago. Paul's father was laid away In yonder cemetery. He now leaves to cherish his memory, his mother, and two sisters: Grace, now Mrs. Lilburn Gottman of Center. Mo. and Vera, who lives with her mother—along with a host of relatives and friends.
Thus ends the brief career of a noble young man, one whose sun has set before the day had fully dawned, but who has not failed to leave behind fruitage for those few years that were alloted him and evidences of a life plan upon which a great career would have been built had time been vouchsafed to him.
And after he has come to hide Our lambs upon the other side.
We know our Shepherd and our Guido
And thus, by ways not understood. Out of each dark vicissitude. .
God brings us compensating good.
For Faith Is perfected by fears. And souls renew their youth with years.
And love looks into heaven through tears.
—Phoebe Cary.
David Heckman of Rocky Ford, Colo.,’ a former student of McPherson college attended the funeral of Paul Heckman.
Many students attended the "Spanish Dance" recital at Hutchinson Friday night. Those who attended were : Wanda Hoover, Margaret Fry. Theresa Strom. Rilla Hubbard. Margaret Messemer. Frances Campbell. Helen Eaton. George Toland. Daniel Zook. Harold Mohler and Kenneth Weaver.
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
"Wanted—Good-looking daughter of a railroad man to accompany me on a trip to Tacoma, Washington for a spring vacation," reads a sign on the farm bulletin board at the University of Minnesota.
Even though they don't consider it "quite ladylike" to smoke pipes In public. five Ohio State University coeds claim to enjoy corn-cob and briar pipes in their own. sanctums.
A swap of English professors for the summer session has been arranged between Michigan State College and Massachusetts State.
After scribbling three pages during on exam, a Marquette University student wrote: "I don't think you'll read this far. and to prove It I'll tell you about the basketball game I saw yesterday." Ho wasn't called on his five page sports discourse.
The only permit allowing an Indiana University student to sleep through a day's classes was issued a dozen years ago to James W. Eliott '26. who had spent 72 sleepless hours while rushed with work on the Daily Student.
Ninety-two per cent of the freshmen at Pennsylvania State College have voted that a college woman should got married before the age of 26.
When physics test marks skid below par, instructor John Madigan. at the College of St. Thomas. makes his students pay through the nose.
Displeased with poor grades on a recent quiz, Mr. Madigan. aided by chemist colleagues, conveyed sensually his general opinion that most of the answers were putrid by scenting the papers—good and bad.
Those of the A. and B close were sprayed with "Paris Night" and "Eau de Cologne—perfumes that reminded the boys of letters from "heartbeats" back home.
C and D papers wrinkled noses with the medium-strength odor of rotten eggs—hydrogen sulphide.
But the seven of the E and F class rocked stomachs with the staggering; smell of rancid butter—butyric acid.
Goldfish—especially yellow ones
by the name of Othello, can rarely be found flashing around a clean glass bowl on the desk of a college newspaper editor.
And Othello wouldn't have made hie temporary home there if his mistress hadn't abandoned him at the office of the Nice Institute Thresh-Hasty pencil-scrawls on a white sheet of paper left under the bowl, explained tearfully that a "poor woman' could not afford to support little yellow Othello any longer and would the editor, "a kind man" take care of the poor fish? The note was signed, "Broken Hearted.” "Broken Hearted” can now gather up the scattered bits, for the "kind man' is sponsoring a fish-story contest which will decide the fate of the goldfish.
A writer of the most lie-packed story "no longer than five or more words" will win win Othello.
Editor-in-chief ------,----------..--Harold Larsen
Rilla Hubbard Feature Editor
Sports Editor-------------~-—— Gordon Yoder
Copy Readers Ellen Divine Eldora Van Dermar.
Business Manager ---------------Vernon D. Michas
Assistant Business. ----------------------Russell Kingsley
Reminiscences of Hilarious Life In
Girls’ Dormitory Depicted by Reporter
end of the hall, get right down on the clean (?) floor, and do their calesthentics—you know, reducing exercises. Watch for that slender waistline and girlish figure!
"I’ll help you." says Jessie. Have you noticed that now she seldom slaps anyone "Into the middle of next week?" •
Someone In a rush? Yes. ’tis Floy. Never does she walk slowly down the hall, but with short steps clatters noisily along.
If a great thump Is heard along in the night and on outburst of giggles, don’t he frightened. Bertie and Rilla are playing—Bertie got shoved out of bed.
Will the plaster fall on our heads? Yoder must be downstairs— Glee is running down the hall Oh. oh, girls, It’s time to empty your waste paper baskets. Inez has on her cunning little dust cap.
Well. Just Imagine seeing you here. Becky! Taylor says, "Know me? I’m your roommate!"
.There must be a thief or, third. Someone removed some very good clothing from the clothesline in the hall and hung them on that line stretched from the flag pole were burned full of little holes. It couldn't have been the wind.
Ah yes, tis a grand life. We will soon forget what is said here, but we will ne'er forget what took place here.
Andy Devine, seen as a hillbilly singer, has an unusually humorous role.
At the Mae
The triumph of the camera over the eyes of forty witnesses to a “perfect crime.” is dramatically depleted In the new mystery "Murder with Pictures." starring Lew Ayres and Gail Patrick.
"Murder with Pictures" is the story of a murder perpetrated In a crowded room during the height of a celebration. A newspaperman. Benny Baker, took a picture of a number of photographers who were making a photograph of the host. Ernest Cossart, and even though he didn't know It. the entire crime was indelibily recorded on celluloid by the all-seeing eye of his camera. The picture is of additional Interest bemuse it features the newly-perfected Wirephoto System, which “telegraphs" pictures over great distances in actual operation.
Bad English Not
Students’ Fault
Dr. Rockwell, of Colgate, Says Language Is to Blame
Hamilton. N. Y.-(ACP)—Don’t sentence college students too heavily for murdering the English, language!
In answer to your "why not?" Dr. Leo L. Rockwell, director of the school of languages and literature at Colgate University will explain that It’s the language fault and not the student's.
"English has at least four things the matter with it: first. It Is used every day. No one expects students of algebra to go out and do their problems on the sidewalks but English students are barely out of the classroom before they show what they haven't learned.
"English as a language is one of the most treacherous of our social tools. Words change their meaning almost every time they are used.
"Students have to waste endless time learning the worst system of spelling In the western world, so they haven't much time left for really Important things.
"Too many people know too much about English and what they know
Dear Penly Ann. Host:
"What is the procedure if a person to whom one has sent an Invitation asks If a visiting guest may be included?"
■Another Invitation—If the occasion Is a formal one—-is at once sent to the visiting guest. If the occasion is Informal, the hostess says Of course, we should love to have Miss Brown." whether it happens to be the truth or not. A considerate person would never telephone to a hostess on the afternoon of a formal dinner and ask If an extra lady might be added to the party: and extra gentleman would be received with greater equanimity."
—Vogue's Book of Etiquette.
a good thing you are well trained for the place, and you can take right ahold. They picked a top hand all right when they sent for you.
You know. Paul, we're glad for your promotion and all. that, but we’ll kind of miss you here; it's going to be a little lonesome with you gone. I don't know why I should get so busted up when you get a better Job. Just because it takes you so far away, but I can’t help it. Shucks, I'm getting the paper all wet. and the ink will run so you can’t rend it. I’m sorry I can't go on, but I Just have to quit.
—Au revoir.
"It's the little things that count" no they say. And so it is the little peculiarities and characteristics of each inhabitant that makes dorm life so Interesting.
For Instance there's Margaret Messemer who. on Sunday morning when everyone wants to sleep, goes down the hall singing some such tune as "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" at the top of her lungs.
Then there's helpful Mary, who. In case of sickness is always willing to lend her aid. Her cure is always best. Must be the "nurse In her.
Maggie Fry, cheerful soul that she Is, likes to scatter her cheerfulness by vocalizing "Minnie the Moocher." Got a nickel?
"Who's got the Iron next?" is a familiar question frequently heard, a' is also the question "May I have the shower after you?" But In rushing seasons, to be assured of a bath before the hot water is gone, a shower list is tacked on the door—five minutes allowed for each one.
Shorty is always losing something —even clothes. Maybe she needs glasses—or something. Anyway, she invariably gets the top of one pair pajamas and the bottom of another pair. Something really should be done about it!
Recently, about the time for the quiet bell to ring, a group of girls on second get together in the south
Thursday - Friday
Park Avenue penthouses and a roaring newspaper office, tenements and night clubs, and a baffling plot laid amid the drama of newspaper-dom, provide the thrills In "Sinner Take All." Comedy fills the scenes In “Sinner Take All." Comedy fills the scenes in "We're on the Jury." which takes place In a court room during a trial for murder.
The screen's most famous soldier-of-fortune. handsome Gary Cooper, enacts the role of one of the most famous of all soldiers-of-fortune In history in Cecil B. DeMillie's saga of the West, "The Plainsman.” It was the life of "Wild Bill" Hickok and the heroic efforts of others of his kind which inspired DeMille to turn his genius toward the filming of his first American "epic." Not only does Kickok come to life again, but .."Calamity Jane, the girl whom he loved, Buffalo Bill Cody, General George A. Custer, and a host of others who wrote history with blood and gun smoke, live again in the dramatic pageant of the west.
Sun. - Mon. - Tues.
An Intriguing title features "When’s Your Birthday?" starring Joe E. Brown.
But the rather mystifying name immediately becomes clear when it Is revealed that the story is concerned with astrology and the planets, which are said to govern the lives of persons born under the different signs of the zodiac. Brown who becomes a professional astrologer, was born under the sign of Taurus, the Bull, and no bull In a china shop ever created more confusion than does the obtuse soothsayer, who believes implicitly In the infallibility of his chosen profession.
Wed. . Thurs. - Fri.
The conflict of human hearts and the wrath of outraged Nature supply the romance and drama of "John Meade's Woman" a gripping love story of a man who thought he could treat women as ruthlessly as timber-lands, railroads and wheat crop in the highgame of finance, starring Edward Arnold and Francine Larri-
The picture, "Mysterious Crossing." Is the new lighter type of mystery film. It has a clever comedy twist combined with Us action, sus-pense and danger. The popular James Dunn is cast as a mystery solving reporter whose nose for news gets him Into a series of alining adventures which threaten his safety. Big
Margaret Messemer, Eldora Van Dermark and Opal Hoffman accompanied Professor Hess to Salina Saturday to attend a Latin Teachers conference.
It Is possible for Indiana University coeds to get their "book larn-in' " for as little as $259 a year, exclusive of clothes, transportation, laboratory fees and laundry.
Penly Ann Host
Dear Penly Ann Host:
Which Is the correct form R. S. V. P. or R. s. v. p ?
"When the letters R. s. v. p. are used, the correct form is as printed here. Using all the letters In capitals—R. S. V. P. is not correct. Strictly speaking R. s. v. p. should not be used on an Invitation which 'requests the pleasure'—the reason being that, in polite usage, the word 'requests’ implies that a reply is expected."
Dear Penly Ann Host:
What is the correct way to an-awer a formal invitation?
First, an answer to a formal in-vitation Is always written—never answered by telephone or by word of mouth. "A formal Invitation Is always answered In the third person. The hostess should be thanked for her invitation. The hour, as well as the date, is repeated In the answer so that there may he no mistake.”
The Brass quartet gave a short program at the Monitor church Sunday night. The members of the quartet are: Dale Coppock. Floyd Harris, Alvin Goering and Winton Sheffer. Viola Harris was their accompanist.
Mr. Breon has been contacting Alumni in central Nebraska. in the Interest of the Fiftieth Anniversary campaign during last week.
St. Peter,
City of God.
Please give this letter to my old pal, Paul Heckman. who has just come up to join your force.
Your humble servant, G. Green. McPherson College April 5. 1937
Dear Paul:
It's lonesome down here., in Mac since you went off and left us You always were such a friend of mine: I remember when we took rudiments together and how Cheesey used to give us the low down, and we talked philosophy along with music. And what couldn't you do to my sermons after I worked them up and preached them in preaching class. And now Sink and Lowe and Ogden are out preaching and Willie and Brad are teaching school. Booz—he was hero just the other day—is leading out in the youth movement, and I don't know where the rest are, but here I am struggling on trying to get through college, and you . . . well, you got It on the rest of us. up there where this old world can't hold you down any mors.
You never did get to meet Henrietta. did you? I wish you could have known her, Paul, for I remember how you used to ask about her. She's a swell girl, fellow, and worth all I told you she was. You told me to go ahead, and I'm glad I did what you said.
Say. how was it meeting up with your dud? I'll bet you have some swell times together. Has he changed much since he left here? I had thought maybe you might kind of take the place he left down here, but I reckon the Lord had a bigger Job they needed done up there. It’s
Dirtless Farming System
Berkeley. Calif., (ACP)—"Dirtless farming," a system of raising flowers. vegetables and fruits in tanks of warm. fertilized-water, has been formally christened "hydroponics" by its originator, Prof. W. F. Ger-icke of the University of California.
Explaining "dirtless-farming" Prof. Gericke and, the term "hydroponics." Originally the California scientist planned to name the process "aquiculture," making it consistent with agriculture, but "aquiculture" had already been used to designate the economic utilization of natural waterbodies.
Dr. Aydelotte of Swarthmore __ Says Peace Strikes of Little Value
New York, N. Y.-(ACP)—Students might Just as well strike for bettor weather as engage in peace strikes.
That Is what Dr. Frank Aydelotte. president of Swarthmore, College, told members of the peace-in-educa-tion conference of the Public Education Association.
World peace must be a by-product of justice and cannot come from negative protests against diplomats and munition makers, he asserted.
"We. as a people, are willing to demonstrate for peace; we are ready to march In processions, to curse diplomats and bankers and other Imaginary devils and to do many things equally Irrelevant," said Dr. Aydelotte.
“An excellent example is the peace strike engaged in by college students all over the country. I would not for the world criticize the good faith and idealism of the young people who engage In it, but so far as any real results are concerned they might as well strike for better weather.
"The task of securing peace Is the task of providing for justice among the nations. It requires International understanding and cooperation and recognition on the part of one nation of the rights of others.
"Aim at peace alone and you will never achieve It: aim at the rule of law and Justice between all nations direct your efforts to that end. plan your institutions for that purpose, pay the necessary price of submission to law and to reason, and on top of many other blessings you will have peace."
Furthering, the discussion of education for peace. Dr. John Tilds-ley, Assistant Superintendent of Now York City schools, explained that certain predispositions mutt be overcome and positive attitudes created In their place.
The music faculty of McPherson college broadcasted a musical program over KFBI, Abilene, at 2:45 p. m.. Easter Sunday afternoon. This is one of a series of broadcasts given in behalf of tho college. Those participating In the broadcast were: Floyd Harris, Winton Sheffer. Dale Coppoch. and Al Goering, making up the Instrumental quartet. Professor Fisher sang a vocal solo and Miss Lingenfelter played two piano selections. Floyd Harris played a cornet solo. Mr. Breon was the speaker for the college.
Bethany Second and McPherson Close Behind In Third Place—Fast Time Made in Distance Races— Fast Relay Time.
Sterling College won the opening track meet in McPherson this season by defeating Bethany and McPher-son In a triangular affair held on the local track and field Thursday after-noon. Sterling accumulated 59 1/2 points, Bethany 30 1/2 points and McPherson 32.
Despite the fact the meet was the opening meet of the season for all three colleges, some fast times were turned In in the distance and middle distance races. The meet as a whole was a good one with Coach "Bud" Selves of McPherson college running nearly half a dozen entries in each event.
Some of McPherson's now recruits made good showings yesterday. Porter, a now member of the team, ran away with the mile run by finishing nearly three-fourths of a lap ahead of his nearest competitor.
One of the Interesting events of the meet was the high jump. The winner of the event, Bolton of Sterling. is a blonde lad only five feet five inches tall. Hhe cleared the bar at five feet six and a half inches. He did not take much of a run before leaving the ground and his style of Jumping was unique. He did not clear the bar In a "scissors" leap but went over with his left foot and head and shoulders going over the bar at the same time.
One of the closest races of the meet was in one of the heats of the high hurdles. In the last heat three men were running and the three breasted the tape at practically the same time but Cooper, Bethany, was given first place and timed at 17.1. The timers clocked second place at 17.2 and third place at 17.3.
The summary of the meet:
Mile run—First, Porter, McPherson: second. Adams. Sterling: third Albright. McPherson. Time, 5:02.6
440-yard dash—First, Nelson.
Bethany; second. Dill, Sterling: third. Hammer. Bethany. Time. 51.7 seconds.
100-yard Dash—First Welsh.
Sterling: second. Toland. McPherson; third. Bennett. Sterling. Time. 10.6 seconds.
Shot put—First Warren, Bethany: second, McAdams, Sterling: third, Zook. McPherson. Distance, 38 foot, 10 3/4 Inches.
High hurdles—First, Cooper. Bethany: second. Haun. McPherson:, third. Bill Sterling. Time. 17.1 seconds.
Polo vault-Haun. McPherson and Johnson, Sterling, tie for first; Denton. Bethany. Trotter. Sterling, tie for third. Height. 11 feet.
880-yard run—First. Nelson.
Bethany; second. Porter. McPher
son; third. Rawlins. Sterling. Time
220-yard dash- First. Hammer.
Bethany: second. Bennett. Sterling: third. Welsh, Sterling: Time 23.4 seconds.
Discus—First McAdams. Sterling: second. Kelton. Sterling: third. Haun, McPherson. Distance, 118 feet. 7 Inches.
Two mile run—First. Braham.
Sterling; second. Albright,' McPherson; third. Albin. McPherson. Time.' 11:47.
High Jump—First. Bolton. Sterling: second. Davis, McPherson: third. Haun. McPherson. Height, five feet, six and a half inches.
220-yard low hurdles—First, Dill, Sterling: second. Carter. McPherson: third. Cooper, Bethany. Time 26.7 seconds.
Javelin—First. Edgar. Sterling second. Dick. Bethany; third, Ireland. Bethany. Distance. 149.3 feet.
Mile relay—First. Bethany: second. McPherson; third. Sterling. Time. 3:46.
Broad Jump—First. Welsh. Sterling; second. Dick, Bethany; third, Rawlins. Sterling. Distance, 19 feet 11 3/4 Inches.
Patronize Spectator Advertisers.
Atlantic City. N. J,. (AGP)—If it were not for family nagging, most college students would drop out of school at the end of two years and go to work.
That Is the conclusion of Dr. Robert J. Trevvorrow, president of Con-tenary Collegiate Institute. Dr. Tre-vorrow told the convention of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools that If you take away the family urging the pride and other factors urging the boy or girl to go on, the great majority are satisfied after two years.
“Out of seven freshman in the Average American college only two graduate.' he declared, "And you canot say that they are bad students, or dumb; it Is simply that their intellectual Interests are satisfied.
"It Is better,' he continued, "to have a two-year Junior college course from which they can graduate and go home proudly than have them leave school In the middle of a four-year course!"
Red seeds plucked from the pods of the zixa orellana bush serve many University of Hawaii coeds as lipstick. The "lipstick bush" Is quite common and widely scattered throughout the Islands.
Tomorrow the long, postponed class track meet will be held on the college field north of the campus. The meet has been postponed for several weeks because of unfavorable weather conditions, but, barring unforseen events, the classes will stage their battles tomorrow.
One intercollegiate meet has already been hold, and some good material was seen in action. Tomorrow Coach Selves will get to sec each of these men competing for positions on the track team. The Junior class seems to have the edge, but Haun, the seniors' one-man track team, should give them plenty of competition.
April 13 or 14 is the tentative date set for a triangular track and field meet to be held at Newton. The schools participating are College of Emporia. Bethel and McPherson. Coach Selves is planning to take a full squad of men who will make an effort to win the meet. Although the Bulldogs are weak In the dashes. they show superiority In the distance and middle distance races, and should win most of these events.
Several tennis matches have been arranged for the McPherson College varsity team, and others are to be scheduled soon. Four Intercollegiate matches have been scheduled lor the spring season.
A practice match with some of the city players Is planned for tomorrow afternoon. Some former Bulldog stars will participate against the varsity In an effort to
condition them for the season's schedules
Coach Claude Flory has scheduled two matches with Bethany Swedes the first to be played here April 16 and a return match at Lindsborg early In May. Two matches have also been scheduled with Sterling College.
The Bulldogs, with three lettermen back, should have a successful year In tennis. The lettermen, who will form the nucleus of the team are Don Barngrover. Harold Johnston and Paul Miller.
April 9—Class meet.
April 13 or 14—C. of E.. Bethel and McPherson at Newton!.
April 17—K. U. Relays at Lawrence.
April 23—Bethel vs. McPherson at McPherson.
May 7—McPherson vs. Sterling at Sterling.'
»May 14—Open
May 21—Kansas Conference meet at Ottawa.
April 16—Bethany at McPherson
April 21—Sterling at McPherson.
May 4—Bothany at Lindsborg
May 8—Sterling at Sterling
W. A. A. Ping Pong Tourney
And what's next on the program in W. A. A.? It will be that game which is played on a table nine feet by five feet with a net across the middle. Each player holds a paddle and knocks a small white celluloid ball back and forth across the net. This game is table tennis, more commonly called ping pong.
The bracket for ping pong has been made out and the first two rounds will be played off this week.
Plans for the W. A. A. banquet which Is to take place Friday. April 16, at the Hawley Hotel, are going rapidly forward. Looks like we're gonna really have somethin'!