In a formal statement Dr. V. F. Schwalm opened the local financial campaign of McPherson college last week and launched the McPherson Co. portion of the drive in which the school hopes to secure $100,000 by commencement week this spring. The campaign is being conducted to raise funds with which to enlarge the endowment of the school as well us make additional Improvements and additions on the campus.

The completion of the campaign will be another milestone in the growth and development of the col-lege as one of the leading church schools of the state. The campaign will make possible a now gymnasium and field house as well as a new men's dormitory, the two greatest and Immediate needs on the campus.

In concise statement Dr. Schwalm has set forward the aims and desires of the college In the campaign. He tells In a clear manner what the financial drive will mean to McPherson college. The statement of the president follows:

McPherson College was founded in. 1887. We are, therefore, this year celebrating the Golden Anniversary of the establishment of tho College.

The College was founded by the educational pioneers of the Church of the Brethren. They were men of vision who dared to venture into new undertakings. They were not afraid of the untried and the difficult. They and other Intrepid men of faith laid the foundations of many of our institutions In the Mid-West fifty years ago.

College Privately Founded The College, while privately founded. has always been a public Institution. In many ways it has become more than a mere denominational college. Forty-five per cent of the faculty are members of other than Brethren churches. More than one-half of Its students come from outside tho denomination. More than one third of its students come from McPherson County alone. The Col-logo has become a cosmopolitan Institution. It has two district constituencies. One is that of the church scattered over thirteen states, and the other one is a general constituency in the territory surrounding McPherson.

We are all heirs of the efforts, of the founders of the College, stand  ing in their line of succession. In order to be worthy sons of these do-serving ancestors, we must not be content to sing their praises and admire their heroism. The finest way "to celebrate their creative work Is to emulate their daring by undertakings for our day commensurate with their own. We should be pressing forward to new achievements for McPherson College to meet the de-mands of our day.

College Makes. Progress The College made substantial progress through the past fifty years. It has accumulated a plant valued at $441,000, endowment and annuity assets valued at $338,000, and has graduated 2029 people from its various departments. McPherson -College faculty and students have carried the name of their town and college around the world. Influences set in motion here have touched the shores of every continent on earth Through half a century the College has achieved worthwhile goals.

During the past few years, however, our progress has been retarded by the clouds of depression. Needs that were keenly felt could not he met at once. We were compelled to await the return of "happier days." But even during these gloomy days.

(Continued on page 3.)

Don’t think for a minute that John Boitnott is not “master of his own house.’ for last Friday evening he celebrated his fifth birthday "just the way he wanted to." from guest list to menu.

For sometime John had been realizing that his fifth birthday was approaching and he realized too that a birthday should be celebrated with a party of, some kind; John had been to several birthday parties during the five years he has been on this earth and they did not always suit his taste so in his own little mind he conceived the Idea of giving his own. birthday party Just like he wanted It to be.

John started bringing the trying matter up to his parents. Dr. and Mrs. John Boitnott. 1203 East Euclid. and after arguing pro and con In his childish manner finally "wo, them over" to "his way of thinking."

Master John sat down one day last week and made out his guest list. Whom should he Invite. Should he Invite all of his little friends of the neighborhood or should be break precedent and invite some of his

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, march 25, 1937

Applesauce, Hash, Lime Beans, Spinach, Cake and

•    Ice Cream Desired by Johnny for Birthday Party

Mr. Harold Beam, alumnus of McPherson College, will be featured as tenor soloist In the cantata "The Seven Last Words of Christ." Mr. Beam has appeared many times with the College church choir.

Thompson Shares the Glory!

Walter Thompson. A. B..    1912.

continues to achieve In his profession teaching political science and Intensive graduate work at the Universities of Kansas, Chicago. Wisconsin, and the Sorbonne has been given the academic background for both teaching and research. His advanced degrees are M. A. from Kansas. 1913. and Ph. D.. Wisconsin. 1921.

Mr. Thompson did some public school work at Hillsboro, Kansas, and Hibblng. Minesota. He was in structor for a time In Political Sci-ence at the University of Wisconsin and Professor of Government at the University of Oklahoma. Since 1928 he has been Professor of Political Science at Leland Stanford University. An outstanding honor came to him a few years ago In the appointment as Visiting Carnegie Professor at the Universities of Uppsola, Sweden, and Kongeliege Frederiks. Norway. At that time he made a particular study of the control of liquor In Sweden.

Mr. Thompson holds membership In the American, Political Science Association and the American Sociological Society. In addition to articles and reviews In Swedish newspapers. in the "Annals of the American Academy." "State Government." and* 'American Political Science Review,” he Is the author of two books. "Federal Centralization," Harcourt Brace, 1923. and "The Control of Liquor In Sweden," Columbia University Press, 19935.

Thieves Are Playful

Thieves at the University of Tex’ as are playful. After a midnight swipe of $8 one left a note which read, "Thanks for the eight bucks! Will return later,” Signed "Ima Robber."

Patronize Spectator Advertisers!

Senior Class Presents Play

Shakespearean Play “Taming Of The Shrew’' Given Two Evenings

Large Crowd Attends

Near Capacity Audience Enjoys Comedy In College Chapel

William Shakespeare's humor, his Ideas on "taming women" and his wit and mannerisms lived again last night In "The Taming of the Shrew," the well known classic which the sen-ior class of McPherson college pre-sented on the stage at the college chapel.

From the lending characters of Petruchio and Katharina down to the minor parts, the old Shakespearean classic was well presented. There was no muncing of words. Indicating a finished production. The play was cast splendidly with Individuals fitting Into their parts.

The staging of the play added much to the atmosphere to the original "Globe Theatre" In old Eng-land. The large stage protruded out from the platform and the simple background afforded an excellent setting. All the costumes, typical of those worn In the days of Shake-speare. were worn by the members of the cast. The wigs and makeup were typical and filled Into the atmosphere of the drama.

The two leading characters, Kenneth Weaver as Petruchio and Miss Wanda Hoover as Katharina, were outstanding In their performances. The expression of the characters they portrayed was splendid and the fury and madness of Katharina expressed the determination with which she entered into the character of her part. Weaver's Interpretation of the character of Petruchio, the lad who "tamed the shrew," brought out the humor as well as the fine acting qualities which goes with Petruchio.

Another prominent part played well was that of Lucentio, suitor to Bianca, carried by Paul Lackey. The charm manifest by Miss Velma Watkins, who was Bianca, offset the wild tempest created by Katharina during the early part of the play. In parts difficult to play. Paul Miller as Grumio, and Homer Kimmel as Tranio. contributed freely to the humor and wit, not only In their lines but in their manners and actions. Two other suitors. Willard Flaming as Hortensio and. Floyd Harris as Gremio, were played well by the two senior men.

Clayton Rock as' Baptista, the father of Katharina, played his part well and although he did not have its many lines to say and as much action as some of the leading characters, the play would not have been complete without him.

The students playing the minor parts of servants and others, had small parts but played them well.

Star In Senior Play


City Campaign Now Under Way

Financial Drive for Golden Anniversary Stars in McPherson Area

50 Years of Progress

"Grow or Die Is Law Here As In Other Realms,” Says Schwalm

Baritone Soloist

Prof. Alvin. C. Voran, head of the voice department at Oklahoma City university and formerly of the McPherson college faculty, will return to this city to appear as baritone sooist in the Easter cantata to be given at the First Church of the Brethren this evening.

President Urges

Adult Education

Dr. James Conant of Harvard Clives Report To Overseers

Cambridge. Mass.(ACP)--To help the alumnus expand on the know-lodge that earned him a degree. Harvard University is preparing a "hobby study" plan. So stated Dr. James B. Conant. president of Harvard University in his annual report to the board of overseers.

Harvard will soon Inaugurate n novel experiment In 'extra-curricular study.’ designed to innoculate students with the habit of independent rending and intensive study apart from courses."

The first subject chosen for the 'hobby" study, he declared, would be United Status history. To this end.

faculty committee is compiling a list of books which should provide the student with the means to a ‘partial mastery’’ of the field.

It seems to me a hopeless task to provide a complete and finished liberal education suitable to tills country by four years of college work." said Dr. Conant "The only worthwhile liberal education today Is one which Is a continuing process going on throughout life.

The possibility of education by self-directed study, by reading In hours snatched from a busy life seems to be only dimly appreciated

Student Likes Them All

When a University of Minnesota male was being interviewed to determine the type of woman, blonde or brunette, he preferred, he said: "I like ’em all, but they can’t he bald-headed."

McPherson Choir To Give Cantata

Approximately Fifty Voices Will Bring “The Seven Last Words of Christ”

A choir of approximately fifty voices will present the sacred Easter cantata. “The Seven Last Words of Christ," this evening at the college church. The choir is under the direction of Chris Johansen.    

Alvin "Cheesy” Voran, former instructor at McPherson College and now at Oklahoma City University will be the outstanding feature of the evening as baritone soloist. Mar; garet Fry, Omaha, Nebraska will be soprano soloist, and Harold Beam. McPherson, will sing rhe tenor solo. Mrs. V. F. Schwalm will carry the contralto solo. These four are the same that participated in the presentation on Easter morning last year. Lucille Ullery. pianist, will accompany the choir.

Christ's seven last words Include: First word —

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Second word—

"Verily thou shalt be In Paradise with me today."

Third word—

"See O Woman here behold thy son beloved.”

Fourth Word—

God my father, why hast thou forsaken me."

Fifth word—

"I am a thirst.”

Sixth Word —

"Father Into Thy hands I commend my soul."

Seventh word—

"It Is finished."

College C. E, Has Charge

of Church Sunday Evening

The College C. E. had charge of the Church services Sunday evening. The program was opened with congregational singing under the direction of Viola Harris, who made a short talk on each hymn.

Avis Smith, loader for the worship service, gave a group of quotations, quoting front J. C. Harvey. Carlisle, the Bible and others. A quartet composed of Floyd Harris, Dale Cop-pock. Winton Sheffer and Alvis Goering played several instrumental numbers.

"A Monk's Consecration" was read by Vera Heckman: Mamie Wolfe played a piano solo, and Virginia Richards talked on “The Church." "The Old Rugged Cross" was the theme of a chalk talk presented by Chester Caldwell.

Following the announcements, Rev. Zook, pronounced the benediction.

older friends Just for his party. On the list he put Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Petry. and then he added Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Yoder and then Miss Della Lehman. He knew all of them and all of them were his close friends.

The list was submitted to Mrs. Boitnott and it met with her approval. That much of his party was finished, so he was now able to turn to the menu for his youthful consideration.    

What should he have to eat. he thought. Should it be candy, cookies and Ice cream, he liked all of them, or should he take advantage of the opportunity given him to select anything he wanted for the party. It was to be his party and he wanted it to be "Just so.”

First, John selected his favorite breakfast dish, applesauce. He wondered if his grownup guests would like applesauce. Of course they would, everybody liked applesauce, so applesauce was put on the menu.

Good old fashioned "hash" was next on his party menu and then he added lima beans. He liked the taste of lima beans. Maybe his guests

Tenor Soloist

wouldn’t like spinach but he did. Could he afford to take the chance? This was going to be his party so spinach went into the menu.

Little John guessed that would be about enough for his party dinner so he turned to the "dessert.". Now let’s see. what did he like the best? Why. what did all children like best, ice cream and cake so ice cream and cake went into the menu to "top off the dinner."

The time arrived for the party, John was dressed up in his best and anxiously awaked the arrival of his guests they started to arrive and Master John met them at the door. He showed them to the guest room where they left their coats and hats. John took his place at the head of the table, his face beaming with smiles as he realized "his own party” was underway.

"Will you return thanks Dr. Petry." the little host said as he bowed his head. As the prayer was being given John must have thought that he was now "In all his glory’’" because he was now having "his own little party" and It was "Just the way he wanted It."


Kenneth Weaver (left) and Wanda Hoover (right) were instrumen-tal In the success of the senior play. "The Taming of the Shrew." Weaver played the part of Petruchio, the tamer of the Shrew, Miss Hoover portrayed the part of Katharina, the shrew.

College On Air Sunday

The Music faculty of McPherson College will broadcast a musical program over KFBI. Abilene, at 2:45 p. m. Easter Sunday afternoon.


Official Student Publication of McPherson College. McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council. HOME OF    1936    Member    1937 THE SCHOOL

the bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press oF quality

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.

The Spectator


_____ _________    Larsen

Feature Editor. „    ...........Glayds Shank

Sports Editor.............    ....................Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers    Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermar.

Business Manager ..................Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager..........______ Russell Kingsley

CONTRIBUTORS to this issue

Orpha Burn


Bill Fleming

Why Students Should Aid

Myrtle Barley, known as the campus bard-ess, is a new recruit this year to the Senior class coming to McPherson from Benidgi State Teachers College, Minn. As publicity director for the senior play she has convinced us 'that the play will be worth two-bits. Her chosen pro-

. fession Is education though she is said to have leanings toward theology. You all know Myrtle.

Everett Brown of Wichita, a 1937 senior who will graduate in the summer is known to everyone on the campus. Although a bit retiring by nature, he Is nevertheless capable In his work and congenial among his friends. His major In college has been commerce,' supplemented by a father exclusive social acquaintance with the Evans-Ramage-M. P. gang and Bernice.

Emerson Chisholm. Chisie to you, graduates In June with a major In Industrial Arts. He Is an all-around fellow participating in basketball, track and tennis; a member of the Chemistry club and president of the Pep club. He has played In the orchestra for four years and as business manager of the Quadrangle has proved a great asset to our college mutual. Chisie has an almost exclusive talent for woor-working. Anyone who has seen his finished projects rate them as the very best. He owns a snappy looking Plymouth coupe

Rilla Hubbard Russell Kingsley Winton Sheffer

and is known to everyone as a good sport.

Otho Clark graduates this June with a major In commerce. He has been very active during his four years of college. He has been a member of the International Relations Chemistry. Thespian and Pep clubs. On the sports angle Otho has participated in track and tennis. This year, If you want to see him you -have to go to the Quadrangle office for that Is where he spends most of his time as editor of the McPherson College annual.

The Gallery

Subscription Rates For One School Year


Bill Fry Opal Hoffman Miriam Horner

McPherson College will begin a campaign among the students for aid In the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign drive next week. This drive should be supported by every loyal student of McPherson College.

This great step In the moderniza-tion of the college campus, that will rival that of any college this size in the state of Kansas, will create a permanent effect upon the welfare of all those connected In any way with McPherson College.

A new boy's dormitory and gymnasium In the goal of the committee as to the building projects. This In Indeed as opportune time for such projects In that government loans can be obtained with enough financial backing. So the time to act Is Immediately as to the benefit of the students and financial aid.

If these projects are accomplished. and with the cooperation of every student, they will. It will be of great significance to everyone. Work for students can be provided for, thus aiding those who need aid In carrying on their college work. A well equipped dormitory will repay what any student can give many times over. A new well-equipped gymnasium, with comfortable dressing rooms and swimming pool, will add to the comfort and recreation of

Climbing Upward

Mike Vasquez, voted as the most popular man In McPherson College, graduates in June. Mike is the greatest athlete to graduate from this college in many years. He would he happy If he could Just play football for the rest of his life. He Is a member of the Thespian, International Relations, and "M" clubs. He Is a friend to everyone and la a good friend to have. His ambition Is to be a school teacher and a coach: more power to you. M. P,

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas

Ruth Taylor Toshiro Tsubakowa. Gordon Yoder

every sport-loving student.

The endowment fund will enable the college to stabilize an efficient faculty that will raise the standard of the college to much greater height. A permanent well-trained faculty will add to the students educational development and to his prestige us a student or alumnus of McPherson College.

The goal of the campaign is to become a member of the North Central Association. During the depression hundreds of colleges have been dropped from Its ranks. McPherson College must not be one of those who was dropped permanently, never to return.

Over one-fifth of the goal has been realized, with the greatest task ahead. It is the duty should be the desire of every student and alumnus of McPherson College to give this campaign a final stimulus that will carry it through with flying colors.

Surely, with all these benefits and prestige, will cause every student to give everything he is capable of to drive this campaign through with a great finish. With everyone's cooperation there need be no fear of failure. STUDENTS LET'S RALLY TO THE CAUSE.

The date of the yearly A Cappella choir trip has been set as April 16 to 19. This date will, be definite when word is received from the respective cities.

• The choir did not take a trip last year. The trip this year Is an extensive one covering Nebraska, and Kansas. Some of the cities visited will be Omaha. Topeka, Manhattan, Lincoln and Sabetha.



Penly Ann Host

Question: When being ushered to your seat In a church, should you and your girl walk side by side or In single file? if in single file, who follows the usher?

Answer: “If there are ushers, one of them leads the way, followed by the woman and then by the man who should not forget to thank the usher quietly. If there Is no usher, the man leads the way or if the aisle is wide, they may walk side by side. At the pew the man steps aside and lets the woman precede him into It.'

—"Manners” by Helen Hathaway.

The above question suggested writing on church going. The following is taken from “Manners’’ by Helen Hathaway.

"There is no conventional code formulated for church attendance, yet there is no gathering-place that calls for more implicit obedience to the formalities of behavior than does a church.

On entering church we should have the social atmosphere behind us. We do not linger or talk to friends or acquaintances, but go at once to our pews. A quiet bow or smile of greeting is the usual form of recognition, with no words exchanged. We do not carry on a whispered conversation before the service begins, nor attract attention to ourselves, nor do anything that takes away from the dignity of a church service.

Attentiveness Is a second requisite. To glance around the church showing inattention and indifference. is discourteous to those ministering to us and annoying to those around us. The attitude of the congregation toward the minister and the service has more to do with the success of a church service than most of us realize.

Since to worship is a verb of act-

Dont you recall: The clever way Katharina slapped Bianca’s little hands; The vicious flashing of Gru-mio's sword: The unusually scholarly manner of Lucentio and the alertness of the half-cracked servants when there were victuals at hand.

While all her suitors got the belt-line. Ruth received a lovely birthday gift; while Larsen was catching his runaway rooster, George took a swell picture; while Dave made his debut as a Shakespearean character. Gladys giggled an applauses and while tests are given we dream of

ion. not one of passive being, there must be participation in the service by the worshipers or there is no real worship.

Although silence should prevail before and during the service, this does not preclude a spirit of cordiality as evidences In the small courtesies we show both in greeting our friends and in making strangers feel welcome.

At the end of the service we greet those near us. but we usually wait until we reach the vestibule at least the rear of the church before conversing at great length.”

Wanda's and Ira Milton Hoover’s brother and sister. Mary Elizabeth and S. G. were visiting on this cam-pus last Wednesday and Thursday.


Witnesses to the fact: That Dr. Petry reveled In the Shakespearean puns In the play; That Bertie has fallen for a Scotch Laddie; That it’s popular to carol “Sweet Genevieve.” That Evelyn and Mike like after-dinner conferences.

You may choose Easter bunnies. Easter bonnets, a cantata with "Cheesie” as soloist, a game of tennis In a dust storm. “The Messiah” . or Sunday dinner at home—but anyway they are all Easter vacation promises.

Kurtis Naylor’s brother was a visitor on this campus last weekend.

Tuesday. March 30. Lorn Helyard from Manhattan, a specialist in clothing and textiles and a former assistant state 4-H lender will talk on dress at Woman’s Council 7:30 in the evening at the Student Union Room. All girls are invited to at-tend.

Margaret Poister. a former student of McPherson college spent the weekend on this campus.

Mary Trostle gave a dinner party Frida night at 7:00 at her home In Nickerson. Those guests who-present were: Bills Hubbard. Jessie Miller, La Vena High, Aileen Wine, Becky Ann Stauffer, Ruth Taylor and Alberta Keller. Emerson Chisholm. Daniel Zook. Chester Johnston, Milton Morrison. Bill Fry and Marvin Riddell. Rilla Hubbard. La Vena High. Aileen Wine. Becky Ann Stauffer and Ruth Taylor spent the remainder of the week-end as guests at the Trostle home.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers.

Chester Johnston and Coach Reives spent Saturday In Hutchinson tran-sacting business.

Oliver Andrews is working at the new Miller-Jones shoe store.

Jessie Miller worked for the election board In Canton Monday.

Committee Picks

Wall To Lead

Civic Leader Accepts Added Task To Aid College

Pres. V. P. Schwalm announced that E. A. Wall of this city had accepted the general chairmanship for the McPherson college financial campaign to be conducted In this city and McPherson county during the month of April.

In accepting this Important assignment, Mr. Wall made the following statement:

"It is with a great deal of reluctance that I take on this additional task but I feel keenly, ns most McPherson citizens do. the Importance of McPherson college to our community and; of her Imperative need for additional funds.

"For sometime the trustees of the college have been face to face with the absolute need of providing additional equipment and endowment In order to strengthen the standards of the college. They feel now that the hour has arrived to plan a thorough systematic campaign among the alumni of the college throughout the nation, the membership of the Brethren church In this region served by the college, and the friends of the college in McPherson.

"I have agreed to help, feeling confident that I can rely on the hearty cooperation and help from the public-spirited citizens of McPherson, who appreciate what this college In our midst is doing and will continue to do through the years to come If we will rally to her needs In this critical time.”

Mr. Wall will announce In a few days the members of bis central committee, which will have charge of the McPherson part of the campaign. Mr. Wall is well qualified for the task. He Is at present a director of the Chamber of Commerce and a former president of this organization. He has been active In civic affairs and McPherson feels fortunate in the selection of Mr. Wall as the central chairman for the financial campaign.

Final Campaign

Now Under Way

(Continued from page 1.) the Institution was kept intact, we avoided heaping up great Indebtedness and made-substantial progress In certain lines.

We cannot remain content with our achievements. Our Ideals im-pell us to envisage a larger and better McPherson College. We would build a college that is worthy of the city of McPherson, with good buildings, adequate equipment, a modern curriculum and a fine faculty—one that is assured of permanence and stability. Even If our ideals were loss high, the Imperative demands of educational agencies would compel us to move forward. Grow or die Is the law here as In other realms of life.

The College is. therefore, now embarking on a forward movement designed to realize these ideals. This will involve two new buildings—a physical education plant and a boys' dormitory with Improvements In other buildings, ft will Involve other equipment and additional library facilities. It will mean a constantly strengthened faculty. It will also mean the full standardization of the College by gaining admission to the North Central Association. This movement will require several years for completion, but has Its beginning now. for we shall seek membership in the North Central Association in the spring of 1938.

In this anniversary years, we have therefore started on the first leg of our Journey toward these goals. Our objective for this year Is $100,000 to be used for the following pur-

President Assails Views On
Education In Inaugural Talk

Springfield, Mass—(ACP) — Assailing educational views of the University of Chicago's Pres. Hutchins as "counsels of dispair." Dr. Earnest M. Best, new president of Springfield College, in his inaugural address suggested a frank facing of problems as they exist.

"President Hutchins of the University of Chicago would purify and simplify education by a retreat into the narrow intellectualism of scientific research and philosophical speculation and leave the world to Its fate In trades—associations." said the former McGill University psychology professor.

"These proposals are the counsels of dispair. We have much to learn from the past but In my opinion we must advance by a frank recognition of the centrality of vocational and professional education in modern life.

“The defects of vocational education can be remedied by making sure

that the schools build good men and good citizens as well as good specialists." concluded Dr. Best.

New Books Received in Library

Again this week the library received another shipment of good books, which should find their ways into your reading program. The books received are: "Trails, Rain and War;" Quinn; "Notes as Vice President, 1928-29," C. G. Dawes;- ."Barrett Wendell and His Letters," Howe; "Jay Cooke, Financier of the Civil War.” Oberholtzer; "Rutherford B. Hayes," Eckenhode; "The Woman Lincoln Loved," W. E. Barton; "Woodrow Wilson," E. G. Reid: "Horace Greeley." Don Seitz; "Jefferson Davis." Cutting; "Franklin. The Apostle of Modem Times." Fay; "George Washington. Country Gentleman," Paul Haworth; "The Unknown Barnum,” Harvey Root; "Woh Kon-Tah." Mathews; "The Capture of Inspiration,” E. Schmitz.

Mrs. Emmert, Miss Brown and Mrs. Durst spent Monday in Wichita shopping.

Patronise Spectator advertisers.

-At The Theater—

Wed. - Thurs. - Fri.

"Hopalong Cassidy" turns detective in his altest screen adventure.

Borderland,’’ which comes to the Ritz theatre on a double feature program Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday. Also showing with "Borderland" is an excellent airplane drama entitled "Flying Hostess."

In “Borderland." Cassidy matches wits with an outlaw who has successfully eluded both the Texas Rangers and the Mexican secret police. Jimmy Ellison Is cast as n Texas Ranger while the cast also Includes George Hayes. Stephen Morris. Charlene Wyatt, and others.

"Flying Hostess" Is an outstanding drama of the air, carrying with it plenty of thrills and excitement and built around the courage and valor of airplane hostesses. Heading the cast are Judith Barrett. William Gargan, and William Hall, while Astrid Allwyn, Andy Device. Ella Logan, and Jonathan Hale are also featured.


Edmund Lowe, himself a college man and at one time destined to be a professor, now plays the role of a brilliant graduate who returns to his alma mater to solve a puzzling murder mystery.

Florence Rice, charming daughter of Grantland Rice, the noted sports columnist, continues on her rise to stardom in the leading feminine role. In the supporting cast remarkable for Its distinguished players are Dorothy Peterson. Henry Dan-iell, Nat Pendleton. Henry Kolker, Dean Jagger. Theodore von Eltz. Sara Harden. Frank Reicher, Marla Shelton, a recent discovery In Hollywood. Zeffie Tilbury and Harry Davenport.

Sun. - Mon. - Tues.

Sixteen elaborate sets, ranging from an expansive night club to a half-mile sweep of modern homes representing Swiss lake country, as well as a modernistic penthouse, form the backgrounds for the filming of Universals "Three Smart Girls." now featuring little Deanna Durbin.

The interior of a night club called "The Jungle" offers a setting for one of the key situations in "Three Smart Girls." Here Barbara Read Introduces Ray Milland to Binnie Barnes, portraying the blonde temptress who hopes to snare the girls' millionaire father. Milland Is given the assignment of luring the fortune huntress away from her prey.

At that point Ray Milland begins to effect the plan which the "Three Smart Girls" have developed. He dances with the International beauty who is forever seeking romantic conquests. The picture unrolls a modern comedy highlighted by brilliant dialogue.

Deanna Durbin Is the youngest of the three sisters, whose father is portrayed by Charles Winninger. Alice Brady and Mischa Auer who scored so heavily "My Man Godfrey." are prominently cast.

Wed. • Thurs. - Fri.

The smug smart set is drawn gently, but firmly, over the coals with hilarious and dramatic effects in Columbia's "Women of Glamour,” featuring Virginia Bruce, and Mel-vyn Douglas. Skillfully directed by Gordon Wiles, "Women of Glamour" takes on the modern entertainment flavor of "She Married Her and "Theodors Goes Wild." In which Melvyn Douglas displayed his ability so definitely in smart comedy.

The story of the film deals with the love that grows between a wealthy, socially prominent young artist contemptuous of bis set, and a beautiful young night club girl he takes in as his model.

The cast supporting Douglas and Miss Bruce Includes Reginald Den-ny. Leona Maricle, Thurston Hall. Pert Kelton. Mary Forbes and Mike Morita. Lynn Starling and Mary C. McCall. Jr., are credited with the screen play.

Miss Kathryn Krehbill. daughter of Mrs. Carl Krehbill of Moundridge, placed first In the piano In the A class divisions of the County grade school music Festival held In McPherson March 19th and 20th. Miss Krehbill Is a student of Miss Jessie Brown.


(1)A modern Physical Education plant, $40,000 to $45,000; (2) added endowment. $40,000; and (1) current expenses. $15,000.

These funds are being raised a-mong (1) some of the churches not too severely stricken by drought. (2) the alumni everywhere, and (3) the territory surrounding McPherson. In the neighborhood of $23,000 has already been raised In other areas and the campaign Is now proceeding: In outlying parts.

By June 1. 1937. we hope to reach our goal of $100,000 through the combined efforts of local citizens. the alumni and the churches. Even after that, the program of expansion will continue through the next year and the next in churches not reached this year. This money will be brought to McPherson; it will be spent here. If sufficient money Is paid In by early summer, a building will be begun at once. It is our purpose to make McPherson College the pride of the city. We have the wealth here. McPherson county young people. 108 of whom are now enrolled here, deserve the best in education.

During the next six weeks the Campaign will be on in McPherson. If the church people and the people of McPherson rise to meet this crisis. we shall be able to assure ourselves that there shall also be the celebration of a Centennial for the town and College in 1987.

—V. F. Schwalm. Vacation Closing Hours Set

A committee composed of Helen Eaton, representative of Arnold Hall, Evelyn Dell, representative of Kline Hall, and Gertrude Myers, representative of girls living in town meet-ing with Mrs. Emmert, Miss Atkinson and Dean Smith recommended that closing hours during vacation and between terms be made uniform.

The hours recommended were 12 p. m. for all nights during vacation except the last night when It should be 10 p. m. The recommendation was approved by the Administration Committee.

These hours are effective starting with the Easter vacation.

Enough etiquette to start students out on a concrete road to social smoothness is being offered in weekly lessons at the University of Minnesota.



Very Bad Weather for Sppring Track Hopefuls

Mud, Dust and Cool Weather Keep McPherson College Trackksters Indoors—Class Track Meet Was Scheduled For Tuesday.

The annual class track and field meet scheduled for Tuesday was postponed until next week, because of unfavorable weather conditions. The meet will be held as soon as the track is again put in condition.

Saturday the 440-yard track was graded and worked down into condition. The track however will be a little soft for awhile but as soon as it is put into use extensively it Is believed It will be In a short time. The rain of the last few days should help to make a better track.

During the track Improvement program the college also filled in with dirt many low places on the football field. These places are being leveled and as soon as they pack solidly, Bermuda grass sod will be transplanted In the bare spots. The Athletic field will be kept in condition during the summer months.

Dr. Claude Flory will again be In charge of the college tennis and golf teams, and schedules are now being arranged by Coach Selves and Dr. Flory. The two south tennis courts are being reconditioned and will be ready for use soon. An elimination tournament in tennis, for the purpose of selecting a varsity team is in progress now.

Indifference Is

Cause for Shunning

President James Angell States Rea-son For Opposition

Now Haven, Conn.—(ACP — Indifference causes Yale University undergraduates to shun religious discussion groups such as the University Christian Association, known to students as Dwight Hall.

So said Pres. James Rowland An-gell at the services in honor of the 50th anniversary of organized undergraduate religious activities on the campus.

Only a small group was violently opposed to religion. Some students stay away from Dwight hall, added, because they feel that their religious beliefs are already decided. The greater number "are wholly indifferent to religion and preoccupied, like their parents with other matters:

Explaining the necessity for an organisation like Dwight Hall, Dr. Angell said:

"On the strictly intellectual and philosophical side of religious experience there is and always will be a real Job for such an association. It affords opportunity for direct, trank, man-to-man discussion of the fundamental issues in Christianity, as well as in other great world religions.

“No thoughtful man can ever be quite sure of the foundations of his faith-—or. Indeed, of his lack of, faith. if that represent his condition — without exposure to the shrewd, even If sometimes naive, criticism of his comrades and to the merciless give and take of men of his age."

Cobb Wins Another

Riddell Cobb, popular McPherson College freshman, continued his successful fistic career, Monday night, by outpointing Bud Reeves of Hutchinson in three rounds. Cobb took a great deal punishment in the second round but managed to land a few terrific body and head blows. Early In the third round a left to the head and a right to the body caused Reeves to sink to the canvas for the count of six.

Keller’s Team Ekes Out Victory

What a game! If the first tournament game was spectacular then the second one was even more thrilling and exciting. The first half Bert-ie’s flashy team was leading several points. Marjorie Flory, with the cooperation of Richards and Hubbard, put one after another through the basket. Keller, Frick and Har-baugh as guards held the other forwards so that they couldn't break through to shoot. But In the second half LaVena'a forwards cut loose and began to run up the score. Then Keller went out on fouls. "Woo Is us." commented her players. And watch that Jessie Miller shoot those goals. Jessie, who usually* plays guard, was transferred to center forward, I think she missed her calling, she should have been playing forward all the time. Then Wine and Stauffer began to toss them in, and the score ran up higher and higher. Bertie, on the sideline, and her team really began to get worried. What to do? Hubbard called time out. and that must have either broken the spell, or given the guards time to got their second wind, for Immediately Bert-ie's guards tightened up and began to fight harder. And then—wild shouts as the game ended, Keller's team victorious by a two point lead —31 to 29.

What a game! What a game! A real sensation. Everyone in there fighting to win. And thus the basketball season ends for another year.

Ping pong, a skillful but perhaps not as exciting as some, Is the next sport In season. Contests in both singles and doubles will be started soon.

W. A. A. Plan Annual

Banquet For April 16

At a special meeting of the W. A. A. Thursday, the main topic of discussion was the annual banquet for all members and their "friends.” This year the banquet will take place at the Hawley Roof Carden on Friday, April 16. The organization has more money this year than usual at the disposal of the committees for the planning of the biggest and best banquet in the history of the W. A. A. Now is the time for all young men to shine up to the W. A. A. girls.

At the end of the meeting Lola Mae Harbaugh, manager of basketball, presented the list of names of those girls eligible for the varsity basketball team. Those chosen as varsity forwards: Marjory Flory. Virginia Richards. Becky Stauffer. LaVena High, Aileen Wine, Rilla Hubbard. All varsity guards: Julia Frick. Lenore Shirk, Marion Washier. Jessie Miller, Lola Mao Harbaugh, Alberta Keller.

Intra-Mural Tennis Tourney

The Intra-mural tennis tournament was started last week with a thirty-two team bracket. Four men were in spotted positions, two in the upper bracket and two in the lower. Those in the top bracket were Barngrover and Flory; those in the lower were H. Johnston and Miller. In the drawing three players drew byes. They were Wiegand. Crouse and Ogden. This automatically progresses them into the championship bracket. So far only three matches have been played. Rothrock winning from Blackwell. Riddell winning from Hunt and Yoder winning from Pray.

The first round wss to be played off by Wednesday but due to the weather it will be postponed until the courts are in condition again.

The A Cappella choir gave a concert at the Baptist church Sunday evening March 21.

Collegiate World

(By Associated Collegiate Press) Threatening to use their parking-power If the student administrative assembly rules against wearing corsages at formal affairs, coeds at the University of Western Ontario are ready to plop into their chairs for a sit-down strike.

"Down With Flowers for Madam-eoiselle!” petitioned the men to the student administrative assembly. But the women are countering with 'I Won't Dance" attitude and de-clare that they'd rather stay home than attend a formal without a corsage.

Negro Singers Give Program

The diversified program* of the Deep River Plantation Singers pleased a large audience last Thursday evening when this quartet of negro musicians presented the final number of the McPherson Community Lyceum series.

Their program was a well balanced progression of serious numbers, comedy numbers and spirituals. The second appearance of the Deep River Plantation singers was well received and assures a re-engagement of this

A Cappella To Make Trip This week the Deputations team has been making trips to the neighboring towns to give programs in their high schools. The Deputation team is made up of members of the Fine Arts Department. A speaker to advertise the college accompanies the entertainers. Some of the towns that have been visited this week are: Pawnee, Ellinwood. Great Bend and Larned.

Instructor F. F. Smith at the Northeast Center of Louisiana State University achieves In expanding students' vocabularies. Each week he requires his English classes to learn 18 new words.

A handmade microscope Worth $1,500. probably the only one of Its kind in the United States, is owned by Dr. W. N. Christopher, assistant professor of bacteriology at Louisiana State University.

Put chickens on a twelve hour working day by means of an alarm clock attachment. Is the recommenda-tion of Prof. C. G. Card, head of a Michigan State College's poultry husbandry department.' By getting them up two hours ealier, they eat more food and lay more eggs, he says

Myrna Lot is the favorite movie actress of students at Colgate University and Carleton College.

A University of Iowa professor who planned to go on a bobsleiging party with students had to stay home because his mother wouldn’t let big go. She claimed "such a party Is not dignified enough for, a col-lego teacher.”

Lois Geiger, a swingstress at the University of Buffalo, is organizing an “all-Gal" dance orchestra.

Mail handled by Ohio State University campus carriers in January totalled 134,317 pieces.

Helen Eaton spent Tuesday in Wichita shopping.

Mr. Jay Tracey On Campus

Mr. Jay Tracey, class of '22, spent last week end in McPherson visiting his grandfather. Mr. Moomaw.

After his graduation here. Mr. Tracey look his Master's degree at Kansas University, then he taught for five years In the Coffeyville Junior College. At present time he is In the hardware business at Rocky Ford, Colorado.