McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Thursday, march 18, 1937


Southern Singers Here Tonight


Standards of Colleges Fall

New Work. N. Y. (ACP)—If colleges and universities continue to recruit" students and don't restore their high standards for selective admission, they will impair seriously the value of academic degrees.

At least that is the opinion Of Frank, H. Bowles, acting director of admissions at Columbia University.

Reductions in enrollments and de-creases in income from endowment funds and other outside sources, caused by the depression, drove colleges to seek increased enrollment at the expense of educational stand-ards, Mr. Bowles claimed.

In the extensive recruiting programs, scholarships have been offered to attract students rather than an the basis of academic merit. Low-ered standards of admission are to blame for reducing the calibre of all work done In this colleges, he asserted.

A now organization on this comp-us is the Lyric Artists. This group consists of five of the outstanding artists of the school. Members of the group are Miss Lehman. Reader, Mr. Crawford, violinist, Mr. Fisher, tenor and pianist. Margaret Fry. soprano and pianist and Floyd Harris, cornetist

This group made their first appearance on Thursday night, March 11 at the Burden high school. The program there was given in two parts the second part of the program being in costume. Mr. Crawford gave a number in Hungarian costume, Mr. Fisher gave three num-bers in Russian costume, Miss Lehman gave three numbers in Italian costume. Margaret Fry gave a number dressed In Japanese costume to represent Madame Butterly of the opera of the same name and Floyd Harris gave a number In American dress. Burden gave a small reception for the performers after the program.

The profit made from these pro-grams will go for the creation of scholarships for the Fine Arts Department.

The second program to be given by the Lyric Artists Is Friday night. March 20. at Bluff City High school.

Plans Being Made for Drive

Plans for the campaign have been

made and the machinery of the Drive has already been set in motion. although the official dates of the campaign are April 16 to the 26th. The opening will be a dinner on "the evening of the 16th and the campaign will close with a victory dinner on the 26th. Between these dates the personnel of the campaign committees will be busy and frequent reports of progress will be made.

A purl of the program Includes sending sneakers to all the city clubs. The faculty has already been organized. Composing this commit-tec are: Dean Bright, Dean Mohler, Dr. Smith. Miss Lehman and Professor Hess. It Is also planned to organize a similar committee among the students. Broadly, the campaign Involves three phases alumni, church and city.

Shrew Taming Next Tuesday

Shakespearean Comedy To Be Presented By Senior Class

Elaborate Costumes

Eighteenth Century Outfits and Setting Augment Realism

The Taming of the Shrew, a real Shakespearean play with real Shakes-pearean costumes and a Shakes-pearean stage of double state, will be presented at the McPherson College auditorium March 23 and 24 at 8 o'clock p. m.

This comedy is the story of the self-confident youth. Petruchio, and his wooing of Of a spirited young lady, Katharina.

Katharina is the Shrew and eldest daughter of Baptista. She has a fiery temper and an ungovernable spirit and it Is not surprising that no one has asked her hand In marriage. Her father, therefore. Is much blamed for not giving his consent to the many excellent offers made to Bianca. Katharina's gentle sister. His excuse is that when the eldest sister is married then he can see to the marrying of the other sister.

Petruchio The Wooer Petruchio. at last, comes to Padua In search of a wife. Upon hearing of the rich daughter of Baptista he seeks him and gets his consent to woo Katharina. The father confesses her ill character and unamanage-able spirit but Petruchio goes right ahead. When Katharina rails him he tells her she speaks as sweetly as a nightingale; when she frowns at him he says she. looks like a rose newly washed with dew.

It Is a most uncommon and almost unethical courtship but it does the work. Uetruchio is so determined to have a wife that he goes through all sorts of tongue-lashings to gain her. He announces the wedding without the lady's consent, trusting that all will be well. The day arrives and what a surprise to the Shrew when she finds Petruchio dressed in most unorderly fashion. He carries her off before the wedding feast, to his home and the days following are never to bo forgotten days for the Shrew.

At length, after the Shrew has changed a great deal. Petruchio and his wife return to Padua to her father's home. They find a group assembled for the wedding of Bianca. After the wedding least Petruchio proves that his wife Is the most obedient of all. She even tells the other wives what duty they owe their husbands and how to be good wives. From then on Katharina is no longer known as the Shrew but as the most duteous wife in all the town.

The Cast

Those participating in the production are:

Katharlna—Wanda Hoover—the Shrew, and daughter of Baptista Petruchio---Kenneth Weaver suitor to Katharina.

Baptlsta—Cayton    Rock— rich

gentleman of Padua

Lucentio—Paul Lackie—suitor to Bianca

Bianca--Velma Watkins—sister to, Katharina

Gremio—Floyd Harris-suitor to Bianca

, Hortensio—Willard - Flaming suitor to Bianca

Tranio—Homer Kimmel—servant to Lucentio

Blondello—Margaret Messamer — servant to Lucentio    |

Grumio—Paul Miller—senvant to Petruchio

Curtis—Miriam Horner—servant to Petruchio

Widow—June McNamee Tailor—Vernon Michael Servant—David Metzger.

George Toland, director, in collaboration with Miss Della Lehman, and the cast are putting In many (Continued on page 3.)

Tonight the Deep River Plantation Singers will appear at the community building to present the last ly-ceum of the year. This group of entertainers appeared here three years

Educational Board Members in Chapel

Dr. Peters and Dr. Brumbaugh Talk to Student Body Tuesday Morning

Dr. W. W. Peters, dean of Drury College. Springfield. Mo.. - and Dr. I. Harvey Brumbaugh, vice president and former president of Juniata College, Huntington, Pa., representing the General Education Board of the Church of the Brethren, were on the campus Monday and Tuesday in the interest of more effective religious education In our denominational colleges. M. R. Zigler. who is also a member of this committee visited McPherson during the Regional Conference and gave his suggestions at that time.

Tuesday morning Dr. Peters and Dr. Brumbaugh addressed the chap-el asembly. The essence of Dr. Peters' talk may be summarized In these brief lines which he quoted from Van Dyke.

"To think without confusion clearly. “To love your follow man sincerely. “To act from honest motives pureyl. "To trust In God and man securely." "This do," he concluded, "and thou shall live."

The dominating thought of Dr. Brumbaugh's talk in chapel Tuesday was that college Is a place of great opportunity—a lace to develop- personality and character. "Where do I belong in this vast scheme of things?” we should ask ourselves. The purpose of college Is to help us find ourselves. It should also be a means of acquiring those things that will fit us to a more equable and efficient adjustment to life. Dr. Brumbaugh stated that it Is not enough only to acquire facts, but that we must Interpret - and give them meaning. This Is the opportunity of college.

Monday at four o’clock Dr. Peters and Dr. Brumbaugh spoke to the faculty emphasizing important objectives in more effective religious education and teaching.

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ago and presented one of the out standing features of the year. These melodeers from the South have been enthusiastically received through out their tour of the States.

Lindgren to Represent M. C.

Seven schools will compete in the annual State Anti-Tobacco Oratorical contest which will be held in the Central College auditorium at 7:30.

McPherson College's representative. Alvin Lindgren, will give an oration on "A. Logical Examination.'' The prizes are $35, $25, $15. to be given by Dr. Fields of McPherson. Lindgren represented McPherson College in the contest last year and placed third. Any or all of the college students are invited to attend.

First Appearance

of Lyric Artists

Group Composed of Lehman, Fry Fisher, Crawford and Harris

Holloway To Be Toastmaster

Mr. Rush Holloway, an outstanding Bulldog athlete of former years, has been chosen by the M-Club as the toastmaster for their annual spring banquet which will be held this year on March 27 at the Hawley Hotel.

The club is planning on one of the largest banquets In the history of the organization. More than 150 guests are expected to attend. An initiation service for the eight new members of the club will be held some time before the banquet. The "Five Joy Boys" will furnish the music for the dinner.

Southern Singers Here For Lyceum

River Plantation Quartet To Present Program at City Auditorium Tonight

This evening at eight o'clock the Deep River Plantation Singers will present the final number of the community lyceum series.

The versatility of this remarkable ensemble assures a delightful program for young and old. Opening with an original scene the entertainers offer a musical production decidedly out of the ordinary. Stage scenery and appropriate costuming are used to advantage in the first part of their program while the latter part Is devoted to spirituals, southern and plantation melodies.

The repertoire of this unusual group Is apparently limitless. It includes the old favorites: “Roll Jordan. Roll." "Swing Low Sweet Chariot,’' "Da's a Jubilee" and a great many others which they present in their own unique and artistic style. This is and excellent musical program of great variety, and humorous diversion a truly delightful enter-tainment.

Each member of this singing troupe is an artist in his own right. They perform together with a precision and accuracy bespeaking long professional experience, yet retaining the rare abandon and spontaneity so characteristic of the songs of their race.

Admission Is thirty cents.

Three Books Added To Library Shelves

Life Adjustment Series of Five Books on Life Problems

This week there has been three books added to the library "Sex Education." M. A. Bigelow; "Proceedings of the National Education Association:" "Life Adjustment Cries" which are a group of five books. They are: "Taking a look at Yourself," “Selecting an Occupation." “Weeping Physically Fit," "A Health Program" and "Getting a Job.”

The book "Sex Education" is primarily for general readers and especially students, who wish a general introduction and survey of the problems of sex and their relation to education of young people. This book Is so outstanding “because it is not a text on how to teach sex to young people, but It Is a book which definitely helps them to understand the Important relations of sex to life.”

The Pamphlet 'Getting a Job" gives helpful Information, suggestions and directions regarding each" of the steps to be taken in finding employment of all kinds. The material and method used as so presented that they can be used effectively for all groups, and Individual instruction for any combination of instruction.

Women Prima Donnah

“In most cases women cannot forget that they are women. They act Just like prima donnas." Women Just don't make, good newspapermen, thinks the University of Michigan's Journalism Prof. John L. Brumm.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers.

Popular Poll Elects Vasquez

Star Athlete Wins High Honor In Quadrangle Contest Held On Campus

Four-Cornered Race

Three Other Men on Ballot For Distinction of College

Students of McPherson college Friday voted Mike Vasquez. Mexican student, as the most popular young man on the campus in a four-cornered race with three other men selected in a "primary" election a week ago.

For the last week students at the college have been voting on the most popular young man. At 12:00 Friday the balloting closed and the tabulation revealed that Vasquez had won by a margin of 40 votes.

Vasquez is probably the first Mex-ican student ever to win a popularity contest in this part of the United States in an American college or university. College authorities here declared they had never heard of such a thing and commented upon the election by saying it was a great tribute to Vasquez.

The “most popular young man" was born and raised In Old Mexico. When he started to school a teacher In the city schools in his home town took an interest In him and when the teacher returned to Lyons. Kan.. he brought Mike Vasquez back with him.

Mike Vasquez

When Mike graduntasl from high school he enrolled at McPherson college. In high school he had been an outstanding athlete, especially In football, and In the fall he went out for the Bulldog team hero. His ability as a gridiron hero soon spread and his reputation gained momentum as his college years advanced. In 1935 and 1936 Mike was made All-Kansas conference guard He has been a real power in the Bulldog line during the last four years.

Vasquez has ambitions to teach and also we enter politics. His politics, he says, will be In his native country of Mexico. He Is preparing himself to teach but may return to his native land as soon as school is out this spring. Recently Mike said that he believed entering politics in Mexico would be an interesting profession because then be would bo "able to come back to Kansas once in a while as an exile from a Mexican revolution."

Dean Smith Entertained Sun.

Miss Josephine Smith entertained the ''unclaimed treasures" of the faculty with a buffet supper. Sunday night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hershey.

The guests were Misses Marion Sheets, Lilyan Warner. Della Lehman. Jessie Brown. Alice Gill, Fern Lingenfelter, Margaret Heckethorn, Esther Atkinson, Corrine Bowers, Maurine Stutzman. Clara Colline; Mrs. M. W. Emmert; Dr. and Mrs. Hershey; Messrs. Loren Crawford and Earnest Hudson, a friend of the hostess.



The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College. McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council. HOME OF    1936 Member    I937 THE SCHOOL

THE BULLDOGS Associated Collegiate Press OF QUALITY

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson. under the act of March 3, 1897.


Subscription Rates For One School Year


Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-Chief........................—.......................Harold Larsen

Feature Editor..........................---Gladys Shank

Sports Editor-----    —— —----------Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers.......    Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermar.

Business Manager    .    ....................-—..Vernon D. Miehae

Assistant Business Manager...................Russell Kingsley


Orpha Barn Rosalie Fields Bill Flaming

Bill Fry

■ Opal Hoffman Miriam Horner

Rilla Hubbard Russell Kingsley Winton Sheffer

Ruth Taylor Toshiro Tsubakowa Gordon Yoder

The Effect of Tradition and Change

Tradition is one of the strongest bonds yet devised by man to hold so-ciety together. Customs in dress, language, vocation pursuits are many times handed from sire to son. In this way continuity Is maintained. Tradition, by keeping society on a Steady keel, serves as a balance wheel. Man has furthermore devised governments, laws and regulations, which in many instances becomes tradition, to make life more coherent and better integrated.

Despite tradition, however, change Is always taking place. Change Is probably most noticeable In nature; every year according to well set patterns, Mother Nature changes the coolr of the landscape from dull to bright, from bright to dull. Not only In nature realm, but also In the realm of man made phenomena there is change. Styles in dress, designs in automobile construction, textbooks change, if for no other reason than to beguile the consumer into parting with his hard earned money. The center of civilization, man himself, is by no means constant. The shifting of his environment as well as Father Time, produces a change In him. All around us there is slow but gradual change, which Is checked and guided by traditions.

Thus tradition and change exist together side by side. The one Is a manifestation of the fact that life it. to a certain extent, In a state of flux; the other serves as a sort of channel or river bed through which change must flow.

Many people fall to realize the fact that they cannot prevent change. Instead of guiding and directing It. as it is within the power of man to

do, they try to stop it altogether.

This type of opposition is probably manifested more in regard to laws and governments than any other thing. Once a government is set up and laws are passed.. many people are deluded Into believing that all that remains to be done Is to enforce these laws. They fail to realize that as society changes the laws governing It must be modified accordingly. To some extent the present administration has met with this type of opposition.

In its effort to bring this country abreast with other European coun-tries in regard to social legislation the administration has had much opposition. especially of late. This does not imply that all legislation during the last few years has been economically or socially desirable. It does follow, however, that change should not be opposed merely because It Is change or a departure from an old tradition. America cannot and will not remain as she Is today, therefore in order to bring about an Intelligent, progressive, well ordered nation we must get ready for some change. It is because of this that the opposition, although it does not agree with the proposal advanced, must make some constructive contribution to make beneficial change possible.

This Is at heart the essence of democracy. Opposing parties are in existence, not merely to offer resistance, but to make a contribution to the changing patterns known as civ-ilization. Let us strive to make this the actual as well as the ideal in America.

This week's quotation comes from

Col. Gen. Hermann Wilhelm, Goering. Adolf Hitler's man Friday: Germany's greatest contribution to peace was her armament .. . We must be prepared to go wherever the fuehrer decides. We shall stand like a wall of stone and steel, wherever ho orders our banner planted. The world must understand we form a block of material stronger than any ever made ..." How lovely are the messengers who bring as the gos-pel of (preparedness for) peace!

While In the mood for quotation, we might recall the president's quotation last week from Charles E. Hughes: "We are under a constitu-tion, but the Constitution Is what the judges say It Is.” It Is Interesting to note the context from which this sentence was lifted, made in a speech in 1907 while Hughes was governor of New York:

"I have the highest regard for the courts ... I reckon him one of the worst enemies of the community who will talk lightly of the dignity of the bench. We are under a con-stitution. but the Constitution Is what the Judges say It Is, and the Judiciary Is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the Constitution. I do not want to see any direct assault upon the courts, nor do I want to sec any Indirect assault upon the courts." Why didn’t yon read It all. Franklin?

Dean O'Brien of the hobo college contends that college students make poor hoboes. There must be more to this college business than I thought. And then, there are other surprises? Potwin surprised me Sunday night by talking ten minutes less than I feared. (If you had been out to church, you would understand this reference.)

I must admit the current wave of sit-down striking looks rather like trespassing on property to me, but after a good look at a picture of Chrysler, taken as he waddles down

The Gallery

We agree that no one plays together so beautifully as Professors Fisher and Lingenfelter—unless perhaps it be Theresa and Billy in their little game with frogs and grasshoppers.

It's a sign of spring when foolish fowls make themselves conspicuous by their cackling. But when, not only our Pertelates but also our most dignified Chanticleers begin to cackle so robustly in the dining hall, there Isn’t even a tone of prophecy in their crowing.

It's making the rounds: the Joke of Hitler and the mule brought back from Germany by Paul Booz; Mike’s popularity—and in a special way with Marjorie Bowers; the keen way in which Toshiro manages when Boyer slings him around; the unique tip given to Lenore Shirk for excellent service to a veteran at the

Hawley; the ultra-enthusiastic Interests of campaigner Pierce.

This unwanted delay of spring not only upsets plans for picnic retreats—but also, according to Amos and other athletes, the Indoor training Is hard on our runners' muscles. We can’t have a skin-splintery Porter and Toland!

But of course you’ve seen: June and Meredith sharing glances; Fry and Taylor skipping together: Raymond and Charles trekking to Kline frequently; Lucile and Ira Milton holding hands; Chet’s sympathy with black eyes; and Frances' material for the weaver’s pattern again,

Larsen—have you finally decided whom to favor with that thirteen-dollar tennis racquet now at the price at four dollars.

in Florida, well, maybe it isn't so bad to strike after all.

Andy Just could not get my viewpoint when I told him one should not worry about marrying one girl and then falling in love with another after marriage; a fellow will be so busy If ho keeps one girl convinced she made the right bargain he'll not have much time to look at anyone else. You can tell Henrietta and I are still happily married—we still make faces at one another over the breakfast table.


Toshiro wishes to correct a misstatement, due to error In printing o the last two of his articles. In the March 4 issue the Article stated Maupassant has not been as popu-lar as Tolstoy.” This should have read that Maupassant was as popular as Tolstoy. In the March 11 Issue at the end of the second column the sentence should have stated “It Is hard for this type of novel to be appreciated by western readers.”

A Truly Balanced Life!

We should not got too excited termined by—kindness abd consideration for others.

Others temporarily may got ahead of u* or appear to have more than we have, but In the end our health, happiness, and position will be de-about current affairs. Bad laws, and foolish customs can only delay progress. Nothing can be won permanently through brute force. Righteousness always wins In the end. hence the Importance of being calm, avoiding worry, and having all our own doings actuated by the right


We should be honest and courageous. We should let no one frighten us with ridicule. We can depend upon the power of love. Health, happiness, and living are all we really want. We may be in the minority and spear to be losing: If we are right, some day we shall bo recognized.

Only as love Increases Is there real progress. Love is the way, the truth, and the life. Love created the world and has perpetuated it through the ages.

To a Pencil

O pencil, thou art a genius!

What marvelous words thou holdest —If I could but get them out

What wonderful thoughts art concealed

Within thy slender form:

What delicate poems lie dormant-immobile in thy black core.

Several students and two faculty members attended the lectures of Professor Popenoe at the Junior College In Hutchinson. Those attending were Glee Goughnour. Emma Schmidt, Margaret Louise Kagarice. Lola Richwine. Genevieve Sandy. Gordon Yoder. Lawrence Boyer. Avis Smith, Olga Garvey. Edgar Mikow, Robert Wiegand and Miss Smith and Dr. Pefry.

Impressive themes, latent and still, In thy wooden breast;

Fascinating lyrics lie In calm repose Beneath thy painted coat

Resisting my feverish efforts To wrest them rfom thy grasp.

But since thou'll not Impart to me These ardently coveted words',

I give up In black despair

Execrating thy inarticulate know-lodge.

—Freddie the Freshman.

Miss Smith and Mrs. Hershey were hostesses at a buffet dinner given Sunday night at the Hershey home for members of the faculty.

Russell Kingsley was guest at a dinner party Sunday night given by Miss Neoma Nordling.

Gladys Shank returned to school Monday after having been called home because of the critical condition of her sister. ___

Russel Kingsley was at his home In Windom over Saturday and Sunday.

Irvin Bentz returned to the hospital Sunday night for a few days.

Men are more curious than women, insist coeds In the Zola Tan Alpha sorority of Northwestern University. Here's how they proved it:



A dual aspect may be seen in the manner of living. The elements which seem so inconsistent—those which have come down from the past and which have been newly Introduced or created—has found a peculiar harmony, such as gives a special character to Japanese life today. The harmony of the quiet, the contemplative. the spiritual, with the active. the progressive and the mater-ialistic, has produced a new life suited to our new day.

Art born of such life will naturally reveal a two-fold nature. Music shows its dual nature. The native music of the past is found in Western music, introduced recently. These two preserve their own Individual character and form. When one listens to the radio In Japan, one sees the variety of the program which reflects the varied character of present day Japanese music. And the various forms of Japanese music also tell their history.

Ancient Forms

The oldest music of Japan has been preserved by the Imperial Household. The music Is known as Gagaku, or Graceful Music. This court music Is of two kinds, that which has a part in the ceremony, and that which serves to accompany the dance In the entertainments of the Imperial Household.

These ancient forms, as was true of most forms of Japanese art had their beginnings In China. Just as the Christian Church in its, beginning had her ancient hymns, so the Bud-hist sects of Japan through China and Shintoist sects also had their own music. Gagaku, the Court music had little influence on the common people. On the contrary, the music of Buddhism was the mother of the music of the common people.

This kind of music which Is appreciated by the common people Is the music of the Noh play. It has many enthusiastic students among which are visitors from abroad. Its Interest lies In the song or recitation based on the literary text as well as in the masks and costumes. The chief Interest does not lie In the mere music, but in the added attractions. It Is one of the most common forms of music in Japanese homes today. This Is especially true In the families that are descended from Samurai.

Western Type

Well known Western musicians can enjoy the Noh performance but are greatly surprised to find that the music itself could not be recorded In any form of Western musical notation. But this must be regarded as the most characteristically Japanese artistic form, a most representative expression of the Spirit of Japan.

We have Koto music In homes of the middle class and above. It is the music of women. It was popularized by blind singers and handed down by them. The Koto is an oblong. hollow instrument of wood and thirteen silken strings. It Is played with the right hand. It forms a musical accompaniment for rhythmic singing. This music Is metrically regu-lar in form, and so this is the easiest type of Japanese music for foreigners to appreciate.

This music of the Koto Is often joined with that of the Samisen, which is used by the geisha girls (not common entertainers as misunderstood widely) as an instrument it might be described as a three-stringed.. rectangular banjo. It is very simple, but Is best suited to the Japanese song and voice and used universally throughout the land. Today from the great theatres to the simple teahouses, from the festivals of the village Shrines to the homes of the people. the Samisen provides the music. Since the music of the Samisen is the music of the street and the music of popular fancy. It comes naturally to the ears. But its not very easy to grasp its real nature. Its true mine lies in the specially delicate technique of the content of the song itself, or In the special delicate technique of the voice. This music of Samisen can be divided into two groups. The one

-The Culture of Japan-


Toshiro Tsubokawa



Penly Ann Host

although any girl appreciates It and considers it a "nicety."

—Dean of Women.

'Question: should my lady friend take my arm when we are walking on a public sidewalk?

Answer: "A woman may take a man’s arm if she needs his assist-mice, or If they are in a crowded place, when it is a help and a protection. Otherwise, it is better taste not to do so.”

—Vogue's Book of Etiquette.

Question: If I Chance to meet a friend of the opposite sex while awaiting the bus, am I obliged to pay her fare when the bus comes?

Answer: "When a woman is the guest of a man there Is no question; he always pays the fare. If she has met him by chance a man will usually offer or attempt to pay. and whether or not she accepts depends entirely upon her personal choice. If she seems anxious to meet her own expense and has her fare ready a man will not prraa the point. Under no circumstances should he ar-gue the matter with her.

—"Manners" by Helen Hathaway. Question: Is It considered necessary that a boy buy a girl-a corsage when he takes her to a formal banquet?

Answer: No. It Is not necessary

Mary Trostle spent the weekend at her home in Nickerson, Kansas.

Psychology Group Hears Dr. Poponoe

Director of Institute at Los Angeles Gives Lecture

Sixteen members of Dr. Josephine Smith's psychology classes went to Hutchinson Monday to bear Dr. Paul Poponoe, noted psychologist and sociologist. In a series of addresses to the student body of Hutchinson Junior College. He talked before morning and afternoon assemblies and appeared before an adult audience in the evening.

Dr. Poponoe. secretary and general director of the Los Angeles Institute of Family Relations. Is well equipped for the task of giving "inklings on this business of growing up." He is a former newspaper man, has worked at plant exploration, plant breeding, finally going Into the science of human selective breeding or eugenics.

His morning address dealt with the subject "Growing Up Emotionally.” He began by stating that man grows emotionally Just as he grows physically or intellectually, but emotionally growth is harder to detect

"What does an infant ike to do?" he asked. "He dotes on making a noise, making a fuss and a muss and smashing things. If you think a lot of six-footers aren't Infants, listen to the noise they make honking horns when they get In a traffic Jam. look at the mess they make in n park on a warm Sunday afternoon."

Development Stages

"The first stage in the development of the love-life.” said Dr. Poponoe. "Is the infantile stage. The baby loves himself. He wants what he wants when he wants it. Then comes the time when the child's love of his parents is the most important thing in his life. The third stage is the gang age when boys and girls learn some of the essentials of give and take. Later on is the adolescent period when young people first begin to develop an interest in the opposite sex. And finally, comes the adult stage when a man settles all of his love on one woman. Not until then is a man full-grown."

Dr. Poponoe listed the characteristics of adult emotional maturity as self-knowledge, self-cantrol and unselfishness.

In his suggestions on how to make one's personality attractive to the opposite sex, the speaker admonished the young women to understand and encourage the male ego and his desire for Initiative; Women should allure, not agress, he told them.

The men. on the other hand, should realize that good sportsmanship. teamwork and discipline are lacking In the young lady's background. She wants the little attentions, courtesies and good manners that the male Is likely to overlook,

"Whether man or woman, a little study of the opposite sex will make your own personality more attractive to the ‘best girl or best boy' friend," Dr. Poponoe declared.

Evening Address

The evening address, to which the general public was invited, was "What Is Happening to the Emily?” The primary functions of the family —reproductive, economic, industrial, educational, political, religious and recreational—are all either gone or falling short of their aims until the affectional function, the only one that has been increasing, has crowded all other out. Dr. Poponoe pointed out. "Children are being brought up to be herd-minded rather than family minded.”

In order to right these wrongs. Dr. Poponoe suggested that the family must be given a better foundation. To do this, the affectional function must be decreased and the reproductive and economic functions Increased.

Dr. Poponoe’s visit to the Hutchinson Junior College was sponsored by the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. organizations of that school.

Ode to the Lady with Reddened lips

Why did you smear it on so thick? You must have used the entire stick. My Scotch rebels against such waste;

And worse, It offends my esthetic taste.

—K. E.. In the Kansas City Star.

Includes short ballads, such as those of professional singers or geisha girls of the cities, and the folksongs of the countryside. The other Includes ballads of a literary or dramatic nature, perhaps the music of the theatres.


We have also another kind of Instrument Shakubachi. which is used when they play a trio. It Is an instrument made of bamboo, with five finger holes, four above and one below, the hole for the mouth being at the upper end. The player holds it vertically and by adjusting his lips to the mouthpiece and stopping the holes with fingers, he produces three octaves of tones.

The Shakubachi became an important part of the culture of the Buddhist priesthood. There were many cases in our history where the samurai gave up their feudal connection and entered the priesthood, wandering widely throughout the country with their Shakubachi. The Shakubachi was taken from the hand of the wandering priest, and given to people in general. It Is quite Interesting to note that while the Koto came to be used largely by the blind and by the women of the home the Shakubachi is the music of the seeing and of men.

(Continued next week)

Taming of Shrew

Next Tuesday Night

(Continued from page 1.)

long hours to make the play a success. This is a two night performance and the entire public will be able and want to see this production since it Is the first of Its kind given at McPherson College.

Tickets will be on sale at the Bookshop beginning Friday of this week and lasting until Wednesday of next week, from 1 o'clock to 6 o'clock p. m. Tickets are twenty-five cents for students and forty cents for adults.

These Gals Certainly Get Rough In Their

Game Called Basketball; Eye Blackened

Thirty-Five Men Report For Track

Gives Report To Overseers Coach “Bud” Selves Elated Over Enthusiasm of Those Answering Call.

Thirty-five men have reported for spring track practice at McPherson College, and Coach Lester "Bud" Selves Is elated over the large num-ber reporting. It will be a week or two however, before he will have any idea as to what the candidates amount to.

Daily practices are being held on the field immediately north of the campus and as soon as the weather permits, the truck will be put into condition for meets. This week. Coach Selves has been getting his men in condition for the strenuous grind of the track season.

As soon as the snow melts completely. Coach Selves plans to re-condition the track so it will be ready for the season. He has spoken for the city road maintainer and the track will be leveled with the city road apparatus.

A tentative date for the class meet Is March 19. If the track is not In condition then the meet will be held the following Tuesday. On March 26, the school will choose up sides and stage an independent meet. These two meets are expected to got the team In condition and also to reveal to the coach whom ho can depend upon or Ills varsity team.

Following is a list of men reporting for practice: Lee Haun pole vault and hurdles: Hilly Curler, low hurdles and 440; George Toland, dash-os; Eldred Foutz, broad Jump; Wayne Albright. Harold Mohler and Herbert Ikenberry, mile and two mile; Elmer Liss. mile, two mile and high Jump: Mike Vasquez, Tony Voshell. Philip Meyers. Victor Sch-roedor and Jewel Ogden. weights; Joelle Letkeman, hurdles; Franklin Eldridge and Philip Davis. Javelin and high Jump: Gordon Bower. LaVern York. Mark Porter. Carrol Crouse. Karl Adkins. Bob Seidel, Norman Edwards. Kenneth Bentson. Martin Seidel. Harley Stump and Oliver Andrews. 440. and 880; John Schmidt. Harold Albin. Vernon Swartwood, Marvin Sanger, Orville Beehler. Charles Sheller. Carroll Saunders and Roy Robertson. 220 and 440.

Urges Legion of Honor

Richmand. Va. (ACP)—It is about time that Americans set up a system (or distinguishing outstanding men, an American Legion of Honor.

So says Dr. Frank Apperly. professor of pathology at the Medical College of Virginia.

"When a man has given freely of his life work to his follow men, It is but natural that he should desire some mark of appreciation bestow-ed by his country or by the world.” explained Dr. Apperly.

"M” Club Elects Barngrover

Don Barngrover (above) was elected president of the "M" club at a recent election of the club. Barngrover has been outstanding In football. tennis, and basketball. He will lead the athletic club during the year ’37-'38."

Tennis Tournament Soon

This year there Is going to lid an abundant supply of tennis players, so far there has been between fifteen and twenty out for practices.

Coach Flory is going to try to cut his squad by the tournament method. So far there has been fifteen entered and several more to enter. The tournament will start as soon as the weather will permit.

This year Coach Flory has several of his just year varsity squad back again, they are Barngrover, Johnston. Miller. The team Is looking forward to a very successful year.

Gretta Griffis, Alumnus of McPherson Gives Exhibition


That Man Again

Mike Vasquez, alias "Waukee" that all-American football guard of McPherson College again had his name and picture revealed in the paper.

It was back three or four months ago when this so called "Waukee’s" picture was appearing in every news-paper In the state and big long writeups telling about his marvelous football career.

At that time we were getting pretty darned tired of seeing nothing but this picture In the sport news of the paper. Why the way they would write him up you would think he was some big political shot of some kind.

After football season we thought that this picture would not bo seen in the paper any longer and we were glad. But to our dismay when we opened the Republican we saw the-picture of this great man, not on its usual place on the sport page but on the front page with big headlines reading "Mike Vasquez" most popular man on McPherson College Campus." Well I guess the old saying is true. "You can't keep a good man down forever." What say, "M. P. Vasquez."

Dr. Yoder Donates to Library

Mr. J. J. Yoder gave a generous donation to the library, a group of books fifty-seven In number. Thirty-four were books of his. which he used In his economic study and twenty-three were from his sociology collection. Among these books there are several books by Babson who is an authority on economic conditions.

The National Georgraphic Society gave the library a very interesting book on the U. S. Army Air Corps, and the stratosphere flight of 1936 In a balloon. This book is taken from a series of Items run in their monthly magazine.

They painted a barrel, labelled It "DANGER", and placed it on the campus. For one hour hidden Zetas kept tab, counting 106 men and 24 women who stepped off the sidewalk to peer inside.

Which, protest the males, proves nothing except 106 men and 24

Wow! Those gals certainly get rough in their little game of basketball. Or Is It clumsiness? Anyway. It surely Is a splendid oportunity to got revenge on any of their enemies. It seems that La Vena got the worst end of the deal. (Gee. I thought for a second that she was knocked cold.) That collision with Frick was the conclusion of her basket ball pitying for this season. A-colorful eyes she has as a souvenir, too—black, blue, purple, red and yellow. (Did you no-tice her color combination Sunday— a black dress with purple flowers and a black and purple eye as an accessory. Rather an unnecessary accessory I'd say.) Everyone thought for a bit that Referee Daniel would land on the floor, too. He was almost swept off his feet at the Impact of one of Bertie's swift balls. Other than the usual scratches and skinned knees, no one else was greatly damaged.

Last week the third team was divided between the other two teams. As a result there has been a marked Improvement in the last two games. Although any of these games could

bo won by free shots. not quite as many fouls have been made lately as formerly. Jessie still hacks her forward. and Katie continues to put her hand on the ball when another player has it. Frick insists on pushing and Richards hangs on, but keen-eyed Dan initially sees them.

Tuesday night of this week La-Vena's speedy team met Bertie's speedier (ahem!), team in the first tournament game. And what a game! tsch tsch! Contrary to expectations that team 1 would win, Keller's team 2 strutted Its stuff and copped' the game by a score of 22-12. At the end of the first quarter only one point had been scored, that by team 1. And then team 2 began to get warmed up and at the half led by a margin of six points.

Oh. oh! another Injury. Marjorie Paddock sprains her ankle. Miss Warner removes her shoe, and two teammates carry her off the floor.

Bat this is only the first game. Which team will win this tournament? Maybe the Soothsayer could tell us. 'Tis the Ides of March-Beware!

Miss Gretta Griffis of El Dorado. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffis of that city and formerly of McPherson, is still taking top honors. Miss Griffin, who is blind, graduated from McPherson College with high Scholastic standing In 1933, continued her studies at the University of Chicago. from which she received her master's degree In educational psychology in 1935 and yesterday Illustrating her great versatility and capabilities, she gave a remarkable half hour cooking demonstration at the Food Fair at the Municipal Auditorium of Kansas City, Mo., according to a story appearing in today’s Issue of the Kansan City Times.

Relates the Times:

The last half hour of the cooking school was given over to a cooking

demonstration conducted by Miss Gretta Griffis, El Dorado, Kas.

Mary Trostle will entertain friends over the week end.

Max Wilbur is working at the Jay-hawk Service Station.

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