. McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.
Win First In State
debate team. The Weaver-Thompson combination (upper cuts) won five victories with no defeats. Flaming and Lindgren, (lower cuts), lost one.
McPherson College varsity debaters seized first place at the annual suite debate tournament, which was held at Winfield. This was the third successive time Coach Maurice A. Hess has produced a state champion
Yes, Sir!
Spring Is Here!
"Spring Is everywhere; its music fills the air." Yew sir-e-e. If this isn’t spring fever I have then I don't know what has caused my temperature to rise. Study? Who enjoys studying when he knows all the beautiful sunshine, the birds, flowers, and pleasant atmosphere are beckoning him out-of-doors. Oh, yes. there may be dreary days; there may be days when cold, dark clouds float lowly overhead, but when one sees the spring season Just around the corner (and not such a large corner) he breathes a sigh of relief to look back and find those times of discontent a nightmare.
Let’s make this spring season the best and longest remembered. A cheery "Hello’ for each and every person may help someone to emerge from his latent hibernation. And a smile as the sun smiles may also set one's feet on the "spring" board to make a long, graceful dive In the deepest pleasures of living.
I'm glad the sky is painted blue.
And the earth is painted green; And such a lot of nice fresh air
All sandwiched in between.
Students Attend Concert A great number of students and many faculty members attended the concert of Wilbur Evans. Baritone, in Hutchinson .Tuesday night, March 9.
Dr. Smith Gives
Short Chapel Talk
"The Building Blocks of Personal-ity" Is Subject of Address
Dr. Josephine Smith gave a short address on "The Building Blocks of Personality." in chapel Tuesday.
"As a student of personality, I should like to give you some of the most important building blocks of personality," said Dr. Smith, in opening her talk. "Your personality Is a composit of many habits just as this building is a composite of many bricks. The elements of a building are bricks and the elements of personality are habit blocks. There are four kinds of these blocks that are especially Important, namely; knowledge, skills, emotional control-the rarest and most expensive of the blocks, and social attitude.”
In answer to the question as to how we may change or revamp our personalities. Dr. Smith made these suggestions:
1. Move to a place among strangers.
2. Go away from home on a visit.
3. Widen your Interest by means of study.
4. Become proficient In some 'sport or sports or take up reading.
Dr. Flory Introduced the debate squad, following Dr. Smith's talk. The ear-training and sight-singing class, taught by Miss Fern Lingen-felter sang at the beginning of the chapel program.
World Goes Round and Round As Students Seek Cake
At Cake Walk Sponsored by “M” Club and W. A. A.
.The fun really began when con-question but what Dorothy Selves got more In her mouth than anyone else. No. not because her mouth was the biggest, but because she had it open more than anyone else, for every time she spit out enough to plead with her pursuer, she would -get another mouthful. Each time. Mike gathered tickets. "Phooey,” right in your face. Just as someone showered him with confetti. Mrs. Lee Marquis got her share, too, right In the mouth. Well—so did every-one—down your throat, . up your nose. In your hair, and plenty down your neck.
Finally, after everyone had had a piece, or pieces, of cake, there were still a number left on the table. So auctioneers Johnston and Zook took the stand and sold them. It might be said here that the best looking cakes were brought by Mrs. Harden and Barney.
And great was the fun had by all! Too bad some of you bad to go home for the weekend, and that some of you preferred a show, because one and all. stags and steadies, had their fill of cake and confetti.
enough for Sally!
Some people were just lucky, or something. For Instance, there was "Mom," who walked with one of her "boys” and won the first round. She finished her cake and then walked with Mother Emmert. And they were the lucky two. Nice going, eh wot! Of course There were those who walked a dozen times or so for their cake. But there, was no one. I believe, who went away without any cake. And say, I thought Mike never would get filled up. He ate piece after piece, and then wished for "a little piece of 'that' cake."
The most quiet person on the scene Friday night was Coach Selves. At least he was when he had his month shut, which wasn't, very often. Someway he got the orange and black stick to determine the winner of the walks, and at the beginning of each walk, he could be heard all over the gym hollering. “This Is the last walk, folks, your last chance to win a piece of cake." Then to the side, this remark, "Pretty soon, no one will believe me." As if anyone ever did. .
Men’s Team Wins State Title For Ninth Time—Third Successive Year
Bethany Team Wins Six Out of Seven to Beat McPherson
Prof. Maurice A. Hess and his McPherson college men's debate team came back to McPherson yesterday with the "little tin cup" designat-ing the state championship of the Kansas Intercollegiate Debating League for the ninth time in the 18 years the league has been in existence. The 1937 championship was the third successive title going to the Bulldogs. No other team in the league has won the state title more thun two times.
The state tournament this year was held at Winfield with Southwestern acting as host. Seven teams wore In the tournament. Including Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany. McPher-son, Bethel, Sterling, Friends and Southwestern.
The McPherson men's team won first place by winning the decisions In nine out of ten debates; Bethel was second by winning eight out of ten debates.
The women’s debate team of McPherson won second in the state with Bethany college of Lindsborg coming out first. The McPherson women won five out of seven debates while the Bethany coeds won six out of seven debates.
The McPherson men’s team Included William Thompson, McPherson, and Kenneth Weaver, Haxtun. Colo. This team was undefeated, in the Winfield tournament. Weaver holds a unique distinction of being the only McPherson debater to be on the state championship team for three years. The remainder of the men's team includes Alvin Lindgren, Canton, former state high school champ debater, and Willard Flaming. Buhler. This team lost only one debate, and that to Bethany.
The women's team of McPherson college Includes Theresa Strom Worthington. Minn., and Alberta Keller, Minneola, Kan. The rest of the team Includes Lucile Cole, Langdon, Kan., and Inez Goughnour, Des Moines. Iowa. Each of these two teams lost one debate to the cBthany teams lost one debate to the Bethany tournament.
The Winfield tournament brought to a close the 1937 debate season of oratory and debate. McPherson college has had a very successful year In forensic activities.
Every student generation at McPherson has witnessed a champion-ship. Other championships have been won In the years: 1922. 1926. 1927, 1928. 1931. 1932. 1935, 1936, 1937.
Candidate for Fellowship at K. U, Was Prominent
Miss Maxine Ring, class of '35, has been nominated by the faculty for the Kansas University Fellowship this year. Miss Ring has always been a leader in school activities. She graduated from McPherson High School as valedictorian in 1931, and ranked second in her graduating class at the College. During her college career. Miss Ring was president of the Internationa; Relations Club and took an active part in many other organizations. Having majored In English and history, she is teaching this year at Fostoria, Kansas.
Mr. Elmer Staats, class of '36, was granted a similar fellowship. At the present time, having completed this master's degree at Kansas University of Minnesota. Mr. Staats has an assistantship at the University of Minnesota where he Is taking his doctor's degree In political science.
Eldred Mathes, who was chosen from the class of '35 Is taking his degree In commerce, He is writing his thesis on a phase of the taxation problem.
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is free! Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Don't push, plenty of room for everyone. With the music, let’s go!" ballyhoos Johnsie.
Thus, with Stutzie at the piano, and Harney holding the tell-tale stick, two and two the circle went round and found.
"Right this way folks, for a game of Bingo. A winner every time! Try your luck with the kernels of corn and a card." yells Rock. And, as he and Daniel called the numbers, the players eagerly looked for the square on which they might place a kernel of corn.
There was another side attraction that beckoned many players to try their skill. The object of the game was to drop beans into a small bottle that bad been placed In a large Jar of water. Not so easy!
And all this time lucky couples were winning big hunks of cake. And what I mean, they were huge! Delicious cakes too-a whole table of 'em. and you could take your choice. Not so easy to pick from such a tempting lot. One piece was fetti was brought forth. There is no
Dr. Smith Talks at Hutchinson
Dr. Josephine Smith was invited to speak at Hutchinson Junior College last Tuesday evening on the subject Building Blocks of Personality.
The meeting Tuesday night was held in preparation for the coming of Paul Poponoe, noted psychologist who is being brought to the Junior College, by the Y. W. and Y. M. organizations.
River Plantation Quartet To Present Program at City Auditorium Thursday
The Deep River Plantation Singers will present a program at the city auditorium next Thursday evening as an extra number on the 1936-37 McPherson Community Lyceum Course.
Joy. superstition. and religion characterizes the rhythmic songs of the colored race. The stirring and authentic interpratations of negro music by this splendid ensemble are Inspirational.
The repertoire of these versatile performers includes spirituals and comedy numbers. The musical excellence of their programs is attested by many universities who book them repeatedly.
"The largest crowd of the season was present in Presser Hall, nor was It disappointed. Lindsborg has heard numerous spiritual singers but none with the power and finish of the Deep River Plantation Singers."— Bethany College.
The largest crowd to attend the Community Lyceum Series heard the Deep River Plantation Singers when they were here three years ago.
This program has been secured In addition to the regular lyceum schedule and Is not included with the season tickets. Admission Is thirty cents.
Selections from "Show Boat, "Hallelujah” “Green Pastures,'’ "Emperor Jones," and other famous negro productions, are offered. "Juba Dance," "Barcarolle," and Percy Grainger’s concert arrangement of "Turkey In the Straw," for piano: "De Glory Road." "Why Darkies Were Born,” and "Lazy River" are representative of a limited number of solos usually included.
Thu Deep River Plantation Singers are trained musicians, possessing the power and finish acquired only by long professional experience, yet singing and entertaining always with that abandon and spontaneity which so richly characterizes the rare ar-tistry of their face.
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Kathryn Enns, Jessie Miller, Betty Ruth Stutzman and Hazel Crawford Picked
Combination of Gold, Green and Black to Cover Quad
The decisions of then ten artists of Wichita as to the selection of four beauty girls on the campus are: Hazel Crawford. Jessie Miller. Betty Ruth Stutsman, and Kathryn linns. There Is no ranking an to first second, third or fourth. It may be of Interest to know how these girls were selected. All of the class panels of the "Quad" were taken around to these artists and by keeping a tabulated form these four girls receiv-ed the most votes. By this method every girl whose picture appears in the “Quad" had Just as equal chance as any other girl, with the exception of the football queens who were purposely barred.
Many students hare been asking how the Quad is progressing and the editor is proud to report that It is progressing ahead of schedule. With the exception of two plates all engraving has been ordered and all that remains is to get the writing material In to the printers, which still requires a lot of work. Printing will probably begin In shout a mouth. The covers have been ordered and it is here that the staff has a surprise for the entire student body. Better covers are bein gordered this year than last. The company making them this year is the IKngsport Press, Inc., at Kingsport. Tennessee. which is noted for their high quality of work.
The color combination of the book this year is gold, green and black, a three color job, while last years book was only a two color combination This year the book is dedicated to the "Youth of Today and Tomorrow." The delivery date has been set for May 25, however. If at all possible it may be changed to an earlier date.
•The popularity contest will close Friday noon. No ballots will be accepted after 12 o'clock Friday. March 12. Those In the run-off are Mike Vasquez, Bill Fry, Harold Mohler, David Metzger.
Music and Talk by Rec. C. E. Davis
on Program From KFH
McPherson college presented a half hour broadcast over station KFH, Wichita, Monday night from 7:30 to 8:00. The program was given by the fine arts department of the; college and Reverend C. E. Davis spoke on "The Founding of McPherson College,”
Each fourth Sunday of the month McPherson college gives a half hour concert over KFBI, Abilene, from 2:45 until 3:15 o'clock. The next Abilene broadcast will be on Easter Sunday, March 28
The students and Instructors who appeared In the concert Monday dude'Prof. Nevin Fisher, Miss Fern Miss Floy Lackey, and Miss Ann Janet Allison.
Following is the program as broadcasted Monday night:
"The Beautiful Blue Danube," waltz, by Strauss Schultz, Evler, Chasins for two plaints by Professor Fisher and Miss Lingenfelter.
"Romance." by Svendson. by Miss Campbell, violinist
"Il Bacio," (The Kiss) waltz song, by L. Ardit, Miss Lackey, coloratura soprano.
Intermezzio in A Minor, by Doh-nanyl. Miss Allison, pianist.
Recital Sunday Afternoon
The Fine Arts Department of McPherson College presented another recital Sunday afternoon In the col-lege chapel at four o'clock.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas
Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
HOME OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
THE BULLDOGS Associated Collegiate Press of Quality
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917. at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For
One School Year $1.00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief .........................-Harold Larsen
Feature Editor.................r_________—----------Gladys Shank
Sports Editor..................Gordon Yoder
Copy Readers.... ---------Ellen Divine. Elders Van Dermar
Business Manager_.__________________■___________Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Business Manager---------------Russell Kingsley
Orpha Burn Rosalie Fields
Bill Fleming
Bill Fry Opal Hoffman
Miriam Horner
Rilla Hubbard Russell Kingsley Winton Sheffer
Ruth Tartar Toshiro Tsubakowa Gordon Yoder
With talk of neutrality in the air, audible, despite Supreme Court oratory. It is interesting to look back into the 1936 Democratic platform and Bee what was said about keeping the country out of war.
The Democratic party pledged "a true neutrality." It promised to "guard against being drawn by political commitments, international banking or private trading into any war which may develop anywhere."
The neutrality hills in Congress meet the menace of "International banking." for loans and credits are denied to nations at war. A neutrality law catfoot cover political commitment directly; all It can do is exert pressure on our diplomats
to avoid them.
You can guard against the danger of "private trading" drawing us into another war, but No Such Protection is Provided in Either Neu
trality Bill.
Neither measure allows any embargo on the sale of war goods to belligerents. An long as warring nations have the cash, they can buy anything hero except munitions, pro-vided they take it away in their own boats. With billions of foreign dollars invested here now, ready to be turned into cash, a war boom in American industries could be under way almost overnight, with the President and Congress powerless to stop it. The United States would be once more the arsenal of the world, accepting the treacherous profits of war.
Unless amendments bring our neutrality law into line with the platform on which the Roosevelt administration was returned to power, we must conclude that the Democratic party has gone back on the people.
No other single word Is probably to mush in the limelight as neutrality. For many this word is the magic keep with which we can lock our them this year Is the Kingsort doors and thus avoid participation in the next war. Whether neutrality is only an ideal or an accomplishable fact remains to bo seen. Neutrality is only on ideal or an accom-plishable fact remains to be seen. Neutrality is America's attempt to steer clear of disastrous foreign en-tanglements; it does nothing to prevent war. Because of this it is only a temporary expedient.
Taking a long range view It Is doubtful It neutrality will do much to curb the power of Mart. It this war-torn world is ever to reach a stage in evolution where strife is mitigated and finally abolished one of two things must take place. The first of these although it may abolish strife and friction is built on a shifting foundation. History shows this to be the case. Under the away of the scepter of Augustus Caesar there was peace. This was true, not because of the eradication of the causes leading to strife, but because these causes were held in check. As long as the power of the Caesars remained strong enough to withstand attack from without and dissension from within, there was peace is the ancient civilized world. The moment their power waned the structure tottered and finally fell.
Peace could likewise be brought about today; a Hitler, a Mussolini, by bringing the entire world under the power of his thumb, could for a time prevent war. For all practical purposes, however, it is questionable Whether any single man or nation could succeed In doing this at the present time. It would be hard, In
fact impossible, for any one nation to assert its supremacy over the other civilized nations. The great distances separating Europe, America and the Orient plus the modern efficient, mechanised war machines of each nation would prolong the struggle and eventually bring it to a stalemate. There could be but one result—anarchy.
There is therefore only one other means of bringing about the desired end. Although this posibility is yet In the far distant future it does lie within the realm of feasibility. In the long run nations can live together peaceably only by cooperating. When nations will be ready to surrender their rights to maintain their own armed forces and use them ns they see fit, the biggest step for peace will be made possible. By taking such a step a nation does not lose its sovereignty or identity. Each British possession Is separate and distinct; It remains so not because of its ability to coerce the mother country into this position but because of a democratic spirit and a real tion that by staying within the bonds of empire definite advantages can be obtained.
A settlement of differences between nations need not precede such a cooperative venture. If such were the case petty jealousies could hamper a move of this nature indefinitely. Just as the British possessions the Swiss cantons, and the United Status can settle difficulties rising between members of the confederation without resort to force, so likewise can the nations. As long at nations can force a weaker nation and in turn be coerced by a still stronger nation or combinations, thorn will be strife.
Thanks. Penly Ann. You are doing a useful job. Incidentally, it is good
to find someone besides the Linotype man, who reads the jargon I con-coct.
I see by the papers the stool prices are on the up and up, and others will follow, to pay for the current wage increases. Nobody knows how to stop it. It seems to be economic laws, more than nine old men. which are spoiling some plans.
Last week the papers carried the picture of the president at a victory dinner—Parley, beer bottles and all—at which he mourned for a na-tion beaten to its knees by the supreme court. Of course, we did just send the biggest flood ever, safely down the Mississippi with a billion dollar levee system built under the constitution, a soil conservation program In making considerable headway. the dust bowl has Just had snow and may yet get back Into the grass we plowed up to raise wheat to make the world safe for democracy, labor Is bargaining for and getting bolter conditions and higher pay— but, if the president's theories are obstructed, a crisis must exist. I thought somebody said something about happy days being hero again. Poor prosperity! Here it is around the corner again!
First it was court reform: now it's a national crisis of reactionism: what will it he next? Last night he disclaimed all thought of dictatorship, but suppose he changed his mind like he did about the need for reform?
Did Mayor LaGuardia ever get put in his place! I guess he found out those "brown-shirted fanatics—'" nice phrase. Fiorello—could sure sling the epithets. They sure scored pur lynchings and racketeering and taxi dance halls. They never seemed to think that our government might well demand an apology in its turn. It all goes to show how easy it is to get stirred up over some foreigner if little importance and lose a lot more friends.
Yours for the secession of King Franklin I.
G. Green.
The Gallery
Our three professors Lehman. Sheets and Warner aren't always pro fessors, but they prefer Instead to suit their personalities to the occasion—or did they, the night of the late Hutchinson concert?
No fooling—Professor Fisher may be the driver of the car when he sits under the wheel, but that little Ford tales on some dizzy rambles sometimes.
You don't know what It’s all about If you don't know that: white shoes are now in season—officially opened by Dean Smith; that new coiffures may be forthcoming after "Bernice" talked to the coeds; that Miss Heckethorn asserts that she promptly forgave the faltering serenade to her from outside the library Monday night; that—shall we say— Shubert—has gone in for the "we-ran-out-of-gasoline" excuse even
down here at McPherson; that Oliver says "he can’t help it If he's fallen in love" (Just like that!— again!); that Frances' now bonnet is the acme of spring millinery.
Call It anticipation; the way in which Larsen and Albright waited for the coming of the Hoffman family car last weekend.
You may ask: the guides in the museum about the relics and they'll tell you at least twice as much as they really know; or Lola Mao how jokes are like animals . . . but don't ask: Weaver about the story of the little bird (it will flutter his little heart so); or Betty Ruth to show you the "parallel" stop In "Swance.”
Here's to more applause for Professor Hess—especially when we remember how he enjoyed our street meeting on the sidewalks of Wich-, ita!
It has been reported that the foods class will serve semi-formal breakfasts next week. Yon fellows who are craving a change In diet for the morning repost might try being friendly with the members of that class. Maybe you'll get an "Invite."
We’re told that they are turning out a variety of delicious pies In the foods lab this week. Perhaps we could decide which kind we really like best If we dropped In and sampled a few.
Mrs. Miller of Canton. Kansas entertained eighteen college students, at a buffet supper given In honor of the birthday of her daughter.
The theme of the evening was St. Patrick's day. The decorations being in green and white. The guest guest list included: Aileen Wine, Alberta eKeler. Mary Trostle, Ruth Taylor. Becky Ann Stauffer, Hazel Crawford. Rilla Hubbard, and La Vena High. Edward Jones, Emerson Chisholm. Milton Morrison, Bill Fry. Marvin Riddell. Earl Mathiot. Erwin Bentz, Daniel Zook and Chester Johnston.
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Popuar Boy .
Name of Voter.
The amount of nose Ohio State
University students put Into their voices can now be determined by the "nasality indicator" in the phonetics laboratory of Derby Hall.
Wayne Albright visited with Harold Larsen.
"It's really much shorter in Siam-oes," to the modest comment of the owner of the longest surname at Harvard University Kaiqui Nimman-ahaerminds I G. B.
Beauty Operator Lectures Before Women’s Connell Meeting
If the fair coeds on our campus come out in the next few days wearing new curls or bangs or something else "different" we can thank Mrs. Bernice Studer of the Watkins Beauty Shop, who addressed the members of the Women's Council on the care and dressing of the hair at their regular meeting Tuesday night.
"One of the first problems In dealing with the hair Is that it be Immaculately clean," said Mrs. Sluder. "However, the frequency of shampoos, as well as the kind of shampoo used, depends on the individual’s own hair."
In discussing various ways of dressing the hair, the speaker stressed the fact that the hairdress should be first of all, becoming to the dividual, and second it should be distinctive. Just because certain popular movie actresses dress their hair In some eccentric manner Is no proof that It will be becoming to everyone else who happens to admire it, regardless of facial type, height and so on.
Mrs. Studer also pointed out that the hairdress should be practical, suitable for day-time wear, and easy to care for. She maintained, furthermore, that there is a time and place for wearing ornaments In the hair. Combs are the only ornaments that are practical and suitable for day time wear, whereas Jewelled birds and flowers are. effective for evening wear.
Following her talk. Mrs. Studer answered questions in regard individual hair problems.
Penly Ana Host
What European and American literature has brought to Japan Is realism, naturalism. humanistic Idealism, and a new technique In story writing.
Japanese naturalistic literature first came to the front after the Russo-Japanese war. during which Japan gained politically and socially an Important stage of develop-ment. So Japanese naturalism, though expressed In literature, was not simply a literary trend, but an extensive movement of social culture, with the economic change of Japanese society. It was the inevit-able product. This corresponds to the three important trends of Japanese naturalism. One is the study of Zola, founder of naturalism in Franco. His "Nana" had been already translated. Zolaism was strong. The second source is romantic English naturalism represented by Shelley and Wordsworth and others. The third is such French authors as Flaubert. Maupassant. These Impressionistic naturalistic authors, as well as such Russians as Turgenev, Tolstoy and Chekhov, fundamentally In-fluenced Japanese literature. A great many Japanese authors assimilated their technique and substance, and thereby built up their own style.
The study, assimilation. Introduction and translation of European literature never ceased during any period of the development of modern Japanese literature Consequently “the studies penetrated the subjects down to the most delicate de-tails.
While realism (naturalism) was looking at life as an unprejudiced observer, a new school arose In opposition to it. Influenced by Tol stoy they attempted to picture life with humanitarian idealism. And also a group of writers stood In opposition to naturalism not in the at titude toward life but In the art of writing—construction and technique. The origin of KanKiKudu's realism (one of the popular authors
—The Culture of
Toshiro Tsubakawa
Syrians May Be Responsible in Place of Phoenicians
New Haven, Conn.—Professors who know their ABCs have long been puzzled as to their origin.
General opinion had It that the alphabet was transmitted to us front the Greeks through the Phoenicians. It appears, from a recent announcement of Dr. Julius Obermann, professor of Semitics at Yale University, that we Inherited our ABCs from a little-known people of northern Syria.
Basing his conclusions on the study of cuneiform alphabet writings on clay tablets unearthed six years ago at Ras Shamra in Syria. Dr. Obermann claims the Greeks really borrowed an archaic form of this Semitic alphabet and preserved It.
Meanwhile, the Semitic form changed, developed in its home country and evolved into the alpha bet used by the Phoenicians, the Moabites and the Hebrews.
Tracing the alphabet to Ras Shamra dissolves the perplexities of ABC-historians, be explained. The Greeks used many more symbols than the Phoenicians did. Accounting for the non-Phoenician element* was a problem. Now these elements can be shown "one and all to be present in the cuneiform alphabet from Ras Shamra."
There Is more drinking of alcoholic beverages and students are drinking more hard liquor than light liquor In most American colleges and universities according to a survey Just completed by The Literary Digest, which findings are published In its current Issue.
Questions were sent to the heads of 1,476 colleges and also to 1,476 student editors and lenders, the magazine-states, asking an appraisal of their campus drinking situation since Repeal.
Replies are reported from 646 presidents, deans and student leaders who represented 581 American colleges "of every type of sectarian and and non-sectarian school In the country."
More drinking since Repeal Is reported by 303 of those responding and 60 others state there is less drinking in their colleges. Reports from 205 state that students are drinking more hard liquor and from 100 that they are drinking more light.
On Care of the Hair
Is there any topic of discussion more Interesting to a woman than how to make herself attractive and beautiful? "Care of the Hair” was the topic announced for Women’s Council discussion Tuesday night: a large group of girls were present. For the benefit of those girls who were not there, here are a few of the pointers given the group by Mrs. Bernice Studer, beauty operator from Watkins' Beauty Shop.
The first problem in fixing the hair is a good shampoo. Keeping the hair immaculate constitutes the most important factor in an attractive hairdress. Oily hair should be shampooed once a week and dry hair every ten days. Castile is one of the best soap shampoos. Drene, with which no rinse is needed, is also a good shampoo. With most shampoos, however, either a vinegar or lemon rinse is desirable. Vinegar has a tendency to make the hair darker: lemon does not effect the color of the hair.
If the hair Is dry and lifeless, try a hot oil treatment. If you are able to comb the hair into waves after it has been brushed, there Is no doubt that brushing is beneficial.
If you are one of those lucky individuals whose hair Is lovely In texture and cooler let that be the outstanding characteristic of It: do not try an elaborate hair dress. It Is better to have a becoming hairdress than a popular one. The way your hair is fixed should be expressive of your personality, but that does not mean you should wear It the same way all the time. Don't let the style of wearing your hair become monotonous.
When you have your hair set. let it be in a way that will be suitable for all occasions unless you are one of those unusual people who can afford to take time to change it after one wearing. Remember, too. to have it set the way it naturally grows.
At night wear a net over the hair, as well as when changing clothes. Do not steam your curls. That Is good for waves, but plays havoc on curls.
This spring, ornaments In the hair are popular: but there is a time and a place for them. Combs are practical in the day-time. For evening wear flowers are as good as over. There are numerous ornaments for the hair on the market. Do not wear them with an elaborate dress or Jewelry.
So much for hair-dross.
Shakespeare Would Be Proud, Too!
I noticed a news item—well. more then an item I'd say—In the Spec last week headed thus: Difficult Play To Be Given. I guess It's dif-ficult I'm trying you this fixing up
Shakespearean play for two nights takes work—work for the actors, carpenters, painters, and coaches. But when they get through it’ll be a real play and no hay!
I'm wondering how hard a time Petruchio is having getting Kathar-ina tamed. I can’t feature our Wanda being so incorrigible. (Is that the word?) but they say she's a marvelous shrew.) And Petruchio—I never could quite Imagine our Kenneth getting hard boiled with the fair lady but they say also that he does it nobly! These, of course, aren’t the only people In the play, but you’ll find them perhaps two of the most interesting. How can I prove it? I can’t prove It but you can-— you can by coming to see The Taming of the Shrew, on March 23 and 24 at the McPherson College Auditorium.
We don’t want anyone skipping this production because of finances —this isn't a matter of finances. (Of course they’re necessary) but the point is that this is something new. unique, difficult and rare and you Just can’t miss it.
As stated before—anyone who can scare up a nice load from out of town will be welcome to talk business with the Senior Class.
Hurray. hurray, hurray for our side!
today) was his study of Galsworthy. Dunsany and Shaw.
These schools were started some twenty or more years ago. and not a few of the men are still active In the creative literature.
This age Was a period in which Japan advanced economically, matured In culture, and was emancipated and differentiated socially, with the World war as a turning point. It is agreed that the culture and literature of the Japanese bourgeoisie reached their zenith, after which they declined toward decadence.
Proletarian literature was a later development, affected by Russian communism with the view of life as class struggle. The labor faction of Zola and Shaw as well as of Russians took part of it. When literature Is thus employed for other purposes than for Its own. no good literature can be expected. As proletarian literature became a type with the same purpose, the same theme and the same character the public began to lose Interest.
There Is however, one type of novel that Is typically Japanese. This may be called, "the personal novel.” or the "Introspective novel." In this class of novel the hero Is none other than the author himself. Neither theme nor plot Is to be found. Nor its novelty or romance fell necessary. Only ordinary events of every day life take place. But there Is a depth of thinking and living In the hero. There In felt the naked form of living humanity. It is Skinkyo-Sho-setan. It is for this type of novel to be appreciated by western readers. But In the eyes of Muses, we believe It has a high place of Its own.
Our literature has added much to Its elements from the literature of the world. Not many people are as anxious for foreign literature of the world. Not many people arc us anxious for foreign literature as the Japanese. But. unfortunately, very little of what we have has been known abroad. The reason for this is not difficult to be seen. The difficulties lie in the language Itself. We have twenty or thirty words for the first person singular. Each has a peculiar connotation as to the class, rank and personality. It Is Impossible to. substitute for all these only one I or Ich. There are more than twenty names for rain. Rain is called differently according to the season and the manner of Its raising. And each Is rich In literary association. "Har-usame" is translated the same as rain. But there is to us an infinite wealth of poetry and vision. The word Itself Is artistic expression.
A great many Japanese words share the same misfortune when translated and we are desperate as to the probability of our literature being properly Interpreted.
Although nearly all outstanding books are being translated, today, with no new stimulus being felt from the West, and with no writers coming forward, our literature ta In a state of stagnation. The contemporary literature Is. after all. the result of the overwhelming pressure of the contemporary literature of Europe on our own literary tradition. What kind or literature which can be understood by Westerners, will finally be produced from the melting pot remains to the future.
Miss Gill spent the weekend at her home In Lawrence. Kansas. Margaret Messemer and Fred Nace also accompanied her to Lawrence.
Forward—Beiser, Baker (captain.)
Forward—Bock, C. of E.
Center—Meine, Baker Guard—Lee. C. of E.
Guard—Rudolph. Baker -— Second Team Forward—Snyder, Kans. Wesleyan.
Forward—Boll, C. of E.
Center—Benton. Ottawa Guard—Watson. Kans. Wesleyan Guard—H. Johnston, McPherson (captain.)
Honorable Mention C. Johnston, McPherson; Barngrover, McPherson; Schrey, Baker.
INDIVIDUAL SCORING (SO or more points In Conference games)
FG |
FT Tot. | ||
Rock. f. C. of E......... |
18 |
106 | |
Beiser, f. Baker......... |
...43 |
12 |
98 |
Snyder, f, K. W. U..... |
...41 |
15 |
97 |
Rudolph, g. Baker .... |
...36 |
17 |
89 |
C. Johnston, f. McPher. 30 |
27 |
87 | |
Boll. f. c. or E. _______ |
...28 |
22 |
78 |
Brenton, c. Ottawa .... |
...31 |
14 |
76 |
Heine, c. Baker ........ |
...28 |
15 |
71 |
Miller, f. Ottawa ........ |
...26 |
11 |
63 |
Schrey, g. Baker ........ |
...22 |
19 |
63 |
Wtson, g. K. W. U. |
...24 |
15 |
63 |
H. Johnston, g, McP. |
....19 |
17 |
55 |
Lee. g. Ottawa ......... |
...22 |
10 |
54 |
Barngrover, c, McP..... |
...19 |
13 |
5! |
Conference Title Goes to Wildcats
Baker Defeats College of Emporia in Late Season Game To Win Championship Again
Kansas Conference Standings Final
W |
L. |
Pct. |
Pts. |
Op. | |
Baker ......: |
..9 |
1 |
.900 |
367 |
251 |
C. of E. ___ |
-8 |
2 |
.800 |
380 |
290 |
Ottawa ..... |
G |
.500 |
355 |
341 | |
Kans. Wes. |
..4 |
6 |
.400 |
28G |
288 |
McPherson |
..4 |
5 |
.400 |
267 |
300 |
Bethany — |
..0 |
10 |
.000 |
205 |
350 |
W. |
L. | |
Zook |
0 | |
Miller .................. |
1 | |
.......................3 |
2 | |
Carter ................ |
........................2 |
3 |
Bredfeldt .......... |
1 |
4 |
....................0 |
5 | |
B-Team .............. |
0 |
Atom Report at Chemistry Club
Coach Selves is Preparing For a Heavy Bulldog Schedule This Spring
With the last basketball game of the season a thing of the past. Coach "Bud" Selves is turning to track and field events and making plans for one of the heaviest track schedules the Bulldogs have had in several rears. Coach Selves plans to have a track moot every week during the season, which will formally open around April 1.
Although It will bo a week or more before the coach will have any idea as to the possible strength of his team, ho has five lettermen back around which to build his team. Two of three freshmen recruits appear promising duo to their high school records and there may be others who will make strong contenders for positions on the 1937 track team.
Present Indications are that McPherson will be strong in the middle and long distance races. Material is lacking for the field and weight events and In the sprints the Bulldogs will be only fair. New material may be found before the season Is far underway.
Among the lettermen due to ro-port are George Toland. sprinter, Leo Haun, hurdles and polo vault, and three distance runners. Wayne Albright, Gordon Bower and Paul Miller.
Coach Selves said he expects a track squad of 20 to 30 men to report for practice as soon as the weather permits the use of the track and field north of the college campus. He said there Is an unusual amount of interest in truck this spring.
To date several tentative meets have boon arranged by Coach Selves but so far no definite arrangements have been completed. Probably the first meet will be a triangular affair with Sterling and Bethany on April 2. ‘The place of the meet has not yet been decided. A dual meet with Kansas Wesleyan is In the making for April 8, and on April 16 Bethel, C. of B. and McPherson will moot in a triangulur meet. The Kansas university Relays will he held April 17 and if any McPherson tracksters show up well by then they will be taken to Lawrence for the Relays. The annual Kansas conference track and field meet has been sot for May 21 at Ottawa. Coach Selves Is also trying to arrange for a dual meet with Bethel college but no tentative date has yet been set.
Head of Bum College Voices For Fifty Years Given Warning
Even scholastically bum college students make poor hoboes. This announcement comes straight from the Dean—the Dean of American Hoboes, one Dan O'Brien.
"Fifty years of hoboing have convinced me that students from colleges furnish poor material for hoboes. Hoboes comes from boys— and hoboettes from girls, from n status that does not allow or privilege them a college training—except that of Hobo Colloge.” writes O’Brien.
"As Dean of the Hobo College of America. I am aware that to become and remain a hobo one has to have these superior qualities: first, courage; second, a desire to travel, see things and learn, and, last, a strong constitution and tremendous power of adjustment and adaptability as well as a love for freedom and beauty." adds Dr. O’Brien.
"The official college trains students to fit themselves Into a business world. Take them out of that environment and you have perfect fools, but the Hobo College teaches its students the nobler art of hoboing—how to cope with life.
Despairing even more of coeds, Dean O’Brien says "they are hopeless material. Now you take regular hoboettes, they get more wisdom in one year than they possibly could have gotten from a college training or being locked up In the Congres-sional library for four years."
Patronize Spectator advertisers.
neutrality Second Team Record
McPherson 12; Bethel 19 McPherson. 12: C. of E.. 20
McPherson, 21; Bethany. 10.
McPherson. 48; Sterling. 12. McPherson 15; Bethel 18 . McPherson 21; Kansas Wesleyan 14.
McPherson. 25; Buhler H. S.. 24.
McPherson, 28; McPherson Y. M.
C. A.. 25. ’
McPherson. 24. C. of E. 21 Total, 206; Opponents, 163.
Won 6; Lost 3.
Season’s Record
McPherson. 22; Oklahoma City, 39
McPherson. 23; Ft. Hays State. 38
McPherson. 47: Bethel. 20. _ McPherson. 27; Kansas Wesleyan 16
McPherson 22: Baker. 27 McPherson. 29; C. of E., 38 McPherson, 20; C. of E.. 38 McPherson. 27: Bethany. 19 McPherson. 42; Sterling, 24 McPherson 30; Ottawa, 32 McPherson. 26; Bethel, 31 McPherson. 31; Kansas Wesleyan, 27.
McPherson. 20; linker, 36. McPherson. 21; Emporia Teachers 35.
McPherson. 22: Ottawa. 26. McPherson. 24; Emporia Teachers, 37
McPherson. 37; Bethany. 28 McPherson. 22: C of E.. 51 Total. 471; Opponents. 524.
Won 6: Lost 11.
Discuss Personality Problems
The Reinterpretation of Religion Commission continued Its discussion of personality in relation to society at Its meeting Wednesday, March 3. The subject which brought forth much discussion was that of forgive-ing and forgetting. This commission of the S. C. M. carried on a panel discussion of this problem in the general assembly of dll the commissions Wednesday.' March 10. They attempted to analyze forgiveness, basing their discussion upon the acts to be forgiven, there being primarily two phases which were taken up; i. e. premeditated and unpremeditated acts. The commission will meet again Wednesday. March 17.
The Family and Personal Relationships Commission is continuing its participation in the personal questionnaire, deiving into student and campus problems with continued Interest. Last week the discussion centered largely around the question of reactions to different personalities.
The basketball season Is over and once again Baker University rests at the top of the Conference ladder. College of Emporia led during most of the race, but a late-season defeat of the Freshies by Baker enabled the Wildcats to take the championship. C. of H. was the only team In the Conference to defeat the champions. They eked out a win by a two-point margin, 29 to 27.
The Bulldogs, after making a grand beginning with a win over Kansas Wesleyan, bogged down and won only three more Conference games. The four Bulldog victories came at the expense of Bethany and Wesleyan.
Out of the season’s total of 17 games, McPherson won six and lost eleven. It has been a rather disas-trous season, but Coach Selves has been doing good work in his first year as head basketball coach.
Only two players. Leo Haun and Captain Harold Johnston, will be lost through graduation. Both those men will be greatly missed, but a large squad will return next year, fighting for ‘the Conference championship.
Alumni Reunion Banquet Held at Wichita Friday Eve.
An alumni reunion banquet was held last Friday evening at the St. Paul M. E. Church. Wichita. Grover C. Dotzour, an alumnus of McPherson College 1912. was In charge.
Miss Lucetta Johnson and Mrs. W. M. Royer were elected officers of the Wichita chapter for the coming year.
Music for the program was furnished by the Varsity Girls’ Quartet. Professor Fisher and Professor
Crawford. Miss Elma Minnick gave a reading.
Reverend C. K. Davis and Professor S. M. Dell addressed the meeting.
Another alumni chapter banquet was held Tuesday at the Leon Hotel In Hutchinson. Miss Minnick gave two readings and the Varsity Male Quartet sang several numbers. Speakers were: Karl Breon. Profes-sor—Dell. and Dr. Bright.
Collegiate World
Any kind of lice one would shun can be found In the "lousiest place In the world," the museum of natural history at Stanford University, which houses the 220 different species in the collection of Gordon Ferris, associate professor of biology.
Inspired by P. G. Woodhouse. students at Nazareth College have organized a Goon Club, which has adopted this slogan: A pun a day keeps your enemies away.”
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will speak at Northwestern State Teachers College. Alva. Oklahoma, on March 12. the dedication day of Dunn hall, a now campus building.
In working for his education. Henry George Dihlmann, a Massachusetts State College student, has been a bell-hop, a truck driver, butcher, farmhand and postoffice helper. Now ho has been elected selectman of Schutesbury and is continuing his schooling.
The University of Minnesota’s "barefoot girl". Ingrid Larson, had to take off her shoes agian. Having to forgo a lifelong habit of "barefooting it," acquired while living In Hawaii, she wore shoes until recently when an ulcer, caused by leather-rubbing, developed on her foot.
Believing that he still has something to learn about singing. Jack Fulton, radio’s romantic tenor, has enrolled for courses in De Pau Uni-versity college of drama and music.
Regents at the University of Omaha voted in favor of a now dormitory which will cost $600,000.
A six-year-old German police dog. "Monty.” attends the hygiene classes of his master. Dr. Frank Castleman of Ohio State University.
Campus politics at the University of Illinois went "professional” recently when seniors used a voting machine to count ballots In the election of class officers.
More than 200 foreign students are enrolled at Harvard University this year.
Intramural Nears Finish
This week has just about put a finish on the first round of the Intramural basket ball tournament The games played this week were closer and far more interesting than some in the past.
The games played this week were: Miller winning from Fry 27-24. Letkeman beating Bredfeldt 39-26, Miller sneaking out on Letkeman 27-23 and Zook 35. Fry 18. The B-Team won their last game with flying colors from Carter 45-21.
The standings.
Reports on the atom comprised the program of the chemistry club when it met last Thursday In the chemistry lecture room.
A paper on Periodic Law. prepared by Asia Ostlund. was read by Virginia Harris. Kenneth Bentson spoke on Electrons and Nuclei, the Hydrogen Spectrum was the subject of a talk by Lois Gnagy. Van Hunt discussed the King Structure of Electrons. .
Charles Waggoner and Norman Edwards reported on the recent developments in the work on the atom. A demonstration of the model of the atom, given by Jonathan Hamersley. Walter Shannon, and Quentin Blackwell, concluded the program.
A course in amateur telescope-making, the first of Its kind in the country, is being offered by the division of general education at New York University.