Happy Farmer.............. Schumann

Betty Jane Krehbiel

Dutch Dance ........v....... Burgmuller

Roccoco ..........-........................ Bach

Jerry Gatz

Somersaults-----..... Gaynor Blake

Patty Reeme

Solfeggietto ...................—..... Bach

Margie Buller

Curious Story -----——------- Heller

Jane Sorenson

Dance of the Dwarfs ............ Dubois

Phyllis Mishler

March Militaire................ Schubert

June Sorenson. Margie Butler. Shirley Jane Peterson

Marjorie Love

Conference Speaker Tonight

•mi.?/    s Wist of Topeka, bishop Of the Kansas Diocese of the pro-

testant Episcopal church will speak at the regional conference of the thren this evening at 8:00 o'clock and Friday

morning at 10:00 o'clock. Bishop Wise is a well known speaker. having spoken here on previous occasions. The public In Cordially invited to hear him speak.

Dr. Hershey Lectures on Diamond-

Dr. Hershey, who has been ex-perimenting with synthetic diamonds and who has succeeded in making the largest synthetic diamond ever made, gave an interesting lecture on diamonds last Thursday before the Chemistry Club.

Slides were also shown Illustrating how natural diamonds are mined and a motion picture film In technicolor was shown. This film was taken last summer In the college laboratories and shows the work-done then on synthetic diamonds. Jessie Miller read a paper written by one of Dr. Hershey's former students telling of some of the problems which have had to bo met during the time of experimenting with synthetic diamonds.

Trustees Plan Year Program

Annual Session on February 19 and 20 Proves To Be A Great Success

Two Profs To Leave

Dr. Claude Flory and Professor Earl Bohling Not To Return

The Trustees of McPherson College met on their annual session on February 19 and 20, holding a brief adjourned session on February 2:

The following trustees were present: Richard Keim, Idaho; O. H. Feller, and B. F. Stauffer. Colorado; Earl Frants and Galen Lehman. Iowa; Walter Mason and I. V. Enos. Missouri; Robert Haney. Oklahoma; J. F. Metzger. Louisiana: Frank Wagner, W. A. Kinzie. Ralph Losh-baugh. Dale Strickler. L. B. Crumpacker. J. J. Yoder and V. F. Schwalm. Kansas. The organization of the Board resulted in the election of Earl Frantz ns Chairman; Dale Strickler as Secretary, and J. J. Yoder as Treasurer.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to hearing reports from the Administrative officials of the College—the President. Dean. Registrar. Business Manager. Treasurer. Dean of Men, Dean of Women, and Field Secretary. These reports set forth the present condition as well as the needs and problems of the College.

The Board faced its problems with courage and optimism. In reemploy-ing the faculty for 1937-38. the Trustees felt justified In making partial restoration of the salaries that had been so drastically cut during depression days.

Dr. Claude Florey, head of the English department, was granted a leave of absence for study in Europe during the next year; Prof. Earl Bohling resigned his position as head of the Commerce department, a position he has held for the past eight years, to go into some kind of outside work more conducive to good health. These positions have not yet been filled.

Dr. Harnly, who had been a teacher and Trustee of the College for more than forty years and who has been on the Executive Board for many years, presented his resignation us Trustee and member of the Executive Board. Mr. Harold Beam of McPherson was selected by the Trustee Board to fill this position. Mr. Beam is a graduate of the Col-logo. a successful farmer and has been active in county agricultural organization.     

To continue the Financial Campaign of the College, the Board has re-employed Rev. C. E. Davis as head of the field force to work mainly In the church areas, Rev. O. P. Williams of Plattsburg has helped with this program during the winter months and will continue temporarily. The Trustees of the College have added to this force Rev. Earl Breon, recently of Denver. Colorado. Rev-erend Breon was graduated from McPherson College In 1925 and later took his B. D. and A. M. degrees from Bethany Biblical Seminary and University of Chicago re-spectively. He has - had successful experience as s pastor, a Y. M. C. A Secretary and an insurance sales-, man. Mr. Breon and wife will move to McPherson March first, when Mr. Breon will become local field secretary, giving his time in part to student and financial solicitation.

A definite forward looking mood characterized the Trustees of the  College. Two new buildings are  their early objectives: a Physical Education plant, and a new boys’ dormitory. Besides these, there Is to be continuous improvement of the plant and equipment and added endowment. The Trustees realize this to be a long time program, but they who would build for the future must have large vision and persistence of spirit. During our Fiftieth Anniversary is a good time to begin to lay plans for the Centennial Celebration.

Dark Place for Cod Liver Oil

Edmonton Alberta—By keeping cod liver oil in the dark, two Canadian scientists have thrown new light on its effective use.

Cod liver oil. which contains the rickets-preventing vitamin D, is also a source of the growth-promoting vitamin A. but. says Dr. W. D. Mc-Farlane and his associate, L. Rudolph of the University of Alberta's biochemistry department, this latter vitamin is destroyed by exposure to light.

Piano Students

Present Recital

Pupils of Misses Lingenfelter and Brown Give Recital

The students of Miss Lingenfelter and Miss Brown gave a joint recital Sunday afternoon at four oclock in the College chapel. This recital was given by the members of the preparatory school which under direction of Miss Lingenfelter. This preparatory school has an outlined six year course. The students received their first diploma for the finishing of the outlined course prescribed by the music department. This school prepares the student to enter the college music department.

This group of students are preparing to give an operetta under Miss Lingenfelter's direction. This is to bo given by the Public school department and there will approximately fifty children participate in this operetta.

The following in the program as it was given Sunday afternoon:

Irish Dance.............Gaynor Blake

Julia Angevine and Carolyn Peterson

Allegro Vivace .................... Kuhlau

Betty Saylor Sunbeams ....------------------------ Brett

Rosemary Philipy

Boatman's Song ...................... Brett

Clara Belle Beseckcr

Hornpipe .......-...................Williams

Spring Song ...»..........— Thompson

Carmina San Romani

Goodnight Comrades ..........Williams

Wayne Zook

At the Ball ...... Thompson

Waltz ...........~................... Thompson

Joyce Daeschner

Swaying Trees ................ Spaulding

Shadow Picture ...... Rheinhold

Marjorie Lou McInteer

Minuet In G ..... Beethoven

Donna Marie Bowman

Theme .................................. Mozart

Melody     Rubenstein

Marjorie Quiring Little White Butterfly....May Piaget Martha Jane Bright Busy    m, ............. Brett

Influential Speaker

Reverend M. R. Ziegler, of Chicago, has created a deep concentrated attitude of the higher things In life, by his inspirational addresses. As guest speaker Reverend Ziegler has added a touch to the Regional Conference that can never he repaid.

Rev. W. W. Slabaugh In Chapel Wednesday

Parable of the Talents Subject Of His Address

Rev. W. W. Slaubaugh chose the parable of the talents for his address in chapel Wednesday. The slave, in his master's absence, was afraid to invest the money left in his care and he was blamed more for playing safe than if he had taken a chance. Consequently, he was demoted. This is a parable of life. There are no paths of roses.

Living. If done well. Is a science, an art. You are going out as men and women of culture, and as members of the church and you have a responsibility. You will have temptations to resist, which, if yielded to. will pull you down.

The cultural level of college graduates in society today is to play bridge, discuss new radio gadgets, and converse on the Saturday Evening Post. They can not even carry on an intelligent political conversation.

This is true of graduates even of the Church of the Brethren. The oply way to account for this Is that they drop Into this level, and, because of laziness stay.

Another temptation is that they are afraid to take a risk. There is danger, if you stand up for your convictions and ideals, of losing your job. But even this is better than "to pussy-foot or hedge. Such courage Is necessary If the Church of the Brethren is to go forward if you want thrills, just go out into life and stay with your convictions.

Don't make the mistake of the slave. If you do. you will be cast up as driftwood and the net result for the Kingdom of God will be zero.

Confidence Growing in Drive!

“Sap’s running.” What a thrill those words brought to the Now England family who owned a sugar hush. It meant that the subtle forces of Spring had brought again the strenuous but happy activity of the maple sugar season.

Somehow, about McPherson College just now there Is something akin to that expectancy, that thrill, that sense of the immenence of great and happy development that was produced In the old-time New England home when some sugar faced boy dashed into the house and excitedly proclaimed. "Sap's running."

The finance campaign among the churches Is producing substantial results; the crowds st the Regional Conference are larger than for several years; during the conference a good sister from Middle Iowa walk, ed Into the President’s office and gave him a check for $1,000.00 for the campaign; the trustee meeting was forward looking throughout the college charter and by-laws are being revised by the trustees and the curriculum and catalog by the facility to make them harmonize with North Central Association suggestions: the alumni campaign, with some enthusiastic chapter meetings recently held and others planned for the near future. is distinctly warming up; Karl Breon who will work for finances among the alumni and in student solicitation in the local high school field is bringing reinforcement and strength to the field staff: the McPherson city and county campaign is opening March first to continue during March and April a new physical education building and a new dormitory for men seem much nearer realization; plans for a great Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration on May 28-31 are being perfected ; and everywhere there is a growing confidence that the administration and trustees will reach their announced goal of North Central Association membership April 1938. This is the day of opportunity for McPherson College. Talk up the campaign. Send In your con tribution. "Sap's running."

To Discover Earth's Shape

Princeton. N. J.—An expedition sponsored by the American Geophysical Union. Including in its personnel such men as Professor Richard M. Field and Dr. Harry H. Hess of. the Department of Geology of Princeton University and Dr. Maurice Ew-ing, geophysicist of Lehigh University, will attempt to discover the exact shape of the earth.

Large Throng To Conference

Seven States Represented As Crowds Surge Into City For Regional Meeting

Rev. Wise Is Climax

Methodist Bishop to Lecture On

Evening's Program and Chapel

Tomorrow culminates six successful days of Inspiring, helpful addresses, lectures and conferences.

The social aspect of the Regional Conference' is of no small value. Pastors from several states meet from day to day in formal conference about the work of their local churches. and exchanging experiences and opinions. Sunday School workers under the leadership of experienced directors receive new Ideas to take home to their churches for the enrichment and Improvement of their program. The addresses became cumulative and the week’s work always results In a stepping up of the spiritual lives of those present. During the week, two moving picture films were shown setting forth some things of value to tho local church program.

One of the high peaks of fellowship during the week was the luncheon for conference guests given at the church by the Women's Council of the local congregation.

The Regional Conference has come to he one of the happiest and most profitable weeks In the college year. This year, conditions have worked together to make It one of the best for a number of years. Guest speakers include Rev. Rufus Bowman of Washington, D. C: Professor W. W. Slabaugh of Bethany Biblical Seminary. Chicago: M. R. Ziegler, executive secretary of the General Ministerial Board; and Miss Ruth Shriver of Elgin. Illinois, director of Children's Work in the Chech of the Brethren.

Principal speakers of the Conference are: W. W. Slaughbaugh. Professor of New Testament, Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago; M. R. Zig-ler. Executive Secretary. Elgin Illinois; and Rufus D. Bowman. Pastor First Church of the Brethren. Washington. D. C. Miss Ruth Shriver, Director of Children's Work. Elgin, has presented two motion pictures and conducted a conference for Children’s Workers.

President V. F. Schwalm conducted a Minister's Conference, Professor Nevin W. Fisher has had charge of dally music hours, and other departments of the College have offered service.

This evening Bishop Wise. Topeka. will address the Conference, and again tomorrow (Friday) he will speak to the College students and Conference guests at the chapel hour.

String Choir Appears in

Chapel Friday, Feb. 19

The string choir, conducted by Prof. Loren Crawford, made its first public appearance last Friday in chapel when it played "'The Lost Chord' by Sullivan, and “Asa's Death” by. Grieg. Members of the choir are Frances Campbell and Charles Wagner—-first violin: Margaret Fry and Florence Myers— second violin Floy Lackey and Russell Kingsley—third violin section; liaise Barber—violist; Lois Gnagy and Anna Fuchs -cello; and Widi-ger—bass.

Rev. Perry Williams, an alumnus of the class of ’1925, from Plattsburg. Missouri, was the guest speaker. His subject was "The Principles of Suc-Rev. Williams stressed the fact that they are not stumbled onto accidentally; hut there are few people that can’t lay hold of these principles after graduation.

There Is an essential narrowness that is hard for the college person to accept. Hence It Is difficult for us to adjust ourselves to ordinary situations when we get out. In closing. Rev. Williams said that character Is the greatest thing In the world.


THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1937

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

HOME OF    1936    Member    1937 THE SCHOOL

THE BULLDOGS Associated Collegiate Press OF QUALITY

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson.

Kansas. under the act of March 3, 1897.


Subscription Rates For

One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief-------------------- . Harold Larsen

Feature Editor ---------------Gladys Shank

Sports Editor---------------_----i.......Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers    Ellen Divise. Elders Van Dermark

Business Manager    __________Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager---Russell Kingsley

Christianity and Cooperatives

The Christian Church is indeed in a critical period. In a time when many institutions and values set up by man are crumbling, its future is also at stake. Because of this more than one thinking church member has asked the question, should the church exert its influence to help build a bettor social and economic order? Obviously there is no point in saving a man's soul when he is daily subjected to conditions that are conducive to temptation. When a man has difficulty In keeping body and soul together, he Is sometimes prone to doubt the existence of a benevolent diety. In a system where every individual is taught to watch out only for himself and got all he can for his personal benefit, he is prone to subordinate all other activities to this pursuit, many times even his convictions. Thus many Christians are coming to realize that besides saving, individuals. the church must make the society within which individuals live compatible with the principles Christianity stands for.

The cooperative movement, more than any other contemporary movement attracts church interest because of its supposed compatibility with all that Christianity stands for. This is the case because of the true significance which both Christianity and cooperatives place upon the individual. In both institutions the individual Is not exalted nor is he allowed to dominate. As a member of the group he is bound by its decisions; nevertheless he lives within a society that allows him much personal liberty.

practically all successful cooperatives are based upon the Rochdale principles which were developed by a group of twenty-eight weavers in the 1840's in Great Britain. Among these principles the more salient one ere (l) any Individual, regardless of race, creed or color, can voluntarily Join, (2) regardless of the amount of capital invested by each member he has but one vote. (3) money Invested in a cooperative society shall receive a certain fixed interest, the rest of profits are to be turned back to the consumer on the basis of the amount he has pur-

chased. It is quite obvious that those cooperative principles express many of Christianity's fundamental emphasis. Both Institutions are willing to accept members from any rank in society, both give the individual a Just share in determining the society’s and gis own future, both are built upon such a basis that the individual cannot be exploited Both are based on the philosophy that in union there Is strength, that by helping the Individual to a higher level and at the same time building a society that Is compatible with this higher level. the entire society will be benefitted.

Cooperation is possible among thieves. Unscrupulous politicians and capitalists can cooperate to exploit the masses. Two nations ran cooperate in subjecting and destroying a third nation. As Is true of so many other things, cooperation can be either a virtue or a vice. Cooperation in grabbing leads to strife and devastation; cooperation In sharing Is unifying and constructive. This being the case, the Christian church should throw Its weight and influence Into the building of unifying and constructive cooperation. With the words of the Master “I came to minister, not to be ministered to,’ constantly In mind, the church-es should show us that by cooperative sharing and working together we can build toward the Kingdom of God.        

Thus the cooperative idea and the Christian social conscience have much in common. Many Christians, especially in the western hemisphere. are Just waking up to this realisation. They are faintly beginning to see that here are two institutions that can work hand in hand because the principles upon which each Is based and the ends each is striving to teach are similar. Kagawa. the great proletarian saint of Japan, says that "Cooperatives are the love principle of Christianity In action." Here then is a way to make practical application of our Christianity for by cooperating; the church and cooperatives can become mutually advantageous.

—B. F.

The quotation of the week comes from Dean Smith. "A round table Is a good thing if yon know something; it ought not to be a pooling of ignorance.” Well, of all things! Even Jane Kent has succumbed to the urge to write poetry. It Just goes to show there Is something heartless in the most considerate of us.

Dadgumit! Here I go around the campus without a handkerchief. I know It Is wash day and I needed it. but she might at least have told me or put a clean one back in my pocket. Imagine the surprise of Prof. Dell the other day to be reading a magazine article and find bis master's thesis cited as an authority in establishing a point. He said he is glad somebody is getting some good out of It.

One day last week I called on a fond mother who, laying aside her cigarette while paying the bill I was collecting, informed me of something of more or leas importance about her baby. I hope the youngster Is bottle fed; it would be too bad for him to get ashed in his eyes. Oh. yes! There is the Wisconsin "slide rule sage" who calculates the University would use 29 tons less coal a year if they permitted smoking inside the buildings. He baa a point there—if they would only blow their smoke under the boilers. He figures the cost of the tobacco at about $240.-000. Maybe after all it would be beet to go on burning coal. Which reminds me that two cigarette-smoking girls In s stalled ear crowded me off in the ditch the other afternoon. They cussed about It. but that didn’t get me out. I had to pay a dollar for a wrecker to do that.

Dear Penly Ann Host:

What Is the best way to Introduce

my wife to other men?    




Penly Ann Host

Alumni Make Impressive Record

It Is indeed with gratification on this her Fiftieth Anniversary, that McPherson College looks bark on the splendid records of her alumni. She basks In the reflected glory Of the superior achievements her educational proteges have made.

During the fifty years since her founding McPherson has granted 2more than 9,000 degrees to men and woman now represented in practically every life profession. She has afforded the benefits of lesser amounts of training to several thou-sand others who have spent one and two years within her walls. And now as she looks forward to greater goals as the Alma Mater of future generations, she prays that she may be given the strength and support to carry on In the same honorable manner.

A college owes to its alumni continued interest and service. The

To complain of other people’s behavior. to give In detail the state of one’s health, to make critical comments on friends (or enemies) no matter how witty the comments may be. never adds to the popularity of anybody. And one other warning: Beware of the favorite phrase!

According to Vogue's Book of Eti-quette, conversation may be a lost art. but by the use of correct speech and the application of manners to daily communication it is possible to recover it.

(On Conversation and Speech)

To the one who possesses the charming art of conversation, we always pause to listen, and not infrequently to envy.

The ability to converse well is something that cannot be learned by simply applying rules. To cultivate that art we must be Interested in and observant of everything that goes on shout us; we must learn from every possible source. Moreover, we must think about what be have heard and read, to be able to converse intelligently upon It.

Here’s an Important point to remember. ’’Conversation comes from two Latin words cum meaning ’’with" and vertere meaning ”to turn." Its literal meaning then is "To turn with another in speech.’’ You take your turn and I’ll take mine” should be our attitude.

The average person is apt to err on the side of talking too much. Hence, beware of this common fault. Give the other person his chance, and be a good listener when he is speaking. There is a Chinese proverb which says. ’’Listen with your eyes, nose and month.” As this Implies, listening is a bodily attitude as well as a mental one. How charming we consider the person who helps ns blossom out by his sympathetic and intelligent interest. There are few surer ways to popularity Helen Hathaway suggests In her hook, "Manners."

It Is almost as bad to say too little ns too much. Think of conversation as a tennis game—where each player takes his turn at serving, each is alert to pick up the ball, when it comes his way, and to return it as skillfully as he can.

As to the choice of subject—we can discuss anything under the sun except money, disease, and personal affairs. It's only good manners to keep one’s topic of conversation cheerful.

Edith Hughy’s mother is visiting on the campus during conference


Mr. and Mrs. McGonigle of Nickerson. Kansas visited their son Glen Saturday and Sunday.

Isobel Kittell, former student of McPherson College and now enrolled at Kansas State college at Manhattan, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kittell of McPherson.

Esther Kimmel entertained several of her friends at a birthday dinner in the dining hall Monday night. .

Emerson Chisholm gave a chalk talk at the meeting of the Roxbury P. T. A. Tuesday night. Becky Ann Stauffer. Milton Morrison and Hazel Crawford accompanied him.

Dorothy Dell, a former student of McPherson college spent Monday night in the dormitory as the guest of Ruth Seigle.

Modena Koffman of Topeka, Kansas and former student of this col-lege is spending several days on our campus.

G. Green.

Eddie Diehl had his big toe nail neatly removed at Buhler while taking a shower. It Is as yet still a mystery how he did it

Mrs. G. I. Frantz. Rev. J. S. Dell, and Miss Dorothy Dell, of Beatrice. Nebraska are attending the conference and visiting Lillys Frantz

and Evelyn Dell.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keedy. and Misses Martha Klein. Margaret Wil-mot and Maurine Howard all of Marshalltown. Iowa, are spending this

week attending the conference and visiting Bernice Keedy. -

good name of a school is of constant value to its graduates, it must main-tain a high educational standard and take an abiding internal in everything that pertains to the welfare of its students. McPherson College has constantly lived up to these re-sponsibilities both while her students were in school and after they had graduated; and now she is eager that in return her students may be inspired to accord her the respect of their interest And support This spring hundreds of alumni will make their way back to Mc-Pherson College for the Anniversary Celebration, and many others, who live too far away to come, will scud their greetings. It will be a time of renewing loyalties and returning to a worthy Alma Mater, in substantial form, a measure of the advantages she has made possible for her students.


Mary had a little clock;

A naughty one it seems.

’Cause every time when morning comes

It yells and cries and screams!

Little Dwight Horner Sat in the corner Laughing most fit to kill—

I could hear the rest say As they went on their way.

“That Dwight is surely a pill.”-

Ed. Ed. the doctor's son    

Kissed a girl; ‘twas just for fun She wasn’t sore, but wanted more ’Cause she’d never had the likes before.

Students, students everywhere From morn ’til set of sun:

Students, students everywhere But we’d miss Just even one.

—The Turtle.

THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1937


M. R. Zigier Speaks In Chapel Tuesday

-Folowing the Challenge" Is Sub-

ject of Address

Reverend M. R. Zigler was the guest speaker in Chapel Tuesday morning. His opening remark that “Too many times our prayers stop with the Amen,' was followed by silent meditation. In his address on “Following the Challenge," he said that, sometimes we think a challenge comes from a speech, but an earthquake may he a challenge."

Every man who has become great IS a man who has pioneered, every sick person is a challenge to doctors: every death is a challenge to those who live; every dust storm and flood is a challenge to the mind of man.

Sometimes we propound a truth and people laugh at it, but we must persuade people that It la good. When discouragements come do not be too broken about them. Face the world?

We have to be careful that we don't find ourselves stranded in uncertainty. Every man had to think for himself.

The Christian ministry is the only profession that gives all of life to deal with. "I challenge the young men of McPherson College to go into the ministry and go out and build Christian communities. This takes the best mind this college can produce." In closing. Reverend Zigler appealed to the student body to make It as easy for young men to go into the ministry as it Is for them to go Into football.

New Books To Library

For you who enjoy reading good books the library has received several new and outstanding books, Some of the new books are as follows:

"Gone With the Wind,"—Margaret Mitchell; "Experimental Pedagogy— Lay; "Procession of the Gods.”— Atkins & Braden; "Negro poets and Their Poems"—Kerlin: "Reading front the New Poets,"—Ellsworth; "Index to Dramatic Readings."—Silk & Fanning; “American Writers on

"The Wise Choice of Toys."—Ethel Kawin; "A Philosophy of Education" —Kuebner; "Modern European Educators,"—Meyer and "The Head Voice and Other Problems."—Clippinger.

Dean Bright also added several good books to the library, some of the outstanding books were, "History of England,”—Dietz. "Technique in Teaching Garrison, "English oems,”—Parrot and Long.

There has also been eight books re-reived for the special course in com-mercial Law. The World Almanac for 1937 has also been added to the col-

Patronize Spectator Advertisers.



Toshiro Tsubokawa

World history is being made in the Pacific. Japan dominates the Pacific and the Far East. For weal or for woe, as goes Japan, so goes the Far East. Japan Is now one of the five powers In the world. The government center, the educational center, the cultural center in the Orient is Japan. It is no use to attempt to show how much Tokyo resembles New York, Chicago or San Francisco. Also It Is no use to prove how thoroughly Oriental the city Is.

Kipling's phrase "East is East, and West Is West, and never the twain shall meet." is being proven a falsehood before our eyes In Japan today. This International, Intercul-tural. Interclass and interracial cohesion is being furthered rapidly.

What Japan Is doing daily gains world wide attention. What Japanese are thinking la not easily discovered, yet It Is essential to a clear understanding of the development in the Orient and their effect upon world peace and progress.

Since I appeared in this campus. I have been doing nothing for you. The time, however is going to fly before I could do nothing. Fortunately I can borrow one column in the Spectator where I will be able to contribute something about Japan under the title of "Culture of Japan.”

This kind of job seems to me beyond my power with my poor command of English. But only thing I can do Is to try. I will start from next week In succession, unless I become lazy. I hope It will be worthwhile and a thoughtful gift for you and help you to understand the thought In a strange world from the different angle.

Toshiro Tsubokawa.

She Gave

Everything for M. C.

We are quite sure that no other alumnus or perhaps teacher knows so many former students of McPherson College as does Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock. who came to the college with her husband. Professor S. B. Fahne-stock In 1889.

Mrs. Fahnestock was connected with the college as a student part of the time and as a teacher much of the time. She taught In the commercial department with her husband some years, then fifteen years she taught in the Bible department: was Dean of women from 1929-1927. Professor Fahnestock passed away in 1912. Thus left alone in her sorrow she found relief In turning again to her work with young folks In the college.

She received three degrees from the College: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Sacred Literature. Dr. Edward Frantz presiding and Bachelor of Divinity under Dr. D. W. Kurtz’ work in the college in 1927. Mrs. Fahnestock resides In the Fahnestock home at the corner of E. Euc-presidency. She retired from active lid and Olivette. College Hill.

She keeps up her beautiful home, doing her own work. in the summer time usually no other lawn on College Hill Is more beautifully kept. She is a member of the Board of Christian Education of the Church:

member of the Pastoral Commit-tee; teaches a large class of women In the Sunday School every Sunday morning. Thus she keeps herself young and fit in body, mind and spirit.

She has not only been faithful in her service to the College and the Church, but she has helped greatly by giving very substantial gifts to both. She holds the friendships and affections of a great host of former students and faculty members, who remember her and love her most kindly. May God bless her and care for her. Is the sincere wish of all her friends.

Art Exhibit Open in Harnly

All visitors and guests of the conference are welcome to visit the art exhibit in the art department on the fourth floor of Harnley Hall. Paintings, pastels and oil landscapes are included In the display. There are also poster work and figure drawings. Many of the pictures made this year have already been taken home or have been given away as gifts.

course there were a number of feeds to eat all the goodies that parents had brought to the children. After one of these feeds on Friday night in Arnold, the girls decided it was too early to retire since it was only midnight. They began to conspire! In tho meantime In a room on third floor about a dozen girls were having a gay party in honor of an old friend who lived on third last year. And what I mean, they were really hilarious! They made so much noise that they didn't hear two girls come slowly up the creaking stairs from second and move stealthily down the hall. And furthermore, they were talking so fast and loud that they didn't hear the door-knob rattle as a rope was slipped on and tied. Nor did they hear those same two rattling the rest of the door knobs on third as they tied them all. (All this time the some thing was being done on second.) Then came a time of waiting—for the party to break up. It wasn't long. But—the rope wasn't tight enough. and they easily got-out by opening the door enough to cut the rope. Foiled again!

The conspirators from second ate the remainder of the food, retreated to their-own halls, and scrambled for a place In a bed. What a hang-over!

Eugenia Hogan, a former student of McPherson College spent last week end in the dormitory as the guest of Lucile Ullery.

Mammas, Papas, Uncles, Aunts and What

Have You Join in Regional Celebration

Mammas, papas, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends—bmph!    must be

something going on around here this week. Oh. yes, I remember now— this is Regional Conference Week.

Along about the end of last week, not only the girls In Arnold but also the boys over in Fahnestock wielded brooms and dost clothes and whisked the ancient dirt from under the beds and out the corners. Some of the boys even stayed out of bed long enough this week to make their bed. All this work Just to make a good impression on the folks from back home

Even the cooks some when the trustee come had make the best pie they have produced this year. Be-sides that, we have milk both for di-n ner and lunch Sunday, and for Sunday lunch, instead of the traditional apples, get large juicy oranges and graham crackers pasted tog other in place of cookies. And would you believe It. we had weiners Monday?

impressions? Yes, we must all put into practice our best rules of etiquette. for these parents of "his girl friends or "her boy friend must be impressed. Did you ever hear this one? "I Just know your mothewon’t like me!"

Did you notive that when company came that old school pep in the din ing hall was revived? Those walls fairly bulged as each blast burst

forth. The trustees seemed to enjoy it. too.

Those visitors that stayed In Ar-nold surely got a good taste of night life In the dormitory. Yes, they heard us giggling and acting silly until the wee hours of morning. They seemed to get a big kick out of feeding on cake with us and listening to mischief planning. Just imagine this one of the ladies stayed awake for a long time that night after all the door knobs on third were tied together listening, for something to hap. pen. All she heard was the thundering herd retreat from third. One luxury they did experience however, was that of receiving their breakfast in bed. Ritzy .eh what!

Some of our visitors were very considerate to these laborers In the •dining hall and kitchen and lent a willing hand. Swallow this, college students-one of those little confer-encites peeled carrots so she wouldn't get the Jitters Just sitting around!

Oh, yes, did you notice how many college students were at church Sun-day morning? Surprising, indeed! Inside dope reveals that these students don’t want anyone to go back home end say ‘"I didn't see John at church Sunday morning."

Even though we do have to put on our stiff shirts and Sunday manners for a week, it Is certainly great to have the folks from home come to see us and meet our friends.

Debaters Leave For Hays

This morning at 7:30 the two varsity men’s debate teams consist ing of Billy Thompson and Kenneth Weaver. Alvin Lingren and Bill Fleming, also two women’s teams consisting of Theresa Strom and Bertie Keller. Lucille Cole and Inez, Goughner journeyed to Hays to compete In the Regional Phi Kappa Delta debate tournament.

There will be four rounds of preliminary debate. Teams having not more than one defeat go into the eliminations tournament. In the elimination rounds they are eliminated only after two defeats. They will also be entered in Extemporan-ious speaking and they are required to qualify for the final rounds.

Our debate teams have shown talented work In the past and we wish them the best of luck at Hays today.

'Come on out. the snow is fine." yelled George. and every girl in the dorm stuck her head out a window as Andy and Weaver came running out of the other dorm.

Well—"catch me quick before I faint. Is it winter or is it ain’t?— right down there on the campus of this scshool of quality before our very eyes, those three guys running ground in swimming suits. But the girls were not to be outdone, end so. two of our bathing beauties (ahem!) immediately dug their suits out of the trunk and donned fheni. Taking no chances that they would catch cold they put on their galoshes and overcoats. They ventured out into the fleecy snow, removed their coats—and then began the fun. The snow began fly! Bang—the windows in Fahnestock were thrown open to get full benefit of the landscape. "A fine show for the trustees!” (Don't worry, they were In session.)

Wash his face.” "Hold It," clock— and the camera got it.

"Br-r-r-r-r, it must be cold." Nope. It wasn't really cold if you kept moving and It was more fun. And none of those five so much as caught a cold! Ah 'twas Invigorating!

This wasn't all the excitement on this campus during the week end. Of

'Come on Out the Snow Is Fine!"—Campus

Students Excited Over Large Snow Fall

Wonder what the couples on the campus would do without Chauffeur Daniel.

Don Barngrover was seen in Chapel last Wednesday.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Won Lost

Zook ......................

..... 3 0

Carter .........................

2 2

Bredfeldt ................

.____1 2

........0 3

........2 0

Ora Shields. Emporia Teachers collate tall boy from Lebanon, was the first freshman ever to be placed on the all-central Conference team. Playing his last year with the Hornets, he is shooting his way into recognition to make up of two comparatively erratic years following his brilliant beginning. The Hornet captain is regarded by sports writers as the best ball-dogger on the circuit.

Klein hall witnessed a merry party Saturday night with such guests as Harold Larsen, Wayne Albright. Charlie Nettleton, and oh of course there were some girls.

Kansas Conference Standings






Baker ——






C. of E.......






Ottawa _






K. W. U. ..












Bethany ___






McPherson (22)




Wiegand f . .... .










H. Johnston g .... -



Robertson g ....

............ 0



McGill g..........




Haun f .............




Total ...................



Ottawa (26)




L. Morgan f ...........




Miller f .................




Brenton, c ..............

........ 1



Swetnam g ...............




Harding g ..........







A. Morgan g ...........



Total ...................



Referee: Gene Johnson. McPherson.





Wiegand f ........................




C. Johnston, f ................










McGill g........................











Total ............................








Fiss f................................







Shields f ........................







Miller, g......................










Pitkins g ........................








Individual Scoring

Milton Morrison attended a sale In Hutchinson Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Messamer and son Guley from Wiley, Colorado, are visiting their daughter. Margaret Messamer this week.

, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are visiting their daughter Frances during the conference week.

Rev. E. M. Frantz, of Grundy Center. Iowa, is attending the Regional Conference and visiting his daughter, Rowena.

Page four

THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1937

McPherson Will Meet Ancient Enemy Friday

Bethany College Swedes to Come to McPherson for Kansas Conference Game-— Bulldogs Hold One Win Over Bethany.

Friday night the Bethany college Swedes, ancient enemies of the McPherson college Bulldogs, will come to McPherson for a Kansas conference game with the Bulldogs at Convention Hall.

This game should be one of the most Interesting games of the season for whenever the Bulldogs and Swedes meet dopo Is cast aside and the result Is always a toss up.

Friday night McPherson fans can expect plenty of tough competition from the Bethany Swedes. When McPherson played the first game with the Swedes at Lindsborg the Bulldogs found it was no easy task to whip the Bethany team.

A large delegation of Lindsborg rooters Is expected to follow the Swedes to McPherson for the conference encounter.

Intramurals Carry On

Last week Fry had hard luck with his team and was defeated by the powerful Carter team 29-18. The other game Friday was between Letkeman and Zook. This was a very one-sided game as well as an upset In the Intra-mural bucket. Both teams were tied for first place but Zook was too much for his op-penents and marked up the winning score of 42-22. Letkeman was missing from the lineup, being on the first squad he was ineligible.

The standing:

sports ..........................— ..—

ping pong .............................~

Four Advance in Ping Pong

The Boys' Ping Pong tournament Is now In the semi-final. In the upper bracket are Seidel and Lackey. In the lower are Albright and Miller. The semi-finals are to be played some time this week.

Emporia Ace Goes Wild

Patronise Spectator Advertisers.

Canines Defeated By Ottawa Braves

Bulldogs Fail to Connect With

Basket as Consistently as Braves in Rough Game

Playing much better ball but unable to connect with the basket for counters, McPherson College again lost to Ottawa V. Friday night In a Kansas Conference game, 22 to 26. At no time during the game was one team more than five points ahead of the other and that was once in the first half and again in the closing minutes of the gams and on both occasions the Ottawa Braves led.

The game was a rough affair but despite the roughness comparatively few fouls were called. McPherson could not hit the basket as consistently as Ottawa and made good only eight out of 17 trips to the free throw line. Ottawa made eight points out of 15 tries for charity shots.

Ottawa held a 15 to 14 advantage at half time. When McPherson played at Ottawa two or three weeks ago the first half ended 14 to 12 in favor of the Braves. Early In the second half McPherson gained a 19 to 15 lead but goals by Swetnam and Brenton soon cut the lead and then Miller and L. Morgan put Ottawa Into a five point lead with one minute to play.

McPherson went into the lead early in the second half when Haun and McGill each scored free throw-points and Barngrover dropped in a field goal. Swetnam, Ottawa, cut the lead but Barngrover increased it again when he scored on Minor's foul. Ottawa canto up within one point of McPherson on free throws by Brenton and Swetnam. as Haun dropped in a beauty for the Bulldogs to lead for the last time 21 to 19.

This was the turning point In the game for Ottawa, L. Morgan and Miller dropped in field goals and Miller. A. Morgan and L. Morgan scored free throws to give the Braves a 26-21 advantage. This and another time In the first half were the only times the margin of score was as wide. Brenton fouled Robertson and the McPherson regular guard made the try front the free throw line, but missed one of his two shots.

Barngrover. McPherson center and Miller. Ottawa forward, shared honors for high scorers with eight points each. Only one player on each team failed to score.

Couch "Bud" Selves McPherson team played much better ball than it did the two previous games and are showing marked improvement. The team is playing better than in the past and the teamwork is becoming a great benefit.

The box score:

Bulldogs, With Haun Out of Lineup, Lose to Emporians

McPherson College Bulldogs went down fighting before the Emporia Teachers last night with Lee Haun out of the lineup because of a sprained ankle. The final score was 47 to 21.

The score a tthe end of the half was 21 to 22, in favor of Emporia. The lead changed many times during the first half, Chet Johnston was high point man for McPherson with 12 points. Shields was high man for Emporia, with 19.

The box score is as follows:

Games This Week


Bethany vs. McPherson at McPherson.

Kansas Wesleyan vs. Baker at Baldwin.


Kansas Wesleyan vs. Ottawa at Ottawa.

Results Last Week

C. of E.. 41: Ottawa. 30.

Baker. 36; McPherson. 20. Emporia Teachers. 35; McPherson. 21.

C. of E. 38; Bethany. 22.

Kansas Wesleyan. 37; C. of E. 32.

Ottawa, 26; McPherson, 22. Bethel, 35; Bethany, 25.

Baker, 43; Rockhurst, 26.

Baker. 38; C. of E. 26.

G.    Pts.    Ave.

Snyder, f. K. W. U.....7    79    11.29

Belser. f, Baker ..........8    80    10.

Rudolph, g. Baker ......8    78    9.75

Rock. f. C. of E.........9    83    9.22

Boll. f. C. of E.........9    76    8.44

C. Johnston. McPher.    8    61    7.63

Brenton, c, Ottawa ....8 59    7.38

L. Morgan, f. Ottawa 8 56    7.


Unnecessary Roughness

Did you ever see such basket ball? A mad scramble for the ball and a great crash as girls fall over the floor? Truly, never before has such basket ball been played on this campus. ‘Tis all a matter of who can hang on to her opponent the longest without being seen by "referee Dan iel." If she can't hang on then she comes around with a wicked left and leaves her opposite player lying on the floor.

Skinned knees, bruised elbows and Jammed fingers are the results of such actions. "Foul—unnecessary roughness.”

Young High is painfully suffering from a skinned knee, and so bemoans the flesh she left on the floor. Bertie can hardly walk. But bruises, or do bruises, they play one. forever fighting for that ball.

Even for all their roughness, they have their fun and also theirr star players. Shortcut Wine gets ""hot” once In awhile and really puts them thru the basket. Washlerr and Frick both get around as flashy guards, not to leave unmentioned Jessie who sticks to her forward like flies to fly paper. That Stauffer girl la slick on ms but it takes Shirk to break up pases. Others, too numerous to mention her. do their part In playing the game. Keep on fighting!

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stauffer. Mrs. Henry Wine. Mrs. Leo E. Taylor and Mr. Earl Heckman of Rocky Ford. Colo., were visiting on this campus last week end. Mr. B. F. Stauffer came to attend the trustees' meeting.

Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Hostetler of Morrill. Kansas arrived Monday afternoon to attend the conference. Mr. Hostetler is pastor of the Brethren church of Morrill.

Aida In Bulldog Defeat

Izac Emrich, Miltonvale. is a newcomer to the Emporia Teachers college cagers as a regular, although he was a reserve last year. A forward. he is the shortest man on the squad, but can hustle with the best. He can toss baskets with either band, and it takes a good man to hold him down.