McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, feb. 11, 1937


The A Cappella choir, under the direction of Professor N. W. Fisher, will have its formal opening this year on the evening of Feb. 15 at 8:15 in the community building. This concert is one of the most outstanding events in the activities of the college year. Formal gowns and tuxedoes will be worn by the members of the choir as well as the student ushers.

The choir was organized five years ago by Professor Alvin C. Voran, to whom this year's concert is dedicated. Mr. Fisher, who is directing the choir for the first time this year, came to McPherson with high recommendations from New Windsor, Maryland where he was professor of music in the Blue Ridge College.

The program Mr. Fisher has chosen is a varied one and the choir in its interpretation endeavors to follow closely as possible the intentions of the composer. The group has been practicing constantly since the beginning of school with this concert in view.

Two quartets, the men's and the ladies quartet will assist with the program. The Indies quartet is made up of Floy Lackey, first soprano, Margaret Fry, second soprano, Frances Campbell, first alto, and Ailene Wine, second alto. The personnel of the men’s quartet is as follows: Chas. Nettleton, first tenor, Max Wilbur, second tenor; Oliver Andrews, baritone and Harold Mohler. baas.

After the concert a banquet for the choir members, old choir members and their friends will be held at the Hawley Hotel, Professor Flory will be the toastmaster of the evening. The price of the concert will be 25 and 40 cents and tickets go on reserve at Bixby and Lindsay drug store Saturday morning. Feb.


Every year the choir makes an extended trip over the country giving concerts in the nearby towns and cities. No definite plans have been made for a tour this year; however, there will probably be one later in  the season. The choir has always been enthusiastically received by groups outside of McPherson who have heard them on these concert tours.

Concert Program

The program is as follows:

Dedication (Widmung) ................'

.......................... Robert Franz

Arranged by Noble Cain (Identification song of the McPher- son College A Cappella Choir)

We Pray Thee, Gracious Lord ....

___________________________ Phillip James

Glory to God In the Highest —

...........................-G. B. Pergolest

Wasn't That a Mighty Day? —

.......................... R. Nathaniel Dett

(Traditional American Negro Melody)

Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray ........

................................... Noble Cain

(Negro Spiritual)

Irish Tune from County Derry...

..................'/.... Percy A. Grainger

The Choir

The Autumn Wind ................

.     ..........    Joseph L. Roeckel

(Arranged by Frank Lynes) Women's Octet How Bright Appears the Morning Star __________________ J. S. Bach


The Choir

Deep River _________ H. T. Burleigh

(Old Negro Melody)

The Male Quartet Waltz, as You Dreamily Dance —

..................... Johannes Brahms

. (Arranged by Ladislas Kun)

Sunrise---------------S. J. Taneyef

Dearest Lord Jesus (Chorale( ....

_____________________________J. S. Bach

Soprano Solo by Margaret Fry

Alleluia! Christ is Risen .......—

(Continued on page 3.)

The formal dinner, sponsored by the Women’s Council, was held in the Church parlor. Tuesday evening, February 9th, at 6:00 p. m.

Green tapers in candelebrae and centerpiece of yellow calendulas carried out the color scheme of green and yellow. The tables were arranged in U-shape.

Members of the council, who acted as hostesses, are Phyllis Powers. Wanda Hoover, Becky Ann Stauffer, Dr. Josephine Smith, Emma Schmidt, Helen Baton, Margaret Messamer, Rosalie Fields, Avis Heckman, Gertrude Myers, Vera Hackman and Evelyn Dell,

Guests attending the dinner included : Marjorie Paddoe, Edith Jasper, Esther Kimmel, Edith Hughey. Lola Richwine, Avis Smith, Julia Frick, Marjorie Kinsie, Gladys Shank, Olga Garvey.     

Misses Marion Sheets, Alice Gill, and Lilyan Warner were the waitresses and Professor Loren Crawford was the butler.

Blackburn College Holds Dance

Blackburn College males pulled the wool over their own eyes—wool or cotton, before going to the last dance of the semester. It was an informal "sweater affair" with no suits allowed.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard of Hugo-ton, Kansas, spent Friday and Saturday on the campus visiting their, daughter, Rilla Hubbard.

Cast Chosen for Annual Senior

Play, “The Taming of the Shrew."

The cast for the annual senior play, “Taming of the Shrew." to be given during the last week of March, was selected Monday night. The male actors will hold much of the stage in this Shakespearian comedy for the cast includes nine male actors and but three female charact-ers. ’

Much time and serious technical concentration is to be devoted to the play insuring its being one of the best performances put on by McPherson players.

George Toland is the student coach, and he will be assisted by Miss Lehman.

Miss Lehman and Mrs. Boitnott assisted in selecting the following cast: Babtista, Clayton Rock: Lu-centio, Floyd Harris:    Petruchio,

Kenneth Weaver; Blondello, Homer Kimmel: Music Master, Paul Lackie, Tailor, Vernon Michael:    Grumio,

Paul Miller; Hortensio, Willard Flaming; Pedro, To be cast: Curtis, Margaret Messamer; Katharina, Wanda Hoover; Blanca, Velma Watkins.

International Relations Club Meets

The International Relations Club will meet Thursday night, February 11, at 8 o’clock in the Student Union Room. Reports on labor unions and strikes will be given, after which there will be a round table discussion.

"Greater than any song or rhyme.

I want you for my Valentine.

Three days hence will be the day When all sweet thoughts are on display."

The above rhyme, as you know is referring to that day, St. Valentine's which occurs on February 14. According to authorities this day is associated with the Roman Feast of Lupercalia when it was customary for Roman youths to draw tablets from an urn. On each tablet was inscribed the name of the maiden to whom he was supposed to devote himself for a year.

If such a custom were formulated now—Say girls, we wouldn't have to worry for another year, provided we recieve a Valentine). Next week Valentines, boxes of heart choco-lates, and gifts will be floating around both Arnold and Fahnestock Halls. But that won't be all. Wait until Sunday, February 14, when lighted faces with happy and attractive smiles find their way to the glance of that one and only. Oh my. Love must be grand!

Scholarship For Dead Languages

Greek and Latin, the so-called "dead" languages, have been assured a long life at Northwestern University as a result of a bequest of $30, 000 from an alumnus to be used entirely for scholarships in classical languages.

M. C. Educators Go To Emporia

Dr. Boitnott Speaks to Kansas School Board Association on School Problems

Hershey Shows Film

Moving Picture on Synthetic Diamonds Presented to Group

Choir To Give First Concert

Formal Opening Monday Evening At Community Building An Outstanding Event

Fisher Directs Group

Formerly Professor of Music at Blue Ridge College

College Second Team Takes

Fifth at Debate Tournament

McPherson College representatives showed fine work and talent at the invitation speech tournament held at Hutchinson Junior College. Saturday. February 6.

The McPherson team number one of Philip Davis and Billy Thompson tied for fifth place with one defeat and five victories.

Addison West took second place in after dinner speaking, proving himself an interesting and clever speaker. He was beaten by a student from Fort Scott. In the men’s extemporaneous speaking. Billy Thompson won first in the preliminaries and also in the final round. He received a gold medal for his achievement.

Lucille Cole and Inez Goughnour proved themselves a good pair in winning third in the women's extemporaneous speaking.

McPherson rated seventh in the debating, competing with debaters from fifteen other schools.

Student Program

in Chapel Friday

Presented by Voice and String De-partment of Fine Arts

The voice and string divisions of the fine arts department presented a student program in chapel Friday morning with Paul Miller in charge.

A vocal solo, ‘‘Surely the Time for Making Songs has Come." by James Rogers, sung by Frances Campbell, who was accompanied by Professor Nevin Fisher, was the opening fea-ture of the program.

Schubert’s "Moment Musical" was played by a string quartet composed of Professor Loren Crawford —first violin. Frances Campbell— second violin. Hulse Barber—viola, and Lois Gnagy—cello.

Max Wilbur sang "Vale,” by Kennedy Russell, with Professor Fisher accompanying.

"Dialogue," written by Thomas Emmet, a Kansas composer, and played by the string quartet, proved to be a popular selection. The composer based this composition on the story of a young man who was interested in a young lady, but who met with the customary opposition by her parents. The first violin took the part of the young lady and the mother was portrayed, by the second violin. The pleadings of the young man for his lady’s hand could be heard in the tones of the viola, but at times were drowned out by the gruff and heartless refusals of the father issuing from the strings of the cello.

Formal Dinner Pleases

Large Crowd Enjoys Amateurs’ Contest

Numbers of Every Description Presented to Audience • in College Chapel

History was made last week when M. C. presented its first amateur hour. Those in charge learned that hidden talent is lurking in every corner of our campus. Many bright-eyed boys and girls put on their Sunday best and tripped across the stage to meet "Major" Hapgood. (A few met his little bell.)  The entire program was presented strictly "according to Hoyle.” Everything was there. Including the pleasant-voiced little lady at the switchboard, assuring the listeners that the program would soon begin. The Major also had his Wheel of Fortune and his gong.

Numbers of every description appeared. The Kline Kitcheneers (who received their education in tho University of Hard Knocks) started things off with a bang (literally) when they played their lids, curtain rods, combs, tubs, pans, spoons and what-have-you. Floyd Harris furnished a little swing with his swing band, augmented by the little lady in white (Betty Ruth Stutzman) who sand the vocal of "Lulu's Back In Town." Max Wilber made a hit with his Al Jolson song and dance number. As in every amateur program, the girls' trios blossomed forth

--two of them, representing Arnold and Kline—to give us a little soothing harmony, sweet and slow. Even a bassoon appeared, almost getting this player, Charles Wagoner, down under its size. Then, too, there was a bit of surprise when our own (Bernice) Keedy went highbrow with her "opera.” (P. S.—She got surprised, too!) Little Sis Hop-kins, from Toad Hunter Holler, in the person or Elma Minnick, bobbed up to tell us all (and more too) about herself.

When all the little hopefuls had done their bits, the Major called to the platform the six acts which had received the most applause. These were, the Kline Kitcheneers; Max Wilber, the song and dunce man; Bill Fry, "scat" singer; Elma Min-nick, Little Sis Hopkins; Alvin Lind-gren, accordionist; and Chester Colwell, cartoonist. The audience applauded again, and selected Bill Fry, Alvin Lindgren, and Chester Colwell, for first, second and third places, respectively.

M. C. assures its "public” that amateurs around here are certainly first rate, and hopes to see and hear more of ’em soon.



Shoir rehearsal 7:00.


Chapel 10:00

Basketball game with Kansas Wesleyan here.


Choir rehearsal 7:00 Sunday

College Endeavor 6:30 Monday

A Cappella Choir Concert 8:00. Tuesday

Cosmos Party Wednesday

S. C. M. Commissions 9:00 a. m. World Service 6:45 Basketball game with Emporia Teachers here.

Attention! Don’t Shirk This Birthday!

Somewhere between Abe and George" is the birthday of a person on this campus. Everyone has for years acknowledged and honored the birthdays of two noble statesmen of this United States, namely, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Abe Lincoln, the tall, gaunt man who freed the slaves by the Emancipation Proclamation, was born in a log cabin in Illinois on February 12. George Washington, "T'he Father of Our Country", was born on February 22, in the state of Virginia. But it is the rare opportunity of only a small number of us to honor this woman who is known by the students of this college, especially by those who work in the dining hall. Every day she helps to feed those who live in the dormitories. She is most familiarly known to all of us an “Shirk."

Mrs. Shirk is the assistant cook in the kitchen, and if you really want a good friend (and a pal when you're hungry), get acquainted with her. She's a good cook, too, but one food I'm sure she doesn't cook, and that's pancakes. How do I know- well it's a long story, and an embarrassing one.

Mrs. Shirk is a most jolly person and helps to keep a cheerful atmosphere in the kitchen. If any one is in a hurry to finish his work, she always lends a helping hand. But she demands one thing in return and that is "Thank you, Shirk."

I can't tell you the exact date of her birthday because I promised not to but as she says "It's somewhere between the birthdays of Abe and George.” But here's a hint it's very very close to George's, fact, as close as it can be. happy birthday, Shirk.

Valentines In Many Forms!

A number of McPherson College educators attended meetings of the Kansas School Board Association, the Kansas Council of School Ad-ministration, and the Kansas Association of Chemistry. Physics and General Science Teachers held last week end in Emporia. Those who made the trip are: Dr. J. W. Boitnott, Dean R. E. Mohler, Dr. J. D. Bright, Professor S. M. Dell. Dr.

J. Willard Hershey, and Professor J. L. Bowman.

Dr. Boitnott spoke before the Kansas School Board Association on The Value of Rural School Supervision." "I proposed one well trained supervisor for every fifty or less rural teachers, to work under the direction of the county superintendent." said Dr. Boitnott. He added that supervisors are needed first because the county superintendent doesn't have time to give adequate supervision and second be-cause the average rural teacher is very inadequately prepared, 76.1 per cent of all teachers in one and two room schools having less than two years college training. Dean Mohler, the treasurer of the organization, was reelected.

Outstanding speakers at the meeting of the Kansas Council of School Administration were; Dr. Thomas Alexander, dean of New College, an affiliate of Columbia University, and Miss Willie Lawson, Arkansas, who lectured on “Youth Speaks." The principles and philosophy of curriculum construction, with emphasis on the curriculum for the training of teachers, composed the chief theme of Dr. Thomas, address.

Dr. Hershey, president of tho Kansas Association of Chemistry, Physics and General Science Teachers, showed a moving picture film on synthetic diamonds.    

Many Attend Program

A large audience attended the re-cital given by the Fine-Arts department Sunday, Feb. 7, in the college Chapel.

The following program was given by the students of the voice, piano, and violin departments.

Thee Maids of Cadiz, Lea Delibes, Miss Floy Lackey.


Pierette. Arthur Foote, Miss Julia Little Star ( Mexican folk Song) arranged by Frank La Forge, Miss Gladys Shank.    

Two Part -Inventions F major, Bach; Two Part Inventions B flat major, Bach; Notturno C major, Grieg. Miss Anne Krehbiel

The Crying of Water, Campbell-Tipton, Miss Margaret Fry.    

The House by the Side of the Road". Mrs. M. H. Gulesian, Mr. Charles Nettleton.

Romance, Svenson, Miss Frances Campbell.    

Listen to the Lambs, Negro Spiri

tual, arranged by Hugo Frey, Mr. Max Wilbur.

Minuet from symphony in E flat. Mozart-Schalhoff; Marcel op. 66 no. 6. Godard. Miss Mamie Wolf.

The Living God. Geoffrey O' Hara. Mr. Oliver Andrews.

Graduate Finds No Value

In "Sobering Statistics" a column In "The Twelve-Twenty-Five Express.” a special publication of the class of 1912 of Harvard University, the noted humorist affirms:

"Mr. Tunis, you will remember, took a good look at his class 25 years after graduation from Harvard . . . and found that practically nothing of value had been accomplished by its members in a quarter of a century."

Student Aid Not Reduced

College students who receive financial aid from the NYA have been fortunate their number has not been reduced as has the number on work-relief projects. Hundreds of 1000s of WPA workers have been taken from relief rolls because of a shortage of funds to operate the projects. However, there has been no such move initiated with regard to students receiving college aid, despite the fact that the money for both work-relief and college aid come from the same fund.

In November, the latest month for which figures are available, the National Youth Administration, gave financial aid to more than 127,000 college students. Of this number, some 4,700 were graduate students and the remainder undergraduates.

While relief workers have been reduced, the number Of NYA college

students has apparently increased. Complete data on January, the current month, has not been assembled in final form it looks as if there will be a substantial increase in the number of college aid students.

It would appear from these facts that the Power-That-Be will cut the NYA college activities only as a last resort, after all other sources of economy have been exhausted.

Incidentally The National Youth Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps were the only non-military organisations that had a part of the Inaugural Parade on the 20th. The CCC boys and floats of the NYA proudly paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue despite the torrential rain that drenched them, the President and a hundred or two thousand spectators.

To Sit or Not to Sit?


That is the biggest and most emphasized expression mark in the A Cappella Choir rehearsals at the present time. Perhaps one would say I shouldn't disclose such things to the non-members of the choir, but members of the choir having made no secret of their haphazard organisation of the popular "sit-down" strike, I hardly feel that I should be reproached for writing this. .

It seems that it has always been a tradition of the choir to remain seated while giving a concert and a majority of the choir wish to continue. They say they do not wish to break the tradition, and they put much stress upon the argument. Yet they only stress tradition where they wish tradition to be stressed. It has been a tradition in McPherson College that there is no dancing, or card-playing on the campus, yet there are many in the choir who would not feel at all badly about breaking these when it concerns a matter about their own pleasure.

Many complain that they cannot hear the pitch when first beginning a piece. Did they ever hear the word "cooperation”? Perhaps if they would keep quiet and watch the director and concentrate on hearing the tone those delicate pink ears would not have to attain themselves. Officials of an organisation are supposed to be the levelheaded people in the group, but in this particular organisation they may be looked up to as ringleaders of slapstick mincing, non-cooperative actions. Some "cooperate” by making queer noises during and between numbers. For-get inferiority complexes for a week or so and discontinue the "return of the swallow" to catch the attention  of others. We see you.


This generation prides themselves on being able to take it. Yet if one were to hear how certain choir members groan when given the motion to stand, one would think that surely our mammas and papas have failed and have turned their day over to a generation of weaklings.

Did you know that this concert has been dedicated to the former conductor Alvin C. Voran, popularly known as "Cheesy"? Everyone thinks highly of "Cheesey" and would probably give the shirts off their backs to him. Yet I'm sure Cheesy would turn up his nose and look and be disgusted at the way the choir has been awkwardly perform-ing. College folk believe themselves grown up and ready to barnstorm the world, but if such action as the choir members have been doing is an example of their "barnstorming", even I am called on to suggest that running home to mother and crying in her apron skirt is about the only thing they are prepared to do. Mother will give a pat on the head and say, "Did the naughty man hurt Sonny " Determination and good common sense is one thing and bull-headedness and stubbornness is another.

Although the choir is an extracurricular activity and should be allowed to make its own decisions, do not forget that this Is rather late in the day to make a hullabaloo as the concert is to be given this next Monday night. Also don't forget the tradition that the choir concert has always been a Success and surely the making of that success by cooperation and good will and optimism on the part of all members of the choir is more important than whether we sit or stand.

College daze ...

What is it is gone from its place


Why was the day so long?

Why does the room seem so strange tonight?

The very air feels wrong!

There's the same old rug, the curtains and all.—

The table and chairs, the glass—

The cupboard leans on the papered wall

Just as it always has.

The distant engines beat time through the night:

The clock replies from the shelf:

A faucet drips—why, it all sounds right!

Perhaps I decieve myself.

I pick up the papers and closet the shoes.

There! That looks better. I guess.

Yet still I can’t quite shake off the

blues -

It's the Miss that upsets, not the


Why does it all have to change when she's gone?

Why can't the house stay the same?

I would be so unhappy alone

But the very air breathes her name.

Why did I choke as I kissed her goodbye.

And the train bore my partner away?

She's coming right back. I'm a fool! But then,

That still leaves us parted today!

We hadn't much time for a honeymoon trip:

Ever since, we've been busy as light—

But we have been together in fine fellowship .    . .

I wish she would come back tonight.


G. Green.

If you want to find out what the library is for, start playing as Kenneth, Willard and Margaret did one night when Miss Heckethorn promptly showed her contempt for suchh con-tamination of her domain.

Strolling around: to find Ruby Beckner striding across the campus and balancing a ponderous volume on her head: to discover that Prof. Crawford has gone in for sopranos as well as fiddles; to be told that Eddie Jones, is out of the class of an amateur; to see that Bill Fry verifies all his stories—for example, that dead mouse one with a dead mouse.

And again the strains of “Dedica

What’s In a Name?

Bill Fry will not be a sailor.

And I doubt if he’d make a good whaler;

He might be an M. D., But from all we can see Right now he's sure in for a "tail-or."

tion" will open the A Cappella season this year.

Did you know: that Mike received more attention from the spectators at the last game than any one single person; that Dave is also learning to sing on Saturday nights, "And I Go Shopping With You"; Valentine's Day is coming—with Riddell undecided about sending flowers—or maybe candy this time.

We must hereafter bo more careful not to abuse William Shakes-peare’s own special envoy—sent to our campus to tell everyone the only way in which Shakespeare is properly given on the stage.

There’s one girl in school that's fine, Though she's neither your girl nor mine;

She's kind and she's sweet,

She's pretty and neat;

Fact is—Paul thinks she's "divine."

When Keedy is going to town All dressed in her very best gown. Will it be black or green?

Do you got what I mean?

I think she's prefer ,it were brown.”

His hair may be dark or be light: He may stay out half or all night— Opal won’t care,

Why. who. what or where.

Just so the young man is "all bright."

—The Turtle.

Last Sunday evening was illuminating in more ways than one.

I have heard and even know of several couples whose birthdays came close together and I've known of a few whose birthdays were on the same day but it is very unusual to find, as many as ten or twelve such couples in a group of two hundred or so who have the eventful days so close together. In view of what we saw at the Birthday Dinner one would draw this conclusion: that McPherson College has a most unusual bunch of couples this year.

But this isn't all the fact. After some research made I would that particular students have forgotten their date of birth and recorded them incorrectly on their matriculation cards or else they deliberately recorded them wrongly. Now I'd hate to think either of the two things mentioned above but it

certainly Is queer.

One couple, it has been discovered sat at a season table in which neither had a birthday. Ah. me. will these people continue to live under such false pretenses? I hesitate to say what will be the outcome of such doings,

I must say however, that in two or three cases the birthdays of the couples were in the same season so we'll not condemn them and after all the evening was planned in order to give enjoyment to those there. I am as sure as can be that these twenty-four persons involved would have been the most miserable creatures alive if they'd have had to sit with some "stranger."


Editor-in-Chief— ................................Harold Larsen

Feature Editor...........—......i..;----------—.......Gladys Shank

Sports Editor    ...........—----------Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers__________ Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark

Business Manager.............Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager...........—....-----_..Russell Kingsley

Daughters and sons of business men make up more than half the student population of Carleton College.

The Gallery

Jane Kent

Orville must learn how to plow.

To run tractors and such, and know how

To raise good crops of wheat

That no one can beat.

Since he's going for "fields” right now.

If Glen were out seeking romance.

And were sure of a pretty good chance,

He'd go not to Spain.

To Utah or Maine,

But would make his way quickly to "France."

Merle Messamer spent Sunday afternoon visiting his sister. Margaret Messamer. He is a former student of McPherson and now teaches in Lost Springs, Kansas

Girls of Arnold Hall Lose Dignity In

An Evening's Unruly Disturbances



Penly Ann Host

“On Writing Letters"

Everyone writes letters. Do you know what kind of stationery it is

best to use?

For social correspondence plain white note paper is good. Excellent for business letters and friends are letterheads with your name and address at the top. Besides the white note paper, the neutral shades are good. Pink, robin’s egg-blue and the like are not smart colors.

Most people are acquainted with the form of a letter—the address and date being placed in the upper right hand corner. And don’t forget the date: people often like to refer to it. Don’t crowd too much material on one page. At the left of the page and at the bottom a nice margin should be left.

In writing business letters be brief and to the point. Sign your name plainly. In case a girl is writing the letter it is proper to put "Miss" in parenthesis before her name, thus: (Miss) Janice Carol.  It is most desirable for a business letter to be typewritten. The typewriter may also very well be used for friends, but is never used for formal correspondence, such as condolences or Invitations.

Beatrice Pierce in "It’s More Fun When You Know the Rules” says there are three "don’ts” to be observed in every letter:

1.    Don't write about your troubles. 'They have often disappeared before the letter is received.

2.    Don’t repeat harmful gossip. It is more serious to put down in "black and white” than when spoken.

3.    Don’t write sentimental stuff in your letters. Stay on the safe side and keep out of the things that might sound silly to an outsider, or that even sound silly to you when you think of them a year from now.

There are certain letters which one should certainly not put off writing. First, “the bread and butter note." After all, it has to be written some time. The sooner the better. A point concerning bread and butter notes. They should be acknowledged. Second, the letter in response to an Invitation:    third,

"thank you" notes; fourth, a note when a friend is sick fifth, letters and cards remembering absent friends and relatives; and sixth, letters remembering friends in sorrow or trouble.

Watch this column next week for correct complimentary closes to let-ters. what to include on post cards, and other points concerning letters and cards.

S. C. M. Holds Meeting

At the regular meeting of the S.

C. M. on Wednesday morning, a very interesting and unusual program was presented.

Lucile Ullery led devotions, and also read a poem entitled "The Negro Speaks of the River," by Langston Hughes. Viola Harris introduced group singing by explaining the style of Negro songs, and the way they are sung. Then the group sang several of the spirituals.

In "Deep Rivers" a ladies quartet composed of Gladys Shank, Floy Lackey, Aileen Wine, and Rilla Hubbard sang the verses, while the group joined in the refrain. Oliver Andrews sang the solo of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” while the group sang the chorus. For "Steal Away to Jesus." Margaret Fry sang the solo. Toshiro Tsubokawa, our Japanese friend, spoke on the Japanese in literature. The meeting closed with the singing of the chorus of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot."

THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1987

The Spectator


Carnegie School From “Big Time”

Institute of Technology Can't Afford Football on Large Collegiate Scale

Pittsburgh, Pa.—(ACP) — The Carnegie Institute of Technology cannot afford "big-time" football and has set in motion a new athletic policy, it has been announced by its president, Dr. Robert E. Doherty.

Simultaneously, Pres. Doherty named William A. Kern, former first assistant to "Jock" Sutherland, foot ball coach at the University of Pittsburgh, head coach.

A prepared statement by the president said:    

"The Carnegie Institute of Technology plans to leave big-time football. It is too expensive. Like a number of other Institutions, Carnegie Tech has observed with deep concern the mounting deficit which its athletic association has had to face during the past few years in its effort to maintain against serious handicaps a first class football team.

"The high entrance requirements, severe class schedules and rigid scholastic standards insisted upon by the Institution have made the task of maintaining such a team next to impossible: and without it the result has been the income of the athletic association has been Inadequate for the purpose.

"However, the Institution desires to conform to the practice of most colleges in the matter in the control of athletics.

Hence it has been decided that the president and the trustees will take over complete control and set out for a now purpose.

“This purpose is not to drop football. We believe this sport cultivates espirit de corps among students and alumni and provides worthwhile physical education to at least some of the undergraduates and is thus worthy of support.

‘‘One evidence of our intention is the employment of a full-time coach. We would encourage wide participation, as in class teams, and we want just as good a varsity team as we can afford: merely we can't afford the program of the past. .

"But football is only one phase of the athletic program contemplated under the new plan. We wish to see even greater interest and participation in the other sports than in the past, more play for fun and recreation.

"To carry out our purpose there will be reorganization. As already Indicated, the complete control of athletic operations will be exercised by the president and the trustees.

"A new department of the Carnegie Institute of Technology—the Department of Athletics—under the leadership of the director of athletics —will be created effective July 1,


....Continuing, the report stated that, although the reorganization will become effective July 1st there will be a three-year period of transition during which time the change from present operations to those on the new basis will take place. By that time all students on the teams on the present basis will have finished  their careers as undergraduates.

Miss Ruth Bish, a former student of McPherson and who teaches at Little River, Kans., visited friends on this campus Friday night.

Did you wonder why all the commotion on the second floor of Arnold last Friday afternoon? Well, you see, it was this way. It is very hard for five girls to sleep in one bed, so there just had to be two beds. Doris and Evelyn surely worked up a sweat fixing those beds. After what turned out to be almost a pitched battle they had to draw straws to determine where each was to sleep. Imagine Doris’ consternation when the had to sleep on the hump in the middle. The atmosphere was very warm for a while.

As usual we had to wait on Kathryn. She arrived in due time with her pillow, night cap, and music box.

And what is a party without eats? Kathryn hunted around until she found (guess where) something to satisfy hungry appetites. Doris suddenly remembered that she had some nuts so she brought them out —you know sweets for the sweets;

Colored Pastor Here Sunday

Reverend J. W. Hayes, colored pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church at Wichita, will be guest speaker at the Sunday morning services at the college church.

Reverend Hayes is Wichita's outstanding colored minister. He has been minister in the city, continuously, for the last fifteen years. Reverend Hayes has been active in council of churches, ministerial board, and other church activities. The Calvary Baptist church is the largest colored organization in Wichita.


When Marjorie, unaccustomed to dorm life as she is, could no longer stifle her yawns, the company decided it was time to go to bed. Evelyn was put in charge of the alarm clock which she very capably set, wound, and located so she could reach it without crawling out.

Doris was not satisfied with the ventilation system. First she was in a draft, then she was cold, then she was hot, but she was finally made comfortable between Marjorie and Margaret Louise.

By that time, everyone was almost talked out. If you can fancy that, so they settled down to sleep. Hardly had the light been turned off when the proctor, Floy, if you must know, appeared in the door and in-quired into the necessity of the noise. (She surely has good ears).

About that time someone started to snore and they were soon getting their much needed beauty-sleep.

Professor Urges


President Claims Colleges and Universities Should Have Pro and Amateur Teams

Philadelphia. Pa— <ACP—Here’s a solution to that ‘old problem of overemphasis of spectacular athletics.”

Lehigh University's Pres. C. C. Williams, claims it can be done by having the colleges and universities sponsor professional teams in addition to their student teams. This set-up, he told alumni at a meeting here, would give revenue to the school and allow the students to be true amateurs in sports.

Pro teams such as these, he explained, "might pay the university a percentage of receipts as a royalty for the use of the college name, and thus recompense the college athletic department for the loss of patronage at regular intercollegiate contests, which could then be maintained on an amateur basis for students and could again become sport for players.

The dishonesties with regard to subsidization in some places seem likely to nullify any values that might be derived in idealisms and loyalties.

"Let the larger institutions whose present teams are largely professional in fact sponsor in addition to their student teams, strictly professional teams. Just as cities sponsor professional baseball teams. The Harvard pros or the Wisconsin pros, for example, not using enrolled students at all: would be a more attractive name for a professional team than such a title as the Boston Red-skins.    

And this team could furnish all the thrills for the crowd that regularly goes to big college games—a crowd which includes chiefly business men with relatively few students."

Pres. Williams also recommended that the Carnegie Foundation be asked to aid the National Collegiate Athletic Association "to define a basis for rating colleges relative to their football prowess.”

This could be done on three bases, he added: "The enrollment of the male student body available for competition, the expenditure on the coaching staff in terms of the average professor's salary at the institution in question, and the total number of scholarships which pay tuition available to men."

Miss Gill spent the week end in Lawrence.

Mike Vasquez was at his home over Sunday at Kanapolis, Kansas.

Harold Reincker and Corwin Bare were here visiting last Sunday.

Choir to Give First Concert

(Continued from page 1.)

........................... Andre Kopolyoff

(Easter Song of Little Russia)

’ The Choir

I Love Life .............. Mana-Zucca

(Arranged by Charles Gilbert


The Women’s Quartet Lucille Ullery, Accompanist Open Our Eyes W. C. Macfarlane Male Chorus

O Sacred Truth ............................

.............. McPherson College Song

(Arranged by Nevin W. Fisher) Mixed Octet

The Sleigh (In Russian style ........

.................Richard Kountz

(Arranged by. Carl F. Mueller)

The Music of Life--Noble Cain

The Choir

Girls Lead Semester Honor Selectins with Seventeen

The girls edged the boys out with a two point lead in the scholastic honors for the semester. There were 17 girls and 15 boys in this group. The sophomore class rated highest with 4 on the honor roll and eight honorable mentions. The senior class had 3 on the honor roll and 7 honorable mentions, the Juniors had 3 on the honor roll and 6 on the honorable mention and the freshmen had 2 honorable mentions.

Those on the honor roll were: Clara Schurman, William Thompson, LaMar Bollinger, Willis Bredfeldt, Erwin Bentz, Kenneth Weaver, Glee Goughnour, Gertrude Myers, Inez Goughnour.

The following received honorable mention: Phillip Davis, Virginia Harris, Wanda Hoover, Lloyd Moehl-man, Margaret Messamer, Winton Sheffer, Delbert Barley, Lois Gna-gy, Maxine Prickett, Myrtle Barley, Margaret Hahn, Lola Mae Harbaugh, Avis Heckman, Evelyn Herr, Opal Hoffman, Lewellyn Lloyd, Addison Saathoff, Emma Schmidt, Norman Edwards, Willard Flaming, Stephen Stover, and Eldora VanDermark.

Miss Ada Stutzman of Wichita visited her sister, Maurine Stutzman, on the campus last week.

Fahnestock Hall was well represented at last Sunday’s birthday party.


A Future Trackman?

Did you know that we have a second San Romani in school? It seems that Amos Miller fills the bill perfectly. It happened this way. Bill Fry was cutting some of his usual capers such as stacking Amos’ room, or something which displeased Amos equally as much. Bill jumped out of the window (did someone say Amos lives on the third floor.) Anywny, Amos put in a pur-suit which lasted until they had crossed the road back of the library and Bill got stuck in a mud hole.

And the way Amos was dressed— is the point of this story. He had on his track outfit with the addition of a pair of bedroom slippers. All he needed was the Olympic stripes. The boys then proceeded to lock Amos out of the dorm. He stood out in the cold shivering and shaking and pleading to get in while all the girls on the campus took the inop-portune moment to pass.

The Bethel College Gray Maroons defeated the Bulldogs Tuesday night 25 to 31 in a hard-fought game. Bethel took the lead at the start of the game and held it throughout the fray. The halftime score was 8 to 17.

McPherson had another night when the ball just wouldn’t go in the basket. The Bulldogs tried shot after shot, but they couldn’t make the goals. They even missed numerous setups which looked like easy chances to mark up two points.

While the Canines were having tough luck, the Maroons were really clicking. With the guards driving in to do some beautiful blocking, the forwards cut across the floor to score many one-handed shots from the free-throw circle. The two forwards made all of Bethel’s field goals, Stucky accounting for four, and Hoff, five.

The game was very rough, with 80 fouls being called. Eighteen fouls were on Bethel and 12 on McPherson. Two Bethel players left the game on personals. Schrag, guard, acquired four fouls early in the first half.

Hoff and Stucky were the high-scorers of the evening, with Hoff making 15 points and Stuckey 13.

Haun, with eight points, led McPherson's scoring.    .

The box score:

Bethel (31)




Stuckey. f .........................

. .4



Hoff, f ..........................




Buller, f ..........................




Catlin. c________________

... 0



Banman, c .....................




Clark., g ......................




C. Unruh, g ..................

. .0



Schragg. g .k.................

. . 0



W, Unruh. g .................

. .^0



Voth, g ...........................








Free throws missed: McPherson, 8: Bethel 4.

■ Referee: Fossey.

Riddell Cobb. 134-pound McPherson amateur, was a winner of the Central Kansas Tourney held recently at Newton. Cobb is a fresh-man at McPherson College.

Corwin Bare, a former student of McPherson college and who now teaches in the Salina High School, spent Sunday on the campus.

Bob Rudolph

Bob Rudolph, Baker’s towering guard will lead the Wildcats offen-sive against the McPherson Bull dogs at Baker next Tuesday night.

Games This Week


Bethel vs. McPherson (non-conference.)


Ottawa vs. Rockhurst at Kansas City (non-conference)


Kansas Wesleyan vs McPherson at McPherson

Bethany vs Ottawa at Ottawa C. of E. vs. Haskell at Lawrence (non-conference)


Bethany vs. Baker at Baldwin. Kansas Wesleyan vs. St. Benedicts at Baldwin.    


Emporia Teachers vs. McPherson at McPherson (non-conference.)

Results Last Week C. of E., 34; Kansas Wesleyan, 30 McPherson, 42: Sterling, 24. Ottawa, 48; Kirksville Osteos 25. C. of E. 44; Kirksville Osteos 25. Baker 34; Kansas Wesleyan, 32. Ottawa, 32; McPherson, 30.

Baker, 36; Bethany, 17, Individual Scoring

G Pts Ave.

Snydor, f.. K. W. U.....6    54    10.8

Bell, f.. C. of E. .......5    53    10.6

Rudolph, g.. Baker........5    53    10.6

C. Johnston, f, McP.....5‘    49    9.8

M. C. Vs. Bethel Seconds

The McPherson seconds lost a close game to the Bethel B team 15 to 18 Tuesday night. The Bethelites showed good floor work throughout the game, and led nearly all the time.

Bethel scored first and held a 9 to 6 lead at the half. The Bulldogs played better ball in the second period, taking the lead for a brief time. With four minutes to play, McPherson was ahead 14 to 13. This was the only time during the game that the Bulldogs were out in front. Then Bethel staged a rally to score five points and hold McPherson to one free throw.

Jackson, Bethel forward, was high-scorer, with six points, and Voshel, Bulldog guard, led McPher-son with five points.

The box score:

McPherson (15)




Naylor, f........................




Diehl, f •............................




Ogden, f .............................




Letkeman, f .......................




Sanger, f ..... .......:•............




Mohler, c .........................




Zook, g ...........................




Voshell, g .........................




Kingsley. - ......-...............




Totals ...............-...........




Bethel (18)




Jackson, f .........................




Friesen. f .............-.........—




Galle f .............................




Ediger. c .......—.............




Finley, g ----------------—




Brandt, g .........................




Suderman, g ____.....-------




Totals ...:.......;-------------




Free throws missed: McPherson 9; Bethel 3.

Referee: Ohmart.

Letkeman —4----





Zook ... .....................






Carter .....—..............



Bredfeldt ..........






B-Team .........................

. ..2


McPherson Faces Wesleyan Quintet

Tomorrow Night Bulldogs Clash With Coyotes In Important Conference Tilt

Tomorrow night the McPherson Bulldogs clash with the strong Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes in an important conference basketball game. Both teams are tied for third place In the conference, and a win would place the Bulldogs back in the thick of the race.

Coach "Bud” 8elves has been drilling the squad hard during the week in preparation for this game. The team realizes that it is going to bo a "tough game, and that it will take a lot of hard work to stop the Coyotes.

The Wesleyan team has been progressing steadily since the opening of the season when the Bulldogs defeated them. Last week the Coyotes lost to C. of E.. the conference leaders by only four points. Friday they led Baker, the second-place team, most of the game, only to lose by two points. Snyder, forward, has been the team’s leading scorer since the first game of the season. Probable starting lineup:



K. Wesleyan

C. Johnston ..

.... F .....

........... Snyder

Haun ....----

.... F ....

............. Blair

Barngrover ...

..... C ...


H. Johnston .


........ Watson

McGill ..........

.... 6 ...


McPherson (25)




C. Johnston, f ................




-Haun, f ...........................




Flory, f .................




Barngrover, c ............




Wiegand c ........................




H. Johnston, g ..................




McGill, g .........................




Robertson, g .................




Totals -----------L_______




McPherson Bulldogs Drop Game to Ottawa

Game Tied With One Minute to

Play When Braves Drop Basket;

Score 30 to 32.

McPherson College lost a Kansas Conference game to Ottawa University Friday night, 30 to 32. In one of the closest and hardest fought games played on the Ottawa court this season. The Bulldogs trailed 13 to 14 at the end of the half.

For the first ten minutes of the opening half McPherson played excellent ball and led the Braves, but shortly before the half ended Ottawa gained the lead. The same thing was true in the socond period, with the Canines playing only ten minutes of good ball and then falling down. McPherson led up until the last two minutes. Harold Johnston, McPherson guard, went out of the game on personal fouls with two minutes to play.

It was just a case where everything went wrong for the Bulldogs. After playing good ball their defense crumbled and Ottawa went through for successful setups.

At the "start of the second half the Bulldogs got "hot” and pulled away from the Braves and into a load of 25 to 17 at one time. With only four minutes of the game left to play, Harding, Ottawa guard, started a one-man rally caging three goals in rapid-fire order to tie the score at 3 all. With one minute left Miller., Ottawa forward, dropped a basket through to give the Braves the victory.    

Chet Johnston, McPherson forward, Brenton, Ottawa center, and Miller each scored 10 points to share high scoring honors of the game.

The box score:

McPherson (30)

C. Johnston, f




Haun, f _____




Barngrover, c




H. Johnston, g




McGill, g ............




Robertson, g '




Total .




Ottawa (32)

Miller, f ..............




Pennington, f

... 1



L Morgan, f .— .. ..




Brenton. c .. . .... *

. 4



A. Morgan, c

, .0



8we3tnam, g------



Harding, g -------




Total ................




La Vena High and Evelyn High entertained a few friends at the home of their sister, Mrs. Campbell. Those present were:    Aileen Wine.

Chester Johnson. Donald Barngrover and Galen Glessener.

Harold Larsen received small cuts on the face when he put his head through the Ad building door.

Girls Ahead in Ping Pong

It seems that the girls are showing up the boys in the interest taken in the ping pong tournament, the girls are now in the semi-finals and the boys haven’t finished the first round.

In the semi-finals for the girls Wine and Hubbard are in the upper bracket while Trostle and Taylor are in the lower bracket. The finals are to be played Tuesday or before, tournament is sponsored by the mag-

The College Humor ping pong azlne College Humor.    

B Team Wins Over Fry’s Team With Score of 48 to 24

Last Friday while the first team were on the trip to Ottawa the B-team stayed home and beat their opponents, Fry’s team, by a fair margin. The last two games played by the B-team have come out ahead in the scoring, both games ending with a count of 48.

Fry’s team is playing a far different brand of ball than in the past but the B-team was just too much for them. They lost with a score of 48 to 26.

The other game played Friday was between Carter and Amos. This was a close game from start to finish but Miller’s team proved too much for Carter’s team and ended with the score 28-24.

Intramural Games

From all indications it seems that playing with the B-team has helped Molly Mohler, in his socking ability with the Intramural basketball squad. He is tied with Letkeman, each having 24 points. Second place. Miller with 22, and Nettleton with 21 ranks third.

Intramural basketball standings:

Kansas Conference Standings

C. of E. ..






Baker ......











K. Wes. ..






Ottawa .....





Bethany ..





Bulldogs To Tangle With Baker Wildcats

McPherson Canines Have Strong

Chance To Tie For Second After

Game Tomorrow Night

Next Tuesday the Bulldogs Journey to Baldwin to tangle with the Baker Wildcats in another confer-ence game. McPherson has a strong chance to be in a tie for second place after this game.

If the Bulldogs defeat Wesleyan tomorrow and Baker loses to the Swedes Saturday, McPherson can tie with the Wildcats by defeating them next week. This would place the Bulldogs in a strong position in the conference.

Baker, doped to win the conference race, has lost only one game, a two-point defeat at the hands of C. or E. The Bulldogs lost a hard-fought game to the Wildcats 22 to 27 earlier in the season.

Probable starting lineup: McPherson    Baker

C. Johnston    F    Reiser

Haun    F    Quaer

Barngrover    C    Heine

H. Johnston    G    Schrey

McGill G    Rudolph

Merle Messamer and Archie Van Nortwick were on the McPherson campus Saturday and Sunday.

George Toland has brought from home one of the best looking radios seen in the boys’ dorm.

Miss Lehman and Miss Warner spent the week end in Kansas City visiting Miss Warner's sister.