McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Thursday, sept. 17,1936
Many Students Receiving Aid
Spectator Is Mailed To More
Than 700 Persons This Week
Professor S. M. Dell, Director of N. Y. A. in McPherson, Estimates Seventy
Students Qualify As To Character, Record and Need
Professor S. M. Dell, director of NYA in McPherson College expects about seventy students to receive NYA aid before the termination of the year. Students for NYA allotments are selected on the basis of need, scholastic ability, and character.
Many students who would otherwise be unable to attend college are being helped this year by the benefits of the national Youth administration.
The purpose of the NYA is to help those students who are serious minded and really desirous of securing an education. Wherever possible work of educational and vocational value is given. It is felt that this work will be valuable to the student because It will broaden the realm of his experiences.
Last Tuesday the NYA directors of the Third District met at Manhattan. The keynote of the meeting was. “Value Given for Value Received." To emphasize this point, Professor Dell quoted Ann Laughlin. State NYA Director. "We are determined," said Director Laughlin, "that the students must earn what they get." This policy of administration not only provides the necessary financial aid, but it also gives the student excellent experience In evaluating his time, money and education."
Seven hundred or more copies of the first two issues of The Spectator are being sent this week to alumni and former students of McPherson College in addition to those on the regular mailing list. It is hoped that among those receiving these sample copies there will he a number of persons sufficiently Interested in McPherson College to subscribe.
All students enrolled In a regular course receive The Spectator, as part of their student activity fee pays for the subscription. Last year The Spectator had a circulation of about five hundred. About two hundred copies were mailed each week to high schools and individuals in more than twenty states.
Student Christian Movement Sponsors Annual Affair
College Band Is Organized
Thirty-Piece Band Expected by Floyd Harris; Concert Band Is Goal
Initial Appearance of Group
Is Great Success
To make all new students feel welcome and to permit all students to enjoy a social evening together, the Student Christian Movement sponsored the annual watermelon feed last Friday night at 8: 00 on the campus for all students and Faculty members.
Games were played on the campus and In the gymnasium, under the direction of Harold Mohler. Aileen Wine and La Vena High. A varied program was held in the chapel with Paul Miller acting as chairman. Musical numbers and readings were followed by Dr. Petry's address.
To conclude the program Lawrence Boyer appeared eating a huge slice of watermelon. The group then went to the gymnasium where iced watermelon was secured in quantities.
Flaming Explains Purpose of
S. C. M. in Wednesday’s Meeting
The McPherson College Band, under the direction of Floyd Harris, made its initial appearance this morning in Pep Chapel. Mr. Harris’ own arrangements of two school songs, "Cheer, Boys, Cheer" and "Fight for Old M. C." were featured, in addition to a new pep song, "Bulldogs. Fight", a composition of the director. The next appearance will be at the first football game of the season Friday evening.
According to the director the future of the school band is promising: new material, music of late edition and novelty arrangements will be included in the repertoire of the organization. The ultimate goal is the production of a concert band. There will be two rehearsals each week. Uniforms consisting of white trousers and red coats are being considered for a later date.
The band as it is presently organized,
consists of five saxophones, seven cornets, two trombones, three alto horns, four clarinets, one bass drum, and one bass horn. At least a 30 piece band is expected.
Mr. Harris, who is a former student of McPherson College, has been continuing his work in music at the Greeley Teachers' College, Greeley, Colorado, but he is now a student here.
Future plans of the Student Christian
Movement were outlined at the
organization's first meeting Wednesday,
and its purpose was explained by Willard
Flaming, president.
Wednesday's meeting was opened with devotionals by Theresa Strom. Viola Harris led the group in a brief song period, using some of the songs learned at the Estes conference. Frances Campbell entertained with some violin selections and Oliver Andrews sang.
S. C. M. will meet regularly in the Y. W. room each Wednesday at 9 o'clock.
Students From Various States
Sixteen States Represented On Campus From Distant Corners of Nation
Number Slightly Lower Than Last Year At This Time
A Cappeplia Rehearses Monday
During Past Year 950 Books Have Been Purchased
Religious Life Committee
Sponsors Musical Vespers
The first vesper service of this school year was presented last night In the college church at 6:30. This series is sponsored by the college committee on religious life. Dr. R. C. Petry Is In charge.
The music for the service was furnished by Mrs. Helen Holloway, organist, and Prof. Fisher, pianist. They will play solos and duets. This is primarily a period of worship, and those who come may listen to this program and enjoy good music.
The musicians plan to have novel arrangements of musical numbers in the future, and those should prove to be very interesting.'
Anyone interested in this sort of program is welcome.
College and Local Young People Co-operate—Johansen Directs
The choir of the McPherson College church this year offers unprecedented opportunities to students of this school. With Chris Johansen as director, the group is making many preparations ahead this year.
According to present plans, the choir loft is to be entirely filled each Sunday morning and evening. Each
regular member will have an alternate to fill his or her vacancy when
occasion demands. The group also plans to organize in the near fu
The A Cappella choir, under the leadership of its new director, Professor Nevin W. Fisher, is already making plans for a formal concert to be presented early in the second semester.
The first choir rehearsal will be held Monday night. More than thirty students, seeking to fill about twelve vacancies, have been given auditions by Professor Fisher.
During the past year 950 new books have been added to the Col-leg library. A recent and very unusual book which has been added "The Legend of St. Francis” as depicted in the Assisi Frencoes.
Accompanying the book is a book of unique and colorful pictures with notes explaining each picture.
A selected list of some of the new books include the following:
“A New International Year Book”; "University Debaters Annual,"
(1936 edition); "Dictionary of American Bibliography" vol. 19; "The Ideal School" by Bogoslovsky; "The Damnation of Theron Ware," Frederic; "Nich of the Woods." Bird; "Dav-id Copperfield" and "Cricket on the Hearth.” Dickens; "The House of Seven Gables.” Hawthorne; and "David Harum” by Weacott.
Gift books have been received by the library recently from LeRoy Doty, S. M. Jones, and Mrs. J. Hugh Heckman.
Wanda Hoover and Willard Flaming Give Talks
The enrollment, including students classed as specials, this year totals two hundred and sixty-three young people from various sections of the United States.
The senior class, of which there are thirty-eight members, and the Junior class, with a total of forty-five are both larger than the Junior and senior classes last year. Freshman and sophomore classes are smaller, having ninety-nine and seventy-one enrolled respectively.
From the bleak north and sunny south, from the east and the far
west these education seekers have found their way to M. C. States other than Kansas represented by the student body are Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Louisiana, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas in comparison, last year at this time had a total enrollment of 127. The sophomore class had 74 prospective candidates enrolled with the Juniors trailing with 42. The graduating class of ’25 had 31 seniors looking forward to their graduation. Compilation of these figures bring the grand total of last year to 274.
Considering the drouth and drastic conditions which many areas are facing, the enrollment this year is quite remarkable. With such results during present conditions, McPherson College can look forward to the future with great hope and a great increase in enrollment.
Faculty Welcomes Students With Reception At Church
Pajama Parade and Show Climax Day of Pep and Enthusiasm
W. A. A. Holds First Meeting
To acquaint all new girls of the plan and purpose of the W.
this organization held a party for new girls In the Y. W. room Tuesday evening at 6:30.
Alberta Keller told the new girls what to expect if they Joined the organization, Miss Warner spoke and games were played. Refreshments
were served as a conclusion.
The W. A. A. held their first business meeting a week ago Monday and another one last Monday at 4:00. They organized a booster club for
their organization and have decided to hold regular business
meeting every second and fourth Thursday of every month at 5:00.
At the rehearsal held last Tues-day evening, approximately forty singers were present. This Includes college students and local young people of the church. This Is Indicative of the Interest being taken in this work.
This plan offers an opportunity to those who appreciate good music, yet have no other chance to participate.
Rehearsals are held regularly on Tuesday evening at 7:30 and Sunday morning at 8:45 at the church. Mr. Johansen welcomes anyone who is Interested In this work.
The Christian Endeavor meeting for the college students was held in the college church Sunday evening at 6:30. Talks were given by Wanda Hoover of her summer’s work in a small country church and com-
munity in the foothills of the Ozarks
and by Willard Flaming of his work in the Emergency Peace Campaign.
In a short business session, conducted
by Theresa Storm, president of the organization, the group decided to invite the high school stu-dents to meet with the college students and thereby enable the former to carry on the work during the
The football season for McPherson
College was officially opened Thursday morning with one of the two big pep celebrations of the day.
The main feature of the program was Hetty Barber who broke through football-shaped arch and broke into a lively tap dance to officially open the football season. Floyd Harris’s pep band came through In great style In giving their first public audition. Cheer leaders led a highly enthusiastic crowd In deafening yells. It was a great success from beginning to end.
That night pajama garbed stu dents gathered at the city park and began their annual pajama parade. The students paraded through the streets, stopping st intervals to wind around the cheerleaders and band to
Former M. C. Athlete Marries
World Service Group Meets
"Echoes from Camp" was the theme of the first meeting of the World Service group which met last night at 7:00 in the Y. W. room.
Idaho, Eastern Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa camps were represented. One person from each state who had attended camp gave a talk on the location, facilities, type of camp, recreation, classes offered, and the helps received from the camp which they attended.
Since the president of this group did not return to college, a new president is to be elected at the next meeting of the organization.
Save your “Specs" and have them bound.
Rufus L. Daggett, of the Class of '24, was united In marriage to Miss Mary Callahan of Independence, Kansas
on June 22. During his college days Mr. Daggett was an outstanding athlete, participating in
basketball, tennis and track. He has
taught mathematics in the Independence high school for several years and
renders outstanding service an a Hf Y sponsor.
The Independence Church
of the Brethren has felt the impact of his leadership as a Sunday school superintendent
adult adviser of the B. Y. P. D. In addition
to his other activities. Mr. Daggett is a prominent member
of the Independence Lions club and of the
Sunset Hills golf club. Mrs. Daggett is well
known in golfing, business and religious circles of Independence. The
Spectator extends congratulations and best wishes.
summer months, as up to the present time it has always been discontinued during that time.
Songs were led by Paul Miller with Lucile Ullery assisting at the piano. Devotions were conducted by Virginia Harris.
sing and give enthusiastic yells.
After the parade the night shirt brigade filed to Walker’s studio where their pictures were taken for the Quadrangle. After that they were guests at the theater, thus ending an enthusiastic and hilarious day.
First Orchestra Rehearsal
Has 25 Instruments Present
Freshman Class Elects Stover
Last Monday the Freshman Class elected to intrust its fate to the guidance of Stephen Stover. Clayton Rock presided at the election. Time did not permit the filling of the other executive offices. This will be cared for at a later date.
Larsen Heads New Spectator Staff
Organized activities of The Spectator staff were started Tuesday headed by Harold Larsen, newly appointed editor. Larsen succeeds Vernon Michael who will be business manager this year.
Students of Journalism together with a corps of interested and experienced reporters will assist in writing news.
The first rehearsal of the college orchestra, which was held Tuesday night In the chapel under the direction of Professor Loren Crawford, showed that this year the group will have almost complete instrumentation.
About ten townspeople assisted the students, and together the orchestra membership was brought to twenty-five. Plans are being formulated
for a concert to be given in the future.
Wednesday was chosen as the regular rehearsal night, and sectional practices will be held each Friday morning at 6 o'clock,
Floyd Harris is to act as assistant director with Frances Campbell as concert master, and Margaret Fry as associate concert master.
The students of McPherson Col-lege were formally received by the faculty at the annual faculty recaption Monday night.
In gay colors and with dignified manners the students met in the church parlors to be welcomed to McPherson College. The reception was warm and so was the weather. However, the program proved sufficiently interesting to relieve our minds of our discomfort.
The master of ceremonies. Dr. Flory, in his eastern manner introduced each number on the program. Although the students began to make themselves comfortable for a nice long speech, Dr. Bright was considerate and made his welcome to the students short.
Everyone seemed to wake up and really show some interest when the next number, a vocal solo by Professor
Fisher, was announced. The students really appreciated the music of Crawford's violin solos. Miss Lehman
concluded the program by giving a reading. Dr. Flory again aroused Interest when he announced that refreshments were to be served. Delightful and refreshing wafers and drinks were served.
The members of the reception committee were Clayton Rock, who is president of the Student Council, Mr.
and Mrs. Sehwalm, Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Mohler and Dr. Smith.
Girls Have Campus Frolic
Patronize Spectator Advertisers
In order that all of the women students on the campus might become
better acquainted with each other, the Y.W. of the S. C. M. sponsored a frolic Thursday afternoon from 4 o’clock to 5 o’clock in the Student Union room.
Get-acquainted games were conducted by Alberta Keller, Rilla Hubbard and Mary Trostle. Other games were played on the campus. Returning to the Student Union room, the girls enjoyed group singing, led by Velma Watkins with Lucile Ullery assisting at the piano.
As a conclusion to the afternoon's entertainment, refreshments were served.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
HOME OF 1935 Member 1936 the SCHOOL
THE bulldogs Associated Collegiate Press oF quality
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897. ________________________
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address All Correspondence to
THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Dates! Dates! Dates! Dates! Dates! Dates!
Pep chapel yesterday morning created a situation which has left a rather unpleasant taste in some people's mouths. In order to throw light on both sides of the question and perhaps clear up the situation, the editorial committee of the Spectator is taking this opportunity to express the composite opinion of many students who have had no opportunity to speak out publicly in regard to the matter.
In short, the point at stake is this. The alleged lack of wholehearted student support of the Bulldog teams in football and basket-ball has been laid directly at the door of the dating of students attending these games. Therefore, certain individuals or organizations are urging that there be no further dating at any games, and furthermore suggesting that force will be used to prevent dating. It Is held that this is a tradition of the school, contrary to the practice of the last three or four years, and that as such It should be revived.
Granting for the purposes of this writing that there may be a failure on the part of the students to support the teams as much as they should, may we consider several objections to the proposal made in chapel to prevent all dating at games.
First of all, we object to the manner in which a vote on the subject was railroaded through the chapel. Easily half of those there would have voted a strenuous "no" if there had been a secret ballot. Obviously under the circumstances no one dissenting individual was going to remain seated while the rest stood up. Consequently the vote purported to show a mass sentiment which did not actually exist.
Secondly, we object to the idea of putting into effect such a system on the basis that other schools use it. No school, to our knowledge, prevents upperclassmen from dating at athletic contests.
Thirdly, it Is apparent that the entire student body Is being Judged by the actions of a small minority. This is particularly true of football games. It is true that some dating couples sit In the gallery at the basketball games and refrain from cheering, but such a statement cannot with equal veracity be made concerning football. The big majority of the student body sits together In a certain section of the stadium, and the big majority of the students cheer at football games. Therefore it is obviously unjust to attempt to penalize all couples because of the action of a very few.
At this point there arises a ques
tion as to whether or not anyone, whether Individual or organization has the right or authority to stipulate how those attending college athletic contests shall act. The contests are supposedly arranged for the purpose of building athletes, physically and mentally, and providing clean entertainment for the student body. Thera never has been any idea of compulsory attendance or cheering nor does there need to be. Virtually all students attend out of free choice, and most of them cheer because they want to. But if they do not desire to cheer, that is certainly
personal matter. In some cases, at least, students cannot cheer because they are voice students, or because of sore throats, etc. Such cases indeed should not be criticized or punished.
Most Important of all, may wo point out that the suggested plan is attacking the problem of lack of pep at the wrong point. The big majority of those students who do not yell and exhibit extreme enthusiasm at games fail to do so for reasons far removed from the fact that they have dates. It generally arises from a desire to
take care of the vocal cords, a general disinclination to yell anyway, or from individual nature which does not express itself in cheering. The fact that some of these individuals date is entirely incidental. And particularly is this true of football games.
Evidently it is forgotten that in sport, as in many other things, support and enthusiasm must come from within, and not from without; no compulsion will evoke hearty cheering. Rather, many students will be so irked by the attempt to balk their plans to date, that they will find no disposition for cheering whatsoever. This, then, would defeat the purpose of the proposal.
Finally, may we point to one serious defect in the proposal made in pep chapel. It Is only too well known that McPherson College lacks in social facilities—particularly those which are inexpensive. For years now the annual college athletic contests have furnished free entertainment and possibility of dating for those who find themselves frequently forced against the wall of penury. It would be a shame, indeed, to destroy this one excellent means for social contact.
Let us have pep—indeed yes. But let us not attempt to compel enthusiasm, and certainly let us not attempt to Interfere with free dat-
ing of upperclassmen.
K. W. P. M. W. F.
‘Consistency, Thou Art a Jewel’
Great written to the governor of Moscow put it in this manner, “My dear prince, do not complain that the Russians have no desire of instruction; If I Institute schools, it Is not for us.—it Is for Europe, where we must keep our position in public opinion. But the day when our peasants shall wish to become enlightened, both you and I will lose our places." Subsequent developments have brought out the truth in this statement; the history of Russia is one long continuous struggle for advancement. Even after the October Manifesto of 1905 which promised civil liberty and the extension of the franchise, there was not much change in Russia. Yet look at Russia now and ask yourself, did the Czars succeed In trying to prevent change?
Since the World war another nation in Europe has been following somewhat the same policy. France, especially under Poincaire, has tried her utmost to keep Germany weak and disarmed—to prevent change. Not only was Germany made to as-sume full guilt of the war but at the point of a bayonet she was forced to pay for the war. Not only was Germany disarmed but a circle of French alliances was built like a ring of steel around her. All of this was done for the primary purpose of preventing Germany from rearming and asserting her rights as a sovereign nation. Yet look at the Germany of today—has France succeeded in trying to prevent change
One could go on at length to illustrate how this law of change operates; it may be checked temporarily, but it can never be stopped. This law operates not only on an international scale but also on an individual one. Just as a nation or a ruler cannot prevent change, so an Individual cannot keep himself from changing. Well moaning parents at times try to bring up their children In “the ways of their fathers.” According to their philosophy the
younger generation should not
change from the ways of the older. For a time this philosophy will succeed just like a dam can hold a river in check until enough water has accumulated. Then the dam breaks and the water loses itself in one mad rush for freedom, bearing in its wake all Inhibitions and restrictions that have been built to keep It under control.
Although change cannot be prevented one can still determine what course It will take. Great Britain by taking an open minded attitude toward social progress was able to avert the revolution that was necessary to change the status quo In both France and Russia. Parents by wise counseling can help their children grow to become useful citizens that have changed from the ways of their fathers.
Every student now in McPherson College Is going to change this year. The change may be for the better or worse, but change there shall be for the odds have decreed It. It therefore behooves everyone to guide this change In such a way that constructive growth can take place. Look at mother nature. In her realm things either grow or deteriorate. In your life the same Is true; regardless of what you do change will come about. It may therefore be pertinent to ask yourself the question at the beginning of a school year; In what direction am I going to change —W. F.
The Gallery
can think of no greater disillusionment on the subject of masculine discretion than a date to the Pajama Parade with a man in hon-est-to-goodness bedroom apparel.
Will someone enlighten me as to
how Dan Zook received the honorary position of chief paddler of the traditional "belt line?" It may be a joke to watch him whack the freshmen now, but think of the grim fate that awaits a little chap years hence who will lean over for a like punishment and plead "Please, Daddy."
Alma Minnick certainly knows how to bemoan the trials of a spinster but
no one can ever persuade me that she will ever experience them.
It's being a recognized fact: that the social spotlight is hovering around Gladys Shank; that Miss
Smith’s pleasant little welsome "And-how-are-you-tonight, Miss So-and So?” Is a part of every Faculty Reception; that Charles Wagoner Is the dearest S. C. M. member when it comes to eating watermelon.
game Friday njght. The only remorses I have ever experienced In observing our bulldogs play were serving our bulldogs In play occured the night I dropped my favorite linen handkerchief down underneath the bleachers.
I simply could not get enough of "Anthony Adverse” In the theatre, so I trudge about now with the book under my arm. I'm beginning to think, however, that if all my classes prove to he as much a new experience as Dr. Hershey’s I’ll never get It finished by reading snatches in classes.
We have heard this old saying many times: "Consistency, thou art a Jewel.”
Wouldn’t It seem logical to you to think that any one who participates in a given program would be in favor of that type of program. For Instance, if you would participate
in Roosevelt’s program you must see some good in it or else you would not take part. At least we would be consistent If we refused to sanction the program by not participating In It.
We carry this policy In most of our activities and most of our affairs. Let us see whether we do this in our governmental affairs. Around here, some of the people who are loudest in their reproach of the present
administration are some of the NYA workers. Probably, they do not remember about signing a little slip
saying that they could not be in school if it weren’t for this federal aid. You know that might be something to think about.
We claim to be a group of students who look at both sides of question. Let, by the sound of things about this school there is only one party and one candidate with any virtue and the other parly and candidate contain all of the vices.
Any critical thinker knows that there are strong and weak points about both parties and candidates. If we can see only good in one and bad in the other we are becoming uncritical and Inconsistent.
Let's be consistent and maintain our critical attitude on all subjects even though it may cause you to see something not quite so nice in your parents’ political party.—"The Commenter.”
ponent of plain-speaking honest-acting democracy. Alf Landon, has so roused the ire of this radical hyperliberal, constitution - disregarding democrat, that she has abused her power as a writer of nonsense for the minds of morons to insert subversive, underhanded propaganda against the afore mentioned lovable citizen, the Republican candidate for president—yon, our next president— Alf
Gentlemen, this individual (Jane Kent, in case you hadn’t found out by now) has even over-stepped the bounds of propriety to the point of suggesting that the wife of the well-known and well-loved columnist, Gourdi
e Green, demonstrate an authority which is not her to squash his efforts for the Republican party in the coming campaign. That, fellow
readers, is the height of fla-, grant, unjustifiable, premeditated, and profligate outrages. It is by any token a genious sin against the privilege and rights granted to all good American citizens under the Consti-tution. It is a wanton attack, a nefarious scheme to further the in-terests of fascism. It is hateful, odious, monstrous, and flagitious. In fact, it smells to high heaven.
This by no means exhausts the gamut of criticism which can be brought to bear against this atrocious offense against Republicanism. This, friends, is the tocsin-—the announcement of the actual organization of a Landon-for-President Club. Already a large majority of the young men In Fahnestock have signified their whole-hearted approval of the Idea, and have subscribed to its policies.
Further, and most Important, this Is serving notice to one Jane Kent that no further expressions of her personal displeasure at our activities will be tolerated.
To Mrs. Gourdie Green—our congratulations for having secured for a marital companion such a benign, benevolent, and astute young man as this representative of honest government—the president-to-be of the Landon-for-President Club.
P. S.—This is to let it be known that there are no ulterior motives in this writing, such as the fond hope of pork-barrel patronage or soft government -appointments as rewards. We stand for honest, efficient, and economical government, and that is our sole motive.
—Alexander Q. Pillpots, Sec.
Patronize Spectator Advertisers
‘Change,’ a Universal Law, Is Never Stopped
A six letter word packed with dynamite; a factor which it taken cognizance of by some European nations would help substantially to lesson the danger of war; a pow-
of nations—C H A N G E.
The uppermost thought in the minds of the rulers of Russia al-Revolution in 1917 was to prevent most to the very beginning of the
er that has determined the course change. The words of Catherine the
Could we stood it? No!!!!
There comes a time in all men's lives
when they have to stand up for their rights, and now is the time. Our rights gentlemen, have been trampled upon—yea, they have been pounded into the dust. When a woman, a veritable mite of a woman, begins to step into the political limelight, to transform an erwtwhile Innocuous bit of slapstick into a po-tant bit of political propaganda. THEN, gentlemen, the time has come to stand up for the time-respected and long-honored rights of manhood.
To begin with, the most elemental rights of political warfare have been disregarded. The right to present both sides of a question in a scientifically
objective, dispassionate,’ un-partisian manner has been refused. The mere mention of the remote possibility of the formation of a small organization to further the certainty of the election of that good old ex