McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 21, 1937


Grace Overton Gives Lecture

Chairman of the Marriage and Home Department of Women Speaks to Chapel Group

‘Old Solidity Broken’

"Family as Economic and Vocational Unit is Vanishing"

Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, chairman of the Marriage and Home department of the Federated Women, spoke in chapel Monday morning on the subject of "Marriage and the Home.” Mrs. Overton was brought to McPherson through the efforts of the Business and Professional Women's Club.

In her address Mrs. Overton pointed out three things that have been disturbing thrusts at family life. First: the old family solidity in which the family is an economic and vocational unit has been broken down. This has been due to a great extent to the industrial revolution and the increase in urban population. The home

is now used as a spring board by which to spring into your own life. A new cultural pattern is developing to fit our new economic pattern.

Second: the break down of family discipline has been a disturbing factor in our family life. We all need discipline, but are an undisciplined age. Family discipline must come back, but it will be a gradual process and must start with self-discipline.

Finally the new non-family pattern of marriage is making family life less potent, it is the cause of such an increased divorce rate and, of such a decline of birth rate In the upper brackets of society. Couples who have children are drawn together In more social circles. You can not build a home and family life on mate-mindedness alone.

There are three big questions one asks himself: first, what kind of person will I be? Second, what will my vocation be? Third, what of my mate life? The individual’s contribution to society depends upon his answer to these questions.

Miss Floy Lacky and Professor N W. Fisher sang "Thine Alone,” by Herbert.

Carnagie Endowment Gives

Books to I. R. C Group

The International Relations Club was given the following "books by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to encourage the study of international relations. The list includes: "A History of the Far East In Modern Times." Vinacke; "Fascism and National Socialism.” Florinsky; “Can We Be Neutral?" Dulles and Armstrong; "World Trade and Its Future.” Salter; "What the I. L. O. Means to Amer-ica", Miller: "The Spanish Tragedy." Peers; and a pamphlet containing the Constitution of the International Labor Organization" together with documents effecting membership of the United States.

Ninety and Nine In-But One Was Out

A group of forlorn, pajama-clad girls were found in Kline hall re- cently. Investigations into the matter disclosed the reason for such goings on. One of their beloved members was lost— lost somewhere out in the wide open spaces between Kline hall and the library.    .

It is almost beyond the power of human guided pen to describe this flock of girls as they watched and listened for the footsteps of their sister inmate. Some were tearing their hair (had you noticed some of the ragged curls lately-). Others were noisily pacing the halls wringing their hands in despair. Even the usually calm Evelyn was seen going to the windows once in a while.

Some few were found on bended knee, but alas, they were only playing the solemn game of "I see a ghost.” A passerby in the cold out of doors fled in terror to see Olga’s woe begone figure appear suddenly on the balcony above him. Phone calls were put out, signs offering large rewards (which could not be paid) were posted and even all of Miss Atkinson’s calm reserve was for once broken down as she too peered out into the cold darkness.

The desperate crowd was just ready to venture forth when, behold, here came the culprit walking calmly up the stairs!

Where had she then?—Well she had a good reason!

Pres. Glenn Frank Forced from Office

Charges Made by University of Wisconsin Board of Regents

Madison, Wisconsin—Another attack of severe investigationitis struck the University of Wisconsin again early this month, and this time Dr. Board of Regents removed Pres. Glen Frank to cure another attack of the disease that twice last year forced other members of its staff to be dispatched.

After a two-day operation that assumed the proportions of a great spectacle the board that was accused of taking orders from Gov. Philip F. LaFollette voted, as newspapers predicted last July, 8 to 7 to remove who voted to remove the president are all Progressives and LaFollette


Feb. 15 Date Set for Choir Concert in City Auditorium

At a recent business meeting of the A Cappella choir, the date for their annual formal concert was decided upon. The precedent of giving a formal debut before the season’s appearance was initiated five years ago by a group of about twenty charter members.

The organisation has grown in both number and ability since that time reaching a total of thirty-six singers this year. The concert to be given Feb. 15 promises to be the best that has ever been presented and the group iss working hard to fulfill this promise.

After the concert a formal ban-quet will be given for the choir. Old members are invited to be present at this banquet. Further plans for both concert and banquet will be announced later.    

Jessie Miller visited with her Sisler, Mrs. Jim Auernheimer, at Le-High Sunday.

Ruth Seigle was a guest in the home of Marjorie Kinzie, who lives in Lyons, during the week end.

Katheryn Enns spent the week end with her aunt in Inman.

Bethel First in Debate Meet

Taking six victories in eight debates, Bethel College placed first in the pentangular debate tournament held at McPherson College last Saturday. Bethany placed second with five wins. Hutchinson won four, Wesleyan three, and McPherson two.    

Illness impaired the strength of McPherson teams, but they got much valuable experience which was the primary purpose of the tournament

Kited to the prominence of a national spectacle, the chief concern of the press and the nation’s educators was that the action of the board and the procedure preceeding that action were not such as to preserve freedom of thought from the power of a hearing by his peers.

Formal charges were made against Dr. Frank by the regent president, but the former's answers were as well documented as the latter's charges, better many observers declared. No matter what one’s opinion of the charges and answers was, one's verdict on the regent's verdict against Dr. Frank was usually dictated by politics, prejudices, educational theory or just plain personalities.

The verdict of most Madisonians was that Dr. Frank was railroaded out of his job by a Progressive majority that would have voted as it did no matter what was said during the course of the "trial."

Following the Bascom Hall spectacle and the student, strike that concluded it, a movement was started to have the manner of selecting university regents by gubernatorial appointment changed to some less political method. Observers close to the scene predict that this will be a "must measure on the docket of the state legislature this month.

Another legislative possibility is that Wisconsin solons will investigate the "trial" given to Dr. Frank by the regents, for many of them feel that there is something "fishy" in the whole affair.

Chief topic of Madisonians many weeks now, the "Frank Affair" has now boiled down to a lot of head shaking and a guessing game over the successor to the first of the nation’s "boy presidents."

When Did the Athletes Study for Final Exams

For the past several days everyone has been yelping about not having enough time to study or prepare for tests. If you think you have it tough, what about the basketball players?

Most of your classes meet three times a week for one-hour sessions. But basketball practice comes every day in two-hour doses. And those fellows don't even consider cutting practice, because—several absences, and—oh, oh! !

There were very few classes Tuesday afternoon the day before tests started. Nearly everyone had a chance to study for the oncoming teats. But not so our athletic heroes—they had their regular two-hour practice. Then last night, with every campus activity halted to pay tribute to the exams, the basketballers went down town at 7:00 o’clock to prepare for tomorrow night's battle. This afternoon another light workout will be held.

So, you hard working students who complain about not having enough time to get your work done, think about the basketball players and remember that you have time to spare.

Protestations Before Succumbing

Student Deplors Use of Proverbial

Oil As An Unjustified Extravagance

Examinations, the orgies which terrify all college students twice each year and often haunt them long afterward, are upon, us. We have been overtaken in our perilous as-cent of Parnassus' rugged slopes, and now we face the horrible prospect of being hurled bodily into the abysmal depths from which we so laborous-ly emerged.

Who has time for examinations anyway? Just ask a person to do something for you: it makes no dif-ference whether it is exam time or any other time the reply is always, "Oh. I'm too busy. I haven't time.” Examinations and preparation for them waster too much time, a thing of which no college student has

enough in the first place. In addi-tion to that, I deplore the unnecessary burning of the proverbial oil as unjustified extravagance.

Another aspect of the case should be considered. The avowed purpose of college is education and mental development. Therefore the whole set-up is wrong by permitting as an adjunct to its organization such an insidious and exquisite form of mental torture which retards rather than accelerates progress.

Still another thing ought to be considered, and that is the faculty. It is the sincere and earnest desire

of every student to spare his beloved pedagogues the exhausting necessi-ty of reading the huge volume of erratic, not to say asinine, answers. The students are unanimous in their disparagement of examinations. But the

faculty clings pertinaciously to this outmoded canon of mental stature and succeeds only in self-perse-

cution and an embarrassing expose of collegiate intelligence (or lack of it)

I shall not tire you with further enumeration, but any student if you will ask him, can amass a staggering preponderance of evidence against the institution of examinations that, will amuse you. This brief writing is not and is not intended to be a comprehensive treatment of the subject. Its purpose is to stimulate thought — cogent, invigorating thought.    

With examinations looming overhead like war-clouds over Europe. I must abandon for a time this indictment and prepare myself for the final fray.    

While you are reading this flagrant denunciation, I shall be submitting myself to the intricate, complex, and questionable influence of examinations, and as a sheep before the shearer is dumb, so shall I be.

—Freddie the Freshman

There is no time like the present to celebrate! Exams are completed! There has been no time for pleasure; there has been no time to do just as we wish to do. Why? Because ever since early last September we have known nothing but work. Work! And plenty of it. Even during vacation time term papers had to be written and books were to be read. Now since that is all over we intend to do plenty about it.

How can we get the full benefit of the period between semesters now that we are all worn to a "nub"? Our bodies are fatigued; every inch of our brains throb with deliberation and our eyes droop with weariness. Will this never end or must we go on and on?

Let us college students devise a system whereby semester final examinations are excluded. Then wor-ries will be over and happiness and contentment will be on the way back to the hearts of students.

Student Room Scene of Gayety

The Student Union Room was a gay scene Friday evening. Everyone came ready for a good time-and be assured no one was disappointed.

The group was first divided into four groups. Relay games were played which were very interesting. Those in group two will agree they tried to be original when picking a biblical event to portray but those in group one thought the same thing.

Some people are not as good at guessing games as others but Lowell Brubaker took the prize for knowing advertisements. After playing "Senator" where you can ask all the ques-ions you wish, the group was served with coffee and rolls.

A West Virginia University statis-tician with a "hydraulic complex" has calculated that all of the Institutions buildings use about 3,000,000 gallons of water monthly.

C. E. Presents

One Act Drama

Percival Wilde's Play, “Finger of God,” Given Sunday by Students

Large Crowd Attends

Roles Played by Davis, Andrews, and Rosalie Fields

A one-act play, "The Finger of God" by Percival Wilde, was presented under the auspices of the C. E. organisation to a large number of College students Sunday night at 6:30 in the College chapel.

The cast consisted of Strickland,

business man, Philip Davis; his valet, Oliver Andrews; the Girl, Ro-salie Fields. The play was coached by Marjorie Flory and the stage manager was Vernon Michael.

Strickland, a business man about 48 years old, with the assistance of his valet, is preparing to leave his home town on the midnight train for Chicago. He seems agitated and worried. When he calls the station to reserve a sleeper for himself, he gives his name as Alfred Stevens—    

only to be told that a berth has already been reserved for a man of that name. Puzzled, he sends his valet to the station to investigate the matter and to hold the berth for him.

Soon after his valet leaves, a Girl enters Strickland's room. When he fails to recognize her, she tells him that she is one of his office employees, and that she has brought some letters which she thought he should see before he left the city.

As he had planned that his departure should be secret, he is amazed that she should know his plans. However, she had found his timetable on his desk, and fearing that he might neglect reserving a berth for himself, she did it for him. Strickland tells this girl the story of a man who as a young boy had stolen money and and been put in jail. After he leaves jail through hard work he is able to secure employment and slowly progresses until at last he is made manager of the company. The further he advances, the more difficult it is for him as he is surrounded with more money which tempts him. When he loses all of his own money through gambling, he resolves to take other people's money and run away.

He is determined that nothing shall prevent him from carrying out his plans. However, when she hands him some of her own money and asks him to invest it for her, he is stunned and humbled.

When the telephone rings, he stated that he has resolved to stay and face the truth. When he turns, he finds the girl gone, for this girl represents his inner conscience.

All reports from those who saw the play have been that the play was excellently presented, especially does Davis, who carried a difficult part, deserve commendation.

Ellen Divine spent the week end at her home in Garden City, Kan-


With Guns and Ammunition Six March Out to

Kill; Return with Four Victims as Proof

“Man Wanted” at Wisconsin U.

A University of Wisconsin prank star took it upon himself to remedy the situation after ex-President Glenn Frank had been removed from office, by an eight to seven vote of the regents.    

He thumb-tacked a "Man Wanted” sign on the ex-president's office door.

With guns and ammunition six of us piled into George’s for last Sat-urday afternoon and away we went —to shoot jack-rabbits. And were they thick! But they were all running around out in the fields. So— over the ice and snow we did go after the rabbits.

There were only two guns. In the crowd, the other four of us had to be content to hold the shells and tell the two "hunters” when and how to shoot. And those silly rabbits just wouldn't sit still. So Georgie stepped on the gas and tried to outrun one of those poor little dumb creatures. Maybe not so dumb after all—first running one way and then another. Carter, sitting on the fender, tried to aim and shoot at that crazy rabbit, but the wind was trifle chilly, and his fingers got so cold he couldn't pull the trigger. Not a bad excuse at that!

Through cornfields and down more hedges we chased Jack rabbits. Poor Carter, by this time, was so cold, that all he could think of was going home and getting into the oven. Kate was cold and hungry and still wondering if Mary raises rabbits on her farm. Hubbard as usual, was hungry. It was getting dark, too, and we really couldn’t see very well, but we did spy two more cottontails. Bang! bang! and they were dead —-Just like that! Triumphantly we came back to the college with four cottontails, and cold noses.

The next day, Sunday, Shirk cooked those rabbits; and we hunters feasted. Kate says they don’t taste like chicken

It's lots of fun to go hunting, even if you can’t shoot. Maybe we’ll go again sometime, and when we do, rabbits, you better, look out, for


Thursday, JAN. 21. 1937

The Staff

Editor-in-Chief...............................................Harold Larsen

Assistant Editor. .....................— —Norman Edwards.

Feature Editor. —---------------------------------—.........Gladys Shank

Sports Editor___. - ■ -    ................Gordon Yoder

Copy REaders    Ellen Divine. Eldora Van Dermark

Business Manager_____________________________Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager............... —Russell Kingsley

The Gallery

Jane Kent


Bro. Lackie promises to dye his yellow-white trousers if they are to remain in his winter wardrobe.

Betty Ruth resolves to act as calm around other men as she does around Professor Hess.

Jezebel will be more buoyant and less foggy from the throat up.

Dr. Flory has decided that romantic touches in literature should be given normal attention.

Edith Hughey will lease her wardrobe as a rental shop for feminine patrons before special occasions.

Fahnestock is giving evidence that her knees are growing shaky and she will be forced to give up the ghost soon.

Blackwell, and Yolanda Clark indicate that they will complete their demonstration of Dr. Hershey's explanation of "affinity. "

Grapefruit will prick our ready-for-breakfast-tummies more often


Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burns Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler

at once| I want to thank Miss Heckethorn for her kind answer in verse and to criticise the rest of you who did not get the point because you lacked the curiosity to look up the word "acrostic. ” And now for the NYA staff: Why not put some men to work giving the college a class whistle worthy of the name? Not to criticise, but I noticed Andy was an opportunist the other day when everything was all icy and Floy wanted to come down the steps.

Lastly I want to quell the storm of criticism rising over the publisa-tion of this coustic with the explanation something just had to be done. Things are getting pretty bad when the Spec has to print government reports to have enough copy. Have we sunk so low in the rut of unproductivity that we must dam the outlet?     


G. Green

This Job of Editorial Writing

The Test af Good Talks

When Mrs. Overton was on our campus this week, we had some one who really started the students to thinking in a new way about some problems that have been placed be-fore us many times. No doubt, she had the attention in our chapel, superior to anyone who has appeared in a long time.

The students that can get an in-spiration from this type of wholesome thing are just one step further on the road to growing up. Contracting a person like this is one of the biggest things we get from our college education because one just cannot live the same complacent life af- ter experiencing this.

To test a speech like this let us see the various reactions from the students. One group may say that it did not amount to much. This group would be few and far between. Another group would say that it is just what they have been saying all along and use it as a sort of rationaliza-tion for the way they do things. The third group would say that it is well done and then try to use it and put it into acton without much fuss about the whole matter!

If you belong to this first group it just proves to yourself that you are soured on speakers of this type and that you do not believe that much can be done about the whole situation.

Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour Lee Haun La Vena High

Well, it looks as though I will have to write another editorial. Let me see—what can I write about this time? The fine art of writing edi-torials is not such an easy task. It is a "fine” are for even though you cut out all grammatical discrepancies and polish your editorial until it shines like Atlanta’s golden apples, it still isn’t "fine" enough for some gentle reader who happens to think that he is the scape goat of some aspiring editorial writer. Yea, literature, including editorials, is as much an expression of art as music, sculpture, and paintings. If you don’t believe it try to write one sometime.

Ahem, that hasn’t settled my problem though; what am I going to write about? Maybe there is some great emotion or passion that I can write about, you know, one that stimulates a person until he bows in breathless, exquisite ecstasy. Oh, pardon me, people no longer bend their knees in admiration— the spineless lover excepted.

Oh yes, there is always some incident or local or national signifi-lanre that makes good material for an editorial. As for instance, the story of the lady who received her insurance premium the other day because she has passed her 96th birthday. According to statistics released by insurance companies, only three out of 100, 000 people reach the age of 96 and all three of these die before their next birthday. Therefore, reasoned the benevolent insurance company, this old lady is

Grinnell college men have found it a dangerous practice to tell their coed friends that those who come from small families are "spoiled. ''

Two out of every three Grinnell girls are the "only children" in the family or one of two children in the home group.

Opal Hoffman Rilla Hubbard Hebert Ikenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller

just as good as dead and we shall pay her premium. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk After dodging cars for 96 years, wearing out a perfectly good set of teeth and outliving several husbands—a meritorious accomplishment indeed—the insurance company is rash enough to declare the lady dead. Well that's the way it goes. Here I am tryin to hard to write a quality editorial and what will be my reward? Only half of the students will read my little, unostentatious article, and what's far worse, I will see my own lack of grammatical grace revealed before the public.

Well, Well, here I’ve hem hawed around and practically written an editorial. Boy I wonder how it will look in print? And what's worse than that, how will the public like it? I hope I haven't offended anyone, maybe it isn't so wise—or otherwise—to write editorials of this kind. Ah! I have it. I am going, to close my editorial in the following manner. Dear, gentle, unsophisticated reader; a person of your mature age and intelligence should have discovered by now that only half of the things that you see in print are authentic. An editorial, after all, is only the lavish, gurgitation of some budding, young Journalist; so take it with a grain of salt. And furthermore, if perchance you think the freedom of the press is being violated and that this worthless harangue should be stopped, notify your editor. He can squelch it.

This group seems to me to be quite pessimistic.

If you belong to the second group then all you want in some speaker is one with whom you agree with because you believe the way he does. One must admit that this is good for the ego but as far as getting anything done it is nil and void. Some in this group think that what she said was radical and that we are not supposed to broach such things around here. I failed to see this type of thing but it could have been there. If a person objects too strenuously to the things that go on around here and that we are too conservative there is always the opportunity for people to go where they can find

folks to agree with them if that is what they are really wanting. However to try and change things here to meet their views is a task that is worthy if what they want is better than what we have now.

The third group as a rule does not say much about the speech but if it does sink deeply then they make their lives live up to it, which is the way to make something of this sort rosily effective.     

May we say here that “an ounce of real living is worth a pound of mere talk. " The motto may be mixed but perhaps you got the meaning.

Tender steaks, prepared foods and soft breads are causing faulty development of faces, jaws and teeth in the American people, says Dr. William J. Kerr, head of the department of medicine at the University of California.     


Well, here it is the middle of the year, academically speaking, so perhaps it would not be such a bad time to check over and criticize our past, that the future might be more glorious incidentally, this job has been growing on me for some time, but nothing would justify a general sorting over.

First, I want to impeach the veracity of "Believe It or Not" Ripley, who sent out a picture the other day of a "land light house" he said was built in l952. I don't believe it, and I rather doubt some other things he says. But, to come closer home, where did the rest of you writers get the idea you could spell however it might suit you, just because Gour-die Green got away with it so deplorably last year? The very idea of insinuating the owner of the new bus would ask you to "get lift for a nickel! " A college student should know enough to use a synonym when he can't spell the word he wants. Does the city own said bus, as the article said? As for the street railway system, such a venture existed back in the days when horses were the motive power. The track ran most of the length of Main street, came, I think, to the college entrance, and went as far as the cemetery. But it failed... perhaps we had best treat our line bus kindly.

Please don't worry, whoever wrote the article referred to, for the rest have their turns coming. There are many errors no one is to blame for. Since there is many a slip twixt the typewriter and the printed page. But, to return to my duty, how lovely to have Penly Ann Host undertake to get us more thoroughly Emily Posted —yet how terrible to hear her say "some unknowingly commit breaches of etiquette, which if they knew the rules they would not be guilty of breaking them, '' when she meant to say some unknowingly commit breaches of etiquette which they would not if they knew the rules. What this college needs is a Percival Prim. Professor Hess? Don't mention him, for the very day he pointed out so forcefully that protracted borrowing of library books is breaking the law against stealing, he was seen driving up Euclid at a speed at least ten miles in excess of the speed limit.

Before Christmas an article appeared in which Fred Eastman was represented as saying the adminitsa-tion of communism in Russia could be criticised, but not the underlying philosophy. What he said was that, IN RUSSIA one is permitted to criticise the government administration, but not the underlying philosophy, communism, what must the folks back home think when they read that we have chapel speakers who say there is nothing which may be criti-cized in a Godless system. Let there be nothing which the honest scholar dare not criticise!

I want to romp on the memory of the University of California student who neglected his wife for his books —any man who would neglect a real live woman for the best text-book ever written should see his alienist

New Features at Mac

Opening under new management and a slightly different policy, the Mac Theatre is now offering added entertainment to the residents of this community. Maintaining the double feature plan, the Mac is now showing new, first run pictures on practically every program.

Matinees are also being featured now with the shows starting at 1: 30 o’clock every afternoon. On Saturdays, the shows are continuous, beginning at 1: 30 p. m. and continuing until after the closing show that evening. A prevue showing will follow the regular evening performance every Saturday night, starting at about 11 o’clock.

in the dining hall.

Larsen will get more sleep... and get it at night.

Raymond Flory and other cautious aggressors will claim the hearts’ desires they have doubtless been coveting all year.

Lingren will not practice his flirting mannerisms so carelessly.

The basso profundos who go with the choir in ‘‘The Sleigh" will learn to hit low D so we can gather up more speed.

on Kurtis' birthday when we will on Kurtis’ birthday when we will have to take time out to make up for lost opportunities.

La Vena will keep her little sprigs of side curls.

Vernon Michael will be given chances to work in front of the scenes for a change.

... these are the things... the nicer events... to follow exam time.

Popular Double Bill

Next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, audiences at the Mac will see an excellent double feature program showing "We’re In the Legion Now" and "The Old Corral. " Both films are first run features and bring varied entertainment to the screen.

A mad, merry comedy in all natural color and loaded with laughs, “We're in the Legion Now. " features Reginald Denny and Esther Ralston in the leading roles. Seen with them in the supporting cast will be Eleanor Hunt, Vince Barnett and Claudia Dell.

Gene Autry returns in "The Old Corral” to sing once again the typical songs of his career and catch up with trouble and romance aboard a trans-continental bus. With Autrey will be seen Smiley Burnette.

Miss Belle Arvice Hoffman of Hope was on the campus Friday visiting friends and her cousin, Gladys 8hank.

Princeton University's faculty wrote 18 books, 113 reviews, and 326 articles during the academic year 1935-’36.

Collegiate World



Penly Ann Host

Dear Penly Ann Host:

It annoys me to see one continually chewing toothpicks. Is this good taste? When and where is a toothpick properly used?

One is not well mannered, Sussy, when he resorts Sussy, totaetaoin when he resorts to toothpicks as a part of his diet. One should never use toothpicks in public; one authority even goes so far as to say their only use is in fastening deviled egghalves together. Of course this stretches the point a bit, but if one must use a toothpick it is wise to do it alone in the privacy of his own room.

Just-A-Wonderin’, you are right in believing that absolute silence should reign in a theater or auditorium during a performance. But if some one persists in talking you have a perfect right to say to the offender Would you mind not talking? I cannot hear. ”    

People who whisper about actors or comment on the lecture, and explain to their companion are pests to all around them. Even though we feel in our most talkative mood, or are bored to death, or excited to the highest pitch, audible expression should not be made during the performance.

Our manners in public, as our manners in our homes, should be based on respect for ourselves, therefore we do nothing, say nothing, wear nothing that will attract atten-tion to ourselves in any way and we are equally careful not to draw unfavorable attention to others or to disregard their rights and comfort. "

(By Associated Collegiate Press)

"Blue-Monday” at Louisiana Tech is more than half blue—from the laundryman's point of view.

Of the 1, 100-odd men’s shirts collected each Monday morning by the school's laundry trucks, more than 575 are that color, ranging in shades from mild baby-blue to the mighty tones of midnight-blue.

University of Chicago fraternity men are going gigolo to furnish material for the newly established Escort Bureau. To qualify as "dowa-ger-thrillers'' bureau men must: Be physically presentable-:     have

personality and an easy manner: be gentleman of the Lord Chesterfield type; possess knowledge in at least one social activity opera, bridge, conversation or ordering from a menu; be a good dancer and be well known on the campus.

The coeds hire more tall brunettes than any of the other types.

Upon being selected to conform with the woman's specifications the young man meets her at a designat-ed spot and is free to use hiss own name or a fictitious one. Thereafter he is responsible for the success of the evening.

David Macklin, who plays with Borah Minnevitch's Harmonica Rascals when they are in New York, is organising a harmonica band at New York University Heights Col-

Carleton College students who dine at Burton Hall turned the tables on Miss Boyce the dietitian.

When Miss Boyce lost her voice temporarily, disgruntled gourmets seized the opportunity to berate her for serving certain dishes which they dislike.

Since she is helpless to answer them, the voiceless Boyce is enduring a lot of punishment. But she has the upper hand even now, for she still has a voice in the food choice.

Elliott Roosevelt, the President's son, has been appointed as a member of the board of directors of Texas A. and M. College.

The only thing for which Earl Wasserman, young instructor at the University of Baltimore hasn't time is a hobby.

Until recently it seemed that the novel idea of a half-blind tottering gentleman who died in the Ozarks of

Tsubokawa Speaks in Chapel

Toshiro Tsubokawa told of a conference of oriental students which he attended in Chicago during Christmas vacation in chapel Friday morning. He told of the speakers and reviewed the speeches they made. Mr. Tsubokawa also visited in Wisconsin and Iowa.

Professor N. W. Fisher played several of his own compositions: “Mel-ody in C Major. " "Theme In Variation C Minor, ” "Flower of My Heart, ” "Study of Cynicism. ” and "Transcription of "Way Down Upon the Swanee River. ”

Three of the main rooms of the new Biology building at the University of Notre Dame will be air-con-ditioned to afford an even temperature the year around.

A letter addressed to ‘‘The Bedbug Professor, University of Minnesota" was finally turned over to the department of entymology by the partially puzzled university postmistress.

"These Slumber Parties Again! -Sleepless

Nights Spreading to Every Inhabitant

of mattresses dragged in and layed across the room on the floor. Such a nice hard bed (or should I say harder). At some late hour the last girl limped in, after falling over the bed in the hall, and flopped down to gossip with the others and dine on rolls and coffee. Jabber, Jabber, giggle, giggle—far into the night! This interesting meeting wasn’t even disturbed until head proctor came down from third. Even that didn’t stop the merry chatter. But Mother Emmert did! At that it took some time for everyone to get quiet. Who were the nine girls? None other than Keedy, the guest, Mary, the hostess, Becky, Ruthie, Shorty, Jes-sie, Bertie, Rillie, and yes, La-Vena, with that clever little cap that has no back. Finally, after crowding close enough to give Mary some place to sleep, Bertie kicked Shorty in the back and the snores began.

But this wasn’t the only slumber party Friday night, for Julia Frick  and Edith Hughey also had over

Mrs. Grace Overton Speaks on Sunday

Subject “The Church and Its

Youth” Discussed at Meth-    odist Church

Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, young people's worker, addressed a large crowd at the Methodist Church Sunday evening.

Her address was on “The Church and Its Youth". She opened by saying that Protestantism is at the crossroads. She said that though the Pope was a grand old man yet his key would not fit the lock to Germany or Italy to Spain or Russia and that Protestantism had nothing better to fit the needs of the present world.

Mrs. Overton stated that there's a trend away from religion. From the Current History of January 1937, she gave some startling facts: that 92 per cent of the Jews are not receiving Jewish Instruction, 7 per cent or the Catholics are not receiving Catholic instruction and 66 percent of the Protestants have never been to Sunday school. This is

startling; however, it isn't getting away from religion so much as it is the getting away from organized institutionalized religion.

“The emphasis in religion at the present, " Mrs. Overton said, "ought to be, not as a body of thought but as a way of life. " The world which is confused economically, morally and socially needs this way of life. The two men who are doing the most, perhaps, in helping the world to find this way of life are Kagawa and E. Stanley Jones, believes Mrs. Overton. They are making Christianity a dynamic part of all life.

Youth isn't interested in a plan all cut and dried; they want to get out and find life but they do want to know how. They are looking for God-touched lives to lead them. George Buttrick a well known pastor in New York is an example of a God-touched life who has made other lives like him. He has a congregation of three thousand members. Two thousand are tenent and slum people; the other thousand are Fifth Avenue and Madison Street people who are supporting a church program for the whole group—this is what has been done through a god-touch-ed life. ‘‘Such lives can stand up in a crisis when the odds are against them and take it, ” were the conclud-ing words of Mrs. Overton’s address.

In answering the questions in a journalism quiz, a Creighton University student informed the corrector of papers that Ellis Parker Butler, the author, is president of the University of Chicago.

Left-handed ping-pong playing and finger painting are means of curing stuttering used by the speech clinic of the University of Minnesota.

If you wondered how four slept at a slumber party, after you read the article in this paper last week, then how do you imagine nine girls could sleep in one room Well, all you really have to do is stretch that imagination. It's all in the knowing how! Just a week from that last slumber party a group of girls came together, this time in honor of the presence of Keedy, just a little country girl from Kline. A bed  was pushed into the hall, a couple

night guests, including Ruth Rogers, Margaret Haughn, Esther Kimmel, and Marjorie Paddock. But they didn’t like the idea of sleeping on the floor so they just moved an extra bed into the room. They surely had a Jolly good time, for it wasn’t long until Mother Emmert stuck her head in the door.

Perhaps you readers would be interested in other happenings in the dorm. When the fair damsels of Arnold feel silly, then they do wild things. Did you ever play "I see a ghost? " You should if you haven’t. Ask some girl from second, she’s show you, that is, if she was one of those lined up in the hall Tuesday night.

How's your curiosity? The other day an inmate of Fahnestock asked. "What was all the noise about Sunday night? " Well, you know, we don’t tell everything that goes on between these walls, but if you really want to know, ask Mother Emmert. She found a group of girls around the ironing board, and Bertie was telling a most solemn story.

You’ve all heard stories of girls getting food by drawing it up in a basket. It’s certainly not a new trick, but ice cream tastes so much better when you let a bucket down and pull it up, scared spitless for fear "someone" will hear it scraping against the bricks.

This is only a smattering of the things that go on in the old place. But these will do to tell twenty years from now.

with him.

He suggested that someone erect a 130-foot high pyramid, fill it with modern products and seal it hermetically.     

This civilisation is going to the dogs, ” he said, “and when the year 8113 rolls around, the people can open the pyramid up and see just what was wrong with the people

back In 1936. "

If you think that your brain power is affected by loss of sleep, stop worrying right now. That is, if you want to go by the results of an experiment conducted at the University of Southern California.

Dr. Nell Warren and Dr. Brant Clark, with the help of 12 assistants, kept three students awake from 6: 30 a. m. on a Friday until 10: 30 p. m. on Saturday. Every ten hours the experimenters took tests in solving more than 100 mathematical problems and identifying more than 300 colors flashed before their eyes.

Their accuracy was practically unchanged in spite of fatigue, but increasingly frequent “blank" lapses occurred in which they could not solve the simplest problems.

A little blond coed at the University of Utah germinated the "kissing strike" that paved the way for similar movements on many of the college campuses throughout the country.

During a laboratory class, she pressed a glass slide to her lips, placed it under a microscope and screamed when she saw millions of bacteria dividing before her eyes.

Coeds all over the campus took action and declared a "kissing strike" that included moat of the girls. “Scabs" who refused to join the "anti-oscullation" drive rationalized to appease the anger of striking females and to retain their par standard of exchange with the Utah men.

"Kissing may not be so dangerous if you use the right technique, " argued one germ-defying coed.

Another suggested that although bacteria may "go to town" under the microscope they are pretty helpless in the dark.

A freshman girl declared, "If you kiss hard enough, you can kill the germs. "

Angered at being deprived of ro-mance, the men organized an Oscu-. lation League to combat the resolute

women. The leagues’ first step was to call a strike on all dates.

This trend brought matters to a head. Science versus romance. There were no two ways about it. Since the men were unyielding the girls had to "kiss and make up. ”

If the burglar who looted a fraternity house at the University of Southern California had been an Olympic star he would have had some chance of getting away with his pilferings.

He ran down the dark avenue as fast as he could go, but faster footsteps gained on him. Before he got a block away, he was tackled from behind—tackled by Harold Small-wood, national 400 meter champion.

The Daily California evidently believes in teaching its readers by repetition. It states five times in succession that "it is a little known fact that polo, a game of the ancient Persians, was invented by Chinese women. ”

Because 75 members of last year's freshman class at Massachusetts Institute of Technology were taken forcibly to the Institute's cabin at Luke Massapong and held there in chains overnight. Dr. Karl T. Compton, president, and the student body have taken point action to abolish wholesale kidnapings of freshmen.

When women graduates of Grin-nell College marry, they stay married. Statistics released from the alumni office show that only one divorce has occurred since 1930.

Dr. T. H. Whitehead, assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Georgia, claims that men and women use cosmetics to enhance their natural attractiveness only because the have failed to find "the spring of eternal youth. "

If a potential-Methuselah were given the assignment of drinking eight glasses of water daily from the new varsity swimming pool at Ohio State University he would consume all the water—219, 160 gallons, in 1, 200 years.




Don Barngrover (above) is the jumping center for McPherson college. Friday night Barngrover will have a huge task on his hands when the Bulldogs clash here with the strong College of Emporia team in an important Kansas conference game. Barngrover is a veteran of the court and is going good this season.

Only one per cent of the coeds who have graduated from the University of Illinois are old maids, according to returns in a recent survey. Eighty per cent marry within the first three years after graduation and another 18 per cent after the next three years.

A brass tube sealed in the concrete base of the flagpole at the University of Idaho, Southern Branch contains two copies of the names of the 303 W. P. A. workers who took part in building the new athletic stadium.

The Granddaughter's Club at State Teachers’ College, Farmville, Virginia, consists of girls whose grandmother or mother attended Farmville State Teachers' college.

Fraternity houses at the University of Florida lodge more than 100 students than the dormitories. The fraternities have 600 men, while the dormitories have 491.

Ross Allen, noted wild animal hunter of Florida, recently sent the department of biology at Lehigh University five additions to its vivarium: a southern corn snake, a red rat snake, a yellow chicken snake, an indigo snake, and a water moccasin.

One hundred per cent of the engineers who graduated from the University of Detroit last June are now employed, according to Ralph R. Johnson, Industrial co-ordinator.

The Sigma Nus at Oregon vState College have introduced the idea of having a hired chaperon at their fraternity Saturday evenings.

"Fatty” Clark, the 355-pound

guard who played with the University of Arkansas in 1930 and '31, was the largest college football player in the world.

The power plant at the University of Chicago produces and delivers over a 1, 000, 000 pounds of steam daily to heat the university buildings, to supply hot water, and to sterilize instruments in Billings hospital.

McPherson Bulldogs Will Meet Presbies

Game to Determine Temporary Leadership of Kansas Conference Teams.

Tomorrow night the Bulldogs of McPherson College meet the College of Emporia cagesters in a game to determine the temporary leadership of the conference. If McPherson wins, we are assured of at least a tie for first place, and the Presbies will be alone in the leadership if they win.

The Bulldogs have been working out daily in hard practice sessions since losing to Baker by a narrow margin. Everyone on the squad is in good condition, and the Canines should be ready to hand the Pres-bies their first conference defeat.

C. of E. is now at the top of the conference ladder, having defeated Bethany and Baker. The Presbies handed the Baker Wildcats a stunning defeat the night after Baker defeated McPherson. C. of E. has a fast, clever team, and every player has a good eye for the basket. They'll be out there tomorrow night fighting to retain first place in the conference.

The McPherson B. Team will battle with the C. of E. seconds in the preliminary struggle.

Probable starting lineup McPherson C. of E.

C. Johnston ......F.........Rock


Barngrover___.... C_____Lee

H. Johnston ......G......... Moon

McGill ................G.........Sharpe

Students at Mount Holyoke College eat more than 1, 200 loaves of bread and 5, 200 rolls in one week, says Raymond Smith, college baker.

Financial difficulties in 1892 kept the University of Wichita from becoming the Vassar of the west.

Dr. Charles H. Elliot, New Jersey commissioner of education, reports that 80 per cent of the state's high schools are already conducting automobile-driving courses and that colleges and universities should follow suit.

From 1891 to 1936 inclusive, the Catholic University of America has granted 8, 094 degrees.

The pride of California's chamber of commerce, lazy sunny weather, has been called "poor cultural background for students" by Prof. Raymond G. Gettell of the political science department at the University of California.

Figures compiled by a reporter at Oregon State College indicate that 10, 800 pounds of English instructors at that Institution climb 74 steps daily.

If her hobby of the last three years is to be used as evidence, the wife of Dr. Joseph T. King or the University of Minnesota's medical school has retained much of her girlishness. She has collected more than 1, 500 dolls of all sizes and nationalities.

Vegetables preserved by freezing retain better quality than those that are canned, according to Prof. Howard D. Brown, department of horticulture and forestry at Ohio Stale University.

A University of Maryland student conducts a novel service that is a distinct snap. During lectures he keeps listeners from dozing off by cracking his fingers and snapping them.

Statisticians at Kansas State Teachers College have found that the college coffee shop serves more than 39, 000 meals in a year.

Dr. Arthur Ansel Metcalf, professor of secondary education at Michigan State Normal College, was once a cow-puncher.

Three Midland College girls, as part of an NYA project, have scraped clean the busts of Benjamin Franklin have stood neglected for many years

Don Barngrover

In the library storeroom.


Crammin', Jammin' in the stuff That we're supposed to know,

We never do our work up right— We always let it go Until the s'mester's nearly o'er; Now isn't that a fright?

So now we've got to burn the oil And stay up half the night!

Yes, we slip and slide along quite well

And act the lazy bum.

But sure there is a reck'ning when Examinations come!

—The Turtle

Sport Skits

The Presbies handed Baker a 29 to 27 defeat a week ago. Bell and Lee, guard and forward respectively, each garnered 10 points and Beiser and Baker made nine.

Ottawa ended a road trip last week-end with a 500 per cent average. Thee lost a thriller to Kansas Wesleyan 25 to 38 and defeated Bethany the next night 34 to 25. Snyder, Coyote forward, played only 30 minutes of the game but was high point man with 16 points.

The Baker Wildcats, on successive nights, made three field goals in the final three minutes of play. Those six points were enough to beat the Bulldogs, but they lacked a few of downing the Presbies.

Lots of opposition is being voiced now in regard to the three and ten-second rules. The rules committee is meeting to draft the new rules for 1938, and opponents of the rules are attempting to get them modified. They say that the ten-second rule cut the offensive advantage in half, and that the three-second rule took a big chunk out of that half.

Gene Kemper says that the teams are getting around both of these rules now. Teams are stalling in the front court instead of the back court, and that’s the best place to stall anyway. To offset the three-second rule, teams are using the double pivot post, instead of placing one man in the center of the free-throw lane, they use a player on each side and have two men instead of one eligible for the pivot shot.

Baker's Coach Emil S. Liston was dissatisfied with his team’s showing last week. In an effort to obtain a better combination, be is contemplating radical changes in his lineup. He will probably place Rudolph, tall guard, at center and use Davidson, a reserve, at guard. This would eliminate Heine, all-conference center. He hasn't showed up very well in many games this season, and especially not in conference games. He has scored only four points in two conference games.

Tony Acuila, stadium ground-keeper at Ohio 8tata University, says that it takes 10 men from four to seven days to clean up the stadium after a game. After the Pitt game his men removed 75 tubs of rubbish from the grounds.

Don Heap, star halfback of Northwestern University, is flying these days. He has been doing solo flying in the plane which he and four other students bought. Heap expects to apply for a private pilot's license soon.

Twelve Girls Recieve Honors at Regular Meeting of W. A. A.

The regular meeting of the W. A. A. was held Thursday, January 14, at 5 o’clock with Aileen Wine presiding. At this meeting the constitution of the state W. A. A. organization was read and discussed, it was voter that the secretary should secure more information about this organization before this group decides to join.

Miss Warner gave a short report on the changes in the basketball rules and reviewed some of the old ones.

A list of girls who received points in volley ball were presented and a varsity team elected. These girls will receive twenty-five extra points: Alberta Keller, Lenore Shirk, La-Vena High, Rilla Hubbard, Julia Frick, Ruth Taylor, Opal Hoffman, Marjorie Flory, Becky Stauffer, Aileen Wine, Marion Washler and Lola Mae Harbaugh.

Kansas Conference Standings






C. of E....

... 2


1, 000



Baker .......

... 1


. 600



K. Wes......

.... 1


. 500




:.. 1


. 500



Ottawa .....


. 500



Bethany —

.... 0


. 000



Games This Week


College of Emporia vs. McPherson at McPherson.

Ottawa vs. Baker at Baldwin. Saturday:

College of Emporia vs. Friends at Wichita (non-conference. )

Results last Week Baker, 27; McPherson. 22 College of Emporia, 29. Baker 27 Kansas Wesleyan, 38: Ottawa, 35 Ottawa, 34: Bethany, 25.

College of Emporia. 42; Sterling. 26.

Kansas Wesleyan, 25: Rockhurst, 17.

College of Emporia. 34: Bethel, 21.

Individual Scoring


L. Morgan, f., Ottawa.

Snyder, f.. K. W. U----------------18

Chet Johnston, f.. McPherson    17

Rudolph, g, Baker .................. 17

Brenton, c.. Ottawa    —.......16

Beiser, f., Baker.... —

Authorities at San Jose College are planning to establish a museum of crime tools for the students of its police school.

Basketball-Then and Now

Originally the game was heavy on offense. That was in the days of the two-handed dribble. A player simply took the ball, put his head down and started straight for the basket, traveling as if by compass. After scattering any opposition in his way, he instinctively looked up when under the basket, and popped the ball in.

Those old-timers took the ball down the floor with brilliant passing and dribbling without any set plays. In case there was any difficulty with their offense they enlisted a friend in the balcony who dropped the thing through the basket, a miracle which was very baffling to the opponents and amazed even the officials.

Later on some smart gentleman invented the five man defense which meant that when a team lost the ball, it retreated hurriedly to its own territory and prepared to ward off attack.

Still later came the pivot play by which a noticeably overgrown gent stood with his back to the basket, near the foul line, and fed the ball to his own pals as they came charging in. Or turned and dropped the ball through himself. In other words, he dunked the ball. To guard this young giant, it required many phases of love making, such as hugging and holding hands, and even necking.

But how all this has changed. Law and order have entered basketball and the moans of the old-time sock-and-score players can be heard above the referee's busy whistle. Too many rules, they say, spoil the brawl. Which brings up a story of the re-feree who called a foul on a man who neither had the ball nor was near anybody on the floor.

"Foul? ” screamed the player in rage. "What'd I do? "

"I detected evil in your eye, ” said the referee.