McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 14, 1937


Wildcats Win Over Bulldogs

McPherson College Basketers Bow Gamely to Baker in Close Battle 22 to 27

Fouls Prove Costly

"Chet" Johnston, Scoring ACO, Goes Out Early Game

Dr. J. D. Bright Speaks In C. E.

Future Is Important

"The Biggest Thing of Past Was

Coming of Christ" Says Bright

Foods Classes Hold Formal

Dinner Monday and Tuesday

The members of the Foods II class held formal dinners Monday and Tuesday nights. This was a part of their regular class work.

The class was divided into two groups, thereby permitting four girls to dine each evening and four girls to serve. A seven-course formal dinner was served each evening to the ten guests present.

Monday evening at a 7 o'clock din-ner the guests were Mary Trostle, Bernice Keedy, Jessie Miller, Helen Eaton, Miss Atkinson, Edward Jones, Emerson Chisholm, Everett Brown, Harold Mohler, and Earl Mathiot.

At a 6 o'clock dinner Tuesday evening the guests were Pauline Stutzman, Doris Pray, Lenore Skirk, Lois Gnagy, Miss Atkinson, Fred Nace, George Toland, Oliver Andrews, Charles Pray and Paul Lack.................. .. ..


For the New Bus!

Hurrah! McPherson is fast be-coming a city! At least we're working in that direction. The city is the proud owner of one bright and shiny bus. While the owner is thinking of establishing a fleet of buses, several alert college students are looking forward to the time when they may establish a street railway system In this thriving city.

The fellow who runs the bus is really going at it in fine style. He plans to come out to the college in time for each class and leave after classes are dismissed. That’s all right, but when a person plans to ride down town and arrives in front of the "Ad” building too late, it’s a terrible feeling to know that there will not be another bus for an hour. There should be some way of mak-ing the bus wait until everyone that wants to go to town is ready.

Then, too, this plan is planning to establish service every hour at night. That should help a lot in getting transportation to and from basketball games.

So, why not do as his slogan suggests—"Get a lift for a nickle?”

Positions More Plentiful

Lafayette. Ind..—According to a Department of Labor report based on a study made at Purdue University, college graduates are finding jobs almost as quickly as they did in 1931.

In 1929. 97-1 per cent of the graduates had found jobs within three months after commencement. In 1931, however, only 70.2 per cent were employed by the end of the three months following commencement. Last year things started looking up again and 79.4 per cent of the graduate men and women had found work within three months. This year, it is believed, even a greater percentage will be employed soon after they graduate.

The salary trend, however, has been the other way. In 1929 the average starting salary for all occupations studied was $1,715. In 1931 it was $1,295, and the latest figure shows a drop to $1,231. This will probably be raised as business adjusts itself, for the cost of living has increased considerably since prosperous 1929. The data were supplied by a canvass of a large number of college alumni.

Dr. Schwalm Visits Colorado

President Schwalm left Sunday night for eastern Colorado where he will conduct a financial campaign for the new gymnasium. He will be gone for several weeks. Mr. Davis

and Mr. Williams are now conduct-ing a campaign in southern and central Iowa.

Girls Gather in Rooms For Slumberless

Arnold Hall Parties—Unique Costumes!

This campus lacks nothing in social activities. Even though we can’t entertain in such a fashion as we would in our own homes, nevertheless fabulous entertainments take place in the private and spacious rooms of the dormitories.

Miss Ruth Taylor was a perfect hostess at a slumber parly Saturday night in honor of the absence of Miss Rebecca Ann Stauffer. Miss Taylor received her guests at the door with a towel wrapped around her freshly washed head, a fresh coat of cold cream, attired in a gay print (night) dress. (Well, perhaps it was pajamas.) Her guests plunged into the room dragging pillows, and boisterously greeted the hostess. Ail-een Wine was bedecked in a lovely black and red outfit, with that beautiful black lace jacket that is the envy of every girl in the dorm. (You really must see it sometime!)

Rilla Hubbard was at her best in a little night cup and brightly colored fitted suit, with her hands full of cold remedies. The other guest was

Midnight Oil and Black Lamps Will Burn

On Examination Week For Many Students

LaVena High, with the cleverest "little" cap you did ever see, and dressed (yes, truly) in the most becoming evening apparel. Misses Hubbard and Wine immediately proceeded to get everything ready to retire, since the other two young ladies were not experienced at preparing for to sleep four deep.

Finally, everyone got ready for slumbering (believe it or not), and turned the lights out. Then Miss Wine recalled that she hadn't had any supper, and that there had been no refreshments as yet. So, from this room and that, was collected fruit cake and oranges and the young ladies feasted. Then sweet dreams and peaceful sleep. Peaceful did I say? Peaceful. If you can imagine sleeping on a bill or squeezed be-tween two people can be peaceful.

Occasions like this one take place frequently in Arnold. (However, in Fahnestock, other types of social gatherings take place. At least, so I've heard. (Understand, I only heard!)

There’s a great event in store for the students this coming week. Whether this surprise is of value or of no value will be determined by the week following. Nothing new is experienced by sitting in a stuffy class room and solidly concentrating for two full hours on an examination. And then to think it gets you no- where! What are exams for but to cause one extra worry and utterly waste time. On the other hand, there are those who will simply ruin their health laboring over four or five books that should have been read during this first semester, but due to the fact that there were a few obstacles to cause delay, the reading material was not looked at until this week.

Midnight oil and one o'clock tallow will cease to exist when January 22 arrives. For some however, oil will remain in those old lamps and can

Charles Street Party

My name is Radio; I'm only a sled. For the first time in ten years I was lowered from the garage rafters last Friday night. I was carried by a couple of girl some distance to where there was another sled and three more girls.

The girls took turns riding and pulling one another on us two sleds and when they were cold played fox-and-geese while we sat by and watched. Later they left us sleds on the porch while they went into the house. From what they said when they came out, I surmised they had been enjoying a popcorn feed.

The house afore mentioned was on Charles Street and by listening closely to what the girls called one another I heard the following names: Gertrude. Lenore. Pauline. Doris and Rosalie.

The McPherson College Bulldogs, playing a grand game of basketball went down in glorious defeat to the Baker Wildcats 22 to 27.

The Canines, fighting to the end, held the Bakerites on even terms until the final three minutes of the fray. With three minutes to play the score was tied at 21 all.

Baker Jumped into an early lead but the Bulldogs were ahead 4 to 3 after four minutes had elapsed. With 14 minutes of the game gone McPherson led by one point 10 to 9. The halftime score was 12 to 12.

Rudolph, tall Baker guard was the leading scorer with 12 points, and Beiser, shifty forward, had seven points. For McPherson Chet Johnston and Lee Haun led the scoring with six points each.

Chet Johnston, flashy McPherson forward, played under a handicap during most of the game because three fouls were called on him early in the tussle. He committed his fourth personal soon after the opening of the second period. Don Barngrover, who also left the game because of four fouls, exhibited brilliant defensive work in holding Heine, star center of the Orangemen without a field goal. McGill, scrappy guard snatched many rebounds, and accounted for four points. Harold Johnston played a good floor game and was in there fighting all

the time.    

The box score:

McPherson (22)




CL Johnston, f ..........




Mathiot. f ...............




Haun. f ....................




Barngrover, c ............

... 1



Wiegand, c .............




H. Johnston, g .......




McGill. g ..............




Totals ....................

.. 9



Baker (27)




Beiser, f ..................




Quear, f ..................




Heine, c ......................




Schrey. g ....................




Rudolph, g .................

. 5



Totals ...................





Friday. January 15 10:00 Chapel

8:00 All School Party, Student Union Room Sunday, January 17

6:30 "The Finger of God." College Chapel.

Monday. January 18 4:30 Women's Council Tuesday, January 19

10:00 Chapel    

6:30 Reinterpretation of Religion Commission meeting. Student Union Room.

Wednesday. January 20

6:45—World Service. Y. W. Room

National Geographic Deals

With Balloon Flight

The library received volumes I and II of Wilhelm Meister's "Apprenticeships and Travels”; also the "National Geographic Magazine." This magazine deals entirely with the stratosphere flight of 1935 in the Balloon "Explorer II" by the United States Army Air Corps.

Maps accompanying the magazine show a very unusual picture. One picture taken at an altitude of 72.395 feet shows the horizon which is 330 miles away resembling a great arch. The nearest part of the picture visible is 30 miles away. The picture shows an area greater than the suite of Indiana and shows the greater part of the state of South Dakota and part of Wyoming.

This is the first photograph showing the boundary between the dust laden air and the stratosphere. The temperature at this height was 60 degrees below zero. As the earth was not visible to the naked eye a special camera was used in which a filter removed all the light except that necessary to the particular type of Infra-red sensitive film so no visible light acted on the film.

Coppage Speaker In Chapel

The Rev. G. L. Coppage, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church spoke to the students in chapel Friday morning.

The Rev. Coppage built his talk around Ezra 6:14: "They built it and finished it according to the God of Israel." He emphasized the planning of our lives by God, and pointed out the supreme task of life as trying to discover this plan.

The calling of laymen as well as ministers was also brought out by the speaker. He said that we should learn to get joy and pleasure out of the little everyday things of life, and that the best way to accomplish that is to include God in our plan.

Beet Machine Invented

A beet harvesting machine, tested have taken joint action to abolish jointly by the University of Southern California, Davis branch, and the United States Department of Agriculture is "tops." The machine is capable of pulling the beets, topping them, and delivering them to waiting trucks.

C. E. To Present Play “The Finger of God”

Drama, by Percival Wilde, Will Be Given in College Chapel

"The Finger of God." by Percival Wilde, a dramatic play in one act, will be presented for the College Christian Endeavor next Sunday evening at 6:30 in the College chapel. The regular meeting of C. E. will be in the chapel this Sunday in order that the play may be presented on the stage.

Mr. Strickland, a business man who is held in high esteem by his patrons and co-workers, struggles with the impulse to be dishonest in the face of his many years of honest business practice. The true nature of Strickland is brought to the surface through the influence of one of his office girls.

Philip Davis is seen as Mr. Strickland: Oliver Andrews plays as Benson, his valet; and the Girl is portrayed by Rosalie Fields.

Marjory Flory is coaching the cast and is supervising the presentation of the play. The stage and properties are being cared for by Vernon Michael.

EXAMINATION SCHEDULE First Semester Wednesday, Jan. 20.


All 8:00 classes 10:00-12:00

All 3 hour 2:10 classes 1:15-3:15 All 3:05 classes 3:15-5:15

All 10:00 classes    

Thursday, Jan. 21 8:00-10:00

All 3 hour 9:00 classes 10:00-12:00

All 11:00 classes 1:15-3:15

All 2 hour 9:00 classes 3:15-5:15

Both sections of Elementary Psychology.

Friday, Jan. 22 8:00-10:00 All 1:15 classes 1:15-3:15

All 2 hour 2:10 classes All other 2 hour or irregular classes not otherwise provided for.

Note: Four and five hour courses are examined at the same time as three hour courses and one hour courses at the two hour periods.

Princeton Changes Entrance Exams.

Princeton, N. J.—Princeton University will institute a new change in policy, a plan whereby a limited number of students of "achievement and promise” in the schools of the South, West and Rural East will be admitted hereafter without examination. Princeton, in recent years has been the only college in the country requiring all candidates for admission to take College Entrance Board examinations.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

"Postscripts to the Philosophy for the New Year” was the theme of the address by Dean J. D. Bright in C. E. Sunday evening at 6:30 at the College Church. A special number on the program was a vocal solo, "Little Road to Nazareth," sung by Gladys Shank who was accompanied by Lucile Ullery at the piano.

"The past has meaning for our lives,” Dr. Bright began. "The biggest thing in the past was the coming of Christ into the world. All of us hold some memories of comrade-ships, experiences, tasks well performed and other events. The New Year in the time to take inventory of those memories which we cherish. Some things we might like to forget.”

The future of young folks counts more than the past. We have the ability to grow and to develop. To make the future count for youth, we need to cultivate the resources of our inner lives.

Muriel Lester of Kingsley hall of London has developed a seven-point program for herself for the cultivation of her inner life. Before retirement for the night, she offers a prayer of committing her life into the hands of her Maker. At the awakening hour she prays, thinking of God as creative, radiant, beautiful. Before breakfast she dedicates the day to God, praying that she may make it a day of interest and joy. At every meal she remembers in gratitude what her Father has done for her.

As one mingles with other folks, he should remind himself that every-one is God's. Become an artist in prayer for those in illness, despair, and so forth. Near the end of each day let filter through the mind the failure of the

day and ask forgiveness for them.

What the church needs is a person-al and corporate awakening. For youth we need to blaze a new trail.

Dr. Bright concluded his address thus, "To make our today and tomorrow count more, we’ll need to develop our inner graces, something which we so often neglect.”

A play, "The Finger of God.” Iis to be given next Sunday evening in the College Chapel at 6:30. This play,

under the direction of Marjorie Flory is being given as the C. E. program for that evening.

America Is Heaven

Eddie Boon, an engineering student at Dolph Institute of Technology high wages. In Holland, with about in Holland told students at Case School of Applied Science that America is a heaven because of its the same standard of living, a college man gets about $5 a month for i summer employment.


dles will never be touched while the brains won't be burdened with the problems of an ordinary student. One consoling factor to everyone is the assurance of knowing there are no ex-ceptions. Freshmen, sophomores, and seniors are all "one:” there's no class distinction. Although the seniors wear their dignity during examination days and alll other per-sons show their classification by producing an effect, the truth still remains that everyone will write the tests given them by their respective instructors.

After all we have to have some bitter with the sweet--some examinations with all the pleasure of an everyday class room. But few would agree to the statement that the class room is an excellent place for those seeking pleasure.

Examinations are coming! So shall we say any more about it?

The Spectator

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Copy Readers

Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Assistant Business Manager

................ Harold Larsen

....., „... .......... Norman Edwards

______________: _____ Gladys Shank

....................... Gordon Yoder

Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark Vernon D. Michael Gordon Bower Russell Kingsley


Myrtle Barley John Bower

Orpha Burn Frances Campbell

Rosalie Fields

Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour Lee Haun La Vena High

Opal Hoffman Rilla Hubbard Herbert Ikenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler

Journalism Opportunity For Expression

Since its inception, The Spectator has been a vital influence in moulding opinion regarding campus problems and other contemporary issues. That is its purpose, and the staff earnestly endeavors to maintain the criteria which have previously governed the publication of the Spectator. Despite its merit, The Spectator has become the target for a great deal of acrimonious comment. It is assailed from both flanks, that is to say, from upper and under-classmen. As would be expected, the under-grads are not as proficient in the art of caustic complaint as are their seniors who have developed an ex-tremely chronic case of criticism.

It is not the sort of criticism that is helpful either. Nearly everyone agrees that constructive criticism is helpful and welcomes it, because he can thereby profit. It is not that sort of criticism which is bombarding The Spectator (here I could make a good analogy to the Spanish Revolution, but I haven't the time. ) De-structive criticism can justly be attributed to mental laziness, if one dislikes something, it is easy to shout its shortcomings to high heav-en, but it is quite another matter to analyze the situation and offer constructive "criticism. ”

I am reminded of this verse from Benton Braley's “A Chance for You. ”

which reads:

"The best verse hasn't been rhymed yet

"The best house hasn't been planned;

"The highest peak hasn’t been climbed yet

"Nor the mightiest river spanned. ”

And I suppose the best Spectator has not yet been published: therefore this appeal—the way to help The Spectator is not to give vent to acrid belittlements, but to criticize constructively. Your helpfulness may ex-tend beyond mere verbal advice. This is a day of "free press. ” If you have a worthwhile opinion, you may express it here in the editorial section of The Spectator.

Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and especially seniors please note.

May I call your attention to the course in journalism beginning next semester which embodies the principles of effective editorial writing? In addition to a knowledge of good escritorial form, enrollees will also derive much pleasure from seeing their own opinions, pet peeves, etc., in print. Why engage in futile discourse when it may just as well be expressed in more substantial terms? 'Nuf said. The moral is obvious.

Staff Member.

Code Of Conduct

At the mention of codes of conduct a person usually thinks of a long enumeration of "don'ts. ” There are two schools of thought concerning conduct. One is "don't”; the more recent one is "do. "

You probably know many persons who must be told repeatedly what they should not do. If they were not restrained, these persons would become literally intoxicated with liberty and not infrequently with spirits. They would violate every standard of gentlemanly and ladylike conduct. It is obvious that a code of ‘don'ts” is the right method.

On the other hand you may know several individuals who may be allowed complete freedom without exploiting this privilege. They are living creatively. They are not told.

"Don't live like fools”, but "Do live like ladies and gentlemen. ” We may, then, conclude that a creative code is also right.

I will not progress further in parallel, but I will continue with the modern school of thought which advocates a positive code of behavior rather than a negative one. How much more interesting it is to be good, than to not be bad. How much more fun it is to live instead of just, "don't die. ”

The code I am about to set forth is not for those irresponsible persons who cannot use their liberties and freedom to advantage. It is for those who can live creatively and still preserve ethical and moral standards when they are free from restraint.

Work hard and play hard.

Study hard and well.

Study hard and well.

Laugh—happiness is an unequalled stimulus to great deeds.

Love, for love is the most price-less thing on earth equally accessible to rich man and pauper.

Live creatively and well Your body is a temple. Make it a living tribute to God.

Be a lady or a gentleman and your conduct will be irreproachable.

en to Earl and Jessie. It was enough to make your eyes water!

Just discovered: that Elma Min-nick stars in basketball as much as she does in Lowell's heart; that the lines written under the picture of Senator Norris on the cover of the current time smatters with originality: that Mike in not the "chief of the hoodlums" since he can get the attention of the waiters sooner than  any other host in the dining hall; that semester exams cause more nightmares than three cups of coffee at midnight.

Dr. Bright has recently posted three stars up for himself by the telling: "a college buttressed by the church"; of "What’s the big idea anyhow? "; and of London's Muriel Lester.


"Bud” Selves never had quite such a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he had at Salina Friday Friday night—presenting his tok-

The various forms of "woe unto you" which followed certain statements concerning "good taste" have all the requisites of true prophecy and a sort of Nineveh repentence is forthcoming.

One of the loveliest affairs yet created on this campus came Monday night in the form of a formal dinner served in the domestic art department.

Wondering: If Kathryn Enns has started to knit that button-down the middle sweater for her fuzzy poodle; who will be the first person on the campus to break out with the mumps; why ear muffs aren't worn here; how George Toland lost his balance at the table the other day.

A Collegiate Code of Conduct

For once I was disillusioned:    it

happened during the first basketball game of this season, it was the first contest during which, I have been with the student body. I had the illusion that during football I fought and sacrificed effort, and will for the ideals of an institution that is an idol to me, my college. I thought that its students were the greatest sports ever to merge into a college. I had the fanatical enthusiasm of a crusader, who would give all, risk all for the glory of his God expressed in the competitive cooperation of a game.

Can you imagine my horror, on being shifted from the environment of the player, to that of the interested spectator. The disillusionment came —-I found myself a member of a cheering section that showed passiveness to a suggestion of a person who sat near me, "Let’s give a cheer for Binford; ” a group that booed the officials, a group that indulged in petty heckling of the opponent

players, a group that failed to shout commendation to the execution of brilliant plays on the part of both teams. And to top -it all—I heard. “Jesus Christ, shoot. ” I may not have been observant, still I looked the court over three times, and yet could not see the person addressed.

But I still have faith in McPherson College and her students, and I once more look ahead to the day when we will strip ourselves of these failures that are a part of all.

To a "Der Tag” when the Bulldogs will

cheer the opponent coach and team.

understand the human limitation of the officials,

refrain from petty heckling of op-ponents,

be quick to congratulate both teams on good plays,     -

not call upon the Diety to show special favor to our side, and still continue to


Marvin Michael of Wichita visited

his brothers Herbert and Vernon


LeRoy Fry and Carrol Saunders spent the week end in their homes at Little River.

Bob Weigand and Lawrence Boy-er made a trip to Hutchinson Saturday.

You People Who Kill Time!

Someone has said, “Killing time is a crime punishable by mental imprisonment for life. ” This applies even to college students; even those enrolled in the School of Quality. The trouble is that one can kill time without half trying: you don't have to hunt for this kill, it will present itself if you allow it to. Week ends and holidays are good days for this type of “killing, ” not only that, but week nights are splendid for 'bull sessions. ” Not that the thing in itself is bad but what today we build into thought and action tomorrow becomes character and personality. You cannot build in thought and action by killing time.

Especially after one has been gone from the campus for a while one notice a lack of spontaneity. Things sort of slip into a rut and before you know it a tradition or habit has been started. Most of us act as we do because someone told us to or because someone that used to be in college has done so. This is true about our recreation and our social activities. Even in the dining hall one at times finds himself with a group of people who seemingly don’t have enough creativity to talk interestingly and intelligently at the table. Analysis shows that people may lack this creative originality because of any one of several reasons. Some people never get out of the realm of the factual—they are concerned only about the mechanical how and why. It severely taxes the mind of such an individual to think of something original. Obviously a dose of imaginative originality would be a good cure for such a case. Then there is always the individual who is too self-conscious to express himself. Instead of allowing his personality to expand and develop he cramps it by his introvertive fear. He is, in fact.

standing in the way of his own education. For such an individual a good half hour of concentrated. exhilarating, 100 per cent indulgence in recreation will tend to loosen the bonds of self-distrust. Lastly, there is always the person who lacks the mental facilities to be creative. Such a person, let us hope, can rarely be found on our College campus.

No doubt practically all of us came to college to be educated: let us then not forget to develop socially. College is, after all, one of the best places to become socialized. Still we must not expect our campus environment to transform us miraculously into well poised, socially adapted individuals. We must consciously cultivate ourselves in order to develop to our fullest capacities. Given just the right touch at the opportune moment, the po-tential powers within us spring into dynamic abilities, and become a blessing to ourselves and the world we hope some day to serve. Left without the right trainer or allowed to turn in the wrong direction, these capacities for good may become instruments for evil.

The American poet, Oliver Wen-dell Holmes, very beautifully expresses this sentiment in his poem.

"The Chambered Nautilus. "

Build thee more stately mansions.

Fred Nace was ill with the flu last week.

Ruth Seigle was a guest of Marjorie Kinzie at her home in Lyons

during the week end.

Mary Trostle was a Sunday dinner guest of her aunt Miss Della Horner.

Becky Stauffer spent the week end at Milton Morrison's home at Roxbury.

Edith Hughey visited in Marjory Paddock's home at Inman last week


Erwin Bentz spent Sunday at his home in Tampa.

Dignity Lost

You know that sleety day last week? 'T was really great to see Lucille go sliding down the steps So very gracefully!

And Ikey got his poor feet wet;

Now wasn't that a crime? ’

He said. "They haven’t been like this For quite some length of time! ”

And Rosalie came tearing up To enter Science Hall.

But for some uncanny reason She took a sudden fall!

Still my unkind humor.

Popping out from brainy nooks. Would have laughed to see "our" Flory

Picking up some scattered books!

Florence Myer went to her home in Lost Springs for the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Cole, parents of Lucile Cole, were here on the campus visiting Monday.

O my soul,

As the swift seasons roll!

Leave thy low-vaulted past!

Let each new temple, nobler than the last.

Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast.

Till thou at length art free. Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!

This, obviously not be done by killing time: it can be done only through expression, self-cultivation, and productive creativity.

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Tips To Individuals or Groups Who Plan To Build

Stock-Water Ponds Are Given in Recent Government Report



Penly Ann Host

Dear Penly Ann Host:

Is it always necessary to write a “bread and butter” note to your hostess after you have spent some time in a home? Even if you have spent only one night? And to whom should the note be written? —the one who invited you or the lady of the house?


Yes, Perplexed, a letter of thanks must unfailingly be sent the hostess whose hospitality you have accepted whether it was for a week end or longer, or for a day or more on any one occasion. The hostess of the home in which you visited must be written to within a day or two after the visit. If you were visiting a girl or boy in the home it is only right that a letter of thanks should, also, he sent to her or to him.

The latter letter may be most informal, the former unless you are well acquainted with the hostess, more formal.

Blue Eyes, If a girl is seated near the aisle in a theatre and a group want to get to their seats it is not necessary for her to arise unless there is insufficient space between the rows. A man rises entirely or halfway to let others pass.

The late comer to a theatre or performance, finding it necessary to crowd over people should say to those who arise. “Thank you” or “I am very sorry. ” but should not say Pardon me! " or "Beg Pardon. "

“It’s More Fun When You Know the Rules" by Beatrice Pierce and Vogue's Book of Etiquette were consulted in answering the above questions.

In your odd moments in the library you might glance at the above references. They are really most interesting and informative.

Woman's Council Members, would you like to-? Watch this col

umn for future announcements.

Dr. Hershey Reviews Life

of Phillips Brooks, Friday

Dr. J. Willard Hershey gave a

review of the life of Phillips Brooks in chapel Friday morning.

Phillips Brooks was born in Boston on Dec. 13, 1835. His parents were religious and very much interested in his education. After he graduated from Harvard, he became a teacher, and later decided to become a minister.

He then attended the Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Virginia. His career as a minister was very successful, and thousands of people flocked to hear his sermons.

He traveled quite extensively in Europe, at one time preaching for the Queen of England in Westmin-ister Abbey. He died on Jan. 21, 1892.

Students at Ohio State University were charged 21 cents apiece to vote by absentee ballot. The total voting by mail was $175.

Halls of the buildings at the College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio are now equipped with ink filling stations. A penny in the slot will release enough ink for a fountain pen filling.     

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Mrs. Olive Harman, sister of Jessie Miller, is staying at Arnold this week while Mrs. Miller is in the McPherson hospital.

Plan Tour of “It Can’t Happen Here”

W. P. A. Federal Theatre Project, Encouraged by Interest; Organize College Tour

The WPA Federal Theatre project this week received the unanimous approbation of Eugene O’Neill and Sinclair Lewis, the two American winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Sinclair Lewis, author of "Main Street, ", “Babbit" and "It Can't Happen Here. " not to mention a host of others, who won the Nobel Prize in 1930, lauded the WPA Federal Theatre Project on many occasions.

By entrusting his latest work, "It Can't Happen Here. ” to the WPA Theatre Project for simultaneous production throughout the country. Mr. Lewis demonstrated his firm belief in the artistic merit of the Project.

Equally enthusiastic about the work done by the Federal Theater in bringing the theatre to the masses of the American People" is Eugene O’Neill, this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize and author of "Anna Christie. ” "Strange Interlude" and "Ah Wilderness. ”    

In an interview appearing in the New York Times this week. Mr. O’Neill deplored the fact that "relatively few of the American people have had the opportunity to participate in or to enjoy the theatre. ”

"I think. ” the famous playwright continued, “that the WPA theatre project may ultimately be the answer to this problem. They have the opportunity to bring legitimate stage productions to every community in America, whether that community be rural or urban. The WPA units can present important plays before, audiences

that never before have seen an actual stage

production. The possibilities in this respect are

thrilling. "

Mr. O’Neill said he "believes that one of the chief functions of the government theatre project should be the development of new actors and writers. ”

Mr. O’Neill’s statement is in line with the WPA Federal Theatre Project’s policy of encouraging unknown American playwrights. A Play Bureau has been created within the Theatre Project for the purpose of contacting and advising undergraduate playwrights and college dramatic societies.

The Community Drama unit of the WPA Theatre offers free instruction to aspiring actors in community centers and public institutions throughout the country.

The New York Times also quoted the Nobel Prize winner as saying that he "believes the WPA units are translating into action the fact that the government has an obligation to give a reasonable amount of encouragement and assistance to cultural undertakings. ”

Fire Breaks Out On Campus

Sunday afternoon, a fire broke out in one of the McPherson Gas Company's control houses located on the northeast corner of the College campus. A break in the line, which ignited, damaged the roof of the little house. Although the fire department was soon to reach the scene, the fire was not brought under control until the great pressure on the main line was shut off.

"A preview of Hades” is a fitting description of the great roaring flames which leaped more than 20 feet into the air. The fire could very easily have been, a serious calamity by impairing the fuel supply of the city during the present zero weather. 

Debate Tournament To Be Held

A pentangular forensic tournament will be held next Saturday (January 16) at McPherson College. Under-class teams of these schools, will participate: Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel, Hutchinson Junior College and McPherson College. There will be four rounds of debate—one at 9: 15 a. m., another at 10: 30 a. m.. and others at 1: 30 p. m. and 3: 00 p m.

Professor Maurice A. Hess plans to use four teams in the tournament. Friends are invited to attend the debates.

A few tips for individuals or groups who plan to build stock-water ponds are contained in a detailed report of progress in constructing reservoirs on one South Dakota Land Utilization project, made public today by the Resettlement Administration.

Depth Is the most Important factor in choosing a good site for a reservoir, this report explains. Although authorities differ on the exact amount of water required by livestock in a year, many of them believe that one acre of water a foot in depth will water 100 head of horses or cattle for a year (without taking evaporation into account).

In any case the amount drunk by livestock is negligible as compared with the amount lost through evaporation. Evaporation, however does not

depend on the total amount of water stored, but on the surface area exposed to the air. A deep reservoir covering a small area will retain water much longer than a reservoir which is shallow al-though spread over a large enough area to contain the same amount of water.

On the plains, a depth of water varying from three to six feet will be completely evaporated in a year, regardless of the number of acres covered by the lake or reservoir unless the water is replaced by rain, snow or springs.

For that reason, out of 70 completed stock-water reservoirs on the Resettlement Administration’s Badlands-Fall River land use project in Fall River, Custer, Pennington, and Jackson counties, South Dakota, only seven reservoirs are less than nine feet deep. The shallowest on the Project is six feet deep, and the deepest is 18. 7 feet. Twenty additional reservoirs were under construction the first of November.

Once filled, most of them will store water through one entire year without a drop of moisture, and many of them will retain water through two or more dry seasons. At least seven of these dams now have some water in them and two or three are completely full. This is the result of the only heavy rain since these dams were started. The remainder of the dams should be filled by rains or melting snows by next spring.

The ground on each site was plowed and roughed up thoroughly before the earth fill was started, to obtain a tight bond between the dam and adjoining soil. Teams and heavy equipment used in making the fill pack the earth into place.

The most critical period in the life of these dams is during and just after their construction. It is risky to use frozen soil in building earth days, because they may go out soon after the first thaw. Many of the dams in this project were constructed during freezing weather, and con-

siderable work has been done in temperature ranging far below zero, but the hard packed topsoil was carefully dug away and only dirt from below frost-line was used in making

the fills.

There is always danger that a

sudden-cloudburst may sweep away a half-completed dam and adequate provision must be made to take care of any run-off water that may fill the basin before the dam is finished.

These dams are ao substantially built, however, that there is very little danger that any or them will be destroyed or weakened after they are once filled with water, and the chance of losing one of them at any stage of construction is fairly remote.

The dams are 10 feet wide on top, with an upstream slope of four feet out to one foot down; and a downstream slope of three to one.

The 70 completed dams on this project will store enough water when full, to cover 1, 850 acres a foot in depth, with an average capacity of 26. 4 acre-feet each dam. The smallest will hold 1. 4 acre-feet and the largest 146. 5 acre-feet.

If reservoirs are built on some types of soil they will not retain water—it all seeps away underground. Dams on this project are all constructed on impervious or "waterproof" types of soil—most of it a Prairie clay. Therefore, little or no water should be lost through seepage.

Silting is the greatest enemy to the life of a well-built reservoir that depends solely on run-off or rainfall or melting snow from surrounding lands for its water. The minimum life of reservoirs on this project—before they are filled by silt—is estimated at from 20 to 25 years. It is probable that the life of most of them may be stretched out to 50 years, however, as soon as erosion of adjoining lands is reduced to a minimum.

Erosion will be greatly reduced as soon as a good grass cover is established by reseeding crop lands or checking overgrazing on range lands. In some cases small check dams in the run-off basin or other erosion control practices may be used to retard silting of the reservoirs.

If they are at last filled up with earth from the basin above them and become so shallow, they dry out quickly, these reservoirs may be restored to useful life again. The first time one of them dries out so completely that it is possible to work with the soil in its bed, this

silt should be dug out again so the pond may catch the first good rain or snow that comes along.

The average cost of these dams built by the Resettlement Administration is $2, 760 per dam or $104 per acre-feet of water which will be stored. In some portions of this project, water which may be obtained in shallow wells is so alkaline that livestock will not touch it, and sufficient good water can be obtained only at a depth running into thousands of feet. For this reason and other similar ones, it was determined in advance that it would be much cheaper to build dams on this project than to attempt to supply water through wells.

Candle Service Held at Church

"Follow the Master” was the theme of the candle-light worship service which was held Sunday evening at 7: 30 in the College Church.

The program consisted of a violin solo by Eugene Nininger; a vocal solo, "The Prayer Perfect, " by Prof. N. W. Fisher: and several songs by the choir. Chris Johansen directed the choir and Mrs. Rush Holloway was organist for all the numbers.

Dr. Alfred M. Nielson, professor of economic geography at New York University, has an aversion for chewers of gum. Here is how he classifies them:

"There are five types of gum-chewers. First, the type which chews with a gentle, oscillating motion, like a contented cow. Next, the type which chews to the rhythm of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Thirdly, the kind known as the 'railroad chewer. " They produce noises like the ‘click-ety-click’ of a train.

“Then come two types of synchronizers.. First, those who synchronize their mouths with their pencils, and secondly, those who time the movements of their jaws with the speed of the lecturer. "


Selves’ Bulldogs Defeat Wesleyan

Canines Display Tight Defense In Defeating Coyotes Last Friday Night 2 to 16.

Sport Skits

The McPherson College Bulldogs, displaying a tight defense and a slow, deliberate offense, defeated Kansas Wesleyan Friday night 27 to 16. It was the opening conference game for both teams.

The Bulldogs jumped into an early lead, which they defended throughout the remainder of the game. McPherson had a half-time advantage of 13 to 9. At the beginning of the second period the Coyotes ral-lied to tie the count before the Bulldogs could score. But three quick baskets put the Canines ahead and Wesleyan never seriously threatened again. McPherson, determined to keep possession of the ball and wall for the breaks, scored several more times during the remainder of the game by using those tactics.

The Johnston brothers were again high-point men. Chet was the leading scorer with eleven points and Harold made seven. Wesleyan's leading scorer was Shaw with five points.

Much of the credit for the Bulldog victory must go to the fact that McPherson made good nearly all its attempts from the free throw line. Wesleyan fouled seven times, and the Bulldogs made nine free throws, while the Coyotes could make only two free throws from nine McPherson fouls.

Gene Kemper, who was booked to be the referee at Salina, failed to arrive until the game was well under way. A train that was two hours late caused the delay. A. R. "Monk" Edwards, Herington High school coach, substituted until Kemper arrived, and the two men officiated the rest of the game.

The Swedes really took a tumble Saturday night at the hands of St. Benedicts. It was the Ravens' first win of the season. Score 34 to 10.

Gene Kemper saw enough of the game Friday night to become impressed with the McPherson team. He especially liked Chet Johnston, who was really playing a swell game against the Coyotes. Gene said "I got there in time to get a quick glimpse of Chet Johnston, the McPherson speed merchant, Kansas conference fans have been talking about for three years. But quick glimpses are about the extent of it. He can move, dribble, handle the ball and shoot. Johnston isn’t out on the court alone, either. Coach "Bud" Selves has surrounded him with a club that will join Baker and C. of E. in a three-cornered fight for the championship."

Harold Johnston

C. of E. got off to a good start in the conference by defeating Bethany 30 to 22. The acquired an early lead and steadily increased it.

Harold Johnston, speedy Bulldog, proved his worth as a great floor man in the close battle last night. His sparkling play kept the Bulldogs up with the Wildcats until the last few minutes of play.

The starting quintet played up to the last thirty seconds of the game when Coach Selves substituted an entirely new team.

The box score:

McPherson (27)




C. Johnnton f




Haun f




Barngrover c ...........




H. Johnston g .......




McGill g................

... 0



Flory f .....................

... 0



Mathiot f ______________

... 0



Wiegand c ...............

... 0



Hall g ................

... 0



Robertson g ....-------

... 0



Total .................,




If Kemper thinks that this is Chet's last year of basketball, he's wrong for Chet has another year of eligibility. He was out of school two years, but he didn't lose interest in basketball. He gets around plenty fast on the court, and lugs an injured knee around, too.

It's a good thing these sports writers officiate some games so they get a chance to see some of these denominational school teams in action.

Kemper suggests that Wesleyan’s team is just moulding into shape, and that in several weeks they'll be knocking off the first division teams.

Now Oglethorpe University has adopted the idea. With the cooperation of Scientific American it plans to build the pyramid and stock it with everything from a sound film record of greetings from the president of the United States to the citizens of 8113 to samples of present day brands of chewing gum.

The new piano in the Union music room at Purdue University was chosen by the blindfold test. Seventeen musically inclined people sitting behind a screen voted on the different makes by "hear” and eliminated the less desirable instruments.

All-American Eleven Selected By Players

Unique Choosing, Last of Season, Taken Among 1,498 Players by Liberty Magazine.

New York. Jan. 13. —An All-Players All-American eleven, selected by the players themselves, is announced in the current Liberty magazine.

This unique selection, the last of the season, was taken among 1, 498 varsity players from every part of the country. Conducted for Liberty Magazine by Norman L. Sper, the poll was taken after each game when the players rated their opponents on the fundamentals of play. No "experts" were called in for advice, the winning players being named by the men they played against in 879 first-rank games.

The magazine will award a gold football to each player who made the winning eleven, the editors announced.

The First Team End, Lawrence Kelley, Yale Tackle, Marcel Chesbro, Colgate Guard, Stephen Reid, Northwestern

Center, Michael Basrak Duquesne Guard. Joseph Routt. Texas A & M.

Tackle, Edwin Widsets. Minnesota End. Gaynell Tinsley, Louisiana Stale

Halfback. Ray Buivid, Marquette Halfback, James Cain, Washington Fullback, Sam Francis, Nebraska Quarterback, Clarence Parker, Duke.

The Second Team Daddio, Pittsburgh, End Franco, Fordham, Tackle White, Alabama, Guard Wojciechowicz, Fordham. Center Starcevith, Washington. Guard Daniell, Pittsburgh. Tackle Wendt, Ohio State, End Baugh. Texas Chr. Quarter Frank, Yale, Half Uram, Minnesota, Half Osmanski, Holy Cross, Full Third Team End, King, Minnesota Tackle, Hamrick, Ohio State Guard, Lautar, Notre Dame Center, Herwig, California Guard, Pierce. Fordham Tackle, Toll, Princeton End. Bersak. N. Carolina Quarter. Goddard. Wash. State. Half. Murray. Pennsylvania Half. Haines. Washington Full. Dickens. Tennessee.

Yea Bulldogs! Beat The Presbies!

Wesleyan (16)




Snyder f ...................

.. 1



Blair f ...................




Shaw. f .....................

.. 2



Walsh c ......................




Baer c .......................




Watson g .................

.. 1



Mitchell g .................




Haslouer g ..............

. 0



Total ..........




Officials: Gene Kemper, Topeka, and "Monk" Edwards, Herington.

Collegiate World

"Old-maidery" is definitely on the upgrade unless Hunter college ques-tionaires were not answered truthfully a week or so ago. Only one freshman out of the total of 929 has confessed a desire to be married after graduation from college.

Bill Qucar

"Lady", a black and white foxhound of St. Louis, Missouri, knows how modern society prepares for "blessed events. "

On the verge of having pups, she walked into the Washington University clinic and wagged her tail for recognition. A few days later "Lady," attended by nurses and interns, gave birth to six puppies.

Quear, star forward for the Baker Wildcats, showed great ability as a ball handler in the game last night. Being closely guarded he was held to three points from the free throw line.

Beat The Presbies

Before a certain Purdue University professor accepted a bet challenge on the outcome of the Indiana-Purdue game, sent to him by a fellow professor at Indiana University, he dug up statistics, showing that Purdue had won the majority of games, he watched the team at practice, and consulted with athletic directors.

Feeling sure that Purdue would win on the basis of all the substantiation, he mailed his acceptance to the Indiana professor.

When the game ended in a tie, both professors breathed more easily and re-pocketed their respective nickles.    

College women's clothing costs more than college men's clothing according to a survey of 42 men and 56 women on the Texas Wesleyan College campus.

A complete outfit for a woman averages $78.90 while a complete outfit for a man averages $60.40. The only single item for which males pay more than females is hats.    

(By Associated Collegiate Press)

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