Number 16
Many New Books Received By Library During Holiday
Community Shocked By Death of Beloved Wife of College Faculty Member
Funeral Yesterday
College Students Pay Tribute In Large Group at College Church
The death of Mrs. Mohler was a shock to the college students as they returned from their vacations.
Mrs. Mohler died Sunday, January 3, at 4 o’clock, after an operation at the Halstead Hospital on Thursday before.
Mrs. Mohler was n former student of Mount Morris college and came here soon after she was married to Professor Mohler, where they have lived over since. Their home has been enjoyed by many of the college students and just the past month many spent happy hours of their Christmas season at their home. It was Mrs. Mohler’s concern that no student spent Christmas alone. She was always adding cheer to the dormitories by taking flowers and winter bouquets of different sorts. She was ever thoughtful of those who did not have the bounties of life.
Because of ill health Mrs. Mohler was limited in strength to do all she would liked to have done. She was particularly interested in the best for her family and with Professor Mohler would go on trips in the summer to make them happy for her family. She loved nature very much and could make a bunch of wayside flowers into a lovely bou-quet.
She leaves her husband and three children. Elizabeth, Richard and
Roberta. She is the youngest of a family of six children and the first to leave that group.
The funeral was held at the College church. Many beautiful flowers spoke the appreciation of her life to the community and a most appropriate talk was given by the pastor, Rev. Zook.
The college extends its sincerest sympathy to the family, relatives and close friends of Mrs. Mohler.
Many new books were received at the library during vacation:
They are: "Prelude to Panic,” Sullivan; "Team Sports for Women," Frymer and Hillas; "Clinical Psychology." Louttit; "College Readings In the Modern Short Story," MacMinn and Eagleson; "Modern American Plays." Baker; "Minimum Wages end Maximum Hours,” Nichols and Baccus; "Their Father’s God." Rolvaag; "Principles of Labor Legislation." Commons and Andrews; “Tho Miracle of Preaching," Park.
Gift literature includes "Agricultural Statistics. 1936" from the department of agriculture. Dean Bright gave the library many issues of "The Saturday Review of Literature," also several numbers of the "Reader’s Digest.” "Harper’s" "Atlantic Monthly," “Publications of the Modern Language Association." and other magazines.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm Preaches Sunday
Urges Dededication of Lives At Beginning of New Year At College Church
S. C. M. Commissions Resume Their Meetings
Interesting Project In Personal Relationship Group
The snow was a great benefit to some of the students in extending their vacation several days—or was it just an excuse—I guess we’ll never know. Anyway I’ll bet they had fun throwing snow balls and making snow houses and playing Eskimo.
Evidently this Yuletide season seemed to give three young men the idea of presenting a jewel to some young lady. As a result we have a student from Idaho leaving one week early to accomplish this purpose. We hope this gives him inspiration for the rest of the year. Another young gentleman from this fair city says he was completely sane when he committed his deed. We hope so —since engagements are becoming so popular it is now fashionable not to be engaged, so don't be discouraged girls.
Just imagine yourself in the dead of winter, lolling in the sand on the beach and enjoy a real swim in the ocean. We are told Kathryn Enns did this during Christmas vacation
The commissions of the S. C. M. will resume their meetings next week after a brief intermittence due to the Christmas vacation.
The Personal and Family Relationship commission is carrying on an interesting project similar to that carried on in various cabinet groups on the campus. The group as a whole discusses questions from a personality questionnaire which has been made out for individual analysis. There have been some universal problems, such as inferiority complex, brought out in those informal meetings: some of the various view points expressed help make the meeting interesting as well as helpful.
The World Cooperation group has decided to sponsor a Peace Demonstration Day sometime in April. Plans for this are to be made in the near future, and more material concerning this will be published later.
The Reinterpretation of Religion commission has completed its discussion of leadership and the problems connected with leadership and will begin a new unit at its meeting next week. The new topic will be either a questionnaire similar to the one on leadership or the study of another phase of the life of Jesus.
Rocky Forders Go Hunting
Dr. Bright Speaks in Chapel Tuesday on “Best Yet to Be.”
During Christmas
vacation a group of McPherson College
students and alumni at Rocky Ford,
Colorado formed an alumni association
after which they planned a hunting trip for the following day.
Those who participated in the huut were Harold ( Berries) Crist, Oliver Ikenberry, Vernon (Dusty) Rhodes, D. L. Miller, Fred Andrews. John Myron Miller, Charles Bish, Edgar Mikow, and Oliver Andrews. They started out at 9 o’clock in the morning and brought in ninety jack rabbits. Their noon lunch consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon and jokes-those after dinner Jokes that make such rich dessert.
When the trip was over the group honored Berries Crist as high point hunter having shot twenty-five rabbits. Dusty Rhodes placed second with twelve and John Myron Miller and Andy tied for third with ten.
Reports are that this association is highly enthusiastic for the promotion of their Alma Mater.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm preached Sunday morning at the College Church and chose as his subject, "The Church Facing the New Year.”
He opened his sermon by briefly summing up the outstanding features of 1936, for which we may all be thankful, as follows: The return of prosperity, revived interest spiritual values as a result of the recent world-wide preaching miss-ions, and tho result of the last election, which may mean continued prosperity at least for many.
Dr. Schwalm then discussed the problems which face us at the beginning of this New Year. These problems were: Nations are on the brink of another war—possibly world war. America with one hand reaches out with the olive branch while with the other she extends the sharpest sword. General Bliss, a general of the war says this, "It’s the business of the church to make my job impossible.” Another problem is the economic problem. The world stands between the Fascist point of view, the Communist point of view and the Socialist point of view.
It is possible for us to envy and hate the wealthy and forget that some of them have got their wealth through thrift and economy, while there are others who are really selfish and greedy. The next problem is that we are facing a world which has lost its moral mooring. Today there is a widespread attack on morals by scientist, pseudo-psychologists, and would-be philosophers. And the greatest problem in that we are facing an unevangelized world—a world that needs Christ. About half of America is unchristian and furthermore a large number of so-called Christians are in church for social and material reasons, not spiritual reasons. There are many names on the church roll that never darken its door.
In conclusion Dr. Schwalm made several suggestions for the New year. First, he said. "Let us as individual members of the church lay hold on God as our Rock, our Refuge, our Salvation. Only then will our religion become vital.” Our motive of faith is in Jesus Christ. It is bettor to have a church one-half as big and have a vital church than just to have a big one.
Second, we should give our loyalty to the church us a repository of the grace of God. This loyalty is not the kind that consists in hating other denominations: but especially should we be loyal to our own. The church makes a greater contribution to our lives than any other organisation in the community.
Third, we read a lot of books and magazines today that give various presentations of the ethical and moral standards. In our reading it would be well for us to turn to the Bible from time to time and get the right presentation of these ethics and moral standards.
Fourth, in our local community we should give our service to God through the church. The ultimate satisfaction comes when we give ourselves in service.
Dr.-Schwalm closed with the plea that we dedicate our lives anew to Christian life and service.
Appointed by Landon | |
Dr. Pihlblad Elected State Senator in November Election |
Schwalm Appointed by Landon To Fill Unexpired Term Of Dr. Pihlblad
Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of
McPherson college, has been appointed a member of the state board of education by Gov. Alf. M. Landon to fill tho unexpired term of Dr. Ernst Pihlblad of Lindsborg. Dr. Pihlblad resigned from the board after being elected state senator from this district. Dr. Schwalm's appointment is effective at once and his term will continue until June 6, 1940.
Dr. Bright Attends Meeting at Bethany
"Selecting and Training Ministers" Is Theme of Conference
Dean J. D. Bright attended the last two days of a three day conference of “Selecting and Training Ministers of the Church of the Brethren" in session December 28, 29 and 30 at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago.
A number of questions were discussed: "What place has the seminary in the church?" "What type of high school and college curricu-lum should a young man pursue?” and "How should a church handle the matter of a pastor's support?” Forty three men, prominent in the Church of the Brethren, attended this meeting, two of which were former presidents of McPherson College --D. W. Kurtz and Edward Frantz. J. Clyde Forney, pastor of the Elgin church, was elected president of the local alumni chapter as the alumni meeting held on Wednesday, December 30.
At Elgin, Illinois, December 31 and January 1, Dean Bright also attended a conference of our church and college representatives. This group discussed college problems in an effort to find solutions to help the colleges and their students.
College Radio Program To
Be Given In Hutchinson
Fordham’s Brilliant Center Likes Knitting and Cooking
Effective at Once
Dr. J. D. Bright was the chapel speaker Tuesday morning. For his subject Dr. Bright chose a quotation from Browning: "The best is yet to be."
He pointed out that the best things have not been done, and that nothing has been done as it should have been done, it is not possible that we should all be able to create these things, but we should all be able to appreciate them.
The speaker warned not to be overawed by the past. Try to surpass your own best achievement—do not live on your old laurels. Above all bare confidence in yourself.
Chemistry club to Present Pictures
The Chemistry club will meet Thursday afternoon at four o’clock in the chemistry room. A four reel film that will be of general interest will be shown. Everybody is invited to attend.
Extend Sympathy to Goering
McPherson College wishes to extend their sincere sympathy to Alvin Goering whose sister succumbed, after a brief illness. Her passing is grieved by many friends and relatives.
The fact that Alexander Franklin Wojclechowies, Fordham's brilliant center, was such an insignificant high school freshman that his coach refused him a uniform is only one odd item about him.
Five feet eleven, and 192 pounds, he plays a bruising game and is hailed by some critics as the greatest center in Fordham grid- history. One of Wojciechowiecz' hobbies is cro-cheting. When at home, he often helps his mother make rag rugs. He likes to cook, too.
But if you think that his crocheting and cooking make him soft, Just talk to a few of the centers he has faced.
Dean Bright, Professor Nevin W. Fisher and Professor Loren C. Crawford will present a radio program in the interests of the College next Saturday evening at 8:30 o’clock over radio station KWBG Hutchinson. Mrs. Rush Holloway will accompany the Instrumental numbers. The program is as follows?
Ave Maria ........ Franz Schubert
( with violin obligato)
Mr. Fisher and Mr. Crawford First Movement (Allegro) from Son-ata in F Major for Violin and Piano, Op. 2 4 Ludwig van Beethoven
Mr. Crawford and Mr. Fisher Talk by Dean Bright Third Movement (Scjerzo, Allegro Molto) from Sonata in F Major for Violin and Piano.
Op. 24 ... Ludwig van Beethoven Mr. Crawford and Mr. Fisher
"Shadows"---:Carrie Jacobs-Bond
"Spain" ... Clara Edwards
Mr. Fisher
Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson college, today accepted an appointment from Gov. Alf. M. Landon as a member of the state board of education to fill out the unexpired term of Dr. Ernst Pihl-blad, president of Bethany college. The appointment becomes effective at once.
The McPherson educator will be one of the nine educational leaders of Kansas on the state board. The board is made up of the state superintendent and one faculty member from Kansas university, of Kansas state college, one member from the three teachers colleges, one member from a privately endowed or denominational college, one county superintendent, one city school superintendent, one high school principal and two citizens engaged in farming, business or professions.
When Dr. Philblad was elected state senator from this district at the November election he felt it would be too much of an undertaking for him to handle both jobs. Therefore he resigned and Governor Landon appointed Dr. Schwalm to fill the vacancy. Dr. Pihlblad was appointed last summer for a second term of four years and Dr. Schwalm’s term will expire June 6, 1940.
The appointment offers a great opportunity in the educational field of Kansas as the state’s attention is strong on school matters and the state board of education will likely have much to do with shaping the new policies for the schools of Kansas.
The state board is now composed of the following men and women: State Supt. W. T. Markham, Chas. D. Ise, Coffeyville; F. D Farrell, Man-hattan; J. B. Heffelfinger, Newton: Fred A. Seaman, Onaga; W. A. Brandenburg, Pittsburg; James Sharpe, Council Grove: Mrs. Ida M. Grammer, Junction City and Dr. Schwalm. McPherson.
Dr. Schwalm since coming to McPherson college in 1927 to become president, has made a mark for himself in educational circles of the state. He is a popular lecturer and has spoken frequently at college and university convocations in Kansas and elsewhere. He has had much to do in building up the standards of McPherson college and at this time is busy conducting a $100,000 finance campaign as well as undertaking another project of further enhancing the standards of the college.
German Class Sings Carols In Christmas Chapel Program
Legion Sponsors Endowment
Los Angeles, Calif.—The twenty-fourth post of the American Legion is seeking to sponsor the endowment of a chair of Americanism at the University of California at Los Angeles. The course would be outlined along the lines of an analysis of the World War, its causes, its execution and its effects in the light of an American’s approach to the situation. The cost of such an endowment would be approximately $5,000 yearly.
Lending a bit of atmosphere to the Christmas spirit, Miss Sheets and the German class presented a Christmas program in chapel Friday.
A group of carols were sung in German by the entire class. A quartette composed of Willard Flaming, Erwin Bentz, Wayne Albright and Robert Weigand sang some German carols. Miss Floy Lackey sang "There’s a Song in the Air’ by Oley Speaks. "The Angel and the Shepherds," a cutting from ‘Ben Hur,” was read by Miss Elma Minnick.
Miss Frances Campbell sang "The Virgin's Lullaby" from “The Coming of the King.” Professor Nevin W. Fisher played his own transcription of "Silent Night, Holy Night." Keith Pierce, bass soloist, sang "Jesus of Nazareth." Chapel was closed by the singing of carols by the assembly.
Dr. Francis Carter Wood, director of the Institute of Cancer Research at Columbia University, announced recently that an international atlas on cancer, which is expected to aid materially in prevention and treatment of the disease, will be completed in about two years.
THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 1937
The Spectator
Sailor Visiting on McPherson College Campus Is Interviewed by Member of Spectator Staff on Inside Dope on Seamens’ Strike Maybe all M. C. students have perfect manners. And again maybe some unknowingly commit breaches of etiquette, which if they knew the rules they would not be guilty of breaking them. To me the greatest difficulty in etiquette is the adjusting of one's self to the changes that are continually taking place. Yet there are rules that have been rules for ages that I daresay many do not even know. Have you wondered about what was good etiquette on certain occasions? If you have questions which puzzle you concerning any phase of etiquette, please put them in the Spectator Box in the Book Store c/o Quest-E-Ann Boks and I will at-tempt to answer some of them for you. You need not sign your real name. Since this is a new column in the paper and there are no questions as yet, here are a few reminders for table manners everyone should know without being told. The first is to eat slowly and quietly, no bolting of food, no noisy gulps. The second is to keep one's mouth closed when chewing. The third is to wipe one's mouth with a napkin before drinking from a glass to avoid leaving a greasy ring on the glass. When one is not using their knife and fork after they have once been used he should place them on the plate, the cutting edge of the knife turned toward the center of the plate and tines of the fork turned upward. This is the position they should be in when the plate is passed for a second helping. By the way, second helpings are perfectly permissible, but if you do not care for them, it is right to refuse, "No thank you" should be sufficient to convince your host or hostess you do not care for more. The Spectator Box isn't a ballot box: stuff it with questions if you please. (By Associated Collegiate Press) Thanks to another man's kindheartedness, Dave Grant, a student at Rice Institute will be able to eat his Thanksgiving turkey with no beard to give him interference. A few weeks before the presi-dential election, he bet that Governor Landon would win. The loser was to wear a beard for a month after November 3. About a week before the voting, Grant foresaw a Roosevelt victory and conceded his own defeat. The winner of the bet proved himself to be the "real thing” by permitting Grant to begin his "bearding” a week earlier. The homecoming attendance record at the University of Minnesota was shattered by 5, 000 this year when 64, 000 fans saw the Gophers smother the Hawkeyes. "Dime symphonies" have gone over so well at Midland College that they will be presented at intervals throughout the remainder of the school year. Ed Jones spent the last week of the Christmas vacation in Liberal, Kansas, visiting relatives. makes the next generation of rats develop much earlier and grow much larger than their parents. " Growth and development is speeded up as each successive generation is fed the extract. In the tenth generation, the rats matured in almost one-fifth the time required for the ma-turing of a normal rat. It is now believed that the chemical found in the thymus secretion is responsible for growth. It has been learned that this chemical can speed up all division to an amazing rate and in this way control normal growth at well as the growth of cancer. Experiments performed using this chemical instead of the extract prepared by Dr. Hanson have given similar, in fact, even more striking results. It is not known whether the thymus gland secretes this chemical or merely collects and stores it. "That and the possible application of the latest discovery must await further research. " Kansas Rated Low In Owner Farms Brethren Leader Blames Mortgage Indebtedness For Poor Standing Only eight states ranked below Kansas in the share of farm land and buildings owned by the farmers who operated them in 1930, tables made public recently by the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics revealed. These tables show that farm operators in Kansas owned but 34. 6 per cent of the value of the farms they were operating in 1930. Maine farmers, at the other extreme, owned 77. 7 per cent equity in the farms they operated. Those figures were arrived at by counting out all farm tennants, who naturally do not own any share of the farms they operate, and by counting out the mortgage indebtedness on land and buildings—since that share really belongs to the mortgage holder. Cal A. Ward, regional director of the Resettlement Administration and leader in the Church of the Brethren, blames high farm mortgage indebtedness and the excessive number of farm bankruptcies in the plains states since the war for a large part of the rapid growth in farm tenancy. Farm tennants in Kansas have increased from 16 per cent of all farmers in the state in 1880 to 44 per cent in 1935. Only the South has a larger per cent of tennant-operat-ed farms than the midwest Mr. Ward reports. "Most of the Resettlement Administration's programs are already helping to combat the growing farm tennacy evil by ailing farmers to hold onto land and buildings they now own, and helping tenants get in position to buy the lands they are leasing. " the regional director comments, "but we are confident the government can make much more tenancy in the next few years by rapid progress in checking farm giving this problem the special attention it deserves. ” An Acrostic Answer to John Bower Thy published acrostic, I greatly admire. Hopes of greeting new pilgrims you once more inspire. An ambitious group ought surely to moot Now and again, and in efforts compete; Kind sir, will you name a time and a place Your convenience and others, in its embrace. On Parnassus heights, there is room to spare. Up then, urge old Pegasus our work to compare. S. M. Heckethorn. Evelyn High and Galen Glessner left Christmas eve for Sheldon, Iowa to visit in the home of Galen. With them went Phyllis Powers, Homer and Esther Kimmel, who spent the vacation in the Kimmel home. They were snowbound and could not return until Tuesday. Arthur Steinberg of the Philadelphia Institute for Medical Research has recently made known the amazing results of experiments covering growth and extract of the thymus gland. The thymus gland is located near the base of the heart between the two lungs. It has been known for some time to be necessary for the proper growth and development of the human body. Mr. Steinberg told his audience that the chemical glutalhione, which is responsible for growth, is fonnd in the secretion of the thymus gland. This chemical is also believed to be responsible for cancerous growth. The extract used in the experiments was prepared by Dr. A. M. Hanson of Faribault, Minn. The part it plays in growth was demonstrated in the Philadelphia Institute for Medical Research under the direction of Dr. L. G. Rowntree. "Feeding this extract to white rats |
"Not until the strike is settled, " was Herby's reply when asked when he would sail again. "The strike on the West Coast was declared on Oct. 29, and I don't know when it will be over. " Herbert Michael, who is here visiting his brother Vernon, says that he will stay in Kansas until the seamen’s walkout is settled and he can "ship" again. Herbert shipped out from Seattle in December 1935, has made three voyages to the Orient, worked on a coastwise ship a while, and may one voyage, from Frisco through the Panama Canal to the Gulf, which landed him in New Orleans at the time of the strike. Several of Herbert's letters to his brother, which told of his travels, have appeared in previous issues of the The Spectator. About the cause of the present strike he says: "The maritime unions of which there are seven covering all the main jobs on a ship, had contracts with the shipowners covering wages, hours, overtime pay, and method of hiring. These contracts between the unions and the shipowners ended Sept. 30. Officers of the unions made efforts to negotiate new agreements with the shipowners in accordance with the wishes of the membership of the unions. A truce was managed which kept the ships running until Oct. 29. But since no headway was being made in the negotiations a membership vote of the unions was taken which was in favor of striking. "The steamship companies refused to continue the present method of hiring which is almost entirely through the unions. On the other hand, the unions refused even to consider agreements not including union control of the hiring halls. There were other differences of course, wages being next most important, but the question of control of hiring was the all-important cause of the walkout of the seamen on the West Coast. "On the East Coast the situation is quite different. The East Coast unions, which are entirely separate from the West Coast, have not the solidarity of the West Coast unions. The majority of the membership have lost all confidence in their officers, believing them to be a bunch of grafters making an easy living off the unions. But for some reason they have been unable here-tofore to get these men out of office. |
When the East Coast contracts expired last January the officers of the unions, signed new agreements with tho shipowners, it is alleged, against the majority vote of the membership. And now the membership is claiming that the contracts are not valid for that reason. A handful of members, on the East Coast decid-ed to strike 'in sympathy’ with the West Coast. More and more men joined this handful until the majority of the members on the East Coast were out on strike. But at no time did the officers give their approval and they are even doing their utmost to break the strike. It has become a fight of the members against the shipowners and their own officers. "It is certainly regrettable that there is any need for a strike. But my sympathy is, in the main, with the unions. I cannot agree with the men who believe that by beating up 'scabs' they are helping their cause. Still, from my one and a half months experience with the strikers in New Orleans, I am firmly convinced that the seamen are guilty of no more unfair tactics than are the shipowners. In New Orleans, hundreds of seamen were arrested and many given jail sentences on charges of ’vagrancy’ or 'loitering' for the sole purpose, I believe, of breaking the strike. In one instance three delegates from New York making a tour of Atlantic and Gulf ports by automobile were on their way out of New Orleans when arrested on a ‘technical charge' as 'fugitives from Justice.' The police countered by a Writ of Habeas Corpus, changed the charge to 'vagrancy' and succeeded in evoking a thirty day jail sentence. "There are many angles to sea life, unionism, the strike situation, and it seems like the more I learn the more there is to learn. There are things I don't like about being a sailor, but on the whole it is very interesting. My experiences so far have been worth a lot to me. " Herby says that his job is "ordinary seaman. " His work includes scrubbing decks, painting, shining brass and various other odd jobs. The men in the deck department handle the lines which hold the ship to the dock whenever the ship enters or leaves port. The gear used in loading cargo they have to make fast for sea and batten down the hatches so seawater won't be washed into the holds during bad weather. He mentioned that at night at sea one man is stationed on the bow or the bridge to keep a lookout for shore lights and lights of other ships. When asked if it is necessary to have any prior experience in order to get a job on a ship. Herbert replied that it is not. He said that be-sides ordinary seamen there are two other jobs a beginner can take, that of mess boy, and that of "wiper" in the engine room. One must ship |
through the union, though, except on oil tankers, it is very much harder to "break in" in the winter than in the summer for in the winter there is a scarcity of jobs but in the summer time when there are more ships running there is usually a surplus. - On mentioning the navy, Herby responded "The merchant marine (ships in commercial trade) have the navy all beat. If you join the navy yon can't quit when you want to as you can on a merchant ship, you get less pay to start with, and you have no choice in your destination. But in the merchant marine you can pick a ship for almost any country you wish to visit. " "And if you ever go to sea," he says, "don’t think as I did that it will be child’s play to save your money. It's just as easy to spend your earnings going to sea as it is working ashore!” Books and the moods they create are divorcing Jack C. von Bloeker, University of California student, from his wife. Alleging that her husband spent all his time studying, Mrs. von Bloeker has filed suit for divorce in the Alameda County Superior court. She charged cruelty. The complaint asserted that since their marriage in 1934, von Bloeker has seldom removed his eyes from his texts and has developed an irritable temper. Each male student of Pennsylvania State College who expects his picture to appear in La Vie, the student annual, will have to erase his smile before posing for the photograph. This is not a move to create general campus gloom. The editors have issued the order because they want all pictures to be in keeping with the tenor of the subject matter. "Broad smiles on faces of the men will be omitted that the general tone of the senior section will conform to the formal clothes worn, " the announcement read. |
SPORTS Wednesday , Rockhurst vs. Ottawa at Ottawa (non-conference.) McPherson vs. Bethel at Newton. (non-conference.) Friday McPherson vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina. Bethany vs. College of Emporia at Emporia. Ottawa vs. Bethel at Newton. (non-conference.) Saturday Bethany vs. St. Benedict’s at Atchison (non-conference) Ottawa vs. Friends at Wichita, (non-conference.) Results Kansas, 36; Kansas Wesleyan, 23 (non-conference.) Ottawa, 38; Haskell, 31 (nonconference.) Bethel 39: Ottawa, 18 (non-con-ference.) Baker, 32; Kansas, 27 (non-conference) Two more second team games have been scheduled by Coach Selves. Lorraine and Geneseo High schools will come here to play preliminary games with our B team. The McPherson B team played in the Central Kansas Invitation Basketball tournament held at Mound-ridge during the holidays. The team lost its first encounter to the Moundridge C. of C. in a close, hard-fought game by a score of 24 to 20. The following players made the trip: Flory, Mathiot, Kingsley, Wie-gand, McGill, Hall and Voshell. The McPherson "Y" team composed of several former McPherson College stars, won second place in the tournament, losing by five points in the final game. They won their first game by a lop-sided score, and eked out a hard-earned victory in the semi-final encounter. Walter Pauls and Leonard Wiggins of the "Y" team and Harold Binford of the Champion Buhler team, were placed on the all-tournament team. Bulldogs To Face Coyotes Tomorrow McPherson To Open Conference Season Against Strong Kansas Wesleyan Team. Tomorrow night the McPherson College Bulldogs open the Kansas Conference season with a basketball game against the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes. The Coyotes always have strong basketball teams and never fail to make a determined bid for the conference championship. The Bulldogs are determined to put up a good fight against Wesleyan Friday night. It will mean a lot to get off to a good start in the championship race. The Canines should have more to fight for, too, because the Coyotes have repeatedly defeated McPherson at crucial times in all sports. For the past three years Wesleyan basketball teams have defeated McPherson by one point margins in late-season games. In each case this defeat dropped the Bulldogs out of a championship possibility. The squad has resumed practices again after a short rest during the holidays. The team showed up well at Hays during the vacation, and after the game with Bethel last night, should be in shape to beat the Coyotes tomorrow. Coach "Bud” Selves has been shifting the lineups in practice in an effort to find a combination that will work smoothly together. The lineup tomorrow night will probably be C. Johnston and Haun, forwards, Barngrover at center and H. Johnston and McGill at the guard posts. Volley Ball Bows to BasketballSay, did you see the W. A. A. volley ball tournament Tuesday night? Well if you didn’t you certainly missed four fast and exciting games. Those girls showed plenty skill in stopping the ball on swift serves, picking them out of the net, and working set-ups. Both sides showed real team-work. “Come on gang, let’s go!” were the words of encouragement as first one side was ahead and then the other. "Hit that ball” was the command to all. Each game became more exciting and the scores were close. There were eleven players on each team and each one did her part in "playing the game." But as usual there wore some outstanding players. The players in the forward lines really worked the hardest, and really had to be on their toes and ready for action at all times. Wine and Flory, center forwards on one side, and Hubbard and Shirk on the other were skillful rivals. Marion Wash-ler was outstanding in her swift returns, and Becky for her mean serves. Taylor did her part by ef-fcient passing to the forward line for set-ups, Lucille Cole knocked the ball, spinning across the net, and High did her part as defense player in the back line. Of course there was Jessie who was razzed from all sides because she couldn’t serve the ball over the net. The official score keep-er and umpire was Gordon Yoder. Through all four games the ball was kept in the air, back and forth across the net. About the third game hands began to get red, arms became tired, and some of the girls began to get weak. Some wore them-selves out by continually jumping up and down and yelling. However, they all kept fighting until the end. Marjory Flory and her team won three out of the four games played and the other team was sadly disappointed. They were interesting! They were exciting! They were close games! So ends the volley ball season for another year, and already they be-gin, to talk about basketball which will start soon. And certainly the basketball games will be just as ex-citing, if not more so, than volley ball. Lowell Brubaker spent part of last week of the vacation in St. Louis, Mo. Toshiro Tsubakawa spent holidays in Chicago and Iowa. |
GAMES THIS WEEK Sport Skits The Conference season opens tomorrow night with two league performances on the hill. The Bulldogs play the Coyotes and Bethany meets the C. of E. Presbies. Ottawa also will see action in a non-conference game with Bethel. |
McPherson Defeated By Hays Quintet Selves Men Outscore Tigers Last Period—C. Johnston High Scorer With 18 Points. Although they outscored their opponents seven points the last half, the McPherson College Bulldogs lost a fast and interesting exhibition basketball game to Fort Hays State college 23 to 28. The game was played Wednesday, December 23, at Hays. The Tigers led at the half and although the Bulldogs came back to outscore them in the final period McPherson couldn’t cage enough goals to overcome Hays’ wide halftime margin. Hays scored mostly on long shots. In the first half, McPherson worked the ball in close for setups, but when Hays put up a tight defense in the last half, the Bulldogs started dropping long shots from the corners and out beyond the free throw line. The Tigers were unable to stop this Bulldog offense, and as a result, McPherson scored consistently. Coach “Bud" Selves’ Bulldogs clicked better in this game than they have any other time this season. Their fast style of play in the last half soon had the Tigers “on the run." Chet and Harold Johnston were the two McPherson stars in this game. Chet was high scorer with 13 points, and Harold garnered seven points. Barngrover was the only other Canine to score, unaccountiug for three points. Staab, Hays’ elongated center, was second high scorer with 12 points. This tall fellow caused the Bulldogs a great deal of trouble the first half but was less effective in his scoring in the final period. Hays took an early lead and led 19 to 7 at the end of the first half. Early in the second half the Bulldogs started cutting down the margin and outscored the Tigers 16 points to 9. The box score:
The McPherson college Bulldogs last night trounced the Bethel Gray Maroons 47 to 20. The Canines demonstrated a good brand of basketball to win their first game of the sea-son. McPherson acquired the lead early in the contest and was never headed. The halftime score was 22 to 5. H. Johnston, "Bulldog guard, was the leading scorer of the game, getting 14 points. C. Johnston and Haun each made eight points. Buller, tricky forward, was best for Bethel with six points. Barngrover and McGill added six points each for the Bulldogs and Wiegand made five. The McPherson second team lost 19 to 12 to the Bethel seconds. Girls!Watch That Temper!When the girls go over to the gymnasium to play volley ball, it is really a sight for sore eyes to watch them play. The one who watches them feels as if he has had a day’s work, so what must it be like to the girls? The onlooker just laughs and laughs, ‘cause—. Well, they start playing, going through the craziest antics just to get the little ball over the net. The time comes for a certain little lassies to serve and she swears (the others do that, too (that she just can’t serve. Then they all tell her she can, so she does her best, which is not so good, Later several players on the losing team begins to get “mad" at others on the team. This always helps in any sport and it helps especially where girls are concerned. Such a state of emotion improves their ability and they succeed in losing the rest of the babies. All in all, though the girls seem to have a good time, and since pleasure is the purpose of their games, who are we to criticize their technique—however bad? |
Winter A Blessing Disturbing articles, so they say, should be removed from our station of work whether it be on a college campus or elsewhere. But are these corrections being made on our campus? Hot water pipes are heated in order to combat the chilly rooms on these January days. And what a blessing to a class room. The snapping and hammering of the expanding pipes causes too much disturbance for a lecture—so a few minutes pause will help. It helps!—Just as the lecturer makes another attempt to speak, the pipes commence again to expand. Another disturbing factor to any one is continuous coughing. Another blessing to the class room? Well, I should say so (especially when the instructor has to dismiss class minutes early because that exasperating cough that cannot be stopped.) It’s just these few exciting moments that give students something to discuss, and add spice to life. McPherson College Bulldogs Trounce Gray Maroons 47 to 20
Baker University trimmed the Kansas Jayhawkers Tuesday night 32 to 27. The Wildcats, using the starting lineup throughout the game once held K. U. scoreless for 12 minutes. They acquired an early lead and held it for the rest of the game. Earlier in the season, the Jayhawks defeated the Wildcats by one point after being forced into an overtime period. Charles Wagoner went places during the two weeks vacation. The first days he traveled in southern Kansas, and then went to Hugoton, Kansas, where he visited with relatives and friends. He spent some time at his home in Hastings, Nebraska, and from there traveled with his bro-ther and father to Chicago, Detroit and in Michigan W. A. Mann, University of Texas law student, is sick of hearing his own voice. He wagered his roommates that he could better the late Huey P. Long’s filibuster record of 16 hours. When they took him up on his boast, he launched into a non-stop monologue time and again as lengthy as any that Cornelia Otis Skinner has ever given. Talking on astronomy, religion, politics, economics, his life history and many other things. Mann lasted 16 hours and 10 minutes—10 min-utes longer than Long. |