McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, dec. 3, 1936


Le Petit Ensemble Lyceum Program

Sextette From Chicago Civic

Symphony Here Tuesday

Last Tuesday evening a large crowd enjoyed the fourth number of the Lyceum season presented by the Le Petit Ensemble, a sextette of Chicago Civic Symphony artists, and responded enthusiastically to the distinctive interpretations of classical and semi-classical compositions and lighter music. The bal-anced and extensive repertoire of the ensemble made this lyceum program appreciable to all alike.

Four years ago Signe Elgquist, director, organized this group of artists, and with continued success Le Petit Ensemble has appeared repeatedly before major clubs and has assisted leading choral organizations in Chicago and throughout the middle-western area.

The personnel and instrumentation of Le Petit Ensemble are as follows:    Esther Arneson, pianist;

Abraham Gerson, bass viol: Sigurd Kellner, violist:     Gurlee    Elgquist.

cellist: Clifton Jackson, violinist; and Signe Elquist, violinist and director.

Fred Kastman, author, dramatist, and lecturer, will present the concluding number of the lyceum course on the evening of December 9. He is professor of biography, literature and dramatics at the Chicago Theological Seminary and a contributing editor of The Christian Century. The subject of his address will be "Motion Pictures and American Culture.

Professor Nevin W. Fisher, who recently accepted the position of head of the voice department of McPherson College will present his first song recital of the season next Sunday afternoon, December 6, at 4: 00 o'clock in the college chapel.

His accompanist will be Miss Margaret Fry. Professor Loren Crawford violinist, who also has been lately added to the faculty of the college, will be the assistant artist on the program. He will be accompanied by Miss Fern Lingenfelter.

"What Is Your "P. Q. " Is Theme Of Talk at Meeting

“What Is Your 'P. Q. ’ " was the theme of Dr. Boitnott's address in C. E. Sunduy evening at 6: 30 in the College church.

Although the "I. Q. ' or intelligence quotient of a person has been widely discussed and measured, the 'P. Q. ' or personality quotient has never received much attention until recently, when Dr. Henry C. Link of New York planned a test for the feasuring of personality.

Personality was once regarded as an indefinable something which certain people had and others lacked. Now it is believed that it can be developed by training.

Since personality is the extent to which one is able to interest and influence other people, everyone should be vitally interested in developing it. It has been discovered, through means of tests, that persons who engage in group games, who go to bed at a regular time, who attend S. S., who have the habit of remembering and repeating good stories, who associate with a group of friends rather than just one individual, who pay compliments rather than give slurs, who refrain from frank criticisms of other people and who make a definite attempt to meet people have high personality quotients than those who do not do these things. "

A few of the things that hinder the development of one's "P. Q. ” as outlined by the speaker, are reading at the expense of interfering with association with other people, doing what one pleases when he pleases and as he pleases, giving up easily with things that require skill, sulking and losing one's temper when things don’t suit him, and criticizing others but not liking criticism.

From the result of Dr. Link’s tests, it has been discovered that there is no relationship between one’s 'P. Q. ’ and his formal education and general intelligence. In fact it was found that in some cases the personality of certain people actually deteriorated after they had

acquired book knowledge.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye Annual Box Supper!

Hear ye! Hear ye! All ye lads and lassies! There will be big times hereabouts Friday night. Everyone can take part -no one is excluded.

Now comes the opportunity of all opportunities. You girls who are harboring a suppressed desire to have the chance to take the well known best way to win your heart-throb. Even Cleopatra knew that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. So girls, fix your box and come to the box supper. And here’s a hint, those who are frequenters of such affairs say that the more interestingly decorated sell quickest. So use your creativeness!

And you Romeos! Here’s your chance for a real feed as well as a delightful evening with the lady of your choice—providing you are clever enough to not let someone else outbid you. It is no little amount of fun, so one hears to out-bid someone who is confident of getting some certain box. Not fair? After all, all is fair in love and war—and this may be both!

So come one and all. The only don't in the matter is don't forget to bring your most fun-loving self. Here's to fun and more fun—Friday night at eight o’clock.

A Brief History of a Grand College; Enrollment and Graduates; Alumni Occupations; and College Value     

523, annuities valued at $88, 691, assets left by the closing of Mt. Morris College valued at $69, 777, and a special purpose fund amounting to $2, 842.

The College has had an annual enrollment during the past two years  of 400 students not including sum-mer school. This number includes  the Fine Arts department. The Col-lege

enrolls students from all denominations, the largest group of course being Brethren. Last year there were 146 Brethren students enrolled. This is approximately half of the strictly collegiate students. The number of Brethren students has increased by about 50 per cent during the past five years.

McPherson College has graduated 2029 students. Of those 1054 have been graduated from the college course with a bachelor’s degree and 976 have graduated from other courses. Of the total number of graduates 161 are deceased, 533 are homemakers, 104 are in education-al work teaching and administra-

Bulldogs Tie With Coyotes

Coach “Bud” Selves’ Gridders, Against Great Odds, Hold Wesleyan To 0-0 Tie.

“ Large Crowd Attends

Nearly 3, 000 Fans View Contest At College Stadium

The McPherson College Bulldogs, played their best game of the sea-son, held Kansas Wesleyan University to a scoreless tie in the annual Thanksgiving Day sports classic. A crowd estimated at 3, 000 was on hand for the game at the college stadium. A strong north wind gave one team a great advantage.

By virtue of the tie with the Coyotes, Coach “Bud” Selves' Bulldogs ended the Kansas Conference season tied with Bethany for second place. On the other hand, Wesleyan won the championship with no defeats and one tie.

The lack of scoring on the part of both teams was due to the strong defensive tactics on the opposing squads. Although Wesleyan came within four yards of scoring late in the first half, the Bulldog line held the much heavier Coyotes and kept the Salina team from scoring.

The college Football queen, Vera Heckman, was presented to the crowd between halves by Pres. V. F. Schwaim. For attendants, Margaret Fry and Gladys Shank were also presented. A stunt by the Pep Club, in which 30 pigeons with red and white streamers tied to their legs were released, added to the Thanksgiving festival occasion. The high school pep band played during the stunt. A public address system carried a running account of the game for the fans in the stadium.

Lee Haun, playing his last foot-ball game for McPherson, made a sensational run in the first quarter when he got away in a broken field for 23 yards before being stopped. In the same half, Junior Shaw, Coyote fullback got away for a 34-yard run around end. These two runs were the longest runs made by either team.

The first Wesleyan scoring threat came late in the initial half. The Coyotes marched down the field for three Straight first downs and wound up on McPherson’s four-yard line. There the determined Bulldogs not only held the Coyotes for-ward wall to a standstill, but pushed them back five yards in two plays. McPherson then kicked out of danger after making several short gains around end.

In the opening half McPherson was on the offensive most of the time, pushing the heavy Coyotes over the field but never having enough power to push ahead for a touchdown. In this half the Bulldogs gained 76 yards at scrimmage to 89 for Wesleyan. In the second half, however, McPherson was on the defensive most of the time. The Bulldogs made only 22 yards at scrimmage this half compared to 97 for the visiting team.

The punting of both teams was excellent, with the Bulldogs holding an advantage over the Coyotes. At one time in the third quarter, a Wesleyan punter booted the ball out of bounds on McPherson's one-yard line. Then Haun punted from behind the goal line for 39 yards. On the first play of the last period, Haun kicked with the wind for 76 yards to the Wesleyan four-yard line. Wesleyan kicked on the next play, the ball sailing through the air for 33 yards, and Zuhars re-turned it 10 yards before being downed. Here the Bulldogs lost their only real scoring threat, failing to advance in four times.

The Coyotes then took the ball and began a drive which was halted by the final whistle. With Shaw carrying the pigskin most of the time, Wesleyan advanced to McPherson’s 36-yard line. A pass gained 22 yards, placing the hall on the 13-yard line. With only a short time left to play. Wesleyan gained (Continued on page 4. )

Fisher To Give Recital

Dr. Boitnott Speaks At Endeavor Sunday

Our College—McPherson College

.....was founded by S. Z. Sharp and

associates in 1887.. it is located at McPherson, Kansas, the county seat of McPherson County, a town of about 7500 population, situated approximately 200 miles southwest of Kansas City. The College is owned and controlled by the Church of the Brethren in thirteen states be-tween the Mississippi and the Rockies, including Idaho which lies west of the Rockies. This area has about 21, 000 Brethren people in seventeen church districts.

The college is directed by 24 trustees. 17 of which are elected by the respective districts, five by the above trustees, and one by the alum-ni association. The president of the College is an ex-officio member.

During, the 49 years of its existence, the College has accumulated considerable capital. There are eight buildings on the campus which comprises from ten to fifteen acres. The campus and buildings are valued at $441, 150. The College has a productive endowment of about $227, -


Thursday. Dec. 3—Vespers, College Church 6: 45

Friday. Doc. 4—Box Social, 8 p. m.

Sunday, Dec. 6—Recital, Professor Fisher Chapel 4 p. m.     C. E.

College Church 6: 30.

Monday. Dec. 7—Women's council Leaders Meeting 4: 30.

Tuesday. Dec. 8—Women’s council meeting for Freshmen Girls 8 p. m.

Wednesday. Dec. 9 — Lyceum, 8 p. m.

Dr. Schwalm and

Mr. Davis Return

Great Success and Cooperation of Everyone is Reported

Dr. Schwalm and Rev. Davis have returned from the North West to go North East in their $100, 000 drive for McPherson college.

The president of the college said that he and his companion discovered a fine attitude toward the college on their trip. They visited ten churches and made fifty-four addresses. In both Nampa, Idaho, and Denver, Colorado, they helped or-ganize M. C. Alumni chapters.

Mr. Williams and Rev. Davis are scheduled to be in Kingsley and Sheldon, Iowa, and Worthington, Minnesota, this week. Sunday, December 6 they will be in Lewiston, Minnesota. Dr. Schwaim and Mr. Yoder, who are leaving this week, go first to Missouri and Iowa and from there to Minnesota where they will meet Williams and Davis. The four will visit various Brethren communities in Minnesota and Iowa returning to McPherson December 18th or 19th.

During October President Schwalm, J. J. Yoder, and C. Ernest Davis were in the field in Northeastern Kansas, working in the Navarre, Buckeye, Lotto Star, Washington Creek, Overbrook, and Ottawa churches and communities. Everywhere they were received with interest and enthusiasm.

People appreciate the reel of motion pictures, showing life around the college, and the addresses given by the college representatives. It was discovered that there is a decided disposition to support the campaign and that many people are looking to McPherson College, as a school in which to educate their children.

As a result of their experience in this actual field try-out, the campaign committee is convinced that this campaign can be made a suc-


The campaign is being further strengthened by the bringing of O. P. Williams, Jr., class of 1925  who will give particular attention to  the Alumni part in the campaign to  raise $45, 000 to build and equip a new physical education plant Mr.  Williams will also assist with the  work among the churches as time  will permit tive work 174 are farmers, 93 are business men, 71 are ministers, 31 are physicians, 20 are chemists, 10 are dentists, 9 are editors and 9 are missionaries. In addition to the graduates there are thousands of students who have spent one or more years at McPherson and have caught the spirit of idealism here

Through this half century Mc-Pherson College has wielded an enormous influence in its territory and in many Brethren localities through its presidents, faculty mem-bers, students and alumni. In almost every church there are outstanding alumni who are carrying on the work more effectively because of their experience at McPherson College.

It is a well known fact that no college student pays his entire way to college. In state schools this difference is made up through income from taxes. In private colleges it has to be made up through income from endowment, and if the college does not have sufficient endowment, it must supplement this with gifts from individuals and organizations.

Homecoming Great Success

Parade and Pep Rally Set Off Spark To Annual Gathering of MePherson Alumni

Banquet is Climax

Nearly 150 Alumni and Students Honor Selves and Squad

The alumni-student banquet climaxed one of the largest and most successful homecomings in the history of McPherson College, Thursday evening. Over 150 guests paid tribute to Coach Lester Selves and the football squad.

Dr. Claude R. Flory, as toastmaster was master of ceremonies. He opened the program with Introductory remarks and introduced the speakers of the evening. President V. F. Schwaim welcomed the alumni and congratulated the team and coach on their fine showing. Coach Selves was called upon to give a brief talk, and was followed by the reminiscing of alumnus Kenneth Rock of Abilene.

Guy Hayes, ’34 of Ellsworth gave the concluding address of the evening. Mr. Hayes recalled to memory a brief history of preceding Bulldog teams. In conclusion he paid tribute to the team and stated. "It Isn’t the size of the dog that counts but the size of the fight in the dog. " The college male quarter offered selections at intervals and concluded the program with the college song.

Wednesday afternoon, a parade of cars decorated in red and white streamers, drove through the downtown section in honor of Miss Vera Heckman, football beauty queen, and her attendants, Margaret Fry and Gladys Shank.

A great pep rally was given Wednesday evening to arouse the enthusiasm for the Kansas Wesleyan game. Emerson Chisholm, president of the pep club, was director of the program and introduced the speakers. The program was opened with several numbers by the college quartet.

August San Romani gave humorous reminiscences of McPherson college. Co-captains Mike Vasquez and Leo Haun aroused enthusiasm by their spirited talks. Coach Lekter "Bud" Selves and assistant coach "Chet" Johnson praised the team and prophesied a favorable outcome of Thursday's game.

The feature of the program was the crowning of the football queen. Miss Heckman wore a white formal with her attendants bedecked in crimson red. The coronation was done by Clayton Rock, president of the student council. Emerson Chis-holm then presented to the queen a gift from the Quadrangle. Cheerleaders Harold Larsen and La Vena High then led the group in cheers which concluded the program. Doughnuts and coffee were served in the student union room following the rally.

"Aspiration" Theme of Chapel

Address by Dr. V. F. Schwaim

Aspiration was the theme of the address given by Dr. Schwaim in chapel Friday morning.

He declares the compensation of age as being able to look both forward and backward in quoting Pope "To have greatly dreamed precludes low ends. " he expressed the hope that the youth of today are daring enough to dream.

Dr. Schwaim mentioned the lack of self confidence as being a great factor in the fulfillment of our dreams. He pointed out that there is no danger in dreaming, but that the danger lies in not trying to make our dreams came true.

A warning was given that students should not live in a dream world so completely that they lose touch with the harsh reality of the outside world.

"Dare to dream, make the best of your opportunities, and look forward to a world of achievement.

Daniel Zook spent Thanksgiving vacation at his home in Larued and visiting relatives In LaJunta, Colorado.


The Spectator




Editor-in-Chief------ Harold Larsen

Assistant Editor -----------------------....... Norman Edwards

Feature Editor....................................Gladys Shank

Sports Editor..........................................Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers - — . Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark

Business Manager...........    .....Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager    Gordon Bower

Assistant Business Manager ..............Russell Kingsley

Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell

Rosalie Fields


Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour Lee Haun LaVena High

Opal Hoffman Rilla Hubbard Herbert Ikenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler

Reasons for Money Drive Now!

Many people will wonder why McPherson College should attempt a financial campaign now. We are apparently on the tail end of a seven year depression. Agriculture has been suffering a slump since 1921. We have had two or three years of drought. The past summer was the worst of all.

To those not in touch with the College and the immediate problems facing her, it seems futile if not foolish to attempt a campaign now. But to those who know the story intimately, the campaign is not only desirable but imperative for the following reasons: (1) The State Department of Education asks all colleges of the state who wish to certify teachers to become members of the North Central Association of Colleges at the earliest possible moment. (2) Representatives of the North Central Association after two inspections insisted upon improvements in our buildings and in one or two cases practically required new buildings. They recommend that the faculty salaries be fully paid and in some cases that salaries be raised; they insist upon increased educational expenditure per student; upon a better health program as well as other minor improvements. (3) Nearly all other Kansas Colleges are

now members of the Association. (4) High School graduates increasingly demand that a college be fully accredited before they will attend it. (5) Some schools, especially outside of Kansas will employ only teachers who are graduates of colleges now members of the North Central Association.

McPherson College is the only Brethren College between the Mississippi and the Rockies. We believe it is needed by our church In this area. But we cannot keep it going and growing unless it be standardized so that our young people will want to attend it. We must and can standardize it. It can be done and now is a good time for a great forward movement, it is a good time, for the following reasons.

1.    Recovery Is on the way. Roger Babson says now is the time to plan ahead. A groat period of prosperity is before us. Institutions and businesses that plan big things now will share in the new prosperity.

2.    This is the fiftieth year since the founding of the College. A worthy way to celebrate the heroism and sacrifice of our fathers is to carry on to greater success the work they atartod. We must move forward or perish and perish we will not.

A Big Turkey Dinner And Back To College!

Yum! yum! A big turkey dinner with all the fixins, and then a nice comfortable after dinner nap. A football game, spare time in which there is nothing urgent to do, happy meetings with old friends, more sleep (or less), more to eat (left-overs Included)—that's Thanksgiving vacation! But such things are too good to last. Students must find their way back to school, and should be ready to start their work again with new vigor and vitality and rested minds. But instead they come dragging back looking like "the morning after the night before. " They come back to school to recuperate from that strenuous vacation.

Monday morning—classes resume their regular coarse as of old. But after four days vacation, these students are just too tired to be bothered about classes. And those that do manage to crawl out of bed, get some clothes on, and walk shuffling into class, flop in a chair and immediately rest their heads on their chests. If someone walks up to another person, who is walking around In a daze, eyes half open, and asks "Why weren't you in such and such a class? " the answer probably is "I went to sleep and forgot to wake up. " Students must consider their health before their lessons. But, however tired they may be, little groups may be seen about the campus relating experiences, good times, and interesting bits of gossip.

After a taste of freedom from school work, every one is reluctant to return to that old routine, and already they begin to count the school days until Christmas vacation. Some even get ambitious and count the hours. Just eleven more—that's all folks.        


Look at life as a glorious adventure.

Squeeze the most out of every minute.

See the big values in simple things.

Take the discouragements as part of the game.

Keep marching ahead with your face toward the sun.

Greet each new day with a smile and go out to meet what it holds for you with the spirit of a discoverer.

The Gallery

Jane Kent

The news comes humming over the wires that Dr. Flory has been calling on a petite telephone operator.

After painfully watching the cellist at the Lyceum concert get her legs tangled in the skirt of a flaring, satin formal, I am convinced that lady musicians who must express themselves on this instrument could play with more grace by wearing a slitted skirt or a pair of slacks.

Evan though men are fickle, they are not justified in demonstrating this weakness as Amos did! After all a girl is a bit bewildered when, com-ing down the steps, she finds her caller encircled by two other girls.

No doubt these men who were

dated up two weeks ahead of the time for the "last-chance" weekend have had a terrific boost of ego. It means, also, that our ideas of being individual in this scheme are going to be blasted if all these sophisticated women-haters are snatched up.

The fact that my calendar has been screeching that there are only eleven more school days till vacation  that: "time flies: we have to travel fast to keep up with it.” Too many of us plan to catch up during holidays.

Dr. Petry couldn't endure it—but some small offspring of Jezebel should accompany him on his trip so that he may be adequately warned when it is time to start for the railroad station.


The Why of Church Colleges

Dr. William Chalmers Covert, General Secretary of the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America had this to say in an address before the General Assembly of his church concerning church colleges:

“If the concept of God and a sense of the reality of the spiritual world die put of the hearts of the children and youth of this generation, smothered beneath the doubts and negations or a godless learning, the vary foundations of our faith will be broken up. If we fail to bring Christ into the buoyant and responsive life situations of the campus, and classroom through the life and work of godly teachers and a new appreciation of the Bible, we have given over our youth to the possible

disillusionments and the bitter despair of a pagan culture that today is blighting the hope and faith of many so called intellectuals."

"Has the church seen and realized the picture of a wholly secularized campus? Does she know what it means to her total moral life? Has she weighed her disadvantages in the premises when it comes to spiritualizing and christianizing the teaching staff, the materials, and the objectives in a tax-supported school over against the liberty and opportunity in her own col-leges chartered on Christian principles, committed to religious teaching and practice in the individual and collective life of the school. Our Christian colleges must have fresh consideration at the hands of the church."

Helen Eaton, Margaret Fry, Inez Goughnour, Avis Heckman, Alberta Keller, Lola Richwine, Ruth Rogers, Genevieve Sandy, and Lucille Cilery kept the home fires burning at Arnold Hall during the recent vacation.

Well, here we are back in college again, and it feels sort of good to be back in class. The lespedeza is about all threshed — about six thousand dollars worth. One may feel he has rendered some service when he has helped farmers bring that much money into the community. There is not a farmer in my whole home territory whose buildings are adequately equipped and repaired, whose farm is well fenced, or who has anywhere near sufficient equipment for his talk. Farm prices are high, and farmers are paying them—many a farmer didn't know how he was going to pay for a new tire for the old bus until I came along and threshed his lespedeza. But there will be none sowed on the campus this year: it's too expensive.

I spent the whole chapel hour trying to think of a neat way of phrasing Dr. Schwalm's premise that most of us are like Tugweil who awoke from his dream (nightmare ) of making America over to take a better paying job in private industry, but I just can't do it. It runs in my mind that all the world’s a stage, but most of us are only stAge hands.

Already one staunch supporter of Farley has asked me when the Republicans are going to hold their election. I suppose it will be when the Democrats hold one, seeing neither made much headway this

time. The joke in Washington now is to sell Maine and Vermont to Canada to pay the national debt. Evidently they are worth enough to pay it, for Farley, with the whole United States treasury, couldn't buy them.

G. Green.

Bad Habits

It takes more time to rest one’s self

After a vacation

Than it does if one had stayed and worked

As hard us all creation.

We gorge ourselves: we stuff ourselves

Until we feel quite ill—

Oh I'd rather live a college life Out here on college hill Than be a-going all the while And rushing 'round like mad.

So when it’s over I just say I'm mighty, awfully glad.

One of our professors said—

And I’m certain it is true—

He hoped we’d all he rested up Within a day or two!

Why Build a New Gymnasium?

Women's Physical Education

If education is interested in the “whole" student rather than the mere training of mind, if education attempts to help persons do well those major life activities which they most need to do, then health and physical education have an important place in the college curi-culnm.

The tremendous increase in leisure time during the last decade is well known. College graduates, along with non-graduates undoubtedly will have the opportunity to enjoy various types of leisure. Use of leisure time is one of the most outstanding social problems of this and future generations. Physical Education can be listed with literature, music, fine arts, drama, and countless other hobbles among the desire-able leisure time activities of edu-cation.

To attain the best objectives, the women's Physical Education depart-

ment of McPherson College has the following needs:

1.    A small gymnasium and a large gymnasium if possible. If not pos-sible, then one large one.

2.    Adequate dressing room space.,

3.    Private showers (10 or 12) in room adjoining dressing room.

4.    Swimming pool.

fi. A special room for "correctives"

t. A room equipped with cots for rest.

7! Class rooms for formal Instruction.

If McPherson College is going to keep up with sister colleges in providing a type of education that is becoming universal in its demand, it will very soon have to provide an adequate plant for its students. We of the faculty are looking forward to the building of a gymnasium which will make possible the best kind of health training.

—Miss Lillian Warner

McPherson, Kansas, December. 3, 1936.

Dear Mother:

It is now eight o'clock and I am counting the days until I shall be home. In exactly 15 days, 9 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds (more or less) I'll be directing my footsteps toward Toad Hunter Holler and projecting my thumb hopefully to passing autos and other suitable vehicular contrivances.

By this time yon have received a record of my mid-semester grades. If you have any misgivings as to the calibre of work I'm doing let me explain the system of grades they use here. The little symbol resembling an "I" with the top bent over and having a little handle stick on about half way down like this "F" means FINE. I believe I got this grade in all my subjects: so I won't bore you with the details of the other grading symbols.

I'm so eager to see you and Dad and all the rest of the folks in Toad Hunter Holler that I can hardly wait.

By the way has that big---

(censored—the ed. ) McGuire been mooning around Janet lately?

Believe me Mother, I really will be glad to see you all, but I am overwhelmed with grief when I think of leaving all my dear pedagogues and these time-honored and time-worn buildings wherein we are initiated into the complexities of higher learning. Genuine tears trickle down my cheeks as I write: I will miss not only my honored teachers and college but the assignments as well. Fearful is the only word which adequately describes them. French con-sumes three hours a day: likewise German and English. Chemistry, science, history and trigonometry require similar allotments of time. Further enumeration would tire you, but on the whole I do forty-eight hours of work every day: so you see I hardly know what I will do at home. The contemplation of this period of inactivity so completely depresses me that I believe I’ll have to skip classes today, but don't worry about me. Of course I may be able to go uptown afterwhile.

Give my love (after taking out your share of the previous stuff) to Janet.

Your devoted son.


Happy Day*

Are Gone Again

Happy days are gone again!

That blessed and glorious Thanksgiving vacation, which by the way was the first vacation of this school year, has ceased: and woes unto us— the routine of studies must be resumed once again!

Even with the thoughts of that stuffed turkey, delicious cranberry sauce, golden brown pumpkin pies and all the other trimmin's of that Thanksgiving feast, and with the memory of the grand times we had at home, at grandmother's or at the homes of friends still remaining in our minds, we must try to study.

Moreover the prospects of a longer and happier vacation at the Christmas season, which is speedily approaching, make it even more difficult to settle back to the schedule of classes than the thoughts of the last vacation which we are reviewing in our minds.

Although we can't entirely forget that soon we may lay aside our studies (that is, provided our professors don't pile too much work upon us) and have a hilarious and joyous vacation, we must endeavor to keep that "far-away look" from our eyes and assume an industrious and studious attitude, at least. In the presence of our professors. Perhaps, if we study hard enough they will case upon us and not make us work during vacation.

Here's success to you as you dil-igently study for the next few weeks.

S. C. M. Commissions Deal With Problems

Creative Leisure Group Studies Sculpturing Wednesday

The four commissions of the S. C. M. held their regular meetings Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.

The members of the World Cooperation commission discussed student peace demonstrations as to whether anything for peace might be accomplished through them. In view of the fact that April 12 has been designated as Universal Peace Demonstration Day in this district of the S. C. M.. it was discussed whether it would be advisable to have it on this campus. The group expressed their views concerning active demonstrations of peace.

The Creative Leisure group studied sculpturing. The work of some outstanding sculptors were reviewed. The members related this appreciation and study of sculpturing to some simple sculpturing methods which could be employed in their own work. Models were shown and studied.

Emma Schmidt led a discussion on personality development in the Personal and Family Relations commission. The purpose of this study was to help students in self-analyzation. The group took up the situation of at-tempting to become aware of their responses to those experiences, which are indicative of their true natures. As a guide for discussion, a sheet published by the Psychological Corporation was used.

The Reinterpretation of Religion group discussed a personality questionnaire which considered the thought of "Becoming Fit to Lead. " The questionaire pointed out the weaknesses of each individual. By overcoming these weaknesses, it is hoped that the members may acquire the ability to present their religion to others. Final preparations were made by this group for the program which they are to present in C. E. next Sunday evening.

Four Students To Attend Annual A. V. A. Convention

This week the annual convention of the American Vocational Association will be held at San Antonio, Texas. The opening address of the convention will be given by John W. Studebaker, United States Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C. The subject of the address will be "Some National Aspects of the Vocational Education Situation. "

Men well qualified and prominent in their various fields of endeavor will conduct the sessions of the convention. The convention will include study of Vocational Guidance, Commercial, Home Economics, Agriculture, Industrial Arts, and Industrial fields and several others.

McPherson College will be represented at this convention by Alvin Gpering, Lyle Brower, Erwin Bentz, Ira Milton Hoover, and Rush Holloway, industrial arts instructor at McPherson Junior High School.

Letter to “Mom"

Virginia Harris was a guest of Charlotte Nance and Lucille Kistner at Morrill, during vacation.

Esther Kimmell went home with Edith Hughey at Bartlesville, Oklahoma to spend Thanksgiving.

Puritan Meeting is Feature of Tuesday Chapel Program

A Thanksgiving service taking place in approximately 1695 at a Puritan meeting house, was given in chapel Tuesday morning by World Service.

Avis Heckman gave a short introduction to the service and told of the earliest Thanksgivings.

Professor Nevin W. Fisher, as-sisted by a Puritan choir, led the songs which were unaccompanied and sung in unison, according to true Pilgrim style.

Dr. J. D. Bright preached a ser-mon composed of portions of several early sermons. For his text, he chose Hebrews 8: 9, "In the day that I took them by the hand and led them out. " He pointed out all the bounties which they had received and the advantages which the new world had brought.

The service was closed by Thanksgiving prayer offered by Dr. Bright.

Notice! Box Supper!

Notice: To only those who enjoy a lot of fun. There will be a box supper in the Y room Friday night at 8: 00 o’clock. Everyone is invited to come. For more information see Vera Heckman or Lola Mae Har-baugh,

Aileen Wine spent part of the vacation at Jesslti Miller's home In Canton.

Floy Lackey visited in Geneseo over the week end.

Wanda Hoover attended the Regional Council meeting at Salina last week end. She is the co-chair-man of the Reinterpretation of Religion Commission of the Rocky Mountain Region.

Doris Doane, Jessie Miller, Edward Jones, Emerson Chisholm, and Leona Sellers spent the vacation in their respective homes in Canton.

A Wonder Cat

Is The Eminent Mr. Tag

Are cats a nuisance? Well, yea and no, but certainly "Tag, " the yellow and white Persian cat whose Mistress is none other than our most eminent art instructor, is not. Of course he is sometimes Playful and causes a bit of work and worry but never too much for his loving and adoring mistress. Like a fond mother, each day she brings with her to her art classes some interesting catty tale about his playfulness until each member of the class awaits with great expectancy the continuation of the story.

One of Tag's favorite pastimes is climbing trees. You will usually find him engaged in this healthful exercise just when his mistress has an urgent appointment. Of course she would never think of leaving him in a tree while she is gone, so she has to summon the help of the neighbors around to coax the playful cat down out of the tree.

Tag is inconsistent in his personal habits. For an example, one day we find him turning on the water faucet in the kitchen, flooding the whole house in an effort to take a bath. The next day, exiled to the cellar for his misbehavior, he emerges from some sooty recess not a yellow cat but a black one.

Tag shows his disapproval of frivolous things by chewing the fur on his mistress’ coat and breaking the feather on her hat. So we see he is after all a most extraordinary cat, paying no attention to trifling things he busies himself with the more worthwhile.

Girls, Now Is Your Chance To Ask Boys!

Girls, now is the chance to satisfy your suppressed desires—desires? Yes, if you have two of them. The week-end of December 11 and 12 Is the initiation of bashful or ultrasophisticated fellows, and to even up the bargain, the realization of the girls that it does take an exces-sive amount of courage, confidence and some money to secure an enjoyable companion for the evening. Fair, isn’t it?

If your one and only demands your undivided attention, we girls will not ostracize or even compel you to ask another. But, steadies, since there are two nights in the Last Chance Weekend perhaps you can comprom; ise and be separated one evening.

Friday night is the big Chemistry Party. Maybe you both belong; that would be an excellent chance for

you girls to escort them to the frolic. If you can't go to that party, let's treat them to a show, or to an exclusive candy or popcorn social. The climax of the two-day social reversal will be in the form of a party on Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the Student Union Room. Games, music, refreshments—lots of fun!! Come for a big time. Everyone is invited. Town girls, Kline girls or dorm girls bring dorm boys, town boys or

"batching" boys. Let's make next week-end full of lots of fun and merriment. See you all at the party Saturday night.

Glee Goughnour and Amos Miller went to their homes in Des Moines and Waterloo, Iowa, and also attended the Hilltop conference at Waterloo during vacation.

Becky Stauffer was a guest at the home of Milton Morrison during vacation. Sunday they went to Greensburg, Kansas, to see Mr. Stauffer, who was there on business.

Ellen Divine entertained Lola Mae Harbaugh at her home in Garden City during Thanksgiving

Frances Campbell spent her vacation at her home in Parsons. While she was there, she attended the wedding of her girl friend.

Viola Harris went home with Ruth Siegle, who lives in Beatrice, Nebraska, to spend Thanksgiving.

Alice Gill spent the vacation at her home in Lawrence, Kansas.

Oliver Andrews, Floy Lackey, Elmer Minnick, Lowell Brubaker had turkey dinner Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frantz at Assyria.

Charles Wagoner spent the week end visiting relatives in Red Cloud, Nebraska.

Evelyn Herr and Gladys Shank went to their homes in Navarre to spend the vacation.

Ruth Taylor and Rilla Hubbard pent the vacation in the Hubbard home at Hugoton, Kansas.

These people went house during vacation: Julia Frick to Durham, Margaret Louise Kagarice to Darlow, Marjorie Kinzie, to Lyons, Doris and Charles Pray to Hope, Emma and John Schmidt to Buhler, Eldora Van Dermark to Hutchinson, Glen McGonigle to Nickerson, George To-land to St. John, Lawrence Beyer to Hutchinson, J. W. Van Blaricum to Minneola, and Harold Mahier in Topeka, Missouri.

Charlotte Wolfe visited with Valera Pierce at Conway during vacation.


Bulldogs Tie Coyotes

Thirty Men Report to Coach Selves for Regular Practice

Patronize Spectator Advertisers

Three Bulldogs Given All-State

Vasquez on First All-Kansas Team; Lee Haun on Second; Zuhars— Honorable Mention.

Kansas Conference Standings


W. L. T. Pct.. Pts. Op.

Kans. Wes. 4 0 1 1.000 82 9

McPherson 3 1 1 .760 48 26

Bethany 3 1 1 .750 41 15

Ottawa 1 2 2 .333 20 64

Baker 1 4 0 .200 20 64

C. of Em. 0 4 1 .000 26 69

Results Last Week

McPherson, 0; Kansas Wesleyan

(Continued from page 1. ) three yards around end. The final whistle sounded just as the Coyotes were lining up, preparing to attempt a place kick.

The starting lineup:

Mike Vasquez, McPherson’s flashy lineman, was placed at a guard position on Gene Kemper’s all-Kansas grid team. Only one other Kansas Conference player was named on the first team. This man is Earl Van Cleef, tackle from Kansas Wesleyan.

Ottawa. 0; College of Emporia 0.

Haun and Vasquez on All-Conference Team




Horst - - - -

- LE -

- - Watson

Hall - - - -

- LT -


- LG -

- - Tibbets

Vasquez - - -

- RG -

- - - Baer

Barngrover -

- RT -

- Van Cleef

- - Morgan

Keck - - - -

- QB -

- - - Swift

Haun - - - -

- RH -

- - Warner

-• LH -

- - - Morris

Hapgood - -

- FB -

- - - Shaw

   Mike Vasquez

In naming Mike for the position, Kemper said:

"You wouldn’t hear about the other guard, Mike Vasquez, unless you frequented the Kansas conference territory. But coaches there swear by him—five of them at him, too— because he was the outstanding lineman in their league. Born in Old Mexico, Vasquez played high school football at Lyons and will graduate at McPherson next spring with hotter than a "C" average. Despite his foreign extraction, he is co-captain of his team and a respected leader of his men.”

The only conference player on the second team was Lee Haun, McPhersons speedy halfback, who was placed at the quarterback position. In naming Cleveland for the fourth backfield man on the first team Kemper said:

"This place could easily have gone to Gene Neff, St. Benedicts, or to Lee Haun, McPherson.”

Three Kansas Conference players were named on the third team, and 14 rated honorable mention. Harold Zuhars, swivel-hipped Bulldog halfback, was placed in the latter division.        

Mike Vasquez Honored With Cap-taincy of All-Conference Team Picked by Coaches and Gene Kemper of Topeka Capital.

Lee Haun and Mike Vasquez were named members of the Kansas Conference all-star team for 1936 and Vasquez was given a special honor by being selected captain of the team.

This all-star team was selected by the six coaches In the conference along with Gene Kemper, sports editor of the Topeka Daily Capital. The coaches participating in the voting include Pichard Godlove, Ottawa; Emil Liston Baker; A. B. Mack-ie, Kansas Wesleyan: Lester Selves. McPherson: Elmer Schaake, Bethany; and Herbert Worl, C. of E.

In selecting Vasquez of McPherson as all-conference guard and captain of the 1936 team, Sports Editor Kemper said:    x

"The captaincy of the team goes to Mike Vasquez. 176-pound native of Old Mexico, who was the inspiration as well as the pack mule for the second-place McPherson Bulldogs. His play over a two-year period rates Vasquez as one of the finest guards ever developed in the state and he was a unanimous choice of every one of the six coaches who contributed to this poll."

The only unanimous choice for the backfield was Amos Morris, who can scamper plenty with the football, John Warren, Bethany's punishing fullback, and Lee Haun, McPherson speedster, rated first team recognition by no less than five coaches. The fourth position was a hoss-race between two spit-fire types, Reuben Harzman, of C. of E.. and Ernest Ireland of the Swedes. Both threaten the opposition three ways in addition to running their own clubs. Harzman, a senior, won out with three first team votes. Three others stood up for Ireland but the second team votes favored the Emporian by a shade.”

Substitutes:    McPherson — Ma

thiot for Keck, Carter for Mathiot, Keck for Carter. Wesleyan—Glazier for Bates, Chartier for Warner, Crowl for Glazier, Bates for Crowl, Warner for Charitier, Charitier for Launchbaugh, Walsh for Swift. Garland for Walsh.    .

Officials: Referee, E. A. Thomas, Topeka: Umpire, Bill Hargis. K. U.: Head Linesman. Fred Scbabinger. Ottawa.......

Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage—McPherson, 98; Wesleyan, 186: Yards lost at scrimmage Pherson. 31: Wesleyan. 23. Punts

McPherson. 13 for 435 yards, average of 33.4 yards; Wesleyan 12 for 368 yards, average of 29.8 yards. Passes — McPherson attempted seven, completed two for six yards: Wesleyan attempted nine, completed two for 34 yards. First downs — McPherson four; Wesleyan ten. Penalties—McPherson, one for 15 yards; Wesleyan two for ten yards. Passes intercepted — McPherson, none; Wesleyan, two. Fumbles— McPherson, two: Wesleyan, one. Total gains at scrimmage, punts and passes—McPherson 639; Wesleyan 678.

• The first official basketball practice was held Monday afternoon with a squad of 29 men reporting. The workout consisted of shooting, passing, dribbling and pivoting. Twenty laps around the gym concluded the practice.

The Bulldogs should have a strong team on the court this year bidding for the conference championship. Eight letter men are back to compete for positions on the team. These lettermen are C. Johnston, Barngrover, Hapgood, Haun, Zuhars, Flory and Wiegand. Crabbe, another letter-winner, will be unable to play because of an injury received in football.

The 29 men practicing basketball are C. Johnston, H. Johnston, Barngrover, Hapgood, Haun, Vasquez, Flory, Wiegand, McGill, Robertson, Mathiot, Kingsley, Albright, Fry, Al-bin, Yoder, Ogden, Schmidt, Schroe-der, Abuhl, Rothrock, Senger, Naylor, Diehl, Hall, Horst, Liss, Voshell and Chisholm.     ,

A 17-game schedule has been arranged by Coach "Bud” Selves. A new opponent, Oklahoma City University, has been scheduled this year.

All-Kansas Grid Cast First Team

Ends—Leo Deutch, St. Benedict’s (captain), and Harry Kline, Emporia Teachers.

Tackles—Paul Fanning, Kansas State and Earl Van Cleef, Kansas Wesleyan.

Guards—Mike Vasquez, McPherson, and Holland, Kansas State.

Center—Ralph Huffan, Fort Hays State.

Quarterback—Don Martin, St. Benedict’s.    

Halfbacks—Howard    Cleveland.

Kansas State and Leo Danaher, St Benedict's.

Fullback—-Maurice Elder, Kansas State.

_____ Second Team

Ends—Dave Shirk, Kansas and William Reiasig, Fort Hays State (captain.)

Tackles—Herbert Knipp, Washburn and Harry Evans, St. Benedict's.

Guards—Bill Nylee, Pittsburg Teachers and Keith Fulton, Wichita.

Center—Robert Baltzell, South-western.

Quarterback—Lee Haun, McPherson.        *

Halfbacks—Gene Neff, St. Bene diet’s, and Lindell Petty, Emporia Teachers.

Fullback—Herbert Bender, Fort Hays State.    

Kansas Conference All-Stars First Team

Ends—Chester Lemon, Bethany, and Everette Watson, Kansas Wes-leyan.

Tackles—Earl Van Cleef, Kansas Wesleyan, and Robert Harrop, Ottawa.

Guards—James Mettner, Bethany, and Mike Vasquez, McPherson (cap-, tain.)

Center—Lawrence Blair, Kansas Wesleyan.

Quarterback — Reuben Harzman, College of Emporia.

Halfbacks—Lee Haun, McPherson, and Amos Morris, Kansas Wesleyan.

Fullback—John Warren, Bethany.

Second Team

Ends—Everett Morgan, Kansas Wesleyan, and Richard Lee, College of Emporia (captain.)

Tackles—Willis Hartup, College of Emporia, and Don Barngrover, Mc-Pherson.

Guards—Bob Wasson, College of Emporia, and Gordon Daugharty, Ottawa.    

Center—Edwin Davidson, Baker.

Quarterback —• Ernest Ireland, Bethany.

Halfbacks—Harold Zuhars, McPherson, and Dave Seaman. Baker.

Fullback—Clyde Warner. Kansas

Both Kansas Conference Turkey Day games ended in scoreless ties. Ottawa outgained C. of E., but couldn't put over the necessary markers. The Braves tried two place kicks late in the game, and the Presbies attempted one earlier.

Bethel College of Newton sent an-official word to the coaches that it would like to be admitted to the conference. The school may make formal application to the faculty representatives at Kansas City this weekend.    

Have you realized that Kansas Wesleyan was the only team to hold the Bulldogs scoreless during the past season?

The coaches of the conference met in Topeka Friday to patch up their basketball schedules and draft the 1937 football program.

C. of E., is hoping to renew grid relations with Emporia Teachers, their ancient rivals. Theirs is the oldest football rivalry in the state.