McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, nov. 25, 1936


Band To Be In Full Dress

Uniforms of Crimson Red and Trimmed in White Present Colorful Appearance

Concert Is Planned

S. C. M. Sponsors "Chance Party"

On Saturday evening, November 21, the personal relation commission of the S. C. M. sponsored a "chance" party in the student union room. Dates for the evening were chosen at random.

After an evening's entertainment of games and stunts refreshments were served to fifty-one.

Ensemble Group Next On Lyceum

Program To Be Given At Beginning

   Of Second Semester

For the first time in the history of McPherson College, a well-organ-ized band under the direction of Floyd Harris will appear in new full-dress band uniforms at the pep parade this afternoon and rally in the evening.

The uniforms are of crimson red and trimmed in white waistbands and shoulder straps. A white lyre with a red letter "M” bears the in-signa of the organization. These colorful Jackets with white duck trousers present a distinctive and colorful uniform.

This afternoon Director Harris’ College band will lead a Main street parade followed by an aggregation of pep club members, students, and other local Bulldog supporters. In the evening the band will appear again as the initial feature of the program of the pep rally.

Members of this organisation have spent many hours of arduous work and sacrifice in order that a band of high caliber could be realised. At present plans and preparations are being made to give a classical program to be presented in the sec-ond semester for the approval of the public.

This band has added an outstanding musical organization to McPherson College. Basing upon the great progress of this band, McPherson College can look forward to a larger and greater McPherson College band, that is destined through the coop-eration of students of musical abili-

ty, to rival any college band within the class of McPherson College.

In this twenty-piece band there are four cornets, three horns, two baritones, and two trombones. Six members play saxophones, only one plays a clarinet, and there are two drummers.

Floyd Harris, Winton Sheffer, Charles Pray, and Viola Harris toot the cornets; Alvin Goering, Harold Mohler and Stephen Stover play the horns; the baritones are played by Tony Voshell and Richard Horn; and Dale Coppock and Raymond Flory manage the trombones. Max Wilber, Harold Schubert, Joelle Letkeman, John Schmidt, Julia Frick and Phil Davis each play saxophones; Doris Pray is the only clarinetist; Francis Campbell plays the snare drum's Otho Clark beats the bass drum.

Park Beck Submits Report On Rights

National Student Association

Adopts List of Privileges

Park Beck, president of the Student Council of Columbia Teachers College, submitted a recent report which had been drawn up by the Committee on Student’s Rights. This report was adopted by the Cabinet and Executive Committee of the National Student Association.

The committee was convinced that rights are not inherent in the na-ture of things, but are acquired through the struggle of those who feel the need for such rights. Certain rights for which students may advantageously struggle at the present time are

(1)    The right of students to disagree with their teachers concerning the conclusions to be drawn from such evidence as is presented by teachers in class, without suffering any penalty for such disagreement;

(2)    the right of students to present such evidence as they may care to present in class with a similar measure of impunity;

(3 ) the right of students to participate freely in class discussions;

(4)    the right of students to voice in the determination of the curriculum;

(5)    the right of students to representation at faculty meetings at which interests of students in general are under consideration:

(C) the right of students to a hearing before the administration;

(7)    the right of students to discuss the institution and its personnel without penalty;

(8)    the right of a student to be tried by a jury of fellow students, in case of disciplinary charges by the faculty or administration;

(9)    the right of students to organize and to petition;

(10)    the right of students, as in-dividuals, to associate themselves with minority or other groups:

(11)    the right of students who are of legal ago to live their lives

Six Artists from Chicago Civic Symphony to Present Concert

Le Petit Ensemble, six distinctive artists of the Chicago Civic Symphony, will present the fourth number of the lyceum course on the evening of December 1.

Both magnificent ensemble and outstanding solo work are obtained by this group. Each member of the company is an artist in his own right as well as with the group. They have studied with such artists as Henri Hayza, Ramon Girvin, Elinor Swanson, Dr. Sigfrid Grager and Georges Szpinalski.

A popular feature of the programs of the Petite Ensemble is the String Quartette, consisting of two violins, viola and cello. A group of numbers especially written or arranged for this combination of in-struments delights with the beauty of the full string harmonies.

The repertoire of the ensemble is most comprehensive, including classical and semi-classical compositions as well as music of a lighter vein.

The outstanding artist to appear on the Le Petite Ensemble program is Father Arneson, pianist. She studied at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, during which period she won several scholarships. At the age of 18, Miss Anderson recieved the degree, Bachelor of Music. She was winner of the commencement contest of the American Conservatory playing a Liszt concerto at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Her debut, in 1928, was under the management of Jess B. Hall in the Young American artist series. In the program she will present solo numbers from the old masters.

This Ensemble was organized by Signe Elquist four years ago and it has appeared with marked success in concerts and musicals throughout Chicago. This is the first time the company has been made available this far west.

Meditation Aided by Quiet Music

Meditative and inspirational music was presented by Lorene Voshell, soloist; Mrs. Helen Holloway, organist; and Professor Fisher, pian-ist; at the mid-week vesper service which was held last Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the College church.

Plan to attend the vespers this week on Thursday evening at 6:45 in the College church.

Alumni Gather At Homecoming

McPherson “Mecca” for Devout Bulldog Supporters As Crowds Surge In

H. S. Band To Play

Coronation of Queen To Climax Evening Ceremonies

Panel Discussion

Given In S. C. M.

Personal and Family Relations Group Prepares Program

outside of the school free from faculty supervision, restricted only by such regulations as are imposed upon all citizens by the civil authori-

Karl von Hoffman Tells Of Africa

Explains Life and Customs of Balala Tribe in Rhodesia

Karl von Hoffman, scientist, explorer, research worker, and lecturer, presented the third in the series of lyceum numbers at the McPherson community building on Thurs-day evening, November 19.

Mr. von Hoffman is a research worker for the Field Museum in Chicago. Every year, during our summer, he goes on an exploration trip in the interests of that institution. His work takes him into practically every part of the globe.

Mr. von Hoffman’s lecture here was about Africa, more specifically, Rhodesia. He related interesting experiences of his eighteen years spent with the Jungle natives of that region. His entire speech glowed with thrilling tales of jungle beasts there. He showed the pictures filmed of the negroes, which depict in detail the life of a man from birth to death. He explained some of the strange customs observed by the Balala tribe. These pictures show the natives as they really live, for Mr. von Hoffman never goes near a mission station; his duty as a research worker as set forth by the Field Museum is to find the people who have never been reached by any form of civilization. "For any small prize," says Mr. von Hoffman, "a native will sing all the hymns he knows; but when a missionary’s back is turned, he will go back to

witchcraft." That is the reason the Museum desires him to avoid missions.

The next lyceum number will be presented on December 1 by a group  of musicians who call themselves "Le Petit Ensemble.”

Preaching Mission Closes;

Coppock Delivers Address

The final address of the eight day preaching mission, which was held during the past week at the College church, was delivered by Rev. X. L Coppock Sunday evening at 6: 30 and was followed by the communion and love-feast services.

The preaching mission began last Sunday morning, Nov. 15. Services have been held each evening of the past week with Rev. Xury L. Coppock, pastor of the Brethren church at Rocky Ford, Colo.. as the speaker. Special numbers of music were presented as each service.

A few of the subjects of Rev. Cop-pock’s messages were "The Message

S. C. M. Sponsors Box Social To Be Given Friday, Dec. 4

of the Four Horsemen," "The Mission of the Holy Spirit," and "The Transforming Power of the Cross."

These services were all quite well attended and it is believed that they have done much to renew the spiritual life of the people of this city.

A box social for all college students is being sponsored by the S. C. M. in the Student Union and Y. W. rooms Friday night, Dec. 4, at 8 o'clock.

All students are invited to attend this affair. Each girl is expected to bring a box with food to satisfy the appetites of two. while each boy is expected to bring a pocket full of coins so that he might buy the most beautiful box of the bonniest girl present.

Those who plan to attend are to go dressed as farmer lads and lassies. Charles Wagoner will serve as auctioneer, and will, no doubt, profit from his experiences in this capacity last year.

Additional information as to how boxes are to be prepared or any other questions concerning the social may be obtained from either Vera Heckman or Lola Mae Harbough.

Play Program Brings Large Crowd


Wednesday. Nov, 28—Parade, 5 p.m. Pep Rally. 8 p. m

Thursday. Nov. 28—Vacation starts. Kansas Wesleyan game, 2:30 pm. Alumni-Student Banquet. 6:30 p. m.

Monday, Nov. 30—Vacation ends.

The play production class of McPherson College presented three one-act plays last Monday evening in the college chapel.    

"Too Much Is Enough,” "Suppressed Desires.” and "The Brink of Silence” were given for the approval of a large audience.

"Can a woman Have a Home and Continue Her Career at the Same Time?” was the question discussed by a panel group in the regular S. C. M. meeting on Wednesday morning.

The program was prepared by the Personal and Family Relations commission. Those who composed the panel were Velma Watkins, who act-ed as chairman, Edith Jasper, Margaret Messamer, Glen McGonigle, Oliver Andrews and George Toland.

Points considered by the group were that it would depend very much on the kind of career chosen, for while woman might be able to engage in writing books, in art, or in social work, it would be practically impossible for her to enter the movies or continue her career if it made it necessary for her to leave her home for long periods of time. The problem was discussed from the viewpoint of the husband, the wife, and the children, both in relation to the world as a whole and in their relationships to their parents.

The group reached the conclusion that a woman does not have to be entirely devoted to the home after marriage, but that she could follow certain types of careers, if she so desired. However, it is very necessary that there be a mutuality of feeling between the wife and the husband concerning the continuation of the woman’s career in order to obtain better household harmony.

Coppock Addresses Students In Friday Morning Chapel

Rev, X. L. Coppock of Rocky Ford, Colorado, spoke to the students in chapel Friday morning. Rev. Coppock pastor of the Brethren Church at Rocky Ford, Colo, has been the guest pastor of the preaching mission for the past week.

Rev. Coppock's address was an inquiry whether youth was for the age or if the age was for youth. This was pointed out to be an age of things. Youth who have not used the age are caught in a great wave. Making youth to fit the age was cited as a great cause of youthful criminals. Environment helps to make one slave to the age in which he lives.

He mentioned the ideal age as be-ing one of great opportunities, but not the kind, to which we have been accustomed. "A personality is one who knows and knows that he knows. Personality is what makes you, you and me, me. Personality depends upon philosophy of life. Philosophy de-pends upon whether one is for the age, or if the age is for him.” Coppock stated.

Freshman Class Has Picnic

Today many of the graduates, former students and friends of the College are continually coming for the Homecoming, the first alumni event on the College’s 1936-1937 calendar commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the institution.

For students of the College and other local supporters of the Selves gridmen, preparations for the Thanksgiving Day battle with Wesleyan will begin this afternoon at four-thirty when Floyd Harris' College Pep band will lead a noisy Main Street parade. In order that it will he colorful as well as noisy, a College Pep club committee has made plans to decorate all available cars with streamers of red and white.

Tonight at seven-thirty the Harris band will introduce the evening's program in the college chapel. Students will give several special numbers— tap and ballet dancing, trio numbers, and vocal solos. Brief statements will be heard from Coach Lester Selves, assistant Johnson, and the Co-captains Vasquez and Haun. Paul Sargent, an ex-McPherson grid star will represent the alumni while Mr. August San Romani, director of the local high school band represents the town McPherson. Finally the program will find its climax when Miss Vera Heckman receives the crown of local football queenship from the hands of Clayton Rock, veteran Bulldog center and the president of the Student Council. Honored with the queen will be her attendants, Miss Margaret Fry und Miss Gladys Shank.

After the program the faculty social committee will serve cookies and coffee in the Student Union Room.

'Thursday the Bulldogs will meet the Coyotes in a decisive gridiron clash. Mr. San Romani and his McPherson high school band are going to be guests of the College at the game and play at the introduction of the Football Queen prior to the kickoff and again between the halves.

Following the game a banquet in the College dining hall will conclude the Homecoming activities. After the presidential welcome by Dr. V. F. Schwalm, a number of former football stars and other graduates representing various alumni centers will be introduced. Assistant Guy H. Hays of Ellsworth High School, all conference guard during his days at McPherson, will be the main after dinner speaker. The College male quartet will render several selections during the course of the banquet.

The College is offering a combina-

Beat the Wesleyan Coyotes! !

Discuss Restaurant Etiquette At Women’s Council Meeting

The Women’s Council held another meeting last night for the freshman girls. The topic used was restaurant etiquette. Emma Schmidt led the discussion, and members of the council acted out the correct form.

Last Friday night the Freshman class went to Coronado Heights for a weiner roast.

About thirty of the students left from the campus in private cars at three o’clock. The Heights proved to be a very nice picnic ground. While the boys played base ball, the girls explored the rocky paths and prepared the food. With the darkness came cold north winds. Everyone, having had a good time, was ready to come back and get ready for open house nt Arnold Hall.

Beat the Wesleyan Coyotes !

tion game banquet ticket at one dollar. The ticket for the banquet alone will be forty cents and for the game alone, seventy-five cents. Tickets for the banquet must be reserved at the College Business office before tomorrow.    

S. C. M. Commission Sponsors Picnic On Sunday Afternoon

Seventeen members of the World Cooperation Commission of the S. C. M. hiked to Anderson’s grove Sunday afternoon. The afternoon was spent roasting weiners and playing ball.

Those present were Ruby Wei-mer, Louise Keim, Avis Heckman, Esther Kimmel, Theresa Strom, Margaret Louise Kagarice, Toshiro Tsubokawa, George Toland, Lawrence Boyer, Wilbur Stern, Galen Stern, Addison Saathoff, Howard Byers, Stephen Stover, Ira Milton Hoover, Elmer Dadisiman and Phillip Davis.

Glee Goughnour, Gordon Yoder and Evelyn Herr visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Herr at Navarre Sunday.

The Spectator


Editor-in Chief........................—.......—- Harold Larsen

Assistant Editor    ..............Norman Edwards.

Feature Editor    --------- —------- Gladys Shank

Sports Editor.......................................-Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers    Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark

Business Manager .....—... ........ Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager............ Gordon Bower

Assistant Business Manager    ..........Russell Kingsley

Does This Fit You?

The Gallery


Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields

Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour Lee Haun LaVena High

Opal Hoffman    

Rilla Hubbard Herbert Ikenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler

Is The State Bound By Moral Law?

Spinoza, the noted Dutch philosopher and maker of lenses, at one time said, "The state is not bound by moral law. " The implication in this case is that only individual beings are bound by moral law.

In order to clarify this statement let us take a practical example. If a state is not bound by any moral law it has a perfect right to declare war and direct its citizens to kill those of another country. In order to carry this idea to its logical conclusion let us say that the state is perfectly justified in this case. Because it has this right the state can make its citizens kill and plunder for its own sake.

From the standpoint of the Individual, however, the question is not so simple. In order for him to follow the dictates of the state he must merge his identity with it. To the same extent that he does this he is setting aside his personal morals. What was formerly outside the bounds of decency and moral law is now justified: the individual no longer is held accountable for his actions as long as he does the bidding of his superiors. Can an indi

vidual who has thus set aside moral restraints re-enter private life in a normal way? History shows that he cannot. Not only are the morals of an individual affected in this way but the morals of the group are likewise affected. The spread of crime and the laxity in morals since 1920 can be traced directly to the World War.

Thus one cannot agree with Spinoza that a state is not bound by moral law. For if it acts without restraint the individual citizen will be forced to set aside his moral convictions. It is therefore obvious that either state and individual are both bound by moral law or they both are not; moral law cannot apply to only one.

Let us carry the argument a step further. If a state is not bound by a law that binds the individual then God must operate through two different sets of laws. However, all evidence testifies to the contrary. If there is one God there can he only one set of laws or processes through which he works. Thus one cannot agree with Spinoza for a state as well as an individual must take the consequences when it oversteps a moral law.

What I Appreciate About McPherson College

I once had a high school teacher who had a novel idea of how to cure the depression. Give every man and woman in America a college education, he contended; in this way all interests and demands will be widened. People will then demand good clothes, good books to read, a radio to enable them to listen to good music. etc. In this way the market will be enlarged, consumption increased and the wheels of industry made to turn. Regardless of the validity of this argument there is an element of truth in it, for college does change a person. It certainly has made a difference in my life.

I do not belong to the Church of the Brethren, therefore I have, first of all, been able to see religion from a somewhat different viewpoint. This religious influence, together with the intellectual atmosphere on the campus has widened my horizons and made me more open minded. My parents, like so many others wanted their first born son to become a minister. Because of their determination I set my mind against the ministry as a life’s work. Ministers aren’t ordinary people anyway, I said. They are just a little different—that’s why they are ministers. With this mind set I

was surprised to find out when I came to college that some of the finest, capable young men on the campus were studying to go into the ministry. As I learned to know some of these fellows better I came to real-ize that the ministry is a calling that offers real opportunity for service and challenges the best there is in a person.

Someone has said that college prolongs the period of adolescence. Be that as it may, college does enable a person to become better equipped for later life. Many of my former high school chums have for several years had steady jobs, but their period of training was terminated abruptly when they graduated from high school. A college environment, by prolonging the period of adolescence, enables one, eventually to become a more mature. Because of this, it helps a person in developing a technique in getting-along with people. During my three years and two months of college I have been thrown into con-tact with people who disagree with my beliefs and methods. In an environment that encourages openmindedness and discussion I have learned how to work with these people—-Willard Flaming.

To be well bred is not a matter of innate capacity, of heredity, of class. Rather it is a result of long and arduous practice in the niceties of life, grounded in a thoro knowledge of the rules by which society governs its members, and undertaken with a zealous interest and desire to fit into society's gear as a well polished cog rather than to stand out as a most incongruous lug.

One of the functions of a college dining ball Is to provide sufficient gastronomic fuel for the preservation of life and limb. Another function, equally important, tho often neglected, is the training of its members in the amenities of the dinner table. McPherson College would be failing signally in its attempt to develop individuals if it did not offer opportunities for training in the social graces.

This training requires three things: a manual of just what is and what isn’t being done, an opportunity to put the manual into use; and good example. The dining hall is the laboratory, and many of the diners are sufficiently well versed in attractive manners to serve as model guides. The third requisite is available in a multitude of good hooks in the library, but since these are so often slighted, a series of short articles in the Spec are proposed to expose some of the more glaring faults witnessed in our own dining hall, and suggest remedies in an impersonal manner. This is the first of such a series.

Perhaps no one would suspect college students of being guilty of some of the following malpractices —however, they all actually do exist in the college dining hall, and are observed every day.

1.    Ordinarily it is assumed that a fork and spoon are the only eating utensils which ever touch the lips. Imagine, then, the chagrin which comes to a cultured individual when he or she perceives his neighbor blandly licking the full length or his KNIFE after spreading a piece of bread..

2.    That immediately suggests another point. Good taste dictates that one butter and eat only small pieces of bread at a time. Good taste then, is flagrantly violated when someone calmly rips whole slices of bread into two pieces, grasps one piece firmly by the corner with thumb and forefinger, and proceeds to spread the entire surface with a fine thick covering of butter, devouring the same in large mouthfuls. Of course, one must consider

I’m wondering how many equations Dr. Hershey had to equalize before be came to the astounding result: I am driving the family car, therefore, Ardys isn’t.

The serenade of our warbling mid-nighters in Fahnestock was unique in the hollow-sounding benediction pronounced by Vernon Michael; "Peace be unto you... "

Don’t worry, Weaver, I’m suppressing those puns now that Dr. Schwalm and Mr. Davis have returned.

If the roast chicken at our Thanksgiving banquet is a bit prickly, we’ll just blame the foods-laboratory girls who did approach the pinfeathers of the birds rather gingerly.

York and Miller started Monday night to get their pulses quickened for the coming fray. Here’s hoping

they take the Coyotes off their feet too.

Miss Sheets' unfeigned manner is one of the rarest jewels on this campus.        

The plays were revealing bits of drama: by giving Keedy an excuse for being herself: by displaying the attractiveness of Evelyn Dell, by putting George’s heroism in an expressive setting; and by drawing attention to June’s eyes by footlight emphasis.

One petition I’m going to sneak in with my prayers of Thanksgiving— "Please don’t let me feel as gloomy as I did last year when I was sitting on the dorm steps and Dr. Smith in-formed us homesick, dorm-condemned gals that we would have rules concerning late hours.”

the waste of energy involved if one takes the trouble to break that immense slice of bread into smaller pieces!

3.    During the course of a meal one’s fingers are apt to become more or less coated with minute bits of grease, food, etc., especially if one is careless. Then, if one passes another’s glass while grasping it gently around the lip with all five finger tips, it is apt to leave a beautiful set of finger prints which would delight the heart of almost any good police station. The experience of drinking from a glass after the lip has been gently fondled by others in passing is about as pleasant as using your next door neighbor’s tooth brush!

4.    One of the first things children are usually taught in the way of manners is the use of "please" and "thank you" in asking for food to be passed, etc. That this primary lesson in courtesy has not been learned by some boorish individuals is amply witnessed every day in the dining hall.

5.    Again, a few people in college are afflicted with weak backs and necks. In order to protect these backs and necks it is found necessary by such people to support themselves while eating by resting the left forearm on the table. Altho this greatly discomforts the neigh

bor on the left, it is decidedly convenient for the personage In ques-tion, for he is thus enabled to lean far forward into his plate, bracing himself for the ordeal of shoveling in the victuals. This is accomplished by a rapid fire automatic process which requires only a monotonously quick flip of the wrist and down goes the food. It goes without saying that such swift consumption requires a preliminary heaping of the plate with a-fore mention victuals. In order that the voracious glutton need not get ahead of his neighbors in point of time!

So, this could draw on indefinitely, but more will come next week.

A closing thought might be to the effect that good manners dictate that pickles and cheese are known as finger foods and are bandied entirely with the fingers. NOT the fork.


Thanksgivin’ Day is Comin'

Thanksgivin’ Day is comin';

Are you ready for it yet,

Is your dinner gettin’ started, And is your stomach set?

Can you smell the good ol' stuffin' E’en before the Turkey’s shot. Can you taste Grandmother’s gravy

’Fore it’s boilin in the pot?

Can you see the family gathered ’Round the table, talking too— Oh it's great—these good old dinners.

Thinkest I: what thinkest you?

—The Turtle

Students at the University of Ken-tucky can send messages to almost any foreign country in the world through their 1. 000 watt short wave radios station at no cost to them-selves.

The Inauguration of William A. Eddy as president of Hobart and William Smith colleges brings the total number of Princeton university graduates now heading American colleges to 11.

Welcome, alumni and friends, to our Annual Homecoming!

Everything is swing these days. A modern music club is being organized at New York university. The purpose is to aid in the understanding of modern music, particularly those forms known as Jazz, hot Jazz and springy swing.

Fahnestock Fellows Migrate To Arnold Hall For Open House—Good-by Boys, Come Again!

Is that smoke coming out of Arnold Hall? Nope, you guessed wrong that time. That’s just the result of the girls, swishing brooms around in the corners, behind the doors and flinging a dust rag over the window casings and table tops—you know, good old dirt!

That very same night, Friday, at 8: 30, Mrs. Arnold spread down the "Welcome" door mat and bade her visitors to enter therein. The girls threw open their doors, set the candy on the tables, put on their best smiles and invited their guests to “just try to find some dirt. " It has been heard that a couple of visitors from Fahnestock did find some dirt on a picture and on top of the door casing in one room on second. Just imagine! However, the rooms did look much cleaner than usual, so the Health inspector said.     

About one hundred fifty people roamed in and out the rooms in those two and a half hours before eleven o'clock, it was found that some of these people had very high ambitions. For instance, one of the members of the Spec wants to be president of the W. C. T. U.; an inmate of Kline desires to be a member of the Sing Sing Chorus; our deaconness  wishes to be a spreader of the gospel; some disappointed soul wants to fall

out of love. One poor boy hasn't grown up yet --his ambition is to 

Miss Atkinson was in Manhattan over the week end.

Emerson Chisholm was host at a dinner party Wednesday, Oct. 18. at his home in Roxbury. Becky Stauffer, Jessie Miller, Ruth Taylor, Alberta Keller, LaVena High, Mary Trostle, Aileen Wine, Rilla Hubbard, Milton Morrison, Earl Mathiot, Ed-ward Jones, Erwin Bentz, Oliver Andrews, Marvin Riddel and George Toland were the guests.

Floy Lackey and Oliver Andrews were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hayes at Ellsworth.

Julia Frick and Edith Hughey spent Saturday night and Sunday at Julia's home in Durham.

George Toland, Floy Lackey, Oliver Andrews, and Frances Campbell were In Hutchison Saturday on business.

Harold Mohler and Amos Miller left Tuesday morning to go to their homes in Leeton, Missouri, and Waterloo, Iowa. Amos will attend the Hilltop Meeting at Waterloo Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Dr. Petry returned Tuesday morning from Waterloo, Iowa.

Welcome, alumni and friends, to our Annual Homecoming!

Special Candy Night at Kline

Fellows, Better Find Out When

come an expert candy-maker. (Gentlemen, line forms on the left! ) Saturday and Sunday nights are candy nights. Monday is ice cream night, and the Mary Ann's delivery boy finds Kline pretty profitable business.     

Another way in which Kline is distinctive is the successful introduction of her own new honor system. Considering nine weeks as a fair trial of its "workability, ” it has been a success. Only a few of the ninety spaces (five for each of the eighteen girls) were filled, proving that we Kitcheneers aren’t such a bad lot, after all!

We welcome you, ladies and gentlemen, to our home! We really can entertain, if given a chance. You may rest assured that we won’t treat you too roughly. If only you’ll venture inside our door.

Is it a go? Okey, we’ll be seeing you!

Somebody’s cooking onions! The beans are burning! Soup’s on! Such is the nature of the shouts that fill the corridors of Kline Hall at all waking hours. To be sure, the budding young domestics are here receiving their start. Some of the most dee-lishus odors come out of those kitchenettes (and some not so delicious, sad to say! ). For the most part, however, the Kline Kit-cheneers are finding their work enjoyable and successful. The favorite dishes seem to be combinations —all sorts and descriptions. Then there are those who have their favorite dishes and stick doggedly to them. There’s Lillys, for example, who never fails to have her chocolate pudding. Marjorie and Lois prefer "minute” steaks. Elma likes soups. June and Opal will choose good old hash every time! Every single inmate of Kline Hall has be-

R. A. Makes Large Loans and Grants

C. A. Ward Commands Investment in Future Success

More than $31, 000. 000 has been advanced in loans and grants by the Resettlement Administration during the past year in Nebraska, Kansas and the Dakotas, a report from the office of Regional RA Director Cal A. Ward revealed today.

Ward commented he thought the total "represents a big investment in the future success and prosperity of these four farm states. ”

"This money coming in the from of rehabilitation loans or emergency grants has helped many a farmer get started back on the road to independence, " he declared. "And this year, since the drouth, it has also meant prevention of actual starvation for hundreds of families who were- left without a cash income. "

The summary report said a total of $13, 890, 622 had been advanced on 65, 410 rehabilitation loans in the four states. An additional $7, 435, 346 went out in the form of outright emergency grants to 38, 353 families.

By states the figures showed North Dakota with the largest amount of loans. $4, 071. 164 having been advanced in that state in 17127 transactions. Nebraska had $3, 727, 250 loaned in 8, 007 cases, South Dakota $3, 244, 012 while Kansas was low with $2, 848, 196 in 4. 287 transactions.

Ward explained that the figure were as of November 1 and that they covered the period since the inauguration of the RA In July. 1935.

South Dakota had the largest total number of grants during that time. A $3, 233, 682 amount was distributed to 14, 474 families in that state. North Dakota was next with 9, 087 families requiring $2, 412, 850 in emergency grant aid while Kansas came third with $1, 039, 470 distributed to 7, 175 families. In Nebraska $749, 344 was advanced to 7. 617 families.

In addition to the loan and grant program of the RA, Regional Director Ward pointed out that the work of adjusting farmers' debts to the point where they could pay them had been an important part of the  activities during the past year.

Under this phase 5, 906 farmers and their creditors in the four states met in friendly conferences which resulted in a scaling down of more than 30 per cent of the original  debts.

The figures showed total debts of $22, 560, 216 before adjustment and $14, 219, 097 after adjustment- a reduction of $8, 341, 118. As a result of the work, which Ward ex-plained is done by voluntary citizens' committees, taxes amounting to $726, 196 were paid on the 1, 675, 038 acres operated by the fanners involved.

"It seems to me these figures are a summary of achievement and not just a dollars and cents account-ing, " the Regional Director observed. "Farmers and business men in the towns of the region know the Resettlement Administration’s program has been valuable to them individually, but when the entire pic-ture is presented as in this report I think it becomes clear that the program has been of inestimable benefit to the entire four states of the re-gion. "

Welcome to Homecoming, Alumni!


Punkin Center, Nov. 16

Dear Ones:

All I know is what I read in the papers, and I don’t have time to read the papers. In fact, I hardly know which way is up, —to think, in the last three days I have let two thousand dollars slip between my fingers, never to return again! Two thousand dollars! Passed through my hands and gone! Could I stood it? Yes, I can, for in those three days I threshed and sacked 15, 500 pounds of lespedeza (... if in doubt about what it is, ask Hess—or Forney)... which is now selling for thirteen cents a pound. I have been as busy as the proverbial cranberry merchant on the day before Thanksgiving, threshing every day and going to church at night. You would think as long as I have been in college I wouldn’t care for revival meetings any more, but I guess I must be kind of old-fashioned, because I went to one of these meetings once and came away a different person—came back to college after being out four years, having replaced doubt and discouragement with faith and hope. I kind of like to believe in a God who cares for individual folks, and Who will reach down and help them if they will let Him. I must be old-fashioned, for I can’t quite catch the enthusiasm of those who’s Jesus is a dead Jew who had grandeur delusions—poor, imperfect, and fearful though I be, I would see Jehovah!

Are these funny things for a funny-man to write? Being out in the open with no professor to direct and no book to follow sort of makes one do some serious thinking for himself. Things are getting serious —I can’t go hunting any more, for I can’t hit anything on the run and a new federal regulation forbids shooting at still targets for fear someone will hit a PWA or NYA worker.


G. Green.

Class in Campcraft Begins
Under Supervision of Dell

A new class—campcraft—organized at the insistence of students who want to prepare for summer camp work will be supervised by Professor S. M. Dell of the McPherson College industrial arts department.

The purpose of the class is to prepare a manual and to work out projects in handicraft for summer camps. Another phase of the work will be research covering other fields of handicraft.

Class projects will include work with leather, sheet metal, reed, weaving, woodwork, and celluloid. Members will meet twice a week to work on their various projects.

Campcraft is a non-credit course open to both boys and girls. It is offered as a part of the industrial arts program of McPherson College, the only one of our church schools which has an industrial arts department.

Marvin Michael, brother of Vernon Michael, of Wichita visited friends on the campus Monday.

This Queer Game

Called Football!

Football is a queer game. The cheer leaders are queer: they rush idiotically back and forth In front of the cheering sections like three blind mice or the headless horseman, shouting at the tops of their voices. To incite the crowd to greater vocal efforts, they resort to wild fantastic gyrations almost unbelievable. The pandemonium soon has spectators like myself in a sort of Morphean daze, and through half-closed eyes the whole tumult is remindful of the erratic progressions of the inevitable inebriates after the game.

Football is a queer game. The players are queer: they rush at each other like battering rams with all the ferocity of the well-known William, the goat. Their sole purpose, seemingly, is to crack the skull of the opposing players or to incapacitate them by any other possible means. Quite often they succeed, and the player, sometimes injured for life is brought to the bench while the crowd howls happily. They are glad to be rid of him, who threatened their gridiron supremacy.

Football is a queer game. The spectators are queer: they yell and shout with joy when they are winning. They boo the referee, and swear at him on occasion, when they are not winning. They tear down the goal posts when they win; they steal line-markers when they don’t. They cheer when opposing players are injured. For a different reason they cheer when their own players are brought off the field. Ah. the glory of football—what a game!

grow a heard. One lonesome lover says his ambition doesn't live here and another echoes "neither does mine. ” Some are still hunting their ambition, some have lost their ambition, but we know that the person whose ambition is "Father Dione" has plenty -to lose.

Along about ten o'clock visitors become fewer, and some of the fair hostesses grew weary of receiving guests and craved excitement. A couple of decks of cards were secured and a game of "pig" was started in room 10. The hilarious laugher from this group excited much interest and drew a crowd of spectators. And even after those who were enjoying coffee and cakes downstairs in the parlor were turned out, the game continued— until Mrs. Arnold came and broke it up. Reluctant to leave the boys scattered all over the place. They wanted to play hide-go-seek but Mrs. Arnold didn’t want to, so they said "All right. If you won’t play the way we want to, we'll go home. " And they went. Yes, all of them some later than Others.

It was fun open house at Arnold Hall. And there was no "foot" charge either. And so, the inhabitants of Arnold once again hang out the signs, "private. Keep out" (which refer to only those of the opposite sex) on their doors until next year. Come again!

Jonathan Hammersley's mother and sister are visitors on the campus this week.

Margaret Messamer, Ruby Welmer, Valera Pierce, Louise Keim and Emma Schmidt were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hess and Mary Richards.


Bulldogs To Meet Coyotes Thursday

A Win Over Wesleyan Ties M.

C. for First Place in Kansas


Tomorrow afternoon the McPherson College Bulldogs clash with the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes to de-termine the championship of the Kansas Conference. A victory for the Bulldogs means a tie with Wesleyan for the title, but a loss will mean that McPherson slips to third place below Bethany.

Coach Mackie's Coyotes have had an outstanding record of victories this year. Their only loss came from the strong Texas college two weeks ago. In eight games they have scored 162 points against 49 for their opponents.

Wesleyan has one of the strongest power houses it has had for several years. The Bulldog line will be outweighed 13 pounds to the man, the averages being 186 and 175 pounds. The coyotes' back-field will also outweigh the Canines 167 to 160.

The Bulldogs will have lots to fight for in the games. With two regulars on the side-lines because of injuries, those in the game will have to play harder to make up for their losses. This year McPherson has the chance to finish with the highest rating since 1923, when the Canines won the undisputed title. And remember this—no member of the Bulldog squad has ever lost a football game to Kansas Wesleyan. In 1933 and 1934, McPherson won by scores of 6 to 0 and 7 to 6. Last year, the game ended in a scoreless tie.

The coach and team as a whole are determined to turn back the horde of Coyotes who will invade the Bulldog territory for the Turkey Day game. Despite a few adverse circumstances, Coach Selves is going ahead, determined to present a team McPherson will be proud of, and a team that will put up the best fight it has to tie for the Conference championship.

The starting lineup:






Horst - -

- LE

- Watson



Hall - -

- LT

• Glazier



York - -

- LG

- Tibbets



Rock - -

- C

- - Blair




- RG

- - Baer




- RT

Van Cleet



McGill -

- RE

- Morgan



Keck - -

- QB

• - Swift



Zuhars -

- L H

- - Morris



Haun - -

- RH

- Warner




- FB

- - Shaw


Kansas Conference Standings

W L T Pst Pts Op Kan. Wes.    .    4    0    0    1.000    82

McPherson    .._ 3    1    0    .750    48    26

Bethany ....... 3    1    1    .700    41    15

Ottawa .....    .1    2    1    .375    20    64

Baker_______ 1    4    0    .200    20    64

C. of E........ 0    4    0    .000    26    59

Results Last Week Bethany, 14; Baker. 0.

Games Thursday Kansas Wesleyan vs. McPherson at McPherson.

College of Emporia vs. Ottawa at Ottawa.

Coach "Bud” Selves

Sport Skits

Bulldog Regulars Forced To Bench

Crabbe And Seidel To Watch Game From Sidelines

Delbert Crabbe and Martin Seidel, quarterback and guard, are two Bulldog regulars who will be watch-ing the game from the side lines. Both players were severely injured in the Kearney game two weeks ago. Quarterback

Coach "Bud" Selves, in his first year as head coach of the Bulldogs, has produced a team of championship calibre. His magnetic personality has entirely won over not only his charges, but the entire student body as well. "Bud" is a former College of Emporia star and has been assistant football coach at McPherson for three years prior to his appointment as head coach.


Crabbe's shoulder was wrenched out of place when several big "bruisers" piled him, due to poor officiating as reported. He is now recovering from an operation, which was necessary to knit the ligaments back in place.


Results Bulldog-Coyotes Games































1935 1926

McPherson. No game.



W 23













1929 McPherson.















































Volley Ball Starts

Alley oop! There goes that ball right up into the balcony. Oh. oh! you knocked all the dirt off the beam that time!

You see, the W. A. A. girls have just started practicing volley ball, and their balls go a little wild. But oven after three practices, volley ball of improvement are noticeable. Captain Keller is often heard commanding her team mates to “play the net," "play your position,’' and "use both hands." Captain Flory yells, "get under the ball," “keep your eye on it.” Under such coaching from these two and a few helpful "hints” from others, these girls will really be hot shot volley ball players.

Regular volley ball practices are on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 7 o'clock.

Wesleyan has always been a thorn to the Bulldogs in any sport. For the last three years Coyote victories in basketball have knocked McPherson out of the championship race.—And all three games have been lost by one point, scored in the last minute of play.

Coach A. B. Mackie of Kansas Wesleyan has told his players that they will not receive their gold footballs or the annual football banquet unless they win tomorrow. If the crowd and eleven men will dig in and fight for victory until the last whistle, there are going to be some gentlemen missing their banquet and golden footballs.

The Bethany Swedes continued their victory by defeating Baker 14 to 0. Ireland's passes again contributed toward the win. Baker's only threat was halted on the 17 yard line by the final gun.    

The Bulldogs will be fighting for either first or third place in the conference Thursday.

Crabbe and Seidel, the two injured players who cannot participate Thursday are slowly improving. Saturday an operation was performed on Crabbe to bind his arm back into the socket. He is slowly regaining his strength.

Coyote Fullback

Junior Shaw, Coyote halfback, is a fast, aggressive player on the Wesleyan team, rated one of the strongest elevens in the state this year.

Fifteen men are working out regularly for basketball. So far the drill has consisted entirely of working on fundamentals. About fifteen more from the football squad will report next week.

Gene Kemper says that C. of E. still has the most enthusiastic student body in the state. Let’s exhibit a lot of pep tomorrow and show him that McPherson is a strong contender for the honor.

McPherson has won 5 games.— Kansas Wesleyan has won 8 games —Two games have been tied.

Kans Conference Standings in 1923


McPherson .





Friends .





Emporia Teachers





Ottawa. .....-










C. of E.





Ft. Hays Teachers





Pittsburg Teachers





Fairmont .......




St. Marys *




.4 29

Kan*. Wes.















Bethel ........





Washburn .






Seidel's leg was broken Just above the ankle when he tackled a ball-currier and someone fell on him. He is now rapidly recovering and is at-tending classes on crutches.

Those two men will be missed in the Bulldog lineup, but due to excellent reserve material and by shifting of the lineup, the Bulldogs will be in full strength.

Every Bulldog will be out there fighting tomorrow not only because of the team and school, but also for two gentlemen who will be watching from the sidelines, cheering them on. York and Keck will start the game in Seidel's and Crabbe's positions respectively.

Mrs. A. C. Keller, mother of Alberta Keller, is spending the week with Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Strickler.

Welcome, alumni and friends, to our Annual Homecoming!

The Amherst College Glee club is one of the oldest college glee clubs in the country, having had about 76-years of continuous concert work.

Advertisement in the Minnesota Daily: "Wanted. A big, crazy male University student with small appetite—will work way around the world or something."

Victor E. Albright. Wisconsin banker, donated $5,000 to West Virginia university to establish a scholarship fund to help finance one graduate of a Preston county high school through the university each year.

New courses in art metal, bookbinding, and ornamental cementing are being offered this semester by the industrial arts department of North Dakota State college.

Wesleyan, too is sponsoring a big pep rally Wednesday evening. They'll have a big crowd here tomorrow with lots of pep.

Beat the Wesleyan Coyotes! !

Wouldn’t it be swell to be the only team in Kansas to beat Kansas Wesleyan?

Beat the Coyotes ! !