VOL. XX McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, nov. 19, 1936 NUMBER. 11



McPerson College Alumni to Gather For Annual Homecoming

Bulldogs Seek Grid Co-Title

Victory for McPherson Means a Tie with Coyotes for Conference Championship

Contest to be Close

Game Offers Opportunity for Highest Standing Since ’23

A share in the Kansas conference championship is the prize the McPherson College Bulldogs will be fighting for when they meet Kansas Wesleyan University on the local gridiron before a probable capacity crowd of alumni visitors and local supporters a week from today.

Victory over the Coyotes will give Coach Bud Selves' charges a co-standing with the Salina gridmen at the head of the league, with four victories and one defeat for each team. It is an opportunity to finish higher than any McPherson team has finished since 1923.

Wesleyan is, so to speak, already in. Even if defeated by the Canines Thanksgiving Day, the Men of Mack-ie will retain a half-interest in the Conference crown. A tie would permit them to hold it unshared, while McPherson dropped to a second place berth with Bethany. With seven victories to their credit, and defeat only at the hands of a powerful Hardin - Simmons machine, the Coyotes naturally appear formidable. McPherson supporters, however, are depending on the benefit of the home field and the challenge of the opportunity of a first place tie to off-set the paper advantage of the Methodists.

Superior Team on Field Even with Seidel and Crabbe on the sidelines—as they may be from injuries sustained in the Kearney game November 13—Coach Selves will still be able to put on the field an eleven equal or superior to the McPherson teams that shared a three way tie for second place in the Conference standings In 1934 and 1936. The big teachers' college squads from Emporia and Kearney (Neb. ) are the only ones with which the Bulldogs have been unable to cope successfully. In spite of yielding seven touhdowns in these two games, McPherson has registered 109 points to opponents 92. Coach Selves has stressed offensive rather than defen-sive football, has told his men not to worry about being scored on as long

as they are ringing up a sub-stantial number of touchdowns of their own. The result has been a wide open type of game that the crowds have liked. A list of the season's scores disclose that only Baker, thus far, has failed to score on the Bulldogs.

McPherson 26, Emporia Teachers McPherson 7, Emporia Teachers 20 McPherson 26, Bacone 7 McPherson 26, Ottawa 7 (Continued on page 4. )

Potential Kansas Conference Champions for 1936

Welcome Grads to Alma Mater

The 1936 Bulldog football squad is composed of the following men: upper row, left to right. Johnston. Mathiot. Voshell. Hall. Wiegand. Boyer. Barngrover. Colwell. Vaughn. Schroeder. Liss. Coach Selves; second row. Abuhl. York. Moehlman. Carter. Miller, B. Seidel. Robertson. Ogden. Horst; lower row. Crabbe. M. Seidel. Zuhars. Vasquez, Rock. Williams. Shannon. Keck. McGill.

American Mythology Topic of Flory’s Talk

Piano Solos and Skits from Plays Presented In Chapel Tuesday

Dr. C. R. Flory, head of the English department, addressed the stu-dents in chapel Tuesday morning, on American mythology.

He said that America was born late and spent her youth with older brothers and sisters. Because of this she has almost skipped the infant period of inactivity. America was born with the Industrial revolution and science on her doorstep. Dr. Flory pointed out that for this reason Americans are predisposed to believe only in the most tangible.

He cited Paul Bunyan and Davy Crockett as being American historical, legendary figures and narrated some of their escapades. They were mentioned as being relatives of At-las, Hercules, Thor, Beowulf and King Arthur.

America came too late to take her mythical heroes seriously, consequently American mythology contains much humor. The ability of a nation to laugh at itself signifies broadmindedness and tolerance. "May we never forget how to laugh. "

Professor Nevin W. Fisher played three piano compositions: "Prelude In C Minor" by Chopin, "Poetic Fragment Number 1 (Lamartine)" by Godard, and "Humoresque, " by George Messick.

Skits from the one-act plays to be given next Monday evening in the College chapel, were presented by the Play Production class.

Rosalie Fields, Doris Dresher, Olga Garvey, Ruth Rogers, Lucile Kistner, Virginia Harris, and Evelyn Dell went to Coronado Heights Sunday afternoon.

Alumni President Gives Invitation

Several weeks ago, while sorting some materials in the Industrial Arts office a pictorial edition of "The Republican" published in 1901 was discovered. No doubt some of the alumni carry mental pictures of the city of McPherson as it appeared at that time yet many of this student generation can scarcely imagine that McPherson ever was that way. The picture of McPherson College showed two buildings and windmill on the campus.

How long has it been since you have been in the city of McPherson and on the campus? Did you ever see a football game on the college field? " A big Home-Coming is being planned for Thanksgiving Day. Notify your friends to meet you here. See the growth of the city of McPherson, see the improvements on the campus, see the championship football game, (Wesleyan Coyotes vs. Bulldogs) attend the reunion


Thursday, Nov. 19 Vespers 7 p. m.

Lyceum 8: 30 p. m.

Friday, Nov. 20

Open House Arnold Hall 8 to 11 p. m.

Saturday, Nov. 21

Personal Relations Commission Party 8 p. m.

Sunday. Nov. 22

Christian Endeavor 6: 30 p. m. Monday, Nov. 23    

Women’s Council 4: 30 p. m.

Plays given by Play Production Class 8 p. m.

Wednesday, Nov. 25 Parade 4: 30 p. m.

Pep Rally 8: 00 p. m.

Thursday, Nov. 26

Kansas Wesleyan Game 2: 30 p. m. Alumni Banquet 6: 30 p. m.

Y. W. Secretary Comes to Campus

Miss Clara Schweiss Visits Commission Wednesday

Miss Clara Schweise, regional Y. W. C. A secretary, visited on the  campus Wednesday and Thursday. She spent some of her time with the Personal and Family Relations and the World Cooperation commissions.

She is the counsellor for this region and travels from college to college giving the various Christian move

banquet, renew old acquaintances, and make new friendships. It means something to be an alumnus of McPherson College. The association urges you to take that long desired trek back to M. C. for Thanksgiving.     

8. M. DELL.

Pres., Alumni Assoc.

Thespian Club to Present Three One-Act Plays Dec. 16

The Thespian Club will present three one-act plays in the college chapel, Wednesday evening, December 16.

The committee in charge has arranged for every member of the club to have an active part in these productions. Yolanda Clark Is coaching a fantasy, "The Gazing Globe. " The characters are Oliver Andrews, Velma Watkins and Theresa Strom.

“Poky,” a farce comedy of the story of Pocahontas and John Smith is under the direction of Paul Lackie and includes in its cast; Bill Fry, La Vena High, Elma Minnick, Becky Stauffer, Lowell Brubaker, Paul Lackie, Homer Kimmel and Fred Nace. A tragedy, "Submerged” will be coached by Louis Gnagy. The cast is George Toland, Harold Mohler, Kenneth Weaver, Harold Larsen, Delbert Crabbe and Charles Pray.

The committee for make-up, staging, properties, costuming, and publicity is Margaret Messamer, Frances Campbell, Lowell Brubaker, Vera Heckman, Viola Harris, and Bernice Keedy.

Play Production Class Puts

Final Polish on Three Plays

"The Brisk of Silence, " "Suppressed Desires, " and "Too Much Is Enough. " the three one-act plays which will be presented by the play production class next Monday evening, are receiving their final polishing rehearsals this week. Manuscripts have been laid aside all this week, and much progress has been shown by the casts, according to the student coaches.     

The program will begin at 8 p. m. Monday. Students will be admitted by student activity tickets, others twenty-five cents and fifteen cents.

Between plays orchestra music will be provided.


ments advice and help.

The Reinterpretation of Religion Commission met Tuesday evening in the Student Union Room. The group discussed what a life commitment is and attempted to make a practical application of Jesus' life commitment to their own lives.

The Creative Leisure group held an informal discussion on pottery. Evelyn Herr and Doris Doane gave reports on "The Technique of Making Pottery." Virginia Harris gave a description of Mexican pottery. Further discussion concerning classic and modern pottery designs follow-

Championship Game with K.

W. Feature of Two-Day Program

Banquet Thursday

Friends and Alumni to Honor

Coach Selves and Squad

A two day program featuring a conference championship football game with Kansas Wesleyan University will mark here next Wednesday and Thursday, November 25 and 26, one of the most elaborate homecomings ever sponsored by McPherson College.

A large number of graduates, former students, and friends of the College are expected to gather for this the first alumni event on the Col-lege's 1936-37 calendar commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Institution.

A varied program of pep and entertainment numbers in the College chapel Wednesday evening will be climaxed by the official crowning of Miss Vera Heckman as football queen. On the Thursday schedule, the Bulldog-Coyote grid clash will share the spotlight with a general banquet of alumni and friends, faculty and students—honoring Coach Selves and his squad—in the College Dining Hall at six o'clock, with Mr. Guy H. Hayes as chief after-dinner speaker.

For students of the College and other local supporters of the Selves gridmen, preparations for the Turkey Day battle with Wesleyan will be-

ed those reports.

The members of the Personal and Family Relations commission discussed whether a person, if he or she had not met the man or woman of his or her dreams before thirty, should consider marrying someone below the standards of his ideal. They also discussed whether a woman should give up her career to establish a home or if she can main-tain both.        

The members of the World Co-operation commission held a discus-sion of "Pacifism and Personal Commitment." This commission is planning to have a picnic Sunday afternoon. -

Football Beauty Queen

Miss Vera Heckman will be crown-ed as Homecoming Football Queen of McPherson College, Wednesday evening. Miss Heckman and attendants, Gladys Shank and Margaret Fry, were recently honored at the Kansas Diamond Jubilee at Wichita.

gin Wednesday afternoon at four-thirty when Floyd Harris' College pep band will lead a noisy Main Street parade. And in order that it may be colorful as well as noisy, a Growlers (College Pep club) committee is already at work on plans to decorate all available cars with the reddest red and whitest white available.

Pep Rally In Evening

More winding by the Harris band-sters will introduce the evening program in the College chapel at seven-thirty. Included will be two student dance specialties—an exhibition of tapping by Max Wilbur, and a ballet number by Miss Norma Hatfield. A comedy trio composed of Bill Fry, Max Wilbur and Dale Coppock will attempt some vocal harmonies. Miss Margaret Fry, talented sophomore soprano, will contribute two solos to the entertainment. Brief bows and words (wows?) will be had from Bulldog mentor Lester Selves and his assistant "Chet" Johnson, and from Co-captains Mike Vasquez and Lee Haun. Paul Sargent, an ex-McPherson grid star, and Mr. August San Romani, popular director of the local high school band, will speak as representatives of the College alumni and town of McPherson respectively. The program will find its climax when the blond head of Miss Vera Heckman of McPherson receives the diadem of local football queenship from the hands of Clayton Rock, veteran Bulldog center and president of the Student Council. Honored with the queen will be her attendants, Miss Margaret Fry of Omaha, Nebr., and Miss Gladys Shank of Navarre. The queen and her attendants were selected by student balloting conducted several weeks ago by the Quadrangle, College year-book: all three will be the re-cipents of presents from the Quadrangle staff represented by Editor Otho Clark and Business Manager Emerson Chisholm.

At the conclusion of the chapel program, the faculty social committee will sponsor a coffee and cookie social in the Student Union Room.

Mr. San Romani and his McPher-son High school state championship, band will be guests of the college at the game and play at the introduction of the Football Queen just prior to

(Continued on page 3.)

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

The Gallery

Jane Kent


Editor-in-Chief    ............ Harold Larsen

Assistant Editor    Norman Edwards

Feature Editor    Gladys Shank

Sports Editor    Gordon Yoder

Copy Readers    Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark

Business Manager    Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Business Manager    Gordon Bower

Assistant Business Manager    ........ Russell Kingsley


Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields

Grads, We’re Looking For You!

Do We Have School Spirit? Yes!

Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz

Inez Goughnour Lee Haun LaVena High

We have our homecoming later this year than usual. If you alumni want our candid opinion we believe that it will be the best alumni reunion that we have had in many a moon. In other words it is just like some other things that we hear quite a little about. It gets better quality with age.

Every loyal alumni is well aware of the fact that this is the year that we are celebrating our fiftieth an-niversary. This in itself should be enough to bring back all of the old grads.

Our golden Jubilee, if you will permit, is going to be one that will not be forgotten. We have an excellent program planned that will be appreciated by all of those who are fortunate enough to attend. Also if there is any truth to the old adage that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach every mother's son should go away at least well sat

A most essential "intangible something that makes a college is school spirit. Without it no educational institution can grow and ex-ist. In order to facilitate the growth of this spirit and to help students to adjust themselves socially, extracurricular activities are provided.

Although the enrollment at M. C. has not increased in quantity this year it certainly has in quality. This is quite apparent when one looks at the motivating spirit that has been manifest at school activities. Here's one individual who claims that the success of our football team has been brought about, at least in part, by the "pep" displayed by the student body. School spirit also makes itself felt in other spheres of college activities. In music, in forensics, in religious activities, and even in academic pursuits a good, wholesome school spirit will be a decided asset. This fall M. C. has had a better school spirit than it has had for quite some time.

What Are You Doing?

What are you doing in college? Have you taken stock recently to discover whether you are carrying out an efficient program or whether you are dallying your time away and wasting your opportunities?

The year is not far gone, and it is not too late to retrench in case you discover your work piling up and your outside activities weighing too heavily upon your shoulders. Few college students do too much work, either in courses or in extra curricular activities. They may, frequently, fail to organise their time, and as a result find themselves not doing justice to any of their activities.

This business of reorganisation of time and effort is the key to success in college. Almost every student wastes enormous amounts of time at odd intervals during the day, simp-

Opal Hoffman Rilla Hubbard Herbert lkenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller

isfied in one way. There is to be an excellent banquet served. This is to be one in which participation is the key word.

You will also be treated to one of the best football games that could be arranged. If the Bulldogs come through with a victory it means that we are tied for the conference championship. The team needs your moral support. You never can tell, it may be enough to pull the team through to victory.

We want to see each one of you on Wednesday because, we are going to stage a rip-roaring pep rally and tear the old town to pieces. In this rally we are going to give you a look at our football queen and her two attendants. They are to lead this big rally into our fair city.

We will be looking for you on Wednesday afternoon at an early hour next week.

This spirit or integrating oneness of purpose, has the most value when it is spontaneous. Whenever a certain organisation or group tries to foster school spirit in a particular way spontaneity is destroyed. In a case like this, however, let us not make the assumption that the party trying to remedy a lack of pep is entirely responsible. Someone may be failing to cooperate. Spontaneity Thus in developing a wholesome is possible only through cooperation, school spirit that is not dominated by any one faction, everyone must play his part. The set up at Mc-Pherson is such that this can readily be done.

Here's one individual who is pulling for M. C. not because someone told me to, but because I think—I know—that it is a good school. Here's one individual who is going to yell at the Turkey Day game, not because of a belt line, but because I want our boys to win for I know that "They Can Do It."

—-A student.

ly because he does not have a definite amount of time for work and a definite amount of time for play. Consequently he gets into habits of procrastination, ineffectual study at odd hours, and inability to settle down and concentrate.

What are you doing in college? Again we ask-—are you taking full advantage of the opportunity the specialized atmosphere of college offers you? If not—take hold of yourself and retrench now!! Organize your time into a weekly schedule, and adhere rigidly to it until positive habits are formed. Stop dissipating your efforts over a variety of activities which you do half-heartedly and concentrate on doing a few of them well. Then you can look yourself square in the eye and say ‘I’m doing a good job in college."


"What would you do? If you was me, With all this work to do?"

That's what I hear our students say From ten to fifty times a day:

\ can't answer It. can you?

And those same ones that fuss and gripe

Are those that do the least;

They do no more than they just must.

They fill the rest with pure disgust And on others labors feast.

So this remark I'd like to make— It works in every case,

That those who have a lot to do Can pile on more and do it too And keep a goodly pace!

—The Turtle.

The most frequently used phrase on this campus according to my ears is: "Oh, I have so much to do."

The latest comment on the beltline way of informing people when they do wrong was suggested by Billy Thompson. After all, it was quite a manly gesture to volunteer, "It's perfectly asinine."

Strange things are happening in Arnold Hall: the radiators are being dressed in new skirts; the pictures on the walls are being yanked out of their tipsy positions; the faces of heroes back home are looking face down in dresser drawers; the corner shelves are being dusted. And it is being done to create an impression.

Don’t Be So Frightened Only the College Band

Each Tuesday evening weird lootings and rumblings may be heard emanating from the Administration building. At first it was supposed that these disturbances were caused by exasperated faculty members retiring to the privacy and confinement of their rooms to give vent to their feelings without endangering life and limb of the student body and the world at large. It is common knowledge that gnashers of teeth and pullers of hair often become violent and that the doors of the Administration building are old and frail; therefore little children of college age were warned to avoid the place.

It has since been learned that these fearsome noises are originated by the McPherson College Band. The thunderous rumbles of sound reverberating through the halls and across the campus, remindful of a bull seeing red, would be the basses if there were any, but there aren't. It is only the drums manned by Campbell and Clark. Other strange noises come from the locale of the French horns commonly called blat-weasels. No practice is required for these instruments because the play-

But then, even the most destined old maids of us get romantic over the thought of keeping a house polished and neat for a man’s glance.

I hate to correct the mistaken information that Joell’s girl friend is not of the high school age because it even seems to lessen our chances.

Doris Pray's cake which she made in foods’ laboratory Tuesday must have been of good quality since Van Hunt seemed to be in as good condition as usual the next morning.

Evidently some of the Fahnestock dwellings haven't generalized on the statement. “Where there’s smoke there's fire." ers always lose the music. It would be very confusing to learn perfect-, ly good notes and not know when to use them. The screaming saxaphones also add their bit to the general confusion. Clarinets emit an occasional mouse-like squeak; trombones and baritones chase each other madly up and down the scale; cornets hurl ear-splitting blasts into the air, and chaos is complete.

This, my friends, is the weekly practice of the McPherson College Band. It is one of those affairs at which anything is likely to happen and usually does.

—Freddie, the Freshman.

Becky Ann Stauffer spent the week-end with friends in Roxbury.

Merle Messamer of Lost Springs and Neva Root of Chase visited Margaret Messamer Sunday afternoon.

Fine Arts Department Gives Student Recital

Voice, Piano, Violin, and Expression Pupils Appear on Program

McPherson College Fine Arts department presented a student recital Sunday, Nov. 15, 4:00 p. m.

The following program was given. Sonata In E minor ----- Grieg Allegro moderato

Miss Marjorie Jackson Armourer's Song Reginald de Koven From Robin Hood Mr. Keith Pierce, Bass Gondellied -    - Haberbier

The Chase........ Rheinberger

Miss Lillys Frantz Happy Days ------- Strelezkl

(Violin obligato played by Miss Frances Campbell)

A Brown Bird Singing Haydn-Wood Miss Dorothy Hoffman. Soprano Liebesfrued - -- -- -- - Kreisler Misses Anna Carol Freeburg and Mamie Wolfe

Out of the Depths - James H. Rogers Mr. Don Gleckler, Baritone Mrs. Don Gleckler, Accompanist The Echo and Ferry - Jean Ingeloso Miss Elma Minnick

At the Cry of the First Bird---

..........- David Gulon

Miss Floy Lackey, Soprano -Cradle Song - - - - Brahms-Grainger

Waltz in E minor......Chopin

Miss Evelyn High

Kashmiri Song - ------ - - -

----- Amy Woodeforde-Finder

Mr. Oliver Andrews, Baritone One Fine Day ------- Puccini

From the opera-Madame Butterfly Miss Margaret Fry. Soprano

Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer Kenneth Weaver Marion Washler

Evelyn and LaVena High spent Friday night with their sister, Mrs. E. D. Campbell, at Conway.

Julia. Frick visited her cousin, Geneva Frick, at her country home near McPherson Saturday and Sunday.

Kathryn Enns attended the Emporia Teachers-Wichita U. football game at Wichita Saturday.

Gordon Yoder and Glee Gough-nour were dinner guests Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Yoder of McPherson.

Welcome Graduates

(Continued from page 1) the kick-off and again between the halves.

The banquet in the College dining hall following the game will conclude the Homecoming activities. Dr. V. F. Schwalm will extend presidential greetings to returned alumni and visiting friends.

Former McPherson football stars and other graduates representing the various alumni centers will be introduced. Assistant coach Guy H. Hays of Ellsworth High school, allconference guard during his playing days at McPherson (class of ’34) will be featured after dinner speaker. The College male quartet will render several selections during the course of the banquet.

The College is offering a combination game-banquet ticket at $1. To holders of season tickets the banquet tax will be fifty cents. Reservations should be sent to J. W. Fries. Business Manager of the College.

Rev. Coppock Guest Speaker At College Church This Week

The eight day preaching mission began Sunday morning, Nov. 15, at the College church with Rev. Xurry L. Coppock, pastor of the Brethren church at Rocky Ford, Colo., as the guest speaker.

Meetings are being held each night this week in the college church at 7:20. Besides the addresses delivered by Rev. Coppock, special musical numbers are presented under the direction of Prof. Nevin Fisher.

Union services, in which most of the churches of the city are cooperating, are held at 10 o'clock each morning. Several other churches of  this city are holding their own meet-ings in the evenings also.

These meetings are an outgrowth of the National Preaching Missions which are being held in the largest cities of the U. S. in an effort to reawaken the masses of people to the need of evangelism and of the recon-secration of their lives to Christ.

The Science Corner

Educator Recommend Davis Removal Probe

Academic Liberty Is the Question Involved in Dismissal

In a report published as a special section of this week’s issue of The New Republic, an investigation by the American Association of Uni-versity Professors of the dismissal of Professor Jerome Davis from the faculty of Yale University Divinity School is recommended by a group of distinguished educators.

“The circumstances surrounding the dismissal of Dr. Davis present positive elements involving academic liberties, the rights of the scholar as a citizen and the correct procedure of the university authorities in dealing with such liberties and rights.” the report declares. Signers of the report are Professor Charles A. Beard, historian, Professor Paul H. Douglas of the University of Chicago, Professor Edward A. Ross of the University of Wisconsin, and Professor Colston E. Warne of Amherst College.

Vesper Services Enjoyed

By Meditating Audience

Worshipful music was presented last Thursday evening at the midweek vesper service at 6:45 in the College church.

The program consisted of an organ solo by Mrs. Helen Holloway: a vocal solo, "My Task,” by Prof. Fish-er; and a violin solo by Prof. Crawford.

The regular vespers are to be held tonight in the College church at 7 o’clock instead of the usual time of 6:45. Everyone is invited to attend

Edith Jasper spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ogden of Monitor Community.

Welcome to Homecoming, Alumni! Beat the Wesleyan Coyotes! !

preaching mission being held at the churches of the city during this week. The mission services will be adjourned before the time set for the lecture so that anyone who desires to do so may attend both programs.

Welcome to Homecoming, Alumni!

Sophomores Victorious In Unusual Fray

The football treat of the year was held Tuesday afternoon when the freshmen and sophomore football teams met to settle the age old question, “Shall we? or Shall we  not?" Weeks of verbal practice, but only one physical tryout, preceded the actual combat.

After flipping a coin to determine the order of play. Umpire Selves showed the boys a football and explained it was not to be eaten, but to be played with. The game started in earnest. The sophomores kicked off to the freshmen who look the ball and ran it back a few yards. After a couple of brilliant plays, they kicked.

Rogers was chief draftsman for the sophs, drawing out each play on the ground. The grass bothered some of his boys though, especially "Wild Horse" Ramage, who saw some grass in the signals and when the plays started he thought Ogden was a hay stack.

The freshmen were doped to win, but no one mentioned that after the sophs got possession of the ball where you put them, for Easter is already on the way. velous, girls, isn't he? The freshman

Emergency Peace Campaign Starts

23 Field Secretaries to Visit 1000 College Campuses

They are off to a flying start. Members of tho Youth Division of the Emergency Peace Campaign, who are thinking of their job for the winter in terms of 1,000 colleges throughout the country, have lost no time in organizing. A survey of colleges is now in full swing with the EPC's 23 young field sec-retaries passing rapidly from one college to another. In order to judge what type of action will be most needed on the various campuses.

The program which the Youth Division leaders envisage is tri-part. First, they feel that individual and group study of international relations is essential to effective peace work. Individual study will be constantly encouraged and group study will be promoted wherever possible. Youth Division members have drawn up a summary study outline based on EPC principles.

Second, the Youth Section leaders stress the importance of action in the campus itself. This will vary considerably on different campuses but in most instances should involve the following methods:

1.    Study groups using either the outline the Youth Section has prepared or some other adequately adapted to the purpose and cause of the EPC.

2.    Round table or penal discussions using the radio as much as possible.

3.    A two- or three-day institute

of International Relations, or a

seminar on “Roads to Peace."

4.    National Peace Enrollment, using EPC cards.

5. A student "strike” against war.

6.    The selection and adequate financing of one or more students from each college who will join an Emergency Peace Volunteer Unit in the field in the summer of 1937.

Third, the Division members consider that in Field Maneuvers will be found the spearhead of the youth activities for the coming months. This program of Field Maneuvers will be similar, except in a few details, to the campaign which the Emergency Peace Volunteers carried on during the past summer. Peace Patrols composed of two or more individuals will carry the fight for Peace week after week to men and women in towns and hamlets throughout the country in which a college is located. A careful outline of field action has been prepared. This program will mean selfsacrifice and hard work.

Mohler Returns from Trip In East

Dean Mohler returned early Tuesday morning from a trip to Roan-oake, Virginia, where he attended the Southeastern Regional Conference of the Brethren Church. While in the east, he also visited in Washington, D. C.. and participated in the church program there.

Mrs. H. Keller of Geneseo visited her daughter,Vivian Mae Keller Sunday.    

Eleven Co-eds Take W. A. A. Oath at Thursday’s Meeting

The regular meeting of the W. A. A., Thursday, Nov. 12. was called to order by the president, Aileen Wine. At this meeting Ruth Taylor, Mary Trostle, Edith Hughey, Marjorie Paddock, Julia Frick, Marion Washler, Margaret Louise Kagarice, Charlotte Nance, Doris Doane, Ruth Rogers, and Avis Heckman, took the W. A. A. Oath, and thus became full members of the organization.

The names of those girls who look part in baseball were listed and a varsity team was selected. These girls, who by the way, receive twenty five points for being on this team, are: Alberta Keller, Becky Stauffer, Aileen Wine, Ruth Taylor, Lenore Shirk, LaVena High, Marjorie Flory, Rilla Hubbard, Marion Washler, Jessie Miller, Edith Hughey, Ruth Rogers and Julia Frick.

Captain Karl Von Hoffman To Relate Thrilling Life

This evening at 8:30 Captain Carl Von Hoffman, explorer, scientist, ethnologist, and author, will give an illustrated lecture on his experiences in the heart of Africa.

Captain Von Hoffman spent fifteen years in the “dark continent.” He brings back to the civilized world amazing epics of still existing savagery. He has a gift of dramatization which enables him to recreate living scenes for his hearers.

Africa and Asia have yielded their secrets to him, and his accounts of the life of savage peoples are truly unique. Some of the most interesting subjects are “Head Takers of Formosa," “Zulu Brides,” and "The Ancient Kingdom of the Moors.”

The lecture will start at 8:30 o’clock instead of the usual time in order to avoid conflict with the

squad was further augmented by that great fortress Ogden who should have been able to stop the opposition single handed, but who completely failed his men in the crisis. The best play of the whole game occurred when Ogden thought he had caught a pass but of course he really hadn’t. He tried to tell "Bud" about it, but Coach was laughing too hard to hear him.    

Now it's all over. The freshmen have completely lost out. You "green-ies" can lay your caps and bibs away Thanksgiving Day, but remember Ramage could gain five yards every time with all the frosh hanging on him. And then Rogers and Oxley would scamper around the ends for 20 yards while the freshmen wings visited with the tackles. Other outstanding players for the soph aggregation were: “Stone Wall" Meyers, Captain Bower and "Pink Eared" Milo.

It was almost too thrilling when the freshmen did threaten ever so slightly to steal the show. "Galloping Ghost" Fry (though he really never did gallop) made a beautiful snatch of a pass, and right in front of all the spectators too. He’s mar-

Is civilization older in the Americas than it is in the old world? History has always taught that civ-ilization had its origin in Egypt or Mesopitamia: but recent studies seem to cast some doubt upon that statement. Were there cities in May-aland and Peru before the mighty structures of Egypt and Babylonia were erected? Did Indian farmers cultivate corn and tobacco before the farmers of Egypt had harvests of wheat, rice and grapes?

This idea is, of course, very new and decidedly upsetting to ancient history as it has been taught: but as students dig deeper and deeper into the shadows of the past new ideas are being formed.

It has always been admitted that many crops such as corn, potatoes, and tobacco had their origin in America. But it is now being suggested that the very industry of agriculture was developed in America.

Dr. Merle T. Jenkins of the U. S. Department of Agriculture says that from botanical evidence corn is probably the oldest of cultivated plants. In spite of extensive exploration and research, science has yet found no plant that resembles corn to a degree that it could be considered an ancestor. Time required for corn to reach its present stage of develop-ment can only be measured in thousands of years. There are other American plants, tobacco and several kind of beans that, like corn, are botanical orphans. Cultivated plants that are known to have been developed in the old world have ancestors living in their native regions today. The theory that agriculture may have been developed in America is based partly upon these facts.

In contrast to the ancient Indian’s success with the cultivation of plants, it is interesting to note that he had a very few domesticated animals. The dog, which he brought from Asia when he arrived in Amer-lea as a hunting nomad, and three others which he acquired—the turk-j ey, llama and muscovy duck.

The evidence seems to point that agriculture and the civilization's de-pendence upon it was developed about the same time in the two hemispheres but independently of each other. With its great number of or-phant plants America seems to have some claim to the honor of having started farming first.

above a B average. Qualified to teach and coach—he has had experience in baseball and basketball, as Center

McPherson 7. Kearney Teachers


upon graduation this spring he will be qualified to teach industrial arts and coach football and basketball, Mike sometimes thinks he would prefer to return to Mexico and enter politics—hoping, of course, for an occasional exile (they do that to politicians in Mexico) to Kansas.

The Ottawa Braves continued to show improvement last week by holding the Swedes to a Scoreless tie. It was anybody's ball game right to the end. Bethany advanced to within four inches of the goal line once, but couldn’t put the ball over.

This Kearney team has rung up 224 points in eight contests. They won their game two weeks ago. 74 to 0, and cut the game four minutes short, too.

Wesleyan continued to win by trouncing Baker 24 to 7. The Coyotes trailed at the quarter 6 to 7, but went into the lead in the second period. Two sustained drives in the last half increased the margin of victory.

Word comes back from Kearney that Keck, our scrappy substitute quarterback, played a whale of game. He was in there fighting all the time, always doing his part..

C. of E. used a 23-yard pass to defeat Oklahoma Baptists 6 to 0. The Presibes outgained the Okla-homa team throughout the game.

Delbert "Red" Crabbe, quarterback, and Martin Seidel, one of the best linemen McPherson has, are out of the game for the rest of the season as a result of injuries suffered in the Kearney game who had not previously suffered injuries, not only this year but any time during their high school or college grid careers.

Three football letters and the Student Council presidency are among the things the Rock of Navarre (Kansas) has taken in his stride. The scrappy center is among the brighter boys on the Bulldog squad. Despite the rigorous exactions of his commerce major, Clayt’s grades have shown a constant tendency to climb

Curtain To Fall On Four Seniors

Vasquez, Haun, Colwell, and Rock To Play Last Game For McPherson

When the McPherson College Bull-dogs close their 1936 season against Kansas Wesleyan University on Col-lege field here Thanksgiving Day, four members of the Red and White line-up will be making their last ap-pearance in intercollegiate football.

The McPherson seniors for whom the Coyote fray rings down the cur-tains are co-captains Mike Vasquez and Lee Haun; Clayton Rock and Chet Colwell. All are veteran performers, holding among them a total of fifteen football letters. All have made creditable scholastic records and by the end of the second semester will be qualified to receive state certificates to teach in Kansas high schools.

Chet was horn in Illinois, but early in his life accompanied the Colwell family to McPherson. He played four Tackle


years on the McPherson High team and is now rounding out his fourth letter season at the College. Football has been his only sport. In college Chet has majored in industrial arts and in art. He plans to teach next year and would not be averse to coaching football for recreation. His eventual ambition is to study further in the field of art, and turn his well-known talent for chalk-talking into a commercial art career.

Lee Haun, the Marquis —that is really only his middle name, and in spite of it he is as modest and likeable a fellow as there is on the campus—has spent most of his nonHalfback


college life around Parkersville, Kansas. He has earned four varsity liters in football, and has his fourth track and second basketball letters coming up. He has also played high school and independent baseball. With a major in industrial arts and  close to a B average for all hiss work, he is looking forward to a career of teaching and coaching. He is the Benedict-—if you know your Shakes-peare of the Bulldog squad. It happened In 1934 and has allegedly never been regretted- -which you readily understand when you know Jessie. Collecting parodies and other humorous poems is one of the Haun hobbies. He is an admirer of Scat-tergood Baines, and would not mind being a successful small town banker.


well as football—Rock also has an occasional inclination toward a business career.

Born in Mexico but a Kansan by education—Lyons to be specific— Mike Vasquez has been a standout player in the McPherson line for four years. Rated All-Conference guard in 1931 and 1935, he has continued his sterling work this season. Although Guard

Sport Skits

Beat the Wesleyan Coyotes!

Bulldogs Seek Co-Title

(Continued from page 1.) McPherson 21, Bethel 12 McPherson 6, Baker 0 McPherson 2, Bethany 6 McPherson 14, College of Emporia 13        


(A second string squad of McPherson freshmen also played Sterling and lost, 14 to 7.)

Co-captain Lee Haun has been the top-heavy leading scorer of the Red and White aggregation. To seven touchdowns he has added eleven place-kick conversions out of sixteen attempts for a total of fifty-three points. Crabbe, quarter and McGill, end, have scored three touchdowns each, and Zuhars—whose razle-daz-zle running has accounted for more McPherson yardage than his scoring indicates—Horst, and Mathiot, one each. Six of McPherson's sixteen touchdowns have eventuated from forward pass plays.

The Wesleyan parade of victims this year has included in order, Sterling, Warrensburg Teachers, Bethany, Ottawa, Nebraska Teachers, Col-lego of Emporia and Baker. The Coyotes lost to Hardin Simmons at Abilene, Texas, 26 to 0.

The Thanksgiving day game here marks the end of A. B. Mackie's sixteenth year as Wesleyan football mentor. Over that period he has built up a considerable reputation for puting winning elevens on the field. His 1936 team, against which McPher-year's Turkey Day game at Salina. was champion of the Kansas Conference.

Lillys and Rowena Frants were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGaffey Sunday noon.

McPherson Shock Troops

Bow To Kearney 27 to 7

A game McPherson college eleven lacked power to cope with the bulky Kearney State Teachers club last Friday with the Antelopes hanging up a 27 to 7 victory, making a total of 203 points in five contests.

Coach "Bud” Selves of McPherson started his shock troops and the An-telopes counted twice before the Bulldog regulars entered the game on 54 and 47 yard runs.

Midway in the second period McPherson took the ball on Kearney’s 35 yard line. Pitcaithley fumbled on the 4th down. Mathiot advanced to the 20 yard line in three plays and ate up the remaining yarlage in another try for the touchdown. Haun place kicked for the extra point.

Kearney counted twice again in the final period, once after Gerdes got a fumble on the 15 yard line and later on a 35 yard drive.

Lewis scored twice and Carter and Parilek once apiece. Lewis place kicked for three points. For McPherson Mathiot and Haun were the best players in the back-field and Boyer starred in the line. Lewis, Beck, Gerdes and the Morrow brothers were best for Kearney.

House Meeting Elects Hoffman

At a house meeting of the Kline Hall women last Thursday evening, Opal Hoffman was elected to the Women's Council to replace Lois Gnagy, who has recently resigned. There was also a discussion of hours during the holidays.