McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, nov. 12, 1936
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
HOMK OF 1936 Member 1937 THE SCHOOL
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3 1897.
Pumpkin Center November 7
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Harold Larsen Norman Edwards Gladys Shank
Assistant Editor
Feature Editor
Sports Editor Gordon Yoder
Copy Readers Ellen Divine, Eldora Van Dermark
Assistant Business Manager Gordon Bower
Assistant Business Manager Russell Kingsley
Myrtle Barley John Bower Orpha Burn Frances Campbell Rosalie Fields
Willard Flaming Rowena Frantz Inez Goughnour Lee Haun La Vena High
Opal Hoffman Rilla Hubbard Herbert Ikenberry Margaret Kagarice Alberta Keller
Marjorie Kinsie Paul Miller Winton Sheffer
Kenneth Weaver
Marion Washler
Dear ones:
Well, the election is all over ex-cept the aftermath, and we will gladly lay aside politics for a while. To the disinterested observer, the: coming years will be interesting, for things are going to happen, and worthy Americans will grant the ight of the majority to rule. Whether we like it or not, we shall be back of Roosevelt—we were a long way back of him Tuesday, and fortunately so far we should have been run down otherwise. As a defeated Republican, (the "vanishing American?") I present my analysis of what has happened, leaving it to history to prove me right. Let no young man say the world holds no challenges!
To Democrats who think and who care this must be rather a hollow victory. Whence the landslide? from
Opal Hoffman must hare suffered untold punishment the day Dr. Bright wrote the German noun, Fen-ster, on the board without a capital letter.
I’m convinced that David of the Old Testament wasn't the character my story-of-the-Bible mind used to think him . . . and he remains now only a man who is not what he was.
I’d like to know: the origin of the word ‘skinflint’; how long it took Whiting Williams to catch the Welsh character and accent of Evan Pew; how that far-above-earth feeling can be disciplined to a studious attitude when one is wearing a brand new diamond like the one Phyllis Powers Is wearing on her left hand.
attempt to create atmosphere by breathing forth with .... "when the frost is on the pumpkin ...."
After questioning some fifty lyceum attenders, I discovered that Myrtle Barley was the only one who could give the name of the Welsh miner mentioned above. No excuses, for after all, that story was in the first hour of the speech.
Japan, Aggressive Neighbor!
The Japanese are a virile people. Developments during the last few years bear this out. Not only has Japan become aggressive in her foreign policy but internally there has been a tremendous expansion. One must remember that about a hundred years ago Japan was still steeped in feudalism. This country is a kind of “Rip Van Winkle-Sleeping Princess awakening from centuries of enchanted make-believe.”
Japan is the most densely populated country in the world, having a population of 433 persons per square mile. Its population increases at the rate of 900,000 a year. A factor that makes this situation more complicated is the unarability of much of the land. It is therefore quite obvious that in order for this country to exist and grow, agriculture must be supplemented by industry and this industry must in turn have markets to sell its products to. Not only this, but the excessive population, must have an outlet. These are some of the reasons that have been advanced for Japanese aggression in China. Yet, during the five years of Japanese control of Manchuria only 150,000 people have moved to Manchuria— one-sixth of the yearly population increase. From 1932 to 1936 Japan invested 800 million yen in Manchuria; during the same year her exports to Manchuria increased 641 million yen; the investments thus were 159 million yen more than the increase in exports. It is therefore clear that Japan is still faced with these problems.
Although outwardly the govern-ment seems firmly intrenched, such is not the case. The assassinations of last February reveal this. Although theoretically Japan has a parliamentary form of government, this is in reality not true. The biggest stumbling block for the labor and progressive element is the army and navy clique, for they have a stragle hold upon the cabinet. The situation is something like this. Whenever a premier forms a cabinet, the high command of the army recommends a person for secretary of war. If this man is not appointed the army staff refuses to cooperate with the cab-inet. However, if this man is appointed he remains in office only so long as the premier and cabinet fol
low, in general terms, the policy of the army staff. Once the premier refuses to do this the secretary of war withdraws. The same is true of the navy portfolio. Thus if these two cabinet members withdraw the cabinet falls, and a new one has to be organized. Not only does the army and navy have this hold upon the cabinet but at times when liberal officials are elected the army will proceed to "purge" the government of these "disloyal officials.” Since 1933 there have been three such attempted wholesale assassinations, the latest one occurred in February, 1936.
Despite all of this, however, conditions are remarkably stable. This is due in part to the influence of such men as Kagawa, Kohi Hirota, premier of Japan, and the Emperor, who has recently come out against "the self-proclaimed guardians of ancient ways and for a twentieth-century state." With the stiffening of resistance in China, the problem of the army on the continent is becoming a more perilous one. The army and navy, never wholly in accord, are beginning to take different viewpoints on the Empire's military problems. One is in favor of expansion on the continent, the other in the South Seas. Because of this discord the Hirota government has had a better opportunity to stay in the saddle.
With this as a background it may be easier to understand the actions of this island nation, which like Top-sy just grew up—physically. She is now growing up mentally and emotionally. Not only is she faced with industrial, governmental, and population problems but also with a fiscal one. Taxes in Japan are very high; two-fifths of the people’s income goes for taxes. All of these factors certainly have a bearing on Japan’s future. Will the internal pressure become so great that Japan must go to war to save its face? Will
the military clique, which is very powerful, push the country into war so that they can seize full control of the government?
These are some of the problems statesmen of the world are asking themselves. Their answers will come, not from China or Russia, but from within Japan where present developments are shaping the future.
millions of relief workers and receivers of benefit payments and other handouts,—an "avalanche of faith" on the part of those recipients that there would be more to come. True Democrats must be saddened to see boss Farley prostitute their party to keep a few in power. Not content with a mere victory, which they would likely have won anyhow. Farley, with 39 state machines and in every state one made up of non-civil-service federal employees, surveyed the nation to determine just where the votes must come to produce a landslide, then sent enough government money to insure their delivery, having the vote so well counted beforehand he could predict how each state would go. It was not guess work which told him Maine and Vermont would go anti-new deal. New Hampshire and S. Dakota would be close; Jim sent the money, and he knew!
Explained now Is the cockiness aboard the Roosevelt train, explained the statement of Ickes that "a non-entity" was trying to "slip into the White House." as though its occasional occupants own it—they do! They paid for it in good American money (there are some bonds to pay off yet). The real issue of the campaign is now apparent: dictatorship, not by one man but by a machine. We made fun of Kansas City with its Pendergast, but now the whole nation is under machine politics, now we shall be taxed to fill the coffers of the bosses who rule us. Frankly, I am less worried than formerly about inflation, for only by holding the country together can they maintain their position and hire another election.
Many will say I am a poor loser, a sore-head, that I can’t take it. I expect to be on the minority side in life, for I expect to be right, and right is not determined by machine made votes. Machine politics must be fought to the last ditch. One can take being bested in a fair fight, but that doesn't hold for being wiped out by racketeers. Hitler secured his 99 44-100 per cent "Ja", but I didn't think America was so easily bought.
I marvel that this nipping weather has been upon us for some three weeks without having some poet soul
Attempts at excitement: the no-body’s-birthday party in the dining hall Tuesday; the plans for a final leap year raid; Joelle Letkemen’s trying to make us girls notice him by rushing a high school girl.
My first, presentation of an orchid . . . given to the soul who has done his bit for humanity. , . goes to the writer "A Student" who ventured to say in a college weekly that coeds have hearts and that they'll manage to take care of them.
Various methods of introductions were discussed, demonstrated and criticised in the Womens' Council discussion group Tuesday evening in the Student Union room.
Lenders of the group first gave general information as to correct forms of introductions. Then each girl was given a character name and the meeting took on the form of a reception at which each girl introduced a friend to the hostess and guests of an imaginary club. After the introductions had been made several questions arose such as the necessity of a lady rising, whether one should shake hands when being introduced, and proper ways of introducing late comers to a group. Each problem was discussed with consideration of time, place, and circumstance.
The discussion proved so interesting that many stayed after the meeting to ask questions. Future discus-sion groups will deal with simple rules of culture that distinguish the well-bred person.
Six Hollywood stars are listed on the rolls of Greek letter houses at the University of Illinois. Nancy Carroll and Mae West are members of sororities, and Robert Taylor, Robert Montgomery, William Boyd and Richard Bennett get their mail regularly at Illinois fraternities.
Harold H. Isbell, former production manager of the Columbia Broadcasting system, is directing a course in radio technique, both acting and writing, at Northwestern University.
Lois and Dorothy Fry of were here this weekend friends.
When a parson stops to reflect about the best part of his school work I believe that we all put the most emphasis upon the people that we come in contact with, through our every day activities. If you will permit we might say that we will little note nor long remember what we study here but we can never forgot the pow wows we have had here."
Thus the folks who will get the most out of our home-coming are the grads who can come back to the old domicile and tell us younger bucks how they used to put the cows in the chapel and all the rest of the tricks they used to do. Also all the alumni can return and play dormitory quarterback and rehearse how in the good old days the boys need to wicker the Swedes as well as every other team
This year he have one of the best
games in store for a homecoming that anyone could ask for besides giving an occasion for the old pals to get together. In addition to this we have an excellent program planned for those who come back. There is only one thing we need to make this homecoming a real success and that is for every loyal Bulldog to do everything in his power to get back here for this gala affair.
Of course you alumni must realize that our yarns will not be able to match yours but just give ours a few years after we graduate and perhaps ours will get to be as large as yours.
What do you say, alumni, can. we look for you? If we can, there is going to be a pow wow in the old town, tonight and one that you are not going to forget for some time to come. We'll be seeing you over Thanksgiving. Au revoir.
Morrill visiting |
Student Council to Sponsor Wheldons
Chicago Century of Progress Sensational Entertainers To Perform Here
Tomorrow the Student Council will sponsor the Mysterious Wheldons, the Century of Progress sensational entertainers.
The Wheldons are direct from the big fairs and are entertainers with an established reputation. This en-tertainment has been endorsed bypress, public, schools and theaters as educational, entertaining and clean. For years Wheldon has startled police and scientists throughout the world by escaping from anything in which they tried to hold him a prisoner.
"Magic of the Orient." It is during this part of the performance the audience is enabled to witness some of the feats of the Hindoo fakirs that have remained dark mystery for ages.
They have mystified the mystics of thirty-one years in all corners of the globe, China, Persia, India and all. Mildred presents "The Indestructible Human Body" in which a human body is apparently compressed into eight cubic inches of space.
The Great India Rope trick shows the uncanny Hindu sensation which has mystified travelers in India for years. The Living Pin Cushion presents a woman visibly transfixed by large spikes but she emerges unharmed.
Are you in trouble? Are you trying to locate mineral water or oil? Are you in poor health? Is it love or business affairs that bother you? Whatever it is consult Wreldon, he reads your thoughts for entertainment.
Come and see;—two of the most beloved entertainers on the American stage—and good music, new comedy and clever vaudeville.
LaMar Bollinger was elected presi- dent of the World Service organization which held a meeting last week to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harold Mohler.
Various other parts of it were reorganized which are as follows: Glee Goughnour, vice president; Lucile Ul-lery, deputation chairman; Evelyn High, secretary; and Philip Davis, member of the program committee.
The regular weekly meeting of this organization was held Wednesday evening at 6:45 in the Y. W. room. Willard Flaming gave an address on "Peace." and Avis Heckman conducted devotions.
The freshies aren't so handsome, And they may not be so swell, But for the shape they're in They're doing pretty well.
The may be only sophomores And try to act right smart.
But when you get to know them They aren't so bad at heart.
Taking the enrollment of liberal arts students only in the church colleges of Kansas, M. C. ranks third, Southwestern and Ottawa are the only ones having a greater number.
The total net enrollment of the Kansas state colleges, according, to the report from each on October 1 is as follows:
Then those gentle Juniors With their sweet and modest ways(?) But perhaps they'll too come out of it On one of these grand days.
And now the college seniors,
The students of renown—
They're the ones, my loving, friends Who really go to town!
—The Turtle.
Dr. Foster Kennedy Reports That Sound Causes Ill Health
New York. N. Y.—(ACP)—-Dr. Foster Kennedy, professor of clinical neurology at Cornell University Medical College, told the ninth annual graduate class of the Academy of Medicine that noise is a major hazard of modern existence and is an important contributing factor to excessive fatigue, which, in turn, often invites chronic ill health and premature old age. Dr. Kennedy estimated that between 60 and 80 per cent of our population at present has ear trouble caused by mechanical noises. Noise, he stated, should be hated with gases, toxic liquids, fumes, dusts, bacteria and chemical rays as a hazard in industrial plants.
Sudden noise, such as a whistle or an explosion, is especially injurious because it comes without warning and therefore, places a greater strain on the nervous system, he explained.
"The first effect of noise is disturbance of excitation and irritation, which have consequences of many kinds in conduct. Physically they cause loss of temper and play a part in quarrels. In attempts to overcome the effect of noise, great strain is put on the nervous system, leading to
Yellow fever seems remote, and
unimportant to most of us living in the United States today, but with modern air transportation, there is grave danger of an epidemic of this dreaded disease being started in this country. The establishment of trans-oceanic-air routes has brought our country within two days travel of raging yellow fever epidemics.
It is known that yellow fever is carried by certain species of mosquito. Although, this species of mosquito thrives best in tropical countries, it does exist in the United States. They are not, however, infected with yellow fever germs. If a yellow fever infected mosquito hopped an airliner for a stolen ride into this country and disembarked undetected, it and its brothers and sisters already here could infect-enough persons to start good sized epidemic before health officers, realized what was happening.
There is also danger that a person infected with the disease might be taken aboard and brought to this country before any sign of his having the disease could appear. Malaria might also be transported in this way.
The officers, whose duty it is to protect us from importation of disease realised that with the coming of air transportation between the United States and countries of Central and South America they had a new problem on their hands.
Drs. Williams and Dressen took up the problem of keeping the mosquito from hopping rides on the transoceanic airliners. Obviously the best way of doing this would be to destroy the mosquitoes on the plane while it is in flight. This could be done by spraying the inside of the plane with insecticide. For this purpose the two doctors developed a mixture that would evolve no hazards (such as fire) or physical discomfort to the occupants of the plane.
It is the practice at present to spray the plane with this mixture with a small hand spray-gun while the plane is in flight. Further precautions are taken when the airliners lands. Careful inspection is made of each passenger and of the plane it-
self. In spite of all precautions, however, the danger of transportation of disease is still a big problem and research in this field is being pursued constantly.
Mrs. J. A. Campbell of Parsons, Kansas, was here on the campus last week visiting her daughter, Frances Campbell.
Baker Bethany |
................... 339 |
C. of E................... |
................. 314 |
Friends |
....................331 |
Kansas Wesleyan .. |
.................... 287 |
Ottawa |
.................... 302 |
Sterling |
..................... 193 |
Southwestern |
.................... 589 |
Bethel |
..................... 327 |
McPherson............. |
..................... 325 |
Kathryn Enns visited her aunt in Inman Saturday and Sunday.
George Toland accompanied his brother Ernest, of Coats, Kansas to his home In St. John Saturday and returned Sunday.
Eldred Foutz, Joelle Letkeman, Willis Bredfelt, Laurene Yowell, Geraldine Creighton, and Ruth Rogers visited in the home of Eldred
Foutz's uncle, Dr. Homer Foutz, in Minneapolis, Kansas Sunday.
neurasthenic and psychasthenic slates.
“Long before the emotions are are disturbed, certain changes take place, such as heightened pulse rate, heightened blood pressure, and some irregularities in heart rhythm."
Contending that elimination of noise is as important as such prob-lems as lighting, heating and ventilation. Dr. Kenndy suggested that definite action should be taken to elim-inate or at least minimize industrial noise. He claimed that in the long run the employers would find this
Eldora VanDermark who was taken to the hospital last Friday for an ap-pendicitis operation. Is recovering nicely. She expects to leave the hospital Friday and go to her home in Hutchinson.
"Ernie" Sweetland, a former student of McPherson College, was here last week, visiting friends. He left Sunday to return to his home in Mit-
Harold Reinecker was a visitor on the campus Sunday.
Floy Lackey visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Guy Hayes, at Ells-worth, this week end.
Harold Evans visited his aunt in Morrill this week-end. Ruth Siegle and Lyllis Frantz accompanied him as far as Morrill and then went to their homes in Nebraska.
Roby Ashland, a summer student from Augusta, Kansas, was here during the week end and called on friends in the dormitory.
no guide ..............................
Clara Schwieso, the new Y. W. C. A. secretary for the Rocky Mountain region, will visit this campus next week. She comes in the interest of the Student Christian Movement.
Mrs. Schwieso is suceeding Stella Scurlock, the former Y. W. secretary, who has recently been transferred to the Senbeck Region. She plans to be here on Wednesday and Thursday.
New Pep Club Members Selected
Emerson Chisholm, Milton Morrison, and Becky Stauffer attended the wedding of Milton's sister at the Morrison home in Roxbury last Thursday evening.
Mr. Lester Bailey, of Morrill, Kansas, visited with Lucille Kistner over the week end.
Staunch Landonite is Busy
When Time Comes to Pay Debt
Did yon know that over forty million dollars were bet on the outcome of the election last week? And that is probably not a very accurate estimate at that. Why, Jim Farley, alone pulled down $100,000 of that bank roll. Just think, we could almost lay the foundation of our new gymnasium with that amount!
A very small proportion of that forty million changed hands on this campus. One student got a lucky break when he bet 50 to 1 on Huxman. But the fellow he made the bet with was slightly intoxicated, so he had to settle the bet by taking $25 instead of $50. Not bad for one night’s haul at that.
No other very large sums were raked in as a result of the Roosevelt landslide, but there were two other interesting bets made. However, the persons involved in these two bets must hare been on a wild spree when they made them. Crazy people! One of our very clever students (ahem!) a most staunch Demo., and one of our most outstanding varsity debat-
ers made the agreement that the one who lost would, the next day, wear a picture of the winning can-didate on the front of his shirt, and a sign "I voted for: the wrong man," on his back. Very embarrassing, don't you know. But it was cold that day, and our dear friend, the debater, had to wear a coat.
This same person who lost the bet mentioned above must have been very sure of his candidate, for he made another wild agreement. This one was made with the college champion— of what? Debate of course! The loser of this bet was supposed to wheel the winner to town in a wheel barrow. Some ambition! "Pee Wee" sat next to the radio all night , jotting down election returns, but our Landonite went to bed to get his beauty sleep. Too bad he had to lose. At the time set for paying off this bet, the Republican had to take a music les-on, and the payment of this bet was never fulfilled. Tut! Tut! a poor sport on our cam pus ? Of course not—there was just too much to do last week.
Three new Growlers have been chosen to fill the recent vacancies. They are George Toland, Daniel Zook and J. W. Van Blaricum. Professor Fisher sang for the Progressive Literature Club Tuesday af-ternoon, Nov. 10, at the home of Mr. John Allison, McPherson. |
chell, South Dakota. Kathryn Enns, LaVena High, Rilla Hubbard and Aileen Wine were guests in Jessie Miller's home at Canton Friday night. _ |
THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1936
Bulldogs Win Hard Game at C. of E.
Presbies Lose By Narrow Margin Giving Second Place to McPherson Canines.
Coach "Bud" Selves’ McPherson Bulldogs won a hard-fought game Friday night from College of Emporia by a score of 14-13. Lee Haun made both place kicks for McPherson, and blocked one of the Pres-bies' attempts. The Canines started with a rush and scored two touchdowns in the first quarter, to gain a 14 to 0 lead. They fought desperately during the remainder of the game to hold that advantage.
The Bulldogs' first touchdown, coming after five minutes of the first quarter, resulted from a blocked punt. Barngrovor broke through to block a C. of E. punt on the twenty yard line. The ball rolled back to the five yard line, where Hall fell on it On the second play Zuhars faked a run, then passed over the goal line to Horst. Haun kicked the goal for the extra point.
Later in the same period a series of line plays pushed the ball to within striking distance of the goal line. Haun went around end for the touchdown, and his educated toe again kicked the point which proved to be the margin of victory.
In the second quarter, Harzman, fleet C. of E. halfback received a punt on the twenty seven yard line, and dashed seventy three yards for a touchdown. He had perfect interference for this run, with a team mate to block out every opponent. Haun blocked Harzman's attempted place kick.
In the third quarter things really looked bad for the Bulldogs. The Presbies started a line drive and passing attack that set the Bulldogs back In quick order. C. of E. drove ahead on passes and end runs with the Canines unable to stop them. Bell tossed a pass to Lee who ran five yards for another touchdown. Harsman made the kick after touchdown. Immediately after this touchdown, the Presbies fought back to the four yard line, where the Bulldog line held.
During the remainder of the game C. of E. tried desperately to score, but the determined McPherson team held back every rally. With about a minute to play the Bulldogs had the ball and were stalling for time. Crabb received the ball and fell on it immediately. The rushing Presbies were driving in so fast that they piled on Crabb. C. of K. was penalised fifteen yards for roughing, giving McPherson a first down on a stall play.
A strong and bitter north wind was a hinderance to both teams. The only passes tried were short tosses over the line. The Bulldogs held an advantage in yards' gained at scrimmage, but the Presbies led in first downs.
McPherson Pos.. C. of E.
Horst - • ••»• L E----Hitchings
Hall — *---L T - - - - Hartup
8eifel - L G---- Newland
Rock ----- C - - - - Haxton Vasquez - ---R G - - - Holder Barngrover - - R T - - - - Johnson
McGill.....R E.....Lee
Crabb.....Q B---Atterbury
Haun.....L H.....Bell
Zuhars - - - - R H - - - Harzman Hapgood - - - - F B - - - - Wasson Officials: Referee, Dwight Ream (Washburn); umpire, Jack McLean (K. U. ); head-linesman, Clarence Simpson (Washburn).
Summary: Yards gained at scrim-mage—McPherson. 102; C. of E.. 20; Yards lost at scrimmage—McPherson, 42: C. of E., 43. Punts— McPherson 14 for 481 yards, aver-age of 34. 4 yards; C. of E., 12 for 383 yards, average of 31. 9 yards. Passes—McPherson attempted three completed two for 13 yards; C. of E. attempted 11, completed eight for 41 yards. Passes Intercepted—McPherson, one: C. of E., two. Penalties—McPherson, six for 60 yards: C. of E. four for 30 yards. Fumbles —McPherson, four; C. of E.. two.
Kansas Conference Standings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Week Scores
McPherson vs. Kearney. Neb., Teachers, at Kearney, (non-conference. )
Oklahoma Baptist vs. College of Emporia at Emporia. (non-confer-ence. )
Bethany vs. Ottawa at Ottawa.
Baker vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina.
Friday’s Games
McPherson, 14; College
of Emporia 13.
William Jewel, 6; Baker, 0. (nonconference. )
Ottawa, 7; Bethel, 0. (non-confer-ence. )
McPherson To Meet Kearney Teachers
Selves' Warriors Meet Powerful Nebraska Eleven Tomorrow Night on Foreign Field
Our McPherson College Bulldogs leave early tomorrow morning for Kearney, Nebraska, where they will battle the strong Nebraska State Teachers College team. A squad of 27 men will make the trip.
This encounter will probably be the toughest game of the season for the Canines. The teachers have a team that is highly regarded in Nebraska athletics. They have a 200-pound line that aids considerably in making openings for the backfield men. The Swedes lost to Kearney 19 to 7 early is the season.
Several of our regulars cannot sec much action because of injuries. Coach Selves is not going to take any chances on having any others injured so he is going to use the second team most of the game. He stated that it was lucky for McPherson that this a non-conference game. He is counting mostly on keeping the score as low as possible.
McPherson's starting lineup:
Look For The Curves When
You Get Your Report Cards
Curves! Curves! And more curves! Stand back. men. They’re only what teachers have when grading time comes. You see, grades come in curves (mostly) and you’d think they would be more popular! But no, students just seem to avoid them somehow! Especially the good ones.
Grades come in three different ranges: high, low and middle. The high ones are most important, and the low ones also are to be heeded. The middle ones are more usual, but I guess that’s because they come right around the curves!
There seems to be a dearth of high grades. But maybe there's a reason; they say you can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. I’m inclined to think the college professors are those who can’t be fooled all the time. At any rate, you’ll know what is meant if you’ve ever taken one of those famous (or infamous) tests in Elementary Psychology!
Here's a word of advice to you freshies who've never experienced
the thrill of taking a peep at your first nine-week grades: Just remember that there are several thousand other college freshies all over the country who may feel just as you do. And if your grades don’t suit you, (and for your sake, we hope they don’t) then remember that the spirit of a genius may be latent in your troubled breast. Thomas Alva Edison, sometimes called the world’s greatest genius, was expelled from school because he couldn’t learn. He didn't let his grades prevent him from becoming a great benefactor of the human race. Remember, too, that today’s freshmen are tomorrow’s seniors and you must not cross your bridges before you come to them. You have four more years ahead of you in which you can show the world of what stuff you are made. The foundation of your future is what you are building now.
So beware of the A’s and F's. Too many of one or the other may be to your detriment. If your grades aren't all A's then there's a great big consolation in store for you; you can still improve!
Sport Skits
The Bulldogs now have undisputed possession of second place in the conference. We've played one more game than the Swedes, giving us a higher percentage.
Boyer |
.................... LT |
York ........................ |
................... RG |
.................... RT | |
Vaughn ------------- Keck ........................ Carter................. Mathiot ...........—____ Shannon ...... |
.................. RE .. ___LH ................... RH ................ FB |
The Baker Wildcats outplayed a scrappy William Jewell aggregation, but couldn't put over the necessary touchdowns. They were defeated 6 to 0.
The two non-conference games this week are with out-of-state opponents. C. of E. meets Oklahoma Baptists at Emporia, and the Bulldogs travel to Kearney, Nebraska.
The Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes Journeyed to Abilene, Texas last week to suffer their first set-back of the season to the tune of 28 to 0. It was a case of Wesleyan being completely out of her class. Amos Morris again made some nice gains for the Mackie-men.
The Ottawa Braves, continuing their winning ways, scored a 7 to 0 victory over a good Bethel team in the other non-conference game.
Rousing Pep Chapel Given
Some good rousing pep was shown Thursday morning in Pep Session to send the Bulldogs off to a real victory against the Presbies.
To add to the interest and enthusiasm Vera Heckman gave a reading and Delbert Crabbe played a clever cornet selection. With the cooperation of all, Pep Sessions can be continued throughout the year with something of interest for everyone.
Professor Tenney L. Davis of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recently acquired a fifteenth-century Chinese book on alchemy. The volume entitled “Chin Tan Ta Yao” was printed in 1440.
The University of New Mexico has purchased a new electric organ for its music department. The organ is available for rent ten hours daily at twenty-five cents per hour. Students can earn credits by taking lessons.
Lee Haun’s toe is a mighty valuable asset to McPherson's football team. His two place kicks Friday night were the difference between victory and defeat. His excellent punting kept the Presbies back several times.
Three teams can be tied for the conference leadership after this week’s games. If Baker beats the Coyotes and Bethany defeats Ottawa, Wesleyan, Bethany and McPherson will share the lead.
The fast-improving Braves may stop the Swedes. They have improved mightily since the first of the season. The Baker Wildcats may show a reversal of form after three successive defeats, and defeat Kansas Wesleyan. It’s not impossible to have two teams tied for first place, and three in the next position.
In the C. of E. game Haun block-ed one place kick, and came very near stopping the other. The ball careened off his shoulder, hit the cross bar and dropped over.
Five of the Bulldog’s regular line-up will be out of this week’s game because of injuries. McGill, end and Vasquez, guard, both have injured shoulders; Zuhars, half back, is having trouble with his legs. Rock, center, suffered Injuries to his back and sprained his ankle in the C. of E. game and Hapgood hurt his ankle in the same game.
A skunk which had made its home in a drain pipe of Fiske hall on the campus of Wichita University vigorously aired its protest at being forcibly ejected. The Janitor rejoices that the drain-pipe is on the outside of the building.
Seventy-five of the 272 members of the freshman class at LaFayette college are either sons or relatives of alumni of the college.
Some students at Louisiana State University got the air for $5 an hour. They are members of the aviation class who fly the community plane, a Fairchild, three-place cabin type equipped with the latest safety devices.
Collegiate World
The tortures inflicted upon freshmen in our colleges and universities today are lukewarm in comparison with those in the days of '09 and ’10. In some quarters, "hazing" is looked upon as a childish and often harmful practice. Clinging to such a tradition as the wearing of green hats does seem insane, but when we realize how much farther some foreign universities carry initiations, we see that our hazing, now on the decline, is mild.
First year men at the University of Holland must keep their heads shaved to a high polish; they must never use doors in entering campus buildings. Viewing their "must" conduct from the standpoints of the habits formed they can. If they desire, become agile second story workers by the end of the first year. They must enter and leave by way of the windows.
Perhaps the men at Northwestern University realize the impossibility of ultimately escaping women. Resigning themselves to this inevitability and trying to facilitate matters for the girls, they proffer these humble suggestions, speaking for the
"Fellow across the hall. ”
Wear a delicate perfume: otherwise he’s liable to think there’s a
stray cat in your purse.
Be nice to the poor boy. After all it’s his money.
Don’t stall him off too long; he might not come around again.
When he asks for a kiss, don't say, "Oh, you’ll spoil my make-up. ” If you do he’s apt really to spoil your whole make-up.
Wear a good, flavored lipstick, and by all means, one that comes off. He likes to show it to the boys when he gets home.
Don't order milk when the others are having high-halls. Order coffee, He'll stay nicer longer.
Don’t introduce him to the housemother till you’ve closed the door behind him. He might leave you both at the steps.
Don’t say "good night" at 12: 30 on a one o'clock night. He’s liable to say "goodbye" to you.
Don’t talk about other fellows when you’re with him. Men are fun-ny about that.
The personal papers of the late Dr. Henry Van Dyke, author, clergyman, diplomat, and educator, who died in 1933, have been presented by his literary executors to the Princeton university library.
Mary Trostle went to her home at Nickerson Friday and returned Sunday.
Mrs. Nance, mother of Charlotte Nance, came Thursday and returned to her home in Morrill Sunday.