McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Thursday, sept. 10, 1936
Nineteen Are Included In McPherson Delegation At Conference
Thurman, Coc, Morgan, and Case Are
Among the Outstanding Leaders
On the
"Jesus, the Man of Insight” provided the theme for a series of addresses by Howard Thurman at the Estes Student Conference this summer. and formed the basts around which was built a ten day program of Inspiration and instruction.
The conference, with Paul Booz of McPherson as co-chairman, was» attended by a delegation of nineteen representing McPherson College. That delegation included Marjorie Booz, Velma Watkins, Wanda Hoover, Modena Kauffman. Ray John. Emma Schmidt, Maxine Ring, Inez Goughnour, Lucille Ullery, Aileen Wine. Paul Booz, Robert Booz. Willard Flaming, Kenneth Weaver George Toland, Fred Nace, Marvin Riddell, Joel Letkeman, and Lawrence Boyer.
Boginning on June 5 and continuing until June 15, the daily program included an address by Howard Thursman, a Silent Time, relaxation, Quest Groups, Informal Hour and afternoon hikes, with Creative Leisure programs In the evenings.
This year’s conference presented a group of leaders who are outstanding In religious and social activities in America. Among them was Howard Thurman, colored, Professor of Christian Theology. Howard University , Washington, D. C. Mr. Thurman this year Is representing the Y M. C. A., and Y. W. C. A. Student Movements in the negro delegation to India. George Albert Coo. Mrs Mildred Morgan. Rabbi E. Rosen weig, James Chubb. Kirby Page, Lyman Hoover, Elizabeth Boyden, Mrs Harold Case, and M. G. Miller are some of
the outstanding leaders present.
New Bulldog Coach
Coach Lester "Bud” Selves, successor to Melvin J. Binford, needs no introduction on the McPherson College campus. Having assisted in coaching the Bulldog football squad for several seasons, he has established a reputation among the players and fans as well.
Several Vacancies Are To Be Filled By Appointment and Election
Central Office Has New Fence—Other Changes Made
Fenced off from the students and other callers at the central office. Miss Corrine Bowers, registrar, and Miss Alice Gill, secretary to Dr. Schwalm, have a "bull pen" all their own. in which only a few are privileged to tred. The former temporary partitions in the east side of the office have been removed, and the new "fence” Installed, making for a more convenient and attractive office.
In addition to the changes in the central office, the floors upstairs in Sharp Hall have been oiled. Floors in Arnold Hall were sanded and refin-ished.
To the equipment in the library have been added new shelves in the basement, and the magazines were re-shelved during summer school.
Mr. Forney, with a corps of students has been busy most of the summer remodeling, repairing, and redecorating the buildings on the campus.
Resignation and failure of some students to return to McPherson College has necessitated several changes in the personnel of campus leaders selected by the students last year. Following is a list of the offices and officers at it now stands until it is revised by appointment and elections.
President, Student Council—Clayton Rock. 't
Treasurer. Student Council—Erwin Bentz.
President. S. C. M. Willard Flaming.
Vice-president, S. C. M Wanda Hoover.
President. World Service Group— To bo elected.
President, College Christian Endeavor—-Theresa Strom.
President, International Relations
-Addison Saathoff.
President, "M” Club —Harold Johnston.
President. W. A. A. —Aileen Wine
Cheer Leaders—La Vena High and Harold Larsen.
Vice-president, Forensic Club-LaMar Bollinger..
President. Thespian Club—Fred Nace.
Editor, Quadrangle—Otho Clark.
Business Manager. Quadrangle Emerson Chisholm.
Editor. Spectator—To be appointed.
Business Manager, Spectator Vernon D. Michael.
President. Senior Class—David Metzger.
President. Junior Class-- George Toland.
President, Sophomore Class —Vera Heckman.
President. Freshman Class—to be elected.
Heads Voice Dept M. C. Personnel
Four Men, Two Women Are Added to Faculty And Field Force
All Are Much Esteemed By Their Former Employers And Fellow Workers.
Prof. Kevin Fisher, New Wind
sor, Maryland, has accepted the po sition as head of the voice depart ment at McPherson college, suc ceeding Prof. Alvin C. Voran. who has accepted a similar position a the Oklahoma City University.
N. Y. A. Fund* Are Greatly
Increased in Drouth Area
College officials stated that a general increase of about 50 per cent in National Youth Administration allotments have been made to all schools in the drouth area. Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson
Library Serves Best When
Patrons Cooperate Fully
Library facilities of McPherson College are unusually comprehensive and well organized. The library supervised and attended in a most efficient manner. Yet consideration on the part of the users is absolutely necessary in order that the library may serve the greatest num-
Watermelon Feed Friday Night Is First All
School Social
This week McPherson College offered its freshmen students a number of new and interesting things to
College, said that the college’s allotment has been raised to $765 a month for student employment.
An allotment of $19, 606, 767 to projects in the 48 states. New York City and District of Colombia, was announced by the National Youth Administration.
This total included $1, 118, 494 for increasing student aid quotas in drouth stricken states. Kansas received ft special drouth allotment of $85, 682. Total allotment was $487, 896.
Spectator Staff Is In The
Process of Reorganization
Considerable uncertainty has existed this week concerning the status of the various members of The Spectator staff. Upon the resignation of George Toland as business manager. Vernon D. Michael, editor, assumed both the business and editorial responsibilities for the first issue. Michael placed Norman wards, bis assistant of last year, charge of news for the first Issue and concentrated his own efforts on soliciting the advertisements.
The student council has been attempting to effect a solution to the dilemma. Upon Vernon Michael's request the council appointed him business manager, and is now considering the selection of an editor Some of those under consideration are Paul Miller, Norman Edwards Kenneth Weaver, Velma Watkins Harold Larsen. Lois Gnagy and Stephen Stover.
ber of persons most effectively.
Suggestions and regulations concerning the use of the library appear on page fourteen of the Student Handbook. However, the ruling concerning reserve books was omitted. Following is given the complete ruling concerning library privileges.
Books assigned for class use which are checked out of the building for overnight use must be returned when the library opens. Students not returning reserve books during the first hour shall be subject to a fine of twenty-five cents with an additional fine of five cents for each hour until the book is returned.
Books may be checked from the stocks for a period of two weeks with the privilege of renewal. Failure to
return or renew such books shall subject the student to a fine of two cents per day until the book is returned.
Unpaid fines will deprive a student of class privileges.
acquaint them with the College and the student body in general.
Monday morning Dr. V. F Schwalm gave an address of welcome to the new students. Professor Nevin W. Fisher led several numbers of group singing. Prof. Maurice A. Hess then spoke to the beginners and before noon Monday the students were taken on tours of College
campus. After noon Bright gave the students some additional
information after which the freshmen men
and women met with their respective deans. Dean Mohler and Dean Smith.
Monday night, following an address by Prof. R. E. Mohler, an Informal party was given for the new students in the Student Union room Thursday Is the "Campus Sister Frolic. "
The first big all school affair of s social nature, is the annual watermelon feed, given by the Student Christian Movement Friday night on the campus. The entire student body and the faculty members are invited to attend.
Students of McPherson Piano Department Place in Tourney
Viola Harris and Anne Krehbiel students of the piano department entered the National Piano Playing Tournament held in Wichita in the early part of June and both placed on the National Honor roll.
These Piano Playing Tournaments are held in each state annually and the students receiving national recognition must submit a repertoire of between ten and twenty compositions including scales, arpeggios, and chords to an out of state judge and make an average of eighty per cent or above. Miss Harris and Miss Krehbiel
each had fifteen compositions prepared and both averaged above eighty per cent.
In two years in which these tournaments have been held in Kansas Miss Brown has entered five students and all have placed on the national honor roll.
Upper Classes Show Good
Enrollment This Year
With students still enrolling, this year's upper classes promise to be much
larger than usual.
Send The Spectator to your friends. Yes, and to Dad and Mother. $1 a year mailed anywhere.
S. C. M. Sponsors Book Exchange
Exchange of used textbooks by the 8. C. M. book exchange will be concluded Friday of this week, according to Harold Mohler, manager of the exchange. This exchange is conducted each year by the Student Christian Movement in order to aid the students in buying and selling their textbooks, and to raise a little money for the 8. C. M. treasury. A slight commission Is charged.
Those who bare assisted Harold Mohler in keeping the exchange are LaMar Bollinger, Margaret Hahn and Louise Keim.
Faculty Receive Students In Formal Get-Together Monday Eve at Church
Students and faculty will join on evening
of social intercourse Monday evening at 8 o'clock In order to become more thoroughly acquainted. The occasion is the annual formal faculty reception for the students. Every student and every faculty member is urged to be present.
The senior class this year will number 40 and possibly more and a
larger Junior class is also in evidence . There, are many more students to enroll in a week or two and until they arrive information on the total enrollment will be unknown.
The freshman class already in- cludes nearly a hundred students from
many states In the United States. The sophomore class, will not
be as large this year as it was last year. The total student enrollment of the college will be practically the same at it was a year ago at this time.
Spirit Is Shown at First Pep
Meeting--Larsen and High Lead
Cheerleaders La Vena High and Harold Larsen led the student body , in the first pop session of the football season Thursday morning. Opportunity was given at this time for the now students to learn the col lege songs and yells.
Viola Harris, college song leader led, the group in several of the col-lege songs. Both the school song and pep songs were sung.
A large amount of enthusiasm is being manifested In the team this year by the student body,
Announcement was made of the pajama
parade, an annual affair which will be held Thursday eve-ning.
Former Student Opens Office Here
Patronize Spectator Advertisers
Dr. J. F. Slifer, formerly of Little River, has obtained the practice of the late Dr. C. F. Mahler and has moved his family to McPherson where he will occupy the offices formerly used by Dr. Mahler. Dr. Silfer la a former student of McPherson college.
Ton of Melons Will Meet Their
Fate Friday Eve at Melon Feed Following the custom of past years, McPherson College students will
observe the annual watermelon feed Friday evening. This year the feed is under the direction of the Student Christian Movement.
The purpose of the watermelon feed is to help the students get acquainted socially. A good time may be anticipated by those attending
Six new members have been added to the faculty of McPherson Col-. lege this year. Departments in which new instructors have been appointed are foreign language, violin, voice, physical education, a new coach and a field representative.
Miss Marian L. Sheets is the professor of foreign language. She is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she received her Master’s degree. Miss Sheets spent one year at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. She also spent one year at Columbia University, New York City.
Miss Sheets comes to McPherson College highly recommended both by her professors at Boulder and Columbia University. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board honorary society for senior women.
The new head of the violin department is Mr. Loren Crawford. He has an A. B. and a Bachelor of Music degree from Southwestern College of Winfield and has had one year graduate work at the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y.
Mr. Crawford has had wide experience as a violinist. Ho will be director of the McPherson College orchestra this year. He replaces Miss Mattie Shay, who was married this summer.
C. E. Davis represents McPherson College as field man this year. He if a former president of Mount Morris College
and former pastor of the Brethren Church of Independence. He began his work at McPherson early this summer.
For the first time in the history of the college, a full time co-ed's director and physical education instructor has been appointed. Miss Lilyan Warner fills that position this year. She is a graduate of the Central Missouri State Teachers College of Warrensburg, Missouri
Miss Warner has had several years teaching experience, She came to the college from Calhoun high school, Calhoun, Missouri, where she was employed as teacher of social science and physical education.
Bud Selves, former assistant football coach at M. C, has been ap-pointed head coach of athletics and instructor of physical education for men this year. Mr. Selves is a grad-uate of the College of Emporia.
The new head of the voice department of the college Is Profes sor Nevin W. Fisher of New Windsor. Maryland.
Mr. Fisher comes to the college highly recommended. He is not only a well trained vocal instructor, but also an accomplished pianist. He has studied at Bridge Water College, John Hopkins University and for a number of years at the Peabody Conserv-
atory of Music, one of the three outstanding conservatories of America.
Mrs. Mabel Pence Canfield, former teacher of Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, says of him: "He is the best musician in the Brethren church. He can compose music, and knows both voice and piano. ”
Mr. Fisher is taking the place left vacant on the resignation of Professor A. C. Voran, who has ac-cepted a position at Oklahoma City University. Mr. Fisher is to be conductor of the A Cappella choir as well as instructor of voice.
Past Sins
Smith - "Every time I stay out
late at night, my wife gets historic
al. ’
Jones - "You mean hysterical, don’t you? ”
Smith- " No. I mean historical. She digs up my past, you know. "
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
1935 Member 1936 HOME OF
Associated Collegiate Press The Bulldogs
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the post office at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Address All Correspondence to
THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
(From “Gourdie" Green's Diary)
WELCOME new students! You have heard that often the last week and shall hear It often In the future. When you hear "Welcome! " you hear a sincere greeting. because you are welcome. McPherson takes you
into her organization and makes you a
part of It.
Every new student will feel the depth of fellowship and friendship that is typical of the College. Everyone will know everyone else. When you who are new here feel as If you are lost, turn to an old student—he will make you feel at home. We are certain that the choice the student made when he or she decided to attend McPherson College will never
be regretted and the student will want to return.
Then, this year Is the fiftieth anniversary of the college. Greater goals will be attained.
McPherson College Is not only a “School of Quality" but one of prestige as well.
A word of greeting and welcome Is due our
old students who “came back" instead of going to another Institution. Nowhere, we feel certain, will the students who left here for a larger and strange school, find the deep spirit of friendship that Is so prevalent at M. C.
Old and new, Welcome, and let's make this a banner year!
The Spectator Staff.
"Henrietta" and "Gourdie Green", otherwise known ns Miss Agnes Black and Mr. John Bower of Mo-Louth were united in marriage in the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, June 13. by the Rev. S. H. Vogan of Piper. The couple was attended
by Miss Olive Black, bridesmaid, sister of the bride, and by Mr. Gordon Bower, best man, brother of the groom.
Come on and fight, Bulldogs, fight Bulldogs fight.
You've got the crowd back of you Fight. Bulldogs, fight. Bulldogs, fight
Why not break that line in two as can be
Let's make the coach just as proud Our team Is going to be a winner You've got the spirit that wins And with our cheers we're going to help to win this battle.
Webber-Schacht The marriage of Miss Helen Webber, former McPherson College student to
Mr. Edgar Schacht, of Lorraine, took place Sunday, June 14 at 2: 30 p. m., In the parlors of the Methodist church of McPherson.
The Rev. Walter Schmidt of Lorraine performed the ceremony.
Holzemer-Meyers Tuesday, August 18, was the date chosen by Miss Elizabeth Holzemer and Leslie Meyers for their wedding. Miss Holzemer was graduated from McPherson College In 1933 and Mr. Meyers In 1932.
Come on out west—our schools are best.
Out among the tall-sun-flowers.
Our red and white—send out their light.
McPherson College sends its' beams to you.
For you and me—our songs shall be Of a love that is so true—
We’ll ne’er forget—you'l ne’er
McPherson—we're all for you.
Come on out here—teams know no fear.
Friendships formed are gay and glad.
Well, well, well, here we are back trying to get enrolled in the school of quality again, and having to wait around the office doors longer than ever. I am pretty sure I can get by the rest, but don’t know about Fries. I don’t know why, but he always seems to think he has to have some money. I am seeing lots of old faces around here—maybe Shor-ty Wine would object to my calling her face old, so I had better say familiar. It seems just like meeting your own family about Thanksgiving time. This is about the friendliest place I know of.
We had quite a trip getting down here—believe it or not we left home in the rain—for there were ao many things to bring. Everybody seemed so interested in Henrietta last year I just brought her along too. Now we'll get the low down on this "two can live as cheaply as one" business.
What’s this card? Name? Green Gordon B. Sophomore. Punkin Center, Kansas. Newspaper? That must be the Speck... Oh! I’ve got it, that's the Punkin Center Paralizer. Don't know yet, ask me again some time. See previous response. Punkin Center High School. Church of the Brethren. No preference. Punkin Center, Kansas. Feb. 29, 1915.
1935-1936—heart trouble. No. Quite a bit. Here and there. Not a writer (like Odd McIntire). Darius Green Punkin Center, Kansas, Farmer. Church of the Brethren. Wonder if they think I'm going to die or something that they ask me for this final and complete statement. Next semester I'm going to get me a stamp with Punkin Center on it and save half the time filling out the cards.
Knock! Knock! Who's there? Alf! Alf who? Alf the states that Farley claims are Landon's! Went to the big rally for Will West, but couldn't see the parade for the motorcycle cops. I wish I could get some of those cops to go along with me when I go In to see Prof. Fries. Maybe I can harvest my lespedeza crop and get my bills paid.
—G. Green.
Have you noticed too that all tbe dorm girls have lost some of the extra pounds gained last year?
Such a lavish floor lamp as one of the second floor rooms boasts, I have never seen In the boy’s dorm. And If old Fahnestock hasn't recovered yet from the torment of being inhabited to welcome "Amos, " let me do It. To have such an Iowa-Missouri - farmer - camper - preacher - senior residing In the barracks is much to Its credit.
College life—for most of us—has ( started off just where we left it last spring. And from observation most of the couples are following the same policy.
Rumors of organising a Landon club on the campus reach my ears with PROMPT DISAPPROVAL. Mrs. Gourdie Green, now Is the time to demonstrate your authority and keep your husband from the ranks of a mere sunflower politician.
Thanks for a not-dried-up campus. And I feel better now, after seeing the results of the seed planted last spring, over the old disgusts aggravated by Doc Forney's persistence in making me walk all those extra steps around the wire to the library.
If "Bill" Fry agrees with Shakespeare that 'Rosemary Is for remembrance', now... what do you sup-pose... Marjorie... is for?
Ring-Yoder The marriage of Miss Una Ring and Mr. Wilbur Yoder, both graduates of McPherson College, was
consummated in a pretty service on August 23 at the Methodist Church in McPherson. Mr. Yoder has been employed for the past two years by the People's State Bank of this city. Miss Ring has been teaching at Kingsdown, since her graduation in 1934.
A mountaineer had his first trip to the city with his son, driving a decrepit car. Stopping the car on main street the old man climbed out and appeared to be fascinated by the pavement. He scraped his feet on the hard surface, then turned to his son.
"I don't blame 'em for building a town hero. ” he said. "This ground is too durned hard to plow anyway. "
Patronize Spectator Advertisers
1936 Bulldog Football Schedule
Sept. 18--Emporia Teachers at McPherson.
Sept. 25, Bacone Indians at McPherson.
Oct. 2. Open.
Oct. 9, Ottawa at McPherson.
Oct. 16, Baker at Baldwin.
Oct. 23, Bethel at McPherson. Oct. 30, Bethany at Lindsborg. Nov. 6, College of' Emporia at Emporia.
Nov. 13, Kearney State Teachers, Kearney, Neb., at Kearney.
Nov. 26, Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson.
Save your "Specs” and have them hound.
Send The Spectator to your friends. Yes, and to Dad and Mother. $1 a year mailed anywhere.
Save your "Specs" and have them bound.
This year a great coach, Melvin J. Binford passed out of the McPherson College limelight, to be immediately replaced by a brilliant, fiery leader, Lester "Bud" Shelves.
Coach "Bud" Selves came to MCPherson College to be assistant football coach as a graduate of Cottonwood Falls high school and College of Emporia. In his playing days Selves was
considered by most sports writers as one of the finest halfbacks the state has ever known and a winner of many honors in track.
For the past three years Coach Selves has been assistant coach at McPherson. With this experience and a natural ability as a leader "Bud will more than fill the bill.
Coach Melvin Binford was as clean and
all-around athlete as has ever entered the portals of McPherson College. Because of this he was highly respected and liked by all who came
in contact with him.
Coach Binford, after ten successful years as coach at Hutchinson Junior College and McPherson College, resigned his past position to take up
his new duties and study at Oklahoma City University. Coach Binford will act as director of health and physical education. While also assisting Toby Green, university coach, in football and other sports he will have charge of the basketball coaching.
Coach Binford, through six trying years put out teams as fine as were In
the conference. McPherson College will never be able to repay him for his great sacrifice for the good of the college. The athletic field, for which he was directly responsible will always stand as a memorial to a great coach and a great fellow.