Private Manufacture of Arms is Condemned—Also Military Protection


Youth Peace Action Committee Plans Mass Meeting on Peace for Armistice Day

Tabulation of the results of the peace poll taken in chapel prove that as usual McPherson College students are in the majority for peace. Approximately 180 persons filled out the questionnaires partly or in full.

Although it would take too much space to print all the totals, some brief summaries are of general interest. The League is approved by a vote of about five to one; the World Court by about three to one. Private manufacture of arms was condemned 175 to 4. Protection of foreign investments by the army and the navy was also condemned by a vote of 143 to 11.

The students were almost evenly divided on the question as to the inevitability of war under capitalism, but fascism, communism, and our present democratic system were rather unfavorably looked upon. Economic sanctions were upheld, but just the opposite for military sanctions.

Student opinion was approximately split on liberal and conservative lines.

The Youth Peace Action Committee is sponsoring a mass meeting for peace on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, at 10: 30 a. m. Plans for the program include music, two youth speakers, and an address by Dr. James Chubb, of Baker.


Committee from Student Council

Confers with Dean Bright—Part of Money Is Raised

A committee selected from members of the Student Council met Monday with Doctor Bright to discuss ways and means of raising money for the building of a Student Union room. This room is to be made from the three rooms of the lower floor of Sharp Hull. A social and recreational room is something that has been needed, by the college for a long time.

Part of the money has already been raised, but there is need for a rather large additional amount. This committee is composed of Doctor Bright, Wanda Hoover, Estelle Baile, and Clayton Rock. Suggestions as to how to raise money for this purpose will be greatly appreciated by the committee.


Friday, Nov. 1—Football, Bethany, at the College athletic field; 8 p. m.

Sunday, Nov. 3—C. E. at the College Church, 6: 45 p. m.

Tuesday. Nov. 5—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings. 10 a. m.

—Vash Young Lyceum at the McPherson Community Building, 8 p. m.

Wednesday, Nov. 6 — Men's debate tryouts, Chapel, 6: 30 p. m.



Freshmen -Place Second with Sophomores Following Closely

The seniors are to receive the $10 prize offered to the class whose members were first to have all their pictures taken for the Quadrangle and to have the proofs returned to the “Quad” office. The lust few of the senior proofs were returned today.

The freshmen are second in line with 111 of their 126 members having returned their proofs. The sophomores arc close behind the freshmen with 60 of their total of 75 members having been photographed. Only 30 of the 45 juniors have returned their proofs.

These figures show that there are still a number who have not had their pictures taken. It is the aim of the "Quad” staff that every student should have his picture in the Quadrangle and so they wish to urge those who have not had their pictures taken to do so at once.


Vash Young Will Lecture on “Go-Giving Versus Go-Getting”

Vash Young, popular author of "A Fortune to Share, ” “Let’s Start Over Again, " and "The Go-Giver, " will be at the McPherson Community Building at 8: 00 p. m. next Tuesday evening. Tickets for the Lyceum season will he on reservation at the Bix-by & Lindsay Drug Store on Saturday, Nov. 8.

Mr. Young's lectures are like the man himself—clear, concise, full of practical aptimism and the joy of wor kwell done. The subject for his lecture hero is Go-Giving Versus Go-Getting. In a recent lecture Vash Young declared, "The time has come when the giving habit must replace the getting habit if we are to go places and do things. In other words, we must become go-givers instead of go-getters. ”

The McPherson community lyceum course is sponsored by the two colleges, the public schools and the ministerial board.

Other lyceum numbers to follow Young promise to be of general interest. On Wednesday, Nov. 13, the Pollard Players will appear on the program. The players need no introduction as they were in McPherson last year. This year they will present a Broadway comedy-drama,

"Big Hearted Herbert. ” On December 5 the University Light Opera singers will be on the program. This group will present in costume many colorful selections from Victor Herbert, Gilbert, and Sullivan.

Dr. No-Yong Park, Oriental lecturer, will appear in McPherson on December 13. Dr. No-Yong Park is well versed in international affairs, as well as being an interesting speaker.

Freshmen and Seniors Revert to Childhood Days at Kid Party

An "infantile group of college students" enjoyed a supervised recrea-tional program in the gymnasium last Saturday evening. Totally innocent of the group of friends, faculty members and less fortunate "middle" classmen who observed the freshman-senior kid party, the happy youngsters played together, displaying a remarkable ability to get along with each other.

After seeing the kids parade, judges chose Harold Larsen and Mildred Stutzman as outstandingly successful in portraying their characters, who were "Little Lord Fauntle roy" and a "sweet young thing. ” Each winner was presented with a large balloon, and given the privilege of looking for the "birdie" all by themselves.

The children indulged in a series of progressive games, with a senior in charge of each group. They wore also taken on a short Journey to the "Cave of Death. ” where they were almost (but not quite) frightened enough to terminate all balloon breaking, unnecessary noises, etc. Suckers, stick horses, dolls, bottles, and whistles also furnished enter-tainment, having been brought by their respective owners. Balloons were released, and after being removed from the big boys and properly distributed among the more modest children, they were promptly broken by the former.

As the clock ticked its way on toward the early hours of the evening, the children were each given a cup of suitable cider and a sugar-coated doughnut, after which they got their wraps and scurried home.

Queen to Be Crowned at Homecoming

Lillian Peterson is announced by the Quadrangle staff as winner of the Football Queen contest after a recount of the v o t e s. Estelle Halle and Lillian Peterson were tied until a recount revealed a discrepancy i n favor of Miss Peterson at about midnight last night.

Miss Peterson will bo crowned queen tomorrow night at the Homecoming game with Velma Watkins and Estelle Baile as attendants.


Freshman-Sophomore Football Game Scheduled for 3 p. m.


'M' Club Dinner for Old Members To Be Held In Hotel McCourt     at 6 p. m.


Biographies Are Given of Men Whose Pictures Hang in Harnly Hall

Due to a conflict in dates the Chemistry Club meeting was held Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 23. The program consisted of reports on the biographies of the noted chemists whose pictures arc found in the entrance of Harnly Hall. The biography of Howard Clayton Huer was given by Raymond Lichty; Irving Langmuir by Phyllis Barngrover; Theodore Richard by Phyllis Powers; Willis Rodney Whitney by David Metzger; Edgar Smith by Dale Embers; Edward Curtis Franklin by Harold Mohler; Harvey Washington Wiley by Lola Hoffert; Wilder Dwight Bancroft by Lyle Brower; Moses Gomberg by Kenneth Bentson; Julius Stiegitz by Jessie Miller; W. A. Noyes by Galen Glessner; A. A. Noyes by Lowell Heiny; Ira Remsen by Glen Webb. A moving picture has been planned for the next meeting which will be held on Nov. 7. A good attendance is hoped for and a cordial invitation is extended to the public.


Dr. Josephine Smith was hostess at a tea served to a number of women students in her office last Thursday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs. Adelyn Dean and Miss Orpha Burn.

This is to be a regular affair and Dr. Smith invites both men and women students to have tea in her office this afternoon between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock.



Professor Dell is Speaker at Y. M.

Meetings—Vocations Discussions

Are Concluded in Last Meeting

Professor Dell spoke to the Y. M. C. A. last Tuesday on choosing a vocation, Professor Dell's talk concluded a series of three program sponsored by the Y. M. on the subject of vocations.

In his address Dell explained the present attitude of many young persons—that there is nothing new to accomplish. He stated that there are many new things to do. Fields are becoming more and more specialized and new facts are discovered about old subjects every day, he said.

Professor Dell then named some vocations that offer the greatest opportunity for young men. He also named some that are over-crowded and some that the young person should seriously consider before he takes them up.

Clarence Sink led the singing at the meeting Tuesday. Devotions on



One Act Play Is Directed by Estelle Baile—Stage Managed by Wilbur Stem

"Dust of the Road, " a one-act play by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, was presented on the Christian Endeavor program Sunday evening. The play was directed by Estelle Baile and the stage manager was Wilbur Stern.

Preceding the play, Franklin Hie-bert gave several violin selections, accompanied by Margaret Poister.

The cast of characters is as follows: Prudence Steele, Lois Gnagy; Peter Steele, her husband, Harold Mohler; Tramp, Fred Nace; Old Man, Harold Larsen.

As the play begins we find Prudence Steele, a selfish, cold-hearted housewife, and her uncle, a kind old gentleman. A feeble old man who comes to the house to ask for food is turned out by Mrs. Steele. When a knock at the door is heard, she thinking it to be her husband, speaks cruelly to him, but when he enters she finds that it is not he, but a tramp. She is afraid and tells him to get out and just as they are in the midst of a heated conversation. Peter Steele, her husband, enters. She tells him of the old man and, when she turns around to point to him she finds he has disappeared. Mr. Steele, thinking this to be only a nightmare, does not believe her.

After Prudence Steele has gone to bed the tramp appears again, this time to Mr. Steele. He is very much annoyed by the tramp's presence and orders him out of the house immediately. The tramp says he will not go until he has told him one thing, that is to pay back to his nephew the money which rightfully belongs to him. Mr. Steele is angry at first but after some reflection decides that it is the proper thing to do.

When Mrs. Steele awakes at morning, he relates to her his experience during the night. She also tells him of her experience with the old man that she had turned out in the cold that same evening.

The visit of the tramp has changed Mr. and Mrs. Steele into different persons. They now have good in their hearts, and as the play ends, Mr. Steele sets out to find the old man so that he may give him food and shelter.

Friday afternoon and evening is Homecoming for McPherson College. Due to the fact that Parents' Day and the dedication of the new athletic field was celebrated quite extensively only two weeks ago, not quite such elaborate plans are being made for the Homecoming as might otherwise have been. However, Homecoming is being looked forward to as an important event of the school year.

At 3 p. m. the freshman-sophomore football game will be played. At 6 o'clock there will be a dinner in the Persian room at the Hotel Mc-Court for all old "M" Club members. Moffat Eakes, of the class of ’26, is in charge of the dinner and the entertainment.

At 8 o'clock the McPherson Bulldogs meet the Bethany Swedes on the McPherson field. Preceding the game the football queen will be crowned. She will ride around the track in a decorated automobile with her two attendants on either side. The ceremony will take place before the stadium where the queen will occupy the seat of honor on a platform.

The McPherson high school band will perform between halves of the game.


Drs. Schwalm, Bright and Petry Are Delegates from McPherson

There will be a meeting at Newton from Oct. 31 to and including Nov. 1 of representatives of the three denominations which stand especially for peace — Mennonites, Friends, and the Church of the Brethren. It is the plan that these groups will later form a national organization.

This is a movement toward great-er unity of thought and actions on the problems of peace. It probably will consist of panels and discussions. It is to be a regional meeting. People from as far away as Indiana will attend. There will be four faculty members present from North Man-chester College. From the McPherson Church of the Brethren Doctor Schwalm, Doctor Bright, and Doctor Petry will attend. It is not an open meeting, but is to be attended only by delegates.

vocations were conducted by La Mar



A skit introducing the series of programs for the following weeks

Beat the Swedes!

A number of new books have been received by the library this week. For the chemistry department a set of two volumes entitled "A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry” by Mellor has been purchased.

The following books come to the library as gifts of Mrs. Roland Jones: "How to Make Big Profits in Seasoned Securities of Wall Street” by Bardell. "How to Keep Your Money and Make It Earn More” by Casson, and "Vorwarts" by Bacon.

Other interesting new additions are "Food Preparation" by Sweet-man, "Cotton Goes to Market” by Garside and "The Billboard Index of New York's Legitimate Stage Season 1934-1935. "


The World Service Group did not meet this week on account of the revival meetings at the church. The next meeting will be Nov. 12. It is

planned that the subject of the next meeting will be "Choosing a Library

was given in the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday.

The programs will have as a theme "Improving Ourselves" and will devote the meetings to discussions of different ways by which students can improve their clothes, posture, habits, develop poise, and in various other ways improve themselves and their way of living.

Special problems will be treated


The freshman debate team defeated the sophomore team Wednesday afternoon to advance to the finals in the inter-class debate tournament. Harold Larson and Waldo Newberg debated for the freshmen and Alvin Lindgren and Alberta Keller represented the sophomores.

The debate question was: "Resolved that two-thirds of Congress should have power to override decisions of the Supreme Court declaring law unconstitutional. " The freshman team debated on the negative side of the question and the sophomores took the affirmative.

The freshman team will meet the senior debaters in the final round of the tournament sometime in the near future.


for a Christian Home, ” and the meeting following that will have as its subject, "Choosing Pictures for a Christian Home. ”

It is hoped that the fact that the World Service meets only every two weeks this year will not detract from the interest shown in it. Anyone is welcome to come to any or every meeting.

and all women are cordially urged to attend these meetings.

The following took part in the

The formal dinner which had been planned for Thursday evening has been indefinitely postponed because of the many conflicting activities already scheduled for that night. A vote was taken in order to give the

play: Vera Heckman, Eugenia Hogan, Lola May Harbough, Becky Ann Stauffer, LeVena High, and Helen Eaton.

Theresa Strom wrote and directed the play. Devotionals were read at the beginning of the meeting by Emma Schmidt.

students who eat their meals in the dining hall an opportunity to express their opinions. Since the majority preferred to have it at a later date, those who were planning the dinner agreed to postpone it.

Beat the Swedes!

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.


Editor-in-Chief................................................ Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor................................................. Merle Messamer

Society Editor..................................................... Velma Watkins

Sports Editor...................................................... Conway Yount

Make-up Editor................................................ Norman Edwards

Business Manager............................................. Lawrence Strouse

Advertising Manager ................................................ Paul Lackie

Assistant Advertising Manager.............................. Waldo Newberg

Circulation Manager.............................................. Galen Glessner

Assistant Circulation Manager.................................... Irene Smith


Estelle Baile    Norman Edwards    Valera Pearce

John Bower    Evelyn Glessner    Martha Hoop

Otho Clark    Allberta Keller    Harriette Smith

Yolanda Clark    Isabel Kittell    Kenneth Weaver

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

On Burying the Live Swede

This morning a mock "funeral" was held in the chapel, "A good time was had by all" and there was a great deal of fun and merriment. Such programs, however, have been criticized in years past as being sacri-ligious in nature. It has been maintained that such solemn services should not be parodied in a light manner.     

In connection with this discussion we should like, to interpose two suggestions, which might be of some-value. First, it would help a lot if students would consider the program to be entirely of a secular nature, and realize that there is no religious connotation implied. Secondly, we should like to relay a suggestion handed to us by a well wisher. Why not have the Swede funeral AFTER the game instead of before?

Although the last two years have seen the Bulldogs triumphant over the Swedes, for many years previous the predictions connoted by the burial of the Swedes were invariably smashed by subsequent defeat. It is, to say the least, rather disconcerting to stage a big celebration before a victory and then taste the bitter gall of defeat.

If we win tomorrow, well and good. If we lose... perhaps it would have been better if we had waited to celebrate. —K. W.

Miss Christine Mohler, a graduate of McPherson College, and Mr. John Bagby of New Haven, Missouri, were married at the bride's home at War-rensburg, Missouri, Oct. 18. While attending McPherson College Mrs. Bagby acted as secretary to the president. She graduated with the class of 1931. Since that time she has been employed as teacher of commerce in the high school at New Haven. She is also a talented artist and has attended summer sessions of the Kansas City Art Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Bagby will make their home in Charleston, West Virginia, where he holds a position with the Carbide and Carbon Chemical Com-pany.

Discrimination in Voting

The school has just passed through the throes of another student election. A queen was to be chosen for Homecoming. Strangely enough, although we are living in a democratic nation, the election was conducted exactly in the manner of elections of pre-Victorian ages. Years ago ownership of property or payment of taxes was essential for a vote. Today in the republican government of the U. S., a vote is conferred upon every able-bodies male and female as soon as he or she becomes of age. The student election, however, has been carried out on arbitrary grounds.

In other words, as everybody knows, purchase of a Quadrangle was necessary to vote for the queen. This Is in no sense representative, for many students have been unable so far to spare the immediate outlay of cash for a yearbook. Popular approval has been replaced by mercenary considerations as the means of voting for choice of candidates.

The foregoing statements by no means are intended to decry the program or purpose of the college yearbook. What they do mean to convey is that in the minds of many students it is deemed desirable to hold an all-school election based on popular vote to determine choice of an all-school queen. It is to be hoped that succeeding years will bring about such a change. —K. W.

Elizabeth Flory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Flory, formerly of Carletin. Neb., was married last Sunday night to Jack Hadley of Beatrice, Neb. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. George Sellberg. Mrs. Sellberg was formerly Sylvia Flory, a student of McPherson College.

Rilla Hubbard’s brother, Byron, and his wife ana son spent Sunday afternoon and evening here.

The mixed quartette, including Dorothy Dell, Gordon Yoder, Margaret Fry, and Raymond Lichty, went with Dr. and Mrs. Schwalm to Gravel Hill to a district meeting Saturday morning and returned Sunday evening.

Miss Lehman is now rooming at Petry’s and will take some of her meals at the dormitory.

Lucille Hornbaker and Marjory Flory spent the week-end with Lucille Cole at her home in Langdon.

Wanda Hoover was a week-end guest of Bertha Bergthold in the Hiebert home. Wanda and Ira Mil-ton Hoover were Sunday dinner guests in the same home.

Esther Zimmerman sang at the Baptist church of McPherson Sunday evening.

Laurene Schlatter, a former student of M. C. who is attending the Teacher’s College at Emporia, visited her mother and friends here Saturday and Sunday.

A. J. Brumbaugh, acting Dean of Chicago University, and- former President of Mount Morris College,

spoke to the faculty Friday morning on the problems of personnel work.

F. A. Replogle, former Dean of McPherson College, and A. J. Brumbaugh spoke at the teachers’ meeting at Wichita, which many of the M. C. faculty members attended.

Lola Hoffert has been quite ill for several days; her condition is not much improved at present.

Inez Goughnour and Eugenia Hogan went with Prof. R. E. Mohler to a district meeting in northern Missouri Friday. Miss Gonghnour's parents came down from their home in Des Moines, Ia., to visit her.

Intimate friends of Lola Mae Har-baugh surprised her Thursday evening with a feed in honor of her birthday.

M. C. was well represented at the Newton game Friday night, even though it was necessary to sit in the rain to watch it.


Beat the Swedes!


Students of K. S. T. C. are engaged in many interesting and unusual occupations this year to help themselves through school. Approximately twenty different lines of work are represented. Once a week two boys go around and clean the advertisements on the back side of the slow signals at intersections. Other boys work at such jobs as bell hops, caring for horses at a riding academy, driving for an undertaking company, working in restaurants, clerking in stores and delivering groceries. —The Collegio, Pittsburg.

Out of 32 bands and drum corps that played in Kansas City at the American Royal Stock Show Monday, Oct. 21, eleven were directed by former K. S. T. C. students. —The Collegio, Pittsburg.

Sleeping attire of all description was on display Friday night when more than 1500 men students of the University, dressed in night shirts and pajamas, walked the streets of Lawrence, celebrating the thirty-third anniversary of the traditional Night Shirt    Parade. —University

Daily Kansas, Lawrence.

Distinguished intellectually and a true gentleman. Dr. Wm. J. Show-alter, Associate Editor of the National Geographic Magazine, and an alumnus of Bridgewater College, died at the Ontario apartments, Washington on Oct. 15. —The B. C. Bee, Bridgewater, Virginia.


The Church of the Brethren in Kansas City, Missouri, entertained with a McPherson College banquet last Thursday evening. Dr. Schwalm was the main speaker. Tickets were sold for forty cents each. The proceeds from the banquet went for the support of McPherson College.

The waitresses wore aprons and caps of the college colors. The aprons were red with M. C. in white. There was a fine attendance. Much loyalty and enthusiasm for the college was shown.


At the last meeting of the A Cap-pella choir, last Wednesday evening, officers for the new year were lected. For the third consecutive year Chris Johansen was elected president: Lois Gnagy is secretary; Paul Miller, treasurer; Raymond Lichty, chairman of the Publiciay Committee; Franklin Hiebert, librarian; and Estelle Baile, chairman of the Social Committee. There was no regular practice at this meeting.

Freshmen Will Shine Tonight—And How!

At last the upperclass inmates of dear old Arnold Hall, that deformi-tory which shelters the college girls (women to you who are dignified), finally have a new deal. This new deal has come in the form of superiority oyer the freshman girls. For years the boys have had their belt line, even if the shiek of our faculty won't go through. Well, the girls of Arnold, particularly those on second floor, decided that something must be done. It was also believed by some that maybe the freshman girls felt slighted that some form of punishment similar to that inflicted on the boys wasn't placed on them. With these grave problems on the brows of those wonderful upperclassmen it was decided by all that the situation must be remedied.     

The outcome was that most remarkable declaration, namely, a slipper line.

Now the older girls knew that there should be some reason for the slipper line, and that the slipper line should not he used on merely general principles. Those general principles, may it be noted, can be summed up in the fact that the majority of freshmen, women have stopped wearing their green cops, even before the freshman-sophomore football game has been played.

Of course, if you have been around you are aware of the rainy weather that we have been having. Now when fair damsels of McPherson College wear shoes (the majority still do) to an event such as the Newton hall game, they are most likely to get their shoes slightly muddy.

Nowadays any visitor of dear old Arnold, if he (I should have said she) is not entirely asleep, will notice one or perhaps two pairs of shoes, depending upon the wealth of the inmate, beside each door. She

will also notice several girls here or there, near or far, patiently cleaning and shining shoes.

The whole purpose of this story is to inform all that the results have been amazing. The freshmen have stooped to their honorable uppers and the uppers have been wearing better lowers (shoes, if you haven't caught on).


A number of faculty members attended the meeting of the Association of American College at the Lassen Hotel in Wichita last Friday and Saturday. Dr. Robert L. Kelly, of New York City, sponsored the meeting. The speakers were Dr. A. J. Brumbaugh, of Chicago University;

Dr. Henry Wriston, president of Law-rence College, Appleton, Wisconsin; and Dr. Harry M. Gage, president of Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

F. A. Replogle, former dean of McPherson College, led a short discussion on personnel work.

The following faculty members from McPherson College attended the meeting: Doctor Bright, Professor Dell, Professor Bowman, Doctor Boitnott, Professor Voran, Doctor Schwalm, Miss Lehman, Doctor Smith, Mrs. Dean, and Doctor Flory.

Beat the Swedes!

Patronize Spectator Advertisers.


One Hundred Students on Floating University Will Start World Voyage from New York Feb. 6

Required Course in Modern Civilization and 26 Elective Courses Are Being Offered for College Credit

One hundred men and women students will be completely "at sea" this coming semester. But that's not as bad as it sounds, for they'll be traveling around the world on the Floating University — aboard the 340-foot twin-screw yacht Hiron-delle, once owned by the late Prince Albert of Monaco, famous navigator and oceanographer. The sixth Uni-

versity World Voyage, the first after a period of four years, will start from New York on Feb. 6.

Now an American yacht, the Hi-rondelle has been chartered by the University Travel Association of New York in order to give students the maximum of comfort on the 140-day “floating semester. ” This luxurious and seaworthy royal yacht is now being refitted at Fall River, Mass., at a cost of over a quarter million dollars for the co-education-al round-the-world voyage. Among other costly alterations, especially designed beds are being installed which can be converted in the day-time into comfortable lounging chairs. To insure absolute safety, two motorized lifeboats have been added to the ten already in place, and an R. C. A. transmitting and receiving apparatus will keep the ship in constant touch with the rest of the world. All students will have outside staterooms, spacious and thoroughly ventilated. The ship even boasts twenty-one bathrooms, a larger proportion per passenger than on any cruise steamer.

The Floating University will go first to Cuba, then to California by way of the Panama Canal and across the Pacific to the Far East, return-ing through the Near East and the Mediterranean. In the event of widespread war abroad, the United States Department of State will be consulted so as to avoid all danger zones. If such a change in the itinerary is necessary, the Hirondelle will sail around Africa, stopping at Zanzibar, Cape Town and other ports, and back by way of South America to the United States. West Coast students can embark at San Pedro, Calif.

Courses given on the yacht between call ports and trips inland count toward a degree in American colleges and universities. A required course in Modern Civilization, to be given by members of the facul-ty and guest speakers in foreign lands, will be of paramount importance in linking together lectures and sightseeing. The 26 elective courses include in their broad range such diverse subjects an International and Economic Policies, Foreign Trade. Navigation and Journalism.

Dr. James Edwin Lough, for eighteen years a dean in New York University, is once more director of the Floating University. Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid, President of the University of Southern California, is honorary chancellor. Rear Admiral Walter S. Crosley, retiring this month from the United States Navy, is Commandant and Professor of Navigation. Among the faculty are Dr. Jesse P. Rowe, head of the geology department at the University of Montana; Dr. Herbert E. Harris, Professor of English and VicePresident of Whittier College; Dr. J. Harold Tarbell, Assistant Professor of Economic* at Syracuse University; and Dr. Oran M. Raber, formerly Professor of Botany at the University of Arizona. Each will give a course in his respective field. Mrs. Crosley will direct social activities, act as chaperone for women students and see that the student body is provided with the best American cuisine—-accordlng to suggestions and recipes offered by the parents.     

With money spent by gamblers in the Casino at Monte Carlo, Prince Albert had the luxurious Hirondelle built only after experimenting in marine construction with three other previous ships—Hirondelle I, Prin-cesse Alice I, and Princess Alice II. A scientist and a seaman as well as a “bon vivant," the prince made certain that his latest maritime hobby should servo the dual purpose of floating home and scientific laboratory. He often stayed two and three months at a time at sea, collecting rare specialities for his museum at Monte Carlo, the best oceanopraghic museum in the world.

In order to preserve the accuracy of the delicate measuring and weighing instruments carried on board. Prince Albert had the Hirondelle

built exceptionally seaworthy. As an added insurance to comfort, especially in the tropics, he put the hydraulic steering gear and galleys above deck, thus removing heat from the sumptuous wood-carved- royal suite and staterooms.

The Kaiser, a friend of Albert, chartered the Hirondelle for his personal use on the recommendation of

the Imperial German Navy as "the most seaworthy and appropriate yacht afloat. ” Later, when she was lent to the French Navy during the war, his orders were to "sink the Hirondelle in shoal water for possible refloatation." Fortunately, this never came to pass. James W. Gerard, wartime ambassador to Germany was dining on the Hirondelle in Keil Harbor when he heard the news of the assassination at Sarajevo, which precipitated the World War.

Collegiate Digest offers $3 for Any Photos Used

News and amateur photographers of McPherson College are being offered the professional news photographer’s rales of $3 for every photo which they submit and are accepted for publication in Collegiate Digest, it was announced by the editors of that publication recently.

Photos of news interest to college students throughout the nation are eligible for this new Collegiate Digest photograph contest, and action photos of activities on this campus are particularly desired by the rotogravure section’s editors.

Send your photographs now to the Photo Contest Editor, Collegiate Digest. P. O. Box 472. Madison, Wis. Any size of photo is eligible in the contest, but all pictures must be gloss prints.

interesting ones drew much attention. These were the baby and the tomboy. The judges surely must have been prejudiced inasmuch as they failed to recognize the remarkable adaptability of the costumes to the people.

It is said that one of the guests liked the cider so well he took three gallons of it home with him. He lost one gallon in some mysterious manner. It is not known exactly who got the cider, but it is thought that the occupants of the room directly above might know something about it.

It looks like the Freshman rush Is about over, and certain individuals having been put in their proper place, things are settling down to that old monotonous routine. It appears that a few of the freshmen don't want to settle down, and they're causing certain guys a lot of worry. This commentator is having a hard time trying to figure it out, whether it is the obnoxiousness of those certain guys, the love of variety, or merely the limited amount of talents possessed by any one person, is not sufficient for them.

The contest seems to be causing a lot of difficulty. It seems too bad that a sensible method of choosing a queen could not have been used, and all this trouble saved. We still think the popular election is the only way to choose a representative of the school.

Bounteous Thanksgiving

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

Joyous Easter


And once again, Ladles and Gentlemen. we have for your pleasure the old sinful and scandalous column of much notoriety. However, it is now operating under new management and the manager will strive to please all and reduce embarrassment to a minimum. As in the past, all material for this column will be used discreetly and the students are urged to add their knowledge and spice to it by contributing articles for it. All that is necessary is for the student to write out on paper and leave it in the Spec box in the business office.

You all know of the story of the young man who went around the world to find happiness and finally found it when he got back home. We thought that •everyone knew that and would profit by thin man’s folly, but recently we have noticed that two people from a nearby state have had to leave home to find happiness. And we might add that they seem to be getting along very nicely. However. It seems that the young man in this case has the habit of picking oat a girl and falling very hard, and wakes up and finds himself so enthusiastic about her that that is all that he can talk about every hour of the day.

We also heard the other day of a good remedy that may be worth mentioning for the men. If any of you gentlemen are bothered with someone forever tickling your ear, you might well consult Sink. He has a very good remedy for such situations. Anyway he says it worked for him.

Our friend Clark also breaks into the headlines. It seems as though he was invited out to dinner last Sunday and got back to the dorm before they had eaten there. In his Scotch way, he couldn't see his paid meal go to waste, so what does be do but go down and devour all that he can get there. The result is that he spent the afternoon with a very agonizing pain. Someday, he may learn that you can’t put more into anything than it will hold, without something happening.

Some of the kids at the freshman-senior party last Saturday night surely had some characteristic costumes. Because of the nature of the thing most of those there looked perfectly natural. But two particularly

Pleasant May Day

Glorious Fourth

And a Thrilling Vacation!

—The Spec Staff

Dear Readers:

We regret to inform you that we couldn't get enough news to fill this space, but we gladly wish you—

Spooky Hallowe’en

Happy Homecoming

Silly April Foot Day


dog-Swede battle dope means nothing because it is a grudge fight and anything is likely to happen.

While the Bulldogs fell at the hands of Bethel, C. of E. won a 7 to 6 victory over the Swedes. This puts McPherson in a tie with Baker for second place. It puts C. of E. in fourth and Ottawa and Bethany tied for the bottom berth.

Pete Kaufman was one Bethel player that was in on every play. He looked good enough to make almost anyone's ball club.


Bethany Team is Heavier Than M. C. —Bulldogs Have More Speed—Well Matched

There is always a royal battle between the Swedes and the Bulldogs, and dope never counts between these two teams. But since there are always persons who like to play with dynamite, here goes: Bethel 0— Swedes 12; Bethel 7—McPherson College 0. Here it is at another angle: C. of E. 7—Swedes 6; C. of E.

0—Baker 6; Baker 0—McPherson College 0. In the first we find the Swedes 19 points better than the Bulldogs, while in the second the Bulldogs are 7 points the best. In the long run this makes the Swedes 12 points better than McPherson.

However another thing remains. The Swedes have not forgotten the 26 to 0 setback that was handed them last year by the Bulldogs. They probably have not forgotten that they wore defeated the year before 39 to 0. For that reason they will fight much harder this year.

The Swedes have a strong team this year. It will outweigh the McPherson team, although it is not so speedy. If the field is dry McPherson will have a slight edge while if it rains the Swedes will have a slight edge. However, whether the weather be dry or wet the edge that one team will have over another will be very slight.

The Binford-Selves crew seems to have the advantage in two distinct points: they have a faster team, and the fighting spirit of the student body back of them; while on the other hand the Bethany team has the advantage of having the heavier of the two teams.

Beat the Swedes! Boost the Bulldogs!


Games this week:

Baker at Ottawa.

C. of E. at Kansas Wesleyan. Bethany at McPherson.


By Conway Yount

Although the Bulldogs dropped their game to Bethel it was a fight to the finish. Both teams played hard ball.

mishun price by riding in the back of a ford roadster. During game, Boy they got more mud than we got at Mac or at home—more new dates tonight that guy that didn’t have nothin to do but yell at the last game don’t have nuthin to say this game. The way these players drop that ball looks like its hot. Looks like were gona loose that fifteen year record. After game—Got beet 7 to 0.

Sat., Oct. 26. Forney wurked me like a slave all day. Hardly had time to get washt for supper. Tonite we

had a kid party. Some of them senior girls what looked like thay mite be old maids really looked young tonight. Had a cave of Death. Tryd to scair me but coodnt. Id shur laft if that box bad slipped outn under the guy that was sposed to be hung. The best part of the hole party was

the sider and downuts.

Sunday Oct. 27. Somebody knocked on my door this a. m. I laid quite, fraid it might be Pres Schwalm or Deen Molar if it was I fooled them; they went away, suposing I had gone to church, well I don’t care the seniors were to blame giving us all that sider that makes us sleep late next morning. Boy does my head aik went to c e had a play about Christmas. Starts the season early. It’s even before the shop early signs. Gess I’ll try out for a play special parts like Molly bad. True to Henrietta tonight cause the new heart aiks both had dates already. Met Galen Glessner after ce and with her to. Smart guy


The annual freshman-sophomore football game which was scheduled for last Friday has been postponed until tomorrow afternoon at 3:30.

as Joe E. does when the Bulldog spirets is down.

Tuesday Oct. 29. Prof Doll talked to us on vocations in Y. M. Told us to be concerned about making a living and making a life. he shor has got good sense there, mamma always said that too only in a nuther way.


Bethel Makes 7 Points and Holds M. C. Scoreless in Drizzly Battle Friday.

McPherson College felt its first defeat of the season under the hands of Bethel Friday night by a score of 0 to 7. The game was played on a muddy field. The entire game was played in a light rain, thus making the ball hard to handle. The Bulldogs were unable to make use of their speed and were outplayed during the entire gome.

Bethel’s score came in the third quarter when McPherson dropped a punt on their own 26 yard line. The next two plays were passes which added 21 yards, making it a first down on McPhorson’s 4 yard line. On the third line buck, Tubbs, substitute for R. Schrag plunged over for a touchdown. A pass to L. Buller gave them the extra point.

The Bulldogs' only threat to score came late in the second quarter. The ball was marched down the field by a series of line bucks, and end runs to Bethel’s 12 yard line. However, when the ball reached the twelve yard line the half whistle blew.

Both teams earned five first downs. Bethel had the edge on yards gained by scrimmage. They out-gained McPherson about 7 yards. McPherson outpunted their opponents. The Bulldogs had 13 punts and they averaged 36 yards, while Bethel had 19 for an average of 28 yards. Each team received two penalties for five yards each.

Pete Kaufman can be given a great deal of credit for breaking up McPherson plays. The game was a great punting duel. In all there wore 32 punts. Both teams were punting back and forth with hopes of getting a break,

The lineup:

McPherson    Bethel

Moore... LE... Hayden Colwell... LT.. C. Kaufman Vasques.. LG... Stevenson

Weigand.. C.... McCarthy

Seidel... RG... Douglass

Reinecker... RT... P. Kaufman Barngrover... RE... L. Buller Crabb... Q... Mussleman

Haun... LH... Pankratz

Zuhars... RH... R. Schragg

Burress... FB... B. Buller

Substitutions: McPherson, Strat-man for Crabb; Hapgood for Bur-ress; Haskell for Haun. Bethel, Jackson for Mussleman; Tubbs for R. Schrag.

Summary: Yards gained by scrimmage, McPherson 85; Bethel 92. Punts. McPherson 13 for a total of 473 yards, an average of 36 yards: Bethel 19 for a total 534 yards, an average of 28 yards. Passes, McPherson attempted 3, completed 1; Bethel attempted 6, completed 2. McPherson intercepted 0; Bethel intercepted 2 for 35 yards. Fumbles, McPherson 2; Bethel 2.

Officials: Referee, Hinman, Wichita: umpire, Darling, Newton; Head-linesman, Archer, Wichita.

W L T Pct.

Kansas Wesleyan......2 0    0 1. 000

McPherson........ 1 0 1     .750

Baker............... 1 0    1 .750

C. of E. ................. 1 1 0 .500

Ottawa .................... 0    2    0    .000

Bethany .................. 0    2    0    .000

The clean play of the Bethel team deserves comment. They drove hard and blocked and tackled the same way. It is a pleasure to meet and play a team of good sports.

During this wek the coaches will put the players through some hard workouts to get the team in shape to meet the Bethany Swedes. The Swedes have an impressive record thus far this year; but in any Bull-


(From ‘‘Gourdie” Green's Diary. )

Thurs. Oct. 24, 1935—Hot Stuff! OH! Boy! oH Boy! OH Boy! Henrietta finely rote me a letter, (didn’t know I dated out; neither, gess I’ll do it again. ) She said if I make some tuch-’em-downs aginst them Sofomores next friday she’d allays love me. Gess she is a purty nice gal at that some how I feel mightly low like a dog when Im not true to her. But OH my some of these collish gals are so attracteve specialy the one leading the football-queen Race— voted for her to.

Had two old farmers in pep chapul today. Boy- that one driving those chairs for horses shor looked like Henrietas dad, Had me scared for a while till He spit then I knew he was a joke cause Her old man could out do this guy a mile.

Coach Mike got us to countin up to 6 already and all of us to gether to. Boy I know were gonna whip them Sofomores now.

Friday Oct. 25. 6 a. m. got up and turned off alarm, took Bueaty nap (nothor sign I’m getting culture)— Still raining. 7 a. m. Breakfast asked for a raw egg like mike drinks so’s I could have lots of energy, and wont weaken. Still raining. 8 a. m. Still raining. Hope we don’t play them sofomores in this mud. 9 a. m. Class —more rain. 10 a. m. Chapul—must of slept don’t know what they done. 10: 30—noon. Ans, Henriettas letter. Strung her a line about my faithfulness. 1: 30. Game postponed —well we dont care we can perfect that 55 spinner play of mikes that'ud shor fool them. Might fool us to. (I mean make more than what we think.) 2: 30. got a way to the nite game at Nooton. 3: 30. Waiting to go to Nooton. 4: 30. Still waiting. 5: 30. Been watching the varcity men eat, gosh their worst than Bundle pitchers at home, mike too his three raw egg and didn’t even gulp. Gosh. 6: 30. were off. Before the game—found out I could save ad-

he frowned just like he know ho beat me out. Went up to church early to listen to the organ and think about God and Henrietta. There was a great Big man on the stage 2 times as wide as Tony and almost as tall. He could talk as loud as he was big —scared me so that I didn't go to sleep like I usualy do in church and chapul.

Monday Oct. 28. Big Pep meeting In church tonight. Preacher Zook called it a Revival but the Big man talked just as convincing and pepy

Wednesday Oct. 30. Henrietta aught to be ans. my last letter soon. Been four days since I rote.