Twelfth Quadrennial Convention to Be Held From Dec. 28 to Jan. 1
Professors and Missionaries Will Appear on Program—Kaga-ws is Included
The Twelfth Quadrennial Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement will meet in Indianapolis from Dec. 28, 1935 through Jan. 1, 1936.
Some of the outstanding leaders already secured to speak are Kaga-wa, the modern apostle of love, from Japan; William Temple, Bishop of York; and Mrs. Induk Pak, field secretary of the Cooperative Committee on Work Among Rural Women, Seoul, Korea.
Several professors of theology in eastern universities will be present as well as secretaries of foreign missionary societies and missionaries themselves. T. Z. Koo, a leader of Chinese students, will have a part in the convention also.
Although it is hoped that McPherson College will he able to send at least one delegate to this convention, no definite plans have yet been made concerning sending anyone from here. Registration should be made by Nov. 30.
Here is a quotation from Indianapolis Paper. No. 3. which names the speakers and gives the topics of the convention: "Personalities create us. The people whom we meet and like, with whom we share deep experiences. and from whom we absorb creative ideas, enter like many-colored threads into the very fabric of our lives. This truth will be fully real-ized by the delegates to the Student Volunteer Movement's Twelfth Quad-rennial Convention through intimate contacts with the Convention speakers and leaders. They are men and women of talent and attainment, experienced In various types of service In many parts of the world, and possessing depth of character and warmth of personality. A few of them will speak from the platform. Most of them will lead seminars. All of them will keep hours free for personal conference. ”
Presentation Will Be First Semester to Avoid Difficulties Encountered Last Year
Plans for the selection of a Thespian Club play were begun Monday at the first regular meeting of the organization since the new members were initiated.
Because of the many difficulties encountered last year when the Thespian play, “Death Takes a Holiday, ” was staged during the last week of school, the club members have decided to give their play sometime during the first semester. Several one-act plays will be staged later.
In order that every club member may have a part in the selection of a play, each one is to read a number of three-act plays and make a report on the one which he considers a good one for the Thespians to produce. After all the reports have been made the club will make a final selection of the one which seems to offer the most possibilities.
Miss Lehman gave a report on the club's policy of making some contribution to the dramatic equipment of the college each year. She suggested that the funds remaining from last year be used for supplying some necessary stage improvements.
College Credit Is Offered in Commerce and a Few Other Subjects
The Night School of McPherson College opened Tuesday evening of this week for its first session. The school is primarily offering a commercial curriculum. This is the first night school in the history of McPherson College. If this session is successful the night school will become a permanent department of McPherson College.
Three new books have been purchased for the library during the week. They are “Salambo” by Flaubert; “Advertising Procedure” by Klepp-ner and “An Outline of Advertising” by Hotchkiss. A new map of Ethiopia and the surrounding territory has been presented the library as a gift of the publishers.
Among the books which came as gifts to the library during the summer but which are being catalogued now were copies of the following books: “Manual of Church History” by Newman and “The Short Story” by Atkinson which came as gifts of Mrs. C. H. Wagner: “Lavisse His-toise de France" and “Spanish American Life" given by Edith Muse; “Behind the Scenes of Business by Foulke, presented by the publishers, Dun and Bradstreet.
In the Forum magazine for October Janet Flanner has written a biographical sketch entitled “Pierre Laval—France's One Man Government. " The article describes how Laval, the son of a poor innkeeper, has risen to the position of prime minister of France. In the past few months he has averted war in Europe several times. The article tells of his attitude and plans for peace.
The classes will convene on Monday and Wednesday evenings from the hours 7: 30 to 9: 30 p. m. This present set-up will be in session for twelve weeks. If the demand for another session is great a second twelve weeks period may follow immediately after this session.
The classes organized are: an accounting class with six members, a typewriting class of nine members, and a shorthand class of five members, and also a child psychology class of four or five members. A petroleum chemistry class will also be
Series of Addresses Lasting Two Weeks to Begin Sunday at College Church
Rev. J. Oscar Winger of North Manchester, Indiana, will speak at the College Church next Sunday morning and evening, marking the beginning of a series of addresses which will last two weeks. Rev. Winger is a brother of the better known Dr. Otho Winger, president of Manchester College, and is a pro-fessor in the same college. He has had a wide experience as a public speaker, has been a pastor for a number of years, is chairman of the District Mission Board of Middle Indiana, and is field man of Manchester College. In addition to all thin he has spent considerable time in the evangelistic field with marked success.
Rev. Winger has a pleasing personality, is a forceful speaker and has an attractive and positive message. His knowledge of college students and their problems, and his ability to speak in a positive way about them should make his coming a matter of considerable interest to McPherson College.
Watkins, Peterson, and Baile Were Chosen by Students in Pri-mary Last Thursday
One candidate each from the three upper classes now are running competition for the honor of being Homecoming Queen. Estelle Baile, Velma Watkins, and Lillian Peterson were selected by the student body in the primary election Thursday morning; each of these girls is represented by a campaign manager—Harold Moh-ler, Paul Miller, and Harold Rein-ecker respectively.
The contest is being sponsored by the Quadrangle, and voting privilege is dependent upon purchase of a Quad. Full payment ($3. 50) entitles one to 4000 votes: a down payment of $1. 00 gives 1000 votes.
That girl who obtains the largest number of votes will be declared Queen of the Homecoming and the other two girls will be her attendants. She will be crowned just before the game with the Swedes, and then will occupy a seat of honor during the game. She also will be presented with a suitable gift.
Closing date for the contest has been set at 6 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 30.
Medicine and Journalism Are Outlined by Mohler and Michael Tuesday
organized in a few days in answer to demand for such a course.
A student In the classes can earn two hours college credit for each course taken or the courses may be taken as non-credit courses. The courses are taught by the regular college teachers with the exception of the typewriting courses which are taught by Miss Hansan, a McPherson business woman.
The present enrollment is at date incomplete but college authorities expect an increase in the number of night school attendants to make a total enrollment of 25 to 30 students.
Tickets tor the Lyceum Course will go on sale next week. College students will be canvassed by students on the campus. Tickets may also be secured from the principals of all the city schools. President Stoll of Central College, and Bixby and Lindsay's. Seats will go on reserve a week from Saturday. Nov. 2.
Many a man who graduated from college with honors has flunked when he tackled the lessons of life.
The Annual Homecoming of McPherson College will be held Nov. 1, a week from tomorrow. In the evening the coronation ceremony for the Football Queen will he hold, after which the McPherson Bulldogs will meet in the Bethany Swedes in the second conference game to played at home by the Bulldogs.
The play production class hus selected three one-act plays on which work will soon begin: "Pierrott’s Mother, ” "The Calf that Laid the Golden Eggs, ” and “A Sunny Morning. "
McPherson College Students Tend to Overlook This Additional Source of Material
Students watch the new books that come into the college library, but forget that there are new books in the downtown library. Valuable material to supplement that found on the shelves of the college library is available to students through the city library.
There are some fine books on religion which have recently been added to the city library. Doctor Petry recommends all of them very highly. They are: Garrison, “The March of Faith, ” (deals with religion in the United States since 1864); Oesterly and Robinson. "Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament"; Swift, "Religion Today, A Challenging Enigma”; Dolman, “Sacred Sights and Way”; Inge. "God and the Astronomers"; Meland, "Modern Man's Worship. "
Last Tuesday’s Y. M. C. A. meeting was the second of three programs dealing with vocations. This week medicine and Journalism were discussed. At last week’s meeting law as a vocation was considered. Next week Dr. Petry will speak on choosing a vocation.
Harold Mohler gave a talk on medicine as a profession. He stated that ho chose the field of medicine because ho felt he could he of. more service to society as a doctor than in any other way. Mohler gave an outline of the medical profession as it is today and advancements that are being made. The main advancement In modern medicine is the idea of group medicine. This, he said, is more adequate and less expensive than treatment by one doctor.
Vernon Michael gave an outline of the vocation of journalism. Michael gave the qualifications a journalist
The characters in "Pierrott's Mother" are: mother, Dorothy Matson; Pierrette, Aileen Wine; Pier-rott, Homer Kimmel.
Those taking part in "The Calf that Laid the Golden Eggs" are Howard, Homer Kimmel; Alice, Vel-ma Watkins; Daisy, Margaret Messamer; Woman, Theresa Strom; Mrs. Winthrop, Becky Stauffer; girl, Vera Heckman; maid, Evelyn Ralston.
The characters in "A Sunny Morn-ing, ” are: Gonsalo, Charles Nettle-ton; Old Lady, Estelle Haile; maid, Marjorie Flory.
Coaches, stage managers and property managers are to be chosen later.
should possess, the main one being an intense interest in journalism. He also told what the vocation offers and how one cun become a journalist.
Michael stated that wages in Journalism are not as high as in many other fields, but the satisfaction an interested person gains through his work was better than high pay. He said there are three ways to become a journalist—first, by study of journalism in school, second, by apprenticeship, and third, by a combination of the two. This last is the best, Michael said
Group singing, led by Herbert Ikenberry, opened the Tuesday meeting. Devotions on the topic of vocations were led by Orville Beehler.
Association of American Colleges Has Regional Meeting This Week
Current Problems in Education as They Relate to Colleges Will Be Discussed
McPherson College is to be well represented at the regional conference of the Association of American Colleges, to be held at Wichita, Oct. 25 and 26. According to the program, there will be a number of ex-cellent addresses by many well-known educators.
Among the speakers of the confer-ence will be Robert L. Kelly, execu-tive secretary of the A. A. C., J. H. Reynolds, President of Hendrix College, and C. B. Hershey, Dean of Colorado College, all of which will speak on the subject of trends in college curriculum construction; Henry M. Wriston, President of Lawrence College, Mary Marshall, Director of fine arts at Texas State College for Women, Rossiter Howard, Director of the Kansas City Art Institute, and Stanley Lothrop, General Director of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, all of whom will lecture on fine arts in the college curriculum.
In addition to the above, Wilford M. Alkin, Chairman of the Commission on the Relation of School and College, Progressive Education Association. will give the Interpretation of the eight-year plan. Anno Laugh-lilt. State Director of the NYA in Kansas, and others will speak on how to make the NYA program have real social significance.
Possibilities in personal work will form the subject of discussion by A. J. Brumbaugh, Dean of the University of Chicago, F. A. Replogle, Dean of Oklahoma City University and former Dean of McPherson College, and Grace Wilkie, Dean of Women at Wichita University.
Building the college library will he discussed by B. Lamar Johnson, Librarian and Dean of Instruction, of Stephens College, and Alice L. Beach, Librarian of Friends University. A summary of the year’s application of the principles of the North Central Association will be given by Harry M. Gage and others; a summary of the conference will be given by Hen-ry M. Wriston, President of the Association of American Colleges.
At 6: 30 p. m. Friday a banquet will be held at which Hary M. Gage, President of Coe College, and E. H. Lindley, Chancellor of the Univer-sity of Kansas, will speak.
In response to popular demand there will be, if time permits, a discussion of the financial situation, taxes, progress in standard reports, and the financial outlook.
Funny Thing
First Girl - George's mustache made me laugh.
Second Girl - It tickled me, too.
Life is one fool thing after another; Love is two fool things after each other.
Saturday, October 26—Freshman-Senior Kid party; at the College gym.
Sunday, October 27----C. E. at the College Church, 6: 45 p. m. Tuesday, October 29—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings; 10 a. m.
Hike and Wiener Roast Planned for Tomorrow Night at Next Meeting
The Poetry Club elected officers at their first meeting of the your on October 11. The officers elected were; president, Harriette Smith, secretary-treasurer, Vera Heckman. Margaret Messamer was appointed program chairman for the next month.
The next meeting will be a hike and wiener roast tomorrow night. The group will meet in front of the Administration building at 5: 30 P. M. Anyone who wishes to come must see Vera Heckman or Harriette Smith by tonight. The hike is not limited to Poetry Club members; anyone who is interested and wishes to come is welcome. Each person who comes is required to bring a poem which will he suitable to read around a campfire — something spooky or Halloweenish perhaps.
Prizes Will Be Awarded for Best Costumes at Freshman -Senior Kid Party Saturday
The freshman-senior kid party, an annual event at McPherson College, will be held in the Alumni Gymna- slum at 8 p. m. Saturday.
It has been heard that “You are only young once, but once is enough if you work it right. ” This social is for the special benefit of those who didn’t "work it right. " The seniors have invited the freshmen and also the faculty to be present, childish attire being required for admission. Prizes will he awarded to the wearers of the best costumes, one prize to be presented to the most cleverly dressed lady, and one to the most cleverly dressed man. After the party pictures will be taken of the group.
Hallowe'en games will be played in seven different guest groups, each of which will he led by a senior appointed by the president, Archie Van Nortwick. The guests will progress from one group to the next through-out the evening. Margaret Poister has charge of making arrangements for the party.
Road courtesy costs nothing and saves lives.
The Spectator
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Estelle Baile Norman Edwards Valera Pearce
John Bower Evelyn Glessner Martha Roop
Otho Clark Alberta Keller Harriette Smith
Yolanda Clark lsabel Kittell Kenneth Weaver
Editor-in-Chief--------------------------------------Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor----------------------------------------Merle Messamer
Society Editor--------------------------------------------Velma Watkins
Sports Editor--------------------------------------------Conway Yount
Business Manager---------------------------------Lawrence Strouse
Advertising Manager-------------------------------------Paul Lackie
Assistant Advertising Manager-----------------------Waldo Newberg
Circulation Manager------------------------------------Galen Glessner
Assistant Circulation Manager---------------------------Irene Smith
Subscription Rates For One School year $1. 00
Address All Correspondence to
McPherson, Kansas
Social Committee Helps To Enliven Campus Life
There’s very little difference be tween a high hat and a dunce cap.
And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind. — Kempis.
In LIEU of a daily newspaper the bulletin board forms the only means of conveying important announcements to the student body. Despite this fact many students pay little or no attention to the Items posted on the board. The Spectator makes a special appeal to all students to form the habit or reading the bulletin board regularly. This forms excellent form of contact between faculty and student body, between organizations and students, and between the students themselves. It would save much time and trouble If all collegians rend the board Instead of wondering why they did not hear of something which occurred or was to take place.
On Wasting Time
FROM an academic standpoint, it is generally recognized that there are two chief purposes in a college education: first, the acquisition of a store of valuable and fundamental information, and second, the development of habits of research, study, speaking, and writing to discover and utilize this information. It is often contended that the growth of habit is of more importance than the collection of knowledge.
In consideration of this purpose, it is little short of tragic to view the enormous loss of time experienced by college students. Such a loss reacts unfavorably both negatively and positively; not only does it result in the stagnation of mind and failure to gain an adequate background, but it prevents the proper development of regular and desirable habits of work and study.
Mrs. Morgan emphasized the fact that habits acquired in college carry over into later life and are extremely hard to change or eradicate. Although the average freshman student is quite subject to change and influence, his senior days find him well hardened against growth of new habits. This fact should lead one to consider seriously the damaging effect of shoddy college work caused by lack of adequate time and preparation. No amount of justification and rationalization can refute the damaging evidence of a shiftless future.
Furthermore, college offers certain opportunities which may never come to a student in later life. The college student may spend hours every day in library and classroom, getting a basic background in the arts and sciences, acquiring an un-derstanding of literature and his-tory, and exploring the greatest minds of the ages. Instead of this, the common undergraduate practice is spend most of the waking hours in anything which will prevent the "boresome" task of study. Ping-pong, bull sessions, going to town, chatting hither and yon, and many other similar occupations can be and are used to avoid getting the next day's lessons. A little journey back into the recollection of most students will corroborate this statement.
Here, then, is the tragic situation. By the simple process of wasting time we are defeating the very purpose of college education. If more students realized this fact, and appreciated the opportunities which open to them within college walls, perhaps the level of scholarship would be raised. —K. W.
Boost the Bulldogs!
Because of widespread criticism of the social committees on the campus the last few years, a concerted effort is being made this year by the social committees of the Y. M. and Y. W. to provide adequate social opportunities for the student body. The old style social or party with a formal program is definitely out; instead of that entirely original stunt programs are planned.
Three such entertainments have already been enjoyed. On two successive week-ends taffy pulls were held, and a week ago Sunday fifty students went on a hike and picnic supper. The taffy pulls are typical of the small interest group parties to be held every week-end when possible. They consist of candy-making of corn-popping, spontaneous games, and group singing.
Instead of going to the outmoded Y. W. room the groups divide up into small parties and go to private homes. Members of the faculty and others interested in the college have been most generous in opening their homes to the students for these small interest parties. It is intended that the small interest groups not exceed more than twelve or fourteen.
All students, regardless of rank or residence, are invited to attend these socials. Announcement will be made a day or two ahead of time on the bulletin board, and students will be given there an opportunity to sign up for the evening. A charge of five cents a person is made to cover the expenses of the evening.
It is requested by the social committees that those students who desire to attend week end socials give notice before-hand in order to facilitate the plans of the committee. Cooperation of the student body should result in a new deal for the social life of McPherson College.
A dinner honoring the approaching marriage of Agues Bean and Harry Frantz was given at 6: 30 Saturday, Oct. 19. at the home of Professor Dell. Hallowe’en motifs dec-orated the rooms. Games and visiting filled the hours. The guest list included the following: Iva Walker, Omaha, Nebraska; Margaret Oliver, Kipp; Agnes Bean; Corrine Bowers; Phyllis Powers; Russell Carpenter, Newkirk, Oklahoma; Archie Van Nortwick; Harry Frantz; Leonard Wiggins; Homer Kimmel.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm attended the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Nickerson Brethren Church which was celebrated Sunday, Oct. 20. Dr. Schwalm spoke during the meetings. An all day meeting was held with a basket dinner at noon.
The second of the series of small group parties sponsored by the Social Committee of the Y. M. and Y. W was held Saturday evening. Parties were held at the homes of the Rev. Zook and Rush Holloway. About thirty students enjoyed pulling taffy, playing games, and singing.
The following alumni were present at the dedication of the athletic field Friday night: Russell Carpenter, Newkirk, Okla.; Audrey Groves,
Abilene; Faithe Ketterman, Lorraine: Neva Root, Chase; Delvis
Bradshaw, Ozawkie; Raymond Brus-kirk, Manhattan; Clinton Trostle, Nickerson; Harry Frantz, Assarsa; Harold Crist, Roxbury; Guy Hayes, Ellsworth; John Daggett, Lawrence; Iva Walker, Omaha, Neb.; Ruth Trostle, Hutchinson.
Esther Kimmel and Opal Bennett, former students of McPherson, were here for the same Friday night.
Maxine Ring, Twila Crawford, and Etta Nichols were co-hostesses at a slumber-shower given in honor of Agnes Bean Saturday night. The guests included: Margaret Oliver.
Neva Root, Velma Keller, Marie Stover, Modena Kauffman, Wanda. Hoover, Velma Watkins, and Agnes Bean.
Dr. and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Em mert went to Ottawa Saturday afternoon to visit Mrs. Emmert’s daughter, Mrs. Brady. They returned Sunday in a downpour of rain.
Esther Zimmerman and Lucile Ul-lery went to a district meeting at Lovewell, with Professor Mohler Saturday morning. Professor Mohler and the girls had a part on the program. The rain prevented their return until Monday.
Ruth Trostle of Hutchinson spent the week end with her sister, Mary.
Neva Root spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Voran.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davis and children, Barbara and Phillip, and Miss Amos of Independence spent Friday at the college.
Harold Evans’ parents from Sheldon, Iowa, and Gordon Yoder's father from Waterloo, Iowa, were here for the parents’ day activities.
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Hayes announce the recent arrival of a son. The baby's name is Delbert Guy. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are farmer McPherson students. Mrs. Hayes was before her marriage, Miss Edith Bechtelheimer.
This week-end Prof. R. E. Mohler will go to Wakenda, Missouri to the District meeting of northern Missouri.
Peace and the Italo-Abyssinian sit-uation formed the subjects for report and discussion at the first meeting of the International Relations Club on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Willard Flaming spoke on the League of Na-tions in connection with the Ethiopian war. Kenneth Weaver gave a report of the new American Neutrality law. Erwin Bentz told the group about the British peace ballot.
After a general forum on the subjects at hand, tea was served to the group by Mrs. J. D. Bright. Twenty-one members were present.
The junior class presented the chapel program last Monday. The junior class program, according to President Paul Miller who announced the numbers, included all the honey in return to the so called sting of the senior program.
Wanda Hoover who was in charge
of the devotions read a religions poem for the devotions to open the chapel program. An interesting reading on the subject of silly questions was given by Viola Harris. Franklin Hiebert played a violin solo which was appreciated by all. A mountain scene from Idaho was the theme of a very pretty chalk talk picture drawn by Chester Colwell. Thus a very intereating chapel program was completed.
The always impressive candlelighting service of the Y. W. was held last Tuesday night at 7 o’clock in the Brethren Church.
The women, dressed in white, slowly marched in by couples, campus sisters together, to organ music by Dorothy Dell. The only light in the church was given by candles.
The story of the Holy Grail was given by Miss Della Lehman.
Each Y. W. member held a candle and as they marched past the cabinet members, Lota Wine, president of the local group, lit the candle.
Mrs. George Thye sang a solo, accompanied by Bernice Dresher, and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm closed the service with a prayer.
The morning meeting was held as an introduction to the evening service, with a talk by Miss Lehman.
An employment agency has been added to McPherson College to be headed by Paul Miller. Miller’s duty is to make a list of all the employed students, all the unemployed who desire work, and possible places to work so as to bring the job and the man together.
All students whose uames belong on the list are asked to get in touch with Paul Miller. He will have his desk in the Industrial Arts department office, and he may also be reached by telephone by calling 72 and asking for the Industrial Arts department.
This service does not include those students working under the N. Y. A.
The topic of Sunday evening’s Christian Endeavor was, ‘‘Religion and its value to college students. ” Evelyn High led in devotions. Several topics which dealt with the church were discussed by college students. They were, “What the church means to me. ” by Lowell not Heinie, " "What it means to me to be a Christian, ” by Eugenia Hogan, and “The spiritual value of the church, ” by John Bowers.
Also Included in the program was a violin solo, Beethoven's “Minuet in G, ” by Eugene Nininger.
By College News Service
New York. —Creation of "ultraviolet air” which is completely free of contaminating bacteria was described this week in the current issue of Science, official publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Tests conducted at Harvard University by Doctors William Firth Wells and Gordon Maskew Fair make it apparent, they report, "that ultraviolet light has a destructive power for bacteria of a higher order of magnitude in air than in liquids or other environments not highly transparent to ultra violet radiations. "
The Harvard scientists filled a room of about 2, 000 cubic feet capacity with colon bacteria by spraying with an atomizer. Samples of air were then withdrawn from the room and the number of bacilli determined in ten cubic feet of air. A 500-watt quartz mercenary-vapor electric lamp served as the source of ultra-violet light.
When sprayed in a darkened room, 5, 200 bacteria were found floating in the ten cubic feet air sample one minute after the spray ing. But when the ultra-violet lamp was turned on not one single bacterium was found in a similar air sample.
Four sets of tests were made, and in each case the results were the same. Whenever the ultra-violet rays were turned on the bacteria were almost instantly destroyed.
The experiments promise to have an important bearing in the air-conditioning of rooms in the near future, particularly in hospitals and in environments where bacteria are more likely to be most dangerous, such as in operating rooms, in hospitals, and sanitoriums for the tubercular and sufferers from other bacterial diseases. It may also prove highly useful in combating the spread of disease during epidemics.
By College News Service Louisville, Ky. —A serum he said was as positive and effective in the treatment of infantile paralysis ns the serum widely used in treating diphtheria was described this week by Dr. E. D. Rosenow of the Mayo Foundation, University of Minnesota. The serum, Dr. Rosenow said, is the result of nineteen years of experimentation.
"Success depends on backbone, not wishbone. "
Bulldogs Hold Wildcats Score-less in First Conference Game On New Field
Students and faculty members of McPherson College acted as hosts and hostesses to many of their parents and friends who visited on the campus Friday.
The day’s activities opened at 10 a. m., with an interesting assembly in the college chapel, Rev. C. E. Davis, of Independence, was the guest speaker. Visitors were invited to observe any class recitations that they wished to during the day.
From 3: 30 to 5: 00 o'clock in the afternoon, the guests were served tea in the Y. W. C. A. room, by the faculty.
At 5: 30 p. m. dinner was served to the guests, faculty members, and students in the dining room of the college church. After the meal a program was presented which consisted of vocal selections, by Charles Nettle-ton and Margaret Fry, students in the college; and short talks by Mr. Kenneth Rock, of Abilene, an alumnus of the college, Mr. W. H. Yoder of Waterloo, Iowa, and Gov. Alf M. Landon, Dean J. D. Bright acted as master of ceremonies.
The program for the dedication of the new athletic field begun at 7: 15 p. m., with Dr. V. F. Schwalm presiding. Gov. Alf M. Landon and Homer Ferguson, president of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, were the chief speakers on this program. A short address was given by Dean R. E. Mohler who presented Coach Melvin Binford with a lovely blanket of the college colors, as a token of the faculty's appreciation of Coach Binford's efforts toward making the athletic field possible for the college. A hand composed of various bands and drum and bugle corps of the state and consisting of approximately 475 pieces, performed before the stadium under the direction of Mr. August San Romani.
The activities of the day were climaxed by the scoreless tilt between the McPherson Bulldogs and the Baker Wildcats, in the first conference game to be played on the new athletic field.
In a totally unexpected move, the K-Club passed a resolution relin-quishing all of its duties as custodian of freshman traditions at the University, effective immediately. Intimating that true traditions do not need to be enforced, the resolution, continued that from this date the K-Club "will have no part in the paddling of freshmen or in the enforcement of other rules pertaining to traditions. ”
The Daily Kansas, Lawrence
Arnold Kretzmann, ’34 and Gerald Braley of Horton, Kansas, recently started a 1600-mile boat trip down the Mississippi river from Atchison, Kansas to New Orleans. —The Daily Kansas, Lawrence.
For the first time in the history of the Kanza, all the queen candi-dates will represent K. S. T. C. in a gathering of world fame and importance when they are guests of the American Livestock show in Kansas City, Monday. — The Sollegio, Pittsburg.
New ideas in every department will be features of the 1936 Jay-hawker, the University’s magazine annual, the first issue of which will be available today. —The Daily Kan-sas, Lawrence.
Shouts and Yells Fill Gym as Volley Ball Practice Begins
If you would happen to look at that cold gray building to the north of our campus, which has been known in past years as the Alumni Gymnasium, at about six-thirty o'clock every other night you would he aware of bright lights streaming out of the windows. Now the purpose of this article is to explain that very situation. Of course you have heard of that fair-maiden organization called by some the "W. A. A. A. A. A. " Well this better-half club practices volyboll (volley ball to some of you) on the floor of that honored old gym which by the way, we heard in chapel, was to be dedicated; well it is about time, at that!
Biff! Bang! Smack! "Darn it, anyhow. I’m always missing that hall! "Oh my gosh, it went in the balcony again! " "Get under it! " There are some of the typical expressions heard all the time during one of these said practices. Now the illustration of the typical player would be somewhat a more difficult task, but here goes. No, wait a minute, some one has been knocked out, it must be her uncle, now she's up with the whole team on her back, "Hurrah! for our side. " We are told that the winning team has won every game so far as it seems that fate and every crazy brace and dislocated rafter in the building has aided them. Also we are told that this team possesses some very tough players with plenty of "I can take it. "
Now for this typical player. I ex-pect you had better come to see for yourself. But, for the non-typical in-dividual player, we have as much competition as usual. There is reducing Shirk, toughy Wine, giant Barngrover, petite Goughnour sis-ters, sweety Brubecky, singing Zimmerman, timid Hubbard, fair Har-bough, and some "57" other varieties.
Of course the brand of ball played is in an exceptionally good class: in fact the method employed Is a true art. For Instance, imagine any other volyboll group beating them at their own game with a soft ball, a fishing net, and around twenty saps all yelling and screaming their wares at one time.
Bulldog-Wildcat' Grid Battle Is Climax of Parent’s Day Celebration—New Field Is, Dedicated.
Baker University and McPherson College played a scoreless tie last night before 2, 500 spectators with Gov. Alf M. Landon of Kansas looking on from the new stadium. The game was the feature event of "parents’ day" at the college and many alumni members and parents of students were on hand for the dedication program and game.
Neither Baker or McPherson seriously threatened to score, however both teams had breaks that gained them territory but were not sufficient to give them touchdowns. The lines on the two teams managed to hold each other on even terms and McPherson's backfield was held from "running wild" by nearly as fast a Baker backfield quartet.
The summary of the game reveals that the two teams wore evenly matched. McPherson had a nine yard advantage over Baker at gains at scrimmage while Baker held a two first down lead over the Bulldogs. McPherson outpunted the Wildcats, and the Bulldogs averaged more yards of gain at passes than the visitors. McPherson intercepted one Baker pass for 30 yards gain and Baker picked two McPherson passes out of the air for a total gain of ten yards.
Baker's most threatening move to score came in the third quarter when a 30 yard pass was completed, placing the ball on the 16 yard line. On
aggregation, but the strength of the two teams was so even that neither one found it could score. With all of McPherson’s crippled players back in the game again the team showed a great deal of improvement. The Ba-ker game was considered one of the
hardest of the season, however Kansas Wesleyan and Bethany college have to bo played yet and both of them are always tough customers for the local team.
Following is the starting lineup and summary of the game:
McPherson Pos. Baker
Vasques..... LG.... Dissinger Weigand.... C..... Martin
Seide ......RG.... K. Brown
Barngrover... RE..... Zeidler
Haun.....LH..... Smith
Zuhars.....RH.... Albertson
Burress..... FB.... Holman
Substitutions: McPherson—Role-
lander for Weigand. Ramsey for Boyer, Reinecker for Ramsey, Stratman for Crabb. Baker—Neal for Liston and Burnett for Jenkins.
but they boast a fast, tricky backfield. The sophomores are laying their hopes for victory on a heavy line and a smooth-working backfield. Their passing attack may be one of the main features of the game.
Last year the freshman-sophomore game ended in a 0-0 tie, but this year both teams are expected to score.
Come out to the football field at 3: 30 on Friday afternoon and see whether or not the freshmen can make good their threats and whether or not the sophomores are really us good as they say they are.
(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary. )
Thurs. 17. G whizz, I dont see why Henrietta dont write sometime? Hear its a hole weak and I havnt herd a word she must not care very much. What does she think I am anyway, guess Ill git me a date here, Ill show her she cant make a fool out of me. I take back whatever it was I said about setting at the ma-truns tabel on account of she passed me the 2nd peice of pie today.
ler had a fone talk with the DW after she thought he should not of been in Arhnolz hall an she ordered us out. I guess she was down town somwhere with sombody.
Sat. 19. Dont know how they knew but sombody said we would have good eats yesterday and today and shure enouf we had pie for dinner today. Some of us thought we could stay out late tonight and git away with it, but Mother Koffman had diffrunt ideas about it.
Sun. 20. Had a rain today this morning made me kind of homesik. Wander what Henrietta Is doing today. all bet she knows I too-timed her the other night, I can just see her eyes. But G whizz why dont she write? Well ennyhow I was true to her tonight on account of nobody would go with me but Im glad I went to co anyway. Most of the pupils here must come from a dry country or they would of had ruin coats and could of went to church this A. M.
was in High School. Were gonna beet them sofomores on acount of were not gonna wear them caps next spring.
Tue. 22. Had a good Y meeting today but Ive changed my mind about being a doc caus Id haf to work to hard. I know I dont never want to write nothing for a newspaper neither. Guess Ill be a teacher cause they dont haf to do much but let the kids do the work. Say doc Petrey was shur goin to town today, he can almost make you think the Bible is true even where he says it aint.
Wed. 23. No letter from Henrietta yet. She must know alright what I did Fri. night. Shucks, maby I ought to of been true to her. I dont care much weather we beet the sofo-moros or not this football is making me so stif I cant git up and down the steps.
the next play the Baker team gained only three yeards. A one yard gain was made on the next play but the ball shifted to the middle of the field in direct line with the goal posts. On the next play Baker attempted to kick at placement but Haun, wiry McPherson halfback, broke through the defense and blocked the kick, therefore warding off an attempt to score on the part of Baker.
Again in the last quarter Baker made an attempt to score by working the bull to McPherson’s 20 yard line on spinner plays and line plung-es. On the next play with but a few feet to go for a first down Baker passed and the receiver caught the ball. But with a Bulldog tackler boaring down on him the receiver attempted to make a lateral pass to a follow player but the pass was not lateral but forward and the play was called illegal. The receiver of the attempted lateral failed to catch the ball. The ball was brought back and McPherson had it for a first down.
Playing good football all the time, the Bulldogs made several threats to score, once when Haun intercepted a Baker pass and nearly broke loose for a long run. He did gain 30 yards on the pass, however, but stumbled and was downed by Baker on the 20 yard line. On the next two plays McPherson made two yards, the Wildcat wall. tightening up and holding the Bulldog rushes. Haun attempted to kick a goal but his attempt was blocked by a desperate Baker team. On the blocked kick a Baker player picked up the ball and broke away for a long run before being downed by McPherson.
McPherson opened the game with consistent gains against the visitors. Zuhars on the second play after McPherson gained possession of the ball after the kickoff, ran 17 yards for a first down. The Canines plowed ahead and the Baker line was unable to hold off the determined McPhorson team. The Bulldogs advanced to Baker's 25 yard line with a first down. Baker saw the danger of a McPherson score and tightened up and the Bulldogs were held.
In the first half the two teams were unable to make much headway after McPherson’s many gains early in the game. McPherson’s line showed added strength and indicated it could hold Baker when the occasion called for an effective defense.
Holman, fast backfield man for Baker, was the star for the visiting team. He gained many times on spinner plays and end runs but the Bulldogs kept him covered most of the time and he was held from getting away on any broken field runs.
McPherson’s team as a whole played good ball, as did the Baker
Summary: Yards gained a scrimmage: McPherson 129, Baker 120. Yards last at scrimmage: McPherson 20, Baker 3 2. Punts: McPherson nine for 320 yards, an average of 35. 5 yards: Baker 11 for 325 yards, an average of 29. 5 yards. Passes: McPherson attempted 11, completed three for 45 yards: Baker attempted 11, completed four for 57 yards. First downs: McPherson six, Baker eight. Penalties: McPherson three for 15 yards; Baker three for 25 yards. Pases intercepted: McPherson one for 30 yards. Baker two for ten yards. Fumbles: McPherson two. Baker four.
Officials: Referee. Leslie Ed
monds, Wichita. Umpire, Gene Johnson, McPherson. Headlinesman, Stuart Dunbar, Salina.
—From Saturday's McPherson Daily Republican. -
Freshmen Clash with Sophomores to Determine Whether or Not Green Cap Remain
The annual freshman-sophomore football game which was scheduled for Thursday afternoon has been postponed until Friday afternoon. Each team is confident that it will be able to send the other down to defeat and interest in the struggle runs high among both lower and upper classes.
If the freshmen should win. they will earn for themselves, the right to discard their green caps and at the same time will have something to which they can point with pride for many weeks. If the sophomores emerge victorious they will have the satisfaction of seeing the freshmen compelled to wear their caps until Thanksgiving, and of demonstrating one more mark of their superiority over the freshies.
The freshmen have a light team
Friday, eighteen. Football game this P. M. Shucks we oughta beet them guys only they shur knew how to play football. The Governer was here and I thought he was gonna make a speach, but he didnt even sound as important as the pres. He just talked a little while, it wasnt a political speal at all, just sounded like sort of a friend you would trust. I found out why Leeta Wine likes to walk to town so well, tonight somebody yelled Lookout hear comes a cop and Leta says O I like the policeman. I guess she likes the way he combs his mustash. Had a swell time anyway they didnt do nothing to me even if I did bust the buster club rules the other night not to take a girl to the game. Had to ask three before I found one who thought I was not as bad looking as I look, but that was not as bad as one guy. He askt one girl and then askt another girl and told her he had a date wit ha girl down town but he could brake it and then went and tole the other one that he had a date with a girl down town and would she let him off this time, which was purty slik only the girls found out with one another about it and the other girl broke her date with him to, so he didnt have nothing to do but yell at the game. After the Arnholz blinds were pulled Ney-
Mon. 21. Had a good chapel this A. M., even the pres. said it was better than the profs usuelly do. I thought so to. I dont see who they ment was the honey though, maby the girl we voted for or elso the one that inspired the mountains and rivers. Doc Floorie said he is mad be-caus he went all the way to Manhattan and didnt git to see anybody score. I imagin he had a nice trip anyway. Mike shur makes us work hard, he must not know how good I