Fee for Services Offered One Dollar a Semester for Each Student
Mrs. Emmert to Provide First-Aid Services--- Physical Examinations Also Given
A health program for McPherson College students for 1935-36 has recently been prepared and will go into effect immediately according to a report from Dr. Schwalm’s office yesterday. The administration of the program will be in the hands of a faculty committee consisting of Coach Melvin Binford. Mrs. Adelyn Dean. Mrs. M. W. Emmert, and Dr. Josephine Smith.
The program, as outlined by this committee, makes the following pro-visions: "A health fee of one dollar shall be paid by each regular student each semester. For this health fee the following services will be rendered to the students:
"Every student will be given a physical examination at the opening of every school year. Any student may be required to take a physical examination upon the request of the health committee.
"Mrs. Emmert will provide for first-aid service to students. She will have a dispensary of simple first-aid equipment and medicine for slight ailments, in Arnold Hall. Men may consult Coach Binford if they choose.
"Doctors' office calls will be pro-vided for the students at one-half the regular fee if approved by Dean Mohler for the men and Mrs. Emmert for the women.
"Two residence calls will bo provided at one-half the regular fee if the call is approved in advance by Mrs. Emmert.
"Hospital service will be provided to students for two days free of charge if the student is ordered to hospital by the physician. This in-
"The student body is doing very nicely in having their pictures taken for the Quadrangle.” says Otho Clark, editor. Although the Freshman class is the largest class, they have had the largest per cent of their pictures taken. Out of the 130 freshmen, 110 have turned in pictures. "This is one time the freshmen showed the rest of the classes up."
Editor Clark says he plans to have one-third of the book completed by December 15th. Beginning next week he will start taking pictures of the different organizations and obtaining pictures of the faculty.
eludes only room rent. All medicines, x-ray, surgical operations, special nurses or doctor service must be paid by the student.
"A sanitary inspection will be made of the College at least once a semester by two people, designated by the Health committee."
Session to Run Twelve Weeks with Regular Faculty as Instructors
McPherson College is planning to open a night school in the near future which will operate for twelve weeks. The organization of the night school is in answer to the demand of this community. The night school will convene between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 p. m. each night.
A mooting was held last night at 7:30 in the College Chapel, in order to discover how many desire to take the various courses that may be offered. All persons who are interested in any work which is to be undertaken by the night school or those who want to know more about the school should get in touch with the college authorities at once.
Many people in or about McPherson who are employed and cannot continue their studies during the day have inquired about the possibility of having night school. It is the plan of the college to run a secretarial course for stenographers and office secretaries who wish to increase their speed in shorthand or in typewriting and to develop skill
Some of the faculty members are being kept busy attending district meetings and conventions.
On October 6 and 7, Doctor Schwalm attended the meeting of the northeast district of Kansas at Lone Star. Last week-end ho went to the district meeting at Enders, Nebraska. A group of students who live in Nebraska accompanied him. This Sunday President Schwalm is to participate in the fiftieth anniver-sary home-coming at Nickerson.
Professor Mohler lectured at the Lincoln County Teachers association at Lincoln, Kansas, last Saturday. This week-end he is to go to the district meeting of the northwest district of Kansas at Lovewell. He will take a group of students with him.
The Biology department has a siz-able collection of black widow spiders on exhibition in the Science hall. Two clusters of eggs, which were brought in by students, have hatched into several hundred tiny spiders. The laboratory also has some living and some preserved specimens of the black widow spider. These, as well as the baby spiders, are on display to anyone who wishes to see them.
Another interesting display in the biology laboratory is a glass which contains the three bones from a human ear: the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup. These bones are very small, none of them being much more than ono-fourth of an inch in length. Doctor Breon of Detroit is the donnor of this collection.
Rev. C. E. Davis of Independence Will Give Chapel Address at 10
McPherson-Baker Football Game to Be Played After Landon's Address
Friday, October 18, Parents' Day Dedication of New Field, 7:15 p. m., Football—Baker U.
Sunday, October 20—C. E., College church, 6:46 p. m.
Tuesday, October 22—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.
Club to Sponsor Tournament; First Clash Between Juniors and Seniors
and speed for immediate entrance to an office job. It will also include spelling, penmanship, and filing.
The school is primarily intended for those who already have some training in these fields. Courses for beginners can bo arranged for if there is sufficient demand. Courses giving full college credit will also be offered where there is sufficient demand to justify the formation of
Personnel Committee Seeks to Analyze Student Difficulties by This Method
Five-weeks’ reports on all freshmen have been turned in this week to the personnel committee. Fresh men may go at any time now to their respective counselors who are members of the personnel committee, to find out their rating or standing. In this way counselors are attempting to help students learn of their deficiencies and make the changes which will be beneficial to them.
On the five-weeks' reports teachers mark the students as high, above average, average, below average, and failing. If falling, the teacher is asked to give the likely causes. Absences and tardies are also noted, and in final analysis, the instructor is given an opportunity to give his chief impressions of the student.
These reports are only estimates of the freshman's work, but they do give a little idea as to whether or not the freshman is getting properly
The Forensic Club is again going to sponsor an intra-class debate tournament this year. The regular debate question, Resolved that Congress should have the power to over-rule 5-4 decisions of the Supreme Court declaring laws unconstitutional, will bo used.
The first debate, to be between the juniors and seniors, will take place next Monday at 6:45 p. m. The senior debators, Paul Heckman and Paul Booz. will uphold the negative while the Junior debaters, Paul Miller and Willard Flaming, will uphold the affirmative. A week from Monday, on the 21st of October, the freshman team will meet the sopho-more team. The freshmen will be represented by Waldo Newberg and Harold Larson, and the sophomores by Alberta Keller and Alvin Lind-gren. In this case the affirmative side will be taken by the sophomores and the negative by the freshmen. The winners of these two debates will then moot to decide the championship.
There will be five judges for each debate. Three of them will bo students and the other two faculty members. For the junior-senior debate, under-classmen will be used; upper-classmen will judge the freshman-sophomore debate.
a class.
Tuition for the McPherson College Night School courses will bo $5 per semester hour in all credit courses. Those who wish to take the courses without college credit will be charged a fee of $3 per semester hour.
Some of the possible courses that may be given are as follows: economic problems, accounting, international relations or the new deal, principles of elementary education, child psychology, general psychology, shop work, sociology or Biblical literature, Journalism, Spanish or French, literary appreciation, and Caesar.
started. If'he does not seem to be getting a good start, it is the purpose of the Personnel committee to aid him in analyzing his difficulties, and working out a remedial technique.
Group Chosen for C. E. Play Cast
The C. E. play cast are Peter Steele, Harold Mohler; Prudence Steele, Lois Gnagy; Old Man, Harold Larson: a Tramp, Fred Nace. Modena Kauffman is assisting Miss Lehman. Wilbur Stern is stage manager. The play is to be given in the C. E. room at the Brethren Church. Rehearsals are held during the day.
There is only one proof of ability
Vernon D. Michael, editor of the Spectator, is representing his paper this week in Chicago at the National Interscholastic Press Association convention. Although a larger dele-gation had originally planned to make the trip, Mr. Michael is the only representative.
The Convention is composed of editors and representatives of college publications. Lectures and forums are hold to discuss common problems of editorship.
Merle Messamer is acting editor in Michael's absence.
The Parents' Day program which will be hold tomorrow offers a wide variety of entertainment to both parents and students.
During the chapel period at 10 a. m. Rev. C. Ernest Davis, pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Independence, will address the visitors and students. Reverend Davis, formerly President of Mount Morris College, is well known to the students and friends of McPherson College.
At 3:30 all the visitors are invited to attend a tea which will be served by the faculty in the Y. W.
C. A. room.
At 5:30 p. m. a banquet for visi-tors and students will be hold in the college dining hall. A charge of thirty cents will ho made for residents of McPherson and students who do not live in the dormitories. Students living in the dormitories and any out of town guests will be admitted without charge. If a great-er number of visitors arrive than can be seated in the dining hall the banquet will be given in the basement of the College Church. Students should notify Miss Gill as to the number of guests they expect.
Dean J. D. Bright will act as tosat-master at the dinner. The principal speakers for the evening are Kenneth Rock of Abilene, and W. H. Yoder, of Waterloo, Iowa.
As a special feature at the dedication program seven bands will participate in a review on the College athletic field. The bands, totaling over 450 pieces, will bo led by August San Romani, director of the McPherson high school band.
The bands included in this group are the Hillsboro high school band, Leslie Scoville, director; Galva high school band, Harry Carnine, director; the Turkey Crook school band, Milford Crabb, director; the Mar-quette drum and bugle corps, Ger-ald Wearer, director: the McPher-son Veterans of Foreign Wars Drum Corps, Charles White, director; and both the junior and senior high school bands of McPherson, led by Mr. San Romani.
President V. F. Schwalm will preside at the dedication program which is to begin at 7:15. Homer Ferguson, president of the Chamber of Commerce, will speak on the subject, "Appreciation of the New Ath-letic Field." After a few remarks by Professor R. E. Mohler, chairman of the Athletic Board, Governor Alfred Landon will deliver an address.
At 8:15 the McPherson Bulldogs meet the Baker University team in the first home conference game of the season.
Beat Baker!
Beat Baker!
God bless thee with blessing beyond hope or thought with blessings which no word can find.—Tennyson.
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas Subscription Rates For One School Year THE STAFF Editor-in-Chief.............................................. Vernon D. Michael Assistant Editor................................................ Merle Messamer Society Editor..................................................... Velma Watkins Sports Editor....................................................... Conway Yount ........................................................ Lawrence Strouse Advertising Manager................................................. Paul Lackie Assistant Advertising Manager............................. Waldo Newberg Circulation Manager............................................ Galen Glessner Assistant Circulation Manager.................................. Irene Smith CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Valera Pearce Martha Roop Harriette Smith Kenneth Weaver Norman Edwards Evelyn Glessner Alberta Keller Isabel Kittell Paul Miller after-pleasure. There are still many conscientious students who strive to make the best of their cultural opportunities in college and do more than "just work the faculty." Again. Mr. Piper errs In over-simplifying the case. A narrow conception of college life considers only the academic pursuits of the student, and ignores entirely two other equally important phases of varsity activity —namely, development of the body, through athletics, and cultivation of the ability to get along with people —through social activities and exchange of thought. It is conceded that with such a narrow view of collegiate life the belief that the college of today fails to educate has some basis. Hut no penetrating mind will admit the narrow view—hence the fallacy. One needs only to glance around and view the tremendous growth of personalities in college atmosphere—the cultivation of poise, ease of expression, character, and ability to think through problems—to see the error of Mr. Piper’s arguments. In the light of such examples the narrow scholastic attitude pales into insignificance. But let us consider, on the other hand, the element of truth in the article at hand. Despite his overlooking several vital points in regard to college students, Mr. Piper has struck upon a vary poignant truth— unfortunately, college students of today are taking their academic work too lightly. It is an exceptional student who handles efficiently an extra-curricular load and still maintains high scholarship. It is true that too many of the youth today are apathetic about current affairs, about the problems facing the coming generation. It is true that scholastic achievement on the average leaves much to be desired. And finally, it must be admitted that a thorough education in the teachings of the great minds of the ages is sel-dom found. So let us not merely criticize Mr. Piper’s stand without considering all the facts involved. Let us face the issue squarely and remedy it if possible. Let us maintain all the worth-while phases of collegiate activity, but withal maintaining the highest possible scholastic standards. With such a balanced program, surely In the future there can be no justification for an attack such as that launched by Mr. Piper.—K. W. Business Manager Estelle Baile La Mar Bollinger John Bower Otho Clark Yolanda Clark Tomorrow is the day or dedication for the new athletic field, when Governor Landon speaks and the Bulldogs engage in their first home conference tilt. Of equal significance is the fact that tomorrow is set aside as Parents' Day. Parents' Day offers an opportunity to M. C. students to display to the fathers and mothers who come here the very best in college life. The entire campus is thrown open for the inspection and approval of these folks. Classes are to be free for visitors who may come in and watch students in action. The impressions formed at this time will undoubtedly serve as the basis for the permanent ideas of scholarship at McPherson. The dining hall will sent many guests who will judge the culture of the student body by the manners displayed at the meal. Again, an opportunity lends itself to students who desire to create the right impression to go out of their way, if necessary, to give courteous aid to strangers who are exploring the campus. And finally, at the football game, each person has a chance to display the true Bulldog spirit, as evidenced in good sportsmanship and lusty rooting. Let us pat forward our best foot tomorrow. A little extra preparation, a step or two out of our way, a bit more attention to the proper manners and attitude—all will go a long way toward giving the right impression of M. C. to the parents and friends who will be here. Let’s all cooperate like real Bulldogs! A Reply to Mr. Piper In a recent manuscript debate printed in the Rotarian (Sept. '35), the president of a prominent business concern lays forth an indictment of the modern college student which is so trenchant as to invite consideration. The major premise laid down by the writer, Mr. Piper, is that too many people are going to college, and that a large proportion of college students get no real benefit from so-called college education. He bases these devastating opinions upon one chief fact—namely that when a student graduates from college he likely does not have at hand large stores of certain types of information. For example — Mr. Piper declares that it is an even bet that the average college student can not name the members of the cabinet and the supreme court—has not read exhaustively the works of such writers as Dickens, Hugo, Dante, Juvenal, Pliny, and Darwin—is ignorant of the teaching of Plato, Confucius, and Emerson—can not name ten great poets, ten great figures of mythology, ten great composers, ten operas, etc. Piper even goes so far as to assert that most college students cannot write down a complete list of the forty-eight states. Two ideas at once present themselves to the reader of this article. First, if Piper be wrong, wherein is the fallacy of his arguments? Or, if he be right, what is the moral to be observed? As in many another similar case, the argument has elements of truth as well as elements of error combined. Granted that many students do fall under Mr. Piper's condemnation, and justly so, it is still unjust to malign our institution of higher learning for failing to educate; it is unjust to characterize all our college students as mere shallow seekers- |
are as follows: When the President recognizes a state of war between two or more belligerents, it shall be unlawful for arms, munitions, and implements of war to be shipped from the U. S., or in American ships, either to the belligerents, or to neutral ports for trans-shipment. By Nov. 29 all munitions manufacturers must register with the Control Board. A National Munitions Control Board, headed by Joe Green, is set up to regulate the traffic and report annually to the government as to shipments of arms, registrations to date, etc. All shipments of arms in time of peace must be licensed by the Board. American citizens are duly warned that the U. S. will not protect those of its nationals who sail on belligerent vessels. Submarines of belligerents are forbidden to enter American harbors. This law is only temporary, going out of effect on Feb. 29, 1936. After that time it is expected that permanent legislation will be made by Congress. The neutrality law represents a step toward world peace, but only a step. The rigidity of its provisions may work against it. Furthermore. it makes no effort to control the shipment of raw materials to belligerents. How important is this traffic in raw materials is seen in the fact that Italy is at the present time one of America's biggest customers for copper, scrap iron, cotton, and such raw commodities, even surpassing Great Britain. Italy has means of turning these materials directly Into the machines of warfare, whereas Ethiopia, of course, has no such facilities. As long as this condition exists, America is definitely contributing toward Italian success in the struggle. Thus America has gone on record as desiring to stay free from foreign entanglements. Although Roosevelt has been called a second Wilson, and Hull another Lansing, and although some people see in the activities of the administration a trend toward war, nevertheless, we see on the horizon a tiny cloud, the size of a man’s head, which promises permanent American neutrality.—K. W. Walter W. Wollman, '32, graduated from the University of South Dakota with a B. S. degree in medicine in June '35. He was chosen as one of two, from all the departments of the university, to win the Sum-mum Cum Laude. In July he took the examination of the National Board in Medicine of his first two years, and passed that successfully. In October he entered the Northwestern University, of Chicago, as a junior. |
Leta Wine, Margaret Fry, and Dorothy Dell went to the district meeting at Enders, Neb., Friday with Dr. Schwalm. Lillian Peterson and Margaret Poister were sick several days last week. Ruby Welmer and Vivian Keller went to Newton Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hershey. Lillian Peterson's aunt, Miss Hope, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Day, from Hutchinson, visited her Sunday afternoon. |
William Hard, well-known for his radio and newspaper comments on political affairs of America, heads the calendar of events to be held at Teachers College this fall. He appears on the campus as the first number October 15, speaking on the subject, "What Business Can Do at Washington.”—The Bulletin, Emporia, Kan. With an increase of 9.7 per cent over figures for 1934-’35. the second largest enrollment in the history of the school was announced by the registrar’s office. — The Bulletin, Emporia, Kan. The personnel is complete and rehearsals have begun for the 18th season of the College of Emporia vesper a cappella choir, according to Dean Daniel A. Hirschler, head of the school of music and director and founder of the famous choir. There are 102 singers in the choir this year.—The New College Life. Emporia, Kan. An increase of over 13 per cent in enrollment speaks well for the efforts of President R. W. Schlosser and his colleagues in their extensive drive for new students.—The Etown-ian, Elizabethtown, Pa. Amelia Earhart, foremost woman pilot, will speak at the college on Thursday, October 30. The title of her address is "Aviation Adventures," It is commonly said that Miss Earhart is a woman who has invaded man’s sphere of heroic endeavor and beaten him at his own game. — The Collegio, Pittsburg, Kan. One of the largest bands ever formed at the college, consisting of 89 pieces, is hard at work under the direction of Harold Mould.—The Collegio, Pittsburg, Kan. Albert T. Reid, widely known cartoonist, presented to the College English department a copy of the original poem, "Each in His Own Tongue." presented to him by William Herbert Carruth, the author.— The New College Life, Emporia, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins of Ottawa, former students of M. C., are the parents of a daughter born September 26th. She has been named Carol Ann. Mrs. Watkins was formerly Louise Allen. Rilla Hubbard went home Thursday afternoon and returned Sunday night. Viola Harris and June McNamee attended the meeting at Newton Sunday. Margaret Poister's father, F. E. Poister and G. Keplinger, mayor of Morrill stopped at the college Sunday night on their way to a meeting of city officials in Wichita. Katherine Stover visited her cousin, Margaret Poister, Saturday evening and Sunday. Jean Allen and Aileen Wine went to Ottawa with Velma Watkins and her mother Friday. They attended the Ottawa-McPherson game Friday night. Mrs. Watkins remained In Ottawa for a visit. Among those from Arnold Hall who attended the district conference at Newton Sunday were Lucile Kistner, Dorothy Miller, Alberta Keller, Wanda Hoover, Mary Trostle, and Mrs. M. W. Emmert. Wanda Hoover gave a reading at the young people’s program. If your lips would keep from slips. Five things observe with care; To whom you speak, of whom you speak, And how, and when, and where. —W. E. Norris. "Success makes some crimes honorable."—Seneca.
Since the World War ended there has been a growing disquietude in this country as to how America would buck up against her capital-istic interests and stay out of foreign wars. There has also been in this country, as well as in many European states, a continuous agitation for control of the munition maker in time of war. The activities of such men as Senators Nye, Bone, and Borah have been directed especially toward investigation of the arms traffic and promotion of legislation designed to control it. The culmination of this movement has found itself in the recent action of the U. S. in declaring a new neutrality law. After considerable debate, the U. S. Congress in its closing days sent a bill to the president, who signed it on August 31. By the terms of this law the U. S. has definitely committed itself to a stand in regard to wars and disputes in foreign governments. The provisions of the act, briefly, |
THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1935
The Spectator
Central Kansas Conference Standings
Won Lost Pct.
McPherson ....................... 1 0 1.000
Kansas Wesleyan .............. 1 0 1.000
C. of E. ............................. 0 1 .000
Haskell Scores Twice to Give Bulldogs Surprise Victory Over Ottawa
The Bulldogs opened the conference with a 13 to 0 victory over Ot-
tawa last Friday night. The game seemed to be somewhat of a surprise, while a great deal of the credit for winning can be given to Haskell who made all the points for McPherson.
On the seventh play of the game Haskell raced 47 yards for a touchdown. but failed to add the extra point. Later in the first half Haskell again lugged the pigskin across the last white marker for another six points and then he proceeded to use his toe to add the extra point.
Duo to the fact that the Bulldogs were outweighed by the Braves about 15 pounds to the man, they did an excellent job of holding the
Ottawa team from crossing their goal line. Another factor which hindered the McPherson squad a great deal was that they had to play the game without several of their first string men.
McPherson outplayed the Braves in every department of the game with the exception of passing. Ottawa completed 3 out of 14 passes for 93 yards while the Bulldogs tried only one and completed it for a gain of 13 yards. Ottawa was outgained in scrimmage by having only 66 yards as compared with 159 for McPherson. McPherson had 9 first downs while Ottawa was only allowed four.
The McPherson College Bulldogs are now the favorites for the Kansas
Conference championship. Even though Ottawa was not a tough team to play against, the victory will per-haps be an important one in the deciding of the final standings of the teams. This win gave McPherson their third straight victory of the season.
The lineup:
McPherson Ottawa
Mooro .............. L E .................. Pett
Colwell ........... L T ............... Pitts
Vasquez .............. L G ........Dietrich
Wiegand .......... C .............. Martz
Seidel .............. R G ..... Daugharthy
Boyer .............. R T ..... Eagles
Barngrover......R E ........ Klauman
Crabb ......... Q .............. Mullen
Zuhars .......... L H .............. Barker
Haskell ...........R H .............. Frear
Burress ............ F ........... Loveless
The summary:
Yards gained by scrimmage: McPherson 159, Ottawa 66. Passes at-
The Bulldogs are in first place in the Conference after a 13 to 0 victory over the Ottawa Braves.
Beat Baker!
Some people may think that this was an upset but for us we have
come to the conclusion that we have an awful good football team.
Beat Baker!
Although it is a bad policy for a sports writer to predict scores, I wish to say that I think we will defeat Baker two or perhaps three touchdowns.
Beat Baker!
We still dwell on the idea I told you so, in that we said the score of last weeks game would be 17 to 0.
Beat Baker!
The Wildcats come with one of the fastest teams in the conference and the game would bo a tough battle.
Sunday evening's Christian' Endeavor consisted mainly of a review by Miss Della Lehman of the book. "East Wind, West Wind,” by Pearl Buck.
From this book, which Is an interpretation of Chinese life, Miss Lehman reviewed many of the practices of Chinese life, such as feet binding and the making of marriage contracts between participants who are too young to protest.
Corwin Bare was in charge of devotions. Esther Zimmerman sang, "O, Hear My Prayer,” accompanied by Lucille Ullrey.
A meeting of representatives from all the Brethren churches in Nebraska, held at Enders, Nebr., was attended last week-end by President
Schwalm. He was accompanied by Leta Wine, Margaret Fry, and Dorothy Doll, who assisted in the music,
Beat Baker!
Perhaps the ballyhoo that Coach Binford sent to Ottawa did some good.
Beat Baker!
If McPherson defeats Baker tomorrow night this will probably mean that McPherson will win the Conference.
giving vocal and violin solos and arranging quartets and group numbers with others.
Doctor Schwalm gave five addresses at the meeting. Among other things he showed films of pictures representing college life and gave
Fast ball carrying will bo the main feature of the ball game between the Bulldogs and Baker Friday night. Baker has one of the fastest backfields it has had in several years. McPherson’s backfield is fast and consequently blocking, interference, and breaks will have a great deal to do with the determining of the winner of the important game.
Governor Alf M. Landon will witness the game as the two teams bat-
tle for the lead in the conference. There is no question but that the largest crowd of the football season will be here to witness the game. It was announced by Coach Binford
yesterday that all the crippled McPherson players would be in the starting lineup tomorrow night. The Wildcats' line will average about 192 while the McPherson line will average about 176.
college daze . . .
(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary.)
Thurs. 10. Big fight in pep meeting this A. M. They sure got around over the ring only I don’t think they hit anything very hard only the floor. Anyhow M. G. won but I didn't see what the rest had to do with a game. The telafone rung and rung today noon at dinner today, but I just set their like doc Floorie and looked dignified. Purty soon dad Harres went up and listened to
Fri. 11. A bunch of guys up on third what have been throwing water some of them in sacks call themselves public enemys number one 2 ten. I guess that means that when they throw water on my good soot Ill have to lick them all in order sos to git the right one. Everybody was wanting to go to Ottowa today. We wolopped them to, but its a wander
had lots of sand witches to eat. We all sang a lot of songs and I had a swell time only I wish Henrietta was here and that I could have held a couple more of them sand witches.
Mon. 14. Was I tired and stiff today? It was plenty worm to, es-peshally after I got the card to go over to H. H. A lot of the boys seamed to git mail today. One of the boys called up a girl in Arnhol hall today and was gonna ask her a question in german but said something else when he found out they was having a prere meating.
Tue. 15. The man at the head of the matruns tabel came out about 3 minuts behind the rest of us today and said he had 2 peices of pie. I should not of traded places. Shoop-ing at Woolworths today. Have to keep my mony though, might need it Fri. night.
Wed. 16. About three weaks ago I told Forny if he would give mo the stuff to do it with I would fix up the
our guy got away with that one. He sure run right through the other
an address on the cocllege and its needs.
The McPherson group left for Nebraska on Friday and started their return trip at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, making the trip of about 360 miles that night.
A budget for the year 1935-’36, was discussed by the Student Council at a meeting Friday afternoon. Other matters of business were taken care of, with Paul Boot, president of the council, presiding. Dr. Schwalm and Professor Doll met with the council.
Officers for the Student Council
The word "limited” used after the names of British firms indicates that the liability of each shareholder is limited to the amount of his stock or shares, or to an amount fixed by, a guarantee.
Masculine Wisdom She: "Is that a dray horse?" Ho: "No, it's a brown horse—and stop the baby talk." |
Sat. 12. Somebody dressed like boys put away things that had been Wiley Post or Floid Gibbons was running around over the campes today. Opean House tonight. We all fixed our rooms up. Some of the layin in there rooms every since school begun and all the girls came
light fixtuers in my room and he said it was his duty to do it and he wasnt goingto put the responcibilaty on sombody else. I got to wishing ho would put the responsabilaty on sombody when today it got fixed while I was gone. It is O. K. only I wish I could have had it when the girls was here to see it.
over. Some of them seamed like they were intrested in a fella but I dont know— We had candy on second and third and ice water and cookeys on first. I got my name on a lot of lists and somebodies bed got invurted.
Sun. 13. We had a sweel hike to the sandpit this P. M. Played some ball. As usual once in a while we
this year are: president, Paul Booz; treasurer, Clayton Rock; vice-presi-dent, Clarence Sink; secretary, Wanda Hoover; and reporter, Martha Roop. |
The World Service Group met Wednesday night at 7:15 in the church parlor for a meeting in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the translation of the first Bible.
The program included talks on the various periods in the development of the Bible. Thesesa Strom talked on the earliest Bible translations. La Mar Bollinger discussed the translations of a period includ-ing the seventeenth century, based
ern translations were discussed by Leta Wine.
In addition to these talks the group studied a chart prepared by Ruby Welmer. This chart showed the various translations of the Bible, the dates of their compilation and the languages from which and into which they were translated
tempted: McPherson 1, Ottawa 14; passes completed: McPherson 1, Ottawa 3; passes intercepted: McPher son 0, Ottawa 0; yards gained by passes: McPherson 13, Ottawa 93. First downs: McPherson Ottawa 4. EARLY BIBLE TRANSLATIONS OBSERVED IN WORLD SERVICE mainly on the King James version and its various revisions. The mod |