After the tryouts for Thespian Club last Thursday, it was decided that the following persons should be admitted as new members: Yolanda Clark. Viola Harris, Virginia Lee Steeves, Frances Perdue, Le Vena High, Martha Roop, Marc Hale, Pau Lackie, Archie Van Nortwick, and Harold Larsen.

Dorothy Matson and Velma Watkins form a committee to arrange an initiation for the new members.



Daily Service Prove* Helpful to Men Student*

YM-YW Representative


Group Draws Up List of Suggested Rates

The discrepancies in wages paid to different women working their way through college was the subject discussed by the Personnel Committee at their meeting last Monday.

It was discovered that some women do twice as much work for the same amount of money as others.

A scale was worked out by the committee, as a recommendation only, which would give the women students what they are worth, and at the same time, give the ladies or employers what they pay for.

The suggested rates are as follows: for one day’s work or eight hours, one dollar; for four hours, sixty-five cents: for less than four hours, twenty cents per hour; for an evening spent taking care of children, twenty-five cents.

It may be noticed that this is a graduated scale; that is, the more work that is done, the less is given per hour; for a shorter time, more is given per hour.

The committee also believes that the jobs should be distributed according to the needs of both the women working and the ladies who are desiring help.


Tickets to Go on Sale In Near Future -—Price is $1 for Season

The lyceum course will begin this season on Nov. 5, with the lecture by Vash Young, author of "A Fortune to Share." Tickets will go on sale In the near future, the price of a season ticket being $1.00.

The date for the Dixie Melody Masters, a Negro quartet, which was formerly scheduled for Jan. 17, 1936, will have to bo changed owing to other conflicts. This will be the last program of the course.

The lyceum course is sponsored by a council representing the two colleges in McPherson, the city schools, and the Ministerial Union in an attempt to bring something inspirational, worth while, and of educational significance to the home community. The committee feels that it can be of the most service to the community by making the tickets within the reach of most of the peo-ple and so have made possible the low price of the tickets.

Professor Dell represents McPherson College on the council.

The inmates of Fahnestock hall are now raised to a higher level of life. The main reason for this great promotion Is the fact that they do not hare to keep their rooms clean any more. Each morning at 8 o'clock, except Sunday, a maid, with Mrs. Voran’s help, makes the rounds of the rooms and leaves them In excellent order. The men are required to keep their clothes hung up and the tables cleaned off and the maids clean the room, make the beds and dust the furniture.

There is a decided improvement In the appearance of the rooms since this procedure has started and can be noticed by any casual observer going through the halls about 10 o’clock. The men of Fahnestock hall greatly appreciate this decrease in their daily labors and are greatly in debt to those responsible for this additional service.


Schedule for Men’s and Women’s Tryouts Announced by Coach Hess

The subject chosen for debate this year is "Resolved, that congress should have power to override a 4-5 decision of the supreme court declaring legislation unconstitutional." Debate Coach Maurice A. Hess makes the following announcements concerning tryouts for men’s and women’s debate teams.

Tryouts for men's debate teams are scheduled for 6:30 p. m. Wed-nesday, Nov. 6, in chapel; women's tryouts at 3:30 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 7. Men will meet in Room 9 at 1:10 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 31. Each debater will prepare a five-minute constructive speech and a two-minute rebuttal. Order of speakers will be determined by lot. Begin now and read on both sides of the question


Thirty-three Pupils of Sunday School Are Advanced

Mrs. Mildred Inskeep Morgan, of Iowa City, Iowa, who spoke here three times Tuesday. Mrs. Morgan, who was brought to the campus by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. spoke on topics concerned with men-women relationships.


Two are in Elementary Schools— Seven are in Junior and Senior High Schools

until you draw for sides. Prelim-inary bibliography may be obtained from the University Debaters* Annuals of 1922-23 and 1923-24 and from a copy of Reference Shelf. These bibliographies are not to be taken from the library. Debate material will be assembled in the librarian’s office. You may chock out a reasonable amount of it subject to reference regulations.

Candidates for teams should sub-mit their names at once to the debate coach. If you are interested in debate and are willing to do a great deal of hard work; help to maintain the enviable record of McPherson in forensics. New candidates are needed to fill vacancies in teams, particularly for women's debate. For further Information, call at Room 9 at conference hours, 9:00 a. m. except Thursdays and 1:30 to 3:30 p. m.—Maurice A. Hess, debate coach.


Athletic Association and Quadrangle Arre Sponsoring Contest


A football queen to honor the Homecoming game with the Swedes on Nov. 1 is to bo elected by the student body in the near future. The election Is to be sponsored by the Quadrangle for 1936 with the aid of the athletic association and Coach Rinford.

A nominating committee will be appointed to select a group of candidates; from this group the students will elect their favorite. The winner will be crowned before the game with a suitable ceremony, and then will be given a trophy. It is not yet definitely decided as to just what the trophy will be.

Further announcements will be made later as to the election.


Nine students are enrolled in the course of practice teaching under the direction of Dr. J. W. Boitnott, this semester. Two of these students are doing practice teaching in elementary schools in McPherson, and the remaining seven are teaching in the Junior and senior high schools. At the present time the students are observing the classes they are to teach and aiding the regular teachers. Later on. however, the students will actually teach the classes themselves.

Those students who are enrolled in this course are: Ingeborg Swan-son, Bookkeeping, senior high, under Miss Kuhn, Betty Juefs. Latin, senior high, under Miss Wicker-sham; Clarence Sink. United States history, senior high, under Mr. Clement; Archie Van Nortwick, ecnom-ics, senior high, under Mr. Kopelk, Blanch Harris, choral work, junior and senior high, under Miss Dahling-er; Harold Relnecker, manual train-ing, senior high, under Mr. Crumpacker; Modena Kauffman, English, under Miss Haight, senior high; Rachel Snowberger, grades, under Miss Thomas. Washington school, and Mrs. Doretta Sandy, grades, at Lincoln school, under Miss Johnson.


The Institute of International Relations will be held June 9 to June 19. 1936, at Bethel college, according to a report of a committee meeting of the institute, held Saturday at Newton.

Thirty-three pupils of the Sunday School were advanced In their standing at the annual promotion day exercises at the Church of the Breth-ren Sunday. The program, with Mr. Leonard Crumpacker presiding, consisted of devotions led by Esther Sherfy, group singing led by Elisabeth Mohler, a violin solo, "Medita-tion” from "Thais,” by Gene Nininger, recommendation that the pupils be promoted by Mr. Crumpacker,

and the presentation of promotion cards to the various pupils by Rev. Zook.

Mr. Crumpacker states that there are 17 regularly organized classes and the average attendance for the past month has been 234. The total enrollment of the Sunday School is 323 and last year's average attendance was 194.

Several Hooks are Gifts of Mrs. W. J. Krehbiel — Other Books are Added to Shelves

The library has a very important new addition this week. It is a new second edition of Webster’s dictionary. This Is the first thorough revision since 1909. The vocabulary has been completely revised, many new words added and obsolete words dropped. There are many other improvements over the old dictionary.

Three books have been received this week ns gifts of Mrs. Krehbiel. They are "Une tache d’encro” by Barzin; "Le roi des Montagnas" by Aleout; and "En France" by Fontaine. Two other books. "Applied Economics" and "Economic Problems" are gifts of Prof. Bohling.

Several new novels have been purchased this week. Among them are "The Arrow of Gold" by Joseph Conrad; "Humpry Clinker" by S. Mollette; Jude the Obscure” by Hardy: “A Room with a View" by Forster; "Evelina" by Arblay:    and

"Sastle of Otronto” by Walpole.


Musical Selections and Readings Furnish Entertainment

A central committee, whose work Is to help plan and foster this insti-tute In Kansas, is composed of representatives of many prominent service organizations, among which are: the Y. W. C. A., W. C. T. U. and Y. M. C. A.

A group of college presidents and other prominent Kansans will be asked to act as sponsors in the institute.

The women of the church gave a tea to the college girls Sunday after-noon from three to five o'clock.

The freshman and Junior girls were entertained for the first hour and the sophomore and senior girls the latter hour.

During the afternoon musical selections were given by Miss Mattie Shay, Miss Corrine Bowers, and Mrs. Rush Holloway. Two readings were given-one, a humorous reading, “In Nineteen-Ninety-Eight,” by M r s.

Rush Holloway, and the other a musical reading, "Dreaming in the Twilight,” by Miss Della Lehman. Miss Lehman was accompanied by the piano and violin,

The church basement was very tractively decorated with colorful draperies, screens, flowers, etc. Mrs. Hershey and Mrs. Petry were responsible, for this. Mrs. Paul Sargent and Mrs. Mohler poured the tea.

Five books about various phases of music have been added to the shelves. They are "Caro and Treatment of Music in a Library" by Wallace: "Articulation in Singing" by Sir George Henschel; "What the Vocal Student Should Know" by Deu-ty; "How to Succeed in Singing" by Buzzi-Peccia; and "Great Singers on Singing" by Cooke.

Other now volumes i nclude "American Diplomatic Relations During the World War" by Seymour; "Songs of Praise" by Dear-mer; and "Zola and His Life" by Josephson.    

An interesting editorial in the Christian Science Monitor for Oct. 3 was written by Miss Mary Harnly, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harnly of this city. The editorial is entitled "Building an Oasis on the Desert." It describes how the town of Alliance, Nebr., with a population of only 7,000, has carried out an excellent program of zoning and beautification. This town being located on the edge of the so called Great American Desert has endured many hardships including dust storms, floods, and blizzards, but they have never given up. Now Inside their city limits they have a very beautiful park with a swimming pool and play ground. Outside the city are located a golf course, an amusement park and an airport. This Nebraska town has truly done an excellent piece of work in improving their city.

Men and Women Relationships and "Growing Up with People'" Discussed


Y. M. and Y. W. Organizations Sponsor Her—She Is Former Kansas Y. W. President

Mrs. Mildred Inskeep Morgan of Iowa City, Iowa, was on the college campus last Tuesday under the sponsorship of the Y. M. and Y. W. She gave three talks, one at 10:00, one at 3:30, and one at 8:00. She also held personal conferences with students during the day.

President Schwalm mot Mrs. Morgan at the Haven conference held in Estes Park in August, 1934, where she was one of the main speakers. He recommended her very highly to the local Christian organizations.

Mrs. Morgan's address at 10 o'clock was on social relationships or "growing up with people." She expressed surprise at finding so many students who are working their way through college with apparently no interest in college work or any desire to learn.

Ideas should change Just as the world is continually changing, Mrs. Morgan said. Emotional outlooks also should grow. Some adults still have the temperaments of three-year-olds.

Another point stressed by Mrs. Morgan was that women need to learn how to manage money and not ho so economically dependent on


"Men and women friendships on the campus" was the subject for Mrs. Morgan's discussion at 3:30. Her main idea was that contact with the opposite sex is greatly needed. She suggested that colleges should offer means for students to have dates without spending so much money. She highly approved of the recreational room that the Student Council of this college is planning. Marriage was touched upon by Mrs. Morgan. She believes that marriage should be a partnership proposition, that husband and wife should do things together and have common interests.

In her evening address, Mrs. Mor-gan spoke on the relationship of par-ent and child and of relationships and marriage of men and women. Her main idea was that in both cases persons should work together.

While the young person sets his own goal, the older person must have some say In how the goal is achieved. Mrs. Morgan stated. The parents should find possibilities in their children and develop them.

"Open House" in Fahnestock

To Be Held by Men Saturday


The men of Fahnestock Hall are going to show the world how they live. In other words they are going to have "open house" Saturday night, Oct. 12. Everyone is invited to visit the men in their rooms between the hours of 8 o'clock and 11 o’clock. A light refreshment will be served.

Friday, October 11 —Poetry Club meets in Y. W. room at 3:30.

Saturday, October 12—Open House at Fahnestock Hall from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock.

Sunday, October 13—C. F. at the

College Church, 6:45 p. m.

Tuesday, October 15—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.

Wayne Abrught Leads C. E.

Wayne Albright was leader of the Christian Endeavor Sunday evening. The program dealt with peace and consisted of three talks--"The after effects of the World War” by Theresa Strom, "The effects of war on homes and individuals," by LaMar Bollinger, and "The attitude of the United States towards the Italian-Ethiopian affair," by Paul Booz.

Preceding this, a short business meeting was held to see about the purchasing of song books and the presentation of a play on Oct. 27.

Age and youth must work together.

In the same connection. Mrs. Morgan stated that men and women must work and think together to achieve the best results. The ideal marriage is one in which both persons share responsibilities. Each knows how the other stands on all ideas.

In closing. Mrs. Morgan said that the tine to change is in college while one In developing. If one takes time each day for personal meditation, the process of "growing up" can be completed in the four college years.

Mrs. Morgan reccivod her Bachelor of Science dogreo in home economics from Kansas State College and her Master's in religious education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She has also completed at the latter Institution residence requirements for her Doctorate In the fields of child development and parent education. She has also studied in Paris, Bucharest, and New York City.

At one time Mrs. Morgan was president of the Kansas Y. W. organi-zation.    At present her husband

teaches religious education in Iowa State University.

C. E. to Present "Dust of the Road"

Boost the Bulldogs!

A one act play. "Dust of the Road." sponsored by the C. E. organization and directed by Estelle Baile is to bo given on October 27. Rehearsals for the production have already started.

The Spectator

true, wiry did they not interfere when Japan encroached on the an-cient Chinese empire and created the puppet state of Manchukuo? Simply because there were no interests involved.

Thus we must condemn the British attitude. Mussolini declares that sanctions mean war, and many people believe that outside interference would result in a general European conflagration. If such results, the U. S. will undoubtedly be sucked into the conflict eventually, and the Great War will be revived in all its horror and misery, with consequences ten times as awful as those of the last war.

With such a picture staring us in the face, we are forced to an inevitable choice: which is more impor-tant, the national Integrity of a tiny savage race, or the continuance of general world peace and reviving prosperity? Furthermore, when the protection of Ethiopia is complicated by colonial and economic interests of the protecting nations, is it really justified? In the meantime, we are forced to sit back and wait—and hope. . . .—K. W.


Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.

Published every Thursday by the Student Council




Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.    

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00


Editor-in-Cheif................................................Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor...............................................Merie Messamer

Society Editor..................................................Velma Watkins

Sports Editor...................................................Conway Yount

Business Manager............................................Lawrence Strouse

Advertising Manager.........................................Paul Lackie

Assistant Advertising Manager..........................Waldo Newberg

Circulation Manager.........................................Galen Glessner

Contributors To This Issue

Estelle Baile    Norman Edwards    Valera Pearce

La Mar Bollinger    Evelyn Gleaner    Martha Roop

John Bower    Alberta Keller    Ernest Sweetland

Otho Clark    lsabel Khtell    Harriette Smith

Yolanda Clark    Paul Miller    Kenneth Weaver

A Practical Contribution of the “Y” Organizations

Doubt has sometimes been expressed as to the ultimate value of contributions made to the "Y" organizations on the campus. The recent visit of Mrs. Morgan should serve very admirably to silence forever such criticism. The visit of personalities of this calibre to our school is made possible only through the Y—with necessarily great expense,

Mrs. Morgan represents an invigorating influence on the campus—a change from the stultifying influences of isolation—a breath of freshness. Such an influence tends to pull us out of ruts of thought and give us new ideas and impressions. It further serves to stimulate and arouse us to increased and purposeful activity. Realizing these benefits we surely should not grouse about helping the "Y" with a little financial aid. —K. W.

"Autumn" is Theme of First

Poetry Club Meeting Friday

The Poetry Club will hold its initial meeting of the year next Friday at 3: 30 in the Y. W. room. "Autumn" will be the theme.

All those Interested In the reading. writing, and interpretation of poetry are invited to attend. The club meets every tWo weeks.

Dr. Smith Speaks to P. T. A.

Dr. Josephine Smith was the main speaker at the first meeting of the McPherson Junior High School Parent-Teachers' Association Tuesday. Oct. 1. Her subject was "Problems of Personality Adjustment in Junior High."    

Investments and Dividends

The average student in McPherson College probably spends an amount somewhere between $1500 and $2000 before he graduates. This sum represents an investment in the talents and ability of the student, the dividends or which depend almost entirely upon the student himself.

If this were more fully realized by the student, perhaps he would take more care about how he spends his time and energies. A number of scholastic evils might he pointed out In regard to this matter: some students are content with slip-shod, careless, and hasty work: some are satisfied if they can "get by” and make the grade, with an absolute minimum of work. Others load themselves with an extra-curricular load which demands so much time and energy as to leave little to devote to academic pursuits. Some are to engrossed in social affairs, sports, etc., as to neglect scholarship entirely. And last but by no means least,

must be mentioned the fault of procrastination, the habit of letting work slide until the last minute and then doing it carelessly and hastily.

When a student allows those faults to control him through part or all of his four year college career, it necessarily follows that he can not derive the full measure of benefit from that period of life. No matter how much is said about the value of the social, athletic, and other such phases of college life, there can be no denial that the fundamental pur-

Honor Where Honor Is Due

Perhaps the most significant event in the Parents’ Day program a week from tomorrow is the dedication of the athletic field, which was planned and built this past summer. The realization of this goal is the fulfillment of a long-recognized need. The completion of the field is a huge step forward In the continuous prog-ress being made by -McPherson College. This addition to the equipment of the college will stand for many years as a monumental reminder of the effort now being made to bring McPherson College Into the ranks of superior schools.

Especially are the students grate-ful to Coach Binford for his most vital part in making this Bulldog dream a reality. Melvin J. Binford is this year starting his sixth season of coaching the Bulldogs. And as for his success in developing winning teams, nothing need be said. Nor, need we praise him for his untiring effort in planning, promoting, and supervising the construction of this new athletic field. The field speaks better than words the praise of the man who did so much to bring it into existence.     

Thus far we have known our athletic field as "the new field. " It is obvious that the field will not always be new, and a more significant name will be needed. This need has been felt by the student body. We are confident that we express the sentiment of all loyal Bulldogs when we say that no individual is more deserving of the honor of having his name incorporated in the title of the field than Coach himself. We, therefore, recommend that when the executive committee takes action in the naming of the field it be called "Binford Field. " We, as students, take this means of conferring a deserved honor upon our coach, Melvin J. Binford.

pose of all higher education is to develop a higher scholarship, to train students to read widely and think deeply; and to inculcate habits of study and research which will carry over Into future life. The full realization of these purposes, plus a balanced extra-curricular program of sports and social activities will give the highest benefits from a college career.

While on our campus. Mrs. Morgan brought out strongly a point which needs to be emphasised to every student—those habit patterns of conduct and activity which we form in college are bound to be the ones we carry over into later life. Re-gardless of the popular conception, these habit patterns are not sucept-ible to change after college days, and although we are still quite malleable as freshmen, our senior days find us, with our synapses and reflexes well case-hardened.

With these facts in mind it behoves every student in M. C. to consider his program seriously. If necessary, the chaff should he separated from the wheat, and those functions which are not vital must be weeded out. A new attitude toward scholarship should be developed, with an eye toward growth of the right patterns of consistent, careful thought and study. Then the dividends of the sum invested in a college education will be at a maximum. —K. W.

The Ethiopian Crisis

The trend of events in Europe and elsewhere today can bo nothing less than alarming to the student of world affairs. Italy and Ethiopia are already at swords points. Britain. worried about her possessions and trade relations, is preparing to take "steps, " first economic and later, if necessary, military, to forestall the aggressiveness of Italy. France is hiding behind England's skirts, declaring her intention to back up her old ally.

The League, at best only an Instrument of nations, is yielding to the nationalistic pressure of, her greatest members. In declaring sanctions against Italy. Germany and the U. S. have both declared their neutrality, although it is a foregone conclusion that neither can or will stay out of war if it becomes general.

This, in a word, represents the international chess board at present, with everybody, including Il Duce, wondering just what the next move will be. Italy declares the struggle to be a mere "colonial conquest, " such as both Britain and France have carried out during the nineteenth century: that Ethiopia la but a tribe of barbarous savages who would be far better off under Italian domination. She claims justification for her actions, first, in the ignominous defeat suffered in 1896 at the hands of Menelik’s forces: and second, In the continual intertribal aggression of Ethiopia which culminated in the border clash at Ualal.

From one point of view, perhaps, the attack on Ethiopia calls for a humanitarian Interference on the part of the world powers. If such interference could be carried out under the sole motivation of brotherly love, It might conceivably be justified. That however, is far from the case. Economic and political interests are at stage, without them Britain and France would adopt a policy of hands off. If this la not

Modena Kauffman and Dorothy Matson were honor guests at a party given by Pauline Stutsman Saturday night. Games of cards filled the hours. Besides the honor guests, the following were present: Leone Shirk. Lenore Shirk, Wanda Hoover, Faithe Ketterman, Velma Watkins, Virginia Propp, Maudena Sondergard, Jean Allen, Theresa Strom and Margaret Messamer.

Lucille Kistner and Harriette Smith accompanied Dr. Schwalm to Lone Star Friday to the district meeting of North East Kansas.

Miss Alice Gill spent the weekend in Lawrence.

Esther Zimmerman and Willard Flaming spent the week-end at their homes in Buhler.

Donald Brumbaugh ’35 is teaching the grade schools at Fruita, Colorado.

Roy Coleman and Robert Fox went to Wichita Sunday.

Paul Booz was in charge of a Congregational Young Peoples’ Conference at Partridge Saturday and Sunday.

Martha Hursh '35, Faithe Ketter-man ’35, Walter Pauls ’35, John Friesen '35, and John Harnly were seen oh the campus this week-end.

The Religious Situation in Ger-many was discussed at the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening by Dr. Donald Brown.

Rev. J. D. Schmidt, who graduated from McPherson College in 1918, has accepted the position as pastor in the Congregational church at Newton. Reverend Schmidt goes to Newton from Highland, Ill., at which place he has been a pastor for several years. Mrs. Schmidt is the for-mer Adra Boone, also of the class of '18.

The A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Dr. Hagbard Brase, promises again this season to be a success. Forty-six students have been accepted to sing in the organization.—The Bethany Messenger. Lindsborg.

About one-half of the student body of Bethany College are Lutherans. — The Bethany Messenger, Lindsborg.

Word was received by Pres. Thomas W. Butcher from an Associated Press dispatch that the $27,272 public works project for improvements on the campus had been approved in Washington. The federal appropriation amounts to $12,272 as compared to the state appropriation of $15,000. Repairs on almost every building on the campus is included in the program of work. —The Bulletin, Emporia.

The Correspondence Study Department reports a total enrollment of 387 with 97 enrolled during August. In this same month 116 courses were completed. Mr. R. C. Maul, director of the department, is now doing graduate work at Harvard on the doctor’s degree.—The Bulletin, Emporia.

Plans are complete for Parents and Patrons day, and Oct. 12 will be one of the most festive days of the current school year. Governor Lan-don, a Baker trustee, is chairman of the Baker Stadium committee and will present the first unit In the new stadium to Dr. W. C. Hanson, president of the Board of Trustees, in ceremonies at Cavaness field Just before the game.—The Baker Orange.

Baldwin City.

It matters not how long we live, but how.—Bailey.

A lost good name is ne’er retrieved.—Gray.


Stage Magazine to Offer $100 for Best Plays Submitted

Those interested in dramatics will find the following announcement by a prominent theatrical magazine worthwhile:

Stage invites the authors of one-act plays to submit their manuscripts for publication. Plays found acceptable will bo paid for at the rate of $100 upon their appearance in the magazine. Consideration will be given only to those plays which have neither been published nor pro-duced. Preference will be shown to those plays which can bo acted within 45 minutes, and to those plays which are contemporary in theme.

Stage reserves full publication rights, but no production rights.

Please observe the usual precautions in sending in manuscripts.

Be sure to retain a carbon copy. The editors will not enter into correspondence concerning the manuscripts, nor will they accept responsibility for the return of manuscripts unless accompanied by sufficient postage.

All plays will be read promptly and accepted or rejected as quickly as possible.

Inasmuch as the playwright retains full production rights, he may feel free to have his play produced even though the original may still -be in the possession of Stage.

Again we invite you to send in your manuscripts promptly. If possible, Stage plans to publish the most desirable play among the manuscripts submitted in the November issue: and hopes to have enough others to publish short plays every month.

For November publication, manuscripts should be sent at once. Address all communications to: Stage. 50 E. 42nd St., New York.

Girls Note Advantages Given in Other Dorms

Comforts of Twin and Single Beds Compared by Co-eds

There is a question in the minds of some girls who recently visited the girls' dormitories at Ottawa University and C. of E. whether twin beds might not offer more comfort than the ordinary, well-known, double, "dorm" beds on which the female “knowledge seekers” of McPherson College spend a few hours each night to sleep away the dregs of study and to regain their beauty.

Of course there are two sides to the question. In favor of the twin beds it may be said that a girl would not disturb her room mate quite no much when she came in late if it were not necessary for her to crawl into the same bed. There would be no risk of girls receiving serious injury by being kicked or crowded out of bed by their room mates. Then, too, the matter of laundry carries much weight in favor of twin beds. Anyone would realize that small sheets which fit single beds would be much easier to launder than the large sheets.

The advantages for double beds also are great. It would be much easier to make one bed each morning than to make two. Think, too, of the difficulty of having clean under two beds—tho girls would never have time to study. Perhaps the greatest advantage is that more girls could hide under a large bed with less chance of being seen by the matron than could hide under two small beds.

These were not the only observations made in the two dormitories visited, however. In both places the rooms were very large and airy. At C. of E., a good feature is a study room on each floor where a girl might go to study when her room mate wishes to have a room full of company.

The Arnold Hallites have an advantage over the C. of E. girls in the matter of Irons. There they have only two irons for the fifty or seventy-five girls who live in the dormitory. Not only that, but these two irons are in the basement of the hail and girls from first, second and third floors must go down there to use it.    

All of the boys and girls who live on the campus eat in the dining hall in the basement of the girls' dormi-tory at C. of E. At Ottawa all of the girls (about thirty) and only four boys eat in the dining hall in the girls’ dormitory.


We have always thought that up-perclassmen were supposed to be a little grown up, at least. It seems there are a few infantile-minded boys on third floor of Fahnestock who insist on throwing water. If It were just the fact that people sometimes get a little damp it wouldn’t bo so bad, but these gentlemen (?) aren't satisfied unless the victims’ clothes are soaking wet. When the victim has freshly cleaned clothes on, and some halfwit throws water on him it surely makes him feel good. We suggest that these infants either grow up or go back to kindergarten where they belong.    

If two of the female members of our faculty seem to be a little stiff and Jerky in their movements, blame the horses, or should I say, pity the horses. These ladies traveled a hundred miles merely for the pleasure (?) of going horse-back riding.

Otho seems to be quite absorbed in his work; particularly that of developing proofs. We are told, in fact, that he became so interested in one proof that he let three others burn up. Guess who?

I guess the girls just don't rate this year, or maybe they seem a bit less self-sufficient than before. The fact remains they can’t be trusted out of town alone.

The following items were written by our friend Laramie. He is the first or a series of guest writers who will contribute to this column in an effort to add variety. We take no responsibility for what follows.

Our reticent friend, Otho Clark, nearly broke the ice with his almost purchase of a car, pardon me, a Model T Ford.

What young coed received a letter with 9 cents worth of stamps on It?

And let’s hear more about why a Kline brunette blushed when someone mentioned "Junior and the Pig."



The Forensic Club held its first meeting of the year on October 7, and elected new officers. Willard Flaming will head the organization: Alvin Lindgren is new vice president and will also act as program chairman. Other members for the program committee are Alberta Keller and Lamar Bollinger.

Programs for the organization include debates, musical numbers, readings, and short skits. For the near future have been planned a series of inter-class debates, with teams to be chosen by the class presidents.


For inspection and study by those students who are especially Interested in biology, a preserved anatomical specimen is placed each week just outside the biology laboratory on the third floor of Harnly hall. With each specimen is placed a sheet of notes giving the name, origin, and similar information. These exhibits are prepared by Lloyd Moehlman.

Boost the Bulldogs!


Mr. Brown Highly Recommend-ed—Has Had Wide Experience with Youth

Richard R. Brown of Denver, Colo., has been appointed Assistant Executive Director of the National Youth Administration, it was announced recently by Aubrey W. Williams, Executive Director. Mr. Brown succeeds John J. Corson of Richmond, Va., who has been recalled by Richmond University where he is professor of economics. He is also State Director of the NRA, having been loaned by that organization to the National Youth Administration. Mr. Corson resumed his con-nection with the Virginia office of the NRA on Oct. 1.

"Mr. Corson has been a valuable assistant," said Director Williams, in announcing his resignation. "He is leaving NYA solely because he cannot obtain a leave of absence from Richmond University to continue his work here. We are sorry to loose his services. He carries with him the best wishes of the National Youth Administration."

Mr. Brown, who will assume his duties in Washington recently has had more than two months' experience in National Youth Administration work. He was one of the first State Youth Directors appointed, directing Youth Administration activities in Colorado since July 15.

Richard Rolland Brown was born at Littleton, Colo., in 1902, a scion of one of the pioneer families of the state. He was educated in the Arapahoe county elementary schools and Manual Training high school In Denver. He taught in the Denver schools for three years after graduation from high school. He then entered the University of Denver and received his bachelor of arts degree In 1926. He taught In the Department of Sociology of the University of Denver while working for his M. A. de- gree, which he received in 1927. Mr. Brown entered the Denver public school system in the fall of 1927, having been appointed boys' adviser at Byers Junior High School.

Mr. Brown hus long been active In boy's work, giving special attention to the Juvenile Court in Denver. He, has directed camps for young peo-ple's organizations and for five years was a part-time announcer for a radio station with emphasis on a program building the work to be done by youth. In 1930 he made a tour of Europe and obtained insight in-to youth activities abroad.

Mr. Brown, who has been connected with teaching organizations for the past decade, is a life member of the National Education Association and was general chairman of that organization's convention in Denver this summer. He was for years president of the Classroom Teachers Association of Colorado resigning that post when he accepted appointment as State Youth Director.

Mr. Drown married Miss Marian Armstrong of Denver in 1927 and thy have two children, a boy two years old and a girl four years old.

Life hath more awe than death. —Bailey.


Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright plan to attend the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Southwestern college at Winfield Saturday. The program for the day is in connection with the Southwestern Kansas annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church.

All reasoning is retrospect: it consists in the application of principles previously known.

The only why to have a friend is to be one.

Museum Receives Head of Rare

Fish—Is Very Ancient Specimen

The head of a cretaceous fish, supposed to be some type of shark, was recently presented to the museum by Harold Reinecker. The name of the fish has not been determined as yet, but it is known definitely that the specimen is very ancient, and that it is of a type which is very rare, and of which few are in existence.

And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind.— Kempis.


(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary.)

Thurs. 3. Oct. Big pep meeting in chapel this A.M. They just went ahead and got married—made me feel offel homesick for Henrietta. But I guess Ill Have to be undaunted by circumstanse in making this he-roik sackrafice as the dot says. Anyhow it was a big meating. I looked all day for em to pass the candybars but guess nobody thot about it. Got my pitcher took down at town today. Didnt cost me nothin yet and itll be in the quad. Glad now I got one (quad) signed up for. This morning I saw a lot of guys looking up in the sky. They was waving there arms and talking loud to one another. I looked up but dldnt see no airplane or nothing. Bout that time Joe yells so loud overbody lost there places in the sky and had to look agin "Their it Is! I see it!" Somebody said it was Venus but I couldnt see her. Then somebody pointed so I could look right up his arm and there was a star shining right out in broad daylight. Somebody must a got mixed up and thout it was night but it sure was shining in the daytime.

Fri. 4. We skalpped the Indians tonight. Started on Fri. sos we could git done without gitting done on Sun. Boy was this dorm cold today? Our radiator is all painted up nice and everything only it dldnt git hot.

Sat. 5. Doc Forny at last got us some heet today about supper time. Was I hungary at noon after he made me work out in the cold all day? It was some girls birthday at noon today and we made Weaver go throu a belt line on account of it.


three for 25 yards. Fumbles: Mc-Pherson six, Bacone one.

Officials: Referee, Edmonds, Ottawa. Umpire, Austin, Wichita. Headlinesman, Snell, Oklahoma University.


After going into the game with a crippled team the Bulldogs pulled through and at times played some heads up football.

The backfield can be given credit for some excellent playing while the line did some good work with the exception of some plays when It leaked a great deal.

The first conference game of the season is before us tomorrow night and there is no question but what it is going to be one of the toughest of the season if not the toughest.

We realize that the girls are rather handicapped when it comes to going to Ottawa to see the game, but let's do the best we can and have all the students at the game who can possibly attend.

The Bulldogs have something to boast of in that they defeated the Indians from the Sooner state.

On the other hand we find that Ottawa has something to boast of In that they played a very strong team from Liberty, Mo., and were only defeated seven points.    

Let’s not forget that we must win the game against Baker on dedication day. It surely would be a shame for us to lose the game that wo play on Parent’s Day.

There is always safety in valor.-Emerson.

To speak as the common people do, to think as wise men do.—Roger Ascham.

We wish to give our sanction to the agitation for naming our new field "Binford Field."

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Truth never was indebted to a lie. -Young.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.—MacDonald.

How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise.—Homer.

I am a part of all that I have met. -Tennyson.

The team will be off to either win or lose the conference championship by eight o’clock tomorrow night. Let’s get behind them 100 per cent and help them win the title. Let’s go!

Summary: Yards from scrimmage: McPherson 317,. Bacone 163. Yards lost by scrimmage: McPherson 17, Bacone 29. Passes: McPherson attempted 5, completed one for 6 yards; Bacone attempted four, completed none. Passes intercepted: McPherson none. Bacone none. Punts: McPherson six for 201 yards, average 35 yards; Bacone, five for 133 yards, average 26 yards. First downs: McPherson 15, Bacone 12. Penalties: McPherson none, Bacone


Oklahoma Team Is Held Scoreless Until Third Quarter— Final Score is 14 to 6.

The Bacone Indians were forced to retreat from the Bulldogs with the short end of a 14-6 score at the close of last Friday’s grid battle here. Ap-proximately 1,600 spectators saw the McPherson team fight to a successful finish, in spite of the fact that injuries prevented a number of first string men from playing. The strength of the backfield was outstanding.

McPherson outplayed the Indians during the entire game with the exception of the beginning of the second half when the opponents marched 69 yards for a touchdown before the Bulldogs could gain possession of the ball. McPherson nearly doubled the yards gained from scrimmage on Bacone while first downs were 15 for McPherson and 12 for the Indians.

In the fore part of the second quarter Zuhars made a 27 yard run and advanced the ball to the 12 yard line. In the next play Haun took the ball on a left end run and made a touchdown. Haun then made good the attempt for the extra point by kicking a goal. In the final quarter the Bulldogs started a rush down the field. Haskell, substitute for Zuhars, who had a side injury, gained 20 yards and a first down for the Bulldogs. The next play was a triple lateral pass, the ball ending up in Barngrover’s arms. Eighteen yards were gained by this play and the hall was put on the 16 yard line. On a line buck an advance of 11 yards was made. With first and goal to go Crabb charged the line to cross the goal line and score. Haun's toe added the extra point, making the total for McPherson 14 points.

The Indians took advantage of a weak McPherson line in the early part of the third quarter and on straight line plunges and a few end runs the Bacone team marked up five first downs and marched 59 yards before relinquishing the ball to McPherson. The ball was not given up until the Indians had scored their one and only touchdown. Rock-man, left halfback, carried the ball five yards for the touchdown and then attempted to add the point by kicking but the ball failed to go be-tween the bars, thus making the score read 14 to 6.

There is no question but what at times the Bulldogs looked very rag-god. At other times they displayed some brilliant blocking and tackling, but in general they did not play the grade of football that they did against the Wichita team a week ago.

At the present time McPherson has a clean slate in that they have not lost a game. They have before them next week one of the first games of the conference which undoubtedly will be one of the toughest games of the season.

Following Is the starting lineup: McPherson    Bacone

Moore .............. L E ............... Lowrey

Rodelander ...... LT ........... McLomore

Epps ......... L G .............. Record

Wiegand ............ C .......... Alexander

Vasquez ........... R G ..........Young

Colwell ........... R T ........... Zuaderer

Barngrover ...... R E ............... Moore

Crabb ............ Q B ........... Warsham

Haun ............... L H .......... Rockman

Zuhars ............. R H .................. Hay

Burress ............ F B ............ Fletcher

Substitutions: McPherson—Seidel for Epps, Ramsey for Rodolander, Haskell for Zuhars, Boyer for Ramsey. Bacone—Sammarippa for Alexander, Moseley for Anderson, War-sham for Record, Lowrey for Sam-marippia, Pierce for Warsham, Anderson for Juaderer, Mosely for Alexander, Sammarippa for Lowrey.


Stutzman and Keller New Managers—Freshman Girls to Wear Caps

A call for new members for the Women's Athletic Association was the keynote of the regular W. A. A. meeting Monday evening. Any freshman girl or any other woman student who is Interested In a year of all-around sports will want to join this organization. One hundred twenty-five points arc required for membership to the organisation. Fifty points will be counted for going out for soccer and seventy points for intramural team in volley ball. Beginning this week soccer that is played in gym classes will count as W. A. A. points in that sport. Volley ball practice will start next week. For further definite information see Lucile Cole and watch the bulletin board in Sharp hall for notices con-cerning volley ball.

In the business meeting last night two new managers were elected for basketball and baseball. Mildred Stutzman was chosen for the new basketball manager and Alberta Keller was chosen for the baseball managership. Basketball practice will be played soon after Thanksgiving vacation and will end when the regular season is over. Baseball will be played next spring. The points of Aileen Wine who attended Ottawa University last year will bo transferred to McPherson College so that

she will be a member here.

It was definitely decided by the W. A. A. members that the freshman girls should wear their green caps until the freshman-sophomore football game. This has always been the Bulldog custom and tradition, so the practice will continue this year.

Boost the Bulldogs!

He couldnt talk to the boys like doc Floorie did. We all sure had a good time.

Sun. 6. The band concert was offal good. Boy I saw a awful nice

girl with dark hair and------------------------

shucks. I wonder if Henrietta cares for me yet. Why dont she write.

Mon. 7. Letter from Henrietta today. Shes still OK and Im gonna be a loyal guy. Its sure swell to have a girl a guy can count on. Git behind me Satan so I cant see you. Sure sleepy this A.M. Missed brek-fast, they had it on time for once. A bunchof guys are havin a big card game acrost the hall. Boy would papa be mad if he found out I played with them. Anyhow I won some on the world sieres.

Tue. 8. Had a talk by a woman in Y to A. M. She just leened on the whatever you call it and told us a real talk. It was reasonabl and well it seemed to fit where you lived at. Course I dont think she knowed how growed up I am but I do see a theng or two I ought to change. I dont care though, I wish I could see papa and mama. Wish they could write me a letter. Had tapioka pie for diner.

Wednesday, October nine. . .Letter from home today. Had five dollars in it. Thats not much but guess itll have to do till I git them to send me some more. Glad to git it the boys got about all the mony I had. Hope the BULLDOGS beet Ottawa this Fri.

Boost the Bulldogs!

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