Many Visitors Attend All-Day Celebration in Honor of Founding of Church
Golden Anniversary Service Brings Liberal Pledges In Effort to Lift Church Debt
Light Housekeeping Students Re-ceive Food Lists
Sunday, Sept. 29, was a full day at the College Church of the Brethren. It marked the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the church in McPherson. A number of guests were present who wore former members of the church or who had at some time been connected with the college.
Reverend Edward Frantz from Elgin. Illinois, was the guest speaker. Reverend Frantz, who was formerly president of McPherson College, is now editor of the Gospel Messenger. There were a number of other early-day students present, including Mrs. J. H. Saylor, the first woman who ever graduated from the college.
Reverend Frantz spoke at the morning service, the men’s trio and the mixed quartette of the church sang. An interesting feature of the morning service was the offering of golden anniversary gifts conducted by R. E. Mohler at which a great sum of money was pledged by the various church members.
At noon dinner was served at the church to a large number of people. The students who eat in the dormitory ate their dinner at the church.
An interesting Anniversary Service was held in the church Sunday afternoon. It included the singing of old time hymns, the recounting of events in the history of the McPherson church, reminicences, an address by-
Reverend Frantz, the presenting of charter members, and a “Look Ahead” by R. E. Mohler. There were two charter members present, J. D. Yoder, the first member of the Brethren Church in McPherson County and J. A. Moomaw, who came to McPherson County in 1882.
The evening service consisted of a concert on an electric, pipeless organ which was being tried out in the church. The organ was played by Professor Deeble of Marymount College, Salina. Miss Lehman gave a musical reading. “The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde.
The students who are doing their own cooking this year should have appetizing, well-balanced meals if they follow the suggestions of Miss Atkinson, home economics instructor.
Miss Atkinson recently prepared an outline on the minimum amount and kinds of rood which each individual should have daily. She also prepared skeleton menus for- breakfast, lunch and dinner, followed by valuable suggestions as to how to vary them as to different vegetables, meats and desserts.
Miss Atkinson included a list of the less expensive meats, the best and easiest to obtain fruits and vegetables and the most nourishing cereals. In addition she included the best and easiest ways to prepare vegetables, fruits and meats.
Each student who docs light housekeeping will receive one of these sheets. Perhaps they might use as their slogan. “Better meals— Healthier students.”
Booz and Harris Race for Chief Executive Position of Student Body
Friday, October 4—Football game, Bacone Indians, at 8 P. M.
Sunday, October 6—C. E. at the College Church, 6:45 p. m.
Tuesday, October 6—Regular
meeting of Y. M. and Y. W. at 10 a. m.
The final student election of the president of the Student Council will be held this morning from 10:30 until 12:30. Blanche Harris and Paul Booz are the only two nominees to obtain the required fifty signers on their nominating petitions, therefore no primary is necessary. This office was left vacant by the resignation of Agnes Bean who was elect-ed in the general election last spring. Much interest has been shown In this election. Frequent comment is heard on the campus about the candidates and the probable outcome of •the election. All students arc urged to cast their votes, because it is vital that the true choice of the students be made in filling this important office.
Institute of International
Relations Meets in Wichita
The Y. M. C. A. held its first business meeting Tuesday morning. The cabinet of the Y. M. has decided to hold these meetings twice a semester, to keep the members informed as to the activities of the various committees.
The meeting opened with group singing led by Herbert Ikenberry. Devotions, led by LaMar Bollinger, dealt with the value or unity and harmony in the group. The various committees and officers of the organization then gave their reports, which outlined the aims and duties of each.
Harold Mohler. vice president, gave a report on the membership drive. Mohler said that to become a member one should contribute what he feels he can spare. When this contribution has been made the secretary gives the new member a membership card which identifies him as a member of the Y. M. C. A. anywhere in the state.
Paul Heckman, program chairman, outlined what the Y. M. has planned for future-programs. Vocational programs are to be sponsored; once a month the Y. M. is to have a de-votional program. Sometimes during the year joint meetings with the Y. W. C. A. are to be held.
The social chairman. Kenseth Weaver, reported on the social plans of the Y. M. A box supper is planned for the entire school later in the year. A freshman hike also has been planned for some Saturday in the near future.
Dr. J. D. Bright, dean of McPherson College, will attend a committee meeting of the Institute of International Relations. Saturday at Wichita. The committee will meet at Bethel College. The purpose of this meeting is to plan for an International Relations conference to be held the latter part of next summer.
The conference is sponsored by the Friends committee of Bethel College. It corresponds to the Grenell and Northwest conferences that have been held in previous years. How ever it will be the first of Its particular kind to be hold in Kansas.
Martha Hoop Will Art as Associate Editor; Merle Messamer Will Be Theme Editor
Ever since the first week of school, Otho Clark, editor of the Quadrangle, has been considering students to fill the positions on his staff.
To fill the position of associate editor, Martha Roop has been selected. It is the duty of the associate editor to help the editor develop the annual and to help him decide on any problem that should come up, and give any ideas that she might think would be helpful to make this year's annual the best ever to be put out.
Theme editor for this year’s book will be Merle Messamer. This Job consists of writing the dedication and collecting worth-while verses.
For student editor, Franklin Hiebert has been selected, and it will be his duty to see that every student gets his picture taken.
Other positions that hare been filled are: sports editor, Harold Johnston; humor editor, Homer Klm-mel: photographers. Estelle Baile, Galen Glessner, and Glenn Webb.
Landon as Speaker, Dedication of Field, Game with Baker Are Features
Parents’ Day at McPherson. College this year. Oct. 18, holds a threefold attraction to visitors and students alike—an address by the Honorable Alfred M. Landon will feature the dedication of the now athletic field; the Bulldogs will engage In their first conference struggle at home; and visiting parents and friends will have an excellent opportunity to view at least samples of both the. curricular and extracurricular program of the college.
Classes will convene as usual during the day, with visitors invited to attend as many of the classes as they desire. At 10 a. m. a special chapel service has been planned at which time the Rev. C. E. Davis, pastor of the Brethren Church at Independence, will deliver the address. In the afternoon at 3:30, the guests will be entertained at a tea in the Y. W. C. A. room.
A banquet at 5:30 in the basement of the church, with Kenneth Rock as the main speaker and Dean J. D. Bright as toastmaster, opens the evening dedication program. From here the guests will be conducted at 7:15 to the stadium, whore a par-ade of bands led by August Sam Romani, director of the McPherson High School bands, will be reviewed.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm will preside at the evening's program. Homer Ferguson, chairman of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, will speak on Appreciation of the new Athletic Field," Professor Mohler, as chairman of the Athletic Board will give a few remarks, and the Honorable Alfred M. Landon, governor of Kan-sas, will give an address. At 8:15 the first home conference game of the year, with Baker University, will be held on the now field.
Director San Romani has invited bands and drum and bugle corps from several nearby towns to take part In the dedication. Besides the senior and Junior high school bands of McPherson, bands and corps from Newton, Turkey Creek, and Mar quetto will take part in the program. All the bands will march onto the athletic field and play the national anthem. Drum majors will be stationed in front of their respective bands, and Mr. San Romani will direct the entire group immediately in front of the stadium.
Dr. Hershey, who is in charge of the chapel seating, announced that the following persons would be the chapel monitors for the school year. Each monitor Is responsible for taking the roll of the several rows assigned to him. The monitors are as follows: Modena Kauffman, Mar-
garet Hahn, Leon Shirk, Paul Miller, La Mar Bollinger, Lyle Brower, Alberta Keller, Dorothy Miller, Lu-cile Uttery, Aileen Wine, Dorothy Dell, Rosalie Fields, Rilla Hubbard, Miriam Kimmel, Marvin Riddel Martha Roop, Ruby Weimer, and Esther Zimmerman.
McPherson College has devised a new financial plan whereby they will issue bonds to form a new student loan fund. The plan is being put into operation immediately.
The bond Issue will amount to $10,000 but only $1,500 will be needed to meet present requirements. The money from the bonds will be loaned to students needing financial aid. Good security must be presented and the money can be used only to pay college debts.
As far as is known such a plan has never before been employed by any college. This was formulated and is being directed by Sam Stoner. ’35, who has been acting as field representative for McPherson College during the past summer.
The bonds will be sold not only in this vicinity but anyone In the college territory intrusted in investing money in such a fund will be solicited. The bonds have been printed and are now being offered to the public. The bonds will boar interest.
Survey Shows Saturday and Afternoons Best Times for Studying
Library Hours
Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thur.— 7:45-12:30, 1:30-5:30, 7:00-9:30
Fri.—7:45-12:30. l:30-5:30.
Sat.—10:00-12:30, 1:30-3:30.
Saturday attendance has been very light. The library staff invites students to avail themselves of Saturday library privileges.
Thirteen New Members Join the Ranks of Voran's Grand Ensemble
Fifty Seekers for Membership Show a Keen Interest in Vocal Music Among Students
During the past week Miss Heckethorn, the librarian, and her assistants have boon taking count of the number of students in the library at various times of the day. It is found that the number alternates, one hour finding many students and the next few, during the morning hours. The afternoons find a fairly steady but small number present at all hours. The building Is always nearly full in the evenings. Last Thursday evening it was estimated there were over seventy students in the library. Observations show that few students visit the library on Saturdays. Rare-ly more than one dozen are present at the same time. Students arc urged to take advantage of this fact and plan to do some of their library work on Saturday.
The following books have como to the library during the past week as gifts of Dr. Bright: Girls Year Book; Court of Inquiry by G. S. Richmond: Stopping Heavenward by E. Prentiss; Modern Monologues by Marjorie B. Cook; and History of England by W. W. Lunt. Among the new books purchased this week are Yeast by Charles Kingsley, a religious book and three new economics books.
An interesting magazine article is found this week in the Current History for October. It la entitled "Italy’s Case Against Ethiopia.” The author, Roberta Forges-Davanzati, is a member of the Italian Senate, edits the Tribuna of Rome, and is one of Italy's foremost political writers. The author defends Italy In her conquest of Ethiopia first, because Ethiopia is an uncivilized country needing Italy's protection and guidance second. Italy has been colonizing in Ethiopia for over fifty years; third, if France and England were allowed to colonize in Africa during the early twentieth century they should not hinder Italy now.
Announcement of the members of the A Cappella Choir of McPherson College was made by Professor Alvin Voran Monday. The tryouts which were hold two weeks ago resulted in the selection and addition of thirteen now members. There were twenty-two members remaining from last year's group. Much interest was shown this your, about fifty Students having tried out for membership.
The greatest difficulty was to find sopranos to fill the vacancies left from last year's group. Professor Voran reports that out of eighteen persons only four returned. Professor Voran expressed the fact that because the soprano material in McPherson College this year did not measure up to that of last year that the total membership of the A Cap-pella choir will bo somewhat smaller. Returning members in the alto, tenor, and bass sections are large enough to cause only a small number to be added, namely, three altos, four, tenors and a possible addition of one bass which has not been selected. There Is also the possibility that one more soprano will be added to-the list before it is complete.
The personnel of the A Cappella is a follows: new members, sopranos, Margaret Fry, Esther Zimmerman, Opal Hoffman, June McNamee, Helen Eaton, and Lorene Voshell; altos, Joyce Snowberger, Aileen Wine, and Dorothy Dell; tenors, Gorden Yoder, Wayne Albright, Paul Miller, and Charles Nettleton.
The returning members are as follows: sopranos, Margretta Oker-
lind, Bernice Keedy, Mable Gustafson, Elizabeth Holzemer; altos, Estelle Halle, Margaret Hahn. Bernice Dresher, Elaine Danielson, Velma Watkins, Viola Harris, and Lois Gnagy; tenors, Herbert Ikenberry, Ernest Sweetland, Daniel Zook, Oliver Andrews; baritone, Franklin Hiebert, Blanche Harris, and Orville Voran: base, Chris Johansen, Harold Mohlor. Raymond Lichty, and Max Oliver.
The first meeting for this year was hold Monday evening.
Weaver and Booz to Represent
McPherson in Radio Debate
A radio debate in which Paul Booz and Kenneth Weaver will represent McPherson College Is to be held at Manhattan.
The question for debate will be, “Should the United States co-operate with the League of Nations in an Economic Boycott Against Aggressor Nations." The exact hour for the broadcast will bo announced later.
Contains Valuable Knowledge of Medical Plants
An Interesting new book has como to the library as a gift of H. A. Rowland. The book. American Medicinal Plants, was written by Charles Mills-paugh. The preface of the book bears the date 1887.
The book describes several hundred American plants which may be used as remedies for various illnesses. The origin of the plant, geographical location and the history of the species are given as well as directions telling how to prepare the plant to be used as medicine. The book contains nearly 200 drawings of plants by the author. These plates are all In natural color.
Officers wore elected last Thursday at the Chemistry Club meeting. Dr. Hershey is the permanent president. Galen Glessner was elected vice president. Other officers are: secretary, Phyllis Powers; social chairman, Jessie Miller; program chairman, David Metzger; reporter. Lowell Heiny.
The club meets every two weeks. Next week the program will be about the advancement of chemistry during the last year.
Needs for Religious Growth
Discussed In World Service
The World Service Group met last night in the church parlor at 7:15 p. m., immediately following the vesper service. Estelle Baile conducted the devotionals, Esther Zimmerman sang a solo, and Paul Heckman talked about the needs for religious growth that he realized In the church which he served as pastor during the past summer.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter November Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1807.
20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief................................................ Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor...................................................Merie Messamer
Society Editor ......................................................Velma Watkins
Sports Editor........................................................Conway Yount
Business Manager................................................Lawrence Strouse
Advertising Manager .............................................Paul Lackie
Assistant Advertising Manager...............................Waldo Newberg
Evelyn Glessner Alberta Keller Isabel Kittell Dorothy Matson Valera Pearce
the pen of Reinhold Niebuhr. Or, perhaps, the scientifically minded student would be more Interested In the latest discoveries of science—all of which can be found in the many scientific journals to be discovered In the library.
Thus we challenge the thinking student, before he leaves these college walls, to develop the reading habit, and to take advantage of the many cultural opportunities offered by the library. It Is a pastime which pays rich dividends In happiness and satisfaction.—K. W.
As at Matter of Policy
As a matter of editorial policy, the editor of the Spectator wishes to announce that in the future any contributions to the college paper in the nature of student opinion must be signed. This is only required in order that the editor may know who the author of the article is, and it is expressly stated that there will be no public announcement of authorship. At no time will the name of the author of such an article bo printed, unless so desired by that person. Anything told the editor in confidence will be kept confidential.
It should be noted that although contributions to The Spectator are solicited and appreciated, the mere fact that an article is submitted is no guarantee that it will be printed. It must be of general interest and not embody merely personal spite or differences.
Sam Allen, nationally known high hurdler, has become engaged to Mary Louise Wade of Oklahoma City. Miss Wade, who is attending Oklahoma Baptist University, was the most popular girl on the campus by the student popular vote In 1934. Allen has been most popular man for two years. He has an invitation to a special track meet at New Orleans December 28th.—The Bison. O. B. U., Shawnee, Okla.
Professor Charles S. Skilton, chairmen of the department of organ In the University School of Fine Arts, K. U., has received an invitation to become a member of the new national examination committee of the American Guild of Organists, of which he is a fellow. This invitation was extended by Dr. Charles Hein-roth, of New York City, who is an officer in the guild.—University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, Kansas.
Charles E. Wager, Emporia, B. S.
'34, M. S. '35, has been selected for a position to teach English in the secondary schools division in Puerto Rico.—The Bulletin, Emporia, Kan.
On September 30. KFKU resumes its broadcasting for the school year, 1935-1936, on a power increased to 5000 watts daytime. This has been granted to the university station by the Federal Communication Commission, according to H. G. Ingham, program director of KFKU.—University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, Kansas.
I live to study and not study to live.—Bacon.
Estelle Baile John Bowers Otho Clark Yolanda Clark Norman Edwards
A Challenge to An Intelligent Student
“Reading serves for delight, for ornament, for ability. The crafty condemn it; the simple admire it; the wise use it.”—Bacon.
The purposes, objectives, and aims of college students are probably as varied as the students themselves. Some students have In mind only athletic prowess; some desire social stimulation; some exhibit academic proclivities solely.
Regardless of the major aim of the student, however, there Is one field in which any time spent is well spent, in which there is so much room for intellectual stimulation, cultural development, and pure enjoyment, that no intelligent collegian can afford to ignore or neglect it. This field, in shorot, is that of reading—reading entirely apart from academic research; reading undertaken at a time given over to the purpose of developing and broadening mental hori-zons.
Cultural Stimulation
A peculiar quality of education noted by most students Is that in a large majority of cases the reading which has boon assigned for a course Is often tedious and boresome. The most excellent essay of Addison, the most charming of the poetry of Tennyson and Browning, the best text in the field of economics, philosophy, or chemistry—all become as dry rot when given as cholastic requirements.
But how one’s attitude changes when the same material is read for sheer enjoyment or Information! The essay takes on new color; the poetry achieves a musical or a picturesque quality entirely missed before: and the text becomes as interesting as a novel. Thus we have a major purpose for leisure reading—that of enjoyment and cultural stimulation.
Current Affairs
Furthermore, no person can pose as educated who is not alive and sensitive to affairs around him. Tragic ns it is to relate, college seniors have been known to confess that they never have time to read the newspapers; that they are totaly unfamiliar with the many up-to-date per-iodicals on library shelves. Such papers as the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Kansas City Star-Times give unbiased, complete, and regular accounts of the epoch-making events in the world of affairs, yet too often the student reads only the sport page and discards the rest.
The Current History magazine has many excellent articles on the trend of world events, and the monthly section In the back gives a graphic account of history in the making. What could be more entrancing to a student really interested In the historical development of his fellow man? Without up-to-date knowledge of national and state matters, no citizen can hope to vote intelligently,-or to achieve a balanced, unprejudiced point of view on important questions and issues.
Intellectual Development
Finally, reading offers an opportunity to supplement academic pursuits. A fresh sociological point of view, for example, may be developed by one of Erskine Caldwell's inimitable articles on the negro and the poor outh; an excellent approach to social, political, and economic problems may be found in the editorials of Henry Goddard Leach; or a new slant on religion may be gained from
Martha Roop Ernest Sweetland Harriette Smith
Kenneth Weaver Dr. J. J. Yoder
Art Students Draw Still Life
The Art department under Miss Colline la working on landscapes still life, and other drawings.
The large basket of flowers which was in church Sunday is being drawn by a tew of the students.
Boost the Bulldogs!
Gulah Hoover, '35, was in McPherson Sunday afternoon and evening.
Mildred Doyle and Posey Jameson, both graduates of 1932, were married last Saturday night In the chapel of Christ’s hospital in Topeka. Several McPherson people attended the wedding.
Mildred Pray, '35, visited in McPherson Sunday afternoon.
Kenneth Rock, a former graduate, from Abilene, attended the golden anniversary at the church and vis-ited Eveln Herr Sunday.
Virginia Propp spent the week-end at her home in Marion.
Mary Trostle was at home over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Miller and son and daughter of Emporia spent Sunday in McPherson. Mr. Miller is teacher of history at Emporia.
Sam Stoner left Monday night for his home in Indiana. He expects to return In several weeks.
John Dunn was a visitor on the campus last week.
The college dormitories have looked very festive since Sunday due to the flowers that were given them by the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ogden of the Monitor community attended the services at the church Sunday.
Ruth Trostle, a sister of Mary Trostle, visited in McPherson Saturday and Sunday.
Paul Booz who has Just returned from a tour of the East and South enrolled in school Monday. He attended a Y. M. C. A. conference while in New York.
Bernard Suttle, ’35, is pastor of the church at Irricana, Alberta, Canada. A recent letter reports that he is enjoying his work.
Violet Brunk, a former student of M. C. and who was last year a student at Manhattan, now has a position In Canton. She teaches the second grade, and a part of the third grade. Miss Brunk started her new position Monday. Sept. 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Binford moved last week to their new home at 324 N. Olivette.
Harry Frantz, Assaria, was here for the game Saturday night.
Paul Booz returned Saturday from an extended tour of the East. He attended a conference In Now York and visited most of the eastern coast states.
Miss Mildred Fike, ’27, of Seneca, and Mr. James Dolan of Aspen, Colorado, were married at the Brethren Church in Appleton, Colorado (Grand Junction) by Rev. Bernard King, on May 18, 1935. They are at home in Aspen where Mr. Dolan is connected with the silver industry.
Many former students of McPherson College wore in attendance at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Brethren Church, hold last Sunday. Among them were the following persons: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gish, Belleville; Mr. Harry Bernard, Larned; Miss Feme Shoemaker, Hillsboro; Mr. Kenneth Rock, Abilene; Miss Alma Morrison, Roxbury: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crist, Roxbu;y; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Easter. Abilene; Mr. J. H. Berkebile, St. John; Rev. Galen Ogden, Conway: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murry, Conway; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Yoder. Conway; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wampler, Conway; and Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Saylor. Marion. It is interesting to note that Mrs. Saylor was the first woman who received her A. B. at McPherson College.
He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one should never remember it.
Events in History of McPherson Church
Are Vividly Recalled to Memory Sunday
Founding, Struggles for Growth, and Accomplishments of Fifty Years Are Related by Dr. J. J. Yoder In Anniversary Meeting
is known as the Monitor church. These two houses were Just eighteen miles apart.
The east end grew into a good sized community, then declined by migration, and the house was finally sold. The Monitor church thrived and has done so all these years; it is still a prosperous and growing church serving well the community. Coming of College Changes Things
An event in 1887 changed the character of the McPherson church situation entirely. McPherson College was located in McPherson, being sponsored and maintained by the Church of the Brethren. It brought a large group of Brethren families into the city of McPherson, and thus the McPherson church proper became a city church. In time the rural ends, east and west became Independent congregations, and from about 1890 had no longer any connections with the McPherson church organically Being a college church and a city church brought new problems and new color to the problems of the McPherson church. In looking over the minutes of the council meetings we were Impressed with the large number of special meetings held in trying to Iron out difficulties arising from misunderstandings and from the attempt of trying to fit rural ways of procedure and practices into a college and city group.
Fortunately in due time the church grew out of this dilemma and has moved on pleasantly and peacefully in its large and fine work. The college Is so vitally and closely connected with the church that almost as the college goes so goes the church. During the forty-five years many fine and able men and women have made this their church home for a limited period of time, coming here because of college interest, but while sojourning here they have made very useful and lasting contributions to the spirit and service of the church. Some of these were ordained ministers and others laymen. Some of those not mentioned elsewhere in this paper are: S. Z. Sharp, Sol. Lehmer, N. M. Eshelman, C. E. Arnold, Edward Frantz, S. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Fahnestock, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Elder Daniel Vaniman, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Vaniman, A. C. Wieand, A. M. Dickey, Jacob Witmore and others. Later were men like Frank Crumpacker, D. W. Kurtz, A. J. Culler, E. M. Stu-debaker, James Flory, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Beckner, and many others. The success of the church is due to the services of a very large and widely distributed company of men and women. When one starts out to name them there is difficulty and danger ahead: therefore wo refrain from further effort along that line.
New Building Becomes a Reality
In the winter of 1887-88 the McPherson church worshiped in the Swedish mission church house down town. In April 1888 the first meeting was held In the first new building on the college campus. The church continued to meet thereafter in the college chapel until September 1926, when the church moved out of the chapel and Into the present beautiful, commodious church home.
This church house is the product of years of planning and sacrificing by the church membership, and expresses a loyalty and devotion that is praiseworthy. The building com-mittee was elected at a regular business meeting February 8, 1918. The committee consisted of Dr. A. J. Culler, Sanger Crumpacker, F. P. Detter, Mrs. John Dresher, Mrs. W. C. Heaston, Joseph Andes, J. A. Flory, F. A. Vaniman and A. K. Curtis. The house was finally completed and the dedicatory services were held on Sept. 12, 1926, conducted by Dr. Otho Winger, resident of Manchester College of North Manchester, Indiana. Eight years passed between the appointing of the building committee and the dedication of the completed house. The uncertainties of a world war and the unfavorable economic reactions that followed, the changed personnel of leadership, and other unavoidable factors caused the delay. The building cost approximately one hundred thousand dollars.
In the official leadership of the church we note the following—Eld. J. D. Trostle served the church as elder in charge from the first organizations date, Aug. 22, 1885, to April
The material for this paper was gathered from the following sources: first, the minutes of the church business meetings which are available except the book containing the minutes from August 22, 1885 to 1890. This is missing, or at least we failed to find it. Second: From the "History of the Church of the Brethren in Kansas," by Dr. D. L. Craik, published in 1922. Third: from the Missionary Visitor. October number, 1908. Prof. W. O. Beckner edited the material and we found helpful facts in it as the whole number was devoted to certain churches in Kansas, McPherson was one. Fourth: the memories of some who had a part In the history making of the church helped much.
The first members of the Church of the Brethren settled in McPherson county, Kansas, in the last year or so of the seventies and first few years of the eighties of the last cen-tnry. J. D. Yoder and wife came to the county in March, 1879, settling in Hays township on a farm, having moved from Somerset County. Pennsylvania. Perhaps C. W. Brubaker and wife who moved from Lancaster County. Pa., and lived on a farm south of Galva were In the county a year or so earlier, but these two families were the first who settled In the county, one in the east part and the other in the west part.
Other members moved into the county from time to time until there were enough to make them feel that they were able to carry on as a congregation and should be organized. Until then they placed their church letters into the congregation near Peabody In Harvey county and became members of that congregation. Occasional services were held In McPherson county in school houses by ministers who came from churches in other counties. J. D. Trostle and John Forney from Abilene, L. E. Fahrny from Nickerson, and George W. Thomas from Peabody were such visiting preachers.
Church Organized in August of '85
The organization of the McPherson Church of McPherson county, Kansas, was formed Aug. 22, 1885. The members met in the farm home of Joseph S. Masterson, in Empire township two miles east and two and one half south of Galva. It was a warm, windy Kansas day, but the members from over the county wore present. With them, met Elders Jacob D. Trostle. John Forney, and Daniel Hollinger who were present to assist In the organization. J. D. Trostle was elected older in charge and J. D. Yoder was elected clerk of the meeting. Frank H. Bradley and Casper Hasfelt were the ministers of the new congregation. Jacob A. Brugh was called to the ministry at this meeting. At the same time Joseph S. Masterson was elected a deacon. Other deacons were J. A. Moo-may. J. W. Mishler and Michael Wie-land. Bro. Wieland was elected as treasurer of the church. Adra Bradley and Minerva Moomaw were appointed solicitors for mission funds.
The charter members were J. S. and Fannie Masterson, J. D. and Sarah Yoder. Michael and Mattie Wieland, David and Mary Ginder, John A. and Minerva Moomaw, Jacob A. Brugh, Chris W. and Kate Brubaker, J. W. Mishler, Frank and Adra Bradley, Casper and Lydia Has. felt, Maria Hasfelt, Fannie Master-son. J. S. and Anna Nornhold, and Lydia Huey—a membership numbering twenty-three.
As we stated earlier In this paper the first families settled about twenty miles apart one to the east and the other to the west of McPherson. Others settled In about the same divided manner. This made the assembling of both communities in one place inconvenient for one or the other and when they met at a central point all had too far to drive. However for about two years the business meetings were alternated between Flory Hill school house to the west and Scrabble Hill to the east. On Feb. 5. 1887 two committees were appointed to select suitable sites for church houses, one in both east and west ends of the congregation. The site selected for the east church was north of the Diamond school house on the southeast corner of section SB. Empire township and was called the east, McPherson church. The west church was located on the northwest corner of Section 7. Groveland township and 1, 1895; Henry Brubaker from April 1, 1895 to Feb. 10, 1896; A. M. Dickey, February 10, 1896, to Nov. 14, 1905; Levi Mohler, Nov. 14, 1905, to Nov. 11, 1908; Isaac Brubaker to Nov. 14, 1910; E. E. John to Sept. 8, 1924. A term of 14 years, the longest term of service by any elder, has been held by J. J. Yoder since Sept. 8, 1924
F. H. Crumpacker was the first pastor to receive pay. He served nearly one year, beginning November 15, 1907, and resigned to go to China June 30, 1908.
J. J. Yoder was the second, serving three years from September, 1909. A. J. Culler began his pastorate Sept. 1, 1914, and closed it in April, 1921, seven years. E. F. Richards came September, 1922, and served twelve years, leaving Sept. 1, 1934. Ray E. Zook took up the task April 1, 1935. and is the present pastor.
Church clerks were changed more frequently; however James Rothrock served in that capacity for seventeen years consecutively, from Oct., 1916. to Oct., 1933, which is one-third of the entire fifty years.
McPherson Trains Christian Servants
The McPherson church has ordained a large number of men to the ministry during the fifty years. Space will not permit the names.
Twenty-eight missionaries to foreign land* have been members of the McPherson church at the time of their going or were so during their college training, or ware associated with the McPherson church during their training. Those who are at present engaged In foreign work are Ella Ebbert, Indian; Dr. Lloyd Studebaker, Africa; F. H. Crumpacker and Anna Crumpacker, E. L. Ikenberry and Olivia Ikenberry, Emma Horning, and Mrs. Myrtle Pollock, China. The last two named are on furlough in America at present. Miss Horning has returned recently and Mrs. Pollock In to return to China early In October this year.
We must bring this matter to a close; already it Is too lengthy. We may have said things you would have left out. and perhaps have left out the important facts as you see it. But suffice it to say that none of the good Christian service will be overlooked by Him whose servant the church is, nor will any one be unrecognized by Him who has honestly and sincerely given his bit to all the good the church has done: and that, after all, is most important.
The one outstanding fact that impresses us now as we think back to the early days of the church in the then newly sttling West Is the self-sacrificing loyalty and devotion expressed by the membership, willingly and cheerfully suffering hardships and inconveniences, and giving large amounts of time, money, and energy. With it all was an undaunted hope for the future. God blest their faith and devotion and rewarded them marvelously. God Is the same even today.
We have heard many reasons for the 9 o'clock closing for freshmen girls, but this one is the best yet. One freshman girl says the only reason is to give the upper classwomen a chance to have a date.
have confidential information from Arnold to the effect that our well-known freshman president has lost his heart, to say nothing of his ring. Guess who?
The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon but the echo lasts a lot longer!
Home typical Bowers humor was heard after church choir last Thurs. nite. During the course of choir practice Cheesie had made an explanation of how to produce falsetto tones. On the way home John said, "I don’t think I’ll ever get falsetto tones, but i’ll have a falsetto tooth one of these days."
Another romance is blossoming on our campus. A certain blonde-headed Swede and a fair lady from Arnold may be found most any afternoon sitting in a Chevy coupe, studying.
Heredity seems to be stronger in the case of the Larsen family, or it may be that the environment is to blame. Professor Bohling, after several unsuccessful attempts to wake Harold said, "You sleep better than your brother did when he went to school here."
Several of our eds and coeds were pleasantly (?) surprised on third floor Harnly as they were supposedly trying to watch the High School foot-ball game. It Is lucky that it was our friend Forney instead of the president, who incidentally got to the door just as the unholy eight got across the road.
Our friend from Roxbury, the curly-headed boy who has all the freshman feminine hearts fluttering, finally stepped out. The manner in which he got the date in quite in-
teresting. Webb or Chisholm will be glad to tell you all about it.
This Rolston gal really rates. Not everybody has their own private taxi service.
Reports from Fahnestock indicate that the idea of maids is not so hot. Eight seems to be a little early in the morning for some of the boys to get up, to say nothing of the fact that many of them don't feel at home when everything is cleaned up and in its proper place.
In conclusion we wish to inform you that no items were handed in during this last week. It all goes to show you that the people who do the griping are the ones who are too lazy to do anything but talk.
Four hundred years ago Saturday on Oct. 5, 1935, the first English translation of the Bible was completed.
Although this was the first com-plete translation, the New Testament had been translated before. It appeared in England in 1526, where it met great opposition from the King and his court. Its translator, William Tyndale, was condemned to death.
The work was continued by Miles Coverdale, native of Yorkshire, who completed the translation of both the Old and the New Testaments. Authorities state that Coverdale used Tyndale's translation of the New Testament with slight revisions.
Coverdale also published several later editions of the Bible with up-to-date revisions and changes.
There is a higher law than the Constitution.—Seward.
One day is worth two tomorrows. -Franklin.
Zuhars Carries Pill 86 Yards for Touchdown — Nearly 2,000 Spectators Watch the Battle.
McPherson College defeated Friends University by a score of 26 to 3 in the second game of a double header played on the new college field late Saturday night. The Bulldogs were off to a good start in the first minute of the game when Zu-hars raced 51 yards for a touchdown.
Nearly 2,000 fans saw the game. Probably the most outstanding feature of the game was the exceptional skill and speed of the McPherson backfield. The Bulldogs second touchdown came In the latter part of the first quarter when Crabb plunged over for six points, with Haun making the kick good for another point.
In the third quarter Zuhars made a spectacular run of 86 yards for a touchdown. In the early part of the final quarter Barcus kicked the pigskin between the goal posts, adding three points to the Quakers’ score. The kick was made from about the 15 yard line. Later in the same quarter McPherson tried for a field goal but failed. A few seconds later, Haskell substitute half back, intercepted a pass and ran about 25 yards for a touchdown. He then proceeded to kick goal adding the extra point which made the score 26 to 3.
Probably the most spectacular run of the game was in the third quarter when Zuhars raced 86 yards along the east boundary line for a touchdown. The Quakers threatened to score only once, a threat which came In the last quarter when they blocked a punt. The opponents advanced to about the eight yard line and kicked a field goal. In the starting lineup Friends had McPherson outweighed about 15 pounds to the man.
The lineups:
L. Moore ______ LE .... E. McAdams
H. Reinecker ...LT ........ S. GoodricK
C. Rock _ LG ........ V. Newby
J. Rodelander C ________ F. Cathey
M. Vasques ..... RG ....... R. Walters
D. Barngrover ... R T ..... P. Overman
E Hambelt _ RE ..... R. McClelland
D. Crabb ------ Q B......S. Goodyear
H. Zuhars ......... LH .......... C Jessup
L. Haun .......... R H ............ F. Barcus
H. Burress ...... FB__J. Torklesson
Opponents Have Fine Record in
Home State—-Several M. C. Regulars Out of Line-up
McPherson will play its second game of the season tomorrow night. The opposition halls from the state of Oklahoma and is known as the Bacone Indians. This team comes here with the reputation of being one of the best teams in the state of Oklahoma. They have played Northeastern Teachers from Oklahoma which have the record of being one of the strongest teams In the state. The Indians were defeated by a score of 13 to 14. There is no question but what this will bo one of the toughest games of the season for the Bulldogs.
Because of injuries there will be a slight change in the lineup for Me-Pherson this game. At left end we will find Moore, while Barngrover will hold down the other end position. At tackles we find Rodelander and Colwell, while at the guard positions we find Epps and Vasques. Wiegand will take the center position. In the backfield we will find Crabb at quarter, Zuhars and Hahn at half back, and Burress at full.
Sorry that I couldn't be with you last week, but the postponement of the Friends game just before we went to press seemed to mix us up considerably.
Zuhars can be given considerable credit for his spectacular running but the remainder of the team must be given credit for their excellent blocking.
Hero is one for Ripley. McPherson College played in a double header in football and the Dunkers played ■football on Sunday.
We had a short talk with a Bethany scout who was scouting the game Saturday night. Ho made mention of. the fact that he was very much surprised with McPherson. He stated that he was surprised at the speed which the Bulldogs backfield showed, and he even went so far as to say that he was surprised to see Friends defeated. Well, anyhow, we weren't.
The football men should be able to gel down to some real business next week since the World Series will be over, and the fight already being over with the result being another. I told you so.
We’ve got a tough game ahead of us tomorrow night. They will outweigh us about 15 pounds to the man.
Matson Is Chosen President — New
Members Are Elected—Constitution Committee is Busy
At a recent meeting the Pep Club, which was begun lust year, was reorganized and officers for this year were elected. Dorothy Matson was chosen president; Emerson Chisholm, vice president; and Eugenia Hogan, secretary and treasurer. These officers, together with the two cheer leaders, Jessie Miller and Homer Kimmel, are writing a constitution to be submitted for faculty approval.
Uniforms have been ordered and the group will appear officially garbed In the near future. Plans are underway to have a stunt at every pep chapel and at the games. In general the purpose of the club is to create a more wide-awake spirit in Inter-collegiate activities.
Old members of the club are: Viola Harris, Evelyn High, Dorothy Matson, Jessie Miller, Oliver Andrew's, Emerson Chisholm, Harold Johnston, and Homer Kimmel.
Now members are: Estelle Baile, Margaret Fry, Margaret Hahn, Eugenia Hogan, Jean Lawson, Dorothy Miller, Frances Perdue, Martha Roop, Virginia Lee Steeves, Pauline Stutzman, Wayne Albright, Ed Jones, Harold Larson, Harold Mohler, Milton Morrison, Kurtis Naylor, Marvin Riddell, Hillard Schaffer, Lawrence Strouse, and Gordon Yoder.
Thur. 26. Mon. Big yell meeting in the chapel. But how could we yell when they told us the game was put off? Wonder when ital be? Was I mad tonight! Them guys went and upset and I didn’t get my icreme. Hope he comes out of it though. shur tuff to be nocked out.
Fri. 27. He cum to OK, Pres. made some remarks about runnin round where we didnt have much bizness. Got a big letter from Henrietta today. I am still her sweety pie. wish all the fellers had girls as swell as mine. I’ll have to go round ignrunt like tho sos nobodyall know anything about it though. She might git mad agin.
Sat. 28.
Sun. 29. Broke my back yest digging dirt for coach sos they could play football. We beat a team they called friends this AM. Guess they call them friends becaus they let us make most of the runs. We never played so late at home, but they do lots of things diffrunt in college. Gues Ill have to git used to it. I dldnt spose quakers and dunkers ud play on Sun. but they did. Big sele-brashun at church, fiftieth annivur-sery. I think somebody said. There was some swell organ musik tonight, but I couldnt understand what it was about. Everything was big today exept the dinner.
30, Mon. I gotto read more Old Test. We gotto hand in nets tomorrow and I havent got many. Doc Petry shur made a good speach in chapel this AM, only I couldnt understand only a word now and then. Id take a dictionary along, only the library wont lot you have the big one. Had a big time at supper—I mean dinner today. We had walermelen and somebody dropped some. Some body else said something about wa-termelen perserves. I guess maybe they must work in the kitchen.
Tuesday. October one. .. Just when I was gitting used to the pepul round my tabel they went and made us move to new places today. Shucks, I got to sit at the matruns tabel. Shes alright, but shucks! I watched a guy what set at a tabel where their were only four at it. Ho hod three peeces of pie. Fat chance for me to do that. Sure good pie to. Like mamas only she cuts bigger pieces. Wish I could git my feet under mamas tabel right now, I mean when I git hungary again. This Is awful poor
ritin becaus I cant set still. They ketched me away from my little cap, and I had to run through two lines of boys with belts. Some of them run upstares to git bigger belts sos they could hit harder.
Wed. 2. oct. Im going to vote for Rusevelt. We had a big speach in chapel this A M telling all the good he did. Its funnie, but im for all the things he talked about. I learned how to do when they holler belt line. You just tellem like the doc did that you decline the honer. (maybe its honner).
Dr. Flory stated Wednesday that his classes were running about us they should. In bis composition class the students have been studying unity, emphasis and coherence. They are about ready for an exam on the sentence over these subjects.
The eighteenth century literature class is studying the poems and criticisms of Dryden. Dryden is the significant background for the classics which are characterized in this course.
The clans on the development of the novel is studying Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, and other early novelists. The introduction to literature class is studying the earlier poems such as “Beowulf" and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight."
Candle-Lighting Service of Y. W. Will Be in Church Tuesday Night
Miss Mattie Shay, director of the McPherson College orchestra, is issuing a call for students who are musically inclined to join the organization. This year it seems that horn and trumpet players are especially conspicuous for their absence.
Miss Shay says that an exceptionally good library of music is available this year. The organization meets three times a week; In the evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday, and in the morning on Friday.
The orchestra will take a number of trips to other towns this year. Programs will bo given in the various churches and other organizations in McPherson. Anyone who plays a musical instrument Is asked to make his application for entrance into this organization.
Life in a long lesson in humility. -Barrio.
Fame in what you have taken, Character’s what you give;
When to this truth you waken. Then you begin to live.
—Bayard Taylor.
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Dr. Smith Prepares Outline Course of Study for Child Psychology
Doctor Smith has had prepared for her class in child psychology an interesting outline of study. The class does not use a text book, so she has outlined the work to bo covered. The first unit is "The Infant."
An a part of this unit is included "Gesell's Normative Summary Development Schedule,” which gives the motor development, language, adaptive behavior and personal-social behavior of the child from the age of one month to thirty months.
The annual candle-lighting service of the Y. W. will be held next Tuesday night at 7 o’clock in the Brethren Church.
Campus sisters arc to go together, the older students bringing their younger sisters. They are to meet in the church parlors in the basement of the church.
Those in charge ask that all who possibly can wear white. All women of the college are cordially invited to attend this service.
The Bacone Indians played the Northeastern Oklahoma Teachers, which is one of the strongest teams in the state, and were only beaten by a score of 13 to 14.
The chief glory of man does not consist in never falling, but in arising every time he fails.