Christian Edition
All Day Sunday Will Be Devoted To The Commemoration Of Founding Church The McPherson Church of the Brethren will celebrate her fiftieth anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 29. The program commemorating the founding of the church will begin on Saturday evening with an informal reception in the church parlors. Further programs will continue throughout Sunday. On Sunday morning Dr. Edward Frants will bo the guest speaker. Dr. Frantz was formerly president of McPherson College. A basket luncheon, which has been arranged for by the ladles of the church, will bo served at the noon hour. A special program in the afternoon will bring back many reminis-censes of the early days. At this time the two remaining charter members, J. A. Moomaw and J. D. Yoder, will be honored. The anniversary program will be brought to a close with an organ recital in the evening. This recital is to bo played on one of the modern pipeless pipe organs. FIELD TO BE DEDICATED NIGHT OF BAKER GAME Governor Landon Will Speak And Bands Directed By August San Romani Will Play Plans are going ahead for the dedication program for our new athletic field and stadium which will bo held before the start of the Mc-Pherson-Bakor football game on the night of October 18. The highlight of the program will be an address by Governor Alf. M. Landon of Kansas. Other prominent men are expected to ho present. August San Romani. local band leader, is in charge of the program. He has invited bands and drum and bugle corps from several nearby towns to take part in the dedication. The Newton high school band, Turkey Crook band under Milford Crabb, and the drum and bugle corps from Marquette have accepted the invitation. The senior and Junior high school hands of McPherson will also take part in the program. All the bands will march onto the athletic field and play the national anthem. Mr. San Romani said. The bands will go into the gate at the southwest corner of the field, march to the north end of the field on the cost side and then return down the center to a position immediately In front of the stadium. The bands will stand at attention before the crowd. Drum majors will bn stationed in front of their respective bands and Mr. San Romani will direct the on-tiro group in playing the national anthem. B. Y. B. U. HOLDS "YOUTH week" In McPherson Youth Week is being held at the First Baptist Church of this city, September 22-29, and special programs and gatherings are being hold for young people. While the Baptists are not attempting to influence the young people of other churches to come to the Baptist Church, they do welcome every one at their meetings and especially those not already affiliated with any other church. A big watermelon feast held at the Schlehuber farm homo at 7:00, Wednesday. This evening at 8:00, the Young People will give the program at the mid-week meeting. The opening program will be given by the B. Y. P. U. at Sunday School, 9:45, Sunday morning. The usual morning worship service will be held at 11:00. The B. Y. P. U. program is at 6:30, Sunday evening. The evening service at 7:30 will be special for youth. Special music will be given, and the sermon will be "Christian Youth Building a New World." NOTED SPEAKERS ENGAGED FOR REGIONAL CONFERENCE The annual Regional Conference of the McPherson College area will be held at the College during the week beginning February 16. This Is one of the biggest weeks of the year. So far the following speakers have been arranged: C. D. Bonsack, General Secretary of the General Mission Board of the Church of the Brethren, who has just completed a trip around the world, visiting mission fields in Nigeria, Africa, India and China; Dr. Paul H. Bowman, President of Bridgewater College, Virginia, who was hero several years ago and gave such satisfaction then; and Harold Case. Pastor of the First M. E. Church of Topeka, who gave the Commencement Address here last spring. HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OFFERS THREE NEW COURSES The homo economics department is offering three courses this year (hat were not offered last year. These courses are, house planning, home management and costume do-sign. It is interesting to note that the first of these courses, house planning, is open to both men and women students and the majority of the class is composed of the former. There are approximately 50 students enrolled in the home economics department this semester. Interesting programs have been outlined for classes in this department including field trips for some. MUSIC IS C. E. PROGRAM THEME Harriette Smith led the C. E. program Sunday evening. The entire program was devoted to music and consisted of the reading of several poems on music by Wanda Hoover, the rendition of a coronet solo by Lawrence Blair, a duet "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" by Helen Eaton and Leta Wine, a vocal solo, "Thanks Be To God," by Oliver Andrews and a violin solo by Charles Wagoner. The meeting was concluded with group singing. Church Entertains With Reception The college students were entertained at a reception in the church parlors Sunday evening by the members of the College Church. A short program consisted of the singing of a pep-up song, the acting out of various proverbs, an address of welcome by. Paul Sargent, and a few remarks by Rev. Zook. Following the program. punch and wafers were served. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ELECT OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR Elections were hold in three of the college Sunday School classes Sunday. morning. The freshmen girls, under Mrs. Schwalm, have chosen La Vena High as president, and Inez Goughnour as secretary-treasurer. The freshmen boys, under Dr. Flory, chose Wayne Albright as president, Gordon Yoder as vice president and Meredith Rogers as secretary-treasurer. In the Junior-senior class. Lowell Heiny was chosen president. Helen Eaton, vice president and Eugenia Hogan, secretary-treasurer. Johnson Appointed Junior Physicist College Enrollment to Date Seniors ................................. 32 Juniors ................................. 45 Sophomores .......................... 75 Freshmen .............................. 126 Special .................................. 10 Word has been received that G. Daniel Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Johnson of this city, has been appointed Junior physicist in the federal research laboratory at Washington, D. C. Mr. Johnson is a graduate of McPherson College. Later he received bis masters degree at Kansas University and then took his Ph. D. at the University of Wisconsin. Will Choose Debate Question Soon The Pi Kappa Delta debate question will be chosen September 30. Tryouts will be held soon after for members of the college debating teams. Men’s and women's tryouts will be held separately. Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy. COLORS FLASH, VOICES SHRIEK IN P. J. PARADEAbout 300 Bulldog Boosters Demonstrate Enthusiasm Down Town PEP REACHES HIGH PITCH Frolic Is Concluded at the Ritz Theatre with Laurel and Hardy Entertaining Approximately 300 flashy colors, gay costumes, and loud voices were present at the pajama parade last night. That is, for some people It was a pajama parade and for others it was a shirt tail parade, while for the few left it was Just some place to have a good time and to see a free show. It seemed that the group was anxious to learn the yells and songs and was anxious to help the Bulldogs beat the Quakers. The group mot at 7: 30 Just cast of the alumni gymnasium. The first few minutes were spent In yelling and singing. Transportation was then furnished to bring the students to the deer park. While hero some pictures were taken, the cheerleaders led the students in some yells, and a long line was formed which then proceeded to town. After arriving at town the line was formed into a large circle where some yells were given. The line was then formed again and proceeded to another place where some more yells were given. This procedure was continued until the group had yelled in five or six different places. After about an hour and a half had passed the line formed in front of the Walker Studio where they had their pictures taken. The pictures were taken in groups of about 40. The pictures bad all been taken about 9:30, after which the students saw Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in "Bonnie Scotland" at the Ritz theatre. HIGHLIGHTS OF ESTES PARK CONFERENCE GIVEN IN Y. W. Highlights of the Estes Park con-ference were given In the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday by six of the women who attended the conference last June. Dorothy Matson was in charge of the program. Agnes Bean gave an outline of the schedule and described the trips back and forth. World Peace Interested Wanda Hoover and was the subject for her talk. Maxine Ring told of Dr. Harold Case’s influence and the poetry classes. The classes on cooperatives were explained by Marie Stover. The social life and the less serious aspects of the conference were entertainingly told by Modena Kauffman. She especially stressed the activities of the McPherson College group. Last impressions and a summary of the trip given by Lota Wine closed the talks. The members present were then given the opportunity to sign pledges for this year’s Y. W. fund and also to name the committees on which they desired to serve. |
DR. FRANTZ WILL SPEAK FOR CHURCH ANNIVERSARY VALUES OF Y. M. C. A. ARE POINTED OUT IN MEETING The regular Y. M. C. A. meeting was opened by group singing led by Herbert Ikenberry. Devotions on the topic of prayer followed the song. After more singing, Clarence Sink gave a talk on what the Y. M. of-fers socially. Sink said that each member must ho a part before the organization could offer anything. He then named the various social events sponsored by the Y. M. Following his talk there was a violin solo by Charles Wagoner. Next Ralph Sherfy showed how the Y. M. C. A. helped the young man morally. Sherfy pointed out that the organization eliminated many had habits, such as cheating. He also showed how it makes one’s life more purposeful and helped one make a more noble choice of a life career. |
CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Thursday, September 26—Football game against Friends U. at 8 p. m. at the new athletic field. Sunday, September 29—C. E. meeting, College Church, 6: 45 p. m. Tuesday, October 1—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m. CLASSES ELECT OFFICERSVan Nortwick Is New Senior President—Vacancies Are Filled Th e seniors elected Archie Van Nortwick us president of their class to fill the vacancy left by Donald Evans who did not return to McPherson College. As Van Northwick was a senior student council representative Clarence Sink was elected to this position. Gerald Myers wus chosen treasurer to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Leta Wine. Professor Alvin Voran was chosen as class sponsor. Other officers who were elected last spring are Merle Messamer, vice-president; Dorothy Matson, secretary; and Modena Kauffman, student council representative. The only vacancy in the Junior class officers was filled by Davis. Metzger who was elected vice-presi-dent in Robert Booz’ place. Dr. Flory was chosen us class sponsor. Other standing officers include Paul Miller, president; Velma Watkins, secretary; Kenneth Weaver, treas-urer; and Willard Flaming and Wanda Hoover, student representatives. The sophomores have not hold a mooting yet this year. There is a vacancy in the vice-presidency as Virginia Quiring did not return this year. Other officers are: Raymond Lichty, president: Lucille Ullery. secretary; Alberta Keller, treasurer; Theresa Strom and Harold Mohler, student council representatives. In the freshman election hold Tuesday morning the following results were announced: Gordon Yoder, president; Wayne Albright, vice-president; Vera Heckman, secretary: Harold Fries, treasurer; Martha Roop and Milton Morrison, student council representatives; and Dr. Bright, class sponsor. |
SEVERAL NEW BOOKS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO LIBRARY Article In American • German Review On Christopher Sauer Is Interesting Several new books have been added to the library this week. Among them are four new books in the biological field, one now psychology book, and one book on religion. Another book of special interest is Composers of Today," written by Davis Ewen. In this book are found over 200 biographies and portraits of modern composers of all nations. A particularly interesting magazine article this week is found in The American-German Review. The title la "Christopher Sauer, Colonial Printer," by Otto W. Fuhrman. The article gives a biographical sketch of the life of Christopher Sauer, the first person in America to print the Bible in a living European language. This article in especially interesting to McPherson College students because in the library there are two Sauer Bibles. The oldest is of the second edition of Bibles by Christopher Sauer printed in 1763. The other was printed in 1776. These Bibles are on display in the library. |
SOCIETY SEASON OPENS FORMALLY IN ARNOLDResidents Of Dormitories Are Guests At Dinner Friday Evening STUDENTS GIVE PROGRAM Plans Were Made By Social Committee of Arnold Hall—Similar Events Are Coming The Society Season of 1935-'36 for the residents of the Fahnestock and Arnold Dormitories on McPher-son College Campus was opened by a formal dinner Friday evening in the dining hall of the girls’ dormitory. Guests assembled in the parlors of Arnold Hull, and at 6:30 desended to the candle-lit dining hall. Large baskets of cut flowers were placed attractively around the room. Small vases containing roses adorned each table. While soft radio music was hoard the guests were served dinner in two courses, by student waiters and waitresses. At the close of the second course a short toast was given by Kenneth Weaver, who acted as master of ceremonies. Numbers on the program that followed were: A reading, given by Dorothy Miller, two guitar selections by Wayne Albright and two numbers by Estelle Baile and Martha Roop. After the program student guests at the dinner formed line parties at the Ritz theatre. Dinner guests other than students living In Arnold and Fahnestock dormitories were Miss Josephine Smith, dean of women at McPherson college, and Mrs. M. W. Emmert, matron of Arnold Hall. According to Miss Wanda Hoover, chairman of the Social Committee of Arnold Hall, Friday evening’s entertainment was the first of a series of similar occasions which are being planned for this year. DEPUTATION POLICY OF WORLD SERVICE CHANGED A change of deputation policy was announced at the World Service cabinet meeting Tuesday night. The committee will be composed of one representative of both the Y. M. and Y. W. with the World Service deputation secretary acting as chairman of this committee. This unifies the deputation work of these organizations and gives the deputation teams the hacking of three organizations for talent. Because of the resignation of the deputation chairman, Paul Heckman was newly appointed by the cabinet to serve in this capacity. At the first cabinet meeting Dr. Petry outlined what he thought the group should accomplish this year. A change of program emphasising more private devotions was stressed. This has been accomplished through the inauguration of the Vesper Quiet Hour every Wednesday evening. Be. cause of these meetings the World Service will meet only every other week. RESIDENTS OF FAHNESTOCK ORGANIZE ‘DORM COUNCIL’ Last Friday afternoon the mon living In Fahnestock elected a council to take cure of any problems that might arise in the dormitory. One councilor was elected from each floor, and from this group the president and secretary of the dormitory were selected. Homer Kim-mel was elected president, and Jay Hertzler will serve as secretary. Dean R. E. Mohler was chosen advisor to the group. Miss Bowers Gives Expression Recital Bonnie Joan Bowers gave an expression recital Tuesday evening In the Brethren Church. Mrs. Roland Jones is her instructor. Bonnie Jean was assisted by Corine Bowers, violinist. and by Lucile Ullery, accompanist. Lucille Bowers and Marjorie Bowers acted as usherettes. |
Esther Zimmerman and Margaret Poister were guests at the Business and Professional Women's tea Sun-day afternoon which was given in the Persian room of the McCourt hotel. Miss Zimmerman sang "Peace and Pardon." and was accompanied by Miss Poister. At last the many guesses and bets as to the outcome of the leading sports event of the your have been silenced. Experience is a dear teacher. Just ask all those poor souls who paid up after the fight, night before last. The girls on second floor of Arnold Hall enjoyed their first feed together. Sunday night after closing hours. There were 24 girls present. A hint to the ladies. The boys of Fahnestock have become quite fond of Ice cream. Twenty-one pints were brought out in one delivery recently. Lawrence Boyer of Hutchinson spent the week end at home. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Boyer, returned to McPherson with Lawrence Sunday evening. You should have seen the boys last Friday evening. “What suit shall I wear? Should it be light or dark? Which tie goes well with this shirt? Where the dickens are my socks?" These are typical of the many questions that were asked as the gentlemen prepared for the formal occasion. Relatives of Lillian Peterson's from Hutchinson visited her Sunday. Quite a number of boys have become Interested In the heavenly bodies. Are they all in astronomy? Evelyn Rolston, Haro'd Evans, and Roma McKinnie spent the week end In Morrill. Ruth Siegel went to her home in Nebraska. WORLD SERVICE GROUP HAS FASCINATING HISTORY HEREVolunteer Band and Mission Band Have Been Its Names In Times Past The World Service Group has held a vital position in campus life for many years. It has not always been known by the name by which it is now known however. In about 1900 a group was organised whose goal was to make more potent the religious aspect of college life. This group was known as The Mission Hand. A few years later the name was changed to The Volunteer Hand. This group existed for the same purpose as The Mission Band and had the same ideals. The Volunteer Band held weekly meetings. In 1926 The Volunteer Band was again known as The Mission Band. That year was a big year In the number and worthwhileness of the accomplishments of The Mission Band. They gave 32 deputation programs, several missionary pageants and conducted a mission study class. The first year of World Service under its present name was in 1928. It is Interesting to notice that the organization was conducted somewhat differently from the way it is now conducted. There were two student discussion groups who gathered once each week for some very inspirational meetings. Mrs. Crura-packer and Doctor Yoder lend these two groups. The entire organization met regularly every two weeks for programs together. There were twenty-five mbers in 1928. One of the outstanding events in the World Service during the year 1929 was the District Student Volunteer Convention which was held here on the campus. The years from 1930 to the present have been splendid years for the World Service Group. Some of the outstanding things which they did during this period of time were to raise money for missionaries, in 1932 they gave $300 to missions, to send out deputation teams to a large number of churches and to cooperate with the Ministerial Alliance of the city. The late Prof. J. Hugh Heckman sponsored the organization for a number of years. Miss Margaret Heckethorn sponsored it from 1931 to 1933. Since then Doctor Petry has been its sponsor. The group this year is cooperating with the Religious Life Committee in holding short worship services in the college church each Wednesday evening at 6:30. These services are open to anyone who cares to come. They are planned as a period of quiet and meditation in which the individual may have a few moments to examine himself or think over any problems which he might have. These services will consist mainly of devotional readings and music. The regular World Service meetings will be hold on alternating Wednesday nights at 7 o'clock following the service in the church. The next World Service meeting will be Wednesday, October second. The group hopes to have some very inspiring and Interesting meet-ings this year. The plan is to have some reviews of recent books which deal with religion in its various forms, to have some meetings devoted to the discussion of student problems and perhaps problems which the student will meet when he takes his place in the world, to secure some good speakers and to study the lives of some of the great leaders in religion. COLLEGE Y. M. C A. HASFUNCTIONED SINCE 1900Since its organization In this school in 1900, the Y. M. C. A. has been a popular Institution. The first year the Y. M. C. A. was In existence it reached a total membership of 56. The Y. M. is still a popular organization, with a large number of the men of the college as mem-bers. The Y. M. C. A. movement was several years old when It was introduced here on March 29, 1900. It was given a donation of $15,000 by a local citizen in 1908. The purpose of the present Y. M. holds the same three fold ideal that it held originally—physical, moral and intellectual development. It offers youth a balanced life. The Y. M. C. A. holds a meeting once a to discuss a religious topic. There are social activities during the year that give the college man opportunities for social development. |
Y.W.C. A. IS STARTINGITS 35TH YEAR AT M. C.The first Young Women's Christian Association was formed in 1859 by a group of girls of leisure and education In England. The move-ment spread and in 1866 a similar organization was formed in the United States. The need for such an organization was felt on the campus of McPherson College, and in 1900 the present Y. W. C. A. was founded with the help of national field secretaries. The first president was Mrs. Lena Wieand Sargent. Mrs. S. B. Fahn-stock was head of the Association from 1904 to 1911, and the Association owes a great deal to her efforts. Boost the Bulldogs! |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Atchison, 710 E. Euclid, announce the mar-riage of their daughter, Alma Louise, to Mr. Harold Binford, of Buhler, Friday, Sept. 20. The home wedding was solemnized at eight o'clock In the evening, with the Her. Loon H. Sweetland officiating. Mrs. Rush Holloway. Mrs. George Thye, and Mr. Ernest Sweetland provided the music. The bride was attended by Miss Naoma Nordling and the place of best man was taken by Mr. Wilbur Yoder. The tapers were lighted by the Messrs. Delmar and Marvin Atchison, brothers of the bride. The ring bearer was Master Donald Binford. nephew of the groom. The bride attended McPherson College for three years, and the groom was graduated last spring. The latter is now teaching in Buh-ler. Miss Maurine Stutzman spent the week end in Wichita visiting her sister. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Brown were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. M. W. Emmert. Esther Scott enrolled in school Monday. Miss Scott is rooming at Mrs. Dean's. Miss Agnes Bean entertained the members of the Y. W. Cabinet at her home Tuesday evening. After the business meeting, at which Miss Bean was presented with a luncheon cloth, the time was spent in games and in viewing Agnes' hope chest. Refreshments were served later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orle Pearce of Conway Springs visited their daughter, Valera, Sunday. Robert Booz and Donald Evans left yesterday for Chicago, where they are to attend the University of Chicago. Dr. Bright was unable to teach his classes Monday and Tuesday be-cause of an infection in his foot. Gretta Wilma Griffis, '32, who received Her Master's degree from the University of Chicago in the August convocation, is to start throe weeks' training, after which she will become a psychologist in the Institute of Juvenile Research in Chicago. |
We know of a be-spectacled debater from Canton who carried 33 hours last semester, 17 of his own and 16 of those of his one and only. The worst of it is that he is doing It this year! Fifteen reasons: Sno W berger Goug H nour Keed Y Kanff M an Mill E r G N agy Mes S amer Pois T er B A ile Fr Y Hub B ard Hu R ton Tr O stle Wat K ins G1 E ssner If anybody thinks there is a depression in the boys' dormitory they should have seen the money that changed hands after the fight Tuesday night. It looks like we'll have to move the physics lab or find a now place for girls physical ed. It is a sad state of affairs when boys must use a telescope to see girls less than 100 feet away. Our well-known debater’s "HI, toots." has taken on a cheerier ring since the fight. You guess why. Pageant Is Postponed The pageant which was to have been given by the Dramatics class this Sunday evening has been postponed. One act plays will be given In the near future by the department. Spec-Yu-La-Shuns All you would-be columnists who; would like to have a try at writing this bedraggled column are invited and encouraged to do so. Thru the cooperation of our editor you are here and now given the opportunity to say what you think. (Even about the writer of this column. Let it never be said that we couldn't take it as well as dish it out..) Simply drop your attempt in the "Spec” mail box. which is in the business office. We have a bet that not a single answer will be received, so come on, gripers, do your stuff. Who is the laugh on, the boys or girls (or should I say young men or women?) Here the men thought they would be able to see a show unhampered by any female distractions, and they gut gyped out of even this privilege. For once, anyway, the women couldn't argue a man out of something they wanted. They had to pay for the show! ! It really is a pity the Y. W. room is kept locked this year. We have heard complaints that the chapel seats are too small for two people to sit In. Are we ever going to get our rec-reation room? Last spring the trustees voted in favor of one. but a* yet no action has been taken toward building it. It seems the need for one would be realized by the proper authorities after so long a time, but it's been so long that we've almost given up hope. If you have a pet joke, and need a sucker to pull it on, go to Ed Jones. Mother Emmert is happy as a lark these days. All last year she tried to persuade more of the boys to go with more of the girls. This year they don't seem to need any persuasion. Dr. Schwalm told in chapel one day last week of a freshman who was doing enough work for two people. |
any too much to go around cause they had a guy at the end of the table dish out just so much. The sweet potatoes musta been counted cause they was Just enough. We had chocklet pie. I heard someone say the fillln was the cocoa we didn’t drink this morning. I’m gonna drink coffee after this so weel have pie for supper—I mean dinner. After sup-per the fellas all went down to Morris & Son's Store. There was some little wooden toad stools in a fish bole what we guest how many there were. I missed it, but one fella was lucky, he got a shirt for guessen closest. Then wo guest how many hats were in the store too but I missed that too. It seems that Friday the 13th was just the startin of ray tough luck. Well, then we ate Ice cream an drunk punch and had some cookies and went to the show and went homo. There was a woman In the show what I think I’ve seen In college, but then I don’t spoze so either cause she wouldn’t be going to college if she was In the movies. Wasn’t that reading about Columbus at the formic good? That girl can put the most expression in things. She Just almost acted it out and used her hands to make the jestures. But I still cant figure out what that girl stood behind her for. Sat., Sept. 21 We had pie and they say Saturday never was pie day before. I’m too tired to write any more tonight, I worked on NYA so hard. Sun., Sept. 22. Mon., Sept. 23. That was a nice visit I had out there with my room-mate. I forgot to take my diary so I couldn't write for Sun. It sure seemed good to milk a cow again. It’s been so long sinco I've been with Brindly. No more women here at SPORTS FLASH—TONIGHT’S GAME POSTPONED INDEFINITELY BECAUSE OF RAINS At 10:00 o'cIock this morning it was decided that the Friends-Bulldog game will be played at some later date to be announced later. _ stride. He knows every block in the book and Is a vicious tackier. At the center position wo have Rodelander. Although just a freshman ho is a mighty football player. He packs 210 pounds on his short frame. His little hands, short arms, pass the ball like an arrow to the bullseye. His forward charge is quick and potent. He’s a quick thinker and an intensive player. IN OTHER SCHOOLS Prof. Karl Kuersteiner will return this week for Salzburg, Austria, with a wealth of Ideas and material for the K. U. Symphony and Little Symphony orchestra. — University Daily Kansas. At a recent meeting of tho K. U. Athletic hoard, it was decided that the broadcasting of football games shall bo open to any and all radio stations at a price decided upon but not announced.—University Daily Kansan. Manhattan - (U. H.)—Kansas State College’s record enrolment of 3,300 students and resulting crowded classroom conditions forced a state AAA wheat school to bo held In the press box of the Memorial Stadium. A plan whereby a freshman organization will enforce the school traditions for the yearlings has been devised by the president of the Student Council, and will soon be put Into effect at K. S. T. C., Emporia. It is believed by the Student Council that if a group of freshmen can be organized to enforce the rules on themselves and their classmates, a more amiable settlement will be reached. Tentative plans call for a cordon of freshman men, consisting of all those over six foot toll or weighing more than 180 pounds. This group will act us both law enforcers and judges, in that cases of rules infraction will be taken to a court composed of members of the group and judged there. BULLDOGS AWAIT FRIENDS WITH THREATENING FANGSSports Fans Will See Plenty of Action and Thrillers in the Season-Opener Tonight on the New Home Field. Tonight at eight o’clock the Bulldogs will officially open the 1935 football season with Friends University offering the opposition. This will bo the first game on the new field. With the school year three weeks old the Bulldogs are starting their season with high hopes. Coaches Binford and Solves have drilled their men In strenuous workouts and the squad appears to bo in good shape. The team has made some excellent advancement in the last two weeks. On the Bulldog lineup this year wo find in the backfield at the fullback position Burress, who is a hard hitting, bullet passing, two year let-terman. Burress is not a specialist —no prima donna who exalts a single talent. He may be called an “allaround” back, for he has proven his ability in every phase of play. Ho runs hard and deceptively. He can plunge the line, sweep the ends, knows the tricks of broken field running. His punting is consistent if not sensational, a 55 yard carry from scrimmage being his usual kick. He is a cool and canny passer who tosses and hits the mark. In the half berths we have Haun, a two year letterman, and Zuhars, a letterman of last year, who are likely to be among two of the best halfs in the conference. They are both excellent ball carriers and good blockers. At quarter we have Crabb, a man who lettered last year and will be able to do some excellent work this year when It comes to calling signals. At the end berths in the line we have Moore and Hamblet. These men are both now in the position. Moore was awarded a letter last season as a guard and has been shifted to end this year. At tackles we have Reinecker and Bargrover. Reineck-er is a two year letterman. He Is an aggressive, smart, heavy tackle who is hard to fool on defense and hard to stop on offense. Barngrover received his first letter last year and we can find plenty of action in him. Guards, they used to say. are "fullbacks with their brains knocked out.” That was In the old days of leg-locking when the main ideal of guardsmen was a massive Gibraltar who couldn’t bo budged. The modern guard is a mobile tank of the offense as well as a staunch defender. Here at McPherson they know how the guard post should be played, and we should have more outstanding guards than any other team in the conference. Vasquez and Rock are two men that are excellently suited to these positions. Vasquez, or may we say Mike, Is a two year letterman. Mike is a fighter—an aggressive l75-pounder with bulldog Jaw and swashbuckling |
We Stand Corrected This is calling attention to the fact that in last week’s football schedule there was a slight error. The game with Baker U., which was listed to be at Baldwin, is to be on our own field, Oct. 18. The game, incidentally. is to be on the occasion of the dedication of the new athletic field. Bullrangle Makes Appearance Tonite The Bullrangle has gone to press and will bo ready for distribution for the first game. It contains the starting line up and squad of the opponent as well as the Bulldogs’ line up and squad. It also contains pictures of the cheer leaders, the coaches, the squad, and the "M" club, with a write-up along'with each picture. It will be given away, at each game. COLLEGE DAZE ... (From ‘'Gourdie" Green's Diary.) Thurs., Sept. 19, The Spec got here just before supper. Everybody else was readin them at supper—I mean dinner—(isn't that crazy?) so I read it too. They wasn’t such a lot of nows but it said that you could order a Quad for a buck now. I don't know as I'll need one but every-budy’s gettin them, so I hope dad will send mo a dollar. I won’t tell him about those two subsequent payments, cause there a little higher. Bout the time I got started reading about the lyceum Miss Atkinson started preachen to us about eddi-cut. She told all about everything at the table what we’re supposed to do and what we ain’t. She said never to butter a whole slice of bread. Not even a half, or even a fourth. Guess if you’d bust it up much more it'd be crumbs. Fri., Sept. 20. Oh. boy! A letter from papa and mom. I read it in chapel cause I seen it was perty important. They said old Brindly and the caff are doin nicely. They was a check for $10 and papa said it would havta do me two weeks. Now I guess I can order my Quad. They had a formle dinner for supper tonight. I spose they didn’t have |
M. C. for me! Henrietta is the only one for me after all, even if I did think she was mad. She finely sent me that gragawashin picture she promised. Boy, I wish she cooda come. The fellows wooda all been jellus then. Guess if the crops are good this year we can both come next year. Tue., Sept. 24. Y. M. again. Someone asked me if I’d paid my pledge yet. There’s more things to pay around here. But it's only a dollar, and I think they’ll have that many parties. And I sure like to go to the meetings. Everybody’s talking about the pajama parade tomorrow. I aint got no pajamas and I'll be darned if I’ll parade right out on main street in my night-shirt. Wed., Sept. 25 Mr. Hess told us today that he wanted us to know airly in the semester that we had to get our semester themes started. Cause we cant write 2000 words the last week of the semester. One of the fellows said it was o. k. for me to wear my pants under my nightshirt. That ain’t so bad. Such loud colors as some people wear at night! I'd like to get me a pare of those red pajamas. Maybe mom could kinda make over my red flannels. It’s perty warm for them now, tho. Gosh, somebody's been reading my diary. I’ve gotta keep it locked up after this. |