McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, feb. 13, 1936


American Athletics are Interesting

Says Toshiro Tsubakawa, Jap Student

He Plans to Obtain a Masters Degree and Return to Tokyo as an Instructor at His Alma Mater

An interesting and pleasing per-sonality has appeared upon the cam-pas of McPherson College. This personality is Toshiro Tsubokawa, Japanese student, who has joined the ranks of the delvers of knowledge.

Toshiro is a graduate of Meiji Ga-kuim -College of Tokyo. He first touched American soil in September,

1935, when he attended the International Relations Conference at Chi-cago. From a brief stop at Chicago, he journied to Hope College at Holland, Michigan, where he spent his first semester.

It was through the efforts of the World Service group that Toshiro Tsubokawa was influenced to come to McPherson College. He has, this semester, entered our midst as a friend and as an influence toward favorable international relationship and understanding. Toshiro intends to make McPherson College his home for several years until he has obtained his A. B. degree. He plans to extend his stay in America until he receives his masters degree and then return to his Alma Mater in Tokyo as an instructor.

March 10---Second is March 29 Local Oratory Contests Begin

The local anti-tobacco oratorical contest will be held Tuesday, March 10, at 3:30 p. m. in the college chapel. Students now preparing for  this contest include Lucille Ullery, Alvin Lindgren, and Paul Miller.

Any others who desire to enter should see the coach, Professor Hess, at once.

Another local oratorical contest will be the peace oratorical contest to be held Sunday evening, March 29, at the Brethren Church. Those who expect to enter should begin preparation at once. Local prizes for the peace contest will be $7.50, $5.00, and $2.50.

Opal Hoffman spent last week-end at her home near Abilene.

This number closes a highly successful season of the lyceum course, which was given through the servic-es of the K. U. Extension Service department. Those in charge announce that they plan to offer another group of varied numbers of high quality for the course next season. Including both instructive and entertaining numbers.

Toshiro is intensely interested in American athletics. He is especially interested in baseball, and is no novice at the game either. He fences, plays ping-pong, and sometimes enters the field or wrestling. Basketball interests him, but he has had very little experience in this line. Toshiro is also an excellent swimmer and has won an instructor's certificate.

"The relationship," says Toshiro, "between United States and Japan is somewhat tense." He explains that the military forces are the source of this enmity. He, personally, objects to this feeling, but in Japan it is a penalty of death to talk against the military regime, so his feelings are kept suppressed by the strict enforcement of the government.

Toshiro, during his short period here, has liked the student body and has become an enthusiastic support-er of McPherson College. He is majoring in the English department, and is also interested in religious studies.

Completion of the 1936 Quadrangle is anticipated to be within the next six weeks, the staff has reported.

According to Business Manager Van Nortwick only 172 books have been sold so far. A final sales campaign is being launched beginning today and will come to a close February 18. This is the last opportunity that will be offered students to buy their Quadrangle.

In past year the Quadrangle staff has been ordering more books than had been contracted for, making it possible for students who had not purchased their books in advance to purchase theirs in the spring. This practice, however is being discontinued in 1936.

The cost per Quadrangle in 1935 was $5.52. Hence, upon that basis it is readily discernible why it In not possible for the Quadrangle staff to order extra books which they may not sell. So all students who have not bought their "Quad" and would like to do so may reserve one by making as small a down payment as fifty cents, paying the balance of $3.25 upon receipts of the book. Students who wish to purchase their books should see Business Manager Van Nortwick, Kurtis Naylor, Inez Goughnour, Wanda Hoover, or Paul Miller. Remember, Feb. 18 is absolutely the deadline!

Last Lyceum Featuring Negro Singers Sees Large Turnout


A large and enthusiastic audience

attended the last number of this season's lyceum course, given by the Dixie Melody Masters on Thursday, Feb. 6. These four talented young negro singers presented a varied and highly entertaining program. Negro spirituals, plantation songs, and other songs that are always popular were presented. For the first part of the program the quar-tet was dressed in work clothes: the latter part they were attired in trim black dress suits, with white vests and red sashes.

Short, humorous readings were given by Harry D. Mickle, tenor of the group, adding to the charm of the program.

The names and authors of the pamphlets are Federal States and Labor Treaties," William Lonsdale Taylor: "Sanctions," The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London: "America Must Act," Francis Bowes Sayre. Reprint from "For-tune"--"Economic Progress Without Economic Revolution," Harold G. Moulton:    "Students Against

War," two addresses by Ernest Hatch Wilkins.     

These books are in the library and any one who wishes to do so may use them.

Dr. Hershey Gives Illustrated Lecture on Diamonds for Club

Dr. Hershey's diamond lecture to the Chemistry club last Thursday proved a popular feature and a large crowd attended. The group was first taken into the furnace room where it witnessed Raymond Lichty remove the molten carbon from the furnace and pour it into the cooling solution.

This was followed by an illustrated lecture in the class room. First Dr. Hershey gave a brief ac-count of the history and location of the diamond mines in South America and South Africa accompanied by a group of slides showing some of these mines as well as a few diagrams of the work and equipment in the college laboratory. This was followed by a moving picture reel showing Dr. Hershey's work in this field.

Dr. Hershey is touring several cities in Oklahoma this week where he is delivering his lecture to various science groups.

Each year Kansas University offers a fellowship to the senior with the highest scholastic rating in each of the Kansas colleges. Dean Bright recently received a notice that the beneficiary of this fellowship from McPherson should be chosen before the first of March. The faculty will select this student soon.

This fellowship consists of $200 for one academic year of graduate study at Kansas University. Elmer Staats is attending K. U. this year as the representative from last year's graduating class.

Triangular Debate Tournament

Will be Held at M. C. Feb. 21

A triangular debate tournament will be held at McPherson College on Friday evening, Feb. 21, with Kansas Wesleyan and Bethany the other schools participating. Men and women varsity teams will enter the debate.    

The first round of the debates will begin nt 6:30 p. m.. and the second, at 8:00 p. m. This tournament is open to students and the public.        

Women make better lawyers than men, according to every comparative measurement of those characteristics of lawyers studied by the Human Engineering Laboratory of Stevens Institute.    

Brethren Church Observes
College Day with Program

McPherson College Day was observed by the College Hill Brethren Church this last Sunday. The program for both the morning and evening services were given by McPherson College and its friends.

An offering of $332.80 was raised Sunday morning for the benefit of the college. This sum is well over the quota for the McPherson church and will be used for the college needs.

The Student Choir sang the anthem, "Lift Up Your Heads." The college male quartette, Charles Net-tleton, Ernest Sweetland, Oliver Andrews, and Chris Johannson, gave two numbers, "Thanks Be to God," and "The First Psalm."

The addresses of the morning were given by Leonard Crumpacker and Dr. V. F. Schwalm, President of McPherson College. Mr. Crumpacker spoke on the desirability and the benefits derived to individuals from McPherson College. Dr. Schwalm gave a comparative critique of the Brethren Colleges of the United States.

Kawaga and His Works is Topic

of World Service Discussions

Kawaga and the world movement of cooperatives were the subjects of the World Service Tuesday evening.

The devotionals consisted of a group song "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" and responsive reading on the general theme of "God is a Shepherd." The opening prayer was the Lord's Prayer.    

Willard Flaming gave a talk based upon Kawaga and the ideas of Kawaga on cooperatives Toshiro Tsu-boksua who is a friend of Kawaga gave a few brief comments upon the work of Kawaga.

A general discussion of cooperatives wan given by Clarence Sink, Leonard Lowe, Ralph Sherfy, and Jay Hertzler.

1936 Quadrangle to See Completion Soon

Only 172 Books Have Been Sold So Far—Small Down Payment


Thursday, Feb. 13—A Cappella Choir Concert at Convention Hall, 8:15 p. m.

Friday, Feb. 14—McPherson-Ottawa basketball game, Convention Hall, 8:15 p. m.

Sunday, Feb. 16—Regional Conference begins: C. E. at the College Church. 6:45 p. m.

Monday, Feb. 18—Y meeting, 11 a. m. Creative Leisure Commission of the Y, 6:30 p. m.

Tuesday, Feb. 18—McPherson-Beth-el basketball game, Convention Hall, 8:15 p. m.

Carnegie Endowment
Gives Recent Books

They Deal with World Peace and International Relations

Each school semester the Carne-

gie Endowment for International Peace sends a group of books to the International Relations club. The shipment of books for this semester arrived a few days ago. There were seven books and five pamphlets included. The names of the books and the remarks made concerning them by the Carnegie Endowment follow:

"The Strategy of Raw Materials," by Brooks Emeny--No intelligent arguments regarding the possible isolation of the United Slates can take place without authoritative information as to the problem of access to raw materials. This book, with its numerous maps and charts, furnishes just such information.

"Population Theories and Their Application," by E. F. Penrose-—In the discussions at the round tables of the International Relations Clubs Conferences held this fall, population problems came up so frequently that there was no hesitancy in selecting this book as one of the spring installments.

"American Neutrality," by Charles Seymour-—While by no means a complete study of American neutrality 1914-1917 this book, written by an eminent historian, deserves serious and careful consideration.

"By Pacific Means," by Manley O. Hudson—This book is of espec-ial interest just now when the use of pacific means in the settlement of disputes is being put to so severe a test. The author is a well-known authority on the subject discussed and has recently been nominated by the American Group as Judge on the World Court.

"Peace in the Balkans," by Norman J. Padelford--This is the only work in the English language on the Balkan Conferences, and the development of the Balkan Entente. It is well documented and contains im-portant texts such as the Statute of the Balkan Entente and the text of the Little Entente Treaties of Alliance.

"A Tender of Peace," by John Bates Clark--The author of this book is internationally known as a  political economist and has had unusual opportunity during his long life to study and reflect upon the problems set forth in these brief pages.        

"International Delusions," by George Malcom Stratton-—This is a discussion of war, its causes and possible cure from the psychological point of view, by a well-known psychologist.

Happy Birthday!

Donald Bargrover ............ Feb. 13

Vivian Keller .................... Feb. 14

Blanche Morine ............... Feb. 18

M. C. is Represented by Five
Debate Teams at Hutchinson

Five McPherson College debate teams engaged in six rounds of debate at the junior college debate tournament at Hutchinson last Friday and Saturday. The McPherson teams won a total of seven debates.

The team composed of Conway Yount and La Mar Bollinger won three out of six of their debates. The other teams won one or two of theirs. Other teams who made the trip included: Harold Larson, Wal-do Newberg; Marvin Riddell, Addison Saathoff; Inez Goughnour, Alberta Keller; Harriette Smith, and Theresa Strom.

Because of car trouble several teams failed to arrive Saturday morning for the first two rounds. Only junior colleges and freshmen and sophomores of four-year col-leges were eligible for participation in this tournament.

Completion of Student Union

Room to be Seen This Week

The student union room is to be completed this week so far ns modeling is concerned. This includes light fixtures, the fireplace mantel, and the finishing of the floors. Furniture for the room is yet to be provided.

Someone has donated a rug and the wood-finishing class is finishing the radio that has been procured for the room. Everyone is urged to pay his pledge immediately so that the room may be equipped for Regional Conference week which begins February 16.

K. U. Offers a Fellowship to

Senior with Highest Standin

A Cappella Concert Offers Good Variety

Program Has Nursery Rime, Songs of Palestrino, Noble
Cain, Rubenstein, Kashetz
Many New Members

Catherine Penner Burton Will Sing as Guest Soloist—She Is Former M. C. Instructor

If there has been a prevailing belief that the purpose of the A Cappella Choir concert is merely to provide an evening’s entertainment, that belief should be dispelled immediately, because were this to be the sole end of the many tedious weeks of practice, the achievement of that group of singers would be slight indeed.

Rather, in the minds of "Cheesy" and his singers is a desire to pro-vide a cultural stimulation for their audience.

One may turn to his radio any evening for entertainment, but where will he find, on the same program, the variety that will be presented by the Choir? That long cherished nursery rime "Hi Diddle Diddle," put to a clever choir arrangement, along with some of the fine musical literature composed by such masters as Palestrino, Kashetz, Rubenstein, Noble Cain, and many other noted authors of music.

At the beginning of the year this instructor found it necessary to introduce, as new members into the Choir, seven sopranos, four tenors, four altos, and one bass. This made a total of sixteen new members in an organization of thirty-eight. The installing of these new members revealed a season of hard practice ahead, and induced "Cheesy" to drill into the minds of his singers the idea of attaining the goal set up by previous choirs, and even pushing on to higher levels, although they were handicapped with so many new members being initiated into the system new to them.

An innovation has been made in the presentation of the annual con-cert, by introducing a guest soloist,

Catherine Penner Barton, a former instructor of music in this school. Mrs. Barton has made a fine repu-tation for herself as a soloist, and her appearance with the Choir is being regarded with a great amount of interest by those who have heard her sing.

With Catherine Penner Barton as the guest soloist of one of the finest musical organizations in the Middle West, the program tonight is to be the type of program that the student body has been asking for.

Mohler Attends Christian

Education Meeting in Chicago

Professor Mohler attended a Na-tional Board of Christian Education meeting at Chicago, Illinois, Feb. 7. The executive board called a meeting for the purpose of electing two new secretaries to help in the adult department. This board plans programs of Sunday school, young people's societies, peace education, and temperance. Professor Mohler holds the position of vice-chairman on this board.

The International Council of Christian Education also held a meeting during Professor Mohler's stay in Chicago.

Schedule Adjusted to Conference

Next week the Monday and Thursday 10 o'clock classes will meet at 11 o'clock. The 10 o'clock class on Wednesday will be entirely omitted from the schedule next week. The reason for these changes is that chapel will be held every day. Next week's chapels will be very much worthwhile with speeches made by persons who are here to speak at Regional Conference.

Says the Daily Illini:

"Courtship consists of a man chasing a woman until she catches him."

University of Michigan Notre Dame football relations, broken off in 1910, may be renewed next year.


The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

THE SCHOOL 1935 Member 1936    HOME OF

OF QUALITY Associated Collegiate Press THE BULLDOGS

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson,

Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.    _

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-Chief ............................................. Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor .............................................. Merle Messamer

Society Editor .................................................... Velma Watkins

Sports Editor .............. ....................................... Conway Yount

Make-up Editor .............................................. Norman Edwards

Business Manager ......................................... Lawrence Strouse

Advertising Manager ........................................... Waldo Newberg

Circulation Manager .......................................... Lawrence Boyer

Oliver Andrews John Bower Otho Clark Alberta Keller

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Isobel Kittell Harold Larsen

June McNamee

Valera Pearce

Harriette Smith George Toland Kenneth Weaver Glenn Webb

Here’s Your Chance for Library Browsing

NO DOUBT there are many students who at times have felt a desire to sit down in the library, forget studies, and worries, and just browse. There are any number of books which we have wanted to look into, but never have felt that we had time to take off-books of all sorts, some fiction, some of a his-torical nature, some biography, some source material, and even some encyclopedic matter.

Again, we never seem to get time to catch up on our intellectual and cultural pursuits, such as current magazine reading. The months go by and although we promise ourselves that this particular month we will try and read some in each of our favorite periodicals, we always find ourselves sans at the end of the period.    

The creative leisure commission has recognized this deficiency in student life and has devised a plan by which it is hoped that students may be given more opportunity for the diversions mentioned above. Beginning this Saturday night, the library will be opened each Saturday night for an hour and a half for the sole purpose of allowing students to browse at their leisure. An attendant will be in charge from 7:30 till

9 o'clock, and all students who de-sire to do so may come and read whatsoever they please at their convenience, without thought of study or work.

Although the intention of the committee is that no study will be carried on, this particular pursuit will not be forbidden. However the attendant is not to be provided to check out reference books, but rather to keep order and supply any reading desired for sheer entertainment.

The continuation of this plan is dependent upon two things: first, upon the preservation of a decent amount of order in the library: this project is not designed to make a playroom of that building: second, very definitely upon the expression of interest as evidenced by active use of the new facilities.

It is hoped that the "browsing privilege" will be used and not abused, and that cultural stimulation will be aroused and afforded by this unusual plan. If students take advantage of such opportunities they will at once take care of the problem of dead Saturday nights and also the problem of doing the leisure reading which has so consistently been postponed.—K. W.

of stress, the men who are interested and far sighted, are voted out

of office. Thus prosperity is hindered instead of aided. In time of scarcity people will eat up all the

corn and the seed corn besides. The next year we have an absolutely distressing result. The government doing this very thing today. They are going farther into debt and using up all of the seed. We in turn are getting into a worse position than what we should be. Now don’t get me wrong; we must have relief. We can not allow people to starve if it can be prevented, regardless of what happens.

Macauly also stated that we must in time have a Caesar or Napoleon or be plundered by Huns and Vandals just as Rome was.

Maybe our only difference is that we could produce our own Huns and Vandals right in our own country. You allow our powerful minorities to have power like the bonus and other uprisings point that way.

We have the peculiar set-up of having England balancing her budget in those same times that we are running into debt. We had better discover the reason and correct the difficulty before we produce Huns and Vandals of our own to overwhelm us. Thus the proper evolution of our country can take place without revolution.

Maybe the picture has been painted too black, but there is a chance that violent revolt could break out and upset the proper balance as it has in other countries with devastating results. I have enough faith that we will not fall into this thing. However, the faith is not enough to overcome it: we must take action against it. The choice is before you, either evolution or revolution. The former is far more constructive if properly done. Which do you prefer?—An Interested Observer.

table between two of her Sunday school pupils, John Boitnott and Merritt Bright.    

Last Friday night eighteen of the college students attended a party at Doctor Bright’s home. Phyllis Barn-grover had charge of the party. Those who attended played dominoes, rummy, and cheesit, and made taffy.

Coach Binford's father died last Sunday morning. The funeral was Tuesday at Haviland. Mr. Binford is ill in bed and was not able to attend the funeral of his father.

Commemoration of Lincoln’s Birthday is C. E. Program

Doctor Smith entertained last Thursday afternoon with her first student tea of the semester. Quite a number of students attended. These teas are open not only to the women students, but also to the men. Two men attended the last ten; they were Kenneth Weaver and Paul Miller.

According to Doctor Schwalm a number of persons have already Written for reservations for the Booster Banquet, to be held in March.    

Willis Bredfelt spent the week end at his home at Bushton.

The regular McPherson College Christian Endeavor was held in honor of the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birthday Sunday night. The services were opened by singing two group hymns which were led by Paul Miller and accom-pained by Lillys Frantz. Dorothy Dell played a piano solo.

Wanda Hoover led by reading two poems. "Lincoln, Man of the People," and "The Master." Dorothy Miller also read several poems on the work of Lincoln. A group of three talks were given upon the life of Lincoln. The first

Reverend Earl Breon, an alumnus of McPherson College, has given up his pastorate at Fruitland, Idaho, and moved to Topeka, to go into life insurance work.

Mrs. H. L. Bramraell or Ozawkie, Kansas, died recently with cancer. Mrs. Brammell was the mother of several former McPherson graduates, Ira, Everett, Roy, and Guy Brammell.    

of which was on the subject, "Lincoln's Devotion to His Ideals" given by Lowell Heiny. Many people think that because Lincoln did not join any church that be was not religious but his ideals were a great deal higher than many of our most religious persons today.

Corwin Bare told of the love affairs of Lincoln and some of the side lines that we seldom hear. Mr. Bare told us that while Lincoln made love quite at random he seemed less bold when the eventful wedding day was to come.

Junior Lichty gave a paper on "Lincoln’s Near Tragedies" telling of some of Lincoln's life disappointments and difficulties.

Professor Hess was surprised by the faculty with a party in celebration of his birthday anniversary last Friday evening. The evening was spent in conversation.

The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement

WHILE on the subject of improve-ments for the campus, here are a few which impress us as being  worthy of attention:    

1. First of all, we suggest that there be placed a bell on second floor of the boys' dormitory to announce dinner and the rest of the meals. After all, the fellows will get to dinner somehow, and Fries won't save any more on food bills; therefore, things might just as well be arranged for the convenience of  the gentlemen. The digestive process would work better, we feel sure, if they were not subjected to the annoyance of having to run like —— to get there on time.

2. We suggest as an economy measure that, during the winter months, the boys' dormitory be rent-ed to Wilson Bros. or Cudahy & Co. for purposes of cold storage. There is perhaps no place in the country which approximates the approach to absolute zero experienced within dormitory walls on cold nights and during frigid days. Well, one consolation; it is said that cold weather stirs the enterprise and initiative of

the individual.

3. Again, we nominate for extinction those individuals who turn out the lights and lock the door of the Y. W. room, in a misguided attempt to monopolize the only decent social center on the campus. 'Nuff said.

4. That is, enough said except to mention that it would probably be a good idea to award a nickel plated medal to Forney, commonly known as chief janitor and horn squawker on the campus, for his valiant de-fense of the chastity of the Y. W. room on week nights. Poor man; he might get into trouble if some one set foot in that particular room on a Thursday evening.     

5. And finally, we propose that there be passed a law making all horns on the campus forbidden and the squawking thereof a capital offense. Then we could return to the good old days of the silver toned whistle, and the misbegotten offspring of perdition which now exerts its blatant appeal abroad could be relegated to the museum of fourth floor, Harnley, for the observance of amused posterity.—K. W.

Harold and Lloyd Larsen went to Topeka Sunday to Visit their father who is in the hospital there. Miriam Kimmel, Lucille Kistner, and Harriette Smith accompanied them. Miss Kimmel visited her grandparents. Miss Smith and Miss Kistmer visited Miss Smith’s parents.


Galen Glessner, Ronald Flory, Paul Miller, and Dorothy Dell were Sunday dinner guests of Evelyn and LaVena High at the F. A. Vaniman residence.

Paul Booz entertained a group of friends Saturday evening in honor of Toshiro Tsubokawa. The hours were spent in games of Monopoly. The guest list included Wanda Hoover, Modena Kauffman, Leta Wine, June Turton, Kenneth Weaver, John Bowers, and Robert Brooks.

Progrresive Educational Meeting Will be Held In Wichita Tomorrow

Tomorrow and Saturday there will be a Progressive Education Meeting in Wichita. Emery C. Wine, a former McPherson College graduate, will be chairman of one of the afternoon sessions. Mr. Wine took graduate work at K. U. after having graduated from McPherson. He is now principal of one of the grade schools in Wichita. Doctor Boitnott plans to represent the college at this meeting.    

Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Kimmel and Magrum Rolston, enroute from California to their home at Sheldon, Iowa, stopped at the College Sunday to visit Evelyn Rolston, Harold Evans, Galen Glessner, and Homer Kimmel.

Gerald Denny spent the week end at his home near Hope.

Eva Faye Thomison returned Sunday evening from her home in Talmadge where she spent the weekend.

Art Display Scheduled Next Week

Recent work of the art department will be exhibited in the art room on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week. Specimens representing all divisions in the department will be displayed. This exhibit will be open to all. Regional Conference guests are especially invited to visit this exhibit.

A* It Seems To Me

Revolution or Evolution?

Today we have some selfish minorities which organize very powerfully to intimidate our law makers. Thus, they are able to put anything into effect that helps their interests. Many times these privileges are inimical to the interests of the people as a whole.

Right now the bonus racketeers are doing this very thing.

They use their power by means of lobbying to put across their measures. Speaking of lobbying brings up the thought that even some of our educators hands are not entire-

ly spotless of this very thing. This is well shown by the tactics used by some teachers to get federal aid. We must admit that ex-soldiers do have some hidden prestige. Any man such as those who have taken their life into their own hands and come out alive are to a certain extent held in awe and reverence and may be one reason for their power. But still they are a minority group with excess power and prestige.

Lord Macaulay writing in 1848 about the U. S. says that a pure democracy like ours could not help but run down until destruction would come to liberty or civilization or may even come to both.

You can see that he has a strong point. If people have faith in a certain dictator, they will go for him in time of distress. Europe has many excellent examples. In time

Variations in short-wave radio signals form the basis of a new system of weather prediction.

Harold Evans visited Robert Stratmnn Friday night at Stratman’s home at Geneseo.

Jesse Ramsey was on the campus Monday.

Dean and Mrs. Bright entertained the Boitnotts and Doctor Smith at dinner Saturday evening. Doctor Smith had a place of honor at the

Lillys Frantz and Evelyn Dell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Christensen.

Viola Harris and Bernadine Oh-mart were co-hostesses at an Epsilon Eigma Alpha sorority tea, given at the Ohmart home, Sunday, Feb. 9.

NYU's five "iron men" have been the sharpest menace to Eastern basketball leagues this season.

Beard Gives Academic

Advantage, Says Student

Losing an inferiority complex, finding a broadminded, intelligent girl or impersonating a faculty member are all as easy as growing whiskers, in the opinion of Herbert Jensen, University of Minnesota senior, who is the owner of the school's only undergraduate beard.

"Everyone I meet suggests a reason for my beard," he says. "Just to clarify the situation, let me say that I have not been disappointed in love, I am not trying to establish myself as a campus personality, and I am not mentally deficient."

"To me my beard has been more than just whiskers. Psychologically speaking, it has been a boon to me in getting rid of an inferiority complex; it gives me that virile feeling.

"I'll admit, though, that it dosn't exactly please most girls. But at least I have the assurance that any girl who goes out with me Is broadminded and intelligent," say the bearded man, who has not revealed the number of such girls at Minnesota.

"My beard also gives me an academic advantage over the smooth-shaven student," Jensen argues. "Members of the faculty are extraordinarily cordial to me. They nod

Average University Professor

Is One Of World's Busiest Men

Instead of being a lazy individual who sticks to the campus because "it's a nice, easy life" the average university professor is one of the nation's busiest professional men, says Northwestern University, when a little study has been made. They found that the average teacher spent 9 hours a day in work connected with his classes and research, delivered 4.8 lectures during the year, traveled 1,213 miles, wrote two articles for publication, published a fifth of a book, taught evening classes, gave radio speeches and served as official for some learned society.

Girl is a Moving Force Behind

Nye Munitions Investigations

at me on the street and shake bands with me in the classroom. They treat me as a colleague. My beard gets the credit."

Cultivation of the beard has been a matter of perseverance, explains Jensen. It received a sever set-back when only two weeks old—a number of his -fraternity brothers, doubtless motivated by petty jealousy, forcibly removed a considerable portion of it.—(A. C. P.)


Plans for a sea-worthy father and daughter banquet are rapidly taking shape under the Y. W. social committee. The evening is to be centered around the Longfellow poem, "The Wreck of the Hesper-ides," with the dads acting as cap-tains and daughters as mates.—Oak Leaves, North Manchester, Indiana.

Fire totally destroyed the United Brethren church building last Saturday night. The structure, completely destroyed, was estimated to be worth $20,000. — The University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.

Work is to start immediately on the new stadium and lake project which was recently approved for Emporia State. Estimated cost of the project is $59,000.—The Bulletin, Emporia.

Twenty professors of Bible In the colleges and universities of Indiana will meet Saturday, March 14, for a conference and luncheon on the campus.—Oak Leaves, North Manchester, Indiana.

Women Doctors Can Succeed

Women doctors have not only accomplished some of the best research work in America, but they are doing well in both institutional work and general practice. Dr. W. T. Sanger, president of the Medical College of Virginia, said recently in response as a virulent attack on women doctors by Dr. Oliver Wendell. California specialist, published in a nationally circulated magazine.

Dr. Sanger emphatically denied the California man’s assertion that few women ever succeed in becoming good doctors.— (A. C. P.)

Library Floor Being Covered

with Linoleum—New Books In

A sharp-eyed, indefatigable 25-year-old girl has been revealed as the moving force behind the sensational discoveries of the Nye munitions committee. She is Miss Josephine Burns, former instructor in the department of history and political science at Mount Holyoke.

Miss Burns put in a solid year of research before the munitions investigating committee began its work. Tireless, she spent 15 hours a day in digging into forgotten documents, letters, pamphlets and state papers, and the data she amassed shocked the nation when it was presented by the Nye committee.

It was due mainly to Miss Burns’ efforts that the senate investigation was able to prove that neither President Wilson nor Secretary of State Lansing were motivated in their negotiations by a sincere desire for neutrality.


Columnist at Ohio State Univer-sity re-quotes the Cornell paper which relates how a professor of English received an essay which had been copied directly from a book. The professor announced that if the student guilty of plagiarism would see him after class, his name would  not be divulged.

When the class was over, he found five fidgety students waiting for him!

"American Neutrality" will be the subject of a K. U. Peace-action Com- mittee forum Thursday evening, Feb. 13 in the men's lounge of the Memorial Union building.—University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.



We had a good introduction to this sinful column but our esteemed librarian just interrupted us and we can’t recall it.

The prize story for this week hails from the Chem. dept. From various sources we learn that most of the freshmen were caught up on the quiz Monday when they couldn’t get access to their concealed notes. In fact, it seems that some of them were embarrassed when the assistants quietly removed the notes that were hidden among their papers. Even some of the prominent freshmen were caught in the melee. Needless to say, but most of the papers would be overgraded if they were marked F according to the assistants. It only goes to show that your sins will find you out. Late News reports say that further developments are expected before the Dr. returns.

New linoleum is now being laid in the reading rooms of the library as a direct and immediate result of the recent gift. Recent additions to the book list are Janet. "Major Symptoms of Hysteria;" 1936 "World Almanac;" Bastian, "Editing the Day’s News;" Kiltenback, "Artists’ Dictionary of Pronunciation;" Garrett, "Great Experiments in Psychology;" Reuter and Runner, "The Family;" Butcher, "Some Aspects of the Greek Genius;" Nim-koff, "The Child:" Malamud, "Out-lines of General Psychopathology;" and Garrett and Schneck, "Psychological Tests, Methods and Results." The International Relations club has given a number of books to the library which they received from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

We always considered it a tough break to be locked out of the house, but to get locked out during a first  class blizzard is much tougher. Such was the predicament to a couple of girls the other night. That ought to teach them a lesson to get in on time after this.

We would like to know what shade of red that Amos Miller's face turned when Mrs. Vaniman asked him an embarrassing question last Sunday?

A national essay contest to encourage youth to express itself on matters of government, education and business is being urged on President Roosevelt.

Privately endowed universities and preparatory schools might be wiped out by "tax the rich" legislation, says Dr. James Rowland An-gell of Yale.

Ten Harvard students, intrigued with nude snow bathing, have formed the Polar "Bare" club at Cambridge.

A national academy of public affairs, government-controlled along the lines of West Point and Annapolis, is proposed in a bill now before Congress.

Twenty-one professors and other experts have issued a booklet condemning the Townsend Plan as a "delusion."

Incorrect Verb Tenses Found On Diploma Causes Problem

Petite Mary Sanford, just graduated from the University of Minnesota, has the University administra-tion overwrought with excitement.

Scanning her nice, crinkly new diploma Miss Sanford noticed something ghastly in such a document: Immediately she wrote a letter to the president of the college, saying, "The document reads, 'Know all men by these presents that the Board of Regents by virtue of the authority vested in them by the state of Minnesota have conferred upon . . .' The pronoun 'them' and the auxiliary verb 'have,' both plural, refer to the subject, 'Board,' which is a collective noun and is considered sigualr. The correct form are 'it' and 'has'."

At the next Regents meeting, Miss Sanford's plaint will be the first item of new business, the President has assured her.

Members of Y. W. C. A. Learn Estes Songs in Last Meeting

The learning of Estes songs was the purpose of the Y. W. C. A. meeting last Monday morning. A group of students who were fortunate in attending Estes last summer led the group in the singing. The collection of five songs that were used included, "We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder," "Holderidria," "Lavender’s Green," "Green Grow the Rushes, Oh," and the Estes theme song.

Dorothy Matson reminded the Y members of the coming Bethel Conference which is to be held Feb. 21, 22, and 23. Newton is but thirty miles, and conference fees are very reasonable. The Y cabinets feel that McPherson College should send a large delegation if not the largest delegation present. All students who are interested in going to this conference should see Dorothy Mat-son or Leta Wine, President of the Y. W. The dead line for your registration is Wednesday, Feb. 19.

Y. M. Hears Reports on Kagawa and K.C. Cooperative Meeting

The McPherson College Y. M. C. A. met at the regular period this week. For devotions Paul Heckman read a theme entitled, "The Call for Men," a scripture from I Chronicles 26:8; a poem; and a prayer.

Jay Hertzler and Ralph Sherfy spoke to the group concerning the Consumers’ Cooperative association's meeting which they attended at Kansas City, Missouri Feb. 3 and 4. Their discussion centered around the lectures given by Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa, noted Japanese religious worker and promoter of cooperatives in Japan and America.

To close the meeting Mr. Heck-man gave the benediction.

Beginning next year. M. I. T. will limit its freshman class to 600.

To the alarm clock setters we suggest that you set the alarm next time for 10:40 so that it will not disturb one's peaceful sleep. Anyway, it would be nice to have an alarm wake us up near the close of chapel. We also wonder why the owners recognized their alarm and went to claim it immediately after chapel. The only statement that they make is that they had nothing to do with the incident. That sounds like a good story, but there is always a story behind the story you know.

Regular graduate courses on automobile traffic control will be started next fall by Harvard's Bureau for Street Traffic Research.

Dr. Leroy Hartman of the school of oral surgery, Columbia University, recently was credited all over the country with developing a new chemical formula for killing pain in teeth that are being drilled.

But now a reaction is setting in, and the public is finding that maybe it isn't all the newspapers said it was. Said Dr. Paul Kitchin of Ohio State University:

"The publicity given the new desensitizer is unfortunate in that anything which gives hope or promises as much relief as this does should have been put in the hands of the profession for a tryout before it was put into the minds of the public."

Dental Pain Killer Given Too

Much Publicity Before Tests


University Student Says Job of Morgue Custodian is O. K.

When Paul Schroeder's phone rings in the early morning hours, it isn't a prankish friend calling to ask if he's sleeping well, or news that someone's finally died and left him a million. Nine times out of ten it’s the police, or state troopers, or the emergency ward of a hospital, with a request that Schroeder drop around with the hearse and pick up a little business.

Schroeder, a liberal arts student at Syracuse University, is official custodian of the city morgue from 6 p. m. to 4 a. m. of every day. The work doesn't bother him, he says— he took the job a year ago—and he thinks it may prove to have been a useful experience. He plans to enter medical school next fall.—(A. C. P.)


By Conway Yount

Annual Spring Banquet of W. A. A. Set Now for April 3

The Women’s Athletic Association has set a date for the annual W. A. A. banquet which is held each spring. The date now in consideration is set for April 3. At this banquet it is the privilege of each W. A. A. member to invito her guest. The theme for this year's banquet will be Leap Year.

Initiation of all the new W. A. A. members will be held the week preceding the week of the banquet in order that all freshmen may attend who are eligible for membership.

It was also decided that if finances permitted the association would buy the awards to be given in the spring. This has not been in practice in recent years but it is now felt that since the girls put their services into the association they also should receive the awards as a definite award.

Heavy protective "armor" is responsible for many football injuries, according to D. O. McLaugh-ry of Brown, president of the Amer-ican Football Coaches Association.

down at Brights to-night, had a lot of fun pulling taffey and playing with mississippy dominoes.

Sat. 8. Cold as all outdoors to-day, and so Forney sent me out shoveling snow off the walks, and dust. It wouldn't be so bad if theyed let a guy do it after a warm rain someday. I got so cold I froze up about as tight as Newberg’s car when they wanted to start to Hutch. Lucky my rom was on the side away from the wind and the heat all blowed over to it and it was warm, only it was unlucky cos everybody come with it and tracked up my room somthing fierce.

I didn’t know it ever thundered when it was as cold as this, but I sure heard a lot of thunder when I was trying to sleep a little bit right after dinner. Jezebel must of caught cold, cos she has been horse ever since the cold weather struck.

Sun. 9. Glad I went to church today, I got a reel lift. I don’t think it was what doc Schwalm said so much as how he said it, but he sure made me want to help get other guys out to college to help them keep from getting shipwrecked on the pitfalls of life. Took Her to CE, she sure laughed about Abe Lincoln feeling bad whenever he got ingaged. I don't see whats so funny about that, thats plenty to make a guy serious.

Mon. 10. Some ruckus to-night about mid-night, some nut busted the hot water pipe in our wash room and I thought we was goin to half to man the pumps or take to the life boats. The main guy seemed to ho the first floor preacher. he must of been pulling some monkey business somewhere.

Tues. 11. I thought it’ud be funny to put that alarm clock in chepel, but it was’nt, I felt pert near as bad an Cheesey did. Mohler sure had toleration and love shining out of his eyes for a couple minutes. I like the new chapel hours cos they give a guy lots more time to sleep. I git asleap so tight I don't hear Jezebel half of the time, which is’nt missing so much at that. You have

Presbyterians Take Game from Bulldogs

Score is 30-17—Canines are Unable to Get Warmed Up— Defeat Cuts M. C.’s Chance for Title.

With one team cold and the other one hot College of Emporia defeated the McPherson College Bulldogs Tuesday night by a count of 30 to 17. The Presbyterians were able to hit the hoop while the Bulldogs  could not make the ball go through. The game was rough throughout and this defeat for McPherson cut down her lead for second place in the conference. At the half way mark C. of E. held an 18 to 8 lead and had little trouble in coasting the remainder of the way to victory.

Downing and Rock led the Em-porians’ attack. Downing made a total of 11 points while Rock made eight. Meyer led the Bulldogs with six points. The box score:

McPherson (17)    FG    FT    F

Haun ............................ 0    0    0

Johnston .......... 3    0    1

Meyer ............................ 1 2 3

Crabb ............................ 1 2 0

Barngrover .................... 1 1 8

Weigand ................... 0    0    0

Hapgood ..................... 0 0 0

Flowers ......................... 0    0    0

Flory ............................. 0    0    0

Totals ............ 6    5    7

C. of E. (30    FG    FT    F

Rock .............. 4    0    0

Downing ....................... 4     3    0

Moon ................................ 1 0 1

Wasson ......................... 3 0 3

Leo ............................... 1 1 3

Edmond .................... 0    0 0

Newland ....................... 0    0    0

Sharp ........................... 0    0    0

Totals ................. 13    4    10

Sophomores A Team is Intramural Leader

Seniors Rate Second—Freshman B Next—Juniors Place Fourth

For the last week or two there has been very little action seen in the intramural basketball games. At the present time the Sophomore A and the Seniors are leading the flock. The Sophomore A team has won four and lost none, while the Seniors have played only one and won it. The Freshman B team comes next in that it has won three and lost only one. The Juniors are in fourth place and then comes the Sophomore B team. The What-Nots and the Freshman A teams have neither won a game thus far.

The Sophomore A team has piled up 124 points to their opponents’ 51. The Seniors have made 36 to their opponents' 34. The Freshman B team has made 114 points while their opponents have made 111. Mohler is the captain of the Sophomore A. Reinecker is at the head of the Senior team, while Yoder is taking charge of the Freshman B team.

Intra-mural standings:    

Won Lost Pct. Pts. Opts. Soph. A ..... 4 0    1.000    124    51

Seniors ...... 1 0    1.000    36    34

Fresh. B .... 3 1 .750    114    111

Juniors ..... 2 2    .500    112    119

Soph. B ..... 1 3 .250     98 103

What-Nots 0 2    .000    38    70

Fresh. A .. 0 3    .000    78    112

We surely are sorry that Coach Binford is ill and we hope for a speedy recovery. Considering how cold it got when the team invaded the eastern part of the state it is a wonder that most of the team didn’t come back sick.

The Bulldogs won one and lost one last week and then dropped a game to Emporia last Tuesday. This still leaves the Bulldogs in second place in the conference.

Baker is still undefeated and the chances are rather thin for any one but McPherson to beat them. But there are still several dark horses in the conference who might slip up and hand them a defeat. We can see that there is still a chance for the Bulldogs to win the conference title. We all know that Baker had a good team last year and that with the same team back this year that there is no reason why they shouldn't win the title.

The Bulldogs play Ottawa on the local court Friday night. There is considerable doubt as to whether or not Coach Binford will be on the sideline to coach his team to a victory. The Bulldogs have , met the Braves once this year and come out on top and we look for the boys to win.

Let's see every student down there in the cheering section and help those Bulldogs beat the Braves. Let's give the cheerleaders some real support. What do you say?

Clinic for Crippled Children

to be Held at Lyons Feb. 21

A free diagnostic clinic for crippled children will be held at Lyons, Feb. 21. The clinic is bein sponsored by the Rice County Medical Society and the Kansas Crippled Children Commission. The clinic is for crippled children of Rice county and surrounding territory, and will be held in the High School Auditorium, Lyons, beginning at 10 a. m. and continuing until 4 p. m. All who are crippled or deformed in any way are urged to come for an examination and advice.

The clinic will be conducted by Dr. Charles Rombold, orthopedic surgeon of Wichita. All examinations, advice, and diagnoses are free, this being provided for by the Kansas Crippled Children law.

For further information call or write your county chairman Mrs. Paul A. Jones, Lyons; O. J. Silver-wood, Ellsworth; Lee Miller, McPherson; and Robert Garvin, St. John. If your county chairman is not listed please communicate with W. W. Chandler, Lyons, who is in charge of the arrangements.


(From "Gourdie" Green's Diary)

Thurs. 6. Dixie Melody Masters put on good program tonight in community building. Them guys could really sing. I liked it finly only I did feel kinda sorry for that fly. The Speck said they sang at pep chapel and I was there but didn’t see them, guess I’ll have to go have my eyes tested. Forney run sombody out of the YW room tonight. I couldn’t see who, but they had quite an argyment, guess Forney thought he had loved her enough and he didn’t. Guess I’ll have to try that some night when he aint around.

Fri. 7. Blair talked to us in chapel this AM. He said as how it is tough on the liberties of the people when the ship of state gets caught in a bad storm. I spose maby its tougher still when the captain tries to find his way out by using new maps what never been tested, or letting the perfessers have the wheel. So he had a girl in calico back home did he, thats the first time I thought of Henrietta in a week. Thoughts of my childhood still come to me in my manhood, but I have learned to love em and leave em. The pres. must of been imbarrassed when Blair asked if we had a whisle. And then Jezebel blaired forth. Party

time to git in a lot more trouble if you miss too. Shucks, our boys got beat by C of E whoever or whatever that is. Sure wish coach would git well quick.

Wed. 12. Theres one question I wish would git found out and thats who wrote the letter to Lucile? If she don’t find out perty soon I’m going to turn Merlock Jones and uphold the long arm of the law and sniff out the trail of the shark what did it. Wish theyed git us a good dinner bell so we would'nt so many of us be late to breakfast, tough when us guys on secand and first half to rely on the third floor bell. When the dorm begins to jump up and down we know the third floor bunch is coming. Sure a lot of laughing at table one tonight, I wonder whats so funny. Probably nothing, thats whats funny about it. Some weather we been having, you have to look out the windy before you say whether its a nice day or not. The powers that be sent us a lot of cold and snow etc. to-day, walks got so slick it was hard to keep in right side down. Hope it gets better by tomorrow-night, I don’s want to slip in to the Ocappel-la roundition, we got tickets.