Dixie Melody Masters Give Final Lyceum Program to Include Plantation Melodies, Camp Meeting, and Slavery Songs Quartet Has Reputation Amos 'n Andy Selected Dixie Melody Masters to Sing "I love You Truly" at Wedding The Dixie Melody Masters, famous Negro quartet, will be offered tonight at 8 o'clock at Convention Hall as the last number of the lyceum course. This year's lyceum course has proved unusually successful, and those attending have been high in their praise. It is expected that this group will more than reach the high standards of quality of the other performances. This male quartet is considered to be one of the best numbers available through any source for such presentations, and features southern melodies, as camp meeting songs, plantation songs, and songs of slavery days. The program will be of varied numbers and will be of interest to every one. Marion L. Kay, dramatic tenor of the group, has enjoyed an unusually successful career as soloist and has starred in many famous productions. Harry D. Mickle, who sings tenor with the quartet, has an enviable reputation as a tenor soloist and dramatic artist of the radio and concert stage. George Bizzelle, bass-baritone, has appeared throughout the country as soloist, singing all the standard oratorios, and has also had wide radio experience. He has gained great popularity in his sing-ing of the "Volga Boatman" in the Russian language. Raymond Lowe, baritone, has studied vocal art with some of the best teachers obtainable in this country and sings in French, German, and Italian. His musical training also included the study of the piano which has fitted him most excellently as an accompanist. When Amos ’n Andy, the famous radio pair, searched the country for the outstanding negro quartet, the Dixie Melody Masters were selected. It was this quartet which sang "I Love You Truly" at the wedding of Amos and Ruby Taylor. Admission to the program will be either by single admission or by season tickets. The McPherson College debate teams which are eligible for junior college competition will attend the junior college debate tournament at Hutchinson this coming Friday and Saturday. Only junior colleges and freshmen and sophomores of fou-year colleges are eligible for participation in this tournament. McPherson College will enter five teams in the tournament. Those who will represent McPherson in- clude Conway Yount, La Mar Bol- linger; Harold Larson, Waldo New- berg; Marvin Riddell, Addison Saat-hoff; Inez Goughnour, Alberta Kel-ler; Harriette Smith, and Theresa Strom. Each debate team will enter in three rounds of decision debates Friday afternoon and also in three rounds of debate Saturday morning. This year the teams will not remain in Hutchinson overnight but will re-turn to McPherson Friday evening. Last year McPherson College debaters were relatively successful at this same tournament at Hutchinson. The teams secured fifth place; considering that there were some 17 schools entered this record is very good. One McPherson team consisting of Alvin Lindgren and Willard Flaming went through six rounds of debate undefeated. McPherson College was represented by Doctor Schwalm, Dean Mohler, Doctor Hershey, and Professor Bowman at the meeting of the Kansas Council of Church Colleges in Wichita last Friday afternoon, Doc-tor Schwalm read a paper on "The Contribution of the Church College to Social Progress." The high point of the meeting was the address giv- en by President Bromely Oxnam of De Pauw University in Indiana. The Council decided to put on again this spring a cooperative publicity program for church colleges. Doctor Schwalm, President Fleming of Baker, and President Kelly of the College of Emporia were selected as a committee to plan this publicity program. Features of the program will be a number of addresses made in various parts of the state by lead-ers from the various church colleges, posters to be used by colleges in their churches, and a banquet to be held in Wichita at which a nationally known speaker will give an address in behalf of the church colleges. College Orchestra Featured in Church Program Sunday Evening Sunday evening's worship services at the Brethren church was entirely musical for the second time in the past few weeks. Selections by the McPherson College orchestra furnished the program this week. The orchestra opened the program with three numbers from the Schubert Suite. "Minuet from Violin Sonata," "By the Sea," a descriptive piece, and "March Heroique." By way of contrast the group offered three numbers from the Tschalkowsky Suite. These included "Sweet Dreams," "Kamarinska-ja," a Russian dance, and "Longing." For the closing number of the evening's program the orchestra showed its skill in presenting the first movement of Schubert's "Un finished Symphony." Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 A new course in marriage at Syracuse university will enroll 130 stu-dents this semester, with 415 on the waiting list. Y Conference Coming to Bethel February 21Weiman and Chubb Included On Well Planned Program On Religion Estes Banquet in Eve Good Leaders and Low Expenses Make this a Worthwhile Meeting for All "Great men are those who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world."—Emorson. Following somewhat the same theme as suggested by Emerson the Bethel Conference will convene on Feb. 21. Friday evening is to be given over entirely to an open panel discussion. There these spiritual forces that should be strong but often are not will be discussed. Such topics as—"Why the indifference toward religion?", "The cause of disbelief even when the student says in words that he does believe," and the actually religious activities in the Y will be discussed. With this as a basis for thought, Dr. Wieman will address the conference the next morning on the subject. "The Highest Loyalty." During the afternoon a roundtable on "Pathways to God" will take place. Such leaders as Dr. Wieman, James Chubb, Helen Beavers, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Geb-hardt will lead the discussions. The day will be completed with a rousing Estes banquet and party that will give one a glimpse of the grandeur and majesty that is Estes. Sunday morning a worship program and a talk by Dr. Wieman will complete the program. This last address of Dr. Wieman’s should prove very in-teresting and stimulating for he is to talk on "God and Social Problems." Dr. Wieman, who is from Chicago University, is a leader in religious thought. Several of his books can be found in our library, namely "The Issues of Life and Religious Experience and the Scientific Spirit." The expenses for this conference are nominal. The registration fee is 50c, room and breakfast is free, Saturday lunch is 25c, and the Estes banquet 40c. This, besides transportation charges, are the only expenses a delegate will incur. All of these reasons make this conference a worthwhile one, and oven though the Regional Conference in McPherson will be in progress at the same time, this is an opportunity an alert student cannot afford to miss. Five McPherson College Teams To Be Entered at Hutchinson |
Y’s Meet on Monday For Second Semester Inspirational Program of Music and Poetry Begins Season The Y organizations of McPherson College met in a joint meeting for the first time under the new schedule of the second semester. Lucille Ullery played the prelude and postlude for the meeting. Group singing was led by Viola Harris. The numbers were "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" and "Father in Heaven, Who Lovest All." Lota Wine, president of the Y. W. announced that a conference similar to one that was held at McPherson last year will be held at Bethel Col-lege at Newton, from Feb. 21 to Feb. 23. The outstanding subject of the conference will be, "Why are so many students indifferent to religion?" ILt is urged that as many as possible attend this conference to represent McPherson College Y’s. Miss Wine also told about the Heart Sister week which is to be the week preceding Valentine's day. Each girl will be given the name of another girl which is to be kept a secret as the small deeds of kindness will come throughout the week. Any Y. W. member who is interested should give her name to Bernice Dresher. The first number of the program consisted of a chalk talk by Chester Colwell who was accompanied at the piano by June McNamee. Devotional poems were read by Fred Nace, Lola Mae Harbough, George Toland, and Theresa Strom. The college mixed quartette sang the selection "I am the Builder" by Caldman. A second group of devotional poems were read by Modena Kauffman, Lowell Hal-deman, Margaret Messemer, and Vora Heckman. To close the meeting Miss Wine gave the benediction. State Historical Meeting Here Elmer Staats is Guest Speaker The tenth annual Kansas History Teachers Meeting will be held at McPherson College this spring. The date has been tentatively set for April 4; it will be an all day meeting. "World Recovery" will be the theme of the morning session. Elmer Staats, McPherson graduate of 1935, will present a paper on "The Relation of the Foreign Policy of the New Deal Towards Recover." Mr. Staats is now taking graduate work at Kansas University. Other speakers will include W. W. Davis, the new chairman of the history department at Kansas University; and Prof. F. A. Shannon, of Kansas State College and the leading Kansas writer of books in the history fields. One of Professor Shannon's recent outstanding books is "The Economic History of the United Slates." E. L. Harshbarger of Bethel, W. H. Walker of Fort Hays State Teachers College, Ernest Mahan of the State Teachers College at Pittsburgh, S. A. Johnson of Em-poria State Teachers College, and Miss Jessica Smith of Wichita North high school will also appear as speakers on the program. There will be a speaker from one of the junior colleges in Kansas. It has not been definitely decided who this will be. |
CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Thursday, Feb. 6—Student tea, 4 to 5:30; Chemistry Club, 4:30; Lyceum, Dixie Melody Masters, at Convention Hall, 8 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 9—C. E. at the Col-lege Church, 6:45 p. m. Monday. Feb. 10—Regular Y. W. and Y. M. meeting, 11 a. m. Tuesday, Feb. 11—World Service meeting in Y. W. room, 7 p. m. Sophs Place Most In Ranks of Honor Bollinger and Peterson Lead With 51 Points Each Final grades for the first semester have been recorded and the tabulation of individual honor points completed. The number of students who attained the honor roll and honorable mention this time is exceptionally large. LaMar Bollinger and Lillian Peterson lead the list with 51 points each. Corwin Bare, Willis Bred-feldt, and Alvin Lindgren each earned 46 points; Lucile Cole, Lowell Heiny, Mrs. Juilma Juana Helm, and Eldred Mathes, 45 points;: Yolanda Clark and Lois Gnagy, 43 points; Erwin Bentz and Archie Van Nortwick, 42 points; Opal Hoffman, 41 points; and Hillard Shaffer, 40 points. Those making honorable mention are Rosalie Fields, Alvin Goering, Lola Mae Hurbaugh, Merle Messa-mer, Wanda Hoover, Harold Rein-ecker, and Clara Schurman with 39 points; Delbert Barley, Glee Gough-nour, Inez Goughnour and Margaret Hahn with 38 points; Eva Fay Thomison with37 points;: Jay Hertzler, Isobel Kittell, E m m a Schmidt, Leona Sellers, and George Toland with 36 points; and Dale Embers, Evelyn High, Betty Juelfs, and Asta Ostlind with 35 points each. Summary of honor roll: Summary of honorable mention; Freshmen 5 Grades for the first semester were made available to the students beginning yesterday. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors may obtain their grades from the central office. Freshmen may get their grades from their faculty adviser. Names of the freshmen with their faculty advisers have been posted on the bulletin board. Dr. Schwalm Speaks Before Council of Church Colleges Happy Birthday! Max Oliver ....... Stephen Vaughn Vernon Michael . Dale Embers ...... Ruth Spilman .... Gertrude Myers .. |
Women Elect Council To Act as Mediator Arnold, Kline, and Town Girls Are Represented—Eight Members Last Friday after chapel Doctor Smith met with all of the women students of the college for the pur-pose of assuring them of her interest in their problems and of urging them to come into her office occasionally for conferences. She suggested that the girls elect a council to act as a mediator between the faculty and the women students. The suggestion was received enthusiastically. Eight girls were elected: one from each floor in Arnold, one from Kline, three from among the girls who live in their own homes, and one from among the girls who live in private homes. The girls elected were Margaret Poister, Margaret Messamer, and Lucille Ullery from Arnold. Lois Gnagy was selected to represent Kline; Bernice Dresher, Marie Stover, and Phyllis Powers were chosen by the girls living in their own homes; and Lucille Cole by the girls living in private homes other than their own. These girls will meet with Miss Smith at certain scheduled times and discuss problems and interests common to the girls on McPherson College campus. There is no doubt that some worthwhile projects and ideas will grow out of those meetings. Doctor Smith gave a dinner inhonor of the eight council members last Tuesday night in the dining room of the Home Economics department. Members of the foods classes assisted with the preparation and serving of the dinner. The table was attractively decorated with pink us the predominating color. Many Donate Books to College Library-Several New Additions The following persons made gifts to the library during the first semester of this year: Mrs. J. G. M. Hursh, grandmother of Betty Juelfs; Prof. E. R. Bohling; Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright; Dr. V. F. Schwalm; Prof. S. M. Dell; Mrs. Holzemer; Mrs. C. A. Hiebert; Rev. W. T. Luck-ett; the International Relations Club; Prof. R. E. Mohler; Mrs. Roland Jones; Mrs. W. J. Krehbiel; Supt. J. A. Blair; Prof. J. L. Bowman; Oliver Andrews; Paul Booz. Several gifts came from authors and publishers. New books this week are: Avent, J. E. "Excellences and Errors in Classroom Management"; Hart, J. K. "Education for an Age of Pow-er"; Rose, H. J. "Handbook of Greek. Literature"; Overstreet, H. A. "The Enduring Quest"; Hopkins, E. W. "History of Religions." Prof. R. E. Mohler gave three books: Heg-ner, R. W. "Invertebrate Zoology"; Zoethout, W. D. "Textbook of Physiology"; and Lindsay, A. W. "Textbook of Genetics." Adams, J. T. "History of the U. S."; Hornaday, W. T. "American Natural History"; and Parsons. G. "Universal History of the World" were purchased with money given by a good friend of the College. The eighteenth volume of the "Dictionary of American Biography" has been received. Deputy Sheriff Milton James Gives Talk on Crime in C. E. Deputy "Sheriff Milton James of the McPherson county police force spoke to the College Christian Endeavor group Sunday evening. His subject was about crime and the help that college students can give to aid in crime prevention. Preced- ing Sheriff James' address the Mc- Pherson College mixed quartette sang the song, "Arise Oh Lord" arranged by Dels, Lola Mae Har-baugh led in devotions by reading the first Psalm. A short business session was held by the president, Paul Miller. It was decided by the Endeavor to let the C. E. executive appoint the persons to act on the Youth Council of McPherson. Viola Harris spent Saturday night with Bernadine Ohmart. |
Annual Play of Thespian Club Selected—Dr. Flory to Direct "You and I," the play by Philip Barry, has been selected by the Thespian club as its annual play to be given a month from today, March 13. It is a three-act play with its setting in a country home in New York state. The plot centers around the White family. Dr. Claude Flory will direct the play. The cast is composed of the following: Veronica Duane, Estelle Baille; Roderick White, Merle Mes-samer; Nancy White, Dorothy Matson: Etta, Viola Harris; Maitland white, Kenneth Weaver; G. T. War-ren, Homer Kimmel; Jeoffrey Nichols, Fred Nace. The try-outs were not restricted to members of the Thespian Club but were open to any that were interested. Members of the cast not already in the Thespian Club auto-matically became members of the club when they were chosen for the play cast. Dr. Smith to Continue Teas the Second Semester—First One Today Doctor Smith plans to continue her student teas this semester. Instead of having them every week as she did last semester, however, she will have them every other week. They will be from 4 to 5:30 p. m. on Thursday. These teas are open to all college students. Lillian Peterson will assist Doctor Smith this afternoon with her first tea of the semester. Miss Smith cordially invites anyone who wishes to come. |
DIXIE MELODY MASTERS June 22, ten days before the American Olympic rowing trials, has been set as the date for this year's Poughkeepsie regatta. 17 Years Old, 8 feet 4 and Still Growing—May be Tallest Recorded One boy the principal couldn't lick. He's Robert Wadlow, 17 years old who has just been graduated from high school in Alton, Illinois. He is going to enter college next fall to study law. We don't know for sure, but we imagine Robert is being de- luged by offers from college basketball coaches right now. For Robert is 8 feet, 4 inches in height and weighs 390 pounds. Bobbie is still growing. Doctors think he may become the tallest man in recorded history. Finally got my cards from Fries. I think he knowed all the time he was going to let me by, but didn't want me to come back next year with such poor infinances. Nothing much to do, too early in the semester to study. Fri. 31. Miss Smith said something real incouraging in psychology to-day, she said that there wasn't much dating now, but just to wait till spring, the couples would be walking everywhere you looked over the campus, I looked back, Lind-gren, and Haldeman, and Denny, and Molly was smiling like they felt the same as I did. We beet the ky- Class to Give Kipling Program The advanced expression class will give a Kipling program which is to be presented in chapel during the Regional Conference. The programs will consist of readings, songs, and stories. Part of the program will be given with costumes. Sunday to be College Day at Church This coming Sunday will be College Day at the Brethren Church. College musical talent will be used on the program. An offering will be taken to apply on the church's quota for the support of the college. College Lays New Floors In Sharp Basement Hall The college administration has made possible the laying of a new oak floor in the basement hall lead-ing to the new student union room. It has also made possible the construction of a partition beneath the stairway in the same hall. These improvements add much to the appearance of the approach to the new room. Work on the student union room has again stopped because of a shortage of finances. The student council treasurer reports that approximately $200 is needed before the work will be resumed. World Cooperation Commission Maps Recent World News Events Recent news of the world is being scanned and essential items selected and presented on the bulletin board. Clippings are arranged around a map of the world, with a string running from the clipping to the spot on the map which is involved in the article. Evelyn Pierce and Lola Mae Har- baugh have charge of this and make changes keeping the news up-to-date. This project is one of the activities sponsored by the World Cooperation Y commission which is headed by Emma Schmidt and David Metzger. |
Every Rain Brings Bath of Radium and Radio Active Lead Every time it rains man gets a radium bath, and half an hour afterward there is laid down on the earth an imperceptible film of radioactive lead. These findings were described this week by Dr. Richard L. Dean of the University of Chicago. Cosmic ray meters were made for the tests by Dr. Arthur H. Compton, new beginning new measurements of cosmic rays in several widely separated parts of the world. During trial testing in a single room, the seven meters were set up and used to measure the radio activity of the air during and just after a rainstorm.—-(By College News Service). Each first down would count for ont point under a new football slor-ing system proposed to the national collegiate rules committee. Graduate courses in automobile traffic control will be offered by Harvard next year. Seventy-three nationalities are represented among the 8800 stu-dents at Boston University. Stanford University regulations keep the nearest bar five miles from student beer-drinkers. |
Outstanding Religions of World Are Discussed in World Service The World Service group discussed the relative benefits and desirability of different types of religion which are in wide use today throughout the world. Another feature of the World Service meeting was the singing of the Central College male quartette. To open the meeting the quartette sang two numbers, one of which was the negro spiritual, "Standing in the Need of Prayer." The opening prayer was given by Harriette Smith. The book "Treasure House of Great Religions" afforded the source for religions excerpts which were given by Wanda Hoover, Theresa Strom, Donald Petry, and Harriette Smith. Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Christianity were the four outstanding religions of the world which were discused by the group. To each religion certain important doctrines of all religions were discussed. Those subjects included the "Supreme God," "What is Man?," "Love," "Divine Dictation of Self Dictation." The male quartette sang a number to close the meeting which was followed by the benediction, given by Wanda Hoover. |
(From "Gourdie" Green's Diary) otes to-night in a game of blackman, seemed like someway the empire just couldn't git going. No wonder our boys couldn't play better, every time the timekeepers blowed they thought it was time to go to class. Wish someboy'd get up a stunt at the half of all the games, only I don't want them to start none of that Alley-oop stuff on us Freshmen. Stayed up so late at a bull session that I wrote this tomorrow. Sat. 1. February. Liked to never got out in time to suit Forney, wish he'd git in such a hurry sometime with the heat before breakfast. He sure looks proud every time that fog horn bellows. Left my soap in the shower again to-night and som-body hooked it. I'm gitting tired of keeping the whole floor in soap, I don't want to be a theif but I guess I'll have to do it too or wash without. Sure cold without today. Swell date tonight, we played cards till closing time, then a bunch of us guys played some more till about twelve-thirty. Sun. 2. Ray, there wont be much more winter, cos the ground-hog didn't see his shadow to-day. Lerned to be a mental telepather to-day, I didn't believe in it at first, but there must be something to it or I couldn't of picked out the ace of spades that way. Everybody in the dorm was thinking about numbers, I didn't think there was as many decks of cards in the whole town as I saw to-day. Took Her to CE tonight. What the guy said about learning crime by the ABCs made me think about the guys which steal the soap when you leave it in the wash room. Maybe it does serve a guy right, he hadn't ought to he so absent-minded. but what would them guys do if they found a automobile which somebody had absentmindedly left the key in while they went into a store or some where? After CE we monkeyed around awhile and went to the YW room and played cards awhile. I don’t know what the trouble was but there was fights going |
on on three davenports while we was there, and they was still fighting when we left. I dont know who was winning but it looked to me like it was nothing to nothing. Mon. 3. Finding a practical use for some of what I learned in Old Testament. We studdied about Jez-ebel and all the mean things she did. Well, thats about the fittenist name I can think of for Forney's latest brain-child. Every time I hear that fog horn I wish sombody would throw her down so hard there would be 13 baskets full of fragments to gather up. Well, I was coming out of the ad building right behind doc Petry to-day and just as he went out the door Jezebel belched, and doc Petry said, "That thing is the offspring of perdition!" Glad I never hatched the idea. Tue. 4. Boy! o Boy! o Boy! we just soaked Ottawa in an overtime period. No use to try to study anymore, glad we got an excuse at last. I went to town this P. M., and cot a ride about a block down. Just as the guy started up again Jezebel blared forth, and the guy pulled over and looked back to see what kind of a truck was following us. I told him it was just Jezebel up at the college and he wanted to know if all the girls came running down to see who was honking every time it goes. They never did pay that much attention to anybody, unless he had a car with a better horn than that. Wed. 5. |
Of The
Harvard-Chicago to Clash on Gridiron for First Time in '38 Plans for a football series between Harvard and Chicago in 1938 and 1939 were confirmed by William J. Bingham and T. N. Metcalf, athletic directors of the two universities this week. It will be the first time the two institutions have met on the gridiron. The Maroons will travel to Cambridge, Mass., to meet Harvard on Nov. 5, 1938, and Harvard will come to Chicago on Oct. 14, 1939. Arrangement of the 1938 date was made possible when Princeton athletic officials asked Chicago to be released from the second date of a series between the Tigers and the Maroons on account of schedule difficulties. According to the revised card, H. O. (Fritz) Crisler, a Chicago alumnus, will bring his Princeton team to Stagg field Oct. 16, 1937. SPORTS made nine free tosses to four for their opponents. Barngrover went out on four personals when there out on four personals two minutes before the close of the game. The box score: Haun ........................... 1 1 2 Johnston ....................... 5 0 1 Meyer ........................... 2 1 0 Crabb ........................... 1 5 0 Barngrover .................. 3 2 4 Hapgood ....................... 0 0 0 Weigand ....................... 0 0 0 Kansas Wesleyan Snyder .......................... 2 1 1 Duerkson ...................... 5 2 3 Walsh ............................ 2 1 2 Watson .......................... 2 0 0 High ....................... 1 0 1 Baer ............................... 0 0 2 Blair ....................... 0 0 0 CONFERENCE STANDINGS W L Pct. Baker ...................... 3 0 1.000 McPherson ............. 2 0 1.000 Ottawa ........................ 3 2 .600 C. of E................... 2 2 .500 Kansas Wesleyan ........ 1 3 .250 W. A. A. Basketball Marked By Close Play—Small Scores This week has been marked by close competition between the Women’s Athletic Association basketball teams. On Wednesday night of this week the teams played a tie game which was played off in a two minute overtime period (which, by the way, is against the rules). At the end of the regular game the score was fifteen all. At the end of the overtime period the long and short team, namely Barngrover and Shorty Wine had won the game by a score of 17-15. The in-between team (all the others not on the long and short team) and sometimes called the referee-and-flash team had better luck Tuesday night and won the game in the regular period by a score of 21 to 15. The next game will be played Friday night and will be the play off game for this week. So for real entertainment don't miss the fall downs and shoot at the goal players. This week’s games not included. Games this week: Tuesday McPherson at Ottawa. Wednesday McPherson at Baker. * Thursday C. of E. at Kansas Wesleyan. Friday C. of E. at Bethany. Saturday Kansas Wesleyan at Ottawa. SPORT LIGHTS By Conway Yount Basketball, basketball everywhere, that’s all you hear. Nothing else seems to matter. The fans in Mc-Pherson have gone mad. The Bulldogs beat Ottawa and the Globe trounced Kansas City. What more could you ask for? The Bulldogs played ragged ball against Ottawa but they finally came out on the top of the score after playing five minutes overtime. The scoring power of the Ottawa game goes to Johnston and Meyer who made 26 points be-tween them. When the Bulldogs downed Ottawa this gave them an excellen chance to stay up there at the top of the conference. We are sorry that it is necessary for our column to be written before Wednesday night or we surely would tell you something of the Baker game, and we know that by the time the Spectator comes out you will know all about the Baker game but we are still wishing for the best and wishing power to those Bulldogs. O. U. Bows to M. C. By 2 Point Margin Johnston Leads by Scoring 14 Points—Meyer Makes 12— Lynch of Ottawa Scores 11. The Bulldogs defeated Ottawa Tuesday night by a score of 39 to 37 in an overtime game. At the end of the regular playing period the game was at a 33 all deadlock. The Ottawa team was in the lead at the end of the first half by a count of 20 to 12. The Bulldogs played ragged ball during the first half and part of the second. With the second half about half gone the Bulldogs tied the score and the score see-sawed for the remainder of the game. Both teams fought very bitterly during the overtime period but the Bulldog team came out on top. Johnston, McPherson forward, was high scorer of the game with a total of 14 points. Tony Meyer, McPherson center, scored 12 points. Lynch led the scoring for Ottawa with 11 points. McPherson played hectic ball during most of the game. They were unable to find the basket and could not pass accurately. It was not until the latter part of the final period that the McPherson team settled down to playing a good grade of basketball. Haun, f ......................... 0 0 3 Johnston, f .................. 6 1 3 Hapgood, f ................... 0 0 4 Meyer, c ....................... 6 0 2 Flowers, g .................... 1 0 0 Crabb, g ....................... 2 6 2 Barngrover, g .............. 0 1 2 Totals ..................... 14 11 15 Seymour, f .................... 2 0 3 Daylight, f .................... 1 4 4 Barker, f ....................... 4 2 4 Miller, c ........................ 0 0 0 Harding, g .................... 0 0 1 Pett, g ........................... 1 0 3 Lynch, f ........................ 5 1 3 Reese, g ........................ 2 0 2 Mullins, c ..................... 0 0 1 Totals ...................... 15 7 21 Referee: Ab Hindshaw, C. of E. Bulldogs Nose OutLead Over CoyotesMcPherson Takes Wesleyan with a Score of 33 to 27 Friday The McPherson College Bulldogs staged a last-half rally Friday night to defeat the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes by a score of 33 to 28. The half score was 10 to 7 in favor of Wesleyan. The McPherson team was on the small end of the score until about ten minutes of the second half was gone. In the middle of the second half Barngrover, Bulldog guard, found the basket and hit the hoop for three straight field goals. These points put the McPherson team out in front by a few counts. It was not long until Johnston got warmed up good and made several points. The Bulldogs piled up a ten point lead when there were about five minutes of the game remaining. The Wesleyan team staged a rally and reduced this to a three point lead, with only two minutes and forty-five seconds left to play in the game. The Coyotes failed to gain these three points which were necessary to tie the score. The game went by halves, in that Wesleyan was rather hot the first half when the Bulldogs could hit nothing. The McPherson team made only one field goal during the entire first half of the game. In the second half the Coyotes did not get any better but the McPherson team came back on the floor with the determination to win the game and showed a much improved grade of basketballs The Bulldogs piled up 11 field goals in the last period of play while the Coyotes only made 18 points in the last half. Duekson, Wesleyan forward, was high scorer for the game with a total of 12 points, five field goals and two free throws. Johnston led the scoring for the Bulldogs with ten points. Each team scored 12 field goals but the McPherson team |
Intramural basketball has been held up thus far this week because of the basketball trip that the varsity made. At the present time it seems that the Sophomore A team is leading with three victories. The seniors have played only one game and they won it. We have made no mention of the Brethren Sunday School team thus far this year. The church has two teams entered in the leagues at the Y. M. C. A. One of the teams is made up of men who have no college or high school letters in basketball. The other team is for anyone who is not playing on any other team. In the junior division the team has won one game and lost one, while in the senior division the team had a perfect standing until Tuesday night when the Presbyterians defeated them. The Junior team plays each Friday night and the senior team plays on Tuesday nights. Sorry if "sport lights" seems to be dry to you but we are doing our best. Yes sir! |
Bulldogs Defeated by Baker Wildcats With Score 38-27 Baker went to the top of the conference last night when they handed the McPherson College Bulldogs a 38 to 27 defeat. Before the game last night both teams bad a standing of 1.000 in the conference in that they had both won 3 and lost no games. The defeat last night for the McPherson team sent them down to second place and gave the Wildcats the lead in the conference. The Bulldogs play a return game with Baker at McPherson later this month and so they still have a chance to win or tie for the conference championship. Recent Division of W. A. A. Team Gets Better Results The Women's Athletic Association has recently divided its basketeers into two teams which is proving to be more satisfactory to both teams and all members concerned. Instead of the previous setup in which there were three teams each of which was somewhat handicapped because of lack of numbers there are now only two teams allowing more substitutions. This assures at least six players. Team number one is made up of Phyllis Barngrover, Aileen Wins, Becky Ann Stauffer, Evelyn Herr, Irene Smith, Evelyn High, Lucille Cole and Jessie Miller. Team Number Two is made up of the following members: Rilla Hubbard, Marjorie Flory, Lenore Shirk, Lola Mae Harbough, Mildred Stutz-man, Maxine Clark, Alberta Keller, Eva Fay Thomison, La Vena High and Ruth Rogers. Although cheered at times and booed at other times "Hick" Rein-eckcr is still acting as referee. "Almost any English-speaking person can get a job in China teaching English."—William E. Daugherty, Ohio State graduate, returns from Tung Chow. |
College Alumni Met Monday The McPherson College Alumni Association met Monday, Jan. 27, to elect officers. Professor Dell was elected president: Clifford Dresher, vice-president; Corrine Bowers, secretary: and Wilbur Yoder, treasurer. |