Not only has the appearance of the library been improved this summer by the redecoration which has taken place in the Interior but the content has been improved by the addition of a number of new books.

Several volumes on religion were presented to the library by W. T. Luckett of Hutchinson, an alumnus of McPherson. A two volume set. "The Development of the League of Nations," was presented by the au thor, Theodore Marburg, who Is chairman of the Foreign Organiza-tion Committee. League to Enforce Peace. Several books on religion and philosophy have been purchased. Another interesting addition is the University Debaters’ Annual. This book contains constructive and rebuttal speeches delivered in debates of American colleges and universities during the college year 1934-1935. The autobiography. "Every Man a King,” by Huey 'Long, the Louisiana senator who met his death at an assassin's bullet a short time ago, will attract the interest of many,

A number of plays have been added to the collection. Among the new additions are a number of religious dramas.


The increase in the number of students who have enrolled during the past week has been encouraging. There have been eight students who have passed through the enrolling ranks since a week ago yesterday.

The figures for the number of members In each class now stand at 126 freshmen, 75 sophomores, 44 Juniors and 31 seniors. There are four special students and 61 fine arts students.

These numbers compare very fa vorably with those of last year. A year ago today there were eight special students and 55 fine arts students. This brought the total number to 343 last year in comparison with 341 this year.

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, sept. 19, 1935


Work under the National Youth Administration is helping 41 students in attending college here this fall. The N. Y. A. consists of various, kinds of work for the students, such as work In the city library, the Red Cross, the police station, pastors assistant, community welfare, Y. M.

C. A., Junior orchestra, community dramatics, landscape gardening, and the gathering and compiling of a history of the college.

The object of the N. Y. A. Is to aid the needy students In securing an education, so that they will not loaf, loiter, and roam. The primary aim is to build up the youth’s mor-ale or help him to recover it. They must earn this help; it is not a gift.

These jobs are given out to the colleges on the basis of their total enrollment of resident students.

These students must carry three-fourths of a normal program of study. The majority of the students will earn $15 a month and none will receive more than $20 per month.

The students shall be selected for these jobs according to the need of the student, the character and ability to do college work, and the status of attendance. No student shall work more than thirty hours In any week or eight hours in any day. The individual student participating In this program will be paid directly by chock. In case that one school in the state does not use its full quota, the state is allowed to transfer that aid to some other school in the state.

In order for a student to receive this aid ho must certify that he must have an indicated amount of money per month to enter and remain in college. He must agree to do the work to the best of his ability. The student must also state what the money is to be used for.

It has been said that it is necessary to educate not only because of the necessity, but also to hold up the old saying: “As goes the Youth,

so goes America.’’



Date of First Number Has Not Been Definitely Set Due to Conflict


Lecture on Far East, and Music Will Be Featured in Later Programs

Vash Young, author of "A Fortune to Share.” will speak on the opening program of what promises to be an unusually Interesting lyceum course this year. Mr. Young is a speaker much in demand, and this Is the first time he has consented to lecture under management. A fixed date has not been set for his lecture duo to a conflict In schedules, but it will probably be sometime during the first of October.

“Big Hearted Herbert" will bo offered by the Pollards on Wednesday. Nov. 13. The Pollards need little introduction to most of the students and their return will bo awaited eagerly.

The third number will come Dec. 5, the University Light Opera Singers will present well-known musical hits. This group under the direction of Madame Maude Fonder Gutzmor will give in costume many colorful selections from Victor Herbert. Gilbert and Sullivan and from other light operas. Dr. No-Yong Park, Harvard scholar who has recently returned from the Far East with first-hand information will lecture on Friday, Dec. 13. The Lyceum Course will be closed with another musical program of much interest. The Dixie Melody Masters, a Negro quartet, will be here on Friday, Jan. 17, 1936. All students are urged to take advantage of the rare talent offered in this course.



Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish Religions Are Included—22 Not Affiliated

Tabulation of registration cards so far has revealed a wide diversity of church membership among McPherson College students. Members of the Church of the Brethren of course far exceed all other denominations in point of numbers, there being 135 enrolled. The Methodist church is second, with 30 members. The Baptists number 12; the Presbyterians. 13; the Christians. 12; the Congregational Church, 8; the Lutherans, 7; the Evangelical denomination, 6; the Mennonitcs, 2; the Mennonite Brethren. 3; and the Catholic Church, 2.

Besides these there is one representative each from the Hebrew religion, the Christian Scientist denomination, the Mission Church, the Friends, and the Free Methodist. Twenty-two gave no religious affiliation.



The Sunday School classes for the college people have been made into four divisions. The freshman girls have boon placed under Mrs. Schwalm and the freshman boys under Dr. Flory.

Dr. Brown will have charge of the sophomores and Dr. Petry the Juniors and seniors. In the latter class no officers have as yet been elected, but it is expected that this will be done soon. For at least part of the year the class plans to study Hebrew literature.


In a pep chapel this morning the student body plainly showed the football team that they were for McPherson. The chapel was opened with some yells led by the cheerleaders. Most of the time was spent in learning new songs. It was announced that the annual pajama par ade will be Wednesday night, Sept. 25, at 7:30. It was decided that the students should meet in the bleachers at the new athletic field.

Friday, September 20—Formal dinner at Arnold Hall, 6 p. m.

Sunday, September 22—C. E. meeting, College Church, 6:30 p. m.

Tuesday, September' 24—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.

Wednesday, September 25—Pajama Parade. Meet at new bleachers. 7:30 P. M.


The World Service Group held its first meeting of the school year last night. The meeting was in the form of a vesper service and was hold on the campus Just west of the library. The theme of the meeting was “In the Secret of His Presence." The service consisted of devotional readings, quiet music and a talk by Lota Wine.

This group is eager that each student who is interested in developing within himself a finer sense of the spiritual things in life or who desires to have a part in the religious life of the campus conic and affiliate himself with the World Service Group. The time of meeting is seven o’clock every Wednesday eve-ning.


The Student Council will hold its first meeting today. A new president will have to bo elected duo to the vacancy left by Agnes Bean. This vacancy will have to be filled by a student election in accordance with the rules of the constitution. A business manager of The Spectator will have to bo appointed to fill the-place left vacant by Joe Zuck. This will be done by appointment of the student council. Lawrence Strouse is acting manager at present.

Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong lo live, as well as to think.—Emerson.

Each loss has its compensation. There is healing for every pain. But the bird with a broken pinion Never soars so high again.


Vocal and Instrumental Music Is Included — Program Committee to Plan Ahead

The program of the college Christian Endeavor Sunday evening, which wan In charge of Miss Theresa Strom, consisted of talks by the four men who went out from McPherson College as pastors for the summer. They wore Paul Heckman, Clarence Sink, Leonard Lowe, and Paul Miller. Their pastorates were at Guthrie. Minn., Marshalltown. Iowa. Prairie City, Iowa. and Monticello, Minn., respectively. Also included on the program were a piano duet by Joyce Snowberger and Lyllis Frantz, and a vocal solo. "Prayer" by Miss Margaret Frey.

No definite plans have as yet been made for the coming Sunday eve-ning, but the program committee, which is In the charge of Miss Leone Shirk, will meet Thursday night to plan the programs for the next month.



The first meeting of the Women’s Athletic Association for this year was held last Thursday. Phyllis Barngrover, president, was In charge of the meeting. Lucille Cole was elected secretary to fill the vacancy left by Pauline Abuhl.

It was decided that all girls now in the W. A. A. or interested In making points to gain admittance to the organization can do so by the following plan. Girls enrolled in physical education classes may count W. A. A. points when playing soccer in class. Girls not enrolled In physical education may play soccer with the class for points.

The annual hamburger fry picnic for freshman girls was given Tuesday evening. Both the old and now girls participated in the evening frolic which included playing base-ball and eating hamburgers.

Joille Letkeman of Buhler went to Hutchinson yesterday to play In the municipal band. He was at home last Saturday and Sunday.



Local Program Includes Public Service, Campus Improvement, and Research


Applicants for NYA Help Are Selected According to Need of Individual


Monday evening the students of McPherson College were delightfully entertained at the annual faculty reception. The students were received In the church parlors which were softly lighted, and decorated with fall flowers. After greeting the faculty, punch was served to the guests by Mrs. S. M. Dell, Mrs. Lester Selves, and Miss Clara Colline.

The master of ceremonies, Dr. J. D. Bright. Introduced Dr. V. F. Schwalm who gave a short welcome address. Miss Mattie Shay played two violin solos, one by Uhe and one by Bach Miss Della Lehman gave two musical readings, “Two Loves," and "Mia Carlotta." The program was concluded by two vocal numbers by Mr. A. C. Voran, "Do Glory Road." by Facques Wolfe, and "Shoes" by Manning. Miss Fern Lingenfelter accompanied the musical numbers. At the close of the program Mrs. A. C. Voran and Mrs. J. W. Boitnott served Ice cream and cake. Red and white, the school colors, were carried out in the refreshments.



Morris and Son Drug Company invites the men of McPherson to "College Night" Friday, September 20. The men should meet at the drug store at 8:15 and then they will proceed to the show at 9:15. The show will bo at the Ritz where they will see "Hot Tip." Don’t miss it fellows! But remember it's a stag.

The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council




Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the art of March 3. 1897.        

in McPherson Sunday and Monday visiting their sister, Mrs. C. N. Stimits and family, 510 N. Oak.

Dorothy Evans who is attending Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia was in McPherson over the

week-end to visit her parents; Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Evans. Miss Evans also attended the wedding of her slater, Miss Clarice Evans.


Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-In-Chief.....................................................................Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor.......................................................................Merie Messamer

Society Editor.............................................................................Velma Watkins

Sports Editor..............................................................................Copway Yount

Feature Editor .............. Kenneth    Weaver

Business Manager.....................................................................Lawrence    Strouse

Advertising Manager........................................................................Paul Lackie

Professor Mohler, as a guest speaker, will give an address to the Abilene Teachers Association of Abilene today.

Miss Alice GUI spent the week-end in Wichita with her sister.


Estelle Baile    Evelyn Glessner    Martha Roop

Otho Clark    Alberta Keller        Ernest Sweetland

Yolanda Clark    Isabel Kittell    Harriette Smith

Norman Edwards    Clayton Rock

'We Try to Please

The Spectator, according to our masthead, is the "Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council." Officially The Spectator is a student publication, written and edited by students, about students, for student readers. It is our aim to make this a reality.

To the "Spec" staff "dorm kids" and "town kids” are alike. We know no cliques, have no favorites, and strive to give equal attention to all departments, and to all activities. A constant effort is made to maintain balance between the various types of reading matter.

The staff is headed by editor and business manager who are elected by popular vote of the students. Department heads are appointed impartially on the basis of experience. Interest, and service given. The corps of reporters which is made up of a group of Interested Journalists and embryo Journalists, la a representative group.

Readers are as vital to a newspaper as reporters. Although everyone cannot be pleased, a greater number will receive more nearly what they want if they occasionally express their opinion. Personal opinion is invited, provided the con-tributor will sign the article he wishes published. Comment on campus affairs, current national and international events, and other editorial thoughts from the readers are welcome. You can also make The Spectator more interesting by informing us of news, and by contributing original features. Criticism will be accepted graciously. Which reminds us of on aspiring young man, who had recently mailed a voluminous treatise to the editor of the local Journal telling hom how to improve bis paper, called in per-son upon the editor.

"Are you carrying out those suggestions I sent you?" he inquired.

"That man with a waste-basket whom you met in the hall is carrying them out. He's our Janitor.

The Spectator is a business enterprise. The Student Connell profits in proportion to the business ability and "push" of the business manager and his staff. Income is received largely through advertising space sold to local business firms. The Spectator is approved by the Mc-Pherson Chamber of Commerce an an advertising medium. Our paper has been well supported by the business men of town, and they in turn should receive student trade.

Running a newspaper is much like being pastor of a church—you just can’t please everyone. But we want you to know that The Spectator is your paper and we are trying to please you.


County Superintendent J. A. Blair and son, Robert, went to Lawrence Friday where Robert has enrolled as a student at the University of Kansas. Robert Blair was one of the three McPherson high school winners of the Summerficld scholarships offered at K. U.


The marriage of Miss Clarice Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Evans and Mr. Carl Schlender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Schlender of Emporia, was solem-nized Sunday, September 15, at high noon in the nave of the First Congregational Church. The bride wa3 given away by her brother, Mr. Don-old R. Evans and was attended by her sister, Miss Dorothy Evans. The groom was attended by his cousin, Mr. Herman Haber of Emporia. The impressive one ring ceremony was read by the Reverend J. Merle Evans, father of the bride. The former Miss Evans was a graduate of McPherson College, having attended here three years and Kidder College. Missouri, one year. She was chosen May Queen at McPherson College by popular vote in 1932.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present for your enjoyment and enlightenment the old column under new management. It is not. quite proper to apologize for something before you have tried lt, but we are doing just that. Being new on the campus, we probably will make mistakes, but we didn’t ask for the job, so—-

Our now profs are quite congenial. This is particularly true in the case of our two unmarried instructors. The handsome young gentleman. Dr. Flory, has been seen escorting Miss Smith to our many (?) social functions. Rumor floating out of the girls’ dorm indicates that much disappointment was felt among the inmates when they found they had no chance with the aforementioned adonis.

And then there’s the well-meaning chap who. when asked in Modern European History class to name a ruling family in Europe today as was the House of Hapsburg ‘way back when," declared, "The House of Commons!" If you don’t get the point, enroll for a course in history or government at once.

female cheerleader has become very snooty, she should be denied the privilege (?) of dating. Dire punishment will be meted out to any male who refuses to obey this edict. The “boycott" will last only as long as the lady in question continues her present attitude.

Our President thinks chapel is about as interesting as we do. He closed it the other day by saying, "All those In the rear please remain standing in your seats until those in front have passed out."

Sidelights on the Faculty Reception Hick was seen with a new girl friend. What happened to Lillian?

. . . The freshmen seemed as though they actually wanted to go! . . . The freshman boy who seems to be quite "Gleeful." and the elder of the third floor slaters seem to he getting along quite well. There is no sadness ip her heart for the departed, wo hope. . . . Those War-rensburg pals, Mollie and Estie, after a whole year of a policy of “lassez faire" seem to bo getting off to a good start. . The "Kitchen Quartette” namely, Andy, Aileen, Brubaker and Becky Ann, wore seen en masse. Wo hear there is quite a long story in connection with the first couple, but we won’t take time for that hero. Andy will bo glad to tell you all about it.

The Misses Janet and Muriel Manning, who were here in school; last year, have recently been pledged by the Alpha Delta PI sorority at the University of Kansas, at the close of rush week activities.

Herbert Sperling who is a student at the Kansas State College at Manhattan has pledged Sigma Nu fraternity.

Miss Virginia Quiring has pledged Chi Omega sorority at the University of Kansas, where she has enrolled as a student this year.

Dr. Donald F. Brown spoke at the regular meeting of the Epworth League at the Methodist church Sunday evening. His topic was "Impressions of Nazi in German."

Miriam Kimmel and John Bowers went to McLouth Friday to attend the funeral of a friend.

Mr. and Mrs. Rush Holloway have moved into the property at 1301 Sharp street, the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Roplogie and family.


Honoring Miss Alma Louise Atchison, former M. C. student, whose marriage to Mr. Harold Binford. ’35, will take place Friday. September 20, Mrs. Roy Bartles and Mrs. Vernon Gustafson entertained at the Gustafson homo In Lindsborg. Friday evening. September 13. After an evening of games and the opening of gifts by Miss Atchison, the hostesses served refreshments, carrying out the pink and white color scheme. The guests included were Misses Neoma Nordling, Millicent Nordling, Clara Nickel, Frances Ha-lone, Margarle Brown, Hilda Edlger, Marcella Stancel, Mrs. Harry Atchison and Mrs. A. Pierce.

Dave Metzger, after two years of Isolation, finally broke loose and had a date. Power to you Dave. If some of those other bashful guys in the dorm would break the fast and try to get a date, it would make Mrs. Arnold's girls very happy.

Was Prof. Flory still thinking of last Friday’s chapel program when he said "spinish” (spinach to you) instead of "Finnish" In his Introduction to Literature class Wednesday? Perhaps it's Just his knowl-edge of flue literature, including Popeye, the Sailor Man, that caused him to utter the blunder.

Last year’s male rage, Merle Mes-samer who it seems, is entirely oblivious to everything but the mail man, was beard In the business office asking: "Is there any reduction on a large amount of stationery?"

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mattox and daughter, Miss Margaret, motored to Lawrence last Thursday where Miss Margaret Mattox has enrolled in the fine arts department at the University.

Dwight Barngrover enrolled at Manhattan 8tate Monday for his sophomore year. He was regular tackle on the McPherson College football team last year. Mr. Barn-grover was pledged to Delta Sigma Phi fraternity at Kansas State College this week.


The approaching marriage of Miss Agnes Bean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bean, to Mr. Harry Frantz of Assaria, Kansas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ocsee C. Frantz of Rocky Ford. Colorado, was made known to a small group of intimate friends at a one o’clock dinner on Sunday. A great pond lily centered the table from which the guests drew folded bits of paper on which Was written “Agnes and Harry. October 31." Guests were the Misses Margaret Oliver, Maxine Ring, Forn Handke, Twila Crawford, Etta Nickel, and Marlene Dapper. Agnes Is president of the Student Council,

Much is heard about faculty dignity, but not much of it is seen. The dramatics prof, supposedly one of our most reserved, was seen a few mornings ago, riding a bicycle!

Men are the cause of women not loving one anothor.—La Brujere.

"I would not anticipate the relish of any happiness, nor feel the weight of any misery, before it actually arrives.”

Miss Arlene Wampler, ’35, recently returned from St. Louis, Mo., where she attended a piano course of study of the Progressive Series College. At the Washington University in that city, at which the course was given, Miss Wampler received an A and B rating credit for her outstanding work in piano. Miss Wampler la a student of Mrs. Edwin Anderson, 615 East Marlin street. It was through Mrs. Anderson that Miss Wampler received her scholarship to the Progressive Series College.

A superior man is ashamed of a reputation beyond his merits.

If some of you gentlemen of the dormitory know of a good-looking girl you would like to meet, see Leta Wine. She is the official "fixer-upper!"



The first meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held Tuesday morning. The meeting was opened with group singing led by Paul Miller. President Willard Flaming outlined the aim, purpose, and ideals of the Y. M. C. A. Paul Heckman, program chairman, told of what lies in store for "Y” members socially and also an outline o£ the weekly meetings. Devotions and the benediction were given by the devotional chairman, Leonard Lowe.

There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truths.

A young lady of the dorm has been placed under a "boycott.” Last nite in emergency session several of the gentlemen of Fahnestock and town decided “that Inasmuch as our



At the Y. W. C. A. meeting last Tuesday, the various committee chairmen outline their programs and the nature of their work. At the next meeting the women will be given an opportunity of choosing the committee each would desire to work on. and as far as possible, they will be placed accordingly. The membership drive will be started at the next meeting. The women will be given an opportunity to pledge whatever they like to the Y. W. fund.    

Arthur DeVor who graduated last spring and assisted in the Chemistry department for two years la continuing his graduate work this year at Manhattan State College. Mr. DeVor received an assistantship as a research student in the Chemistry department at Manhattan.    

Evelyn Pierce and Emma Schmidt went to Tabor College at Hillshore Sunday, to Visit Miss Schmidt’s sister who is in school there.

Walter and Elmer Stoats of Sylvia who left Monday for Lawrence where they will attend K. U.


Kansas University established a travel bureau this year to aid the students In finding rides home for vacations. Lists are made of stu-dents having cars, the price they ask, and where they are going.

Thirty-seven summer school students at Pittsburgh weer awarded the degree of master of science this summer.

Professor W. H. Johnston, who has been connected with K. U. 32 years announced this year that he is retiring. Mr. Johnston is 77 years of age.

Kansas University plans Improvement of the Jayhawker for 1935, one of the improvements being the addition of a rotogravure section. The first issue of the magazine will bo out about October 15.

The faculty of the Fort Hays Kansas State College has been greatly altered this year. Due to the increase In enrollment during the last two years, and to the additional budget created by the National Youth Administration, 14 now mem-bora have been added to the staff.

Dr. R. R. Macgregor. head of the English department of Fort Hays State College, has been dratted by the state of Kansas as coordinator and supervisor of the educational phase of the National Youth Administration. He has been granted a one year leave of absence from the college.

The Emporia State Teachers College enrollment shows an Increase over last year. From figures available 141 more students are enrolled than there were last year.

Friends University has added five new members to its faculty. These new instructors come from various parts of the United States and head widely varying departments;

South hall at Friends University after being closed for two and a half years, has re-opened as a dormitory, with 29 residents.

Cease to inquire what the future has In store, and to take as a gift whatever the day brings forth.— Horace.

It’s easier to make a friend than an enemy and a lot more fun.

Anger makes dull men witty but it keeps them poor.

You’ro only young once, but if you work it right, once is enough.

’’Does your wife pick your clothes?"

"Only my pockets.”

Anxious mother: And is my boy really trying?

Teacher: Very.

Absence makes the marks grow rounder.

A good disposition I far prefer to gold; for gold is the gift of fortune; goodness of disposition is the gift of nature. I prefer much rather to be called good than fortunate.

No change of character can repair a defect of character.—Emerson.


Twenty-Eight Men Are Out For Practice Including Several Lettermen And Promising New Material.

Give McPherson two ends and two tackles and they are apt to go places. At present it seems that these have been found. Coaches Binford and Selves have spent a hard two weeks working the men on plays and fundamentals, and they have what they believe are the men to be used in the positions.    

From last year’s squad of 22 men ten have reported for practice this year. At present the outlook for the season is quite satisfactory However, it Is impossible to make any predictions of what may happen for another week or two. After taking a glance at the material it seems that the backfield is going to bo exceptionally strong while the line will need to develop more In the next week.

The field has been completed with the exception of some cleaning up and the Installing of the lights. The lights will be installed to-day and the first night practice will be held to-night provided the wind docs not prevent installation of the lights.

The first game of the season has been set up from September 27 to September 26. This will be the first game on the now field and is to be played with Friends University of Wichita.


Score Board Showing Essentials Is Nearly Complete—--It Will Have Business Ads

The assembling of the stadium at the college field Is nearly completed and the structure is now being painted. A number of college stu-dents have volunteered to do the painting and the paint was furnished by the business houses of the city.

A now score board Is nearly completed which will bo set up for use at the new athletic field for the first game with Friends Sept. 26. The board tells the quarter of the game, time left to play, the number of the down, score of each team, yards to go, and the penalties. A series of advertisements of business houses of the city will be placed around the outer edge of the board.


It seems that the squad of ’35 has fallen down to 28 men. But eleven good men are all that are required to make a team.

Although the team does not look as strong as it has for the last two years, the gate is closed for any foreign team to take the conference championship away from us.

The loss of several of last year's stars is going to be hard on the squad, which means that the Bull-dogs are going to have to work hard to hold that championship.

If two ends and two tackles come out of the wilderness this next week. M. C. can be assured of a fair football team.

Our new athletic field is very near completion. The bleachers have been completed and have received part of a coat of paint. A bed of grass completely covers the field. The fence has been stretched and all that remains to be done is the installing of the lights.

Only one more week! The first game of the season is September 26, with Friends U. of Wichita. Let's help the team out and have every M. C. student at the game.

It sure would be perfect not to lose any games on our new field.


Sept. 26, Friends U., Here Oct. 4, Bacone Indians., Here Oct. 11, Ottawa U., There Oct. 18, Baker U., There Oct. 25, Bethel College, There Nov. 1, Bethany, Here Nor. 8, C. of E., Here Nov. 15, Emporia Teachers, There Nov. 22, Open

Nov. 28, Kansas Wesleyan, There


Willis Breadfeldt was at his home in Bushton last week end.

Marc Hale of Salina spent the week-end at home.

There is so much good in the worst of us.

And so much bad in the best of us, That it ill behooves any of us To find fault with the rest of us.

Station S. A. P. Broadcasts At Feed

Broadcasting to an audience of about 380 in the chapel Friday night station SAP advertised, but failed to sell, a newly invented automatic spinish stuffer. Blanche Harris gave an excellent invisible demonstration of the staffer with some loyal support from several of the faculty members.

This was only part of the annual watermelon feed. Before the broadcast the students had enjoyed some outdoor games. Last but not least the best of all, came the refreshments of the evening, watermelons.



The second hand book sale sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. came to a close last Friday, and it promises to reach the high sales records of former years, although no accurate account can be given until the receipts from books on reserve will have been turned in. Beginning Tuesday, a busy four days’ business was held Friday at 4 p. m. was the dead-line for students to obtain books in this way. Second hand books wore much In demand, and the supply was not great enough to satisfy everyone. Freshman books were especially In great demand. The Y. M. and Y. W. jointly keep five per cent of the profits.


(Diary of Gordon "Gourdie" Green)

Sun., Sept. 8. Got to Mc . k. About 3 a. m. My roommate's a soph. Guess he’ll help me get settled. He took me to S. S. Wasn't hardly nobody there, what I knew. Pres. Schwalm had each of us tell our names, our homo address, and what we were in S. S. at home. I didn't want to tell them I was chorister, cause maybe they wanted to find some talent and make them lead the church. This'n’s too big for me. Didn't go to church tonight. Too sleepy and tired from riding.

Mon., Sept. 9. 1st. thing I had to pay 76c for a green base-ball cap what says 39 on the front. Everybody had to, except the ones what wasn't freshmen. They was so many lectures and stuff today I cant ever remember what all I did do. Anyway one thing a guy they call Weaver that can talk like the Pres. of ma's aid society took us and showed us all around In the buildings and on the campus. There’s so many halls nobody could learn them In a day. I remember Arnholz Hall and Forney Hall tho.

Tue. I inroled for Chem and algebra and English and orientashun and physical ed and Old Test. Guess that's enough. Anyway it is with my NYA Job.

Wed., Sept. 11.

Thu., Sept. 12 Too busy with les-sons to write anything. Nothin's hap-ened.

Fri., Sept. 13. Darn! Double Darn! If this ain't my unluckiest day! I seen her (M. F.) talking to another guy. Wish I had more nerve. I didn't hear much of the program for watchin them, but I heard something about spinach. They din’t ,have no spinach, it was watermelon, I got only two pieces tho.

Sat., Sept. 14—They ain’t nothing to do on Saturday except to work on NYA. Boy, Forney can think of the craziest stuff for a follow to do.

Sun., Sept. 15. I didn't go to S. S. Wrote a letter to papa and mama Instead. C. E. was sure good. She sang tonight. Guess there's no chance for me now. Oh. well, there are lots more.

Mon., Sept. 16. Wow, Doc Petry can sure make yon feel fanny when you don’t have your lesson. I’ll never let his assignments go again. But Dr. Hershey, you can get by is you only go to class an take down his notes. That’s a snap. I found out they call that fellow Hick. Shucks, I didn’t want her anyway. But she sure can sing. Hick took her all around at the faculty reception and took her back to the dorm.

Tue., Sept. 17. Y. M. sounded pretty good. Guess I’ll go every week. Bill, the Pres., can make some speeches! Paul Heckman is o. k., too, even if he did sound funny at first.

Wed., Sept. 19., no it’s 18. Had my lessons swell today. Man. its fun to go to class when you can an-swer cvcy question. But I'm sure glad Doc didn't ask mo that one about what HOH is. I would’ve said hydrogen hydroxide, but it’s Just plane water. I’ll know it next time. After supper tonight we all got out on the steps of Arnholz Halt (girls dorm) and yelled and sang. Joe E. and Jessie are kinda snappy, but they did get mixed up oncet. Tomorrow we’re gonna yell In the chapel. That'll seem so much different than Just sitting there and listening to some Prof preach. I got Invited to join the Booster club tonight. It ain’t quite a sorority, but it costs a lot. Anyway they all'vc got the old Bulldog spirit.

Earth produces nothing worse than an ungrateful man.—Ausonius.

It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others, and to forget his own.

The greatest of faults, I should say, Is to bo conscious of none.

Dr. Hershey: It’s a lye.

Paul Lackie: What’s a lie? Dr. Hershey: Caustic potash.