240 Regular Students Have Now Enrolled—Seven New Ones Start
Applied Psychology and Marriage and the Family Show Good Enrollment
Lack of Finance Delays
Completion of New Room
Enrollment for the second semester started at 8 o’clock, Monday morning, Jan. 27, and continued through Tuesday. Classes started Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock.
The enrollment statistics show-some interesting facts about the personnel of the student body and their interests.
The enrollment of regular students now stands at 240. There are 105 freshmen, 62 sophomores, 40 juniors, and 33 seniors.
There are seven new students who have enrolled for this semester. Two of them are students who have attended school here before, but were not here last semester. They are Eve Brown, a junior from Wichita; and Harley Stump, a freshman from Waka, Texas.
All except one of the other new students are freshmen. Eldora Van Dermark of Hutchinson is a junior. The freshmen are Carroll Crouse, Adel, Iowa: C. W. Kuhn. Marion: Ralph Ganson, McPherson; and George Holler, formerly of Topeka, but new of McPherson.
The new courses offered this semester seem to have been accepted quite eagerly by the students. Applied Psychology has a larger class enrollment than any other of the new courses. There are 26 students taking Applied Psychology, which is taught by Doctor Smith. Doctor Petry’s new course, Marriage and Family, has an enrollment of 22.
Professor Mohler has 12 students taking his Botany course, and 9 are in his class in Animal Husbandry. Doctor Flory’s new course. English Seminar, has an enrollment of 8. Five students have enrolled in Applied Physiology, which is being taught by Coach Binford. Doctor Brown's first year and advanced Spanish classes have a class membership of 4 and 3 students respectively.
The change of schedule for this semester has changed the routine of campus life considerably. The elimination of the half hour activity period each morning changes the noon hour from 12:30 to 12.
Classes start in the afternoon at 1:15 instead of 1:30. It seems as if the changed schedules makes Tuesday and Thursday the "heavy" days for students and faculty, whereas last semester most students found that Wednesday was the day on which the majority of their classes met.
All indications show that this semester is a promising one, and no doubt will be profitable and enjoyable to everyone.
Construction of the Student Union room has been practically completed. With the exception of a small area of the wall which was delayed by a shortage of lumber, a coat of liquid wax will complete the walls. The oak floor has been laid, though the sanding and finishing remains to be done.
Completion of the room cannot be effected until more of the pledges are paid. The college is having a new floor laid in the hall near the room. This, however, is not a part of the Student Union room project. Suspension of work on the room was necessary because of a lack of funds. The Student Council urges the immediate payment of pledges if at all possible. Students may make payments to their class representative to the Student Council, or to Clayton Rock, treasurer.
He Has Been Asked to Speak in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma
Dr. Hershey of McPherson Col-lege has been getting extensive recognition for his researches in science in the recent past. On Saturday of this week he is to preside as state chairman of the Kansas Association of Physical Science teachers at Wichita, affiliated with the state meetings of the Council of Administration.
During the Christmas vacation Dr. Hershey read a paper on his experiments with rare gases at St. Louis before the national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Hershey is invited to read a paper at Kansas City before a national meeting of the medical division of the American Chemical Association in April. This paper will also be on gases.
In addition to these, Dr. Hershey has recently been invited to give a week’s lectures among the colleges and universities in Oklahoma. Dr. Hershey has been recommended for these lectures by the Wichita section of the American Chemical Society who rated him as an A lecturer to the Detroit secretary of the American Chemical Association. The lectures in Oklahoma were arranged by Dr. O. M. Smith, head of the chemistry department at A. and M. College at Stillwater. Dr. Hershey will lecture while in Oklahoma at A. and M. College at Stillwater, at the State Teachers College at Edmond, at Chickasha (Oklahoma College for Women), at Phillips Uni-versity at Enid, and at the University of Oklahoma at Norman.
Thespians Hold Tryouts
for Play This Afternoon
Beginning at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon tryouts for the Thespian Club play. "You and I," will be held in Miss Lehman’s room. Due to the fact that Several of the club members have dropped out of school and several of the others are too heavily loaded with school work to take part in extra-curricular activities the tryouts are open to all students.
Any person selected for a part in the play by the tryout judges will if not already a member, automatically be granted membership in the club.
There are parts for three women and four men in the play. Each of these roles calls for good characterisation and should challenge some of the best histrionic talent in school.
"You and I" was written by the popular author, Philip Barry. Dr. C. R. Flory has agreed to coach the Play.
Happy Birthday!
Galen Glessner Phyllis McKinnie Roma MeKinnie Donald Petry
Fob. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 5
''Cheesy" Voran Directs Choir Through Four Successful Seasons
Noble Cain Dedicates Composition to M.C. A Cappella Choir
The McPherson College A Cappella Choir is soon to launch on its fourth season's work, with the annual for-mal concert as the first appearance.
In the fall of 1932 there appeared on our campus, a new professor of voice, Alvin C. Voran, commonly and affectionately called "Cheesy." As a means of starting a choir about thirty students were invited to sing. The honor system was used and the only requirement was enough interest to attend all rehearsals. The membership soon reduced to twenty members but in spite of disadvantage in size, that group gained prominence enough that since then there have been from thirty to sixty applications for tryouts for membership each fall.
McPherson College Orchestra to Play at Church Sun. Eve.
Appearances of the McPherson College orchestra have been recieved with favorable comment. The orchestra has played in public three times and plans other program for the future.
The group made its first appear-ance this school year in chapel last semester. Last Sunduy afternoon a brief program of classical music was given at the Townsend club meeting in the Community building. Mr. Hapgood appeared with the orches- tra. He played his musical tumblers and bells.
Yesterday morning the orchestra gave a forty minute program at the Moundridge high school. This was for the high school chapel program.
Sunday evening instead of the regular church services at the First Church of the Brethren, the orchestra of McPherson College will pre-sent a concert, its first mapor concert of the school year. Miss Mattie Shay, head of the violin department of the college is director of the orchestra. There will be no preaching services.
The idea of a formal concert as a debut was worked out by the choir the first year and has been established as an annual affair. The second year, the choir sang music ranging from Palestrina in the twelfth century to Noble Cain, the director or choral music for N. B. C. Honor was done each of these on the programs and one of the programs sent to Noble Cain. Not so long after, Mr. Voran received an autographed copy of "Thy Song," a new composition of Noble Cain with the dedication, "to Mr. Voran and the McPherson College A Cappella Choir" inscribed on the music.
The choir has sung a great deal not only in McPherson but in the surrounding towns, including Lorraine, Nickerson, Inman, Chase, Lindsborg, and many other places. During the second year, the choir was invited to sing at the State College at Manhattan. The following is quoted from the "Kansas Industrialist": "Thirty-six young singers from McPherson College and their genial director last Thursday morning in student assembly received instant and whole-hearted appreciation from Manhattan's town and gown audience who filled the auditorium to hear them. It was one of the most enjoyable music events of the college year."
Last year, the formal program was dedicated to Mrs. Katherine Penner Burton, former instructor here, and to Mr. D. A. Clippinger, voice teacher in Chicago. In the spring the choir took a ten-day tour through eastern Kansas, Misouri, Nebraska,
Mrs. Katherine Barton
“Christianity—a Lift” Is
Subject of World Service
The World Service Group met Tuesday night at 7 o'clock in the Y. W. room. Margaret Fry sang a solo and Charles Wagoner played a violin solo. Miss Fry was accompanied by Dorothy Dell and Wagoner was accompanied by Lucille Ullery. Theresa Strom read two poems for the devotionals and Leta Wine gave a talk.
The theme of the meeting was "Christianity—a Lift." Miss Wine emphasized in her talk that there are too many people struggling through life under a load of Christianity. She pointed out that true Christianity is not a load, but a lift. She urged those present to make use of this lift—starting right now. She said to let it help with problems which are met every day—lessons, work, social life, financial problems and any other problems which are troublesome. Doctor Petry closed the meeting with a benediction.
There are a number of new students on the campus this semester The World Service urges any of them who is interest to come to its meetings. Not only are new stu dents invited, but any old students who have not been in the habit of coming to World Service, and who would like to start coming, are wel-come.
and Iowa, singing at Kansas University, Warrensburg Teachers’ College, and many of the churches of the constituency. The choir also made some radio broadcasts.
There are now five in the choir who were members of the original McPherson College A Cappella Choir. They are Bernice Dresher, Elizabeth Holzemer, Margretta Okerlind, Ernest Sweetland, and Chris Johansen.
Dramatic Festival to Meet at M. C.
McPherson College has been selected by Myron Settle, secretary of Kansas Colleges of Christian Education, for the meeting place of the State Dramatic Festival to be held March 27 and 28.
Mohlers Entertain Sunday
Floyd Vosburg Entertains with Vibra-Harp at Christian Endeavor
Mr. Floyd Vosburg gave numerous musical selections on his vibra-harp at the Christian Endeavor program Sunday evening. The numbers he played included "Sweet Hour of Prayer," "Nearer My God to Thee," "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," "In the Garden," "End of a Perfect Day," "I Love You Truly," "When Irish Eyes are Smiling," "Old Black Joe," "Mighty Like a Rose," "World is Waiting for the Sunrise," and "The Rosary."
Preceding the program, Leone Shirk led in devotionals and Paul Miller led in group singing, accompanied at the piano by Dorothy Dell
A large number of visitors was present at this meeting.
The fourth annual concert of the A Cappella Choir of McPherson College will be given on Thursday, Feb. 13, at 8:15 o’clock in Convention Hall. For the first time in these annual concerts, a guest soloist will appear with the choir. Mrs. Katherine Penner Barton, former voice instructor of this College, will sing several solos, one number to be sung with the choir.
Under the direction of Alvin C. Voran, voice instructor, this concert given by the A Cappella is one of the most outstanding events in the activities of the college year. Formal gowns and tuxedoes will be worn by the members of the choir as well as by the student ushers.
Professor Voran has announced that the program will consist of various types of numbers, including sacred, secular, modern numbers, and madrigals. They range from one as early as 1514 to the very newest, in fact some just off the press. A recent arrangement of "Old Black Joe," by Stephen Foster, will be of special interest to many.
The interpretations of the music will follow, as closely as possible, the intentions of the composer, and special effort has been put forth with this in mind. The choir has been practising steadily since the first of the school year, and an average of about four hours a week has been spent by them.
If intense and willing training are any indication of success, the choir is sure to get a hearty response, as it has in previous years.
The guest soloist, Mrs. Barton, was voice instructor at McPherson College from '24 to '27. She was Professor Voran’s first voice teach-er, and he sang under her direction for three years in the college male quartet. She had different organi-zations of singers here, one a select group called "The Sixteen Voices."
Mrs. Katherine Barton was very popular on the campus, and her singing was in great demand. One year she was a soloist in Bach's St. Matthew's Passion, presented at Linds-borg by the Messiah chorus. She is married to Harold (Hal) Barton, '25, who was a fullback on the college football team. She is now actively engaged as one of the soloists in a large church in Alton, Ill.
Tickets for the concert will be twenty-five and forty cents. Reserve seats will go on sale at the Bixby, Lindsay & Co. Drug Store.
Miss Shay Offers New Class In Violin Beginning This Semester
Sunday afternoon, Jan. 26, Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler entertained
tenty college boys in their home from 2:30 to 5:30 Mrs. Mohler poured coffee and was assisted in serving by her daughter, Elizabeth.
The boys enjoyed a wonderful time and were especially appreciative of this, entertainment which came during a week end of few activities.
Hershey to Give His Diamond
Lecture in Chem Club Feb. 6
Production of synthetic diamonds will be demonstrated and discussed in Chemistry Club next Thursday afternoon. Feb. 6, at 4:30 o’clock. Dr. Hershey has received world-wide recognition in this field. Everyone interested is urged to come. The meeting is open to all.
Y Book Exchange Thrives
Under the management of LaMar Bollinger, the Y second-hand book exchange has been doing a thriving business. Books which have adorned students’ shelves and gathered dust now offer an opportunity to cash in on a little spending money. The Y sells the books for the price asked by the owner, keeping out a commission of ten per cent.
Lowell Brubaker attended a fare-well party given for his parents at Wiley, Colorado, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker are moving to Grand Junction where they will make their home.
Among the new courses that are offered at McPherson College this semester is a class in violin. Miss Shay, instructor in violin, is to be the sponsor of the class.
The cost of lessons in the class will be less than private violin instruction, Miss Shay said. She stated that the lessons will be a great help to those who are interested in violin. The class is not primarily for beginners.
Harold Evans visited his aunt at Morril last week end.
Neva Root of the class of '35 was on the campus Saturday and Sunday.
Dan Zook and Joyce Snowberger spent the week end at their homes at Larned.
Everett Brown, a former McPherson College student, has enrolled for second semester work.
Thursday, Jan. 30—Thespian Club play tryouts, 2 p. m. in Miss Lehman’s room.
Friday, Jan. 31—Basketball with Kansas Wesleyan, 8:30 p. m.
Sunday, Feb. 2—C. E. at College Church, 6:45 p. m.
Monday, Feb. 2—Y. W. and Y. M. meets, 11 a. m.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
THE SCHOOL 1935 Member 1936 HOME OF
OF QUALITY Associated Collegiate Press THE BULLDOGS
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief ............................................. Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor ............................................... Merle Messamer
Society Editor .................................................... Velma Watkins
Sports Editor ...................................................... Conway Yount
Make-up Editor .............................................. Norman Edwards
Business Manager ......................................... Lawrence Strouse
Assistant Business Manager ..................................Clayton Rock
Advertising Manager ......................................... Waldo Newberg
Circulation Manager ...........................................Galen Glessner
Assistant Circulation Manager .......................... Lawrence Boyer
Estelle Baile Yolanda Clark Alberta Keller
John Bower Willard Flaming Isobel Kittell
Otho Clark Evelyn Glessner Harriette Smith
Monotony of “Prison” Broken Sunday
Last Sunday night several of Mrs. Arnold Hall’s little "cherubs" took a decided notion to depart from the straight and narrow path and engage in a little fun.
Can you imagine how enchanting the sound of an ash can rolling down the hall after quiet hours would be, or how beautiful a room all bedecked in the latest artistic fashion would look?—Well, that's just what some of the "goings on" at the girls' dorm consisted of Sunday evening. And in case you would like to hear the details of the story we suggest that you consult any of the little angels who live on the north side of Fanny Stock, and especially those who reside on the third floor of the prison. They will probably be glad to tell you the whole story.
Marriage for Money Is Not Very Popular
Dr. Baker Shows Economic Status Is Little Concern to Most
You may think you'd like to marry money, but the chances are that when you come to a decision you won't much care.
At least this attitude is indicated in a six-year survey of the problem just completed by Dr. Ray Erwin Baber, Professor of Sociology in New York University.
Dr. Baber, who conducts a course at the university’s Washington Square College entitled "Marriage and Family Life," interview 642 college students and 220 parents on the matter of choosing a marriage partner.
The student, 321 young men and 321 young women, declared that economic status was a matter of small concern when it came to selecting a mate, since 93 per cent of the men said they would marry girl of lower economic rank rather than their own and 82 per cent of the women were of the same opinion.
Not so many of the 200 parents (105 fathers and 115 mothers) took the same view of the question. Six-ty-six per cent of the fathers declared they would be willing to allow their daughter to marry a person of lower economic rank and 69 per cent of the mothers agreed.
On the question "would you marry a person of lower moral standards than your own?" 20 per cent of the men answered yes, and one-fifth of the women replied affirmatively.
Fifty-eight per cent of the men and 42 per cent of the women would marry outside their own faith, while on the question of intelligence, the men voted 76 per cent in favor of a less intelligent mate. 18 per cent of the women.
Hearst-inspired charges that Com-nunism was being taught in District of Columbia schools have been quashed by a special committee.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
“Now You Got Me Doin’ It”
We must admit that we need censuring many times in order to see our faults and be able to correct them. Therefore, if honest criticism is given, we find it helpful many times.
For instance, someone says that the formal dinner following the A Cappella is a grand experience. However, the critic will say that it is entirely too exclusive. Probably he is right but maybe he is just prejudiced. At least we must admit that the members of this club have put in some long hours of practice and maybe they deserve something like this. Again maybe they don't. We do know that criticism is based many times and is more much destructive than it is constructive and therefore is of no value.
Criticism also takes place between room-mates in college many times.
Sometimes it is helpful, but again it can he harmful. One such harm-ful example happened between two boys who roomed together. All that took place in the final results was that a few apologies had to take place. Let’s call these boys Jack and Bill for convenience’s sage. Jack gets a date with a girl with whom he is very well acquainted. He finds it impossible to keep the date and calls it off. Since he knows the girl quite well there is no misunder-standing. Bill finds it out and tells his lady friend about it. She fairly slays Jack and she asks Bill if he is rooming with some "bald-headed nincompoop" and further words to that effect.
Now Bill goes home and fairly burns Jack up about the whole matter. Of course, a big fuss occurs as they both have their own ideas. When the thing is finally cleared up it turns out to be a big misun-derstanding. Thus a few apologies must fallow. You can see as well as I that criticism used without a full knowledge and proper weighing of the circumstances causes much damage many times.
Well go ahead and sing it, "Now You Got Me Doin' It" because have said not to criticize but that is just what I have been doing. However, if we are prejudiced, or not acquainted with all of the facts, or not in the proper position let’s not criticize. But, if we find that we must criticize sometimes, let’s be honest and make it constructive.— An Interested Observer.
Ohio State laboratories use 5000 frogs a year, at 15 cents apiece.
The number of unemployed in the 16-24 age group has doubled since 1930.
Twenty persons were lynched in the southern states and California during 1935, according to Tuskegee Institute records.
Alexia Carrell, Nobel prize winner, will teach at the University of Cali-fornia during the spring semester.
Trinity College students are petitioning for the abolition of chapel.
Arizona State gridsters will play rugby during 1936 spring practice.
Eldred Foutz spent the week end with his uncle at Minneapolis.
Charles Sheller moved from the dormitory to the W. P. Davis resi-dence.
Willis Bredfeldt spent the week end at his home in Bushtin.
Dorothy Fry, who has been attending Simpson Collage at Indian-ola, Iowa, has enrolled here for the second semester.
Aileene Wine, Rilla Hubbard, Becky Stanffer, and Alberta Keller were week end guests of Mary Tros-tle at Mary's home at Nickerson.
Carrol Crouse of Adel, Iowa, has enrolled here for second semes-
Dorothy and Violette Dell spent the week end at Professor Dell's home.
Ruth Siege spent the week-end at her home in Beatrice, Nebr.
Faithe Ketterman was a visitor at the dorm Saturday and Sunday
Jean Allen had her tonsils removed during the mid-semester vacation.
Conway Yount spent the week end at his home at Halstead.
Establishment of a course in sex hygiene has been asked of Butler University officials by the school’s student council in Indianapolis, Ind. Frank Demmerly, council president, said the organization is recommending a recognized authority be obtained to teach the class and that men and women be grouped tor free discussion.
"If college students are given proper instruction in sex matters by recognized authorities," Demmerly said, "we feel that such information may make as great a contribution to a happy and healthful life as any other offering now found in the curriculum."
The National Student Federation of America at its national convention at Kansas City during the Christmas holidays recommended that all colleges consider seriously the need for sex education.— (By A. C. P.)
Twenty out of 57 universities and colleges recently questioned report that they maintain motion-picture service for about 5,000 other schools.
Vassar will double its present library capacity of 200,000 books.
Master of 53 tongues, Prof. Watson Kirk Connel of Wesley College, Winnipeg, says Basque is the most difficult language in the world.
Dartmouth made $36,609 on football last season.
Driving on the campus has been forbidden to Purdue students.
Corning, N. Y.-Workmen this week were practicing the procedure which will be followed in crating the 200-inch mirror for the world's largest telescope.
For the practice routine, they have been using a rejected twin of the big mirror. The twin is the first 200-inch disc which was cast by the Corning Class Works but not accepted. The new disc is not only the most valuable pieces of glass in the world, but twice the size of any glass over packed before, and the glass works is taking unusual precautions.
Insurance has been issued on the 500-foot long trip the mirror must make from its present position in the glass works blowing room to the railroad track where it will be shipped.
The insurance goes with the mirror until it is safely deposited, edge-wise, in a gondola car. There this particular insurance policy expires, for at that point the great mirror becomes the responsibility of the astronomers. They are expected to take out insurance for its trip to the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena, where it will be ground.
Both this mirror and its twin weigh something more than twenty tons each.—(By College News Service).
A permanent national youth program to replace NYA is provided for in a bill now before Congress.
Washington University (St. Louis) has one of the finest coin collections in the country. It numbers 13,000 pieces.
A part of the psychology class at Indiana is standing up during lec-tures while the rest of the class is seated. Both the sittees and the standees are being watched to see which group gets the better grades —(By College News Service).
Amherst students will be allowed unlimited cuts in the future.
Pet Boa Constrictor Plays Double Role at Cornell U.
Snakes have been seen in fraternity houses before this, but Josephine, young imperial boa constrictor now doubling as a pet and scientific guinea pig for a Cornell fraternity man, is real.
Non-poisonous, too young to hug after the fashion of her kind, but plenty old enough to bite. Josephine was a gift from Dr. Harry Eno of Colon, Panama, to Frank Trevor, a senior from Syracuse, N. Y.
Petting soothes Josephine, but left alone she hunts for a tree. As a substitute she climbs whatever furniture she can find. Once she was lost for two days. Trevor found her asleep in a waste paper box.
When Trevor graduates he plans to take Josephine to Camp Woodland, a Boy Scout organization, where he is nature director and where he already has a snake house with 300 specimens.— (By A. C. P.)
The peculiarities of New England speech are being gradually lost, say Harvard authorities. Even the Harvard accent itself is no longer sacred.
Four Colgate frosh were dismissed recently for theft of exam papers.
University of Toronto students are taking an unofficial "purity test," which, by means of a questionnaire, alms to determine their moral status.
The Spectator
McPherson College
Presents Its
Fourth Annual Concert Thursday, February 13
In The
The Greatest and Finest Presentation of Vocal Music of McPherson's Music Season
Reserved Seats On Sale At Bixby, Lindsay & Co.
Drug Store
The Spectator
Coyotes and Bulldogs to Meet in Cage Battle Here Tomorrow
The Bulldogs will meet Kansas Wesleyan tomorrow night. This is the first time these teams have met this year. Wesleyan has two new players in their lineup which they did not have the first semester. This should make the Coyotes a great deal stronger.
Coach Binford has a lineup at the present time which has been working very well thus far this season. They not only showed their power against the Swedes but they also showed a great deal of basketball in their games before the conference opened. Since the Bethany game the Bulldogs have been considered a real contender for the conference title.
The McPherson team, which has played only one conference game so far this season and has been victorious in it, is looking forward to a victory over the Coyotes. There is no question but that the Salina game is one of the toughest that the Bulldogs have.
At the same time that Kansas Wesleyan gained two players Ottawa lost two. The loss of these two players weakened the Ottawa team a great deal. Monday night C. of E. defeated them by a 44 to 36 count. This was a very impressive victory which will strengthen the standing of the College of Emporia team a great deal.
Dew was considered as being condensed atmosphere.
Planet—where life may exist such as sun, earth, and Mars.
Barometer—a device used to measure the amount of weather. It can also be used to determine whether it is going to rain or not.
A solid is something which is not a gas.
Power—something that runs or moves objects.
The light year was defined as the amount of time required for a planet or star to go around the sun.
Sinkhole—a condition of the earth's surface (Perhaps eczema.)
Relative humidity—relation of vapor to atmosphere. (Uncle or aunt, maybe.)
Prominences—stars that occur at times.
Twilight—evening before darkness. (How about the morning after the night before.)
Glacier—the action which throws off hot water, steam, sand, etc.
Darkness are waves of dark.
Modern spelling coming into use by the field of science is shown by this list: Satalight, Beddle goose,
Herqulies, asterides, oxigen, lense, waight.
(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary)
By Conway Yount
Baker, still undefeated in conference basketball, is aiming at the conference title. But there are several dark horses along the path and it’s a long road with plenty of tough going. C. of E., McPherson, and several dark ponies are shooting at the same thing.
We can say that if McPherson comes in first, second, or third, we will feel pretty good.
College of Emporia 44, Ottawa 36. Ottawa beat Wesleyan and Bethany and then C. of E. beat Ottawa.
Thurs., Jan. 23. Does my head ache to-night? Thunk and thunk today, and then I don’t think I knew much. Worked so long on algeebra I put near missed my dinner. Chem was'nt so bed. I have learned how to write it, you just write all you know about a thing in all the ways you can with a lot of unnessary words in between on as many pages as you can and Hershey counts the pages and gives you a grade. Don’t remember only one answer, I said a molly-cule was the little end of nothing whittled down to a point. One guy
had quite a time cos he had meant to use his notes and a assistant set right beside him. Ira Milton told me he sure wrote voluminously. I didn't because I always was akward, but I sure wrote a lot.
Fri. 24. Got through to-day but don’t know weather I got through or not. Hess sure put it onto us, I don’t see why they dont give a guy a chance. I thought a participle was something like a radish. Revued purty hard last two days, but sure did a lot of nothing since English got over. Am I tired?
Sat. 25. I tried to git in Forney hall while he wasnt around and turn up the gass sos the darm would git warmer in my room but he keped me too busy doing too many things. Some of the guys thought I would be going home over the weekend, but I want to be here once and not study when I dld’nt have no studi-ing to do. That ain’t all either, what would I go home for any more? A man must learn to eschew the parental rof when duty calls, I'll git to see mama next summer. Swell date tonight. SHE said she got decam-pused today (I though doc Hershy said that was something which hap-penns to a organic compound when it sets out in the open, but he must of been wrong). We sure had swell time, went to the show, I did-n’thardly think about Henrietta all evening. Thoughts of her were con-spicous by their lack of presence.
Sun. 26. Slept to late to make it to church. Did’nt have much to do.
It would be fun doing nothing if I didn’t have so much of it to do. I am growing older, I had a swell time running around with the new girl friend, but one lesson I have learned, I’ll have a good time with the girls, but I am not going to lose my head over any of them. I have always been that way and they always git the best of me. I shall have to keep close guard on my affections, no female shall drag me through the slough of despond. One thirty so guess I’ll go to bed.
Mon. 27. Tried to inrole to-day, don’t see why they have a guy do all that running around and waiting in line. Had quite a time finding what I could take that I wanted to and gitting them to let me take it. But that was simplicity beside getting by Frees, it was a game of freeze out for sure, and I am still out in the cold.
Tue. 28. Still trying to git by Frees, and not having any better luck. They don’t seem to care weather I git an education in this institution of learning or not. Let him hist me out cos I can’t find work. I’ll go and do something useful, most of this is just debris any how. The girls git all their demerits erased and start the semester with
a perfect character, sombody ought to do some erasing in Funnistock. We are apt to wake up and find ourselves dead some morning if they keep on gassing us this way.
Wed. 29. Shut my door to keep out the gass last night and didn’t hear the breakfast bell so I put near missed my meal. Everbody was sure glad to see Forney when he come strutting through the mess hall to see if he could find some place to shut off the water that was coming through the cealing cos the girls froze a pipe up. Some of them have give me the cold soldier plenty severe but I didn’t think it was as cold as that. This is gitting bad: if you stay in Funnystock they try to gass you, if you stay in Arnold they try to drown you, and if you stay in Kline you git campused. Something always takes the joy out of life— classes started again to-day.
Reversal of the usual educational process took place last week when the students informed the faculty of heretofore unknown facts and definitions. Here are a few of the more vital ones:
The greatest height attained by man is 14 feet. This would make two Tonies.
The steam engine was discovered by Peter Coper. This fact seems to be a bit controversial. Another insists that it was discovered by Andrew Jackson.
Copernicus was given credit and discredit for being a great astronomer, a group of stars, a constellation, the inventor of the telescope, and the engineer who devised the solar system. (Wotta man!!)
Light—that which can be seen. Something that has a brightening, effect. Just opposite from dark. Either vibrations.
Parts of a radio tube—condenser, prongs, and the base.
Asteroids were defined as being small planets around the moon. Was the moon proud?
An ampere is the speed of electricity or what will cause a shock. (Now wouldn't that shock you?) Stratosphere was defined as the space above us that we call up. Also it is a method of determining the speed of light. The stratosphere is also the air above the atmosphere.
Troposphere is a method used to determine the amount of light. It is also the region surrounding the sun.
The hydrosphere is a layer in the sun's composition.
Meteorites were defined as shoot-ing stars. (Great sport- But they're out of season now.)
A star is a bright astronomical body in the stratosphere. Another defined it as a far away body in the atmosphere.
Galaxy—the star system of a planet.
Television is being able to see what happens before it does. It is also an invention which makes it possible to see what others are doing. Also it is an invention used to talk over a telephone.
Avalanche was defined as a landslide. (Presidential election of