McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 23, 1936
New York Times Gives Method of Construction — Not Entirely Accurate
Moissan Was the First
Microscopic Diamonds Were Made in 1896 by Methods Similar to Hershey's
(5,000F) the mixture molts into a white-hot liquid. Dr. Hershey drops the crucible into a vat of cold water.
A hiss. A cloud of steam. The Crucible contracts as it suddenly chills—squeezes the mixture. The pressure exceeds ten tons to the square inch, Dr. Hershey calculates.
Inside of the cooled crucible is a black mass. Does it contain diamonds? Dr. Hershey must eat away the solid iron with something that will not affect the diamonds. So he steeps the mass in aqua regia (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids). After a week the iron disappears (as pure iron). Maybe a bright speck or two of grit is left after the liquid has been filtered. Are they diamonds? Relying on Sesta, Dr. Hershey is convinced that they are.
No one knows exactly how diamonds were made by nature. High temperature and high pressure seem to be necessary. Hence the 3,000 degrees C. and hence the plunging of the glowing crucible into cold to obtain pressure by contraction. Sugar carbon is used because diamonds are crystallized carbon. And crystallization is brought about by heat and pressure—a forcible rearrangement of atoms.
Is this the beginning of something commercial? Let Dr. Hershey speak for himself:
"The artificial construction of diamonds," he says, "is no longer an unattainable goal. The difficulties that prevent the preparation of large and beautiful diamonds are only technical."
(Editor’s note: The attention paid by scientists the world around to Dr. Hershy's work with synthetic diamonds is interesting. The Times explains the principle correctly, but
some of the details are a bit mistaken. For instance the contents of the crucible is poured into the cold water. It is the contraction of the molten iron as it solidifies, not the contraction of the crucible, which produces the intense pressure).
Antiquated "band-box" gymnasiums are to blame for the mediocre brand of basketball played in New England, says Al McCoy, coach of Northeastern University, Boston.
time you, ladies of the student body, will have a new power in a strange situation.
Thursday, Jan. 23—Mission school,
Church of the Brethren, 6:45 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 26—C. E. at College Church, 6:45 p. m.
Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 27, 28—-Registration for second semester. Wednesday, Jan. 29—Classes convene, 8 p. m.
English Seminar Course Will Be Offered Next Semester
Dr. Flory will teach an unusual, but valuable new course next semester. This course is to be known as English Seminar, It will be both an A and a B course. It will be numbered as 35 and 165. The class will meet on Wednesday from 3 to 5.
The class will take up public school English requirements in various states in which the students intend to teach. The class is to be made just as individual as possible. It is designed especially for seniors, but it will be adaptable to sophomores who plan to get a sixty-hour state certificate. It will be elastic enough to take into consideration the needs of those who may go to graduate school.
Dr. Flory plans to secure lecturers occasionally from outside of school, He wishes to have some experienced teachers speak to the class. Miss Haight from McPherson High School has already offered to lecture before the class some time. Other speakers will be secured later.
Debate Squad Ties for Second at Salina Meet
Larson and Newberg are Undefeated in Three Complete Rounds
McPherson College second teams tied for second place at the debate tournament held Saturday at Kansas Wesleyan in Salina.
Harold Larson and Waldo New-berg of the McPherson College teams were undefeated in the three rounds of debate in which they participated.
The schools entered in the tournament included Bethany. Kansas Wesleyan, Kansas State Agriculture College, Bethel and McPherson. Each school had participated in eight rounds of decision debates. Bethany of Lindsborg won first place by winning six of the eight rounds of debate. McPherson tied with Kansas Wesleyan and Manhat-ton by winning one half of her debates.
The debaters representing McPherson College were as follows: Thersa Strom, Harriette Smith, Addison Saathoff, Marvin Ridell, Harold Larson, and Waldo Newberg.
The next tournament for the McPherson debaters will be held at the Hutchinson Junior College on Feb. 7 and 8 which is open to all junior debate teams. The set-up of this tournament includes six rounds of decision debates for each entered
team. McPherson College will pro-bably enter three or four teams at this tournament.
Musical Faculty is Popular
As Entertainers in Chapel
The musical faculty of McPher-son College was in charge of the program for Monday's chapel. The following program was given. Prof-feasor A. C. Voran gave two vocal numbers: "Wonder Song" by Rash-bach and "Love Is the Wind" by Mitchell. Miss Brown and Miss Ligenfelter gave a group of three piano duets as follows: "Romance" by Arensky, "Minuet" by Seabrock, and "Prelude In G Minor" by Rach-maninoff. To conclude the program Miss Shay, instructor in violin, gave two violin selections entitled "Ave-maria" by Schubert and "Oriental". This chapel was greatly appreciated by the students and other faculty members because of its difference from other chapels of the past.
Chemistry Club Hears Latest Progress in Science Fields
At the bi-weekly chemistry club meeting last Thursday, interesting reports were given by some of the advanced students and by Dr. Her-
David Metzger gave a report on cosmetic rays. He told what has been done in work with them and what they are. He stated that cosmic rays are found to be about 99 particles of matter to one per cent protons.
Raymond Lichty reported on his work on the effect of synthetic atmosphere on life. The atmosphere he stated, is 80 per cent nitrogen and 20 per cent oxygen. Other conditions are controlled with care. A white mouse lives in this from a week to a month.
Lawrence Boyer gave a report on heavy water. Only a few drops have been obtained since its discovery in
1933 he said.
Dr. Hershey reported on the meet ing of The American Association for the Advancement of Science, held at St. Louis the first of the year.
The new Student Union room continues to take its form. Construction of the fire-place which is to be in the room, has been begun. The electrical wiring for the room has been completed, and the ceiling has been constructed.
Stoner to Visit High Schools
Sam Stoner, field agent for the college is starting his visits to different high schools of the state in the Interests of the college. Beginning Feb. 14, different student groups, as quartets, casts of one-act plays, will give programs in these schools. Stoner is making these personal visits now to arrange with the principals of the schools, dates for the visits by the student groups.
Doctor Schwalm took a trip to the East last week. He loft Friday, Jan. 10, to go to Chicago. On Jan. 11 he saw Mr. Works, secretary of the North Central Association of Colleges and visited Bethany Biblical Seminary.
Sunday at 2:30 p. m. he left Chicago and arrived in Washington D. C. at 10:15 a. m. Monday. While in Washington he visited the Senate office building and talked with Senators McGill and Capper of Kansas and to Senator Borah's secretary. Visiting Senate in session with Vice President Garner in the chair was an interesting experience. Senator Davis of Pennsylvania was making a speech when Doctor Schwalm visited the Senate.
Later he talked to Senator Barkley from Kentucky. Doctor Schwalm asked Senator Barkley to speak at the McPherson College Booster Banquet next March. Because of the uncertainty of the duties of Congressmen. Mr. Barkley could not promise for sure to be here.
Doctor Schwalm ate lunch with President Pihlblad of Bethany College, whom he met in the Capitol building. After lunch he wont to the Supreme Court building and saw the Supreme Court go into session.
Doctor Ellis, president of Juniata Collage; Rev. Rufus Bowman, Washington. D. C.; M. R. Zigler, Elgin, Illinois; and Doctor Schwalm com-
The following article is reprinted from the New York Times, Jan. 12, 1936.
Out in McPherson, Kan., is Dr. J. W. Hershey, head of the local college's department of chemistry. So far as the published records show, he has produced the largest artificial diamond. When it is breathed that the diamond is only about as large as a pinhead and that is cost far more to produce than it is worth $5, according to one enthusiastic estimate), those who think of real solitaries sparkling on the counters of five-and-ten stores will lose interest in Dr. Hershey at once.
Back in 1896 the French chemist Moissan made microscopic diamonds. Until Hershey came along, these were the largest ever produced. Because they were so small, there was some doubt about them. They could not be chemically tested with the thoroughness demanded, because they were just a few specks of matter. Hershey's biggest diamond is four times as big as anything that Moissan made. But is it a diamond?
Here Dr. Sesta comes to the rescue in the Philosophical Magazines. After a thorough consideration of all that has been done, he decides that Moissan did obtain real diamonds.
Behold, then. Dr. Hershey making diamonds by the Moissan method. He fills a little crucuble with iron filings and sugar carbon, and puts it in an electric furnace. At a temperature of 3,000 degrees C.
India to be Feature of Pictures
Shown Before Missionary Meeting
Pictures of the Brethren mission work in India will be shown at the last of the missionary meetings which will be held this evening at the Church of the Brethren. Dr. Harnly will speak at this meeting.
A fellowship supper will be served in the church basement at 6:45 o’clock. It will consist of noodles, beef, mashed potatoes, beet pickles, sandwiches, and grapes.
Leap Year Dates Prove Opposites Do Attract
Ladies of the student body, you have proved yourselves equal to anything that comes your way. Referring, of course, to last Friday’s party.
While a few of you created hitherto unthought-of combinations, it was impossible to believe other than on the whole the party was a success. At least, from the bossy exclamations of some of you girls, the novelty seemed to agree with you.
It has been said that opposites attract one another. Only you, the ladies of McPherson College, will ever know if that is true. At least several couples of distinct opposites were seen at the party.
Games appropriate for the occasion were engaged in. Did the young ladies enjoy taking the lead? I ask you! One group of male element could not stand to be completely dominated by the hilarious female— you! In the game of wink-em they played it turn about. Ladies, that’s where you began to lose your hold.
How did you like to stand in line for the coffee and wafers while your male companions scurried after chairs?—A reversed agony, you may rest assured.
Your expression of your leadership, ladies, was dramatically shown
opening grand march. Next
Anonymous Gift of $2,000 is Received by College Library
An anonymous friend of McPherson College has presented $2,000 to be used in the library. This welcome and much appreciated gift will be used partly for library equipment, probably including a floor covering, and the remainder will be used to purchase new books for the library. New books which have been received this week include "More Things to Make," by C. C. Jones, "Taking the Profits Out of War," by B. M. Baruch, "Sound”, F. R. Watson, "Home Craftsmanship," E. S. Stierl, "A History of the Greek World from 323 to 146", by Max Cary and two volumes by W. B. Fields "An Introduction to Architec-tual Drawing."
The librarian has been notified that some friend whose name is withheld, has subscribed to the United States News, a weekly news magazine of national affairs, for the college for one year.
Heirs Fight for Long’s Power—
National Problems Not an Issue
The Literary Digest for Jan. 18 has an interesting article: "Heirs Fight for Long’s Power." It appears that the Long machine is about to "crack up" because of petty bickering between those who desire to fill the dictatorship left vacant by Long’s assassination last fall.
The race for the unexpired term of the senator promises to be built not around national issues but around the possibility for "home-rule" in the municipalities.
The rest of the United States looks on with interest to see whether Huey Long's dictatorship will crumble without his guidance or if it will continue.
Summer earnings of college stu-
dents are due to rise in 1936.
The University of Pennsylvania has restored a three per cent cut to its teaching staff.
Happy Birthday!
Messamer and Miller Speak Before Christian Endeavor Meeting Sunday
Two talks, one by Margaret Mes-samer oh social injustice and the other by Paul Miller on the reinterpretation of religion, were given at the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening.
A piano duet, "Intermezzo", was played by Dorothy Dell and Lilys Frantz.
Viola Harris led the group in singing and Ralph Sherfy lead in de-votionals.
Concentration Replaces Fun During Exam Week
Gone are the rousing yells and cheery smiles which are always, heard and seen over our campus. Lights burn in the dormitories un-come out again their countenances are a picture of utter dejection, and they say. "Well, I sure flunked out til the small hours of the morning. Students mope through the silent halls with strained expressions on their faces, mumbling indistinct phrases about anything from French to Calculus. The professors walk to their classrooms with superior, amused smiles flitting across their faces, as if to say, "I know you have been sliding by all semester but now is the time when you have to
When students enter the classroom for the "quiz" they look fearful and frightened but when they in that test," or "My brain is still going around and around from that test and I’ve got to go take another right away." The brilliant member of the class, who at least sometimes knows the answers, is crowded into a corner and pelted with questions. "What was the answer to the tenth one?", "Gee, are you sure?", "Then I
sure missed it."
After Friday once again McPherson college students will be happy with only one worry at hand, semester grades, but now they all join in saying.
"Of all sad words of tongue or
The saddest are those: Exams again."
Student Union Room Progressing
Meets Important Political Leaders During Visit at Nation's Capital
Visits Supreme Court
Peace Resolution Presented to Secretary of State Hull by Brethren Committee
posed a committee to present to Secretary of State Hull a peace resolution adopted by the Church of the Brethren at their annual conference last June. In connection with this matter, they also saw Mr. McIntyre secretary to President Roosevelt.
Doctor Schwalm and Doctor Ellis went to New York to the conference of the General Education Board of the Church of the Brethren. There they went to the Roosevelt Hotel where they were joined by President Winger, of Manchester College.
All day Tuesday was spent In conference. The presidents of all the Brethren colleges; Dr. W. W. Peters, of the University of Illinois; and Doctor J. I. Bauzher, superintendent of schools in Hershey, Pennsylvania, attended the board meeting. Plans were made for a committee of the Board to visit all Brethren colleges soon—either next semester or the first semester of next year.
Wednesday Doctor Schwalm attended an interdenominational council of church boards of education. Some of the outstanding speakers were Doctor MacMillan, of the University of Chicago; Professor Ell-wood, of Duke University; President J. H. Maynihan, of the College of St. Thomas; Reverend Gills, editor of the Catholic World; and Bishop McConnell, of New York City. Doctor Schwalm was appointed on a committee by the Council to serve to review and pass criticism on programs, etc.
On Thursday the Association of American Colleges met. Thursday he left New York and came home by way of Baltimore. He stopped in Indiana to visit his mother.
Dixie Melody Masters to Close
Successful Lyceum Course Feb. 6
The Dixie Meloly Masters, masters of Southern Harmony, will present the last number of this season’s ly-ccum course on Feb. 6 at Convention hall. Admission will be by sea-son or single ticket.
The members of this quartet have had valuable experience on the concert stage and radio, and critics are high in their praise. Their versatile and gifted group will prove a fitting climax to a highly successful season by the lyceum course.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
THE SCHOOL 1935 Member 1936 HOME OF
of quality Associated Collegiate Press the bulldogs
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson,
Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897._
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-cheif............................................................. Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor................................................. Merle Messamer
Society Editor ................................................................... Velma Watkins
Sports Editor ..................................................................... Conway Yount
Make-up Editor ............................................................ Norman Edwards
Business Manager .........................................................Lawrence Strouse
Assistant Business ............................................................ Clayton Rock
Advertising Manager .......................................................Waldo Newberg
Circulation Manager ......................................................... Galen Glessner
Assistant Circulation Manager ........................................ Lawrence Boyer
Estelle Baile Isobel Kittel
John Bower Evelyn Glessner Martha Roop
Otho Clark Alberta Keller Harriette Smith
Yolanda Clark Kenneth Weaver
To England—Our Sympathy
Realizing that the English people have always had a king—to the youth of the land George was the only one—-George's death was a great, intangible loss. We can feel deeply of this loss as we consider its significance. England well deserves the whole hearted sorrow and sympathy extended her by her American daughter. We can only hope the Prince of Wales will be as well loved.
The youth of the United States feel the grief of their brothers over the loss of the best loved British king for two hundred and fifty years.
Open Your Eyes and Avoid I’s
boys had calls in which some other girl popped the question.
Girls, wouldn’t you hate to have to bo responsible for the ride both ways, pay for the show and something to eat, besides looking for en-tertainment each time? You talk about being hard up without these expenses. I know you can save up enough for one night in four years but how about one night a week? ’Fess up, girls, you know this has always been in your favor. Aren’t you glad you are a girl?
under a severe handicap, because it follows that if a student cannot carry a normal load the first semester, he obviously cannot carry a full load plus the back work and come out ahead the second semester.
One of the student's prime purposes of going to college is to learn to study. That student who gets I's usually does so because he has not yet learned to study properly. There-fore it behooves each and every one of us who is guilty in this respect to make a hasty turn-about-face for the coming school period. Let's have less I’s next semester!—K. W.
deals exclusively with the trade of the men who build our towers and string the high tension wires over them. It includes his friends in many of the tense situations found throughout its pages. From the cold
We have seen some of the pros and cons for both boys and girls. Let’s not criticize each other so readily since we see there are two sides to the question. Your guess is as good as mine but I am not going to say who has the best end of the bargain; Are you?—An Interested Observer.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
DEATH brought to a close the twenty-sixth year of the reign of George V. King of England and Ireland and her possessions beyond the seas. A whole nation is torn with sorrow and grief.
Forgetting petty problems of the existance of a nation, thousands of Britishers stood in the snow for hours to hour of the condition of their king. King George was loved by every resident of the British Isles, rich or poor, liberal or conservative. Loyalty to the ideal of the race was proven to he paramount throughout the nation.
For the majority of students, the semester is officially over. For a few of us however, the semester is actually going full swing, simply because of the back work which remains to be done. In other words, there are a number of students who, as usual, take one or more I’s because of incomplete work.
In most of the cases there is no excuse for incomplete work. It simply piles up because the student is too indolent to do his work when it is due, or because of habits of procrastination. In either case, the stu-dent who is obliged to let his work carry over into the next semester is
McPherson College students should be much the wiser for their experiences last Friday night. We hope none the sadder as that would be the wrong result.
Now at least the students of both sexes should understand the problems of the opposite sex better than they did before this great occasion. If they do it has bad a constructive effect upon each group.
The boys can more readily appreciate how a girl feels when she must sit and wait hoping that she gets asked to the coming occasion by the particular boy whom she admires. 'Fess up, fellows, you know this has always been in your favor. Maybe yon can sympathize with them now. Also there must hove been sort of a sinking feeling when the wrong one called you up. Again the advantage has been with you fellows. Aren't you glad you are a boy?
However, you can not blame a girl who would like to go with a particular young man she likes but did not ask him. It just wouldn't have been the right psychology to use. Here the girls get the bad end of the deal both going and coming.
"Old Dan Rumor" must have been working overtime at the girls' dorm this last week prior to the party because as soon as one girl made a successful catch they all knew it. Here is one place the boys do not go around spilling the beans every time they get a nice date at least.
Now girls, you must admit that it does take some nerve to make that telephone call. At least many of the
In the Survey for December, Win-throp D. Lane urges a more effective use of the parole system in his article "Parole and the Public." The rising public concern about crime has turned the spotlight on various institutions of treatment of criminals, among them, parole.
There is a great deal of injustice in our courts today, for two reasons.
First, the penalties for similar crimes vary enormously in different states.
Second, judges in the same jurisdiction, applying the same laws, differ widely in the sentences they impose for the same crimes. There is no rhyme or reason. They are meaningless, and, what is worse, irresponsible. Yet they constitute the system which many Americans seem to think should be used in disposing of criminals.
Now what has the parole system to offer in place of these sentences? It is a system based upon intelligence. It is a system based on planning. Proponents of parole do not believe you can tell in advance when a man is ready to be released from prison. They do not merely believe In requiring a prisoner to "serve his time" they take the protection of the public a little more seriously than that.
Let us list two advantages of the parole system. First, it releases criminals when the time seems auspicious. Second, there is a supervision of criminals after they leave the institution. Parole must be accepted as sound in principal, protective to the general welfare when effectively administered and still needs a wide extension of public understanding and support.
Modern Novel Deals with Life of Linemen
Drawn from behind a plow by an intense desire to become a lineman. Slim Kincaid begins a life strange to the majority of persons. Climbing around 200 feet above the ground with only a steel brace supporting his weight, living highly between jobs, facing death at all times: these are some of the things Slim found to be the lineman's lot.
They suited him, however. Even the work on "hot" wire held a fascination for him. Slim's best pal is killed on the hot wire and Slim is injured but he still could not quit.
How the dangers of a lineman’s life kept him from marrying, how he learned to "cut it" on top a railway car or a steel tower alike, how he learned what it was to work in rain all day, those things are unfolded in the intensely active story of "Slim" by William Haines.
This novel, modern in every way,
during which the First President receives coplus instructions from his associates on how to sink the hook and how to reel in the fish. The climax approaches.)
Third president—Reel faster, doc. Reel faster. Do you need any help?
First president—No! No! Just give me room!
Second president—Hot dawg! Watch that baby jump!
Third president—Ride 'im cowboy! Whoopeee! Watch out for that rod. Here doc, you better let me—
First president—Hell no! Get outta my way and give me room!
(The frantic fish makes a rush toward the boat, leaps high and shakes the hook from his mouth. Dead silence in the boat for one long second.)
All three presidents—Damn!
A Harvard zoologist risked his life to enter his burning home the other day. He was after a set of corrected exam papers.
The University of Alaska has been closed because of a scarlet fever epidemic.
Students at Northwestern
Desire Course on War
of trains the lineman has a place. All this is found in the stirring life of Slim Kincaid.
Although the budget committee of Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., has declared that because of the already large deficit, no new courses can be added to the curriculum, students here are pressing tor a second semester course on war.
The purpose of the course, plans for which originated last year, would be to make a scientific investigation of war as a human institution and study of the best methods of prevention. It would involve the political, economic and psychological causes of International conflict.
Instruction would probably be provided by members of the various departments who would be willing to give their services without pay.
At the University of Chicago similar course is being contemplated, according to Prof. Quincy Wright, head of the political science department. (By A. C. P.).
Even College Presidents Can Forget Dignity
It must have been a hot day—that
time the editor of the Corpus Christi Texas Caller noticed in his paper that three college presidents at that moment were fishing out in the gulf stream.
The three presidents were Dr. Walter A. Jessup, then president of the
University of Iowa, Dr. E. H. Lind-ley, chancellor of the University of Kansas, and Dr. L. D. Coffman of the University of Minnesota.
And here, according to the imagination of the Corpus Christi editor,
is what happened on the fishing boat.
First president—This, gentlemen, appears to me as an ideal day and an ideal setting for our piscatorial adventures.
Second president—Quite so, my dear doctor. I was just thinking I have seldom seen a sea of a more divine and cerulean hue. Fishing amid such surroundings as these is indeed not only restful but inspiring.
Third president—I, too, am deeply pleased with it, gentlemen: I find that here I am able completely to relax. The problems that yesterday vexed my mind I find here assume proportions of absolute ingsignifi-cance. Under the spell of the majesty of sea and sky, they seem utterly inconsequential. I find it all very restful.
First president—No doubt there lies the secret of the calm which so many of the pastoral philosophers were able to attain. In such an environment as this, one finds no petty annoyances to disturb the flow of calm and calculated reason.
Third president—Poetic philosophers too, gentlemen, can only find true expression in such circumstanc-es. Do you recall those matchless lines of Theocrates - -
First president—Pardon the inter-ruption, doctor, but unless my eyes deceive me, there appears to be one of those finny denizens of the deep following close upon us.
(And then follows an interlude
Working with Feet on Desk Aids Speed and Accuracy
The man who likes to work with his foot on the desk really has the right idea, after all, it was indicated this week by experiments at Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y., showing that such a posture speeds mental work.
Dr. Donald A. Laird, Professor of Psychology, found that office workers slowed down mentally after a heavy lunch. He suspected that the digestive process was drawing blood from the brain.
He had six young men do mental arithmetic while lying on cots alternately tilted so that their heads were a foot lower than their feet and a
foot higher.
They made 100 mental additions in each position. Those with heads low wore 7.1 per cent faster and 14.1 per cent more accurate.—(College News Service).
Harvard Scientists to View Solar Corona from Akbulak
Setting up their Instruments near the border of Siberia. American scientists hope soon to pierce the mys-tery of the solar corona—that irregular "ocean of flame" extending millions of miles beyond the surface of the sun.
Visible only during a total eclipse of the sun, the corona will next put on its show June 19, but already Harvard astronomers have arranged tor front row seats.
The eclipse will not be visible from the western hemisphere. Starting in the Mediterranean, the 75 mile wide belt of total darkness will sweep eastward across Greece, the Black Sea, Siberia, Manchuria and northern Japan.
The Harvard scientists, now busy assembling apparatus near the town of Akbulak, in the southern Ural mountains north of the Caspian sea, hope that studies of the invisible infra-red rays in the spectrum of the corona will solve the mystery. They believe that oxygen may be responsible for the appearance of the corona. ( By A. C. P.)
A. B. DeGree is the name of a Wil-liston, N. D. man.
From the clays of the earth he has made non-fading paints and pigments. From worn-out sandy soil he has produced paying crops.
Born in a rude slave cabin in Missouri about 70 years ago (Dr. Carver does not know the exact date) he began his education with a Webster blue-book speller. Today his honors include a Bachelor of Science. Master of Science, honorary Doctor of Science, winner of the Spingarn medal for Negro achievement, member of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce of Great Britain.
The aging Negro's versatility is remarkably demonstrated in fields other than science. Dr. Carver is an accomplished artist, and is especially skilled in painting flowers. His works have been exhibited at world fairs, and some are to be hung in the Luxembourg gallery in Paris after his death. He makes all his own paints, using Alabama clays. He makes his paper from peanut shells, and the frames from his pictures are made from corn husks.
Dr. Carver is a skilled musician
and once toured the country as a concert pianist. To top these accomplishments, he is ah expert cook, and recipes originated by him are used today in leading hotels throughout the country.
By his work in agriculture and chemistry, Dr. Carver has been able
Language is only a means to an end, not a group of undefilable laws, in the opinion of Dr. Claude M. Fness, headmaster of Phillips Academy, Indianapolis, addressing the National Coucil of Teachers of English.
"Language is man’s instrument, not his master. When I began holding classes in 1907, my colleagues were spending hours on grammatical forms which no one except a pedant ever used.
"I confess that I have been guilty of wasting forty-five minutes discussing whether it should be, 'I knew it to be him,' or 'I knew it to be he'— a construction in either version so clumsy that I have never employed it in speech or writting."
The headmaster said English teaching has improved since the turn of the century.
"It has grown less rigid, less monotonous, less addicted to prunes and prisms," he added. "Formal grammar has been relegated to the subordinate position which it ought always to have, as a means to an end and not an end in itself.
"We shall continue to make progress while we cherish the conviction that the English language is alive— not frozen or moribund—and should be dealt with tenderly like a living thing. (College News Service).
Middlebury College will join other schools in dropping Latin and math as entrance requirements.
Modena Kauffman and Lucille Ul-lery are both confined to their rooms with the flu.
Aileen Wine sprained her ankle Monday night.
Margaret Messamer, Lois Gnagy, Estelle Baile, Lowell Haldeman, Franklin Hiebert and Harold Mohler went to Wichita Friday night to see "Blossom Time."
Margaret Messamer, Estelle Bail, Lowell Haldeman, Harold Mohler, and Lois Gnagy were guests of
Franklin Heibert at his home Saturday night.
Margaret Fry, June Turton, and Ernest Sweetland were guests of Paul Booz at his home Sunday evening.
Dr. Josephine Smith and Miss Maurine Stutzman shopped in Wichita Saturday.
Miss Alice Gill visited her sister in Wichita Saturday and Sunday.
Miriam Kimmel, who has been ill with the mumps, is reported to be improving.
Mrs. Wayne Sieh and daughter Mary Beth, are spending the remainder of the week with Mrs. Sieh’s parents in Ramona.
Professor R. E. Mohler went to Hutchinson Monday night to attend a men's meeting at the Brethren church there.
John Friesen and Orval Eddy were visitors on the campus Sunday.
Modern youth can "take it."
At least that's the verdict of prominent Ohio State officials who were asked to comment on published statements of Dr. William P.
Tolley, president of Allegheny College, to the effect that young people "Can't take it because they have never been trained to do it."
The colleges and universities are full of students who are proving their ability to weather tough going, the Ohio State educators said.
They cited examples: a boy who works from six to midnight every night in an out-of-town industrial plant: a student with no income whatever, entirely dependent on a board-and-room job (there are lots of these, and they don’t all have jobs for both board and room) and student members of police and fire departments.
According to Dr. B. L. Stradley, Ohio State examiner, modern young people aren't going to college merely to be going. "They are coming to
learn and to improve themselves," he said.
Ad in a Portland, Me., paper: "Wanted, three attractive young la-dies for three Bowdoin men to take to house parties. Picture must accompany reply."
Women with vulgar and uncouthsounding voices are most likely to succeed as radio speakers, says Harvard’s Dr. Gordon Allport and Dr. Hadley Cantril of Columbia.
King’s College, London University, has just founded the only completely autonomous school of journalism in England.
Dr. Carver of Tuskegee Institute is Also a Musician
From wood shavings he has made synthetic marble. From peanut shells he has made insulating walls for houses. From the muck of swamps and the leaves of the forest floor he has made valuable fertilisers. From the common peanut he has made 285 useful products, including milk, cheese, instant coffee, pickles, oils, dyes, lard, shaving lotions, shampoo, printer’s ink, and even axle grease!
Scientific marvels from nothing, or almost nothing. Such has been the incredible achievement of Dr. George Washington Carver, distinguished Negro scientist, who for 35 years has been director or agricultural research at Tuskegee Institute. Tus-kegee, Ala., noted Negro school.
From the lowly sweet potato ho has made 118 products, among them flour, starch, library paste, vinegar, shoe polish, ginger, ink, rubber compound, chocolate compound, molasses and caramels.
to serve his own people and lighten their burdens. Experts say that he has done more to rehabilitate agriculture in the South than any other man living.
"When you do the common things of life in an uncommon way," Dr. Carver once said to his students, "you will command the attention of the world." In that sentence lies the secret of his own achievement. (By A. C. P.)
May we present to you the latest campus poet—Prof. Bohling- It seems that in order to make economics more attractive, the prof. has taken to poetry. May we offer you his latest :
The price of Pig is something big, Because it’s corn, You'll understand
Is high priced too, because it grew Upon the high priced farming land.
If you'd know why that land is high,
Consider this: It’s price is big Because it pays thereon to raise The costly corn, the high priced pig.
From all appearances this act of "stepping out" can be practiced by both parties concerned. For instance the Kline hallite who has been stepping out all semester on the boy friend back home and then when she gets campused the one with whom she's been stepping out becomes the "stepper outer." Oh, well, they'll learn.
Wouldn’t a certain young co-ed be surprised if she knew that some people thought she had a date with the fellow who happened to be her brother-in-law?
Whoever started all these problems of logic which are circulating about the campus? No wonder students can’t concentrate on their exams when they're been over-working their poor brains trying to figure out how the man knew he had a black spot on his forehead or how the cannibals and the missionaries got across the river without the missionaries being eaten by the cannibals.
It looks as If the soprano on the ladies' trio is causing quite a mixup in the men's quartette.
The political parties are quite well represented on the campus this year —arguments between democrats and republicans may be heard at all hours in either dorm or at any table during meal time.
Would you believe it—our lady cheerleader says she was actually embarrassed Monday night when her date arrived before she expected him.
A warning to all those who frequent the dining hall: Don't ever sit at a table with both Weaver and Yount. You’ll be sure to have indigestion.
We nominate for extinction:
People who habitually come to breakfast 5 minutes late and invite attention.
Professors who dismiss class three (or more) minutes after the second whistle.
Quarrelsome Individuals who bring their disputes to the dining table.
Medical Students Have Odd
Medical students at the University of West Virginia, Morgantown, refer to their cadavers as "hicks" not, as is the almost universal custom, as "stiffs," and therein lies a tale.
It seems that in the old days the cadavers were entrusted upon arrival to the one and only university janitor, a campus character who spent much of his time loitering in the class rooms. One day he heard a professor of Latin, who was discussing the Aeneid, use the phrase "Hic jacet" (here he lies.)
Thereafter, upon the arrival of each new cadaver, the janitor would discourse as follows: "Hick jacket, this man has come to an untimely death. The vox populi cuticorpal cutaneous pressed down on his ad-velorum and caused his quietus."
The heroism of a Duke University medical student, now attached to the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, this week was acclaimed after he had saved a little girl from the pois-onous bite of a black widow spider at the risk of his own life.
The student-attache is Louis Way-land, who was walking through a ward of the hospital where the girl is a patitent when he saw the spider slowly walking up the child's back and recognised it as a black widow.
However, he did not say a word to alarm the child, but simply reached his hand out and casually took the spider off.
It bit him. Still saying nothing. Wayland walked quietly to the surgical room and slashing his finger with a scalpel, sucked a quantity of blood from the wound.
This week he was recovering from the bite, which for a time made him violently ill. The little girl will not be told, hospital official said. (College News Service.)
Now Visiting the Dentist Will
Be Just a Pleasant Social Call
Announcement of a new, revolutionary type of pain-killer for the use of dentists was made this week by Dr. Leroy W. Hartman, professor of dentistry in the School of Dental and Oral Surgery at Columbia University, New York City.
Medical claims attached to the ntw desensitizer state that it is expected to revolutionize the practice of dentistry by eliminating pain and that "drilly" feeling in the preparation and filling of tooth cavities.
The desensitizing solution is based upin a new theory of pain and the recognition of a previously unknown substance in the dentin of the tooth. It becomes effective in about one and a half minutes after application and remains effective from twenty minutes to an hour, and is completely harmless. (College News Service).
An M. I. T. chemical warfare class was routed recently when someone tossed a regulation army tear-gas bomb into the room.
Approval of a fund of $1,983,000 for radio education has been given by Pres. Roosevelt.
Hockey was first played in America in 1901, starting at Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Smith and— Harvard Summer School!
Ph. D’s are almost certain job-tickets today, say Northwestern University placement bureau, with starting salaries averaging $200 monthly.
Education note: In the Southwest, a "soup-bane" is a personal check, and the Dean of Men is known as the "boot-giver."
A course in "civilization" designed to enable students to orient themselves intellectually and spiritually, is being given at St. Lawrence Uni-versity.
Assets of Temple University, Philadelphia, have risen $6,000,000 in ten years.
The Spectator
By Conway Yount
played this week.
M.C. Opens Conference Victorious Over Swedes
Meyer, Johnston, and Crabb Tie for Honors with 8 Points
Each. Hartley of Bethany
Scores 6 Point*.
The McPherson College Bulldogs opened their conference by defeating the Bethany College Swedes Monday night by a count of 33 to 18. The McPherson team showed some of the boat basketball that they have displayed this season. The Bulldogs secured an early lead which was never threatened.
Both the teams played a tight defensive game, during most of the game. At times both defenses broke. The Swedes were able to score only two free throws and one goal from the field the first half.
Both teams showed a good grade of basketball. The Bulldogs showed considerable speed on the floor. They handled the ball very nice but were unable to make the majority of their goals count. There was a groat deal of substituting on the part of Bethany due to the fact that the players were unable to hit the hoop. Both teams committed several fouls during the game. The Bulldogs had a total of 5 personals, while the Swedes had 15 fouls. The Bethany team lost two men because of four fouls.
The scoring honors for the Bulldogs was divided among three men, Meyer, Johnston, and Crabb, each making eight points. The Bethany men who did the most outstanding playing were Bruce and Hartley. Hartley led the visitors in scoring with a total of six points.
Bulldogs Beat Quakers by Score of 27 to 25 Tuesday
McPherson College nosed out the Friends University Tuesday night in a very close game. The lead changed hands several times during the game. The score was tied at 25 all when Crabb made a tip in shot. After this basket there were only a few seconds left to play. McPherson took the lead and held it until the half when they were in the lead by a count of 12 to 9. The score see-sawed the entire last half.
Meyer, Bulldog center, took charge of the tips from center and since the McPherson team had a considerable taller team than the Quakers they controlled the balls off the rebound.
The Bulldogs showed that they had a strenuous night the night before the game and consequently they did not play such a high grade of ball. This is the second game that the two teams have played this year, the first resulted in a 30 to 20 victory for the Bulldogs.
The box score:
Osborne f ......................... 1 0 0
Basrcus f ......................... 4 1 3
Goodyear c ....................... 2 0 2
Anderson c ....................... 1 1 2
Dillon g ............................ 0 0 4
Nanniga f .............................. 2 0 2
In the game against the Swedes Monday night the Bulldogs showed some of the best basketball they have played this season. This game and the game at Bethel have been two of the best the team has played during the season.
Another team has been added to the intra-mural teams. This team has been named the What-Nots. It is captained by Hoover and contains men from different classes in the college. They lost the first game they played. It seems that because of some unknown reason the name of one of the captains did, not got in the Spectator. We are sorry the name was omitted and we wish to state that the sophomore B team is piloted by Naylor. This team has won one game and lost one thus far. The sophomore A team and the senior team are now at the head of the league. The sophomore team has won two and the senior team has won one. Neither team has lost any.
The box score:
Haun f ............................ 0 2 1
Johnston f ....................... 2 4 0
Meyer c ....................... 3 2 1
Crabb g ........................... 2 4 1
Barngrover g ............. 1 1 2
Hapgood g ................. 2 0 0
Vasquez g ....................... 0 0 0
Weigand f ................. 0 0 0
Allphin f .............. 0 0 0
Totals .................. 10 13 5
Bruce f ....................... 2 2 4
Hartley f ....................... 2 0 1
Hammer c ...................... 0 0 2
Lemon g ...................... 1 0 2
Uhler g ........................... 0 0 4
Cole c .............................. 2 0 0
Killfoil f .......................... 1 0 1
Swanson c ...................... 0 0 0
Warren f ........................ 0 0 1
Totals ...................... 8 2 15
Referee: Cliff Ogden, Wichita.
Totals ........................ 11 3 10
Haun f ........................ 0 1 1
Johnston g ...................... 1 3 0
Meyer c ........................ 2 2 3
Crabb g ........................ 2 0 1
Barngrovor g ........... 0 1 2
Weigand g ...................... 2 0 0
Totals ......................... 10 7 7
Score at half—Friends U. 9; Mc-Pherson 12.
Referee—Austin, Wichita.
Don't forgot the next conference game. It is Thursday, January 30. It is to be played here with Kansas Wesleyan as our opponents.
Ottawa played three games last week and despite a defeat by Baker they are now in third place in the conference standing.
The Bulldogs have played one conference game and are now tied for the lead in the conference. Baker and McPherson are the only two un-defeated teams in the conference.
College of Emporia plays Kansas Wesleyan Friday night for the other conference game which is to be
If C. of E. defeats Wesleyan they will be tied for third with Ottawa.
If Wesleyan wins they will be tied with C. of E. for fourth.
Bulldog Reserves All See
Action in Sterling Game
Sterling met its second defeat of the season to the Bulldogs last Thursday when McPherson came out on the big end of a 53 to 18 count. The game was rather ragged at times with both teams playing poor ball, while at times the teams showed a good brand of ball.
The Bulldogs played a better grade of ball against the Sterling team than they did against Friends University of Wichita. However, they did not play the good grade of ball which they exhibited at Newton the week before when they defeated Bethel.
Probably the most outstanding player of the evening was Johnston who made a total of 8 points. All the McPherson reserves saw some action in this game. The reserve strength of the Bulldogs this year seems to be rather weak. This was the second win that McPhorson has over Sterling this year. Earlier in the season Sterling met a 26 to 49 defeat. -
therselves, we lern responsibility. I dont see why though they did’nt let the girls have one night in a year when they could stay out as late as they was fools enough to and make the men git in that night, cos the girls had to take the men where they was going anyhow and why could’nt they finish up the job right? Shucks, it fills me with abismal dizgust. Smelled smoko in the dorm to-night. Saw the Y pres. and some other first guys go down the hall, guess maby they was looking for the fire.
Sun. 19. Went to Sunday school again this A. M. and herd two sermons again as usual when I go some-
W L Pct.
McPherson ............................ 1 0 1.000
Baker .................................... 2 0 1.000
Ottawa ................................. 2 1 .667
College of Emporia .......... 1 1 .500
Anton Meyer all-conference cen-ter. "Tony" has shown some good basketball thus fur this season. He has been high point man in several games. He is a good floor man and is very valuable in securing the ball He has been able
(From "Gourdie” Green's Diary)
Thurs. 16. Ray! I got a date to the party and I dont care what Henrietta does, she has gone out of my life. Did we ever have a hilarious
time to-night, including which we liked the soxoff of Sturling. Some of the boys could’nt wait and took their leap year sweeties to the game. Big bull session with a lot of brin tweesers.
Fri. 17. Leap year party and did we ever have fun? I got along good playing train until they hollered all a hoard and I thought the rest would git on, but everbody got off. When they cranked up George Toland. I wonder if he was hitting on all four, he must of rid in a Ford some time. I had a swell time and She must of cos she said shed go again tomorrow night to a show. It was cold but we was'nt, it got so late I dont see how the girls got back in the dorm before the time they was'nt saposed to come in at. It must be tough to be a girl and git locked in every night.
Sat. 18. Carried some gas pipe, etc, etc, etc, etc, for Forny to-day. I dont know why he wanted them where they was’nt and dident want them where they was, but he did and he didnt. I guess I hadd’nt ought to hollar at what I got to do so long as I git payed for it, only I guess I can gripe if everybody else does. I never seen such a fine experienced hunch of gripers as we got hear. Say am I sore? Here I got a date and they wont let me have it cos She got in late and got compassed. Shucks!!!
times. A guy expects a preacher to preach. It sure was a swell day this after-noon and I took me a long walk a mile or so. Ate all the sandwitches they would bring in for lunch, and found my plate was dated September, it didn’t say weather it was 1935 or not.
Mon. 20. We beet the Sweedes, they didn't seem to know where they was at and our teem keped them lost. The most intresting part of the game was to watch the refere, almost. A time or two I thought he was going to jump over sombody when they throw a gold. We got a swell teem though, they look like a sanitary bunch to me, cos I think they are going to clean up the conference. A lot of the boys must not have much to do around here, carrying them sticks with a cross piece on the end around here, all though I never see them roll there hoops. Nose on the grindstone this weak, cos there are the semesters to git through. Here is where a lot of the guys what was shifty and could git by in football gits throwed for a loss. Shucks, Nalors teem wolloped us whatnots.
Tues. 21. Studdied to-day.
Wed. 22. Well here goes nothing to nowhere. I guess it is the tail of 2 cities to-day, this tells the tail, weather I stay in McPherson or go back to Punkin Center. Say, doc Petry sure put it onto us in old Testament. I dont know what there was about it that I do know. Must be time to git some more free candybars around here, cos a Magyzine come to-day for Mrs. Kenneth Weaver. Studdied to-day, no bull sessions.
Columbia's class of 1935 is 75 per cent employed.
Merwin Hapgood, guard. Hapgood received an ankle injury at the tournament at Winfield which has done him considerable damage this season. He has shown up very well thus far. He breaks into every game and is a valuable player while there.
Harold Johnston, all conference guard. "Jonsie" has lots of speed and fight. He is an uncanny shot from all over the court. Because of his great speed and drive he has often been able to score from under the basket.
off the back stop. to control the tip on every center he has jumped against thus far this season.
As if I hadd'nt suffered enough? Im glad us men is aloud to look after