Alumni and Faculty Attend Dinner Friday

President Schwalm Acts as Host— Dean Mohler is Toastmaster

Friday evening, Jan. 3, a group of college alumni and several faculty members met at the request of President Schwalm for a dinner served in the parlors of the College Church. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss informally problems relating to the future of the college and to give former students the opportunity o offer suggestions for the improvement and progress of McPherson College.

Dean Mohler acted as toastmaster at the dinner. President Schwalm gave a report of the college after which each alumnus spoke briefly. Those who attended the dinner in-cluded President Schwalm, Dean Mohler, Dr. Bright, Dr. Harnley, JH. Fries, all of the college: Grover Doutzour, E. C. Wine, Lucetta Johnson, James Elrod, all of Wichita: Keeth Hayes, Stafford: Herbert Ruthrauff, Hutchinson: S. L. Son-dergard, Salina: E. E. Kauffman, Buhler: Ruth Trostle, Clinton Trostle, John Whiteneck, all of Nickerson: Dr. Foutz, Minneapolis: Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lindell, and John Wall, McPherson.

The response of the alumni was excellent and many beneficial suggestions were made.

Students Invited to Formal

Dinner Friday in Arnold Hall

A formal dinner is to be held Fri-day evening, in the dining room of Arnold Hall. Although the dinner is held primarily for students living in Arnold and Fahnestock dormitories, other guests are extended invitations to attend. Any one who does not live in one of the campus dormitories and wishes to attend the dinner, should sign the notice which is posted on the bulletin board.

The annual missionary program will be held at the Church of the Brethren on Jan. 9, 16, and 23. Each meeting will he preceded by a fellowship supper after which there will be a program in which missionary work will be discussed.

At the three different meetings Professor Mohler, Dr. Harnly and Leonard Crumpacker will speak on Africa, India, and China, respective-ly. Moving pictures taken by the deputation team sent out in 1933 which consisted of Mr. Bonsack of Elgin, Ill., J. K. Miller of Cedar Rapids, Ill., and Leland Brubaker from California, will be shown at these meetings.     

At a pentangular debate tournament to be held at Salina, Jan. 18. McPherson College will be represented by either two or three under-class debate teams. All teams entering the tournament must be underclass teams not having more than one year of experience. Each team will participate in four rounds of debate. The five colleges taking part In the tournament are Kansas State College, Kansas Wesleyan College, Bethany, Bethel and McPherson.

cussed by Dr. Hershey. Work has been carried on at McPherson College with regard to those gasses and other of the newer anaesthetics.

Several thousand persons attended the meeting of the association, which meets two times each year. Dr. Smith and Professor Bowman of the college faculty were in attendance at the St. Louis meeting.

M. C. Representatives Attend Convention

Student Volunteer Convention at Indianapolis Enjoyed by Five from M. C.

3000 Delegates Present

Delegates From Many Nations Attend Conference in Native Costume

The Student Volunteer Convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana, Dec. 28 to Jan. 1 was attended by five McPhersonites. Mother Emmert accompanied Wanda Hoover, Lillian Peterson, Paul Heckman and Paul Miller to the convention. Those who attended the convention are very enthusiastic about it and they have much to tell of the inspiration received from the meetings.

Approximately 3, 000 delegates attended the convention. Practically every country of any size or note in the world was represented. This continent was represented from Mexico to Canada with 285 dele-gates from Canada alone. Every state in the Union was represented. It was a real inspiration to see people of different races mingled together, all being intensely interested in the volunteer movement. Many of the foreigners were dressed in their native costumes—the Hindu wore his turban and other races wore their characteristic clothing.

Meetings started every day at 9 a. m. and lasted until 9: 30 p. m. From 9 to 10: 30 a. m., from 2 to 3: 30 p. m. and from 7: 30 to 9: 30 p. m. the entire group met together in the tabernacle for meetings. The remainder of the day was interspersed with seminars and personal conferences with the leaders. The seminars consisted of groups of about 100 which met together to discuss various questions of general interest. They were directed by men

Regional Conference Program is Complete

Well Selected Speakers Will

Appear on Program Which Covers Many Subjects

Feb. 18 to 21 is Date

A Cappella Choir Will be Used to Demonstrate Effectiveness of Use of Hymns

The Regional Conference of the Central West Region of the Church of the Brethren will meet at McPherson College February 18-21. This conference is for the workers in any field of Christian activity.

The program committee has recently completed the schedule of what promises to bo one of the strongest conferences in years. A number of outstanding church leaders will be present to make addresses on church work and topics of the times.

Among the speakers will be Dr. Paul H. Bowman, a member of the General Education Board of the Ministerial Board of the Church of the Brethren. Dr. Bowman is a clear thinker and a winsome, effective speaker.

Charles D. Bonsack, who only last spring returned from a trip around the world during which he visited all the mission fields of the church, will bring a group of challenging addresses.

Ruth Shriver, who has been for several years director of children’s work of the Church of the Brethren, will bring messages especially helpful in religious education lines.

F. A. Crumpacker, an alumnus of McPherson College, who for nearly a quarter of a century has been on the China mission fields, is a student of Chinese affairs, and will come with first hand information of this interesting country.

Dr. Harold Case, who is remembered for his inspiring commencement address at McPherson College last spring, will bring more of his brilliant messages.

A number of other speakers will appear for one or more addresses. This will make the conference a varied and interesting program. The A Cappella Choir will be used to demonstrate the effective use of hymns during some of the hours of the program devoted to music.

Schwalms and Mohlers Entertain Students Christmas Day

The out-of-town students who did not go home during the holidays were guests in the homes of Dr. Schwalm and Professor Mohler on Christmas day. A turkey dinner was served at President Schwalm’s home and a goose dinner at Professor Mohler's.

After dinner the guests spent the afternoon playing various games and visiting.

These students are indeed grateful to Dr. and Mrs. Schwalm and Professor and Mrs. Mohler for making Christmas day really seem like Christmas.     

J. A. Blair and Others Donate New Books to College Library

Mrs. Holzemer has presented a number of college yearbooks to the library, including annuals from Stanford University, Missouri University, Kansas University, Texas University, Northwestern University and Kansas State Agricultural College.

The following three books come as gifts of J. A. Blair: "The Excellent Teacher" by Avent, "The American Elementary School" by Horn, and "Elementary School Organization and Administration" by H. J. Otto.

Among the other new books are “The Modern Parent” by Myers, “Modern Painting” by Mather, and "Romance of Leonardo da Vinci" by Merejkowski, as well as several biographical books of famous people.     

Miss Della Lehman spent the Christmas holidays with friends and relatives in Oklahoma City.

College Will Select Speaker for Commencement This Year

Commencement speaker for this year will be choson by the college trustees, according to a decision of the senior class in a meeting yesterday afternoon. As a memorial to the college from the class of '36 the seniors will present a fireplace which will be built in the Student Union room.

A play will be produced in the spring by this year’s senior class. For several years there has been no senior play. The class of ’36 has a number of experienced dramatists from which to select a cast. A committee will be appointed to carry out the production.

Movies of Africa, India, and

China Will be Shown at Church

McPherson to be Represented in Salina Debate Tournament

Dates for State and Local

Oration Contests Are Set

The state Anti-Tobacco oration contest is to be held Friday, March 13, at Miltonvale. The local contest will be held approximately one month before that time. There must be at least three local contestants before eligibility to the state contest may be gained. The winner of the local contest will represent this college in the state contest: Orations are to be limited o 1800 words. The state prizes are $35, $25, and $15, for first, second and third places, respectively.

Anyone who wishes to enter this contest is urged to see Professor Hess as soon as possible.

Wear a Good Smile, Men, It’s Leap Year

Women May Make Their Own Dates for Party Next Week

This being the New Year season, with its usual customs and traditions, the Y social committees are sponsoring a Leap Year party. There have been similar parties in the past, and reports are to the effect that such affairs afford a great deal of amusement and hilarity to the party-goers.

Of course, as the tradition goes, the masculine and feminine roles are to be reversed; this means that the femmes will emulate the swashbuckling males, while the men will enact the passive characteristics of the damsel. In other words, the girls are to ask the fellows for dates, escort them to the party, and then take them home.

The date for the party is set for 8 o'clock, Friday evening, Jan. 17, 1936. The place will be the Y. W. room.

Suggestion is made by the committee that those who go steady not attend the party together. This will greatly increase the fun of the affair. There is however, no restriction being made upon such couples, nor will any attempt be made to coerce them. But If some gal would like to date some follow who ordin-arily goes steady, and if she thinks she can get by the better half of the duet, let her not be inhibited in any degree. Nor should the fellow be surprised to receive an invitation from some one other than his "steady. "

Well, peoples, here's your chance. To the girls: here is your opportunity to have at least one date with that good-looking young chap who hasn't given yoo a tumble so far. Furthermore, maybe this will open the way for more activities together. To the fellows: Hold your breath, men. This promises to be interesting. You may be surprised to find out just who among the girls thinks your company would be interesting. At any rate, get set for a big time, and here's looking forward to a large crowd.

M. C. Receives Fair Share

for Students from N. Y. A.

Financial aid amounting to $2. -031 73 was received by the 43 students of this college employed by the N. Y. A. from Sept. 9 to Jan. 5. A total of 8, 125 hours was worked.

The type of employment in this work will in many cases further vocational careers. There are other values besides that of economic help received from this employment. Intangible qualities as integrity, dependability, and initiative are encouraged and developed.

A high quality of work is required, and those few who do not seem to realize this must either raise their standards or be taken off the rolls.

However, it would seem that most McPherson College students like to work, as the majority of them are working on the N. Y. A., downtown, in homes, and elsewhere.

Happy Birthday!

Ronald Flory....................... Jan. 3

Helen Eaton...................... Jan. 10

Pauline Stutzman............. Jan. 12


Student Union Room Construction Begins

H. E. Peel Is Chosen as Contractor —Students Donate Labor

Construction of the new Student Union room was begun Wednesday afternoon, by student volunteer laborers, who will be used extensively in the immediate problems of construction. Mr. H. E. Peel of Mc-Pherson, has been chosen as contractor for the construction of the room.

Mr. Peel was chosen by representatives of the permanent building committee which committee was appointed by the executive committee of the Student Council is composed of Willard Flaming, chairman, Wanda Hoover, Clarence Sink, Professor Dell, Professor Fries, and Emerson Chisholm. This committee made final arrangements for the start on the construction of the room at a meeting Tuesday night.

To continue the building of the room, and complete the construction of the room in the stylo desired, it will be necessary that all pledges which have been made be paid as soon as possible. Students should pay their pledges to their class Student Council representatives. Clayton Rock, treasurer of the Student Council will be in general charge of the collection of pledges.

About twenty volunteers offered to assist with the work, in response to Flaming’s appeal in chapel yesterday.

Hershey Speaks on Gasses at

Science Meeting in St. Louis

Dr. J. W. Hershey of McPherson College read a paper on synthetic gasses before a meeting of the American Association for the Ad-vancement of Science at St. Louis during the Christmas holidays.

Oxygen and laughing gas were the two most important of those dis-

Brethren Church Holds New Year's Candle Lighting Service Sunday

A New Year's candle lighting service was held at the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening. The program consisted mainly of choir music, and responsive reading dealing with praise, thanksgiving, aspiration, fellowship, trust, and light.

The spirits of Truth, Joy, Good Will, Peace, Faith, Hope, and Love, represented by LaVena High. Vera Heckman, Doris Dresher, Evelyn High, Marjorie Flory, Lenore Shirk, and Phyllis Barngrover, respectively, lighted candles for the new year.

World Service to Make Revisions—

Higher Standards to be Attained

World Service did not meet this week. Next week Wanda Hoover, president of the organization, has some suggestions which she wishes to make to the group. At the Student Volunteer Convention she met a number of times with members of the Student Volunteer hands of other Brethren Colleges and she received some helpful suggestions as to what the religious organizations of a college should stand for and what they should accomplish. It may be necessary for the World Service group to revise some of their goals and purposes in order to measure up to the highest standards. For this reason it is desirable that all of the members and everyone interested in the organization attend next week's meeting.     

We Stand Corrected

debate tournament which is to be held at McPherson is scheduled for Feb. 21, instead of Dec. 21, as it appeared in a previous issue of The Spectator.         

who were well-fitted to lead such discussions.

Some of the outstanding leaders and speakers present were Kagawa, well-known religious leader from Japan; T. Z. Koo from China, who visited our campus and spoke here several years ago; John R. Mott; William Temple, Archbishop of York; Gonzalo Baez Camargo, a young Mexican who is rapidly becoming a religions leader in his own country; Reinhold Niebuhr; Robert E. Speer; Mrs. Induk Pak, a Korean who gave some splendid talks.

Russel Ames Cook from Boston, who is recognized as an outstanding musician, directed the music of the convention. Sunday afternoon, Dec. 29, from 3:30 to 5 p. m. the choir made up of delegates attending the conference gave a splendid concert.

An interesting feature of the convention was the denominational meetings. Sunday afternoon from 4:30 through the rest of the day each had its own meeting at one of the various churches. The members of the Church of the Brethren met at the Brethren church in Indianapolis. There were 75 or 80 Brethren people there. Mr. Zook of Elizabethtown College discussed the work of the Volunteers. Mr. Zook is chairman of the Volunteer movement of the Church of the Brethren. At this Sunday afternoon meeting a group was commissioned to make some recommendations concerning various phases of the movement. All of the colleges of the brotherhood except LaVerne were represented. Sunday evening the Indianapolis church served supper to all of the Brethren delegates. The group also had luncheon together several days later.

New Year’s eve after the regular evening service closed the delegates had a jolly time singing stunt songs led by the music director, Mr. Cook. At 11:45 Dr. George Stewart, chairman of the convention, had charge of a worship service which lasted until a few minutes past 12 o’clock. As the whistles blew and the bells rang to usher in the new year, the group was called to prayer.

Miss Esther Atkinson spent Christmas at her home in Nebraska. 

The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson Kansas, Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

THE SCHOOL    1935 Member 1936    HOME OP

of quality Associated Collegiate Press The bulldogs

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson,

Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-Chief............................................ Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor............................................. Mario Messamer

Society Editor................................................... Velma Watkins

Sports Editor.................................................... Conway Yount

Make-up Editor............................................ Norman Edwards

Business Manager........................................ Lawrence Strouse

Assistant Business Manager................................ Clayton Rock

Advertising Manager........................................ Waldo Newberg

Assistant Advertising Manager............................... Paul Lackie

Circulation Manager......................................... Galen Glessner

Assistant Circulation Manager......................... Lawrence Boyer


Estelle Baile    Yolanda Clark    Isobel Kittell

John Bower    Evelyn Glessner    Martha Roop

Otho Clark    Alberts Keller    Harriette Smith

“I Hereby Resolve That . . ."

To MOST people that is the standing joke about this time of the year. Resolutions, made only to be broken, have become the butt of many quips simply because of the fact that they are broken so fre-quently.

There is no particular reason for making resolutions simply because the calendar has flopped over on its back to start over again. Resolutions, if needed, are in order at any time. But if an individual makes a number of high resolves each New Year, simply because it is being done, and not because of real interest in making a change, the chances are 9 to 8 that none will be observed. The net result is much like an alarm clock-if the signal of the alarm is not promptly met by action, the time soon comes when nothing

short of an earthquake will awaken the sleeper.

However, if the need for resolutions is felt, it is not amiss to make this suggestion: why not make just one resolution—and then keep it? Pick out some flagrant fault to remedy; firmly determine to take definite action on the matter, and then follow out a consistent attack. The results will prove to be gratifying beyond the expectations of the re-solver, and further salutary effect will be felt in that the experience of the alarm clock will not be repeated.

New Year’s resolutions can be a joke. They can also be put to mighty valuable use, if so desired, by building a basic foundation for remedial action in personality building and social adjustment. —K. W.

Writing Interesting Letters Is an Art

DO YOU write interesting letters?

Among the letters which you receive do you find some that are intensely interesting, affording a great deal of pleasure, while others are dry as dust, forced, and unnatural?

Letter writing, like any other art, is not inherent but must be cultivated. A. C. Benson, in "Along the Road." says that the test of a good letter is very simple. "If one seems to hear the person talking as one

reads, it is a good letter." The next time you get a letter, put it to this test, and you will likely discover that if it fulfills the conditions it will be an interesting letter.

By the same token, the next time you write a letter, attempt to put the principle in action. One is surprised at the easy flow of words when one attempts to write natural-ly, just as he talks, instead of practicing a frozen, artificial, and unnatural style.—K. W.

Will Youngsters Replace Greybeards?

RECENT actions of Congress and the administration have led many to wonder just what the sam hill has gotten into our national leaders. As a matter of fact some radical groups have come to the rabid conclusion that the chief fault of our congressmen is that they are too old.

It is the belief of these groups that it is about time that the youth of the nation had something to say about the regulation of our affairs. The powers of government have been for too long in the palsied fin-gers of greybeards.

The leader in such sentiment just now seems to be the "American Mercury, " long known as the super-radical organ of the liberal group headed by H. L. Mencken. The "American Mercury" is perfectly willing to see the national government taken over by a competent student council and is prepared to support legislation to that end. It feels that the "boys" (age limits from 18 to 40) can certainly do no worse than the oldsters have already done.  If the above were law, Huey Long would have scrammed back to the canebrakes of Louisiana in 1933 and

Senator Borah would have been quietly spraying Idaho potato bugs for 30 years. But the American Mercury feels that the senior class at Harvard, for example, would comport itself with more dignity in the Senate than the present incumbency. Further, it is felt that a twenty-one year old president surrounded by a cabinet of the average age of 20 might get something done.

Obviously the "American Mercury" is so radical as to border on

As It Seems To Me

“Rooted and Grounded”

I wonder if anyone has ever stopped to think as he hurries through the busy hum-drum of college days, or "daze,” about what he is really building upon. Are we getting the significant part of our col-lego education?

It has been aptly stated in the "Good Book" that one should be rooted and grounded in the faith. One man adding his interpretation to this so-called passage of scripture says that if one could accomplish these two things the rooting will cause growth and the grounding will give the growth the ability to stand.

Are things available at McPherson College that will make it possible for these two things to come about in our lives? One can readily see this dependence upon each oth-er. If rooting and growth do not take place there will be nothing to be grounded, while if rooting and growth takes place but isn’t grounded it will be of little value.

One must realize that there are many things available to these two purposes upon our campus. If ath-letics are the thing you desire, there is plenty of chance for rooting and growth but it is up to you to ground

the December 20 issue of La Sesal-pha, the hometown high school

newsorgan, (Clovis, N. Mex.). To our great surprise the exchange columns in the paper contained a personal reference to McPherson College. For the benefit of all concerned, we reproduce the item at hand.


McPHERSON, KANS.: Such stories as "Apply the  Golden Rule" would prove more  helpful in all school papers.

Could we suggest a little more humor in your paper? Thanks a lot for your promptness in sending -The Spectator. (Bold face ours.)

Well, I guess we got told! There was a time some years back when such a criticism could not have been made, for there used to be no less than three humor and scandal columns regularly in the paper besides numerous features weekly. Nowadays we’re lucky if we ever see a feature and if we get to hear all about Henrietta every week we feel fortunate.

Furthermore, the way "Speculations" has been changing hands, going into bankruptcy, holding closing out sales, and not-what, we never know from one week to the next just how long it will last.

OK you twits and twerps—how about it? Are we gonna take this off a high school paper (which, by the bye, has some not bad humor

(as well as the current bits of juicy scandal) a public airing? Who knows—through such experience you might develop into a second Winchell, or if you’re afraid of Ben Bernie you could be another Brisbane.

At any rate, here’s for more feature stuff. For one, we would like to see a couple more columns, and that’s no hay. If you want to write one, all you gotta do is see the ed. We firmly believe that scandal columns, et al, serve a very valuable purpose in adding spice to otherwise dry reading material.

And thank you, La Sesalpha. We always appreciate constructive criticism from well-wishers.—Kenneth Weaver.

Heckman Reports on Convention

The Christian Endeavor program Sunday evening consisted mainly of a talk on the Indianapolis convention by Paul Heckman. Leone Shirk led in devotionals and Pauline Dell played a violin solo, "End of a Perfect Day."

It and cause it to stand by the way you contest and inspire boys to play the game of life now and after you graduate. If music is the thing that you want, the same opportunity of growth is here. But unless you can make music appreciated more by some one else besides yourself it has not been grounded and can not stand and is therefore of little value, at least far from its possibilities. This is true of any department of the college.

We are now being rooted and are growing. We might as well choose the deeper things as the fictitious. Also we might as well have the natural follow-up of grounding this so it might be passed on to some one else without being merely preserved and lost to the world forever. —"An Interested Observer."

columns) and do nothing about it? Some of you lads and lassies have scandal-mongering possibilities and a yearning for feature-writing. Why not get into the journalism business in a big way and give your talents

Mrs. M. W. Emmert visited her daughter in Ottawa, and attended the Student Volunteer Convention in Indianapolis.

Dr. and Mrs. Petry visited relatives in Indiana during the Christmas vacation.

Dr. and Mrs. Bright spent Christmas in Kansas City, with Mrs. Bright’s sister. Dr. Bright attended an ice hockey game.


Isobel Kittell spent Saturday in Wichita.

the ridiculous. Nevertheless, there are several grain of truth in the contention that youth has great potential ability and capacity for action —progressive action. Mozart writing symphonies at 12, Browning writing most of his best poetry at an early age, Robert Maynard Hutchins president of Chicago University at the tender age of 29 all give concrete evidence of the possibilities of youthful leaders.

Furthermore, the situation offers a striking challenge to youth with ability to step into the ranks of government and politics and offer their services to the country in a pacific way. There are so many evils rampant in our national system that no one need ever feel, as did Alex-ander the Great; that there are no new fields to conquer. Graft and corruption need drastic weeding; agriculture and industry, still alive in spite of the New Deal, feel strongly the need of a strong guiding hand to pull them back to normal. Finally, the reiterated action of the Su-preme Court in declaring legislation unconstitutional offers a wonderful possibility to some youthful Thomas Jeffersons to write a new national constitution. There is perhaps no area of life so afflicted with a culture lag, so deficient of real leadership, so manifestly in need of fresh blood, as the field of social service in government.

So, right or wrong, the "Ameri-can Mercury" is heading in the right direction, and if its misguided ef-forts result in getting some high-powered, energetic youngsters into the stream of national life, they will not have been in vain.—K. W.

Thanks, La Sesalpha

While leafing through the change newspapers at the library recently, we happened to run across

We also solicit your subscriptions to any of these and many other magazines ALONE (without the Spectator) at their regular prices, for which rates will be gladly submitted on request. But why not profit from the LARGE SAVINGS afforded by buying the Spectator in connection with these magazines? You can get one year’s subscription to the Spec., ordinarily a $1.00 value, FOR AS LITTLE AT 20 CENTS additional!


The marriage of Miss Ruth Hawbaker and Mr. Joe Zuck was solemnized in the Dallas Center Church of the Brethren at four o'clock, Dec. 23. The Reverend S. S. Shenton, Des Moines, Iowa, read the double ring ceremony. Both Mr. and Mrs. Zuck are former students and Mr. Zuck is now employed at Enberg’s Super Service. The young couple are now at home at 1203 East Euclid.        


The marriage of Miss Lois Lackey and Mr. Guy Hayes, both former students of McPherson College, took place in the Church of the Brethren, Fruitland, Idaho, December 29 at two-thirty. The Reverend Earl Breon, pastor of the church, officiated. Music was furnished by a trio and by Miss Floy Lackey, sister of the bride. The bride and her maid of honor, Miss Floy Lackey, were met at the altar by the groom and his attendant, Mr. Walter Weddle, where the single ring ceremony was performed. The bride was a graduate of Fruitland high school and had attended McPherson College where she was secretary to Dr. Schwalm for a time. Mr. Hayes, a graduate with the class of 1934, is now a member of the high school faculty of Ellsworth, where the couple have established their home.

Take Difficulties as They Come, Say Smith

Mental Hygiene is Discussed in Joint Y Meeting Tuesday

"Mental Hygiene" was discussed by Dr. Josephine Smith in the joint meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. last Tuesday. Mental hygiene is the prevention and cure of mental illness. just as physical hygiene is for physical illness.

"Mental health determines how problems are met, and it is in meeting these problems that our mental health can be measured." Doctor Smith suggested that in meeting problems, one should think, "My problems are not peculiar to me alone, but are common to others also."

Everyone meets problems every day. The most frequent ones are those of disappointments and failures as in poor grades or failures; in school economic problems, as failure to secure a job or the job one would like to have; social problems, as in love: emotion-provoking situations, which perhaps are the most common. Instead of flying into a tantrum or fleeing from these situations, one should face them calmly.

"Nothing can be done about them;

I will try to overlook them," is the proper mental outlook.

There are many different reactions to these problems that are called "inadequate mental responses." One of these is to retire and lose one's self from his problems. This leads to abnormality. Imaginary invalidism is another escape from problems.

Excessive day-dreaming is a very common inadequate mental response. One who is not invited out and has few friends may sit at home and dream pleasant dreams of popularity. This might prove helpful to him if he would only take stock of himself and try to make his dreams come true.

Other inadequate mental responses are the "sour grapes" attitude land disillusions of persecution.

"Mental health is based on physical health." Miss Smith said. "A run-down person has a poor chance for mental health." A good schedule of daily living end plenty of sleep contribute immeasurably to good health.

Another rule for making adequate mental responses is to meet difficulties. Doctor Smith said, "Analyze the situation; meet things squarely. Take difficulties as they come; don't count them before they come."

"Don’t depend upon other people," Doctor Smith said. "Let them help you, but do not depend too much on one person. Other guides she suggested were not to waste emotions on situations which do not require them, and to gain every bit of knowledge that is possible.

Lastly, Doctor Smith gave choice of objectives as an important adequate mental response. However, she warned not to "set your heart on one thing only. That thing may fall; have an alternative."

Ralph Sherfy led group singing at the first of the meeting. Prayer was given by Leta Wine. A women’s trio composed of Helen Eaton. Lorene Voshell, and Ailene Wine sang "In a Luxemborg Garden."

Miss Alice Gill spent the Christmas holidays at her home in Lawrence.        

Prof. and Mrs. A. C. Voran visited Mrs. Voran’s parents in New Philadelphia, Ohio, during the Christmas vacation. Mr. Voran visited a friend in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and spent one day in New York.

Miss Maurine Stutzman was at her home in Thomas, Oklahoma, for Christmas.

Vernon Michael spent the weekend in Hutchinson with Lawrence Boyer.

Miss Jessie Brown visited friends in California and Arizona over Christmas. While in California, Miss Brown attended the annual Rose Parade held in Pasadena.

Collegio, Pittsburg.

Hastings had its first opportunity this season to witness a ballet. The Monte Carlo Ballet, headed by Leonide Massine, appeared here Jan. 3 for two performances. This particular company of players is one of the most famous groups in the world today and the only one on extensive tour.—The Tiger Club, Hastings, Neb.    

A diversified program of spiritual and secular songs was presented in the chapel on Monday, by the Cotton Blossom Singers, a quartet consisting of negro students attending the Piney Woods School near Jackson, Miss.—The Spectator, River Forest, Ill.

Under the auspices of the Student Council, a committee is starting for the preparation and distribution of a new college song book.—Oak Leaves, North Manchester, Ind.

A total of fifteen students, including eight freshmen and seven sophomores, have been named on the Normal Department honor roll for the fall term. Each person received thirty-four credits points or more.—Oak Leaves, North Manches-ter, Ind.

A special meeting of the Men's Student Council resulted in their voting to go on record as opposing the proposed change of the time for the opening of classes from 8:30 to 8 o’clock.—University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.

The Spiritual Life Institute, which is held annually on the college campus, was opened this year on the second of January and continued until the sixth of January. The Institute program this year was built around Dr. Chase E. Jefferson, of New York City and Eld. Chas. D. Bonsack, of Elgin, Illinois.—The B. C. Bee, Bridgewater, Va.

Dr. Josephine Smith spent the holidays at her home in Council grove, Missouri.     

Jean Lawson spent part of the holidays as a house-guest of Miss Helen Hartzell in Hutchinson.

Prof. and Mrs. S. M. Dell and family visited Mr. Dell's relatives in Nebraska, and Mrs. Dell’s family in Missouri, during the Christmas vacation.    


In an address before a dinner meeting of the Industrial Arts Club at Springfield, Mo., Wednesday evening, Dec. 11, Dr. William T. Bawden, head of the Industrial and Vocational Education Department, stressed the necessity of integration of industrial arts within the framework of general education.—The

Dr. Claude F1ory spent Christmas in California. He also saw the Pasa-dent Rose Parade.

Pauline Stutzman made a trip to Wichita Saturday.    


ally moving number of families into an oil community. This causes some change in the personnel of the college.     

In the oil town itself, population is usually doubled, often more. In some cases the oil brings undesirable people to the vicinity. Rents increase beyond a reasonable charge, groceries soar in price, and other commodities reach high price levels.

All this because the oil brings with it the dollar. Oil is an expensive business. It costs money to drill wells, to lay pipelines and to transport materials. As a result, oil sells at a good price usually. The large amount of oil the wells produce in one field brings money to the well owners.     

Because of some of the characters that come to a community with oil booms, often the oil town is well known for its vices. Drinking and gambling are common in all oil towns. The McPherson community has but a slight touch of this compared to the oil towns of Oklahoma, Texas or Louisiana. The reason for this is probably that the oil is not located in the town itself. Oil has become one of the necessities of civilization and any community boasting an oil field usually can boast of wealth.

this A. M. He said something about younguns going to college and learning to stay in bed till noon. We always git up before that here now, must have been diffrunt when he was hear. This is going to be a swell year, cos I got so much to be glad about, a chance to git edge-cated and make something of myself and a swell girl who is true to me.

Mon. 6. The "glad new year" has come, but it is not glad for me for it has brough dissappointtment and distress. It was bad enough for her to deceive me that way, but how it hurt to go and find her there with Gorge. I thot I would stay home a day longer than she thought I wood, and surprise her by going up to see her the last night after she thought I was gone. I did alright. I wanted to see if she was worrying about me on the trip back. She wasent worrying none, she was too busy making eyes at George to remember I had ever been there. You should have seen the look on her face when I walked right into the middle of the affair without nocking and was already to hear her startled cry of glad surprise which it wasent glad at all and I wanted to tell her then and there just what I thought until I thought about how I had been doing at collage and dident say nothing. I guess I had ought to be broadminded enough not to say something if she goes with another guy if she wants to, but I dont for the life of me sea why she had to pick that mug. He wont never amount to nuthing, shucks he isnt getting edgecated like I am. But G! I had faith in her, it sure herts to know that you cant trust people you thought you could. I guess ever-

N. Y. A. is Granted Additional Ten Million Dollars for 1936

Comptroller General McCarl has approved an additional allotment of $10,000,000 to the National Youth Administration, it was announced recently by Aubrey W. Williams, Executive Director. This sum will be allocated to the various states at a future date for the furtherance of work projects for youths between the ages of 16 and 25.     

An initial allotment of $10,000,-000 for work projects was made to the National Youth Administration Nov. 20. The recently announced treasury warrant brings the total for youth work projects to $20, 000, 000.

The November allotment was allocated to the 48 states and the District of Columbia on the basis of the number of youths on relief in each state as of May last. The treasury warrants authorize the expenditure of funds for projects which fall within the following classifications: youth community development and recreational leadership; rural youth development; public service training projects; research projects.

Following regional conferences with all State Youth Directors, programs are now under way in all the states which are providing socially desirable work for a large number of youths. The responsibility for selecting the projects rests with State Youth Directors.

The European crisis, according to James Wechsler in the article, "American Pacifism Seeks a Policy" in the New Republic for Jan. 7. has dramatically revealed the oppositions of Americans toward being involved in another World war. The American League Against War met in Chicago last week. Despite the present sentiment against war the anti-war forces in the United States find themselves sharply divided. Tho Socialists and unions, embittered by communistic criticism by the League, have refused their support. However, at the present time more unity is being achieved.    

There are two prevalent ideas among the anti-war workers. The first school contends that by rigid neutrality America may avoid becoming involved in European conflict. The second school however believes that European war would eventually, notwithstanding neutrality laws, involve the United States. Consequently we must prevent a major European war. These ideas are to be discussed at the League conference.

The author concludes with this statement: "The Congress of the American League Against War will be anxiously watched by hundreds of thousands who have heretofore remained aloof, but now recognize the importance of its mission.

Late New Republic Discusses America's Opposition to War

You are never completely dressed until you wear a smile.

Bulldog Cagers Lose 3, Win 4 Up To Now

Bulldogs Take Quakers by Score of 30-20 in First Home Game—Crabb Scores High With 10 Points.

The McPherson College Bulldogs have played six basketball games since the last publication of The Spectator. The first of these games was played at Hays with the Fort Hays Teachers. In this battle the Bulldogs met their first defeat of the season. The final score was 37 to 22. Lee Haun was the high scorer for McPherson when he tallied three field goals for a total of 6 points. Stabb of Hays was the high scorer of the game with 14 points. The Teachers led at the half by a score of 15 to 11.

The Bulldogs, entered a tournament at Winfield during Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1, and 2. In the first round they drew one of the best teams in the tournament, West Texas Teachers. After being behind at the half way mark by a score of 16 to 18, the Teachers won the game by a 33 to 25 count. Johnson and Meyer were high scorers for McPherson with 6 points each. Coluin led in the scoring with 10 points.

In the second round of the tournament McPherson met the Doane College basketball team. The Bulldogs won this by a score of 38 to 24. Meyer and Johnston were again high scorers with 12 points. Knistutek was high scorer for the Nebraska team with 8 points.

In the third round game the Bull-doge downed Durant College by a count of 22 to 17. For the third straight game Johnston and Meyer both held honors for the best McPherson scorers. Both these men tallied 7 points. Moody and Robertson were high scorers for the Durant team each scoring 6 points.

In their last round of the tournament the Bulldogs were defeated by a count of 18 to 31. In this round they had Admonds Oklahoma Teachers as their opposition. The Teachers were leading at the half by a 19 to 14 count. Johnston was high scorer for McPherson with 5 points. Jacobson led the scoring with 10 points.

Last night the Bulldogs won their first home game of the season by a count of 30 to 20. They had Friends as their opposition. This game was ragged throughout and very little scoring was done the first half and as a result the half score was 8 to 7 in favor of the Bulldogs. Crabb was high scorer of the game with 10 points to his cred-it. The high scorer for the visitors was Goodyear with 7 points.

Thus far this season the Bulldogs have played 7 games and have won 4 of these. The next game will be at Bethel tomorrow night. The next home game will be with Sterling when they come here Jan. 16. The first conference game will be with Bethany Jan. 20.

Rough-and-Tumble Playing Calls for Revision of Women's Teams

Unevenly matched teams have been the cause of much rough-and-tumble playing in the W. A. A. basketball matches. Consequently, Manager Mildred Stutzman has un-dertaken to reorganize them.

According to those who have observed some of the W. A. A. practices the women - seem to have a game of free-for-all instead of basketball. It is Miss Stutzman's hope to eliminate most of the roughness of these games by the revision of teams.     

Population and Wealth Increased by Oil

In McPherson College there are many persons who have never been around an oil town. There are others who live here that know little about the oil business. While McPherson, strictly speaking, is not an oil town, the nearby fields have a considerable effect upon it.

The college itself is affected. Special courses in petroleum chemistry are offered to those interested. At the present time there are a few taking such courses. Then, too, the oil business brings a great, continu-

Brights Have Auto Accident Near Marion on Vacation Tour

While returning from Kansas City during the Christmas vacation the car in which the J. D. Bright family were riding overturned. Mrs. Bright received severe scalp injuries.

The accident, which occurred three miles out of Marion, was caused by icy roads. The car, driven by Dr. Bright, slid on the ice while meeting another automobile. After grazing the back fender of the passing car, Bright's car skidded into the opposite ditch and overturned.

Mrs. Bright was taken to Marion for treatment. The family returned to McPherson the next day.

Eldora Van Dermark of Hutchinson, visited here Sunday. She plans to attend McPherson College next semester.


(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary)

Thurs. 19. Say, Im gitting tired of them putting that stuff in the speck and pertending I wrote it. I guess Ill have o tqui locking my diery up, cos I dont want the world to think I dont know no more than that, what would mama say? Maby I ought to sue the speck for liable.

January the one. Boy have I been too busy to do any writing the last few days, there has been so much to do. First there was Chrismus and all the nice things except the corncob which someone put in my sock and I throwed at my big brother who I think he did it and a big dinner at Grandmas and more candy than I could eat (for a couple of days) and all the kids in the program at the church at home and everthing. There was so much go-ing on they dident even find out how litle I had learnt at collage. I just smiled and said how I liked it fine. And last night we had a big watch party to see the old year go out, which I done blame him for. I hope he finds a better place where he is going to than this one. Out till to oclock cos we wanted to see some of the new year while we was at it and it was a swell night. Dad dident like it though when I got up so late

body is trying to fool everbody else, Ill never trust a women again. From this day on Im gonna be a lone wolf and tred the cold hard path alone.

Tue. 7. All the boys are glad and having a lot of fun hear at being back and I laugh with them but they dont know the secret sorrow in my heart. Seems like it does things to a guy for a girl to go back on him when he trusted her. The world dont look right after that. Ill just have to accept my lot of lonlyness and disillusion. Ill never trust another women again and Ill never be happy again. Oh I can talk and laugh with the boys alright, but theres a brocken heart underneth. The world shall not know how unkind fate has been to me.

Wed. 8. I thought maby thered be a letter for me today but I had ought to know better. I just as well fergit her and face things as they are. I got what was coming to me anyhow only that dont make it feel eny better. No thats all past and done now and Im through with her only Id sure write in a hurry if she wrote me. Seems like nothing much happens in the dorm any more.