School Days, Golden Rule Days Return for Instant

An uplifting program in line with the high ideals of our school and of an educational nature that was very inspiring to less learned students was the freshman program given in chapel last Wednesday. Some of the audience had longing and far-away looks in their eyes as they were brought back to the old Friday-after-noon program. More ignorant students had a treat in store for them Muffett" was presented with an allstar cast of Mary Trostle and Becky Stauffer. "The Highwayman, " given by Lola Mae Harbaugh and Edwin Jones, in dashing style, was given rapt attention by all but the principles of speech class to whom it was ancient literature.

Interest was revived in the multiplication tables after Gordon Bower and Charles Shelter gave their version (all rights copyrighted) of them. Quite a commotion was caused by the fingers being counted in the audience. "A Woman Killed to Death" was the topic of current events discussed by one of the star pupils (of the back row) Conway Yount.

Rhythmic expression of the feet was interpreted by Norma Hatfield in an a capella tap dance. Long-fellow's famous classic, "Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree" was delivered by Charles Sheller, with a that was rich in knowledge and learning.

Professor Hess was observed to gaze intently at the dignified Harold Larson as the school master. It was truly a wonderful lesson for both teachers and pupils. Master Lawrence Strouse gave a remarkable treatise on the calendar in the true Strouse oratorical manner. The reading by Frances Perdue was very beneficial as far as it went. We are eagerly looking forward to next Friday.

Music was not lacking in this program of culture. Wayne Albright and his guitar rendered a touching and plaintive song. Joyce Snowber-ger and Rilla Hubbard also contributed their musical talents to the eternal question of "What Are Little Girls and Little Boys Made Of? " Even drama was included in this program of programs. "Little Miss few improvements in the wording.

Class was adjourned, leaving a properly awed and wiser student body and faculty filled with admiration for the enlightened freshmen.

Lola Gnagy spent Saturday in Wichita.

Funds for Student Union Room Are Still Growing Favorably

Concentrated solicitation for contributions toward the building of the new Student Union room has brought favorable results up to the present time. The solicitation shall especially be emphasized up to the Christmas holidays in a hope that enough funds might be raised to start the construction of the room during the vacation. Students and faculty members will be expected to make their pledges before the holidays, if it is at all possible for them to do so.

It was decided at a meeting of the Student Council Tuesday, that the executive board of the council and administrative board should appoint a building committee. In this committee will be vested the power of overseeing the actual construction of the room. The final authority how-war, will remain in the Student Council.

Art Group Gives Annual Party

The art department's annual Christmas exchange party was given Tuesday evening in the art room from 5 o'clock to 6 p. m. Refreshments were served and gifts were exchanged.

Science Survey Students Visit

Moundridge to See Radio Station

A group of students enrolled in Professor Bowman’s Science Survey class Journeyed to Moundrldge Friday afternoon, Dec. 13, for the purpose of seeing a short wave radio transmitting and receiving station.

The station is known as W90SY, and is operated, as many other short wave stations are, by an amateur radio enthusiast. It is equipped with a 75-watt transmitter, which is considered rather more powerful than the average station of this type.

While the visitors were there the operator attempted to call several other stations but was unsuccessful.

The Science Survey class has been studying the transmission and reception of sound waves so Professor Bowman planned the trip as an aid in the understanding of the prnici-ples and fundamentals involved.

Surprise Party for Virginia Harris

Last night a surprise birthday party was given in Sharp Hall for Virginia Harris. At the party, gotten up by Paul and Velma Turner, games were played and corn was popped.

Virginia Harris, Doris Dresher, Waldo Newberg, Calvin Richwine, Charlotte Vandamen, Orville Beeh-ler, Asta Ostlind, Jimmie Corley, Orpha Burns, Velma Turner, Gordon Bower, Ralph Sherfy, Rosilie Fields and Paul Turner were present at the party.

McPherson Debaters Broadcast On KSAC

Weaver and Miller Represent M. C.

In Radio Debate at Manhattan

Paul Miller and Kenneth Weaver represented McPherson College last Thursday in a radio debate with Kansas State College, Manhattan. Their debate was presented at 1: 25 p. m. to 2 p. m. by station K. S. A. C. The question debated is resolved that the United States should cooperate with the League of Nations by placing League sanctions on Italy.

The debaters report that the day was well spent. Dr. Bright took the men in his car. Dr. Bright was also given the opportunity to speak over K. S. A. C. for a few minutes following the debate. At noon the dbaters of both schools, Mr. Dexter and Mr. Wexler of Manhattan, their coach, H. B. Summers, and Dr. Bright ate lunch together. In the afternoon the debaters visited the campus of Kansas State Agricultural College.

Many McPherson College students and others who were interested listened to the debate by radio.

The next few months, according to Professor Hess, will be busy months for the debate squad. The League Tournament has definitely been set to be held the seventh of March. This debate tournament is for men and women varsity teams.

The second teams that are eligible for Junior College competition are preparing for a tri-angular debate to be held at Salina, Jan. 18, with Kansas Wesleyan, McPherson, and Bethany. The second teams may also attend the Junior College debate tournament at Hutchinson which is to be held Feb. 7 and 8.

Hygiene Class Visits Modern Plant         

Dean Mohler took the hygiene class to the disposal plant southeast of McPherson Monday. The plant has most modern equipment and devices for the disposal of waste from the city. The plant has been built about four or five years. The disposed water goes through a process of purification which leaves the water 100 percent pure. Twenty students in the hygiene class took the trip.


Sherfy Reports on Conference

Happy Birthday!

Wayne Sieh    Dec.     20

Bill Geery    Dec.     22

Laurel Fields    Dec. 23

Evelyn Rolston    Dec.     24

Aileen Wine    Dec.     27

Lillys Frantz    Dec. 28

Charles Wagoner    Dec. 31

LaVena High Jan. 1

Alpha Whiteneck Jan. 2

Harold Evans Jan. 3

Glenn Webb Jan. 3

Glenn Knee     Jan. 4

Asta Ostlind Jan. 4

Harold Burress Jan. 6

Lawrence Boyer Jan. 8

Juilma Helm Jan. 8

Ronald Flory Jan. 9

Italian-Ethiopian Situation Is

Subject of Discussion in Club

The Italian-Ethiopian situation was the topic of discussion in the International Relations club meeting last Thursday afternoon. "Present Conditions in Abyssinia" was treated by Isobel Kittell.

Sam Stoner discussed for the club "Italy’s View-point. " "League Action" in regard to the situation was reviewed by Jay Hertzler.

Japanese Invasion of China is Park’s Topic

Sino-Jap Conflict and Its Results

Presented by Oriental Lecturer

Western Influence in the history of the Far East was plainly presented last Friday night by Or. No-Yong Park, lecturer on the East. Dr. Park pointed out that the white man must act at once if Japan is not to be-come conqueror of the Oriental world.

It is the belief of Dr. Park that the white nations are withdrawing from the east because they are not anxious to fight Japan. Most forcibly he discussed the problem of our own nation. "America is giving up the Phillippines and selling out to the east in order to avoid trouble with Japan, " he asserted. "Before long America’s boundries in the Pacific will be pushed back past the Hawaiian Islands. "

Unless action is taken at once, Dr. Park stated, Europe's possessions in the Far East will be eliminated. French Indo-China, British India, and Asiatic Russia will all become Japanese. In the case of Russia, the Soviet will be driven back as far as European Russia. She has already sold out her railways and oth-er assets to Japan, Dr. Park said.

"The open door is no longer open. It is now a closed door. " Dr. Park stated. Japan has reached the height of western civilization, then has bared her teeth at the white man as well as at the Chinese.

Japan's unhampered entrance into Manchuria has set an example for other nations, Dr. Park declared. Hitler, seeing how Japan got away with defiance of the League, has rearmed Germany. Mussolini has built Italy into a strong military nation and has begun to conquest of Ethiopia. Japan, elated at her own success, has asked for a naval ratio equal to the rest of the world.

Japan has now taken over North China officially. "The whole of the Chinese Republic is Japanese except in name, " Dr. Park stated. He blamed the complete inability of China to defend herself on the lack of a strong national government. "China has no government at all—that is what is the matter, " he said.

European History Students

Write Supplement to Text

Hess Presents Talk in World Service on War Experiences

Professor Hess told of his experiences as a Conscientious Objector during the World War. in the World Service meeting Tuesday night. Preceding his talk Leta Wine led in the devotions.

The events which Professor Hess described extended over a period of fifteen months. His first camp experience was at Camp Meade in Maryland. Later he was placed in a camp of C. O. 's. and still later sent with a group to Kansas where religious and political objectors from the entire country were gathered. He was in camp at Leavenworth and near Fort Riley and finally with others was placed in prison at Leav-enworth. With the ending of the war he was given all honorable discharge.

Professor Hess told some amusing incidents and told his experience in an interesting manner, yet beneath it all one felt the seriousness and crucialness of the situation. It was a challenge to everyone present to stand firm for his beliefs not only in case of another war but in problems of every day life.

There was a large group present to hear Professor Hess's talk. After the meeting was closed he stayed for over an hour answering questions put to him by the students.

He scatters enjoyment who can enjoy much. —Lavater.     

Be not afraid of enthusiasm; you need it; you can do nothing effectually without it. —Guizot.

Friday, December 20—Christmas vacation starts, 4: 30 p. m.

Saturday. December 21 — Debate Tournament, in Chapel and classrooms, at 6: 45 and 8 p. m.

Monday, January 6—Classes begin, 8 a. m.

Fifteen Children Attend Annual

Christmas Party Given by Y. W.

$107 Net Proceeds of Birthday Dinner Sun.

350 Attend Party—"Why the Chimes Rang" Presented After Meal

About fifteen children between the ages of five and ten were made happy at the annual Christmas party held Tuesday afternoon in the Y. W. room. Games were played during the afternoon, and ice cream and cake were served. Each child was given gifts.

Margaret Messamer had charge of the affair and was assisted by mem-bers of the Social Service and Social committees. It was made possible partly from funds raised by the Silver Tea held last Friday.

Approximately $107 was taken in at the birthday dinner held at the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening.

A menu consisting of green beans, pressed chicken, buttered rolls, es-calloped potatoes, cranberry salad, cake, ice cream, and coffee was served to 350 people.

The "diners" assembled upstairs and were divided into groups according to the month in which their birthdays appeared. They then marched downstairs in groups and were seated at their respective tables, decorated with such things as were in keeping with that month.

During the dinner short talks were given by Professor Mohler and Harold Beam.     

Immediately following the dinner, the group again assembled upstairs to see the presentation of the play. "Why the Chimes Rang, " worked over from Raymond McDonald Al-den’s reading by Margaret Messamer and Dorothy Miller.

Those taking part in the play were Willard Flaming, Homer Kimmel, Lowell Brubaker, Helen Eaton, Modena Sondergard, Richard Mohler and Wayne Zook. Choir and organ music were used at various times throughout the play. Theresa Strom gave a reading introducing the play.

Ralph Sherfy was the speaker in last Tuesday's Y. M. C. A. meeting. The object of his talk was to present a comprehensive report on the Baker Conference. Sherfy was the only representative present from McPherson College. He gave a detailed review of the entire conference.

The members of the Y. W. C. A. were invited to attend Tuesday's session.

The contemporary European History class under the supervision of Dr. Bright, is at work on a new project. As the text used in the course carries the history up until only January, 1935, each member of the class has chosen a country and will write its 1935 history.

There are 19 students in the class and 10 countries will be discussed. These countries will include Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Poland, Turkey, and China. The League of Nations and the Little Entente will also be used as topics. The material for these pages will necessarily be gathered from current magazines and papers.

The project will enable the class to bring their study of contemporary European history down to the most recent developments and will give them a better insight into the problems which have arisen during the past year.

New Schedule to Be Tried Next Semester

Chapel Will Come on Tuesdays and Fridays for Full Hour Replacing Present Plan

Periods Are Shortened

Morning Classes Will End at 12 o'Clock and Afternoon Classes at 4: 50 o'Clock

A new time schedule for classes and activities has been worked out by the Curriculum Committee and approved by the faculty. It will go into effect with the opening of the second semester, Jan. 27, 1936. The new plan has been advocated for some time, and will involve the following changes: the length of periods will he reduced from fifty-five minutes to approximately fifty minutes with about seven minutes between classes; the last morning class will end at 12 a. m. instead of 12: 30 p. m. as it does at the present time; the first afternoon period will begin at 1: 15 instead of 1: 30; the last class in the afternoon will close at 4: 50; chapel will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays for full periods instead of on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for half hours.

It is believed that there are relig-ious, social and educational values to be gained from chapel services. In the new schedule, a student's educational values received from chapel attendance is to be rated at either one fourth or one half credit hour per semester.

Tuesday chapels will be formal without announcements, and students will be largely responsible for the programs for half the periods Y. organizations will meet at 11 o’clock on Monday for a one-hour period and the same period on Thursday will be reserved for Pep chapels.

With the introduction of the new schedule, it will be easier for both students and faculty members to coordinate their schedules with those observed by the business firms and schools of the city.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

The Spectator


Estelle Baile    Evelyn Glessner    June McNamee

Gordon Bower    Alberta Keller    Valera Pearce

Otho Clark    Isobel Kittell    Martha Roop

Yolanda Clark    Harriette Smith

Jesus' Birth is Commemorated by Christmas


Editor-in-Chief........................................................... Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor............................................................. Merle Messamer

Society Editor................................................................... Velma Watkins

Sports Editor..................................................................... Conway Yount

Make-up Editor ........................................................... Norman Edwards

Business Manager ...................................................... Lawrence Strouse

Assistant Business Manager ............................................. Clayton Rock

Advertising Manager .................................................... Waldo Newberg

Assistant Advertising Manager ........................................... Paul Lackie

Circulation Manager ....................................................... Galen Glessner

Assistant Circulation Manager ..................................... Lawrence Boyer

Hoodwinking Professors Shows a Degree of Cleverness—and Gets Grades!

WHETHER considered ns a means or as an end, it is becoming increasing apparent that grades for college students are distinctly passe. Evidence of the trend of thought on this particular subject is seen in the policy of de-emphasis on grades adopted by some of our more modern colleges. Further evidence is seen in our own back yard, for one of the subjects discussed by Dr. Bert A. Nash, of the University of Kansas, at the recent tri-college conference held at McPherson, was the need of the abolishment of the grade system.

To the writer, grades are worse than superfluous in any realm of education, elementary, secondary, or higher. It may be granted of course, that there in some excuse for the system of grades in the lower forms of education; however we are mainly interested in college education now, and it is in this field that grades are the most obnoxious.

Grades Are Misused The system of grades theoretically is merely a form of educational measurement. Unfortunately it has seldom been considered solely as such by either the student or the teacher. It has been used by the teacher often as a means to an end—namely, as a way to encourage better "scholarship" on the part of the student. By the student, on the other hand, it has usually been held to be a very worthy end in itself—the higher the grades, the better the standing and prestige of the student, and the greater the gratification of his or her personal vanity.

Any student can vouchsafe for the fact that the system of grades DOES NOT secure better scholarship. Many students care so little about grades, anyway, that the system falls down. Furthermore, for those students who react positively to the system, it is not better scholarship that is produced, but rather the development of more efficient and labor-saving devices to "pull down" the grades and incidentally to pull the wool over the "prof's" eyes. Hoodwinking the "Profs"

As a result of this nefarious system of ranking students by arbitrary symbols, based usually upon ability rather than upon effort and work, a number of stock devices have been worked out to evade the hours of hard work desired by de-signing professors and to get the maximum results with a minimum

been indicated, is that it is based upon ability rather than effort. It is obvious that the clever and talented student has little difficulty in meeting the standard requirements of the average professor. On the other hand, the less fortunate and less intelligent fellow works his head off, stays up late at nights, and does his level best—yet he never seems able quite to achieve the high grades of his easy-going brother. The teacher makes exactly the same re-quirements for the smart student and for the slow student, and the devil take the hindmost.

Finally it has been argued, and not without cause, that the grading system tends to create inferiority complexes on the part of the more sensitive of the slower students.

An Utopian Plan

Consider, for a moment, an ideal system in which grades are no long-er used, but in which the student merely passes or fails. If the student does not desire to study, he is not punished for his delinquency by low grades—he is merely flunked if he does not meet standard requirements. The below average student is not subjected to the annoying and depressing circumstances of having his strenuous labor surpassed, in point of grade, by the easily attained work of the brilliant student.

But the most fortunate angle of this ideal system refers to the above average, talented student. The emphasis is now placed upon learning for its own sake. The scholar, therefore, studys to improve himself, rather than to make a certain grade. Under this plan there are no limits to the achievements which can be reached, nor to the intellectual re-wards which can be gained. There is no arbitrary reward in the form

Attendance at Williams College chapel has fallen to 100 daily. The service is no longer compulsory.

Many readers judge the power of a book by the shock it gives their feelings. —Longfellow.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

CHRISTMAS—the time of giving and good cheer—is nearly here. To the college students this means going home, getting and presenting gifts, and visiting with friends not seen for some time.

It should, however, mean a great deal more to the student in a de-nominational college. The reason for Christmas should mark the student’s attitude. Jesus Christ, his birth among men, is the reason for Christ-mas. Let us then as members of a church college keep this in mind during the holiday season.

The spirit of fun is secondary to the celebration of Christ’s birth. While it is essential to be happy and giving, the reasons we are happy

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

and the reason we give each other gifts must be remembered.

Gifts for Christmas have become traditional in some form in all Christian countries. The tradition originated when the Wise men lay-ed their gifts at the feet of Jesus. We are in good cheer at Christmas time because nearly two centuries ago the Savior of men was born. Since then his birth has been celebrated.     

While these facts are usually present in the student’s mind, their value as essentials to Christmas are rather weak. This year let us, the students of McPherson College, remember why wo have Christmas and as a result, have a happier as well as a more beneficial one. —N. E.

of work. Hasty and slipshod preparation of lessons is concealed by the practice of volunteering recitations and answers to questions which the student knows. This same inefficient preparation of daily lessons is, covered up at examination time by exhaustive cramming, last minute superficial review, and even cribbing whenever necessary. Tracing, copying, borrowing and buying ready made work, such as themes and drawings, have become common practices.

Each student learns the particular idiosyncrasies of his various professors, and from that time on he does just what is needed to please that "prof, " and, with the exception of the few who study for the sake of true scholarship, do no more than that. As a classic example, it is well-known fact that a certain professor on our own campus likes long, voluminous examination papers; and that he will not give a good grade, regardless of the quality of the paper, unless there are literally pages and pages of writing. Humorously enough it has been discovered that a poor examination paper written in a big hand, skipping lots of space on each page, is more favorably received than a most excellent paper of half the pages, but written in a close, fine hand. As a matter of fact, experiments have been carried out in regard to this particular professor, in which purposeful mistakes were written into very long examination papers, but the inevitable high grade was still forthcoming, for it was the length of the paper that counted.

Therefore, in light of all the evidence, it must be concluded that students know that the cleverer they are in "stringing a line" and fooling the professor, the better the grades that will be made, and this does not entail the disagreeable process of hard work.

A Misplaced Emphasis

The unfortunate aspect of this practice is that it really discourages true scholarship. The emphasis is placed upon making the grade, rather than upon learning and development of the mind. The system, as used by the professor, serves only to defeat itself. Instead of pursuing study for the true benefit to be derived from scholarship, the student studys only to make the grade.

The second undesirable feature of the grading system, as has already

of a grade which can, be easily attained, after which there is no incentive to further work.

A Concrete Example Lest this expand into an educa-tional treatise, may we close with a concrete example in which no artificial restrictions in the form of grades were used, and in which excellent results were gained. Robert Browning, the famous poet of the Victorian era, was the son of wealthy, talented, and educated parents. Most of his schooling was at the hands of his parents or private tutors, and little in institutional education. Browning's education was the elective system pushed to its last possibility. It is perhaps safe to say that no learned man in modern times ever had so little of school and col

lege, with their restrictions of grades. His education depended absolutely and exclusively on his inclinations.     

Thus he learned Greek, Latin, the modern languages, music, chemistry, history, and art. He very early developed a passionate love of reading. The result of Browning’s education was that at the age of twenty he knew more than most college graduates ever know; and his knowledge was at his full command. His wonderful poetry mirrors in every way the astonishing intellectual training of his mind.

The reason is simple—in Browning's education the emphasis was upon learning for its own sake, and NOT UPON GRADES. Need we say more? —K. W.

Sun. 8. Got up urly and went to S. S. an lissend at Doc Floorie. I ate a big diner tuday its a long lime til Friday. Lota gurls an boys went wockin cos the sun was shinin brite.

Mon. 9. Got a letre frum Henrietta.

Tues. 10. Doc Petre tocked to us in irentashum this A. M. He shur can tell us a lot without us noin what hes tockin about. Lotsa noyze in dorm tunite. Moms yellin bout evry 5 minets.

Wed. Dec. 11. Father Hess can make a fella feal funny when he ketches you aslepe. Ime goin to take sum gurl to the liceyum if sumbody dont beet me tooer. Thers a lota racket on first, their tryen to make another sine what thay call truses. I staid up til 12 aclok and there stil fitin.

Thurs. 12. Jumpt clean outa bed this A. M. cos Brewbaker ran down the hall a yellen with 2 gies after him. Sumbody pored water on us tunite but weer not gonna put em in the shower cos they mite crall in our bed like Laramie did in Molly’s.

Fri. 13. Herd sum good speches in chapel today. They wanted us to be perfek egsamples of what we hadnt lernd at college when we went home Crismus. I didn take nobode to the liceeyum to here that chinees tolk on account a because of the fack that I aint gonna buy a Crismuss presnt for anbode but Henrietta.

Sat. 14. Doc Forney maid me work for him all day. I wuz in his junk room huntin stuff for him got lost. I woodna got out if he hadna yelled fer me to hurre yup. Went to a sweal parte tunite. Had lotsa fun playin games an things Darn Hoover he woodn let me tock tu her long enuf to ask her for a dait for C. E.

Sun. 15. More soup. Wish Id staid in bed. Plaid rook this after-non. Had a big birdfa parte at the church and a play afterwords.

Mon. 16. Got anuther leter from

Men Entertained by Kline Hall Girls in Christmas Time Party

A group of the Kline Hall girls entertained a number of the college men at a party Saturday evening, Dec. 14. The rooms on third floor and the parlor were decorated with Christmas finery and a tree was provided on which Christmas gifts were hung. In each room various games were played such as checkers, spinit, tiddledewinks and rook. The guests were divided into several groups and progressed from one room to another during the party.

At 8: 30, 9: 30 and 10: 30 drawings of names were held for prizes. Lillys Frantz won a Christmas stocking full of candy, Franklin Hiebert a varicolored balloon, and Eva Faye Thompson received a stick of peppermint candy.

At 10 the winner of the new 1956 DeLuxe Klineaplane was announced. Mildred Stutzman was awarded this prize for having guessed the nearest to the correct number of beans in a jar. When the grab bag was opened the variety of gifts taken therefrom proved sufficient cause for amusement and laughter.

For refreshments jello and whipped cream, tree and star cookies and coffee were served. Miss Esther Atkinson was presented with a black fruit dish and candle-holders; tokens of appreciation from the Kline Hall girls.

The guests present were Orville Beehler, Franklin Hiebert, Daniel Zook, Chester Colwell, Milton Morrison, Fred Nace, Corwin Bare, Hei-bert Ikenberry, Paul Miller, Ira Hoover, Galen Glessner, Wayne Albright, Lowell Heiny, and Harold Reinecker.

The hostesses were Opal Hoffman, Viola Harris, Lois Hoffert, Joyce Snowbrger, Eva Faye Thomison, Mildred Stutzman, Roma McKinnie, Lilys Frantz, Evelyn Dell, June Mc-Namee, and Lois Gnagy.

Mental Poise Is Subject Of

Orientation Class Lecture

Mrs. Price spoke to the Orientation class Tuesday on the subject of mental poise. Mrs. Price is a graduate of the University of Kansas and has taken work in psychology at Bryn.

The need of self confidence to have mental poise was stressed by Mrs. Price.

For the past few weeks the Orientation class has heard lectures given by faculty members. Professor Boh-ling spoke on keeping accounts; Dr. Brown and Professor Hess discussed the place of languages in the college curriculum; Coach Binford spoke on health; the appreciation of art was discussed by Miss Lehman. Dr. Smith lectured on psychological traits; Dr. Petry discussed building a philosophy of life.


Well, it was like this—One day the editor says we've got to get a wow of a front page story in this paper and I’ve got a good idea for one! How about getting the dope on what Santa plans to give the M. C. -ites for Christmas? O. K., says I. So that was that. For forty days and nights we drove, and at such a high rate of speed that when we finally hit the North Polo we bounced right off in front of Santa's house. Nice house!

The old guy knew why we'd come, all about our being news hounds, and realized that we had to hurry home before the thaws so we started on our trip through his great storehouse.

Oh, my, such a sight as we never did see! We wanted to stop and try to wear out each toy but Santa quickly called our attention to the most wonderful revolving chair, all painted red and everything. "Now this, ” says he, "goes to Harold Moh-ler, in hopes of cutting out some of the wear and tear on his neck trying to keep an eye on a dining hall waitress. "    

Next we saw a whole pile of books which were to be presents. One of these was entitled "Most Anything Can Be Included in Soup, " by I. N. It goes for the cooks. Also "Ways and Means of Producing Money in An Empty Wallet" for Fries. Another was "Giggling Tunes" for Rilla Hubbard and Aileen Wine. We were then shown a schedule of classes which had been carefully worked out in such a way that Poister and Sink might have every one of their classes together next semester. Santa sighed as he spoke of this, and we knew he had spent lots of time on it.

We then came to a wonderful contraption which had Mother Emmert's name written on a lovely little card. This said contraption, explained Santa, is one which "Mother" can operate by simple pressure of her foot in her office. When such pressure is applied the rugs and furniture, and radiators all turn upside down, and there they are (meaning whoever is in the room at that time). Of course this apparatus would be operated only around 10 o'clock p. m. or thereabouts.

The next gift we viewed was a simple little television set which possessed the ability to "televise" between McPherson and Wichita. On the card it said "To Bernice Keedy from Santy. "

To Kenneth Weaver will go a list of 3, 000 of the world’s longest words in a hope that he will look over the list and be sure there isn’t one he doesn't know. Santa suggests that when he has studied the list for Weaver to pass it on to Dr. Petry.

Santa says that probably his only gift to Modena Kauffman will be a few suggestions on how to look the part of an effective house matron. Oliver Andrews will receive a magnet by which he can draw a date with any coed he desires. And then we saw an apparatus by which a person could be stoozed 15 feet away from the "stoozer. " It looked awfully complicated and Santa wondered if we thought the recipient of the gift could manage it. We said, "Yes. " We thought Ernest could.

Well, I guess this could have gone on indefinitely, but there has to be an end to everything. So you stu-dents whom we haven’t enlightened please try to bear out until Christmas. Santa said to give all our friends love and best wishes, and you’re our friends! So Happy Santa Claus, everybody.

Marc Hale is working and will not return to the campus until after the holidays.


(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary)

Orchestra Makes First Appearance

The college orchestra, under the direction of Miss Mattie Shay, made its first public appearance Monday in chapel.     

Opening the program with numbers from the Schubert Suite, the group presented an enjoyable half hour of entertainment. Other selections rendered were taken from the Tchaikowski Suite. "March Her-oque" by Schubert, was the concluding number.     

Comment in general was very favorable for the orchestra.

Henrietta. Boy, boy shes anxshus to sea me agin. Lotsa noyse doun on first. Thot they wuz puttin sum-body in the shouers or els fitin on sumbodies bed but it wuz just the first flore bunch in Laramies room tryin to sing.

Tue. 17. Herd Mrs. Price in oren-tashun this A. M. she told us a lotta things about mentel poyse. How we shuld put on our best close and act glad evere tim we felt blue. My soot wuld son be war out. Went to world servis this P. M. and herd Prof. Hess tell about his war expearenses. It kinda maid me feal funny down where I live at. Bin praktisin four chapl next tomorry.

We. 18. Boy o boy. 2 more days an I’ll see Henrietta again.


Miss Sarah Ann Wampler from China visited Becky Ann Stauffer Monday and Tuesday. Miss Wampler's parents are missionaries in China and are home on furlough.

Velma Turner and Charlotte Van-dament visited friends in Salina over the week-end.

Margaret Messamer and Mary Trostle shopped in Hutchinson Saturday.     

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown and family of Wichita visited Mrs. Ida Brunk Sunday. They were guests at the church Sunday night.

Word from Paul Booz, who is at the Mayo's Clinic in Rochester, Minn., states that his condition is


The Kline Hall girls pleasantly surprised Maxine Clark on her birth-day Tuesday, Dec. 17. After playing a few games the guests were served popcorn and candy.

The world fellowship committee of the Y. W. had a Christmas party Monday evening. Wanda Hoover is chairman of that committee.

Charlotte Wolfe, who had to return to her home in Iowa because of illness, is reported to be improving.


One of the holiday community features is "The Messiah" Christmas oratorio which was presented at Wayne's new auditorium lust Sunday evening, Dec. 15. A robed chorus of more than 100 voices, with orchestral accompaniment, and special soloist took part in the production to which everyone was invited. The Goldenrod, Wayne, Nebraska.

Paintings by Old Masters Are

Reproduced in "L'Illustrator"

Professor Dell has presented six books in the field of manual arts to the library this week. "Congress or the Supreme Court" is a new book of primary importance to the debaters.

The December Issue of "L'Illustra-tor, " the new French magazine, is particularly interesting. It has

nearly twice the usual number of pages. In it are a large number of accurate and beautiful reproductions of paintings by old masters. These reproductions make this issue enjoyable for not only French stud-ents but all other students on the campus.

What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul. — Addison.


Bulldog Cagers Down Sterling in 1st Game

M. C. Is Victorious 49-26 in Opening Basketball Game Tuesday Night There.

The Bulldogs opened their basket-ball season with a 49 to 26 victory over Sterling College at Sterling Tuesday night. The Bulldogs played a superior grade of ball during the entire game. Every man on the squad saw action, thus giving Coach Binford a chance to see the material in action.

The McPherson team, with the exception of a few players, will be made up of small men. The team looks fairly strong at the present time. The game against Sterling can be no real test of their strength. The real test will come in the conference games.     

The Bulldogs took an early lead and held it throughout the entire game. Their hard charge and excellent team work enabled them to hold this lead throughout the game. The game was rather rough at times but for the most part it displayed some good basketball.

Harold Johnston, veteran forward, was high scorer for the game. Johnston scored seven field goals and three free throws for a total of 17 points. Meyer tallied 11 points. Rupe was high scorer for the Sterling team with seven points.

The Box:

McPherson (49)    FG    FT    F

Johnson........................ 7    3    2

Haun............................ 1    1    2

Hapgood....................... 3 0 2

Allphine....................... 0    0 0

Kingsley....................... 0    0    0

Meyer.......................... 5    1    3

Weigand...................... 1    0 3

Crabb................................ 1    1 1

Barngrover.................. 3 1 3

Yasquez....................... 0 0 0

Totals....................... 21    7    16

Sterling (26)    FG    FT    F

Lunsford........................    0    0 1

Gault.............................. 2    3    3

Rupe.............................. 3 1 1

Heibert........................... 1    4    3

Edgar.............................. 0    0    1

Gill.................................. 2 1 2

Shoop.............................. 0    1 2

Totals.......................... 8 10 11

Referee: Detter, Southwestern.


By Conway Yount

The Bulldogs got off to a flying start with a 49 to 26 victory over Sterling College Tuesday night.

Johnston was high scorer of the game with 17 points. Meyer tallied 11 points.     

This is not a real test for the power of the Bulldogs but the real test will come when the conference opens. The first conference game for McPherson comes on Jan. 20 when the Bulldogs meet the Bethany Swedes.

The Baker Wildcats played a headsup game against K. U. last week. The final score was 32 to 34 in favor of the University of Kansas.

Just for the use of the cheerleaders and a few other students on the campus we wish to give a short resume of the games in the near future. The Bulldogs may tangle with Wich-ita University on Christmas night. They meet Hays on the night of Dec. 27. The second week of vacation the bulldogs will nter a four day conditioning tournament at Winfield. In this tournament each team plays all four days whether they win or lose.

Do not try to be perfect—if you succeeded, you'd be an awful bore.

Women’s Basketball Shows Plenty of Life and Action

The basketball teams of the Women's Athletic Association have each played two games in which we find progress in that there have been fewer accidents, such as skinned knees, bruised noses, and injured fingers than those received last week. So far this season close competition has been shown between teams I and II, while team III will probably improve during the season and give the other teams stiff games in the fu-ture.

To those who like to see close games with plenty of action the next game which is between teams I and II should please all. Last week I defeated II in an overtime game 1713; this week I defeated III 22-6 while II defeated III 23-8 so a great deal of action is in store.

A Cappella Choir is Entertained

With Christmas Party Wednesday

A Cappella Choir members were entertained last night with a Christmas party in the Y. W. room after their regular practice. Plans for the party were made by a committee consisting of Estelle Baile, chairman, Lois Gnagy, and Bernice Keedy. Paul Miller supervised the games.

Professor Voran entertained the group with three reels of movies. The first was a comedy, the second was of last year’s choir, and the third was taken year before last. Refreshments consisted of coffee, Sandwiches, and wafers.

Then it would be worth your while to see such hot-shots as Rilla Hub-bard, Phyliss Barngrover, Shorty Wine, Martha Roop, and several others, or if you prefer see the close guarding of Mildred Stutzman, Le-nore Shirk, and other basketballites.

Elmer Staats, '35, is Rhodes Award Candidate Second Time

Elmer Staats, '35, is a candidate again this year for a Rhodes Scholarship award. In competition last Thursday he and Mr. Lindenbaum of Lawrence were chosen to represent Kansas for the midwest district awards. This district contest was held in Des Moines, Iowa, last Monday.

There were twelve young men from six different states competing for the awards. The states represented are Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa. Four of the group will be chosen on a basis of scholarship, personality, and qualities of leadership to attend Oxford University in England for two years with expenses paid. Each man appeared singly before a committee of five men for in-terviews.

Mr. Staats was chosen last year, also, to represent the state and was eliminated in the district competition.

Children's Christmas Party

Financed by Y. W. Silver Tea

The Christmas party held Tuesday for children by the Y. W. was made possible largely by the proceeds from the Silver Tea last Fri-day. Silver contributions from those attending made a nice sum to be used for the party.

A program was given that consisted of a violin solo by Franklin Hie-bert, a vocal solo by Lorene Voshell and a talk by Velma Keller, '35, who is associated with the Red Cross office. A trio composed of Lois Gnagy, Franklin Hiebert, and Lucille Ullery, played during the afternoon.

Silver was the keynote of the decorations. Mrs. Othetta Wall and Leta Wine poured the tea.