Spectator Staff Extends Sympathy

The Spectator Staff extends sincere sympathy to Jean Allen who received word of the death of her father, Dec. 6.

Deputation Team Gave Program At College Church Sunday Night

The McPherson College deputation team presented a program at the Church of the Brethren Sunday night. This team is composed of Margaret Fry, soprano, Dorothy Dell, alto, Raymond Lichty, base, and Gordon Yoder, tenor, Lucile Ul-lrey accompanist, and Paul Heckman, speaker.

The program consisted of numbers by the quartette, a reading, "The Leper, " by Margaret Fry, and a sermon by Paul Heckman.

The following numbers were given by the quartette: "Arise, O Lord, " "Lead Me, Lord, " "Like as the Hart, "Angels of Light, " and "The Lord's Prayer. "

Silver Tea Tomorrow Will

Finance Christmas Party

All those interested in giving, some of the children of the town a Christmas party are reminded of the Silver tea to he held tomorrow from 4 to 5 o’clock in the Y. W. room. This is an annual affair sponsored by the Y. W. C. A., and all women and girls of the community are cordially urged to come.

A program will be given during the hour by the Y. W. Proceeds will be used to give the children’s party.

If there are any enthusiastic students who would like to try to design a cover for the annual, see Clark.

"It’s copper nitrate! " "Naw, it’s ink! " "Oh, that smells like peppermint! "—these and many other exclamations could be heard coming from the Y. W. room last Friday night. As the annual chemistry social cast off its stiffness and got under way student attentions centered on introducing one another. Considerable speed was used in the intro-ductions and it is doubtful that many people became acquainted—at first. Just try to introduce two people to a third who stands in front of you and tries to count to ten before you are through!

It is extremely doubtful that the faculty of the college would recognize themselves as they were portrayed there. However, some of the would-be scientists analyzed the data given and brought to light twenty-five of the faculty members.

Guessing was predominant in the next game—that of determining the names of several chemical compounds or elements. David Metzger was fortunate enough to win the prize offered for naming the most of the things correctly.

That the hand is quicker than the eye was proven by Lowell Heiny. Mary Trostle had the same idea, but had a hard time demonstrating it.

While cards are baned as instruments of evil, dice played a prominent place in the game of "Cooties. " Several of these cooties were formed in the course of the game.

The entire party, made what it was through the efforts of the social committee and Mrs. Hershey as well as Dr. Hershey, was considered a success by most of the seventy-three who attended.

Coming Shows Arc Reviewed

La Mar Bollinger, service chair-man of the World Service, gives the following reports of two shows at the local theatres this week:

"Mafy Burns Fugitive" (Christian Century Magazine). Sylvia Sidney and Melvyn Douglas. Innocent heroine naively loves gangster, not knowing his life. Caught and imprisoned as accessory. After escape law hunts and hounds her till she kills villain, and engaging hero, who supplies only humor and wholesomeness, settles all. Rating: Adults, good of a kind: young people, not the best.

"Thousand Dollars a Minute" (Christian Science). As in "Brewster’s Millions, " the hero must spend a fortune to get another. He comes under the wire at the last moment and wins the motley and the girl. A passable melodramatic farce of the meaningless sort with Roger Pryor and Leila Hyams.


Dr. No-Yong Park to Lecture On the Far East, Friday Night

Dr. No-Yong Park (Pao) will give a lecture on the Far East tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at Convention Hall as the fourth number on this sea-son's Lyceum Course. Doctor Park is a Harvard scholar and author and lecturer on Oriental subjects.

Recently returned from the Far East with first-hand information, Doctor Park is an authority on Oriental subjects and has made Far Eastern history and international re-lations his life study. He possesses Mark Twain-like humor and has been a lecturer on Far Eastern questions for various universities and college for ten years.

toes, cranberry salad, buttered rolls.

coffee, and ice cream.

Following the dinner a play,

"Why the Chimes Ring, " will be presented. This play has been worked over from Raymond McDonald Al-den’s reading of the same name, by Margaret Messamer and Dorothy Miller. Margaret Messamer will coach the play ana Dorothy Miller will assist her.     

Reverend Zook Speaks Before Y. M. Tuesday

Significance of the Advent of Christ Is Topic Discussed

"The Christ we know is not a weak Christ but is a strong one, " stated Reverend Zook in his discussion of

"The Significance of the Advent of Christ" in Tuesday's Y. M. C. A. meeting. The talk was the second in a series of religious programs that are being held by the Y. M.

Reverend Zook went on to say that it is very significant that during his life, only a few persons believed in Jesus Christ. "At the present time more than one third of the entire world believes in him, " Zook said.

Music; art and a great deal of science is centered around Christ as a subject. "Slavery, liquor and war, if not completely abolished, have be-come frowned upon by the world through Christ's incluence, " he said.

Reverend Zook then took up Christ's life on earth. He pointed out the significance of the fact that Jesus upheld the church of his time. He did not throw over the religion the people had then.

Next week there are to be two Y. M. metings. At the first next Tuesday morning. Ralph Sherfy will give a report on the conference held at Baker University last week end. Th second will be a Joint session of th Y clubs Thursday evening. At this time a Christmas play will be presented.

Katherine Cornell Stars

in “Romeo and Juliet”

The play "Romeo and Juliet" is a production by Katherine Cornell. Katherine Cornell played the part of Juliet. Florence Reed played the part of Juliet’s nurse. Miss Reed appeared as Ophelia to Edward H. Sothern’s "Hamlet" and as Lady Macbeth in the Gordon Craig production of "Macbeth. " Ralph Richardson, who maked his American debut as Mercuio, has acted a wide range of classic and modern characters in England. Maurine Evans, who is seen in America for the first time when he appears as Romeo, made his stage debut as a child in a dramatization of Thomas Hardy's "Far from the Madding Crowd" with the Wessex Players. Guthrie McClintic, who has directed all the play in which Miss Cornell has starred has staged "Romeo and Juliet. "

Jo Mielziner designed the many settings and costumes for "Romeo and Juliet. "

M. C. Debaters Argue at Winfield Tourney

Sixteen Participate in Practice Tourney at Southwestern College

High Rating for M. C.

Out-of-State Colleges Carry Away Highest Honors of Senior Division

McPherson College was represented at the Southwestern College Debate Tournament at Winfield by sixteen persons who make up the McPherson College debate squad. The tournament was hold over Friday and Saturday of last week. The tournament, although held as a practice tournament, allowed the various teams to determine their comparative effectiveness.

Early Friday morning around 7: 30 o'clock the debaters convened at the administration building to start to Winfield. Three cars belonging to Professor Hess, Dr. Flory, and Paul Booz were used to take the debaters. Since the untimely illness of Paul Booz presented itself Kenneth Weaver drove his car, and Paul

Miller who had been chosen alterna-tive for the varsity took Mr. Booz' place.

The various cars arrived in Winfield at various times during the forenoon. The fact that Wichita is situated on the way to Winfield may be the cause of the difference in times of arrival at Winfield.

In the whole time allowed to debating a total of eight rounds were participated in by the McPherson College debaters. The first three rounds which were run off on Friday afternoon were non-decision debates and all the McPherson teams debated in those. The first decision round was given Friday evening; the other four decision rounds continued throughout Saturday until around 2: 30 p. m. Any team that had in this time remained undefeated in the five rounds was allowed to enter the finals. It is interesting to note trat none of the teams in the finals in the senior decision were from Kansas schools.

Those who represented McPherson College in the decision rounds of debate are as follows: women—Grace Clark, Alberta Keller; Theresa Strom, and Harriette Smith; senior men—Paul Miller, Kenneth Weaver; Alvin Lindgren. Willard Flaming; junior men—Conway Yount, La Mar Bollinger; Harold Larsen, Waldo Newberg; and those who participated in the non-decision debates are as follows—women—Orpha Burn, Rilla Hubbard; men—Marvin Riddel and Addison Saathoff.

Engravers Have Received

Half of “Quad” Material

In a checkup on the material for the Quadrangle, Editor Clark reveals that practically one-half of the material to be engraved is in the hands of the Mid-Continent Engraving Co. at Wchita. The engravers said that in this short time they have never received this much material from any other school.

By getting this material in before December 15 and receiving a 30 per cent discount the bill of engraving has been reduced $114. 69. The material at the engravers includes all the four class sections; the faculty, building, football, track and tennis sections, and other material such as the pro-title and title page: division pages; the first snap section, and several other pages.

It is the desire of the editor to get the book out a few weeks earlier this year than the time they were issued last year. Last year the book was issued a day or two before the final examinations and the result was that some students had low examination grades. This year everything is be-ing done to get the material gathered in final form as soon as possible so that the book can be issued two or three weeks before school is out.

Chemistry Club Holds Annual Social Event

Dr. and Mrs. Hershey Entertain Seventy-Three Students in Party


Thursday, Dec. 12—International Relations Club meets, room 6, Sharp Hall, 3: 30.

Friday, Dec. 13—Lyceum, Dr. No Yong Park, at the Community Building, 8 p. m.

Sunday, Dec. 15—Birthday dinner at the College Church, 6 p. m.

—Y. M. -Y. W. play at the church in the evening.

Tuesday, Dec. 17—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meeting, 10 a. m.

—World Service in Y. W. room, 7 p. m.

C. E. Discusses Causes and Effects of Gossip

Analysis Shows Causes of Gossip Are Petty Jealousies and Egotism

Various phases of gossip how it begins, the harm in it, and how it should be stopped, were discussed at the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening.

"How Gossip Begins, " stated that it how gossip begins, stated that it came as the result of several things. The first reason she brought out for the existence of gossip was that tongues need exercising and if they cannot be used in any other way, gossip can always be resorted to. She also pointed out that self-pride and self-love were responsible for gossip.

"Gossip, " she said, "jumps at conclusions. Too many things are accepted without any examination. "

Miss Harbaugh stated that jealousy was also a great ontributing factor to gossip. People who are rivals, seemingly can make themselves happy when they can tell something about their "foes" or get something "over on them. "

In conclusion she said, "It takes two people to start a gossip. Be sure you are not one of them.

Vernon Michael spoke on "How to Prevent Gossip. " "In the first place, " he said, "one should be a doubter. Do not believe everything you hear until you have done some investigating. "

be stopped is to create a public sentiment against it, or prevent it by substituting for it a more worthwhile conversation.

Kurils Naylor concluded the subject by his talk on "The Harm in Gossip. "

Lucille Ullrey gave a piano solo, "Nocturne in C Major" by Chopin. Marjorie Flory led in devotionals.

Birthday Dinner To Be Held At College Church Sunday

All students and everyone living on College Hill are invited to attend the birthday dinner at the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening at six o'clock. Those attending will be seated at tables according to the month in which their birthday occurs. Decorations appropriate to that month will be used.

The following people have been Appointed as month chairmen: January, E. A. Wall; February, Melvin Binford; March, Rush Holloway; April, Paul Sargent; May, F. A. Vani-man; June, Paul Sherfy; July, C. R. Flory; August, John Boltnott; September, Ralph Sherfy; October, Harold Beam; November, L. B. Ihrig; December, Earl Marchand.

The birthday dinner menu will consist of pressed chicken, buttered green beans, cake, escalloped pota-

Happy Birthday

Edith Sellberg.................    Dec. 12    

Fred Nace.......................    Dec. 15

Evelyn Glessner............. Dec. 16

Bernice Keedy................ Dec. 16

Maxine Clark.................    Dec. 17    

John Bower..................... Dec. 17

Velma Watkins..............    Dec. 18

Frances Perdue.............. Dec. 18

Plans for New Student Union Room Are Made

Skits Contrasting “Now” and

“Then” Are Presented in Chapel Wednesday

Contributions Needed

Weaver and Flaming in Theoretical Debate Point Out Need for Such a Room

An appeal for student support of the Student Union Room project was presented by the Student Council in a chapel program, Wednesday.

In a theoretical debate Kenneth Weaver and Willard Flaming addressed the students. impressing them with the need and desirability of the new room and the need for united student support in realizing the completion of the Student Union room aroject which is being sponsored by the Student Council.

Emphasis was placed on the fact that the room is to be built primarily for the students and faculty of McPherson College, and is to be constructed in such a way that it will be a worthy addition to the school system.

The present facilities for certain functions held at the college as pointed out by the debaters are extremely inadequate and would be properly improved by the construction of the Student Union room. The room is to be built in the lower story of Sharp Hall.

Since the room is to be constructed in the best of style and furnished adequately, a considerable amount of money must be obtained aside from that amount which is available at the present time.

Contributions totaling $135 have already been made in the individual solicitation of the students and faculty, which is being conducted on the campus at the present time. Students were urged to make every contribution that is at all possible, and to introduce the project to alumni and friends of the college in the hope of receiving valuable response.

Student labor is to bo used ex-tnsively. An opportunity to contribute student labor will be available in the construction of the room.

As a part of the chapel program a short skit was presented which contrasted present conditions with similar situations after the completion of the Student Union room.

Dell Attends Several Chicago Conferences

Great Variety of Representatives Present at Various Meetings

Prof. S. M. Dell attended several conferences at Chicago, Ill., last week. "The Manual Arts Conference of the Mississippi Valley" was held the first part of the week at the Southmoor Hotel. "Our Changing Social Order" was the theme of the meeting, emphasizing that the Industrial Arts program must be adapted to the changing social order.

The theme of the American Vocational Association meeting held the latter part of the week was "Vocational Education for a Better Balanced Life. " The groups there represented Agriculture, Commerce, the National Y o u t h Administration, Guidance, Home Economics, Industrial Education, and Rehabilitation.

That curriculum revision is needed to bring it up-to-date was agreed to at both meetings. They also agreed that teachers of tomorrow in all fields must have a greater breadth of training. An interesting and significant point that was brought by Hans W. Schmidt of the University of Wisconsin was that the old type of English is definitely out in Wisconsin. In some schools the English teacher does not have any regular classes but has an office to which students having English difficulty are sent for help.

Robert Booz, Donald Evans, and Gretta Willma Griffis., '33, were visited by Professor Doll while in Chicago.

Robert Bowman visited friends in the men's dormitory last week-end.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Semi-Classical Music Given by

University Light Opera Singers

Semi-classical music that proved to be very enjoyable to the audience was rendered by the University Light


Editor-In-Chief......................................................... Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor......................................................... Merle Messamer

Society Editor............................................................... Velma Watkins

Sports Editor.................................................................. Conway Yount

Make-up Editor........................................................ Norman Edwards

Business Manager.................................................... Lawrence Strouse

Assistant Business Manager.............................................. Paul Lackie

Advertising Manager.................................................. Waldo Newberg

Assistant Advertising Manager................................................................. Clayton Rock

Circulation Manager..................................................... Galen Glessner

Assistant Circulation Manager.................................. Lawrence Boyer


Estelle Baile    Jane McNamee

Otho Clark    Alberta Keller    Valera Pearce

Yolanda Clark    Isobel Kittell    Martha Roop

Evelyn Glessner    Harriette Smith

Student Union Calls for Cooperation from All

If One Could Only Liquefy at Times—’T would Be Handy


Opera Singers, last Thursday, Dec. 5, in the third number of the Lyceum Coarse at Convention hall.

Most of the songs were popular to the average person and included well-known musical hits. Selections from Victor Herbert, Gilbert and Sullivan, "Pinafore, " "Naughty Marietta" and "The Firefly" were given.

Vocal solos, duets, quartetts and piano numbers gave variety to the program. Novelties that were clever and entertaining included the interpretations of "Tell Me, Pretty Maiden. " a selection from "Pinafore", and a number from "Babes in Toyland. " These were presented in costume.

Monday Chapel Honors Horace

Monday morning chapel, in charge of Prof. Hess, was presented in commemoration of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Horace, the Latin poet.

Professor Hess gave a discussion of the life of Horace and reviewed the outstanding characteristics of his poetry which has survived through nearly 20 centuries. The Latin students sang in Latin "In-terger Vitae" one of the poems of Horace.

be a reception room. The Y. W. room will continue to be the girls’ room. To assure that the room is open to all at all times consideration must be shown to every one.

As the room is to be of the most modern and comfortable design and furniture, a large sum of money and many hours of labor are needed to make this partially filled dream become a reality. The student who works on the room is appreciated as much as the one who contributes cash.

Cooperation of students is the only method by which the Student Union room may be completed. The student council is doing its best and the only other group that can be responsible for it is the student body Itself. Let us then make the words "Student Cooperation" the motto that will lead us to immediate success. —N. E.

But it does not necessarily follow that every such chance coupling will result in a permanent love affair. A sense of loyalty to the "steady" may in some cases be the reason for being particular.

A repulsive personality frequently causes this reaction. Temperaments clash to such an extent that they repel each other. But for college students to permit such differences to interfere with a social plan shows mighty poor sportsmanship. In business and social life after our college days we will be required to get along with all kinds of individuals. How will this be possible if trivial differences cannot he overlooked at a college social? —V. M.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00

AT LAST one of the college’s choice dreams seems about to come true. The Student Union room project has nearly become an actual asset. Money has been donated and estimates have been made. This means that those who are pledging money must keep that pledge and those who are to contribute labor are not to become slackers.

The purpose for which the room is to be built should he kept in mind. Let the student body remember that the Student Union room will be for students and faculty. The room is to be a worthy addition to the college, not a room for two persons. In the Student Union room all persons are to be equally at ease.

The Student Union room is expected to be an addition to the other social rooms the college now has and not to replace them. The reception room in Arnold Hall will still

DID you ever feel ns though you would like to melt and run down a crack? That’s Just how some of the guests at the recent chemistry social felt at the time partners were being paired off. It gives one a most miserable feeling to see his or her would-be lunch companion "skinning out" of the situation in order deliberately to avoid his company.

This reaction may be attributed to any one of a number of causes. Gossip often starts from such insignificant matters as the way persons happen to be coupled at a social. What difference does it make if some unusual couples occur? It is true that occasionally permanent matches start from such innocent incidents.

We’ve heard that ladies who court railroad men use green lipstick as a sign of safety. What could be the meaning of the white lip decorations used by the Dean? Might it be a sign of truce?

History students were greeted last week with this Bright remark at the beginning of class: "We’ll shut the door now but if any foolish virgins come we'll let them in. " Michael and Lackie didn't tumble as to the cause of the laughter upon their belated arrival.

They tell us that three girls who went on a peaceful excursion for sunshine Sunday afternoon made a hurried exit from a certain locality when they perceived a farmer galloping over a hill with a long stick. We just can’t understand!

Poor little girl, some one should have told her she didn’t have to tell us about "Alice" if she didn’t want to (meaning little Francis Perdue).

This address of dear old Sandy Claus is being inserted in this column as an aid to those who wish to write him letters. In behalf of Sandy himself we say that any such letters will be greately appreciated:

Mr. Sandy Claus

Spectator Mailbox,

   Business Office.

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

For any of you people who are induced to dislike some one immensely at a specific time, and can't think of the exact word with which to designate said annoying person (twerp to be exact) just call him a "pusleaneous sneaking skunk. " Lots better anyway. Advice of Dr. Petry, B. O. S. M. W. (Bureau of student-mystifying words).

Isn’t it strange how people change their minds? This guy who had to go to some of the football games by himself now has little trouble in finding company, must be the music. Yes, birds of a feather flock together!

Can you answer these? 1. What nit wits at Winfield last Friday night played havoc with some one’s home? (Debate team to you! )

2.    We wonder who likes to draw

wild west pictures on the editor’s blackboard.     

3.    We wonder too if a certain young man with a V8 last Friday could possibly have picked a muddier road to take the girl friend home? And Euclid is paved all the way to her door!

Some say it was Weaver and oth-ers say it was Flaming who so carefully obtained the data on a certain waitress in a town visited by the debate teams. At any rate said data was carefully recorded by one or both of said persons in question, and is in the hands of both (we'll make a stagger) these personages at the present time.

New Theories on Magnetism of Earth Advanced by Scientist

Robert A. Milliken of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, famous for his research work in connection with the cosmic ray.

Dr. Milllken said that he and Dr. H. V. Noher recently worked out a cosmic ray map showing that the world is a lopsided magnet, some 25, 000 miles across.

He explained that the intensity of cosmic rays—these "mysterious messengers from the outside space”— are greater in Indian than in the equatorial section of the Western Hemisphere.

Because of the dissymmetry in cosmic ray attractions for the same distances from magnetic poles, the two scientists concluded that cosmic ray intensity tied up with magnetic fields, and found that their cosmic ray map follows published magnetism studies.

Even the axis between the two magnetic poles, he said, is not a straight line, but is curved much like a bow instead of the string. (College News Service).

Theme Of World Service

Is Choosing Pictures

A new slant on the nature of the magnetic field which surrounds the earth was given this week by Dr.

The World, Service Group met Tuesday night at seven o’clock in the Y. W. room. The theme of the meeting was "Choosing Pictures for a Christian Home. ” Theresa Strom conducted the devotionals. Talks were given by Wanda Hoover, Inez, Coughnour and Lawrence Boyer.

A week ago Wednesday night Mr. Lloyd Olsen, missionary to Costa Rica, talked in World Service. He told of the spiritual needs of the people. He pointed out that it was not religious zeal that was needed by the Central    Americans—they already

have more of that than we have. "What they need is Christ and his teachings on which to center their zeal. "

After his talk, Mr. Olson displayed a number of articles which he had brought from Central American. He explained the significance and the use of the various things which he exhibited.

There are but few people who pursue science with true dignity.

World’s Largest Telescope Is To Be Placed Atop Palomar Mountain In San Diego County

Instrument With 200-Inch Mirror Will Be Used In Studying Faint or Remote Stars and Nebulae Heretofore Unseen

Pasadena, Calif. —Final prepara-tions were being made this week to ship the new 200-inch mirror, which will make possible he world's largest telescope atop Palomar Mountain in San Diego County.

Glass for the giant disk was poured in Corning, N. Y., on December 2, 1934, and since that time has been cooling at the rate of only a few degrees each day. It soon will be removed from the mould and is expected to be shipped to Pasadena for the California Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institute early next year, when the task of

In the National Geographic Magazine for December W. Colman Nevils discusses "Horace, the Classic Poet

Greek History Books

Received By Library

A number of new ancient Greek history books have been added to the library shelves. These include "From Pericles to Philip, " written by Glover, "Homer and History" by Leaf, "Who were the Greeks? " by Myers, and "Out of the Past of Greece and Home" by Rostovtzeff.

A copy of the peace play, "If This Be Treason" by Homer and Lawrence, which has received favorable criticism

in New York, has been purchased.

Other additions include four French novels written by Zola; a a University of Kansas Bulletin. "Public Intelligence" by Eldridge, a study of attitudes and opinions of voters; "Effective After-Dinner Speech" by Finn, commented favorably upon in recent book reviews; "World Literature" by Cross; and "Normative Psychology of Religion. "


Approximately 2000 music lovers of the University and surrounding territory heard Ignaz Friedman, world renowned Polish pianist, last Wednesday in the Auditorium—The Daily Kansas, Lawrence.

Clark M. Eichelberger, brought here under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., will speak at the Assembly program at 11 o'clock on "The

League of Nations Under Fire"—The Bulletin, Emporia.

That New Windsor was once the scene of a duel in which a man was killed and that students were once punished by solitary confinement in a windowless room in Old Main were some of the romantic points brought out by President E. C. Bixler in a talk given in chapel assembly. —B. R. C. Reflector, New Windsor, Md.

The largest collection of original oil paintings ever circulated for exhibition purposes by the American Federation of Art. known as the 14th Biennial Exhibit of Contemporary Painters, is hanging in the school’s are gallery and may be viewed until Jan. 7. —The Bulletin. Emporia.

Through the courtesy of the Santa Fe Trail bus system the Sunflower Queen and Kanza Queen will receive a ten day tour. During this time they will be guests of honor on the receiving stand of the Tournament of Roses, and guests of the Rose Bowl football game. —The Col-legio, Pittsburg.

Women have emancipated themselves morally, but they have refused to accept the social responsibilities which go along with their new freedom according to V. F. Calverton editor of the Modern Monthly, and speaker before the second of the series of student forums. A crowd of about 500 persons heard him

as they are and how they should be built up and changed; the last was the inspiration to action and the dangers involved pointed out.

Pauline Abuhl from Iowa was a guest of Roma McKinnie for a few days last week.

Some of the Kline kitcheneers are turning farmerettes. I wonder who it was that raised "cane" last Sat-urday night. And, does it thrive in closets?

Archie Van Nortwick has accepted a position as substitute teacher in the Little River High School. He will be back on the campus after the holidays.

Everett Brown of Wichita visited Bernice Keedy Sunday.

speak on "Modern Marriage and

Modern Morality" in the Memorial Union building last night. —The Daily Kansas, Lawrence.

Viola Harris spent this week-end with Lucille Hornbaker in Hutchinson.

Kline Hall girls had a candy-making Saturday night.

Jean Allen was called to her home in Ottawa Thursday because of the death of her father.

No More Library Fines —Publicity Instead

No more fines for overdue books —In place of fines—Names of students who have overdue books will be posted on the bulletin board in the administration building. Students who persistently fail to return books on time will lose the privilege of checking books from the library.

All books which are now checked out of the library should be returned before the holidays unless other arrangements are made with the library staff.

grinding and polishing the mirror will begin.

Meanwhile, new lenses and other auxiliary devices which will facilitate studies of the universe through the great telescope were described by Dr. George E. Hale, chairman the advisory council for the new observatory.     

"Dr. Albert E. Whitford, an advanced student working in the University of Wisconsin in cooperation with Dr. Joel Stebbins, has succeeded in constructing a photo-electric cell, mounted in vacuo with a special amplifier, with which Dr. Stebbins has obtained remarkable results at the Mt. Wilson Observatory, " said Dr. Hale.

"By actual test, without a tele-scope, this amplifier easily shows a candle seven miles away—farther than it can be seen by the eye. With the 100-inch reflector at Mt. Wilson the detection of a candle would be 3, 000 miles, assuming no absorption in the atmosphere beyond the first mile. "

The photo-electric cell is used to determine the magnitude or brightness of stars and their distance. With it Dr. Stebbins and Dr. Whitford showed the length and breadth of the Andromeda nebula to be at least double that previously known.

Dr. Frank F. Ross of Yerkes Observatory has designed two correcting lenses to multiply the photographic range of the 200-inch reflector in order to permit the study of very faint or remote stars and nebulae.

Dr. W. B. Rayton has developed a high speed lens with which, Dr. Hale declares, "the extremely high radial velocities of the very remote nebulae have been determined by Milton Humason. "

Humason, using this lens, recently announced he had found a nebula speeding away from the earth at an apparent velocity of 24, 400 miles per second.

"In actual practice, " said Dr. Hale, "a twelfth magnitude star which formerly required an exposure of about two hours with two prisms, can now be secured in ten minutes. On faint nebulae, exposures of twetve hours have been reduced to about one-eighth this time. "

Poems, Written by Horace the Classical Poet, Still Live Today of the Countryside. "

The article contains 23 illustrations of the townsite and scenes of Italy near the birthplace of Horace who was born 65 years before the beginning of the Christian era in the country near Venusia. In his later life Horace lived, says Nevils, on a Sabine farm of which he sings praises in many of his poems.

In the concluding poem of his third book of odes Horace predicts his writings will last longer than the royal Pyramids, which no wasting rain nor fierce north wind will destroy and that they can withstand the wrecking seige of years and time’s fell hand.

"I shall not wholly die, nay, I shall for the most part escape from the funeral goddess, nor shall I cease to be reborn again and again, my glory always increasing. "

Such was the poets prophecy, and for 2, 000 years he has remained the favorite of those who love lyrics, the entertaining companion of those who enjoy satire, the most complete exponent of the everyday life of the Augustan Roman. Mr. Nevils concludes that Horace well deserves the bi-millennial honors that are being heaped upon him.

Ralph Sherfy Attends Baker Youth Meeting

"The New Citizenship" Discussed at Conference—125 Attend

"The New Citizenship" was the theme of the conference held at Baker last Friday to Sunday. Ralph Sherfy was the only one attending it from this college. He reports an attendance of about 425. Dr. Harold Casa of Topeka gave the opening address. He spoke of "The American Ideals, " which are democracy, an informed electorate, a mature social judgment, and a moral society.

Panel discussions were led by M. G. Miller. Emporia. Racial discriminations, corruption in politics, economic insecurity, civil liberties, and militarism and the R. O. T. C were also discussed.

Dr. Clark Eichleberger of New York gave an address on the United States Neutrality Policy. Dr. Eichleberger will present this matter before the United States Congress. Dr. J. Meyer of The Consumers' Cooperative Association of Kansas City gave a short address Saturday on the Consumers' Cooperative. Round table discussions on peace and political actions, and cooperatives were held.

An Estes Park Banquet was held Saturday evening, after which Dr. John Ise gave an address on the United States Constitution. A summary of the round table discussions were given before the whole group on Sunday morning. Dr. James Chubb, of Baker University, pastor of the Methodist Church, presented the sermon.

The theme of the conference, then, was divided into three units: the ideals of America as they are dreamed and not realized: the conditions

Miss Atkinson Talks to Y. W.

On Setting the Table Properly

"Improving ourselves through knowledge of how to set a table knowledge of how to Set a table properly and how to serve a meal" was the theme of the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday. Miss Atkinson of the home economics department gave a talk on the importance of a meal properly served and the means for accomplishing this.

Miss Atkinson demonstrated before the group the correct ways in which to set a table. She also showed how trays can be arranged in the most pleasing manner.

A trio composed of Opal Hoffman, June McNamee, and Mildred Stutzman and accompanied by Viola Har-ris sang at the first of the meeting.

Charlotte Wolfe, who became ill while spending the Thanksgiving holidays in Colorado, was able to return to M. C. Friday. Miss Wolfe plans to return to her home in Iowa Thursday.

Anna Fuchs has secured a parttime position at the Court House. Her duties in the N. Y. A. are being taken over by Esther Scott.

Paul Booz left last week for the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn.

A surprise dinner in honor of the birthday of Bernice Keedy was given Monday evening at the home of Dorothy Matson. Besides the honor guest, those present were Evelyn Rolston, Jessie Miller, Ruth Spillman, Helen Burton and Dorothy Miller.

Robert Stratman, who formerly lived in Fahnestock is now rooming

down town.

Due to the undying efforts of several fellows in the dormitory, the wreck of the V-8 (? ) is gradually taking its original form.

"Martie" Writes Home to Papa and Mamma

Dear Folks:

I’m writing this letter to tell you about something nice that happened at our house last Friday.

By special invitation several of the down town students and nonresident students who do not live in either of the dormitories ate their Friday noon meal in the dining hall of the dorm.

The cooks performed famously for the occasion and furnished both the "regular" and "irregular" partakers with the best of "provender. "

The "regulars" evidently taking to heart the timely advice which appeared in the school newspaper last week, were very orderly and behaved as proper hosts and hostesses.

After the meal a number of the guests were asked to give short talks, jokes, readings, or whatever they had. With a broken heart and stifling sobs Frances Perdue told of the fate of her little dog "Alice. " Dorothy Matson and Jean Lawson recited short "shavings" and Delbert Crabb consented to stand and let everybody stare at him for a short time, (he refused an encore. )

There now, don’t you think that was kinda nice?

See you Christmas— Yours, "Martie"


Five Lettermen Back on Basket-Ball Squad

Two All-Conference Men, Meyer and Johnstton, Report— Crabb, Zuhars and Hapgood Return—Bulldog Cagers Go to Sterling Tuesday Night for First Game.

The Conference Schedule

With the football season complete the basketball season is now in full swing. New and more material has been turning up every day. There are now between twenty and twenty-five men out for practice. At the present time the material looks fair.

When glancing at the men reporting for practice one sees two allconference men from last year. Anton (Tony) Meyer, all-conference center, has plenty of height and has played a good brand of ball his first two years in college competition. For his first two years he usually got the tip. No center could consistently outjump him. "Tony" is a junior and should do some excellent work this year.

The other all conference player who is back this year is Harold Johnston, all-conference guard. "Johnsie" has lots of speed and fight. He is an uncanny shot from all over the court. Because of his great speed and drive he has often been able to score from under the basket.

The Bulldogs have three other let-termen back this year. These men are Hapgood, Crabb and Zuhars. Merwin Hapgood played forward last year. “Happy” played in most of the games last year and was always a scoring threat. His one handed shots from well out in the court were very hard to cover. Merwin is a sophomore this year.

Delbert Crabb earned his letter at guard last year. Crabb stepped right into college basketball last year and came to the front rapidly. He is a very fast man. This made him a valuable asset to the team.

Harold Zuhars played in a guard berth in most of the games last year. His aggressiveness and fighting spirit were characteristic of his playing. Harold has three years, of college competition ahead of him.

There are many others out for basketball who have shown thus far this season that they are excellent players. Judging by the available material it will be very difficult for Coach Binford to “weed” out the team when it becomes necessary to limit the squad. There is no question but that some excellent players will be taken off the squad.

Jan. 20—Bethany at McPherson. Jan. 31—Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson.

Feb. 4—Ottawa at Ottawa.

Feb. 5—Baker at Baldwin.

Feb. 11—C. of E. at Emporia. Feb. 14—Ottawa at McPherson. Feb. 26—Bethany at Lindsborg. Feb. 28—Baker at McPherson. March 3—Kansas Wesleyan at Salina.

March 6—C. of E. at McPherson.

W. A. A. Opens BasketBall Season Tuesday

Skinned Knees, Bruised Noses, and Injured Fingers Prevail

Women's Varsity Volley Ball Team Selected by W. A. A.

The election of a women's varsity volley ball team, Monday night, terminated the 1935 W. A. A. volley ball season.         

In order to be eligible for election to the varsity team each player was obligated to earn the required W. A. A. points by attending at least three fourths of the volley ball practices held this season. From the group of girls who succeeded in obtaining these points, eloven were elected to the varsity team in recognition of their outstanding ability and participation during the season.

1935 is composed of the following players: Aileen Wine, captain, Rilla Hubbard, Alberta Keller, Becky Stauffer, Martha Roop, Phyllis Barngrover, Lola Mae Harbaugh, Mildred Stutzman, Lenore Shirk, Esther Scott and Opal Hoffman.

"Jack and the Bean Stalk" Will Be Presented Today by Children

“Jack and the Bean Stalk” is to be presented today at 3: 30 p. m. and 8 p. m. at the community building by the children’s division of the local chapter of the American Association of University Women. Mrs. Lewrence Gates will direct the play.

The basketball season of the Women’s Athletic Association has start-ed off with a bang. At least from broken (or near broken fingers) and skinned knees, bruised noses, and other evidences of the first practice it appears that the girls really have a fine early season form. Because of the large number of girls who have stated a desire to play basketball three teams of approximately nine players each have been formed by the manager of basketball, Mildred Stutzman.

Tuesday evening at the first practice teams number one and two played. It has been suggested that the team number otto should be called the Midgets as their squad includes Shorty Wine, Norma Hatfield, La Vena High, Evelyn Herr, Rilla Hubbard, Martha Roop, Lola Mae Harbough, Maxine Clark, and Esther Scott. Again it was a hint (not a right out suggestion) that team number two might be called the Giants (this goes for only part of them) as their team includes the following members: Phyllis Barngrover, Marjoria Flory, Evelyn Ralston, Opal Hoffman, Ruby Weimer, while there are also a few midgets in the group including Evelyn High, Alberta Keller, Ruth Rogers, Eva Faye Thomison, and Mary Trostle.

Although team number three has yet to present itself on the court of basketball. It is evident by glancing over the players that this team may take the form of a happy medium. Its list of players are as follows: Lucile Cole, Becky Stauffer, Irene Smith, Lenore Shirk, Vera Heckman, June McNamee, Mildred Stutzman, Miriam Kimmel, and Glee Gough-nour.

Velma Watkins had as a Saturday night guest Wanda Hoover.


By Conway Yount

Basketball practice is in full swing with between 20 and 25 men reporting for practice.

The first game of the season will be a non-conference game with Sterling on the night of December 17. This game will be played at Sterling. Last year the McPherson team came out on the large end of a 29 to 16 score.

The second game will also be a non-conference game with the Hays Teachers. The game will be played away from McPherson.

The first conference game will be with the Bethany Swedes. It will be the first home game and will be played on the night of January 20.

The team this year will build around five lettermen. These men are Meyer, Johnston, Hapgood, Crabb, and Zuhars. Two of these. Meyer and Johnston, made the allconference last year. The remaining three lettermen did their share in securing second in the conference for the Bulldogs.

Nothing can be said as yet, about the prospects for the season. It all depends on how the material devel-opes as to whether or not we will have a successful season. There will be plenty of stiff competition in the conference and it will not be easy for any team to go through the conference undefeated.

Lowell Haldeman underwent a tonsilectomy Tuesday morning. His condition is reported as satisfactory.