mcpherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, dec. 5, 1935
Bare Scares Weaver & Pal on Wolfe Hunt
One day last year Paul and I went north for a Wolfe Hunt. Now Paul by trade is a Weaver and knows very little about such things. We chose a spot Lowe in a Dell near a walnut
Grove for camp. We pitched our tent as soon as we were Abel and then set about to Fry some bacon and Cook a few flapjacks. After we had Eaton we decided to look around our Fields.
We were just scalng a Rock covered cliff to a High lookout point when we saw a couple of spots that were Allbright. Pearce the dusk of evening. Of course we were fright-ened but we about to Fries and our legs could do nothing but Shirk. Neither of us could Pray and we were sure that the monster was a Bare that would want to eat anything as Hale and hearty as we. And did our spirits Sink! Shortly we heard a Horn and we were soon to find out that our Bare was merely a Miller who had had a little too much Booz or Wine.
Out-of-Dorm Students May Dine with Campus Residents
Starting with Friday's lunch hour, the students from town will have an opportunity to eat one meal a week in the college dining hall. This arrangement is planned to bring the town students and the students in the dormitory closer together.
The meals will cost 25 cents apiece or it will be possible to get a meal ticket for $5. Twenty-one meals may be procured on this ticket. These meal tickets are obtainable at the business office. Those who don’t have them will pay for their meal at the dining hall.
For the first time or two this idea is carried out, six students at each table will be town students. The other two, host and hostess, are to be residents at the college. Students desiring to partake of these meals should sign the notice on the bulletin board each week.
Coming Shows at Local Theatres to be Posted
Also Short Reviews of Most Outstanding Pictures to be Cited
Olson Tells World Service of His Work in Central America
Lloyd Olson, recently a missionary to Central America, related to the World Service Group last night his experiences, inspirations, and work among the people of Latin America. Mr. Olson comes through the influence of Dr. Brown who was a personal friend of Mr. Olson during their college days. Mr. Olson works as a representative of the Moody Bible School which is undenominational. This school was founded by the editor of the Schofield Bible.
Mr. Olson will speak tomorrow night at the Swedish Mission Church and Friday morning in the College chapel. In his talk to the World Service Group Mr. Olson vividly pictured life In the Honduras and Costa Rica. Anyone hearing his talk could feel deeply the meaning of Christianity.
Along with these stories he has brought back to the United States a most interesting collection of whatnots from among the people, some of them bearing historical interest and others solely personal interest.
Silver Tea to be Held Dec. 12
The annual silver tea, sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. of McPherson College, is to be held Thursday, Dec. 12, in the Y. W. room. The women of McPherson are cordially invited. The proceeds of this tea will be used to give a Christmas party for some of the children of the town.
Miss Lehman Reviews Essentials of Poise
Y. W. Girls Hear Discussion of "The Woman Worth Knowing"
The World Service Group has undertaken to keep posted on the bulletin board in the Administration building a list of the shows which will come to the local theaters soon and short reviews of some of the most outstanding ones. La Mar Bollinger, service chairman of the World Service, is responsible to see that this project is always carried out, From time to time there will appear in the Spectator reviews of some of the shows which will soon be shown in McPherson.
"The Last Outpost" (Christian Century Magazine) (Claude Rains, Gertrude Michael) Composite thriller of British world war campaigns in Mesopotamia and Africa, triangle love, and much footage reminiscent of Bengal Lancers, Beau Geste, and Gross. Lively entertainment even though not always convincing. For: Adults, fairly good; Young People, thrilling.
"In Old Kentucky" — (Parents Magazine). Will Rogers in a story about the feud between two horse trainers. He has charge of a steed that is best on a wet track, and a rainmaker assists in the denouncement wherein the heroine rides the winner in the time honored way of this long popular melodrama of the stage. Rating: Adult and Young People, Excellent.
"Two Sinners"---(Parents Maga-zine). Youngsters would probably neither understand nor enjoy this social drama based on the Warwich Deeping novel. "Two Black Sheep, " but adults will be moved to applaud the excellent acting, fine direction and restrained emotions which lift the picturization to a high plane. Adolescents will like this romance of an English governess and an ex-convict—the serious theme enlivened by the antics of Cora Sue Collins, who acts the spoiled child to perfection. Characters are well portrayed. To Otto Kruger and Martha Sleeper go the honors. Rating: Adults and Young People, Good.
Talks On Bible Given in C. E.
Thursday, Dec. 5 — Lyceum, University Light Opera Singers, at the Community Building, 8 p. m.; Chemistry club meeting at 4: 30. p. m.
Friday, Dec. 6—Medical aptitude test in Sharp hall, room 6, at 2 p. m.
Sunday, Doc. 8—C. E. at the college church. 6: 45 p. m.
Tuesday, Dec. 10—Regular Y. W. and Y. M. meetings at 10 a. m.; World Service in Y. W. room at 7 p. m.
The Christian Endeavor program Sunday evening consisted of two talks and a vocal solo. Lucille Cole gave a short review of the translations and Jay Hertzler told of the influence of the Bible on English literature. Lorene Voshell accompanied at the piano by Evelyn High, sang "Teach Me To Know. "
Preceding the program, Viola Harris led the group in a few songs.
Churches in Northeastern Kansas and Nebraska Visited by Students
New Plan Satisfactory
Annual Chemistry Social Friday Evening for All Client Students
Friday evening at 7: 30 the annual chemistry social is to he held in the Y. W. room. The entire chemistry department is included in this affair. The social is to be in the form of a party.
The program will consist largely of games. A large attendance is expected at the party.
Light Opera Singers Give Program Tonight
Dr. No-Yong Park Will Appear Next Week with Far-East Lecture
"Poise is not shellac to be put on for special occasions. It must grow from something within, "said Miss Della Lehman in her talk on "Poise" in the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday. "A definite policy of life is neccssary.
"Poise is not a quality which one merely attains, but it is a result. ” Miss Lehman pointed out that poise does not mean egotism but it does necessitate self-confidence. Shyness Indicates a lack of ease and a lack of poise.
Several ingredients were suggested by Miss Lehman that go into the making of poise. If these are not found while in college, it is doubtful if they will be found afterwards. Tranquility of mind is one of the first ingredients. The person of poise is not disturbed by petty things. He controls himself and his emotions.
"The woman of poise has a certain reserve, but not an aloofness, " said Miss Lehman. "There are two types of girls—the Tiffany and the Wool-worth types. The Tiffany type is like the jewelry store of that name; there is more to her than you would at first detect. The Woolworth type of girl resembles the famous five-and-ten-cent stores. Everything about her is on display and is told on her first appearance. "
"I cannot conceive of anyone having poise without a sense of humor. " A sense of humor is an invaluable aid, it seems, in doing away with petty things. By a sense of humor, however, Miss Lehman does not mean constant laughter or giggling.
A sophisticated person, or one who holds himself aloof, does not necessarily have poise. Consideration and thinking of others, an actual liking for other people, and not an antagonism toward them are the necessary qualities. Miss Lehman says, "Get better acquainted with people; it is difficult to dislike them when you really know them.
The matter of voice is a very im
The University Light Opera Singers will be the Lyceum Course number presented at the community building tonight at 8 o'clock. Under the direction of Madame Maude Fender Gutzmer this group of musicians will give well-known musical hits, including selections from Victor Herbert, Gilbert and Sullivan, and from other light operas, in costume.
The following number of the Lyceum Course will be a lecture by No-Yong Park, Ph. D., on Friday, Dec. 13. Doctor Park is a Harvard scholar, and author and lecturer on Oriental subjects. He has recently returned from the Far East with first-hand information on the situation there.
Dr. No-Yong Park (Pao) is the author of "Oriental View of American Civilization, " "Making a New China, " and "American Relations with the Far East. " He is the possessor of Murk Twain-like humor and has been a lecturer on Far Eastern questions for various universities and colleges for ten years.
Competing with the American students in their own language. Doctor Park has been a prize-winning student in international relations. He is an authority on Oriental subjects, having made Far Eastern history and international relations his life study.
portant factor in poise. A modulated and low-pitched voice is so much more pleasing than a shrill, high one.
"A woman of poise does not have mannerisms. She avoids violent ar-
Old Testament Times Summarized for Y. M.
Corwin Bare and Van Hunt Discuss Ancient Prophets and Festivals
Life in Old Testament times was the theme of last Tuesday’s Y. M. C.
A. meeting. The customs and festivals as well as the men themselves were portrayed.
Corwin Bare gave a summary of the prophets that lived from 700 to 800 B. C. He considered mainly the prophet Amos who lived about 750
B. C. Bare pointed out that times then were quite similar to times in America today.
The festivals held by the Old Testament characters were pictured by Van Hunt. The Sabbath services were held in a manner that closely resembles the church services of today. A festival that was celebrated for many years was the festival of the purification of the temple. It honors the time when one of the great temples was cleansed of the ungodly.
In the early spring a festival was held honoring the hook of Esther. During the latter part of March or around the first of April the feast of the pass-over was observed. At this time the story of Exodus was read.
A Feast of Weeks was held in the middle of the summer. This feast may he compared to our Thanksgiving. In the early fall a service was carried on in which large numbers of people of Old Testament times atoned for their sins.
Most of the festivals were held in the great temple built by Herod. This temple was the pride of the whole ancient kingdom.
A saxophone solo was presented during the program by Paul Turner.
“Romeo and Juliet” Attracts Drama Lovers to Wichita
A Happy Birthday, Horace— and May You Have Many More
Have you ever attended a bimill-lennial birthday anniversary? If not, here is your chance to go to one. Townspeople and students, all are invited to a parly for the Latin poet Horace to be held in the chapel at 10 o’clock, next, Monday, Dec. 9.
The two-thousandth birthday anniversary of Horace is being celebrated at that date. The program is being arranged by the Latin department of the college. The Latin students will not divulge the nature of this program, but it promises to be an interesting and unique one. All who do not wish to miss out on something are urged to come to this birthday party.
Dell Attends Chicago Conference
Professor Dell has been in Chicago all this week, attending the Mississippi Valley Manual Arts conference on Dec. 2, 3 and 4. He will also attend the American Vocational Association on Dec. 5, 6 and 7.
Jean Allen and Louise Kiem went with Mrs. Watkins and Velma to Ottawa, where they spent the Thanksgiving holidays.
guments; she may voice her own opinions without becoming vehement about it. She does not become easily embarrassed. The woman worth knowing is a woman of poise. College is a practical testing ground, the ingredients are here—make the woman ahead of you a woman of poise, " concluded Miss Lehman.
Happy Birthday!
Ruth Rogers........................... Dec. 5
Maudena Sondergard............ Decc. 5
Anna Fuchs............................. Dec. 6
Paul Miller.............................. Dec. 6
Marvin Riddell....................... Dec. 6
Valera Pierce........................... Dec. 7
John Selzer............................ Dec. 10
Fry, Doll, Ullery, Heckman, Lichty and Yoder Representatives
from College
One of the most outstanding dramatic productions of the season, Katherine Cornell presenting "Romeo and Juliet, " is to be given in Wichita Dec. 11. Considerable interest has been aroused concerning this production and many dramatic art students and others are availing themselves of the opportunity to see the greatest living American actress. A tentative list of those going includes the following: Miss Della Lehman, Miss Jessie Brown, Paul Booz, Kenneth Weaver, Homer Kimmel, Daniel Zook, Fred Nace, Becky Stauffer, Aileen Wine, Joyce Snow-berger, Velma Watkins, Theresa Strom, Phyllis Powers, Norma Hatfield, Modena Kauffman, Wanda Hoover, Martha Roop, Estelle Baile, Inez Goughnour, Mildred Sellberg, Edith Sellberg, Maxine Ring, Dr. Flory, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Miss Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Petry, Miss Esther Atkinson and Miss Mattie Shay.
McPherson Debate Teams Go to Tournament at Winfield
McPherson College will enter her eight debate teams at the interstate tournament at Winfield Friday and Saturday. Dec. 6 and 7.
In this tournament, 50 schools and 150 teams will be represented. Three separate tournaments will be held, one for men, one for women, and one for the junior colleges. Friday afternoon and evening there will be three rounds of non-decision debates. There will then be five rounds of decision debates.
Rilla Hubbard is now taking the place of Ruby Weimer, "who has withdrawn from the team. Miss Hubbard will debate with Orpha Burn.
Deputation work at McPherson College was launched during Thanksgiving vacation when a team of six college students visited several churches in northeastern Kansas and Nebraska. Lucille Ullery, Margaret Fry, Dorothy Dell, Paul Heckman, Gordon Yoder and Raymond Lichty left McPherson at noon last Thursday. The purpose of this trip was not to entertain the various church congregations or even to talk a lot about the college, but to bring a worthwhile religious service to each of the churches visited.
The team traveled in the college car with Raymond Lichty driving. They went directly to Summerfield for a program in the church there Thursday night. Lucille Ullery who had been visiting her grandparents at Beatrice, Nebr., joined the group at Summerfield.
The delegation spent Friday in Sabetha where they gave a program Friday night. After the program the young people of the church had a reception for them, at which college songs were sung and other entertainment was provided.
On Saturday morning the group motored to Morrill. The members of the team report that they heard tales of Gordon Yoder’s childhood as Morrill was his former home. Probably a larger crowd attended the meeting at Morrill than at any other church visited.
The deputation team gave a program Sunday morning at Beatrice, Nebr. While the team was in Beatrice, they visited at Dorothy Dell’s home. Sunday afternoon they drove to Carleton, Nebr., and gave a program there Sunday night. They stayed at Carleton all night. The car wouldn't start on Monday morning when they were ready to return, so they were delayed while the car was being repaired. The team finally reached McPherson around six o’clock Monday evening.
The programs were similar although they were not all identical. They consisted of an introduction of the team by Paul Heckman, a hymn by the congregation, led by Dorothy Dell, several numbers by the mixed quartette, a reading by Lucille Ul-lery, a solo by Margaret Fry, and a talk by Paul Heckman.
Deputation work is being cared for a little differently this year than it has been in previous years. Instead of being sponsored by the World Service group alone as it has been in previous years, it is now under the sponsorship of the Y. M. and Y. W. also. Plans for deputation work are made by a committee composed of the chairman of deputation work in the World Service, one member of the Y. W., one member of the Y. M., and three faculty members representing the administration, the music department and the religious life committee.
This new plan is more satisfactory than the former one because there is a larger group of students from whom the deputation team may be chosen. The cooperation of the music department makes it possible to send out better trained performers than formerly.
Schwalms Give Party for Students
Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm were host and hostess to a student party at their home, Saturday night. Guests at the party were all those students who remained on the campus during the Thanksgiving vacation.
The evening was filled with participation in various games and contests. Candy, popcorn, and apples were the refreshments of the evening.
Dorothy Miller and Irene Smith spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murray of Conway.
Lillian Peterson spent the holidays at her home in Hutchinson.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Editor-in-Chief............................................................... Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor.................................................................. Merle Messamer
Society Editor ...................................................................... Velma Watkins
Sports Editor ........................................................................ Conway Yount
Make-up Editor ................................................................ Norman Edwards
Business Manager ........................................................... Lawrence Strouse
Assistant Business Manager ........................................... Paul Lackie
Advertising Manager ......................................................... Waldo Newberg
Assistant Advertising Manager .............................................. Clayton Rock
Circulation Manager ............................................................ Galen Glessner
Assistant Circulation Manager ................................. Lawrence Boyer
CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Alberta Keller Isobel Kittell June McNamee
"... Tell the Fellows to Stay Away from the Pool Halls"
A New Proposal for Y. M. and Y. W. Organization
The purpose of the commissions is two-fold. It first of all involves a study of problems and fundamentals connected with each group. Secondly it implies action, evidenced in periodical programs sponsored by each commission; or by definite action on some campus problem.
The six commissions axe as follows: reinterpretation of religion, creative leisure, world cooperation, personal adjustment and social rela
A Plea for Intelligent Movie-Going
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
sion idea will be greatly aided by complete union of the two Y’s. These are only a few of the vital results which are expected from the plan. Suggestions have been made that perhaps this plan will result in a inter incorporation of certain other organizations, especially those of a religious nature, into the Y organization. Whether or not this will result depends upon the success of the original venture. —K. W.
followed the habit of discrimination in picking movie entertainment have found that the vast majority of pic-tures, especially until the past few months, were of little value except as sheer passive entertainment. The movie at its best, incidentally, is entirely passive in its effect, unless it can succeed in inspiring the one who sees it to action definitely based upon the picture. Thus that person who is particular about the use of his
Estelle Baile Otho Clark Yolanda Clark Evelyn Glessner
INDEED, this statement is significant. There is more implied than is at first apparent. Good. wholesome recreation of any kind must not be condemned. But to place a form of recreation in an unhealthy environment unfortunately gives to the amusement itself a connotation of vice. The natural outcome of this situation is the condemnation of the sport or entertainment itself. Obviously if the only environment is bad in which one finds any given form of amusement it is wise to refrain from that amusement.
This conclusion leads to the oft-heard lament that we are always admonished with ''don't, " never with "do. " It is "don’t dance, " "don't play cards, " "don't go to pool halls, " "dont park. " What, in the name of common sense, can young people do without calling down the wrath and arousing the indignation of their elders?
This problem is indeed a challenge to youth who are seeking where they can best employ their talent and
FOR some time there has existed n belief that because of exclusive action on the part of the Y. M. and Y. W. cabinets that the Y organizations were lacking in vital interest for the lay members of the group. All administrative detail, all planning of future action, all plans for programs and socials were initiated and carried out in the cabinet chambers.
In order to remedy this situation, and to create more interest in the organisations as a whole, a new program of action is being undertaken Harold Colvin, field secretary for this region, proposed the plan during his last visit here a few days ago.
The essence of the plan is a group of six commissions, each constituting an essential unit of the category of Y affairs. Each commission is to be headed by one representative from each of the two organizations. All members of the Y groups will then be given the oportunity to work, under his or her choice of commissions.
The commissions themselves will work in cooperation with regional leaders for each group. For example, the group on creative leisure will be sponsored by Mrs. Harold C. Case, wife of the well-known Methodist minister, with headquarters in Topeka. Valuable material will be sent to each group from the regional headquarters to help in outlining programs of study and action.
AS CHILDREN, most of us prob-ably confined our cinema-going to the well-known "western show" and knew little of the better movies. Today our changing sense of values,
Valera Pearce Martha Roop Harriette Smith Kenneth Weaver
training, and to satisfy their love of adventure. There is unlimited oppor-tunity for research, experiment, and qualified leadership in the field of recreation and the use of leisure.
Meanwhile, we need not stand idly by and bemoan the fact that there Is nothing to do. We have something to do. The social commit-tee is working hard to provide constantly some outlet for the desire for social intercourse. The Y. M. C. A. maintains the ping pong room which is open to all students. The W. A. A. is attempting to bridge the recreational gap in the women’s program. "Student Union" is a dream which is gradually materialising under the sponsorship of the Student Council. Intra-mural basket-ball and soft ball play their part in season.
Exhortations are most effective in the positive. Do! Drop restraint. Guide social and recreational de-sires toward worthy outlets. Find or create the best entertainment and recreation which you can conceive.
tionships, race, and new citizenship. Leaders for each group are to be chosen soon. Incidentally, these groups correspond to the units of study and discussion at the annual Estes conference in the spring.
In addition to the commission idea, a new plan of action for the two Y organisations is also to be set into motion. In response to a demand that the two Y’s be united for greater efficiency and interest, it is planned for the next semester that the two groups function together, keeping the same administration officers as are in office at present. Weekly group meetings, with a few exceptions, and all cabinet meetings will be held together.
Then, if it is discovered that the plan functions smoothly and is feasible for this campus, plans are to be laid for complete union next year into a single Y organization. The Y. W. and Y. M. as they exist now will retain a few individual characteristics, such as, for example, the candle-lighting service, freshman stag, and heart-sisters.
It is believed that this plan of uniting the two organizations will result in numerous advantages to both groups. Their purposes and programs involve a unity of purpose which cannot be denied. Furthermore, concerted action obviously will result in greater efficiency, dispatch. and interest than can be obtained separately. Also, the commis-
the change in prevailing mode of picture-making, and finally the change in personal likes and dislikes keep most of us from wasting hard-earned shekels on the old style
"western. " However, the fact that we do not go to this particular type of show does not indicate that we have all acquired the proper attitude toward the movie.
Unfortunately, many people have the pernicious habit of attending movies for the sheer sake of entertainment, caring little for the show itself, the actors, the type of picture, or anything else really important. The diabolic results of this attitude are two-fold. On the one hand it prevents the individual from deriving the most good from what pictures he does attend, and, on the other hand, it may keep him away from the very best productions that the cinema has to offer.
Those persons who have long time and money is logically critical about the pictures upon which he spends this same time and money.
During the last year the Catholic church and other organizations have exerted so much pressure upon the cinema industry through such activities as the Legion of Decency that the discerning student is greatly aided in his efforts to judge which movies he will "take in. " Even a cursory glance at the schedule of pictures shown during 1935 reveals a mighty reform in the part of the in-dustry.
For example, in the classical field we have seen such pictures as "The Last Days of Pompeii"; "Great Expectations" and "David Copperfield" from the pen of the immortal Charles Dickens, Dumas' "Count of Monte Cristo, " Tolstoy’s "Resurrection, " and others; musical shows have brought us "The Merry Widow, " "Naughty Marietta, " "Roberta, " "One Night of Love, " and "Sweet Adeline, " with such magic voices as those of Lawrence Tibbet, Nino Martini, Grace Moore, and Jeanette MacDonald, singing classical favorites as well as the modern rhythms of Jerome Kern and Victor Herbert.
Historical productions have brought us vignettes from the lives of such famous men as Barnum, Cardinal Richelieu, Henry VIII, Napoleon, and others. Besides these many excellent productions have been a veritable host of miscellaneous programs of high calibre. Such pictures as "Les Miserables, "Barrets of Wim-pole Street, " "Little Women, " "Mutiny on the Bounty, " "Ah Wilderness, " are worthy of anyone’s attention.
The problem that faces the student today is how to keep the flow of worthy pictures unchecked. Discrimination, again, is the most powerful check the individual has upon the movie producer. Obviously, the
Another phase to be considered, the baron points out, is the fact that the sanctions must cease eventually. When Italy's market is reopened there will be much competition between nations for her trade. Some countries will necessarily lose a large part of their world trade.
Alovisi contends that Italy has reproducer brings out only the pictures which are "box-office, " in theater parlance. If the movie-goer indicates by his support which pictures he likes, the producer will naturally cater to his desires.
Thus if the individual goes to the show every Friday night, regardless, or, just whenever he gets time, and exercises no intelligent choice in regard to the matter, he can expect no discrimination worthy of the mention on the part of the producer. On the other hnd, if the individual attends only shows such as those which we have previously mentioned, he can expect that type of shows to be continuously produced.
The moral is simply this. College students have at best very little time and money to spend on shows. Exercise, therefore, discrimination as to which shows you will see, and reap the benefits accordingly. —K. W.
"How can the People of the World Achieve Universal Disarmament, " will be the subject of a world competition offered by the New History Society of New York. A total sum of $5, 000 will be given in prizes in the competition.
The competition will be held in the autumn of 1936. It is open to the inhabitants of the world, without regard to race, age, sex or education.
The New History Society was founded in New York in 1929. Its principal aim is the establishment of ceived unjust treatment from the League. The League has taken the statement of one Ethiopian delegate against all of Italy’s evidence of her necessity for waging war.
The author pleads that America weigh the matter carefully before making a decision concerning the sanctions. In his concluding statement, he says. "Italy appeals with confidence to the sense of justice and to the desire for truth of the American people—a people which rebels against all attempts at intimidation. "
This article, definitely from Italy's viewpoint, will be countered in next month’s Forum by an article. "The Case Against Italy, " giving one or more arguments dealing with the difficult international situation involving Italy, America, and the League of Nations. —Y. C.
an international integrated life between the people of the East and West. It has sponsored several competitions previous to this one in which it has endeavored to learn the opinion of youth on world problems. The information it receives by this means is presented to the leading educators, statesmen and publicists of every country.
Any individual who is interested in this competition is urged to inquire extensively concerning it. In view of the fact that considerable preparation on the part of any contestant will be necessary, announcements concerning the competition are being made unusually early. The society will work primarily through school publications in regard to making information concerning the competition available to students.
Seismologists at Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., were accused of causing an earthquake the other day. One irate householder threatened suit for damages.
"Sanctions May Lead to Consequences of Incalculable Gravity, " Maintains Baron Pompeo Alovisi
IN the Forum for December Baron Pompeo Alovisi, the chief League of Nations delegate for Italy in the article "America Plays with Fire, " discusses what Italy thinks of the sanctions and how America should regard them. Sanctions when applied to the international field affect world wide interests and may lead to consequences of incalculable gravity, Alovisi maintains. World trade currents would be diverted from their natural courses.
In less than a month between two and three thousand students will be gathering at Indianapolis for the Twelfth Quadrennial Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement. This group will include representatives from some five hundred colleges of Canada and the United States and a dozen foreign countries. It is because of a genuine interest in the World Mission of Jesus Christ that they are coming together for five days of study, fellowship, and prayer.
More than forty men and women from Canada, the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, China, Mexica and other countries will speak from the platform or lead seminars. Toyohiko Kakawa, Richard Roberts, Baez Camargo, Induk Pak, John Mackey, T. Z. Koo, and The Archbishop of York are among the outstanding leaders. Seminars and personal interviews will offer to the delegates varied opportunities for
knowing these notable men and
The program of the convention will be in three main divisions: platform hours for a sequence of addresses; seminars for an intimate exchange of thought between delegates and leaders; and special informal features during each afternoon. The platform hours of the convention will be built around these great themes:
Seminar groups, numbering from fifty to one hundred delegates each, led by experts on the subjects studied, will meet for an hour and a half each day for consideration of some of the llvcst problems now confronting the Christian world community. A few of the thirty seminar topics are: "The Christian Fellowship and Industrial Problems, " "The Christian Fellowship and Industrial Problems, " "The Christian Fellowship and Non-Christian Religious Groups, " "The Christian Fellowship in Relation to Current Political Trends, " "The Christian Fellowship and Problems of Race, " "The Christian Fellowship and World Peace, " "The Adequacy of the Christian Faith for Human Needs, " "Noteworthy Methods and Movements in Contemporary Evangelism, " and "Missionary Methods and Projects for Our Colleges. "
"Operation at One, ” a play by Maude Taylor Sarvis, who was for fifteen years a missionary in Nanking, China, will be presented on two afternoons. This drama por-trays the conflict between the spirit and ideals of those who would build through violence and of those who would build through love. Special music hours will be one of the most engaging features of the convention. A very great attraction to many will be the denominational suppers planned for Sunday night, Dec. 29.
A New Year's Eve party is being planned which will bring together all delegates in one big room. Folk songs, games, fun, and fellowship will characterize this hour. A watch-night worship service will follow. This will be brief, but the inspiration of it will extend far into the New Year.
Remarkable initiative was displayed by students on the campus last'week when they managed to stay out and awake until 12 o'clock, during the vacation. After all you can get out if practice after so long a time. Pardon us while we yawn.
An impromptu Open House was held in Arnold Hall, Thursday night.
Means—Fire escape.
Imagine two fair lassies' confusion and "soegrinment" when in the act of running across the campus, a kind gentleman of a noble rank from Pennsylvania remarked, "Don’t hurry girls, I’ll wait for you."
Haggard faces and encircled eyes were hastily restored to normal when the deputation team finally got home Monday, several hours later than they were expected. What agony! How can we remain "Gleeful" through such ordeals. It gives us the "Chilsies" and we are inclined to become a trifle "Nettled. "
"In order to teach someone to love you, you must be with them constantly. " So says our feminine Psyc. teacher. In applying this to the immediate advisors we'll say they practice what they teach. In application to M. C. students, may we illuminate some that this adage says nothing of continuing the treatment after the victims are taught.
Paging any energetic M. C. student who possesses the ability to concoct a soup faucet. If successful, kindly report to the business office of Arnold Hall (kitchen).
And then there's our Y. M. president who stated he would be most pleased to remove himself to such an island as "Tahaiti. "
It’s just surprising how those chapel seats can be filled. Make the best of your vacation, monitors, because there’s no telling when you're liable to be plunged into great service again. The end must come sometime.
Dr. Schwalm has presented two books to the library. They are "Diplomatic Background of the War, 1870-1914" by Seymour, and "New American Government and its Work" by Young. Other gifts include "Synonyms and Antonyms" by Roget from Paul Booz, and from Dean Mohler, "Guide to the History of Mexico" by Teja Zabre.
A number of new French books have been purchased. They are "Un Marriage d'Amour" by Halevy, "Fantastic, French" by Tharp, "Sans Famille" by Malot. "Pierre Ramuntcho" by Loti, "Candide; on L’Aplimisme" by Voltaire, and "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Rostand.
Two other books have been pur-chased for the library. "Bible, an American Translation" by Good-speed, and "American and English Furniture" by Cescinsky and Hunter.
The University of Wisconsin and Brown are two of the few American colleges which maintain handicraft workshops for their students.
Galen Fields who returned recently from California visited friends on the campus yesterday.
Most of the Kline Hall girls went home for Thanksgiving vacation. Those who did not were Viola Harris, Lillys Frantz, and Evelyn Dell.
Lois Gnagy, who has been gone for several days, returned Friday afternoon. She was in Waterloo, Iowa, attending the funeral of her grandfather there.
Dr. and Mrs. John Boitnott and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Brown were Thanksgiving Day guests of Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler and Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mohler.
Miss Estelle Baile underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at the hospital. Wednesday morning. Miss Baile was able to be taken to the dormitory Thursday morning and resumed her school work Monday.
The McPherson College Bulldogs were honor guests at a Thanksgiving dinner served in the dining room of Arnold Hall. Thursday evening. The dinner was served in two courses. After the meal, extemporaneous speeches were given by Russell Carpenter, David Duncanson, Harold Zuhars, Lee Haun, and Chester Colwell.
Charlotte Wolfe is ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller at Lamar, Colo. Miss Wolfe became ill while visiting Mary Stonebraker in Wiley and was not able to return to McPherson.
Lola Mae Harbaugh spent Thanksgiving with Evelyn Herr in Abilene.
Eugenia Hogan attended a Hill Top Conference at Excelsior Springs. Mo.
Rilla Hubbard spent the vacation at her home in Hugoton.
A word to those who are to have guests in Arnold Hall on FrFidays:
Take out the lady’s chair for her, and don’t neglect putting it back in.
Don’t say anything about the oleo not being butter.
If you can’t chew the meat, make a sandwich and eat it in solitude, don’t take the chance of swallowing it whole.
Keep your feet under your chair.
Change your schedule for clean paper napkins from Monday to Friday.
Better take a straw just in case you can’t get glasses for your soup. A big one remember, so the lettuce will go through.
If you don't thin of anything to talk about, and can’t remember which teacher griped you the most that morning, call the waitress and ask her to raise the window. Air is probably what you need.
Song hits of the week:
"The Old Kitchen Sink" (Usually sung "kettle") by Margaret Poister.
"Walt for the Wagon" (wagon of hay, Bailed) by Harold Mohler.
"P. S. I Love You” by Mary Trostle.
The deputation team seems to have had a splendid time on their recent trip. All they will say concerning the fun they had is to make such brief remarks as these: "Ask Dorothy Dell how she likes Sabetha, or perhaps she didn't spend enough time there to know"; "Ask Gordon Yoder what makes people get excited and murmur ‘Gee whiz! ’ at the table, especially when they are trying hard to appear dignified"; and "Ask Dorothy how long a person could live buried under several feet of overcoats, suitcases and ladies' coats. "
Modena Kauffman and Harriette Smith spent the vacation at their homes In Topeka.
Alberta Keller went to her home at Minneola.
Miriam Kimmel spent the vacation with Ruth Rogers at her home in Mt. Edna, Iowa.
Lucille Kistner was at her home in Sabetha.
Virginia Propp spent Thanksgiving vacation at her home in Marion.
Evelyn Pierce and Emma Schmidt spent Thanksgiving day nt Miss Schmidt's home in Moundridge.
If you are poor now, Aemilianus, you will always be poor. Riches are now given to none but the rich. — Martial in "Epigrams. "
Every why has a wherefore. —
"Comedy of Errors. "
Maurine Stutzman was in Wichita Saturday.
Margaret Poister spent Thanksgiving vacation at her home in Morrill.
Mrs. M. W. Emmert, Miss Jessie Brown, and Miss Esther Atkinson
shopped in Wichita Friday.
Miss Alice Gill spent the Thanksgiving holidays at her home in Law-rence.
Esther Zimmerman and Joel Let-keman went to their homes in Buh-ler to spend the vacation.
Mrs. M. W. Emmert was a Friday dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Brown.
Aileen Wine and Becky Ann Stauffer returned to McPherson Sunday after spending the vacation at their homes in Rocky Ford, Colorado.
Mary Trostle spent the holidays at her home in Nickerson.
Maudena Sondergard spent Thanksgiving day at the home of her brother in Salina.
Evelyn Ralston and Harold Evans spent the holidays at the home of their aunt in Morrill.
Doris Pray spent the Thanksgiving vacation at her home in Hope.
Lyle Brower was a guest in the home of Gerald Denny during the holidays.
Merle Messamer was a guest at the home of Neva Root in Topeka during the vacation.
Motion Pictures Portraying
Campus Life Are Being Taken
Motion pictures of campus life, athletics, and subjects about the college arc being taken by the Quadrangle staff for the purpose of col-lege publicity. The "shots, " when completed, will be combined into one complete movie. This picture will be shown by the field representative in the churches and elsewhere in the college area in order to portray to prospective students the life of the college student.
The camera being used is a motor driven, 16 mm. machine, made by Eastman Kodak Co. Subjects already taken include shots of the campus and parts of the Bulldog-Wesleyan football game.
Himself for Education
The Bill Quon Corporation was paying dividends this week—in cash.
Bill Quon of Milwaukee, a Chinese student, "sold" himself to eight men in California, Wisconsin and Washington, D. C.. after he was no longer able to finance his education in engineering.
Quon now is in the employ of the Allis Chalmers Company here to acquaint himself with its machinery products. A Job with the American Trading Company in China promised later.
Quon was born in Canton, China. When he was 8 years of age, his father took him to San Diego, Cal.
Later he felt China needed youthful engineers to develop her resources. He began a campaign for an edu-cation which led him to the Milwaukee School of Engineering in 1931. Dr. Raymond D. Spears of San Diego was his first "stockholder. " (College News Service).
"Is an amendment inevitable which would give the national government control over industries af-fected with a natural interest? " asks John Corbin in the article "What is a United State" in Scribner's for Nov. 10. Mr. Corbin points out that labor and industry are "states" de-manding rights but refusing responsibilities. A life long Republican, he attacks the Republican party for espousing the outworn state rights issue which brought defeat to the Democrats during the nineteenth century. Codes and restrictions are not signs of Bolshevism or Fascism according to the author but are merely spontaneous growth under our constitution and in full accord with it.
According to Mr. Corbin those who are looking for a way back to sanity out of the present maelstrom of ideas may well ask themselves three questions. First, is not some degree of national planning indispensable to emerge from this depression and to prevent its recurrance? Second, can it not best be achieved through selfgovernment of basic industries tinder national control? And, if modern and constructive plans failing, we lapse into the 1929 concept of laissez faire with its recurrance of depressions is there any future for our his-toric freedom to work and earn— which is commonly culled capitalism?"
He who is slack at his work is brother to him that destroys.
players were just about on the par with these on the team, but we believe that ones mentioned on the
Long Runs Made by. Haun and Zuhars—Both Teams Defend Goals Ably — McPherson Ends Season Third in Conference but Unbeaten by Conference Leaders.
In their Thanksgiving day game at Kalina the McPherson Bulldogs held the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes to a scoreless tie. The game was played on an extremely muddy field. Be-cause of this mud neither team was able to gain much ground. Both teams threatened to score several times but each threat was fruitless.
Both teams played some excellent football while on the other hand they displayed some very ragged ball. When the Coyotes were forced back to their goal line they were able to show their opponents that they were worthy of being at the head of the conference.
There were several threats to score and several spectacular runs made during the game. Haun, McPherson half back, made the first long run of the game in that he started from his own 19 yard line and was not tackled and downed until he was on the opponents’ 36 yard line. This spectacular run was good for a first down and 45 yards.
Zuhars made several excellent runs for the Bulldogs during the game. One of these came when he ran the ball from his own 48 yard line to the Wesleyan 15 yard line. This run was good for 37 yards. Two plays later Zuhars shot a pass to Barngrover who snagged it on the 6 yard line and was downed in his tracks. The McPherson team did not have quite enough power to push the pigskin over the six yards that remained.
The Coyotes threatened to score several times. The greatest threat came in when Zuhars fumbled the ball on his own four yard line and the ball was recovered by Wesleyan. On the first play Hapgood smashed through the Coyote line and sent them for a 5 yard loss. On the next play the Salina team went over the goal line but the ball was called back because of an off-side penalty.
As the game came to a close the Bulldogs were marching down the field with the ball. Just before the final whistle Zuhars made a 34 yard run. The McPherson team should give much credit to Haun for his excellent punting and Zuhars for his superior running. Morris was one of the best ground gainers that the Wesleyan team had. In the line the outstanding players for the Coyotes were Van Cleff, Baer, and Blair. The outstanding lineman for the Bulldogs was Vasquez. However, each man on each team did his share of the work.
Following is the starting lineup: McPherson Wesleyan
Burress - - - - RE - - - - Morgan Barngrover - - - RT - - - - Van Ceef Vasquez - - - - RG - - - - Wooster
Rodelander - - - - C - - - - - Blair
Seidell - - - - LG ------ Baer
Reinecker - - - LT - - - - - Miller
Moore - - - - - LE - - - - Watson
Stratman - - - QB - - - - Swift
Haun - - - - - RH - - - - - Smith
Zuhars - - - - LH - - - - Morris Hapgood - - - - KB - - - - Massey
Substitutions: McPherson — Colwell for Barngrover. Crabb for Strat-man, Barngrover for Reinecker, Rock for Rodelander, Wiegand for Vasquez, Epps for Seidell, Stratman for Crabb, Rodelander for Rock, Vas-quez for Wiegand, Seidell for Epps. Wesleyan—Altum for Massey, Worley for Swift, Warner for Altum, Tul-ley for Watson, Watson for Tulley, Walch for Swift, Swift for Walch, Scroggin for Wooster, Massey for Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage: McPherson 136, Wesleyan 164. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 19, Wesleyan 27. Punts: McPherson 13 for 468 yards, average 36 yards; Wesleyun, 13 for 383 yards, average 29. 4 yards. First downs: McPherson 3; Wesleyan 11. Passes: McPherson attempted five, completed one for nine yards; Wesleyan attempted nine, completed three for 30 yards. Passes intercepted: McPherson four for 18 yards, Wesleyan two for no gain. Penalties: McPherson none, Wesleyan two for five yards. Fumbles: McPherson two, Wesleyan two.
By Conway Yount
The Bulldogs proved to the Coyotes that they had one of the strongest teams in the conference.
From the looks of the Baker-Mc-Pherson and the Wesleyan-McPher-son game it seems that Baker has a better team than does Kansas Wes leyan.
The team has done a fine job this season and they should be congratulated upon winning third place in the conference.
There is no doubt but that Mike Vasquez is one of the best guards, if not the best guard in the Kansas Conference. He has been placed on every Kansas All-Conference team that has been selected. He has done some excellent work for the Bulldogs this season.
Baer, of Kansas Wesleyan, is one of the best guards in the state of Kansas and he is good enough to play on anyone's football team.
McPherson has something to be proud of this season. They won third place in the conference and the teams that won first and second places were not able to down the Bulldogs.
Perhaps It is not the custom for The Spectator to pick an all-confer-ence team but we are submitting one this year for your approval. It must be understood that in choosing our team it was difficult for us to do away with prejudice which might exist. We have done our best, and have what we believe to be the best suited men for the positions. Here it is: Ends—Lemon, Bethany, and Lee, College of Emporia; tackles— Heine, Baker, and Van Cleff, Kansas Wesleyan; guards—Baer, Kansas Wesleyan (captain), and Vas-quez, McPherson; center—Blair, Kansas Wesleyan; quarterback— Haun, McPherson; halfback—Morris, Kansas Wesleyan, and Albert-son, Baker; and fullback—Hinkle, College of Emporia.
We realize that in naming the above team that several excellent team have been the outstanding players in these positions during the past year. Of course, we may be wrong!
Ignaz Friedman, eminent Polish composer-pianist, will give a concert in Albert Taylor Hall, Dec. 5. As a composer, he has more than a hundred works to his credit. —The Bulletin, Emporia.
"She Stoops to Conquer" will be presented in Albert Taylor Hall, Dec. 12, by the Gilson Players, according to an announcement made today by Prof. F. L. Gilson. —The Bulletin, Emporia.
A cast of twenty-two Bethany students and a "guardian angel" chorus of twenty Lindsborg grade school girls under the direction of Mable Markle presented last Tuesday night, Nov. 19, was the first complete opera ever to be produced at Bethany, to an estimated audience of 500 persons. —The Bethany Messenger, Lindsborg.
cluding the pageant, "Why the Chimes Rang," Friday evening, Dec. 13. —The Bethany Messenger, Linds-borg.
Worries of Fines on Overdue Books Ended by New Chute
Students who burn midnight oil at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, need no longer pay heavy library fines on overdue books.
A special outside night chute has been installed in Doheney Memorial Library through which books from any. department in the library may be returned after hours.
With students far outnumbering necessary reference books in popular courses, librarians have had to place one-hour and two-hour time limits on books most in demand.
Scholars found it easier at times to pay nominal fines than to return the books, so large hourly assessments are now levied if books are not returned before class in the morning.
Medical Aptitude Tests Will Be Given to Three Tomorrow, 2 P. M.
m. in room 6 of Sharp Hall. Three persons have arranged to take this test.
The test, which is prepared by the Association of American Medical Colleges, is used as an entrance test by all the leading medical schools in the United States. All colleges offering premedical courses will give this test tomorrow. The purpose of the examination is to determine the student’s ability to understand medi-cal literature. About an hour and thirty minutes is the time required to complete the test. A fee of $1 is paid by those who are examined.
American brides and bridegrooms are getting younger. Men are marrying at an average age of 24.8 and women at 21.7. We don’t know what this proves. Yes, and statistics show that Vassar graduates have three-quarters of a baby each.
The object of punishment is prevention from evil; it never can be made impulsive to good. —Horace Mann.
The talents of Bethany's A Cap-pella Choir will be combined with the expression department to present a special Christinas program in-
Aptitude for the study of Medicine will be tested by the standard Medical Aptitude Test tomorrow at 2 p.