McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, nov. 27, 1935
One Third of 1936 Quadrangle Is Completed—Faculty Section
The 1936 Quadrangle is beginning to take form. Practically one-third of the book is completed, or will be completed by Dec. 15.
The faculty section will be completed this week. It will be formal instead of informal as was planned at the beginning of the school term. Editor Clark said that he has had more trouble with the faculty in securing their pictures than he had with the students.
There have been approximately 175 books sold. This is about one-half of the student body. The Quad staff is publishing the book for the student body, and unless the students co-operate in buying the books there is no necessity in putting out the book.
The very first day of the second semester the price, of the "Quad" will advance to $4, 000. and will remain at that price until the day they are issued to the students, which will be in the last week of school.
Eva Faye Thomison entertained Esther Scott as a week-end guest. Saturday night was spent in games and a jolly good time with the following people: Opal Hoffman, Phyllis Barngrovor and Mildred Stutz-man.
Deputation Team to Leave for
Towns in Kansas and Nebraska
The deputation team will leave Thursday noon for a trip which will include visits to five churches. The team will visit the churches at Sum-merfield, Sabetha, Morrill, Holmes-ville, Nebraska, and Carlton, Nebraska. The group will return Monday. Those going are Margaret Fry, Dorothy Dell, Gordon Yoder, and Raymond Lichty who compose the mixed quartet. Lucile Ullery will accompany them at the piano. Paul Heckman is to be the speaker for the programs.
Robert Bowman, an alumnus who has recently accepted a teaching position at Hillsboro, spent several days last week in the dormitory visiting friends.
Salina was chosen as the host for the next tri-college conference which will be held sometime In March or April.
Morning. " The chief characters are an old Spanish gentleman and lady who were lovers in their youth but apparently do not recognize each other in their old age. Estelle Baile and Charles Nettleton were cast as the two old people. Marjorie Flory and Lowell Holdeman appeared as the servants. For the production of this play a new back-drop, which was painted by Miss Colline and members of her art class, was utilized.
The last play was entitled "The Calf That Laid the Golden Egg. " The scene is laid in a modern American home and the characters were well-cast. The plot centers around a fur coat which by various accidents and mistakes is sold four times. Homer Kimmel. Velma Watkins. Margaret Messamer, Theresa Strom, Evelyn Ralston, Becky Ann Stauffer and Vera Heckman appeared in this play.
The proceeds of the evening’s performance will go to the dramatic art department.
Social Committee Plans
Formal Dinner for Dorm
Among the social functions to be held at Arnold Hall in the near future will be a formal dinner in the dining-room of the dormitory. The exact date for the affair has not been designated but it will be held soon after the Thanksgiving holidays. Open House in Arnold Hall will be held after the Christmas holidays.
oMembers of the social committee of the dormitory are, Helen Easton, chairman, Estelle Baile, and Inez Goughnour.
Ruth Seigle, Rachel Snowberger, Dorothy and Violet Dell were Sunday dinner guests of the "Hershey girls, " Lucile Hornbaker, Vivian Keller. Ruby Welmer, and Luclle Cole. Ar-vllla Peterson, a week-end guest, was also present at the dinner.
Happy Birthday!
Viola Lowe........................ Nov. 28
Audean Horn...................... Nov. 28
Russell Kingsley............... Nov. 28
Margaret Fry................ Nov. 28
Lillian Peterson.................. Dec. 1 Leona Sellers..................... Dec. 4
Instrumental and Vocal Music Featured in Church Program
A musical program was given at the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening.
Two numbers, "Hallelujah. Amen" and "How Lovely Are the Messengers, " were given by the choir, under the direction of Mr. Chris Johansen. Two vocal selections were rendered by Elaine Danielson and Harold Beam, who were accompanied at the piano by Bernice Dresher. Mattie Shay, accompanied by Dorothy Dell, played a violin solo.
The orchestra, under the direction of Charles Wagoner, played a few numbers.
Organ music and congregational hymns were also a feature of the program.
Faithe Ketterman Reads Spectator-Contributes to Y. W. C. A. Piano Fund
It pays to advertise! Or at least to broadcast news!
When Faithe Ketterman, '35, read in the Spectator that the Y. W. had purchased a new piano, she wrote out a check for five dollars and sent It to Leta Wine, president of the Y. W., to apply on the payments.
This is true college loyalty, and the Y. W. deeply appreciates the gift. Faithe is now teaching home economics at Lorraine, Kan.
Dr. and Mrs. Bright entertained Thursday evening with a special dinner for those students who are majoring in history. The guests included Dorothy Matson, Ruth Spillman, Betty Juelfs, Mildred Sellberg, Mildred Stutzman, Archie Van Nortwick, Paul Heckman, Eldred Mathes, and Clarence Sink.
Armistice Day Peace Program
Elicits Favorable Comment From the Secretary
Feasibility of Merging Y. M. and Y. W., and Regional Commissions Are Discussed
Harold Colvin, the Regional Secretary for the Student Christian Movement, was on the campus Thursday. Mr. Colvin returned recently from the west coast where ho spent some nine weeks traveling over several states as a Regional Secretary. This, together with the eight years of experience Harold Colvin has had in this region, gives him a wide perspective and insight, a store of knowledge about the problems and duties of the Y.
Mr. Colvin spent most of his time in private interviews with officers of the Y. M. and Y. W. He was also interested to learn about the work that is being done at McPherson College. The peace rally of the eleventh of November interested him especially. Material concerning this event was given to Mr. Colvin and in all probability an article about this peace rally will appear in the Regional Nows Letter, a publication put out by the Student Christian Movement.
At 4: 30 o'clock a joint cabinet meeting was held which gave Mr. Colvin an opportunity to talk to all the Y leaders. One item brought up for discussion was the feasibility of merging the Y. M. and Y. W. into one organization. Several college Y’s have taken this step, among whom Bethel is one. Mr. Colvin suggested that before we take this step we try the plan the second se-mester; then we will be able to ascertain whether a joint organization is practical and successful.
Another suggestion made by Mr. Colvin implies the following. There are six regional commissions, namely, Reinterpretation of Religion, Creative Leisure, Race, New Citizenship, International Relation, and Personal and Family Relations. Six corresponding committees would be set up by the Y organizations to function on the campus. These committees would keep in touch with the Regional committee working on the same problem, do some research work, and organize their material so that they could take charge of a regular Y meeting and present their findings.
Monday evening at 6: 30 o’clock the two cabinets had a meeting to consider these plans. Some of these will probably be carried out in the future.
Professor Bohling Leads Way In Gifts to Library---Others Donate
In the anniversary drive for gifts for the library Prof. Bohling has led the way with a gift of 12 books in the field of commerce, almost all of which are listed in the standard "List of Books for College Libraries" ed-, ited by C. B. Shaw.
Other new books include "A Fuque in Cycles and Bels" written by John Mills, "The Family, Its Organization and Disorganization, " and "The Makers of Christianity" by McNeill.
Largest Synthetic Jewel Is Produced in Chemistry Lab
The largest artificial diamond known has just been synthesised in the college chemistry laboratory, Dr. J. W. Hershey stated Monday. "The diamond, if it stands the test for hardness, will be about twice as large as the one we made last year. " Dr. Hershey said. The diamond has stood all other tests satisfactorily. Dr. Hershey and his assistants last year made the largest synthetic diamond on record.
That the difficulties which prevent the preparation of large and valuable diamonds are only technical is the belief of the chemistry department of McPherson College. The production of artificial diamonds large enough for commercial use at a reasonable expense is one of the hopes of those who are making them at McPherson.
Dr. Hershey and his assistants ran some diamonds last Friday and some Tuesday. The assistants do a great deal of the work, Dr. Hershey said. It takes three or four weeks to tell if any diamonds have been formed.
In general, diamonds are constructed from the purest of carbon at vory high temperature and at high pressure. The carbon is heated to about 3000 degrees centigrade with a metal, usually iron, in an electric furnace. It is then cooled very sud-denly. The pressure formed in the cooling process is the basis on which synthetic diamonds are made.
For several years diamonds have been experimented with in McPherson College.
Dr. Nash Speaks on "Mental Health" and "Challenges"
About 70 persons attended the tricollege conference here Thursday afternoon and evening. Representation to the conference included faculty members of Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, Bethany College. Linds-borg, and McPherson College.
Dr. Bert A. Nash, of the University of Kansas, spoke at the afternoon session on the subject, "Mental Health Problems of the College Stu-dents. " He brought out the fact that at least one fourth of every college student body needs some psychonom-ic treatment. Only 10 per cent of the students seek this help voluntarily, ho said.
During the evening. Dr. Nash again spoke. this time on the subject, "Challenges to Our Colleges in Special Reference to the Curriculum Program. " He discussed the need of abolishment of the grade system.
Kansas Wesleyan University at
Wednesday, Nov. 27—Motion picture in chapel, 3: 30 p. m.
Sunday, Doc. 1—C. E. at the College Church. 6: 45 p. m.
Tuesday, Dec. 3—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings. 10 a. m.; —World Service, 7 p. m. in Y. W. room.
Four M. C. Students Plan to Attend Convention on Dec. 28
Four McPherson College students, Wanda Hoover, Lillian Peterson, Paul Heckman, and Paul Booz, have definitely decided to attend the Twelfth Quadrennial Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement in Indianapolis, Ind., from Dec. 28 to Jan. 1.
Registration fees for these representatives were sent in last Saturday. The group plans to make the trip in Paul Heckman's car. Other McPherson College students are considering attending the convention.
"A Sunny Morning, " "The Calf That Laid the Golden Eggs" and "Pier rot's Mother" Are Given
The College dramatic art department presented a varied program of one-act plays Friday night before a well-filled auditorium. The plays were worked out as a project by members of Miss Lehman's play production class with the assistance of several members of the speech class.
The first was a modernized version of the old French Pierrot-Pier-rete plays entitled "Pierrot's Mother. " Dorothy Miller appeared as the mother. Aileen Wine as Pierete, and Homer Kimmel as Pierrot. The play portrays the type of character that finds the lure of adventure and the open road stronger than the loro of peaceful and quiet living.
The second play was "A Sunny
McPhersonites Give Series of
Programs During Week-End Tour
Professor and Mrs. A. C. Voran, Rev. J. J. Yoder. Margaret Fry. and Lucille Ullery attended a McPherson College banquet at Independence Saturday night. Rev. Yoder spoke and Mr. Voran and Miss Fry sang, accompanied by Miss Ullery.
They gave similar programs at Parsons Sunday morning, and at Osage Sunday night. They returned to McPherson early Monday morning.
Committee to Select List of Books for Christian Home Library
"Appreciating Our Christian Heritage" was the subject of the World Service meeting last night at 7 o'clock in the Y. W. room. The meeting was in commemoration of the Thanksgiving season. After an in-strumenal prelude the group participated in a litany, alternating unison reading with group singing. Esther Zimmerman sung a solo.
Two talks were given which promoted thought on the theme of the meeting. Clarence Sink spoke on "Our Heritage, " from the Hebrews, early Christian leaders, and our American forefathers. Eugenia Hogan gave a talk on the subject, "How Shall We Use Our Heritage? " The group sang the last verse of "Faith of Our Fathers" and Dr. Petry pronounced the benediction.
A committee of World Service members is now at work on a project which was launched in the meeting of two weeks ago. This project is one of selecting a suitable library for a Christian home. This library is to include from fifty to one hundred books. The project will not be completed until the end of the semester.
The committee has a big job, because they are trying to make the most worthwhile selections possible and this makes it necessary for them to become acquainted with a great number of books. These books are to be proportionately divided among a number of fields of literature.
Reports of the committee will be given in World Service meetings once or twice before the research is finally completed. After it is finished lists will be made available to everyone who desires to have one.
Brights Entertain History Majors
December 6, 7, 8 are Dates Set for Second Annual Student Conference
Prominent Peace Organizations Are Sponsors of Program for Liberty and Rights
On December sixth, seventh, and eighth the second annual New Citizenship Institute will be held at Baker University under the auspices of the Student Christian Movement, Committee on World Peace, Kansas Conference of M. E. Churches, and the Kansas Peace Action Committee.
The aim of the institute is "to consider our nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal'— and to consider the present threats and contradictions to that proposition now existing in Kansas. " The conference is going to portray what is included in an ideal citizenship and also show how we can attain this ideal.
Some of the leaders of the Institute are Dr. Clark Eichelberger, Secretary of the League of Nations Association, New York; Dean Irwin of Washburn; Harry Terrill, National Council for the Prevention of War, Washington, D. C.; Dr. and Mrs. Case of Topeka; Dr. James Chubb; and Dr. Joseph Myers, Consumers Cooperative Association, North Kansas City.
The cost of the conference is 75 cents for registration fee and room, 35 cents for the banquet Saturday night plus the expenses involved in transportation and meals.
In his visit to the campus last week, Harold Colvin stressed this conference. He stated that the Baker conference would be on the par of the conference that was held in McPherson last year. This should make the Baker Institute a very in-teresting and worthwhile one. Therefore, all who can are urged to at-tend this convention. Dorothy Matson and Kurtis Naylor are working on this project; all those that are interested should get in touch with either one.
University Light Opera Singers To Appear In McPherson Dec. 5
The University Light Opera Singers on Thursday, Dec. 5, will be the next number on the Lyceum Course this season. This genuinely professional group of musicians under the direction of Madame Maude Fender Gutzmer presents one of the finest concerts on tour.
Many colorful selections from Victor Herbert, Gilbert and Sullivan and front other light operas will be presented in costume. Miscellaneous popular solos and ensembles will be added to give the concert much variety as appeals to all music lovers.
Tills company has genuine musicianship plus the essential showmanship necessary in successful operatic groups.
This promises to be a program of vivacity and charm with definite ed-ucational value.
Women Express Gratitude at Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting
"What Are We Thankful For" was the theme of this week's prayer meeting held in Arnold Hall. Each Monday night the girls of Arnold meet for a few minutes at 10 o’clock for peaceful meditation. This week's service was in commemoration of Thanksgiving day.
The prelude and postlude were played by Miriam Kimmel on the piano. The poem "Thanksgiving Day" by J. J. Montagne was read by Aileen Wine. "We Thank Thee Lord, " a poem by Mildred Michael, was given by Rilla Hubbard.
Each girl then told of the things for which she thought she was most thankful. Among the things more frequently mentioned were: opportunity of having a higher education; old and new friends; health and strength to meet every day as it comes; and all the material necessities and luxuries.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the mat act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For One School Year
$1. 00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
the staff
Editor-In-Chief........................................................... Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor............................................................. Merie Messamer
Society Editor.................................................................. Velma Watkins
Sports Editor.................................................................... Conway Yount
Make-up Editor........................................................... Norman Edwards
Business Manager Manager..................................... Lawrence Strouse
Assistant Business Manager................................................ Paul Lackie
Advertising Manager.................................................... Waldo Newberg
Assistant Advertising Manager........................................ Clayton Rock
Circulation Manager...................................................... Galen Glessner
Estelle Baile John Bower Otho Clark Yolanda Clark Willard Flaming
Evelyn Glessner Alberta Keller lsobel Kittell June McNamee
Valera Pearce Martha Roop Dr. V. F. Schwalm Harriette Smith Kenneth Weaver
"A BOOR is a person who is con-tinually talking about himself when you want to talk about your-self. " This epigrammatic statement may or may not be accurate but it should give some of our most voluble talkers food for thought—particularly, some of the freshmen. The upperclassmen would do well to consider this definition too, but the freshmen are sadly in need of instruction along this line.
It is hard for some high school graduates to make the definite break in mode of conduct that distinguishes the college student from the adolescent high school pupil. For these persons college is merely the continuation of high school training on a somewhat liberalized and modified scale. They can never quite forgot or leave out of their conversation the detailed facts concerning the glory and honor of dear old Lumpy-dump High School—when they were there.
If one attempts to speculate upon our possibilities of winning the conference football championship, one of these boors is sure to begin a long narration about the year his high school football team was second in the township league and would have been first if he had been allowed to
play in that last game. If basketball is mentioned another one of these high school students enrolled in college modestly begins a tale concerning the season the Pumpkin Center H. S. team (with his valuable assistance) was rated the best within a radius of two miles.
When the College presents a play, another willingly agrees it was well done "but you should have seen the mystery-thriller we put on when I was a junior at Sinkhole High! "
The success of the College debate team seems to arouse in another only fond memories of the year he was on the Damdum High School debate team and won a nickle-plated medal.
School has been in session now for more than ten weeks. The teams representing ours institution have met with victories and also have met defeat. But win or lose, come on you freshmen, you’re in college now! Let's get behind our institution and boost her ahead together. Your high school days, glorious as they may have truly been, are behind you and your opportunities for infinitely greater success in college ahead of you. Don’t forget those high school days, certainly not; but let’s not try to impress all of our own cherished memories upon the minds of our classmates—that’s boorish.
ognizes no lines of differentiation in profession or religion. Prominent physicians are distinctly divided in opinion, although the official atti-tude of the American Medical Association is opposed to euthanasia. Likewise, famed churchmen have come out in open defiance of accepted religious tenets to declare their belief that euthanasia, when properly handled, is not contrary to, Christian principles. The most noted of such clergymen is Dean Inge, former dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, who signed with several other clerics a clear cut opinion in the consistency of euthanasia with religious principles.
And so the discussion goes. In
Germany, ultra-practical country that it is, a law was recently consid-ered to make euthanasia legal in the hands of the medical profession. It was not passed because of objections raised, but the whole action may be indicative of a trend. It may be birth control, sterilization of the unsomewhat like the attitude toward fit, and other similar measures run-ning cross-current to established dogma.
The arguments for euthanasia are rather obvious. New York state alone spends annually some $30, -000, 000 for the care of its unfit citizens. It Is argued that this money could be applied to much better ends. The hopelessness, needlessness of suffering are pictured and humani-tarian spirits are appealed to. The sacrifice of silent-suffering families who take care of deranged members of the group for intolerable years is deplored.
On the other hand a veritable pha-lanx of rebuttal material is arranged in defense of present practice by those less unconscionable than dis-ciples of the Gilman theory. The
A* It Seems to Me
Students Are Urged by the Editor to Express Their Opinions on Current Issues of Common In terest Through This Column in The Spectator.
Consistency is a quality which should be found in every college graduate. Partially and unjust discrimination should be far removed from a Christian co-educational college. But how are we, as college students, to learn and acquire the qualities of consistency, justice, and impartiality in a school which inflicts such partial and unjustly discrimin-ating rules on students as the 9 o’clock freshman girl regulation?
Should freshman girls be any more set apart than upper class girls? Should girls, regardless of class, be any more hedged In than boys? Are college students so incapable, dur-ing their freshman year, of deciding how best to employ their evenings? To say the very least, it is unjust to permit out-of-the-dorm freshman girls to study in the library until the usual library closing hour and to require the dorm freshman girls to leave a half hour before the closing time. Perhaps the ruling is intended to include all freshman girls. But it is obvious to the ordinary onlooker that it is not observed by those who do not have to "check out" and "check in." (This practice itself may be likened to a parole system.) Ap-
ates who found it necessary to room
in the dorm their first year at college.
Could we not have a feeling of understanding, trust, and confidence between students and the administration which would allow all to be on an equal basis, and that would recognize college students as adults insofar as their determining matters of personal conduct is concerned? — V. M.
Society Has Right to Expect Health and Intelligence from Student
Professor’ Dell spoke to the college Christian Endeavor Sunday eve-ning on "What does society have a right to expect from a graduate of McPherson College? "
Professor Dell stated that society expects a college graduate to be able to maintain his health. This can be done through proper eating and sleeping habits, through proper exercise, and through the elimination of strong drinks, worry and fretfulness.
Professor Dell then took up the intellectual side of life and listed a few things that one would expect to find in a college graduate. Some of these things were: the qualities of leadership, and in this connection he brought out that it was necessary to have an integrated personality; intellectual integrity, or the ability to talk or carry one’s point of view to other people; the awareness of what is going on or the ability to discuss current events; the ability to think; the ability to converse intelligently
THIS is a plagiarism. It is a title appropriated from the heading of a sensational and widely discussed article in the August issue of the Readers' Digest for this year. Never-theless it is not intended to copy the emphasis of the article, but merely to point the way to a more important literary effort than this editorial can ever hope to be.
It would be advisable for every active or potential director of a motor vehicle to read this pungent article. It is sickening, revolting, disgusting. It is downright nauseating. So much so, in fact, that strong men who read it fail to enjoy their meals for the next twelve hours. But its very offensive qualities are its strong
points—unfortunately it takes such hard measures to bring car-drivers to their senses.
This is no place to review the article. May we refer you to a careful, thoughtful scrutiny of its passages some pleasant day when you are in high spirits. If you are sensitive take it in doses—a little at a time. Then, if you can stomach such material, try to digest a sequel in the December, 1935 Readers’ Digest, en-titled "The Aftermath of Sudden Death. "
And finally, think! The next time you are tempted to trod the gas when passing a school yard, remember "—And Sudden Death. "—K. W.
sanctity of life is commonly consid-ered as being a fundamental argument against euthanasia. The inability to assign responsibility for the deed assumes paramount importance. To the philosopher the fate of the soul throws obstructions in the way of a too free handling of human life.
These arc only a few of the more significant arguments advanced pro and con. Sometimes in the future the question must be threshed out. No one who over visited an institute for the feeble minded, such as the one at Winfield, came away without wondering if human justice can permit such creatures to live. Thus every individual owes it to himself to inform himself thoroughly on the matter, to scrutinize carefully his conscience in regard to the subject, and be able to decide intelligently for himself which attitude he shall take. Certainly no right-thinking individual can ignore the issue; above all, no mawkish, sentimental, insipid, or outmoded social concept should be allowed to interfere in a scientific, and objective criticism of the whole subject. — K. W.
Renewed enforcement is being placed on the recognition of hours to be kept by the freshman girls living in Arnold Hall. The girls are to be in their rooms at 9 o'clock on study nights. Demerits will be given to any girl who is not in by that time and bas not been granted a late leave.
parently no effort is being made to have the parents of McPherson freshman girls to see that their tender young ones are safely at home by 9 o’clock. Nor is there any evidence of effort on the part of those people in whose homes freshman
girls room to have their frosh charges within the protecting walls at the sound of curfew.
Justice? Show It to me!
A special place on the wall of our dream college museum in the "corner of distinction" should be hallowed by a large framed document on which should be found printed in beautiful Old English type, the 9 o'clock freshman girl rule, along with the rest of the preadamite regulations, some of which can be found on pages 75 and 76 of Craik’s "His-tory of the Church of the Brethren in Kansas. " The attending guard who is to explain the paddle of barbaric days will also explain to the visitors the meaning of the rules— that college freshman girls were once looked upon as early-born babes; kind, well-meaning college administrators felt it their duty to protect and coddle those unfortun-
with all classes of people; and business ability.
Society has a right to expect a college graduate to appreciate his social eminence, to have a sympathetic regard for others, to bo cheerful, happy, optimistic, and to possess the qualities of honesty, patience, and kindness. "Last but not least, " Professor Dell stated, "society expects a college student to live a deep spiritual life. "
Preceding the talk, Clarence Sink led in devotionals and Opal Hoffman sang "Oh, Dry Those Tears, " accompanied by Joyce Snowberger.
Heat of ordinary stars is placed at close of 2, 000, 000, 000 degrees by Harvard observatory scientists.
Rensselaer Polytech is planning a course for, student pilots. Instruction will be given on light sport planes.
Regardless of what individual opinion may be in regard to eu-thanasia there can be no denying that the subject has aroused more than a normal share of discussion In the last few months. Euthanasia is simply a painless, peaceful death; for example, a doctor administers euthanasia when he painlessly puts to death an infant at birth when that infant is obviously doomed to idiocy; or when a nurse yields to the pleas of a long-suffering patient afflicted with incurable cancer and puts enough sedative in the patient's medicine to consign the sufferer to eternal oblivion.
"The Right to Die, ” startling in its implications, is the suicidal note left by one of America's foremost women, Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In this courageous note Mrs. Gilman justifies her act of suicide, her selfrelease from an incurable disease. She broaches in straightforward language the question. "Should an in-curably invalid, suffering constant pain and begging for a quicker, easier death, be granted that mercy? Should a hopeless idiot, lunatic, or helpless paretic be laboriously
kept alive? Should certain grades of criminals be painlessly removed-or cruelly condemned to the cumulative evil of imprisonment? Is suicide sometimes quite justifiable? "
Such questions years ago would have been regarded as psychopathic symptoms in themselves and would have been utterly disregarded. Today American intelligentsia has grasped upon the subject and it is discussed frankly and openly, upon a practical basis, and devoid of mawkish sentimentality.
Mrs. Gillman’s note, published in Forum magazine for November was followed by a debate on the subject in the same magazine (December issue) by two prominent physicians. Concurrently the question of the right to kill has been aired in recent issues of Time aroused by a dispatch in the London Daily Mail publishing an anonymous confession by a "kind-eyed, elderly country doctor" stating that he had done away with no less than five defective or agonized individuals.
It is interesting to note that divergence of opinion on this subject rec-
Nine o’Clock Rule Is Enforced
"The College of My Dreams" Pictured by President Schwalm
mendations shall be made to the ad-ministration. All student activities shall be supervised by this body.
In order to promote understanding between faculty and students and to insure the progress of the school, a body of five students, selected by the student council, shall meet monthly with five administrative officials who shall consider all problems of faculty-student relations and shall suggest areas in which progress may be made in the school at large.
The big word in the mind of the school shall be progress. Progress or growth shall he expected In the Individual student. There shall be growth in the institution. A static thing is usually a dead thing. Faculty and students shall understand that there must he progress every year or the college must die; and, furthermore, that progress can come about only when there is cooperative effort between trustees, faculty and students. Anyone who hangs back on the wheels of progress or who knocks when he ought to boost shall he taken out to the brow of College Hill—wherever that is—have a rope
tied around his heel and be suspended for one hour over the brow of said hill.
Furthermore, another quality in our dream college will be faith in ourselves, faith in each other and faith in the college now and for the future. In our relations to other colleges let us lift up our heads and believe in ourselves. This does not mean any lack of respect for others, but a venturesome faith that believes in ourselves.
Students and Faculty, this isn't all, but I leave it. Some of these dreams are in the remote distance, probably impossible, most of them can and should be applied to McPherson College at once. I am not discouraged. We have a fine faculty and an extraordinarily fine student body, but I am not satisfied. Together we can build a college that in many of its aspects approaches the college of my dream. I shall have more concrete things to say to you somewhat later.
Tills paper was hastily written late, one evening and early the next morning. It is obviously incomplete and sketchy. More mature thought would probably change it at many points. I would not want to he held responsible to defend any part of it without more reflection. —V. F. S.
Girls in Dorm Elect Proctors
To Serve for the Next Month
At a Student Government meeting in Arnold Hall Monday evening the following proctors were elected: Le-ta Wine, first floor; Maudena Son-dergard, second floor; and Dorothy Miller, third floor. They succeed Emma Schmidt, Harriette Smith, and Jessie Miller, respectively. The proctors are elected to serve one month.
History of Past Years Recorded on Desks
With the aid of a penknife, a hairpin, or merely a sharp fingernail, it seems a fairly simple matter for aspiring young student to leave "footprints in the sands of time. " or at least to leave rather indelible marks on the furniture of the college. In practically every class room there are desks and chairs which have been (to use a debatable term) decorated with the initials, names, and various primitive and modernistic representations of former and contemporary student bodies.
Unfortunately, due to the ravages of time and the efforts of the superintendent of buildings and grounds, few of the names of former students remain legible. There are, however, among us now, valiant and sturdy artists who have assumed the re-
sponsibility of perpetuating these unique balls of fame, so that we need never fear that tradition will be allowed to flicker and die. Daily the names of Melvin Miller and D. Sho-walter are being more deeply engraved by class attendants.
Our curiosity is aroused beyond mere speculation when we read some of the phrases so soulfully inscribed on our furniture. What drama lies behind "roll call, " "To Portland, "
Roland Hayes, world famous negro tenor, appeared as the third number on the artist's series last Tuesday at Emporia State Teachers College.
From 1906 to 1910, football fields were marked like checker-boards into five-foot squares.
A new angle on the controversy
raging over participation of American athletes in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin this week was being discussed by American Olympic committee officials as the result of an editorial published by the University of Southern California Daily Trojan, Los Angeles.
The paper declared that with-drawal of the American team would not only be unsportsmanlike but would also be unfair to the American athletes who have been training and looking forward to the international competitions. (College News Service).
It has been definitely decided that one-third of the departmental work shall be in the afternoon next semester. —The Bulletin, Emporia.
The return to Fairbanks on Oct. 12 of the Department of Interior-University of Alaska Achaeological Expedition to St. Lawrence Island marked the completion of the second year of excavation on the ancient mound at Kukulik. The personnel returned to Nome from the Island on the coast guard cutter Northland, and proceeded to Fairbanks by plane. More than a hundred boxes of specimens, unearthed from the mound, are en-route to the University of Alaska by boat and train. —Farthest-North Collegian, College. Alaska.
(Continued from Last Week)
The above faculty will include a physician, and a consulting psychologist, or psychiatrist, a director of athletics and physical education for both men and women, a director of religious activities, and a dietician. Faculty members shall not teach more than twelve hours a week and must write at least one bok or a half dozen magazine articles every five years.
In this dream college there will be an enrollment in college and music of about 500 students. The prime requisite for entrance to this college shall consist of a serious, continuous and eager desire for self improvement on the part of the student. This shall be discovered by a complex system of test sand observations administered throughout the high school career of the student. Any evidence of "resistance" to learning, or being taught, shall disqualify the student from college entrance or shall lead to his dismissal if once admitted. If, at any time during his college ca-reer, a student should temporarily lose interest in study he shall be allowed to withdraw from college until this interest revives whereupon he shall be permitted to return. There must be an eager, earnest desire to learn revealing itself in wide involved in at least one or two extrareading, in regularity in the performing of college assignments, and in faithful filfillment of the obligations curricular activities.
A second quality for admission must be a reasonable amount of mental ability to do college work as revealed through the high school record and carefully administered psychological tests. Those very low in these tests shall be carefully directed into other lines of endeavor not involving academic learning—such as trade and training schools, etc., but shall not be sent home hopeless.
Third, in order to enter, the student must give evidence of character and cooperative ability. Students with anti-social habits or tendencies which reflect themselves in nets of dissipation or non-cooperation shall in no case he admitted to the college.
In this dream college there shall be no such thing as field men going out to persuade students to come to college. Only such students who are eager to go to college shall be brought and only those who select this college as their one and only choice may enter. A waiting list of students who want to enter will be available in the Registrar's office, but not over 500 shall be admitted at one time. It shall be the function of field representatives to make clear that the college of our dream world is a fellowship of teachers and students in pursuit of learning and in a quest for the abundant life. It shall be his duty to make clear to all prospective students that the college is a church college and that, therefore, certain religious exercises are to be expected. Though it be a fellowship of learners this college— in order to assure prograss and to make possible work on the part of those who want to work and to prevent any from dissipating time and energy—must have some rules. But these rules are not made with the avowed purpose to kill joy and cramp freedom. They are made rather to provide system and understanding and to promote the common good.
Students are to be welcomed to this group. There will be a continuation of our campus-sister movement of our present McPherson College and for men there will be a masculine equivalent of this same movement to encourage newcomers and to welcome them into the fellowship. There will be a museum on the new campus and in that museum there will be a corner of distinction, where in a glass case will be an ornate copy of a wooden paddle with the letter "M, " There will be a guard on constant attendance to explain to all visitors the progress made since the barbaric days when men of brawn beat individualistic freshmen into conformity to the common crowd.
In this college, student government for the entire school shall be in the hands of a student council composed of representative, serious-minded students and two faculty sponsors. All problems of conduct shall be considered by this council and all minor cases shall be disposed of by the council. Major problems involving suspension or expulsion shall be considered by the Council and recom-
Doctor Bright seemed unable to find any objections for George Tol-and’s answer that the biggest thing in the "Cardinal Richelieu" picture was Louis XIII.
We wonder If Harriette Smith has found out yet which of the two Adams was not married—the grand-
son or grandfather.
Some of the hungrier students in Doctor Flory’s class were quite alarmed when he mentioned "Son nets from the Pekinese, " but they nedn’t have worried. He was really on the subject of dogs, not nuts, and was not referring to pecans—not that pecans don't fill an important place in the diet of literature stu-dents.
But then you can’t blame these literature students for being hungry, for just the other day Prof. Flory himself, perceiving in his mind’s eye some good "vittuls" awaiting him at the dining hall, called a halt to working overtime on a test, and, instructing the "slaves" to write "Hunger" at the bottom of the unfinished test paper, he departed hastily for dinner (or should it be lunch? ) "and her son"? Has there been a traitor in our midst as "Emporia, KSTC" might indicate? And was it one of the tests of the former Miss McGaffey that prompted some poor English student to print the encouraging "Smile, Darn You, Smile"?
Surely it was a delightfully bashful boy who found this form of art an easy way in which to say, "Hello, Jessie and Helen. "
"Nerts to ya, ya big palooka" shows what a college education can do for some. Students of Doctor Petry are perhaps a bit more philosophical. On one of the desks in his room is inscribed:
"There is no time;
It flees as a thief in the night, " And on another,
"Darling Ruth" and "Sweetie Pete. "
There are those within the employ of this institution who are inclined to object to such precocious art, but it takes only a reminder to recall for them that good pedagogy demands the student be allowed to "express himself" and that in no way should personality be submerged.
Joint Y. M. -Y. W. Meeting
Features Thanksgiving Theme
A joint session of the Y. M. and the Y. W. was held yesterday for the presentation of the Thanksgiving program. The meeting opened with a violin duet with Franklin Hiebert and Margaret Fry as violinists. Lucille Ullrey was at the piano.
Following devotions by Leonard Lowe, Wanda Hoover read "The Thanksgiving Guest. "
Chester Colwell concluded the program by making a sketch. The picture, when finished, was suggestive of the Thanksgiving season. Music accompanied Colwell as he drew.
Athletic Controversy Discussed
Mary Trostle entertained Ruth
Rogers at her home in Nickerson this week-end.
Mrs. Ida Brunk visited her sister in Wichita Sunday.
Irene Smith, Velma Watkins, and
Dorothy Miller spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murray at Conway.
Emma Schmidt's brother visited her Saturday night.
Raymond Buskirk, graduate of
'33, is now acting assistant state forester of Kansas with headquarters at Manhattan.
Mrs. Emmert received a bouquet of roses from Bernice Fowler Saturday night.
Among those who spent the weekend at home were Marc Hale and Gerald Denny.
Harold Larsen and Gordon Yoder have joined the casualty list, nurs-ing a cut wrist and a cut hand re-
Third floor, Kline, has a radio now and VI Harris’s room is usually filled with would-be studiers who listen more than they learn.
Tuesday night, Nov. 19, June Mc-Namee was doubly entertained in celebration of her birthday. At 9 p. m. Miss Joyce Snowberger was hostess to a small group of friends. At 10 o’clock a surprise party was in full swing under the leadership of Opal Hoffman and Lola Hoffert. Those present were: Roma McKin-nie, Mildred Stutzman, Lillys Frantz, Evelyn Dell, Vi Harris, Maxine and Yolanda Clark, Joyce Snow-berger, Eva Faye Thomison, Opal Hoffman, Lois Hoffert and the guest of honor. Three kinds of ice cream were served as refreshment.
After several weeks of high hopes hot air, the freshmen have emerged victorious in the intramural debate tourney. —Oak Leaves, North Manchester, Indiana.
Mr. Lew Hershey, veteran circus clown of thirty-two years’ experience whose performance has been featured in leading papers and over the radio, will present "A Day With the Circus" in the college auditorium Tuesday, Nov. 26. —The Collegio, Pittsburg.
The Will Rogers Memorial fund is receiving the active and enthusiastic support of the student body of the University of Kansas. Expressions of approbation from representatives of the student body attest the popularity of the late popo-play-ing columnist and actor. Co-operation of almost all the fraternities and soroities has been secured. —University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.
The newly-organised Young Republican club voted last night to adopt a membership card and a 25 cent membership fee as a means of more concretely organizing the group. — University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.
Don’t oversleep if you want your dreams to come true.
Basketball Practice Begun-2 Old Members
Meyer and Johnston Retained on
Squad——Rest Are Raw Material
Basketball, practice started last week with about fifteen men reporting. At the present time the material seems to be rather green and inexperienced. The Bulldogs will build their entire squad around two men who made the all-conference lust year. These men are "Tony" Meyer and "Rabbit" Johnston. Meyer has played center for the McPherson team for two years. He was placed on the all-conference last year as a result of being an excellent defensive man and being able to out-jump any center in the conference. Johnston, who has charge of practice until football season is over, secured his guard position on the all-conference team because of the excellent floor work which he exhibited in the games last season.
At the present time the basketball schedule for the conference has been fully completed. The Bulldogs will open their season at home on January 20 when they meet the Swedes. The season will not close until March 6, when the Bulldogs have C. of E. as opposition. Each team of the conference will play at McPherson once and McPherson will play each team of the conference away from McPherson once. There will be ten conference games. No pre-season games have been scheduled thus far.
Women to Stage First Ping Pong Tournament
Bracket of Sixteen Players Are Fomed—Starts After Holidays
The first women's ping pong tournament in the history of McPherson College is to be sponsored by the Women’s Athletic Association. The tournament is to be played the first week after Thanksgiving vacation. A bracket of sixteen women has been paired by Philis Barngrover, president of W. A. A. and by Aaileen Wine, ping pong manager.
The rules of the women’s tournament will be played similar to the men's tournament. In order to be
"Whoopee," alleged by-word of the dear old "collegiate" days, has been revealed as just another word of British origin.
radio at the same time. That kitchen was a honey, made me think of Henrietta. Wish we had aircondish-ioning hear at the dorm, then we could let the pup be furnace man, which is about all the furnace man we got some of the time ennihow. Up into playing rook.
Sun. 24. This afternoon some of us fellers herd about a gote off northwest what their was some danger it would git loose and git on the campus so they sent me and another guy to see if it might alright. There was a lite in the gym when we went past but we dident look in and down by the corner or the athletic field we met doc Forny runnin so hard he almost ran over us all out of breth an white in the face and mad as the guy would be whos gote we was going to sea and we run but he cought me and hollered? "did us guys have the lights on in the gym and who let you in and a lotta other things?" We dident know nothing and he run on towards the gym so we follered him and ther was docs Floorie and Smith. Playing tennus by thereselves. Me and him snuck before Forny remembered to ask us whore we was going in such a hurry?
Mon. 25. Swell letter from Henrietta, she can hardly wait until I git home Thanksgiving. Me to.
Tues. 26. Shucks, seems like it rains on everything I wants do. Fath-er Hess made us speak in orenta-shun this A. M. I believed all he said only I dont think a guy ought to waist his time on latun when their is so many good things to be lernt.
Wed. 27. Boy o boy Ill git to see Henrietta tonight. I had ought to be shamed of the way I of done her in going with the dames here during which she has been so pashunt and loyal and true alone at home. It aint been right and Im not gonna go with anymoar of the girls around hear which dont give a hoot about a guy. And tomorry Ill git pie like I dident git yest and moren I can eat of everthing else cos mom will think I havent bin gitting enuf to ent hear. She dont know I way two
Kansas Wesleyan Team Doped to Win—Bulldogs Are Determined to Beat Rivals— Fast M. C. Backs May Be Handicapped by Wet Field.
The Bulldogs will play their final football game of the season next Thursday when they go to Salina to meet Kansas Wesleyan. Both teams are in excellent shape for the game with each having had over a week’s rest for the game.
McPherson goes into this game with the dope against them. The Coyotes are favored to win by a small margin. The Bulldogs have a spectacular backfield in Crabb, Haun, Zuhars, and Hapgood. These four men will be in there making it hard for the Wesleyan team to hold their record as being the only undefeated, untied team in the conference thus far this season.
Kansas Wesleyan has a much stronger line than the Bulldogs. Their line will outweigh the McPherson team by several pounds to the man. The Coyotes have a strong offensive team which will make it tough for any team to defeat them. At the present time Wesleyan has downed every one in the conference with the exception of McPherson The Bulldogs are in third place with Baker second. If McPherson wins this game Baker and the Bulldogs will have a tie for second in the conference.
The game is to be played Thursday afternoon. There is no doubt hut that this will be one of the best Thanksgiving day games in this part of the country. Both teams are anxious to win the game because for the Wesleyan team it means an unmarred record in the conference play this season, while on the other hand for the Bulldogs it means a tie for second with Baker and this game will also have a large bearing on the all-conference football team.
This will be the final game of the season for the Bulldogs. At the present time the Bulldogs have lost only three games this season. One of those to Bethel by a score of 0 to 7, another to C. of E. by a score of 0 to 7, and the third to the Emporia Teachers by a score of 6 to 41. They have had one tie which was with Baker. They have defeated Friends, Bacone Indians, Ottawa, and Bethany. There is only one McPherson player, Reinecker, who will play his last college football game tomorrow afternoon.
By Conway Yount
The big turkey day game is be-fore us at last. The Bulldogs are in fine shape with the team rested up since they have had no game for over a week.
The Swedes and Baker ended their conference season when they met at Baldwin last week. Baker came out with the big end of a 11 to 0 score.
By defeating the Swedes last week this gave Baker a sure tie for second place in the conference. It is necessary for McPherson to defeat Kansas Wesleyan this week for the Bulldogs to have a tie for second.
At the present Kansas Wesleyan has had no conference defeats. They can boast of a mighty nice football team. The Coyotes are out to show McPherson that they have the best ball team in the conference. There is no doubt but that Wesleyan has a good team because any team that has no defeats in the conference thus far has a strong team.
Basketball practice started last week with about 15 men reporting. At the present time prospects don’t look any too good.
The Bulldogs basketball squad will be built around two men from last year who made the all-confer-ence team. These men are "Tony" Meyer, center, and "Rabbit" Johnson, guard.
The Bulldogs have a tough basketball schedule before them. In order for them to win the conference title they will need some hard work on the part of the team and some excellent support from the student body.
eliminated the winner must win two out of three games. A consolation bracket will also be played which will be made up of the losing players in the first round.
Those entered in the tournament and the pairing are as follows: Lo-nore Shirk vs. J. Allen; B. Stauffer vs. Glee Gougbnour; L. Hoffert vs. Roma McKinney; O. Hoffman vs. Hornbaker; Barngrover vs. Kauffman; Keller vs. Inez Goughnour; Hubbard vs. Pray; and Wine vs. Scott. The results will be placed in the ping pong room.
As to any dope on the possible winner of this tournament let it be known that there are only a few tips but even those few may reveal a great deal. Aileen Wine who comes to McPherson from Ottawa appears to be a likely contender as she won the ping pong tournament at Ottawa University. Of course, no one knows but what some dark horse as Inez GoGughnour or Modena Kauffman might slip through. And again none of the others in the pairing can be sneezed at.
(From "Gourdie" Green's Diary. )
Wed. 20. Looked all over this afternoon and couldant find the vice house what was electing a pres.
Thurs. 21. Pooey! Got in with the football boys and dident git no pie. R-i-c-h-l-l-e-u. We all of us went bunched up in a line, anyhow they called it a line. We saw all about some old guy what lived a while back and had something to do with France, I think. They did a lot of fighting and so forth, and had a hot time in between. The biggest thing about the show was Louis III.
Fri. 22. Did we ever have some good poetry recited to us at noon, I dident spose the deen of wimmen went for things like that but I guess deens hadent ought to be looked at as egsamples ennihow. I wish I knew that pome to say to Henrietta when I git to see her agin. Thought maby shed git mad at him, but they was together agin at the plays tonight. She must not be Iresh. Thot the plays was good only I didnt think
Jon acted very glad to git his sweety back. They had ought to see Henrietta and me. I gues Denny could show something 2 if there was a courthouse close.
Sat. 23. Been having some good weather for a change. Down town this P. M. and some of us guys went to see the modle home. Boy its fixed up swell, everbody in the house could git what he wanted on the
(2) pounds moren I ever did before, and I wont tell her before dinner. I guess . . . theres the buzzar, gotta quit this and go to dinner.
Received Masters Degree at 80— Plans to Obtain Her Ph. D. Next
Mrs. Lillian Gist, of Tampa, Fla., who obtained her master degree from Pomona College in California at the age of 80 last June, is considering going after a Ph. D., she revealed this week. She is the mother of eleven children and the grandmother of twelve, but she announced: "I’m not too old to do anything I really want to do. " (College News Service).
The oracles say that in 1960 the population of the United States will be stable, with twice as many people 60 years of age and youth definitely in the descendant.
Dr. Hershey (in drug store): Give me some of that prepared monoaceti-cacldester of salicylic acid.
Druggist: Do you mean aspirin?
Dr. Hershey: Oh. yes. I never can remember that name!