McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, nov. 21, 1935
Large Group of Students
Attend Communion Service
Approximately 160 persons took part in the communion services held Sunday evening at 7: 30 in the basement of the Church of the Brethren.
Dr. J. J. Yoder presided over the services and was assisted by Paul Heckman, Rev. Ray Zook, and Mr. E. E. John. The service was well at- tended by college students.
Miller, Messamer, and Strom Coach the Productions as Class Projects
"A Sunny Morning, " "The Calf That Laid the Golden Eggs, " and "Pierrot's Mother" are Titles
The play production class will present three plays Friday evening, Nov. 22, in the chapel, "A Sunny Morning, " coached by Magaret Messamer; "The Calf That Laid the Golden Eggs, " coached by Theresa Strom; "Pierrot's Mother, " which is coached by Dorothy Miller.
"A Sunny Morning" is a delightful character study of two old Spanish lovers. Picture Estelle Baile so feeble and aged that she needs Marjorie Flory to help her walk. And imagine Charles Nettleton with side whiskers and a cane, boasting about the women he has known, and being waited upon by Lowell Haldeman. — Margaret Messamer, Coach.
The play, "The Calf That Laid the Golden Eggs, is one that can't be missed. It is centered about a plot that will catch your fancy and wonder to the final climax.
Homer Kimmel plays the part of a ladies' man but is not entirely free from the wifely taunts of Velma Watkins. The other charcters, Margaret Messamer, Evelyn Ralston, Theresa Strom, Vera Heckman, and Becky Ann Stouffer all help to make the situation grow more interesting by producing more problems to the plot. —Theresa Strom. Coach.
"Pierrot's Mother" is an English fantasy in which a kind old mother is instrumental in making complete happiness for two young lovers. Pierrot and Pierrette. You will love the old mother and no doubt wish that you might be Pierrot and Pierrette.
We, the students of McPherson College are, supposedly, pursuing knowledge. When performing our duties and responsibilities we are expected to be sensible and practical.
and perhaps that is the way to be most of the time. However, we are continually coming up against difficulties and obstacles that burden us with the need of practical solutions. We worry, fret, and work, but the way out is too often slow and tedious. Friday you might have the opportunity to leave behind this trou-blesome world of realities and with Pierrot and Pierrette enter an enchanted world of romance and music. —Dorothy Miller, Coach.
A new hack drop has been produced for the play, "A Sunny Morning. " The play production class will present three plays Friday evening, Nov. 22, in the chapel. The art department is producing the park scenery for "A Sunny Morning. "
Inez Goughnour, Emerson Chisholm, Mark Hale, and Lucille Cole, under the direction of Miss Colline painted the back drop. The scenery was finished Tuesday evening.
Thespian Club Postpones Production Until Next Semester
The Thespian Club has decided to postpone the production of three-act play until next semester. This decision was brought about because of the delay and interruption necessitated by the Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations.
Friday morning the club will meet and attempt to make a final choice of the play which will be given. After a play has been selected tryouts will be held immediately and roles assigned. All arrangements for the play will be completed this semester and actual work on the production will begin promptly after second semester enrollment is finished.
The club may be able to produce several one-act plays yet this semes-ter in spite of the vacation periods.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it. —Margaret
Miss Atkinson Gives Pointers on Correctness of Clothes
"How to Dress" was the topic of the talk given by Miss Atkinson in the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday. This was the second program on the theme "Improving Ourselves. "
Of the two purposes of clothing, to protect and to enhance or beautify, Miss Atkinson spoke only of the latter.
"Everything that is fashionable may not ho stylish, " the home economics teacher warned. For instance, capes are worn best by tall, slender women. Everyone should study her own special type.
A costume should, as far as possible. be appropriate to the occasion, the age of the wearer, to her type, her social and financial needs, her position, the season, and the time of day.
School clothes should allow freedom of action, Miss Atkinson stressed. Out here in the West sport clothes are suitable for school and should be built around the shoes. Shoes are very important as a great deal depends on their fit, color, the heels, and general appearance.
A girl may dress attractively on a limited budget if she carefully watches such details as fresh collar and cuffs, polished shoes, pressed dresses, and general neatness, concluded Miss Atkinson.
Fine Arts Students Give
Recitals Sunday, Monday
Two recitals are to be held in the McPherson College chapel in the near future. The first, a private recital, will be Saturday, Nov. 24; the sec-ond will be open to the public and will be Monday at 8 p. m.
The later recital was postponed from Sunday afternoon to Monday because of the Will Rogers memorial service to be held then.
The recital Saturday will be given by students of piano and violin. Those In piano are: Eva Juno Zimmerman, Margaret Poister, Viola Harris, Evelyn High, Ruth Siegle. Miriam Kimmell, Velma Kistner, Velma Turner, Richard Detour, Joyce Snowberger, Lucile Ullery, Mary Fanning, Irene Richel, Marjorie Anderson, Julia Angevine, Lillian Hands, and Gertrude Connor. Violinists to appear are: Floyd Kreh-biel, Evelyn Candle, Ramona Fries, and Jackie Oelrich.
For the public recital the departments of piano, voice, violin and expression will be represented. Those who will appear in piano are: Julia Angevine, Lillian Hands, Gertrude Connor, Viola Harris. Mary Fanning and Lucile Ullery. Violinists will be: Floyd Krehblel, Evelyn Candle and Ramona Fries. Margaret Fry is the only one who will represent the voice division and Frances Perdue will give a number in expression.
Library Orders Magazines
for Special Departments
A number of new magazines for various departments have been subscribed for during the past few weeks. "L'Illustration, " a magazine published in Paris, is especially for the French students. This magazine contains many interesting illustrations. "The American Home" is to be used by the Home Economics classes. For the dramatic art department the "Players Magazine" has been ordered. The journalism class will use the "Editor and Publisher. " The "Journal of Experimental Psychology" is to be especially for the psychology students.
The Des Moines Register has been subscribed to especially for all the students who come from Iowa.
—C. E. at the College Church. 6: 45 p. m.
Tuesday, Nov. 26—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. Meetings, 10 a. m.
—World Service in Y. W. Room, 7 p. m.
Seniors Place Four in Group That Wins Scholarship Honors
The nine-weeks honor roll was read by Dean Bright during the Wednesday morning chapel period. To be eligible for mention on this list a student must earn a minimum of forty grade points. The seniors placed four students on the roll, the juniors one, the sophomores two, and the freshmen one.
The honor roll with number of grade points earned is as follows: Lillian Peterson, 48; Jay Hertzler, 48; Lois Gnagy, 46; Corwin Bare, 45; Mrs. Julia Helm, 43; Willis Bredfelt, 42; Merle Messamer, 42; LaMar Bollinger, 40.
Those students receiving honorable mention for having earned at least 35 grade points are as follows: Lucille Cole, 39; Glee Goughnour, 39; Emma Schmidt, 39; Clara Schur-man, 39; Edward Bentz, 37; Lola Mae Harbaugh, 36; Margaret Hahn, 35; Virginia Harris, 35; Alberta Keller, 35; Archie Van Nortwick, 35; Paul Lackie, 35.
Proceeds Are Divided Between the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
More than 100 college students attended the box supper held in the Y. W. room, and sponsored by the Y. W. and Y. M. organizations, last Friday night. The proceeds from the boxes totaled $29. 25.
Guests attended the supper attired in country fashion. Each country boy and girl being adequately equipped with a box or what it took to get a box, whichever the case might beb.
The first part of the evening was filled with various games and contests which were executed in characteristic country sociableness. The committee in charge of recreation was composed of Leone Shirk, Corwin Bare, and Lowel Heiny.
The acting auctioneer for the evening was Charles Wagoner, student member of the Y. M. organization. After the boxes were sold the guests were served hot chocolate, as a secondary part of the evening’s refreshments.
The proceeds of the box supper will be divided between the sponsoring organizations. The social chairmen of the Y. M. and Y. W. are Kenneth Weaver and Modena Kauffman, respectively.
Parnassians Read Whitman’s Poems and Discuss His Style
The Poetry Club met in the Y. W. room last Friday afternoon at 3: 30. The subject for the meeting was the works of Walt Whitman. Theresa Strom sketched in brief his biography. Several of the members read poems which had been written by Whitman. The group participated in a discussion of the poems which wore read and of Whitman's style in general. It was unanimously agreed by those present that they enjoyed Whitman's poetry and found in it much of value.
Virginia Ostlind was a visitor at the meeting. Members who were present were Vera Heckman, Norma Hatfield, Theresa Strom, Lucille Hornbaker and Harriette Smith.
The next meeting will be the Friday after Thanksgiving vacation. The theme of the meeting has not yet been announced. Anyone who is interested in reading, discussing or writing poetry is welcome to attend these meetings.
Happy Birthday!
Betty Juelfs............................. Nov. 26
Forensic Schedule Includes Radio Debate with Kansas State College
Forensic activities for the year are now in full swing since teams were picked in the tryouts. The debate schedule shows a tournament at Winfield on Dec. 6 and 7, for all debate teams. The college debaters are working especially hard for the next two weeks in preparation for this tournament.
Monday evening the Forensic Club program consisted in a discussion of debate material and points for both sides of the question. Papers were read by LaMar Bollinger and Kenneth Weaver on possible arguments for the affirmative and negative sides respectively.
The debate schedule for the year, which was approved at the last faculty meeting, includes the above-mentioned Winfield tournament; a radio debate at Manhattan on Dec.
12, in which Paul Root and Kenneth Weaver will debate Kansas State; a pentangular tournament on Jan. 18 at Salina; a similar tournament at Hutchinson on Feb. 7 and 8; the annual league tournament, on March 6, at Sterling; and a tentative participation in the State Forensic Tournament at Pittsburg on March 20 and 21.
Besides these debate tournaments there is the State Anti-Tobacco oratory contest at Miltonvale on March
13, and the State Peace oratory content at Sterling on April 17.
Hastings Discusses “Why
the Student Convention? ”
"Why Attend the Indianapolis Convention? " was the subject of Jean Hastings' talk before a joint meeting of the Y organizations and the World Service group last Thursday afternoon. She also addressed the students in chapel Friday. The remainder of her time she devoted to individual conferences with students. Miss Hastings is a representative of the Student Volunteer Movement. Several students of McPherson College have been working with the problems concerning the sending of delegates to the Convention. The two big problems to solve are transportation and finances. A committee represented by the Y. M., Y. W., and World Service presidents who are Willard Flaming, Leta Wine, and Wanda Hoover, and possibly a faculty member will in the near future select a delegate from the list of those who would care to or are planning to attend the convention. Students who are interested in attending this convention include Lillian Peterson, Wanda Hoover, Leta Wine, La Mar Bollinger, Paul Booz, Paul Miller and others.
Collections have been taken at various of the Y meetings for the building of a fund to pay the expenses of a delegate. As yet the funds are relatively small although greatly appreciated.
Musical Presentations Heard
by Members of Y. M. Tuesday
Music was the theme of last Tuesday's Y. M. meeting. Herbert Iken-berry was in charge of the program.
A cello solo, "Romance, " by Anna Fuchs was the opening number on the program. Miss Fuchs was accompanied by Betty Juelfs. Viola Harris presented a musical reading. "The Eskimo. " The last musical selection of the program was a vocal solo. "The Bend of the River, " sung by Margaret Fry. Dorothy Dell was the accompanist for both Miss Harris and Miss Fry.
Next wewek the Y. M. and the Y. W. plan to hold a joint meeting when a Thanksgiving program will be presented.
Hess Attends Debate Institute Prof. M. A. Hess attended a debate institute in Arkansas City last Thursday and Friday. Professor Hess was an instructor of the debate institute which consisted of two hundred debaters and coaches from high schools and junior colleges. Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas were represented by debate teams.
Y Social Chairmen Function Jointly in All-School Capacity This Year
Box Supper, Taffy Pulls, and Line Parties Are Characteristic Types of Entertainment
"To provide a creative program of recreation, to avoid stylized typos of socials and programs, and to strive for an originality and freshness which will secure student appeal, and popular approval" is the purpose if the social committee for McPherson College this year. Happily the social committee of the school this year is identical to the social chairmanships of the Y organizations—Kenneth Weaver and Modena Kauffman. This combination of both groups makes possible a more organized and unified social program than would otherwise be possible.
Considerable thought and energy has been expended by the social committee so far in planning novel social affairs. Several picnics, taffy pulls, and sings in private homes over week-ends, and a box supper have been the chief results so far. The box supper particularly proved to be a successful type of recreation, and much interest and approval has been evidenced in that type of program.
During the interval between football and basket-ball season a concentrated effort is to be made to maintain school spirit. Week-end group socials will be continued, and an allschool social is planned for early in December. During Thanksgiving vacation homes are to be opened to students for self-improvised parties.
One of the highlights of the social season is a leap year party after Christmas. The girls will be privileged to reverse their customary roles and secure dates from the eligible bachelors.
Another social event which may prove to be quite popular is a series of line parties to some of the better shows. Reserved seats and reduced rates have been secured for parties of sufficient size. One picture now being considered for a line party is "Mutiny on the Bounty, " an excellent picture slated for some time during December.
It is believed that with cooperation of the student body a successful social year may be enjoyed, and immediate recovery from the slump of past years may be experienced.
Industrial Arts Students
Plan Union Room Project
Plans for effective introduction of the Student Union Room project to the students and faculty of McPherson College, were discussed by the Student Council, at a meeting Saturday. Nov. 16, The council decided that blue-prints of the Student Union Room as the council hopes to have it constructed and furnished, should be made by the Industrial Arts department. Professor Dell gave a report of the work of the committee on construction. This committee is composed of Harold Reinecker, Emerson Chisholm, Harold Johnston, and Professor Dell.
Faculty Meeting Postponed— Dr. Nash of K. U. to Speak
The tri-college faculty meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday has been postponed until today. Dean Bright stated Monday, Dr. Nash of Kansas University is to be the guest speaker, Dean Bright said. Dr. Nash is in the field of mental hygiene at K. U.
The meeting will open in the afternoon at 4: 45 with a forum in the chapel. At 6 p. m. a fellowship dinner will he served in the church parlors with a social hour after the meal. Dr. Nash will speak in the chapel at 7: 30 p. m.. giving the main address of the meeting.
According to R. E. Mohler, dean of men, 77 per cent of the men students in McPherson College this year are working part time.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Mrs. Blanche Harris and daughter
arrived from Idaho, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will make their home at Mrs. Ida Brunk’s on Charles street.
Men Squander Savings For Decorated Eats
Happiness or Sadness Found on Grade Slips
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Address All Correspondence to
THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief............................................................. Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor............................................................ Merle Messamer
Society Editor............................................................... Velma Watkins
Sports Editor................................................................ Conway Yount
Make-up Editor............................................................ Norman Edwards
Business Manager........................................................ Lawrence Strouse
Assistant Business Manager......................................... Paul Lackie
Advertising Manager.................................................. Waldo Newberg
Circulation Manager.................................................... Galen Glessner
A group of McPherson College students visited friends in the Ramona vicinity during the past weekend. Included in the party were Maudena Sondergard, Margaret Mes-samer, Estelle Baile, Gerald Denny, Lowell Haldeman, and Harold Mohler.
Evelyn Pierce and Lillian Peterson spent Friday night with Emma Schmidt at her home in Bubler.
Lillian Peterson had as week-end guests, Dorothy Jane Reeder and Susanna Danfirth of Wichita.
"And now ladies and gentlemen, we have a box here all dolled up with ribbons and things. It’s a double box, and believe me, there’s plenty in it for four people. " Such an exclamation was heard by many of the ruralified (for the occasion) lads and lassies, approximately two score and ten times last Friday night, and not once did it fall to arouse desperate and extremely irregular heart beats, beneath freshly starched prim dresses. No less affected were the gentlemen in attendance as they cautiously but surely allowed their week’s (after consideration as to the position of this apostrophe) earnings, savings, allowances, or what have you, to be taken from them for decorated eats and a feminine attache, in return.
Contributors To This Issue
Estelle Baile Evelyn Glessner Valera Pearce
John Bower Alberta Keller Martha Roop
Otho Clark Isobel Kittell Harriette Smith
Yolanda Clark June McNamee Kenneth Weaver
Mrs. O. M. Shirk received word, Sunday, of the death of her brother in New Mexico.
College Progress is Evidenced in Many Lines
Emma Schmidt and Evelyn Pierce shopped in Salina, Saturday.
PROGRESS is our watchword. Mc-Pherson College is making every possible effort to keep apace with the constantly changing order of civilization. The faculty was considerably strengthened this year by the addition of several new members, each of whom is especially well trained in his field. The curriculum was revised to meet the changing in-terests of modern youth. Material equipment was augmented and improved, the most notable example of which is our new athletic field. Another anticipated addition soon to be realized is the Student Union, an ideal recreational parlor.
These progressive efforts are being reflected by the students in the form of greater enthusiasm for scholastic attainment, a desire for understanding and congeniality between
students and the administration, and a consciousness of a common purpose among the students themselves.
The social life committee, sponsored by the Student Council, is to be commended for its accomplishment in the enlivening of social activity upon the campus. One hears expressed almost in one breath gay recollections of the most recent social event together with a preconception of the enjoyment to be had in the coming occasion. The committee is ever alert to find new and novel ways to provide interesting, lively, and wholesome entertainment. Participation on the part of students shows their approval or the work of the committee.
We hope and expect to see a con-tinuation of this progress and growth in McPherson College.
Miss Viola Harris entertained at an eight o’clock breakfast last Sunday morning. The meal was in three courses. Those present were Emma Schmidt, Charlotte Wolfe and Evelyn Pierce.
Evelyn Dell and Lillys Frantz left Saturday night at nine for Holmes-ville, Neb., where they spent Sunday with their parents and friends.
No sooner had the matching of boxes and "fixer-uppers" been com-pleted, than the lovely ribbons and crepe paper (having been hastily admired) were torn asunder and the food enclosed was jointly disposed of. Hunger at such a time was entirely justifiable, having come after suc-cessful and whole-hearted indulgence in a fore-evening full of games and contests. Especially interesting was that part of the entertainment which involved the perpetration of certain events (minor to the birthdays of those who were born in the same month, of course) by the guests in groups according to the dates of their birthdays.
The fate of many a man's life has rested on a mere slip of paper. The Magna Carta influenced not only the lives of thirteenth century Englishmen but of other people’s up to the present time.
On white cards issued Nov. 15, 1935, at McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, lay the fate of more than three hundred men and women. Anxious eyes in vain searched Miss Bower’s immobile face as she gave out the cards. Trembling hands reached out for the fateful paper. Each card seemed to bring a different message to each student.
Why did that tall girl with glasses, hair neatly pinned up, and carrying an armful of books, smile so sedately?
What was wrong with the plump young man who, after rushing up breathlessly, walked out slowly with that disgusted "don't-they-know-any-better-than-that" look on his face?
Why did that lanky, freckle-faced boy suddenly break out in uncontrollable "whoops and yippees? "
But the petite girl with the twinkle In her eyes and two dimples merely glanced at hers and tripped out, laughing up at a bored looking young man.
What were these pieces of paper that held such strange power? Yes, they were the mid-semester grade reports. Who told you?
June McNamee, Joyce Snowberger, and Eva Faye Thomison spent the week end with Rachel Snowberger.
Yolanda and Maxine Clark spent last week-end at home in Roxbury.
After such skillful preparations of boxes by the young women of the institution, faint rumors are floating to the effect that perhaps the men might wish to be given a chance to see how a box, made and filled by "their own little hands, " would be priced by those who usually "get up the eats. "
Mohler’s Entertain
Is Philippine Freedom Wise?
WHITHER the Philippines” is an educational article in the Current History for November, written by Grayson L. Kirk. The Philippines have inaugurated their own government of which they are gradually to assume complete control in 10 years. However, there is little rejoicing in the Philippines over this prospect. They realize they are too small a country to protect themselves from the imperialism of Japan.
The author outlines three policies the United States might pursue. First
we might carry out the present plan and in 10 years abandon the Philippines to what might befall them. Second, we might amend the Independent Act by removing the export tax provisions. Third, we might establish some form of dominion status between the two countries.
“If there is any feeling or responsibility in the United States toward the Filipinos the present program should be abandoned. If there is no such feeling then the country should know what it is doing and why. — V. C.
The first of a series of entertainments for the men of McPherson College was held Sunday afternoon, November 17 from 3 to 5 o’clock at the home of Dean and Mrs. Mohler. The senior boys were the guests of honor. The afternoon was spent in group singing and other well plan-ned activities. The prizes for the various contests were small pies.
Delicious refreshments, featuring pumpkin pies and whipped cream were served. Mrs. Mohler presided at the coffee table. She was assisted in serving by Elizabeth Mohler.
Apply The Golden Rule
Selfishness, if allowed to set its
pace unreigned, carries one directly to his own net, there to become entangled. Tempered with judgment and checked by the golden rule, a particle of selfishness in one’s makeup drives him toward the goal of his dreams.
Just how is this true? Recall the myth of King Midas, who was so selfish and greedy that he, when given the opportunity to have any wish grunted, requested that his touch would change everything to gold. When his fond caress converted his lovely daughter into a lifeless, yellow statue, Midas realized the folly of his wish.
But, you reply, the story of Midas is mere myth. True enough! Yet we need not hunt through legends of the past to prove our point. There once was a McPherson College student who wished very much to attain a high scholastic record. The goal was a worthy one, but the means to reach it was selfish. He selected a reference book from the reserve shelf in the library and took it to his room without checking it out, intending to use it until he had studied the assignment therein. The
book, however, did not cover his entire lesson. When he hunted on the reserve shelf for the other necessary references he discovered that his classmates, in self defense, had followed his example. He could not find the books because they were not checked out. He dared not appeal to the librarian, for he himself was guilty.
On the contrary, an ambitions debater, wishing to reenforce his case with current facts, delved into a popular political magazine. A student of history, interested in the question from a different angle, inquired of the librarian where the magazine could be found. A signed card in the file, left by the thoughtful debater, indicated that the magazine was in his possession. The student of history and the debater got together, talked over the question of common interest, and ex-changed their personal views. As a result of the conversation the debater was referred to a most helpful article in a magazine at the city library.
As ye would that your classmates do, do ye also in consideration of them.
Chemistry Club Shows Movies
Educational pictures entitle "The Magic Jar, " "The Romance of Glass, " and "The Earth and Worlds Beyond, " were shown the Chemistry Club Wednesday. Because of a conflict with a faculty meeting the Chemistry Club met on Wednesday instead of Thursday this week.
A short business mooting was conducted by Dr. Hershey in regard to the Chemistry Club social to be held in the near future. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 5.
The Constitution of Arnold Hall was amended at a meeting Monday night. The new amendment gives to the Dean of Women the authority of granting late leaves. It was decided that the president of the house should appoint a committee which would confer with the administra-tion in regard to hours during the Thanksgiving holidays.
Arnold Hall Constitution Amended; New Authority to Dean of Women
Helen Eaton was elected vice-president of the house to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Wanda Hoover.
Mildred Stutzman went to her home at Conway for the week-end.
The Spectator
“The College of My Dreams” Pictured by President Schwalm
Ideal College Would Be Co-Educational. Have About 500 Students, Be Equipped with Unique Buildings
seven and be pensioned at sixty-five.
In this dream college there is to be a faculty of thirty-five men and women. Many of these will have attained their Ph. D. but this shall not be a prime requisite. The prime requisite shall be (1) an interest in the growth and progress of young men and women who are students in the institution. The capacity to make friends with students will be the very first qualification looked for in the faculty members. (2) A second requisite will be a many-sided intellectual curiosity—a curiosity that will have led the teacher to academic degrees and that still persists even though all the advanced degrees are a long while in the past. This intellectual curiosity must not lead teachers to seek knowledge as an end in itself but rather that through that knowledge men and women may find their lives unfolded and enriched. Then perhaps secondary qualities may come in for some consideration as for instance the teacher’s ability to teach, etc.; but the above two qualifications having been cared for the others will likely come right.
(Continued Next Week)
Chemistry Department Receives
Grant for Research on Gases
The Chemistry department of Mc-Pherson College has received half of he $75 granted by the National Association for Science to be used for research.
This sum was voted upon by the
executive committee of the Kansas Academy of Science on the basis of the need and where it will accomplish most, Dr. J. W. Hershey said Tuesday.
Dr. Hershey added that the subject of his research is whether the rare gases have any effect on animal life and if so, what. Most of the sum will be used to purchase pure nitrogen for the research work.
Spanish to be Offered in
M. C. the Second Semester
Dr. Brown, professor of languages, will offer courses in Spanish the second semester at the College. Dean J. D. Bright said Monday. Dr. Brown will organize a class in beginning Spanish for those who want it.
Those interested in advanced Spanish are asked to leave their me and the amount of Spanish they have had in Dean Bright's office. Courses are to be arranged according to the amount of previous work the student has done in Spanish.
Petry to Do Research Work During Thanksgiving Vacation Period
Doctor Petry plans to go to Colorado during the Thanksgiving vacation. He is going to do some research work at the university libraries at Boulder and Denver.
He would like to take with him several students who wish to go to Colorado for their vacation and who would be interested in paying a nominal sum for the privilege of going. He will leave on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and return late Sunday night. Anyone who is at all interested in going should see Doctor Petry soon.
Colvin Meets Y Cabinets Today
The Student Christian Movement of the Rocky Mountain Region has two executive secretaries, namely Stella Scurlock of Kansas City, and Harold Colvin of Topeka. Mr. Colvin is on the campus today. He has pome here primarily to help the local Y organizations with their problems and to coordinate the work of the local organizations with the regional office.
In order to give Mr. Colvin an opportunity to talk to both the Y. M. and Y. W. cabinets a joint cabinet meeting has been arranged for 4:30 this afternoon.
I wonder if it would be pardoned a College President if he should dream dreams. Sometimes between the feverish rush of journeys, hither and yon, I have allowed myself to dream of a college I would build if I had an Aladdin’s Lamp and a Midas touch to bring to pass that for which I wish. In the world of reality we are bound and limited by the lack of filthy lucre, by the limitations of human personalities, and the lack of vision of those who have power to fix and “cinch” their limitations on your undertakings. In a dream world such practical considerations need not hamper or cramp one—you can soar to your heart's content. I shall, however, try to hold my dream for the most part within the realm of human possibility.
We shall have to start somewhere. Where shall we locate this college? Shall it be in Kansas or Indiana or California? O, let us place it here in Kansas, and as well in McPherson as anywhere I would just as soon be here as anywhere else on earth—except of course the place where each of you came from. So our college is in McPherson, on College Hill, overlooking the city—one and one-fourth miles east of the city. The first thing we will do in our dream world is to relocate all the other colleges within a radius of forty miles from McPherson into more productive areas. This would be kinder than to chloroform them—and since in a dream world we can do what we choose—we will move them. This is probably the most unreal thing about this dream.
A second question we must answer is whether the college shall be a boys' school, a girls' school or a coeducational institution. Well, since I am interested in this college and could probably have nothing to do with a girls' school. It cannot be that.
A stag college would he too uninteresting so we will make it co-educa-tional.
The college will be partly a church-related college and partly under the control of the city of Mc-Pherson, since many McPhersonites would probably enroll in this college. This dream college would be controlled by not more than eleven trustees who represented various professions and business interests—not more than two from the same line of work. At least half of the trustees should be college graduates and all of them vitally interested in building a college superior to any now in Kansas. Absence from trustee meeting except for sickness or death and a failure to show a proper interest in the college should disqualify a trustee from continuing service. The trustee board should meet quarterly, and for such periods as necessary to transact business.
The college shall be built and the faculty shall be employed for 500 students at least 400 of whom shall be in the college department. The plant shall consist of an administration building, a science hall, a second class-room building, a chapel, a gymnasium, a library and two modern dormitories. At least one dormitory shall be equipped with a cafeteria, but with no general dining hall. The heating plant is to be built at the extreme rear of the campus and shall either be built of brick or well painted. The dormitory rooms shall have running water and single beds, and each room shall be equipped with a semi-silent radio, none of which can possibly be turned on louder than a soft whisper, and doors that close and lock automatically at a given hour. The architecture of the college buildings shall not be uniform, but it shall be harmonious. The campus shall be well kept. No cars may be parked near the dormitories and tin cans shall all be buried as soon as they are empty.
In the girls’ dormitory shall be a section of small rooms, four by six, containing a radio and divan for so-cial purposes. These rooms shall be for rent at two cents an hour, to couples. Arrangements must be made for them at least a week in advance. They shall be sound proof rooms, but the walls of these rooms shall be of transparent glass.
This dream college shall be endowed with at least $1, 500, 000. Faculty members, as heads of departments shall have a salary of $4, 000. Associate professors and assistants from $2, 500 to $3, 500. Faculty members shall have one year leave in
Dr. Smith Attends Recent
Convention in Kansas City
Doctor Smith attended the convention of the Kansas Association or Deans of Women and Advisors of Girls in Topeka last Friday and Sat-urady. The theme of the meeting was "Cooperating Withh theh Present Generation." The meetings were held at Topeka High School and at Washburn College.
Miss Marie Leonard, dean of women at the University of Illinois was the main speaker and led the discussions. The main points which she stressed during the course of the meeting were: The necessity of contact between the faculty and students; The value of student leaders in a college; the importance of forming public opinion through stud-ent leaders so that students feel-social approval behind their right decisions and social disapproval behind their wrong decisions.
One of the outstanding social events was a tea given for the guests by the Pan Hellenic council of Wash-burn College. Some of the outstand ing guests at a banquet in honor of the visiting deans of women were Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sheldon, President and Mrs. King of Washburn College and Mrs. Alf. Landon.
Regional Conference to he Held
at Brethren Church February 16
The Regional Conference of the Church of the Brethren will be held at McPherson College from and Including February 16 to 21, 1936. This year's conference promises to be a very worthwhile one if the outstanding speakers who have been secured are any measure of the success of the meeting.
Some of the speakers will be: C. D. Bonsack of Elgin, Illinois, chairman of the General Mission Board of theh Church of the Brethren; Paul Bowman, president of Bridgewater College at Bridgewater, Virginia; Ruth Shriver of Elgin, Illinois, secretary of Children's Work of the Church of the Brethren; and Harold Case, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Topeka.
Professor Dinsmore Alter, of the astronomy department of the University, now on a one-year leave of absence to do work at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, announced yesterday that he has accepted a permanent position os director of the observatory. —University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.
Membership in the American Federation of Art was recently granted to the Emporia Teachers College through Professor James, head of the Art department. —The Bulletin, Emporia.
Thayer museum recently received, through a gift from an anonymous source, seven examples of early wood blocks, with text. The pages are reprints of the "Speculum Humanae Salvationis. The Mirror of Man's Salvation, " which according to the text, is "undoubtedly the earliest or about twenty years earlier than the Bible of Gutenberg. "—University Daily Kansan, Lawrence.
Dr. Schwalm Attends Omaha
Church Colleges Conference
Dr. Schwalm attended a conference of Church-Related Colleges. In the Trans-Mississippi Areat Tuesday at the Hotel Blackstone in Omaha, Nebraska. The theme of the conference was "Challenges to Church-Related Colleges." President H. M. Gage of Coe College presided at the morning session and President E. Guy Cutshall of Nebraska Wesleyan University presided during the afternoon session.
Rome of the things discussed were A Program of Aims and Action, Student Participation in Religious Worship and Activities and the Christian Life Ideal, Student Participation in Social Action and the Christian Life Ideal, and A New Venture in Chris-tion Higher Education.
In the afternoon there was a general discussion on the subject. "A Trend Towards Regimentation of Education: A Warning and a Task" Doctor Schwalm was one of the lenders in this discussion.
Doctor Schwalm made this trip serve in two capacities; it was also a good-will trip. Sam Stoner, field secretary, accompanied him and together they visited a number of churches In Iowa and Nebraska. Their purpose was to boost the college, to secure names of prospective students, and to assist the churches in raising their quotas for the college.
punt while the Teachers averaged only 36 yards on their punts.
Following is the starting lineup:
McPherson Pos. Emporia
Moore - - - - - - - - LE - - - - - Haggerty
Colwell - - - - - - - LT - - - - - B. Straube
Vazquez - - - - - - LG - - - - - - - Rhoads
Rodelander - - - - - C - - - - - - J. Straube
Reinecker - - - - - RT - - - - - - - - - Dryer
Burress - - - - - - - RE - - - - - - - - - Kline
Crabb - - - - - - - - QB - - - - - - - Kuretich
Stratman - - - - - LH - - - - - - - - - Astle
Haun - - - - - - - - RH - - - - - - - - - - Petty
Hapgood - - - - - - FB - - - - - - - Albright The score by quarters:
McPherson ...... 6 0 0 0— 6
Emporia ...... 0 0 21 20—41
Officials: Referee, Dwight Ream, Washburn; umpire, Gene Johnosn, Emporia Teachers; head linesman, C. W. Corsaut, Kansas State.
By Conway Yount
The Bulldogs are now in third place in the conference and by defeating Kansas Wesleyan next week they can tie with Baker for second place. -
That will be a great hurdle for the Bulldogs to clear when the oppose the Wesleyan team next week, but the Binford-Selves men have the stuff and they should deliver.
Even though the McPherson team was defeated by the Hornets they proved that they had an excellent football team by the fact that they held Emporia scoreless the first half. Another factor which goes to prove this is that they were able to score on the Teachers.
The game with Kansas Wesleyan will no doubt have a great deal to do with the choosing of the men for the all-conference team. McPherson should he able to place several men on this team.
about 7 o'clock. Went to a plate social up at Henrietta's school house. All the girls look me over since I been away to college, must be one of the fruits of higher learning. We just ackted like we didnt know they was looking at us. And then I took (Sat. 9) her home. G Its swell to be alone together agin sence I been away and learned some cultcher.
Sun. 10. Seems good to git back and here a good old religioney sermon agin, even if he didnt know how to pernownce some of the big words he used.
Mon. 11. Got in late last night. Boy It was hard to git away and start back, almost makes me wish I hadent went. Im taking a good rest after all the work I did last weak gitting my nine weaks tests done. Big bull session down the hall this P. M.
Tue. 12. Busy. Big bull session down the hall this P. M.
Wed. 13. Not such a unluky day,
Lead 6-0 Till Third QuarterSuperior Reserve Strength of Hornets Proves Disastrous to Bulldogs in Second Half.
After leading at the half way mark by a score of 6 to 0 the McPherson College Bulldogs lost to the Emporia Teachers last Monday afternoon; by a score of 6 to 41. The game had been scheduled for Friday night but was postponed until Monday afternoon because of a snow storm in Emporia. The entire first half of the game was played in Emporia territory, with the Bulldogs threatening to score several times. The Hornets simply "ran wild" the second half of the game.
The first score of the game came in the first quarter when the Bulldogs were on the Teachers 11 yard line and Stratman faded back and just before being tackled he shot a pass over the goal line to Moore who was surrounded by Emporia players. Moore leaped up and snagged the pigskin thus making the score read McPherson 6 and Emporia 0. Haun missed the kick for the extra point.
In the last of the first half the McPherson team had the Hornets backed up to their 11 yard line. With time for but one play left in the half a field goal was tried. Haun's toe has been working excellently all season but due to the fact that the field was muddy, the ball was wet, and he was kicking against a strong wind he was unable to convert the goal.
At the beginning of the second half the Emporia team started playing hard, fast ball. Soon after the half was started the Hornets started their scoring. For the first touchdown for the Teachers, Havel plunged over on a line buck for a score. The extra point was added. The score then read 7 to 6 in favor of Emporia.
A few minutes after their first score the Teachers started marching down the field again. After several line bucks had been tried, Stocky faded back and passed a long one to Clark who added another six points to the score. The extra point was again added. The score then read Emporia 14, McPherson 6. After several plays, Crooms, a colored boy who is probably one of the fastest men in the state was sent into the game. The Bulldogs punted from deep In their territory with the ball coming down on the fifty yard line. Krooms, the Emporia safety man was back on his own thirty-five and by the time he had reached the 50, where he caught the ball, he was going full speed. He ran along the south side of the field and returned the ball fifty yards for a touchdown, The extra point was added. This made the score 21 to 6.
Soon McPherson fumbled the ball on their opponents' 35 yard line and the Hornets recovered. On the first play Havel started around right end and gave Crooms a lateral. Crooms raced 35 yards for another 6 points. The pigskin was kicked between the two bars again for another extra point. A short time later Astle tossed a lateral to Hudly who raced across the last white line for another score. The extra point was again added, thus making the score 35 to 6 in favor of the Hornets. The final score of the game came a few minutes be. fore the close of the game when Petty faded back and threw a ten yard pass to Davis who raced 30 yards for a touchdown. The kick for the extra point was not good. The final score rested at 41 to 6, with the Hornets making their 41 points in the last 30 minutes of the game and the Bulldogs making their 6 points in the first thirty.
Emporia gained 232 yards from scrimmage while the Bulldogs gained only 26. The Bulldogs lost 39 yards and Emporia lost only 7. The Bulldogs had 3 first downs and the Hornets had 9. McPherson attempted 11 passes and completed 6 for 44 yards. Emporia attempted 6 passes and completed 3 for 93 yards, with two of them being good for touchdowns. The Bulldogs intercepted two Emporia passes and the Teachers failed to intercept any McPherson passes. The McPherson team did succeed in outpunting the Emporia team. The Bulldogs averaged 38 yards on each
At the present time there is no chance for McPherson to win the conference but they can keep the Sa-lina team from having an all-victorious team in the conference.
Haun can be given a great deal of praise because of the excellent punting he did against K. S. T. C. His average was only 38 yards but this was doing well considering the fact that it was so muddy. The Emporia kicker averaged only 36 yards.
McPherson played a team Monday that was altogether out of her class. The Emporia team outweighed the McPherson team almost 20 pounds to the man.
(From "Gourdie" Green's Diary. ) cos I got a letter from Henrietta. She sez she is shure lonesome and sad sinse I come back to collage. And that part about setting looking out the windy cos her hart was gone away. Boy its keen having a girl think like that aboutcha even if she dont know all the girls I been going with onct in a while. I think I like her best of all, but some of these girls are swell, like the one I took to the lisliem coarse this P. M. Big bull session down the hall after we got in.
Thurs. 14. Guess I finally got my diery hit sos nobody could find it and put it in the paper. Now I can say ennytheng I plase in it. Boy am I getting sleepy. Slept all afternoon sos I could stay up later for the big bull session down on first this P.M.
Fri. 15. Snowed today and the game is posponed. I was gojnto hich hick, but of course I dident. Box social this P.M. The only farmers at home what goes to such things in there overalls is the ones what is drunk, but I guess it was alright. The box I got was swell.
Sat. 16. Dad Harres moved outo the dorm today. I dont think they throwed him out, cause he looked reel plesed about somthing, but I havent sean him sense.
Sun. 17. Glad I went to the com-
munion tonight. It does a guy good someway.
Mon. 18. It was a good speach in chaple this A. M. only I wondered how the students would pay there bills. It wouldnt be a reel dreem college unles they dident have any Freeze. Sombody set between the smiling cuppel on the left back of the stage today. I didnt see Mr. Har-his iether, sombody must be keeping him somewhere. Boy this collage is gitting to be a regular lame school with one of the boys going around like a trypod and one of the girls having to be kerried.