Pollard Players Uphold Their Reputation for Excellent Dramatic Production
Topical Reports Given, and All Members Enter Discussion Held
Self-Made Man Slowly Gives In to Wishes of Wife and Children
"Big Hearted Herbert, " a comedy drama, was presented by the Pollard Players last night at the City Auditorium to another large crowd. This was the second number on the McPherson community lyceum course.
For the past two years this drama has been a spectacular Broadway success and has been receiving a great response this season on the lyceum circuit.
The leading character is Herbert Kalness, "Big Hearted Herbert, " played by Bob Pollard. He is a domineering, self-made man, who prides himself on his "plainness. " However, he overdoes this plainness and tries to ruin his son’s and daughter’s chances for happiness.
After a hard day at his office, he comes home to find his daughter engaged to be married, and his son still planning to become an engineer. There are guests present for dinner, but he is upset and flies into a great tantrum, and in general, makes things unpleasant for all concerned.
His long-suffering wife finally comes to the end of her patience after this scene, and she and the children plan a dinner that is no less than a riot. From a "Home Sweet Home" motto on the wall to toothpicks and pigtails, their home is made "plain" for the benefit of Mr. Kalness and his guest, a customer of long standing.
After he learns that his wife really means business, "Big Hearted Herbert" relents and gives his consent to his children’s plans and seems to have really reformed.
An even larger crowd attended this number than that at the first number, the lecture by Vash Young.
"Choosing a Library for a Christian Home" was the theme of the World Service meeting Tuesday night in the Y. W. room.
Books of essays, science, art, appreciation of literature, philosophy, Christian theology, Biblical history, home planning, recreation, psychology, biography, and travel were discussed by Inez Goughnour, Helen Eaton, Harold Mohler, and Erwin Bentz. The remainder of the meeting was a round-table discussion in which everyone participated. Other books were suggested in addition to those mentioned by the discussion leaders.
Together the group drew up a list of books which would be suitable for a library in a Christian home of average means. The library considered was one of fifty or sixty volumes. The purpose of this discussion was to choose for this limited number of volumes the most worthwhile boks that could be found.
"Choosing Pictures for a Christian Home, " a closely related subject, will be the theme of the next meeting.
Friday, Nov. 16—Box social in Y. W. room, 8 p. m.
Sunday, Nov. 17—C. E. at the College Church, 6: 45 p. m.
Tuesday, Nov. 19—Regular Y. W. and Y. M. meetings, 10 a. m.; World Service at 7 p. m.
Wednesday, Nov. 20—Tri-College faculty meeting, Bethany, Wesleyan, and McPherson representatives.
Y. M. -Y. W. Box Social to Be Held Tomorrow in Y. W. at 8
Out of Town Students Forsake Dorm and Batching Meals for Novel Entertainment
Representative Student Volunteer Movement—To Address Students
The college dormitory students and students who live in homes but from out of this community were entertained in McPherson homes for Sunday dinner. Faculty dormitory residents and the matrons of the dormitories also spent the day in homes. All reported a very enjoyable day.
A total of one hundred forty-five college students and persons associated with the college were entertained in some forty homes. Nearly firty-five other students had the privilege to go into the various homes but had made other arrangements.
Good times, excellent foods, enter-
Jean Hastings, graduate of Mount Holyoke, arrived about 10: 30 o'clock this morning for a brief visit on the McPherson College campus as a representative of the Student Volunteer Movement. While attending Mount Holyoke, whore she received her B. A. degree this past spring, Miss Hastings’ extra-curricular Interest centered in the Christian task of the present student generation. In pursuit of this interest she identified herself with the Student Volunteer Movement, the Connecticut Valley Student Missionary Union, and with the Student Christian Movement of New England in whose founding she played a significant part as a mem-ber of the General Committee and as chairman of the Committee on Faith and Function.
Miss Hastings comes to us prepared to talk on topics as the following: "Why attend the Indianapolis Convention? ", "Why Foreign Missions? ", "What Christianity Means to Me, " "The Challenge of Christian Commitment, " and "Programs for World Outlook. ” Miss Hastings will leave tomorrow afternoon for Sterling. She will address the student body this afternoon at 3: 30 o'clock when a joint meeting of the Y or-
The Y. M. -Y. W. box social will be held Friday night at 8: 00 o’clock in the Y. W. room. This social is not limited to Y. W or Y. M. members but is for everyone.
All those attending are to come dressed as farmer lads and lassies, wearing such things as overalls, straw hats, and sunbonnets.
The Thanksgiving idea will be carried out in the eats and in decorating the room with pumpkins and corn shocks.
Entertainment for the evening is in the charge of a committee composed of Lowell Heiny, Corwin Bare, and Leone Shirk. As yet it has not been definitely decided just what this entertainment will be, but it will probably consist of group games, stunts, and music.
Each girl is requested to bring a boxful of cats for two persons. Those boxes are to bo placed with a caretaker in the social room, and will be auctioned off by Charles Wagoner.
The money received through the sale of boxes will go to the Y. W. and Y. M. treasuries. No limit is being placed on the price of a box.
He Asks Not ‘Shall we Increase Army and Navy? ’ but ‘What Shall We Do With Them? ’
McPherson and Central Colleges Cooperate in Effort to Promote Peace
Indianapolis Convention Meets Approval on Local Campus
Progress concerning the Student Volunteer Convention to bo held in Indianapolis is going on along three different fronts. Several students have expressed their desire to attend this conference. A committee representing the Y. M., Y. W., World Service, Christian Endeavor, and the faculty will in the near future select a delegate from the list of those who are planning to attend the convention. Transportation is another problem that is being dealt with. As yet no definite plans have been made along this line. The committee is,
taining conversations, and interesting games were the order of the day. In groups of two to eight the students were given a break from the so-called monotonous life of the dormitories.
Mother Emmert reported that as each group of- students returned sighs of regret to leave and exclamations of appreciation were given.
Once again students know the taste of chicken, roast pork, vegetables of all sorts, salads, date puddings. whipped cream, olives, celery, and hundreds of other dainties that were served. The desire to please the forgotten art of the students was
ganizations and the World Service will be held. At this time a collection will be taken, the proceeds of which will help build the convention fund All those interested in attending the convention that would like to have a personal conference with Miss Hastings are urged to get in touch with Leta Wine, Willard Flaming, or Wanda Hoover.
Tri-College Faculty to Meet At McPherson College Soon
however, working on two possibilities. Ur. and Mrs. Petry are going east during the Christmas vacation and they have expressed their willingness for a nominal fee to take along a student so that he may attend the convention. The other means of transportation that is being considered is namely that several colleges of this part of the state cooperate and send a carload of delegates. Kansas Wesleyan has expressed its willingness to cooperate in such an undertaking. The matter of finances is also being considered by the committee. The Christian organizations are planning to pay at least part of the delegatee's expenses. Work along this line was initiated in T. M. Tuesday morning when a collection was taken: the fellows showed a lively interest and contributed wholeheartedly to the cause.
successfully accomplished.
In the afternoon games were played, puzzles solved, good radio music heard, group singing sung, and the jokes of much men as Dr. Schwalm kept the whole afternoon full of laughter and pleasant thoughts. One family even insisted that the students who were guests in their home should stay for lunch, This was agreed upon and the students returned to church with their hostesses.
For further information about the success and appreciation of this cold Sunday which was made cheerful just ask anyone of the one hundred forty five who spent the day in McPherson homes.
Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan and McPherson colleges will be represented at the tri-college faculty meeting that will be held at McPherson College next Wednesday, Nov. 20. It is to be the third annual meeting of its kind by those colleges.
The meeting starts at 4: 45 p. m. Wednesday with a brief address in the college chapel on North Central Standards by Dr. Harry M. Gage, president of Coe College and chairman of the North Central committee on standardizing colleges. The address is to be followed by a forum.
At 6 p. m. the fellowship meal and social hour together will be held in the church parlors. Following the social hour there will be an educa-tional address at 7: 30 p. m. by Dr. Gage In the college chapel.
Dean Bright of McPherson stated that a large number of persons were expected to attend the meeting.
Throe Selections To Be Given —Representative of English, Spanish and American
Comedy, variety, fantasy, romance, realism—all these will be found in three one-act plays, to bo presented Friday evening, November 22, at 8: 00, in the college chapel. The plays to bo presented are. "A Sunny Morning, ” "The Calf That Laid the Golden Eggs, " and "Pierrot's Mother. ” All of the plays differ in at-mosphere, being representative of English, Spanish, and American characteristics. The casts of the plays are composed of students in the class of Play Production, assisted by other students in the Dramatic Arts department, Miss Della Lehman, instructor in this department, is head coach of the plays, with the assistance of student coaches.
The casts of characters are: "A Sunny Morning, " Gonsalo, Charles Nettleton; Dona Laura, Estelle Baile; Petra, Marjorie Flory; Juan-ito, Lowell Haldeman; student coach, Margaret Messamer. "Pierrot's Mother, " Mother, Dorothy Miller; Pi-rette, Aileen Wine; Pierrot, Homer Kimmel; student coaches, Dorothy
The college students and citizens of McPherson met Monday morning at 10: 30 at the Community building for a Peace meeting. Leonard Lowe presided during the meeting. Prof. A. C. Voran led the group in singing "America the Beautiful. " In the absence of Dr. C. A. Stoll, president of Central College. Professor Loomis also of Central College gave the invocation.
George Chase of Central College and Paul Booz of McPherson College spoke. At 11 o’clock J. C. Hamburg of the American Legion conducted a brief recognition service. The mixed quartette of McPherson College sang a number.
Dr. James Chubb of Baker University gave a forceful address. Doctor Chubb is a well-known peace advocate in Kansas. He said that the issue is not, "shall we increase our army and navy? " It is, "What shall we do with them? " Last year and next year we have been and will be spending more for armaments than any other country in the world. In the last five year we have built up a "navy second to none. Yet our officials are urging us on, saying that the other great nations have armies and navies much larger than ours.
Doctor Chubb said that we owe it to the youth who died in the last war not to allow the youth of this generation to die in the same horrible manner. We need them to further measures in our society which will make for peaceful and happy living. We need them for doctors, statesmen, economists, sociologists and for many other professions which will draw the world out of the dilemna in which it now is.
Dr. J. B. Gonzales, State Superintendent of Congregational Work pronounced the benediction.
After the meeting, there was a Peace luncheon at the Hotel Hawley. Eighteen persons attended—students from Central and McPherson Colleges and members of the Youth Council of the city.
This armistice day celebration was sponsored by the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. and International Relations Clubs of both colleges and the Youth Council of McPherson.
Miller, Aileen Wine, and Homer Kimmel. "The Calf that Laid the Golden Eggs, " Howard, Homer Kimmel; Alice, Velma Watkins; Daisy. Margaret Messamer; Woman, Theresa Strom; Mrs. Winthrop, Becky Stauffer; Girl, Vera Heckman; Maid. Evelyn Ralston, student coach. Ther-esa Strom. Modena Kauffman is costume manager for the plays.
The plays will be presented under the auspices of the Student Council. College students will be admitted to the performances free of charge, Small admission will be charged to others in attendance.
Given at Baptist Church Sunday at 3 P. M. —Varied in Nature
J. B. Gonzales of Topeka Lauds
Ambitions in Chapel Wednesday
Dr. Smith to Entertain Her Classes
Two Weeks’ Revival Closed Sunday
The revival meetings at the college church led for the past two weeks by Rev. J. O. Winger of North Manchester, Indiana, closed last Sunday evening. Rev. Winger is a forceful speaker. His messages were inspirational and helpful to the many
Council Acts on Student Union
A continuation of discussion of reports from committees on needs, finance, and construction of possible Student Union room, was carried over to a meeting of the Student Connell yesterday, from the meeting of Nov. 8. The council experts to report definite action on plans for the Student Union room in the near future.
Dean Smith is giving a tea this afternoon especially for the students in her classes. Dean Smith has given a series of teas for the students each Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. All students in Dean Smith’s classes are given a special invitation, as well as anyone else who cares to attend.
Believe me, every man has his secret sorrows, which the world knows not: and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. —Longfellow.
college students and church members who attended the meetings regularly.
College Mail Carrier Breaks Ribs
Henry Kittell, faithful College Hill mail carrier, slipped and broke two ribs Monday morning while loading his mail truck at the post office.
Mr. Kittell is the father of Isobel Kittell, sophomore. Isobel reports that her father is getting along nicely.
Read the Bulletin Board!
Rev. J. B. Gonzales, of Topeka, state superintendent of Congregational work in Kansas and president of the Kansas Council of Churches, gave the address in chapel yesterday morning. He was introduced by Reverend Evans of the Congregational Church of this city.
"Ambition" was the subject of Rev. Gonzales’ talk. He stressed the importance of having an ambition, with the caution that "the ambition be a noble one. "
Dr. Smith to Topeka This Week End
Dr. Josephine Smith, Dean of Women of McPherson College, will attend the State Association of Deans of Women of Kansas to be held this week end in Topeka. Dean Smith plans to attend the meeting on Friday and Saturday.
Students in the Fine Arts department of McPherson College under the direction of Miss Lingenfelter gave a student recital in the Baptist Church last Sunday at 3 p. m.
The program was of a varied nature and consisted of the following selections: "Through the Fields and Forest” by Vogel, was given as a duet by Marjorie Quiring and Shirley Jana Peterson; "Spinning Song” by Ellenreich, given by Marjorie Love; "Slumber Song" by Gurlitt. Mildred Allison; "Japanese Doll" by Juan Masters, played by Betty Jo Harpers; "Black Eyes. " a Gypsy folk tune, by Jimmy Ferguson; Betty Merle Saylor played "Elegie" by Emerson and Massenet; "Turkey in the Straw, " an American folk tune by Lohrentz, Walter Wollman; "Barcarolle, " by Guiliani, was played by Warren Miner: Mareta Montgomery of Canton gave two numbers, "S1eigh Ride" by Stron and "Allegro" by Haydn; Liebich’s "Musical Box, " by Lois Hildegarde; "Scarf Dance, " by Chaminade, was played by Don Ferguson: "Romance, " by Ignaz Brull, given by Elsie Mast; and Phyllis Mishler of Conway gave "Vaise Brilliante" by Manna-Zucca.
There is a chord in every heart that has a sigh in it if touched aright. —Ouida.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council. | ||
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson. Kansas, under the act of March 3 1897. |
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR
McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-Chief............................................. Vernon D. Michael
Assistant Editor............................................... Merle Messamer
Society Editor.................................................... Velma Watkins
Sports Editor...................................................... Conway Yount
Make -up Editor............................................. Norman Edwards
Business Manager........................................... Lawrence Strouse
Assistant Business Manager.................................... Paul Lackie
Advertising Manager.......................................... Waldo Newberg
Circulation Manager........................................... Galen Glessner
Assistant Circulation Manager.................................. Irene Smith
Estelle Baile Franklin Hiebert Clayton Rock
Otho Clark Alberta Keller Martha Roop
Yolanda Clark Isobel Kittell Harriette Smith
Evelyn Glessner Valera Pearce Kenneth Weaver
PENDING the construction of the new student union room, there are only two available places of recreation for young people on the campus. These are the parlor in Arnold Hall and the Y. W. room.
In regard to these two places, an unfortunate situation has arisen. The parlors are frequently full, and there is not sufficient room for all couples who come in. At the same time, these couples do not want to go to the Y. W, room because of the reputation it has.
This reputation is not only undfe-sirable, but at the same time unnecessary. It has arisen chiefly because a few couples, whose names do not need to be mentioned because they are so well known to the students, persist in frequently the room behind locked doors and with the lights screwed out. If a self-respecting young man desires to take a lady; friend to the Y. W. room therefore, for a place to sit and talk, he is forced to refrain from doing so.
Lights were placed in the Y. W. parlor for a purpose. To screw out the light bulbs or pull the fuse therefore becomes a nasty little trick which prevents the full use of the from from being realized.
There is being planned a social program for the students which will require that lights be available at anytime in this room. It Is intended that the room be separated from its reputation, so that anyone who de
Unfortunate Family Receives Help
YWCA Hears Posture Lectures by Mrs. Dean
College Women Bent on Improving Personality by Physical Poise
Many unhappy homes are made happy by the case work carried on by the McPherson County Red Cross. The following is an account of a typical case. Fictitious names have been substituted.
Margaret Brown was 12 years old. She did not feel well; she was getting thinner and thinner; she did poor work at school; she was cross and irritable at home. Her father tried to get work but was able to find only a day now and then. It worried him to see Margaret getting thinner and her fussing was most annoying, especially when he had so much to think about. Her mother was con-fused by it all and could not think clearly. None of her relatives were close and there was no one with whom she could talk things over.
As the money dwindled, food became more and more scarce. Margaret did not have the needed milk. Finally Mr. Brown in desperation called at the office of the Red Cross. It was a relief to discuss his problems. Food was provided by the county. The worker made a call in the home and Mrs. Brown felt that she had found a real friend. Some way the problems did not seem so impossible after the visit. She could think more clearly and plan more wisely. Mr. Brown found work. A physical examination was arranged for Margaret by the Red Cross nurse.
sires to do so may go there without any qualms of conscience.
With such a program in effect the: whole weight of student opinion will automatically be again those stu-dents who persist in old habits. With this in mind, can we not make the Y. W. room as acceptable a social center as any to be found anywhere?
What Do You Read, " an article in The Nation, should be particularly interesting to college stu-dents. Two lists of "books worth knowing" have lately been issued by the National Council of Teachers of English. Each list names 50 books. One list was made up by a group of English faculties from 55 collates; one by over 1, 000 students from 53 colleges. In the two lists of books there were only twelve duplications. The teachers listed many classics but only three books published during the past 20 years; the students listed more recently published books and fewer classics. However, together, thse book lists make up a group with which all well-read people should be familiar. —Y. C.
Student Assistants Head Classes
While Dr. Hershey Is In Penn.
Nine Weeks Tests End Leaving Chaos in Wake
Relative Activities Are Shown in Blanks
Is there anyone that has not noted a striking difference on the college campus? If so, he had better keep it to himself, for the women students have undergone a remarkable transformation. At least they seem have taken seriously a suggestions given by Mrs. Adeline Dean. Women's physical training teacher, in her talk in Y. W. last Tuesday.
Mrs. Dean's talk on "Posture", opened the series of programs on the theme "Improving Ourselves. " She gave the basic elements for a good posture and gave some exercises to help develop it.
The connection between posture and personality was stressed by Mrs. Dean. She said that the way we feel and the way in which we impress others depends a great deal on our posture.
There was much shuffling around and straightening of shoulders among her listeners when Mrs. Dean pointed out different defects, especially In sitting.
Heads wore held high and shoulders squared as the Y. W. members marched out, already feeling more confident and sure of themselves and resolving to get more exercise, no matter how much it hurt.
President and Mrs. Otho Winger, of Manchester College, at North Manchester, Indiana, visited in McPherson, Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Winger ago making an extended trip through eastern Kansas, southern Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana regions, gathering material for publications on Indian life. Dr. Winger has published several boks and pamphlets on Indians. He is especially Interested in doing research work concerning the Miami Indians.
Dr. Winger is chairman of the General Mission Board of the Church of the Brethren. He came of McPherson from Elgin, Illinois, at which place he attended a meeting of this board and of the Council of Boards.
Once again that terrible monster, nine weeks tests, has come out of its -den and stalked among the students of McPherson College. Where once was gaiety and laughter it has left pale, drawn, haggard faces and dark-circled eyes. It has stolen away the youth of our campus and left worn out old men and women in its place.
The uncanny thing about this monster is that it is no respecter of persons. It strikes among the brilliant as well as the dull, the conceited as well as the humble, the blonds as well as the brunettes. The only consideration it has at all is that it lay's for those who have been having the most fun—those who have danced and sung while the more serious have stored up knowledge against the seige of the monster. Even those who have firegon pleasures in anticipation of the coming of disaster cannot be sure that the monster will not rest his sharp talons upon them and scorch them with his fiery breath. They must simply wait and hope.
Oh, of course the ravages which the monster leaves behind are not permanent. Even now there is evidence that the raid of the monster is fast bing forgotten. Smiles are re-turning, cheeks are regaining a ruddy glow and it seems almost as if appetites are about up to par again.
The saddest part of the story is that the monster will come three more times this year—twice he will be a bigger and badder monster even than he was this time. It would seem as if people would profit by
She was found to be greatly underweight and was sent to the Legion-ville Preventorium for a few weeks. She gained weight. The Red Cross provided milk for several months after her return as Mr. Brown's job did not pay enough to take care of this. This home is a very different place than it was a few months ago. The future looks brighter. Margaret enjoys school. Mrs. Brown is budgeting the income carefully and Mr. Brown is seeing various ways in which he may increase the family income.
During Dr. Hershey's absence the last week, his classes continued as usual, the head of the chemistry de--partment said yesterday. Galen Glessner took charge of the class in organic chemistry while Dr. Hershey was away. Glenn Webb was in charge of the first year class. Laboratory work continued as usual, with the other assistants of Dr. Hershey helping.
While Dr. Hershey was gone three table top desks in the private laboratory and two in the advanced laboratory were painted. Dr. Hershey, said that the boys did a good job while he was gone, and that he appreciated their efforts a great deal.
Upperclassmen Most Active in Extra Curricular Work
As a result of filling but the per-sonnel blanks about a month ago, it has been found that the average freshman spends 2. 6 hours a week on extra curricular activities, the average sophomore 3. 7 hours, the average junior 5. 3 hours and the average senior 4. 75 hours.
It has also been found that the average freshman works 8. 87 hours a week, the average sophomore 10. 7 hours, the average junior 14. 25 hours and the average senior 10. 6 hours.
In the freshman class there were 20 students who reported no extra curricular activities of any kind. The sophomore and junior classes each have six students who are not engaged in any activities, the senior class runs the lowest, having only two students who did not report any outside activities. This makes a total of 34 pupils who have no outside interests here in the college.
There are 89 students in the college who are not doing any kind of work. Of these the freshmen comprise the largest group, and the juniors and seniors the lowest. The sophomores fall between these two lines. There are 49 freshmen who are not working 22 sophomores, nine juniors, and nine seniors.
41 NYA Workers Work 2037 Hours
experience and prepare for his next coming, but we probably won’t.
Anyway, who doesn’t say that he’s glad nine week tests are over for this time and we can have a good time until the last of January?
During the past month the 41 N. Y. A. workers have worked 2, 037 hours. Irene Smith has recently been placed on the N. Y. A. list. Herbert Eikenberry has been transferred to the city library and is now working 40 hours a month there and 20 hours a month at the museum.
Dean J. D. Bright Attends State Wide Meeting at Baker University
That the Bulldogs lost the C. of E. game last Friday was through no fault of the loyal and spirited group of girls who gave the program in pep chapel a week ago today.
Zuhars must have felt heavenly Inspired when a group sang "Zucky, Where Art Thou Going? " The following sang in this group: Mary Trostle, Dorothy Miller, Jean Allen, Theresa Strom, Margaret Messamer, and Irene Smith. Dorothy Dell accompanied them.
The whole team probably were "rarin' to go" when they heard "Don’t Give Up the Ship. " The following "colored boys" tap danced: Norma Hatfield, Aileen Wine, Becky Stauffer, Lola Mae Harbaugh, Rilla Hubbard, LeVena High, and Vera Heckman,
Last Saturday Dean J. D. Bright of McPherson College attended a state wide meeting of deans and registrars at Baker University. Deans from every college and university in Kansas were represented at the round-table discussion that lasted all day.
Chancellor Lindsay gave the main morning address. Each dean was, supposed to lead a 10 minute discussion on a subject he had previously chosen.
Several new books on music have been purchased for the library during the past Week. They are "Structure of Music" by Goetschius, " "Musical Comparison" by Erskine, and "Handbook of Conducting" b y Scherchen.
An interesting new book, particularly for debaters, has also been added to the shelves. It Is "The Limitation of the Power of the Supreme Court" by Johnsen.
Other new books in the various fields Include "Art and Religion" by Vogt, "Science, the New Outlook, " by Durban, "Manners, American Etiquette" by Sullivan, "College Library Publicity" by Lyle, "Principle of Elementary Education" by Lull, "Art of Touch and All Its Diversity" by Matthay, "The Reaper" by Steward, "County Unification in Kansas" by Euler, and “New Studies in Mystic
Religion" by Jones. Two new. timely pamphlets have just arrived. They are "The Economic and Financial Position of. Italy" and “Italy and Ethiopia. ” Students Are Invited to Communion Because of Communion Services there will be no Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening. Reverend Zook especially invites the college students to attend communion. |
Your sole contribution to the sum of things is yourself. —Frank Crane.
Nervous Drivers Are Best, Say Scientists Relaxed, Comfortable Driver Is Slower to Apply Brakes Toms River. N. J. —psychologists throughout the country this week noted with interest the results of scientific tests which indicate that the tense, nervous type of automobile driver is the best. A series of 3087 tests was made of twenty-one test drivers of the Atlantic Refining Company who engaged in a 6, 000, 000-mile oil test drive. Physicians and scientists made exhaustive studies of the drivers after they had completed 500, 000 miles of driving without accident to find out how they did it. The tests showed, among other things, that: The relaxed, comfortable driver is actually slower in applying his brakes than the driver who is tense, excited or otherwise uncomfortable. Drivers who had just completed eight hours of driving 320 miles were somewhat quicker In their reaction time at the end of the run than they were In the beginning. The difference averaged one-eighth of a second, enough to make a difference of eleven feet in the stopping distance of the car from a speed of forty miles an hour. It was found, however, that at the end of four hours' driving, a thirty-minute rest period would speed the reaction time from one-eighth to one-quarter of a second. Drivers who ate a heavy lunch were inclined to be slower than those who ate lightly. Insufficient sleep, on the other hand, showed immediately in the general responsiveness of the drivers. SPORTS
Miss Atkinson. home economics instructor, is making a study of the diet in the dormitory dining hall. For two weeks she will study the nutritional value, variety, and cost of the food served. She will compare the results with statistics from other college dining halls. Miss Mildred Siek of Hope will have charge of Miss Atkinson's classes while she is working on this project. The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work. — Sarah A. Bolton. C. of E. Hands M. C. 1st Conference Defeat Touchdown in Last Quarter Is Fatal for Bulldogs—Both Have Touchdowns Recalled. The McPherson College Bulldogs met their first conference defeat of the season at the hands of C. of E. on the new college field last Friday night. The score came in the last quarter after both teams had seen earlier touchdowns called back because of rule violations. After consistently backing the Bulldogs up the Emporia men received the ball on the McPherson three yard line with four downs in which to score. On the first down they gained two yards thus making it second and one yard to go for a score. On the next play no gain was made. The third play found C. of E. atempting a pass. Smith faded back and was almost tackled when ho passed the ball to Bledsoe who caught the pass over the goal line for the score. Harman kicked the extra point from placement. In the second half Haun of McPherson ran 35 yards to score, only to have the hall called back for a penalty. The ball started from the 40 yard line when Haun made this run. Zuhars received the hall and faded hack and gave a pass to Haun who raced over the last white line. Soon after this Emporia passed over the goal line, but an Emporia player was offside and the play was called back. When we glance at the summary of the game we find that McPherson had a slight edge. The Bulldogs outplayed C. of E. in every department except that of scoring. They out-gained the Emporia team about 20 yards. The Bulldogs averaged about 33 yards for their punts whil their opponents only averaged 30. The Emporia team had 5 first downs while the Bulldogs had 9. Both teams were penalized 50 yards. McPherson had 7 fumbles while C. of E. had none. McPherson Pos. C. of E. Moore - - - - - - LE - - - - - R. Lee Colwell - - - - - - LT - - - - Newland Vasquez - - - - LG - - - Wasson Rodelander - - - - C - - - - Stafford Siedel - - - - - - HQ - - - Leazure Barngrover - - - - RT - - - Klauman Burress - - - - - - RE - - - Edwards Crabb - - - - - - - QB - - - - Smith Zuhars - - - - RH - - - Willis Haun - - - - - - - LH - - - Harzman Hapgood - - - - - - FB - - - - Hinkle Substitutes: McPherson — Strat-man for Crabb, Crabb for Stratman, Reinecker for Colwell. Emporia— H. Lee for Wasson, Wasson for H. Lee. H. Lee for Newland, Heider for Stafford, Bledsoe for Edwards, Hu-ter for Klauman. Summary: Yards gained from scrimmage: McPherson 130, Emporia 110. Yards lost from scrimmage: McPherson 32, Emporia 5. Punts: McPherson 11 for 365 yards, an average of 33.1 yards per punt; Emporia 13 for 386 yards, an aver-age of 29.6 yards. Passes: McPherson attempted seven, completed one for a gain of 15 yards; Emporia attempted nine, completed three for 44 yards. First downs: McPherson 9, Emporia 5. Penalties: McPherson four for 50 yards, Emporia five for 36 yards. Passes intercepted: McPherson none, Emporia one for no gain. Fumbles: McPherson four, Emporia none. Touchdowns: McPherson none, Emporia, Bledsoe. Points after touchdowns: McPherson none, Emporia, Harzman. Officials: Referee, E. C. Quigley. St. Mary’s Umpire, Gene Kemper, Lake Forest. Headlinesman, John Galloway, Hutchinson. Miss Atkinson Makes Study of Diets In Dormitory Dining Hall |
Freshmen Win Freedom -Sophomores Forfeit And so another score for the freshmen! So-be-it that when the antagonist fails to appear, (for reasons unknown, but painfully apparent) the spoils or scores, or what have you, are forfeited to those who meet their appointments. After their near-defeat in the notorious game involving feet, the sophs had reason to be "backward" about an involuntary plunge into the cold course of Railroad River. Incidentally they wouldn't have been forced to spend an "overly" amount of time in said situation because those tender hearted freshmen thoughtfully clothed themselves in such a manner that no serious harm would have befallen them had they been summoned for Sophomore Life Saving services. Some say the less fortunntes forgot to arrange their various other appointments in a way that would permit them to meet this all-important one of “tug-of-war at 3: 45. ” Others insist that the distance was too great for the short amount of time. Still others contend that their weak make-up would not permit them to stand by and watch green caps bob desperately in a pool of water on such a day. Regretfully your writer experiences an acute feeling of inadequateness toward the proper and sufficient tearing down of these arguments. For this information, we would refer you to any of the gentlemen who have been promoted recently, up, and out from under green caps. Propaganda Picketed By College StudentsMovie, "Red Salute," and Comic Strip, "Orphan Annie," Censored An articulate, concentrated protest against propaganda in two of the mediums most recently adapted to it, the screen and newspaper comic strips, has been increasing evident in college communities, an Associated Collegiate Press survey shows. Most bitterly protested has been the movie, “Red Salute, ” starring Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Young, with most of the newsreels and such comic strips as the Chicago Tribune Syndicate's "Little Orphan Annie, " coming in for heavy criticism and action that has often resulted in boycott. “Red Salute, ” which is said to deride student anti-war sentiment and to attack the right of free speech by students and professors, has been picketed on campuses from New York to Chicago, and has received cancelled bookings in other places. Eighteen C. C. N. Y. students were arrested for picketing the film in New York, and in Madison, University of Wisconsin students came to blows when pickets were attacked by a group of athletes. “Students will not be lied about or kidded out of their opposition against war, and the picket lines in front of theaters showing 'Red Sa-lute' in college towns throughout the country have shown the movie makers that they had better stick to romance instead of Hearstian lies about undergraduates, " says the Penn State Collegian. Commenting on the action of John Clendenin, editor of the Huntington, W. Va., Herald-Dispatch, in-throwing "Little Orphan Annie" out of his columns, the Minnesota Daily has this to say: "Considering that comic strips were primarily intended for the kiddies, one can easily see that their purpose has well nigh gone astray. More action like that taken in Huntington against artists who endeavor to advance their pet ideas or instill the glory of war, or the mechanism of underworld organization, would be advisable in order to protect at least the funnies from the nuisance of propaganda. " |
Foibles of Roommates Need Not Be EnduredWisconsin Co-ed Appeals to Cohabi-tant to Reform Most students are inclined to bear the foibles of their roommates in more or less anguished silence, but a University of Wisconsin co-ed burst into articulate annoyance recently, and in a communication to the Grip-ers Club, student paper column, set forth the woes of all roommates everywhere. "My dear, dear roommate, " she wrote, "we have now enjoyed each other’s delightful company for three whole weeks. When I first met you, that beautiful maiden's smile of yours, your over-gay disposition, your happy-go-lucky air assured me that our school life together would he semester after semester of bliss. Certain minor things have come up that irk me. I have tried to tell them to you time and again, but when I see you go blithely through the day, a personification of a ray of sunshine, I haven't the heart to take the chance of spoiling your happiness. So, my beloved roommate, I am taking this opportunity to get these irksome things off my mind, out of my hair. I know you won’t read this, and even if you do it will do no good. At any rate, sweetheart, here is what I increasingly can't stand. |
"(a) Wipe that perpetual silly grin off your kisser. "(b) When I lend you silk stockings I expect them back. Christmas is a long way off. "(c) Who cares how popular you were in your home town? The fact is that my boy friend is sick of forever fixing you up with dates, consequently making himself Man to be Avoided No. 1 among his friends. "(d) Give me at least a 50-50 chance at the candy I get from home. "(e) If you can't stand having your clothes in order, at least let them accumulate on your own bed and chair. "(f) I know that because of your country peaches and cream complexion you don't use cosmetics while I do. But do you have to make this fact the principle theme of conversation whenever we double-date? Lovingly, Alias Sally. " New Auto License Plates Have Words Replacing Old Numerals Which of these types of automobile license plates do you remember easier— "1-Man-Go" or "6-754-73"? An experiment conducted by Dr. Paul P. Brainard of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in a class in applied psychology for police and peace officers in the School of Government showed that a license which contained a word was recognized about 10 times more quickly than one composed of a series of numbers. It was also demonstrated that the memory for exact letters and numbers was retained longer when a word-idea was involved. For example, "6-Rap-In" was recognized more quickly than "6-Wux-Id. " The class also was told that sufficient word and number combinations could be arranged to provide the required number of licenses in the state. |
Let's Pay Football Players, Says Stanford Daily PaperThe Stanford Daily, Stanford University, California, has created a furor in gridiron circles lately by proposing that college athletes be paid on a standardized basis. Such a proposal is not new, but coming from, such a fortress of pigskin prowess as Stanford, the editorial in The Daily received widespread attention. The editor recommended that some wage or salary system for athletes be adopted before the "public gets wise to what’s going on, " and added: "What's going on is that football players are already paid, and conference officials should recognize the fact. "At present, the irregular monetary adjustments by some colleges and the offering of more elaborate deals enables those colleges to get the cream- of the prep school teams at the expense of the poorer or more conscience - stricken universities, " the editorial declared. "The best means for clearing up the business would be a gentleman’s agreement applicable to students and alumni alike, putting proselyting on a standardized basis. " |