McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Thursday, sept. 12, 1935



New Bleachers Will Hold 1300, Binford Supervised The Planning And Work

buildIngs also improved

Modern Equipment Was Installed In Librarian's Office, Many Rooms Altered Or Redecorated

A major success for the athletic department has come in the form of the new athletic field north of the campus. Coach Binford drew up the plans and presented them to the trustees of the college for appro

val. then supervised the work.

Actual work began on June 15. The field was graded and a house moved off that plot of ground. The Bermuda grass was sown about the first of July and the cement curb put In around the regulation quarter-mile track. The lights were moved from the city field.

The field has an eighteen in. crown so that water will not stand on the field no matter how hard the rain. The drainage and surveying were made possible by the city street department and Daniel Johnson, who is city surveyor. The whole field enclosed by an eight foot fence is 700 feet by 330 and will be enclosed by canvas for games. The stadium is 180 feet long with ten tiers of seats and holds 1300 people.

Funds for this project were given by the business men of the town and some equipment was provided by the San-Ore Co.

An extensive program of improvements and alterations on the buildings has been completed for the opening of the fall term of school.

The chapel was redecorated and a piano room was constructed off stage. Also the halls and classrooms of Sharp Hall were refloored, repapered and painted.

The interior of Carnegie Library was completely redecorated and modern equipment was installed In the office of the librarian.

In Kline Hall alterations have been made which provide for cooperative housekeeping in units of four to six girls.

The chemistry laboratories have been redecorated and now ventilation equipment has been Installed.

At Fahnestock Hall, the rooms and halls have been repainted and papered.

The matron's suite of Arnold Hall has been enlarged and redecorated.

Friends of the college in Kansas and adjoining states contributed liberally during the summer to make possible the so much needed improvements.

History Of College Is Being Compiled

A complete history of McPherson College is being compiled and written this year as an NYA project. Dr. Flory Is the professor supervising the project. This will bo the first complete history of McPherson College ever written. This is a timely project. for already the people who helped make the first few years of M. C. history are becoming few. In 1937 McPherson College will celebrate her fiftieth anniversary.

Anyone knowing of any source material or pictures pertaining to the history of McPherson College is asked to communicate with Vernon D. Michael, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas.



Travel Serves For Business And Pleasure In Several Cases

McPherson students


A Japanese Student Visits Among Several Brethren Camp Groups

M.C. People Attend Conference

Several McPherson College people attended the annual conference of the Church of the Brethren early in the summer. President Schwalm and Professor Mohler both appeared on the conference program. Reverend Zook and Professor Voran also played active parts in the conference program, leading in devotionals and singing in the conference choir.

Dan West; leader of the Brethren young people’s department, divided the young people into groups to plan on such social problems as peace, recreation, the home, economics, and intermediate work. Personal codes applicable to modern Brethren youth were drawn up. Peace is the founda- tion of our church. Let us uphold It and during this year plan how Brethren youth may best fit into the present disturbed social order.

McPherson College has been well represented this summer at the various young people's camps and District Meetings throughout the Brethren territory. Dr. Schwalm reported an excellent meeting at the Now Meadows camp in Idaho where Dr. Kurtz and Mr. and Mrs. Dan West were also leaders. A number of students also attended this camp and wore enthusiastic over the benefits received from It. Dr. Schwalm also attended the Eldora, Iowa, camp which was held from August 19 to 24 and the Eastern Colorado District meeting.

Doan Mohler in his travels this summer attended the Western Colorado camp at Grand Mesa, Colorado, the young people’s camp at Lone Star, and the Louisiana and Texas District Meeting at Nocona, Texas. He reported an interesting feature of the southern meeting as the acceptance of the College apportionment that has been assigned them and the decision to pay the amount in a lump sum from the District treasury.

Professor Voran and Professor Dell recently attended the Northern Missouri camp near Stover. Mo. Professor Voran was also represented at the Kansas camp which was held a few weeks ago near Junction City and at the Iowa camp which was held at Eldora. Iowa. An interesting feature of several of these camps was the presence of a Japanese student from Chicago who was an envoy of good will from Japanese you th to American youth.

Dr. J. J. Yoder was present at the district meeting in Oklahoma and at one in Iowa. Dean Mohler also attended the Iowa meeting.

The faculty members spent their vacations in various places and ways this past summer. Two of them. Dean Bright and Doctor Brown, were married during the summer. Doctor Brown and his wife spent the summer in Germany Dean and Mrs. Bright wero In Estes, Colorado during a part of August.

Doctor Schwalm and Doctor Petry traveled over a grout deal of territory doing field work for the college. Doctor Schwalm was west as fur as Idaho and Montana. He also attended a number of summer camps and district meetings, and spent his vacation in Yellowstone Park. Doctor and Mrs. Petry worked for the interest of the college in Minnesota Iowa and Missouri.

Two of the faculty members, Professor Hess and Professor Bohling did farm work this summer.

Miss Lehman and Miss Atkinson attended school. Miss Lehman at the University of Southern California and Miss Atkinson at Kansas State College in Manhattan.

Miss Brown and Miss Lingenfelter studied In Chicago during the early part of the summer. Later Miss Lin-genfelter went to Yellowstone Park.

Soon after school was closed last spring Miss Heckethorn went to Denver to a library convention. Miss Colline took a trip through the western slates. Professor Bowman taught in summer school. Mother Emmert was here during the sum-

The Quadrangle For ’35-’36 Progresses

The '35-'38 Quadrangle staff has made no delay in starting work on this year's Quadrangle. The business staff, with Archie Van North-wick at the head, and Kurtis Naylor assisting, has already sold a number of advertisements to merchants in town, and the sales squad Is busy contacting students for orders. This year's salesmen are: Ken-noth Weaver, Kurtis Naylor, Robert Stratman, Jessie Miller, Paul Miller. Estelle Dalle, Wanda Hoover, and Dorothy Matson.

Otho Clark, editor, Is at work organizing his staff, and obtaining material for the "Quad." A "dummy" has boon laid out. with plans for each page.


Vacated Posts Are Filled and Newly Created Posts Are Introduced


Personal of Educational Department Is Completely Changed Here This Year


Seventeen Students and Alumni Represented at Colorado Youth Meeting

mer session, and she visited her daughter and family in Ottawa during August.

Doctor Flory spent his summer in Maine. Professor Voran and Professor Mohler spent a great part of their summer In various summer camps. Miss Gill spent most of her summer at her home In Lawrence. Miss Stutzman worked in the business office and visited at her homo In Thomas. Oklahoma

M. C. Student Becomes Pilot

Herbert Lindell now holds a commercial pilot's license and gives beginners their first- two weeks of ground instruction at the Spartan Air School In Tulsa. He had entered the school as a student Just last April. Herbert was a freshman here the first semester last year.


Be An Enthusiast

Former Student Dies

Stanley Hartell of Plattsburg. Mo., died Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock at the ago of twenty-six years. Mr. Hartell, who is a brother of Mrs. Lloyd Hawley of McPherson, was a student In McPherson College from the fall of 1927 to the spring of 1929.

The New School Year has had an auspicious opening. A fine spirit pervades the campus. We have an excellent enrollment. The new faculty is fresh and eager to go. Buildings are brightened up with fresh paint, and varnish, and new floors. The new athletic field is most attractive. An atmosphere of enthusiasm and expectancy is felt everywhere. Certainly we have very favorable  conditions for a good year.

Let the watchword and slogan for the new year be "Forward and upward." The faculty will be devoted to the best interests of the students. Lei every student become an enthusiast for a better school. Bury the hammer, buy a horn and become an enthusiast for what, for the present, is your school. Let os make it In fact "The School of Quality."

V. F. Schwalm


President, student council—Agnes Bean.

Treasurer, student council—Clayton Rock.

President, Y. M. C. A.—Willard Flaming.

President, Y. W. C. A.—Leta Wine.

President, World Service Group— Wanda Hoover.    

President, College Christian Endeavor—Paul Miller.

President, International Relations Club—David Metzger.

President, "M" Club — Harold Johnston.

President. W. A. A.—Phyllis Barn-grover.

Cheer    Leaders—Jessie Miller,

Homer Kimmel.

President, Forensic Club—Paul Heckman.

President, Thespian Club—Merie Messamer.

Editor. Quadrangle—Otho Clark.

Business Manager. Quadrangle— Archie Van Nortwick.

Editor. Spectator—Vernon Michael .

Business Manager. Spectator— Lawrence Strouse.

President. Senior Class—to be elected.

President, Junior Class—Paul Miller.    

President, Sophomore Class—Raymond Lichty.

President. Freshman Class—to be elected.

"Modern Roads to Freedom" supplied the theme of the Estes Student Conference, June 7-17, at Estes Park. Colo. this year, and the various departments  of discussion and lecture were built around this basis. McPherson College was represented at the conference by a delegation of seventeen students and alumni.

Those attending from McPherson were:    Agnes Bean, Maxine Ring,

Gladys Ridell, Margaret Oliver. Marie Stovor, Wanda Hoover, Modena Kauffman. Grace Lerew, Leta Wine, Laurel Fields, Faithe Ketterman. Paul Booz, Bob Booz. Kenneth Weaver. Don Evans, Ernest Sweet-land and Paul Lackle.

Those students, with one exception. made the trip from McPherson in the back end of a Ford truck, travelling day and night. At Estes cabins supplied sleeping and dining quarters and cooking wus done by two of the campers.

An important feature of the conference was the variety of splendid leaders. Among those were Dr. Harold Case, of Topeka, M. G. Miller, or C. of E., Dr. Henry Nelson Wie-man, of Chicago. Regina Wescott Wieman. Chicago. Ervine Inglis. Greeley. Colo., and others.

The morning schedule provided for worship service, discussion groups, and addresses by the leaders., The afternoon was filled with programs of recreation, hiking, na-ture walks, appreciation hours, and other forms of creative leisure. Evenings were spent In lectures and social gatherings.

The beautiful setting of Estes Park, the grandeur of the scenery, and the inspirational tone of the entire conference supplied an impetus to hotter living which each delegate brought buck with him to the plains

For years McPherson College has had a faculty of which she has been Justly proud. Highly trained men and women who combine their natural ability and intelligence with a spirit of helpfulness and understanding toward the students have always been selected as instructors.

This year even greater strength has been brought to the teaching staff by the election of five new mem-bers. The vacancies left by the withdrawal of Doan F. A. Replogle, Professor J. A. Blair, Miss Lois Wilcox, and Miss Edith McGaffey have been filled by highly educated, competent young professors.

Dr. J. D. Bright, who has long been a popular figure on the campus, succeeds Professor F. A. Replogle as Dean of the College.

Dr. John Boltnott of Winchester, Va., has been elected by the Exucu-tive Board to fill the vacancy In the education department left by the resignation of Professor Blair. Dr. Boltnott is a graduate of Bridgewater College, Va., and received his Ph. D.

degree in education from the University of Va.

Miss Mattie Shay succeeds Miss Lois Wilcox In the music department as violin instructor and orchestra leader. Miss Shay, whoso home is In McPherson, received her training at McPherson College and later at Bethany College, Lindsborg.

The vacancy left by the resignation of Miss Edith McGaffey as Dean of Women has been filled by Dr. Josephine Smith who will also be the head of the psychology department. Miss Smith received her doctor's st the University of Iowa.

Dr. Claude R. Flory of Pennsylvania has been appointed as head of the English department. Dr. Flory took his undergraduate work at Juniata College and his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Donald F. Brown baa been, elected to the position of Modern language instructor at McPherson College. He did his undergraduate work at Wheaton College In Ill., and received his Ph. D. degree at the University of Illinois.

Each of the now faculty members comes highly recommended for his ability, training, personality, and strength of character.


Freshmen Lead With 126, Sophs Have 73, Juniors 41 Seniors 31

A determined drive to bring new students to McPherson College this fall has already brought results which exceed expectations. Yester-day the record of the Registrar showed a total of 274 students enrolled, not including fine arts students, with enrollment not yet completely finished. The Freshman class is by far the largest, as is the usual case. The Freshmen number 126, the Sophomores. 73; the Juniors. 41, and the Seniors, 31. Besides these, there are 3 special students, and a largo number of fine arts students.

It is Interesting to note that there are four more students enrolled than at the same time last year. Furthermore all the classes, with the exception of the Seniors, are larger than their counterparts of a year ago.


This week McPherson college offered Its freshmen students a number of new and interesting things to acquaint them with the College and the student body In general.

Monday morning Dr. V. F. Schwalm gave an address of welcome to the new students. Prof. Maurice A. Hess spoke to the beginners and before noon Monday the students were taken on tours of the College campus. The history of the College was told In an interesting manner by Dr. J. J. Yoder.

Monday night an informal party was given for the now students at the Y. room In the Administration building. Tuesday a party was held for the “campus sister".

The first big all school affair of a social nature will bo tonight at 7:00 o’clock on the campus when-the annual watermelon feed well bo given Jointly by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of the College. The entire  student body and the faculty members are invited to attend.


The Spectator

THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson. Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

Subscription! Rates For One School Year $1.00

Spectator Begins 19th Year

On Unlucky Friday The 13th

Is Friday the Thirteenth unlucky? The Spectator staff hopes not! Due to the rush of enrollment, and to the unusual difficulties of getting a new organization to functioning, the publication of The Spectator has been delayed a day this week. Although the ’35-'36 Spectator is making its first appearance on. this “unducky day," the succeeding issues will be published on Thursday, as has been customary heretofore.


From the Y. M. C. A.

After the rush and excitement of the first few weeks of school has died down, and we start to concentrate on our studies the fact that college is a

Field Force Aids In Finding Jobs

Students who need work to help pay their college expenses are asked to register with Mias Gill in the Central office. In order that the field force may place everyone possible, it will be necessary to know definitely the amount of work needed by  each student and also the number of hours open for part time employment.    

As soon as jobs are located, those who have applied will be notified. Mr. Stoner asks that students be patient for a few days until all the canvassing has been completed. He feels certain that within the next few days everyone who needs work  can be placed.

Those who are interested in securing a loan to aid with their finances kt college are also asked to register with Mias Gill, telling her the amount you wish to borrow and the time at which you will need the loan.

Welcome to “The School Of Quality"

With the opening of each succeeding college year we feel a new thrill. Each group of new students brings new friends, as well as some we have met elsewhere—at camp or conference, or perhaps someone we knew In childhood. All of these friendships make college an experience which becomes dearer as time goes on. Friendships formed at a Christian college usually last.

We greet you, all, old friends and new. That you are welcome only partly expresses our thoughts. Make friends while here, for already you have become a part of McPherson College. You have left on someone an impression which shall endure forever.

Welcome to our school. "T h e School of Quality."

Labor Is Honorable

"But they, while their companions slept,

Were toiling upward in the night.”

Perhaps Longfellow was not thinking of college students when he penned those lines. Yet bow truly they apply,- even here at McPherson College. There are students who are working while their companions are wandering Idly about, or in numerous instances while their companions, are literally sleeping. Of course, college students need to sleep. But for the student who has to budget his time so that he can work to earn his way through college, education has a real meaning. Work is honorable. It is fashionable. There are more students supporting themselves in college partly or wholly by work, than there are who come to college with all their expenses paid. Jesus of Nazareth was a laborer. He had learned the carpentry trade in boyhood. Why was it that for so long the youth of America looked down upon labor? Why did they hope that college would enable them to live without working?

Fortunately for America, labor has again become honorable in the sight of her youth. Students come to college and ask that they may work. The United States government, through the National Youth Administration, has made it possible for students to earn a part of their expenses through honest labor. In appreciation of this opportunity. college youth has responded with a willingness to be of public service while preparing for greater service.


place for menial development will grow upon us. The Young Men’s Christian Association is one of the organizations that endeavors to further the religious phase of this development. In order to do this effectively the help and cooperation of the young men of the college is needed.

Therefore, let us all join hands in a common enterprise; let us all take an active part in "Y" work, making this a successful and meritorious year.

Willard Flaming. President.

From the Y. W. C. A.

To every girl on the campus the Y. W. C. A. extends a warm welcome. We greet you as follow students and as companions in the search for the good, the beautiful and the true. We invite you to our organization with your highest ideals, your greatest enthusiasm and your most abundant resourcefulness. Our first meeting will he held Tuesday morning at 10:00 o’clock In the Y. W. room. We would be happy to meet you there.

Leta Wine, President.

From the College Church

The College Church extends a cordial invitation to students to attend and support her programs. Sunday School at 9:45 o’clock Sunday morn-ing is organized so that students may enter classes they like best. At 11:00 o'clock Reverend Zook preach-es sermons which will help young people to keep and enlarge upon the religious training they have received at home. College C. E. and Sunday evening sermons beginning at 6:30 will be positive supplements to any college program. Don't neglect your spiritual life, attend the College Church.

Blair Gives Commencement Address—Six Students    

Receive Degrees

Commencement exercises for six McPherson College graduates who completed their work during the summer term were held on July 26. Professor J. A. Blair, who resigned from the faculty last year, delivered the commencement address. Those who received degrees were: Dennis Andes, A. B.; Gulah Hoover, A. B.; Charles Strong, A. B.; Ralph Sweet-land. B. S.; Alice Unruh, A. B.; and Welcome Sondergard, A. B.

One hundred and forty-eight stu-dents were enrolled in the summer school this year at McPherson: Dr. S. D. Bright, newly appointed Dean of the College, acted as director of summer term. The faculty was made up of six of the regular staff, with. Miss Mary Fee of the University  of Kansas, Miss Minnie Mugler, and Miss Mattie Shay, both of Mc-Pherson, as guest instructors.

One of the features of the summer term which brought much favorable comment the series of lectures delivered by Miss May Hare of peka on the unit system of instruction. Teachers who plan to use this system found the lectures particularly helpful in preparing for their work.


Amelia Earhart Becomes Consultant On Careers For Women—

Also Aeronautics

Amelia Earhart, famous aviatrix, this week officially became a member of the teaching staff of Purdue University, where she has accepted a position as consultant in the department for the study of careers for women.

Miss Earhart plans to spend a

regular part of her time at the university, lecturing, conducting per-sonal conferences and initiating studies looking toward new career op-portunities tor women students in the university.

Dr. E. C. Elliott, president of Pur-due, also announced that the noted aviatrix will serve as a technical adviser to members of the staff and students in the aeronautics department of the university.    



The curriculum has been enlarged and enriched this year by the addi-tion of a number of new courses, the major addition being in the modern language department. 'A third year has been offered in both French and German courses.

Other new courses are Great Leaders of the Bible, being taught by Dr. Petry; Science Survey, by Profes-sor Bowman; some new subjects in the field of home economics by Miss Atkinson; and some few literature courses taught by Dr. Flory and Miss

THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935



Bulldogs Are Proud of New Athletic Field

To visit the McPherson College athletic field makes one feel that be is on the campus of some large university. The bleachers are so spacious. The track, field, lights, and fence all look so neat. The solid mat of grass adds a touch which makes the field truly a place of beauty. Coach Binford is certainly to be commended for his careful planning, his persistent effort in getting the approval of the plans, and for his untiring service in supervising the work on the field. M. C. shall always be proud of her athletic field.



THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935

Stoner has been named as field secretary for the College. Maxine Ring will assist Mrs. Roland Jones with her expression and nursery school in McPherson.

Orval Eddy will work with the C. R. Anthony stores. Leonard Wiggins, will be In the employ of the Farmers’ Alliance Insurance Company. Walter Weddle, is taking up farming at his home in Bloom, Kansas and John Friesen is in the insurance and investment business In Hutchinson.



Ten Out For Training Under Binford And Selves Were Team Members Last Year

Coach Binford called all his football men back to McPherson to begin practice Tuesday. Sept. 3. For the pre-season practice, twenty-three men reported. Since Monday night practice, the squad has enlarged to 34 men.

The coaches Binford and Selves have been working their men on fundamentals trying to find now material to replace that taken away by graduation.    |

From last year's squad of twenty-two men five regulars graduated, all of them having been named on either the all conference team or honorable mention. At present seven of the remaining seventeen members have failed to report for practice.

These men have reported regularly for practice:

Lettermen: Burress, 177, Blackwell. Okla.; Haun, 160, Parkerville; Zuhars, 160, Peabody; Vasqucz, 175. Lyons, Moore, 170, Colwell; Rein-ecker, 170, Qulnter; Rock, 173. Navarre; Barngrover, 184, McPherson; Crabb, 155, McPherson; Strat-man, 140, Geneseo.

Other men reporting are: McConn, 185, Oxford: Cornwell, 167, Inman; Vaughn, 159, Florence; Seidel, 166, McPherson: Ramsey, 180, Geneseo; Flory, 140, Preston, Monn.; Rode-lander, 210, McPherson; Wiggand, 170, Inman; Nace, 160, Alta Vista; Bollig, 170, Plainville; Andrews, 152, Rocky Ford, Colo.; Crumpacker, 166, Wiley Colo.; Stern, 170, Bognedgi, Minn.; Whiteneck, 162, Aline, Okla.; Toland, 152, St. John; Wade, 165, Lyons; Hapgood, 167, McPherson; Haskell, 168, Cottonwood Falls; Epps, 186, Fort Scott; Wagoner, 125, Hastings, Neb.; Rogers, 145, Corning, Iowa; Ramage, 176, Geneseo; Boyer, 210, Hutchinson.

Disregarding rumors that the plan has "political Implications," the Na tional Youth Administration this week throw Its machinery in high gear for the avowed purpose of helping thousands of needy college students to help themselves through school.

All officials in the administration either declined flatly to comment or emphatically denied that any political motives entered into the workings of the youth-aid plan, and throughout the country, the students themselves appeared to bo accepting their $15 per month stipend—and welcoming it—at its face value.

It was pointed out that the money


All hands on deck! And all students on the campus- tonight at 7 o’clock—for the annual "Y" watermelon feed. This event is staged jointly by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. as a get acquainted social tor the particular benefit of new students.

Games will provide entertainment from 7 o'clock till 8 o'clock. However, the chief purpose of this part of the social is to create sufficient appetite to consume all the melons which have been ordered.

A-brief program will be presented in the chapel, after which the students are to march out past the serving counter and receive their allotment of melon. "One at a time boys, don’t crowd."


Well! Another year has passed, and once more the Bulldog team is out for practice.

The squad of 1935 seems to be of much hotter quality and perhaps a little less quantity than in years past. But after all It only takes eleven good men to make a football team.

The loss of several of last year’s stars, most of whom were four-letter men. will give the starting team of this season a considerable change of personnel. However, by the looks of the equad the efficiency of the team should not be impaired.

"Binford Field” the only appropriate name for our new athletic field— is rapidly nearing completion. The bleachers are rapidly taking shape and the grass, which looks like a downy bed completely covers the field. Indeed, this field is something of which all McPherson Bulldogs, both past and present, should be proud.

It won’t be long now! The first football game of the season is Sept. 27 with Friends U. of Wichita. Every M. C. student should bo In attendance.


Morris and Son Drug Company invites the men of McPherson College to “College Night" next Friday, Sept. 20. They suggest that all the fellows keep that right open for an evening of entertainment at the store and at the Ritz Theatre. And don't make any dates—Men Only.


Smashing Molecular Structure Equipment Will Reveal How Matter Is Made Up

Construction of a huge atomic gun" to be used In obtaining now data on the composition of matter, Involving the artificial transmutation of various elements, this week was nearing completion at the California Institute of Technology.

The new piece of equipment makes use of a 15-foot-long porcelain vacuum tube, designed to operate at more than 1,000,000 volts. It will ho used In further atom-smashing experiments at the institute, including the artificial creation of radio-active substances.

While numerous complexities were noted in the combination which resulted when previous transmutation experiments have boon carried forward, these have made use of the lighter elements in general. With the now atomic "gun,” scientists at the institute hope to be able to bombard heavier elements to such an extent that new changes and combination can be studied.


Teaching Calls Most—Some Preach, Others Study Further

Out of last year’s graduating class of 47, at least 29 are definitely plac-ed in some field of activity for this year. Those who have teaching positions are: Dennis Andes, rural school; Harry Frants, Assaria; Gladys Riddell, Preston; Neva Root. Chase; Gulah Hoover, Cunningham; Margaret Oliver, Kipp; Walter Pauls, Kipp; Mildred Pray, Hope; Arlene Wampler, rural school; Faithe Ket-terman, Lorraine; Russell Carpen-ter, Newkirk, Okla.; Harold Binford, Buhler; Alice Unruh, rural school; David Duncanson, Wiley, Colorado.

John Goering, Elmer Staats, and Ronald Vetter have made plans to do graduate work at K. U. Galen Ogden and E. F. Weaver are entering the ministry. John Kauffman will continue his study for the ministry at an Evangelical Seminary in Illinois. Nurses training In the Bethany Hospital calls Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner. Corrine Bowers is Assistant Registrar of the College, and Sam


A sports magazine. "The Bull-rangle," successor to The Bulldog Bullet, is to be published by the Quadrangle staff before each home football game this season. As did the Bullet of last year, the Bull-rangle will contain pictures of the team, coaches, and cheerleaders. It will also present short articles about the other team.

McPherson merchants are supporting the Bullrangle financially so that it will be distributed without cost at the games. It will be printed by the McPherson Republican.


is designed not only to aid students who would otherwise be unable to

continue their college careers but that, in addition, these students are automatically prevented from becoming a part of the nation's great army of “unemployables."

In return for the allowance from the government, students qualifying for aid are expected to do an equivalent amount of “socially desirable" work, ranging from research work which otherwise could not be carried on to odd Jobs about the campus. None of the work is to become strenuous and no more than an amount equal to the $15 given to the various colleges and universities by the government Is expected, according to the plan.

Although students helped by the youth administration are ordinarily supposed to receive some financial aid from outside sources to supplement the government revenue, many, it was reported this week, are expecting to live almost entirely on the federal allowance.

In many cases this may be possible. after payment of inescapable first-of-the-term expenses by cooperative arrangements between groups of youth administration students for a division of living expenses. In such cases, by also dividing the household work, such as cooking, dishwashing, laundry work and

housecleaning, students in such cooperative groups expressed the belief that they would be able to "get by" with little outside private aid.

On most campuses, the youth administration workers will be assigned to various "projects," in line with the policy developed under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. College and university departments, therefore, are taking advantage of this opportunity to complete much research work—particularly the type requiring a large amount of statistical and observational studies — which otherwise would be neglected or delayed.

In the end, boosters for the government-sponsored "youth movement" predict that the country will bo benefited far more than the actual cash outlay required to administer the movement.

High school students in many cases also are being given aid—at the rate of $6 per month, where scholarship, financial circumstances and similar considerations justify.