The Spectator


Students to be Admitted to “Silver Cord” Dress Rehearsal

The admission price for the four-act play, "The Silver Cord, " to be presented Friday, November 23, has been set at 25 cents for students and 35 cents for adults. Present plans are to admit students to the dress rehearsal on Thursday night for 15 cents.

"The Silver Cord" presents a new angle of mother love. The mother, a victim of a loveless marriage, transfers the whole of her affection to her two boys and demands of then • the undivided devotion her dead husband had failed to give her. The younger son remains engulfed in her influence, but the older breaks away long enough to study architecture abroad. While there, he meets and marries a rising young research biologist. The play opens with the return of the couple to his home. The young wife soon senses the situation and the play develops into a struggle between the mother and wife for the possession of the son's soul. The play is full of dramatic situations, extreme irony, and powerful conflict of human emotions.

Merle Messamer has been appointed stage manager for the play, and Betty Lou Cameron is property manager: Maxine Ring is the student coach.

Dorothy Miller, Estelle Baile and Velma Watkins spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murrey.

Wanda Hoover visited her cousin in Wichita over the week end.

vol. xviii    McPherson college. McPherson, kansas, Thursday, nov. 8, 1934    number 9


Occupations and prerequisites in choosing occupations was the theme for discussion in Y. M. Tuesday morning. The meeting was opened with a devotional led by Ralph Sherfy and a violin solo by Franklin Hiebert. Dean Replogle then spoke on "Self Analysis as a Prerequisite to Choosing a Vocation. " He said that the emphasis of study should be on the individual rather than on the vocation. He also discussed the high, correlation between both interest and general intelligence and the likelihood of success in a given vocation.

"Prerequisites in studying the so-cial order before choosing a vocation" was then discussed by Paul Miller. He mentioned three things that should be considered, namely, broad understanding, keen insight, an specialized training.


Thursday, Nov. 8—Men's Debate try-out 6: 30 p. m.

Friday. Nor. 9—C. E. Party at Church Parlors, 7: 30 p. m.

Friday. Nov. 9—Women's Debate tryout, 3: 30 p. m.

Sunday, Nov. 11—College C. E. meeting, College Church, 6: 30 p. m.

Tuesday, Nov. 13—Regular Y. M. -Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.

Tuesday, Nov. 13—World Service group meeting. Y. W. room, 7 p. m.

Thursday, Nov. 15—Pep Chapel. 10 a. m.



Mary Miller Made President— System to Be Operated on Demerit Plan

At a general meeting last night, the girls in Arnold Hall elected officers and adopted some resolutions for their newly formed student government. Mary Miller was elected president: Leta Wine, vice-president: Leola Mohler, secretary: and Evelyn Glotfelty, Wanda Hoover, and Effie Suell were made proctors.

After the election there was a period of general discussion. It was decided that the grill room should be used for popping corn, feeds, and other entertainments of similar nature. Study signs may be placed on the door of a girl's room if she wishes to study or does not wish to be disturbed by friends. It was decided at this meeting to start a dormitory fund. Each girl will contribute 5 cents. This money will be used to send flowers or get-well cards to ill members, and to help finance open-house this year.

The student government in Arnold operates on a system of demerit points. When a member of the Hall gets eight demerit points against her, she is "campused" for a week. Demerits are acquired by such acts as coming in late without special permission, going out the fire escape after 7: 30 and any other acts that the governing body deems undesirable. This is the first time anything like this has been done in Arnold Hall and it is being watched with a great deal of interest.


Dr. Hershey To Be Assisted by Six Chem. Majors

The Chemistry Club has accepted an invitation from one of the Junior high schools of Wichita to give its Chemical Magic Show there tomorrow morning at 10: 45. This same performance was given before a Mc-Pherson College audience about three weeks ago, and proved to be a popular program.

Dr. J. W. Hershey with six members of the Chemistry Club will present the program. He will be assisted by Kenneth Weaver, Arthur De-Vor, and Homer Kimmel, Galen Glessner and Glenn Webb will put on some demonstrations. Gladys Riddell will care for some of the details of the program.


Miss Margaret Heckethorne had charge of the college librarians' round table discussion at the Kansas State Teachers' meeting, held in Hutchinson, Saturday, November 3, at the high school building. Miss Heckethorne was reelected to act in the capacity of chairman of this group.

Dr. D. P. O'Harra of Southwestern College, Winfield, spoke on the subject, "The College Library in a Changing Order. "

The meeting was then of an informal nature. Each librarian reported on projects and problems which had to be met in the work. These were discussed in general by the group.

Men's Debate Tryouts In Chapel Tonight

Five Men's Teams Will Be Chosen From Twelve Contestants Entered


Many Students Have Experience — Prepare for Winfield Tournament

Five men's teams will be chosen from the twelve men who are entering the men's debate tryouts tonight in the college chapel. The contest which is to begin at 6: 30 is open to the public.

Those men who are entering the contest are: LaMar Bollinger. Paul Booz who has had two years experience on the second team, John Goer-ing with one year on the varsity and two on the second team, Paul Heckman with one year on the second team, Alvin Lindgren who has had two years of experience on the Class B state championship team, Paul Miller, Kenneth Rudd, Elmer Staats with two years of varsity and one year of second team experience, Bernard Suttle, with one year on the second team, and Kenneth Weaver with one year of varsity experience.

Of the five men's teams to be chosen at least two teams will be limited to underclassmen, while it is possible that a third team may be eligible to enter into second team competi-tion.

The women who will enter the tryout Friday at 3: 30 are Betty Lou Cameron, Alberta Keller with four years of high school experience, Virginia Quiring, Gladys Riddell with two years experience on the women's varsity team, Emma Schmidt with one year on the team, Lela Siebert, and Ruth Spilman also with one year of experience. Three women's teams will be chosen.

This evening's contestants will be judged on their presentation of a five minute speech and three minutes or rebuttal. The judging will be done by members of the college faculty. The contest is open to the public.

Immediately after the contest pairings will be made and practice will begin in preparation for the interstate contest which is to be held at Winfield Dec. 7-8.


Engelbrecht is Co-Author of Popular Book, “Merchants of Death”

Dr. H. C. Engelbrecht, editor, writer, and lecturer has been engaged to present the second number on the lyceum course Friday, November 16, instead of November 28 as was formerly scheduled.

He is chiefly known for his co-authorship of the recently popular book, "Merchants of Death" in which he luridly relates the workings of the international arms racket. Dr. Engelbrecht is associate editor of "The World Tomorrow" and was formerly instructor of history in the University of Chicago. He is also associate secretary of the Committee on Militarism In Education.

Dr. Engelbrecht has probably made a more thorough investigation of the munitions question than any other man. This will be the subject of his discussion at the lecture.

The sale or Lyceum tickets on the campus closed with Homer Kimmel leading in number of sales. Other salesmen were Ralph Sherfy, Esther Bowers, Kenneth Weaner and Vernon Michael.

Two hundred thirty tickets were sold on College Hill. This is the largest sale of tickets in recent years. Increases were recorded in Central College and over the city as a whole.


Student Photographs Must Be In by

According to the count Tuesday night, ninety-four freshmen and eight sophomores have had their pictures taken for the Quadrangle.

It is necessary for the remainder of the freshman class to have their pictures in by Monday, November 12, so that the Quad can take advantage of a 30 per cent, discount from the engravers. A fine of 10 cents will be placed on all freshman who do not have their picture taken by that date.

The sophomores began to have their pictures taken Tuesday. This should be completed as soon as possible. The fine of 10 cents will apply to sophomores after Monday. No-

Co-operation of all students in this matter will be greatly appreciated by the Quad staff as it will expedite forming of the year book.

Glenn Webb, student editor, will call for the proofs at the studio and take them to Quadrangle office, room 12, Sharp hall. Students will call at this office for proofs between the hours of 9: 30 to 11: 30 a. m. every evening. Proofs must be returned to the office a few hours after they have been called for.



A three-course dinner served English style, was given last Thursday at 6 o'clock by Mildred Pray, host, and Mildred Siek, as a laboratory lesson in foods. Miss Colline, Mary Miller, Arlene Wampler, and Miss Atkinson were guests.


An elaborate Armistice Day program has been planned by the college International Relations Club to be presented in the college church Sunday evening at 7: 30.

The chief feature of the program will be a pageant presenting the nations of the world with the contribu-tion which each has made to our modern civilization. The pageant is under the direction of Maxine Ring

Other features of the program will be the reading of parts of the Armistice, parts of the speech of Harry! Emerson Fosdick at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the reading of


On Campaign Tuesday and Wednesday—From Chicago Theological Seminary

Dr. Wilhelm Pauck, professor of Church History at Chicago Theological Seminary, will be on the campus next Tuesday and Wednesday. While here he will be available for two chapels, for interviews, and for small group meetings. His wide experience and training should make possible a great contribution to the year's program of outside speakers.

Dr. Pauk was born and educated in Germany. He studied in the Universities of Berlin and Gottingeu as a part of his education in Germany and came to the Chicago Theologial Seminary in 1925 as an exchange student. Later he was appointed Professor of Church History and Historical Theology.

This year Dr. Pauck was released from his duties at the Seminary for the autumn quarter and is now travelling over the United States lecturing and otherwise contacting thousands of students.

Those who know Dr. Pauck in his work with students contend that there is nothing "dry" in his ap-proach to religious and other problems of college students. Thus the Religious Life Committee is extremely fortunate in being able to present Dr. Pauck to the students of McPherson.



The nineteenth edition of The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, a compilation of chemical and physi-facts, and mathematical tables, published by the Chemical Rubber Co, of Cleveland, Ohio, is being sold to students by Arthur DeVor. The book is especially valuable as a reference book for advanced students in chemistry and physics.


The freshman have won the right to be called champion debaters of McPherson College. They achieved this distinction last Monday evening when they vanquished the Juniors with intellectual bomb shells. The Forensic club met at 6: 15 p. m. in the chapel and in the main gave the freshmen little chance for victory. However Miss Keller and Mr. Lindgren concealed other ideas behind their spectacles. Immediately after introductory announcements proceeded to practice those ideas with fervor and success. Of the five judges, three favored the freshmen efforts and two the juniors.

The Forensic club will meet again two weeks from next Monday at the usual time, 6: 45.

Mr. Weaver, the program chairman, has some interesting programs planned which will be well worth at-tending.



Judge J. J. Heidebrecht of Mc-Pherson spoke to the College C. E. organization on Crime at the weekly meeting, Sunday.

Blair Wins Election On Democratic Ticket

Usual Republican Majority Slumps in County Superintendent Race


More Than One Hundred Thousand Favor Maintenance of Present Liquor Laws

Tuesday's election held more than common interest upon this campus, for Professor Blair won a victory and Kansas was voted into the dry column. Professor Blair was running for the office of County Superintendent of Schools to replace Miss Hattie Heckethorne, the Republican candidate.

Professor Blair, a candidate on the Democratic ticket, overcame the handicap of McPherson's usual Republican majorities and carried the county by a large plurality. Although the vote is not yet official, Professor Blair is said to be loading by a majority of seven to eight hundred

In a statement made yesterday morning in chapel, Professor Blair thanked his many friends of the College and former students who are now teaching in the county for the part they had in helping him to win the victory. The unusual interest which the entire student body had in the contest was evidenced by the rousing welcome they gave the victor at the Wednesday chapel service.

Students were also much interested in the fight between the wets and drys. The drys seems to have come through with a ringing victory. Returns show a majority of over one hundred thousand for the maintenance or our liquor statutes. McPherson county alone recorded sixty-four hundred votes in the No square whereas only twenty-six hundred re-sided in the Yes.


Barbara Lautz Visits Y. M. and Y. W. Organizations for Three Days

Miss Barbara Lautz is visiting the campus this week in the interests of the College Y. W. and Y. M. organi-

Miss Lautz is a graduate of the Kansas State College at Manhattan with the class of 1934. She is working as student secretary of the Rocky Mountain District under whose Jurisdiction the local clubs are governed. She represents the alumni group of the Y organizations.

Last evening a Joint Y. M. -Y. W. cabinet meeting was conducted by Miss Lautz. Today her time will be filled with individual cabinet members and any others who wish to confer with her on any problem. This evening another cabinet meeting will be held. Her time Friday will he occupied with meetings and individual sessions.

Miss Lautz is very interested and well qualified for this type of work. An a student at Manhattan, she spent much of her time as a Y leader.

Those who wish a conference with Miss Lantz should see Velma Keller and arrange for a time for such an appointment.


William D. Upshaw, militant dry leader and prominent lecturer, spoke yesterday evening at the Central College auditorium on "John and His Hat. " The lecture is one that Mr. Upshaw often gives on the chautau-qus platform and it has always been a popular address. It concerned, patriotism and community building.

Yesterday morning Mr. Upshaw spoke at both colleges and to the

I high school students of the city. His address to the college students was "Students Who Win, " and his high school talk was “Pluck and Purpose. "

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter Novemember 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3. 1897.

Subscription Rates For    Address All Correspondence to

One School Year    THE SPECTATOR


Business Manager    Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr.    Franklin Hiebert

Assistant Circ. Mgr. Harley Stump


Barbara Petz    John Friesen    Paul Booz

Mike Vasquez    Kurtis Naylor    Orval Eddy    Agnes Bean

luck; it is the people who are too shallow to receive them.

Failure lies largely in self-defeat; people usually defeat themselves. Success lies in getting depth into life. Men become great and useful because they are ready to welcome oportunity when it comes. Opportunity really comes to every normal youth, but only he who is prepared for it recognizes it as an opportunity.

Whatever your place in life may be, get ready for a bigger place. Deepen your life! Learn all you can about your work! Fill your place so full that it cannot hold you. And all the while you will be deepening the

harbor into which ship-loads of opportunities will sail.

Life is too rich and beautiful, too short and fleeting, to spend any time in blaming failure of others. Success or failure is largely of one’s own choosing. The court of life accepts no alibi. We are here to live a span of years, and it is our privilege to use every opportunity to widen the influence of that span.

We can take the easy course, which means a shallow course, and complain that we had no opportunities to improve our lives. Or we can charter a course which means a deepened course, and be rich with opportunities to enlarge our influence and to impress the world in which we are privileged to live.

It’s really up to you!

—Wouter Van Garrett

O. U. Student Editor Discharged for Outspokenness

By College News Service Eugene, Ore. —Because he delved too heavily into Oregon’s political setup, Douglas Polivka, editor of the Oregon Daily Emerald, student newspaper of Oregon University, was removed from office last week by order of the student executive council.

Efforts to reinstate Polivka failed after member of his staff had circulated the necessary petition for a general student mass meeting to vote on the issue. The vote resulted in 124 in favor; 323 against.

Polvika assertedy printed "objectionable' insinuations in an editorial, written by him, which were "antagonising” to the new Oregon state educational system.

Orlando J. Hollis, Oregon law professor, stated at the student mass meeting: "The editorials in question struck me as being of a destructive nature, with no good to be gained from their publication. There was a needless antagonising of the state board of higher education, a candidate for governor and prominent newspapers of the state. "

The instructor charged that the editorials were against the interests of all phases of the university- -faculty, administration and students alike.

The editor cannot be expected to be in possession of all the facts regarding state officers and state affairs. ” Hollis added.

Members of Polivka’s staff repudi-ated charged his inability to main-tain a successful staff, for which the editor was officially removed. "We declare our undivided alliegence to him and reiterate our demand that he be reinstated at once as editor, ” they announced.

"We believe the charges against Mr. Polivka are there subterfuge and do not give any valid reasons for his removal, " they added in the petition for his reinstatement.

Last Sun. nite we caught Ernie Sweetland playing the lead in a modern drama (like you read in Hairbreadth Harry). Now in this play Ernie was cast in the role of the galloping horse—which role fitted him very well, don't you think?

What three well know romeos (two students and one has been) were seen gulvinating round the countryside Sunday nite in a VS with some new found lady friends? Well, all we gotta say is that Sam Stoner better watch his associate editor.

We're quoting Blair again. He says that if you want to teach language properly you shouldn't get up and say, “I didn't wanta went; if I had wanta went. I wouldn’t have got

It seems to us that our neighbor columnist is a wee bit rancid in his diatribe of last week: also a bit overbearing, rank, reeking, putrid, offensive, nasty, filthy, foul, or what have you. Especially on some subjects. (Pardon the grammatical structure. ) For instance, last week he made a dirty crack about a cer-, tain girl having had three dates all within two consecutive days. Now we can’t see as how there was anything particularly wrong about such conduct, and we hold this observation to be entirely out of place, especially inasmuch as there is at the present time a concerted effort being made to arouse more interest and action in dating. Our hunch is that it is just a bunch of sour grapes— you know Zilch hasn't been so lucky at love of late, and he doesn't play cards.

But to leave such irritating sub-jects and apply ourselves to the business of the week. Here's a rich one that actually happened last week in one of Blair’s classes.

Blair—Name some objectives of learning languages.

Prather—One is to get a good control of your mother’s tongue.

Which reminds us of another. A boy asked his father why they called our language the mother tongue. "Because, ” he said, ‘father never


Many New Volumes Are Purchased and

Contributed to College Library

gets to use it. "

A headline says "nudists go unin-dicted. " No wonder—the grand Jury couldn’t pin a thing on them.

Part of a college education is learning that

teams in other parts of the country also play pretty fair football. (We’re rapidly finding that

Theysitlikethisuponaseat And now and then they kiss,

And then he says some darn fool thing.

And then they sit

Like ........................................ this.

"Intoxicated driving, uncontrolled thumbing, and indiscriminate spooning, " a traffic report declares, "are among the major menaces of our highway safety. " Or to put it even more briefly, hic, hike, and hug.


In chemistry club last Thursday, reports of scientific interest were given by Helen Anderson, Virgil Brallier, John Moore, Annabelle McGaffey, Paul Heaston, Lee Marquis Haun, Lucille Cole, Paul Prather, Otho Clark, Jesse Miller, Lyle Brower, Emerson Chisholm and Leola Mohler.

EDITORIAL STAFF Make-up Editor    Donald Brumbaugh



With the modern day college student with all of his freedom there is a tendency to criticize anyone who takes issue with popular whims and fancies. By noon last Thursday (the day of the Swede funeral in pep-chapel) the report had become widespread that Dr. Schwalm in his class following the pep-chapel had severely trounced the idea of such activities in a harshly condemnatory fashion. Careful investigation of the matter revealed that Dr. Schwalm had been ruthlessly misrepresented and that his ideas are decidedly not objectionable to any rational mind.

College students should be and probably are capable of understanding the expressed thoughts of another person and giving them correct interpretation when reporting them, and that the practice of such distortion as found its way into the retelling of Dr. Schwalm’s remarks last Thursday is a prejudicial and pernicious outrage. The potential evils lurking in the track of this incident alone are sufficient to condemn the practice. Students who do not have personal contact with Dr. Schwalm may on the strength of last Thursday’s gossip build up the completely erroneous idea that our president is unsympathetic and overriding. This prejudice would have a powerful dissolving effect on the spirit of socialized college life, and once it is introduced it is hard to neutralize, even with abundant evidence to the contrary. Dr. Schwalm’s leniency after our football victory Thursday night will be forgotten long before the subtle effects of Thursday morning’s misrepresentation has worn off. Such blundering mistakes occur rather commonly in ordinary conversation. After all, the definite purpose of conversation is to further the better understanding of the person we are talking with and persons whom we are talking about. If we are to raise our standards of association from dischordant misunderstanding to harmonious adjustment and comprehension we must realize that this is the end and strive consciously toward it.


Every opportunity is like a ship loaded with cargo. As it nears harbor

it signals to come in. But whether or not the ship gets into the port depends largely on the harbor The shallow harbor can receive only the small ships. Only the deep harbors can receive the large ships.

It is not by chance that big ships come to deep harbors; nor is it by accident that small ships seek shal-low harbors. It is not by chance that big opportunities come to folk who are capable of using them: nor is it an accident that small opportunities come to people who are shallow and shiftless.

To dig the harbor deeper, so that big ships may enter, is hard work.

and costs a great price. It is so easy to let the big ships sail by, and to leave the harbor shallow. To deepen a life so that big opportunities may signal to enter, is also hard work, and it costs great effort and close application. But that deep life, like the deep harbor, is the one to whom great opportunities come.

A normal life can be dug deep enough to receive the best opportunities in art or trade or profession. It is not the opportunities that


Agues Bean........................    ...........Nov. 7

Alvin Goering..............    ................. Nov. 8

Phyllis Powers.................................... Nov. 9

Wilard Flaming .................Nov. 9

Lowell Brubaker.............................. Nov. 13

Gerald Custer................................... Nov. 13

Van Hunt........................................... Nov. 15


We got this one hot off the griddle

from the dramatic arts class. The class was studying Robert (Bobby) Burns and Miss Lehman was telling the young hopefuls how to remember the name of the poet. "Just think of an English policeman and a fire, " she said. Quoth one bright young thing in the back of the room. "How do you know it wouldn’t be Robert Browning? "

Somebody put salt in all the beds on 3rd floor of Arnold two nights ago. Of course, 2nd floor wouldn’t know anything about that....

And by the way—who in the wide wide world could have done such a nasty deed as to put the Swede cof-fin on the second floor fire escape landing of Arnold about last Saturday nite? We knew there were some mighty dead souls around, but we didn’t know they were so far gone as to require burial.

Notice—hereinafter all persons are requested to air themselves quite thoroughly before coming into government class—that is, if they have just been indulging in the nasty weed.

Lloyd Mochlman, writing on the board in history class:     Charles V

was born in 1520 and became ruler of Spain in 1506.

Oh yeah, we also hear that Oliver Andrews got a letter the other day addressed to Mrs. Oliver Andrews. Come, come, my pet, what does this mean? Are you hiding something from mother?

News flash! While Chet and Esther were in Hutch last week end they stopped and looked in all the jewelry store windows; also furniture stores. Now what could this mean? We’ll guess with you.

One of the new books to be purchased is "John Hay" by Tyler Bennett. This is an intimate study of John Hay, one of our greatest sec-retaries of state.

"The History of English Poetry, ” in six volumes by W. J. Courthope; "Italian Rennaissance in England" by Lewis Einstein: "The Book of the Courtier" by Castiglione, "Sir Phillip Sidney" by J. A. Wilson; "The Term Paper" by Charles Cooper and Edmund Robins: and Thomas Lodge's "Rosalynde" have all been purchased recently for the English and English literature classes.

The Carnegie endowment presented the "Carnegie Endowment for In-ternational Peace Year Book 1934, " Guyer’s "Animal Biology" was presented by Dr. Harnly, and, "The Aen-id of Virgil” was presented by Vernon Michael.

"The Foundations of Biology" by j Woodruff and "Animal Life" by D. S. Jordan and Kellog have been purchased for the biology department.

Other books purchased were "The Amateur Choir Trainer" by Henry Coleman, "American Literature as an Expression of the National Mind” by Russell Blankenship, and "Industrial Arts in Modern Education" by W. T. Bawden.

Harvard to Offer New Courses for Graduates

In the November 3 issue of "School and Society” it is stated that the

Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration has announced that an extra session designed both for recent college graduates and men with some business experience.

Students will have the some in-struction under the same faculty and will receive full academic credit, but the session will be shorter and more compressed thus reducing expenses.

Dr. Caliver State Opinion About Negro Education

Dr. Ambrose Caliver gives his opinion on the problem of furthering the advancement of the education of Negroes in the October issue of the "School Life. "

He says that two factors should be considered, the attitude of the public and of school officials and the attitude of the Negroes themselves. The Negro must be determined to inform himself concerning education and must use that information intelligently, sanely and courageously to the utmost extent.

THE RECOMPENSE Of every step I took in pain I had some gain, or every night of blind excess I had reward of hald-dead idleness. Back to the lone road With the old load!

But rest at night is sweet To wounded feet:

And when the day is long

There is miraculous reward of song.

Arthur DeVor demonstrated the combustion of iron in oxygen, oxygen and hydrogen, and pure fuel gas. The boiling point of water in a partial vacuum was demonstrated by Galen Glessner and Glen Webb.


The representative girl contest will close November 15. Students who give their orders for Quads and who specify the approximate date they will make a down-payment, will be

their choice in this contest. Quads will be $3. 25 until the close of the contest when the price will advance to $3. 50, and will continue to advance throughout the year.

Urma Abuhl of Ankeny, Iowa, visited her sister Pauline during Homecoming.

Glee Goughnour entertained her sister, Inez, of Des Moines, Iowa, during Homecoming.

Faye Sandy visited in Nickerson during the week-end.

THURSDAY, NOV. 8. 1934    _ _ PAGE THREE

Casual Observer Notices Types

Of Students Seen In the Library

knows she should be doing something else; she has never formed the close friendships that can be made so easily in doing something silly with a companion but which can never be made through grinding, for one ran only grind alone.

I sink farther down into my chair and rest my head on the back, and my eyes alight on two freshman boys studying rhetoric. They have Roget's Thesaurus before them, and sit with furrowed brows, copying from it. Occasionally they stop, look at each other, and sigh with the burden of their work. Then they bend again to their task, write industriously for perhaps 60 seconds, then repeat the

entire performance. A "rowdy''

comes dashing In. two steps at a time. One of the freshmen wads up a piece of paper and tosses it at him. His aim is good, and the shot is returned. The battle rages furiously for a lew seconds until the librarian comes and tells them that they can do their shot-putting on the track field. The "rowdy”

leaves the library, and the two

freshman return sheepishly to their work. A few minutes later they decide they have finished their exer

cise—it does not matter how it is done as long as it is done—slam their notebooks shut, toss Roget's Thesaurus back on the shelf—it may or may not be in the right place: let the librarian worry about that!— and dash from the library like hounds just set free from the leash.

The back of my head is becoming tender from prolonged contact with the hardwood of the chair, and as I shift to a new position, my eyes alight on a boy in the reading room. He is avidly scanning the newspapers. I know I have often before seen this same boy spend hours in the reading room, but never have I seen him sit and study from a textbook. In fact, I believe that he never has his assignments prepared, but if the class talk turns to contemporary affairs or men, he can always identify them and lead a lively discussion. Now he throws down his newspaper, picks up a scientific magazine, and leafs through it. Ah! He has found something that interests him, for he settles himself comfortably in one big arm-chair with his feet up on another, and is soon buried in the article. Now, could his activity be called "study'' just as, for

It is growing later and the study room and reading have become deserted: I must look to the reference room for further diversion. Ah, there is a girl I particularly like and admire. She is writing avidly, but occasionally she raises her head and looks at around as if in search of an idea. Then her pen starts moving rapidly again, as if it has a hard time keeping ahead of her onrushing thought. When her companion across the table suddenly asks her a question, she quickly finishes a sentence, then pauses with her pen in mid-air to answer it. Evidently the answer does not quite suit her friend, and they become engaged in animated conversation. The girl seems to have forgotten that she came to the library to study. But no, after a minute or two of discussion, the question seems to be settled and she returns to her writing. This is the reason I admire her so: she is such a happy combination of intellect and fun.

Oh, the five-thirty whistle is fog-horning its way into my consciousness, followed by the librarian's peremptory "closing time!" I shake myself awake, gather my numerous unopened books, and drag myself out into the brilliant sunlight. I stand

game and to visit with friends at McPherson College.

Miss Esther Brown was here from Hutchinson Thursday evening for the Bethany-McPherson College football game and to visit relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Hermit Hays were here from Little River Thursday evening for the football game between McPherson and Bethany College. Both are former college students.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Bowman of Ellinwood, Kansas, were here Thursday evening to attend the Bethany College-McPherson College football game and to visit with friends.

Mr. and. Mrs. William Bigham of St. John. Kansas, were here Thursday evening for the football game.

Guy Hayes was here from Roxbury last Thursday evening for the game and to visit with friends at McPherson College where he was formerly a student.

Clayton Rock went to his home in Navarre Friday. He returned Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barngrover, both former M. C. students, attended the Bulldog-Swede game Thursday

Here I sit in the library with many tasks before me, but no will to complete any one of them. I seem to be in that peaceful state of mind that comes just before falling to sleep; my physical being is suspended between consciousness and unconscious-ness, and my thoughts wander hither and thither, entirely beyond my control. It is late afternoon and the sun streams in through the windows and is reflected into my eyes from the table in such a way that it is impossible to read. I stroll languidly over to the window and. after several fruitless attempts, succeed in teasing a shutter into obeying my efforts to lower it. Then when I return to my table, I find that shutting off the light had made the vicinity too dark for reading, I loll in one of the large chairs and realize vaguely that a straight chair would be much more conducive to study. Study! Is anyone studying? I gaze around me and see that there are several of my classmates engaged in what each would call study. But how differently they go about it!

From my vantage point in the study room. I see over in the reference room the typical grind. She is sitting with her back toward the entrance way and has numerous schol-arly-looking books spread before her. She is reading industriously, occasionally Jotting down notes. A kitten strolls nonchalantly in from the open doorway, and even the librarian titters, but the grind is entirely oblivious. She has eyes for only her book, and evidently she has no ears, or if she has, they hear only the sound of the words she is reading. Tomorrow she will have every lesson fully prepared, she will be able to answer every question. Her brow need not be furrowed as she waits for the professor to pronounce the name of the student who is to answer his question: she need develop no inferiority complex through being nimble to respond in class. She has read everything assigned and many references beyond the assignment. And yet, it seems to me that she is missing much of the pleasure of college life: she has never known the pure joy of doing one thing just because she

instance, that of the grind is "study?" Perhaps not, but I think that he is gaining as good, or perhaps better, an education as the grind. She has indeed filled her head full of facts, but they are in no log-ical array, and outside the classroom she is unable to call them to mind for any practical purpose. The newspaper and magazine-rending boy will have his facts always on the tip of his tongue, for being of current interest, they will often be discussed : and, then, by frequent discussion or repetition, he will learn them so well that he will remember them. Surely, too, affairs that concern people vitally today will aid much more in the integration of personality than

hard, dry facts known perhaps a thousand years ago. And is not the aim of education to develop personality?

My head suddenly jerks forward and I realize that I was just on the point of dozing off. As my eyes become wide open, I notice a boy sit-ting at the next table. He has an open book before him, but is staring out of the window with a spring-feverish look. Another boy, a friend of his, comes along and "swats" him on the shoulder. The first boy returns the "‘swat'" with a hail-fellow-well-met expression on his countenance, and a noisy conversation en-sues. The librarian bustles out of her inner room, taps the bell on the desk several times, puts her fingers to her lips, and looks meaningly at the two hoys. They immediately stop talking and turn their backs to the librarian, but I can see them grinning, and soon their shoulders begin to shake with suppressed laughter. They have accomplished something in having caused the librarian to reprimand them. Now the second boy passes on out of the library and the first returns to his staring out of the window. After several minutes of pure gazing, he picks up his lone book, and strolls from the library, watched his, he has not once glanced at the printed page before him. He uses the library only as a place to see his friends, and brings a book along merely to keep up the pretense of studying.


Maxine Ring, Jo Wagoner, Dorothy Matson, Virginia Yankee, Merle Messamer, Donald Brumbaugh, and Paul Booz were among the McPher-son College students who attended the

Hedgerow Players' presentation. "Beyond the Horizon, " in Wichita Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Van Nortwick, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Keck, and Mrs. Kenneth Burton, all of Summer-field, Kansas, were in McPherson over the week-end for the College Homecoming activities. While here, they were guests of Archie Van Nort-wick.

Among the college students who attended the play in Wichita Friday evening were Faithe Katterman, Neva Root, Modena Kauffman, Wanda Hoover, and Donald Evans.

Miss Una Ring and Miss Alice Bozarth spent the week-end in Mc-Pherson. Miss Ring, who teaches in the Kingsdown, Kan., schools, is a graduate of last year. She and Miss Bozarth attended the state teacher's meeting in Hutchinson Saturday.

Miss Margaret Schwartz, a former M. C. student, visited friends over the week-end. She is now attending the University of Kansas at Lawr-

John Wagoner visited College Hill friends over the week-end. He formerly attended school here.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins of Cherokee, Oklahoma, have been vis-iting their daughter. Miss Bessie Hawkins, a college student.

Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Petry, Miss Della Lehman, and Miss Edith McGaffey attended the Hedgerow Player's productions in Wichita last week-end.

Caroll Walker, a former student at McPherson College, was here from Norway, Kansas, where he is teaching to attend the game Thursday evening and visit College Hill friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diggs of Harlow, Kansas, were here Thursday evening to attend the Bethany Col-lege-McPherson College football

there blinking my eyes and gather-ing my scattered wits, and reflect that even if I do not have my assignments for tomorrow, I have had a most interesting lesson in human


Marvin Poland was at his home in Lyons over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston were in

McPherson the past week-end and attended the game Thursday evening.

Daniel Zook's parents were visitors in McPherson Sunday.

George Lerew was a visitor on the campus over the week-end.

Fred Doyle and Everett Brown were guests at the wedding of Eber Tice and Florence Weaver in Wichita, former students.



Zuhars, Crabb, Pauls and Haun Amass Count for Bulldogs— Homecomers View Team at Its Best.

The McPherson College Bulldogs unleashed a driving type of football, such as they have not shown at any time this season and crushed their traditional rivals, the Bethany Swedes, last Thursday night in the annual Homecoming game for both schools. The final score was 26-0.

The Binford-Selves aggregation had a punch that sent them through and around the Swede line and brought joy to many Bulldog alumni that were here for the Homecoming activities. Delbert "Red” Crabb, at the quarterback position, handled the team and maneuvered the plays in such a way as to get good results from the

power plays and deception

An extremely large crowd saw a determined hunch of Bulldogs march down the field, after gaining possession of the ball, and score a touchdown before the Swedes had the ball. The entire Bulldog team was clicking

nicely and the rejuvenated line-up was a Joy for the McPherson funs to watch.


McPherson scored three times in the first half with Pauls, Zuhars, and Crabb making the counters. Haun made one kick good and the half ended with the score 19-0.

The Bulldog seconds gave a good account of themselves while they were in the game. They held the Swedes creditably and even gained against them. With some of the third string line in the game, the Swedes passed and ran their way to a couple of first downs. Then the Bulldog line held and soon Couch Melvin J. Binford had sent in almost all of his first team line.

The Bulldogs scored once In the last half and that when Burress kept driving at the center of the line until he crashed over for a touchdown. Haun's placekick was good to complete the scoring for the evening. McPherson just missed another score by three inches when Burress smashed into a bunch of Swede players who held him right on the goal line. That being the fourth down, the Swedes took possession of the ball and punted out of danger.

All in all the Canines had a punch and drive that brought results. The entire squad and the coaches allured in the big game of the year and the Bulldogs' Homecoming celebration was a huge success.

The Bulldogs hit their full stride in their third conference game of the season. Everything was working, against the Swedes Thursday night. The backs were driving hard, and the linemen were blocking effectively. It's the first time this season that the entire team has been working together.

While the Bulldogs were pouring it on the Swedes. Baker was taking a 7 to 0 fall at the hands of Wesley-an. This leaves the conference all tied up in the percentage column. Wesleyan and Baker are tied for first place, McPherson and C. of E. for second and Ottawa and Bethany for third.

However small it may be, there is still a chance for McPherson to win a clear cut title. This can be done only if McPherson wins her remaining two conference games and if Ba-ker and Wesleyan lose to Bethany and C. of E. respectively. If the Bulldogs win their remaining games they will have a tie for first place cinched.

Coaches Binford and Selves used a total of 30 men against the Swedes. It was found that many different combinations worked equally well. The team is greatly strengthened by these equally-capable substitutes.

Monday was the first call for regular basketball practice, and some very good promising material showed up. Johnston was the only veteran of last year's squad who was out. Some of the new material that showed up well are Herrold, Kauffman, Naylor and Wendell Doll. Other will not begin practice until after football season is over.

The Bulldog's seconds won a hard-fought battle with Sterling College by a score of 7-18. Every player on the squad with the exception of the first team saw action. The scores for the Bulldogs were made by Flory, De-Coursey and Stratman. It looked as though it was Flory's day because he averaged about 5 yards every time he lugged the ball.

The two Swede players that were hurt were never as seriously ill as the newspapers had stated. They were both out of the hospital by Sunday noon. Doak sustained a brain concussion on the opening kickoff and Lemon a spine injury in the last paly of the game.

Lemon was the one Swede player that was in on every play. Playing at right end he worked effectively. He looked good enough to make most anybody's ball club.

C. of E. played Ottawa in the rain last Friday. The score was 9 to 0 in C of E.'s favor. It is reported that the red and white men looked good even in the rain and mud and will furnish plenty of competition for the Bulldogs.

The Bulldogs will have plenty to do next Friday afternoon at Emporia. This is a crucial point in the Canine schedule. The support of all students will be needed if a victory is to be


The conference standing at the present time is Baker, Kansas Wesleyan, College of Emporia, and McPherson College—all tied for first place. One of the latter two teams is bound to topple front the top. Both teams seem to be evenly matched, and both teams are in good physical shape. This is the first time for many years that these two teams have met in football, although they fought it out last year in basketball and McPherson and C of E both tied for first place in the conference.

Another reason why this is an interesting game is that Conch Selves formerly played for C of E before he came to McPherson as Ass't Coach. And those three gold footballs you see occasionally strung across his chest go to prove that they don't turn out weak teams over

The Binford-Selves crew however has the fight as was shown in the "Terrible Swede” game, and therefore are bound to win if they get the moral support they should have.

gained. If you can not be at the game, be ready to give the team a peppy send off—it helps!

"There us nothing in the world that in human hands does not lend itself to abuse.”—Mahatma Ghandi.


A program of music appreciation In which hymns were featured was given In the November sixth meeting of the World Service Club.

Wanda Hoover, Dave Metzger, Joy Cullen, Edna Rieste, and Paul Turner contributed with stories about the songs and the singing of the hymns.

At the next meeting of the World Service Group the subject for discussion will be prayer.

Next Sunday the group will hold music, group singing, and readings an Armistice Day program. Special will bo special numbers in connection with the peace program.

"I have no expectation of making a hit every time I come to bat.”— President Roosevelt.



Miss Mildred Pray, art student of McPherson College, has received word that her oil painting at the fourth congressional district had re-ceived second prize. She will now have an opportunity to enter her picture in the state contest at Pittsburg April 1.

The officials of the district called Mildred Pray and asked that she enter one of her pictures in the contest. The picture represented was an oil painting

of Pike's Peak.

Everett Fasnacht visited friends on the campus this week.

Lois Hoffert, who has been ill for several weeks, is again back to normal.


W. A. A. softball ended for the season last Wednesday when Florence DeCoursey's team defeated Phyllis Barngrover's in the tournament. The following were chosen for the varsity softball team: Faye Sandy, Florence DeCoursey, Phyllis Barngrover, Leola Mohler, Esther Bowers, Pauline Abuhl, Alberta Keller, Glee Goughnour, Viola Rothrock and Martha Hursh.

The girls will begin playing volley-ball soon. Those who wish to participate in this sport should sign the notice on the bulletin board.