The Spectator



Plans were announced this week for a mass meeting of prohibition workers in youth circles to be held at the First Methodist church Monday evening at 7 o'clock. After refreshments every student will be given an opportunity to take some practical action in the interest of prohibition in view of the election on the following day.

The meeting is being held under the direction of the McPherson Youth Council and the District Christian Endeavor society. The work which is to be done is to serve a double purpose of urging citizens to vote and to present the facts concerned with the prohibition question.


Thursday, Nov. 1.—Chemistry club meets in chemistry lecture room at 4:30.

— Football game with Bethany Swedes, at 8:00 p. m.

Saturday, Nov. 3—Homecoming social in Y. W. room.

Sunday, Nov. 4.— Regular C. E. meeting.

Tuesday. Nov. 6.—Y. Organizations meet at 10:00.


Services Commemorate Noble Life of Jinx — Program Arouses Interest

The heat from the burning of "Oley," the Swede, is being used to generate energy in the form of pep and the will to win the college Homecoming game with the Bethany Swedes this evening. Students met in a body Wednesday evening on the football practice field, north of the campus, to enjoy amid songs and cheers, the gruesome spectacle of the cremation. A magnificent funeral was held this morning to commemorate the remains which were once a living creature, "Oley.” jMourners who performed on this sad occasion were Jimmy Hawkins, John Dunn, Bernice Keedy, Dorothy Miller, Velma Watkins, Kenneth Weaver, and Twyla Reed. The pall-bearers were Lamar Bollinger, Lawrence Boyer, Victor Meyers, Lyle Brower, Kurtis Naylor, and Glen Snell.


Cast Includes Only Five Major Roles—Maxine Ring Directs Production

Practices have begun in earnest for "The Silver Cord,” the three-act play by Sidney Howard which the dramatic art class will present Friday. November 23. In the college auditorium.

The play is a powerful drama of a mother whose possessive love binds her sons to her long after they are grown men. The action of the entire play is carried by the small cast of five major characters. The mother, Mrs. Phelps, is played by Neva Root. Donald Evans and Paul Booz are her two sons, David and Robert. The role of Christina, David’s wife, is carried by Virginia Yankee, and Faithe Ket-terman appears as Hester, Robert's' fiance. The non-speaking port of a maid is taken by Dorothy Matson.

Almost all of the action takes place in Mrs. Phelps' drawing room, but one scene is laid in David's little bed-


Juniors Will Meet Freshmen In

Last Event to Decide Class Championship

The debate champions of McPher-son College will be determined next Monday night at the meeting of the Forensic Club.

This championship final was made possible by the victory of the freshmen over the sophomores at last Monday's meeting. Previously the Juniors had taken the seniors into camp so that as things are now the freshman team of Alberta Keller and Alvin Lindgren will meet the Juniors. Paul Heckman and Paul Booz.

The debates thus far have been filled with color and interesting examples of debating technique. Some new talent is turning up, in fact, unusual as it is to note, the three re-maining members of last year's varsity team have been defeated in the inter-class debates. With the prospects for new interest and larger numbers in debate tryouts. Professor M. A. Hess announced at Monday's meeting of the Forensic Club, that five men and three women teams would be

taken to the first tournament of the year at Southwestern College.

Loyal support of debate activities of the college can well be inaugurated by attending the climax to the inter- class debates next Monday evening at 6:30 p. m.


Miss Wilcox, leader of the college orchestra, is planning to go to the State Teachers Meeting, held at Salina, Friday and Saturday of this week. Miss Wilcox has been put in charge of the string section of the orchestra division. She will give a ten minute talk and demonstration on some of the fine points of the string section with the Salina Eighth Grade Orchestra to assist her. The orchestra will play two numbers at sight in the demonstration. Mr. Lebo is in charge of the orchestra group at the meeting.

Large Audience Attends One-Act

Plays Presented by Drama Class

The dramatic art class, under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, presented four one-act plays in the col-lege chapel last Friday evening. The auditorium was crowded for the pro-

"In the Darkness," a tragedy by Dan Totheroh.,was directed by Galen Ogden. The story involves a western farm woman, Lissie, who decides to elope with a sheep herder, Arth, because her husband, Nathan, seems no longer to care for her and has even begun to drink. In the end, when Lizzie learns that Nathan is almost blind and has acted queer for that reason, she decides to stay with him. Modena Kauffman was realistically


Bulldog Grads to Have Meetings In Hutchinson and Salina

Two McPherson College Reunions, Friday, will bring together many former students. Kennel graduates of fromer years will meet at Salina and Hutchinson at 5:30 to chat of old times on the M. C. campus.

“Join the Round Up," the slogan for the Salina Bulldogs will call, together the alumni, according to program pamphlets sent out. A banquet to be served at the First Christian Church at Eighth and Walnut Streets will bring forth songs and memories.

The reuinioners at Hutchinson will convene at the Brethren Church at corner of Eighth and Ford.

drab and subdued as Lissie, but at moments she displayed the results of her pent-up emotions, Galen Ogden won the sympathy of the audience in his portrayal of the blind Nathan. Mildred Gordon was calm and unruffled in the role of Nathan's hard-working sister, Beas. The part of Arth was fittingly played by Ar-cbie Lindholm.

Faithe Ketterman was the student coach of “The Unseen,” a comedy by Alice Gerstenberg, Jeffry Baldwin, an architect, and his wife. Lois, are plagued with a stupid Swedish servant, Hulda. Through her neglect to deliver a telegram, Mr. Baldwin falls to win a prize for his plans for a city, but the disaster turns into a blessing whan the couple learns that

Home Comers Invited To Four Day Program

Many Alumni Are Expected to Attend Game Here This Evening


Students May Attend Social Saturday of Accompanied by Alumnus or Parent

Homecoming this year will stretch over a period of four days. Many of the alumni will be returning for the game tonight, when the Bulldogs tangle with

the Vikings from the college up north. With prospects for a close game producing good football and with the added prospect of another win for the locals, a large group of former students is expected. Since tomorrow and Saturday are given to teachers' meetings over the entire state, the alumni will not be formally entertained until Saturday night. All alumni then returning and all Homecomers are invited to a social affair, which will be held at 7:30 in the Y. W. room. The entertainment is sponsored by the Alumni Association of the College.

Any student accompanied by a parent or two, or escorted by a Homecomer, is eligible to attend. Members of the football squad, as other honor guests, may come singly, doubly, or in any agreeable fashion.

Sunday morning Dean F. A. Rep-loglo will preach the Homecoming sermon.

Mrs. Rush Holloway, an alumna, has charge of the arrangements of the social evening while Edith Mc-Gaffey and J. D. Bright are the offi-city planning committee for Homecoming.


Once again hide-bound tradition is spurned and dignified seniors may retain their dignity: freshmen are denied the opportunity of revealing their true selves: and everyone is apparently happy.

In place of the freshman-senior kid party which has become a tradition on the campus an informal social in which the freshmen will be the guests of the seniors has been planned for this year. The object of the kid party which was to aid freshmen and seniors to become better acquainted was considered by class officers to have been lost because of the postponement resulting from conflicting calendar arrangements.


Strength of Two Teams to be Shown in Fray This Evening —Only Six Lettermen on Bethany Team — Reserve Squad Weak—Schaake New Swede Coach.

There is always a royal battle between "the Swedes and the Bulldogs, and dope never counts between these two teams. But since there are always persons who like to play with dynamite or dope, here goes, Kansas, Wesleyan 13—Swedes 6: Kansas; Wesleyan 6—McPherson College 7: Baker 6—C. of E. 3; C. of E. 7— Swedes 0. Or from another angle, Southwestern 44-—Bethany 0; Southwestern 7—Baker 0; Baker 13—McPherson College 7. Or this, where McPherson is to beat the Swedes by three touchdowns: Bethel 12— Swedes 0: McPherson College 6— Bethel 0.

However one thing Is sure, the Swedes have not forgotten the shel-lacking of 39-0 which they received at the hands of the Bulldogs last year, and for that reason will fight that much harder this year.

Bethany College has a light team this year, the same as they had last year, but they have a new coach. Elmer Schaake, a former K. U. star, and as it seems, this team is growing stronger every game.

There are only ten men on the squad who hud played any football for Bethany and only six of this number are lettermen. There are no two-hundred pound lettermen, but of the returning group five are in the line, thus making the line much stronger than last year.

The way it seems now is that the Swedes do not receive their strength from any outstanding player, but the team shows a spirit of team-work, and Schaake's only trouble is that he does not deem to find reserves who can take the place of his regular eleven.

The Binford-Selves crew seems to have the advantage in three distinct points: experienced players, reserves who click with the regulars, and the fighting spirit of the student body behind the boys who play.


Scientific reports by the freshman chemists will be the main features of the Chemistry club meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in the chemistry room. In addition a demonstration of the combustion of gases will be given by Arthur DeVor. He will show the combustion of pure hydrogen, of a mixture of gases, and the burning of iron in oxygen.


Arthur Devor will assist Dr. Her-shey in his program at the state teachers association meeting in Sa-lina Saturday morning.

The subject is “How to give a high school chemical program."

Devor will give the demonstration after which Dr. Hershey will speak.


Fifty Women Attend Second Annual Event Held Friday

About fifty women attended the; second annual property tea given last Friday afternoon. The Irish play, "A Tune of a Tune" was presented in the chapel, after which an Irish tea was served in the Y. W. room. The following girls from the plinci-ples of speech class were dressed in green and served as ushers: Bernice Keedy, Faye Sandy, Theresa Strom, Georgia Taylor, Lucille Uullrey, and Bernadine Ohmart.

Many useful gifts were received for the dramatic art box. Among them were several hats, an old-fashioned blue blouse and a brown skirt, a blue apron, two hammered brass mantle lamps, a burnt-wood plaque, a flannel negligee, several pairs of beads, drapes, lace, artificial flowers, two Chinese coolie coats, handkerchiefs, hair ribbons, a black silk dress, and

In the plays Friday night about a dozen articles were used that were given at the property tea last year.


Miss Delia Lehman spoke in chapel Monday, concerning her stay in eastern Canada this summer.

"Eastern Canada is a two-souled and a two-tongued country," she said. The people in this region are loyal both to France and to England.

Miss Lehman, in her usual charming manner, delighted her audience with her personal stories concerning her stay and study in this part of America.



Our erstwhile neighbors, the Swedes, are certain that the Bulldogs will bow to them on Thursday night. In fact, they are so self-confident that they have arranged an aftergame celebration. Some of the alumni of Bethany have secured “headquarter" rooms at a local hotel.

Will they do it?

We seem to have a faint recollection of the Wealeyan contingents having secured rooms for a celebration. We all know what happened. Up on your toes, Bulldogs, and G-R-O-W-L!

Margaret Oliver New Spec Editor-In-Chief

Staff Finds Reorganization Necessary to Carry On Publication of Paper


Donald Brumbaugh and Vernon Mi-chael to Assist in Makeup and Assignment Capacities

Royal Frantz, editor of the Spectator, left school on Oct. 22. Apparently discouraged with an overload of work and lack of funds, he suddenly decided to leave school and seek a job. His sudden unannounced departure caused his friends some concern and threw confusion into the edi-torial staff of the Spectator. A wire from his father Monday reports that Royal has a full time job as a linotypist in eastern Colorado. We wish him well in his new work. Dr. V. F. Schwalm.

The Spectator staff has been re-organized with Margaret Oliver as Editor-in-chief. The new organization starts functioning with this issue. The other staff members are Elmer Staats, Assistant Editor Donald Brumbaugh. Make-up Editor; and Vernon D. Michael, News Editor. The business staff will remain unchanged.

The duties of the Editor-in-chief are many and varied, including general supervision of the paper, editing copy, writing headlines, and seeing that the standard of the paper is maintained. Miss Oliver, who was defeated by only four votes in the election last spring, is interested in the work, and is well qualified for the position.

Elmer Staats, Editor for the year '33-'34, will retain his position as assistant editor. He will serve in an advistory capacity and assist in a general way with the publication.

Donald Brumbaugh, Make-up Editor, will have charge of the arrangement of the news matter and advertising in the paper. Mr. Brumbaugh has done this kind of work on the staff of the Blue Broadcaster, the high school paper of Fruita, Colo.

News gathering, and the assignment of news stories to reporters will be in the charge of Vernon D. Michael. Prior to his college entrance Mr. Michael had two years' experience as an employee of The Larned News, Larned, Kansas.

the man who received the prize in Jeffry's stead was killed in a railway accident while on his way to construct the city. Donald Brumbaugh and Jo Wagoner were convincing as the married couple. The quarreling scene was especially well done. Viola Harris was hilariously funny as the dumb Swedish maid.

"Wrong Numbers" by Essex Dana was a triologue without a moral. One lady crook, by pretending to be a store detective, forced another crook to hand over all her stolen goods. When the first posessor of the goods had at least one consolation, for she learned that she had been duped, she had secured the other's detective badge when she sobbed on her shoulder and now she was off to try the trick herself. Dorothy Matson, as the first crook, added much comedy to the play. Betty Lou Cameron dis-played unusual dramatic ability as the second crook, Opal Bennett deserves merit for her acting in the part of the hard-boiled, gum-chewing waitress. The play was directed by Dorothy Matson.

The last play was "A Tune of a Tune," an Irish fantasy by Dan Toth-eroh. When the old English bachelor, Mr. Barstow, proposes to her, Shella O’Griffen, an Irish lass of the fairies, turns into a faun and runs away to the wood with Egan McNul-(Continued on Three)


Make-up Editor ............. Donald Brumbaugh News Editor....................Vernon D. Michael

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter Novemeber 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas

under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For    Address All Corre-spondence to

One School Year    THE SPECTATOR


Assistant Bus. Mgr.    Ernest Sweetland

Circulation Manager    David Metzler

Assistant Circ. Mgr.    Harley Stump


Kennneth Weaver    Edna Relate    Ruth Hawbaker    Russell Carpenter

Faculty Advisers .............    ......Alice Gill


Continuing my editorial of last week, in which I discussed briefly, freshman hazing, I’ll offer a few quoted arguments from the University Daily Kansan of

the University of Kansas.

A freshman wrote the following notice to the Kansan: "Freshmen aren't particularly interested in the hazing question. They either wear their caps or they don't and if not, they expert to be paddled. Few harbor any resentment against the K-men or the traditions which were responsible for their discomfort. In other words, we are better sports than our self-appointed guardians of the upper classes will admit. We asked for no change in the situation, and hope that we may be pardoned for our irrever-ence in suggesting that our godfathers go on with their crocheting. After all, it's our hide, not theirs."

Another freshman has the following to say in argument to the first:

"I haven't worn my freshman cap. I don't feel quite right about it. because I am proud to be here and would like to wear the insignia of a newcomer on the Hill, but I refuse to be forced to do something that should be done only from a feeling of respect for Hill traditions. Love for my parents was not beaten into me with a paddle: loyalty to the University, too, will have to come from other sources."

We rend that the anti-hazing group went to the K-Club and offered to drop the whole controversy if the club would not paddle freshmen except for failure to wear caps, and the K-Club refused.

One writer asks: "What is sporty about paddling men for the fun of it? Also, what sort of defense have they? The answer is, none. They just have to "take it and like it." In refusing to come to terms with the anti-hazing group the K-Club tore down their own arguments as regards paddling freshmen for not wearing caps, as being traditional. Traditions are handed down through inheritance and a spirit of loyalty. Why must they be beaten on us and shoved down our throats by force? The K-men, by refusing, admitted that they paddled freshmen for other causes and not alone for non-cap wearing. They did it for their own amusement.

Cunningham, famous Kansas U. athlete, expressed himself against freshman paddling "as it is now carried on.” He says he doesn't remember "having carried his paddle more than once or twice since he first became a K-man." He is not against the carrying on of traditions but says that "some of the best behaved freshmen are the ones who often receive the most punishment."

Well, those are a few ideas. You have your own, no doubt, and I have mine. Let us continue to watch the larger schools for the present. Personally, I feel this was about it--- my cap keeps my hair combed and It will be always a nice souvenir.

students Show loyalty by vote

By unanimously adopting Coach Binford's recommendation to forego the annual Hallowe'en debauch and get "quiet" at 10:30, students have indicated that they are behind the team.

It has been an old tradition in past years for the College student body to be entertained or to entertain at an annual Hallowe'en party where the supernatural, the ghostly, and the haunted reigned. There were parades and races in full masquerade: there were costume balls with prizes and refreshments; and there were contests and thrills galore.

But this year, by common consent of the whole student group, that hilarious spirit of uncontrolled enthusiasm which is generally expended at parties or Hallowe'en frolics has been turned into a spirit of loyalty to the members of the football squad who today meet the ferocious Swedes. By "being quiet" on Hallowe'en night so that the football men may get plenty of sleep, the students have shown their desire to do what they can to help “beat the Swedes."


Pre-repeal delusions as to the so-called "evil effect of prohibition” upon the country were brought to light again a few days ago in an advertisement which appeared in the papers throughout the country urging repeal upon the grounds that the real choice before the voter in the coming election is between the follies and mistakes of prohibition and a sound temperance program.

We do not believe that it is necessary to present in this column the evidence against such a contention. Rather we would like to request that the reader as a critical student view the conditions existing before and after enactment of the prohibition amendment, to make that study critically and impartially, and arrive at his own conclusion. The material for such a study is available in current newspaper and other current material.

This simple advice we suggest. Consider the facts, not the presuppositions.    —McPherson College Prohibition Club.


Shall the Freshmen wear their little green caps until Christmas, or may they dispose of them Thanksgiving day? This importan question will be decided today when the Sophomores and Freshmen tangle in their annual football game. Should the Freshies win, no more caps after turkey day; should they lose or be tied, on with the little green caps until Christ-

This promises to be a battle royal as the freshmen have no desire to wear the little green adornments until Christmas and the Sophs are just as determined that they---the Freshmen----shall.

Miss Adelaide Glaser, '27, accepted the position as head of Home Eco-nomics department and dietitian of the college, dining hall in the State Teachers College, Silver City, New Mexico.

While here in college Miss Glaser majored in chemistry and was as


Archie Van Nortwick........Nov. 2

Clarence Sink......Nov. 4

Daniel Zook......................Nov. 5

Mary Miller................. Nov. 7

Unedited Stuff . . .

And so this week we start out on our own. We could find no outlet for full expression of our thoughts under the oppressive hand of Win-chell, the writer of the adjoining column. We guarantee all the facts herein stated to be absolutely true. For verification of them, drop a self addressed stumped envelope in the "Spec” box in the general office. Your doubts will be forever removed at the earliest opportunity of Mr. Zilch. And so to work—

Largely through the efforts of Dr. Schwalm aid was secured for the ? ? ? ? ? by means of the F. E. R. A. This work consists in park of keeping the halls clean. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when the one who secured the aid for the students has to do

the work for them to be saved the embarrassment of having visitors of the college make remarks about the nutidy condition of the halls.


Harold Burress visited friends in Blackwell, Oklahoma, over the week end.

Marvin Poland spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Lyons.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rhodes of Canton were on the campus Saturday.

Warren Need and Robert Stratman were in Geneseo Sunday.

Dean R. E. Mohler spoke at the Navarre Birthday Celebration, Sunday. October 28. One hundred ninety persons gave their birthday offerings at the church at that time.

Professor Kauffman was heard saying that in order to retain some of his dignity he occasionally has to wear a hat.

Discovered: A short blonde froshie from Iowa who can use terms like "reciprocal innervation.”

Betty Lou (not receiving a response in a pep song) "Where is your support?"

John Kauffman (looking down at his socks): "I left them at home.”

Betty Lou: "To be laundered, I



Oncoming Election Arouses Interest In Weekly Meeting

In an effort to arouse interest in economic and political issues and particularly in the coming election, the program of the Y. M. Tuesday morning was built around the discussion of current social and political affairs.

After a poem read by Victor Moor-man. Loyal Miles discussed the newly founded Liberty League. Sam Stoner talken on ‘‘individualism and a social order.” Merle Messemer finished the program with a symposium on Upton Sinclair and his EPIC plan.


Ladeez and gentleman: It gives us great pleasure to announce a rift in the co-authorship this benighted column—Winchell is now in sole charge whereas Zilch is now editor in his own right of a racy, spicy, ignoble muckracking ,column of his own

entitled "Unedited Stuff.” Henceforth we are not responsible for any debt, enemies, duels, or contagious diseases contracted by our former partner in crime. So help us

By the way—it's rather strange how Zilch roasts everybody else for not being able to hold his woman whereas we find that Zilch himself has let his little bumblebee flit from the hive. You know—People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw hammers. . . .

Someone in History class the other day made a crack about King Henry the Eighth's martial troubles. Yes. we agree, they usually are marital trouble's.

Velma asked Faithe the other day if she got any mail. "Yes,” Faithe said, "I got one." We wonder who he is.

the horn will bring results now. Or maybe football players are privileged characters.

Another way in which the gals are doing the boys wrong. If they don’t want to date some boy. Instead of just up and saying no they kind of string them along, with the hope that when a show or some other entertainment comes which they would like to see if nobody else calls, this boy might. .

Some of the young ladies in Arnold are sure sissy-pristies. Can you imagine anyone going to bed at nine o'clock on such a beautiful moonlight nite such as last Sunday. It may be they think the stronger sex has deserted them. You guess.

Dr. Schwalm told this one in government class.

One St. Patrick's Day an Irishman in this country went around veiling "Hurrah for Ireland."

An American, becoming quite dis gusted,

piped up and said, "Hurrah for Hell.”

The Irishman retaliated: “Yes, that’s right, every man for his own country."

Our brother columnist stated a few weeks ago that the Unholy Six had reformed. The only change we have observed is in that they have re-formed into the Unholy eight or perhaps ten.

There has been a lot of discussion on the campus lately about the dating problem, the main evil as it is seen by several of the boys is the tendency of the young ladies of Arnold to take a date with the first boy that comes along, provided he has a little money

or a car, preferably both, so he can take her places.

If any of the young ladies have conflicting views on this topic, or if you have ideas by which you think the boys might improve their meth-ods, write your views on a clean white sheet of paper, written only on one side in ink, and put them in the afore-mentioned "Spec" box. In view of events that have taken place in, around, and about the dormitory we believe that we can uphold our views. So come on girls and boys, do your

R. E. Mohler is attending a Board of Christian Education meeting Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week at Elgin, Ill. It is a meeting of the National Board of Christian Education of the Church of the Brethren.

Everett Brown, Gerald Custer, Harold Reinecker and Herbert Iken-berry were in Quinter visiting over the week end.

Lowell Brubaker visited his parents in Colorado Saturday and Sunday.

Daniel Zook spent the week end at his home in Larned.


"We're out of carmel. We have grape sherbert, chocolate, vanilla, nut, orange sherbet, pineapple ice You’ll take pineapple? Same? O. K., two pineapples."

No, the college hasn't gone into the ice-cream business, but the ice-cream made last Thursday by the foods class was sold out in a short time. Seventy generous dishes were served at 5 cents a dish. Although it was hoped that the sale would par-tially pay expenses, there was a balance of 75 cents above the cost of ice and materials to be turned in to the business office.

The class may have a similar sale of candy following the laboratory lesson on Christmas candies.

Our leading candidate for representative girl seems to have some sort of a charm for one of the young debaters of the school, who is incidentally our brother columnist.

One of our more popular freshman girls from near Des Moines, seems to be after some sort of a record. A date Saturday night, Sunday afternoon and Sunday night, all with different fellows, isn't bad for a mere freshman!

We thought it was customary for the gentleman to call for the young lady at the door of the dormitory. From an incident which happened Sunday night we gather that this must he changed. A mere honk of

his parents in Navarre.


Professor and Mrs. Dell, "Cheesey” and Mrs. Voran, Mrs. Petry and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mertz were dinner guests at Arold Hall Sunday.

Peppy dining hall students have turned over a new leaf. Instead of using the traditional method of letting "Mother” Emmert know when to ring the bell after supper, Joe E's table sang. "We are sitting like birds in the wilderness—waiting for the bell to ring."

Maudena Sondergard went to Navarre Sunday with Dean R. E. Moh-ler.

Virginia Propp went to Salina Sunday with friends.

Twyla Reed, Jean Allen, Estelle Baile, and Dorothy Fry went to Lindsborg Sunday afternoon with Laurence Schlatter.

Clayton Rock spent Sunday with

sistant in that department two years. She took her minor in home eco-nomics. Later she took her master's degree from Manhattan in home economics. At present she has most of her work completed for her Ph. D. at the University of Wisconsin.


Seven New Books Are Carnegie Endowment’s Gift to International Relations Club

The Carnegie Endowment for In-ternational Peace presented the International Relations Club with a group of books. Among these were "The Air Monaco and the Answer” by Elvira K. Fradkin: "Between Two Worlds" by Nicholas Murray Butler: “The Heritage of Freedom" by James T. Shotwell; "Crisis Government" by Lindsay Rogers; “New Governments In Europe" by Buell, Dean, Diffle, Graham and Wertheimer; "The European War Debts and Their Settlement” by Wildon Lloyd: and "The Soviet State" by Bertram W. Maxwell.

"Liberia Rediscovered" by James C. Young was presented by Harvey S. Firestone of Akron. Ohio. This is about the rubber industry in Liberia.

Among the new books purchased was "New Frontiers" by Henry A. Wallace. This book describes those new frontiers of the mind and spirit which America is beginning to penetrate. Other new books are "An Introduction to the History of Christianity" by F. J. F. Jackson, "The Pharisees’' by R. Travers Hereford, and "Our Movie Made Children” by H. J. Forman.

developed under the isolated conditions of private research.

The Rain

I hear leaves drinking Rain I hear rich leaves on top Giving the poor beneath Drop after drop:

'Tis a sweet noise to hear These green leaves drinking near.

And when the Sun conics out. After this rain shall stop,

A wondrous light, will fill Each dear, round drop;

I hope the Sun shines bright: 'Twill be a lovely sight.

William H. Davies.


Spanish-American School Looms As Possibility

George Howland Cox in The Christian Science Monitor states that the establishment of a Spanish-American University at San Diego, California, is expected within the next few months.

General Pascual Ortiz Rubio of Mexico will, it is understood, be elected president. The purpose of the institution is to promote American cordiality and encourage commercial relationships.

It is planned to organize discus sion groups and to form societies and associations to study history, language and civilization of Spanish speaking countries. Courses in history will include the study of Mexico, Spain. Honduras. Cuba and the United States.

Researches to Be Given “Airing” at Harvard

In the October 27 issue of the School and Society in a short article it is stated that the department of government at Harvard will have a series of extra-curricular lectures during the present academic year which will be presented by younger members of the department. The lectures are not a required part of the course and are open only to members of the university. This will make available to students research which would ordinarily not fit into any course structure, and these lectures will be valuable as testing


American Chemical Society

Views Interesting Demonstration of “Lie Detector ’

Dr. Hershey and two of his assistants, Arthur Devor and Glenn Webb, attended the Wichita section of the American Chemical Society meeting last Thursday evening at eight o'clock. The meeting was held at the; police department headquarters.

The main subject of the evening was "Scientific Methods for Solution of Crime.” The "lie detector" at it was demonstrated proved the most interesting event of the evening. Following the demonstration the spectators were taken through the new police laboratory.

The meeting was primarily one of the American Chemical Society but a number of guests were present. About 200 in all attended the meet-

Dr. Hershey was elected vice president and Robert Packett, a graduate of McPherson College, was re-elected secretary at the opening of the ses-

Another of our graduates, Vernon Gustonson, who received a position with the Derby people of Wichita, was present.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Unruh announce the birth of a daughter. Eleanor Joy, on Oct. 13, 1934. The Unruhs live in Indianapolis, Ind.



By College News Service

Washington......By Interpretation of

the United States Supreme Court, compulsory military training is not required in land grant colleges but the college board of regents may reserve the right to order it compulsory in their own schools.

This decision was handed down In an oral argument last week by Justices Van Devanter and Butler over the case of Albert Hamilton and W. Alonzo Reynolds Jr., conscientious objectors of the University of California at Los Angeles, who sought to be exempted from the compulsory training.

The two students were suspended from U. C. L. A. last year for refusing to take military training.

Justice Van Devanter said that as the regents or the University of California had the right to provide for compulsory military training, those who wanted to attend the University must comply with the regulations. No one, he stated, was compelled to to to the University.

The students' counsel, John Beardsley, insisted students had the right to attend land grant colleges without surrendering rights they have under the Federal Constitution and the laws of the United States. These rights, he said, include religious liberty and certain immunities including freedom from military service in times of peace.



ty, a children's peddler. Mr. Barstow is left to marry Miss Pringle, Sheila’s aunt, who is really much more suited to him. Bernard Suttle was realistically pompous and over-hearing as Mr. Barstow. Othetta Wall was very unlike herself as the fussy, high; voiced spinster, Miss Pringle Merle Messamer was delightfully Irish in the role of Egan McNulty, the peddler of toys. Maxine Ring charmingly portrayed the role of Sheila O’-Griffen. The play was coached by Othetta Wall.

The scenery for the plays was quite varied. The first play took place in the barely

furnished lean-to of Nathan’s cabin, the second was set in the Baldwin dining room, the third showed a secluded corner of the ten room of a department store, and the action of the fourth took place in Miss Pringle's old-fashioned parlor.


Thespian initiates performed in chapel Friday, Modena Kauffman.

as Mother Goose, opened the pro-gram. The nursery-rhyme characters epresented were Little Red Riding Hood, Faithe Ketterman; Old King Cole, Victor Moorman; Goldilocks. Bessie Hawkins: Old Mother Hub-bard, Estelle Baile: Little Bo-Peep. Dorothy Matson: Little Boy Blue, Kenneth

Rudd: Cinderella, Virginia Yankee; Little Miss Muffet, Velma Watkins: Humpty-Dumpty, Donald Brumbaugh; Alice-in-Wonderland, Opal Bennett. Each student gave something characteristic of his por-

Mother Goose, with the droll re-mark, "I hope you liked my children." closed the program.

It has just been learned that an oil painting of Ferne Brunk took first place in the art exhibit of the Twentieth Centry Club at Wichita last week. The Assistant Superintendent of the Nelson Art School at Kansas City said that it was the best and most unusual work in amateur paint-ing he had ever soon anywhere.

"Dr. Leslie Lavelle Saylor of Chicago, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Say-lor of Marion was united in marriage to Miss Jean Hoch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hoch of Marion and Topeka.

Dr. Saylor was appointed to the Post Graduate Hospital because of his superior work in the Northwestern Medical School and in Wesley Memorial Hospital. He is a graduate of McPherson College find a member of Alpha Kappa Kappa, Medical fraternity.

The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Myers. M2, passed away Oct. 9.

Earl V. Reed, '27, formerly of Mc-Pherson and recently branch manager of the Union Central Life Insurance Company at Wichita, has been transferred to Oklahoma City as manager of the Oklahoma agency. Mr. Reed will move his family there Nov. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hawkins and small daughter of Driftwood, Oklahoma, are spending the week with relatives and friends in McPherson. Mr. Hawkins is a member of the class of '32 and Mrs. Hawkins, formerly Miss Ruth Hiebert, the class


An open discussion, viewing crime from four different aspects: current illustrations, control of munitions, prison reform and social reform, was held in Christian Endeavor meeting, Sunday. The discussion was led by Willard Flaming. Devotionals led by Harley Stump, and a vocal duet by Merle Messamer and Galen Ogden completed the program.


to have the team hitting their full stride tonight. Thus far the combination has not been clicking it should, and a

few changes will be made in an attempt to eradicate some of the weak spots.

Tech’s Recent Loss Not to Spell School’s Downfall

By James Crenshaw, Editor, College News Service ,

Well!—we blinked our (editorial) eyes in astonishment . . . and read the most remarkable headline of the season:

"Yes, Tech Lost: So What?”

That amazing caption topped an editorial in a recent issue of The Tech Talk at Louisiana Tech. It literally spells the dawn of a now day!

"Although Louisiana Tech’s varsity football team suffered the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' at the hands of Southwestern Louisiana Institute last Friday night," said the Tech Talk, "it is gratifying to observe that the college this week is going right ahead with the fulfillment of its major purpose —the education of 1116 young men and women who are here to learn something. Yes sir, we're still plugging along with high spirits—Just as if nothing terrible had happened.

"Just because Tech loses one game, or two games, or three games, or four games this year, no student is going to pull up stakes and go to some other school. Our record-breaking enrollment certainly is not due to any spectacular football team in the recent history of Louisiana Tech. ..."


Freshmen-Sophomores Battle Results in Scoreless Tie

A howling mob of spectators gathered at the campus gridiron last Thursday to watch the annual pigskin classic between the "greens” and those once removed. The close score of 0-0 was the substance of both teams' accomplishments.

Nature had thoughtfully provided a perfect setting for the clash—a hazy, Indian summer afternoon, with the sun glimmering through smoke-like clouds—and everyone was keyed to the topmost pitch of enthusiasm.

Deafening cheers greeted the far-famed freshman team as it stalked onto the field to defend its class honors against the dogged sophomores. All afternoon they battled and swayed back and forth across the field. Those solid walls of defense were so strong that neither team could gain an inch.

The sophomores’ most spectacular play was a 50 yard pass from John-ston to Zuck. Oh boy, oh boy, what a play!

The freshmen's best attacks were made by Naylor who ripped yard after yard around the ends and once returned a punt for 40 yards.

The powerful freshman team which had been coached by those two veteran mentors ”Rusty” Carpenter and "Bud” Glover featured great players such us Paul Heaston who was punting 55 and 60 yards: Oliver Andrews, the great ball matcher; Warren Neade, the. All -American-mention center; and Kurils Naylor, the crazy legged quarterback.

The sophomore team, which had all the odds against it, and who at times was battling against 14 men instead of

11, was coached by two great men, Eddy and Vaquez. This team did not have many feature stars except for Paul Miller who did all the passing and punting for his team. Harold Johnston, the brains of the team, and that great tackle, Victor Moorman.

A Pomona, Calif., newspaper brings news of a reunion of former residents of Ramona, Kansas, in hon-or of Dale Strickler, '24, who has been visiting his mother at La Verne, Calif. Thirty friends gathered at Ganesho Park on Sunday, Oct. 21, to honor Mr. Strickler.


The old dope bucket was unmolested last weekend in the circuit of the Kansas Conference. The strong C. of E. team played loose ball at Lindsborg to eke out a 7 to 0 victory over the Bethany Swedes. At the same time the Ottawa Braves were losing a heartbreaker to the Baker team. In the annual grudge battle at Baldwin. The score of this game was 14 to 0.

In the very last minute of play a Bethany back caught a pass and nearly got away for a touchdown. When the game ended it was Bethany's ball—first and goal. This was the only time that the C. of E. goal was threatened throughout the game.

In the Baker-Ottawa game we were informed that the Orangemen took advantage of a couple of lucky breaks to score touchdowns. It seems that Baker is getting more than their share of breaks this year, but, on the other hand, if our memory is not jaded it seems that the same team got their portion of tough breaks during the 1933 season.

The Swedes showed a strong de-fense and some brilliant flashes of offense against C. of E. They are improving with every game's experience and will offer plenty of opposition for the Bulldogs tonight when the two teams meet.

It must he remembered that dope means nothing in this game. Many times in the past the Bulldogs have had the dope on the Swedes only to be beaten in the game. Anything is likely to happen in the game tonight.

By way of comparative scores the Bulldogs have some forty points advantage over the Swedes.

Coaches Binford and Selves hope

Those paragraphs have earth-shaking significance. They mean that football is about to be returned to the colleges. They mean that football once more will become a sport, rather than an industry.

There was never a more ardent grid fan than the writer of these lines. We have boosted and written about football teams and players for years, but so help us! we have never been able to see the all-fired life-and-death necessity of any college winning every game.

The Tech Talk docs not represent an isolated attitude, we realize now. On the contrary, it represents a new understanding of sportsmanship—a sportsmanship that spells the end kick-and-kill-'em era when we cheered the team if it won and fired the coach if it didn’t.

There is something Browningesque in this new philosophy—that the game, after all, is the thing.


The Reverend J. L. Yates of the First Baptist

church. Amarillo. Texas, spoke In chapel Wednesday.

His appeal to the students was to maintain a sweet and optimistic spirit throughout life. Those with the best spirits make leaders, while those with gloomy, sour spirit enter the ranks of "tall-enders." He put this question to his audience: "Do you want to be a leader or a tail-ender?”

He was pleasingly introduced by the Reverend Douglas Carver of the local Baptist church.