The Spectator

voL. XVIII    _ McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, oct. 25, 1934__number 7


Thursday, Oct. 25. —Freshman- Sophomore football game.

Friday. Oct. 26—Dramatic Arts class program of one-act plays.

Sunday, Oct. 28—Regular C. E. meeting.

Tuesday, Oct. 30. —Y organization meets at 10: 00.

Tuesday, Oct. 30—World Service Group meeting, 7: 00 p. m.

Wednesday, Oct. 31—First lyceum number, The Pollard Players, 7: 30 p. m.


Some day soon several Mother Goose characters will appear on the campus, but he not misled. They will merely be the new members of the Thespian club on initiation day. Each initiate has been asked to appear on this day dressed as one of the well-known characters, and to carry with him any properties nec-ecary to complete the impersonation.


The Representative Girl contest for the year book is progressing with a great deal of enthusiasm. Competition is becoming more and more keen as the numbers of votes rise.

The standing of the contestants last night were in the following order: Gladys Ridell, first, Neva Root second, Maxine Ring, third, Viola Harris, fourth, Faithe Ketterman, fifth, and Ruth Tice, sixth.

The lead which Miss Ridell showed last night was gained by 4,000 votes which were turned in to John Frie-sen yesterday, boosting her from third to first place.


Kauffman Re-elected President of District at Marion Conference

The C. E. central district convention, held at Marion October 19, 20, and 21, was well attended by college students and McPherson young people. At the election of officers, John Kauffman was re-elected president of the district; Leonard Lowe, quiet hour superintendent: and Dorothy Elliott of McPherson, secretary.

The meeting was opened Friday evening with a prohibition play by the Aftermath Players of California. Saturday a conference for the discussion of C. E. methods was held and was followed Saturday night by a banquet at which the Rev. Vere Ab-bey, a missionary to Indian, spoke Sunday afternoon consecration ser-vices were held. William Tice of be loit, the state president, gave the closing address on Sunday evening.

College students on the program were Wanda Hoover, Paul Heckman.

Leonard Lowe, and John Kauffman.

There were 76 delegates at this convention, 15 of which were from McPherson.


It's the Freshmen against the Sophomores again—not in football this time—but debate. The subject is the munitions question used, by the varsity tennis this year, and the time is Monday evening at 6: 30 in the chapel. Each class is represented by a team of two experienced debaters, and it is rumored that each team is out to take the other's scalp.

Two weeks hence the winners of this debate will meet the junior team which beat out the seniors a fortnight ago, to determine the school champions. Each class is urged to come out en masse to support its representatives Monday night, and a large audience is expected to hear the traditional rivals clash.


Among the new books in the library is "Merchants of Death" by Engelbrecht and Haneghen. This is a study of the international traffic in arms and an expose of the un-patriotic methods and sinister power! of arms manufactures.

Another new book of significance is “Molders of the American Mind” by Norman Woefel. This is a discus-sion of a group of well-known contemporary educators.

Two recent purchases are "Israel's Soga" by Church and "Ethics and Moral Tolerance" by Rogers.

"Nature Lovers Knapsack" by Gro-ver, "Verse of Our Day" by Gordon and King, and "Chief Modern Poets of America and England" by Bandera and Nelson have also been purchased


Y. W. meeting this week opened with a prelude by Maudena Sonder-gard. Devotions were led by Wanda Hoover Professor Voran sang, "I Love Life, " in his usual delightful manner, and Neva Root as a special request gave the dramatic reading, "A Desert of Waiting. ”

Meetings of committees were called by their respective chairmen.


Rev. Ray E. Zook of Elkhart, Iowa was the speaker in chapel, Monday.

October 22. He spoke on time and

"Time, ’’ he said, "cannot be found it must be made. " People too often take time for needless and useless things and let the finer things of life pass. "One needs to anchor himself and grasp the enriching things in life. "

Rev. Zook is a member of the board of trustees of McPherson College. He represents middle Iowa.


In the checker tournament that is being played the winners so far in the first round are: W. Graber, Earl-DeCoursey, Paul Turner, John Goering, Galen Fields. Also DeCour-sey defeated Graber in the second round.


The foods class is studying frozen desserts and will make a number of different kinds of ices, sherberts, and ice creams in laboratory this afternoon. The class will experiment with several methods of preparation. The surplus will be sold at the Home Economics room between 4 p. m. and 5 o’clock today.

Next week on Thursday the first of a scries of dinners will be given by the students in the department. The purpose of these dinners is to give students experience in menu planning, preparation, and serving food. The class will be divided into small groups, each one of which will give a dinner. Guests will be invited by the students.

Players To Present “Intimate Strangers”

First Lyceum Number to Be Drama Scheduled for October 31


Reservations May Be Made Saturday Morning at Bixby and Lindsey Drug Store

Bob Pollard and his cast of players will present Booth Tarkington's play. "The Intimate Strangers" next Wednesday evening at 7: 30 o’clock at the community building as the first number of the Lyceum course. The cast will include Bob and Cleone Pollard as well as three others.

Student salesmen have already sold more than eighty season tickets, and have received promises of oilier sales. Strenuous efforts are being made to boost the ticket sale sufficiently that a sixth number may be added to the course as was done last year. Professor Dell urges that tickets be bought early, and reservations for the season be made promptly at 7: 30 Saturday morning at Bixby and Lindsay Drug store.

The second number will be on November 28, with Dr. H. C. Engle-brecht, editor, writer and lecturer. He is associate editor of "The World Tomorrow, " and was formerly an instructor in history at the University of Chicago. He is co-author of the book, "Merchants of Death, " which is being widely read and discussed at this time.

The third number will be on January 9, featuring Lucille Elmore and her troupe in "Century of Music. " The program is a revue of American music from the days of the Revolution to the present. The outstanding periods of song history will be presented in striking costumes.

Joe Zellner, Protean characterist, will be here April 5, for the fourth regularly scheduled number on the community course. He presents a program of humorous and purposeful character studies from life, literature and history.

On April 24, Dr. Ralph W. Sock-man, pastor, writer and lecturer, will appear in this city. Dr. Sockman is one of America’s best known and most respected leaders in the field of education related to moral problems of the individual.


The annual "Property Tea" will be given tomorrow afternoon. All women are invited to come and bring anything they may have which might he suitable for the dramatic art box. At 3: 00 o'clock in the chapel the Irish fantasy, "A Tune of a Tune," will be presented, after which an Irish tea will be served in the Y. W. room.


Original Jokes Turned In by Students to Take Place of Copied Levity

A new policy with regard to the type of humor that is to be used in this year's Quadrangle has been adopted and is being worked out, according to Dorothy Matson, humor editor. In the past very few of the jokes that have been included in the last pages of the annual have been actual happenings. Jokes have been copied and students’ names applied in order to bring them closer home.

This year it is the plan of the staff to use only humor that is entirely original among students. Breaks made in class or elsewhere, punning, and generally amusing occurences will be the basis for the year book’s whimsical section.

In order to carry out this plan, it is necessary to have the cooperation of the whole student body. If at any time anyone hears a clever remark, or witnesses a capricious incident, he is requested to make a note of it and hand it to the humor editor.



In an attempt to solve some of the problems of dating on our campus which have been so widely discussed of late, a group of young men have entered into a novel agreement con-cerning their future dates. The sist

dent pledges himself to date a speci-fied number of girls, no one of which is to be dated more than twice until the entire number is contacted.

It is hoped that this plan, altho only temporary, will contribute to more and better relationships between the boys and the girls, and will be particularly helpful in destroying some of the bugabears about dating.

One special feature of the plan is to cut down on expenses of dating as much as possible. This, it is believed,

has been responsible for a great deal of the non-dating.


McPherson College will be repre-sented by six faculty members on the programs of the State Teachers' conventions to be held in Hutchinson and Salina on November 2 and 3.

Professor R. E. Mohler will attend the biological section, Miss Margaret Heckethorn is chairman of the library section, and Dean F. A. Rep-logle is chairman of the vocational guidance section in Hutchinson. In Salina, Professor Voran will speak on "A Capella Choir in Our School. " Dr. J. Willard Hershey will speak on amateur magic. Dr. Schwalm will also speak at Salina, and will send a paper to be read at the Kansas City meeting.



"Abundant Living Through Experience" was viewed from the social, college, and Christian aspects by Harriet Smith, Davir Duncanson, and Harriet Smith, David Duncanson, and deavor last Sunday night. A chalk talk and a musical numbed completed the program.

Ah -open forum discussion on "Crime” is scheduled for next Sunday. Merle Messamer and Galen Ogden will give a vocal duet.

Edna Bengston, Dorothy Bonham, and Marcella Ledell are all employed in different schools of McPherson County.


Variety of Appeals Included in

One-Act Plays Being Given By Drama Class

Tomorrow night at 8: 00 o’clock the dramatic art class, under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, will present four one-act plays in the college chapel, "The Unseen," "In the Dark-ness, " "Wrong Numbers, ” and "A Tune of a Tune. ” The program is quite varied, for it includes a comedy, a tragedy, a mystery, and a fantasy. The admission charge is ten cents for students and twenty-five cents for adults.

In these plays the students take parts quite different from their usual selves, Jo Wagoner and Don Brum-baugh appear as a sometimes loving, sometimes quarrelsome husband and wife. Galen Ogden is a poor farmer who has begun to drown his troubles in drink, and Modena Kauffman is his high-strung wife. Maxine Ring impersonates a red-haired Irish hoyden. Bernard Buttle furnishes comedy as a pompous bachelor with a comfortable face and a comfortable stomach. These characters, together with several others, promise to afford an evening of real entertain-


Student Group Plans to Attend

Performances by Hedgerow Players in Wichita

A number of members of the Dramatic Art class are planning to attend one or more performances of the Hedgerow Players who are to be in Wichita on November 1, 2, and 3. Others interested in attending the plays may obtain tickets from Miss Della Lehman.

The repertoire of plays to be presented in Wichita include: "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary," by St. John Ervine, on Thursday night: "Beyond the Horizon, " by Eugene O'Neil, on Friday night; "Romantic Age, " by A. A. Milne, at the Saturday mat-inee: and "The Inheritors, " by Susan Glaspell, on Saturday night. The Hedgerow Theater is the most famous repertoire theatre at the present time. It originated with a little theater group in the outskirts of Philadelphia, and now many potential Broadway plays are tried out in this theater before they are scheduled for New York production.

This fall, the players are making an eight thousand mile tour with one, two, and three day stands. Peo-ple of Wichita and surrounding territory are fortunate to have an opportunity of seeing these noted play-

Tickets range in price from $. 55 to $1. 10.

Women Introduce Self Government In Arnold

Vote Taken Tuesday Evening Brings Democratic Control Nearer


Some Parts of Plan as Presented Are Accepted; Others Questioned by Group

Student self-government for the women of Arnold Hall had its incep-tion in a meeting held in the house parlors last Tuesday evening. At that meeting a start was made in evolving a type of democratic control which will be suitable to the ladies. All reports indicate that there is still some work to be done before the entire group can be satisfied. Thus those connected with the plan have been somewhat accretive.

This much is known, however. The meeting was convened by Mary Miller who heads the committee selected to work out the set up of the plan. Other members of the committee are Modena Kauffman, Bernice Keedy, Neva Root, and Pauline Abuhl. Tentative reports on organization and constitution were tendered by the committee.

Under organization, a president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer are to be chosen to carry on the official administrative duties. The constitution has not yet been accepted but it is expected that it will meet approval after some needed changes are made. The discussion of the suggestions was varied and voluminous. So much so that it will be necessary to call another meeting before any definite action can he taken toward election of officers.

The outcome or this attempt to re-place a mild and reasoned dictatorship by a democratic self-goverment will continue to hold student interest for the future. This move comes simultaneously with the organization of a dormitory council in Fahnestock Hall.


Professor Blair gave a comprehensive survey of the New Deal, Tuesday, to members of International Relations club.

Taking up the progressive legislation chronologically, he reviewed the various statutes giving the executive the sweeping authority necessary to provide machinery for operations. Further, he explained the various departments, sub-department, commis-

prise the New Deal.

On a blackboard he had a list of the statutes and the date of their adoption. Opposite these he listed what he called "a lesson in the alphabet" giving the initials and full names of different phases of machinery of recovery.



Kagawa, the great Japanese Christian leader, was the center of interest in last week’s meeting of the World Service Group. Van Hunt presented a resume of the life of Kaga-wa, with especial emphasis upon the quality, of living which gives him a place among the greatest Christians of all time. The meeting was introduced by a devotional period led by Paul Booz. The program continued with a vocal solo by Galen Ogden and a reading by Theresa Strom. The meeting was concluded by the benediction.


The McPherson College orchestra, under the direction of Miss Lois Wilcox, made its first appearance of the year in chapel, Friday, October 19

A part of the

entitled "The Wooden Shoe Dance" was played as the first number. Other selections included "Fireflies" and "Victor Herbert Selections. "


We can't help thinking how for-tunate the present-day Freshmen are, considering how lenient upper clasmen seem to be about enforcing the rules of wearing the green caps. et. al. We remember with fondness (? ) the days when we were Fresh-men, and things weren’t so easy. Ah, them days is gone forever! "

Justifiable cause for homicide was revealed the other day. Faithe was looking at Velma quite itnently. When Velma asked her observer why she was looking at her so, she answered, "Oh, I'm just staring into space. ”

If you saw the beautiful moon last week you can pardon this one. Last Friday nite Estelle Baile had a

date (nothing unusual of course). She and the boy friend were walking down the walk, or maybe up the walk, we're not sure. Anyway she

suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, dear. I wish I didn’t have on a hat so I could see the moonlight. " Heh, heh, now it's your turn to laugh.

Things have come to a pretty pass around here. Some fair damsels invaded the boys' dorm last Sat. nite and

were playing the piano. Then what should happen but that a young man called from Arnold hall to ask one of the girls in Fahnestock hall for a date. To the best of our knowledge this is an unprecedented action of McPherson College campus.

What bunch of Arnoldites got soaked last week end when they slept on the roof?


Business Manager............... Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr...... Ernest Sweetland

Assistant Bus. Mgr......    Franklin Hiebert


Most of us are getting pretty disgusted with such things as the throwing of water from points of vantage in the dorms, unnecessary noise in the dorms, racket in the library, scuffling and throwing about of ping-pong paddles in the Y. M. room.

The dormitories serve as homes during nine months of the pear for many students, but in order to make them homelike, we must cooperate in our conduct as we would in our own homes or in anybody else's home. At least, during study hours, the radios could be toned down a little: the racing, shouting and other hair-rising noises could be done away with


The dormitories should not be used as recreation halls and the capers in the library should be suppressed to a minimum. The library isn’t the place to tell jokes and stories aloud, nor to carry on heated debates, nor to kick chairs and drop books at random. It is hard enough to study those days with the pestiferous files sticking like glue without any added distractions.

Students, let’s see if we can't be a little more thoughtful and considerate of others. After all we are in college now Good conduct works favorably both ways—for others and for yourself.


Is the freshman of the future to be hazed? This question is causing much debate throughout the country.

The writer of this editorial quotes a college president who, in discussing the subject, said in substance: "We might liken a freshman to an immigrant. He has forsaken all the home ties and dear ones, and gone off to some distant place among strangers like himself, who are, of course, bewildered by the environment and strange customs. Until he has been there some time and has had an opportunity to become acquainted, he is lonely and friendless.

"Why then, should we not—we who are already oriented to the customs of the college environment—help the freshman along the pathway of college life instead of making the way more lonely and disagreeable? "

We understand that certain groups at K. U. are for abolishing hazing. Let us watch and see the outcome.

of the Board of Governors of the university, that President Turner would be retired forcibly December 31.

The university head declared that there existed a "political setup" against


When less than half a dozen students appeared in classes, no attempt was made to hold regular sessions. The College of Law classes alone operated as normal.

The undergraduate parade, in which many banners were displayed crying such slogans as "Pull Us Out of State Politics! " was termed by students a"dignified expression of

resentment, not a strike. "

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at

McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1807.


Editor-in-chief    Royal Frantz

Associate Editor    Elmer Staats


Kenneth Weaver Edna Reiste    Richard Hendren Gerald Guster

Velma Watkins Barabara Petz    Ruth Hawbaker Russell Carpenter

Iva Walker     Kurtis Naylor    John Friesen    

Mike Vasquez     Vernon Michael    Donald Evans Donald Brumbaugh

Ernest Sweetland Dorothy Matson Orval Eddy Robert Booz

Emma Schmidt Wanda Hoover Arthurt De Vor Paul Booz

Maxine Ring     Franklin Hiebert     Woodrow Dannenburg Agnes Bean

Glen Austin


Feeling runs high on the campus. The waning theory of mass education, mass social control, and would-be perfect rules, laws, and formulas

for operating and controlling human endeavor is being challenged even in the girls' dormitory.

Let us first understand that the well-being of the individual, his balance, his completeness, and his integration, is of paramount importance. It is the individual who carries on programs: It is the individual who creates new ideas: it is the individual who supports and carries through progressive movements. All progress is conceived-and initiated by individuals, and it is in individual initiative and individual ingenuity that institutions themselves find their only valuable support. When any institution looks for its support to custom, tradition, or habit rather than to its own merits of usefulness and need-fullfilling capacity, it forfeits its rights to continuance and existence. The unwritten charters granted to such unwritten institutions by unwritten public acceptance should be revoked, for a custom of rule making and enforcing that looks to its own perfection as justification for existence cannot at the same time hold as paramount the best interests of those ruled.

Let us consider the fact that no set of detailed rules can be perfect enough to fit into the vital needs of a very large group of human beings. Our peculiarities are too diversified. A rule, except one of a very general nature, cannot conform to individual differences. People must be taken where they are and as they are, and a solution for any specific problem must he tailor made for that problem, or at best the solution will be only crude and defective.

Among a group of somewhat mature individuals, such as college students, who are brought together by the common purpose of education, individual growth and development should be the utmost and ever-present objective, and every menus of guidance should be shaped to conform to this paramount aim. Old systems of rulemaking that have outlived their unquestioned usefulness of the past must be displaced and improved upon by more effective and better need-fulfilling methods, The rules of a group should be no more detailed than clear and concise statements of purposes, objectives, and policies. The statement that "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" is a principle which holds today.

With custom and tradition used as an historical guide, with the balancing quality of intelligence and judgment, and the driving power of an in-ditions of the past and lead the way toward the higher and finer rela-tionships desire to progress, let us unsorrowfully leave the outgrown tra-tionships of an atmosphere productive of the utmose individual growth, individual beautification, individual ennoblement, and individual creation.

The more toward women's self-government should be heartily recommended.

W. Virginia Students In Protest of Politics

By College News Servuce Morgantown. W. Va. —Amid cries of "We resent political dabbling! " and “Unahackle our State University! " freshmen students of the university of West Virginia last week paraded in protest of the enforced retirement of President John Ros-coe Turner, in a one-day strike.

Heated criticism followed immediately In the wake of an announcement by Edward G. Smith, president

"No, no! That's not right. Now think, who is it?

"F. D. Roosevelt? " queried another youngster.

“Why children, " said the teacher, "this is terrible. "

Finally one hopeful pupil said, rather doubtingly, "Is it Franklin Delano Roosevelt, teacher? "

"After all, children, " said the teacher angrily, this has gone far enough! "

jumped up and cried. "Please, teacher, I know. It is Ghandi" Chorus: "Yeah, the doggone Republican! "

Unedited Stuff...

A freshman tole me the other day —: "I don't worry about being late to class—I just set my watch back

Professor Hess says he has neither watered nor unwatered railroad stock—so what?

But let me tell you this: you can't always tell how big a fish is by the size of the ripple it makes. That goes for suckers too.

'Course I'm no politishin but it looks phoney to me. Our national eggzecutive says this: We must pro-

By the by, if you haven't read Formal, the College Magazine, you owe it to yourself to sojourn to the library at once and take a dose or two of it. It's written especially for college students, and believe you me, it's plenty good.

One of the questions on the ques-tionaire handed out to us Wednes-day morning was thus: is your work furthering your planned vocation? One girl who is working in a home taking care of children, etc., was seen to mark "perhaps" on her paper. Here's a rare opportunity for some young man.

One of the paradoxes of nature is that half of the girls from Arnold hall should troop dawn to the show this week to see "What Every Woman Knows. "

We knew it all the time, but that the teachers should at last find it out is indeed surprising. Blair breaks down and confesses that "it is wonderfully surprising how dumb touchers really are. "

They voted yes on student government at Arnold, but it seems that it was railroaded thru, or at least so it comes to us thru our grapevine todegraph. Woe betide the girl who inadvertently is caught on the fire escape after seven o’clock.

These chilly October nights Dame Rumor gathers her skirts more tightly about her skinny bones and huddles more closely to her tiny fire. As she throws an occasional stick on the fitful flames, they leap higher for the moment and light up some new tragedy, some unforeseen comedy, or some luscious tidbit of

scandal. Dame Rumar is in low spirits, however, this week. Business has been dreadfully dull, and the spice of the cake seems to be lacking. But, to business—

If anything burns us up it is what

happened to us in the library Mon-day. A young lady had us all keyed up with interest and was telling a joke which promised to be good.

When she finished we looked foolishly blank and wondered why the Sam Hill our ancestors had to be

English. After a moment we confessed that for some inexplicable reason we failed to see the point, and then what did our lady friend do but say, "Oh, there's no point to it! " — —And that's why we feel burned up.

This may not be a joke coulmn,

but we read one the other day that's

too good to keep. A teacher asked her

class of youngsters who the greatest man in the world is. A bright young thing an the front row piped upand said "F. D. R. "

mote temperance, there fore give the people more whiskey to drink. Work with all your might and main for peace--by building bigger and bet-ter battleships. I’m sure that's right

'cause he says so. He must then expect support by getting a large number of votes—for the opposite party.

Then there was the guy who said Dr. Petry had no sense of Humor— Tut. Tut.



The Chemistry club, which meets regularly at 4: 30 p. m. every other Thursday will meet next Thursday on account of a conflict in time with the freshman-sophomore football game which is to be played this after-

Miss Greta Willma-Griffis, ’33, re-, cently underwent a severe eye operation at the University of Chicago Hospital. Reports are that she is recovering nicely.

Miss Griffis is working on her master's degree at the University of Chicago.

THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1934    The Spectator _ _PAPE THREE

M. C. Men See K. U. vs. Aggies Game By Remote Control

It seems that a group of local col-lege students, after attending the Bulldog-Baker nightmare at Baldwin, succeeded in crashing a big-time football game between K. U. and Kansas State. The party was composed of Robert Booz, Willard Crabb, John Beyer, Wendell Doll, and Franklin Hiebert.

These young men left McPherson at the eleventh hour last Friday and as the game at Baldwin was scheduled to begin at 2: 30, haste was the main issue. The quintet reached Baldwin safely and in plenty of time under the competent chauffeuring of Mr. Booz, although not without numerous thrills. One member of the excursion was overheard to say. "As we were entering Ottawa I blinked my eyes, and when I opened them again we were half-way to Baldwin. ”

After the game, the party went up to K. U. and visited Fredrick McCoy, a former student, at the Phi Delta Fraternity house. Robert Booz almost made his expenses for the trip to Lawrence, by wagering nickels and dimes on the hill climbing ability of the Terraplane on Ml. Oread.

The next day these young globetrotters went over to Manhattan for the K. U. -Aggie classic. As the group by this time was on the verge of bankruptcy, they decided that $1. 10 was too big a price to pay for any game. One of the members of the group espied a hill overlooking the stadium and this was the stimulus for a brilliant idea. They could watch the game in a general way from the hill and by tuning in on the car radio could listen to the play-by-play description.

The party returned home that evening, richer in experience but poorer in mercenary wealth.


Paul Sargent and Dean Mohler went to Madison to conduct a men’s program in the Brethren church last night.

Everett Brown spent the week end at his home in Wichita.

Robert Stratman and Warren Neade were in Geneseo over the week end.

Marvin Poland was in Lyons over the week end.

Daniel Zook spent the week end at his home in Larned.

The physical training classes under the direction of Coach Binford are trying out archery which is a new sport in school. Basketball, volley ball and soft ball are also played by the classes.

Dwight Barngrover was a visitor in Lawrence Saturday and Sunday.

Herbert Glover visited In Emporia over the week end.

Joyce Herrold and John Kauffman are new basketball men who are now working out in the gym every day in preparation for the coming basketball season.

Co-eds Given Pointers For Attending Football Games

By College News Service

New Brunswick, N. J. —Students of the New Jersey College for Women this week were warned on the following fine points of attending a football game, by Campus News, the college paper:

"When your friend’s alma mater fails to score, cheer him up by saving, ’Old shout seems to be off the goal standard.

'‘Never cheer the wrong team. If you are not sure, root for both.

"Always sing the college songs. If you don't know the words, try ’sweet Adeline. ’

"Don’t be frightened by queer-looking things on the field. They're not maniacs but cheer leaders.

"When you arrive, complain about the seats. It will show your escort that you love the finer things in life.

"When looking over the program ask if Babe Ruth is playing. ’’

President Hutchins of Chicago U To Gov’t Post

By College News Service

Washington, D. C. —Robert Maynard Hutchins, 35-year-old president of the University of Chicago, this week was to take over a government seat as chairman of the National Labor Relations Board.

Because of his legal training and detached educational background, Hutchins was assertedly selected by President Franklin Roosevelt to help enforce labor codes. Possible re-organization of the enforcement of NRA was hinted as being among the duties awaiting Hutchins.

It was evident last week that President Roosevelt desired code authorities, elected by industries themselves, to take the leadership in curbing violators. The success or failure of the code system depends upon the success or failure of the code members to live up to obligations set forth, believes the Recovery

In the past, with enforcement of NRA provisions handled largely by governmental agencies, there has been a lack of complete co-ordination in the work. It is asserted, which is responsible for the new move.

Miss Joyce Snowberger of Larned

visited her cousin, Rachel Snowberger, last Saturday.

Byron Eshelman who is attending K. S. T. C. at Emporia visited friends here Saturday and Sunday.

Galen Ogden preached in the Evangelical church at Meridian Sunday.

Camilla Moore spent the week end in Lawrence.

Esther Scott was at her home in Chase Saturday and Sunday.

Maurine Stutzman and Alice Gill visited in Wichita this week end.

Mrs. John Wall, Miss Della Leh-man, Otho Clark and John Moore motored to Oklahoma City last Friday afternoon. They returned Sunday night.

other groups.

The Jazz age is at its ragged tail end. It is no longer smart to be immoral. —Rabbi A. H. Silnn.

College men and women are on the average taller than those young

college, it has been revealed by Dr. Harold S. Diel of Minneapolis U. medical faculty after investigation of 40, 000 college students.


Personality—its relation to the student and possibility of develop-ment in the student was the sub-ject for discussion at the last meeting of the Y. M. Kenneth Weaver discussed the various types of per-sonalitles to be found on McPherson College Campus. Miss McGaffey spoke from yours of experience to tell about the ways and means of developing personalities. She urged among other things that students keep their Individuality and avoid

English Use Radio As Means of Education

In the October issue of the "School Review” a comment of Bruce Bliven on “The University of the Air" is quoted.

He states that the true objective of British broadcasting is its operation as a great popular university supplemented by entertainment. Men of letters lecture on well chosen subjects, exercising care that these subjects are well presented and not too dull for a popular audience. Young men from the universities aspire to obtain a position with the British Broadcasting company, which is, in actuality, a semi-govern mental monopoly.

Practically all advertising is eliminated, and programs from which the greatest benefit can be derived have been substituted.

being regimented along with all the

other students.

Maxine Ring gave two readings and the Ike-Spike combination gave another of its instrumental duets.

In Other Schools

Warren V. Prince, former Baker U. student, has invented a clock which not only tells the hour, but the days of the week and the date of the month as well. Other inventions worked out by him are a washerless faucet and a depressible safety zone button.

Bringing the gay 90's back to life seems to be the chief objective of the modern students at Indiana U. this year. Smart red and white bicycles are taking students to classes, on dates, and on crosscountry jaunts. Even professors, who once tooted their automobiles on their pleasure rides; have caught the bicycle spirit and are riding cycles until 10 p. m. which is the time limit set by the city—Ottawa Campus.

K. S. A. C. at Manhattan has given the privilege of voluntary class attendance to those students who make an average grade of "B" for each semester of each previous year, taking not less than 16 hours. Records show attendance in this group equaling that of compulsory attendance in


Another riotons pep chapel was held Thursday prior to the McPher-son-Baker University game. Neva Root, cheer leader, was conspicuous in a new red and white rooter's cap.

The student body was keyed to a high pitch over the coming Baker game and responded beautifully to the cheer leaders’ demand for yells, lowed up the previous days’ pep, lowed up the previous days' pep, when they met on the steps of the Gymnasium to give the boys a rousing send-off to Baker.

Universities in Japan have only 35 women students.


the breaks are just a part of the

And now I wish to comment upon the clean play of the Baker team. They drove hard and blocked and tackled the same way. It is a pleasure to meet and play a team of good sports.

While the Bulldogs were taking their fall at the hands of Baker, Ottawa was busily occupied in taking a 10 to 0 beating at the hands of Wes-

The few spectators that accompanied the McPherson team to Baldwin got plenty of thrills out of Carpenter’s 65 yard return of a punt for a touchdown. It was a pretty run behind almost perfect interference, and Haun's educated toe tied the score to keep McPherson in the money for the most part of the game.

It was not learned until Monday that Bill Smith sustained a broken ankle in practice last week. For almost a week Bill has been doctoring it under the lamp for a sprain; but the x-ray, taken Monday, showed a broken bone.

During this week and next the coaches will round the team into shape to meet the Bethany Swedes. Although the Swedes do not have an impressive record thus far, they will be a tough ball club for the Bulldogs


Felines Defeat the Bulldogs by Blocking a Punt—Carpenter’s Return of Punt Sixty-five Yards a Feature—Score Tied Until Last Quarter.

Baker University knocked the McPherson College Bulldogs into the ranks of the defeated lost Friday at Baldwin and thus strengthened their own hold on the Kansas Conference leadership. The final score was 13-7. Up until this game the Bulldogs and Wildcats were tied up for the conference lead.

By virtue of their win over McPherson the Baker Wilcats have be-come the odds-on favorites to finish at the top of the league. Pre-season dope stamped McPherson and College of Emporia as the outstanding teams in the conference and now Baker has toppled both of them on consecutive weeks.

The game at Baker was a real battle with Coach Liston’s Wildcats, composed largely of new men, winning on a blocked punt in the last quarter. Up until that time the score stood at 7-7 with both teams trying desperately to break the deadlock.

Baker scored first when on straight football they advanced from near the middle of the field and Anderson carried the ball across. This Anderson, small but sensational back, was the outstanding man for the Wildcats during the entire game. His punting and ball carrying featured.

The Baker score had hardly been made until the Bulldogs counted a touchdown. Carpenter took a Wildcat punt, and with near perfect blocking on the part of his mates, ran unmolested 65 yards to score. Haun scored the seventh point to tie the score.

It was extremely warm during the game and the players on both teams suffered from the heat. It was in the final minutes of the last quarter that the fatal play came for the Bulldogs. Wiggins attempted a punt and it was blocked by Heine, Baker tackle. The ball rolled back over the goal line and a Baker man fell on it for a touchdown. Vasquez played well in the McPherson line.


Although the Bulldogs dropped their game to Baker, it was a fight to the finish. Both teams played hard, and it was anybody’s game until the gun sounded.

Considering the game from all angles, the facts seem to show that McPherson got the tough breaks that were responsible for losing the game. In the second quarter Pauls caught a pass from Carpenter and lit just over the back line of the end zone. According to the rules it was not a touchdown, but had the blond one lit just six inches nearer the passer. McPherson would have had the necessary points to have tied and perhaps won the game. Then, in the last minutes of play, when the McPherson kick was blocked, it was only a lucky break for Baker that they scored. I have seen a lot of football, but never before have seen or heard tell or a blocked punt rolling back 25 yards into the kicking team's end zone.

After all football la football and

to conquer. In any Bulldog-Swede game dope means nothing as it is a grudge battle and anything is apt to happen.

Baker is now in a very strategic position to win the Kansas conference title. Having already defeated McPherson and College of Emporia, topnotchers of the league, the Wild-cats are now sailing along on top. Of course it is still anybody’s championship and a defeat for Baker would throw the races wide open. Yes, and that thing, can happen yet as Baker must meet their traditional rivals, Ottawa, and also Kansas Wesleyan, and Bethany. Even at that the Bulldogs must play C. of E. yet and many consider the Emporia school to have more potential power than any team in the conference. It looks like an interesting race.

But the hurdle for the Bulldogs to take care of now is Bethany, and dope coming from Lindsborg is to the effect that the Swedes are planning on taking care of the Bulldogs. Bethany has been losing some games this year and plan to hit their stride against McPherson and make their season a big success.


Men students who are staying in private homes in McPherson were en-tertained last Friday evening at the home of Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler from 8 to 10 o’clock.

After an evening spent in playing games, the host and hostess served refreshments to the group.