The Spectator

vol. XVIII    McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Thursday, October 18, 1934_number 6



The Personality contest, sponsored by the Quadrangle staff got underway Monday morning. Gladys Riddell leads the contest with 1800 votes, Viola Harris is second with 1600, and Neva Root third with 1200. Ruth Tice and Maxine Ring have been named by student voters, but each lacks 100 votes of being nominated. Nine hundred votes is the required number for nomination.

There are a number of students who have purchased books and who have not yet voted. All such students are urged to cast their votes as soon as possible. John Friesen or any of the sales staff will record the



Schwalm’s Twentieth Wedding

Anniversary Is Recognized In Chpel Service

Recognition of the twentieth wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm was given at the close of chapel Wednesday morning. Dean R. E. Mohler asked the president of the student council, Mr. Harry Frantz, to escort Mrs. Schwalm to the platform where she was seated with Dr. Schwalm. Prof. Voran sang “Believe Me If All Those Endearing Sweet Charms, ” and Miss Della Lehman presented a bouquet of flowers to the couple with the congratula-tions and best wishes of the faculty. Dr. and Mrs. Schwalm responded by telling of their happiness in the past twenty years. The faculty and students, led by the honored couple, left the chapel to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march.

The opening part of the chapel program consisted of a talk by Dr. J. W. Hershey on the subject, “He will win who wills to do so. " He said that each individual has a place to fill which no one else can fill as well. Stating that success today dictates new struggles for tomorrow, he told of several successful men and to what they attributed their success.


The 1934-’35 lyceum course will be opened October 31 by a group of well-known artists. The Pollard Players.

Cleone and Bob Pollard, with a supporting cast of five, will present Booth Tarkington's three-act comedy drama, "The Intimate Stranger, ” well known as a great Broadway sue-



Of interest to many is the announcement that Fern Brunk, former student of McPherson College, was asked to exhibit some of her paintings at an art exhibit in Wichita. The exhibit, sponsored by the Twentieth Century Club, was held Tuesday, October 16, at the clubhouse, and featured art work of more than fifty Wichita women artists.

Miss Brunk is well known to many McPherson citizens and those who have seen her paintings have pronounced them very fine.


"Why I Still Have Faith" was the subject of a series of personal experience talks given by Harriet Smith, Ralph Sherfy, and John Kaufman in the weekly meeting of the World Service Group Tuesday evening.

Continuance of peace, friendship, prayer, balance during changing conditions, and the influence of training and environment were given as examples and ideals helpful in holding faith.

An election was held to fill the office of treasurer which was left va-cant last year Harriet Smith was chosen to this position.

Next week’s meeting of the group will be a review of some great leader’s life, a biography of sacrificing leadership.

In addition to the competitive show of chemical stunts, Galen Gless-ner exhibited a Tesla coil. The program was climaxed by the display of an electrically lighted, evacuated tube in the form of the letters MC which was made by Glenn Webb.

About eighty visitors including students and professors came from Wichita, Sterling, Lindsborg, Salina, and Newton to see the exhibition. The chapel was more than filled, there being a number of persons standing. Dr. Hershey said this was by far the best and most elaborate exhibition ever put on here by students of his department.



Score of 27 to 0 Is Final Result, of Game Held Here Thursday

The McPherson College second team Thursday won from Sterling College in a game at the McPherson Athletic Park. Long broken-field runs featured the game. Only once or twice did Sterling get within scoring distance of the goal and then McPherson intercepted passes to regain possession of the ball and work out of danger.

Zuhars, a new student who just enrolled last week made the first touchdown and "Red" Crabb, a former McPherson high school star made the other three touchdowns.

McPherson men who saw action besides Crabb and Zuhars were J. Moore, Boyer, Seidel, Hawkins, Dun-canson, Meyer, Haffeuer, Frisbie, Hapgood, Sperline, Shive, Goertz, Doyle, Stratman, Schurr and Flory.



In another one of those riotous, rafter-splittiny pep chapels last Thursday morning, the student body plainly showed the football squad they were for the McPherson team whole-heartedly.

Feature artists on the program were those two inimitable clowns, Ike and Spike of McPherson. They played with ability several trumpet and saxophone selections.

Following this act school songs were sung and yells given. Professor Voran again led the singing, and "Joe E. ” Kimmel led the yells.

FERA workers in Manchester Col-lege, North Manchester, Indiana, are at work on a new athletic stadium which will seat two thousand when completed. It will take two years to complete the project. In addition to the building of the stadium a river bank is being beautified and an island constructed.

College Represented On District Program

Faculty and Students on Program of District Meeting at Monitor


Yoder and Weaver Chosen to Fill Positions---Crumpacker is College Trustee

Over 500 members attended the Fellowship Dinner last Sunday held in connection with the Southwest Convention of the Brethren Church which met at the Monitor Church near Conway, October 12-15.

A prohibition play by the young people of the Monitor Church opened the convention Friday night. Saturday morning was devoted to the ministerial conference, with the general theme of "Stewardship. " Rev. H. F. Crist, Newton, was the chair-man. Speakers Included Rev. G. W. Burgin, Garden City; Rev. E. F. Weaver, Darlow; Rev. James Elrod, East Wichita; Dean R. E. Mohler, McPherson; and Rev. H. A. Brandt, Elgin, III., assistant editor of the Gospel Messenger. The Christian Education program was given in the afternoon, with Mrs. M. W. Emmert. Dean F. A. Replogle, and Professor J. A. Blair of McPherson participating. McPherson College alumni and representatives spoke Saturday evening on "The Present Situation and Future Outlook. "

Rev. H. A. Brandt of Elgin, III., spoke on "Missions” at the Sunday morning service. Dr. Schwalm delivered an address on "Our Need of God” Sunday night.

At the business session Monday Dr. J. J. Yoder was elected moderator and Rev. E. F. Weaver was elected reading clerk. Dr. Yoder is to represent the Southwest Convention at the national conference of the Brethren Church to be held in Pennsylvania next June. Dr. H. J. Harnly was re-elected as trustee of McPherson College and a member of the executive committee. Mr. Ray Strohm, who moved to Colorado Springs, is to be succeeded on the board of trustees by Mr. Leonard Crumpacker, an alumnus of McPherson College and a teacher in the city schools of McPherson. This is his first position An the hoard.

Mrs. Ellen Wagoner and daughters, Elizabeth and Jo, presented a play Sunday afternoon on “School Affairs in India. " Miss Delia Leh-. man taught the young peoples' de-partment in Sunday School in the morning.


At a meeting of the senior class held Monday, it was decided to give the Senior-Freshman Kid party next Monday, October 22. At this social which is given annually by the senior class, all members of the two classes are expected to be present in attire customarily worn by youngsters of grade school age or younger. Fuller announcement of the time and place will be made later.

The annual class play was also voted on at Monday's class meeting. The tentative date for presentation of the play was set for about March 1.



A worship service was held in chapel Friday morning, October 12.

Miss Fern Lingenfelter played "Sweet Hour of Prayer" as a prelude. As the audience stood, the A Capella choir of 34 voices entered from the back of the auditorium and took their places on the stage. The congregation and choir joined in singing a hymn, after which the leader of the morning's service, Dr. J. D. Bright, read the scripture lesson.

"Gloria Patri” was sung by the choir, followed by the litany of aspiration, read responsively by the leader and assembly. The choir closed the service by singing "Seven Fold Amen. "    


Friday, Oct. 18 to Sunday. Oct. 21 —Central District C. E. Convention at Marion.

Friday, Oct. 18—Bulldog-Wildcat football game, Baldwin City.

Sunday, Oct. 21—Regular C. E. meeting.

Tuesday, Oct. 23—Regular Y meetings. 10 a. m.

—World Service Group meeting. 7: 00 p. m.

Thursday, Oct. 25—Pep chapel.


Parents Are Guests of College at Program and Game with Kansas Wesleyan

Parents of McPherson College students visited the campus last Friday which was observed as the annual "Dad's Day. " During the day they were free to inspect the equipment of the college and visit any of the classes. At five o’clock dinner was served in the dining hall. A program was given with Dean R. E. Mohler as master of ceremonies. President V. F. Schwalm gave a welcome talk which was responded to by Mr. Wiggins of Geneseo, Kansas. Other features of the program were a reading by Opal Bennett and some pep songs by a group of men students.

In the evening all dads were invited to the football game where they saw the McPherson team beat the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes 7-6. The fathers of the football men were seated on the bench with their sons at this game.


Burlesque Profs Compete for

Title of ‘‘World’s Greatest Scientist”

"Yeh, you sho did git me a job. " But Joe had a snap compared with the work that Arthur DeVor and Glenn Webb did through the summer in preparation for the chemistry show last Thursday. The group of experiments, all of which were tried beforehand, were worked into an original program, showing Kenneth Weaver as Prof. Wottasnozzle and Arthur DeVor as Prof. Finklesnoop, competing for the title of "World's Greatest Scientist. ”


The players have learned their parts and are beginning to practice with properties in the four one-set plays which the dramatic art class will present Friday, October 26.

At 3 in the afternoon of the same day, the annual property tea will be held. All of the women of the town are invited to come. There is no admission charge, but it is suggested that they donate scarfs, ribbons, braids, drapes, costumes, jewelry, or anything else that might be of value to the dramatic art department. The play, "A Tune of A Tune, ” will be given for entertainment, after which tea will be served in the Y. W. room.


W. M. Balch, Baker, Here Monday, Directs Organization of Club

Dr. W. M. Balch, professor of History at Baker University, visited the campus Monday representing the Kansas Prohibition Emergency Committee. Under his direction an organization was formed to further prohibition in the stale before election on Nov. 6.

The officers elected for this college Prohibition Club are: president, Elmer Staats, vice-president, Ralph Sherfy. A few committees are to be appointed by the president to be in charge of newspaper publicity, programs in outlying communities, and service at the polls on election day. The committees will be instructed to cooperate with other similar organizations outside the college.

Dr. Balch spoke in chapel Monday morning on Prohibition in Kansas. In 1932, America voted for repeal of the eighteenth amendment, where-as in 1928, the country voted the repeal amendment down. This, Balch said, was investigated by a committee which found that the prosperity, of 1928 was responsible for the first action and the depression of 1932 for the second.

Three dangers face Kansas citizens if the amendment is repealed -the possible return of the saloon or its equivalent, the introduction of bootleg liquor, and the problem of drunken car drivers. Balch appealed to his audience for the upholding of law and order.


Led by Dr. J. D. Bright in a discussion on World Brotherhood, the students who attended the Sunday evening Christian Endeavor meeting revealed many interesting and diverging opinions on world problems.

Group singing and special numbers completed the program.

Next Sunday the theme "Abundant Living Through Experience" will be viewed from three aspects, social, college, and Christian, in talks by Harriet Smith, David Duncanson, and Galen Ogden.

A musical number and a chalk talk will be included on this program.

Bulldog Team Defeats Kansas Wesleyan, 7-6

Coyotes Score First and Bulldogs Follow with 1 Point Winning Margin


Catches Pass from Burress and Makes Winning Run—Haun Kicks Goal for Extra Point

During all but two minutes of the playing time in Friday night's game between the M. C. Bulldogs and the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes it looked as if the old Wesleyan jinx, thought buried last year when the Bulldogs stopped the Mackie crew 6 to 0, had been aroused and was again in evidence. The Bulldogs played rings around their opponents in all but a very few minutes in the first and final quarters. They were able to do about everything they wanted to do in their offensive playing until they got right under the enemy goal posts and then, for some reason, the team seemed to just stand still. Coupled with their smashing offensive playing at other times, the McPherson team seemed to be getting more than their share of the breaks, but they just couldn't take advantage of them.

With only five or six minutes of the last quarter remaining to be played and the Bulldogs again threat-ening their goal line, the Coyotes resisted and got possession of the ball. Endsley, Wesleyan back, got away around the left end for about 20 yards. The Canines braced and forced Wesleyan to kick. McPherson immediately attempted to punt but Haim's effort was blocked. This gave the Coyotes a real break and they lost no time in taking advantage of it. A completed forward pass and the ball was on McPherson's 15-yard line, and then Endsley again evaded acklers in an end run to go across with a touchdown. The attempt to score the extra point failed and the score stood 6 to 0 for Wesleyan with about three minutes to play.

Wesleyan kicked off and the ball went into play on the McPherson 30-yard line. A pass from Burress to Haun netted 7 yards. Two more pass attempts railed and on the fourth down Burress dropped back and heaved a long pass to Pauls who dropped back to the Wesleyan 25-yard line. With Coyote tacklers coming in from all sides Pauls caught the ball, evaded his opponents, and raced for a touchdown. Haun with a perfect dropkick made the extra point. After the kickoff and two more plays the game was over, with the Bulldogs ahead, 7 to

It was a hard game to figure out. McPherson outcharged their foes no-


"Have you ever been up? ” "That was my first ride in a tri-motor. ” "A night ride is by far the greatest thrill. " These and other remarks wore heard about the campus this week following a visit to McPherson by the Inman brothers in their Ford tri-motored plane. Using a field south of the cemetery as a landing place, the ship attracted many people from McPherson; including a number of college students.

From the air at night, Main street is a most compelling sight. The lighted streets, the electric signs, and the auto lights make it a spectacle long to be remembered. Fahnestock ball, with the "midnight oil" being unsparingly consumed within, shines out as the most prominent land-mark in this part of town. One can also see the town lights or Linds-borg, Inman, and Canton. The cars along the highways, which the pilot said were a mile or more apart, appeared to be on each other’s heels. Oh, yes, the water tower sign Reserves mention. But it is a sad disappointment, it looks like a glowing cigarette butt dropped carelessly by —-perhaps the man in the moon.


The Spectator

Spec-Y u-La-Shuns

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice

at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of MArch 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For


THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief    -----Royal Frantz



Kenneth Weaver    Edna Reiste    Richard Hendren    Gerald Custer

Velma Wakins    Kurtis Naylor    John Friesen    Donald Brumbaugh

Mike Vasquez    Vernon Michael    Donald Evans    Robert Booz


When written English was created, and the scores of punctuation marks came into existence so that words and phrases might take on more meaning, one mark or punctuation was overlooked. No arrangement was made for a “chuckle point."

The form of appearance of the chuckle point is of no especial importance, but in written English something is needed to let the reader know that "I was only kidding. Don’t take this seriously." It has been a custom of letter writers to put "ha ha" after the phrase considered especially funny, but polite journalism does not have even this elementary method of warning the render it was all in fun. Misunderstanding is the result.

International correspondence needs a chuckle point, for long-faced diplomats are quick to perceive unintentional jibes in messages and com-munications between nations. Who can say what wars could have been averted or difficulties avoided if a prudent chuckle point could have been placed here and there at effective places?

On the other hand, the chuckle must not foster satire or sarcasm. The mark need not indicate that the preceding sentence is hilariously funny, for if it did it would soon become as trite as the stop-me-if-you’ve-heard-this-one stories. Instead, it should be a gentle reminder that the reader is to smile while reading, or perhaps to knock on wood.

One suggestion has been put forward that the form of the chuckle point should be a parenthesis turned over on its side, so as to appear like a smile. —The Bulletin. K. S. T. C.. Emporia.

Too bad Mother Emmert had to come barging in at the wrong time Saturday night. It is surprising how soon a bridge game can greak up under certain circumstances!

The girls really broke loose Friday nite—and don’t let anyone kid you into thinking they’re a dead bunch. After the game a number of young Romeos (principally from town) gathered under the balcony of all the young Juliets and gave a right rousing serenade—to which the girls responded by coming down and joining in a snake dance all over the campus. The fair damsels all went in at the young hour of 11: 45, altho the night was as yet a pup.

Prof. Bohling (in Economic Geography class): Uphold or reject the Statement, "The boll weevil is a blessing in disguise. "

Wendell Doll: This is true because the boll weevil is valued highly for its fur.

(And if you don’t believe it, just ask Wendell. )

Winchell and Zilch, Inc. All such contributions will be deeply appreciated, we assure you. This column is now affiliated with the U. P. (Uncensored Press) Service in our endeavor to give you the very latest in the comings and goings of M. C. stu-

In Other Schools


Mr. and Mrs. Voran attended the conference at the Monitor Church near Conway Sunday.

John Dunn's parents were here for the game Friday.

Marvin Poland was in Lyons over

Clara Hohner, Helene Hohner, Fer-reldean Taylor, Pauline Cooper, Helen Radke, Joy Adamson, Dorothea Reazin, Lester Reazin, Vernon Rea-zin, Ward Weaver, and Brice Miller, all from St. John, visited friends at the college and attended district meeting at Monitor Saturday and Sunday.

Dr. Robert H. Miller, of the de

partment of Religion and Philosophy at Manchester College, has jut published a book entitled, "The Life Por-trayed in the Sermon on the Mount. " This volume of more than two hundred pages is published by the W. A. Wilde Company of Boston and, according to Oak Leaves, student news-paper of Manchester College, is an intensely human and practical work.

Chess is taught as a required course in every Russian school today. But who wants to play chess any-way? —The Torch, Valparaiso Uni-versity, Indiana.


"Repeal brings with it a greater challenge and a harder struggle for those who really believe in temperance than they have ever faced before. The slow but permanent method of education must again be used promoting temperance and sobriety. We should at once recognize that there are two opposing forces at work. One tries to create appetite and increase the use of intoxicants. The other, through education, seeks to develop tem-perance, sobriety, and kindred forces. Profit must not be permitted to return to the liquor business. Revenue must be secondary to temperance. The importation of foreign liquors should be prevented. Liquor advertising in newspapers or by the radio should be restricted or prevented. We must treat alcohol the same as narcotics and other habit-forming drugs.

"Those who have given their lives to the temperance cause should not be heartbroken in the turn of events, but should prepare for the greatest battle of education that has ever been waged in the six-thousand-year struggle to control the evils of strong drink. The saloon was banished because it was repugnant to American life. If it is permitted to return in any form, the American people will again rise in their might and find some method for its destruction. "—Louis J. Taber in Christian Advocate.

"In every community three things always work together—the" grog shop, the jail and the gallows—an infernal trinity. "—Henry Ward Beecher.


The McPherson High School recently presented a group of reading books to the College Library. These were "Bismark" by Ludwig, “Daughter of Eve" by Bradford, and "Disraeli" by Maurois.

Several new books have been received recently for the Education department. Among these are "Educational Psychology, " "Everyday Problems of the Country Teacher," "Diagnosing Personality and Conduct" by Symonds, and "Provisions for the Individual In College Education" by Gray.

Dean Mohler presented two books for the Biology department, Hegner's “College Zoology" and "Textbook of Botany" by Ganong. Several other books have been presented to this department recently.

Phelps’ "University Debaters' Annual" has been purchased. A book of especial interest received during the summer is McGiffert's "History of Christian Thought. "

An addition was made to a set of chemistry books which were started last year. This book, "A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry" by J. W. Mellow is the third volume to be purchased.

The story of Henry Ford's life by Ralph H. Graves was presented by the Ford Motor Co.

"The Daily Altar" by Herbert L. Willett and Charles Morrison and "Christian Missions and a New World Culture" by Baker have been purchased for the religion department.

Among other books purchased are a group of books for comparative government, three volumes of "One. Act Plays for Stage and Study, and "Household Equipment" by Poet and


To the boys of McPherson College:

As the question of dating is being discussed among the students at this college there is a point of etiquette that should be stressed in regard to the M. C. boys. Many of the boys have no way of escorting their girl friends only by walking. If they have to walk there is one thing that all boys should keep in mind. This thing is that the boys should always walk on the outside, that is the side next to the curbing.. Many boys are very thoughtless about this, and it is very embarrassing to the young lady they are with. Boys, please remember this to keep the girl friend from this unnecessary embarrass-

NOTE: The above suggestion was mailed to The Spectator with a request that it be published and no name of any kind accompanying it. We presume that it was written by an embarrased co-ed who had just gone through the awful experience described.

Then there is the story about our biology prof who drove his car in second gear for five miles before he remembered to shift into high.

We boar some enterprising second floor maiden came up via the outside stairs one night last week. Tsk! tsk! What are the girls coming to?

If you want any info concerning thrills of an airplane ride—ask Modena Sundergard.

The little Freshie from Iowa just can’t help it because she gets so many letters from boy friends! Such popularity is to be prized highly— maybe she can give some of the other girls some pointers.

News flash! Sweetland seems to have found his little bumblebee!

It’s sure nice the way these teachers treat their classes—e. g. — Miss Lehman going to Wichita Monday afternoon to the intense sorrow (? ) of the dramatics Art class.

Oyez! Oyez! To whom it may concern—Betty Lou is not writing to her boy friends. And that’s that.

We wonder who will do the 3rd floor Sophomore girls’ washing next week. Or at least the 3rd floor won-

We admit that we were slightly mistaken about a certain young Freshman; she is a very sociable young lady when you get acquainted with her.

Yankee’s theme song now-a-days is "Where Is my Wandering Boy Tonight? ”

Mistakes Coach for Player

By College News Service Pasadena, Calif. —Somebody mistook Caltech's veteran football coach, "Fox" Stanton, for one of his players in a scrimmage recently with Fullerton Junior College. And now Mr. Stanton is directing his grid warriors with a crutch, while nursing a broken leg.

The grid mentor was accidentally knocked down by a Fullerton man who was running down under a punt.

Stanton's foot was broken at the tip of the fibula. He will be on crutches for several weeks doctors

Henry Russel and John Moore were in Oklahoma over the week end.

Georgia Taylor spent the week end in Wichita visiting at the home of her grandparents.

Camilla Moore went to Sterling Friday evening to visit some friends.

Gerald Custer's parents were visitors in McPherson this week end.

Lucille Kistner, Sabetha, and Arbutus Eddy, Navarre, were here over the week end to visit Harriette Smith.

Miss Ruth Tice is working at the Replogle residence this year while going to school.

Lucille Ullery spent the week end visiting with Opal Bennett.

Everett Brown’s parents were visitors in McPherson this week end.

Table Manners In Alaska...

Once again their gentlemanly instincts got the better of the members of the "Table of the First. " Fashionable these boys are—half an hour late they stalked into dinner Sunday attired in full dress regalia, dark suits (pressed), gleaming white shirts and dark ties, shoes shined and hair slicked down right.

Standing erect at their places the boys awaited the "high sign" from the head of the table. All during dinner conversation was most elevating and correct. Table manners were faultless.

It was almost inspiring but knowing them as we do, we wonder, “for why the great display and when again? ”—Farthest North Collegian, Sept, 1.

My, these naughty, boisterous, noisy football boys —it’s simply scandaliferous how they misbehave in the dining hall. In fact, it got so bad that the matron had to mix them up with the other kids. These boys get so used to fighting for dear old M. C. on the gridiron that they can't calm down at mealtime. But that’s O. K., boys, we hope you feel in the same mood when you hit the Baker Wildcats Friday night.

We always did, and still do, believe that girls are infinitely inferior to men. E.. g. —in the 11: 30 gym class there was nary an arrow that pierced the gold, or the red, white and blue either. And the target was only 35 feet away.

At the game Friday night a college student turned out the light in the grandstand so as to see the game better. Just then a kid in the back row hollered out, "You don’t have to turn out the light just because you’ve got your girl here! ”

The next time yon see Ralph Sweetland you might ask him how you go about getting bromine out of calcium sulphate.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, we come to the end of another week's diary. And before we close, may we make this small request. If you run across any juicy morsels of scandal won't you jot them down on the enclosed card and tend it (we pay postage) to the MORS (McPherson

A lemon tree, bearing 36 lemons the size of grapefruit, is being grown in the greenhouse of Wayne State college, Nebraska.

Ottawa University, Ottawa, is publishing its annual this year in two issues. The first issue will be published just before the Christmas vacation and the second issue just before the close of school next spring. Each issue will contain 64 pages.

"Spur, ” a novel riding club, was organized recently at C. of E. by twenty women students of that institution. The W. A. A. of C of E. awards 100 points for fulfilling certain requirements in riding.

"Dictionary of American Biography” Is

Important Addition to College Library


Make Excursion Trip Into Canada

By College News Service

Princeton, N. J. Some two-score selected Princeton students are now back in their classrooms following an excursion last month into Canada aboard the specially constructed Pullman car, Princeton, owned by the University.

Purpose of the trip was to study problems common to Canada and the United States. It was caried on jointly by the Princeton School of Public and International affairs and the Summer School of Geology and

Benjamin Franklin is the name of the business manager of Kansas State Teachers' College, Pittsburg.

Student Tells of Trip to Nebraska

By Leta Wine

A quadrangle of reactions returned from the Nebraska District Conference. This is from one of the angles.

I went along to keep the right rear wheel on the ground. (Once in a while I succeeded. )

I was with very agreeable companions. Viola Rothrock was our road guide and Clarence Sink the main spring in our wheel of conver-sation, and Dean Replogle a regular scout keeping us all happy.

We were in Octavia in time for Sunday School on Sunday morning. We regretted, of course, that we did not get there quite soon enough to teach the classes, but they managed without us somehow.

I was worried all the time about the Dean, because we hadn't given him any time on the way to prepare his speech. I was afraid he would get football mixed in it in the final rendition, but he really did famously. Every time anybody praised him.

I had to try hard to keep my head from bumping the ceiling. 'S funny, this school pride we feel.

In the afternoon, Dean Replogle spoke in the young people’s meeting. When it was over, everybody was asking how much it costs to go to college and I wished and wished I were a millionaire so that I could bring them all down here to find out for themselves.

Monday morning was the business meeting. You’d think we’d have hurried home 'bout that time, but we wanted to hear the report from M. C.. and after that we forgot to watch the clock. Those people put zest into their business.

When at last we broke away from the meeting, a gray-haired and smiling old man insisted that we accept his hospitality at a meal. We all did justice to the meal, but “Rep” takes the cake—and Clarence the sandwich. He left with one wrapped as a souvenir, and when we were half way home, we saw him put it carefully away forever.

The road home seemed a bit longer than it had on the way to the meeting, but we know two things now with greater assurance: Dean Replogle is good advertising for M. C. among Nebraska people: and, intimate contact of instructors and students with the people of outlying territories is of vital importance to the best interests of McPherson College.

A club of pre-medical students has been formed at K. S. T. C., Emporia. The membership at the start is 35 members.

Of especial interest among the group of now books purchased for the library the past week is the new “Dictionary of American Biography" in 14 volumes.

This set of books is America's most brilliant historical and publishing work. It erects a permanent memorial to the lives to which America owes most. Valuable service of a work of this nature lies in the perpetuation of those who, though their careers were of real importance, may never have a book devoted to them. Their lfie stories have been recovered from a multitude of scattered sources, and those biographical sketches, after the result of laborious research, will remain the last word on their subjects. No other publication has ever so completely revealed, for the youth of today, our forefather's springs of

There are six more volumes to be published in connection with these works which will be completed some time in 1935. Supplemental volumes will be added from time to time so that the lives of future people of note will be covered by these works.

Butler Gives Modern Youth a "Scolding”

Youth is always being scolded for its little delinquencies and Dr. Nicholas Butler, President of Columbia University is in tune with the ages


VERE ABBEY, the missionary of the Christian Endeavor organization to India, and secretary of the Indian C. E., who is scheduled for addresses and conferences on the program of the central district C. E. convention at Marion this week.

C. E. Makes Plans For District Convention at Marion

The central district of the Kansas Christian Endeavor Union of which John Kauffman of McPherson College is president. Is holding a district meeting at Marion Friday. Saturday and Sunday of this week with a list of speakers scheduled which leaves nothing to be desired. Rev. Vere Abbey, the Christian Endeavor missionary to India and general secretary of the Indian Christian Endeavor, will give two addresses besides leading in missionary discussions and giving personal conferences. William Tice of Beloit, state C. E. president, and Rev. R. S. Nance, state executive secretary, are also to appear.

The program will open Friday night at 7: 30 with a prohibition play by the Aftermath Players from California who are now touring Kansas in the interests of the prohibition campaign being staged. After the play there will be a get-acquainted party which will give opportunity for

quainted with each other.

Saturday morning there will be an address by Dr. Abbey and the rest of the morning and afternoon will be given to conferences on latest methods in the various C. E. activities— prayer-meeting, social, missionery, publicity, etc. An Indian banquet youth of today. The main part of Butler's speech is given in the October 13 issue of the Literary Digest.

Dr. Butler states that the manners and personal conduct as manifested in every sort of public place and personal relationship of the young people today are quite shocking.

He blames the home and the school as the cause of youth's boorish conduct. Too often the school regards its duty done after very little effort.

Emphasizes Importance of General Education

That general education should be emphasized is brought out in an article in the October 13 issue of “School and Society. "

With the opening of the college year Goucher College, the Women's College of Baltimore, entered upon a new educational program. General education will be emphasized during the first two years of college work. There will ho no required credits or courses. " According to this college, the general education appropriate for every educated American woman should include eight objectives which include various appreciations, enjoyments, comprehensions, and the like.

At the end of the sophomore year the student will have to pass satisfactorily a general examination on the facts and principles underlying such of these objectives as can be will be the feature of the program Saturday evening. After the banquet Rev. Abbey will be the main speaker at another meeting.

Sunday morning will be given to the regular church and, Sunday School services and Sunday afternoon the C. E. consecration services will be held. In the evening the closing address of the convention will be given by the state president, Mr. Tice.

The theme of the convention will be “I Promise Him. " Dr. Abbey's address Saturday night will be on the subject. “I Promise Him I Will Help Take Christ to the World. "

Representatives of McPherson College who will appear on the program will be John Kauffman, Leonard Lowe, and Paul Heckman.

those attending at this time will be a registration fee of 35c and the ban-quel ticket which will cost 2fic.



The Y. W. meeting Tuesday morning was divided into five discussion groups with Velma Keller. Faithe Ketterman, Neva Root, Maxine Ring, and Margaret Oliver acting as lead-

It was definitely decided that McPherson College needs more all-school socials in order that the students may become better acquainted. Dutch dating was discussed and approved. Other phases of dating were discussed, and the women felt that a mixed discussion group would he very advantageous.

A pair of Indian moccasins and an

given to a professor at K. S. T. C. Emporia, by an Indian squaw, Ka-waykle, who lives in Oklahoma.

An intramural touch football tournament is being held at Kansas university.


"rah-rah" collegians, the four agreed on one other highly significant point: that no first-class student is allowed to drop out of school for financial reasons.

Dr. Bird pointed out that, in addition to government assistance, student loans and other methods of support are being offered to thousands of students throughout the country. In other words, the age-old argument that college is only for the well-to-do has been permanently blasted, and perhaps—dare we hope?—we are really in fair way toward creating an "aristocracy of brains" which will replace the idealism of money-grabbing that has marked much of our past history.

Will Meet Wildcats In Hard Game Tomorrow

Baker Defeated C. of E. Team Last Week — Have Veteran Backfield — Planning to Get Revenge on McPherson for Last Season’s Defeat

Judging from Baker’s performance in defeating College of Emporia 6-3. the Baldwin City aggregation, playing on their home lot against the McPherson College Bulldogs tomorrow night will prove a tough assignment for the Binford-Selves crew to master. McPherson has shown a great amount of improvement and by this time is showing a lot of punch and power in taking the ball down the field but it seems as though there is something lacking when the ball gets into scoring position.

The coaches are working hard on the Bulldog men to get them to click when they reach goal as they click in midfield. The fighting spirit of the Bulldogs was demonstrated last Friday night when the Coyotes crossed the Bulldog goal line. The McPherson men took the ball so fast down the field for a touchdown that the Wesleyan boys were bewildered and they had to eat their banquet In titter silence.

Last year McPherson defeated both Kansas Wesleyan and Baker by the score of 6-0. Baker was defeated on our field and no doubt will attempt to get revenge on the Bulldogs. The Wildcats have a veteran backfield but a less experienced line.

Coach Liston will probably start the following men against the Bulldogs unless injuries interfere: at the end positions there will be Farrow, weighing 177 lbs., and Hollister, 180; as tackles there will be Bell, 180, and Glanson, 180, or Heint, 159; at guard positions Dissinger, 165, and Glasson, 180, or Barbe, 158; at center, Capt. Haskins, 174: in the backfield will be Anderson, 150, Brown, 192, Schrey, 170, and Ghrist, 140:

Although the Wildcats seems to be favored in many respects, the Bulldog spirit has not been downed this year and the men have decided that they will keep up their Bulldog spirit to the last minute of play.


What a game! Those Bulldogs did it, but they almost came nearer getting defeated than they did winning. In case you don’t know I am refer-ing to the McPherson-Kansas Wesleyan football game last Friday night. That game was a thriller and it will give the boys something to talk about for a long time to come.

True it is the Bulldogs should have won from the Coyotes by a two or three touchdown margin—that is McPherson outplayed their opponents enough to score that many touchdowns. But, when the game was in its dying moments the Bulldogs were fortunate enough to win by one point.

McPherson was not lucky to win from Wesleyan, but it was that "never give up” spirit of the Binford-Selves crew that carried them to victory. After Wesleyayn scored the McPherson eleven just went at the football business like they had to score—and they came through.

While Wesleyan was fighting with their backs to the wall during most

of the game, it must have been great to push over that touchdown in the last quarter. The Coyotes fought all evening to keep the Bulldogs from scoring and all the Canines could do was "threaten to score." Then a real break came for Wesleyan. Lob-dell, Coyoye captain and end, blocked a punt and the ball bounded crazily toward Wesleyan's other end, Lay-ton, and he scampered down the sidelines to the 18 yard line. Enslee ran for a touchdown.

But, for a real story book finish came the Bulldogs' score about two minutes later. Burress sent a bul-let-like pass and had the ball been slightly one way or the other from where it was—well, it just wouldn't have been a touchdown. "Teuton" Pauls took the pass while going at full speed (full speed sideways for him) and then the race for the goal was on. Pauls was downed, but not until he hud crossed the last white marker.

Everybody has given the touchdown heroes praise aplenty, and they deserve it, but following the touchdown came a play when much depended on that one point. The line held well and Leo Marquis Haun lifted one well over the bar which gave the Bulldogs n 7-6 victory.

The Bulldogs have had to settle down to a little more serious business this week with such strong opposition as Baker coming up tomorrow afternoon at Baldwin. The Wildcats and Bulldogs are tied for the conference lead with one win each and both are eager to knock the other from the position.

Baker has quite a margin in points over the Bulldogs according to comparative scores. Bethany lost to Southwestern by the one-sided score of 44-0, and the Swedes were able to hold the Kansas Wesleyan team to a 6-13 score and the Bulldogs nosed out a 1 point win over Wesleyan. Baker defeated College of Emporia 6-3 and Southwestern was only able to win from the Emporia team by a 7-0 count. All of which means nothing.

Even at that the Bulldogs are giv-

so far us to give the Binford-Selves eleven a slight advantage over the Wildcats. Both learns have good kickers, and Baker is reported to have a dangerous passing attack. Both teams are "keyed" to win this game and a battle royal is expected when Bulldogs and Wildcats tangle.

“Candy," a novel written by Mrs. C. C. Alexander, wife of the head of the English department at Baker University, won first place in a $10,-000 prize novel contest sponsored last fall by the Pictorial Review and has recently been published by Dodd, Mead and Co. The book is said to be a vivid and swiftly moving picture of Negro life as it exists today in the South.


(Continued from Page One)

ticcably between the 20-yard stripes, and then found the Coyotes out-charging them when the Wesleyan goal line was really threatened. It seemed that when everything was set for a touchdown the Bulldogs just couldn’t put it across, and finally when they really had no license to tally, with the odds way against them, they came through with the points needed to first tie the score and then win.

A record crowd saw the game.

The starting lineup:

McPherson    Pos.    Wesleyan

Wiggins ..............LE.............. Lobdell

Don Barngrover L r................Hards

Vasquez . ..........LG.................. Baer

Rock ..................C.................... Blair

Eddy ..... RG............ Wooster

Dw. Barngrover RT............ Williams

Pauls .................RE................ Ayton

Binford ..............QB.................. Swift

Carpenter ..........LH . .........Endsley

Haun. ..................RH............. Smith

Glover .............FB.............. Watson

Substitutions: McPherson -- Bur-ress for Glover, Smith for Carpenter. Kansas Wesleyan—Hunter for Hards-Scroggins for Baer, Pfenfield for Watson, Miller for Williams, Williams for Miller, Hards for Hunter, Hook for Endslee, Baer for Scroggins, Miller for Williams, Smith for Lobdell, Worley for Swift, Massey for Worley, Adams for Massey, Durkson for Adams.

Sumary: Yards gained at scrimmage:    McPherson 214, Wesleyan

106. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 9, Wesleyan 10. Punts: McPherson 9 for 322 yards, average of 35.7 yards; Wesleyan 9 for 273yards. average of 30.3 yards. Passes: McPherson attempted 14, completed 4 for 74 yards again; Wesleyan attempted 9, completed 2 for 20 yards. First downs: McPherson 10, Wesleyan 6. Penalties: McPherson one for 6 yards, Wesleyan three for 16 yards. Passes intercepted: McPherson one for one yard gain, Wesleyan one for 5 yards gain. Fumbles: McPherson 2, Wesleyan 3.

Officials:    Referee, Quigley. St.

Mary's, Umpire. Randalls, Nebraska. Headlinesman, Edmonds, Ottawa.

College Student Is Hope for Future

By College News Service

In a depression-ridden nation which has been staggered by a series of major calamities the college student stands out as the shining light which symbolizes hope for the future.

That Bounds like a commencement day come-on for "bigger and better things," but nevertheless it’s the concensus of opinions expressed by four leading college presidents in the Los Angeles area.

Interviewed by a reporter, the presidents—Dr. Rufus B. von Klein-Smid of the University of Southern California, Dr. Ernest C. Moore of the University of California at Los Angeles, Dr. Remsen D. Bird of Occidental College and Father Duce of Lovola University—all agreed that a finer and more responsible type of student is emerging from the depression and that the scholastic slacker is as rare now as was the high honor brand of student ten years ago.

Students generally can take those opinions for what they are worth, but in connection with the conclusion of these educators that the depression has marked the end of so-called