The Spectator

vol. XVIII    •_McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, October 11, 1934    NUMBER 5



The Y. W. C. A. held its annual candle-lighting service at the College Church Tuesday evening. This service is one of the most impressive and beautiful services held during the school year. A large group of girls attended and a number of visitors were present. Mrs. Helen Holloway played the Processional. Miss Margaret Poister sang "I Would Be True. " The story of “Parsifal" a knight was given by Miss Lehman. Miss McGaffey presented the charge. The girls holding their lighted candles formed a circle in the center of the church and sang "Follow the Gleam. ”


Loyal Miles, sophomore, and Maxine Ring, senior, were chosen as student representatives to the Social Life Committee in an election held Wednesday morning in chapel. Miss Della Lehman, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Miss Edith McCaffey and Prof. J. H. Fries are the faculty members on the social committee.


For Faye Sandy in the death of her brother


Chapel programs of the past week have been conducted by three mem-bers of the faculty, Friday, October 7, Dr. V. F. Schwalm spoke briefly about noble living. His remarks were followed by a vocal solo by Menno Richer: and a piano solo by Ronald Vetter.

Miss Ediby McGaffey spoke on Monday, October 10 on an important object in any college student’s edu-cational training, that of developing the mind through reading. She gave various suggestions for reading so that the mind may be enriched by life through the ages.

"A Page or Two from a Sea Voyage" was the subject of Dr. J. J. Yoder's interesting chapel address on Wednesday, October 12. He told picturesquely of a sea voyage to China and the many experiences encountered.


The McPherson College reserves, who made such a good showing against the Hutchinson Junior College team last week, will do battle this afternoon against the Sterling College team. Sterling has been without a team for the last few years, but is now getting back into intercollegiate competition.

Coaches Binford and Selves are expecting to use every man on the reserve squad in this game. The second's regulars, however, do not expect account of the game Friday. As

in the game with Hutchinson, they have all had a taste of football and promise to put up as hard a battle as they did at that time.

This game will be played at the McPherson Athletic Park and is scheduled to start at 3: 30 o'clock.



At the regular meeting last night the W. A. A. decided that new girls will be taken in as associate members as soon as they have earned 125 points. They will be initiated as full-fledged members after basketball season, or just before the annual banquet.

The club voted to have one meeting a month devoted to a program, to which all college girls will be In-vited.

Since some of the members have conflicting activities on Wednesday evening, the regular meeting time was changed to Monday evening at 7: 00 o'clock.


Those students who cannot attend chapel on account of work or practice teaching see me at your earliest convenience. —J. Willard Hershey.

Quadrangle Contest To Start By Next Monday

Representative Girl Will Be

Chosen from Upper Three Classes


Votes Are Given with Sales of Book —100 for Each Dollar in Down Payment

The Quadrangle's "representative girl" contest in scheduled to get under way by Monday, Oct. 15, according to Lois Gnagy, associate editor of this year's book, who is in charge of the contest. Both the winner and the runner-up in the contest will be given recognition and pictures in the Quadrangle.

The contest is to be held in connection with the book sale. Only those ordering Quads will be eligible to vote. Anyone buying a book will be given 400 votes to cast for one of the contestant, 100 votes being given for each dollar made in down payment. The votes should be given either to the salesmen selling the book or to John Friesen, the business manager.

The points to be considered in the choice of a candidate are: membership in one of the upper three classes, interesting personality, attractiveness, average scholarship, participa-tion in school activities, and a booster for McPherson College. Nine hundred votes are necessary to nominate any girl.

A daily report will be made by Miss Gnagy, who will post on the bulletin board the results of each days votes, showing those leading in the contest.

Later in the schools year a popularity contest will be held in each class. The most popular man and woman in each class will be selected and their pictures included in a special section in the Quadrangle.


Professor Wottasnozzle and Pro-fessor Finklesnoop, renowned scientists for the past fifty years have been specializing in chemical research and have become jealous of each other, each thinking himself superior. They have invited the students of McPherson College, and the people of McPherson to witness a competitive demonstration of their scien-tific skill at the college chapel to-night at 7 o'clock. Joe E. Brown, their green but enterprising appren- tice, will assist with the demonstration.

This demonstration has been ar-, ranged through the courtesy of the chemsitry club, and promises to be highly entertaining. So eager are the professors to have a large and wisely judicious audience that they have offered to give this exhibition without charge to the public. Re-member, tonight at 7 o'clock in the college chapel.


John Kauffman of McPherson College, president of the central district Kansas Christian Endeavor Union. Is working on arrangements for the district convention which is to be held at Marion, Oct. 19 to 21.

A select list of speakers are scheduled to be on hand for this convention including Vere Abbey, the Christian Endeavor missionary to India, William Tice, state C. E. president, Beloit, C. O. Blekel, state vice-president, and R. S. Nance, state executive secretary.

Included on the program will be addresses by the speakers mentioned, conferences, drama, election of officers, and a banquet Saturday night. Fuller announcement of the convention will be made next week.


An F. E. R. A. project of oil surfacing the driveways on the campus.



Every dad of every student has been invited to the Dads’ Day celebration tomorrow. The program has been arranged so that the dads will have the opportunity of being entertained at an evening dinner and also at the night game with the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes. In the evening Dr. Schwalm will welcome the dads, the response being made by a dad. Paul Turner and Floyd Harris will play a saxophone-cornet duet. Opal Rennet will read a selection, and the program will be climaxed by a pep stunt. Tomorrow night the dads will turn out an masse for the game and aid the team in taking cure of the Coyotes.


Dramatic Art Class To Present Four One-Act Dramas October 26

Intensive practices have begun on the one-act plays to be presented by the Dramatic Art class on Friday. October 26.

Two of the plays have been changed. Instead of "He Said and She Said, " the class will give "A Tune of a Tune, ” directed by Othetta Wall. "Wrong Numbers, " coached by Dorothy Matson is to take the place of “The Baggage. "

"A Time of a Tune" is an Irish fantasy in which the wild Irish spirit of Miss Pringle's niece and of Egan McNulty, a peddler of toys, is contrasted with the staid matter-of- factness of Miss Pringle and the pompous bachelor, Mr. Barstow, "Wrong Numbers" is a detective story set in the tea room of a large department

The other two plays, “The Unseen” and "In the Darkness" will be given as previously announced. "The Un-seen" tells of the hopes and disap-pointments of an architect and his wife. The emotional struggle of a drab farmer woman who thinks her husband no longer loves her is the theme of the play "In the Darkness. ”

In these plays, the students take the parts of many interesting and unusual characters. Among them are Othetta Wall as a fussy English spinster, Merle Messamer as an Irish pedler of toys whom the English folk call a bit cracked. Betty Lou Cam-eron and Dorothy Matson as mysteri-ous women shoppers, and Viola Harris as a dumb Swedish servant.

The date for the dramatic art class's presentation of the three-act play "The Silver Cord” has been set for Friday, November 23. Practices have begun on this play, but the real work will not be done until after October 26, when the class gives the evening of one-act plays.


Today —— Football second team meets Sterling College. Athletic park, 3: 30 p. m.

Tonight- Chemistry club comic-scientific demonstration. College

Friday. Oct. 12 McPHERSON-KANSAS WESLEYAN GAME. Athletic park, 8 p. m.

Sunday, Oct. 14 C. E. meets. College church, 6: 30 p. m.

Tuesday, Oct. 16 --Regular Y. M-Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.

World Service Group meeting.

Thursday, Oct. 18-- Pep chapel, 10

Friday, Oct. 12 to Monday, Oct. 15--District meeting of Brethren church at Monitor.

Monday, Oct. 15 ---Fuller, music concert, City auditorium.


Numerous Matters of Business Taken Up in Meeting Held Tuesday Night

In a meeting held Tuesday night the student council presented and adopted a budget as follows:

Balance from 1933-34    $195. 61

Profit from Spectator 33-34    6. 50

Profit on Quadrangle 33-34    44. 00

Total Carried ever...    $216. 01


-77 student at $2. 50 each $692. 50 Expenditures—-

General    16% $110. 80

Athletics ......... 40    277. 00

... (? )........... 11    70. 18

Dramatic Art    ................     5    34. 62

Tennis Courts.....5    34. 62

Surplus ............ 20    138. 50

100% $692. 58

The budget was made out last week, and since then, the number of students has increased as has the amount stated, proportfonately, but the percentage has remained the

The business office allows the stu-dent council $2. 50 for each student carrying over 12 hours of college work. The council gets only the sale value of activity tickets from the other students.

The student council came to the definite agreement with the editors and business managers of the Quadrangle and Spectator that if any profit is made on these publications, the student council is to get half, and the other half to be divided equally between editors and manager. The student council feels entitled to half since they bear the entire loss in

and Professor Hess has taken her place as student council advisor.

The student council elected Dave Duncanson as vice president and Neva Root as secretary at Tuesday night's meeting.


The Thespian Club met Monday noon to vote on the new members recommended by the try-out judges. The following were selected: Estelle Baile, Opal Bennett, Bessie Hawkins, Modena Kauffman, Faithe Ketter-man, Dorothy Matson, Velma Watkins, Virginia Yankee, Donald Brumbaugh, Victor Moorman, and Kenneth Rudd.

Since the club membership is limited to 25 members and since there were only eleven vacancies, several talented students had to be left out. The organization voted to send notes of encouragement to those who would have been selected had the membership limit been greater.


Old Squadmen and New Prospects Start Preparation for Varsity Team Try-outs

The question for debate which was recently selected by the Phi Kappa Delta has become the center of interest for the proteges of Professor Hess. Already old squad-men and

pare for the try-outs for the varsity team which will he held the first week of November.

Thus far, Professor Hess has three varsity men from last year, three second team members, three former varsity women debaters, as well as two second team men of former years. With this squad getting off to an early start, McPherson College should set a better record than it has for several years.

The question as stated is: "Resolved, That the nations should agree to prevent the international shipment of arms and munitions. " This year a new plan has been inaugurated in practicing for try-outs. A tournament of interclass debates has been arranged to center interest on the forensic activities. These debates will be held at Forensic club meetings, the first being scheduled for next Monday night, between the juniors and seniors.

First Conference Game Friday with K. Wesleyan

Crew Will Have First Real Test

—Bulldog Goal Line Has Not Yet Been Crossed


Bulldogs Won Last Year, 6-0 — Methodists Are Now In Lead In Conference


The first test as to the real strength of the 1934 McPherson College football team will come tomorrow evening when the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes tangle with the Bulldogs at the McPherson Athletic park.

The Binford-Selves aggregation has won three non-conference games and its yet the Bulldog goal line has not been crossed. While none of the three teams already played played appeared to have much offensive power, the Bulldog line has shown well on the defense. In the games already played McPherson has a decided advantage in total yardage gained and in first downs made.

Kansas Wesleyan should and undoubtedly will be the toughest team that the Bulldogs have met this season. Last year, for the first time in about ten years, McPherson defeated Couch A. B. Mackie's eleven by the narrow margin of 6 to 0. That was a bitter dose for the Salina team and Coach Mackie and his pack of Coy-otes are determined to get revenge from the Binford-Selves men.

However, here at the local Bull-dog kennel a squad of 40 men is equally determined to prove that last year's victory over Wesleyan was no lucky break.

Thus far this season Mackie's men have lost to Hastings, Nebraska Conference champions, by a score of 20 to 7 and have won over the Bethany Swedes by a 13 to 6 score. By virtue of their win over the Swedes last week the Coyotes are now leading the Kansas Conference race which is an added incentive for the Bulldogs to topple the conference leaders.

So far this season the McPherson eleven has not shown a consistent drive for the entire game. Against Chilocco the Bulldogs badly out-gained their opponents, but did not make an impressive showing. In the mud battle with Bethel little could be expected because of the poor footing. McPherson didn't try to run up a score in this game, but merely wanted to win. In the Friends game last week the Bulldogs looked much better and should be at their best when they face Wesleyan tomorrow night. Against the Quakers the Bulldogs allowed good offensive power in the middle of the field, but lacked a goal line punch. Twice in the Friends game the McPherson eleven reeled off good gains and then failed to score when they were in striking distance of the Quaker goal.

Over-confidence almost proved costly to the Kansas Wesleyan team last week against Bethany and they have already agreed to redeem them-selves against McPherson this week. The Coyotes have such outstanding all-conference men as Baer, Hards and Lobdell, all linemen. In the backfield they have Inslee, leading scorer of the conference last year, who will have such capable performers as Hook and Swift along with him.

Everything points to a great game when the Bulldogs and Coyotes upon battle tomorrow night. McPherson has a slight advantage in experience, and if the Canines hit their stride they should turn in a win over Mack-ie's men.


McPherson College's goal of 300 regularly enrolled students was reached Monday of this week.

Early last spring, College officials set out to increase the enrollment to this figure, and it is largely due to the efforts of Mr. LaRoy Doty that the goal was finally reached. A number of students have enrolled since school began this fall.


student to suggest ideas and to cor-relate the loose ends of information?

Is he enthusiastic, alive, free from all dull pedantry and dogma?

Is he striving to be a personal friend of students, a guide and an Inspiration?

Had to Wrap His Money

By College News Service

Ithaca, N. Y.,—E. F. Hazelton, Cornell University junior, walked up to the university treasurer recently and threw down a sack of pennies, nickels and dimes—$195 in all.

"There's my tuition, " he announced.

The treasurer would not accept the money. Neither would any of the local banks. "You'll have to wrap the coins, " they told the disappointed student.

Hazelton wrapped them

Co-eds at Duke College were boycotted recently for criticizing the table manners and actions of men student waiters. The girls were neither dated nor spoken to by the Duke men during the boycott. —College News Service.

He—"Do your eyes bother you? "

She—"No! Why? "

He—"They bother me! "


Boom! Crash? Bang!

Such was the conglomeration of noises as the boys from Fahnestock stampeded to Arnold Tuesday evening after the girls left to attend the installation services at the church.

Beds were reciprocated, some drawers were out of parliamentary order, and lights were annihilated.

When the girls returned, they were greeted by flying trapezes which, after they landed, proved to be paper sacks filled with H20.

According to the oratorical form of speech, we should end with an appeal. So here goes! In our day of "rugged individualism'' allow us girls to express our sentiments, by the application of our initiative in retaliating at Fahnestock hall.

In Other Schools

A hard-of-hearing professor at K. S. T. C.. Emporia, recently lost an electric hearing device valued at $110. After the police departments of Kansas City, Lawrence, and Topeka had been notified the missing article was returned to the steps of one of the campus buildings.

Next Thursday, October 18, has been set as the date for a student referendum on the question of freshman hazing at K. U.


Warren Need    ..... Oct. 11

Hubert Vanderan ................ Oct. 11

Leo Haffner............................Oct.    13

Virginia Quiring...................Oct. 13

John Goering..........................Oct.    15

Robert Booz    ............................Oct.    16

Leland Abel ...    .......................Oct.    17


Victor Moorman's parents visited him in McPherson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voran attended the funeral Sunday of a cousin of Mrs. Voran who was killed in an automobile accident.

Every one who saw Delbert Crabb Saturday is still wondering what he was hunting for.

Earl DeCoursey was a guest of his cousin Mary Rhodes Sunday.

Harry Frantz has been making some large banners for the McPher-son I. O. O. F. to be displayed at the state convention of that organization in the near future.

Virginia Yankee spent the week end in Arkansas City visiting friends.

Joyce Emler of Geneseo, Kansas, visited Opal Bennett this week end.

Lucille Messamer entertained Mar-garet Messamer, Iva, Walker, Glee Goughenour, Eunice Rhone and Pau-line Abuhl at a slumber party Sat-urday night.

Leola Mohler was a week end guest of Helen Burton of Canton.

Bernice Keedy visited friends and relatives of Wichita, Friday, Satur-day and Sunday.

The girls on third experienced a catyelisitc event Tuesday night on the fire escape. May we suggest to Betty Lou and Margaret that they might try a "lift "

Boys must like to be in the dark. Perhaps that's why the campus lights were turned off Tuesday night. Did anyone see a lank silhouette "de-clambering" for a retreat?

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917




Iva Walker    Vernon Michael    Donald Evans    Robert Booz

Ernest Sweetland    Dorothy Matson    Orval Eddy     Paul Booz


Every voter in Kansas should understand and be conversant with just what the Repeal of the Prohibition Amendment, designated as House Con-current Resolution No. 14, relating to intoxicating liquors in the State of Kansas, really means. This Amendment will be voted upon Nov. 6th., in the general state election and will be designated on the official ballot as follows:

"Section 1. That Section 10, Article l5, of the Constitution of the State of Kansas, is hereby REPEALED, effective April 1, 1935."

"Section 2. That a NEW Section 10 to said article be adopted to read as follows: SECTION 10. The legislature may license and regulate the manufacture, sale, possession and transportation of all liquor having any alcoholic content in certain areas. ”

A careful digest of the above two paragraphs tells the story. The first paragraph "Section 1" is the REPEAL Section and at the same time the Second paragraph "Section 10" replaces the old Section 10, Article 15. If the Repeal Amendment is carried then the sentiment expressed by a majority number of voters will be the mandate for the incoming Legislature to act upon and it would naturally be toward a very liberal policy touching the liquor question—hadn't the voters and Kansas just said they wanted a decided change in the Kansas Prohibitory Laws. If the Repeal Amend-ment is voted NO, then the liquor laws of Kansas will remain intact and just as they are. There is not a citizen of Kansas who can afford to see these changed in any way, shape or form. Kansas does not want the waste, lawlessness and drunkenness that will follow in the wake of the Repeal of the liquor laws of this state, as other states are now experiencing, who have adopted this course. Vote No on the Repeal. —Kansas Prohibition Emergency Committee.


The World War, all told, cost apart from 30 million lives—400 billion dollars. With that money we could have built a $2500 house, furnished it with $1000 worth of furniture, placed it on five acres of land worth $100 an acre and given this home to each and every family in the United States, Canada, Australia, England. Wales, Ireland, Scotland, France, Bel-gium, Germany and Russia. We could have given to each city of 20,000 inhabitants and over, in each country named, a five million dollar library and a ten million dollar university. Out of what was lef we could have set aside a sum at five per cent that would provide a $1000 yearly salary for an army of 125, 000 teachers and a like salary for another army of 125, 000 nurses. —Nicholas Murray Butler.


Is there more profit to be gained in selling death than in giving of an education? The present senate investigation of the munitions manufacturers in Washington can not help but recall to mind a comparison made by Senator Borah not so long ago that while armament manufacturers were making their 20 to 30 per cent, profit, schools and colleges were closing for the want of money.

Most of us are in school today, and we are not sure why. Others of us, cold-blooded and unconsiderate statisticians will tell us, will be led away to some future war. Even there, we may vaguely wonder why. Some are denied an education because of the want or funds: some are denied entrance to war because of a poor physical body. These men. too. wonder why.

There was a day when life was sold on the auction block: but that act has been banished as unhumanitarian. The munitions investigations makes us pause to think, if we think at all, that perhaps life and death are sold even more subtly, perhaps, but are the cards stacked? Are the stakes larger? - The University Daily Kansan.

Investigate Faculty

By College News Service

Schenectady, N. Y. —Professors of Union College have been taking it "on the chin” here this week, and students are the ones who are dish-ing it out.

Following a checkup by the col- lege newspaper, The Concordiensis, of all professors allegedly implicated in unfair academic tactics, the faculty of that school has been constantly under close student surveillance.

"We are going to see how many instructors are adding strength to the college and how many are doing their jobs right, " student leaders there declared.

The campus paper challenged the professors to eight points which were to determine how closely they approached the students' ideal:

Does he find his greatest interest in his students and in intellectual pursuits?

Doe’s he try to introduce them to life and thought, rather than merely to coach them to pass examinations?

Does he put himself forward as a dispenser of truth, not as an ingratiating vaudeville actor?

Does he give the students all that he has of scholarship, wisdom, and understanding, despite their sup-

Spec-Y u-La-Shuns

Written by the McPherson College Winchells

Folks—we hereby absolve ourselves of all responsibility for dirt-slinging in this column this week. This is First Annual Grudge Week, and practically all the ff was contributed by well-wishers etc. So—

All the girls in the dorm, includ-Mother Emmert got their rooms stacked Tuesday night. Who could have done this nasty deed?

Advice to all young Freshman girls from Iowa who have 15 or more letters to write home to their boy friends--Write post cards.

What young Freshman girl thinks she can snare any eligible young man bv merely snapping her fingers. Well, we wouldn't know but you can ask this Iowa damsel.

We wonder if Sweetland ever found his little bumblebee.

To all appearances the Unholy Six, or what's left of it, has reformed

By the way, folks, when do we get our annual treat to the girls' domicile you know, Open House?

Government—of the girls, by the

girls, and for the girls --are they

gonna get it? Well, with such an able committee they should work out suitable regulations- with plenty of 11 o'clock hours thrown in for spice.

Our reaction that a little practice wouldn't hurt our new "radio

What's this about Pal having a crush on a little blonde Freshman?

We wonder who the janitor of the underworld is supposed to be. The "dungeon" has really lived up to its name the last few weeks.


Paul Miller: Say. do your eyes bother you?

Bessie Hawkins: No, why?

Paul: Well, they bother me.

What little Freshman girl who lives in the big house on the hill has jarred loose after handing out a bundle of refusals at the first of the

What freshman girl from Gerald Meyers home town is trying to give us that old Greta Garho stuff you know, that cold and ley stare, and elevated schnozzle?

Jean Allen--Have you been listening to the baseball game?

Hick—Yes—did you know that Schoolboy Rowe got knocked out of the box in the last inning?

Jean Oh, how terrible! Did it hurt him?

Can anybody tell us how it happens that a freshman girl was appointed Mr. Stoner's associate? It must be one of those things....

It comes to us this way—The other day Wanda came home from town in a taxi. Upon arriving at the col-lege she blandly jumped out of the cab and said ''Thank you, " just like that. If it hadn't been for her com-panion she might have had to apolo-gize to the driver for her absent?

Unedited Stuff . . .

Exclusive News Scoop.....

What sophomore who lives down town and drives a Terraplane has been two-timing his little lollypop in a most underhanded manner by dating a high school girl?


The political campaign in McPher-son-county is warming up. Tuesday night at Lindsborg John Hamilton, vice-chairman of the national Republican committee spoke at a mass meeting at that place. Other political meetings are being held at different points over the county.

Next Tuesday night, October 16, Gov. Alf M. Landon is scheduled to speak at a county Republican rally at the community building in McPherson. This will be Gov. Landon's


The "Literary Workshop" Emphasizes Need

Of Significant Student - Written Material


College Scientist Relates Experiences

In Hunting Meteorites During Summer


Several interesting reports were given at the fortnightly meeting of the International Relations Club held Tuesday in the Y. W. room. Miss Betty Juelfs reported on the United States in the International Labor League. What the League Did in September was the subject of a re-port by Miss Elizabeth Wagoner John Goering, co-president of the International Club, told of the Present Status of Disarmament.

All of these reports dealt with pertinent questions having immediate significance for all interested in in-ternational affairs.

At the suggestion of Dr. J. D. Bright it was decided to include in the next program views and fact concerning the coming elections with regard to the standings and convictions of the candidates. All students are urged to attend this meeting which will be held October 21.

Kansas University has just dedicated a new $640,000 athletic stadium. The American Legion was in charge of the dedicatory ceremonies which were held just preceding the Kansas-Colorado game


I have grown old in learning, but this is the thing I know—

That wisdom is chilly comfort and wit has a mate in woe;

That the unlit truth cannot warm

(It can join, but more often will sever).

For a thought that’s too keen may harm you

Or a word that's a shade too clever.

Wisdom's a friend, not a lover.

And truth can bind like a fetter—

Loving is better.

(By Alex Richards)

My meteoric investigations this summer have been largely a matter of chance rather than any constructive study.

At the present time I have received a fragment of stone taken from a filling station from at Colby, Kansas, a piece of meteoric stone from Covert, Kansas, an iron pyrite concretion from Lucas, Kansas, several lava chunks from Colorado and various specimens of other stones with stories about each to the effect that the finder is positive that the stones had not been in the position found previously so could only have fallen from the skies.

No doubt most of the stories are told in good faith, but I have one far-fetched one from Northwest Kansas in which the finder is so positive that the stone is it meteorite that he insists that I make the trip to see the stone, bringing at least five hundred dollars in cash with me to buy a sample of the two-pound fragment and payable before fallen from the skies.

The most interesting work concerns the July 29 fall. At 11:27 on that day a meteor was seen to flash across the skies in a southwesterly direction. It grew in size as it traveled until it lighted the whole state and finally burst and disappeared over southwestern Kansas.

Investigation has shown that it was seen In Kansas. Colorado. Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and as far away as Arizona. It did not make a great deal or noise hut several reports concerning a rushing sound have been received. The report from certain sectors of the state tend to show that it reached the earth and did not oxidize completely before coming in contact with ground. With the data collected the finding of the stone more or less depends on the probability of some fragment having landed in a cultivated field and not having penetrated beyond plowing depth. Under such conditions there is a possibility that some farmer will find a specimen in the next two or three years.


Royal Frantz, editor of The Spectator, is attending a college newspaper convention in Chicago today, tomorrow and Saturday. He left yesterday on the Cardinal Stage Lines and was to arrive in Chicago some time this morning. The convention is being held at the Bismark Hotel In Chicago.

Too many student writers think of writing "as some sort of clever trick" rather than as a way of life, declares Sherwood Anderson, editor and author, in the current issue of The Liter-ary Workshop, the only national in-tercollegiate magazine devoted solely to the writings of college young people.

Mr. Anderson believes that too many student authors “are more anx- ious to be writers than to write.”

Students from eighteen universities have contributed short stories, poetry, feature articles and reviews to the current number of The Liter-ary Workshop.

Sylvia Chatfield Bates, author ed-itor and professor, contributes the first of a series of critical articles on student writing. "The Approach to Expression." A University of Califor-nia student has written "Students Turn Strikebreakers,” an account of student participation in the recent strike in San Francisco.

Edward A. Sand, editor of The Literary Workshop, emphasizing the need for significant student-written material, is encouraged to find there is actually a student movement on foot, made up of a thoughtful driving few who, he believes, will lead the American student out of the slough of despondence and indifference.

The Literary Workshop pays for all manuscripts. It Is its policy to criticize all manuscripts, whether accepted or rejected. The address is 229 West 28th Street, New York City.

Human Waste In the Colleges

That the average American college degree means almost nothing as a

is pointed out in an article entitled "Human Waste in the Colleges" by John R. Tunis in the September issue of Scribner's.

This article is a summary of a study of education in Pennsylvania colleges made by the Carnegie Foundation. Comparing the results of tests given to freshmen in the colleges with the results of similar tests given to the same students four years later as seniors startling conclusions are reached. The four years the students had spent in college had done a good deal toward making them uneducated men!

Of course, as is pointed out, the tests are hardly expected to give a true picture of the results of college as they reveal nothing as to a per-son’s social attitudes, sense of values, mental poise, etc. But at least a great number of difficult questions are raised concerning the benefits of college education.

In the current October issue of Scribner's a second article by Mr. Tunis appears this time on the subject "Who Should Go to College?"



Several College Speakers To Be Included on Program at Monitor

The district conference of the Church of the Brethren of southwest Kansas will be held this week end, October 12 to 15, at the Monitor church southwest of Conway. Delegates from over the southwest district will convene for this three day gathering.

On Friday, the opening afternoon and evening of the conference, the speakers will include Rev. O. W. Garber, pastor of the Monitor church, Rev. W. T. Luckett, Hutchinson, V. W. Hornabaker, trustee or the Brethren Home at Darlow, and Dr. J. D. Bright of McPherson College.

Saturday morning, October 13, the speakers will be Rev. H. F. Crist. Newton, Rev. G. W. Burgin, Garden City, Rev. E. F. Weaver, Darlow, Rev. James Elrod, East Wichita church, Dean R. E. Mohler, McPherson College, and Rev. H. A. Brandt, assistant editor of The Gospel Messenger and a representative of the denominational headquarters at Elgin.

The speakers for the Saturday afternoon session will include Rev. H. L. Ruthrauff, West Wichita church, Rev. E. B. Van Pelt, Salem church at Nickerson, Mrs. M. W Emmert, McPherson College, Dean F. A. Replogle, McPherson College, Prof. J. A Blair, McPherson and Rev. Brandt.

Mrs. J. Hugh Heekman, McPherson, Mrs. H. L. Ruthrauff, Wichita. Mrs. Ellen Wagnor, and Josephine and Elizabeth Wagoner of McPherson will be on the program Sunday

afternoon. At the men's inspiration-al meeting the same afternoon Dean Mohler will act as chairman. Others who will take part in this meeting are Paul Sargent, McPherson, Rev. Brandt, Prof. C. H. Dresher and a male (?).

The young people's conference will begin at 3:30 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, with Clinton Trostle, Nickerso, in charge, Miss Arlene Wampler, McPherson, and Dr. V. F. Schwalm will he heard.

A surprise party was held Saturday night at Hershey's home in honor of Paul Turner's birthday. The guests were Joy Cullen, Viola Harris,

Emma Schmidt, Esther Bowers, Glen Turner, Floyd Harris, and Chet Col-




Orval Eddy


Bulldogs Defeat Friends To Stay In Win Column

Score 14-0 — McPherson Has Upper Hand At All Times— Carpenter and Glover Carry Through for 2 Touchdowns

Displaying the same style of football which carried them to wins over the Chilocco Indians and Bethel college in previous games the McPherson College Bulldogs Thursday night kept the Friends University Quakers backed against their goal and won castly, 14 to 0, at the Wichita field.

The Mcpherson men, although not a heavy squad, displayed a snap and dash in their offensive that kept the Quakers constantly working to keep the ball out of dangerous territory.

McPherson scored its first touchdown at the start of the second quarter and kicked goal. Early in the last period the Bulldogs again were successful in their rushing and hammered over another counter. They again booted a goal, making it 14 to 0, and that ended the scoring.

The first counter was pushed over by Carpenter, halfback. After an exchange of punts in the opening minutes, McPherson gained possession of the ball and began a steady drive. Carpenter, Binford, Haun and Bur-ress all lugged the ball in ground-gaining dashes and had gained Friends' 10-yard line when the quarter whistle sounded. In two plays Carpenter went through center, Haun kicked goal.

The Quakers tightened somewhat after they came back from half-time rest and held when their goal line was threatened throughout the third

In the fourth period, however, the Bulldogs again began a march of steady gains. Glover lugged the ball through the line for the touchdown and Haun again stepped up and kicked the goal.

Because McPherson college dominated the evening’s play on the offensive the Quakers had little chance to open up with their end runs or passing attacks, Jessup, Barcus, Tor-kelson, and McAdams were all bottled up from the start.

Knochhtel; veteran Friends left end, played an outstanding game for the losers and Sturm and Cathey also looked well on the defense.

Binford, tricky Bulldog safety, was instrumental in his club's winning by running back many punts for good yardage.

Starting Line Up

friends    McPherson

Knechtel .......... LE    ........    Wiggins

Sturm    ........ LT ........... Colwell

Cathey ..............LG...... Eddy

Baldwin ............ C........ Rock

Overman .......... RG ,...... Vasquez

Smyser .............. RT ..... Barngrover

Guthrie    RE .... Pauls

Jessup ............. QB    ......... Binford

Barcus ...... LH ....... Carpenter

McAdams    RH ....... Raun

Torkelson    ....____ FB ....... Burress

Substitutions-----McPherson: D. Barngrover for Colwell, Smith for Carpenter, Glovers for Burress.

Crabb for Binford, Stratman for Crabb, Carpenter for Smith, Binford for Stratman, Stratman for Binford, Weddle for Barngrover, Crabb for Haun, Poland for Vasquez, Moore for Eddy, Hendren for Rock, Burress for Glovers, DeCoursey for Wiggins, Smith for Carpenter, Reinecker for Barngrover, Sperline for Hendren, Friends: Cook for Cathey, Sulard for McAdams, Cathey for Cook, Cook for Overman, McAdams for Sullard, Eitzen for Knetchel


Yards gained from scrimmage: Friends 79 yards; McPherson 277 yards.

Yards lost from scrimmage: Friends 8 yards; McPherson 55

First downs: Friends, from scrim-mage 4, passes 0 and penalties 0, total 4, McPherson, from scrimmage 15, passes l and penalties 1, total 17.

Passes: Friends, attempted 5 and completed 2 for 8 yards and intercepted 0: ,McPherson, attempted 6 and completed 1 for 12 yards, and intercepted 0.

Punts: Friends 12 for 442 yards: McPherson 7 for 298 yards.

Penalties: Friends 4 for 30 yards; McPherson 3 for 35 yards.

McPherson looked much better against the Quakers at Wichita last Thursday night and should have had a couple more touchdowns. Of course the touchdowns that aren't made never count in the scorebook, so the score was 14 to 0.


The new pants that the Bulldogs wore in the Friends game looked classy and should be an added inducement for any one to put a little more into the game. While watch-ing part of the game from the Friends side of the field we heard some favorable comments concerning those suits of the McPherson team. Also, they seemed to be well impressed with the way the McPherson boys worked together on their block-


That must have been a sweet vic-, lory for Coach Melvin J. Binford, who was formerly a teammate with Coach "Deak” Wiley of Friends. Both of them were stars at Friends when the Quaker school used to give Fairmount College (now Wichita University) more than they wanted. My idea of creating a friendly spirit between schools is something similar to the way Friends treated their guests after the game at Wichita Thursday night.


A Kansas Wesleyan scout covering the McPherson-Friends game gave his opinion as being disappointed in the McPherson team. He gave out the information that he expected McPherson to win over Friends by a larger margin. He further expressed himself by saying that he believed Kansas Wesleyan would conquer the Bulldogs.


That will be a real hurdle for the

ter a lay off duo to a sprained ankle, and will be ready for the Coyotes. Binford, quarterback, is still handicapped with a shoulder injury but will be able to play as will Pauls who has been handicapped with a rib injury. Duncanson, who had a knee injury, has about recovered and will be able to see action tomorrow also sustained a knee injury and it is doubtful as to whether or not he will be able to see action tomorrow night.


This is the stage—Kansas Wesleyan is all set to gain revenge and McPherson is determined to make it two in a row and also start the conference with a win.

Bulldogs to clear when they oppose the Coyotes tomorrow night, but the Binford-Selves men have the stuff and I believe they will deliver. Coach Mackie has been very unhappy over his team losing to McPherson last year and last winter. Already he has expressed himself by saying, "They won't catch us that way next year." Still more fight will be instilled into those Coyotes following their poor showing against the Swedes last week. They have admitted that they were over-confident and promise to take it out on Mc-Pherson.


Kansas Wesleyan always has a big heavy line and their strength this year will probably be in the line. But, McPherson has some capable performers in their forward wall, and when it comes to the backfields of the two teams—McPherson should excel with a speedy bunch of ball carriers.


The injured members of the Bull-dog squad are coming along nicely and should be in good condition for the Wesleyan game. Eddy, veteran guard started the Friends game af-


was chosen all-conference guard in his freshman and sophomore years. He leads the offense as running guard and plays tackle on the defense. Baer weighs 182 pounds.


from Concordia plays right half-back this year after two years as a reserve quarterback. Worley’s accuracy as a placement kicker is responsible for his being substituted to kick the extra points.

Correct numbers for the above players will appear in this week's "Bulldog Bullet."