

The Chemistry club elected officers for this school year at the first meeting last Thursday, with the permanent president. Dr. J. Willard Hershey in charge. The officers elected are vice-president, Glen Webb; secretary, Martha Hursh: reporter, Vernon Michael: social chairman, Gladys Riddell: and program chariman, Arthur DeVor.

The Chemistry club is an association of students of chemistry and those interested in chemistry. The club meets every other week on Thursday at 4: 30. The meetings consist of miscellaneous reports and demonstrations of interest to the members. Last year twelve meetings were held, with an average attendance of thirty-seven.

The next meeting will be a demonstration of chemical magic, given by the advanced chemistry students in the college chapel a week from tonight. This will be a comic-scientific show of interest to everyone. The public is invited to attend.


Forensic Club Debates Question in First Meet---Hess Tells of Forensic Activities

Forensic activities for this year were Introduced to the campus Tuesday evening at 7: 30 when the Forensic club convened for its first session. The feature of the program was a debate on the proposition. "Resolved: that the men of Fahnestock hall should be required to be in at the same time as the women of Arnold hall. " The affirmative team, consisting of Ruth Spillman and Betty Lou Cameron was defeated by John Kauffman and John Goering, speakers on the negative side of the question. The decision was made by the audience, forty-seven of the seventy-six present voting to maintain the status quo while twenty-nine desired a "new deal. "

Professor Hess, coach of debate and oratory and sponsor of the club, made a speech preceding the debate in which he mentioned the interest which students find in debate and invited all students who are interested to utilize a space in his "little black book. ” He also spoke of the past glory which M. C. debaters have won by their wit and urged new students to help carry on the tradition.

The forensic club plans to meet again in two weeks with the interest centered on inter-class debates.


Next Sunday afternoon at 4: 00 o'clock at the City Auditorium, the McPherson high school band, under the direction of Mr. August San Ro-mani, will be heard in its first pub-lic concert of the winter season. This program will be open to the public and a very cordial invitation is expended to everybody to attend.


Dean Mohler is scheduled to speak at the County Nurseries association at Windom Tuesday evening.

McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, oct. 4, 1934


"What would you do In an unChristian situation" was the topic tor an interesting discussion at the meeting of the World Service Group last Tuesday evening. As an Introduction to the discussion Miss Estelle Baile read a poem as a central thought and prayer. The discussion which fol-lowed had a great appeal to the group because of many practical situations in which the topic could be applied. Paul Heckman as leader also drew forth several actual experiences from various members of the group. This also aided in finding a working basis for the Christian in an un-Christian situation.


The Y book exchange which sold used books for students the first few weeks of school has closed after having sold more than sixty dollars worth of books. Plans are being made for a similar exchange at the opening of the second semes-


Bethel Woman Gives Talk on Conditions in Russia at Social Sunday Afternoon

The Women’s and Daughters' Division of the Women's Council entertained the women of McPherson College at a tea Sunday afternoon. Preceding the social hour a program was given consisting of a welcome by Mrs. Schwalm, a piano solo by Marjorie Addison, a talk by Mrs. Neufelt of Bethel, and a solo by Mrs. Holloway. Mrs. Heaston presided and Mrs. Rhoades and Mrs. Heckman poured ten.

Mrs. Neufelt is a Russian of Germanic descent. She has been in America three years and is now studying in Bethel College at Newton. She sang a Russian folk song and then told of her adventures in getting out of Russia. She and another girl who had been in nurses' training went through Siberia and China to get here, surmounting all sorts of difficulties. Her plans for the future are indefinite.


Alex Richards Will Show Pictures He Made While In Mexico

Motion pictures of Mexico will be shown in the meeting of the College Christian Endeavor society Sunday night by Alex Richards, an alumnus of the College, who has traveled in Mexico and has made the pictures during the course of his travels. These pictures are reported to be very interesting and worthwhile especially as they deal with a subject with which not many of us are familiar.

The C. E. meeting last Sunday was built around the subject of "Friendships. " Talks were made by Victor Moorman, Mary Miller, Estelle Balle and Paul Miller. A vocal solo by Bernice Keedy was included on the pro-


The blame for vile and nauseating odors in this part of town is usually shoved onto the neighboring refinery, but Mr. L. B. Ihrig who lives north of the campus can testify to the fact that there have been other sources of unpleasant smells.

Two civet cats found themselves captives in a sparrow trap which Mr. Ihrig had set to catch sparrows. The trap, made of screen with a funnel-shaped entrance, had been set Friday afternoon and had caught one spur-row. The civet cats, in quest of food, went into the trap and devoured the bird, but were unable to come out. Mr. Ihrig treated some meat with strychnine, placed it on a long pole, and fed it to the cats.

No, strychnine doesn't kill halitosis, but it killed the cats.


"Josephine, speak to me, " "Flush is the cutest dog, " and "Norma Shearer certainly is a good actress" were familiar phrases heard on the campus the first part of this week.

All this was an indication that the students had seen "The Barretts of Wimpole Street” at the Ritz theatre. This show seemed to attract more attention in McPherson College than any other show this year. Even the faculty attended it with great interest. Probably the greatest reason for the popularity of this show Is the fart that it deals with the life of a famous poet, Robert Browning.

By President Roosevelt's request the cinema now is presenting more of the novel reproductive approved by the National Education association.


Dramatic Art Class To Present One-Act Plays

Three Comedies and a Tragedy Included on Program for Friday, October 26


Kettermen, Ogden and Others Not Yet Chosen Will Direct—Ring To Coach "The Silver Cord"

The dramatic art class is planning to present an evening of one-act plays Friday, October 26. Three comedies and one tragedy, all royalty plays, will be given. Students of the class will coach the plays with the aid of Miss Della Lehman, the instructor.

“The Unseen" is a domestic comedy involving a Swedish servant who, by her blunders, causes friction between the husband and wife. Faithe Ketterman will coach this play. "In the Darkness" is a tale of emotional struggles encountered on a western farm, and is to be directed by Galen Ogden. “He Said and She Said” is a light comedy revealing the results of gossip. “The Baggage" is a comedy dealing with an old man and his daughter-in-law. Student directors for the latter two have not yet been chosen.

A few weeks after the performance of the one-act plays, other students in the class will give Sidney Howard's "The Silver Cord. ” a three-act high royality play, with Maxine Ring as the student coach.


Thirty students tried out for the Thespian club Tuesday afternooon, and about five more who had conflicts at that time will appear before the judges later this week. The names of the new members voted in by the club will then be posted on the bulletin board.

Try-outs were based upon a learned selection and an impromptu impersonation. The judges were Miss Della Lehman, Mrs. F. A. Replogle, and Donald Evans, president of the club.

Miss Lehman said that an unusual amount of excellent talent was shown. She even went so far as to say that there were more dramatically gifted students in this year's tryout than at any other time in the seven years she has been here.


Professor R. E. Mohler, past district governor of Rotary International, gave a talk on Mexico last Tuesday evening at a meeting of the McPherson Rotary club. Professor Mohler spent some little time a few years ago in the republic to the south and his talk was based on first hand experiences and personal observations.

The talk was especially interesting to the group because of the fact that the international convention of Rotary will be held at Mexico City next spring.


States that Many Are Practically Asleep on Vital Questions

“Snores" was the subject of the chapel address of Dr. J. D. Bright Friday morning. He said that this term can be used to describe a multitude of responses to social conditions of today. On national and international subjects many are so uninformed and indifferent that their attitudes can be adequately described as "snores. "

The League of Nations problem is one of vital significance, the speaker pointed out, yet many are indifferent to it. A group of people are advocating "economic self-containment for the U. S. " thrust at internationalism which cannot be based on a true understanding of modern society..

In conclusion Dr. Bright observed that even students on college are not free from the habit of “snoring" on questions of importance.


Tonight—McPherson-Friends football game. Wichita. 8 p. m.

Sunday, Oct. 7—High school band concert. City auditorium, 4 p. m. —College C. E. meets. College church. 6: 30 p. m.

Tuesday. Oct. 9—Regular Y. M. -Y. W. meetings. 10 a. m.

—World Service Group meeting. Y. W. room. 7 p. m.

Thursday, Oct. 11 Pep chapel, 10

—Chemistry club meeting. 7: 30 p. m.


Originated by Baker U. —-Are

Given to Student Committee for Plan of Action

McPherson College students unan-imously adopted resolutions in chapel last Friday upholding the state prohibition amendment. These resolutions are:

1. That prohibition of the liquor traffic should one of the major interests of Kansas youth at the present time of crisis.

2. That we are unalterably and unfalteringly in favor of the maintenance of prohibition in this state.

2. We call upon college groups and other organizations to join us in prompt and systematic action against the repeal of state prohibition.

The above resolutions had previously been adopted by the student body at Baker University and were sent to the student body here to further the dry movement among Kansas youth.

The resolutions were turned over to it committee of students consisting of Harry Frantz, Velma Keller, Paul Booz, Leonard Lowe, and Clarence Sink for further action, it is expected that the committee will have some recommendations to make in the


Receives Highest Grade In Course With Nine Graduates    j

Leland A. Enberg, a well known, former student of McPherson High School and McPherson College was very successful at the University of Minnesota in the summer session there this year. During the session Mr. Enberg completed a five-hour course in Physical Chemistry and received a grade of "A. " This is the second "A" ever received in this course during a summer term at this school. Mr. Enberg took the course with nine college graduates and received the highest grade. About half of the class either failed or dropped the course.

Mr. Eneberg took his first two years of college work in McPherson College. He took most of the chemistry courses offered here and will, receive his degree from the Univer-sity of Minnesota.


The two south rooms in Sharp Hall basement are to be used as leisure or recreation rooms if plans of the Student Council go through.

They will be completely replas-tered and redecorated and the partition between them will be taken out. Estimates have been made and the cost figured. The sources of revenue available have been investigated and all that remains is for the College Executive committee to give permission for the undertaking.

There has been a fine spirit of cooperation between the College Executive committee and the Student Council.


Dean Mohler will represent the College in the Northwest Kansas District conference, at Appanoose, near Lawrence, on Oct. 5, 6 and 7.

Mrs. Schwalm, Harriet Smith, Clarence Sink, and Leonard Lowe, are going with Dean Mohler. They will be gone over the week end.


C. E. Davis Speaks Here In Chapel and Church

Former President of Mt. Morris College Brought Here Over Sunday and Monday


Speaks on Promotion Day Program and Evening Service in Church and in Monday Chapel

Rev. C. E. Davis, pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Independence, Kansas, and former president of Mt. Morris College, Mt. Morris, Illinois, was here Sunday and Monday of this week, speaking in the promotion day services in the Brethren Sunday School, in the evening worship service at that place and in the college chapel program Monday morning.

Rev. Davis was first engaged by the Sunday School to speak in the promotion exercises and later was persuaded to remain and speak in the evening and on the chapel pro-

Stresses Importance of Religion Religion's place in the modern world was the principal theme of Rev. Davis address in the Sunday church services. He spoke particularly of God and the Godlessness evidenced around us. The value of communion and fellowship with God was stressed by the speaker.

Children in the different departments of the Sunday School provided the remainder of the Sunday morning program. Musical numbers, recitations and a short dramatic sketch were given. After this, the promotion certificates were presented by Dale Strickler, Sunday School superintendent, to the children who had completed the courses in one of the departments and were being promoted to the next.

Discusses "idols" in Chapel "Idols" and "Idolators" were discussed by Rev. Davis In Ills chapel address Monday morning. He men- tioned four "mental idols” which are worshipped today. The first of these, the "idols of the tribe, " he defined as traditions and group prejudices to which we may be subject. "Idols of the cave” were the second kind mentioned. The speaker interpreted this classification as including the personal prejudices of some "mentally color-blind" folks. In the third place there are the "idols of the marketplace" the whims of the moment. In the case of college students they can be called "idols of the campus. " The last group of "idols" mentioned were "idols of the theatre" in which are included fallacious ways of thinking, false philosophies, and other dogmatic attitudes imposed from without.

Rev. Davis concluded his address with the advice that to keep from the worship of these idols we should follow the example and obey the teachings of Christ.

The only two who can live as heaply as one are the flea and the dog--- The Bulletin, K. S. T. C., Em-


Joint Meeting of Two Organizations Listens to Three Men Give Advice on Subject

The dating problem in McPherson College was given a thorough airing

at a joint meeting of the Y. M. -Y. W.

Tuesday morning, when three boys gave their observations and ideas on dating, Don Evans spoke of the obstacles which stood in the way of free, wholesome dating. He explained why so many boys refrain from seeking the company of the opposite sex. Paul Heckman discussed the financial and entertainment responsibilities of a boy on a date. Victor Moorman wound up with a characteristic joke and told the girls about some of the attitudes of boys toward dates, also mentioning a few forms of entertainments which are suitable for

Vocal solos by Menno Rickert and John Moore filled out the program.

Official Student Publication of McPherson College. McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council






tion. " Annual correspondence matches, intercollegiate tournaments, and national title matches form part of the play program. Mimeographed chess items of current events serve as the basis for local club entertainment at weekly or stunt-monthly meetings. "The Chess Player, " America's only chess news tabloid, circulates monthly to keep all players informed of the latest developments in the chess world and presents hitherto unpublished tacts about how to play chess and its many entertaining and enjoyable variations.

WOMEN TAKING UP ARCHERY A new sport for women has been inaugurated at McPherson College this fall that is rapidly gaining in popularity. The sport is archery, and Miss Camilla Moore, Edmond, Okla., is the instructor and leader. The class meets several times a week and a good deal of interest is being taken

Spec-Y u-La-Shuns

You really must hear this one; it's too good to keep. On Friday last Dr. Schwalm informed his government class that henceforth it would meet in Miss McGaffey's room in Sharp Hall instead of in its former meeting place in Dr. Bright's history room. So on Monday morning all the bright and shining faces of the students of government appeared in Room 6 to wait the appearance of the professor. After a wait of five minutes Dr. Schwalm was seen to pass hurriedly by the open doorway, glancing ab-sent-mindedly at the group of students in the room as he went by. He walked hurriedly over to the Science hall and entered, much to the delight of his class. A few moments later he came running back, and entered the room laughing heartily at his mistake. We really believe Dr. Schwalm enjoyed the joke as much as the students did.

After the water throwing last Thursday night we came to the conclusion that Mike is like money, the root of all evil. At any rate, an investigation disclosed that he was behind the mischief for which Harrold Burress took the rap.

According to the Freshman Bible, the wages of sin is the belt line.

It is fortunute that M. C. is dry, else we might be singing “All Ale to Thee, our College Fair! "

Complaint is heard hereabouts that the girls in Arnold are getting more than their share of "bawling-outs" of late. No wonder, the amount of noise they make sometimes. For instance, some nights, after 10: 30, when all good girls should be in bed, one can hear all kinds of serenading coming from open windows in the dorm. It must he their fondness for Bing Crosby.

If you see some benevolent, altru-istic, public-minded person running around loose with some money he doesn't need you might ask him to contribute to a fund to buy fly-swatters and fly paper for Carnegie. And

spare, you might contribute that also. Or, if you are short on cash, pray for cold weather to come.

The Spectator

Entered as second class matter Novemeber 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson

One School Year    THE SPECTATOR

$1. 00    McPherson, Kansas

Editor-in-chied    Royal Frantz

Associate Editor    Elmer Staats


Kenneth Weaver    Edna Reiste    Richard Hendren    Gerald Custer

Iva Walker    Kurtis Naylor    John Friesen    Donald Brumbaugh

Mike Vasquez    Vernon Michael    Donald Evans    Robert Booz

Ernest Sweetland    Dorothy Matson    Orval Eldy    Paul Booz

Emma Schmidt    Wanda Hoover    Arthur De Vor    Agnes Bean

Maxine Ring    Franklin Hiebert    Woodrow Dannenburg Glen Austin

Faculty Advisers.......    Professors Alice Gil

DUE to lack of space some of our special material of the Christian organizations was omitted from the special edition last week. It is included in this week’s issue.

Because Kansas will vote for or against booze next November we think Kansas men and women are entitled to research information on the liquor traffic. It seems prior to the eighteenth amendment liquor dealers were practical men who possessed much discernment. In a speech delivered before the Ohio Liquor Dealers' League the president of the League thus addressed the convention:

"The success of our business (the liquor business) is dependent largely upon the creation of Appetite For Liquor. Men who drink booze, like other men, will die, and if there is no new appetite created our counters will be empty, as well as our coffers. After men are grown and their habits formed, they rarely change in this respect. It will be needful, therefore, that missionary work be done among the boys: and I want to make this suggestion, gentlemen, that nickles expended in treats to the BOYS now will return in dollars to fill your tills after the APPETITE has been formed. Above all things, create appetite! "

The truth of the above assertions is self-evident; they cannot be disputed. It matters not whether a liquor traffic is legal or illegal, its foundation must be composed of boys. We don't think any mother or father wants any boy to be used for such a purpose.

— Kansas Prohibition Emergency Committee.


"I wish I were a dog. ’’ Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt that you would enjoy "leading a dog’s life? " A dog doesn’t have to worry about getting to class on time, having lessons prepared, getting term papers in on time, or any of those troublesome details. He doesn’t even experience painful pangs of conscience when he sees Professor Fries looking at him. Nothing to do but eat, sleep amd bark now and then. What a happy life!

But wait! Consider for a moment that little metal license hanging on your canine companion’s neck. Although your dog may have always been a kind and congenial companion and would never think of doing any damage he must continually bear with him this badge of innocence and respectability or he will be considered an outlaw and his very life will be endangered. At all times he must be subject to and dependent upon a human being who may or may not be dependable. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a happy life after all.


"With the war religion began to dawn upon me as a social experience ... Now there broke upon me the first gleams of a social gospel that sought not only to save individuals for the future, but here and now in this world of bitter need to christianize the whole of life and all its re-lationships—Industrial, social, sexual, racial, international. Religion was not primarily something to be believed, or felt: it was something to be done, a life to be lived, a principle and a program to be incarnated in character and built into a social order. This social gospel added a new dimension to life, it raised it to a higher power. "- Sherwood Eddy in "Religion and Social Justice. "


We have just received a copy of the first edition of a new magazine, the Clean Life Educator, published quarterly by the No-Tobacco League at 110-11 S Oak street, Butler, Indiana. This magazine is a successor to the No-Tobacco Journal formerly published by the same organization. It has for its purpose the promoting of a program of temperance education in America, particularly in homes and schools.

The first edition, that for October, has 20 pages filled with interesting and worthwhile, features, articles, cartoons and other material on various phases of the temperance problem. Charles M. Fillmore is the editor of this magazine. The subscription rate is 50 cents a year.

Two now features are being started with this issue of The Spectator. "Literaria, " the literary section of the paper will be published each week with reviews, poetry, and similar material of a literary nature. "Unedited Stuff" also makes its first appearance with comics and comments which are to be brought to Spectator renders each week by the "uneditor. "

Chess Club Extends Invitation to Local Players

Organized in 1932, the Intercollegiate Chess Association of America today enjoys the prestige of having a perfected association of chessplayers among the leading colleges and universities in the United States.

Chess players on the local campus who are interested in starting a local chess club may obtain the important details by addressing all correspondence and inquiries to Paul J. Miller Jr., executive president of the Intercollegiate Chess Association, P. O. Box 1014, Meridian, Mississippi. Mail sent with self-addressed stamped envelope enclosures will receive prompt attention.

The I. C. A. is a co-ed chess organization. It offers a unique pro-

The Red Cross Offers Opportunities for Service

Among the many calls upon college-trained men and women is that of volunteer service in the ranks of the American Rod Cross. The qualities of temperament, as well as of mind, which make students and graduates so much in demand in business and in civic organizations, fit them ideally for the emergency and regular activities of local Red Cross chapters, of which there are more than 3700.

Last year, for instance, there were 78 disasters in the United States in which the Red Cross gave relief to sufferers. The bulk of the work in each case was performed by local chapters. The kind of teamwork found in football, basketball and other college sports was necessary to make effective the giving of shelter, food, medical attention, hospitalization and transportation to victims of flood, fire and storm. Chapter officers and committeemen recognize this and everywhere enlist the services of young men and women. Depression years have seen the utilization of many young volunteers schooled in home economics, social work, braille, office work, civilian home service, and other lines of relief activities.

This fall a great many college students will join with zest in extending by door-to-door invitation the Red Cross membership privilege to millions of homes. The Roll Call is from Armistice clay to Thanksgiving, November 11 to 29, and supports work of Red Cross chapters in communities and the broad helpful program of the national organization. —The American Red Cross,

Unedited Stuff...

Yep, that's it. The ed told us to write whatsomever we wanted to get out of our system and he wouldn't change it, alter it, or modify it, and so, says us, why not call it, "Unedited Stuff, " & so it is.

However, we give notiss here, now, and for all time, that prof. Hess, prof. McGaffey, and any and all others who no anything worth remembering about the good old English langwage must imedeately turn the page or look some place else and never again read any of this colump or they will be so shocked at the INroads and OUTrages committed against that langwage that they shall experlense great difficulte in recovering.

& phurthermore, if any of the rest of the Speck's readers are trying to learn to write, speak, sing, or crooon that langwage korrektly & properly they, also, had better refrane from reading this, for it is liable to have a unholesome influence to them.

Guess that otto be enuph of an introduction. Now we can start.

Firstly, we propoze a NRA for practice teachers—NRA here meaning "new racing automobile. " How

in ............. (you fill in the blanks)

they expect a fellow to get out of class or chapell and get downtown in time to prof. a class wich has all-ready started is more'n we can fig-yure.

Secundly, we want to no why our pep direcktors have not grabbed up the young gentleman who appeared to be such a promising future cheer leader th'other day. We wrefer to the Mister Lamar Bollinger, who got such a wonderfull response without even asking for it. What a man! What a man! Let's put him to work.

As a third and phinal proposal for this time we asks that somebuddy do somethin about our driveway. We're a tryfle worried for fear one of our little freshmen will get lost some nite and fall into one of them holes and not be able to get out and that would be aawfull.

AND that's all for now. MAYBE next time we won't be quiet so long-

In Other Schools

A farm-bov freshman at Kansas State College, Emporia, was told by upper-classsmen that fall plowing on the campus was to start soon and that the job would be given to the first applicant. He then spent most of one afternoon trying to find the head of the stable department.

An intra-mural debate program is starting at Manchester College this week.

An exhibition of soap carvings was held at Kansas University last week.

Glenn Cunningham, the famous distance runner of K. U., who is now touring with an American track team in China and Japan, sent a letter to one of his track teammates at K. U. and excerpts from his letter were published in the Daily Kansan of Sept. 26. Cunningham tells of his experiences in crossing and of the meets which are to be held with foreign teams.

The "Ruf-Nex" committee of Bethany College has prescribed a set of rules for freshmen to observe during Freshman Week. Oct. 8 to Oct. 13. Among other things women must not wear makeup and men are not allowed to shave during this week. On Wednesday the new women will be required to wear masculine clothing and the men will be arrayed in feminine apparel.

Snakes are captured and exhibited by a professor at K. U. One in his collection is a boa constrictor between five and six feet in length.



Leta Wine enrolled Monday as a student in McPherson College. Miss Wine is a brother of "Taffy" Wine, a graduate of '34.

Lucille Ullery, Paul Miller, and Paul Turner accompanied the Rev. Sweetland to a rally held in Hays township Monday night.

Margaret Poister visited with friends in Abilene Sunday.

"Mother" Emmert celebrated her birthday Tuesday by seeing “The ■ Barretts of Wimpole Street. "

Dr. Schwalm reassured the stu-dents in U. S. Government Monday morning that he is not back-sliding in his traditional absent-mindedness.

Twyla Reed was ill a few days last week with bronchitis.

Modena Kauffman spent the week end at her home in Topeka.     '

Janies Hawkins was a visitor at Southwestern College, Winfield, over the week end.

Gerald Custer was a guest of Everett Brown, at his home in Wichita over the week end.

Delbert Crabb attended the Hillsboro County Fair at Hillsboro Tuesday night.

Glen Turner is the boy who is making silhouetted signs in the front of Fahnestock hall.


McPherson College has a new cheer leader in Dr. Bright's young son, Merritt, age 2 1/2 years. He was the object of much comment in last Thursday’s pep chapel as he aided Professor Voran in directing a few songs.

In anticipation of the coming Bethel game of last Friday night, the stu-dent body was “keyed up" or "on edge" or whatever term may be used to describe that, over-abundance of enthusiasm that was shown all week and which came to a climax Thursday morning in an uproarious pep chapel.

Led by the Root-Kimmel cheer leading combination, the students fairly rocked the chapel with their yells.

Several college songs led by Prof. Voran and young Bright closed the chapel hour.

We have just received sample copies of three magazines which a’re all new to us, although one of them has been published for a year. Formal, the College Magazine, makes its bow with its first issue coining out for October. This magazine contains articles on various subjects of interest to students, fiction of particular interest to college groups, sophisticated humor of a satirical nature, book and cinema reviews, and a complete fashion section each month.

The Clean Life Educator, a new magazine dealing with all phases of the temperance problem also publishes its first issue in October. This publication intends to deal with the new problems which have arisen with the repeal of prohibition. It faces the fact that there is a hard fight ahead for temperance workers. If states as its primary objective: "To dig up all the indisputable facts about liquor and the liquor traffic, then see that this data is presented to the people in such form and fash-ion as shall make them irresistible. ” It argues that the wets won their victory by means of widespread misrepresentation and deception. The Clean Life Educator intends to do its part in offsetting this propaganda with an educational campaign based

The National Student Mirror which has been published for one year has also just come to our attention. This magazine is published by the National Student Federation of America. The 14 pages in its October


Three Magazines Make First Appearance In

M. C.Two Are Just Starting Publication

Issue contain worthwhile articles, editorials and features on subjects of interest to students such as the FERA program of student-aid, the plight of college students in Ger-many, and, military training in American institutions.


May I have books, although my purse withhold

More transient luxuries! Books new or old

With wisdom fitted to the eager mind

Like glove to hand. Books of the singing kind

Whose words cascade the soul, and span the sky

With spirit rainbows. Books of love and life,

Books like a mirror, that can turn the knife

In wounds of self-esteem, and books that bring

Far corners of the earth to me, and

High doors to strange adventure. Books that dream

Of lovely hidden things, like a still stream

Sun-dappled, with wild violets on its shore

Or gentle ways some lone-dead lady

Ah so companioned, it is good to live!

What greater blessing could the good God give?

—Ann Hamilton Wood.

   in "The Step Ladder. ”

Christian Organizations on Campus Tell More Of Their Parts in the Program of Christianity

Booz Says Wets Have Succeeded

With A Hoax

(The following address which was given by Paul Booz at the county temperance rally last week was in-tended for publication in the last edition but due to lack of space it, along with other special material, was omitted. )

The wets have been successful in two points alone it seems to me. Some of the most ardent drys may not desire to make even that con-cession, but I believe that they will agree that the wets have been suc-cessful in making themselves accept a hoax. They should also agree that the wets have made themselves ac-cept a hallucination. The hoax can be bared when they come to the real-ization that you cannot control li-quor by taxing it. The hallncination needs a few more words of explana-tion. The wets are harboring the conception of a dry as a tall, gangling, rheumatic, neurotic, unsympathetic individual, clothed in black stove pipe hut and long frock coat with a self-righteous attitude which is only satisfied by the removal of that coveted right and priceless commodity -individual liberty By that measure, since we are dry, this hall should be littered with stove pipe hats and forsaken smiles. However,

if you look around you, I doubt that you see a solitary hat of the foregoing description. In fact the most re-

recalled by a newsreel featuring J. J. Raskoh and Al Smith.

Must Seek New Understanding

Nevertheless, the wets have built up the illusion to such an extent that many erstwhile drys have come to accept that viewpoint, if not specifically, at least in general. Our purpose then is to seek a new understanding with that great mass of fickle humanity who at first stand for one thing and then waver to the

derstanding, alone, can we hope to prevent Kansas from taking a backward step. We must so rise to the occasion with new insight into the basic means of control of liquor, by law and otherwise, that even the most ardent wet will realize that no longer are they facing a group of static, soured old men, but instead are being force back by the drive, courage, and during of youth, tempered with the understanding and experience of adults.

This means that we will not he satisfied with taking the forward step of keeping the prohibition statutes of Kansas. It means that we will forge forward with the hope of finding a more significant control, a control which will not only be more perfect in itself, but in addition, will be less open to attack by the unthinking.

Don’t Want the Experience

You who are over 30 years of age are very likely dry from experience. We younger adherents to the cause are so, largely because of environment and training. It has been said that experience is the best teacher, but we youth are convinced that our need for the experience of a wet Kansas is non-existent. We don’t need it and we don't want it. There-fore, until we all become voters, we ask you to do your part in limiting our experience of an open Kansas by going to the polls next November and voting to maintain our prohibition law. We ask you to keep Kansas Dry for Kansas Youth.


There is great value in being a "Y” cabinet member. The numerous contacts a member of this group makes are of great value. They help him to come in touch and become acquainted with some of the leaders of the campus. These contacts, together with the fellowship that college offers, should serve to beautify and enrich a "Y" member’s life.

Another value of being a “Y” cabinet member lies in the splendid opportunity for service. The primary duty of a "Y” cabinet member is to help plan and execute the policies of the "Y" on the campus. This gives him an opportunity to serve, not only the “Y" but also the student body. The "Y" cabinet member is in a position to cooperate with other organizations on the campus and thus help to improve campus life.

Especially for those who are planning a vocation along some line of social work, the “Y” offers great opportunity for training.


People interested in receiving practical training in religious endeavor should become aware of deputation activities. This work offers a student opportunities to put into practice what he learns in religious organizations on the campus. Mingling with people in various communities, seeing hardships of others in actual life situations is an experience which students should have while in college.

In the past few years deputation teams have been sent out through the World Service group. The deputation programs consist of musical numbers, readings and sermonettes. Again this year plans are being made to sponsor as many teams of this type as possible.

Anyone interested in this kind of work should make an effort to attend the World Service meetings at which time deputation problems and similar subjects will be discussed.

—Clarence Sink, deputation chairman


One medium through which nearly every organization strives to reach the student and his problems is the program which that particular group sponsors. Programs which are of vital interest in everyday living and in

the field of religious work and activity, are sponsored weekly by the World Service Group. Although many students in this organization are primarily interested in religious work, the programs are planned to be of interest and benefit to a wide range of students regardless of their field of work. The attempt is made in these programs to combine practical studies in every day experience with an element of worship and inspirit-

Wanda Hoover, program chairman.



When one thinks of the Christian Endeavor organization, it is usually with the idea of a local group with its officers. In reality the organiza- tion is international in scope. Twen-ty-six nations now have Christian Endeavor organizations. These na-tions are united in the World C. E. Union. In the western hemisphere the work is united into the International Society of Christian Endeavor. Both of these organizations have their headquarters in Boston, Mass., with Dr. Daniel A. Poling as their president.

In Kansas the societies are united in a state union with offices in Topeka with Wm. N. Tice as president. Mr. Tice is the countv attorney of Mitchell county. The state is then divided into fourteen districts. McPherson is in the Central District. Each district holds an annual convention to which come state and national workers. This year the Central district convention is to be held at Marion on October 19, 20, 21.

The work is entirely supported by individual and society pledges. The main purpose of the organization is to help young people solve those perplexing problems of living with one another, and each organization is built to bring aid nearer the individual by means of internationally known youth leaders.

—John Kauffman, president Central District, C. E.


The College Christian Endeavor sincerely hopes to continue to meet the challenge given to it by the large group of students who have thus far taken such an active interest in attending its meetings, it intends to work out programs which will truly help students in correlating their religions and scholastic lives, and in which everyone will have a chance to take an active part.

Great living issues of today, such

as peace, prohibition, politics, and current events will be drawn from and at the same time a practical devotional policy which can be used in daily living will be kept. Variety in programs will be obtained by the use of music, readings, and other special numbers. Any student problem which is suggested and can be used will be cared for. Most of the programs will be handled by student talent with the exception of occasional talks by faculty members or down town speakers.

The primary purpose of the college Christian Endeavor is to present a live organization which will meet the student need.

Paul Heckman, program chairman


New College Life Given All-Ameri-can Ranking by N. S. P. A.

The New College Life, student newspaper of the College of Emporia, was given the highest possible rating in the National Scholastic Press Association contest conducted among college papers last spring, according to the first issue of the paper of this year.

The "All-American Ranking, " which was the rating given to this newspaper is given only to those publications which show great superiority. Out of a possible 1000 points the Emporia paper obtained a total of 770.

The Now College Life, which is a bi-weekly publication, was edited by Bob Frank, a senior who is this year studying journalism at the University of Wisconsin. Gene Thomas, the business manager, a student from Barclay, is this year the business manager of the college year book at C. of E.


Choose Sports Managers in Meeting Held Last Week

Vacant offices were filled at the W. A. A. meeting Wednesday evening, September 26. Bernadine Ohm-art was chosen tennis manager, Maxine Ring, basketball manager, and Phyllis Barngrover, manager of hiking and health. It was also decided to have programs a some of the future meetings instead of having all business meetings.

About 25 girls have begun playing softball under the direction of Irene Bales, sports manager. Practices are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 4: 30.

The girls' freshman caps arrived yesterday. All freshman girls who have not yet secured their caps are urged to get them from Alma Roda-baugh at once.



The checker tournament that is being sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. will be started next week. Sixteen boys are entering the tournament. In order to stay in the tournament the participant must win two out of three games.

The boys are to be divided into two brackets, one playing in the Y. M. room and the other in Fahnestock hall.

Mr. Bernard Suttle, Yakima, Washington, is enrolled in school after a year's absence.

world service CABINET

President—Leonard Lowe.

Vice President and program chair-man~ Wanda Hoover.

Secretary—Vann Hunt.

Treasurer—to be chosen. Deputation chairman — Clarence Sink.

Publicity chairman—to be chosen.


President—Clarence Sink.

Vice-President    Modena Kauff

Secretary-- Van Hunt.

Treasurer — Esther Bowers. Program chairman—Paul Heck-

Social chairman—Iva Walker. Publicity chairman—to be chosen. Music chairman to be chosen.



The Student Council plans to hold a meeting sometime this week. There are several important matters to be gone over and threshed out.

Miss Della Lehman and Professor S. M. Dell have been selected as Student Council faculty advisors.


College Defeats Bethel On Muddy Field Friday


Lee Haun, McPherson, scorer of the winning touchdown against Bethel, is one of the best backs in the state; it took 16 yards of mud-running to turn the trick last Friday but the lad’s got stuff. —Leslie Edmonds in The Topeka Daily Capital.


Haun Goes Over for Touchdown in Second Quarter — Both Teams Handicapped by Muddy Field — Resort to Punting to Make Gains

On a muddy field that was a handicap to both teams, McPherson College Friday defeated Bethel College 6 to 0 in the second non-con-ference game of the season for the Bulldogs. Despite the wet roads and field, which was water-covered in many places, a large crowd filled the grandstand and the sidelines were crowded from end to end.

Fleet-footed Leo Haun carried the ball over late in the first half to score the only touchdown of the game. McPherson recovered a Bethel fumble at the end of a Bulldog punt, placing ball within 16 yards of the goal line. Haun was back and when he recieved the ball on the first down he dashed through a hole on the left side of the Bethel line and dodged through several Bethel men to cover the 16 yards to the goal without being downed. McPherson's try for extra point by kicking failed.

Because of the mud both teams took to punting considerably in the last half, although Bethel did a lot of kicking in the first period. McPherson punted 16 times during the game and Bethel 17 times. Punting was the only thing that could be done satisfactorily under the circumstances, because it was practically impossible to make any going through the line or around the end. McPherson used its punting to an advantage in the last half and it was the result of a punt that won the Bulldogs their touchdown in the first period of the game.

According to the statistics the Mc-Pherson-Bethel game was one of the strangest played here in several years. Bethel nearly doubled the number of yards gained at scrim-mage, yet McPherson had four times as many first downs to its credit as the Newton team. McPherson lost only seven yards at scrimmage while Bethel had 17 yards whccked against it, although Bethel gained more at scrimmage than the Bulldogs.

Following is the starting lineup: McPherson    Pos.    Bethel

Wiggins .......... LE ....... Schroeder

Colwell ........ LT............    Yohmeger

Barngrover .... LG............    . McCarthy

Rock ......... C ........... Stevenson

Vasquez............... .    RG    ........ .    Douglas

Weddle.............    Rt.............P. Kaufman

Pauls ..................    RE......Kridu

Stratmann.. ..... QB.................    Roberts

Burress ........ FB.....Pankratz

Carpenter ................ RH............     Landes

Haun ................ LH    .........    ... Hawley

Substitutions: McPherson: Rein-ecker for Weddle, Glover for Burress, Mitchel for Pauls, Decoursey for Carpenter, Crabb for Barngrover, Poland for Wiggins, Smith for Stratmann, Barngrover for Reinecker, Meyer for Colwell, Moore for Vasquez, Wiggins for Decoursey, Sperline for Rock, Sei-del for Meyer, and Moore for Mitchel.

Bethel: Tubbs for Hawley, Regier for Stevenson, Schrag for Landes, Stucky for Schroeder, Stevenson for Regler, Schroeder for Stucky, Staucky for Schroeder, Hawley for Schrag, Buller for Pankratz.

Summary: Yards gained at scrimmage: McPherson 45, Bethel 73. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 7, Bethel 17. Punts: McPherson 16 for 491 yards, an average of 30.7 yards: Bethel 17 for 427 yards, an average of 28.5 yards. Passes: McPherson attempted one and completed none: Bethel attempted six, completed one for six yards. First downs: McPherson 4, Bethel 1. Penalties: McPherson three for 35 yards; Bethel two for 10 yards. Fumbles: McPherson 2. Bethel 3. Touchdowns: McPherson. Haun: Bethel, none.

Officials; McLean, K. U.. referee, Mcarthy, of C. of E., umpire, Gene Johnson, Emporia Teachers, head-linesman.

After a considerable amount of haggling it has been definitely decided that the F'riends-McPherson football game, will be played on the Quaker field tonight. The game originally was scheduled for Friday night, but due to the conflict with the Wichita U.-Oklahoma City U. game it was decided to advance it

The Quakers emerged from the Wichita U. game all intact and with no injuries, according to Coach Har-land Wiley. Coach Wiley thought his green team played well considering the handicaps, and he looks for victory over the Bulldogs. He knows the Bulldogs are slated to be a fairly strong team, but that so far they have not shown any very impressive power in their early battles.

The Binford-Selves crew will be considerably strengthened this week when the old veterans, Binford, Eddy, and Pauls, go back into the harness. These men were injured in the Indian and Bethel games.

Coach Binford of McPherson and Coach Wiley of Friends were both Quaker stars under Coach J. Q. Banbury and may have somewhat similar style, although both have varied the old Warper system introduced into Kansas by the veteran mentor.

The fact that the Binford-Selves crew did not run up as high a score on the Indians and Mennonites as they did last year is not necessarily an indication that this year's team is inferior to last year's. The Indians this year were a heavier, faster, more experienced team, and even the Men-nonites had a better team than they had last year. As a matter of fact the Bulldogs did some exceptionally fine playing last week on the muddy field that they had to work on.

So far the Bulldogs' goal line has not even been threatened, but if that time does come, watch those Bulldogs snarl. It will take more than a Bulldog to carry the pigskin over that line.


McPherson College's seconds came through in fine shape in yesterday's battle with Hutchinson Junior Coll-lege's seconds, the score being 33-0.

Stratman, Crabb, Schurr, and Fris-bie did some remarkable ball lugging for the Bulldogs. Stratman, carrying the ball for the first time in an inter-school contest, galloped fifty yards behind some good interference for a touchdown in the last quarter.

Coaches Binford and Selves used all of the reserves in the game and many of them showed the coaches what they really were capable of do-ing.



Orval Eddy

Experience gained in the Chilocco and Bethel games is proving to be valuable to the Bulldogs in their preparations for the Friends game.

The Bulldog offensive machine has not been functioning effectively thus far this season. However, with two games behind them the Canine goal line is still uncrossed which indicates much defensive power.

The muddy gridiron slowed up the Bethel game considerably. Neither team could show much of an offensive threat. In the last half of this game the Bulldogs only tried three running plays. The effective punting of Wiggins and Haun kept the Gray Marooners well in their own territory during the greater part of the game.

Many of the reserves saw action in the game Friday night. The new material showed up well and held Bethel in check.

The game with the Newtonites was the queerest in several respects that has been played on the local field in many years. Bethel outgained McPherson in yards made from scrimmage although McPherson made many more first downs than Bethel did. The punting average for both teams was exacting the same, being 40. 2 yards.

Several injuries have shown up in the Bulldog camp. Some were sus-tained in the games and others during practice. Eddy, who was not In suit for the Bethel mud battle, will be ready for the Friends game. Dun-canson is also reporting regularly for practice after being out with a sprained knee. Other minor injuries have shown up but have not been serious enough to keep anyone from reporting for practice.


Evelyn Pierce    .........Oct.    4

Modena Kauffman .... Oct. 5

Dorothy Matson ______... _____Oct.    G

Arvilla Peterson ...............Oct.    5

Paul Heaston .......... ..........Oct. 6

Richard Hendren........ ........Oct.    6

Jack Gordon ......................Oct.    7

Merle Messamer ........^.......Oct. 7

Paul Turner__________________Oct.    8

T. D. Goertz......................Oct.    8

Helen Anderson ...............Oct..    9

Joyce Herrold ....................Oct.    10

Margaret Mattox ................Oct.    10

Persons who have failed to get their student activity tickets can secure them from Harry Frantz, as the tickets are no longer in the college book store.

These, when presented at out-of-town games usually will entitle the bearer to admittance for 26 cents. There will also be other occasions for their usage besides football games.

The Bulldog Bullet, official program for all home games, won many favorable comments. It is the first publication of its kind to be published on the campus in several years’ time.

Friends University plans on beating McPherson. At least an article in Tuesday's Eagle revealed that fact. Friends came through their game last Friday without any injuries and are ready to go.

The Wichita University-Friends game came out with the Shockers on the long end of a 45 to 0 score. The Quaker eleven are preparing to avenge this defeat at the expense of the Bulldogs.


Students are asked to co-operate with Leonard Lowe, who has charge of the tennis courts, and not play when the dirt is too soft or when no nets are up. Playing on the courts when they are dump practically ruins them, gouging holes in the earth.