The Spectator


The World Service had as their theme, “Be still, and know that I am God." After several organ numbers, Wanda Hoover read devotional selections.

The Rev. J. M. Evans of the local Congregational Church spoke to the group. He stated that while we are

busily engaged with things, the world keeps us from finding God;

but when sought in the quietitude, then we can find Him.

The World Service Cabinet has been meeting regularly on Wednesday evening and has bad open forum discussion on young people’s problems.

Now I lay me down to rest,

Before I take tomorrow's test.

If I should die before I wake, Thank heaven, I’d have no tests to


Honor Awards Will Be Presented.

In Closing Chapel Wednesday

All the W. A. A., "M" Club, var-sity debate, and all student council elective office awards will be presented on Wednesday, May 29 in the closing chapel. It will be at the usual hour. Couch Binford will present the athletic awards, .Mrs. Bill-ford will present the W. A. A. awards and Harry Frantz, the debate and officers awards.


The closing meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. was held last Tuesday with a joint meeting. The theme of the program was Etiquette. Mrs. Petry gave a very educational talk on the subject.

Music for the program was furnished by a trio composed of John Moore, Loyal Miles, and Warren Need.

Bernard Suttle visited friends in Wichita Sunday

McPherson college, Mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, may 23,1935

Thespian Club Will Present Unique Drama

On Wednesday of Commencement Week


At the freshman class meeting last Thursday Raymond Lichty of Waterloo, Iowa, was chosen as president for this class for next year.

The other officers elected were as follows: Virginia Quiring, vice-president; Lucile Ullery, secretary: Alberta Keller, treasurer; Theresa Strom and Harold Mohler, student council representatives.

Exhibit To Be Held Wednesday

A combined exhibit of work completed in the Industrial Arts department and the Art department will be held Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The display will be in the ping-pong room in Sharp Hall.

The display constitutes a school year’s achievements. The fine work accomplished in these departments merits anyone's time in seeing them.

Recent visitors on the College campus have been Una Ring, Marjorie Brown, Jane Riddell, Edwin Carson, and Kenneth Bitikofer.

Mike Vasquez was at his home in Lyons the past weekend.

Last Friday evening the two coaches were in Fort Scott where they attended a presentation of this same play by the Fort Scott Junior college. They received many valuable sugges-tions on what to do and what not to do when staging the play. Having seen the play given by another group, they feel that they can make good use of their observations in presenting the play hero.

The cast is as follows:

Cora ........................ Bessie Hawkins

Fedele.............. Homer Kimmel

Duke Lambert ............. Don Evans

Alda ..... .    ...... Estelle Baile

Duchess Stephanie Modena Kauffman Princess of San Luca Bernice Dappen

Baron Cesarea ........ Blanch Harris

Rhode Fenton......... Maxine Ring

Eric Fenton...........Glen Turner

Corrado ................ Merle Messamer

Grazia ................... Velma Watkins

His Highnes, Prince Sirki, of Vit-

alba Alexandri .... John Kauffman Major Whitread ........ Kenneth Rudd

Admission charges will be twenty-five cents for students and thirty-five cents for others on Wednesday evening. Students may come to the dress rehearsal on Tuesday evening for twenty-five cents.

The chapel program Friday morn-lug was a musical one given by Ana Janet Allison and Arthur Rolander. They played a piano concerto and then each played a solo.



Exercises Will Be Held Friday at 10 o’clock in College Church


Commencement Week's Activities Include Recital, Reception, Banquet, Baccalaureate, and Graduation

Dr. V. F. will confer degrees to forty-seven senior men and women at the forty-seventh annual commencement exercises, Friday morn-ing, May 31, at 10 a. m. The service will be held in the First Church of the Brethren.

Following is the program in full:

Processional, "Priest's March" ........

.................................... Mendelssohn

Miss Fern Lingenfelter

Invocation .....................................

.... The Reverend Leon H. Sweetland Violin solo

Miss Lois Wilcox

Address. "Marks of an Educated Person"

Dr. Harold C. Case Pastor of the First Methodist Church, Topeka

"The Earth is the Lord’s" .. Nikolsky A Cappella Choir Presentation of Graduates:

Music ................ Miss Jessie Brown

College ............ Dean F. A. Replogle

Conferring of Degrees ......................

................ President V. F. Schwalm


Benediction ................................—.....

.... The Reverend Leonard H. Root Recessional, Grand March from

“Alda"    .............. Verdi

Miss Fern Lingenfelter The complete program for commencement week activities follow: SATURDAY, MAY 25 8:00 p. m. President’s Reception to the Senior Class

SUNDAY, MAY 26 8:00 p. m. Baccalaureate Services, First Church of the Brethren

Sermon, "Dull Learners" ................

............................ Prof. J. A. Blair

MONDAY, MAY 27 8:00 p. m. College Chapel

Degree Recital in Piano ....................

.............................. Mildred Gordon

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 10:00 a. m. Closing Chapel Service, College Chapel

8:15 p. m. "Death Takes a Holiday," by Alberto Casella

Presented by the Thespian Club, College Chapel

THURSDAY, MAY 30 10:00 a. m. Senior Class Day Exercises, College Chapel

6:30 p. m. Alumni-Senior Banquet, First Church of the Brethren FRIDAY, MAY 31


9:45 a. m. Academic Procession 10:00 a. m. Graduation Exercises, First Church of the Brethren


More Than 30 Violin and Piano Pupils Presented in Programs

This week has been a busy one for the Fine Art department with the presenting of more than 30 students in recitals on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

On Monday evening Miss Jessie Brown presented a group of her students in a private piano recital at 6:30 p. m. On Tuesday evening Miss Wilcox's violin students appeared in a colorful and pleasing program in the College chapel at 8 p. m.

Last night, Elrae Carlson completed the work for her diploma course in piano by the playing of her graduation recital. Miss Carlson of Little River, Kansas, a student of Miss Brown, played charmingly a program of Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, and Chopin. She was assisted by Mary Miller, reader. Miss Carlson’s program was as follows: Prelude and Fugue, F Major Bach Sonata, Op 2. No. 1 ........ Beethoven


Novelletten, Op. 21 .......... Schumann

Romance in F Sharp Major


Grillen, Op. 12 ................ Schumann

Polonaise. Op. 26, No. 2 .......Chopin


Tuesday afternoon the "M" Club members met at the college gymnasium, accompanied by the men whom were to be initiated later in the evening. The place for initiation was decided to take place 1 mile east and 2 miles south of McPherson.

As an old custom the incoming members were requested to walk to the reception grounds. This time they were relieved of their foot apparel (remembrances of childhood days). After an elapse of forty-five minutes the tender footed boys arrived at the picnic grounds. A soft ball game received the interest of the group until a freshman lad decided it was time to cat. The lunch consisted of coffee, sandwiches; pickles and ice cream. After lunch the initiation look place which consisted of crawling races, boxing, an egg shampoo and the well known paddle line.

To put everything in harmony again Harold Binford handed out the candy bars and cigars, announcing his engagement to Alma Atchison.

The new members taken into the club were: George Toland, Marvin Poland, Waldo Graber, Paul Statz-man, Merwin Hapgood, Paul Miller, and Delbert Crabb.


This year wo have heard a great deal about cooperation. The college library is a cooperative enterprise. Users cooperate by leaving a record at the desk of material used, by returning material promptly, by picking up and returning mislaid material and by refraining from abusing library material in any way. Many cooperate by donating to the library, magazines, books and pamphlets which they no longer need but which may be helpful to some one else, and by calling the attention of others to helpful material they have found. Many faculty members cooperate by leaving personal copies of books and pamphlets to the library.

Just now you will save the library staff a lot of time and trouble by cooperating enough to return all library material before time for examinations.

Faculty Members Reveal Plans for Summer

A number of the faculty members have already made plans for their summer vacations.

Dr. Schwalm will contact many churches and young people in a tour in behalf of the college.

Professor Blair plans to leave May 30 on a trip to points in the East: He will visit Detroit; Toronto and Montreal in Canada; Boston: cities in Pennsylvania: and Dayton, Ohio. He expects to return to McPherson by June 25 to take charge of his duties as County Superintendent of schools July 1.

Miss Heckethorn will continue her duties in the college library this summer. She expects to attend the American Library Association in Denver the last of June.

Professor Voran plans to attend Annual Conference in June. He will direct the music at Camp Mack and at two other Young People’s camps this summer.

In August, Miss Colline will take a trip West. She says, “It all depends on Whimpy." (Meaning her

Miss Brown will be here to teach piano during suniniemmhool. Then she plans to go to Chicago to attend the “Master class in Piano" conducted by Mannheimer.

Those Who Cannot Attend Final Production Invited To See Dress Rehearsal

Wednesday evening. May 29 at 8:15 the McPherson College Thespian club will present the unique drama. "Death Takes a Holiday". The, presentation will be give in the college chapel. On Tuesday evening, an open dress rehearsal will be held in order that students and others who cannot attend on Wednesday evening will have an opportunity to see the play.

The play was written originally in Italian by Alberto Cassella and has been rewritten for the American stage by Walter Ferris. Last year a film version was made of this production and it proved to be one of the leading motion pictures of the year. Those who saw the picture should be much interested in seeing the play as it is presented on the

The setting is in Italy and the scene is laid in the great (hall in Duke Lambert's castle. The plot is unusual and distinctive in that the action centers around the shadowy figure of Death, who comes to the Duke’s mansion for a three-day holiday. He is searching for experience as a mortal being and his aim is to live a complete life in three days. Most of all he wants to learn of love and why it is that it seems to be such a great factor in life. But he has not reckoned with the power of love, and Death, the Lord of Endings, finds himself almost carried away and his purposes nearly frustrated by overwhelming emotion.

This story of Death as a human being in love is fascinating and dra-matic. It appeals to the imagination and stimulates new thoughts and concepts about what men have chosen to call "The Grim Reaper." Thereis nothing gruesome or distasteful about the play, but rather, it is beautiful and poetic throughout.

Mary Miller and Miss Lehman are being responsible for the coaching of the play. The stage management and lighting effects are being arranged by Otho Clark. Neva Root is property manager.



John Boitnott Chosen as Successor to Prof. J. A. Blair on M. C. Faculty


New Faculty Man Has Had Teaching Experience in High Schools

   and Colleges

Dr. John Boitnott of Winchester. Va, has been elected to fill the vacancy which will be left next fall by Professor Blair. Dr. Boitnott is a graduate of Bridgewater College and will come to McPherson with his Ph. D. degree in Education from the University of Virginia. He has had experience both as a high school and college teacher. He is a young man in his thirties and comes to us well trained and well recommended.

Dr. Paul Bowman President of Bridgewater College writes of Dr. Boitnott: "From the standpoint of scholarship, his touching ability, and his moral standards, I think he is all that anyone could ask. Our county superintendent hero regards him as one of the best high school principals he has ever had in his almost twenty years of administration in this country.”

The dean of the College at Bridge-water says of Dr. Boitnott: "He has in full measure the menial acumen, poise, culture and sturdy character that are such important qualities in a college teacher." The county superintendent of Rockingham County, Virginia, writes: "He is a fine man in every particular, has poise and self-control, clean habits, is energetic and ambitious, and knows young people. I can recommend him to you without reservation."

"In addition to being a real student,” says the Dean of the University of Virginia, "Mr. Boitnott is an excellent teacher and in my judgment will do highly satisfactory work in any position he accepts."

His major professor at the University of Virginia says "Dr. Boitnott is a superior man. He has an excellent mind, knows how to work, is earnest and conscientious in all that he does, and is a man of very superior character. He knows the field of modern secondary education and is well pre-pared by training and experience to teach courses in Education in a standard college."

Dr. Boitnott brings with him his wife and children. His major professor says of his family: "He has a very attractive wife who would be of great assistance to him in a college position. I feel sure that you would be pleased with Dr. Boitnott and his fine family."


Mildred Gordon will give a degree recital Monday evening, May 27, at eight o'clock in the College chapel. She will be assisted by Loyal Miles, baritone, who will be accompanied by Ronald Vetter. Miss Jessie Brown will assist Miss Gordon at the second

The public is cordially invited to attend this program.


Margaret Mattox president of the Poetry Club, entertained the members of the club at her home Thursday afternoon, May 16. Lucille Horn-butter played two piano solos after which several games wero played, one being a guessing game in which Miss Lehman received first prize. Being the lost meeting of the year, plans were discussed for next year. At the close of the meeting, refresh-

The Spectator

The Spectator


Senior Personalities

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Hamilton Basso Writes About Huey Long

in Current Issue of Atlantic Monthly

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Corrrespondence to THE SPECTATOR


Editor-in-Chief_________ Margaret Oliver

Make-up Editor    Vernon D.    Michael

Sports Editor-----—


Business Manager__________Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr.______Franklin    Hiebert

Cirrculation Manager ..... David    Metzger

Assistant Cir. Mgr---Ronald Flory

Collections Manager ...Eldred Mathes


Glen Austin    Merle Messamer

Paul Booz    Paul Miller

Robert Booz    Muriel Manning

Esther Bowers    Dorothy Matson

Donald Evans    Harold Reneicker

Ruth Hawbaker    Neva Root

Richard Hendren    Edna Reiste

Phyllis McKinnie     Kenneth Weaver

Finis et Appreciation

This edition of the Spectator concludes the efforts of the staff to bring to McPherson College students the news of the week in an informative and interesting style. It marks the end of an effort which has required cooperation from a large number of students. Yet in all it has been an interesting venture and one of the great aids to those desiring elementary training in journalism and experience in writing.

In bringing the year to a close the staff wishes to express its appreciation to all who have aided in its publication. Its publication would not have been possible without it— your help has made the paper better. When the staff had to be reorganized after it had once been started, reorganization was difficult and it would not have been possible without the help of all.

In addition to the staff we wish to thank any others who have had a part in the publication of the paper. Every contribution has been appreciated.

And so in our last issue we say "finis et appreciation.”

Emotionalism Scored

"What we’ve got to do in this nation is to get a more rational and scientific approach to life and its problems. The most ominous sign at present is the success of the ap-peal to the emotions. There never has been a time when there has been such a muddle state of thinking on public problems, or when demagogues have been so active in misleading the public." Such was the opinion expressed by America's famed scientist Dr. Robert A. Millikin in a recent speech. What America needs is more education, particularly in the field of science, he stated.

One thing which should be immediately noted is the weakness of any stress on science as a way out from the destructiveness of emotionalism. As far as science can go— among the intelligent and educated citizenry—science may provide a solution. But among the masses of people where the power of the demagogue is strongest there must be training, not only in the, thinking of the people but in the general concepts of economic questions as they affect the social order.

quirements of the final exam.

Another change which has been made recently on a campus nearby to our own is the comprehensive ex-amination for seniors at Bethel college. After an oral exam of one hour the senior is through with his finals for the year.

At the same time one realizes that the test will continue in the future and that he will have to place himself to the grind.


Ruth Anderson, who debated for McPherson College for three years, has recently been initiated to the Phi Delta Delta at Washburn, an honorary law fraternity for women.

This is an international organization requiring a high standard of scholarship and character for membership.

Miss Anderson is an honor roll student in the Washburn Low School, and is secretary to Dean Allen of that school. She will graduate from the law course next June. Her first three years of college work were done at McPherson College.


Final Tests Again!

Rumors have been heard, stirrings have been felt, threats are in the air, and—students are actually studying. The day of reckoning has come again. Final tests are near. All kinds of arguments have been advanced expounding their demerits and their

To a student born thirty years ago and reared in the conservative academic circles of that time they would not have been questioned in the least. Perhaps they would not have been considered so difficult because their method of study was geared to the type of studying required.

But today the air as well as the method of education has changed. Many schools have abandoned this type of study altogether. On the other hand the system has been modified in many schools. In our own college research tests which fill the requirement of a final in that it necessitates an extensive review while at the same time eliminating the cramming and the strain connected with a final exam. Another modification on our campus has been made with the monthly or bimonthly test which fulfills the re

Well, folks, this column wouldn't be complete without some cracks about the pictures in the Quad. First and foremost is the first photograph in the book—the picture of the bridge down in the draw. All we have to say is that it certainly camo-flagued neatly. Actually looks like some hustle scene. Then there is that ultra-typical pose of Prof. Blair, lost in deep meditation. And on the next page the forbidden picture, censored, and purloined. (The one of Prof. Hess, you know.) Following this is a hard-boiled crack at Gill’s physiognomy and a characteristic action picture of Petry.

On page 21 we find a “quizzical Dune, a cynical Eddy, and a hard-boiled Glotfeity. Leland Abel displays an amused countenance and Modena Kauffman expresses vague disbelief. Mathes smiles at you complacently while Messamer across the way almost sneers at you. And between them, Matson grins a wee bit crookedly. Joe Zuck eyes us as though we were about to ask us for class dues, and Vic Moorman schoon-ches up his eyes as if the sun hurt them. Helen Anderson by him almost says "Indeed?"

Bob Booz just below would be a perfect Adonis if it weren’t for the fact that he looks cross-eyed; and Otho Clark would pass easily enough for a Stokowski II. Amos Miller displays his usual amused grin; Frankie Hiebert is downright good-looking for a change: Vi Harris is gay as usual, and Keedy is slightly surprised. Sweetland is the perfect picture of boredom, and Mike is faintly amused.

Pauline Abuhl seems interested in something (maybe she was looking at Zahars) and Bessie Hawkins is the picture of youthful innocence (?). Lots Hoffert has on her Sunday-go-to-meeting grin and we would almost swear we can see the devil in Janet Manning’s eye.

Lloyd Moehlman is slightly disgusted, Twila Reed is very wistful. If we didn’t know Theresa Strom better we'd say she is saying "Peek-a-boo!"

On page 44 we see Van Hunt in the bottom row with an air of hope-ful expectancy. Near him is Dave Metager, seemingly a bit angry about something; Webb has a pained ex

It was after midnight, and the last extras were being cried through the streets; but the lobby of New Orleans’ largest hotel was still crowded and full of noise. In one or the many recesses of the colonnade hall, its area of carpet littered with cigarette stubs and cigar bands and torn scraps of paper, a radio sent out the last of the parish returns. Surrounded all evening, an instrument of jubilation or despair, it was now forgotten. Feliciana's final tabulation was lost in a tumult of cowbells and singing and blaring tin horns. What happened in Feliciana, or in St. James or Lafourche no longer mattered. The 1928 election for governor was over. Huey was in. Louisiana, for better or for worse, had taken unto herself a new. head man.

The writer of this article was a reporter on a New Orleans newspaper then and had been sent to get a story about him, the successful candidate on the night of his victory. His newspaper had not supported him—had fought him bitterly, in fact;, but Mr. Long had not yet taken to the habit of having reporters from opposition newspapers thrown from his rooms. That was to come later, when the struggle for power in Louisiana began to gain its present bitterness; when Long surrounding himself with body guards, set out to become monarch of all he could possibly survey. He was younger then, just thirty-five, and less experienced in dictorial tactics. Besides, on this occasion he could afford to talk to his enemies—even if only to crow.

Mr. Basso had heard Long speak to the country people many times. He remembers one meeting in a little town in the Teche country. It was late fall, but the long bayou summer had lingered and the evening was hot and still. There were patches of perspiration on the blue shirts of the fishermen and the women stir-rod the air with slow palmetto fans. Huey, his shirt plastered to bis back with perspiration, was speaking from the rear of a Ford pouring, as they say in that part of the world, acid in his eyes. He attacked the utilities and corporations and the New Orleans ring. He promised the people paved roads, free ferries and bridges, lower gas and electric rates, free schoolbooks—and most important of all—a government divorced from crookedness and graft. It was possible to believe what he said, to think that "he was earnest and sincere, because as Public Service Commissioner, an office to which he was elected at the age of twenty-five, he had actually opposed the forces he now was baiting—winning. In several cases, important victories for the people. He was young, too, and spoke American instead of bombast, and one liked his similes and metaphores derived from the barnyard and the cornfield. One liked the stories he told and joined the others in laughing. So the reporter was glad, as he made his way through the celebrants which crowded Huey's campaign headquarters, that this wild-young mustang from the hills of Winn Parish had been elected.

He was born in a four-room log

house in an upstate Louisiana parish in 1893; he was a book peddler, soap salesman, furniture salesman, patent-medicine salesman, and a cooking-contest organizer for the manufacturer of a lard substitute; he studied for a time at the University of Oklahoma and Tulane; he passed his bar examinations and became a lawyer at twenty-one; he was elected four years later to the Louisiana Public service commission; he was defeated for governor in 1924, when he squeezed between a Klan and a Catholic candidate; he was elected governor in 1928 and, before the expiration of his term, named to the Senate in 1930.

New Books in College Library

The following new books have been added to our library collection the; last week:

"Manual of the Grasses of the United States"—A. S. Hitchcock.

"The Great Depression"—Lional Robbins.

"March of the Dragoons of the Mississippi Valley”—Louis Pelzer.

"Aldrich”—M. W. Stephanson.

“The Day of Cattlemen”—E. S. Osgood.

"Discovery of the Elements" — Mary Weeks.

’’Techniques of Teacher Self-placement MacDougall.

"Kansas Unit Program in Social Studies."

Lillian Peterson was at her home in Hutchinson over the weekend.

E. F. Weaver has preached for several years and did not become a part of the present senior class until last year. He took his earlier college work at Bethany Bible School in Chicago. He is majoring in philosophy and religion.

Elizabeth Wagoner is best characterized by one word—Jolly. It is this characteristic which has made her well-loved by her classmates. "Beth” has been a member of the International, Relations Club and of the World Service Group for three years. The A Cappella Choir has had her on its roster since its for-mation. She has served capably on the Y. W. cabinet for two years in the positions of social service chairman and treasurer, respectively. Her major field is history.

Iva Walker has often been admired for her pretty curly hair and her soft voice. She recently appeared in a new light as the harsh, catty older sister in the senior play, "The Youngest.” Her first two years of college work were taken at the University of Omaha. English is her major field.

Dorothy Dell and Pauline Abuhl went to Salina Friday to attend the State Track meet.

pression. We wonder why Leola (in the top row) has her hand in front of her face.

And on page 45—"No, Dune, the birdie isn't up on the celling. Page 46—Johnsie is mad about something and looks like he’s gonna clean up on someone. On page 48 we find Watkins with a "come-hither" look in her eyes.

And so we come to the end of another year. We hope we haven't hurt anyone's feelings (not too bad-ly at least. Wishing you all rip-roaring Fourth of July. A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year not to mention best wishes and all the other line of bank that you find in "quads" this time of year. With this Dame Rumor signs oft.


Virgil Brallier .............. May 25

Charles Simmons ------..... May 28

Lee Haun...................    ...... May 29




Ottawa University Captures

Second with Total of 50
Points — Bulldogs Accumulate 19 1/2 Marks.

Baker easily won the Kansas Conference Track and Field meet held at Salina last Friday, scoring a total of 68 points, while their nearest competitor who was Ottawa had 50 points. McPherson third with 19 1/2

points. C. of E. fourth with 14 points. Wesleyan fifth with 11 1/2 points and Bethany with 2 points.

Ed Dissinger, Baker winner of the mile and two-mile runs, was the individual star with 13 points. No conference records were neared because of the weather.

The track and field results:

Mile run—Won by Dissinger, Baker: Ghrist, Baker; second: Horrell. Baker, third: Canfield, Wesleyan, fourth. Time. 4:46.2.

4 40-yard run—Won by Smith, Baker; Seaman. Baker, second; Mc-Nickel, C. of E., third: Hoover. Ottawa, fourth. Time, 53.8 seconds.

100-yard dash—Won by Farrow, Baker: Miles, McPherson, second, Coppoc, Ottawa, third; Paradise, Baker, fourth. Time, 10.5 seconds.

Shot put—Won by Geine, Baker; Watson, Wesleyan, second. Wasson, C. of E., third; V. Meyer. McPherson, fourth. Distance, 40 feet 3 1/2 inches.

High hurdles—Won by Koehler, Ottawa; Dingus. Ottawa, second; Casida, Ottawa, third; Mitchell, Bak-er, fourth. Time 16.2 seconds.

Half-mile run—Won by Christ. Baker; Dissinger. Baker, second; Carey. C. of E., third: Porter, Baker, fourth. Time. 2:07.9.

Pole vault—Won by Haun, McPherson; Dingus. Ottawa, second: Dicker, Bethany, third: Wiggins, Mc-Pherson, fourth. Height, 11 feet.

Two-mile run—Won by Dissinger, Baker; Horrell, Baker, second; Can-field, Wesleyan, third: Dowell, Ottawa, fourth. Time, 11:07.1.

Discus—Won by Meyer, McPherson; Miller, Wesleyan, second; Barker, Ottawa, third; Wasson, C. of E., fourth. Distance, 118 feet 2 inches.

High jump—Won by Dingus, Ot-twa; Wiggins, McPherson, and Johnson, Wesleyan, tied for second and third; Smith, C. of E., and Robinson. Johnson, C. of E., tied for fourth. Height, 5 feet 7 inches.

Low hurdles—Won by Petty, Ottawa; Casida, Ottuwa, second; Mit-chell, Baker, third; Koehler, Ottawa, fourth. Time, 27.1 seconds.

Broad Jump—Won by Starr, Ottawa; Casida, Ottawa, second; Rock. C. of E., third; Seaman, Baker, fourth. Distance. 21 feet 6 inches.

Javelin throw—Won by Eagles. Ottawa; Davison, Baker, second: Holman, Baker, third: Hartzmann, C. of E., fourth. Distance. 156 feet 7 inches.

Mile relay—Won by Baker (Paradise, Porter, Seaman, Smith): C. of E., second; Ottawa, third: McPherson, fourth., Time 3:43.4.

loses only one man that has been a consistent point-getter. Next year should be the banner year for the Bulldogs on the athletic field.

Senior Personalities


The tennis matches could not be

played. They will be played at a later date if weather conditions permit.

The McPherson mile relay team won fourth place in the relay event. The personnel of the team was Stutzman, Graber, Heckman and Haun.

The records in all of the events were very low. This was due to the weather conditions. The representation in this year's meet was of better than average talent.

The state meet marks the close of every track season. This is the last of the intercollegiate sports for this school year. We sincerely hope that the teams of next year will carry the Bulldog banner as high as it has been carried this year. Several good men will graduate from the football squad this year, but there are many promising underclassmen that can fill their places. The basketball team only loses two by graduation, and the track squad

Maxine Ring is one of the most capable and active members of this year's senior class. She has taken part in various dramatic produc-tions, including "The Importance of Being Earnest” and "Death Takes a Holiday." This year she acted as coach of the dramatics class play, “The Silver Cord." Maxine has been a member of the W. A. A. all four years of her college life. This year she has been on the Y. W. cabinet, holding the position of chairman of the social committee. Her major is English.

Corrine Bowers, as secretary to the Dean, is often to be found in the central office. She has always been a cheerful giver of information to students who have found her in a convenient location to be asked various questions. Corrine is a talented violin soloist, and has also been heard in duets and trios. She has played in the orchestra four years. She was a member of the Y. W. cabinet, having held the positions of vice president and conference chairman. She has chosen commerce for her major.

Bernard Settle is noted for the involuntary baths he takes, such as the one he had on the senior sneak. He is interested in dramatics and took the role of the pompous bachelor in “A Tune of a Tune,” one of the one-act

plays given the first semester. He has played in the orchestra during the past year. Last year he attended Bethany Bible School in Chicago. His major is education.

Ralph Sweetland may often be seen trudging to and from town. He has played in the orchestra two years and in the pep band. The Chemistry Club has claimed him as one of its members for three years. He spent his freshman year at Fort Hays college. His major interest is chemistry.

The Y. W. room is the favorite hangout of Alice Unruh; she may be found there at almost any time. During her freshman year Alice attended Northwestern State Teachers College at Alva, Oklahoma. She has chosen English and education for her major subjects.

The music which comes from Ronald Vetter's nimble fingers has delighted his classmates for three years. Ronald is not afraid of work, and by taking as many as twenty hours at a time, plus correspondence work, he has completed his college course in one year less than that usually required. He will receive his B. M. degree this spring at commencement, and his A. B. at the end of the summer session. His majors are music and chemistry.

Margaret Oliver's genial personality has been a decided asset to the senior class. It has also aided her greatly in collecting funds as treasurer of the class. Her leadership abilities have been demonstrated in her capable editorship of the Spectator and in her service on the Y. W. cabinet for two years. She was chosen to preside as queen at the recent McPherson Relays. Her major is English.


(Continued from last week)

An outstanding feature of the game was the stellar performance of Dr. Petry at first base. He was very consistent at standing squarely on the bag even though a runner was endeavoring to touch it. Booz played a very good game in right field, making many spectacular catches.

The dinner beli was finally sounded and we trooped to the “mess hall” to see what the cooks, under the capable leadership of Leone Shirk, had prepared. To say the least, the meal was delicious, and everyone enjoyed it immensely.

If the navy has any openings for a good pilot, Gerald Custer should be recommended as a willing candidate He “pushed"one of the motor boats around the river most of the afternoon. Of course there were those who desired seclusion. The afore-mentioned couples disappeared again, and Sherfy and Glessner, not to be outdone, gathered a boat load or the fair sex and went for a ride down the river. Then, too, we must not forget Lowe and Rothrock who preferred a silent running canoe and Booz, Evans, Shirk, and Kauffman who took an extended tour down the river. Even Dr. and Mrs. Petry ventured out upon the shaky waters for a ride.

There are outstanding people in

comon. Sherfy, who had been leading a rather quiet life, suddenly became inspired with a desire to become a hero—or what have you. Benefitting by the experience of one of the preceding seniors whom he had heard received a “merciless ducking" he donned an undersized bathing suit and stepped into a harmless looking craft with a reputation of wanting to float with the topside on the water. After a few icy baths

he mastered the boat and retired in all his glory to the boathouse, his only regret being that a picture of the achievement was not secured for the 1936 Quad.

The group finally congregated for supper. There was evidence of sunburn, sprained ankles, and a sleepless night, otherwise the group

seemed quite happy. After supper we loaded our scattered belongings and tired bodies into the automobiles to return wearily to our respective places of abode.

it is alleged that the word “swell" is used by college freshmen to describe 4,972 situations.