McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Thursday, may 16, 1935
"Mother” was the theme of the Y. M. program last Tuesday morning. La Mar Bohlinger spoke on "Mothers of College Youths." He stated that college youths do not really appreciate their mothers until they are a way from them. He closed by quoting the Jewish proverb which says, "God cannot be everywhere, so he made mother.”
Clarence Sink continued the program by speaking on "Loyalty to Mother." He stated that Mother's day should be a day we rededicate ourselves to mother. This day should not be the only day we think of mother, but rather we should think of her all the time. He continued by saying that it is in the home that such human virtues as liquor, honesty, etc., got started and it is largely through our mothers’ influence as to which way we got started in life.
Professor Voran closed the program by singing a very appropriate number, "Little Mother of Mine.”
Evans and Miller to Lead Juniors and Seniors of 1935-36
Officers for the junior and senior classes of next your were elected at their recent class meetings.
Last Friday the juniors met and chose Donald Evans as president of the 1935-36 senior class. The other officers elected were vice president. Merle Messamer; secretary, Dorothy Matson: treasurer, Lota Wine; student council representatives, Archie Van Nortwick and Modena Kauff-
Paul Miller was chosen, at the sophomore class meeting a week ago, to head the 1935-36 junior class. Robert Booz was elected vice president; Velma Watkins, secretary; Kenneth Weaver, treasurer: and
Wanda Hoover and Willard Flaming to represent the class in the Student Council.
The respective officers chosen have been active in their classes and are capable of fulfilling the new responsibilities.
The junior class met Friday afternoon and drew up a resolution concerning "sneak days that may in the future have considerable effect upon the holidays of the upper classes. Motivated by the results of the general brawl which ensued when the seniors "sneaked," the juniors are attempting to eliminate all such disturbances in the future and at the same time provide for the continuance of this tradition.
The resolution has not yet been made official, but as soon as it is approved by the faculty it will be officially published.
Quads To Be Delivered Soon
The 1935 Quadrangle is rapidly nearing completion, and will likely be ready for delivery May 21, the staff announces. The manager says that delivery will be withheld from members of those classes and organizations which have not paid for their space in the Quadrangle.
The McPherson Republican, printers of the annual, have finished the printing. The books are now, being bound in St. Louis, Missouri.
The junior and senior classes are represented 100 per cent in the class section. Only ton students of the freshman and sophomore classes do not have their pictures in this section.
The college personnel is being pre
Indications Point Toward Ottawa or Baker as Winner of Contest
Binford Will Rely Upon Meyer, Miles and Haun as Nucleus to Gain Points
The Kansas Conference track meet will be held at Salina tomorrow afternoon. Entrants in this contest will be Bethany College, Kansas Wesleyan University, Baker University, College of Emporia, Ottawa Univer-sity, and McPherson College.
There is little dope available concerning the relative strength of the different teams in the conference as the teams in the eastern half of the state have not competed against those in the western half. However, available information points toward Baker and Ottawa as favorites to win the meet with McPherson and College of Emporia an probable contenders.
Coach Melvin J. Binford is taking the following men to the meet: Miles, Toland, Heckman, Haun, Graber, Stutzman, Wiggins, Hendren, Miller, Meyer, and Carpenter.
Toland and Milos will run the 100 yard dash and Miles will also run the 220 yard dash. Heckman will compete in the half mile distance: Haun will be entered in the pole vault', high hurdles, and broad jump events: Graber and Stutzman will run the quarter mile; Wiggins will compete in high jump and Javelin; Meyer will try to outclass his opponents in the shot and discus; Miller will run the mile and two-mile distances; Hendren will enter the javelin event and Carpenter the low hurdles.
Coach Binford's hopes for winning the meet will be built about Miles, Meyer, and Haun, who have each shown their various abilities in the track meets in which the Bulldogs have been entered this spring.
Traditions Continue
“Come on, let’s slack Neva’s
"Will Mother Emmert care—do you suppose?”
These and many other similar expressions were heard in Arnold Hall last week when the juniors and seniors sneaked.
It has been a tradition for the underclassmen to stack the rooms of their superiors when the upperclassmen were gone.
Admittance is gained even through locked doors. The skeleton key should have earned some reward for producing the method through which the intruders get in and create these annual havocs which take place.
When the juniors and seniors return to their roms they behold only a blurred vision of debris. All that is lost, perhaps, in these raids, so far as the upperclass members are con-cerned, is a few tears and maybe a sound temper.
No year passes without its exhilarating events complicated with fury and trouble. The stream winds along the same path, flows around the same bend, keeps the same outlet in all its naturalness. A little pebble is thrown in, the water whirls past and continues its course.
The same may be said of school traditions. They follow the same usual course. The whole remains undisturbed and unaffected.
In retrospect every student has experienced an extraordinary adventure —long to be remembered and perhaps even to be regretted for a short while.
New Study Course for Yale
New Haven, Conn., May 16.—Yale University will open up a new field of advanced study in the fall with the establishment of a special division in the Graduate school centering upon general work apart from research and putting degrees secondary, it was announced this week by President Angell.
Bernice Dresher and Gulah Hoover were co-hostesses at a party Tuesday night at the Dresher home at which time the announcement of the marriage of Mildred Dahlinger and George Thye was made. The wedding date is June 9.
The eveing was spent in playing games after which a three-course luncheon was served. The chosen color scheme was rose and green. A beautiful bowl of roses and lilies of the valley centered the table. Additional decorations were rose and green tapers. The announcement of the date of the wedding was cleverly revealed at the last course of the luncheon. A candy dove had a wedding ring tied about its neck. In the ring was a paper rose on which was written the words, "Dolly" and ‘Shorty’—June 9.”
After the party, the group went to the Dahlinger home where the contents of the hope chest of the bride-to-be were viewed.
Guests present at the party were Mildred Dahlinger, the guest of honor; Elaine Danielson, Neva Root, Margaret Oliver, Gladys Riddell, Modena Kauffman, Faithe Ketter-man, Thelma Shellenberger, Mar-gretta Okerlind, Martha Hursh, Mrs. A. C. Voran, and the two hostesses, Bernice Dresher and Gulah Hoover. Regrets were received from Velma Watkins.
Miss Dahlinger is a member of the A Cappella Choir and attended M. C. for three years.
Chem Classes Go to Hutchinson for Day—Salt Mine is of Vital Interest
Forty-five students and Dr. J. W. Hershey made the annual chemistry trip to Hutchinson last Friday. The whole day was spent in visiting plac-es of interest in the city. As a whole, the trip was considered one of the best in recent years, although flat tires and the police station bothered some in the party.
The group met at the Central Straw and Fiber Company in Hutchinson, where the process of converting straw into paper was observed with great concern. From there the group went down into the Carey salt mine. Here the students saw how the salt is mined from the ground and carried to the surface and broken up ready to be taken to the plant. The Carey Salt plant was the next stop. It was here that the crude salt was refined and put in boxes ready for shipment. The Kelly Flour Mill was the next scene of interest. After going through the mill, the group dispersed for the lunch hour.
After the lunch hour, the group assembled at the Morton salt plant. After visiting that salt plant the group was privileged to go through the reformatory. The trade shops of the reformatory drew much comment from the students as they went through it. The Richard Sche-ble Candy Company was next in order. This was the most anticipated place of visit of the whole itinerary. Many mouths watered as the group viewed the delicious candy before them, though they dared not touch it.
Other places visited during the afternoon included a foundry, the United Power and Light Plant, and the Bond Baking Company. It was a tired but contented group that returned home after walking through all these buildings.
Dr. J. Willard Hershey will give his annual radium lecture next Monday night at 6:30 p. m. This lecture is always one of the highlights of the chemistry club programs of the year. The highly medical importance of radium makes it highly interest-ing to everyone. The lecture is primarily for the first year chemistry students bat the public is cordially invited to come and hear Dr. Hershey discuss this all-important subject.
Dr. Harold C. Case, Topeka, will give the principal address at the Forty-seventh Annual Commencement of McPherson College.
Is Well Known in Youth Circles; Will Give Address Here May 31
Dr. Harold C. Case has been designated as the commencement speaker for the class of 1935. Dr. Case is pastor of the First Methodist Church of Topeka. He came to Topeka from Glencoe, Ill., two years ago where he served as pastor.
Dr. Case was graduated by Baker University, Harvard, Garett Biblical Institute and of Boston University.
He has been active in many and varied types of work. For some time he was in the central office of the Epworth League. He represented the Methodist Church at the World Conference on Adult Education at Cambridge, England, in 1929. For a number of years he served as Dean of the Lake Geneva League Institute. He also served as leader at a great many conferences for youth throughout the country, among them being the Estes Conference.
Despite his age he has made for himself an enviable reputation by his force of character and his insight into the needs of youth. His graduating address, "The Marks of an Educated Person," will be given at 10 a. m. on Friday, March 31.
With only a short time remaining in which to prepare for the staging of ‘‘Death Takes a Holiday," the work is being pushed to the fullest
gradually securing the properties and getting the stage setting worked out. Several unique costumes will be necessary as well as a number of dress suits and formal gowns.
It has been definitely decided that the play will be presented on Wednesday evening, May 29. On Tuesday evening, May 28, a full dress re-hearsal will be held which will be open to students for a small admission fee. The cast and the directors feel that by giving an opportunity for seeing the play on Tuesday evening some who would otherwise be unable to attend, because of conflicting activities, will find it convenient to be present at the dress rehearsal.
Thursday, May l6-State Truck Meet at Salina.
Sunday, May 19—Two-piano recitals, Ann Jeanette Allison and Arthur Rolander.
—C. E. meeting, College Church, 6:30 p. m.
Monday, May 20—Radium lecture, Chemistry lecture room, 8 p. m. Tuesday, May 21—Regular Y. M.-Y. W. meetings. 10 a.m.
—World. Service Group meeting, Y. W. room, 7 p. m.
—Violin recital.
Wednesday, May 21—Graduate recital.
McPherson College Participates In Events of Festival Day's Program
A Clever Skaters Dance Was Present by the Physical Education Class
The All Schools Day festivities yesterday were carried out in spite of the rains in the morning. McPherson College contributed a dance in the May fete by the girls’ gym class and a concert for the county graduates by the College Orchestra.
The festivities were opened in the morning in the usual manner by the McPherson High School band. The May fetes, next on the program, were
take to the Community Building instead of Central Park, because of the rain.
The May fetes consisted of dances by the gym classes of the local schools and the crowning of the May Queen. A clever skitters dance was presented by the College group, un-der the direction of Camilla More.
Tile May Queen and her attend, ants were dressed in beautiful gowns of pastel colors. The queen's attend-ants consisted of a maid of honor, six attendants, a crown bearer, two train bearers, and six flower girls. The whole fete was in charge of Miss Helen Hirni.
The grand All Schools Day parade which was to take place at 11:00 was postponed until 3:30 because of weather conditions. The next event of the day was the dinner for the county graduates at the Community Building after which the county graduation program was held in the auditorium. The McPherson College Orchestra played a half-hour prelude at this program. Dean R. E. Mohler was the principal speaker at the commencement exercises.
The parade started approximately on schedule. There were seven bands, three drum and bugle corps, many elaborate floats, and hundreds of school children. The parade was approximately a mile long.
The entertainment scheduled to take place on the platform was presented in the Community Building. The outstanding feature of the program was the Harrison Bicycle'act, which included a marvelous balancing act by Miss Yetta Harrison. The program also included numerous dances by local talent under the di-rection of the Misses Helen Hirnl, Grace Clark, and Amelia Burlier.
The program for the day was completed with a program in the Community Building presented by the Crossroad Playmakers. The 22nd May Day Festival was allot her huge success in spite of the inclement weather conditions.
Herbert Ikenberry visited with relatives at his home in Quinter over the weekend.
sented informally this year, in snap-shots of characteristic poses. Heretofore the faculty and other administrative officials have been shown in formal portraits.
"Thirty per cent more snapshots than in any previous Quad” is the claim of this year's staff. Otho Clark with his camera has become a familiar object on the campus. The photography crew, consisting of Otho Clark, Glen Webb, and Sam Stoner has been relentless in its quest for photo-news for the annual.
Next week will start the adventure of soliciting autographs. As one co-ed has said, "A good excuse for being late to class it, 'I just had to wait for one more student to sign my Quad'.”
The Spectator
of a
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR
Editor-In-Chief ----------—- Margaret Oliver
News Editor Vernon D. Michael
Sports Editor.............Orval Eddy
Society Editor------Velma Watkins
Business Manager---------------- Robert Booz
Assistant Bus. Mgr._______ Franklin Hiebert
Circulation Manager----David Metzger
Assistant Cir. Mgr_____Ronald Flory
Collections Manager--------Eldred Mathes
Glen Austin Merle Messamer
Robert Booz Muriel Manning
Donald Evans Harold Reneicker
Ruth Hawbaker Neva Root
Phyllis McKinnie Kenneth Weaver
How Much Is He Worth?
During the next few weeks McPherson College will graduate forty-eight students. Similarly, colleges and universities will "produce" to the world thousands of employables. These students, diverse in their interests, widely separated in the scales of their ability, and conflicting in their ideals are seeking this year not "their" berth but "a" berth in which to ride.
In pre-depression days this problem was not so serious. Each year in the larger universities and technical schools could be found agents soliciting promising students for jobs immediately upon graduation. The student had only to win his degree and he was assured of at least an average position. Society cast its choice favors upon that class whose name was connected with a degree.
Now this situation has changed. In the first place our economic system has undergone a tremendous unheav-al which has reduced employment by half. Although this has affected those with the least education it has not been without its effects. In the second place our colleges have become veritable factories turning out in mass production degreed citizens, thus lessoning the value of the college graduate comparatively.
Taking Can’t Out of War
Our naval appropriations by this Congress reach a total never known before in time of peace. It is done in the name of national defense. The result will be, it is said, simply that we shall build our fleet up to the strength permitted fy the London agreement. This is true enough, but it is evident that many members of Congress feel that they have put themselves in a false position. They have been talking about taking the profits out of war. They have proposed to conscript all wealth and every form of production In case of war, while setting a a system which is virtually that of forced labor. But they know well that all these things would be blown away by the first blast of real war. They are, as Mr. Baruch asserted in his powerful statement, making plans for a paper war which would, if carried out, inevitably lose an actual war. He told the committee that the best thing for them to do was to stop talking about imaginary wars, conducted on entirely new principles' and give their thoughts night and day, not so much to the prevention of war as to the firm establishment and assuring of peace. Short of that, we are clearly in danger of falling into contradictions and insincerity on the whole subject.
The chain letter gag is just about to get us down. Now its all right to send out a few of the darn things, but when it comes to as many as ten in one week, that's too much. We heaved a big sigh of relief when the paper announced that the crest of the fad had been reached and that we would be pestered less and less in the future.
The thing that gets us most about that senior sneak is that Webb claims those eggs weren't rotten. It's too bad Webb couldn’t smell them.
It sometimes pays to be a half mile or mile runner. Paul Heckman almost turned the tables on some would-be kidnapers when the juniors sneaked off last week. He grabbed the keys from the kidnaper’s car and lit out down the road as if he were running in the Kansas Relays or something. It was only after appropriating a farmer's car that the abductors were able to catch Paul.
Which reminds us—the man who goes to bed at 10:00 o'clock may be healthy, wealthy, and wise, but gosh, think how much fun he misses!
Just imagine 26 girls so quiet at a party that no one knew there was any party! Such proved to be the case on third floor of Arnold this week one night when it was a whole solid hour before the matron discovered the disturbance of peace.
Seniors Review Sneak Day
The meeting place of the senior "sneacksters" was Presser Hall, Bethany College, Lindsborg. The designated time was 10 o'clock Tuesday evening; it was nearly twelve before the cars left the Swede campus, how-
The only way "Happy" Riddell could find the location of the spot for the sneak was to go to Ruth Spilman's house and find the desired picnic ground from there. The cara-van of cars traveling from Lindsborg was to meet Gladys nine miles east of said Swede city. Finally after rambling about in Roxbury territory for some time. Riddell was found land eventually the "promised land" was located.
Cars arrived at irregular intervals from 12:30 to 4:30—much to the dismay and disgust of those who were trying to get In a few winks of
But yo ho- Harry was missing. Therefore a carload of determined senior fellows came back to home base (M. C.) for him. They found that Harry had been taken eight miles out of town and made to walk back.
except a broad expanse of rocky pasture land with a great number of rabbits scurrying hither and yon.
Camilla and Neva wandered away and appeared at ten o'clock riding on horses which they bad borrowed from a couple of farm boys. Several took their turns at riding the nags.
So then we trekked off to Salina where we met at Oakdale Park: Some of us went motorboat riding, while the rest entered odd activities, such as tennis playing, exploring the park in general, sleeping, etc.
About 12:30 the chefs prepared the noon meal. We had two kinds of ice cream!
With this situation in view one asks what the graduate of '35 can hope for. Surely he cannot expect a job immediately. Only one thing he can be sure of. That is a world which needs to be changed, and the very fact that the above conditions exist is evidence that courage, action, and patience are placed at a prem-
What Does Your Walk Tell?
It is indeed entertaining to watch the students as they pass along the walk between the Administration building and the Library. Some are always in a very great hurry and walk briskly along as though hastening to an important conference. Others go slowly and reluctantly as though wishing to delay the moment when they must begin to study as long as possible. Still others go by spurts, seemingly torn between a sense of duty and a desire to seek diversion.
No two of them are alike but there are certain distinct types. For instance, it is no trouble at all to distinguish between the serious-minded student and the student bent upon getting the most fun out of college.
There is the studious little miss who is habitually on the honor roll. She walks hurriedly along with a deck of books under one arm and a look indicative of deep contemplation upon her face. Just behind her a few steps saunters’ the co-ed who never allows her studies to interfere with her college education. She strolls casually along, chatting gay-ly with her companions and always keeping one eye open for any attractive male who might happen her way.
Something of a similar kind should be said to the students in our colleges who are so frequently making demonstrations against war. Too often what they seem to demonstrate is an emotion, without will power for action. They think it enough to declaim their hatred of war, their resolve personally not to fight in an-other war, and their readiness to go the whole figure Of pacifism. There is no objection to this if their motives are pure. But are their heads clear? Have they accurately measured the forces with which they are undertaking to deal? They cannot suppose that the mere breathing of an aspiration into the air will achieve what they wish. They must be ready to support and join every existing agency that may furnish an alternative to war. They must found new organizations of their own for the same purpose. They must take an active part in politics, and let their representatives in Congress know that a refusal to fight is not a refusal to vote. Unless such things are done and political effect given to ideals of peace, we are in danger of talking can't when we talk of ending war without doing anything to end it. There is a can't of patriotism, as is well known, and there is also a can’t of pacifism. Both of them had best be taken out of war.—New York Times.
Then there’s the girl who spreads her potato with mustard instead of butter when talking about the boy friend—Vi Rothrock in case you didn't know.
The student government has rewritten its constitution. We understand next year there will be a virtual Utopia in the Women's dormitory, especially for freshman gals.
Picnics will be picnics—but girls! Please remember the 10 o'clock
Well, folks, this is the next-to-the-last issue of this screwey column. Your relief is exceeded only by that of the guy who writes it. So long until next week.
From all reports and indications, there was a general bedlam in M. C., on the campus, and downtown when the underclassmen and seniors clashed early Tuesday morning.
It was a beautiful, starry night and so we lay, wrapped in our blan-kets, gazing at the stars and speculating about them.
While Eddy was attempting to res-, cue Harry some of the girls accidentally got his blanket. He discovered it the next morning at the bottom of a pallet on the ground.
Camp began to stir at 4:30 and by five everyone was ready for breakfast.
Three games of baseball followed breakfast. "Teut" and Sweetland succeeded in hitting homeruns.
yond a distant hill there was a beautiful pond with ducks swimming on it; so many of us walked over to view the scene. Of course, there was nothing beyond the brow of the hill
After dinner "Tarzan" Suttle and Sweetland went swimming— and really not purposely either. There was a canoe about the size of a baby's bathtub so Tarzan was the first to try his luck at paddling the canoe.
He was upset into the icy waters. Then, Ralph, dauntless and well-prepared, (wearing only swimming trunks) braved the dangerous tide. He, too, was unable to perform the feat of balancing the canoe and it capsized.
After a class meeting held on the dock, we all went to the show. Claud- ette Colbtry in "Private Worlds." A plenty good picture!
Back to the park for a weiner
roast and more ice cream. It was necessary to eat under shelter as rain seemed to be falling.
Reports reached our camp that the Juniors had "snuck" and were seen in Salina. Theirs was probably a wise decision to leave before the seniors entered the portals on M. C.
on their return—considering the • threats made by the upperclassmen.
Aside from the speed of their walk, each fellow seems to have his own peculiar gait. Some walk straight and tall, as though they enjoyed it. Other lads of 19 or 20 make their way along the walk stooped and bent as though the cares of this world are already more than their young shoulders can bear.
Being able to walk is a wonderful thing but it requires no subtle humorist to see many amusing details about this characteristic human trait.
Why All the Flurry?
Always remaining in the back-ground, never completely known, unidentified investigators are constantly worried about the radicalism which they claim is turning government supported institutions into antigovernment organizations. After these so-called investigations have been carried out "findings," startling in their nature, are given publicity in loyalist newspapers.
Recently a member of the Reserve Officer Association of Wisconsin had his agent sponsor a bill in the Wisconsin legislature to oust Dr. Glenn Frank of the University of Wisconsin because of alleged intelligensia activities on the campus "directed” from Moscow.
A more outstanding example was the expulsion of England's Strachey from the country because of his alleged communist activities In this
Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman, nationally known composer of band music, is at the University of Kansas for the first National Band Festival. He was made a member of the Phi Mu Alpha, an honorary music fraternity.
Ray Noble is playing for the annual senior ball at Temple University of Philadelphia.
The New Deal has spread to colleges and universities. Candidates for student offices at Wichita University are loudly acclaiming a new deal on the campus if they arc elected.
A popular song, "The Prom Waltz," now being featured by Jan Garber and his orchestra was writ-ten by Walter L. Meter, a senior in the School of Journalism at Wisconsin U. The song was written as a theme song for a university prom.
Fred Doyle-------------------- May 19
country. In England he is considered as merely an outstanding liberal.
The constitution of this country guarantees to its citizens freedom of speech. But, if we should believe the orators of patriotic organizations which infest the country, one might be led to believe that freedom of speech did not include criticism or government. On the other hand the philosophy of these defenders of the faith should at least have some merits in order to be worthy of protection. Instead of the attempts of the
above investigators to coerce the above liberals to conform, the investigators should invite criticism and let their system rest upon its own merits.
William Alien White Writes of Good and
Bad Newspapers and Their Readers
Liter aria
A Classified Bulletin Board
A glance at the classified bulletin board in Sharp hall last week revealed these interesting notices:
Athletes and athletic fans, take notice! A Rhetoric book has been lost. Finder please return to Jack Gordon. Also: We must meet our bills! Students who have failed to make complete settlement must do so by May 1.
Faculty: The Universal Book and Bible House wants to employ a salesman for the summer. See Professor J. A. Blair if interested.
The latest in student publications: New French Shirts and Shorts, Russell Clothing Co. (Is this sponsored by the French classes?)
At a meeting Monday afternoon the "M” club elected its officers for the coming year. They were: president, Harold Johnston; vice president, Blanch Harris; secretary and treasurer, Paul Heckman, and representative to the student council. Lee Haun.
The elected men took office immediately. They will make arrangements for the initiation of the new members which will be held this spring.
Leola Mohler and Bessie Hawkins spent the weekend in Topeka.
John Moore and Herbert Sperling spent the weekend in Kansas City.
Estelle Baile visited friends in Conway last weekend.
Lenore Shirk was an overnight guest of Maudena Sondergard Saturday night.
Faithe Ketterman spent the weekend at her home in Abilene.
Charlotte Wolf was a weekend guest of Lucille Hornbaker at her home near Hutchinson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Mrs. Emmert, and Leta Wine visited at the S. M. Ketterman home Sunday.
THAT, the United State represents five per cent of the world’s land area, but produces 64 per cent of the world’s oil?
Sororities of many of the major colleges and universities have abandoned "Hell week” in favor of a "Courtesy week.”
News vending has become highly diversified in the modern world. Of eld, the town crier and the beggar going from European village to village purveyed the news. Their companion in commerce was the peddler of oddments with his pack on his back. The town crier was more or less a subsidised news merchant. The beggar was a free agent, except that the better his story, the better bed and board he got. Thus lying early became highly profitable in merchandising the news. But offer the peddler pat down his pack and opened a store he found beside him the town crier or the beggar, or both, running a printing office. The peddler’s store developed departments. The merchant printer and the town crier become editors, selling opinions with the news.
Two or three generations back. In the English-speaking countries, the editor suddenly began to brace up. The merchant prince, grandson of the peddler, was using the printer and the editor to promote merchandising. In the early part of the last Quarter of the old century, in the English-speaking world, the sums paid to publishers for advertising began to outstrip the sums paid to editors for subscriptions. Advertising directed the course of development of the newspaper. In continental Europe, where such advertising as we know in the English-speaking democracies is considered unethical, the press remains a pam-phlet—more or less. It is subsidized. It is still the town crier with a louder voice than his knee-breeched great grandfather had.
But in the English-spanking world the domination of advertising in the primer’s revenue has developed a new profession. The Journalist Is a hybrid. Broadly speaking. American Journalism divides along one line, the line which marks the precedence of, the business office over the editorial department. Speaking broadly again and allowing for many notable ex-ceptions, that the more definitely the business offices dominate a news-paper and make it conspicuously profitable, the less valuable the newspaper is to its community. Like all simplifications, this one should be distrusted, because it implies a connection between dishonesty and prosperity in a newspaper which is not always warranted by the facts. Yet, while obvious venality and a lust for profits are evidences of hishon-esty, a newspaper may prosper tremendously and yet be incorruptible. Possibly its dishonesty is intellectual. Or maybe its dishonesty is imaginary—a matter of good taste or bad.
Now that matter of good taste or bad brings the matter down to another subdivision in the newspaper business. This subdivision separates newspapers that appeal to the higher strata of intelligence of their potential renders from those that appeal to
the lower strata of Intelligence. Similarly, churches in our urban centers attract their members from men and women living upon a certain economic standard, and hence, presumably, of a similar grade of intelligence. At any rate, different newspapers in communities are directed at different reader groups up and down the spectrum of intellectual capacity, a newspaper that tries to give its community complete coverage has a hard task, especially in our great metropolitan areas.
Now these different kinds of newspapers appealing to different classes of readers would seem to have different standards of morals. Thus one speaks loosely of certain newspapers which appeal to the more literate, the more reasonable, and the more comfortable classes of society as good newspapers. Similarly, one refers to newspapers that pander to the ignorant men and women of clouded vision and low I. Q., as bad newspapers. Possibly, indeed, the terms used thus are unjustified. New Yorkers, for instance, who buy either type of newspapers regard the other ns mercenary and wicked. The subscriber who invests in the tabloid and in the gutter sheets regards the larger papers as corrupt and class conscious, and what the leaders of this paper think of the newspapers that appeal blatantly or even unconsciously to their less fortunate neighbors fills the metropolitan journal's readers with emotions inexpressible in their polite vocabulary.
Lord, since the little things of life are mine. - \
Help me to love them more:
The daily tasks, the humble pleasant
My feet must go. my simple household days—
Help me to make them lovelier than before.
When with the morning sun I rise
My task unvarying.
Let fragrant coffee and the bubbling
Inspire me with appreciative real.
Oh, let me feel my spirits lift and sing!
Let glint of silver and of shining
Make poetry for my soul,
Open my eyes to beauty! Lettuce, beans.
Brown loaves of bread, all beautiful, and greens
Dew-wet, and butter in a bowl.
A bell that rings, a neighbor’s cheery smile.
A child’s voice at my door;
A gift of yellow honey in a Jar.
O little things of life—how sweet they are!
Lord, make me love them more.
—Edith O. Osborne.
The "Will you sign my Quad" days are fast approaching and some students have already begun to worry about what complimentary things they can conscientiously write in "so-and so's" book.
Now it seems to me as though we make this Quad-signiny business more of a problem than it ought to be. Why should we sit around wracking our brains for something personal to say on the leaves of Quads whose owners have not been closely associated with us?
Wouldn't it be a better idea for all of us to be frank in the matter and use the good old autograph more liberally, eliminating the manufactured compliments?
Of course if there is really something to say, the Quad is a good place to say it. Compliments, tributes, and sincere expressions of appreciation are in order there, but they lose half of their value when they are sandwiched in between slices of "gush." N'estce pas?
"Dear Romeo,” wrote the ardent Minerva to her steady. "Don't fale to come over Sunday."
Without a moment’s delay Romeo wrote in a large, bold hand, "Dearest Min, there is no such word as fale."
Othetta Wall can be found at almost any time of the day in the art department painting pictures. She is the married woman of the senior class. Othetta was at McPherson in her freshman year, but she took her sophomore work at Central State Teachers College, Edmond, Oklahoma, returning to M. C. for her last two years. Her major is English.
Walter Pauls is one of the athletic heroes of the class of ’35. He has been a letterman four years in both basketball and football, and has won state recognition in both these sports.
He has also taken some part is track. He has not lacked for nicknames. When he first came to M. C. he always wore a brilliant orange sweater which had “Teuton" hinted across the back of it; promptly he became "Teuton" Pauls to his classmates. In Kansas Conference circles he is known as "Whitey" because of the color of his hair. He has chosen commerce as his major.
Jo Wagoner has been one of Dean Mohler's secretaries for the past year and a half. She was a chemistry assistant last year and belonged to the Chemistry Club two years. She has been a member of the World Service Group four years, and was one of the class representatives to the Student Council last year. She has been a member of the A Cappella Choir three years. She delights in cutting up things, such as fish and cats. This propensity has led her to choose biology as her major and nursing as her life work.
One of the athletically inclined senior girls is Arlene Wampler. She has been a member of the W. A. A. four years and was Us rice president this year. She is very much interested in art and spends a great deal of her time in the art laboratory. She is an accomplished pianist and has
It would seem quite logical to pick Bethany and McPherson to go to the finals in the doubles. Of these two teams, Bethany seems to have a slight advantage. The Bethany team won a close match from McPherson in the finals of the McPherson Re-
accompanied the orchestra this year. Her major is English.
Charles Strong does not look like his name, but perhaps looks are de-ceiving. He has spent a large part of his time down town working in a filling station. He came to us last year from El Dorado Junior College, where he took his freshman and sophomore work. His major field is history.
Russell Carpenter is another of the athletes of the senior class. In foot-ball he is recognized as a hard man, to stop, and in truck he is an excel-, lent dash man. "Carpy” has been a member of the "M” Club for four years. His major is commerce.
Supper was finally over—a- feast never tasted better. Then the problem of locating Paul and his gang— a long distance call informed us that be was on his way. Finally at 11:00 p. m. the prodigals arrived. They had been delayed by meddlesome underclassmen, tires that insisted on becoming deflated, and other ele-ments too numerous to mention. After the stragglers had finished their supper and related their experiences of the afternoon we all decided to go to bed.
The women departed for their "suite" and the men proceeded to occupy the kitchen. There were four beds but due to the excess number of sleepers it was necessary to sleep "three deep” and from the sound of some of the grumblings one might have gained the impression that por-haps the quarters were somewhat crowded. However about 2:00 a. m. everyone wits snoring unrestfully The last warning of Dr. Petry was "Everything must be perfectly quiet until 9:00 a. m. or thereabouts.”
A person who is an habitual early riser sometimes finds it difficult to sleep late in the morning. This seemed to be Eldred Mathes’ trouble as he was up about 5:00 a. m. ready to milk the cows. However, he seemed unable to find any, as we had to purchase milk from the camp grocery for breakfast. The rest of the men were finally awakened by the sound of feminine voices, and the sleep was rapidly driven from their eyes by the sight of water flooding under the door, through screens, etc.
Everybody was finally dressed— even Dr. Petry, who was "roughing it," having brought his pajamas and razor with him.
Defeats Eddy’s Nine for Undisputed Leadership — Miller
Trounces Reinecker.
By virtue of a 17 to 5 victory over Eddy’s team, Minear went to an undisputed first place in the McPherson College soft ball league standing.
Both teams were undefeated in league play when they met Thursday evening. In the first inning the winners brought five runs in, which were the result of two hits and five fielding errors. Then the teams tightened down and in the fifth inning Eddy’s teams made several hits to tie the score at five all. In both the sixth and seventh innings the Minears went on a batting spree which netted them twelve runs. The final score was 17 to 5.
On the previous evening Miller trounced Reinecker by a 16 to 1 score. The scoring was evenly distributed throughout the game. Both team rosters were shaken up as a result of the junior and senior sneaks.
The schedule for this week, which consisted of four games, has been postponed due to cold and rainy weather. The clubs will go into action again Monday evening if the weather permits.
The league standing follows:
Won Lost Pct.
We have not appreciated all the smoke which Sam Stoner, as editor of the Quadrangle, has caused to get in our eyes during the process of taking snapshots, but perhaps our feeling about the matter will be changed when we see the unusual end interesting yearbook that will make its debut in the near future. Sam has been an active member of the International Relations Club for two years. He is interested in athletics, having played basketball three years and having been on the varsity tennis team, for two years. He has been a member of the "M" Club for four years. His major is commerce.
Today the M. C. track and tennis teams are competing in the State; meet at Wesleyan. The truck and field events will be finished today. The tennis will be run off tomor-
The Bulldogs’ hopes for first plac-
es are centered around Haun and Meyers. It s expected that "Tony” will turn in a first place in the dis-cus. Haun has a formidable opponent in Cassida of Ottawa. Bethany boasts of a freshman that can vault over twelve feel. These three men will fight it out for first place honors in the pole vault event.
Lee Cassida, Ottawa's star track-man, is likely to be the high point man of the meet. He does about ev-everything for Ottawa in the dual meets. Each entrant in the State meet is limited to enter in only four events; so his all-around ability can-not be fully demonstrated at this
It is expected that either Baker or Ottawa will win the meet. Both of these schools have well-balanced teams. They have men that should place in nearly every event.
Missouri University won a dual meet from Kansas University last Friday. It was the first time in eight years that the Missouri team has won from Kansas. In the meet the discus was thrown 123 feet and the winning vault in the pole vault ev-ent was only 12 feet. Meyer of Mc-Pherson has thrown the discus 140 feet and Haun has vaulted the same height as the winner of the event at Lawrence. The other events for the most part were not out of the Bulldog class.
Probably the finalists in the tennis meet Friday will be Hansen and Binford. These two men are the class of the conference. Bulldog fans are hoping that Binford can defeat Hansen as this will be the last time that these two men will oppose each other in college competition.
McPherson has a better chance to place In a high position than they have had in several years. This is the first time in recent years that the entire squad has been entered, and there are several individuals that are consistent point getters.
Frederick Doyle was on the campus transacting business Saturday morning. Doyle is now a salesman for a pastry company in Topeka.
Bernard Suttle went to Hutchinson Monday.
A Long Story About An Eventful Sneak
You’ve all hears the song, "It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More," Perhaps even tried to sing detached portions of it. This familiar tune was reverberating through the minds of several weary juniors about 7:00 p. m. on Wednesday afternoon, May 8.— Place: Abilene, Kansas.
The rain! It came down in torrents and here we were stranded at Brown Memorial Park. No place to sleep—something to eat—but still that perplexing problem of no place
Dr. Petry finally consented to use his car as a "pinch hitting taxi" and accompanied by a few of the "Sneak officials" set out for the city to see if by some fair means a cold, tired, hungry group of financially embarrassed juniors might procure lodging for the night. In due time arrangements were made and leaving Sink. Van Nortwick, and Booz to get the house in readiness. Dr. Petry departed to carry the glad tidings to the eager group.
The house was in due time arranged to accommodate the members of the group hut they didn't arrive— and didn't arrive. Booz suddenly had a bright idea, he had brought; the key to the ignition on the “fa-mous Booz Terraplane" to the cabin camp with him while the Terraplane was reclining peacefully with its load of weary travelers at Brown's Park: some three miles distant. After what seemed an age the party arrived with the reluctant Terraplane in tow,Time: 9:00 p. m.
We weren’t hungry then, we were starving! But to make matters worse one of our men, his car, and the oc-cupants were missing. This was none other than Paul Heckman. We heard mild reports of kidnaping, wild rides in the country, etc.
After breakfast we all set out for Salina, with Oakdale Park as our destination. After much weary waiting for Sink-Poister, Reinecker-Pe-terson, who for reasons better known to themselves, were late, a game of baseball ensued.
(Continued Next Week)
Harry Frantz accompanied Ted Dell to his home near Beatrice, Nebr., Saturday evening.