McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, may 9,1935
Dr. H. C. Case, of Topeka, to Be Speaker at Commencement, May 31
Baccalaureate Sermon to be Delivered by Dr. V. F. Schwalm on Sunday, May 26.
Forty-eight seniors of McPherson College will be graduated at the forty-eighth annual commencement exercises to be held on Friday morning May 31, at the Church of the Brethren, according to information coming from the office of the president.
Dr. Harold C. Case, pastor of the First Methodist church, Topeka will be the commencement speaker. Dr. Case is one of the leaders at the annual "Y" conference at Estes Park in Colorado and he is a prominent figure in Y. M. C. A. circles in Kansas.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson College, will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday. May 26. Final examinations will be given on May 27, 28 and 29.
Following is the list of graduates: Dennis Andes, Windom, Kan,; Glen Austin, Fruita, Colo.; Harold Binford, Winfield, Kan,; Corrine Bowers, McPherson: Donald Brumbaugh, Fruita, Colo.; Geraldine Burdett, McPherson; Elrae Carlson, Windom, Kan.; Russell Carpenter, Sabetha, Kan.; Arthur De Vor, Colorado Springs, Colo.; David Duncanson, Lewiston, Minn.; Orval Eddy, Lewiston. Minn.; Harry Frantz. Rocky Ford, Colo.; John Friesen, Inman, Kan.; Evelyn Glotfelty, Batavia, Iowa; John Goering, Elyria, Kan.; Mildred Gordon, Carthage, Mo.; Glen Hammann, McPherson: 00 Hoover, Quinter, Kan.; Martha Harsh. Cassoday, Kan.; John Kauffman. Abilene, Kan.; Velma Keller, Min-neola, Kan.; Faithe Ketterman, Abilene, Kan.; Archie Lindholm, McPherson: Mary Miller, Waterloo. Iowa; Margaret Oliver. McPherson; Walter Paula, Inman. Kan.; Mildred Pray, Hope, Kan.; Gladys Riddell, McPherson; Maxine Ring, McPherson; Neva Root, Topeka, Kan.; Mildred Siek, Hope, Kan.; Elmer Staats, Sylvia, Kan.; Samuel Stoner, Ladoga, Ind,; Charles Strong, Burns, Kan.; Bernard Suttle, Yakima, Wash.; Ralph Sweetland, McPherson; Alice Unruh, McPherson; Ronald Vetter, Moundridge; Elizabeth Wagoner, McPherson; Josephine Wagoner, McPherson; Iva Walker, Omaha. Neb.; Othetta Wall, McPherson; Arlene Wampler, McPherson: E. F. Weaver. McPherson; Walter Weddle. Bloom, Kan.; and Leonard Wiggins, Gene-seo, Kan.
The department of fine arts of the College will have two graduates. Laurene Schlatter, McPherson, will receive a teachers certificate in piano, and Elrae Carlson, Windom, Kan., will receive a diploma in piano.
The class in "Teaching Methods in Industrial Arts" visited on last Friday the high school shops of Inman, Buehler, Hutchinson, Burrton, Halstead, Newton, and Moundridge. Those who went were: Glen Ham-mon, Harry Frantz, Russell Carpenter, Leonard Wiggins, Harold Rein-ecker, Walter Pauls, and Harold Johnston.
The students in this course are prospective Industrial Arts teachers. They are interested in the following things: shop arrangement, teaching efficiency, student achievement, and shop administration.
Chemistry Classes Go to Hutch
The chemistry classes are going to Hutchinson Friday to visit the Salt Plants, Paper Plant, the State Industrial Boys’ Reformatory, Power and Light Company, Candy Factory, Bakery, Foundry, and the Kelly Milling Company. There will be about fifty students to go on the trip.
The National Aquatic Schools1 sponsored by the American National Red Cross have been announced for the 1935 summer season. Beginning June 10 and continuing through June 20 acquatic institutes will be held at Lake Lucerne, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and at Lake Hubert, Minnesota.
The purpose of these schools Is to reduce drownings and other water accidents by developing adequate leadership in the field of swimming and life saving. Some of the courses offered are life saving, swimming, recreational swimming, diving, canoeing, boating, and camp waterfront leadership.
The ten days course is offered a: minimum cost to anyone who has opportunity for waterfront leadership upon completion of the course.
“Death Takes a Holiday” Most Unusual Production Undertaken at M. C.
This week the play cast is working on the third act of “Death Takes a Holiday." The third act is much shorter than the first two acts, but it is full of dramatic intensity and suspense.
The cast has the first two acts committed to memory. Beginning next week all of the time up to the presentation of the play will be de-voted to expression and polishing in general.
Probably not all of the students realize that the play is the most unusual production that has ever been attempted by a McPherson College group. The weird lighting effects are especially difficult to bring out on a stage as small and with such limited facilities for lighting as the College chapel stage.
Thespian club members, aside from those who are cast in the play, are being requested to give full support and cooperation in assisting with the production. A number of the stage properties are unique and a great deal of effort will probably be required to locate all of them.
Attendance at rehearsals during the past week has been very good. With the junior and senior class "sneaks" coming on, however, it is expected that some of the members of the cast will not be present at the rehearsals.
In a musical setting the seniors were received by the juniors at their annual Junior-Senior Banquet held at the Brethren Church last Friday evening.
The theme, music, was worked out in the invitations which consisted of miniature musical scores carrying the requests for attendance. The short after-dinner program was also planned in musical terms. The two outstanding numbers of the evening were a musical reading designated as "Sinorzando," by Miss Lehman, and a vocal selection "Cadenza” by Professor Voran. Clarence Sink gave the "Incommincindo" to which Elmer Staats responded with "Psalmody" and Margaret Oliver and Archie Van Nortwick with "Harmony," Mildred Dahlinger and Loyal Miles entertained the group with a vocal
The menu was cleverly presented in off-quoted suggestive expressions like "Cocktails for Two" and "Side by Side."
Students who have had charge of planning the banquet include: Ralph Sherfy, head of the general arrangements committee; Dorothy Matson, decorations committee; Lillian Peter, son, announcement Committee; and Modena Kauffman, program committee, Dr. R. C. Petry is sponsor of the class.
The women of the Church of the Brethren cooked and served the dinner.
Those who appreciate the really good will have a chance to hear it at the graduation recitals.
Friday, May 10—Chem Club trip to Hutchinson.
Sunday. May 12—C. E. meeting, College Church, 6:30 p. m.
Tuesday, May 14—regular Y. M. & Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.
—World Service Group meeting. Y. W. Room. 7 p. m.
Calendar Includes Recital, Reception, Banquet, Baccalaureate, and Graduation
The first of the "commencement week" activities at McPherson College will be on Friday evening, May 24, at which time the music department will hold its graduation recital. The recital is scheduled to start at 8:00 o’clock.
The next event will be on the following night, May 25, when the annual president's reception for the college seniors will be held. The senior class will be entertained at the home of Pres, and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm.
On Sunday night at 8:00 o'clock. May 26, Dr. Schwalm will preach the baccalaureate sermon in the College Church. College examinations will be held on May 27, 28 and 29.
The annual senior class day exercises will be held Thursday morning. May 30, at 10:00 o'clock, in the College chapel. The alumni reunion and banquet will he held at 6:30 o'clock
mencement exercise will be presented at 10:00 o'clock Friday morning. May 31.
The World Service group hiked to the hand pits for their regular meeting Tuesday evening.
The group left the college at 5:30. Upon arrival at the pits there was an interesting time playing games. After this they bad a wiener roast.
Also a campfire was very effective. Group singing was led by Galen Ogden. Arlene Wampler presented a chalk talk while a mixed quartet sang "Now the Day is Over." Dr. Petry gave a short inspirational talk.
The World Service plans to hold a vesper service some evening before school is out.
Plans Not Ready for Frosh Picnic
At a freshman class meeting Mon-day it was decided that a freshman-sophomore picnic would be held in the near future. No immediate plans were made.
Under the direction of Floyd Harris, a group of college hill children presented three novel instrumental arrangements of sacred hymns at the College Church last Sunday evening. The first quartette was composed of a violin, clarinet, and two trumpets, played by Mary Grace Webb, Maurine Blair, Richard Mohler, and Lawrence Blair, respectively.
A trumpet duet, "Ivory Palaces," was played by Richard Mohler and Lawrence Blair.
Three trumpets and a trombone were used by the second quartette. Ardys Hershey, Lawrence Blair, Richard Mohler, and Bob Davis made up this last group. They played two verses of "Faith of Our Fathers," then the audience was asked to sing one verse with their accompaniment.
The Gordon-Keedy-Pauls ladies' trio sang two sacred selections with Gulah Hoover a the piano. Joy Cullen played the accompaniments for the instrumental numbers.
Rev. Zook delivered a sermonette on the "Wear and Tear of Life."
Upperclassmen Are Persecuted Grievously in Attempt to “Get Away”
Weary and sleepy, the seniors returned to their devastated rooms last night from the annual sneak, only to be kept from "hitting the hay” by the necessity of replacing books and papers, scrubbing up scrambled eggs, and remaking their beds.
Within a few hours' notice, almost the entire senior elans was mobilized Tuesday afternoon, to start on their overnight picnic. By 9:30 all of the senior women had checked out of
Arnold Hall and made away to the places designated for meeting. General arrangements were cared for by John Goering and Gladys Riddell. The first common meeting place was at Pressor Hall at Lindsborg.
From Lindsborg the seniors went about nine miles cast to Jacobson's picnic grounds whore the group spent a sleepless night. Breakfast was served here. After breakfast baseball kept the sneakers busy until about 10 o'clock.
From Jacobson's pasture the seniors went to Salina, where dinner was spread in the Oakdale park. Boating and swimming (involuntary) amused the picnickers until the afternoon show in Salina started. After the show the seniors returned to the park to eat supper. The meals were planned by Martha Hursh, Elrae Carlson, and Dennis Andes.
Forty-five seniors, accompanied by the sponsor, “Cheesy" Voran,' and Mrs. Voran, took part in the sneak.
(Linoleum Cut by Chester Colwell)
M. C. Orchestra to Play at County Graduation Exercises May 15
Indications Show Parade Will Probably Be Outstanding Feature of Program
At least two department from McPherson College will be represented at the All Schools Day celebration on Wednesday, May 15. Music by the College orchestra, under the direction of Miss Lois Wilcox, will be heard on the program arranged for the commencement exercise of the county graduates. Prof. Dell's de-partment of Industrial Arts will have a display in one window of the B K
Plans are being completed for the celebration by committees that have been at work for many weeks. A number of new feautres have been added to this year's program which will attract the attention and interest of the people in the entire coun-
The day's program will start in the morning with the band concert on Main street, and at 9:00 o’clock the May Fete and queen Crowning program will hold interest at Central Park. Then will come the parade, a feature which holds promise of being the largest in the history of these pageants. This year nine bands and four drum and bugle corps will furnish music for the marchers.
The entry list of floats and decorated cars is larger than ever before, A thousand grade school children will be in the parade and more than 300 county graduates, guests of honor for the day, will be seen. Nove-
elties, offered by schools, organizations and individuals have been arranged for.
Following the parade the county graduates will be guests at a dinner at the community building after which their commencement program will be held in the City Auditorium,
The Landes Shows will have their rides on West Marlin street and the rest of their attractions at the athletic park. County high school teams will battle for the county baseball championship. There will be bands
playing at the park and up town all afternoon and early in the evening the bands will be massed, and under the direction of Archie San Romani of Arkansas City, will present a concert.
In the evening, at the City Auditorium, the Crossroad Playmakers and assisting artists will present a program.
Mower Purchase Boon to College
Campus improvement seems to have gained another step since the purchase of the new lawn mower. Permission to purchase a new mower was given by the trustees at their last meeting.
The new mower cuts a 30 inch swath. In addition to this it can be transformed into a mower with a sickle bar without much trouble. The new machine seems to cut where the old one would not, and also does a superior piece of work.
Hersheys Entertain Chem Majors
Dr. and Mrs. Hershey entertained the Chemistry majors and the assist, ants at a dinner last Saturday evening. Those present were John Frie-sen, Dennis Andes, Faithe Ketter-man, Martha Hursh, Glen - Webb, Galen Glessner, Ralph Sweetland, and Ronald Vetter, Gladys Riddell and Arthur DeVor were working and could not attend the dinner.
John Moore ................ May 11
Paul Peterson ............... May 11
Edna Reiste ............. May 11
Howard Winn ................ May -16
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Connell
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates For
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
News Editor ..................... Vernon D. Michael
Sports Editor ............................... Orval Eddy
Society Editor ....................-..... Velma Watkins
Business Manager .. . . ' Franklin Hiebert Circulation Manager David Metzger
Assistant Cir. Mar. ___, Ronald Flory
Collections Manager —— - Eldred Mathes
Paul Booz Paul Miller
Robert Booz Muriel Manning
Esther Bowers Dorothy Matson
Chester Colwell Maxine Ring
Richard Hendren Edna Resite
Wanda Hoover Glenn Webb
Phyllis McKinnie Kenneth Weaver
In order to attend school, one must live, and in order to live we must work and play. Let us substi-tute a broader word for play—lei-
Since school is life, we must consider the two activities as requisites to school, also. Very often we hear a student say that he has no time for recreation. If he would keep a record of his time-outs during his working hours for one day, he would notice how much of his time he really wastes. The sum total of these "out" minutes is enough for recreation if taken in definite periods.
The problem is How can we correct this situation? By properly used leisure. Leisure is an unconscious motivation to proficiency: therefore, If we play, we do more efficient and productive work than in an adverse situation.
McPherson College has realized "'the need of play, and has provided the campus with some equipment for the use of leisure. Even though no restrictions are laid on the students as to who should play, there is no program which provides play for everybody. Oxford University has a definite recreational schedule which includes everybody. Why can not such a system be planned for this campus?
Since the proficiency of a student is thus greatly increased, better recreational facilities will be an asset to the institution as a whole.
In these days of anxiety over the possible obliteration of the human species as the result of a noticeable trend toward a decrease in the size of the average family, the men of the Dionne genus deserve particular commendation.
Recently Frank Dionne, cousin of Ovlla Dionne, paternal parent of the famous Ontario quintuplets, became the father of sturdy twins. He has, also, four other children.
Social pathologists must surely find encouragement in the announcement of this fact, for as genetics has it, any one of the many Dionne chil-dren (quintuplets, twins, and "sibs") has the potentiality of becoming a parent of the same calibre as his immediate ancestors.
The term that enters the mind of practically every woman in Arnold Hall each day is student government. Why this situation is into is obvious. The women have realized a change in their campus life since the house regulations are in their hands.
There are two sides to every question—the constructive and the ad-verse sides. We all agree that student government has its merit in that it aids in establishing the prerequisites to useful living by individual willingness to participate in the setting up of standards and objectives. This strengthens the student's resourcefulness and integrity.
There comes a zone in the road to self-government and individualism that requires a warning signal. SLOW. The women in Arnold Hall have come to this point in the road. Shall they slacken their pace, or shall they take the detour that often leads to trouble?
Since the objective of student government is "to foster in the women of Arnold Hall a spirit of coopera-tion and helpfulness in all phases of dormitory life,” there should be reserve and unbiased judgment in all enactments. This will enable renovated dormitory life to may on the highway of higher living.
Jealousy and mistrust among the European nations is being increased daily by the ambitions of a few men. The actions which Adolph Hitler and his underlings have taken have done more to further the cause of war daring the past several months than any other factor.
European leaders have found that Hitler absolutely may not be relied upon to abide by his agreements. Already Germany has violated the Versailles Treaty by increasing her army and air forces far beyond the stipulated limit. Now she haft gone a step farther and at the present time has plans under way for the building up of her navy.
The Versailles Treaty specifically limits the German navy to a comparatively few war vessels and definitely outlaws submarines. Now Germany is building for equal naval power with France and is deliberately proceeding with the construction of a fleet of submarines. t
There is small cause for wonder that other nations of Europe do not trust Hitler. He has proven that he will sacrifice all semblences of na-tional honor for increased national military power. —
Laughter has more degrees than a thermometer. But for all its degrees, you can laugh in just two ways at a person or with a person. The first never made a friend; the second never lost one.
When you think you are enjoying a laugh at someone else’s expense, you may find that laugh turning up again in your profit and loss column when yon balance your Friendship account.
Someone has truly said that “to lose a friend is to die a little."
Friendship is the market-place Where two persons trade those quali-ties which give strength, happiness and pleasure to each other. To laugh at your friend, then, is to cheat him in the open market of friendship.
Caustic wit came into more general use after dueling went out of fashion. A hundred and fifty years ago the answer to a sharp tongue was a keen and cunning blade. Today, stolid endurance and studied avoidance are effective but less bloody weapons.
If your friend tells a joke on himself, you may safely laugh with a degree of sympathy and understanding; but if you tell the joke on him, you had much better weep.
Friendship may be termed broadly as the "give and take" of certain qualities. However, you cannot give your friends the worst of you and expect the best of them in return.— The Goldenrod.
Like the robins of spring, first one alone, then a pair, then flocks.
the new frocks have fluttered forth upon the College campus. Is this a yen for something new and differ-ent? Or has the feather, an unconquerable attraction to bring forth “Spring’s Awakening" in a beautiful array of colors?
Again the weather plays a part and they, the new frocks, like rob-ins, close their wings and retreat from the cold hands of winter still lingering. Some are even brave enough to flutter about, in spite of the raging cold winds, unprotected. Whether you can it brave or not, there are young robins who try to fly even though the mother bird has not taught them.
Would that Spring were ever here. With her breezes soft and sweet. Flowers, gentle fragrant. dear!
Would that Spring were ever here! Love and life should be of cheer.
Ah, but Spring is far too fleet.
Would that Spring were ever here. With her breezes soft and sweet.
—Margaret Mattox.
Oh! gingerbread, the bread of thy delight.
My fancy takes to this delicious bread;
The favorite bread that is spiced aright.
Oh! gingerbread, the bread of my delight.
Why should anyone this bread slight? Steaming hot, with whipped cream spread.
Oh! gingerbread. the bread of my delight.
My fancy takes to this delicious bread.
—Mildred Sellberg.
One of Mary Miller’s greatest interests is expression. She is an accomplished reader and has taken a significant part in dramatics. She is; vice president of the Thespian club end is directing the Thespian play at present. Her other interests include the orchestra and the Y. W. C. A., of which she has been program chairman the past year. She has chosen English for her major field.
Elmer Staats is the intellectual giant of the Class of ’35. He came very near receiving ft Rhodes schol-arship this year, and was selected for the K. U. fellowship. He has held several important offices on the campus: he was editor of the Spectator last year: he has been on the Y. M. C. A. cabinet two years: and at present he is president of his class and co-president of the International Relations Club. His chief extra-cur ricular interests are debate and oratory. He has been on the varsity de-bate team for four years and has participated in oratory the same number of years. His major field is history.
The senior class is proud of having given M. C. one of its peppiest and most pep-rousing cheer leaders, in the person of Neva Root. She has served in this capacity all four years of her college career, the first two of which were spent at Mount Morris College. She has been greatly interested in dramatics, having taken part in three major productions at McPherson College, and having been a member of the Thespian Club, two years. She was Y. W. program chair-man for a short time last year. She is one of the senior representatives on the Student Council. English Is her major field.
Galen Ogden is one of the student preachers of the senior class. He has served on deputation teams four years and has been a member of the World Service Group two years. He has been on the Y. M. C. A. cabinet-two years. Other of his outside activities are varied, including the A Cappella Choir, oratory, and dramatics. He had a major part in the senior play. "The Youngest." His first taste of college was deceived at
Mount Morris, where he spent his freshman year. His major is education.
As director of physical education for Women. Camilla Moore has intro-duced several innovations, among which was archery, which the girls enjoyed last fall. Camilla has also been assistant sponsor of the W. A. A. She studied at Edmond Teachers College in Oklahoma two years, and one year at Sterling College. Her major is physical education.
John Kauffman has been a preach-er for some time, but his knees still creak when he kneels. Just ask any member of the cast of “Death Takes a Holiday," in which John has the leading role. He was recently elected to the Thespian club after his performance in the senior play. He has been president of the State organization of the C. E. for the past year. Two years of his college education were gained at Kansas State college, Manhattan. He has taken his major work in education.
The right to sneak has long been held as the prerogative of both Seniors and Juniors, a tradition so firmly bedded in campus lore as to be well-nigh impregnable. The sneak is invariably accompanied by weeks of planning, plotting, and counter plotting, not only by the departing classes, but by underclassmen as well.
This year’s sneaks have proved no exception. Only Tuesday nite the seniors hastily left our campus, leaving behind them a trail of carnage. wreckage, and bloodshed. About 9:30, so it is reported, the women of Arnold who were to sneak quietly and furtively checked out with ques-tion marks, while the senior men met them with cars in various and sundry secluded books. Some tardy sneakers, such as returning dates and those getting away too late experi-enced no little difficulty in escaping the clutches of the determined mob of Frosh, Soph, and Junior brethren.
Among these latter was our astute and benevolent president of the Student Council—the beloved Harry Frantz. His loving kinsmen chased him hither and yon on the campus, eventually cornering him with the matron of Arnold in the dining hall. A subsequent Coup-de-etat, or Putsch, (whichever you desire), by the besiegers resulted in the capture of the fugitive. A typical gangster episode ensued—Harry was peacefully driven to the vicinity of Inman, and positively given permission to come home by Shank's horse. It is said that the ten mile jaunt was covered by two o’clock, and that awaiting senior brethren then took him on to the rendezvous.
This little episode by no means concluded the affair, however. It is well remembered how last year the new Booz Terraplane was badly spattered with hen fruit by depositing sneakers. The idea of using eggs as defensive and offensive weapons, was by no means ignored this spring. Numerous egg fights have been reported as far spread as South Maple St., Euclid, and Fahnestock Hall. Several cars, both sneakers and otherwise, were beautifully decorated with yellow and white, and no few articles of clothing were or will be sent to the cleaners. The worst cases or egg throwing, however, were in the dorm. A carload of senior men who returned for Harry got into a fight in Fahnestock, both with eggs, and fists. The result was a broken, noire, a goodly number of sore eyes and fists, and a very smelly boys’ dorm, (men’s dorm to Miss McGaf-
fey). We forgot to mention above that one Paul Turner was laid out cold during the attempts to catch Harry.
One most interesting sidelight on the egg throwing was the trip several boys made to the police station. No names need be mentioned, but it is said that one of the boys has not recovered from his fright yet.
The cause for this little journey was that an unfriendly cop came on the scene of an egg fight at an un-propitious moment. It seems as though the seniors were afraid they would be short of competition and thus created some with the aid of their eggs and fists. Also we notice that the seniors used rotten eggs which makes it a rotten joke.
Between two and four o’clock a group of subclassmen chased a car of sneakers almost to Lindsborg, and another fistic encounter occurred there. A few well meaning froshies were most chagrined when, in Linds-borg a cop made them pump up the tires of Suttle's car after they had let them down.
So, about four o’clock, all the seniors had made their getaway, and in the darkness of the morning the rooms of senior men and women were joyously stacked.
Things had scarcely quieted down yesterday when the Juniors departed in all the waning glory of the seniors. This event was marked with much less noise and furor than that of the night before. Outside of the fact that several juniors were said to be kidnaped most of them got away rather slick.
And—so it goes. Students may come and students may go, but sneaks go on forever. Everyone is breathing sighs of relief today to think that the suspense is all over.
The Spectator
Thompson Discusses Pepper and Politics
in Britain; Still Winter for Government
By Ralph Thompson
February and the first days of March brought mild weather to Eng-land: crocuses burst into bloom and farmers began their Spring plowing. But for Ramsay MacDonald and his National government the winds of winter still blew. One chill blast came directly from the Ministry of Labor with the announcement that unemployment had risen 239,000 from December 17 to January 28. Another swept in rom Mincing Lane with a series of speculative failures dangerous enough to send shivers up and down the spine of, financial London. Sir William Beveridge, director of the London School of Economics, uttered cheerless words in a radio speech on Feb. 19. Was Britain, he asked, on the brink of another depression?
There were all sorts of answers. The Economist monthly Index for January showed business activity at a record high. The Board of Trade's report on 1934 imports and exports was not discouraging, with an adverse balance, allowing for both visible and invisible items, of only $5,-000,000. Reginald McKenna, chair-man of the Great Midland Bank, told his shareholders that "the crisis had been overcome." Yet the government could hardly feel confident with a 10 percent rise in unemployment, and the motion of censure attempted in the House of Commons on February 14, while it of course did not come within striking distance of success, was a clear statement of the tune to which Mr. McDonald, if not the entire Cabinet, will one day have to dance.
The Mincing Lane failures were precipitated "by greedy dealings in the pepper market. Speculative interests sought to raise the price by cornering the supply. The price went up easily enough (It more than doubled between the end of 1933 and the end of 1934 ), but it went up so high that it defeated the purpose of speculators and drove at least a few consumers to direct dealings with producers rather than with London brokers. Those engaged in the deal suddenly found themselves possessed of a fantastic supply of pepper and a mountain of debts they could not pay. The outcome in obvious. On Fob. 7 the ringlending firm went down in ruins, and then came a series of noisy smashes as one by one other firms were unable to collect what was owing to them. Friendly bankers stepped in to avert a total crash, hut a week’s moratorium had to bbe called, and all financial London tremled as if tinder a shock.
The pepper corner was hardly Prime Minister MacDonald's fault. Yet, since it was but one of a series of almost simultaneous disorders in the commodity markets, political repercussions were inevitable. Late in January Strauss and Co., grain deal-ers had collapsed in one of the worst business failures since the Natry debacle of 1929. On Feb. 21 was announced the voluntary liquidation of Francis Willey and Co., generally regarded as the world's leading wool merchants. When, a few days later, it became known that a private as well as an official pool was manipulating the value or tin, the price of that metal promptly sank to the low-
Poetry Corner
They say that mid-March brings the spring;
If so, 'twas hid in clouds of dust. But to one thought they still do cling And say that mid-March brings the spring.
I heard no birds begin to sing And for my cat I kept my crust. They say that mid-March brings the spring;
If so, ’twas hid in clouds of dust.
—Maxine Ring.
Oh! postman, why are you so weary? If your bag overladen with prosperity?
Perhaps the dimes are too heavy.
est in years.
In the House of Commons, meanwhile, a series of pointed questions was being thrust at government spokesmen, and on the stock exchanges gilt-edged securities slumped in value under a wave of selling. Was the government about to disintegrate? Were the commodity upsets due, a Liberal member asked in the Commons on Feb. 14. to "a scandal equaling the Stavisky affair in France?" Would the government take action against those responsible for these troubles? Would there be an immediate investigation into the position in those commodities which had not yet suffered?
To these inquiries the government had alread if not completely satisfying answers. There would be no early election—that was definitely stated by Neville Chamberlain at Birmingham on Fec. 15. Action in regard to the pepper pool would not be taken before the official bankruptcy report had come to hand. On Feb. 19 Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Colonial Secretary, flatly refused to order an investigation into commodity dealings—a refusal which inspired a Labor member to inform the House that the government wishes to hush, matters up. But whether, or not the Opposition chose to take umbrage at the official attitude, the financial world was comforted. With the first week in March, security values had once more risen, and British confidence in British credit
Throughout these exciting days the business of Parliament went steadily on, with Mr. MacDonald and his colleagues suffering yet another sequence of rude jolts because of their unemployment relief policy. Their confession of error regarding the new relief payments may have been good for their souls, but it did not offer much satisfaction to the workless people themselves, and in several parts of the country there was window-smashing and rioting even after the promise of improvement had been given. The concessions themselves were embodied in the Unemployment Assistance (Tem-porary Provisions) Bill, which was rushed through both houses of Parliament and received Royal assent on Feb. 15.
A few days later the Commons accepted the government’s plan for solving the puzzling question of meat imports. The existing subsidy to the British livestock industry was ex-tended until July 1; after that date, according to the new scheme, the quantitative restriction on imports will be abolished, and farmers will be subsidized with the proceeds of a meat tariff. But more sensational than this provision was the announcement during the first week of March that the appropriations for the army, navy and air force were being expanded more than $50,000.-ooo over those for 1934. Cries of "Tory militarism” were heard in some quarters, and indeed it did seem that the government had lost faith in the machinery of peace and the prospects of disarmament. The opposition felt that Mr. McDonald and the Ministers responsible for the new policy had dropped yet another notch in the public esteem.
Oh! postman, why are you ao weary? You carry the bag which makes us merry.
For your treasure will keep us from charity.
Oh! postman, why are you so weary? Is your bag overladen with prosperity?
—Edith Sellberg.
What is it that I should know.
Little birdie in my car?
Do you sing of oil that’s low?
What is it that I should know?
Has a nut been loosened so.
Or a Screw been set ajar?
What is it that I should know, Little birdie in my car?
;—Margaret Heckethorn.
Bernard Suttle, Paul Miller, Vernon Michael and Ln Mar Bollinger drove to Nickerson Saturday to attend the B. Y. P. D. conference.
Dr. Schwalm returned yesterday from northern Indiana, where he had been called to spend a few days at his home.
Professor Replogle addressed the Young People with "The Challenge of the B. Y. P. D at the closing meeting of the Young People’s conference Sunday.
Mias Evelyn Dell or Beatrice, Nebraska, a niece of Prof. Dell, is visiting here this week.
Paul Heckman was at the Young People’s conference at Nickerson Saturday and Sunday. He is president of the district Young People’s organization.
Dr. Harnly, Dr. Hershey, and Dean Mohler attended the district Rotary convention at Newton Monday and Tuesday.
Among those attending the District Young People’s conference the past week were Leonard Lowe, Viola Rothrock, Clarence Sink, and Margaret Poister.
Everett Brown and Daniel Zook attended the District Y. P. Conference nt Nickerson Saturday and Sun-day.
Paul Stutzman and John Kauffman attended the recent B. Y. P. D. conference the past week end.
fire meeting nt the Young People's conference Saturday night. A light shower kept this meeting indoors, but did not hinder the program.
The process of getting the courses
ress. If any student has suggestions to offer, will you please see either Dean Replogle or Corrine Bowers
(Linolcum Cut by Chester Colwell)
Lee Haun Stars With 22 1/2
Points —- Miles Does 100 Yards in 10 Flat in Spite of
Wind — McPherson Grabs
Nine Out of Fifteen Firsts.
Thursday afternoon the Bulldogs won a dual track meet from Kansas Wesleyan, 87 1/2 points to 43 1/2 points.
Lee Haun, all-around track and field star of McPherson College entered seven events and placed in every event, taking three first places. Haun was high point man collecting a total of 22 1/3 points for his alma mater.
McPherson took first in nine of the 15 events. With a soft truck and a high wind no record times were made, although Miles. McPherson dash man ran the century in ten seconds flat.
Following is the summary of the meet Thursday:
High hurdles—Won by Haun, McPherson: second, Carpenter, McPherson; third, Culley, Wesleyan. Time 16.4.
100 yard dash—Won by Miles. McPherson: second. Haun, McPherson: third, Toland, McPherson. Time 10 seconds.
trounced Reinecker's by a score of 13-2. Tuesday evening Minear's team romped over Miller’s 16-4. Wednesday evening Miller's team walked over Reinecker's by a score of 16-1.
Thursday evening Eddy's team meets Minear's. These teams will play four evenings each week thus each team plays twice a week.
McPherson loses dual
The McPherson College Bulldogs were defeated decisively yesterday afternoon in a dual track meet with Fort Hays State College, at Hays, Kan. Coach Melvin Binford's Bulldogs scored 32 points to 99 for the Hays Tigers.
Hays won 12 of the 15 events in the meet. Hays preserved its season's undefeated record in dual competition.
Miles won two of McPherson's first places, winning the 100 yards and 220 yard dashes. Meyer, one of the outstanding discus throwers in the state, captured first place in this
Staab and Pfortmiller, both Hays freshmen, tied for high points with nine each and accounted for three of the four now school records set by the Tigers.
(Linoleum Cut by Chester Colwell)
Teachers' College.
Because of his outstanding work in English at Duke U., Dr. Charles Ward, graduated from Baker in 1926, was selected by the American Council of Learned Societies to do pest-doctoral work in England next year.—The Baker Orange.
“This thing is getting contagious," said a boy who had several times been told to go to bed.
"What do you mean?" asked the father.
"I mean that I shall catch it if I don't move on."
"Why is bigamy wicked?”
"Because the Bible says, ‘No man can serve two masters'.”
Shot Put—Won by Meyer. McPherson; second. H. Miller. Wesleyan; third. Watson. Wesleyan. Distance 40 feet.
Mile run—Won by Canfield, Wesleyan; second. Heckman. McPherson; third, Miller, McPherson. Time 5:02.
4 40-yard dash—Won by Graber, McPherson: second, Watson. Wesleyan: third, Van Nortwick, McPherson. Time 56.4.
Pole vault—Layton. Wesleyan; Haun, McPherson and Wiggins, McPherson, all tied for first place. Height 11 feet.
Low hurdles—Won by Carpenter, McPherson, second. Haun. McPherson: third. Cannon. Wesleyan. Time 27.3.
Discus—Won by Meyer, McPher-son; second, Haun, McPherson-third, H. Miller, Wesleyan, Distance 129 feet, eight inches.
Half mile—Won by Garretts, Wesleyan; second, Heckman, McPherson; third Van Nortwick, McPherson.
Time 2.22.
High Jump—Won by - Johnston. Weslayen; second, Wiggins, McPherson; third, Haun, McPherson, and Arend, Wesleyan, tied. Height 5' feet 11 inches.
220-yard dash—Won by Miles, McPherson; second, Harmon, Wesleyan: third, Sink, McPherson. Time 23.3.
2-Mile run—Won by Canfield, Wesleyan; second, Reinecker, McPherson; third, Miller, McPherson. Time 11.15.
Broad Jump—Won by Haun, McPherson; second, Arend, Wesleyan; third, Stutzman, McPherson, Distance 19 foot nine inches.
Mile relay—Won by McPherson (Zuhars, Heckman, VanNortwick, Graber). Time 3.55.
Miller, Reinecker, Minear, and Eddy Head Teams—Round-Robin Tournament Planned
The Bulldog victory over the Wesleyan Coyotes was the third victory over the Mackie men this year in major sport events. Last fall the Bulldogs blighted the championship hopes of Wesleyan by defeating them in the most thrilling game of the season. The score of the football encounter was 7 to 6. Then, when the Canines went to Wesleyan for the first basketball encounter, the Coyotes nosed out a one-point victory in an overtime period. Later in the season, the Bulldog basketeeres outclassed Wesleyan by beating them by a 50 to 22 score.
The Bulldogs garnered 87 1/2 points in the track moot Thursday and the Coyotes accumulated 43 1/2. That is the first dual meet that these two schools have had against each other in two years. Two years ago the Coyotes reversed the score of this meet.
The tennis team won every set, making the score six love in the Bulldogs favor. Wesleyan is usually not outstanding in tennis competition.
The cold weather and the slow truck did not permit any outstanding records. "Tony" threw the discus 145 feet in a warm-up trial but did not succeed in duplicating that mark when contesting. That’s five feet better than his mark of a week ago. We wonder just how far "Tony" will throw it before the end of his college career.
There is no college man in the state than can throw the discus with Meyer now. Great things may be said of him during his next two years of competition if he keeps on improving as he has in the past.
Four Mississippians have been named recipients of Commonwealth Fund scholarships. These scholarships are valued at $1000 each. They are given to selected students who promise to practice medicine in some rural Mississippi town for at least three years after graduating from Tulane School of Medicine.—Tulane Hullabaloo.
Organization of a Provisional Committee for the Defense of Mooney and Billings gets under way here today (May 3). Two organizations will sponsor a campus-wide conference of all interested students and organizations for this defense.— Temple U. Nows.
Twenty-one men qualified in the swimmer’s test given last Tuesday night at the first session of the annual Red Cross life saving school. The school is held in the University pool each year.—University Daily Kansan.
The big feature of the Alumni banquet, climax of the "Apple Day” program here last Friday, was the presentation of class cakes. Each graduate class was presented a birthday cake and a member of the class gave a toast.—The Collegio.
The Y. W. C. A. Thursday announced plans for observation of its third annual Parents' Day, May 10. Invitations have been sent to parents of all students, inviting them to come to Wayne on that date to attend a program especially provided for them.—The Goldenrod, Wayne State
An intramural softball league was organized by Coach Binford last week and the teams have gone into action this week. The games are to be played directly after dinner hour each evening. The captains of the four teams are: Miller, Reinecker, Minear, and Eddy.
Following is the personell of the various teams: Miller, Shank, Mohler, Naylor, Brower, Brallier, Ogden, Rock, Lackie, and Haun, Reinecker: Moore, Stutzman, Lichty, Weaver, D. Heckman, Brubaker, V. Meyers, and R. Booz, Minear: Graber, Andrews, Moyer, G. Turner, Weddle, Barn-grover, Vazquez, and J. Goering. Eddy: Pauls. A. Meyer, Duncanson, Chisholm, Boyer, Webb, Wagoner, Heibert, Van Hunt, W. Graber, Don Barngrover, and Friesen.
There is much interest being shown among the participants and students. A triple round-robin tournament will probably be played to decide the championship.
On Monday evening Eddy's team