McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Thursday, april 25, 1935
Sometime four o’clock on
Friday afternoon, April 26, six cars will leave the campus for Twin Mounds where the “Y” retreat will be held. There will he approximately thirty-six of the old and new cabinet members at the retreat.
The evening meal will take the form of a hamburger fry. Games will claim the interests of the “re-trentors” until dark when a camp fire will be built. The students will gather around the fire and participate in an inspirational service of devotion and meditation.
Each cabinet member is to take his own blanket with him and to sleep Indian fashion in the great out-of-doors. No doubt several of the girls will sleep on the floor of the shelter house, judging from their experiences on past retreats.
After breakfast the group will be free to return to McPherson. Some will have to be back in time to work: others will leisurely wend their way
The attending sponsors have not been definitely announced.
Dinner Is Given to Promote Interest and Patronage in Church Colleges
The Kansas Council of Church Colleges enjoyed a diner Tuesday night, April 23, at the Kansan hotel in Topeka in the interest of the welfare of the denominational colleges of the state.
The main objective in this campaign was to promote the patronage of church colleges in Kanas. This action was unanimously voiced by the council since the members realized that patronage on a general scale, not localized, would be of greatest benefit to the denominational colleges.
Practically all church colleges in Kansas were represented at the dinner. In addition, about fifteen representatives from the North Central Association were present. Among those attending from McPherson College were Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Couch Melvin J. Binford, Miss Fern Lingenfelter, and Miss Lois Wilcox.
In the afternoon preceding the dinner, Miss Wilcox broadcasted at four o’clock, over radio station. WIBW at Topeka. She also played in the after-dinner program.
Colleges represented at Topeka included Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, C. of E., Baker U., Sterling, Bethel, Southwestern, Friends U., Ottawa, and McPherson.
McPherson relays will attract athletes
Fourteen Outstanding Co-eds Are Named to Run on the Relay Queen Ticket
Primaries Serve To Eliminate Many Candidates Nominated For Various Offices
Amid cheers and boos, the campaign for the election of the school officers was officially opened last Thursday in the Chapel. At this time the candidates for offices that had more than two nominees had their campaign managers expose their merits.
Many striking personalities were revealed and much talent was discovered. Possibly the high-light of the ballyhoo speeches, was the speech and demonstration given by our good friend, Amos Miller, in behalf of Twyla Heed for cheer leader. The favorite theme for the ballyhoo speeches seemed to be the Gettysburg address modified to college form.
The speakers were at quite a disadvantage while making their speeches; first, from the boos from the audience, and second, as Hill Flaming put it, "from the annoyance of their adversary at their back, ” namely Dave Duncanson, the time keeper. Each speaker was allowed only two minutes in which to impress upon the audience the efficiency of his candidate. Dave had a good hickory paddle which he wielded to a good advantage when the speaker exceeded his allotted time.
Among the speeches there were pleading appeals, mud-slinging, authoritative demands, and flowerly orations. The voting public was led to believe that some of the best people that ever came to exist upon tills earth were among those who were candidates for office.
Immediately after the ballyhoo speeches, the students voted for two candidates for each office thus eliminating all other candidates who had been selected by petition for that office. The results of this election were as follows: President of Student Council, Don Evans and Agnes Bean; Editor of the Spectator, Vernon Michael and Kenneth Weaver; Business Manager of the Spectator, Joe Zuck and Franklin Hiebert; Ladies Cheer Leader, Twyla Heed and Jessie Miller.
Today after the final ballyhoo speeches for all candidates have been given in the chapel, the run-off election is being held for the student offices.
Along with the primary elections last Thursday, three co-eds were chosen out of a group of fourteen, to compete for the position of relays queen. Margaret Oliver, Maxine Ring, and Agnes Bean were chosen. The final selection is being made by a selling scheme in which every person who purchases a relays advertising card for a price anywhere between 1 cent and 10 cents is entitled to 5 votes per penny invested, or a maximum of 50 votes. The card also entitles each purchaser to admission into the relays being held tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker en-tertained members of the Quad staff and a few other at the studio Thursday April 18. The game of hearts provided entertainment for the eve-ning. Delicious refreshments were served to the guests at a late hour.
High honors for the, evening among the girls went to Theresa Strom. Glenn Webb won high honors among the boys. Consolation awards went to Lois Gnagy and Otho Clark.
Those present included: Lois
Gnagy, Phyllis Powers, Theresa Strom, Helen Burton, Pauline Abuhl, Sam Stoner, John Friesen, Glenn Webb, Otho Clark, Franklin Hiebert, and Homer Kimmel.
After getting off to a slow start just following Easter vacation, practice for the Thespian club play, ’'Death Takes a Holiday, ” is once more in full swing. Realizing that only a comparatively short time remains until the end of the school year, Mary Miller, who is directing the play, is making every effort to speed up the work.
One of the greatest difficulties encountered in staging this play is the problem of lighting effects. During the entire play, curious shadows and peculiar lights play about thu stage. Stage setting will also be complex and will require careful arrange-
Thespian club members are urged to attend a meeting today at one o'clock in room six in Sharp hall. The meeting has been called to decide definitely the time and place for the presentation of the play.
Addresses Faculty Group on Duty of Church in Economic Living Problem
Dun West was on the campus Tues-day. He talked to the faculty about what might be done by the church on the economic living problem. The outstanding points of his talk follow:
There are possibilities for religious living in economic activities. Kag-awa has said, "The most purely economic matters can be Christianized. ”
The New Deal is in the balance now. If it fails, there is likelihood of war with Japan for Chinese markets. If we don’t work together and play together we cannot love each other much. Neither can our worship have the meaning it should have. On our mission fields, we call all activities religious. It should also be so in America. We have the intelligence in the church now to begin
to solve this problem. "The church must act soon and courageously or else pass out of the picture, ” Slabaugh says.
In order to do this we might make the Brethren Publishing House a producers’ cooperative; make our colleges genuine educational cooperatives; 'and make every local church a society for bringing the Kingdom of God through cooperating in: making a living, saving, spending, and sharing.
Mr. West gave his opinion on helping the young people choose and enter worthy vocations. He used the following points for the basis of his opinion: Everyone needing help
should forget white collar jobs as a necessity. Then he would be free
(Continued on Page Four)
Friday, April 26—McPherson Relays.
—Y. M. and Y. W. Cabinet Re-
Saturday, April 27—High School
Sunday, April 28—Piano Recital,
Joyce Vetter, Baptist Church.
—C. E. Meeting, College Church.
6: 30 p. m.
Tuesday. April 30—Regular Y. M.
and Y. W. Meetings, 10 a. m.
—World Service Group Meeting,
Y. Room, 7 p. m.
Musical and Sports Events Will Fill Day's Program Saturday
Seniors of the surrounding high schools will be honored with a banquet at the Brethren church at the end of the senior festival of Mc-Pherson College, to be held on the campus Saturday, April 27. Events during the day will include tennis, piano, voice, and violin contests.
Music during the banquet, which will begin at 6: 30 p. m, will be furnished by the music department of the College. The male octette of the college is scheduled to appear during the evening program. Dr. J. D. Bright is to act as toastmaster for the banquet. Besides the octette, Miss Lois Wilcox and Professor A. C. Voran will be heard. Dean R. E. Mohler will also give a short talk as a part of the program. It is planned to have the dramatic department of the College present a short play. Miss Atkinson, home economic in-structor, and her focus class has charge of preparing the meal for the banquet.
Music contests, consisting of violin, voice, and piano, will be held in the chapel beginning at 10 a. m. Miss Brown, head of the music department, has charge of all the contests.
Contestants in violin and piano will be divided into two groups, those between 15 and 20 years of age, in the adult group, and those under 15 in the juvenile group. Prizes of $25 and $12. 50 music tuition scholarships will be given to winners of first and second place respectively in the voice and adult divisions of piano and vio-lin. Prizes of $18 and $9 music tuition scholarships will be given to winners in the juvenile piano and violin contests.
Coach Melvin Binford will have charge of the tennis tournament, which is scheduled to start at 9 a. m. Already a large entry list has been received by the director of the tour-nament, Dean Mohler. Gold and silver medals are to be awarded first and second place winners in both singles and doubles competition.
Friends, Bethel, Wesleyan, Bethany, Sterling and McPherson Compete
Football Relay Will Be A Unique And Interesting Feature Of The Relays
Five special relay events will be featured Friday at the first McPherson Relays sponsored by McPherson College, in which six schools will take part. Trophies will be given to the school securing the most points and to the winning team in each of the relays. Athletes from McPherson, Bethel, Wesleyan, Beth-any, Sterling and Friends will be here for the competition.
An interesting feature of the McPherson Relays will be a 440-yard relay for footbull lettermen. All the schools with the exception of Sterling will be entered in this event. Only men who have earned football letters in college will be permitted to take part in this relay.
There will also be a mile relay, a two-mile relay, half-mile relay and
a medley relay. In the medley the first man will run the 220-yard low hurdles, the second man runs 110 yards, the third man runs 660 yards, and thu last man will run one mile.
A big tennis entry has been registered from the six colleges. The tennis meet will open at 9: 00 o'clock and each' school will bring three singles and two doubles teams. Trophies and medals will be given to the first and second winners in ten-nis, the trophies to the winning schools.
The track, and field events will begin at 1: 30 o’clock Friday afternoon. Orla Morton, dash man from Friends University; will probably be the outstanding track man in the meet. In 1931 it was Morton’s speed that defeated McPherson College in football, one of the few times McPherson hus lost to Friends.
The McPherson entrants for the Individual events are: 100 yard dash, Haun and Miles; High Hurdles. Haun and Stratman; Shot Put, Meyer;
Discus, Meyer; Javelin, Wiggins, Haun and Hendren; Pole Vault, Wiggins and Haun; High Jump, Wiggins and Broad Jump. Haun. Carpenter, Stutzman and Zuhars.
The various McPherson relay teams will have the following personnel: Football Relay, Zuhars,
Haun, Van Nortwick and Carpenter; Mile relay, Heckman, Graber, Van Nortwick, and Stutzman; Two mile relay, Heckman, Gruber, VanNort-wick and Miller or Reinecker; Med-lay relay. Carpenter, Miles, Van Nortwick and Reinecker and the Half mile relay. Miles, Sink, Stutz-
man and Toland.
Keen competition is being registered in the rare for the Relays Queen honor. According to the latest reports Miss Agnes Bean held a short lead for Queen. The other two entrants are Miss Margaret Oliver and Miss Marine Ring. All three of the candidates are from McPherson. The voting will come to a close Thursday evening. The two losing candidates will be attendants to the Relays Queen.
Admission tags are being sold by the college students with the purchaser receiving five votes for each cent he spends for his tag. Students tags are selling from one to ten cents each and adult tickets are 15 cents and for children a tag costing five cents is necessary.
All snapshots that will not appear in the Quadrangle will be on display in the Quadrangle office anytime Monday afternoon, April 29. Students may secure any of the pictures on display for a nominal cost.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Entered as second class matter Novemeber 20, 1917, at the post office at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Address All Correspondents to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Paul Booz Paul Miller
Robert Booz Muriel Manning
Chester Colwell Maxine Ring
Ruth Hawbaker Neva Root
Wanda Hoover Glenn Webb
there are from ten to twenty million unemployed, and perhaps one in six benefitting from relief. And are these people also to achieve a "balanced perspective of history" while they see others working, happy, pros-
The college student reads "there is an enormous unfilled consumer demand” and agrees absolutely when he recalls his wardrobe, his teeth, and his diet. Glancing down the social scale to those who can't think of coming to college, he is sure of the consumer demand. Does he suppose all these potential consumers will take "a backward glance over the prolonger yet achieving struggle of mankind? " Where, for instance, will these consumers get the books one needs to have such a backward view?
In short, the long view we are cautioned to take does lend hope: but that is about all it does lend. —University Daily Kansan.
Why Have Student Elections?
The fight for student offices during the election which has just come to a close was bitterly contested as is
usual. The merits and the demerits of the respective candidates were discussed at length. Yet in the face of all the controversy there was no mention of any issue which any of the candidates laid claim to or de-fended.
Obviously the campaign and the results of the election are to be considered as the results of the effectiveness of the "ballyhoo" leaders and of the personality of the candidate. Certainly interest in any live issue before the student body was lacking.
This lack is due partly to the inactivity of the candidates, and partly to the student body at large. The absence of any live issue can be stated to be an indication, as it has ben an indication in the elections of past years, that the student body is "dead" as far as the morale of a student group is concerned. The continued evidence of elections hears out this testimony.
Perhaps the students are not entirely to blame for such a condition. But as long as no issue binds them together, as long as there is no such a thing as "student opinion" then elections will continue to be purely personal in their apects and the election fills no function other than removing one candidate from a position and permitting another to occupy that position for another year.
How Well Do You Read?
Stand In the library some day and watch the students as they come in to read their favorite newspaper or magazine. The manner in which they read the newspaper, the parts which they stress most and read first will be a determiner of their personality, their Intellectual gauge.
College student guides state that ten minutes is sufficient time to cover the contents of any daily newspaper. The rest of your time, they state, should he spent on the reading of current periodicals and of books which are more permanent, scholarly, unbiased and on the whole, more valuable and accurate.
In the observation at the student's reading habits, one finds that the sports page or the comic-section re-ceives first place, the feature or movies section following with close competition. Really valuable news is relegated both in times spent and
Gerald Meyers......... ...........May 2
spent Friday night at the home of Professor S. M. Dell and family.
John Kauffman, a theological student on the local campus, conducted a series of meetings at the Evangelical church at Atchison during Passion week. His meetings began Palm Sunday and ended Easter Sunday.
Bertha Bergthold, Maxine Ring, Betty Jeulfs, Mildred and Edith Sell-berg attended "The Messiah" at Lindsbord last Sunday evening.
Harriette Smith, Mildred and Edith Sellberg were in Wichita last Saturday.
Bernice Keedy visited flail Patterson at Lyons during vacation.
A very informal meeting of the Y. W. girls was held at the regular hour on Tuesday morning. The group sang several hymns, among which were included "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, " "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, " “O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. " and "Immoral Love Forever Full. " Dorothy Dell assisted at the piano.
Helen Burton played Felix Barow-skis’ "Adoration" as a violin solo, Accompanied by Arlene Wampler.
Subscription Rates For One School Year $1. 00
Assistant Editor _-------, ----. — Elmer Staats
Makeup Editor______ Donald Brumbaugh
News Editor____ Vernon D. Michael
Sports Editor - — ...............Orval Eddy
Society Editor--Velma Watkins
Business Manager...... Robert Booz
Circulation Manager .............. David Metzger
Assistant Cir. Mgr------------Ronald Flory
Collections Manager ............... Eldred Mathes
State and Denominational Colleges
The recognition of the place of the church college in the educational system of the state was expressed from the viewpoint of the chief official of the state in a meeting of the Kansas Council of Church College in Topeka last week. Such a recognition comes from, the recognition that the church college represent a supplementary factor and not a competing or detrimental factor in the educational system of the state.
Speaking of this condition Governor Landon stated:
"Strangely enough, denominational interest in and support of higher education has in no way interfered with nor detracted from our state system of education which certainly is on a par with that of those states without these same fine denominational facilities. "
At the same time the church college has functioned as a unit or a system all its own In the educational plan of the state.
"The unprecedented prosperity of denominational colleges in Kansas is probably due to the fine spirit existing at all times among the leaders of the various institutions themselves which has prompted this conference here tonight. These church colleges have enjoyed a healthy and interesting rivalry which as proven stimulating to them all. But this same rivalry has been kept on a constructive, Christian plane and has at no time been allowed to descend into internacine competition or proselyting.
"The common problems so difficult of solution can best be grappled successfully by conference and joint attack and the disposition to forgot petty quarrels and selfish ends in the interest of a worthwhile program and great objectives, marks true leadership in its finest sense. I congratulate the administrators of these church colleges of Kansas not only for the fine contribution their institutions have made, but upon the enlarged opportunity they still possess. These difficulties that lie in the way are after all incentives for greater efforts and greater accomplishments. "
Undoubtedly, as the above statements clearly indicate, the church college has a problem of adjustment to the difficulties which have beset it. Reorganization, closer cooperation, and perhaps consolidation will offer the solution to the educational system which comes nearer to developing the individual for the real problems of living than any other.
Hope is Great But-
Reading widely in the metropolitan press, one notices their insistence that colleges and other communities of young people adopt "the long view" toward their personal problems. We are cautioned not to hurry along the sure progress of humanity as it struggles to reach perfection.
Now this is all very fine, and indeed it sounds very well. But—
The college student has recently been told through the news accounts that the federal machinery is perfecting plans to "absorb some of the college graduates coming out of school this June who might be unable to find work otherwise. ” So we should join the CCC with a major in chemistry or an A. M. in economics, and calmly settle down to contemplating the sure progress of humanity.
Twyla Reed returned from her home Tuesday night where she spent her Easter vacation.
Roma and Phyllis McKinnie and Dorothy Fry spent their Easter vacation at their home in Morrill.
The girls who stayed in Arnold Hall during Easter vacation had a party Saturday night. They made Ice cream, colored Easter eggs, played games and worked on the new drapes for the parlor. They all report an enjoyable time.
Verna Propp is visiting her cousin. Virginia Propp, this week.
Lucille Ullery went to Bellvue Friday afternoon to visit her uncle and aunt who live there.
Dorothy Miller visited relatives in the Monitor community Saturday and Sunday.
Evelyn Pierce visited her father In Topeka over vacation.
Muriel Manning went Thursday afternoon to LaCrosse where she spent the Easter vacation with her sister, Mrs. L. B. Krause and Mr. Krause.
Harry Frantz, Galen Glessner,
"Joe E. " Kimmell and Clifford Shank went fishing and swimming in the Smoky River. They say that there are still the same number of fish in the river. Galen started a dairy temporarily during vacation.
The "Thumb and Smile” method of travel must have been particularly good during this vacation because we hear that "Ping" Brower traveled to his home at South English, Iowa, a distance of over five hundred miles, in less than two days and returned in one day. Galen Ogden also did some pretty fast traveling to Mt. Morris, Ill. Iowa must produce an innocent expression in those pretty blue eyes.
George Toland traveled west with his brother where he saw some effects of the dust as well as some of the snow of the mountains of Colorado.
Harold Reinecker and Herbert Ikenberry went in search of more dust and found it at Quinten. They also managed to find their respective homes under its newly acquired layers of dust.
Arthur DeVor and Harold Mohler visited the 'girls' dormitory Easter morning.
Warren Need, Bab Stratman, and Ronald Flory spent part of their vacation in Geneseo.
Rachel Snowberger visited relatives at Lamed over the weekend.
Daniel Zook spent Easter vacation at his home in Lamed.
Vernon Michael visited friends at Lamed over the weekend. He was in Wichita the first of this week taking the Red Cross life saving examiners’ testa.
Paulino Abuhl, Dorothy Dell, Harold Zuhars, and Richard Hendren went on a picnic last evening.
Velma Watkins spent Easter vacation at her home in Ottawa.
Merle Messemer was a guest of Neva Root at her home in Topeka.
Margaret Poister was at her home in Morrill during the Easter vacation.
Modena Kauffman' had Wanda Hoover as her guest at her home in Topeka during Easter vacation.
Margaret Oliver and Archie Van Nortwick spent the Easter holidays at the Van Nortwick home in Sum-merfleld.
Clarence Sink visited his parents in Sabetha during, the recent vacation.
Iva Walker was a guest of Rus-sell Carpenter at his home in Sa-betha.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson and
Jim Wilson gave a very interesting Lyceum number, Friday night on "Africans Are People. " Mr. Wilson told how he and his friend happened to travel and arrived in Africa not having intentions of exploring. They found they could purchase motorcycles; so they decided to explore this vast continent. The story was illustrated by motion pictures and colored stills taken as the party progressed. These made the lecture realistic.
It was quite noticeable how Mr. Wilson made friends with the black people by his friendly smile and his banjo. "Everywhere we went, ” he said, "the natives were willing to help us in any difficulty that would arise; such as, helping us up steep inclines with our motorcycles or helping us across rivers by means of a boat. "
The art of weaving by these people, who know no other way but by hand, was amazing from the display given by Mr. Wilson. The designs and color schemes which were carried out in their making of blankets and robes proves their artistry.
The Spectator
Ralph Thompson Gives Out Brief Details
Outlining Finland’s Language Conflict
their agitation and to urge the public to support only genuinely Finnish enterprises. Two Cabinet Ministers belonging to the Agrarian party, which stands with the Nationalists on this issue, were expelled by the party council for supporting the government position.
Sweden, though indignant over the popular attitude in Finland, has thus far issued no official remonstrance. On the contrary, the Riksdag early in February passed by an overwhelming majority the government bill providing for the teaching of Finnish in primary schools along the Finno-Swedish frontier.
New Books in College Library
Two new books included in the library collection this week are "The Martial Spirit," a study of the Spanish and American war, by Millis: and "A Manual of Speech Correction,” on the contract plan, by Ruth B. Manser.
Two new work tables have been placed in the stacks this week. Miss Heckethorn and her assistants wish that the material be left on the tables instead of putting it back on the shelves when it is taken out.
Dear Christ, this dawn I ask of thee To walk this coming day with me! Then every life that touches mine Thine unseen presence will divine, And so in turn will seek to share This nameless glory in the air.
And each will leave a shining path, A glowing, loving aftermath, Because this day with Christ my Lord My Soul walked forth in sweet accord.
—Vlyn Johnson
Plans for the coming year were discussed by four cabinet members of the Y. M. at the regular meeting Tuesday morning. Each cabinet member presented his ideas that would fall under his supervision.
Paul Miller, recreation chairman of the Y. M., told briefly of his intentions for the coming year. It is his
hopes to continue with the annual ping pong tournament that has been held the last few years. He also suggested that the Y. M. should sponsor other tournaments in which there was sufficient interest to warrant it. He also hopes to remedy the Y room, or the so-called dungeon. It is his desire to make this an orderly room that can he used by all members.
The social chairman, Kenneth Weaver, spoke next and outlined his desires for next year. While he stated he had no definite plans, he hoped to have more parties, more retreats, and more formal occasions.
Paul Heckman spoke for the program committee. He stated he hoped to arouse more interest in the Y. M. by means of panel discussions, outside and faculty speakers, joint meetings, and exchange programs. It is his hope to interest all students by presenting programs that will be of interest to all of them by having discussion of problems in which all are vitally interested.
Willard Flaming spoke of the outlook of the Y. M. from the viewpoint of the president. He stated that through willingness and cooperation that the Y. M. could look forward to a successful year.
Paul Heckman opened the program with a devotional period. Oliver Andrews sang a vocal solo at the meeting.
Mr. Boyett of Kansas City gave a talk on Careful Driving in chapel Wednesday morning. He was here to help carry on Safety Week in McPherson County this week. Paul Sargent, President of the Safety Council of McPherson distributed pamphlets on material to promote safety.
Last autumn the Finnish Cabinet published a bill intended to regulate the use of Swedish in Helsinki University. Scandinavians nt home and abroad protested: even stronger objections came from Finnish nationalists, who declared that the measure was too mild and demanded that university teaching be purged of the Swedish language. But the government, mindful of the minority linguistic rights guaranteed by the Constitution, refused to be moved, and on January 17 convoked a special session of the Diet to consider the original bill.
This step has unexpected results. Finnish-speaking students in the University promptly went on strike, and not until January 31 did they return to their classrooms. Mass meetings and demonstrations outside government buildings, the defacing of Swedish signs even the explosion of a small bomb—indicated the
strength of feeling. In the Diet, meanwhile, the Opposition began a series of harangues with the obvious purpose of preventing the bill from passing. For days the speeches continued, and as the time fixed for the end of the session drew near it became plain that no definite action was possible. On January 28 President Svinhufvud declared the session ended and the measure was shelved until the Diet reassembles.
Nationalist sentiment did not subside at this, and early in February several hundred representatives from all parts of the country came together in Helsinki to demand a national referendum on the language question. Prime Minister Kivimaki told the delegates that no referendum would be allowed, but, not to be put off, they decided to intensify
One never quite knows whether or not Donald Brumbaugh is joking. His humor is of such a subtle quality and brought off with such an innocent countenance that one is likely to find himself believing the most outlandish circumstances. Don was at McPherson College in his freshman year, but deserted the local school for Grand Junction Junior College, Colorado, the next two years, returning to the fold to finish his senior year. He is interested in dramatics and was elected to the Thespian club last fall. He has been make-up editor of the Spectator this year. He is majoring is education.
When March 21 came, Elrae Carlson decided that spring was here. In order to force others to believe as she did, she donned her spring attire and braved the cold weather without benefit of cloak. But she is quite athletic and could "take it." She Joined the W. A. A. when she was a freshman and has been a member throughout her sojourn in college. She has been the secretary of that organization for the past year. Her major fields are home economics and music.
David Duncanson is Forney’s little helper. He has been a potent force keeping the evergreen trees looking trim and neat. Dave has played football for three years and has been a member of the "M” club for two years. He is one of the senior representatives on the Student Council, and has been on the Y. M. C. A. cabinet for two years. He spent his freshman year at Mount Morris college. He has chosen history as his
The poet must have been speaking of Faithe Ketterman when he said "Her voice was ever low and gentle, an excellent thing in woman." Faithe has taken an active interest in dramatics and was elected to the Thespian club last fall. She has been a member of the A Cappella choir since its organization three years ago. During the past two years, she has held two offices in the Y. W. C. A., those of treasurer and world fellowship chairman, respectively. She was Tice president of her class last year. Her major is home economics,
Weather Forecast Generally Fair Today
Colorado—Generally fair today and
probably tomorrow—Harry and Beanie.
Central Iowa—Unsettled — Glee and Ernie.
Central portions of Kansas Warmer—Hiebcrt and Gnagy.
Western Kansas — Settled—Lindgren and Sellers.
Southeast portion of Kansas Cloudy and unsettled today; probably will continue so—Kecdy and Brownie.
Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas—Light to fresh shifting winds—Baile, Miles, and Andrews.
Panhandle—Windy—Weaver and Riddell.
Idaho—Clear and warmer- Colwell and Bowers.
Southern Iowa — Cloudburst Cameron and Zuhars.
The weather forecast at maximum today was generally fair. However storms can form unexpectedly at this time of the year. The weather was mostly fair over McPherson area, Kansas, Idaho, Minnesota, and Colorado. A cloudburst prevailed in Southern Iowa, as did light and shifting winds in Eastern Colorado. The panhandle experienced a severe wind storm, driven by a 51-mile gale. However, the panhandle is usually windy, to a greater or less degree. Southeastern Kansas and Central Iowa reported cloudy and unsettled. (You may call it unsettled in Southeastern Kansas and Central Iowa if you wish, but how about the third floor of Arnold Hall?)
On Tuesday evening the World Service group held another meeting in its series on the study of Japan.
Devotions were led by Ralph Sherfy. Leta Wine presented the advances that the Japanese people have made in all lines of endeavor since 1867.
The program committee of this group is planning two interesting meetings, one which is to be a vesper service and the other a campfire. Both of these meetings are to be here soon.
Faithe Ketterman spent her Easter vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ketterman at Abilene.
ITulane's ranking debaters will return this week from two forensic tours which took them to Chicago in the Mid-west and Atlanta in the Southwest.—Tulane Hullabaloo, New Orleans.
An impressive ceremony marking an historic event took place in the office of Governor John W. Troy when the governor placed his signature to the bill changing the name of the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines to the University of Alaska.—Farthest North Collegian, College, Alaska.
The National Hand Festival, which will be held here in Lawrence. May 9, 10, and 11, under the sponsor-ship of the University of Kansan band is taking form in a very progressive manner.—University Daily Kansan.
The Emporia Teachers College for the third consecutive year defeated the Kansas Aggies in a track and field relay carnival Saturday at Manhattan, 68 2-3 to 59 1-3. The Kansas Aggies hold the Dig Six Indoor Track championship.—The Bulletin.
Wrecklessness and speed are the causes of students ranking as the group which is most often guilty of traffic violations, according to Capt. Ray Ashworth, head of Wichita's traffic policemen.—The Sunflower, Wichita University.
Elmer Staats was selected by the faculty to receive the Kansas Uni-versity scholarship at a special meeting last Wednesday evening. The award is made to the outstanding member of the senior class to give him the opportunity to pursue graduate study at the university.
The award amounts to $250.
“Christian Youth” will be the theme of the district Christian En-deavor convention which will be held this Friday and Saturday at Abilene. John Kauffman is district C. E. president.
Dean F. A. Replogle and Dr. B. F. Kimpel of Kansas Wesleyan university will be conference leaders. Dean Replogle will speak at various times Saturday and will give the main address at the banquet Saturday evening.
The idea of personality adjustment will be interwoven throughout the conference.
While this convention is being sponsored by C. E. groups, young people of denominations that do not have such organizations are being invited and are being asked to cooperate with the plans of the meetings.
McPherson loses dual
C. of E. Receives Nine First-Rate Honors to McPherson’s Four—First Dual Track and Field Meet Loss in Four Years.
Thursday noon the track squad left for Emporia to compete with College of Emporia in a dual track and field meet.
McPherson lost the first dual truck -meet in four years in this event. The score was 87 to 38.
The Presbyterians captured nine first places to the Bulldogs' four first ratings, the two teams split top honors in polo vault.
Rock. C. of E., was high scorer of the meet collecting a total of 18 points.
Time was slow; the athletes were hampered by a cold northeast wind and a soggy truck.
Following is the summary of the meet:
100-yard dash: Won by Miles, McPherson: McNickel. C. of E., second; Ritchey. C. of E., third. Time.
230-yard dash: Won by Miles.
McPherson; Ritchey. C. of E., second; Sink, McPherson, third. Time,
440-yard dash: Won by McNickel. C. of E.; Reber. C. of E., second; Allsbury. C. of E., third. Time 54.1.
880-yard run: Won by Cary, C. of E.; Heckman. McPherson, second: Foxworth, C. of E., third. Time, 2:12.6.
Mile run: Won by Cary. C. of E.; Foxworth, C. of E., second: Hopkins. C. of E., third. Time. 4:53.
Two-mile run: Won by R. Smith, C. of E.; Hopkins. C. of E. second; Miller, McPherson, third. Time. 12:2.
120-yard high hurdles: Won by Rock, C. of E.; Haun. McPherson, second; Leo, C. of E., third. Time,
220-yard high hurdles: Won by
Rock, C. of E. Ritchey, C. of E., second; Carpenter, McPherson, third. Time, 26.9.
Pole Vault: Haun, McPherson,
and Smith. C. of E., tied for first Wiggins, McPherson, third. Height. 11 foot 3 Inches.
High Jump: Won by Wiggins. McPherson; Johnson and Rock. C. of E., tied for second. Height, 5 feet 9 1/2 inches.
Broad Jump: Won by Rock. C. of E.; Smith. C. of E., second; Lee, C. of E., third. Distance 21 feet 5 inches.
Shot put: Won by Wasson, C. of E.; Meyer, McPherson, and C. Smith, tied for second. Distance. 38 feet 6 1/2 inches.
Discus: Won by Meyer. McPherson; Wasson. C. of E., second; Klau-man, C. of E., third. Distance, 130 foot.
Javelin: Won by Harzman, C. of E.; Wasson. C. of E., second: Rock. C. of E., third. Distance, 157 feet. No relay.
We never knew that M. C. was an agricultural school, but it seems as tho it has degenerated into such an Institution. Take for example the cow on the campus last week, the one that bawled all bight and kept everybody awake.
Snatches of conversation heard at the Lyceum—: Hiebert to Gnagy—
“ 'C'mon. C'mon my precious, let’s get going.”
"Gee! I' wish they’d hurry up and turn out the lights."
Easter season came and is gone. Came with it the traditional "Easter Bunny." This year there were two Harold Mohler and Arthur DeVor. It is said that it took five big huskies the caliber of Eddy, Dune, and Tony to get DeVor into Arnold hall. Tsk. Tsk, such modesty is overwhelming.
P. Andrew Lackie was observed stalking surreptitiously in the shadows about The Charlson Apartments on N. Ash street one night recently.
Terraplaning seems to have become the accepted recreation of one J. Moore
Last Thursday the Bulldog track team dropped the meet to the C. of E. team by rather a lop-sided score. The few squad members that made the trip and the cold weather were partly attributed to the overwhelming success of the C. of E. aggregation.
Haun was again high point man for the Bulldogs. "Tony” won the discus and tied for second in the shot. Wiggins also contributed to the McPherson score, but a sprained arm that was received early in the meet kept him from getting his us-ual amount of points.
The tennis honors for the day went to the Canine squad. C. of E. only won one set and that was Hansen's victory in singles over Binford. This is the second time that these men have met and both times Hansen has been victorious. Last year Han-sen met and conquered Binford in the finals of the state meet. The score Thursday was: 6-1, 6-1.
Haun was entered in the K. U. Relays last Friday and Saturday. This year there were sixteen men entered in the decathalon event. Haun was quite successful and garnered better than five thousand points.
The McPherson Relays are to be held tomorrow on the local track. The stage is all set and the entrants from the various schools are ready for the big occasion. It is expected that this will be the biggest athletic event of the year to be held on the Canine campus.
The meet that was to be held last Tuesday, with Hayes was postponed to a later date. Neither school found it possible to have the meet on that date, because of conflicting engagements.
The McPherson men should be in fairly good condition for the Relays as they have had a week's rest since their last meet. They have been training diligently every afternoon this week, and are all ready to do their best tomorrow.
Choir Goes To Neighboring Towns
The A Cappella choir has been giving concerts in several of the neighboring towns during the past few weeks. On April 15 the choir motored to Inman where a program was given in the high school auditorium. Tuesday evening Professor A. C. Voran took his group of singers to Geneseo where a concert was given in the high school chapel.
Sunday morning the choir will go to Salem to give a program and Sunday evening the group will be in Nickerson.
The appeal for a peace strike at 11 o'clock. April 12, was set by the administration of the College with a general, students discussion forum on the subject of peace and war. A number of resolutions had been drawn up, printed and were sponsored by several members of the student body.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., world traveler and widely known newspaper man, gave an hour interview to several Baker University students in his suite at Hotel Muehlebach, Monday afternoonm April 8.—The Baker Orange.
Miss Edith McGaffey, head of the English department, has been appointed by Dr. Knutson of the University of Kansas and member of the American Student Health Asso-ciation, to a place on the Committee of Departmental Organization, Administration and Integration. The American Student Health Association is a sectional division of the National Student Health Association and it includes the states of Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. The association meets at Park College, Parkville, Missouri on the eleventh of May. Miss McGaffey plans to at-
The B. Y. P. U. district conference of Southwestern Kansas will be held at Nickerson, Kansas. May 4 and 5. A number of college people are taking part in the program. Discussion groups are to he led by Vernon Michael, Leonard Lowe, Clarence Sink, Bernard Suttle, Kenneth Weaver, and John Kauffman Saturday afternoon. A campfire service is to be held after the banquet Saturday evening at which time Professor Voran will lead the singing and the Reverend Zook will speak. Paul Miller will be in charge of the recreation Saturday afternoon. Mary Miller will read Sunday afternoon and Dean F. A. Replogle will give the final address Sunday evening.
Plans for transportation are being made and it is hoped that a large
number of students will find it possible to attend the conference.
The College Christian Endeavor vesper service opened last Sunday evening with a cornet solo by Floyd Harris. A mixed quartet composed of Esther Bowers, Dorothy Dell, Harold Mohler, and Paul Miller sang. Then Chester Colwell made a chalk talk while the quartet sang. The Rev-erend Zook gave a short and inspirational talk, after which Floyd Harris played "Taps.”
Next Sunday evening the program will be an interesting one. A representative from nearly every state that has a student here in school will appear on the program.
Joyce Vetter will give a piano recital Sunday afternoon at the Bap-! tist church at three o’clock. Miss Vetter will play musical numbers from the classic, romantic and modern composers. An outstanding number of Miss Vetter’s will be a piano concerto from Mendelssohn. For this concert she will be accom-panied by the McPherson College Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Miss Lois Wilcox. Flora May
Travor, soprano, will assist Miss Vet-tor. This program promises to be of unusual merit.
(Continued from Page One) to
choose on the basis of ability and the need for his work. "There is no aristocracy of vocation": he would quit worshipping the modern idols, “The Joneses"; he would learn subsistence farming; he would learn some trade, whatever other vocation looked good; he would spend ten hours a week in honest study in order to grow more efficient; he would do his best to carry his own burden. For all youth meeting the above conditions, the church would develop a plan for: studying the needs and abilities of the unemployed members now, one at a time; studying the
needs and abilities of those who will meet this problem within one year; presenting the whole problem, without names unless necessary, at the quarterly council meeting, and ask-ing for the help of the church; presenting possibilities for immediate employment. After studying the essentials of home life, make it possible that every young couple in their church who were honestly doing their best would have help to start their home without waiting yours because of luck of money.
Eighty-nine high schools have entered the Press club’s 1935 high school newspaper contest. They range in size of from 54 students at Thorp. Washington high school, to Lincoln high school of Tacoma, Washington, with 2704 students.— The Whitman College Pioneer.