vol. XVIII _McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, sept. 27, 1934_number 3
Harold Colvin Here Through Y. M. C. A.
Executive Secretary Makes Annual Visit to College This Week
Talks on New Philosophies in Educa- tion Developed in Recent Years
Harold Colvin, Executive Secretary of the Rocky Mountain Field Council or the Y. M. C. A. visited McPherson College Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr. Colvin's activity while on the campus included a methods discussion meeting with the Y. M. cabinet, interviews and conferences with each of the cabinet members and a message brought to the entire student body in chapel.
Advises Cabinet Members Mr. Colvin’s methods discussions with Y cabinet men emphasized various means of approach to student problems that should be included in the program of the college Y. M. C. A. The purpose of these discussions was to give cabinet members better understanding of their parts in the Y. M. C. A. program.
Points Out Recent Changes in chapel Wednesday morning Mr. Colvin gave some philosophies which should be valuable to college students in the changed status in which they find themselves at present. This change, a part of the nation-wide economic and social change of the past few years, results in the evaluation of a college education no longer as a matter of dollars and cents, or the assurance of a job upon graduation but as a means of gaining culture and learning with happiness and security not merely economic, as the ultimate aim.
Several students from McPherson College are planning a continuation of their contacts with Mr. Colvin at the Estes Park conference early in June of 1935. Mr. Colvin is a leader in the conference.
Dean R. E. Mohler, Paul Booz and Donald Evans are scheduled to be on the program of the McPherson County Council of Christian Education being held at Inman today. Dean Mohler is to lead in a forum. Paul Booz will give a peace oration and Donald Evans is to give a vocal
The play "What Shall It Profit?" which was given here last spring is to be given by the young people of the Monitor Church of the Brethren.
Popularity and Representative Student Contests Soon—94 Pages Already Planned
The 1934-'35 Quadrangle staff has just been announced by the editor, Sam Stoner. The following have been selected for the positions named: Lois Gnagy, associate editor; Dorothy Matson, humor editor: Glenn Webb, student editor: Elmer Staats, theme editor and Homer Kimmell and Leone Shirk, photograph editors.
In a short time a contest will be held to select a representative student for the yearbook. Popularity contests also are to be held in each class. One man and one woman student will be chosen to represent the classes.
A preliminary dummy has been worked out covering 94 pages of the book. It is planned to have the Quadrangle ready for distribution by May 1. Formerly the book did not make its appearance until the last of May.
The offices of the Quadrangle and the Spectator are together in room 12 of Sharp hall. A meeting of the editors will be called soon to meet with Mr. Stoner.
Pays $390 Every Month to Workers on Campus and in Community
Twenty-eight students are being employed this semester under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration in work on the campus or in community service. Each FERA worker is employed from 12 to 18 hours a week, at the wage of thirty cents an hour. A total of $390 a mouth is distributed among these workers.
The system, headed locally by Dean R. E. Mohler, has for its purpose the employing of needy students, and at the same time doing beneficial work in the community or on the campus. Two of these work-
ers are employed in the city schools,
three in Red Cross work, one or two in the city library, and two are em-
ployed in providing recreational and musical activities in this part of town. Assignments are distributed about equally between old and new students, and among men and wo- men in proportion to the ratio of the number of men to the number of women enrolled. About 12 per cent of the enrollment last January are now being helped by the FERA.
These Workers Do Not Replace Those Usually Employed by the College. The regular student help is employed and these jobs are addi-
150 Students Invade Downtown Section Proclaiming Opening Of Football Season
Cheering, singing and shouting their way through Main street and many business places of McPherson, 150 hilarious students broadcast to the residents of McPherson Thursday night the fact that the football season was starting and the students of the college are just as lively as ever.
Clad in pajamas and various other forms of wearing apparel these students met at Deer Park at 8 o'clock and practiced a few yells and songs, then lined up single file, joined hands and started their parade through town with the cheer leaders at the head of the line.
Drug stores, pool halls, hotels, and other business houses which were open were invaded. Traffic was blocked at the intersections on Main street where the students chose to stop and cheer. Snapshots for the Quadrangle were taken at the corner of Main and Kansas and in front of the Ritz theatre, where the students were guests of Manager Johnston. In addition Quadrangle photographs were taken in the Walker Studio. The football squad was entertained by the theatre just preceding the admittance of the rest of the student body.
There are now 285 regularly enrolled college students in M. C. This is the largest number on record since
the 1928-29 school year when 303 were registered. Since 1918 there-have been only six years with larger-enrollments than this year.
The present Freshman class of 131 is the second largest class the col-lege has had. The only one to sur-pass it was in 1924-25 when 142 freshmen were enrolled. Last year’s freshmen numbered 124.
The Sophomore class now numbers 68, the Junior class 39 and the Sen-ior class 47.
In addition there are 10 special students enrolled and 59 Fine Arts students. This brings the total enrollment to 351.
Bright and Petry Debate Question of Importance of Extra-Curri-cular Activites
’’Don't allow the curriculum to interfere with your education!” said Dr. Bright. "Extracurricular activities have a definite place only when subordinated to the curriculum!" said Dr. Petry. And the fight was on. It was a comic debate between the two learned professors in Y.M.C.A. Tuesday morning. Dr. Bright argued that one should decide the value of outside activities solely on the basis of satisfaction to the individual.
Dr. Petry in return contended that extra-curricular activities are only superficial, appeal only to the vanity.
M. C. Students Found In Widely Separated Camps and Conferences
One of the popular features of any summer's vacation is the summer camps of young people of the Brethren church and other churches. This summer in particular was interesting to college students, both new and old. Possibly the most noted of all the summer camps and conferences it the Estes conference of the Rocky Mountain council of the Y. M. and Y .W. organizations. This conference was attended this year by only one McPherson College student. Mr. Paul Booz, pres-ident of the Y. M. C. A. who con-tributed an article about this annual conference in the Rockies to the Spectator recently. We wish it were possible to give a complete ac-count of all the camps attended by M. C. students.
Those attending camp Mary Dell at Abilene, Kansas, were Norma Flora, Bernardine Ohmart, Ralph Sherly, Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner, Maxine Ring, Leone Shirk and Everett Brown, Clarence Sink, Margaret Postier, and Viola Rothrock attended camp Sycamore at Sabetha.
Those in attendance at Camp Pine Lake, Eldora, Iowa, were Dorothy Miller. Evelyn- Pierce. Glee Conghe-nour, Galen Ogden, Paul Miller, Mary Miller, Junior Lichty, and Charlotte Wolfe. One from the student body, Zelda Brubaker, attended Camp LaVerne in California.
"What I would do, were I a student now, and had the benefit of my 50 years’ experience," was the theme of the address by Professor J. A. Blair, given in chapel Friday. The speaker said, that students should be too proud to chew, smoke, drink, or swear. Time should be used carefully, even, miserly. Students should learn to live within their income.
Professor Blair advised the incidents to so train themselves that they would act in a crowd in harmony with their best resolutions made in solitude.
Y Leaders Go to Anderson’s Grove for Devotional and Recreational Program
The Y.M. nnd Y.W.C.A. cabinet members and sponsors held a retreat at Anderson’s grove last Sunday evening between 5 and 8 o’clock.
The group played baseball under the direction of Kenneth Weaver until supper time.
After the picnic luncheon, the group gathered around the campfire for a devotional hour. Galen Ogden led in some rounds and hymns. Velma Keller read the scripture and led in prayer. Paul Booz directed a discussion on the subject of leadership, and Dr. J. D. Bright gave a short talk on the same topic. In closing, the cabinet members joined hands about the campfire and sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds.”
Maxine Ring and Victor Moorman, social chairman of the Y.W. and Y. M., made the general arrangements for the retreat. Faithe Ketterman and David Matzger planned the camp fire program.
The "Bulldog Mullet" which was published and sold at the Chilocco game last Friday will be issued again at the Bethel game tomorrow night.
with new material about the Men-nonite team and possibly some additional material on the Bulldog squad. Pictures of the Bethel football men will be included in the new material Four pages of the Bullet will be changed from what they were last week.
The first edition was well received by the spectators at the game. Ap-proximately 250 copies were sold to students and downtown Bulldog boosters. The Bullet is sponsored by the "M” club and the Y. M. C. A.
Prohibition Rally
Fills Auditorium
Dry Enthusiasts Turn Out 1500 Strong for Opening Meeting In County Campaign
Nationally Known Singer and Evangelist Urges a Dry Vote In November
"Keep Kansas Dry for Kansas Youth" was the thought uppermost in the minds of between 1600 and 1700 McPherson county citizens who packed the city auditorium Monday morning to hear Homer Rodeheaver, gospel singer and evangelist of na-tion-wide fame. R. S. Nance, executive secretary of the Kansas Christian Endeavor Union, and two youth leaders of McPherson College.
A chorus of 110 singers on the platform were led by Mr. Rodeheaver, who also led the congregation in the singing of several songs. In addition, Mr Rodeheaver sang a number of solos, played two trombone numbers and gave a brief talk on various phases of the prohibition question. He
November 6, but to go to the polls and put over prohibition so that citizens of other states will be encouraged to keep prohibition in their constitutions.
Kauffman and Booz Speak John Kauffman, president of the central district Christian Endeavor union, gave a brief talk, pointing out that to be effective temperance workers we must stand for our convictions no matter what the circumstances or consequences, He reminded the adult voters of their responsibility to youth in this cause. He then introduced Paul Booz, one of the outstanding students of the college, who made a talk also pointing out the responsibility of adults to youth. The text of Booz' speech is given with this article.
Name Outlines State Campaign Rev. Nance gave an outline of the
Thursday morning a pep chapel was held at which the pep band was presented for the first time. The hour was filled with yells and songs and plans were made for the pajama megaphones was started. These were sold out in a short time and are now in evidence at athletic games.
Mother Emmert visited at Lake Bluff and Springfield, Illinois, and Lexington, Kentucky, during the summer vacation. She also attended the conference at Ames, Iowa and visited the World's Fair.
and have no solidarity about them.
Behind the seemingly farcial dem-onstration was, however, a serious thought which should not be overlooked. That was the advice that a well-balanced college program re-quires a careful selection of the proper blend of both curriculum and outside activity for greatest enjoyment and profit.
Floyd Harris, Federal Emergency Relief worker, has been very active organizing a community orchestra this year composed of College Hill folks interested in this organization.
Earle and Florence DeCoursey, Esther Bowers, Alma Rouhbaugh, Fay Sandy, Blanche Harris, Lamar Bollinger, Merle Fisher Weddle and Clifford Shank attended Camp Sto-ver at Meadows, Idaho.
Three from the student body attended Camp Pertte Springs, War-rensburg, Missouri. They were Es-tella Baile, Harold Mohler, and Wanda Hoover.
Alex Richards, an alumnus, taught a nature study course at Camp Stover in Idaho.
Prof. Voran served as music director at four camps, namely, Camp Pertte Springs, Missouri: Mary Dell, Abilene: Camp Mack, Indiana, and Pine Lake, Iowa.
Dr. Petry was a leader at Camp Stover. Meadows. Idaho.
The '"Goldenrod" of Wayne State College, Wayne, Nebraska, last week printed the college song on their front page with notes just like a page from a song book.
College C . E. Announces Program on Different Phases of Subject
"Choosing Friends" is to be the topic of the college Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday night. The subject will be divided into the following sub-topics which will be dis-cussed by different students: Help-ful influences of friends; Possible harmful influences of friends; What we expect of friends: Benefits of friendships. Bernice Keedy will give a vocal solo.
Last Sunday night the program on "Inspirational Poetry" was divided into four main divisions. Tolerance, Optimism, Appreciation and Worship were the themes on which groups of
poems were read by different stu-
Paul Turner played a saxophone solo between the reading of two of the groups.
Mrs. Dale Sondergard of Salina visited Thursday with Mandena Son-dergard. Mrs. Sondergard was for-merly Miss Leona Bernhardt who attended school here two years ago.
Neva Root was a dinner guest of relatives in Newton Sunday.
Mildred Siek spent the week end in her home at Hope.
Ronald Vetter Heads List— 19 Receive Honorable Mention
In order to be on the honor roll in college a student must have at least forty grade points. These grade points are given according to the grades received in the different courses by the individual, an A grade giving a credit of three points, a B grade two points, and a C grade three points. The honor roll for the last semester of last year has been complied and is given here along with a list of those who did not make forty grade points but did make enough to receive honorable
The one with the highest number of points was Ronald Vetter, who earned a total of 52 points. Following him are Elmer Staats with 48, Hazel Welmer 47, Irene Mason 46, Victor Moorman 45, Wanda Hoover 44, Mildred Siek 43, E. F. Weaver 42, Elrae Carlson 41, and Margaret Hahn and Maxine Ring, 40 each.
Those receiving honorable mention are as follows: Autumn Andes, Guy Hayes, Margaret Oliver, Mildred Pray, Neva Root, Clara Schurman, Verna Mae Severtson, Elizabeth Wagoner, all with 39, Erwin Bentz, Maxine DeMotte, Viola Rothrock, Helen Webber, 37, Dorothy Bon-ham, Paul Booz, Van Hunt, Ruth Weimer, 36, Harold Binford, John Goering, 35.
It will be noted that the Juniors had the largest number on the list.
having five on the honor roll, and eight on the list of honorable men-
tion. The freshmen followed with four in the upper groups and six in the the other. From the Sophomore class five received honorable mention, and the seniors placed one on each list.
Subscription Rates For One School Year
ant people,"—these statements and many others describe the aims of education. Religion at its best and education at its best work at the same task.
At McPherson we share this year a group of young men and women who have back of them an excellent inheritance, splendid early training. We have a faculty sympathetically interested in the best things in education and religion. Together in this situation we ought to try to work out a social situation that would be most wholesome for living abundantly and for training in effective Christian service. Do we have the courage to venture into these open doors?
—-V. F. Schwalm. The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
Editor-in-chief Royal Frantz Business Manager Robert Booz
Associate Editor Elmer Staats Assistant Bus. Mgr. Ernest Sweetland REPORTERS
Velmas Watkins Barbara Petz John Friesen Donald Brumbaugh
Mike Vasquez Vernon Michael Donald Evans
Maxine Ring Franklin Hiebert Woodrow Dannenburg Glen Austin
RELIEVING that the various Christian organizations of McPherson College have a vital and necessary part to play in the educational program of the institution, The Spectator presents this special Christian edition in the hope that it may aid in this way the causes which these organizations are sponsoring.
To attempt to answer the question, "What has McPherson College's religious activities done for me?” is difficult. After having been affected by them throughout college, one cannot realize his outlook upon life without them.
But in retrospect certain objective results come to mind. First of all, these activities have meant a closer association with students of a serious and healthful outlook upon life. From these originations have grown my most valued, lasting, and richest friendships. Had all the other benefits derived been denied me, this one result would have justified the college’s activities for me.
This association has not been limited to students. More intimate contacts with faculty members have been both satisfying and inspirational.
The study of the practical problems of students in group discussions and study has filled a place which no other agency has even attempted to fill. The continued study of these problems throughout four years of college life is certain to have had a positive effect upon the character of the stu-
Finally in speaking of the total effect of the religions program of the college I can say that it has raised and solved many of life's most perplexing problems. It has given me a philosophy of life where none existed before, and instead of an indifference to religious problems it has raised the issue for me: "How can I best plan my life to be of greater service? How can I best harmonize my life with the universe which I must help create?”
—Elmer Staats.
To me the Christian organizations of McPherson College have been among the very, highest spots of my college life. The many benefits which I have received in working with them and being a part of them shall always he cherished.
Through these organizations have come opportunities for development of higher ideals and more constructive thinking as well as for service and growth. Surely a better place to form lasting friendships and better asso-ciations could not be found. The spiritual food through fellowship and worship is of major importance in the evaluation of the Christian organizations to my personal life.
I feel that the many benefits I have received shall continue to grow when I leave college—a seed that was rooted while there to grow and develop through future years. In no small measure I feel an indebtedness to McPherson College and the college church for the Christian influence and leadership that has been mine during my college life.
—Faithe Ketterman.
To attend college with the single aim of becoming a walking encyclopedia or with the sole purpose of gaining social prominence in the life of the school is like eating a meal which consists entirely of meat or wholly of dessert. Dieticians tell us that to be health-giving a meal must be properly balanced and must include both meat and desserts as well as salads and vegetables.
Likewise life on the campus must include not only intellectual achievements, but also social, physical, and spiritual attainments. Our dining hall supplies our physical needs, our professors our intellectual needs, our class organizations our social needs to a certain extent; but it is left to the Chris-tian organizations of the campus to complete and balance the college life.
It is the fulfillment of the task of helping each one of us to live happily together with our fellow men and with God that I expect of the Christian organizations of the campus, and it behooves each one of us to cooperate and support these organizations in their earnest efforts to make living worthwhile and pleasant. ___Lois Gnagy
Another honor roll is published with last year's class of juniors placing the greatest number on it. We wouldn’t suggest that these who are now seniors be less industrious scholastically, but at least some other class might strive to gain the honor which has gone to them so often.
Donald Evans informs us that Kaiser Wilhelm has a personal fortune of $178,600,000. He has concluded that that decides definitely who won the war. Our President _Speaking - -
Religion is not designed to make men miserable. It is the purpose of religion to make men happy and to give them peace. It is not the purpose of religion to cramp and thwart and hinder and circumscribe life— but to make it abundant and free. The abundant life is the perennial theme of the Christian life. Life at its best is the aim of College. “To train youth for personal stability in the midst of social change,” "to produce free men who choose the right,” "To help students mature into self-directive, independent self-reli |
Religious Experience Is A Basic HumanDiscipline Which Must Not Be NeglectedBy Dr. J. D. Bright
Education is one of the most pain-ful, delicate, and private operations in the world. It is mostly a by-product of college life (of all life); It’s what happens to you. The net effect of college life and college study centers on the culture to be attained, on the character of the product. The liberal arts college stands in principle for the good life, for the life intellectual, for culture, for character.
So the business of life in all its aspects will scarcely come under more severe, and timely, scrutiny than in a college community. One major aspect of life is, of course, religion. The search for God has always been one of man's chief concerns. Being a birthright of human beings, do not college folk have a special interest in religion? We need never be afraid that men will lose their interest in either economics or religion.
It has been well pointed out that for countless generations man has sought to approach Truth by way of three experiences: the scientific,
which has to do with what the senses may show: the artistic, which reveals truth and beauty through creative activity: and the religious, consists of intuitions of personality. That is to say that the race has found out some things by scientific observation, others it has discovered by creative activity, and still others— and these very often the deepest and most subtle—the rare has mastered only by that seeking of ultimate Realitv in personal terms which is re-ligion. These three are basic human disciplines, equally instinctive, equally venerable, equally valid. Isn’t it dangerous to ignore any of them?
Perhaps it is most harmful to ignore
(the religious.
Man has been called an orphan of some stray bits of star dust. Man is so tiny in an overwhelming universe. Human life iss frailty itself and it can he snuffed out like guttering candles. Yet, at its best, Christianity "takes up the cudgels for personality, for its divine origin, spiritual nature, infinite worth, endless possibilities." A college student ought to outgrow, if anybody does, crude and semi-mag-ical concepts of God and of this union our campus there are organizations wherein a student may nurture and keep vital and stalwart his innate religious nature. You know these organizations without enumeration here. They are largely extracurricular. They conceive their sphere of activity to lie along the following lines, (in part, at least): to cultivate great devotional literature: to put Christianity to the test in daily student affairs: to emulate great souls; to exhibit the ready psychiatry of friendship: to rely on the comradeship of Jesus: to knit student opinion into an excellent tapestry of ideas and ideals. AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF WORLD SERVICE GROUP LISTED BY PRESIDENT
"College students need an organization like the World Service Group."
This statement came from a newcomer to the campus after he had participated in a World Service program which dealt with religious needs of people today. It voices in a pertinent way the oft felt need of many who are thrust bruskly into a new environment almost brutal in its novelty and intellectual frankness.
This statement also epitomizes a truth as far as upper classmen are concerned, for an honest student is being constantly confronted with new fields of learning which manifest themselves in ever broadening aspects. More often than not these students need the stabilizing influence which is peculiarly characteristic of World Service.
That is the reason for the existence of World Service on the campus today. In a unique way unhampered by precedent or tradition, it is meeting student religious needs. It is guided only by the student needs peculiar to McPherson College students.
The World Service has as its ultimate purpose, as do other campus religious organizations the integration in the minds of college folks of the best scholarship and proper religious attitudes. But more specifically it aims to provide:
1. An honest, straight forward approach to the religious problems of our generation as they exist in churches generally and specifically: and to encourage the adoption as far
Spec-Y u-La-Shuns
Did you see how red Blair’s face got when Mr. Colvin said that school teachers ought to keep out of politics?
When Paul Booz was called on to make a speech in the dining hall the other day, he got up and said that an ass is known by his bray, and then sat down. Presently Eddy was called on, and he rose to state that "Booz is a hard man to follow."
Getting married has its penalties, as Walt Weddle can tell you from experience. Tuesday night was the time for passing out candy and cigars as a fee for making such a drastic and venturesome step. Well, here’s luck to you, Walt.
All McPherson College needs now is a truant officer to bring Bob Booz and Frankie Hiebert to classes occasionally. - Dame Rumor.
as practicable of contemporary theory in the solving of these problems:
2. Actual practice in the development of worthy church programs through the medium of deputations to churches:
3. An intelligent approach to dynamic Christian living in the present social order;
1. A development of appreciation of religious art and literature:
5. Communion of like spirits through worship and Christian service.
The foregoing constitutes an invitation to all who are possessed of honesty and sincerity of purpose. World Service welcomes such students, and through the means men-
meet their religious needs in college and later in church and community life.
—Leonard Lowe. president.
An organization without a purpose or an ultimate aim in view is in great danger of failure. All the religious organizations on the campus have certain ideals and truths that they uphold and try to accomplish during the year. The purpose of the Christian Endeavor Society is to promote an earnest Christian life among its members, to increase their mutual acquaintance, and to act as a uniting influence between the college students and the college church.
The Endeavor would like for you to hear in mind that it is not always what you can get out of an organization that determines its success or failure. That is also determined by what yon can give. Think about what you can do for the Christian Endeavor Society and attend the meetings each Sunday evening full of a desire to be a working part of the group, and we will all hope for a great year together in our Endeavor.
—Clarence Sink, President.
Modena Kauffman, Harlette Smith, and Twila Reed visited during the end with relatives at Navarre. |
Y Cabinet Members Tell Of Their Plans
And Objectives For This Year's Y Work
Y. W. C. A.
Our souls are made more beautiful through the things which we ex-perience—a beautiful sunset, a full moon shining through trees, a campfire, the rush of an oncoming storm, the mist of an early morning, a bit of poetry, a child's prayer, a chord of music or a quiet picture.
Souls are made deep and full not only by beautiful things but by those experiences which mean pain and doubt. The tree is bent by the storm but it has more strength to resist the power of the next storm. A soul which has met the stress of uncertainty and has through this difficult experience overcome its problem is more able to assist others as they meet their problems.
Beautiful, rich souls are those which grow with each new experience. May this year's experiences help us to pattern rich souls which have beauty for our associates.
—Velma Keller, president. The Membership Committee
Each year the membership com-mittee of the Y. W. sponsors a campus sister movement. Each new girl is assigned to a girl who has been here before: the old girl is to help the new girl in her adjustment to college life.
An interesting part of this committee's activity is sponsoring Appreciation Week, which usually occurs in
As the name of the committee indicates, the most important work of this group is to promote the membership drive as well as to help keep up the membership during the year.
—Margaret Oliver, vice-president & membership chairman. Financial Committee
The members of this committee find many opportunities for creative thinking. To get enough money from the people interested in Y. W. C. A. without making it seem a burden to them, and then to spend the money wisely requires the best there is in one. The financial drive, the Extravaganza, and the candy sales at basketball games are the three outstanding events of this committee's year. Anyone wishing to work on this committee will find in it a lot of fun besides hard work.
—E. Wagoner. |
World Fellowship Committee
The object and purpose of the World Fellowship committee is to promote the devotional and spiritual life of the Y. W. C. A. and to bring each girl into a closer fellowship with Christ.
This committee sponsors a period of worship and meditation each week for the girls. Such a program fills an important place in promoting creative and purposive living.
—Faithe Ketterman, World Fellowship chairman. Social Service Committee
The social service committee of the Y. W. C. A. endeavors to cooperate and work with others. The Silver, Tea which adds to the social life as well as being an aid to the budget is sponsored by this committee. There is some work done in connection with the Red Cross of the city. The Christmas party is held for a few of the children who have not the privileges that most children have. This committee is responsible for the appearance of the Y. W. room endeavoring to make it a place where students will enjoy themselves. By helping others be happy we are happy our-selves. —Martha Hursh, social
service chairman. Conference Committee
The conference committee has not, up-to-date accomplished very much noticeable work. The purpose of this committee is to promote interest in a conference which is at the present time a number of months away and our aim is to work towards this goal. Our ambition for the year, however, is to interest college students to the extent that we may send a large delegation from our college to Estes Park next June to gain inspiration from the religions group gathered there. — Leone Shirk, conference chairman. |
ment of purpose, which we know to be meaningful. It fellows, who seem to want conditions better than average, more often understood that they are only average and thus should improve themselves before hoping for improved conditions, there would be fewer disgruntled students. It may be that since we are Bulldogs it becomes very simple for many to act like Y. M. (Young Mutts ) rather than like Y. M. (Young Men). Such actions of course call for the repetition of seemingly trite exhortations from the faculty. But nevertheless every fellow needs to be challenged to improve so that the Christian Association may live.
Thus it is that I challenge anyone to read the high principles as again quoted without the feeling that they have a meaning for any student who is thinking.
“We seek for ourselves and others a conscious and growing relationship with God and an active commitment to the way of Jesus. We devote ourselves sacrificially to the elimination of every un Christian attitude,
practice. and system in human society, through the establishment of ways of life that are progressively Chris-
Paul Booz, president. Should Help All
If the Y. M. is able to help one fellow to get more out of his college life it can not be decreed a failure. Unless it is able to help everyone on the campus find a richer, higher purpose in life it can not be considered a
Give the Y a chance to help you.
Paul Heckman, vice-president. The Program Committee
The duties of the program committee lie in working out a program each week which will be entertaining and helpful.
One of the benefits derived from Y. M. C. A. programs lies in the broad scope with which programs may deal. Other campus organizations created for a more or less limited purpose in view are held to that purpose in their programs. In the Y. M. C. A., the objective is to inspire young men to Christian living.
With this purpose in mind we have planned a series of varied programs for the year. By exchange programs with the Y organizations of other campuses we hope to create a common understanding with the students of other colleges. Attempts will be made to make the appearance of speakers on the campus coincide with the study of the problems with which the speaker is intimitely acquainted. To vary the programs we plan to have one musical and two devotional programs |
this semester.
“To study youth's problems in the spirit of youth" might well be the motto of this year's program committee.
— Elmer Staats, program chairman. Music
Music, one of the oldest and most universal of all forms of expression, is perhaps loved most because of its great expressive power. It has the power to lift a mortal to the skies, to lift a man out of himself and wash his soul from the dust of everyday life, and to bring consolation and comfort when all other mediums fall. It can bring happiness, joy, and a peace of mind which otherwise would be unrevealed, and, at the same time, it can speak a sadness more intense than words can utter.
Certainly a Christian Association which made no provision for music would be lacking in balance. We in-vile you to share with us.
Galen Ogden, music chairman. Y. M. Social Committee
The Y. M. Social Committee hopes to correlate its program with the school activities in such a manner that the greatest benefit may be ob-tained from Y. M. social activities. The committee plans to sponsor informal socials during the year for students over the week end. Although they are usually limited to the cabi-net members, several retreats are in store. This committee is going to urge that more formal functions be initiated at McPherson College. Vic-tor Moorman, social chairman. |
for him to master his lessons more easily. The plans of the recreational department of the college Y. M. have not as yet been definitely decided upon. They are, however, in the process of formation. Student interest will to a large extent, determine the plans and policies of this branch of the ''Y.
Willard Flaming, recreational chairman. Noble Living
Be noble. And the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping, but never dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own. —Lowell.
It was a great man who penned the above phrases, and it takes a great man to live up to the challenge ex-pressed therein. It is the purpose of the Y. M. C. A. to instill in the minds and hearts of young men the ideals of clean, upright living which are expressed in a noble life. Particularly it is the purpose of members of the organization to live in such a manner as to challenge purposeful, wholesome living in the students with whom they come in contact.
It is furthermore the aim of the Y. M. C. A. to integrate the lives of students, by supplying the proper amount of religious and social life to balance the everyday curriculum. Finally, the Y. M. endeavors to inspire creative living and thinking in the youth of today.
Kenneth Weaver, publicity chairman.
Recreational Activities
In the last few years the working hours in practically every line of hu-man endeavor have been shortened. This has given the American citizen more time for leisure and recreation, In the past this phase of living has probably been under emphasised and as a result we are now confronted with a growing problem.
The aim of recreation that is offered by the “Y” is to give the student an opportunity to rest his mind so that he may come back to his studies with renewed vigor and enthusiasm and thus make it possible
Y. M. C. A.
“We seek for ourselves and others a conscious and growing relationship with God and an active commitment to the way of Jesus. We devote ourselves sacrificially to the elimination of every un-Christian attitude, practice, and system in human society, through the establishment of ways of life that are progressively Christian."
To seek the ideals of the past and those of the future with the above spirit is the underlying purpose of Y. M. fellows. The use of such principles is of course absent in a great many instances, as becomes recognizable to anyone who observes the activity of any group of students. The fact that many times such principles are ignored does not mean that those principles are weak (although it may mean that. Their lark of effect need not mean that the principles are to be junked. Instead it may mean that we must become more vigorous ourselves in living by the above state- | Program Committee
“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I can not reach them but I can look up to them, see their beauty and try to follow where they lead."—Louisa M. Alcott.
Our task is to bring to the girls each Tuesday morning some guide posts pointing to those high aspira-tions which we can see but have not as vet reached. We all have problems which tend to pull us in other directions and cause us to forget those high ideals and goals that we are striving for.
So we hope in the programs for this year to bring to you bits of humor, music, worship, drama, discussion, argumentation and beauty to help keep our ideals in mind. It is the hope that there will be enough variety to interest everyone and unless we have touched the life of each girl we have failed in our task.
We are in the shadows now where we can just see our aspirations out in the sunshine. Will we be any nearer to them at the end of the year?
—Mary Miller, program chairman. The Social Committee
It is the duty and privilege of the social committee to balance the students life by providing recreation and entertainment to offset the more serious tasks encountered in college. To do this, the social committee has frequent parties, teas, or frolics for the girls. The committee also cooperates with that of the Y. M. C. A. in providing all-school entertainments such as the watermelon feed.
It is hoped that through such social events the students will find closer fellowship and companionship.
—Maxine Ring, social chairman.
Bulldogs Not Up To Best, But Win, 6-0Indians Are Outplayed But NotDefeated Until Pass FromCarpenter to Pauls BringsTouchdown in Final Quarter
A pass in the last quarter brought victory to McPherson College Friday night in a non-conference game against the Chilocco Indians at the McPherson Athletic Park. The Bulldogs outplayed their opponents in scrimmage but were unable to make any decided gains until late in the game when they broke away for long runs. Over-confidence may have been responsible for the loose playing by the Canines in the earlier quarters of the game.
One of the largest crowds for an opening game ever seen here was on hand to greet the Bulldogs. The grandstand was packed and the side-lines were filled.
Walter Pauls, end, snatched a pass to win the touchdown. Russell Carpenter tossed the ball from the 10-yard line over the goal line and Pauls jumped into the air above two Indians to make the catch.
McPherson threatened to score early in the game when Burress recovered a fumble after an Indian messed up a Bulldog punt. The col-lege team made a first down in three plays and a second one in the next two plays, bringing the ball to the five-yard line. The Indians tightened their line and held the Canines, forcing them to lose the ball on downs.
Late in the third period Carpenter made two first downs on long runs, putting the ball on the 21-yard line at the opening of the fourth. McPherson lost the ball on downs, but shortly afterwards Glover got away for a 14-yard run to start things moving in a winning way.
On the next play, Haun crashed ahead for three yards, but on the next play the Bulldogs were thrown for a loss of five yards. An additional three yards was made and on the fourth down with 10 yards to go to score Carpenter passed to Pauls for the touchdown.
Players on both teams fumbled
frequently, McPherson more than
Following is the starting lineup: McPherson Pos. Chilocco
Wiggins ........ LE .......... Ganu
Colwell ..... LT........... Smith
Vasquez .................. LG.............Byington
Rock..... C................. Micobby
D. Brangrover...........RG.............. Quegone
Eddy ................ RT...... Munsell
Pauls ........ RE...................Proctor
Carpenter.................. .. RH.................. Altson
Burress ..... ...............FB....................Gokey
Substitutions: McPherson: Wed-del for Colwell, Reinecker for Eddy, Glover for Burress, Sperline for Rock, Schurr for Carpenter, Dw.
Barngrover for Don Barngrover, Smith for Binford, Chilocco: Mc- |
BETHEL COMING UPGraymaroons Will Try Againto Overthrow Our Powerful Bulldog Team
Tomorrow night at the McPherson Athletic Park the McPherson College Bulldogs will tangle with the Bethel College Graymaroons. This is expected to be a hard game for the Binford-Selves men if reports from the neighboring school are right.
Bethel always looks to the Bulldog game as the game of the year for them and they will give everything in this game tomorrow night. Never in the history of football between these two schools has a McPherson team lost to Bethel. With the best known team that the Newton school has ever had they are out to conquer the Bulldogs tomorrow night. Encouraged by the supposedly poor showing of the McPherson team against the Chilocco Indians the Graymaroons are pointing for this game. It is said that at Newton the cry is "Beat McPherson" and that if they don't win another game they must win this one.
Coach Unruh of Bethel has a squad of 50 men out for practice and the team that he will place on the field to oppose the Canines will probably be heavier than the Binford-Selves
Laughlin for Proctor, Palmer for Quegone for Byington, Quinton for Baker.
Summary: Yards gained at scrim-make: McPherson 228, Chilocco 45. Yards lost at scrimmage: McPherson 25, Chilocco 12. Punts: McPherson nine for 362 yards, an average or 40.2 yards: Chilocco ten for 402 yards, an average of 40.2 yards. Passes: McPherson attempted three, completed two for 16 yards: Cliloc-co attempted five, completed three for 29 yards. First downs: McPherson 13 Chilocco one. Passes inter-cepted: McPherson one, Chilocco none, Penalties: McPherson two for 20 yards; Chilocco five for 25 yards. Fumbles: McPherson five, Chilocco one.
Officials, Archer, Wichita, referee: Carlson, Bethany, umpire: Austin. Fairmount, head linesman. |
(Continued from Page One) I
campaign which is being carried on in all parts of the state leading up to the election in November. One hundred fifty thousand windshield stickers are being distributed with the slogan. "Keep Kansas Dry for Kansas Youth.” Thousands of buttons are to be distributed to school children to wear. Sacrifices being made by young people in this campaign were mentioned also by Rev. Nance. Some en-gaged in the campaign have spent the summer in hard work, with many hardships and little if any financial remuneration for their efforts.
"If Kansas goes wet in November,” Nance said in a final appeal, it will not be because youth wanted it so. The young people of Kansas want you to vote for prohibition."
County Campaign Just starting
Rev. B. H. Sweetland, pastor of the Methodist church and head of the county prohibition committee, told of activities that are going to be carried out in McPherson county. In the churches and elsewhere over the county before the date of election.
Prohibition rallies are to be held in all the townships of the county. Door knob cards are to be hung at every residence the night before election. Prayer meetings are planned and other means of effective prohibition work will be utilized in the campaign.
Lester Pote who was hero over the week end gave the men of Fahnestock Hall a little information on scientific skin grafting. |
Geraldine Burdett .......... Sept. 26
Delbert Crabb ................ Sept. 27
Wallace Hyde ................ Sept. 27
Ruth Webber ................Sept. 27
Evelyn Glottelty ..... Sept. 28
Maxine Ring ............... Oct. 2
Evelyn Pierce ................ Oct. 4
Lowell Haldeman and Gerald Denny spent the week end at their home in Navarre. | |