The Spectator

vol. xviii    _McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, april 11, 1935_number 28


Herbert Wayne Replogle, a student here in the College during the years 1932-’33, and 1933-'34, was killed in an automobile accident near LaFayette, Indiana, last Friday night.

Herbert and his brother, Ralph, made their home with Dean F. A. Replogle amd family while they were both attending College here. The boys are nephews of Dean Replogle.

Herbert was a brilliant and capable student and was at the time of his entrance to McPherson College, the youngest student in the College.

The funeral was conducted Monday afternoon from the old home of the family and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Replogle, near La Fayette, Indiana.

The parents of Herbert are Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Replogle of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Replogle is a member of the Reading high school staff in that city.

The Spectator staff through this medium expresses the sympathy of the student body to the Replogle family in its bereavement.


Series of Educational Films to Be Presented in Future

Thu motion picture program to be given in the Chapel Saturday night will be the first of a series of programs, all of which will be given in the near future. There will be seven reels, all of them either talking or musical pictures. The following program will be given:

Conquest of the Cascades—Interesting scenes and features in the region of the new Cascade Tuhuel. Roots of Plants—Actual photographs of the roots of plants, in which the time is greatly speeded up to show how roots grow. This is a very interesting and instructive pic-

The String Choir—The characteristics of the violin and various other instruments are explained and a number of musical selections are

Hindu Holiduy—Scenes in India showing the people at play and at worship. The people are unconscious of the presence of the camera man.

The Prowlers—A dramatic portrayal of the daily life of the Cen-tral-African Negro. Thatched huts, gourd churns, bee-hive granaries are shown. A hunter is treed by a vicious animal, and other narrow escapes are included in this reel.

The Trail of the Swordfish—One of the most extraordinary films of deep sea fishing ever recorded.

Service to Agriculture—A typical radio broadcast, showing many interesting features.

There will be a small admission fee of 10 cents for students and 20 cents for adults to cover actual, expenses. The pictures will be interesting to everybody. The public is cordially invited to attend. The program will begin at 8 o'clock.


With Mary Miller as coach, actual work on the Thespian club play, "Death Takes a Holiday, " began Tuesday afternoon. Due to the ab-sence of three of the members of the cast, who were with the A Cappolla choir, practice has been delayed until this time. The members of the cast have agreed to practice daily from 3: 30 to 5: 30 whenever it is possible.

The date for the presentation of the play is still uncertain but will probably be decided in the near future.

Through an oversight Maxine Ring’s name was not included in the list of the members of the cast which was published in last week’s Spectator. She makes her appearance in the play as Rhoda Fenton.

"Death Hakes a Holiday" is a very difficult production to stage and will require a great deal of work from all those taking part.


April 26, Date Selected for Unique Spring Sports Event


Attractive Feature of Program Is Crowning; of Local "Relays Queen"

Six schools will enter the "McPherson Relays" which will be held here on Friday, April 26. Friends University, Bethel College, Bethany College, Kansas Wesleyan University, Sterling College, and McPherson College will take part. This is the first event of this type which has been held here.

An attractive feature of the event will be the crowning of a "Relays Queen" selected from the local girls. The details of the selection will be announced later.

In connection with the relays will bo a tennis tournament. In this event each school is limited to three singles players and two doubles teams. Trophies will be awarded to the winners.

Contestants will not be limited in the number of events entered in the track meet. The following events are scheduled for the meet:     120

yard high hurdles, 100 yard dash, 2 mile relay, 440 yard relay (for football lettermen only), medley relay, mile relay, pole vault, shot put, broad jump, discus throw, high jump and javelin throw. Four entries will be permitted in any event.

Trophies will be awarded in the following order: gold, silver, and bronze pins for winners of first, second and third places, respectively, in all individual events, a trophy donated by the Chamber of Commerce to the school winning the meet, school trophies to the team winning each of the five relays, donated by the various business firms of the town. These trophies are not challenge awards and become the property of the school winning them.

Plans have been made to retain the relays as an annual event. The affair has received much favorable comment from the business men of the city and it is considered to be the outstanding sports event of the spring.


The next and last lyceum number given by the Community Lyceum Course features Jim Wilson. This program will be held in the City Auditorium Friday, April 10.

Jim Wilson has interesting experiences to tell of his journey on a motorcycle through the heart of Africa. With his motion pictures and still pictures in color, he proves to his audience that "Africans are People. " He also has an exhibit of African art.


Dean F. A. Replogle spoke at the Bethel College faculty meeting on Monday afternoon. His subject was "Personnel Work in American Col-leges. " In a forum following the presentation, Dean Replogle gave particular attention to personnel work and student counseling in McPherson College.


Crow's Nest, twelve miles east and one mile north of McPherson, has been selected as the place where the Youth Council sunrise service will be held on Easter morning.

Coffee and omelet will be served for breakfast. Everyone attending will be asked to give five cents to help defray the cost of the food.

The Youth Council is made up of all the young people's organizations in the churches of the city. Each one of these separate organizations is asked to provide transportation for its representatives.

The time of departure from McPherson has not been definitely announced.


Friday, April 12—"M" Club Ban-quet, Hotel Hawley, 7 p. m. Saturday, April 13—Talking Pic-

Sunday, April 14—C. E. meeting, College church, 6: 30 p. m. Tuesday, April 16—Regular Y. M. -Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m. Tuesday, April 16—World Service Group meeting, Y. W. room, 7 p. m.


Choral Troupe Covers 1800 Miles and Gives 15 Programs

(By Velma Watkins)

The A Cappella choir returned Monday afternoon from its ten-day trip which took the members of the singing troupe into parts of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa. In the course of the trip, fifteen programs, including a radio broadcast from WDAF at Kansas City, were presented.

The forty people in the group traveled in a bus and two cars and covered a distance of more than 1800 miles.

Starting from the College early Friday morning, March 29, the group drove to Lawrence, Kansas, to present a program at the University of Kansas at 3: 30 p. m. Here the choir members had their first struggle with the robes. Their strangeness and the warmth of the room somewhat handicapped the performance, but the choir was in true form again for the evening program at Kansas City. Saturday morning many of the friends of the choir heard the broadcast given at 10: 15. After that, the group went sight-seeing. Swope Park and the Nelson Art Gallery were among the places visited. The cara-van drove on to Warrensburg, Mo., where a meal was served them at the Warrensburg Church and a program was presented in the auditorium of the Warrensburg Teachers College.

Sunday was a hard day. An early start and a sixty mile drive conditioned the singers for their first program at Rockingham. Unfor-tunately, Viola Harris became too ill to finish the trip and was left be-hind in the care of friends at this point. Another drive of equal length preceded a program at Plattsburg in the afternoon. The busload of students stopped at the Hoover home for a very short time after the pro-, gram while a flat tire on "Cheesey's" car was being patched. It was truly a tired gang that gave the program at Morrill that night and everyone sincerely and heartily welcomed his bed.

Monday brought forth another early start and a three hundred mile drive. In spite of a flat tire on the bus and the various vehicles becoming separated from one another, the group finally arrived in South Eng-lish, Iowa. Just st the time that the program was to begin. A mad scramble for robes followed and the group was ready for action.

Tuesday meant a shorter drive from South English to Marshalltown with the whole afternoon to rest, to write letters (or postcards), or to do any of the million things that one could find to do. Wednesday found the group at Grundy Center, more correctly called the Ivester community. While the octette visited the five high schools within a twelve mile radius, the rest of the choir members entertained themselves, part of the time, by watching the snow and try-(Continued on Page Four)


All seniors who wish to purchase rings or pins should place their order as soon as possible with the class president. This is necessary in order to receive the order before the end of school. If the order is placed immediately the rings may be obtained in the first week of May.

Orders for invitations should also be taken care of at this time.


George Gardner, for the last sev-eral years one of the prominent basketball coaches in the Missouri Val-ley, yesterday at Hutchinson announced he was retiring from athletics and would enter the insurance business in that city. Coach Gardner was director of athletics at McPherson College for a number of years, his teams winning the Kansas Conference and two going to the quarter-finals in the national tournament.

During the basketball season just ended Gardner has been coach of the Hutchinson Transit-Renos, one of the fast cage teams in the Missouri Valley A. A. U. League.

Gardner’s 1928 Bulldog basketball team was the best college five he ever coached, the former McPherson College mentor said recently in com-menting on his colorful career. He rated Ray Nonken as the best all-around athlete he ever tutored.


Price to Remain at $3. 65; Will Advance to $3. 85 at Delivery Time

The Quadrangle sales campaign has been called off. The response has not been large enough to warrant a reduction in price, so the books will remain at $3. 65 until time for delivery. At that time the price will advance to $3. 85 and remain at this price. The failure of the campaign can be attributed largely to luck of time and to lack of student support in pushing the campaign.

The Quad staff will continue the custom of not delivering the books to any class or organization who has not paid for its space in the book. This will mean that all class dues must be paid in full before any one can get a book. It is urged that the Treasurers of classes and organizations make drives for all dues so that no class will be kept from receiving its books because of delinquent dues.

As was announced at the beginning of school, it is the desire of the staff to have books ready for delivery by the first of May. Although no definite date can be set as yet as to when the books will be ready for delivery, it is thought that they will be ready pretty close to the desired

The covers have been ordered, and the type, ink, and paper for the book are already here. The Republican has started to print the opening section and by Monday will be printing the first 40 pages.

Those students who have not yet ordered books should get in touch with Johnny Friesen. There will be a very limited number of books available after publication.


Paul Booz won second place in the state Peace Oratorical Contest held at Bethel College last evening. Ward Henderson of Southwestern College was first and Dan Wilson of Kansas Wesleyan, third. Booz’s oration wax entitled, "Speeding the Transition. "

Prizes for first, second, and third place were $50, $30, and $20.

Other colleges entered were Mary-mount and Bethel Colleges.


The World Service Group had as the theme of its meeting, Tuesday, "Japan—Civilization and Religious Heritage. " After a brief devotional period which was led by Lucille Cole, a well prepared study on Japan was given by Viola Rothrock. She gave the history of the Japanese religion, education, customs, and government. She then showed how these institutions bad influenced life in Japan today.

The group is studying Japan so that it may better understand this so-called “potential enemy. ”


Twenty-One Petitions Filed for

Student Offices for Ensuing Year


Five Candidates Are In the Field for Student Council Presidency

Primary elections for student offices for the year, 1935-36, will be held April 18, it was revealed last evening. Finals will be held one week later. At that time campaign managers for the respective candidates will ballyhoo for his particular candidate. No special time for ballyhoo has been provided for pre-vios to the primary.

Interest in the elections has mani-fested itself this year in the office for the presidency of the Student Council. Five candidates have been nominated for this position. An unusually large number of candidates have been entered in the other offices. Two candidates are as yet unopposed. They are men’s cheer leader and business manager of the Quadrangle.

Offices which will be filled at the election are: President of the Student Council, Treasurer of the Student Council, Editor of the Quadrangle, Business Manager of the Quadrangle, Editor of the Spectator, Business Manager of the Spectator, Men's Cheer Leader and Women's Cheer Leader.

In order to become a candidate for any office a student must have fifty signatures supporting his name. Papers, giving the name of the person and the office for which he is running, have been placed on the bulle-tin board for signatures.

The offices and the students up for nomination are as follows: President of Student Council: Agnes

Bean, Chris Johansen, Merle Mossa-mer, Donald Evans, and Blanch Harris; Treasurer of Student Council: Clayton Rock, Clarence Sink, and Joe Zuck; Men's Cheer Leader: Homer Kimmel Ladies'' Cheer Leader: Estelle Baile and Jesse Miller; Spectator Editor:     Velma Watkins,

Kenneth Weaver, Vernon Michael, and Dorothy Matson; Spectator Business Manager:     Franklin Hiebert

and Alvin Lindgren; Quadrangle Editor: Otho Clark, Wanda Hoover and Betty Lou Cameron: Quadrangle

Business Manager: Archie Van Nort-wick.


"Worship" was the theme carried out in the regular C. E. meeting last Sunday evening. David Metzger announced the program and conducted devotions.

A ladies’ trio including Lucille Ullery, Iva Walker, and Harriet Smith, sang a sacred selection accompanied by Dorothy Dell.

Three short talks were given dealing with different phases of worship. David Heckman, Evelyn High, and Lucille Cilery were the speakers.

C. E. meets regularly at 6: 30 each Sunday evening and all students are invited to attend.


In his Protean Program Deluxe, presented Monday night in the City Auditorium, Joe Zellner reconstruct-ed the days of Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn and the great generals of the Civil War, Lee and Grant. Going still farther back he characterized for his audience, Socrates, Moses, Peter, Judas and Saul of Tarsus. A humorous but pathetic character of a German lady was portrayed.

The lightning quick changes in Zellner recreated characters was an was an achievement. He remarked that any fifteen year old boy could do it with fifteen years of practice.

The lighting effect was arranged well and aided in the portrayal of the characters.

The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Ester Bowers    Dorothy Matson

Chester Colwell    Maxine Ring

Donald Evans    Harold Reneicker

Ruth Hawbaker    Neva Root

Richard Hendren    Edna Reiste

Wanda Hoover    Glenn Webb

Phyllis McKinnie    Kenneth Weaver

in the publication of the various periodicals.

That such a statement is true is without question. The astonishing thing about the announcement is that the preponderance of the "brown baggers" on any campus is sufficient to cause a professor to become so frightened over it. Too often the advice must be given in the op-posite direction.

For this reason Professor Rogers' statement cannot be taken to mean that greater emphasis should be placed upon extra-curricular activities as a general rule to be followed by all colleges. True as the statement is for many of the large universities of the country, the small college is prone to be open to quite the opposite abuse—too little emphasis upon pure scholastic attainment.


Winfield Meet Ends Forensic Activities for Successful  Year

Paul Booz and Kenneth Weaver reached the semi-finals in the men's debate tournament, which was a part of the state forensic tournament at Winfield last weekend.

There were 15 schools taking part in this tournament, 26 men's teams and 16 ladies teams. Booz and Weaver were eliminated by the debate team from Kansas State Teachers College. Emporia, which won the tournament championship. The other three local varsity teams did not survive the four preliminary rounds.

Weaver reached the finals in the men's extempore speaking contest and Gladys Riddell and Lela Siebert reached the finals in the ladies’ extempore speaking meet.

The debate teams have had quite a successful season this year. They have won the league championship for the seventh time in fourteen years. This success is due in a large part to Professor M. A. Hess, whose untiring efforts in this work have brought out some very polished teams.

This year the debate squads have taken part in nine tournaments. They have participated in 144 debates, 47 of which were non-decision affairs. Of the remaining 97 contests, the local teams have won 63 and lost 34.

There are three senior debaters who will be graduated this spring. They are Staats and John Goering, who have debated four years, and Gladys Riddell, who has debated three years. Professor Hess reports that prospects are good for a debate team next year as he has a strong nucleus around which he may build his team.


Last Tuesday morning the Y. W. girls enjoyed thirty minutes of music, literature, and art. —

“What Vasile Saw," a religions story by Marie, Queen of Ronmania, was told by Theresa Strom while Phyllis Powers drew a chalk picture of the three crosses on Calvary.

One of Leo Tolstoy's stories, "Where Love Is, There God Is Also,” was told by Harriet Smith.

Both of these stories have a great deal of literary merit as well as spiritual value.

Elrae Carlson played an appropriate prelude.

Doubt makes mountains, faith removes them.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00


Editior-in-Chief................. Margaret Oliver

Assistant Editor---------Elmer Staats.

Make-up Editor .......... Donald Brumbaugh

Sports Editor------------------------- Orval Eddy


Business Manager .................... Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr.____Franklin Hiebert

Assistant Cir. Mgr.     Ronald Flory

Collections Manager ................- Eldred Mathes

A Campus Cleanup

Dust pervades the air filling the classrooms of the College buildings, dust makes the window panes take on the appearance of stained glass. Dandelions continue to mar the appearance of the college lawn. The coming of spring to the college campus leaves the traces of the ravages of winter.

For this reason nominations are in order for a clean-up day for the campus, that is as soon as we can be assured of enough rain to insure against the ravages of the dust storms of which we are having an epidemic this year.

The Labels on Learning

Is there a student anywhere who hasn't had at least one class the memory of which will forever make him "see red"? That was the class in which he really studied, did more work and knew-his material better than anyone else, and was practically sure of an A or B. And then came the final that ho didn't hit quite right. And he emerged with a C and a healthy contempt for grading sys-tems.

An "A" on a transcript looks very well, but what does it really mean? Did its proud owner study the subject for which it was given, or did he study the teacher? Did he dig into the work or did he memorize lecture notes more assiduously than his fellows? May the course not have been a "snap" or the teacher "easy"?

If a grade record were to mean anything it would have to be accompanied by a character study of the owner and explanatory footnotes for the various classes. The bare labels, A, B, C, D, F, may mean nothing. Our conception of education and its value is indeed limited. If wo imagine that in either quantity or quality it can be thus measured.

—University Daily Kansan.

For the Choir

The recent tour of the A Cappella Choir ended its most active and most praiseworthy season. As a medium of advertising it may be classed as one of the best at least one truly representing the character of the College. By coming into direct contact with the constituency of the College, the personality product of the College received emphasis.

As a representative organ of the College, as a provider of wholesome and high quality entertainment, and as a means of expressing for those who are participating in it, the choir and its leader deserve the highest praise for their work this year.

“Brown Baggers”

Common among the students nt the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the term, "brown baggers.” The term so designating those who spend all their time studying has recently taken on an air of disapproval among such men. The student with a large number of activities is superior to the student who spends all his time studying.

A recent survey taken at the Massachusetts school reveals that students who take pan in athletics, in the publication or college papers, and other activities, are averaging considerably higher than the general level of the student body scholastically.

The move to stress the value of the extra-curricular activity came in 1921 by Prof. Robert E. Rogers. The student who spent all his time with books, he said, missed the most essential part of education, that of making friendships such as can be gained by participation in athletics, serving on committees, or taking part


Dr. Bright says that the only reason Huey Long got his picture on the front of the Time magazine last week was that it was the week of April Fool.

When we were taking 9-week tests last week we were oft reminded of that bit of Kipling's work—"Lord God of Hosts, Be with us yet, Lest we forget, Lest we forget!"

It’s a peculiar corollary on the return or the choir that the two dorms are about 200 per cent noisier than


This he-man center or our crack basketball'squad has recently fallen quite hard for the opposite sex. Not so long ago for instance, he had several dates with a resident of Barn-grover’s. Also at the Lyceum Monday nite he was seen beating the time of a certain Chem Assistant. Incidentally this guy is darn smart, for he always picks dames who are outside the guiding influence of those benevolent dorm restrictions,

Yeh, then there's that woman-killer, Paul Prather, who delights in taking a whole mob of dames to Church on Tuesday nite. Seems as tho everyone's gone religious on us all of a sudden.

R. Sweetland has recently let it be known that his senior class ring has already found a future destination—namely, a position (in lieu of a white carbon stone) on the finger of the one and only.

The A Cappella Choir trip resulted profitably for some of the women of the Institute—witness the compacts, bottles of perfume, etc., received by certain damsels in Arnold.

Bertha Bergthold has really been going to town lately with the boy friends. First there was Ikey then there was some guy from town. Now she seems to be reverting to old times and an old flame—none other than Johnnie Goering in person.

The fish it never cackles ’bout

its million eggs or so:

The hen is quite a different bird,

one egg and hear her crow.

The fish we spurn, but crown

the hen, which leads me to surmise Don’t hide your light, but blow your horn

It Pays To Advertise.

Student elections are now in full swing with the usual round of bla-bla. It’s too bad M. C. doesn’t have fraternities so electioneers could go around playing up the merits of the candidate for good old Rho Dammit Rho, or Tappa Kappa Knee, etc.

Returning A Cappella member give evidence to the fact that they were particularly bothered by the lack of baths on their trip. For instance, communication received from one gal said that over a period of a week two baths were all that were available.

Because Floyd Harris got lost from the gang In Dos Moines, a careful watch was necessarily maintained over the boy thereafter in all towns of more than one hundred.

Dear little Vickie Wickie (Meyers to you) was adopted about the mid-dle of the trip by Gretta Okerlind and became much enamored of the young lady. It was really an appealing sight to see these two making eyes at each other in the back of the but. A picture of this scene was almost obtained for the Quadrangle.

Another mutual admiration society was formed by Hiebert and Gnagy. Lois would always save seats for her now boy friend in the bus but one day Miss McGaffey almost ruined things when she unwittingly sat down in Franklin's seat-to-be. However, upon appeal and protest she was induced to go up and sit by the driver, so that the program of holding hands would not be hampered. Rumor has it that these two are really stepping out in high style now. Wonder how long this one will last?

Need and Keedy found mutual comfort in each other’s company, both having left their true loves at

home. A pictures was obtained of the

two sleeping on each other’s shoulder. More hot stuff for the annual.

It was just like Cheesey to tell all the boys that they needn’t take their overcoats along, and then on the first cold day to drag his own out of hiding.

We wondered why it wasn’t pos-sible to budge Faithe and Estelle out of Evans' car. Now we understand, however, seeing as how Don and Miles respectively were usually in the car also. Incidentally it was noticed that Andrews was not particularly overjoyed at the Loyal’s attention to Estelle.

Vi Harris once went to sleep on Ikie's shoulder. The way the boy blushed would give competition to any sunset.

Casey and Shelley were so fortunate as to receive a lovely shower from the gang back home. Included was a complete outfit of baby clothes, et al, and a box of soap flakes to keep et al clean.

John Moore has a reputation for daring. So in order to live up to this reputation he refused to take a dare to jump into a creek of water with his clothes on. Perhaps compensation of a dollar bet was sufficient to overcome the unpleasantness of the cold dip.

In addition to the above item about Johnnie, mention should be made of his exploits as a story teller. Now, take for instance the story he liked to tell to the good old Dunk farmers about the time he used to work on a dairy in Texas. Which leads us to reminisce that the first liar hasn’t a chance.

In conclusion may we say that Johnnie and Schlatter got along quite nicely throughout the trip.

P. S. This should be enough gossip to satisfy all you lads and lassies for the lack of a column last week.


Mr. and Mrs. William Riddlebar-ger and family from Galva spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Blanch Harris.

The following girls were at the home of Maxine Ring Friday evening to make candy and pop corn: Modena Kauffman, Wanda Hoover, Martha Hursh, Alberta Keller, and Theresa Strom.

Wanda Hoover and Maxine Ring were Saturday night guests of Ber-tha Bergthold.

Dean R. E Mohler is to speak to the county teachers' meeting at Cottonwood Falls on Saturday, April 13. On the same day, he is also to speak to the school board of that city.

Clara Schurman and Margaret Mattox spent Friday evening with Bertha Bergthold.

Raymond Buskirk, ’33, visited with friends in McPherson this week.

Dean R. E. Mohler spoke to the county teachers and to the school board at Ottawa last Saturday.

Dr. J. W. Hershey is the proud

possessor of a new Plymouth sedan, which he purchased this week.

Hoy Jones and Cletus Deardorff, both of Chicago, visited Bernard Suttle last week. They are on a tour visiting friends in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado. Mr. Jones is a mechanical engineer at the Lewis Institute. Mr. Deardorf is employed by Sears. Roebuck and Co.


Lucille Ullery ................ April    11

Arthur DeVor ................ April    13

LaMar Bollinger ............ April    15

Alvin Lindgren ............ April    17

Margaret Messamer........ April    18

In all ages thinking men have been clever, whether learned or not.

"One man's meat may be another

The Spectator



Professor S. M. Dell entertained his assistants, senior majors and their friends at his home Friday evening.

Refreshments were served at the close of an evening of entertainment.

The following people were present: Agnes Bean, Bessie Hawkins, Esther Rowers, Iva Walker, Corrine Bowers, Harry Frantz, Glen Ham-mann, Chester Colwell, Russell Carpenter, and Leonard Wiggins.


Miss Della Lehman read the play. "The Prince of Court Painters," in Chapel Wednesday morning. The setting of the play was in a room of a little cottage in a wild moorland about the year 1799. A famous painter, a young man, deserted his

wife to seek fame and returned to her as a tramp in his old age.

The play was interestingly interpreted by Miss Lehman.


Hippita hop, hippity hop.

What shall I buy at the grocer shop?

Hippity hop, hippity high

I shall have a piece of pie.

Will you go with me? No, not I,

I eat fruit without the pie.

—Margaret Heckethorn.


By College News Service

The Ottawa Campus gives a neighboring college's list or dust storm causes by means of a poll. Among causes were: Huey Long, 230; Gen. Johnson, 200: airplanes 185; Glenn Cunningham, 150; fan dancers, 100: dust and wind. 2.—The Ottawa Cam-

A literary edition of The Bison featuring creative writing done by University students and modelled on the magazine published by the student newspaper two years ago, will be published the week of May 10.— The Bison, Oklahoma Baptist U.

A big-hearted alumnus of Knox College recently sent a courteous letter to campus officials, praising all scholastic and extra-curricular activities he had enjoyed as an tinder-grad; In making a donation of ten thousand he said he wished to remain anonymous.

The letter was unsigned—and so was the ten thousand dollar check.


Discussion of “Religion and the Gospel

of Success” Is Continued by Elliott



“Using Christian Power" is to be the general theme of the young people's annual spring conference which will be held at the Salem church of Nickerson, May 4 and 5. The cabinet, consisting of Paul Heckman, president: Mildred Stutzman, vice-president: and Arlene Wampler, secretary-treasurer, has been planning the program. The conference will include group discussions, a banquet, and a camp-fire meeting. Leaders for the discussion groups are being chosen from the McPherson College student body.


"What the Y. M. Should Do" was the topic of discussion at the regular meeting Tuesday morning. The purpose of the meeting was to bring out the weak points of the organiza-tion and possible solutions of them.

Eldred Mathes presented his ideas

of what the Y. M. should do. He brought out the fact of the low attendance at the meetings. A possible remedy was brought out when he suggested that the organization should do more to arouse interest among the men of the College for the Y. M. He also pointed out the lack of social activities of the organization. He continued by saying that, however, too many social ac-tivities would allow the social aspect of the organization to dominate the true aims of the organization.

Elmer Staats presented his ideas from the viewpoint of a cabinet member. He said that the organization of the Y. M. could be the greatest organization on the campus if it wished to be. As a benefit to cabinet

members, he stated that more cabinet retreats would tend to bind them closer together. He concluded by saying that the continuance of exchange programs and guest speakers would help to bring a closer relationship between the organization and the students of the college.

At the close of the program. It was suggested that each member write out what suggestions he would have for the Y organization of next year to hotter its procedure. The suggestion passed and all students were urged to write out their sug-

Singers Record Impressions of Trip

Long rides — short rides — five minute stops — old friends — new friends—enormous meals—a bath— or no bath-letters and cards from home—a package for Mr. and Mrs. Casey Voran — The Spectator — Moore’s record Jump—a careful driver—good sportsmanship—programs

Programs — PROGRAMS. These and many other impressions made the A Cappella trip one delightful round of fun. What more could one ask than a chum, a good meal, a good program, and a good bed?

—Elizabeth and Jo Wagoner.


In view of the actual performance of the Choir and the function of its officers and committees, the A Cappella Choir tour was highly successful. Everyone concerned, the Choir members, and those sponsoring the programs, cooperated in making every program a success. The true Bulldog spirit was displayed to many prospective students. It is hoped and believed by those making the tour that the College will be well repaid for its expenditure.

—Herbert Ikenberry.


As a whole the trip was a great success. Everybody enjoyed himself and nobody got very tired. We had very good meals, real butter, and good cream at many places. There were a few interesting incidents that happened. If you don’t want to lose money, don’t bet John Moore that he can’t do anything, even if it is jumping into water where one has to break the ice with an ax and even though the water is on a public highway. If you want to know how Ernie got along in Marshalltown, just ask him.    —Daniel Zook.


On the recent trip, the members of the A Cappella Choir and the sponsors found hospitality and friendliness everywhere they went. The homes of the rich and poor alike were cheerfully opened for the lodging of these forty singers. Old acquaintances were, renewed and new friendships were made. Greetings from "folk at home” were taken and exchanged by the singers for those who were left at M. C.

—Bernice Dresher.

The recent choir trip has been an opportunity for both those hearing the choir and those students in the choir. Those opportunities afforded the students are of particular interest. For one thing, it gave the students a chance to be in many different types of homes and to be guests in these homes for a short lime. Each part of the trip was a test for each individual—the way he was able to meet and converse with strangers, the way he got along with the other choir members, and the way he lived with himself. Such a trip, in which a small group of people live in such close contact, at the same time it is meeting new people constantly, is an experience well worthwhile and long to he remembered.    —Velma Watkins.

There is a current form of har-assed mood which is called “sharing." A man might be quite happy in his religion if it were not for the sense of obligation, of necessary achievement, which the theory of sharing involves. Here is a life perfectly content in its faith, capable now and then of high and exalted moments of communion with God. In one of these moments the thought intrudes, “But I share this," and at once the whole experience has lost its radiance. The poor man, laboring under the sharing obsession. Struggles into his overcoat and goes out into the streets to find someone -anyone-to whom he can exhibit the pathetic fragments of what might have been an unforgettable lovely and empowering experience.

This confusion of religion with achievement is seen not only in individual life, but perhaps even more frequently in religious societies and groups. The author remembered being present at a meeting of a woman's missionary society where the president gave an able and stirring plea for the cause, picturing the difficulty of the struggle and the need for strength of life and purse to wage the fight. And then she ended with this: "And we know that it is

God's cause, and God's cause cannot fail." At once a cloud seemed to shaded the room. The glory had departed. The introduction of success all but destroyed the religious interest and enthusiasm which the earlier words had aroused. It was almost as if she had said: "And we know that it is God's cause, and God's cause cannot succeed. The effect then would not have been much different. An alien element had entered and all felt it.

This is not to say that the ethical note does not enter the religious experience. It enters in such a way, however, that there is still not pur-render or even reference to success or failure. The essentially religious man in conflict with an unjust and chaotic social order continues to hold his faith apart from what it might achieve in the remedy of these wrongs. His social passion never comes to him as either a guarantee or a product of success. It comes at a point far deeper than that, in the sense of obligation the persuasion of what he must do. The consequences do not enter.

Basically, all people who have any religions impulse whatever recognize the autonomy of religion. How otherwise can one account for the resiliency of faith? Here are both sides, in a social conflict over such problems as slavery, child labor, and prohibition. Religious people are on both aides, and in the stress of the moment they are all asking of their faith that it bring their side success. One side fails, religion has not sue- , ceeded, and we might expect a gen-; eral desertion. But faith goes on living, fed by some hidden springs, and it is soon forgotten that in a particular enjoyment, the imperative, the autonomy, remain.

New Volumes In College Library

"The Character Emphasis in Education,” by K. L. Keaton; "The Chicago College Plan'' by C. S. Boucher, "Masks in a Pageant" by W. A. White, and “Theodore Roosevelt" by H. F. Pringle are the new books which have been added to the library collection recently.


A star announced His birth.

A cloud received Him hence.

What common sign were used To serve Omnipotence!

Let me be born again With every star I see Let every cloud lift me up To sense new majesty.

No paltry eagerness Shall now defraud me eyes.

Nor any wonderment Re lost in my surprise.

Stars make a Holy Night Transfiguration Day May come with any cloud When faith has had its way.

—Elinor Lennen.

gestions and give them to Willard Flaming before the next meeting.

Eight hours after he had revived a dog which had been put to death, the dog died. Dr. Robert E. Cornish. Berkeley scientist, said this week, admitting his attempt to use a new "life" fluid had failed.

The Spectator



Barngrover and Stoner Elimin-

ated in Tennis Semi-Finals Held Last Week

Leonard Wiggins and Harold Binford are the two men that will play in the finals of the College tennis tournament. These men both drew byes in the first round and have won three consecutive matches, by virtue of which puts them together in the

The results of the tournament up to the quarter finals were published in last week's issue of the Spectator. The quarter-final results follow with the winner's name appearing first in each match: Binford vs. Carpen-ter, 6-0, 6-1: Stoner vs. Chisholm. 6-4, 6-4; Barngrover vs. Weddle. 6-1, 6-1 and Wiggins vs. Eddy, 6-0, 6-2.

The semi-final results were Binford vs. Stoner, 6-0, 6-1; Wiggins vs. Barngrover, 6-0, 6-3. The finals will be played as soon as the courts are in proper condition.

Couch Binford announced Monday the varsity tennis team as for the present. The teams are Binford and Wiggins; Stoner and Barn-grover. These four men will also represent the school in singles. Binford, Wiggins, and Stoner are all letter-men. Barngrover is a freshman from McPherson. In high school he won various tennis tournaments.


Friday afternoon Coach Binford divided his track men into two teams, namely, Red and White, after which a dual track and field meet was held. The purpose of the meet was for the final tryouts for the C. of E. track meet which will be held at Emporia, April 11. Results are as follows:

120-yard high hurdles, Haun, Wiggins, Carpeneter; 17 seconds; Red 5 points. White 4 points.

1-mile run, Reinecker, Flory, Dun-cunson, 6 minutes 8 seconds; Red 1 point, White 8 points.

100-yd. dash, Toland, Haun, Sink: 10:6 seconds; Red 3 points, White 6 points.

440-yard dash, Graber, Heckman, Van Nortwick; 54:8 seconds; Red

8 points. White 1 point.

Shot put, Grentz, Pauls. Zuhars; 36 feet 3/4 inch; Red 6 points, White 4 points.

Pole Vault, Haun, Wiggins, Custer; 10 feet 9 inches; Red 6 points. White 3 points.

220-yard low hurdles, Haun, Carpenter, Zuhars; 28 seconds; Red 5 points, White 4 points.

Discus, Haun, Zuhars, Hendren; 104 feet 2 inches; Red 6 points, White 3 points.

High Jump, Wiggins, Custer tied. Zuhars: Graber, Haun tied; 5 feet four inches; Red 5 points, White 4 points.

880-yurd run, Heckman, Gruber, Van Nortwick; 2 minutes 13 seconds; Bed 8 points, White 1 point.

Javelin, Wiggins, Haun, Hendren; 146 feet; Red 4 points, White 8 points.

Broad Jump, Custer, Carpenter, Haun; 20 feet, 4 inches; Red 6 points, White 4 points.

220-yard dash, Sink, Haun, Car-penter; 24:5 seconds; red 3 points, White 6 points.

2- mile run, Reinecker, Miller; 11

minutes 20 seconds; Red 3 points, White 5 points.

440-yard relay, 48 seconds; White

5    points.

Totals; Red, 68 points, White 62 points.


The date of the annual K. U. relays has been set for Saturday, April 20. This is the largest truck and field event to be held in the Middle West. Athletes will be entered from many states.

Some of the schools in the college list that have entered in certain events are:    Oklahoma Baptist,

Wichita University, Emporia Teach-ers and Baker University. These schools all hold records in one or more events.

Other schools that have entered that will not bo defending records are: University of Arkansas, Cape Girardeau Teachers College, Westminister, Simpson College, Indian

ola, Iowa, Missouri School of Mines, Doane, Carleton, Minnesota, Yankton and North Texas Normal.

An added attraction of the relays will be a mile race which will be run by Glenn Cunningham, Glen Dawson and Harold Manning, with a relay team running on the outside of the track at the same time.

This year a huge electric clock has been installed at one end of the field which is operated by electric contacts from the starting and finishing points of the various races. This will give the spectators an immediate unofficial timing of each


The McPherson Relays, that will be held here two weeks from Friday, are the talk of the campus. If they are successful the relay will be made an annual event. This will be a good place for outstanding men to qualify for entrance into bigger relays such as the annual event that is held at K. U. every spring.

From all appearances of early season play, we have excellent chances of winning state championship in tennis again. Binford will be the man to beat in singles and Wiggins will make a very good team mate in the doubles. Binford and Wiggins will be the defending champions, as Mc-

Pherson won the state meet in dou-

bles last year.

Stoner and Barngrover are the other two men that will complete the personnel of the tennis team for tho time being at least. These men won their position by going Into the semi-finals of the school tournament.

Wiggins and Binford have not, as yet, played off their match to decide the school championship. Binford is

favored to win as he is the defending school champion.

The track squad was divided into two teams last Friday night, the Beds and Whites. Archie Van Nortwick captained the White team and Leo Haun was the Bed captain. The teams were quite evenly divided, and the meet was close. In the end the Beds won by a five-point margin.

Haun took high point honors in the inter-squad meet Friday night. He won several firsts and placed in every event that he entered.

The track team will not be in the best of condition when it meets the C. of E. team this afternoon. The cold weather has not allowed the proper kind of conditioning, and several of the men are suffering from shin splints and strained muscles. The cold weather has undoubtedly handicapped the conditioning of the Emporia team so the teams should be on equal terms.

Binford and Hansen will meet for the first time this season in a dual tennis match. Last year Hansen beat Binford in the finals of the state meet. Binford will try to even the tally at Emporia this afternoon.

Chicago, April 11.—Discovery of the X-ray as a successful cure for typhoid fever carriers was announced today at the University of Illinois.

Senior Per*onalitie»

Mildred Siek has been with the senior class only two years, having taken her previous training at Tabor College Hillsboro, and at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Be-fore entering McPherson College, she taught a few years in elementary schools. She has chosen home economics for her major.


Gladys Bidden is a girl who, by her attitude and outlook on life, has won for herself the nickname of  “Happy.” In extracurricular activities, her vital interest has been in the field of forensics. She has been a member of the women's debate team for three years and has been president of the Forensic Club for the past year. She was treasurer of her class in her Junior year. Gladys has chosen to delve into the past for her major field, having chosen Latin for a large part of her study.


Leonard Wiggins is one of the outstanding athletes of the senior class, having won letters in all of the ma-jor sports. He has been on the varsity basketball and football teams for four years. He has been a varsity tennis man for two yours. In his

four years of track, his major activities have been in the high jump, pole vault, and javelin. As a result of his leadership ability and athletic prowess, he was made president of the "M” Club in his junior year. In addition to his participation in ath-letics, Wiggins has also played in the orchestra for three years. His major field is commerce.


John Goering is a prominent member of the class of '35. He has been a debater during all four years of his college career. He is at present one of the presiding officers of the International Relations club, and was program chairman of that organization last year. He was president of his class in his junior year, and is now the vice president. John has traveled to College daily from his home near Elyria, the metropolis to the south of McPherson. His major interest is history.



Prospects for the biggest high school festival in years is the forecast of the coming event on April 27. Seventy-five schools have been invited and already entries are coming in from them. Entries are com-ing in both for the tennis tournament and the music contest.

Winners in the music contest receive music scholarships. The music contest in divided into two divisions, the junior division for those 15 or under, and the adult division for those between 15 and 21.

The program of the day is closed with the annual high school festival banquet. This is the annual banquet given by the College for all seniors of nearby high schools.

Forty-eight students of the University of California at Los Angeles this week were awarded Phi Beta Kappa honors.



The Reverend E. Douglas Carver, pastor of the McPherson Baptist Church, presented in chapel Monday morning a Jewish singer, Mr. John Coen from Palestine, Texas, who sand the following numbers; “My Task,” "Sonny Boy,” “Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses,” and sacred words to the tune, “Somewhere a Voice is Calling.” He was accompanied, by Mrs. Carver.


In Waterloo, Thursday, a majority ing to keep warm.

of the choir spent the afternoon in homes resting for the evening program, which was given before a large, responsive audience.

En route from Waterloo to Dallas Center, Friday, a four hour stop was made at Des Moines, giving those desiring to do so a chance to see a show or to do a bit of shopping. Arriving at Dallas Center at about four, part of the group stayed there and part went to the adjoining neighborhood. Panther Creek, returning to the high school building for the program that evening.

Being stranded in the town of Adel, population 2,581, for a greater part of the day Saturday, gave the girls an opportunity for wave sets and the boys an opportunity for shoe shines. Panora round the group ready for a program before an interested audience.

Early Sunday morning in the cold the choir started for its last day of programs. Lincoln, Nebraska, gave an opportunity for a hurried trip through the Capitol after the program. The long drive on to Holmes-ville seemed to have little effect upon the singers because they gave one of the best programs of the trip there. Perhaps the realization that It was the climax of the trip affected the group.

After prolonged arguments Sunday concerning the time of starting and paddles lines for the late comers, the weary travelers started homeward, some eagerly and some reluctantly. Gradually familiar

sights came into view and finally the city of McPherson, Euclid Street, McPherson College, and home.

Throughout the trip a great num-

ber of homes of students were visited. At every stop some relative of a student, former students, or College friends were found. These people did a great deal to promote the programs and to aid the choir members in various ways.

The home economics department of Alabama Tech recently graduated its first male.