The Spectator

vol. XVIII    McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, april 4, 1935    number 27


Dean Replogle reports that the Kansas Guidance Conference held here last Saturday was very successful. Seventy-five representatives were here from the territories around Hayes, Topeka, Manhattan, Wichita, Medicine Lodge, Pratt and McPherson.

Two interesting features of the program were the panel discussions and the address by Truman Reed, on "Guidance At Work."

Dr. Peterson, head of the Department of Education at Kansas State College, Manhattan, demonstrated a machine he has developed for scoring tests. Mr. Shellenberg of Bethel College showed some charts he has made on the research study in guid-

A committee was appointed to do

research work concerning the correlation of High School and College. Also, one for Junior and High School


It was decided to hold another meeting next year, perhaps here in McPherson.


Officers for Next Year Will Be Chosen in Election Held April 25

Three weeks from today officers for next year will be elected in a general student election. The following election rules have been post-

Elections for students offices will be held Thursday, April 25, between 10 and 12:30 o’clock. Ballyhoo speeches will be held at ten o'clock in the chapel. Each candidate for an office must have a campaign manager.

In order to become a candidate for any office a person must have fifty signatures supporting his name. The name of the candidate along with the fifty signatures must be in the hands of Harry Frantz before the person is

1. President of Student Council.

2. Treasurer of Student Council.

3.    Men’s Cheer Leader.

4.    Ladies’ Cheer Leader.

5.    Spectator Editor.

6. Spectator Business Manager.

7. Quadrangle Editor.

8. Quadrangle Business Manager.

"The first two offices must be filled with persons who will be either Juniors or Seniors next year.

Think of candidates, consider their qualifications and then petition students for fifty signatures. Run as many persons as you like. If neces-sary a preliminary election will be held to eliminate all but two candidates for each office.

Pat up some candidates. Choose campaign managers and GET BUSY.


The second Hilltop meeting will be held at Camp Wood, near Elms dale, this weekend. A group of young peoples leaders meet for personal improvement and search for self analysis. It is a study of personality improvement.

Those attending the meeting from here will be Dr. Bright, Dean Rep-logle, Velma Keller, Rush Holloway, and Ethel Sherfy/Other young people's leaders to be present are: Perry Rohrer, Dan West, Hylton Harmon, Paul Longnecker, and Elmer and Ann Royer.


Five reels of moving pictures are to be shown at the regular chemistry club program at 6:30 tonight in the chemistry lecture room. The reels include two on water power, two on cotton from the seed to finished product; and one on asbentos. These

films are very educational for the students and all students are invited to see them.


Plans Complet for Athletes Annual Spring Formal at Hawley Hotel


Many Invited Guests and Alumni

Members of M Club Have Made Reservations for Dinner

The annual "M" Club Banquet is

planned to be held in the root garden of the Hotel Hawley. The date is set for April 12, the time seven

This year's banquet is planned to be the biggest of its kind to be held in recent years. All of the alumni members that live within a reasonable distance have been invited, and the members that are now enrolled in school will be present with their lady friends.

The “M" Club Banquet is the only social event of the year that takes on the appearance of a truly formal function. Because of this fact, it is considered by all to be a great honor to be invited.

Jack Lehman, an alumni and former club member who is now in the law school at Kansas University, will preside an the master of ceremonies. Mr. Lehman was an outstanding student and did not confine his interests to just one field.

He won three letters in tennis and was active in student publications. He was a member of those great championship debate teams. Professor Hess considers him as one of the very best debators that has even been produced by the College. Be-sides this, Jack won the state oratorical contest and also the state ex-temperaneous speech contest while enrolled at McPherson.

Stompers, well known McPherson orchestra, will furnish the music for the evening. This is an old organization and plays for various social occasions in this part of the state. Their wide reputation as good musicians is without a peer in this locality.

Many of the invited guests from out of town have indicated that they will attend. The old members that are residents of McPherson have responded almost one hundred per-cent. A few guests will be invited who are not members of the organization but who have taken a great interest in the College athletic program.

The committies that have been appointed for the purpose of arranging for the banquet are: Program, Russell Carpenter, Sam Stoner and Rob ert Booz, decoration, Chester Col-well, Harry Frantz, and Orval Eddy; and invitation, Leonard Wiggins, Archie Van Nortwick and Harold Rein-ecker. These people are all working dilligently to make the occasion a success.

This is planned to be the most lavish of all the conventional programs of the year. Those that have an op-portunity to attend may consider themselves indeed fortunate.


At a meeting of the Senior Class last Thursday it was voted to leave as the Senior Class gift a planting of trees at the entrance of the College. On either side of the entrance a tall juniper surrounded by dwarf junipers will be arranged in a diamond shape.

Dean R. E. Mohler, Mildred Pray and Harry Frantz had charge of the selection and arrangement of the planting.

Schwalm to Attend N. C. A. Meeting

The North Central Association will meet in Chicago next week. April 11, 12, and 13. The decision will be made concerning the entrance of McPherson College in the Association. Dr Schwalm is planning to attend the meeting.


To the fifty girls who heard Miss Lehman read in the “Y" room Tuesday morning, Irish poetry has become an object of new interest. Bits of Irish humor, philosophy, description, and characterization were included in the selections which Miss Lehman read. Contrary to the popular conception, the people of the Emerald Isle have a deep sensitivity which finds expression in lovely poetry. Among the poems read were "Farewell" by Katherine Tynan, "‘To an Isle in the Water" by William Butler Yeats, and "The Little Waves of Breffney' by Eva Gore-Booth, These selections portrayed the Irish

Russell, Joseph Campbell, Padraic Colum, and Winifred Letts.

Leta Wine, new president of the Y. W., opened the meeting with a brief expression of gratitude to the members of the old cabinet for the work which they have done. Each of the retiring officers and committee members was asked to stand, and the girts showed their appreciation by applause.


Date Uncertain for Thespian

Production, "Death Takes a Holiday”

Due to the absences of three of the members of the cast, who are with the A Cappella, practice of the Thespian Club Play, "Death Takes a Holiday,' will not begin until next Monday. Till that time the cast will endeavor to learn all of the lines of the first act, thus facilitating the work when actual practice begins.

The date for the presentation of the play has not yet been set but will probably be decided soon.

The final selection of the cast by the try-out judge, with the exception of two servants, who will be chosen later, is listed below.

Duke Lambert ................Don Evans

Alda .........................Estelle Baille

Duchess Stephanie Modena Kauffman

Princess of San Luca ......Geraldine


Baron Cossrea ............Blanch Harris

Eric Fenton .................Glen Turner

Corrado.................Merle Messamer

Grazia    ..........Velma Watkins

Prince Sirki ............ John Kauffman

Major Whitread    .Kenneth Rudd


McPherson College Is planning to develop a department of Visual Education. Materials are being collected which will be used in assisting the various teachers in obtaining pictures, slides, and motion pictures for class-room use. The plan also provides for the showing of sound motion pictures as an evening program. The first program has already been arranged and will be given Saturday evening. April 13 in the College Auditorium. The program includes one reel on deep sea fishing, one on music, one on a scientific subject, and a number of reels of very interesting travel pictures. This program is open to the public and will be interesting to everybody. Full details of the program will be given in next week’s Specator.


The work of closing the driveway around the north side of the Ad building has been started. Mr, For-ney, with the aid of a team and a plow, has succeeded in tearing up the driveway.

According to present plans, the cinders and what not that have been plowed up will be used to improve other drives around the campus, especially the ones on the cast side of the dormitories. Plans now are to fill in the old drive with good dirt so that shrubbery and grass can grow there.


Thursday, April 4—Chem. Club meeting, 6:30 p. m.

Sunday, April 7—C. E. meeting, College church, 6:30 p. m,

Monday, April 8—Lyceum, Community bldg., 8 p. m.

Tuesday, April 9—Regular Y. M -


Approximately Fifteen Colleges Represented in Tournament at Winfield

Four varsity debate teams will

Meet which will be held at Winfield Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. The teams, acccompanied

Bright, left McPherson this morn-ing. This is the concluding tournament of the year.

In the debate tournament each team will be given an opportunity to debate four rounds before the elim-ination begins. If the team wins three of these debates it is permitted to continue in the tournament Last year Goering and Staats advanced to the quarter finals in the state meet at Emporia. One defeat in the elimination rounds excludes the team from further participation.

In addition to the debate tourna-ment contests will be held in extem-potaneous speaking and oratory. The entrants in the extemp contest are Gladys Riddell and Leia Siebert

noth Weaver and Elmer Staats on

entering in oratory are Paul Booz

and Elmer Staats.

Two rounds of debate and one of oratory will be held today with the finals on Friday and Saturday. Approximately fifteen schools will participate in the tourney.

Coach Hess and Dr. Bright will act as judges in the contest.


The "M" Club held its initiation for the incoming members last night in the College gym. The new mebers were those that earned letters for the first time in football and bas-ket ball.

The initiates were first put through a paddle line and then were put into the question chair. When the right answers were given to the questions asked a connection was formed which sent an electric shock through the chair and occupant. This was followed by a specially prepared luncheon consisting of bread, water, Limburger cheese and olives. This very tasty repast appealed to their gustatory and olfactory appar-atus because of the suggestive sur-

After the initiation the new and old members were served to hot beef sandwhiches, coffee and apples.

The men that were taken into the club last night were: Clayton Rock, Harold Zuhars, Dick Hendren, Homer Kimmel, Bob Stratman, John Mitchell, Lawrence Moore and Don Barngrover.

Another similar initiation will be held later in the spring for the men earning letters for the first time in track and tennis.    _

Our Speech

1. Many people use "like," when they should use “as” or "as if" Correct: He acted as the rest did. I felt as if I had done something gen-

2. Some say, "Couldn't hardly" for "could hardly,” Correct: I could hardly bear him.


Lucille Messamer ------April 10

Joy Cullen ....................April 11


Fourth in Program Series to Be Given Monday Night at 8 O'Clock


Famous Characters from History and Literature Will Be Portrayed In Production

The fourth McPherson Community Lyceum number for this year will be presented next Monday night at the Community hall at 8 o’clock. Joe Zellner's program will be educational as well as unusual and unique.

As a protean characterist, in his flashes from life, literature, and history, he makes his characters really "live again.’’ All characters are real and startlingly lifelike and presented in full makeup and costume. The average time for changes is only 30 seconds, while many take only six or eight seconds each.

Religious characters are recreated such as Paul of Traus, Moses, Judas and others from the familiar scenes of the Bible. The portrayal of the comic characters of Huckelberry Finn, Mrs. Finkelstein and others, bring roars of laughter.

The characterization of great generals and statesmen is a feature of rare educational value. Lincoln, Theodore Rossevelt, Grant and Lee parade before your eyes. Zellner's art is the result of years of careful research and study of minute physical and mental characteristics.

This program is carefully balanced and widely varied. It is built upon the impersonator's experience as an actor in dramatic stock and pictures, as a writer, as a teacher of dramatics, as a headliner in vaudeville and as a characterist in lyceum and chautauqua.

Elaborate scenery and colorful lighting effects adaptable to any stage or platform are used to supplement his artistry.


In his chapel speech Monday

morning Dr. Petry stressed the im-

"Speech Inevitable," and his text, "We Have to Say Something"

According to Dr. Petry all speech is classified as either cold speech or warm speech. We find cold speech in books, manuscripts, cave walls, ancient books, or in any record man has left in picture or writing. Warm speech is conversation, or any actual exchange of words. Those speaking may be face to face or speaking from a great distance by telephone, telegraph, or radio.

He appealed to the students to cultivate a more complete knowledge of speech, both in writing and in casual, every-day conversation. He ensured the chapel audience that no one can go far in our modern world without being able to express him-self by proper usage of words.

"Prayer” Is Theme at W. S. Meeting

The World Service Group met Tuesday evening in the church par-lors. Leta Wine played several organ numbers while the group engaged in meditative thought. Two devotional readings on prayer were given by Theresa Strom. After a period of silent prayer, a number of short prayers concluded the pro-

The group wishes to announce that the next meeting will be on

Tuesday at 7 p. m.

Modern Poetry Studied by Club

The Poetry Club met Friday March 29, in the "Y" room. The speaker was Miss Edith Haight head of the English department in the McPherson High School, who talked on Modern Poetry. A discussion followed her talk. At the close of the meeting a tea was given with Miss Heckethorn as hostess.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council.



A New Angle on Recreation

The badly needed policy of educating for leisure in the American College is making headway in the educational circles of the country. Even more significant than ever be-fore, since the inauguration of the policy of fewer working days to spread employment, education for leisure is of vital importance in our educational system.

Last week Elmira College of New York introduced a weekly recrea-tional night under the direction of the physical education department. Its object is to educate for leisure, both for the present and the future, and provide resources for entertainment other than moving pictures and bridge clubs.

Such a policy might well be adapted for our own campus. From the results of the recent questionnaire such a program could easily be built. Facilities of the New York College include games in badminton, ping-pong, shuffleboard, and similar games placed in the college gymna-


Glen Austin    Merle Messamer

Paul Booz    Paul Miller

Esther Howers    Dorothy Matson

Chester Colwell Maxine Ring

Phyllis McKinnie    Kenneth Weaver

We hear that Mike will not be able to contact his date until Saturday or Wednesday night. Remember Mike, the price is fifty cents each or two for one dollar. Cheer up Pal, the depression is over.


Recently several Freshman Co-eds have been playing up to Harold "Sheik" Binford; evidently they are trying to make a favorable impres-sion so that he will date them for the banquet. Harold’s pleasing personality was not overlooked by a former Freshman co-ed. Sorry girls, but Harold is mutually infatuated— but won't "Toot" do?

he will not have trouble in finding one, and wants to keep the girls in suspense as long as possible.

The committees have been doing diligent work on the plans to make the "M" Club Banquet a success this year. It will be held April 12. A large number is expected to respond from the invitations which have been sent out to all of the members.


Maudena Sondergard's sisters

Welcome and Metta, visited here last Saturday.


Saturday and had some routing done in the industrial Department. He is a graduate of 1933 and teaching in Bloom, Kansas at the present time,


Harold Crist was on the campus Saturday.


Modena Kauffman spent the weekend in Topeka.


Phyllis Barngrover spent Thursday night in the dormitory.


Esther Kimmel was in bed with three-day measles this week.

Lillian Petersen had a visitor last weekend.


Emma Schmidt is back in school after having the measles,


Margaret Oliver is confined to her home with the measles.


Dorothy Dell and Dick Hendren were visitors in Wichita recently.


Among the dorm students who have been infected with the measles are Esther Kimmel, Lyle Brower, and Van Hunt.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

EDITORIAL STAFF Assistant Editor     Elmer Staats

Sports Editor........... Orval Eddy

Society Editor —----- Velma Watkins


Assistant Bus. Mgr..Franklin Hiebert

Curcilation Mgr. ________ David Metzger

Assistant Circ. Mgr------RoNALD FLORY

Collections Manager ..... —Eldred Mathes

Trade Exposition Improves Buying Perspective

Students are urged to attend the McPherson trade exposition this week at Convention Hall. The merchandise of many ’’Spectator’’ advertisers is on display; the exhibits should give visitors improved perspective toward more intelligent buying.

Vaudeville shows in connection with the exposition are presented at 3:30 every afternoon and 7:30 and 9:30 every evening.

Choose Officers


Daring the next few weeks the officers for the different campus or-ganizations will be selected for the coming year. Students will be asked to decide upon the merits of several opposing candidates. The serious-ness of this event has been ever-looked in many cases.

Two matters should be taken into consideration in student elections. In the first place, care should be taken to choose the best qualified students on the campus for the respective po-sitions. In many cases the election or the nomination of certain candidates is made solely upon the basis of personal friendship and the ability to obtain a small circle of, friends to work for a particular candidate of the particular group's choice. Many times this is the most desirable process as it adds the needed interest to the election. But, too often, as the larger universities have experienced in the case of fraternities, a small minority may, in the face of small popular interest in the election, place a candidate in office whose qualifi-cations may be questioned

The most plausible, and in fact the only real, solution to this problem is to incite a greater amount of interest in the election itself. On a campus the size of our own group, domination is impossibe if a sufficient interest is manifested in the election.

The second difficulty lies in the overburdening of a capable student. Here the chief responsibility lies upon the student himself. In many cases the greatest service which you can do for your organization is to refure to take an office in it because of an overburdened schedule. Let each student in such a position choose discriminatingly as to the organization or organizations in which he wishes to participate. After a careful allotment of time the process of elimination should not be so difficult.


sium. Intramural sports of all types

are stressed and outdoor games have received special emphasis. And in addition to recreation of this type every student is expected to walk half a mile each day.

Outlet in Group Discussion

Expression is often made that the classroom does not give adequate opportunity for the expression of current material in a certain field. In the more or less formal recitation plan of the classroom some oppor-tunity is given for such an outlet, but it is far too small.

Voluntary group discussions have

filled this deficiency in the educational system at Wale, it was revealed last week. Groups in contemporary politics, modern drama, con-temporary poetry, law, social prob-

been formed with this view in mind.

Perhaps not so extensively, but no less effectively, the same policy could be utilized by the small college. One night of every week could be devoted to informal group discus-sions in which there was sufficient demand. Guest speakers could be made an added feature of the plan, and the discussions could be made a regular part of the curriculum in which students could enroll at a moderate expense. The enrollment fee could be utilized in obtaining outstanding guest speakers to which the entire body could be Invited.

With the modern stress upon current developments in every phase of the curriculum an innovation of this type would be certain to meet the approval of a large number of stu-

Van Hunt was confined t0 his bed Friday evening on account of meas-


Monday morning Lyle Brower broke out with the measles. He is

now confined to his room. Lyle says, "Perhaps I can get caught up on some of my sleep now."


A number of the students from McPherson College attended the meetings held by the Cooperative school in the chemistry lecture room last week.


Mr. Joe Jamison, Samuel Bowman, and Samuel Ebbert, all of Quin-ter, visited with Harold Reinecker and Herbert Ikenberry the past week while they were in McPherson as cooperative school students.


Curtis Naylor visited with his parents in Covert over the week-end.


George Lerew, who is now teaching school at Bloom, Kansas, visited friends on the campus Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crist, Guy Hayes, and Lola Lackey, were on the campus Saturday, to attend the Vocational Guidance meetings. They also visited friends while here.

Keith Hayes visited friends and also attended the Vocational Guidance meetings. Mr. Hayes is now teaching school at Stafford, Kansas.

Dr. Schwalm went to Topeka Sunday afternoon to meet President Behan and President Fleming to con-fer on publicity for the Kansas Coun-cil of Church Colleges.

Miss Camilla Moore spent the weekend in Lawrence, Kansas, visiting friends.

Mrs. Wagoner went to Morrill, Kansas, Friday to visit relatives.

M Club Banquet, April 12

Banquet Foresights


"Let the man that does not wish to become idle fall in love." These words were wisely spoken by some man in former ages who was enlightened and made wiser by experience. Chet Colwell and Harry Frantz have their time preoccupied by some fem-anistic clans that we doubt very much if they will be able to find time to decorate the roof garden for the banquet.

The "M” Club Banquet has been decided to be a formal affair. It will be the only banquet held this year which will be formal, Boys, get your tux early and girls don't put off too long to get your gowns sorted. Who knows but what you will be asked to accompany some nice young man to the big banquet.


The "M" club members are noticing that the girls are beginning to primp more than they usually do After all a good appearance is one way of attracting some young man to ask you for a date to the banquet.

We understand they are putting in an extra course at the "M" Club Banquet for the new members. This course will not be served by the waiters, but by the old members dished out with paddies.

To incoming members of the "M" club, we would suggest the use of a tincture of benzoine solution, (to those who do not know, it is a skin toughener.)

If you want to sit comfortably at the banquet invest in a bottle now. It is on sale by the "M” club. See Harold Binford for particulars, Here’s a bit of self-confidence which should not be unrewarded. Eddy says, he is not going to ask for his date until the eleventh. He knows

"Vi” Harris was compelled to return from the A Cappella Choir tour due to illness. She took ill in Mis-sonri and returned to the campus on Monday,


Sunday afternoon Gerald Denny, Lowell Brubaker, Lyle Brower, Donald Brumbaugh, Floyd Mason, and Glen Austin journeyed to Wichita to attend the dedication of "The Municipal Air Building."


Tony Meyer visited his parents in Tampa over the week-end.


Sunday evening Agnes Bean entertained Harry Frantz, Russell Carpen-ter, Leonard Wiggins, Homer Kim-mel, Phylis Powers, Iva Walker, and Corrine Bowers to a waffle supper.


Tony is now the sole possessor or the Model T which formerly was under the supervision of Carpie. Tony says he has christened his ford "The Spirit of the Globe."

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Eisenbise, Mr. Wilbur Ikenberry of Quinter visited Herbert Ikenberry, Thursday afternoon.


The Spectator

Erstwhile Wanderer Adopted by Co-ed

“Ruggles" dined the other evening on choice meat bought solely for him. He did hot have to tell his benefactor that he had never before

to rustle for himself—she could tell it by the wistful expression of gratitude on his besmirched nod grimy

He is ultra-clean now, for he has had several baths of late. He wears a new collar, too; in fact, it’s the first one he has ever had, so it is with pardonable pride that he saunters about his newly acquired home.

A week ago "Ruggles” was a tired and travel-worn rover. He appeared one day last week on the Bulldog campus, shaggy and unkempt but with a grim determination to find out the nature of this "Canine Haven" as he had heard the home of the McPherson Bulldogs called by his fellow rovers.

Soon after he arrived his masculine intuition prompted him to follow some disdainful co-eds into the feminine sanctuary of the "Y" room. There, as has happened repeatedly through the history of the institution, he—one of the masculine species—found his long, restless search for happiness ended in the love of a

Because he was harmless; because he looked so dejected: because she loved him at first sight, she took him home with her and introduced him to her family.

And now "Ruggles," erstwhile common mongrel, basks in the warmth of Margaret Mattox's smile.

Senior Personalities

If you take your courage into your own hands on almost any afternoon and venture into the nether regions

of Fahnestock Hall, you will find Glen Hammann busily engaged in making the sawdust fly or in helping some flighty home mechanics student to fit the screws into the household ornament she is constructing. There is a reason for all good things, and Glen's reason for being here is that he is very much interested in industrial arts; in fact, he is majoring in that field and has been an assistant in the shop for the last three year*.

A senior who has been at McPherson College only one year but one who has made her presence felt in that short time is Evelyn Glotfelty. She is the girl who won the heart of a certain well-known, supposedly woman-hating debater. She took her first college work at Mount Morris, spending two and a half years there. Later she studied ten months at the Michael Reece Hospital School of Nursing in Chicago. She has chosen biology for her major.


Harry Frantz is a senior who is known for his ability and desire to get things done. As president of his class when he was a freshman, he outlined a course of activity which has made, the class of 1935 one of the outstanding classes of McPherson College. Harry's own college career has been full of activity. He was business manager of the Specta-tor in his sophomore year, athletic manager in his junior and senior years, president of the Student Council and treasurer of the Y. M. C. A. in his senior year. He had the title role in the senior play, "The Youngest," which was given March 25. His major interest is industrial arts, in which he has been an assistant for two years.


In Other Schools

Religion and Gospel of Success Discussed

By Phillips Elliott In Recent Article

By Phillips P. Elliott

Our estimate of religion is bound up to some degree with the success of religion. One does not need to be a doctrinaire pragmatist to believe that. One need be only a garden-variety minister, doing what he can by preaching and praying and calling. To such a man success will not be the sole criterion of religion's value, but it will be one. He believes that his labor is not in vain to the Lord. If he keeps hewing away at the job, eventually there will be some meas-

urable success to reward his efforts. If enough men keep hewing away, the success will be greater, and perhaps society itself may be changed.

He may think of this success as consisting of numbers added to his church of decisions made on special occasions, or increased programmes and activity in the church. Or, less selfishly, he may conceive of a success as meaning lives made richer, character stronger, and hearts more outpouring. These things give the man of religion a warm glow. He is

in a successful undertaking, he is

proud of his calling, and he girds up his loins to achieve future victories in the name of religion.

But all the while he is being beguiled and betrayed. He is all uncon-sciously shifting the ground of his

work, and indeed of his whole life. For the job of success is succeeded by the despair of failure. Members are not added, no cards are signed, the city does not get cleaner, peace does not come upon the earth, the characters of men remain hard and the hearts selfish. Then his faith begins to slip, imperceptibly but actu-ally. What is the matter with this thing that it does not work? Why should one be a bond servant of a movement that shows only a continuous succession or failures? If reli-gion does not bring in the Kingdom of God, clearly defined as it is in his mind in terms of social justice

and well-being, then better to des-

Insert it and find something that gives

at least a glimmer of hope of ultimate

success. many have so reasoned, and many have gone.

(Continued next week}


Frances Crosby Hamlet A tall, gaunt figure Walks down the street in Washington.

Willie and Ted.

The president's sons.

Cling to his coat In a wild uproar; Tug and pull At his pockets there,

Each determined To have his way.

With never an ear.

For their father's words

(Though throngs give heed)

To what presidents say.

Why, Mr. Lincoln."

A neighbor speaks.

"What under the sun.

Can the matter?"

The president smiles

As he stops for breath. "Just what is wrong With the world!" says he.

"I've got three walnuts Here in my coat"—

His great palm offers them

"Three walnuts, neighbor,

And well—you see Each pesky youngster Is wanting two!”

New Book Is On Library shelf One book has been added on the shelf this week. It is; Collection of Anecdotes—“Cheer Up," by B. G.

Dr. Chan, Chinese surgeon and Christian preacher of Canton, China, spoke to the student body on Monday,

March 11. Dr. Chart has spent a number of years in America ob-taining an education.—The B. C. Bee

Twenty-two solo events are listed on the entrance blank for the twen-ty-third All-Kansas Music Competition Festival, which will be held here, April 22 to 26.—The Bulletin, K. S. T. C. Emporia.

"How long is a piece of string?"' and "How far can a dog run into a woods?” These questions were asked of Iowa U. and supposed to be un-answerable. But one student answer-ed, "A piece of string is twice as long as the distance between the center

and either end,” and "A dog can run

into the woods only half way, after that he is running out."—-South Side College Press.

The Fort Hays Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. were represented at the convention which was held at McPherson College, on March 15, 16, and 17. There were 200 students from various colleges in Kansas that attended—State College Lender, Fort Hays, Kansas.

The National Council of Methodist Youth and the Inter-Seminary Move-

ment (Middle Atlantic Division) has issued a call for a nation-wide strike against war and fascism at 11:00 a. m., April 12.—The Sunflower, Wichita University.


An Incident in Browning Home, S.C.

"Hark, some one is crying so She must be hurt I know.

Now come and tell me Thelma Fay What can be wrong with Willie May?"

Said Thelma, "These big rags you

Miss Wellman found and gave to me And told me that we little girls Should go and dust the chapel chairs. I said, 'Chile, come here an' dus’ And she began to cry an cuss.”

—Margaret Heckethorn.

It is quite coincidental that one of Manchester College's leading orators is named Paul Boose. Note that Man-chester College is also "M. C,"




Seven Colleges to Participate

in Track, Field, and Tennis Meet Here April 25

A big track and field meet, to be known as the “McPherson relays" will be sponsored here by McPherson College on April 26, with the smaller colleges and universities of the state invited to participate in the event.

Arrangements are being planned whereby the "McPherson Relays” will become an annual affair. Should the experiment this spring turn out successful more schools will be in-

years colleges from other states may be asked to take part.

Seven colleges other than McPherson College have been sent invitations for the relays this year. The response so far is favorable with only one or two colleges not yet having accepted the invitation. The schools invited to take include Bethany, Friends, Sterling, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel, and College of Emporia.

The meet will also include a tennis tournament, and the colleges are asked to bring their tennis teams. The four college courts are being worked into excellent condition and by the time of the meet they will be in first class shape.

An all day program is bring worked out and facilities are being made ready for the event, the largest of its kind ever to be held in this city.

Coach Melvin J, Binford is behind the movement. He is taking an active part in the work and plans to obtain funds to give awards to winners in individual events and trophies to schools winning the largest number of points.

The college field immediately north of the campus will be used for the most. None of the minor details of the meet has yet been worked out, but in a short time more definite information concerning the meet will be available.


The inter-class track and field meet was held last Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Competition

was not completed in javelin, broad jump, discus and the relay, because of the injury which might have been done to the athletes during the cold weather the two days the meet was held.

The sophomores are leading with 391/2 points; juniors second with 37 points; seniors, third with 231/2 and

the fresh men last with 201/2 points.

Events and winners;

100 yd. dash—1. Miles 2. Haun 3. Toland 4. Carpenter.

70 yd. High Hurdles—1. Haun 2. Stratman 3. Wiggins 4. Carpenter.

880 yd. run—W. Graber 2. Heck-man 3. Reinecker 4. Stutzman

3 mile run—1. Reinecker 2. Heck-man 3. Bollinger 4. Miller

Shot Put—1. Meyer 2. Pauls 3. Haun 4. Eddy.

Pole Vault—1. Custer and Wiggins tie 2. Stratman 3. R. Graber.

High Jump—1. Custer 2. Wiggins 3. Stratman 4. Carpenter, Sperline, R. Graber.

120 Low Hurdles—1. Carpenter 2. Stratman 3. Toland 4. Weaver.

440 yd. dash—1. Heckman 2. W. Graber 3. R. Booz 4. Stutzman.

220 yd. dash—1. Miles 2. Carpenter 3. Sink 4. Toland.

Mile run—1. Reinecker 2. Heckman 3. Miller.


Wiggins Into Finals; Stoner and Binford in Upper Bracket

At present, the first two rounds of the college tennis tournament have been completed. Eight men have battled their way into the quarter finals. These are: Binford, Carpenter, Chisholm and Stoner in the upper bracket. Those in the lower bracket are: Barngrover, Weddle,

Eddy and Wiggins. The tournament will be finished by the first of next week, Binford and Wiggins are the popular favorites to so into the finals.

The first round matches and re-sults follow with the winner's name appearing first: Binford vs. Bye; Messamer vs. Brubaker, 6-1    6-2;

Duncanson vs. Bye; Carpenter vs. Bye; Stratman vs. Flory, forfeit Chisholm vs. Johnston, forfeit; Lackie vs. Bye; Stoner vs. D. Heckman, 6-1 6-1; Barngrover vs. P. Miller. 6-3 8-6; R. Booz vs. Brower, 8-6 6-1; Weddie vs. Sweetland, for-feit: P. Booz vs. Suttle, 6-2    6-4;

Naylor vs. Shank, 6-2 6-0; Eddy vs.

Ogden, 6-4 7-5 and Wiggins vs. Bye.

The second round results were; Binford vs. Messamer, 6-1 6-2; Carpenter vs. Duncanson, 6-2 6-1; Chisholm vs. Stratman, 6-4 3-6 6-2; Stoner vs. Nackie, 6-2 8-6 Barngrover

Booz 4-6 6-3 6-3; Eddy vs. Naylor, 6-4 3-6 6-3 and Wiggins vs. Lindgren, 6-0 6-0.

The losers of the first and second round matches will be paired off into a consolation bracket. These pairings will be made the latter part of the week.


that dual track meets have been scheduled with College of Emporia and Bethel.

The Bulldogs will go to Emporia to contest the C. of E. team next Thursday, April 11. The following Tuesday, April 16, the team will go to Newton where they will meet the Bethel Graymarooners. Both C. of E. and Bethel have strong teams and will offer plenty of competition for Binford's men.

Tennis meets will be held in connection with both track meets. The varsity tennis team has not been announced.

Hanson, number 1 man for C, of

ment last year. Binford will be out to avenge for this defeat next Thurs-

men in the Kansas Conference. This match should be very closely played and should attract much attention.

M Club Banquet, April 12


Johnny Edwards, former Pitt ath-lete, was placed on the second All-American team at the National Basketball tournament in Denver, recently.—The College, K. S, T. C., Pittsburg.

Twenty-one students from Friends University attended the annual Christian Association conference at McPherson College, March 15, 16, and 17. The theme of the conference was, "Pathways of Life.” —University Life, Friends university.

Seventeen football men received letters recently. The awards were

Schaake, who introduced last year's captain, Glenn Hartley, and Captain-elect Elmen "Newt” Nelson, Bernard Spung, a senior, of Hutto, Texas, received an award sweater.—The Bethany Messenger.

By College News Service

Classified in a Montana univerity daily;

“A. Heller, veteran end, has a date

for Girls’ Choice Dance. No others need apply." . . . Ho, hum!

A student at Cornell University is reported to be plugging for a "share the grades program." No student, he feels, should be allowed to retain a grade of over 70 and should be taxed down to a mean level. The realized grades would be distributed evenly to all students with marks under 70.

Which is something like a famous old "negative graduation" plan suggested by a former Los Angeles Junior Collegian Editor, who carefully explained how one could graduate as a freshman by assimilating the proper number of negative grade points. And go back to high school, per-

Los Angeles, April 4.—Tho floating university fad which this year has swept several score college students off around the world struck with full force at the University of California at Los Angeles, this week.

Plans were announced for the June 29 departure of the E. L- Do-heny yacht, Casiana, now the floating campus of the Inter-Oceanic University, with a crew of U. C. L. A. students and Dr. Frederic Woell-ner, U. C. L. A., professor of education, as chancellor.

The Inter-Oceanic University plans: to visit many out-of-the-way corners of the earth and will give a full year's credit for the trip which includes stopovers at foreign universities.

Cambridge, Mass., April 4.—Lives of diabetic patients has been doubled

gurated at the University of Maryland, university co-eds will endeavor to teach CCC youths how to dance

In addition to dramatics and dancing, classes have been arranged for about 350 CCC workers in most of the college courses, it is reported. Classes will be conducted at night for the relief corps.

Los Angeles, April 4.—Perfection of a new mirror and reflector, by what is known as the panchro process, was announced this week by Dr. Hiram W. Edwards, associate professor of physics at the University of California at Los Angeles.

“The panchro mirror has a re-flection co-efficient of 94 per cent," he said, "as compared with the 75

ver backed mirrors. At present the mirrors are used in motion picture studios and theater, by surgeons, in cameras and in auto headlights."

M Club Banquet, April 12

in recent years by the use of insulin, Dr. Howard F. Root of the Deaconess hospital, recently told students of the Harvard Medical school.

Baltimore, Md., April 4.—Maryland civilian conservation corps workers are scheduled to "come out of the woods" this week.

Dramatics and dancing have been merged with the wood-chopping duties of the youth organizaiton, ac-

Under an educational plan inau-

M Club Banquet, April 12