McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas; Thursday, mar. 21, 1935
Dr. A. Bruce Curry Is Chief;
Speaker at Intercollegiate Youth Conference
Final check of the registration rec-ord reveals that there were more than 200 students in attendance at the Intercollegiate Conference last week-end. Of these the greater number were from McPherson College, which school was represented by 62 students. Other schools sent dele-gates as follows: Bethel, 20: Hayes, 20: Southwestern. 17: Manhattan,
14; Wichita University. 12: University of Kansas, 10; Hutchinson Ju-nior College, 9; Friends University, 8; C. of E., 8; Kansas Wesleyan, 5; Emporia Teachers, 3: Baker; Wash-burn, 3; and Sterling 3. There were also visitors from Bethany and Central College.
The Conference opened Friday night and continued through until Sunday noon despite an unexpected dust storm which cast a pull over ev-erything Saturday. Dr. A. Bruce Cur-ry, leader of the Conference from the Union Theological Seminary of New York, spoke Friday night on the subject, "What Gives Life Meaning,'' Saturday morning with a study of the teachings of Jesus, and again Saturday afternoon on the subject. "Religious Insight and Social Ac-tion." These three addresses were all connected and each was part of a study in religion and life.
In his address on the meaning of life, Dr. Curry emphasized the im-, portance, both as an asset and as a liability, of the five paramount factors: home, school, church, state, and] business, and concluded that life is an experimental result which springs from these five factors. There are two philosophies of life, one of which must necessarily be taken by each individual: the first is the type of socially irresponsible, exploiting life to which so many people hold. The second is a socailly responsible life, the kind which is led by all those who hold to and practice religion. In this last group there is still, however, a further division. Seventy-five per cent, of the people who follow the responsible life hold to what is known as "low” religion, the common, ordinary garden variety. This in the intellectually backward, superstitious religion which asks its followers to believe incredible, impossible tenets and traditions, and which, on the other hand, allow them to take advantage of their fellowmen, slight those of other races, and commit -- Other decidedly unchristian
The rest of the socially responsible people believe in a fundamentally different "high" religion, a reasonable, thinking religion which
(Continued on Page Four)
Professor M. A. Hess Judged the division of oratory in the music and forensic contest at Southwestern College last Friday and Saturday.
High schools from the surrounding territory competed in the meet. Eldorado high school took first place in the oratorical contest.
Flaming and Wine Chosen to Head Organizations for Next Year
The Y organizations in their meetings Tuesday elected their officers for next year.
Results of the Y. M. C. A. elections are as follows: president, Willard Flaming; vice president, Harold Mohler secretary, David Heckman; treasurer. David Metzger.
The Y. W. C. A. chose Leta Wine, president; Agnes Bean, vice presi-dent: Pauline Stutzman, secretary: Velma Watkins, treasurer: Margaret Poister, chairman of music commit-
The newly-elected presidents of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. have both been active in the work of the respective organizations. Both are capable leaders for the capacity which they are to fill.
The remainder of the cabinet positions will be filled by the elected officers. In the Y. W. C. A. chairmen will be chosen for the following committees: program, social, social service, publicity, world fellowship, and conference. Y. M. C. A. positions to be filled are chairmen of social, program, devotional, music, recreation, and publicity committees.
The new officers will be installed in a joint session of the Y organizations next Tuesday. They will take over their duties immediately.
The second annual concert of the McPherson College orchestra, pre-sented Tuesday evening in the chapel, was a colorful and well played program. According to Miss Brown, head of the music department, the concert was one of the best ever presented by a McPherson College orchestra.
Under the capable direction of Miss Lois Wilcox, the orchestra responded with commendable skill in both technique and interpretation. A full instrumentation made possible some fine degrees of symphonic shading.
Franklin Hiebert handled capably the position of concert master for the orchestra and Lois Gnagy, as narrator, added much to the appeal of the number, "In a Persian Market.”
Thirteen year old Ann Janet Allison’ played in brilliant style Mendelssohn’s concerto, accompanied by the orchestra. Little Miss Allison's rendition of the concerto was remarkable for so young, a pianist. The orchestra accompaniment for this number was smooth and well timed.
A local reporter for the Republican writes of the Tuesday night's concert, "It was classed by many as one of the best musical offerings heard in McPherson in recent years. It was well in keeping with concerts presented by professional organizations."
Those who attended the program regretted keenly that a larger number of music lovers were not in attendance.
H. R.
McPherson college will sponsor its fifth
Staff Believes Local Support Will Make Possible The Attaining or This High Mark
For the past two weeks the Quad-rangle staff has been working on a plan to increase the circulation of the year-book. It is the desire of the staff to get a Quadrangle in the homes of friends, alumni, parents, as well as in the schools and churches of the College territory. By doing this, interest will be stimulated for the College and a reduction will be made possible in the selling price of the book. The staff has sent some 900 letters to prospective buyers, however, in order to reach the goal, the plan must have the co-operation of the students
A mimeographed letter and a self-addressed order card have been made. Students need only to call at the Quadrangle office to get the letters and cards as they desire to send them to prospective buyers. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, girl or boy friends, and College alumni should be included on each mailing list. These people will be interested in the book because they are acquainted with some of the stu-
The faculty section alone will be interesting enough to be worth the price of the book. The cost of the annual is not a donation to the College. Every purchaser will get more than his money's worth. For two dollars, one can have a book that costs $1400 to publish. It will carry a double story of college life, one in picture and the other in writing.
The quality of the book is not being sacrificed even though the book is selling at a low cost. High quality of covers and paper are being
What the Sales Mean to Students By spending fifteen minutes of his time, a student can earn a dollar for every five quadrangles which he sells, and in addition to this, every students will be able to purchase a Quadrangle for approximately two dollars, providing the goal is reached. Then if the goal is reached, which will allow the staff to withdraw its charges to classes and organizations, an additional saving will be made in that class dues will be decreased considerably.
This can be shown by an example: Suppose a student has purchased a book for $3.50 and is a member of the A Capella choir and that this same person sells five books. First, $1.50 will be returned because of the new selling price of the book. Second, thirty cents will be saved because of the charges to the choir for space will be cancelled. Third, a dol-lar commission will be given for selling five books. If a student can sell ten books, two dollars commission will be given. This would mean a total saving of two dollars and eighty cents for the students. This plan should warrant the full support of every student in school.
Sales Points to Stress The following points are given as suggestions for sales talk in writing to prospective buyers: The lowest price in Quadrangle history is being offered, the quality of the book is not being sacrificed, everyone will get his money's worth, for the 1935 Quadrangle is different in that it is entirely informal. By placing a book in schools and in churches, thus mak-ing it available to high school students, it will help to increase enrolment of McPherson College. Sup-port of friends in this campaign will save money for the students and will give the purchaser an interesting
Floyd Mason ..............— March 24
Clayton Rock . -------- March 24
Martha Hursh ...--March 25
Harry Frantz ..........—: March 28
Lois Gnagy ....--------March 28
Thursday, March 21—Chem. Club, 4:30 p. m.
Friday, March 22—McPherson College Booster Banquet, Community Building, 7 p. m.
Sunday, March 24—C. E. meeting, College Church, 6:30 p. m.
Monday, March 25—Senior Class Play, "The Youngest,” College Chapel, 8 p. m.
Tuesday, March 20 Joint installation of Y Cabinets, College Chapel,
Monday evening, March 25, the senior class will present in the College chapel, Phillip Barrie's popular comedy, "The Youngest." The action of the play centers around the af-fairs of a wealthy family in a small New York town.
Harry Frantz has the leading role as Richard Winslow, an aspiring young author who is much oppressed and discouraged by the other members of the family who want him to become a business man.
Neva Root, as Nancy Blake, is a young society girl who attempts to bring about justice in the Winslow family on behalf of Richard.
The part of Oliver Winslow, the domineering older brother, who controls the affairs of the family, is played by David Duncanson. Galen Ogden, as Mark Winslow, is the brother who has a rather inflated opinion of his own importance and ability.
Faithe Ketterman plays the part of Muff, the sister who has an unus-ual sense of what is funny.
John Kauffman is cast in the role of Allan Martin, lawyer and friend of the family, who has married Augusta Winslow, played by Iva Walk-er, the sister who always assumes a caustic and bored attitude toward everything.
The part of Mrs. Winslow, the weak and complaining mother, is played by Elizabeth Wagner.
Mary Miller appears as the Irish maid.
The play is a well written comedy that has many clever and laugh-provoking lines and also presents un interesting study of a family.
Donald Evans is coaching the play with the assistance of Miss Lehman.
The "Y" organizations sent groups to Sterling and Kansas Wesleyan on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The program given at Sterling consisted of two numbers by the Gordon-Keedy-Pauls trio, a reading by Wanda Hoover, and a talk by Elmer Staats, “How Radical Can College Students Be?” was his subject, Paul Booz acted as spokesman and announced the Intercollegiate Conference.
The male octette went to Kansas Wesleyan instead of the ladies trio. They sang two numbers in all other respects the program was the name as that given at Sterling.
On the return trip from Salina, both of the cars encountered misfor-tune. One of them run out of gas some distance from McPherson and four of its occupants hiked on to the city, presumably after gas. They decided, however, that there was no need to return to the car with its waiting occupants, since the second car would be shortly to come to their aid.
As it happened, just outside of Salina, the second car had a "flat" and while those in the car ahead looked anxiously down the trail toward Sa-lina, some of the boys in the rear car bailed an oil truck and took the deflated, devulcanized tire back to the city to have it repaired.
After much delay the second car came to the rescue of the first and pushed it on into McPherson.
Last Year's Banquet Increased Funds of Local College by $10,000
Next Friday evening, McPherson College will sponsor its fifth annual Booster Banquet in an attempt to raise $2500 for the College. Honor-able Arthur M. Hyde, ex-governor of Missouri and Secretary of Agriculture in Hoover's Cabinet, has been secured as the principal speaker.
Last year the community responded to the call of the College by contributing $10,00 at a time when there was an urgent need for funds. The business houses and citizens of the town have responded willingly and generously again this year. From all indications, the banquet will be another successful event.
A very interesting program has been arranged for the banquet. Mr. Milton Hawkinson, a prominent business man of McPherson, will bo muster of ceremonies.
The principal speaker of the eve-ning, Hon. Arthur M. Hyde, is well known as a speaker and an orator, as well as a national political figure. He has kept himself in close contact with national affairs, especially in the field of agriculture. As Secretary of Agriculture in a presidential cabinet, he received first-hand information along the lines of agricultural development. It was during Mr. Hyde's administration in his official capacity that an intensive plan of rural education was developed by which free information was disseminated among the farmers, thus encouraging them to go about their farming in a scientific way.
Mr. Hyde, since his retirement from public affairs, has devoted his time to private business and to the operation of his farms.
In addition to the main speaker of the evening, Dr. Ernest Pihlblad, President of Bethany College, will bring greetings from the Kansas Council of Church Colleges. Miss Louie Lesslie, Secretary of the State Board of Education, will bring a word from the State Board of Edu-
Also included on the program will be a string ensemble, the College octette, and vocal and cornet solos.
The program will be presented as if it were sent out from a radio station. Station towers will be erected on either side of the platform. The toastmaster will make his announcements through a microphone.
The College colors will be carried throughout the entire decorations.
The Booster Banquet is one of the outstanding events of the year for the College. Each student should feel it his duty to attend this banquet and support the institution whose very existence makes it possible for him to obtain a higher education.
At the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, the students of Miss Lois Wilcox, head of the McPherson College violin department, presented the following program:
"Song of India”...Limsky Korsakof
Jackie Olerich and Bernard Smith
"Vve Maria" Gounod
Romona Fries
"Serenade" .............. Shubert
Corrine Bowers
"Old Refrain" . ... .. ........Krisler
Sonata in A Major ..............Handel
Andante, Allega Ruth Crary
Sectette from Lucia .........Donizetti
Helen Burton
Allegro ......................... Mendelssohn
Concerto ........................-....................
Mariya Whitney
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council
home or
Entered as second class matter Novemeber 20, 1917, at the postoffice
at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
The Spectator
Paul Booz Paul Miller
Robert Booz Muriel Manning
Esther Bowers Dorothy Matson
Chester Colwell Maxine Ring
Donald Evans Harold Reneicker
Ruth Hawbaker Neva Boot
Richard Hendren Edna Reiste
Wanda Hoover Glenn Webb
Phyllis McKinnie Kenneth Weaver
Martha Hursh, President, Acts
As Toastmaster at Annua!
"Highways” was the theme of the annual W. A. A. banquet which was
held last Thursday evening in the church parlors. About sixty members and guests were present.
The six tables were arranged in parallel rows running diagonally across the room. Down the center of each table ran a highway made of crepe paper. At intervals along its sides were candles representing street lights. Upon the highway were toy automobiles and trucks, one of which was taken home by each couple, as a series of signs along the road directed. On the mantle of the room was another highway, beside, which was a filling station. Programs were in the shape of cars. The menu consisted of such automobile accessories as spark plugs, tire patches, tail lights, and gas.
Each number on the program boro the title of some sign which is seen along the highway, "Narrow Bridge” was a vocal solo by Oliver Andrews., "Men Working” was a clever toast by Paul Miller, giving a fellow’s angle on the W. A. A. "Bridge Out" was a reading by Maxine Ring. For "Detour” Jessie Miller told of the trials the new girls had to undergo before they became full-fledged members of the W. A. A. A chalk picture "ECONOMIC SECURITY AND by Chester Colwell was entitled "Scenic View." Velum Keller told of her past experiences in W. A. A. as an "Historic landmark."
Martha Hursh, president of the organization, was "Traffic Cop," of toastmaster.
Students of the College who served as waiters and waitresses were Neva Root, Margaret Messamer, Gladys Riddell, Merle Meesamer, Lowell Haldeman, and Kenneth Wen-
Our first guess is that Dr. Curry must at one time have been an orchestra leader—witness his familiarity with “June In January”—“Is That the Human Thing to Do?”— "Stars Fell on Alabama"—"And You Were So Wonderful, So Lovely, So Divine.”
We promised you last week to bring all the details of the W. A. A. banquet and all its “Leap Year" dates. Well, we are going to keep our promise, in face of the fact that we have received dire threats of harm if we dare breathe a word. To be quite frank, nothing of a great deal of interest happened at the banquet proper except that Amos Miller almost died of fear that a cup of coffee would be spilled down his neck. However we were quite gratified at the number of unusual dates. For instance we notice that the Quad's business manager was stepping out with a new lady friend; Vic Moorman and Dave Metzger both broke over the traces and had dates; a couple of chem assistants were together for the first time: and a couple of debaters made another new couple. So far, far into the nite!
The Conference this week end brought some right fair looking women onto the campus. For instance we saw Lackie trailing a cute little blonde from K. U. most of the time; Vic Moorman enjoyed the company of what we suspect of being “The girl friend from back home;" and a girl from Wichita seems to have been attracted to Don Evans. For-tunately these girls were here far only two or three days, so no permanent harm has likely been done.
You should see Virginia Propp blush when she is asked about sit-ting on gentlemen's hats at the the-
Announcement was made last evening that the date for the senior class play, "The Youngest," by Phillip Barry had been changed to March 25 instead of the following evening.
The change had to be made be-cause of conflicting engagements.
The play will be given in the College
Subscription Rates For
One School Year
Editor-in-chief ........... Margaret Oliver
Assistant Editor ................. Elmer Staats
News Editor ......... Vernon D. Michael BUSINESS STAFF
An opportunity to express your loyalty to McPherson College in a more practical way than that of yells and attending football and basketball
games is provided in the opportunity to purchase tickets to the banquet Friday evening. A considerable number of the students attended last year and it is the hope of college authorities that the number this year will exceed that of last
Yet if one may judge student sentiment correctly by the remarks which he has been able to hear during the past few days this hope cannot be fulfilled. Student waiters and others who have a part in the program are protesting that they should be given free tickets. They believe that they are not being given just compensation for their services. Such an attitude should be abandoned if for no other reason than that fifty cents is adequate for forty-five minutes work.
A second type of criticism heard on the campus is even less commendable than the first. One hears the remark, "Why should I, a student paying tuition, pay for a ticket?" or "I don't owe the college anything which obligates me to buy a ticket.”
The true Bulldog Booster will waive all sentiments of this type and purchase a ticket. Your presence will indicate to the business men of the city, who are boosting the school, that you are interested in the future welfare of the school which is after all, the purpose of the business man in supporting the college.
Remote as the situation in Eu-rope today—and for that matter throughout the world—seems to affect the college student, there are implications connected with the problem which are more closely associated with the life of the student than they seem at first glance.
The situation in Europe is a warning to the student to clarify his thinking in at least two fields of thought, in the first place the warning comes to students to discipline their minds that the mob psychology of thinking prevalent in this country will not be the extent of their own thought. By permitting one's self to do so, he may easily find himself in the same situation in which the youth of Germany and many foreign lands are today.
In the second place the situation should be a warning to the student that despite our advances in natural science in the past few decades, social science—and especially that phase of social science which deals with the relations of different notions—is woefully lacking.
This week comes the encouraging news that Yale University is establishing its first department in International Relations, an indication of the increasing demand on the part of students for knowledge in this field.
In the end only a demand of this type can prevent our nation from falling into the same disaster as the youth of Germany and the youth of other nations.
The entire of American college life is an experiment in cooperation. Its comparative position as a strictly business enterprise is not nearly so greet as most of our modern institutions. Even greater is the dependence of student organizations upon the cooperative response from its members.
With the close of the intercollegiate conference last weekend the fact is more evident than before. In
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR,
McPherson, Kansas
the first place, the delegates coming from long distances is an indication that the student Christian organizations have an appeal quite as strong in the Middle West as any other stu-dent organization. From the viewpoint of the local students and families in McPherson who took part in the conference, something must be said. Many students, not members of the local organizations, took an active part in making the conference a success.
Such action is to be commended both from the viewpoint of those who cooperated in the housing of the delegates and from that of the students who made it possible.
The Student Opinion column of last week's College press was a commendable feature. I have but four criticisms to make of the lone article printed therein. Statements were extravagantly made. No evidences were sighted to suppprt them. No constructive suggestions were offered. And the spokesman withheld (his, her, its?) name. This article is addressed to that Unknown Author and the assailants whose cause (he, she, it) was championing.
I believe in Dictatorship. The dictatorship of self in consideration of the good of all. In living above imposed low there is a greater exhilaration than in defying law. If I were a dictator, I would proclaim a Bars-Down decree immediately. I would accompany it with a Self-Control campaign. And I would be unafraid to substitute "Thou Mayst” for "Thou Shalt."
But none of us is on accepted Dictator. No college student should be content to be merely a Spectator. Let us, then, be judicious agitators.
Now that we have consented to give Student Government a chance, would it not be fair to consider it in the light of the fact that it is in the trial stage: that it is not considered a perfected or static machine. That each member has equal right to help build it efficiently. That when deficiencies are discovered, rather than raising complaints against the project, we shall be adult and offer suggestions and petitions for its betterment. I urge an open-air discussion of the causes for discontent; and on intelligent, unselfish effort to contribute to the efficiency of Student Government.
And above all institutional government, let us work toward the goal of control from within; when to refrain from our personal wishes finds delight in the happiness of those of whom we have been considerate. The most effective way to gain a mile of rope is to use wisely the first yards allowed.
Leta Wine.
A number of musical readings were given by members of the principles of speech class in chapel. Wednesday morning.
The stage was appropriately set and lighted for the program.
The numbers were as follows:
"A Heap of Livin'”, Lucille Ul-lery; "The First Banjo," Glenn Turner; "Liftle 'Brack' Sheep," Faithe Ketterman: ‘'Legend of a Twilight Bell," Donald Evans; "Leetle Ba-tese," Estelle Baile; and “When Honey Sings an Old Time Song.”
Roma McKinnie and Charlotte Wolfre have been confined to their rooms because of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ketterman and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cavender visited Faithe Ketterman at Arnold Hall Sunday.
Emma Schmidt has been home this week because of illness.
Twyla Reed, Jean Allen, Estelle Baile, Dorothy Fry, and Phyllis Powers were in Hutchinson Saturday.
Galen Glessner has been absent, from his classes this week because of illness.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm went to Grant-ville, Kansas, last Saturday, where he spoke at the Jefferson County Teachers' Institute.
Dean R. E. Mohler was at Minneapolis, Kansas, last Saturday to speak before the Ottawa County Teachers’ meeting there.
A popcorn feed was given Friday night tor the visiting girls in the dormitory. The third floor girls were hostesses. A total of 32 girls crowded in one small room. Each girl had to give her name and the college that she attended. Customs and ideas of the various colleges represented were exchanged. There were eight schools represented, namely. Hays. C. of E., Emporia Teachers, Bethel, Manhattan, Hutchinson, and McPherson.
Coyle Writes About Economic Security
“Under the orthodox system of 'sound' finance, money saved up for a rainy day is used to promote rain. Here is a proposal for the 'sterilization' of unemployment insurance funds and corporate surpluses in order to stabilize business.”
As the president says, the subject of study for this semester will be Economic Security. The United States is trying to find out how to lay up resources in good times that will serve to feed us all comfortably in hard times. The idea is simple, but in practice it is not so easy. Any kind of unemployment or depression insurance that is consistent with the principles of 'sound' finance is necessarily self-defeating. Laying up funds to relieve unemployment may satisfy our altruistic impulses; but if we manage the funds so as to poison business and create unemploye-ment, that is a mere waste of faith, hope, and charity, commodities of which there is not great overproduction. Being good is not enough; apparently we shall also have to be intelligent.
New Books In Library
Recently the following new books have been placed upon the library shelves:
“Our Economic Revolution"—A.
B. Adams.
"Past and Present"—Robert C. Stanley.
"Lightning"—W. Smith.
“Life of St. Paul”—Foakes and
The committee in charge of compiling the data for the Alumni Directory reports that the work is progressing rapidly. The committee expects to have the directory ready this spring to send out to all McPherson College graduates.
Several of the contestants in the grade school music contest held last Friday in the Community Building were under the instruction of McPherson College music teachers.
The members of the College Fine Arts Department who participated are Floyd Kregbiel, violin student of Miss Wilcox, John Westling, and Phyllis Mishler, piano students of Miss Lingenfelter, and Ann Krehbiel and Marjorie Strom, piano students of Miss Brown.
The contest included both class A and class B schools. The class A group included all schools having two or more teachers, and class B included those schools having just one teacher. In order to win a place in the contest those taking part had to rate as good, excellent, or su-
The class B piano division was one of the highlights of the program. There were fourteen contestants in this division.
The ratings of the College Fine
Arts students were as follows; Floyd Krehbiel, good: John Westling.
good: Ann Krehbiel, excellent:
Phyllis Mishler, superior; Marjorie Strom, superior.
"Little Sister Show"—Mrs. F. Macaulay.
Off I have walked the woodland paths
In sadness, not foreknowing That underneath the withered leaves The fairest flowers were growing.
Today the south-wind sweeps away Those wrecks of autumn splendor And lo! The starry hosts of Spring Unfolding sweet and tender!
O prophet-flowers with lots of bloom
Whose speech of solent beauty Fills all the woodland aisles with
Ye teach me faith and duty?
Walk life's dark ways, ye seem to
In love and hope foreknowing.
That, where man sees but withered leaves.
God sees the frail flowers growing.
—Author unknown.
The Spectator
The Central Kansas Vocational Guidance Association will meet here March 30. All teachers, counselors, or sponsors interested, in guidance are urged to attend.
An interesting program has been planned. The theme of the conference will be "Guidance at Work.” Following is a program for the conference:
8:30 A. M.— Registration, Sharp Hall.
9:00 A. M.—Discussion Groups.
(1) Giving the individual vocational and educational information.
(2) Acquiring information about the individual.
(3) Having done the foregoing, what next?
The above points form the background for four group discussions as follows:
Sharp Hall, Room 6 (1) Junior High School leaders, Chairman: Mr. Meader, Central Intermediate School, Wichita.
Sharp Hall, Room 9 (2) Three Year High School leaders, Chairman: Mr. Simpson, Hutchinson High School.
Sharp Hall, Room 5 (3) Four Year High School leaders, Chairman: Mr. Franz. Hillsboro Schools.
Sharp Hall. Room 4 (4) College leaders. Chairman: Mr. Sipple, University of Wichita.
10:30 A. M.—General Session in College Auditorium.
Panel Discussion, Chairman. William Shultis, ’’How to Interview."
Panel: Alden Salser, C. O. Evans. Ezra McCulloh, Edith McGaffey, George Bryan, Peter E. Schellenburg, 12:00 N.—Luncheon.
Greetings from Pres. V. F. Schwalm.
Report on the National Convention. C. O. Evans, Secretary-Treas-
Business Session.
1:30 P. M.—Group Discussions (continued from morning).
2:30 P. M.—Address: "Guidance at Work”—Truman Reed. Principal Wichita H. S. East.
The junior class in Its meeting last Thursday, formulated tentative plans for the Junior-Senior banquet to be held May 3. The following committees were appointed: program, Modena Kauffman, chairman, Leone Shirk, Donald Evans; decoration. Dorothy Matson, chairman, Harold Johnston, Galen Glessner; arrangements, Ralph Sherfy, chairman, Viola Rothrock, Blanch Harris; invitations, Lillian Peterson, chairman, Merle Messamer, Leta Wine.
The class sneak and class dues were also discussed.
It is the bight of a blue-eyed boy Who whistles and sings with all his might
Throughout a full day of play and Joy
That sets my heart with faith alight.
The boy in happy, joyful and glad To be a part of this big earth.
He can think only of joy to be had When he awakes in the morn to mirth.
Oh! that older children might learn From innocence and joy so rife.
Our work into joy to turn And let God rule our life.
— Mildred Seliberg.
Watch well the building of thy life. However small it may seem.
The time will come when it shall be A noble walk or an ignoble dream.
Little children, build a noble life Founded on hope and faith and love. One that brings success on earth And happiness to you above.
—Mildred Sellberg.
If I were a child again.
I think that I could see A fairy In a flower And an elf beside a tree And know that God was theft.
Six students will compete in the local peace oratorical contest at the College Church Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. The winner of this contest will represent McPherson College in the state contest which will be held at Newton, April 10.
Prizes for the local contest will be S7.50, $5.00, and $2.50 for the first, second, and third places, respectively. At the state contest, a total of $100 in prize money will be given.
The students competing in the Sunday evening contest will appear in the following order with their orations: Clarence Sink. "The New Statescraftsman," Neva Root. “The Contribution of the Cross," Alvin Lindgren, "A Step in the Right Direction," Paul Heckman. "Man's Basic Desires," Paul Booz, "Speeding the Transition," and Paul Miller, "The Great Combat."
The judges for this contest will be five of the faculty members. Dr. J.
D. Bright. Dean F. A. Replogle, Miss Della Lehman, Dr. R. C. Petry, and Professor J. A. Blair.
Last year Elmer Staats won the local pence contest and represented the College at the state contest at Southwestern College.
"Children’s Poetry" was the central theme of the Poetry club meeting Friday, March 15, in the "Y"
Mildred Sellberg read a child’s poem which she had written. Ther-essa Strom read an original poem and Miss Heckethorn read several children’s poems. Several interesting poems were read by members of the club. A short discussion was held concerning the types and significance of children’s poems.
Sunday evening the Reverend Ray
E. Zook was formally installed as
pastor of the College church. Dr. J. J. Yoder presided at the service After speaking in regard to the things which the church desires in its pastor, Dr. V. F. Schwalm read the formal charge. The Reverend Zook responded, stating that he comes as a man with many weaknesses but with a vital interest in humanity. Mr. Harold Beam sang a sacred selection.
Following the formal service, a reception was given for the Zooks in the church parlors. Dr. J. D. Bright acted as master of ceremonies. He called upon Dr. Yoder, who gave a short talk. In behalf of the Minister’s union and the community, the Reverend J. M. Evans greeted the new pastor and his family. Elizabeth Mohler and Esther Sherfy sang a novel duet and Blanch Harris sang
Mrs. Zook spoke beautifully about their desire to fit into their place in the community.
An interesting touch was added to the program when Dr. Bright introduced the four Zook children. He asked each one a simple question in order that the people might hear them speak.
A social period followed the program. Light refreshments were served.
The annual invitation preparatory school newspaper content sponsored by the Whitman College Press club, includes all of Montana, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Over 300 invitations have been mailed to high schools of 100 students or more.— Whitman College Pioneer, Walla Walla, Washington.
College students of today are more serious-minded. The “do or die for old alma mater," and the rah-rah spirit are disappearing from the modern campus. Taking the place of the playboy are the students interested in world problems, government, finance, etc.—The Bulletin, K. S. T. C., Emporia.
The relay team of Okla. Baptist U., will go to Austin, Texas, on March 30, to enter the Texas relays. —The Bison, Oklahoma Baptist U.
A decision has been reached recently by the college athletic committee to plant Bermuda grass on the gridiron this spring. Students will assist in the undertaking. The Collegian, Bethel college.
When a fellow visits a girl, that's not news, but when a couple of hundred fellows visit a couple of hundred girls, that’s news. So is it news when 50 rooms in s dorm are clean enough to permit passage of coeds. In other words, when Manchester College has open-house, that deserves front page.—Oak Leaves.
The University of Southern California has a new way of handling the cheating problem. When one man sees another cheating, he begins stamping his foot and keeps on until the whole class follows. They continue this until the cheater stops his foul tactics.— Elmira College Weekly.
Scholarship recognition was made yesterday to those students ranking in the highest 10 per rent of their class. The speaker, William Allen White, of the Emporia Gazette, said, "Youths of today must make civili-zation function right."—The Bulle-tin, K. S. T. C. -Emporia
The Kansas State Legislature has appropriated $556,000 to Pittsburg Teachers College to be used for salaries, maintenance and regular re-; pairs.—The Collegio.
A tradition as old as the college itself was broken recently when mem-bers of the Beloit college senior class
elected Helen Koehler presi-dent of the class. Always before, this office has been held by a boy. Miss Koehler defeated a football star for the office.—Daily Northwestern.
Nine Wichita university student
have been included in the new national publication. “Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universitie." This publication, recently started, is for the purpose of bringing outstanding students before the eyes of the business world.—The Sunflower.
Tom Williams, a graduate of Arkansas university, has accepted a position with the Ingersoll-Rand company of New York, and will be situ-ated in Brazil.—The Arkansas Traveler.
One way of solving the problem of an overcrowded profession—When the Columbia school of Journalism decided students should report at 7 a. m. daily so they might becomes ac-climated to the working hours of newshawks on afternoon papers there were quite a few who suddenly lost their flair for journalism.— College News Service.
The Spectator
The Baker Orange picked three McPherson men on their All-Star team. These were: Herrold at forward: Meyer, center and Johnston, guard. The other men were: Barker, Ottawa forward, and Finley, Baker, guard.
In the mind of this writer this is a better selection than the official picking by the Topeka Daily Capital. These men are the class of the conference.
Bight now the basketball interest in the vicinity of McPherson is centered around the Globe Refiners, M. V. A. A. U. champions. They are entered in the National tournament at Denver this week. The team is in the lower bracket and is spotted along with such teams as the Kansas City Stage Liners, the Denver Pigs, and the Universal Pictures. All of McPherson is backing the Globe, and the College funs join in wishing them happy landings in the mile-high tournament.
The track prospects are none too bright. Several of last year's letter-men will not be back and the strength of the freshman material is as yet unknown. The first call for practice resulted in about twenty men checking out uniforms. There are eleven lettermen back around which to round out the team.
The tennis courts are ready to play on and there are several men working out daily in an attempt to make the varsity team. The letter-men in this sport include Wiggins, Binford and Stoner, Binford was state doubles champion last year along with Raymond Tice.
Last Thursday the "M" club held a meeting in which plans were made for a banquet to be held at the Hotel Hawley, April 12.
No special speaker will be secured, but several short talks will be given by present and former "M" club members. The master of ceremonies was not definitely decided upon, but the plan is to get a former “M” club member.
Committee chairmen were elected by the group and each chairman appointed two to serve on the committees. The following were chosen to serve on committees: Program committee, Loyal Miles, chairman, Bob Booz and Sam Stoner: invitation com-mittee, Leonard Wiggins, chairman, Archie Van Nortwick and Paul Heckman; decoration committee, Chester Colwell, chairman, Harry Frantz and Orval Eddy.
McPherson 32, C. of E. 21.
McPherson 49, Baker U. 48. McPherson 4 2, Emporia Teachers 4 7. McPherson 4 2, Ottawa U. 17. McPherson 37, Bethany 17. McPherson 50, Kan. Wesleyan U. 21. McPherson 30, Bethel 22.
McPherson 28, Bethany 11. McPherson 22, Kan. Wesleyan U. 17. McPherson 33, Baker U. 23. McPherson 35, C. of E. 34. McPherson 57, Friends U. 28.
Coach Binford Will Build Track Team About Nucleus of Eleven Lettermen—Meet To Be Held Here at Early Date.
The McPherson track men checked out their equipment last week and started their early spring training. The prospects are not bright as many of the point-getters have dropped out and a few were graduated.
Thu letterman that will form a nucleus around which Coach Binford hopes to build his team are: Sink, sprints; Haun, pole vault; Wiggins, high jump and javelin; Custer, high and broad jump: Van Nort-
wick, quarter and half mile: Heckman, mile; Meyer, discus and shot: Eddy, shot: Miles, 100-yard dash; Reinecker, two-mile and Carpenter, hurdles and quarter mile.
There are a few new men that will be of value to the team, but they as yet have not been able to show their ability. It is the plans of Coach Binford to schedule a meet the latter part of next week. This early meet would prove of value in finding new material.
Following is a list or the all-time records of track and field events in McPherson College:
100-yard dash: time. 9.8, Bob Puckett—1929.
Shot put: distance, 41'8”. George
Pole vault: height. 11’ 9". Ira Bram-mell—1923 and Lee M. Haun— 1934.
440-yard dash: time, 50.6, H. Hoke-strosser—1928.
Mile run: time. 4:39.3, Vogel—1925. High hurdles: time, 15.8. L. Sar-gent—1929.
Discus: distance, 126’9". George
High Jump: height. 5’ 10”, Leonard Wiggins and Gerald Custer—1933. 220-yard low hurdles: time. 25., Ira Brammel—1923.
880-yurd run: time, 2:02.6. Vogel— 1925.
Javelin: distance, 178’8”. Loren
Broad Jump: distance. 22' 8 3/4 ", Ira Brammell—1923.
220-yard dash: time, 21.2. Bob Puckett—1926.
Two-mile run: time, 10:23, Davis— 1925.
Mile relay: time, 3:35. R. Brammell, V. Betts, Jones, L. Crumpacker— 1921.
440-yard relay: time, 46:9. Haun, Hayes, Lindholm, Miles—1934. 880-yard relay: time, 1:40.5. Sink, Lindholm, Hayes, Miles—1934.
During the last two years of inter-collegiate athletic competition, the McPherson College teams in football, basketball and truck have lost only two games on the home field. They have contested 33 teams during this time. Following is the home schedules in football and basketball for the last two seasons:
FOOTBALL 1933-McPherson 34, Chilocco Indians 0. McPherson 7, Friends University 0. McPherson 7, Baker University 0. McPherson 39, Bethany 0. McPherson 37, York College 7.
FOOTBALL 1934 McPherson 6, Chilocco Indians 0. McPherson 6, Bethel 0.
McPherson 7, Kan. Wesleyan U. 6. McPherson 26, Bethany 0. McPherson 0, Okla. Baptist U. 7.
BASKETBALL 1934 McPherson 31, Hastings Teachers 17. McPherson 52, Bethany 14. McPherson 41, Ottawa U. 26.
BASKETBALL 1935 McPherson 32, Bethel 21.
The Crossroad Playmakers entertained the Thespian club of McPherson College. Monday evening, at 9 o’clock. In the Playmakers' room. The program consisted of: Two vocal so-los, a paper given by Jack Oelrich on his experiences in the stock shows at St. Louis, and a one-act play en-titled, "The End of the Road."
Those who were present are: Mr. and Mrs. Blanch Harris, Bernice Dap-pen, Maxine Ring, Bessie Hawkins, and Mary Miller.
The lyceum number, staging Joe Zellner, protean characteristic will be given in the Community building, Monday, April 8.
Zellner presents a program of humorous and purposeful character studies from life, literature, and history. His characters are real and startlingly lifelike. Each is presented in full makeup and costume. The religious characters are recreated with gripping vividness of reality in powerful and familiar scenes from the Bible. The characterization of great generals and statesmen is a feature of rare educational value.
far more than the low type, contributes to the growth of a fuller, richer personality. Religion is taken to mean, a recognition of the part of man of a Supreme power, which controls his destiny to a certain extent, and is worthy of his reverence, worship, and obedience. High religion, then, has three contributions to make to personality. First of all, it provides an ideal, a picture of what human personality should be like. Secondly, it provides a method, the method of Jesus, which is essentially a program of conquering men's spirits internally by suffering with and for them, instead of making them suffer. Thirdly, high religion bring about a rebirth, a transformation which lifts man from the level of the "Paleolithic Yahoo," or of the ordinary human, to the level of the divine Sons of God.
Dr. Curry further discussed the teachings of Jesus, and pointed out that the central loyalty of all men should be as that of the Master, loyalty to human need first, last, and all the time. Throughout his addresses, Dr. Curry emphasized the need of students who can and will have ideas, and who will then make these ideas live and work.
The rest of the program Saturday afternoon, and part of Sunday morning, was given over to the various forums and discussion groups. The chief object of most of these groups was to apply the teachings of Dr. Curry’s "high” religion to
the problems presented in each group.
The high light of the entire program was the Estes banquet and party Saturday night. Features of the program were a number of group songs such as are sung at camps; a number of projections of pictures taken by Paul Booz at Estes camp last spring; a chalk talk by Chester Colwell and several numbers by one of the College trios. Professor M. G. Miller of C. of E. also spoke briefly at the banquet on the sub-ject "Experiences in Appropriate Action."
The Conference closed Sunday morning with the final address by Dr. Curry at the College church. Dr. Curry's chief point in this address was to point out and emphasize the need today for sensitivity and discernment of the vast, profound force of the Divine behind all material things.