The Spectator

The program will begin Friday night with a lecture by Dr. Curry on the subject, “What Gives Life Meaning?" Saturday will be given over to discussion and forums led by the various leaders, with the banquet in the evening. Professor Miller will also speak Saturday night. A wor-ship program will be held Sunday morning, and Dr. Curry will speak at the College Church.

Although the conference is sponsored by the Y. M. and Y. W., it is in reality a general student conference, and all students are invited and urged to attend. Such an opportunity as this warrants active interest on the part of all persons who have a modicum of interest in the social, religions, esthetic, and eco-nomic life of the school, community, and nation.

Following is a program for the conference:

These—“Pathways to Life.” Friday, March 15—

Registration and assignment to rooms—Y. W. C. A. room.

7:30—Address by Dr. Bruce Curry—“What Gives Life Meaning?" Saturday, March 16—

9-10:30—“Jesus Central Devotion”-—A study and discussion of selected teaching of Jesus, led by Dr. Curry.


2-3—"Religious Insight and Social Action"—Talk and forum led by Dr. Curry.

3:30-5—Interest Groups:

Group I. How Religious Insight is Developed. Leader:    Dr. J. H.

Langenwalter, Friends U.

Group II. Appropriate Action in the area of Economic Reconstruction. Leader: Prof. Miller. C. of E.

Group III. Appropriate Peace Action. Leader: Lester Ellis, Secretary YMCA, Wichita.

(Continued on Page Two)


Vernon A. Spilman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Spilman of Rpxbury, died Monday, March 11, at the McPherson County Hospital after an operation for a tumor of the brain.

Spilman was a graduate of the College in the class of 1930. While attending school here, he was on the College tennis team and was a star in this sport. At the time of his death, Spilman was teaching near Roxbury.

Ruth Spilman, a sister, is a stu-dent at McPherson College at the present time.

The Spectator staff, in behalf of the College student body, extends its sympathy to the Spilman family in their bereavement.



Miss Lois Wilcox, instructor of violin at the College, attended the Music Festival of the Southern Kan-sas League which was held at Anthony, Kansas, on March 1.

Miss Wilcox acted as judge of violin and other string instruments. A number of the other leading musical directors from over the state were present and acted as judges.

The festival included both vocal and instrumental numbers.

The high schools participating in the event were Anthony, Caldwell, Harper, Kingman, Kiowa, Medicine Lodge, and Stafford.

McPHERSON college, McPherson, Kansas. Thursday, march 14, 1935


The Reverend Ray E. Zook, new pastor of the College Church, arrived in McPherson with family last Saturday afternoon. They took up temporary residence in Kline Hall, hoping to be able to move into their house at 314 North Olivette in the next few days.

The Reverend and Mrs. Zook have four children. Margaret is eleven, Alta nine, Wayne seven, and Joan four. The three oldest children have entered school in the city.

"Trixie," their little brown terrier has already won for herself some friends among college students on the campus.

The family's former home was at Elkhart, Iowa, where the Reverend Zook was pastor of the Church of the Brethren.

The students of the College join in welcoming the Zooks and wishing them much happiness in their work here.


Friday, March 15—Intercollegiate

conference begins.

Sunday, March 17—Conference


—C. E. meeting, College church.

6:30 p. m.

Tuesday. March 19—Regular Y. M.-

Y. W. meeting, 10:00 a. m.

—-Orchestra concert.

First place went to Paul Miller of McPherson. There was a triple tie for second place between two speakers from St. Johns and one from Hutchinson.

There were two other speakers competing for Hutchinson and one other for St. Johns. Opal Bennett and Alvin Lindgren also competed for McPherson.

This ends the debate work for the second team from McPherson, unless there are additional meets scheduled.


Last Friday the General Shop class went to Wichita where they visited and inspected several metal factories.

First the boys went through the Martin and Son Metal Works. Here they observed several processes in shaping sheet metal. Speical note was taken of the machinery that did the work. From here the boys went to the Service Foundry, where they watched the process of pouring and molding metal casts. The pattern shop here was of interest to several of the group.

In the afternoon the class spent about two hours going through the Coleman Lamp and Stove Factory. This is a large concern, which employs about four hundred people. The complete process of making the Coleman gas lamp was observed here. The last place visited was the Carl Graham Mirror and Paint Works. Here the class learned that the process of making mirrors was not a simple one.


Three committees have been selected to aid in the completion of the senior play which will be given in the College chapel on the evening of March 26. The class play, “The Youngest" by Philip Barry, is under the direction of Donald Evans.

Geraldine Burdette is chairman of the committee which will have charge of the properties of the play. Bernice Dresher and Donald Brumbaugh have been chosen chairmen of the business and publicity committees respectively. Maxine Ring has acted as advisor in the production of the play.

vol. XVIII


Returns from Schools Indicate

Good Attendance at Inter-School Meeting


Conference Will Last Three Days;

Group Studies Will Be One or Outstanding Features

Returns from the various colleges in regard to the number of delegated coming to the Intercollegiate Conference here this weekend have been unexpectedly but gratifyingly large. It is believed that there will be no trouble in securing the desired quota of two hundred delegates. Plans are moving rapidly in preparation to take care of these visitors.

Dr. Curry, the chief speaker on the program, is on his way here now from Denver coming by way of Kearney, Hastings, Salina, and Hutchinson, where he has been in charge of conferences, programs and lectures. Other leaders who are to be on the campus include Professor M. G. Miller of College of Emporia, who is to be in charge of the forum on economic reconstruction; Chalcea White of Southwestern College who will have charge of the discussion group on personal and family relationships; Lester Ellis and Paul Hoff of Wichita will discuss peace action; Helen Beavers will lead race follow-ship discussions.

Of special interest to college students will be the Estes banquet and party to be held in the church parlors Saturday night. The purpose of this banquet is to arouse interest in the Y. conference which is to be held this spring at Estes Park, Colorado. The charge for the banquet to all students is only thirty-five cents. It is hoped that a large number of the local students will attend this rally, for it is rare that M. C. students have such opportunities for fellowship with students from other campuses.

All those attending the conference are asked to register Friday evening at 5 o'clock in the Y. W. room. Registration foe for local people is only fifty cents. No persons who are not registered will be admitted to the various lectures and forums of the conference.


The McPherson College orchestra will present a concert in the chapel on Tuesday evening, March 19.

Under the direction of Miss Lois Wilcox, the orchestra has gained a reputation, both locally and in other schools, for the high quality of achievement it has attained.

One of the outstanding numbers on the program will be Mendelssohn’s Concerto, played by Miss Ann Janet Allison and accompanied by the orchestra.

Miss Wilcox and the members of the orchestra have been doing a great deal of work on this concert.

Next Sunday afternoon at the Baptist Church some of the violin students of Miss Wilcox will give a recital.

The program will begin at 2:30 and all are invited to attend.


Invitations Extended to State Educators to Attend Meeting Here

The Central Kansas Vocational Guidance Association will meet here March 30. Invitations have been sent out by the chairman of the association, Dean Replogle, urging all teachers, counselors, or sponsors interested in guidance, to attend.

The theme of the conference will be "Guidance at Work." Points that form the background for group discussions are as follows: (1) Giving the individual vocational and educational information; (2) Acquiring information about the individual; (3) Having done the foregoing, what next?

Leaders of these groups will be: Mr. Meader of Wichita: Mr. Simpson. Hutchinson high school; Mr. Franz, Hillsboro schools: and Mr. Sipple. University of Wichita.

A panel discussion on “How to Interview," will be headed by Chairman William Shutlis. Leaders of the various panel groups will be Alden Salser, C. O. Evans, Ezra McCul-loh, Miss Edith McGaffey, George Bryan, and Peter E. Schellenberg.

At the luncheon meeting to be held on Saturday noon, C. O. Evans, secretary and treasurer of the organization, will resort on the national convention. Following the luncheon, group discussions will be resumed. The speaker of the closing address: "Guidance at Work," will be Truman Reed, principal of the Wichita high school.


Meyers and Johnston, Bulldog Cagers, Rate First Place Positions


Pauls, Herrold and Binford Are Put

On Second Team; Ottawa, Conference Champs, Places Two

The McPherson College basketball squad received an honor that is seldom bestowed upon a team in the Kansas Conference. All of the regu-lar lineup was placed on the first and second all star selections.

These teams are picked by the coaches of the conference. Each coach places his vote as to his idea of the best men. This is believed to be a reasonably fair method of selecting such teams:    though, of

course, there are always a few good men who miss the goal because, in the minds of the coaches, there are others who are better.

Two McPherson men were placed on the first team. These were Harold Johnston, junior, guard and Anton “Tony" Meyer, elongated sophomore center. Along with these men were Duerkson of Wesleyan and Barker of Ottawa as forwards. Albertson, Baker, was the other guard. These men are all good players and deserve recognition on such a selection.

The second mythical selection featured three McPherson men. These were Walter Pauls and Joyce Her-rold, forwards, and Harold Binford, guard. These three men are as good as any in the conference and any one of the three could just as well have been placed on the first team. Many of the opposing coaches said, during the season, that Pauls and Herrold were the two best forwards in the Conference. One coach remarked that, “Binford is the class of the guards.”

In recent years no Conference team has placed all of its men on the first two teams. Last year the Bull-dogs placed four men on the second team. This shows that our team is not as the sports writer of the Baker Orange puts it, “built up around two stars, Meyer at center and Pauls, a forward." Never has a McPherson team been more perfectly balanced around a nucleus of good men than is this year’s quintet. Three of these men will be wearing a Bulldog uniform next year. These are Johnston, Meyer, and Herrold. Pauls, Wiggins, and Binford are the senior members of the Bulldog squad.


The Central District Christian Endeavor Union is holding an institute at Cottonwood Falls this Friday and Saturday. The Institute will have as its theme: Christian Youth. The theme is based upon Christian youth building a New World program. Dean Replogle and Dr. Ben F. Kimpel are to he the leaders, Dean Replogle being the principal speaker at the ban-quet on Saturday night.

On next Monday night at 7:30 the McPherson County Union will hold its bi-monthly rally at the Presbyterian church in McPherson. There will be several talks on the different Christian Endeavor departments. Dean Roplogle will give the main address on "Being a Christian Youth." Leonard Lowe will also be on the program.


Judges Award Honors to Mc-Pherson College Second Team

The McPherson College second team debaters won a triangular meet over Hutchinson Junior College and St. John’s College last Friday after-

Each college debated four times. McPherson had three victories and one defeat; St. John’s had two victories and two defeats; and Hutchinson had one victory and three defeats. The coaches from each school acted as judges in these debates.

Those competing front McPherson were Lela Siebert, Alberta Keller, Alvin Lindgren, Willard Pluming, Lamar Bollinger, Kurtis Naylor, Virginia Quiring, and Paul Miller.

Following the debate meet an extempore speaking contest was held with three speakers representing each school.



Former Governor of Missouri Accepts Invitation of Local Committee


Purposes of Annual Dinner-Meeting

to Establish Good Will and to Raise Money for College

In securing the Hon. Arthur M. Hyde of Missouri as the leading speaker for the fifth annual Good Will Banquet which is to held on March 22. McPherson College feels that it has been fortunate. Mr. Hyde, former governor of Missouri and Secretary of Agriculture under President Hoover, has kept in active touch with the public affairs and political life or both his state and his nation for many years. Although he has not yet announced the subject upon which he will speak at the banquet, the committee in charge of the program feels confident that he will present a constructive and intelligent discussion of some problems of public interest.

Mr. Hyde’s participation in the agricultural administration of the country may he of particular interest to many in this territory. For years Mr. Hyde has been interested in the farmers and in the farm situation of the country. During his administration in the cabinet he worked out a highly constructive program of rural education, through which he did much to disseminate information to the farmers and to encourage them to make a science of their farming.

Since his recent retirement from public office, Mr. Hyde has returned to private business and the operation of his farms.

The Good Will Banquet is a yearly dinner-meeting, which McPherson College has sponsored each year for the past five years, and has as its purpose the establishment of a closer relationship between the College and the community and the ruling of money for the maintenance of the College. Last year the local Chamber of Commerce took an especially active part in milking the financial end of the banquet a success. Through the efforts of this organization, the College was enabled to raise more than $10,000, which was of great help in meeting the current financial problems of the College.

The banquet this year is not to have quite the extensive campaign aspect that it had last year. It is hoped however, that students and to make the drive a success.

A radio broadcasting theme will be carried out in the decorations which are being planned by members of the art department. The speaker’s platform will represent the interior of a broadcasting studio and on each table will be miniature receiving sets. All speaking will be done through an improvised microphone.


A varied program was presented Monday evening in the College chapel by members of the Fine Arts department. The program included several musical leading and piano and violin solos. An appreciative audience was on hand to hear the recital.

The program for the evening was as follows:

Sonata Froica.....MacDowell

First Movement of the Valse De

Concert ..................... La Forgo

Miss Mildred Gordon The First Banjo

Mr. Glen Turner

To the Sun.............. .. Curran

Miss Juanita Christiansen

Erotik ......... Greig

Waltz op. 2    Levitzky

Miss Evelyn High

Ave Maria ............... Gounod

Miss Ramona Fries Heap O' Livin’

Miss Lucille Ullery Romance F-sharp Major, Schumann

Grillen ______ Schumann

Miss Elrae Carlson

The Spectator

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday by the Student Council



Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-In-Chief -----------Margaret Oliver

Assistant Editor---------Staats.

Make-up Editor -------Donald Brumbaugh

News Editor ------------------Vernon D. Michael

Sports Editor ....—--------—........... Orval Eddy

Society Editor __________ _____ Velma Watkins


Business Manager ........................... Robert Booz

Assistant Bus. Mgr.................    Franklin Hiebert

Circulation Manager ---- David Metzger

Assistant Cir. Mgr.--------Ronald Flory

Collections Manager .......    — Eldred Mathes


Glen Austin    Merle Messamer

Paul Booz        Paul Miller

Robert Booz    Muriel Manning

Esther Bowers        Dorothy Matson

Chester Colwell    Maxine Ring

Donald Evans    Harold Reneicker

Ruth Hawbaker    Neva Root

Richard Hendren    Elna Reiste

Wanda Hoover    Glenn Webb

Phyllis McKinnie    Kenneth Weaver

Choose Officers with Discretion

With the approach of student elections, the problem of overloading an active and capable student arises. It is only natural that students looking for officers for their organizations should choose those leaders who have already shown themselves responsible. Discretion, however, is needed in order not to overload such students and place the organization at a disadvantage for the year.

In every college there can be found many students who are holding several positions in student organizations and at the same time attempting to carry on regular academic work. The student accepts them probably under one of several delusions. He possibly feels that he would insult the organization by turning down the proposal or perhaps he does not realize the duties and the time which the position would require. In some cases the student may be guilty of even a worse offense. In accepting the position he may feel that he is adding to his prestige. He fails to take into consideration however that if he falls to do his work well his popularity will be decreased rather than accentuated.

A large share of the responsibility rests upon those who are electing new officers. In order that an organization may do its best work, it must have a capable student in charge who is not already preoccupied with other work. Some justification can be found in the selection of students as heads of organizations because of their ability to cooperate with other students, but on the whole it is only just that considerations should be given to this matter.

Greatest Value Through Active Participation

The convening conference here tomorrow does not present a difficult problem to a large part of the student body. Either they have already decided to participate actively or they will not participate at all. That is, they will give the confer-ence no more than passing consideration.

An interesting feature to note in respect to those who attend such conferences is that nearly all of the students who attend have also attended a large number of previous conferences. Such students have realized the value of continued ac-tive participation; the others, having never realized he benefits derived, have attended few, if any, conferences.

This fact presents an interesting sidelight on the working of the undergraduate mind. Once the student has realized the stimulation of the environment of a conference he continues such participation, even under great expense. Others no matter how great the convenience regard an affair of this type with indifference. All of which goes to show that the working of the students' minds are equal in opportunity yet far apart in the scope of their action.

Deflating the “Rah-rah Boy”

The attitude of the modern college toward the "rah-rah boy" will be the determining factor in its survival. At least that is the attitude of Walter A. Jessup, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Some will disappear, he stated, but the wealth-iest will not be the survivors and the poorest will not be the failures.

Although realizing that endowments have a considerable influence in the determination of the future of the college, the leader believes that the "deflation of the rah-rah boy of yesterday" will be a determining influence.

"The student on the campus is no longer the blase, sophisticated student of the Twenties. He is a hardworking, serious-minded person who demands more of the college laboratory and the instructor than did his brother of a decade ago. He is increasingly a patron of the seminar, the serious lecture, the art gallery, the symphony concert. This student is deflating the ‘rah-rah’ boy of yesterday."

In this now trend personnel and idealism will be the deciding factors. in a contest of this type between the small and the large college, the small college will be the odds on the favorites.

New Slant on Fraternity Life

A three-act play, satirizing the entire idea of the American fraternity, is the latest production of an Amherst College undergraduate. The play will be produced by the Amherst Masquers.

The play, written by the college senior, centers around the fraternity house. The author attempts to portray both the bright and the shady side of the organization. Realistic in its setting the play reveals the fact that the attitude of the fraternity man has changed from that of several years ago when men took advantage of their academic freedom under Prohibition days.

Students are said to be "more in

touch with the things going on in the world, more serious minded than over before." The new play takes exception to this idea, asserting; "College students today are as empty headed as ever."

Library Not a Visiting Place

Some students are said to remain In their rooms In the dormitory to study: others remain in parked automobiles; others use unoccupied automobiles; and still others use the li-brary only when they are forced to use the reference shelf. The fact is that the library has become a place of visiting and the ensuing noise drives many students from their favorite haunt of study. Only occasionally can the student find the library a suitable place for effective concentration.

Many students haring become adjusted to this confusion continue their study in the library, but taken all in all they have not found the library a conducive place to study. The responsibility for this lies solely upon the student and he should cooperate with the librarian in this matter.

Pictured above are the members of the McPherson College debate team, which won the league tournament recently. By virtue of this victory, the team has achieved the distinction of state championship. Reading from left to right are: John Goering, Elmer Staats, Kenneth Weaver, and Paul Booz,


One of our professors was the other night in a barber shop listening to the pungent harangue of a politi-cal boss of the city. Having listened to the distorted propaganda of the demagogue as long as he could, our professor ventured to apeak of in disagreement on a point. Immediately the speaker turned upon the latter and began to revile him as a traitor to the country, et cetera. "You can call me all the names you want to,” calmly rejoined the teach-er, "as long as you don't call me a cheap politician!’’

Bollinger is beginning to cash in on his reputation as a music instructor. Monday he got a huge envelope addressed to Mr. Arnold Hall, Box No. (the same as Bollinger’s). The letter enclosed began thus: "Dear Mr. Hall: We have heard that you are vitally interested in music and thought you might be interested in our catalog. . ."

The forthcoming W. A. A. banquet promises to produce some real upsets in dating circles on the campus. Such an occasion as this always offers an opportunity for the benighted females to ask for a date with that good-looking heart-beat they fell for at the first of school. For instance we hear that Vic Moorman is to be out with one of the hotter known flames on the campus after so long a period of celibacy. Next week’s issue of this tripe column will carry a copyrighted account of all the details of this little banquet.

We've just been thinking that the A Cappella trip at the end of the month may serve as a very effective monkey wrench in Cupid’s machinery. We've all heard the saying that "When the cat’s away the mice will play!” So, who knows? Maybe we’ll have some new couples on the campus when the trip is all over.

After reading that snitzy little editorial in last week’s Spec we were practically sure that it could have been the work of no one but the li-brarian herself. What was our surprise to discover that it was in reality the rising young' journalist, Franklin Hiebert, who was responsible for the diatribe on library man-


Prof. Mohler (In biology class): Name the two body parts of the spider.

Stratmann: Well, there's the head, and then there’s the other one.

We never knew before that girls think any differently from men. However, it seems that the visitor from Sterling had something of this idea, for when he discovered that he had a mixed audience instead of a male audience he said, "I guess we’ll have to elevate our mode of thinking under the unexpected circumstances.’’

It is very rare that a student cuts class perforce. However, we are told on reliable information that three young ladies on the campus who go by the names of Miller, Keller, and Manning, cut rhetoric class Wednesday morning by special request of the professor because of unusual spring attire. Such is the penalty, if missing a class can be called that, for joining the W. A. A. As a matter of fact there was guite a number of screwey costumes floating around on the campus yesterday.

This letter was recently sent by a college sophomore to his doting pater:

Dear Dad:

I am asking you for some cash sooner than I had expected, but you see several things have come up— books, tuition, fees. etc. Please send a check for $25.    Lovingly.

   Your son.

And this is the answer the young man received:

Dear Son,

I have received your letter and am enclosing the amount you asked for. You know, I was in college myself once.    With love.


P. S. Is she good looking?

Elmer Staats won second place in the state anti-tobacco oratorical contest which was held here last Friday night. His oration was "A Plea for Conservation."

Wesley Walls of Control College, McPherson, received first place honors. Other contestants were Reba Mao Whitt of Hutchinson Junior College, Daniel Dautenhalen of St. Johns College at Winfield, Kansas, and Elsie Spain of Miltonville Wesleyan College.

Dr. J. W. Fields, a local dentist, gave $75 in prize money for this contest.


Robert Statman-----March 17

Raymond Lichty ........ March 21


A group of students front Sterling College presented an exchange program at a joint meeting of the Y.M. and Y. W. Tuesday morning.

The theme of the program was "Salvation.” Bill Gillespie, president of the Y. M. nt Sterling, introduced Walter Penner, head of the gospel team, which had charge of the program. Mr. Penner spoke briefly on the need of salvation of our modern world. He stated that all of us have sinnod and have fallen short of God. He continued by saying that we need this salvation in order to see Christ.

Sam Ward followed the same theme and discussed a means of salvation. He stated that the only means of salvation is through God.

Bill Gillespie concluded the program with a brief talk on the victorious life through salvation.

Preceding the program, Sam Ward sang a vocal solo accompanied by Marcelle Nodurft. Bill Gillespie and Walter Penner also presented a vocal duet on the program.

The McPherson Y. M. and Y. W. presented their exchange program at Sterling yesterday.


Tonight at 6:30 the annual W. A. A. banquet will be held in the church parlors. The program and decorations have been cleverly worked out on the motif of "Highways."

Martha Hursh, president, of the organization, will act as toastmaster.

Fred Doyle was at his home in Topeka over the weekend.

(Continued from Page One)



Group IV. Appropriate Action in Personal and Family Relationships. Leader: Miss White, Dean of Women, Southwestern.

Group V. Appropriate Action in Area of Race Relationship. Leader: Miss Helen Beavers, Secretary YW CA, Wichita.

Group VI. Appropriate Action on Campus Relationships. Leader: Dr. Brace Carry.

6:30 Estes Banquet. Ellen Payne, Kansas State, Director of Proceedings.

7:45—Address by Prof. M. G. Miller, C. of E., “My Experiences in Action."


Sunday. March 17—

9—Service of worship and dedication of Association contributions to the India Pilgrimage. Leader: V. F. Schwalm, M. C.

9:30—Interest Groups (Continuation of Saturday groups).

11—Closing address by Dr. Curry.

Although The Bulldog Basketball Team Lost A Few Games, We Are Still Proud Of Its Exceptionally Good Record For The Year 1934-1935. There Is Not A Single Student Who Is Not Proud Of The Team’s Record! The 35 Quad Is Making Every Effort Possible To Help You Remember This Great Year Of Bulldog Basketball Success Both In Picture And Story.

Order Your QUADRANGLE NOW at $3.65

The Spectator



Lost—Flash Powder!

This week a strange incident is reported. It seems that Monday night, at 10:15 to be exact, Sam Stoner and Glenn Webb were so overcome by the pajama assembly in the parlor of Arnold Hall that they failed to guard their flash powder properly. Anyway, the pow-der disappeared. Exactly one minute after the crime was discovered Mother Emmert went up on third flour and entreated the girls or girl to return what they had appropriated by mistake. Upon Mother Em-mert's failure to acquire the missing powder Faithe Ketterman went to third to see what she could do. Faithe reported to the annoyed group below that the girls on third didn't seem to have it. Strange, wasn’t it?

No power of Houdini was able to produce the powder that evening. Mrs. Emmert and the Quad staff spent Tuesday morning in the roles of Sherlock Holmes and dear Watson. By noon the now highly prized powder had not come to light. Otho Clark at luncheon Tuesday announced that the powder must be left in Mother Emmert's office before 1:15, because the powder was

Library Books Missing

Miss Heckethorn requests that if any of the books from the following list of missing library books is found, to please return them to the library at once.

"The Kalacak Family"—Goddard. "Unmasking Our Minds”—Seabury.

“Nature Myths and Stories"— Cooke.    -

"International Government" — Eagleton.

"College Zoology"—Heagner. "Practical Zoology”—Heagner. “Animal Studies”—Gordon - Kel-logg-Heath.

"Health and Home Nursing”— Douglas.

"Athletics and Education”—Williams and Hughes.

"My Basketball Bible”—Allan. "Spirit of American Literature"— Macy.

"Tales of Mean Street”—Morrison.


note from a borrower

This book had double charm because I knew

You turned Us pages Just ahead of mo;

And even as I read, my eyes could see

Each vivid lino that would appeal to you

Take on an added, warm, beguiling hue.

Behind each forceful phrase there seemed to be

A fine, new-given authenticity Because you must have kindled to it, too.

Thanks for those hours of far-horiz-oned thought

Within these two slim covers close-confined;

Thanks for this glimpse of splendid work well wrought,

Of beauty by a skillful hand designed Thanks for the pleasant, friendly sense it brought

Of dwelling with the richness of your mind.

—Frances Hall.


Fichte in 1807; Russian politics since 1917 have embodied the doctrines of the Communist Manifesto, which dates back from 1848.”


"My opportunity! Dear Lord, I do not ask

That thou should'st give me some high mark of thine Some noble calling or some wondrous task—

Give me a little hand to hold in mine.

"I do not ask that I should ever stand

Among the wise, the worthy or the great:

I only ask, that softly hand in hand, A child and I may enter at Thy gate.

“Give me a little child to point the the way

Over the strange sweet path that leads to Thee,

Give me a little voice to teach to pray.

Give me two shining eyes thy face to see.

"The only crown I ask, dear Lord, to wear

Is this—that I may teach a little child

How beautiful, O, how divinely fair Is Thy dear face, so loving, sweet and mild!

"I do not need to ask for more than this.

My opportunity! 'Tis standing at my door.

What sorrow if this blessing I should miss!

A little child! Why should I ask for more?


give three addresses at Anthony, Kansas, today. He is to speak at the high school, at a teachers' meeting, and at a meeting of the Lions Club.

The following girls were weekend guests of Faithe Ketterman at her home in Abilene: Modena Kauff-man, Neva Root, Wanda Hoover, and Velum Watkins.

Mrs. Charles Ullery of Sterling, Colo., has been visiting her daughter, Lucille.

Mrs. A. G. Turner of Minidoka, Idaho, has been visiting on the cam-pus. She is the mother of Glenn and Paul, college students.

Dining Hall Briefs

It would seem too good to be true if a fellow could go down to the din-ing hall knowing that his place would not be taken by someone else before his arrival.

Some students evidently do not remember that it is very poor taste to converse privately at the table with their next-door neighbor. It shows a lack of courtesy and makes the others present feel embarrassed and unnecessary.

The place for gravy and other similar kinds of food is not on the outside and edges of the dishes in which they are served.

Regardless of good etiquette, many students leave the hall before the bell is tapped for no other reason than that they do not wish to wait until the meal is over.

Since prayer is prayer even if it is given in the dining hall, it is a mark of courtesy and respect to be reverent while grace is being said.

Why wouldn't it be a good idea to have the different tables present stunts during the supper hour? That is one stunt per evening for a while.

After all it is rather babyish to keep on annoying the dining hall hostess by tapping on glasses.

There isn't a law against helping one's self first but it doesn't "go down" very well with the other people at the table.


Student Government: A Curse or a Benefit

Has the student government accomplished what it was intended to do? The answer seems obvious in that it has only made matters worse, independent and to allow them to make the girls of Arnold Hall more independent and to allow them to run things as the group wished it to be. As it is, though, all one hears

In Days of Old

is agitation against it.

In most cases the girls are right in their arguments. It seems as though as time goes on under student government that the privileges of the girls are getting less and less. There is something wrong in the setup somewhere and unless it is remedied soon, the student government is going to be forced out of existence.

I believe that such an organization is very beneficial but under the present management and organization that it is a detriment to our school. Many schemes have been devised in the past few weeks to get around the clutches of the student government, and unless this is stopped soon it is going to load to a disastrous downfall of the system. I think the student government should remain but I am sure that there is going to have to be some revision in it or it will not continue to be in existence.—Submitted.

It is our fond hope that no one suffers any severe pain as a result of the doubling up suggested by Dr. Schwalm In chapel yesterday.

Russel Writes On “Revolt vs. Reason”

“When we compare our age with that of, say, George I, we are conscious of a profound change of intellectual temper, which has been followed by a corresponding change of the tone of politics. In a certain sense, the outlook, of two hundred years may be called ‘rational,’ and that which is most characteristic of our time may be called 'anti-ration-al,' But I want to use these words without implying a complete acceptance of the one temper or a complete rejection of the other. Moreover, it is important to remember that political events very frequently take their color from the speculations of an earlier time: there is usually a considerable interval between the promulgation of a theory and its practical efficacy. English politics in 1860 were dominated by the ideas expressed by Adam Smith in 1776; German politics today are a realization of theories set forth by

a dangerous explosive and also because its disappearance was causing

the staff no end of chagrin and annoyance. The amusing feature is that during part of the time of the vigorous search in Arnold Hall the powder was quietly reposing on the desk in the Quad room. How long it had been there or how it go there will forever be a mystery. The incident brought to light a whole flock of would-be detectives who proved to be nothing but bumptious failures.

Incidentally it was rumored that two girls were responsible for the disappearance and did not return the potent product nt once because they could not decide by war or by arbitration just which one thought of taking it first and therefore which should return it.

Was Margaret Hahn surprised when about nine of the third-floorites

came bouncing into her room Monday night shouting "Happy Birthday"? With the necessary tools accumulated they set about to devour three quarts of ice cream and a devils-food cake.


Five Years Ago

The Bulldogs were defeated by the Bethany Swedes in a close game. The final score was 14-13.

Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm have planned to spend the summer months traveling in Europe. They will go in the Sherwood Eddy party.

Melvin Miller and Ray Nonken received places on the all-conference team. Elmer Crumpacker was placed on the second team.

A letter was received by Dr. J.

Willard Hershey from Dr. Albert Neuburger of Berlin, Germany, asking him for material and photographs concerning his experiments in making synthetic diamonds.

The "M" Club is to elect the senior May Queen.

WINTER MUSIC I have listened to the playing Of Sousa’s famous band.

And Wanamaker’s organ.

The greatest in the land;

I have stood appalled to silence At the beauty of the sound From the bells of all the nation On that famous camping ground, But more welcome than the music Of organ, band, or chair.

Is the music of the furnace When Forney builds a fire.

Oh, I reveled in the beauty Of the chimes of Trinity;

And I reverence the softness Of a moonlight symphony; But the grating of the shovel.

As the coal is outward flung.

And the click of metal mapping When the door is inward swung, How it warms me just to hear it And my spirits mount up higher To the music of the furnace As Forney builds a fire.

—Margaret Heckethorn.


National League

Team Won Lost Pct. T.P. Opp

Blue ............ 8    2    .800    157    125

Green .......... 8    2    .800    183    166

White .......... 3    6    .333    111    129

Red ........... 2    7    .222    118    226

American League

Team Won    Lost Pct.    T.P.    Opp.

Green .......... 9    3    .750    289    232

Yellow ...... 8    4    .666    272    206

Red ............ 6    6    .500    224    2S3

White ....... 5    7    .417    188    295

Blue .......... 3    9    .250    179    243

W. A. A. Initiates Wear Odd Attire

Thirteen girls appeared on the campus yesterday wearing hair nets, galoshes, and wrong-side-out dresses, and carrying such irrelevant articles as an alarm clock, a pillow, a potato masher, a baby's milk bottle. Whenever anyone asked her for certain information, each girl replied with some superstition, such as "Hang a horseshoe above your door and you will have good luck." These strange looking specimens of the fe-male sex were none other than the W. A. A. initiates.

Not the least of the trials of the girls was the necessity of dragging about rubber-laden feet on a warm spring-like day. Several were refused admittance to a class, while one, namely Esther Bowers, had the misfortune to have her alarm clock go off in class.

At the end of a day of suffering the old and new members of the organization met in the Y. W. room. The initiates were divided into four groups and sent on a scavenger hunt. Each group was required to secure a tie from the men's dormitory, find out what the numbers are on the doors of the museum in the science hall, get a clothes-pin off the line back of Fahnestock Hall, find the license number of Ruehlen's milk truck, count the number of steps leading to the gymnasium, secure a (certain book from the locked case in the library, and go to one of the professor's homes and secure the learned man's signature. After all of the groups had returned, light refreshments were served to rejuvenate the flagging spirits.


All exciting and roughly played basketball game brought the W. A. A. basketball season to a close Monday night when Phyllis Barngrover's team defeated Florence DeCoursey's team 19 to 8. The referee, Harold Johnston, was kept busy tossing jump balls and calling fouls:

The two captains and the sports manager, Maxine Ring, chose the following girls to make up the varsity team; forwards, Pauline Abuhl, Faye Sandy, and Phyllis Barngrover; and guards, Florence DeCoursey, Jessie Miller, and Esther Scott.

Track is the next big event in the line of sports. McPherson has a few outstanding men in track. Wiggins is a good all around man and is a sure point-getter in any meet; Haun usually places high in the pole vault and broad jump; Miles is a consistent winner in the hundred yard dash as is Meyer in the weight events. These men should form a fine nucleus around which to build a good track team.

Tennis will also be taken up along with track. Binford, last year's state double champion along with Tice,








Greens of American League

Win; Blues and Greens of

National League Tie for

First-Place Honors.

The triple round robin basketball tournament that has been the chief intramural attraction for the past two months ended last Thursday with a thrilling game, which decided the championship of the American League.

This game was between the Green and Yellow team. Prior to this last encounter, both teams had won eight games and lost three. The winner of the league was decided by this one single encounter which the Greens won by a 38 to 18 score,

The Yellows started the scoring early in the game when Lichty, star guard, sank a long one from near mid-court. This was followed with another by Winn and the Greens, who were playing with only four men, called time out. The Greens then opened up with a fast breaking attack that soon overcame the four-point lead of the opponents. Miller, stellar forward, was sinking them from all positions on the court. The half time score was 21 to 9 in favor of the Greens.

During thu last half the Yellows didn't threaten to overcome the great lead. This half was featured with ragged playing on the part of both teams with Miller, Heckman and Prather doing the scoring for the winners.

On Tuesday there was a game of much importance in the National league. The Blues had to win over the second-place Greens to win a clear cut championship. However, the Greens won by a 24 to 19 score; so the league standing shows that the Green and Blue teams are shar-ing a co-championship. This was a closely contested game with the lead changing at frequent intervals. Not until the final minutes of play did the Greens pull away to a comfortable lead. The Blue team was handicapped by the absence of their captain mid center, Rudd. There was no outstanding scorers on either team.

The intramural season, under the capable supervision of Conch Binford, was one of the most successful events of its kind over sponsored by the school. For the most part the teams were evenly thatched and there was never a time when any team had the championship cinched, The great number of close games and the few startling upsets show that there was much competition.

The next intramural event that will be staged will probably be the interclass track meet which will be held sometime early in the season. This event usually arouses much interest as it is the only interclass competition of the year, except the Freshman-Sophomore football game, which is held in connection with Homecoming.

The final standing of the intra-mural basketball teams is:





All five of the McPherson quintet were placed on the first and second all-conference teams. That’s quite unusual, especially for a second place team.

Anton "Tony” Meyer was the allconference center representative from McPherson and Harold Johnston made it at a guard post. Those two men deserved this honor and the writer wishes to congratulate them.

Walter "Teut” Pauls, Joyce Her-rold and Harold Binford were the three McPherson representatives to make the second all-conference team. The two former men made it at forward positions and Binford was placed at a guard post.

Pauls just naturally isn't good enough or isn’t lucky enough to make an all-conference team in either football or basketball. Three times in as many years he has made a place on the second all-conference selections in both sports. Often he has run his opponents such a close race that he was compensated by being named as captain of the second mythical selection. Now when he was more than ever the pride of his alma mater it looked as though he had a cinch on making the all-conference quintet, but the vote of the coaches didn't place him on the first line-up.

It is a compliment to any team to be us well represented on an all star team as was McPherson. It proves that there were no real outstanding individuals on the team. Usually a team that is made up of five good men rather than a team of one or two stars is a better quintet in the long run.



will be back to defend his title. Wig-kins and Stoner are two other letter men of last year's team. There are other new men that are expected to show up well in tennis this year.

Miss Kern Shoemaker of Gypsum visited friends in McPherson Saturday and Sunday.